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2023-07-23 05:43:21














integrate 英[u02c8u026antu026agreu026at] 美[u02c8u026antu026au02ccɡret] vt. 使一体化; 使整合; 使完整; 使结合成为整体; vi. 成为一体; 结合在一起; 合并; [数学] 作积分运算; adj. 整体的; 完整的; 完全的; 综合的; [例句]Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。[其他] 第三人称单数:integrates 现在分词:integrating 过去式:integrated过去分词:integrated 形近词: antegrade integraph integrant
2023-07-22 21:08:191


integrated[英][u02c8u026antu026agreu026atu026ad][美][u02c8u026antu026aɡretu026ad]adj.完整的; 整体的; 结合的; (各组成部分)和谐的; v.使一体化( integrate的过去式和过去分词 ); 使整合; 使完整; 使结合成为整体; 例句Next, a global system must also approach challenges in a systemic,integrated way. 其次,一个全球性的系统还必须以系统性、综合性的方式应对挑战。
2023-07-22 21:08:321


vt. 使一体化; 使整合; 使完整; 使结合成为整体; vi. 成为一体; 结合在一起; 合并; [数学] 作积分运算; adj. 整体的; 完整的; 完全的; 综合的;
2023-07-22 21:08:411


integrate的正确发音为 /u02c8u026antu026aɡreu026at/,其中第一个音节是短元音/i/,第二个为双辅音/nt/,第三个音节为长元音/ei/,第四个音节为清辅音/t/,最后一个音节为短元音/u0259/。除了读音,integrate在计算机领域也有着重要的含义。在计算机科学中,integrate通常指将不同的软件、系统或服务整合到一个系统中,以提供更加完整和高效的解决方案。这种整合可以提高系统的可靠性、灵活性和性能。此外,integrate也常常出现在学术和商业领域中,表示将不同的元素、理论或方法整合到一个更加综合和完整的框架中。这种整合可以促进领域内的交流、理解和合作,同时也有助于创造出更加创新和独特的成果。综上所述,正确的发音和理解integrate不仅有助于加强英语听力和口语能力,还能帮助我们更好地理解和应用计算机科学、学术和商业领域中的相关概念。
2023-07-22 21:08:571


  integrate做动词有整合;结合;取消隔离等意思,那么你知道integrate的过去式是什么吗?下面是我整理的integrate的过去式和用法例句,供大家参考学习。   integrate的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: integrated   过去分词: integrated   现在分词: integrating   integrate的用法:   integrate的用法1:integrate作动词时的意思是“把u2026结合在一起,使u2026成为一体”,指紧密地连接或完全融合,暗示结合后,被结合或融合的部分都已失去了原来的特性。引申可指“消除u2026之间的隔离”。   integrate的用法2:integrate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。   integrate的过去式例句:   1. He thinks we are living in a fully integrated, supportive society.   他认为我们生活在一个完全和谐、相互扶持的社会里。   2. There is, he said, a lack of an integrated national transport policy.   他指出,目前缺乏一个统一的全国交通运输政策。   3. We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.   我们相信在取消种族隔离的学校就读的学生会有更宽容的态度。   4. This computer program can be integrated with existing programs.   这套计算机程序可以与现有的程序整合在一起.   5. They soon became fully integrated into the local community.   他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子.   6. The residential blocks were integrated with the rest of the college.   住宿区与学院其他部分结合在了一起.   7. Immigrants are integrated into the community.   移民与该地区的居民融为一体.   8. He integrated all their activities into one program.   他把他们的活动都并入一个计划.   9. This is a semiconductor integrated circuit.   这是一个半导体集成电路.   10. I integrated your suggestion with my plan.   我把你的建议和我的计划结合在一起.   11. The tribunals were established for the well-integrated members of society and not for marginal individuals.   特别法庭是为主流社会成员、而非个体设立的。   12. Basing himself on the realities of his life, the painter successfully integrated realism and artistic exaggeration.   画家根据自己的现实生活, 成功地把现实主义和艺术夸张结合起来.   13. They have lived in this country for ten years, but have never really integrated.   他们已在这个国家生活了十年, 但还没有融入这个社会.   14. The group is having to metamorphose from a loose collection of businesses into a fully integrated multinational.   该集团将不得不由一个松散的企业联合组织转变成一个全面整合的跨国集团。   15. A further refinement in semiconductor technology is the integrated circuit.   在半导体工艺中,集成电路是一次革新.
2023-07-22 21:11:091


2023-07-22 21:11:221


2023-07-22 21:12:101


    用Integrate函数.  求不定积分:Integrate[被积函数, 自变量]  例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), x]  Out[1]:= ArcTan[(-1 + 2 x)/Sqrt[3]]/Sqrt[3] + 1/3 Log[1 + x] - 1/6 Log[1 - x + x^2]  求定积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量, 积分下限, 积分上限}]  例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), {x, 0, 1}]  Out[1]:= 1/18 (2 Sqrt[3] [Pi] + Log[64])  求重积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量1, 积分下限1, 积分上限1}, {自变量2, 积分下限2, 积分上限2}, …]  例:In[1]:= Integrate[Sin[x y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, x}]  Out[1]:= 1/2 (EulerGamma - CosIntegral[1])  此外还有求数值积分用的函数NIntegrate  例:In[1]:= NIntegrate[Sin[Sin[x]], {x, 0, 2}]  Out[1]:= 1.24706
2023-07-22 21:12:201

请教词源学角度讲解integrate这个词 讲解一下其中的词根词缀,老背不下来

integrate 使成整体, 使一体化, 求...的积分, 结合2次 【讲词】:in/teg/r/ate. in-未+teg-touch-碰+r-无义+ate-动词后缀= integrate-使成为整体
2023-07-22 21:12:271


2023-07-22 21:12:385

请教integrate和 synthesize区别

integrate 使…完整;使…成整体 / 整合的;完全的synthesize 合成;综合/ 【化学】合成integrate:使成整体;使一体化;使结合;使合并(常与with,into连用): to integrate the residential blocks with the rest of the college使住宿区与大学其他部分连成一体to integrate theory with practice理论与实践相结合成为一体;结合在一起;合并:Do you really want to integrate with us?你真想与我们合并吗? synthesize综合:Then he synthesized his statement before winding it up.结束陈述前,他综述了一下他的观点。to synthesize the inferences into a conclusion由推理综合出结论
2023-07-22 21:12:541


taste 么有复数, 复数的表达是 many varieties 或 types of tasteintegrate 是结合成一个整体的 意思但是 integrity 名词 接解说是 一个人的诚信,正直,堂堂男子汉,完整性, 不可不知
2023-07-22 21:13:023


融汇的英文是:fusion;merge;Integrate。fusion,融合、熔接、结合、核聚变、热核反应;merge,合并、融入、(使)结合、并入、相融、渐渐消失在某物中;Integrate,整合,(使)合并,成为一体,(使)加入,融入群体。双语例句1、很快容器中就收集大量的力量,但是过于众多的灵魂和力量无法融汇和顺利的使用。Soon containers will collect a lot of power, but too many souls and forces cannot use and smooth fusion.2、像雪花融汇在大海里。Lost as a snowflake in the sea.3、究其原因,主要是交通规划人员和GIS专业人员各自的专业限制,无法将两个专业融汇贯通。The main reason is the respective professional restrictions in the transportation planning and GIS professionals.
2023-07-22 21:13:201


integrated:adj.综合的;整合的;融合的,是动词integrate的过去式和过去分词.例句:Do you feel more integrated into the team now?你现在觉得自己更好的融合进队伍了吗?The buildings are well integrated with the landscape.这些建筑物和周围的自然景物相融合。
2023-07-22 21:13:392

origin,analysis 菜单中differentiate, integrate 生么意思?

2023-07-22 21:13:463


前两个是完整,整体的意思 第三个是个性化
2023-07-22 21:14:122


2023-07-22 21:14:341


integrate 使成整体, 使一体化, 求...的积分, 结合2次 【讲词】:in/teg/r/ate. in-未+teg-touch-碰+r-无义+ate-动词后缀= integrate-使成为整体
2023-07-22 21:15:351

unite 同 unify ,integrate 有什么区别

unify和unite都可以用作联合统一,to unite/unify China...unite还可以用作为做某事或者为某一特殊目的而联合而unify常常不用在此处,to unite to do sth;integrate强调将其整合为一体,成为一个系统,也可以指个体融入整体。
2023-07-22 21:15:431


integrated 英[u02c8u026antu026agreu026atu026ad] 美[u02c8u026antu026aɡretu026ad] adj. 完整的; 整体的; 结合的; (各组成部分) 和谐的; v. 使一体化( integrate的过去式和过去分词 ); 使整合; 使完整; 使结合成为整体; [例句]We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.我们相信在取消种族隔离的学校就读的学生会有更宽容的态度。
2023-07-22 21:15:581

integrate with还是integrate into有什么区别呢?

integrate with/into区别:作用不同、意思不同。从意思上来讲,integrate with=integrate into,都是“结合”的意思。但是使用时候主语与对象的关系区别,因此意思上也有些微妙区别。A integrate with B A与B结合,A/B两者是对等关系,两者相互融合。A integrate into B A融入到B,A/B两者有点包容关系在内,B范围比A要广。简单点讲,就像数学中并集与交集的区别。They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.他们需要停止让自己引人注目并且融入社会。They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。Do you really want to integrate with us?你们真的想和我们联合吗?
2023-07-22 21:16:391


2023-07-22 21:16:551


2023-07-22 21:17:033

请教integrate和 synthesize区别

integrate 使…完整;使…成整体 / 整合的;完全的 synthesize 合成;综合/ 【化学】合成 integrate:使成整体;使一体化;使结合;使合并(常与with,into连用): to integrate the residential blocks with the rest of the college 使住宿区与大学其他部分连成一体 to integrate theory with practice 理论与实践相结合 成为一体;结合在一起;合并: Do you really want to integrate with us? 你真想与我们合并吗? synthesize 综合: Then he synthesized his statement before winding it up. 结束陈述前,他综述了一下他的观点. to synthesize the inferences into a conclusion 由推理综合出结论
2023-07-22 21:17:301

integrate with/into区别

integrate with/into区别:作用不同、意思不同。从意思上来讲,integrate with=integrate into,都是“结合”的意思。但是使用时候主语与对象的关系区别,因此意思上也有些微妙区别。A integrate with B A与B结合,A/B两者是对等关系,两者相互融合。A integrate into B A融入到B,A/B两者有点包容关系在内,B范围比A要广。简单点讲,就像数学中并集与交集的区别。They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.他们需要停止让自己引人注目并且融入社会。They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。Do you really want to integrate with us?你们真的想和我们联合吗?
2023-07-22 21:17:491


2023-07-22 21:18:084


2023-07-22 21:18:301

integrate with/ into的区别是神马?

integrate with/into区别:作用不同、意思不同。从意思上来讲,integrate with=integrate into,都是“结合”的意思。但是使用时候主语与对象的关系区别,因此意思上也有些微妙区别。A integrate with B A与B结合,A/B两者是对等关系,两者相互融合。A integrate into B A融入到B,A/B两者有点包容关系在内,B范围比A要广。简单点讲,就像数学中并集与交集的区别。They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.他们需要停止让自己引人注目并且融入社会。They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。Do you really want to integrate with us?你们真的想和我们联合吗?
2023-07-22 21:18:381

Integrated skills中文,词性为什么不是integrate,字典上Integrated也可做形容词

2023-07-22 21:18:552

微积分 integrate

2023-07-22 21:19:212

had begun integrate语法对吗

1、首先,存在这种用法,此时,integrate 是名词;2、如果integrate是动词词性(而且是不及物动词)的话,就应该用 had begun to integrate;3、同时也存在 begin+v-ing形式,如:Every began talking at once. 大家同时开始讲话。所以,看这三个词用在什么样的句子里面。
2023-07-22 21:19:341

integrate with/ into有什么区别吗?

integrate with/into区别:作用不同、意思不同。从意思上来讲,integrate with=integrate into,都是“结合”的意思。但是使用时候主语与对象的关系区别,因此意思上也有些微妙区别。A integrate with B A与B结合,A/B两者是对等关系,两者相互融合。A integrate into B A融入到B,A/B两者有点包容关系在内,B范围比A要广。简单点讲,就像数学中并集与交集的区别。They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.他们需要停止让自己引人注目并且融入社会。They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。Do you really want to integrate with us?你们真的想和我们联合吗?
2023-07-22 21:19:431


用Integrate函数.求不定积分:Integrate[被积函数, 自变量]例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), x]Out[1]:= ArcTan[(-1 + 2 x)/Sqrt[3]]/Sqrt[3] + 1/3 Log[1 + x] - 1/6 Log[1 - x + x^2]求定积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量, 积分下限, 积分上限}]例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), {x, 0, 1}]Out[1]:= 1/18 (2 Sqrt[3] [Pi] + Log[64])求重积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量1, 积分下限1, 积分上限1}, {自变量2, 积分下限2, 积分上限2}, …]例:In[1]:= Integrate[Sin[x y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, x}]Out[1]:= 1/2 (EulerGamma - CosIntegral[1])此外还有求数值积分用的函数NIntegrate例:In[1]:= NIntegrate[Sin[Sin[x]], {x, 0, 2}]Out[1]:= 1.24706
2023-07-22 21:20:001


2023-07-22 21:20:181


2023-07-22 21:20:292


2023-07-22 21:20:455

集合了....的优点,应该用integrate 还是combine?

2023-07-22 21:21:082


2023-07-22 21:21:151


2023-07-22 21:21:221


用Integrate函数.求不定积分:Integrate[被积函数, 自变量]例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), x]Out[1]:= ArcTan[(-1 + 2 x)/Sqrt[3]]/Sqrt[3] + 1/3 Log[1 + x] - 1/6 Log[1 - x + x^2]求定积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量, 积分下限, 积分上限}]例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), {x, 0, 1}]Out[1]:= 1/18 (2 Sqrt[3] [Pi] + Log[64])求重积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量1, 积分下限1, 积分上限1}, {自变量2, 积分下限2, 积分上限2}, …]例:In[1]:= Integrate[Sin[x y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, x}]Out[1]:= 1/2 (EulerGamma - CosIntegral[1])此外还有求数值积分用的函数NIntegrate例:In[1]:= NIntegrate[Sin[Sin[x]], {x, 0, 2}]Out[1]:= 1.24706
2023-07-22 21:21:311

Python sympy用integrate解定积分出来的结果不是计算完的结果

## 数值积分sympy下的integrate()函数是解析积分,当被积函数不存在原函数时则无法得到节分结果。所以建议使用scipy库的quad()数值积分
2023-07-22 21:21:401


儿歌一百首包括:01. 虫儿飞02. 小兔乖乖03. 世上只有妈妈好04. 小燕子05. 数鸭子06. 外婆的澎湖湾07. 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟08. 打电话09. 蓝精灵10. 拔萝卜11. 新年好12. 让我们荡起双浆13. 好爸爸坏爸爸14. 两只老虎15. 采蘑菇的小姑娘16. 大头儿子和小头爸爸17. 生日快乐18. 四季童谣19. 春天在哪里20. 小毛驴21. 小手拍拍22. 健康歌23. 鲁冰花24. 我爱洗澡25. 小老鼠上灯台26. 我们是共产主义接班人27. 铃儿叮当响28. 歌声与微笑29. 马兰谣30. ABC字母歌31. 幸福拍手歌32. 铃儿响叮当33. 乡间小路34. 歌唱二小放牛郎35. 樱桃小丸子36. 妈妈的吻37. 白龙马38. 洋娃娃和小熊跳舞39. 粉刷匠40. 学习雷锋好榜样41. 小白兔乖乖42. 少先队队歌43. 大风车44. 上学歌45. 大苹果46. 一分钱47. 小草48. 红星闪闪49. 劳动最光荣50. 小儿郎点击下载海量儿歌等儿童资料合集包51. 刷牙歌52. 小鸭子53. 聪明的一休54. 洗澡歌55. 祝你生日快乐56. 校园的早晨57. 小红帽58. 让我们荡起双桨59. 一只哈巴狗60. 咱们从小讲礼貌61. 我的好妈妈62. 黑猫警长63. 小乌龟64. 葫芦娃65. 歌唱祖国66. 巧克力城堡67. 捉泥鳅68. 红黄蓝亲子歌曲69. 乡间的小路70. 三只小熊71. 拍手歌72. 我爱北京天安门73. 英文字母歌74. 五官75. 春晓76. 爸爸妈妈听我说77. 祝你圣诞快乐78. 乖乖吃饭歌79. what is dancing80. 兰花草81. 小二郎82. 一闪一闪亮晶晶83. 眼保健操84. 小龙人85. 小背篓86. 幸运草87. 字母歌88. 大公鸡89. 每当我走过老师窗前90. 丢手绢91. 三字经92. 彩虹的约定93. 小星星 中文版94. 采磨菇的小姑娘95. 小螺号96. 七子之歌97. 铃儿响叮当(英文版)98. 小猪猪99. 葫芦兄弟100. 摇到外婆桥
2023-07-22 21:17:251

有关有趣的英文故事 大约要500字左右 还要有翻译

Pig look in the mirrorPig"s face is always dirty.Piglet birthday that day, his friend Bunny gave him a mirror, asking him out the door according to a photo a day, "so you can know where their faces are dirty, you can wipe off the dirty."The next morning, in order to prevent the mirror lights up the dirty, the pig washed my face in a clean net.But when he was about to look in the mirror.When flying a fly, throw bombs, like flies to feces that fell on the mirror. In this way, the mirror of the pig has become a dirty pig.Pig quickly towel to Calian. Rub one, according to a mirror is always indelible ... ... how?"Pig!" Bunny to play called the pig.Piglet said: "Wait a minute, I do not wipe my face is not out of the house.""Yes." Bunny on the door and so on. However, such a long time has not seen pig out meters.Rabbit into a view, only this find out how it was."Pig Yeah, you are wrong," said Bunny flies into a mirror on the pig feces to see, "is a dirty mirror, your face has been wiped clean very very clean."From that point on, whenever the pig in the mirror and see the mirror of the pig"s face is dirty, he thought: "This is a dirty mirror, my face is very on the net."Therefore, despite the pig in the mirror every day, he was a dirty pig. n this way, the mirror of the pig has become a dirty pig.
2023-07-22 21:17:271


2023-07-22 21:17:285


SATA和M.2固态硬盘读写速度差别很大。目前主流的SATA 3.0固态硬盘的最大传输速度为6Gbps,实际速度最大为560MB/s。而采用了NVMe协议的M.2固态硬盘三星960 PRO,最大读取速度可以达到3.5GB/s。主流的M.2固态硬盘有两种,一种是M2的接口 ,但是仍然走的SATA总线 ,比较有代表的就是三星850EVO,速度提升并不会太大。另一种,是通过NVME协议,走的PCI-E通道的M.2固态硬盘,三星PM961可以是它的代表,有着超高的速度。
2023-07-22 21:17:294


turn on 打开put on穿上tack on 附添pick up捡起
2023-07-22 21:17:303


strategy是一个英语单词,词性为名词,意思是“战略,策略”发音:词组:real-time strategy 即时战略游戏;即时战略;时策略性;即时计谋military strategy 军事战略;文韬武略;军事战略学;用兵的计谋development strategy 发展策略;发展战略;开发策略;开发战略例句:This is not one optimize strategy well. 这并不是一个好的优化策略。If so, what should be my cloud strategy? 如果是的话,我的云策略应该是什么?So we have no option but to adapt our technology strategy to this. 因此我们别无选择,只能使我们的技术战略适应这种局面。
2023-07-22 21:17:211


Interesting Things at College We all are very aware of the fact that college students work hard, dedicate themselves, and find little time for relaxation. Many use their extra time to work outside of college or perhaps enjoy a sporting event or two. Every place has a bit of humor attached to it or our existence would be very boring. College students find that humor really lights up once in awhile perhaps in an announcement or by a lecture by one of the teachers. In any case we thought that it might prove to be interesting to put out a bit of humor that some of the college students have encountered over the years. Please still laugh even if you heard these jokes before, ha, ha, my boss might be listening. Every year the Dean addressu2019s the freshmen class about the dormitory rules. The rules are simply put guys stay out of the girlu2019s dorm and girls stay out of the guyu2019s dorm. This year the Dean added that the facility had decided to fine anyone who breaks the rule. The first offense he stated will cost you $25, the second offense will cost you $50 and the third time will cost you a much heftier fine of $200. Then he ended by asking if there were any questions? One of the boys piped up, “How much for a season pass?” At that the Dean realized the fining would not be appropriate. Next we are going to go to one of the favorite places that normally everyone attends on campus beside the cafeteria it is the Computer Lab. Now the Computer Lab can be very scary and intimidating for those of us who are not very computer savvy. Those who are familiar with the surroundings using the lab on a day to day basis are apt to poke fun or become annoying just distract or cause us to lose computer time. Computer Lab Annoying Tips Type very frantically, then stop, and look at the person next to you with an evil glean in your eye. Complain to the monitor on duty that your computer will not work, but make sure that it is turned off first. Why not connect each computer to a different screen than the one itu2019s set up with to find out the expressions on the faces of others. You can write a program that plays the theme song of one of the old TV programs like Green Acres and play it over and over at a very high volume. One of the most frightening things to the person next to you is to ask them if they know how to type into the top secret files at the Pentagon. Then tell them you do can you use their terminal for a while. These are really corny ways to be annoying but some people find that just reading them makes a person laugh.
2023-07-22 21:17:191

strategy怎么读 英语strategy怎么读

2023-07-22 21:17:141


·patterning - 图案结构·patterning - n. 图案结构, 特有型式, 图形·patterning - 【化学】描绘花样【纺织;造纸】式样patterning gene :基因图谱顺式调控顺式调控 如基因启动子发生突变,使调控蛋白不能识别启动子结构,基因不能表达,这种只影响基因本身表达、不影响其它等位基因调控的突变,称顺式调控。 调控基因与被调控基因位于同一条染色体上。
2023-07-22 21:17:101