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2023-07-23 04:15:55
shy: [u0283au026a]
hungry: ["hu028cu014bɡri]
而hungry里y发的是单元音 [i]




"hungry"是一个英语单词,表示“饥饿”的意思,具体中文解释如下:1、食物不足造成的生理需求这个意思通常用于描述一种身体感受,因为长时间不吃东西而产生的饿感。例如:I skipped breakfast this morning and now I feel really hungry.(今天早上我没吃早餐,现在我觉得非常饿。)After hiking all day, we were too hungry to wait for the food to cook.(整整一天徒步旅行后,我们太饿了,等不及食物煮熟了。)2、热望的渴求,对某个事物或情境的强烈渴求。这个意思则用来表示一种更加抽象的欲望,通常与非生理需求相关,但表达出了一种渴求的状态。例如:She is hungry for success and will do anything to achieve it. (她渴望成功并且会为之不择手段)Our team is hungry for victory after losing the championship last year. (去年错失冠军后,我们的团队渴望胜利)需要注意的是,“hungry”这个词的基本含义都是关于食物补给的身体反应,而使用时也常用于类比性的想象引申为对其他东西的渴求状态。
2023-07-22 17:29:311


2023-07-22 17:31:311


2023-07-22 17:31:469


hungry的副词形式是hungrily。 hungry: adj.感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称)饿民; 比较级: hungrier最高级: hungriest 扩展资料   There"s a yogurt left if you"re still hungry.   如果你还饿的.话,还有一份酸奶。   The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.   食物供应还不足以应付饿民的需求。   You must be hungry after all that walking.   走了这么远的路,你一定饿了吧。   Thousands are going hungry because of the failure of this year"s harvest.   由于今年粮食歉收,成千上万的人在挨饿。
2023-07-22 17:32:131


hungry 为一般用语, 指“饥饿的”、“显出饥饿样子的”, 如:The boy had a hungry look.那孩子显出饥饿的样子。
2023-07-22 17:32:332


I am hungry
2023-07-22 17:33:245


他是形容词,没有进行时,只有动词才能有进行时,I am hungry 就表示现在的状态
2023-07-22 17:33:391


hungry英 [u02c8hu028cu014bgri] 美 [u02c8hu028cu014bɡri]adj.饥饿的; 渴望的,渴望得到; (统称) 饥民; 荒年的,不毛的;[网络]饥饿; 饿的; 饿;[例句]The hungry refugees crowded around the tractors.饥饿的难民聚集到拖拉机周围。[其他]比较级:hungrier 最高级:hungriest 形近词: hangry
2023-07-22 17:34:021


hungry的含义是饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的;读音是:英["hu028cu014bgru026a] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bgru026a]。基本字义hungry英["hu028cu014bgru026a] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bgru026a]adj.饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的比较级:hungrier 最高级:hungriest双语例句1.My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food.我的朋友饿了,于是我们开车去一家购物中心吃饭。2.Leonidas "family had been poor, he went hungry for years.利奥尼达斯家曾经很穷,他有很多年都吃不饱肚子。3.Susan was certainly hungry for a life different from the one she had made for herself.苏珊无疑一心想过一种和现在不同的生活。4.She is reduced to stealing to feed her hungry family.她沦落到要靠偷窃来养活饥饿的家人。5.I left Oxford in 1961 hungry to be a critic.我于1961年离开牛津,渴望成为一名评论家。请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)
2023-07-22 17:34:121

hungry英语怎么读 hungry是什么意思

1、hungry读音:英[u02c8hu028cu014bɡri],美[u02c8hu028cu014bɡri]。 2、释义:adj.感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称)饿民。 3、例句:Come on now. You know you must be hungry. 来吧,你肯定已经饿了。
2023-07-22 17:34:401


hungry的英语读音为【u02c8hu028cu014bɡri】。一、释义形容词:感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称)饿民;使人饥饿的;渴望得到。二、例句1、If you don"t have breakfast, you will get hungry soon.如果你不吃早饭,你将会很快就感到饿的。2、She is reduced to stealing to feed her hungry family.她沦落到要靠偷窃来养活饥饿的家人。3、Those who are lucky enough to be wealthy have a duty to give to the hungry.有幸成了富人的人有义务捐助忍饥挨饿的人。4、The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.食物供应还不足以应付饿民的需求。5、This is a word to use when youre feeling very hungry so hungry your stomach is growling.当你感到非常饿的时候就可以用这个词如此饿以至于你的胃开始咆哮。
2023-07-22 17:34:591


I am hungry英文发音:[aɪ əm ˈhʌŋɡri]中文释义:我饿了;我饿;半夏锺例句:I did not eat breakfast in the morning, so I am hungry now.如果我早上吃了,那么我现在就不饿了。词汇解析:hungry英文发音:["hʌŋgrɪ]中文释义:adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的例句:They brought her meat so that she never went hungry.他们给她带来了肉,这样她就再也不用挨饿了。扩展资料hungry的同根词:1、hungrily英文发音:["hʌŋgrili]中文释义:adv. 饥饿地;渴望地例句:He hungrily began eating the food.他太饿了,狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。2、hunger英文发音:["hʌŋgə]中文释义:n. 饿,饥饿;渴望例句:Hunger is the body"s signal that levels of blood sugar are too low.饥饿感是体内发出的血糖浓度太低的信号。
2023-07-22 17:35:381


应该是 肚子饿
2023-07-22 17:36:172


2023-07-22 17:36:5810

hungry 翻译成中文

2023-07-22 17:37:303


hungry 英[u02c8hu028cu014bgri] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bɡri] adj. 饥饿的; 渴望的,渴望得到; (统称) 饥民; 荒年的,不毛的; [例句]My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food我的朋友饿了,于是我们开车去一家购物中心吃饭。[其他] 比较级:hungrier 最高级:hungriest
2023-07-22 17:37:401


2023-07-22 17:37:471


2023-07-22 17:38:097


hungry的副词是hungrilyhungrily 英["hu028cu014bɡru0259lu026a] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bɡru026alu026a]adv. 饥饿地; 渴望地,贪婪地;[例句]I chomped hungrily through the large steak我狼吞虎咽地吃着那一大块牛排。
2023-07-22 17:38:502

i am hungry怎么回答

Would you like some food? You should find yourself something to eat.You should cook yourself a dinner/lunch/breakfast.
2023-07-22 17:39:005


hungry是饿 对应是饱 full
2023-07-22 17:39:171


hungry 是形容词,故没有ing形式。祝你学习进步!别忘了采纳,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-07-22 17:39:242


2023-07-22 17:39:321


hungry 饿的 full 饱的 thirsty 渴的 food 食物
2023-07-22 17:39:521


2023-07-22 17:40:0011


hungry和hunger的含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。hunger的基本意思是“饿,饥饿”,指由于没有食物充饥而感到腹中难受。hunger是抽象名词,不可数,一般不受数词或不定冠词a修饰,也没有复数形式,表示一个具体的欲望时,其后常接介词for。hunger还可指“欲望”,指得到或拥有某物的想法十分强烈。hunger作动词时的意思是“(使)饥饿”,指渴望食物以满足急切的营养需要,或者指要求一种特定的食物使口味得到满足。引申则可表示“渴望”。 hungry的基本意思是“饥饿的”,指由于缺乏食物而感觉腹中饥饿。hungry还可用来指“渴望的”,指某人对某物充满了向往,十分想要得到。go hungry的意思是“挨饿”,而不是“感觉饿了”。 Hunger gives relish to simple food. 肚子饿时吃什么都香。 The smell of bread beckoned the hungry boy. 面包香味吸引著那个饥饿的男孩。
2023-07-22 17:40:241

hungry 和starving 都是形容词,都有饿的意思,有什么不一样?

2023-07-22 17:40:333

hungry 对应词

2023-07-22 17:40:412


hungry 饿的 full 饱的 thirsty 渴的 food 食物
2023-07-22 17:40:482


“我饿了”英语:I am hungry.“我饿了”除了hungry,英语里有很多非常地道的表达方式。【be starving】starve作为动词,是饥饿,饿死的意思,to be starving 表示非常饿,是口语中非常实用的表达方式,如果后面再加上 to death 则表示饿得要死啦。I"m starving. I really need to grab something to eat.我快饿死了,我真的要吃点东西了。Honey, is lunch ready? I"m starving to death!亲爱的,午饭好了吗?我饿的要命啊。━━━━━【could eat a horse/ox】字面是饿的可以把整匹马/整头牛给吃下去,当然并不是真的要吃下整匹马整头牛,在此是形容特别饿,饿得不行,得要吃东西的意思。√ Oh man, I"m so hungry that I could eat a horse/ox.√ 嘿哥儿们,我饿得能吃下整匹马/整头牛了。√ You know what. I"m so hungry that I could eat a horse/ox.√ 你造吗?我饿得发慌了。━━━━━【be growling】growl的本意是咆哮,be growling形容胃在咆哮,也就是说胃早就饿得咕咕响了。√ My stomach is growling. I gotta get something to eat.√ 我肚子饿得咕咕叫,得要吃东西啦。注意,growling读作["ɡrauliu014b]━━━━━【have a wolf in my stomach】我胃里有只饿狼?不是哦,千万不要逐字翻译英文句子,这是说你胃空空荡荡的,恨不得马上就要如狼似虎地进行狼吞虎咽了。√ I haven"t had anything since this morning. I have a wolf in my stomach.√ 打从早上开始我就啥也没吃,我饿得不行了/ 我快饿坏了~
2023-07-22 17:40:581

英语iam hungry是什么意思

他的意思是 我饿了
2023-07-22 17:41:252


2个音节 HUNG /RY 你们老师分错了。看音标分音节很好分.
2023-07-22 17:41:393


「我很饿、饥饿」英文 除了Hungry,你还可以怎么说?当你很饥饿的时候,你可能会说I"m hungry. 这是很基本、常见的说法。本篇文章要教学更多各种用英文表达你很饿的意思,下次你就能换换说法啦! 下面教学各种用英文表达「我很饿」的方式。 表达我很饿、我饿了、饥饿的英文句子 1.I need food! 我需要食物 这是很直接了当的说法,告诉别人你需要来点食物,你饿了。 2.I"m peckish. 我有点饿了 peckish 是指有点饿了的意思,而不是指那种饥肠辘辘的意思喔。 例: She was feeling a bit peckish . 她感到有点饿。 3.I"m famished! 非常饥饿的、饥肠辘辘的 famished 是指非常饥饿的意思。 例: What"s for dinner? I"m absolutely famished. 晚餐吃什么,我超饿的。 4.I"m starving! 快饿死的 starving 是指正在挨饿的意思,甚至是饿到快死了的那种状态。不知道你有没有过那种,晚餐没吃饱,然后半夜饿到睡不着的那种状态,大概就是类似那个意思。 例: Isn"t lunch ready yet? I"m starving. 午餐还没好吗?我快饿死了。 5.I"m freaking hungry! 我太饿了。 Freaking 是用来表示加强语气的意思,类似I"m *** ing hungry! 例: I"m freaking hungry! 我太饿了。 6.My stomach is growling. 我的胃在叫了 我们都知道,当你非常饿的时候,胃就会开始发出声音,用来表示你需要吃点东西啦。 7.I"m ravenous. 我超饿的 ravenous 一样是指超饿的意思。 例: I"m ravenous – where"s supper? 我饿坏了——晚饭在哪里? 例: Where"s dinner? I"m ravenous! 晚餐在哪,我超饿的。 好饿 英文, 我很饿 英文, 超饿 英文, 饥肠辘辘 英文, 饥饿 英文, 饿了 英文, 饿死 英文
2023-07-22 17:41:531


2023-07-22 17:42:274


hungry and thirsty
2023-07-22 17:42:352


2023-07-22 17:43:127


分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 电影 问题描述: 主要讲的是艾玛年轻的时候在一个贵族家里当保姆,后来和那个家族里一个年轻男士 *** 以后被赶走了。她就立志要复仇,没日没夜的工作开了很多店势力越来越大,最后终于把那个贵族家族搞垮了。结尾是在她生日的那天宣布遗嘱,由于她的儿子女儿们都紧盯她的财产因此她把全部财产几乎都继承给了她的孙子们。故事就完了,大概就是这个样子。我是在车里看的没看到开头…信号不好还断断续续的…很多细节也记不清了,想重看一遍。有人看过么?把这部电影的名字告诉我罢,谢谢。 解析: 这是美国根据Barbara Taylor Bradford 的小说 Emma"s Secret 改编拍摄的系列电视片,分为三部,名为:"A Woman of Substance" (1983) A Woman of Substance charts the life of Emma Harte, from kitchen maid at the beginning of the 20th Century, to respected business woman and Grandmother in the 1980"s. From humble beginnings Emma Harte starts her business with a *** all shop, but over the next enty years she expands her stores and invests in the growing textile industry in Leeds. By the time of World War 2, Emma is the head of a major retail and manufacturing empire, but she has struggled all her life to find love. After an illegitimate daughter and o marriages, she finally meets the love of her life, Paul McGill, but their affair is cut short by a tragic accident, leaving Emma with his daughter. In the 1980"s Emma faces one of her biggest tests - her childrens attempt to remove her as head of her pany, but Emma is far from the senile old woman they think she is - she is determined to stop them at all costs.
2023-07-22 17:41:471


《Battle Cry》是由美国Imagine Dragons乐队演唱的一支单曲,为将于2014年6月27日上映的电影《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》的主题曲。[1] 2014年6月19日,《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》在香港举办了盛大的全球首映礼,Imagine Dragons于首映式后举办了迷你露天演唱会,演唱了7首热门单曲引爆现场,并在最后压轴献唱了该曲。
2023-07-22 17:41:481


2023-07-22 17:41:481


2023-07-22 17:41:528


Yes, Grey McHugh, who is also known as Grey Sloan, is the illegitimate daughter of Dr. Webber.
2023-07-22 17:41:565


2023-07-22 17:41:592


suite读法:英[swi:t] 美[swit] suite n. [计] (软件的) 套件; (房间,器具等) 一套,一副; [乐] 组曲; 随从; [例句]They had a fabulous time during their week in a suite at the Paris Hilton.他们在巴黎希尔顿酒店的套房里度过了非常愉快的一周。[其他] 复数:suites
2023-07-22 17:42:011


2023-07-22 17:41:421

Java Swing中的Container有什么用啊?

2023-07-22 17:41:382


《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》于2010年4月29日修订通过,现将修订后的《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》公布,自2010年10月1日起施行。《新保密法》的立法依据是宪法。 国家保密行政管理部门主管全国的保密工作。 县级以上地方各级保密行政管理部 门主管本行政区域的保密工作。《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》第二条国家秘密是关系国家安全和利益,依照法定程序确定,在一定时间内只限一定范围的人员知悉的事项。第三条国家秘密受法律保护。一切国家机关、武装力量、政党、社会团体、企业事业单位和公民都有保守国家秘密的义务。任何危害国家秘密安全的行为,都必须受到法律追究。第九条下列涉及国家安全和利益的事项,泄露后可能损害国家在政治、经济、国防、外交等领域的安全和利益的,应当确定为国家秘密:(一)国家事务重大决策中的秘密事项;(二)国防建设和武装力量活动中的秘密事项;(三)外交和外事活动中的秘密事项以及对外承担保密义务的秘密事项;(四)国民经济和社会发展中的秘密事项;(五)科学技术中的秘密事项;(六)维护国家安全活动和追查刑事犯罪中的秘密事项;(七)经国家保密行政管理部门确定的其他秘密事项。政党的秘密事项中符合前款规定的,属于国家秘密。
2023-07-22 17:41:341


The reign of Queen Elizabeth I is often referred to as The Golden Age of English history. Elizabeth was an immensely popular Queen, and her popularity has waned little with the passing of four hundred years. She is still one of the best loved monarchs, and one of the most admired rulers of all time. She became a legend in her own lifetime, famed for her remarkable abilities and achievements. Yet, about Elizabeth the woman, we know very little. She is an enigma, and was an enigma to her own people. Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. She was born on 7 September 1533 at Greenwich Palace. Her birth was possibly the greatest disappointment of her father"s life. He had wanted a son and heir to succeed him as he already had a daughter, Mary, by his first wife, Katherine of Aragon. He had not divorced Katherine, and changed the religion of the country in the process, to have only another daughter. Elizabeth"s early life was consequently troubled. Her mother failed to provide the King with a son and was executed on false charges of incest and adultery on 19 May 1536. Anne"s marriage to the King was declared null and void, and Elizabeth, like her half-sister, Mary, was declared illegitimate and deprived of her place in the line of succession. The next eight years of Elizabeth"s life saw a quick succession of stepmothers. There was Jane Seymour who died giving birth to the King"s longed for son, Edward; Anne of Cleves who was divorced; Catherine Howard who was beheaded; and finally Catherine Parr. For generations, historians have debated whether the constant bride changing of her father was responsible for Elizabeth"s apparent refusal to marry. It is certainly possible that the tragic fates of Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard impressed upon her a certain fear of marriage, but there may have been other reasons for the Queen"s single state, such as a fear of childbirth, which claimed the lives of a significant number of women in this period. Even if the Queen had no personal reservations about marriage, there were political problems with almost every contender for her hand. Religion was a major divisive issue, and there was also the problem of whether Elizabeth would have to relinquish any of her royal powers to a husband in an age when the political sphere was exclusively male.As a child, Elizabeth was given a very impressive education. It had become popular amongst the nobility to educate daughters as well as sons and Elizabeth excelled at her studies. She was taught by famous scholars such as William Grindal and Roger Asham, and from an early age it was clear that she was remarkably gifted. She had an especial flare for languages, and by adulthood, she could reputedly speak five languages fluently.Elizabeth"s adolescence was no easier than her childhood. While the King lived, she was safe from political opportunists, but when he died in the January of 1547, and his young son became King Edward VI, she was vulnerable to those who saw her as a political pawn. Despite being officially illegitimate, Henry had reinstated his daughters in the line of succession. Mary was to follow Edward, and Elizabeth was to follow Mary. This meant that Elizabeth was now second in line to the throne. Edward was too young to rule himself as he was only nine years old, so his uncle, Edward Seymour, became Protector of England. His younger brother, Thomas Seymour, was jealous of his position and attempted to overthrow him. His scheme, which involved an attempted kidnapping of the Boy King, cost him his life. He had made no secret of his desire to marry Elizabeth (in Tudor times a girl was considered of marriageable age at twelve) so she was implicated in his plot. It was treason for an heir to the throne to marry without the consent of the King and his Council, and at only fifteen years of age, Elizabeth had to persuade her interrogators that she knew nothing of the plot and had not consented to marry the King"s uncle. She succeeded in defending her innocence, but rumours of an illicit affair with Seymour, all the more scandalous because he had been married to her last step-mother, Katherine Parr, (before she died in childbirth), plagued her long afterwards.Elizabeth again found herself implicated in treason after the Wyatt rebellion of 1554. Edward had died in the summer of 1553 from prolonged ill health, and Elizabeth"s half-sister, Mary, was now Queen Mary I of England after a brief fight for the throne against the scheme of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, to make his daughter in law, Jane Grey, Queen. Mary was not a particularly popular monarch, and was suspicious of her Protestant half-sister. It was thus not difficult to persuade her that Elizabeth may have been conspiring with Thomas Wyatt and his men to seize the throne. Whether or not the rebellion was to make Elizabeth queen is uncertain, and it is also unknown whether Elizabeth had any knowledge of the conspirators plans. Even if she did have knowledge of them, there is no evidence that she approved of the actions of Wyatt and his followers. Elizabeth said she was innocent of the accusations made against her, but she was still arrested and sent to the Tower of London as a prisoner. Many of those surrounding the Queen would have liked Elizabeth to have been executed, but there was no evidence against her and she was popular with the people. Elizabeth was kept a captive at the Tower for two months and then removed to Woodstock Manor in Oxfordshire, where she was kept a prisoner for a year. The house itself was uninhabitable so she had to be lodged in the gatehouse with her servants. It was only at the behest of the Queen"s husband, Philip of Spain, that she was allowed to return to her childhood home of Hatfield in Hertfordshire. Philip was aware of the Queen"s poor health and wanted to gain the friendship of Elizabeth to ensure peaceable relations between England and Spain should his wife die and Elizabeth succeed to the throne. Elizabeth did finally succeed to the throne on 17th November 1558. It was a moment of supreme triumph for the unwanted daughter who had spent her life in the shadow of the court, cast aside and forgotten. The years following the death of her father had called for sobriety and caution, but now that she was Queen, Elizabeth was determined to enjoy her new found freedom and live life to the full. She loved all kinds of sports, especially horse riding, and in the early years of her reign spent many an hour riding. She also loved hunting, hawking, bear baiting, and watching the male courtiers excel at jousts or other sporting contests. She loved music and dancing, pageantry and masques, and could even play the virginals and the lute herself with skill. She had no time for the Puritan theologians who deemed such things impious. She also loved watching plays and created the atmosphere responsible for the flourishing of the literary masterpieces of the period against the Puritan demands for the closure of all theatres and playhouses. Elizabeth was crowned Queen on Sunday 15th January 1559. In the months that followed, the new Queen re-established the Protestant Church in England and restored the debased coinage. Perhaps to appease Catholics or to appease those who did not believe a woman could become head of the church, Elizabeth became Supreme Governor of the Church of England, rather than Supreme Head as her father had been. While it is impossible to know what exactly the Queen"s personal religious beliefs were, the Church she established is an indication of them. She was a committed Protestant, and reputedly spent time in prayer every day, but she was probably a conservative Protestant. She liked candles and crucifixes in her private chapel, liked church music, and enjoyed the more traditional style of worship in contrast to the sermon based service that was becoming popular in some Protestant circles. She did not like religious extremism and did not want to persecute any of her people for their religious beliefs. However, the tenacious political nature of the Catholic/Protestant split meant that her government had to take a harsher line towards Catholics than she wanted. Now that Elizabeth was Queen, proposals of marriage flooded in, but Elizabeth committed herself to none of them. In a genius of political wheeling and dealing, she managed to use her single state to benefit the country by using the bait of marriage to draw in enemies, or to frighten them by suggesting she would marry one of their foes. Whatever Elizabeth"s personal feelings towards marriage, on two occasions she did come close to matrimony. For many years, the most serious contender for her hand was Robert Dudley, created Earl of Leicester in 1564. He and Elizabeth had known each other for years and had been imprisoned in the Tower of London at the same time. He was the only serious personal love interest of the Queen"s life. Politically, however, marrying him would have been a disaster. He was unpopular as he was the son of the traitor Northumberland, and was loathed even more after his wife was found dead in mysterious circumstances. It was thought he had murdered her so he would be free to marry Elizabeth. The other serious contender for the Queen"s hand was Francis, Duke of Alencon/Anjou, heir to the French throne. But again, political considerations made the match ultimately impossible. Not marrying and having a child of her own meant that the succession was unsettled. Elizabeth did not like to talk about the succession and tried to have talk of it suppressed, but people were anxious about what would happen to the country when she died. However, having a child of her own may not have been an end to all problems. In the eyes of Catholics, Elizabeth was illegitimate and had no right to the throne. To them, Mary, Queen of Scots was the rightful Queen of England. Plots were made to make Mary queen and these would have been formed regardless of whether Elizabeth had a child or not. This is perhaps especially so when Mary was Elizabeth"s prisoner following her disastrous reign in Scotland. Forced to flee her own country, having abdicated her throne in favour of her son, she landed in England, seeking Elizabeth"s help in restoring her to her kingdom. She was immediately imprisoned. This was as much to protect her as to minimize the danger she posed to Elizabeth. Mary was kept a prisoner for almost twenty years. In that time, Elizabeth refused to hear about executing her cousin, but Mary"s complicity in the Babington plot of 1586 made the execution, in the eyes of many, unavoidable. It was a traumatic time for Elizabeth, and for a while it seemed that she would not have the strength to go ahead with the execution, but she did, and Mary was executed at Fotheringay Castle on 8 February 1587. Relations between Elizabeth and Philip, now King of Spain, had begun amicably, but had deteriorated over the years as their different political and religious agendas clashed. By 1588 they were enemies of the first rate. Philip had spoken of invading England and dethroning Elizabeth for years but the execution of the Queen of Scots gave him an added incentive. Now he could claim the English throne for himself and not for her. In the summer of 1588 he sent his mighty fleet against England. But by superior tactics, ship design, and sheer good fortune, the English defeated them. Elizabeth"s popularity reached its zenith. It was also another personal triumph as she had proved that she, a woman, could lead in war as well as any man.Elizabeth was dedicated to her country in a way few monarchs had been or have been since. Elizabeth had the mind of a political genius and nurtured her country through careful leadership and by choosing capable men to assist her, such as Sir William Cecil and Sir Francis Walsingham. Elizabeth was a determined woman, but she was not obstinate. She listened to the advice of those around her, and would change a policy if it was unpopular. In appearance she was extravagant, in behaviour sometimes flippant and frivolous, but her approach to politics was serious, conservative, and cautious. When she ascended the throne in 1558, England was an impoverished country torn apart by religious squabbles. When she died at Richmond Palace on the 24th March 1603, England was one of the most powerful and prosperous countries in the world.
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一、《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》是2010年4月29日发布,在2010年10月1日正式实施的一部法律,这部法律制定的目的是为了保守国家秘密,维护国家安全和利益,保障改革开放和社会主义建设事业的顺利进行。在这部法律的最后规定了违反本法泄露国家秘密所需要承担的刑事责任,对泄露国家秘密的行为人应当依照该法进行处罚。《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》于1988年9月5日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议通过,2010年4月29日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议修订通过,修订后的《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》自2010年10月1日起施行。二、什么是国家秘密?什么是工作秘密?什么是商业秘密?什么是国家秘密? 国家秘密是关系国家的安全和利益,依照法定程序确定,在一定时间内只限一定范围的人员知悉的事项。什么是工作秘密? 工作秘密是指机关、单位在履行职能过程中产生或者获取的,不属于国家秘密,但泄露后会妨碍机关、单位正常履行职能或者对国家安全、公共利益造成不利影响的内部敏感事项。什么是商业秘密? 《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》第十条规定,本条所称的商业秘密,是指不为公众所知悉的,能为权利人带来经济利益,具有实用性并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息。三、国家秘密的等级是如何划分的?国家秘密的密级分为“绝密”、“机密”、“秘密”三级。“绝密”是最重要的国家秘密,泄露会使国家的安全和利益遭受特别严重的损害;“机密”是重要的国家秘密,泄露会使国家的安全和利益遭受严重的损害;“秘密”是一般的国家秘密,泄露会使国家的安全和利益遭受损害。法律依据:中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法(2010修订)第四十九条 机关、单位违反本法规定,发生重大泄密案件的,由有关机关、单位依法对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予处分;不适用处分的人员,由保密行政管理部门督促其主管部门予以处理。机关、单位违反本法规定,对应当定密的事项不定密,或者对不应当定密的事项定密,造成严重后果的,由有关机关、单位依法对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予处分。第五十条 互联网及其他公共信息网络运营商、服务商违反本法第二十八条规定的,由公安机关或者国家安全机关、信息产业主管部门按照各自职责分工依法予以处罚。第五十一条 保密行政管理部门的工作人员在履行保密管理职责中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。第五十二条 中央军事委员会根据本法制定中国人民解放军保密条例。第五十三条 本法自2010年10月1日起施行。
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