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fortune 作财富 可数还是不可数吗 或者都可以

2023-07-23 08:47:49

不可数,因为财富是不可数的,在例句中也表明了这一点:He came into a large number of fortune when his rich uncle died.

其中a large number of 既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,而句中fortune作财富被a large number of 修饰时,并无复数形式,故可推断fortune 作财富是不可数的



fortune是中国的品牌,名字是福临门。品牌简介:福临门品牌是中粮集团有限公司的粮油旗舰品牌。经营范围很多包括食用油、大米、面粉、调味品等等。中粮米业的目标始终是为消费者提供好产品,为客户和合作伙伴创造长期卓越价值,引领和推动国内大米行业健康良性发展。他们践行了使命,履行了社会责任。品牌名称含义:福临门代表着品质安全,幸福临门。而英文fortune 含义为n. 财富, 运气, 兴隆, 大量财产, 好运, 命运。也寓意着品牌能有一个好的运气,兴隆昌盛。在进行英汉翻译时,我们不可避免的会遇到有特殊含义的英文。譬如品牌名字,公司名字,商标名称等等。在遇到这些单词时,我们不可以随意翻译,一定要查阅资料来避免发生错误。
2023-07-23 04:32:181


发财:make a fortun
2023-07-23 04:33:023


2023-07-23 04:33:491

fortune的英式读音 要音标 谢谢

2023-07-23 04:33:592


2023-07-23 04:34:101


2023-07-23 04:34:231

fortune 中文相近译音

2023-07-23 04:34:5015


2023-07-23 04:35:141


fortune的否定前缀是mis。misfortune的意思是不幸。例句:He had the misfortune to break his left arm.翻译:他不幸把左胳臂折断了。短语:bring misfortune 蒙受灾难近义词reverse 英 [ru026a"vu025cu02d0s]  美 [ru026a"vu025cu02d0rs]    v. 逆转,倒退,互换,改变adj. 相反的,反面的,颠倒的n. 相反,背面,失败,倒档例句:The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.翻译:政府未能扭转经济滑坡的趋势。短语:reverse automatically 自动地改变
2023-07-23 04:35:211


2023-07-23 04:35:561


2023-07-23 04:36:163


fortune形容词:fortunate。fortunate搭配词:person / place / coincidence / event。例句:1、Central London is fortunate in having so many large parks and open spaces.伦敦市中心有幸拥有许多大型公园和大片空地。2、Cameroon were fortunate not to concede a penalty.喀麦隆队非常幸运没有被判罚点球。
2023-07-23 04:36:241


fortune的动词:fortune 形容词:fortunate 副词:fortunately
2023-07-23 04:36:321


分类: 外语/出国 解析: fate 命运,天数,注定 fortune 运气好运 destiny 命运, fate 一般是指不好运的 fortune 一定是好运气
2023-07-23 04:36:411

wealth 和fortune的区别

wealth 和fortune的区别前者是财富,后者是幸运, 词义不同.wealthn. 财产,财富; 富豪(阶级); 丰富,大量; 繁荣;fortunen. 幸运; (某人的) 命运; 富有; [常作复数] (人生事件中的) 时运;vt. 给予财富;vi. 偶然发生;
2023-07-23 04:37:021


fortune音标 [ˈfɔːtʃən] ,tu发tʃə
2023-07-23 04:37:091

riches 和 fortune 的区别

riches [pl. ] 财富, 财宝; 丰富 an abundance of material possessions and resources物质上拥有的一种丰富程度而fortune 主要指命运, 运气, 幸运,富
2023-07-23 04:37:204


当“财富”讲时没有区别。但fortune更多的意思是“运气”:He has a great fortune in gambling.wealth除了本意“财富”就只有“一大堆”这一个意思:a wealth of experience
2023-07-23 04:37:271


你好,fortune前面应该加介词by。by fortune意为靠运气。fortune 英 [ˈfɔːtʃuːn] 美 [ˈfɔːrtʃən] n. (尤指影响人生的)机会,运气;大笔的钱;巨款;(个人、家庭、国家等的)发展变化的趋势,命运,际遇 vi. 给予财富偶然发生eg.He is certainly being smiled on by fortune. 例句:现在他一定是得到了命运的垂青。望采纳。
2023-07-23 04:37:362


《Fortune》(Annabel Joseph)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 5dxf书名:Fortune作者:Annabel Joseph出版社:Ellora"s Cave Romantica出版年份:2010-10页数:131
2023-07-23 04:37:561

fortune 的形容词,副词怎么写?

2023-07-23 04:38:331


妹妹啊,其实在这种情况下啊,中文是很不可信的,所以查牛津高阶的词典是最有效的方法在其中fortune名词词条下的解释是:for61tune /ftun; NAmE frt/ noun 1. [U] chance or luck, especially in the way it affects people"s lives: I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors. By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately. Fortune smiled on me (= I had good luck). note at luck2. [C] a large amount of money: He made a fortune in real estate. She inherited a share of the family fortune. A car like that costs a small fortune. You don"t have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals. She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune. That ring must be worth a fortune.3. [C, usually pl., U] the good and bad things that happen to a person, family, country, etc.: the changing fortunes of the film industry the fortunes of war a reversal of fortune(s)4. [C] a person"s fate or future: She can tell your fortune by looking at the lines on your hand. see hostage, seek—see also soldier of fortune这样,根据意思的话,try one"s fortune中的fortune只可能是1和4的解释看1啊,【不可数】指运气或机会,尤指影响人们生活的方式,意思呢约等于LUCK,按我理解有种泛指的意思。4 【可数】指个人的运气、命运或前途,(你可能要讲,用FATE不是命运的意思么,其实它也有运气的意思,这个用法不比用作命运少,牛津双解里还有destiny这个解释,可能改版的时候觉得和fate的意思重复,删了,destiny也是命运和运气的意思)try one"s fortune它在英语中不是个原始的固定搭配,是后来的一个搭配形式,在这个句子中有特指的意思吧,我觉着释义4就是特指,所以它就是可数了。不过还有个句子They are going to try their fortune once more.他们想再碰一次运气,这里就不可数,这个用的就是1的释义吧。O(∩_∩)O~当然这是我个人之见啊,你琢磨看看哦
2023-07-23 04:38:421


2023-07-23 04:39:012


fortune 是幸运,misfortune是不幸,mis是前缀,表情否定的意思
2023-07-23 04:39:451


问题一:命运的英文怎么写? 5分 destiny 问题二:命运用英语怎么写 fate - 引用次数:880 Different cultural choice decided that they would have different fate. 不同的文化选择,决定了不同的命运。 参考来源 - 鲁迅和周作人个性心理及文化比较 destiny - 引用次数:694 System background aggravate literature their destiny tragic. 体制化背景加剧了其文学命运的悲剧性。 参考来源 - 文学体制化与作家创作转型 fortune - 引用次数:38 The land reform gave brought farmer land, which caused them place their fortune on their worship target. 土改使农民得到了土地,也使他们真诚地将自己的命运寄托于崇拜对象身上。 命运 [mìng yùn] destiny; fate; lot; fortune: a tragic lot; 悲惨的命运 the future course of history; 历史命运 be concerned about the destiny of the state; 关心国家的命运 grasp one"s destiny in one"s own hands; 掌握自己的命运 He does not believe in fate. 他不相信命运。 短语: 命运剧 fate drama; 命运女神 The (three) Fates 问题三:命运用英语怎么说啊? 例句 A stroke of fortune or fate; lot. 运气;命运 One"s fortune in life; fate. 命运,运气某人一生的运气;命运 Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one. 命运命运,尤指厄运或劫数 The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one"s lot. 命运一个特定的人或事注定的不可避免的运气;命运 The turns of luck in the course of one"s life. 时运,命运人一生中运气的转变 满意请采纳 问题四:命运用英语怎么说 你好, 命运: fortune, fate, destiny 希望采纳 问题五:命运的英文是什么了 fate [feit] n. 命运, 死亡, 毁灭 destiny [destini] n. 命运; 天命; 天数 问题六:不向命运低头的英语该怎么写? 不向命运低头 never give in to fate 问题七:悲剧的命运 英文怎么写 多种说法,都可以,比如: tragic destiny tragic fa哗l tragic fate 问题八:命运的英文怎么写? 5分 destiny 问题九:命运用英语怎么写 fate - 引用次数:880 Different cultural choice decided that they would have different fate. 不同的文化选择,决定了不同的命运。 参考来源 - 鲁迅和周作人个性心理及文化比较 destiny - 引用次数:694 System background aggravate literature their destiny tragic. 体制化背景加剧了其文学命运的悲剧性。 参考来源 - 文学体制化与作家创作转型 fortune - 引用次数:38 The land reform gave brought farmer land, which caused them place their fortune on their worship target. 土改使农民得到了土地,也使他们真诚地将自己的命运寄托于崇拜对象身上。 命运 [mìng yùn] destiny; fate; lot; fortune: a tragic lot; 悲惨的命运 the future course of history; 历史命运 be concerned about the destiny of the state; 关心国家的命运 grasp one"s destiny in one"s own hands; 掌握自己的命运 He does not believe in fate. 他不相信命运。 短语: 命运剧 fate drama; 命运女神 The (three) Fates 问题十:命运用英语怎么说啊? 例句 A stroke of fortune or fate; lot. 运气;命运 One"s fortune in life; fate. 命运,运气某人一生的运气;命运 Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one. 命运命运,尤指厄运或劫数 The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one"s lot. 命运一个特定的人或事注定的不可避免的运气;命运 The turns of luck in the course of one"s life. 时运,命运人一生中运气的转变 满意请采纳
2023-07-23 04:39:511


2023-07-23 04:40:011


make a fortune固定搭配赚钱a把fortune加了个定语而已
2023-07-23 04:40:102


2023-07-23 04:40:197


辉いた未来は 切ない夜を飞び越えて【光辉未来 飞越悲伤夜晚】あの日と同じ明日へ続いてく【与那日相同的明天 也将延续不息】様相(カタチ)変えた心 この空と似ている【形状变幻的这颗心 与天空如此相似】愿いかけた星を隠し 几つもの光なくした【隐藏祈愿之星 失却无数光芒】运命は突然 彷徨い崩れてく【命运在彷徨中 突然崩溃】眠れない夜に怯えた …梦でも君に逢えず【无眠之夜 更加怯惧 即使梦中 也与你失之交臂】ズット、変ワラナイデネ…どんな时も【无论何时 也请如一而终】ふたつの明日があっても【即使会为似是而非的明日 所迷惑】辉いた未来は 切ない夜を飞び越えて【光辉未来 飞越悲伤夜晚】ふたたび君にたどり着く【再次 到达你之所在】変わらない想いは 胸の鼓动に在(あ)る【不变的思念 正于此心跳动中长存】あの日と违う梦を信じても【即使所坚信的 不过是与那日相异的梦】许し合えた心 譲れなかった梦【互相迁就的心 不愿让却的梦】その间(はざま)で优しささえ见失い伤つけ合った【在那狭间中 失却温柔 伤痛更剧】偶然がいつでも 运命を筑くなら【偶然往往构筑出弄人的命运】受け止める 现実(いま)も别れも…【请理解我 无论现在 还是离别之时】「答え」だけを探さず【如今 也未寻到那回答】君を想い出す时は 笑颜になる【想起你之时 便会笑容轻启】确かな勇気に変わる【将之化作 真实的勇气】谛めない、梦を。」 いつか君とした约束【“追逐梦想 永不言弃” 曾与你定下过这般约定】何処かで君も守ってる【在世间何处 将你守护】変わらないためには 変わる强さが要(い)る【只为此身如一 便需要变化的坚强】君に再会(あう)ため 孤独があるから【为了与你再会 是否还要忍受孤独】Music辉いた未来は 切ない夜を飞び越えて【光辉未来 飞越悲伤夜晚】ふたたび君にたどり着く【再次 到达你之所在】変わらない想いは 胸の鼓动に在(あ)る【不变的思念 正于此心跳动中长存】あの日と违う梦を信じても【即使所坚信的 不过是与那日相异的梦】
2023-07-23 04:40:342


FORTUNE语言,比较老的计算机语言,比尔当年创造的第一代计算机语言.医学模型分析都是一些数值分析程序,很多都是用Fortune等语言来编程的.Fortune语言应用于比较专业的领域,一般接触不到的,也就是说你学了也基本上应用不上,而且学起来是非常困难的!而FORTRAN是英文“FORmula TRANslator”的缩写,译为“公式翻译器”,它是世界上最早出现的计算机高级程序设计语言,广泛应用于科学和工程计算领域。FORTRAN语言以其特有的功能在数值、科学和工程计算领域发挥着重要作用。这两种语言的共同点是都属于比较老的计算机语言。
2023-07-23 04:40:411


不是,只不过长得像而已fortune 运气,财富future 未来
2023-07-23 04:41:021


2023-07-23 04:41:101

请帮忙说下wealth, treasure, fortune三个词的区别

2023-07-23 04:41:171


2023-07-23 04:33:431


The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) serves as the de facto embassy of the United States in Taiwan. The AIT exists because the United States, in maintaining diplomatic relations with the People"s Republic of China and acknowledging its view of the One-China policy, may not officially recognize the Republic of China and hence cannot open an actual embassy there.The Republic of China (Taiwan) is similarly represented in the U.S. by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.AIT was created in 1979 by the Taiwan Relations Act after the U.S. severed ties with Taiwan in 1978. Although it is a nominally private organization, it is authorized to perform functions normally carried on by an embassy, including issuing visas and passports. The staff consists of nominally private citizens, but these are officials of the United States Department of State who are technically on leave, although they continue to collect seniority. Funding for AIT comes exclusively from the United States government.The headquarters of AIT is in Washington, D.C., although it also has an office in Taipei and a branch in Kaohsiung. The Director of the Taipei office serves the functions normally associated with an ambassador. The Director of the Taipei office is Stephen Young (from March 18, 2006), the Managing Director of the Washington, D.C. office is Barbara Schrage, and the Chairman of AIT is Raymond Burghardt.The Taiwan Relations Act is an act of the United States Congress passed in 1979 after the establishment of relations with the People"s Republic of China and the (pro forma) breaking of relations between the United States and the Republic of China on Taiwan by President Jimmy Carter.The act authorizes quasi-diplomatic relations with the ROC government by establishing the American Institute in Taiwan and upholds all international obligations previously made between the ROC and U.S. prior to 1979 (with the exeception of the Mutual Defence Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of China, which was quietly allowed to expire in 1980).The act defines the term "Taiwan" includes, as the context may require, the islands of Taiwan and the Pescadores. Thus, the act does not apply to Kinmen or Matsu.The act stipulates that the United States will "consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States."This act also requires the United States "to provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character", and "to maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan." However, it does not necessarily require the United States to take any military action against the PRC in the event of an attack. The Taiwan Relations Act has been used by successive U.S. administrations to justify arms sales to the ROC, despite adopting a One-China Policy, which is not exactly the same as the PRC"s.The PRC does not recognize the legitimacy of the Taiwan Relations Act as it is viewed by them as "an unwarranted intrusion by the United States into the internal affairs of China." In the late 1990s, the United States Congress passed a resolution stating that relations between Taiwan and the United States will be honored through the TRA first. This resolution, which puts greater weight on the TRA"s value over that of the three communiques, was signed by President Clinton as well. Nonetheless, the United States, despite having "acknowledged" the PRC"s position regarding Taiwan, declared that "the United States would not formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan" as part of the Six Assurances offered to Taipei in 1982.
2023-07-23 04:33:461


2023-07-23 04:33:468

new bra可以翻译为新胸罩吗

new bra是隐形胸罩的意思,一些人穿浅色衣服或者是低胸礼服或者是无肩带上衣的时候 不能露出自己的BRA,这种NEW BRA是两片分开的,本身有粘性,可以直接粘在胸上,固定好 可以多次反复使用 ,但是不建议长期代替BRA,毕竟上面的胶不会对胸部有什么好处...
2023-07-23 04:33:471


蓝调 (英文:Blues,解作“蓝色”或者忧郁,又音译为布鲁斯)是一种基于五声音阶的声乐和乐器音乐,它的另一个特点是其特殊的和声。jay只有新专辑《跨时代》采用蓝调风格的呢。。。
2023-07-23 04:33:492


2023-07-23 04:33:503

银行变更函怎么翻译 中文翻译成英文:汇款错误,需要你们银行出示一份更正函给我

Since there is error in remittance, we need a correction letter issued by your bank.
2023-07-23 04:33:513

英语作文stessful life of college students

The Cause of stress for College StudentsNowadays college students are living under a lot of pressures from many aspects such as academic study, employment or interpersonal relationships. Heavy strain has caused negative effects on college students. Under intensive pressure, college students cannot live and study with a light heart. Even some of them resort to commit suicide to relieve themselves from heavy stress. In order to avoid such tragedies and deal with the sever problem, we have to find out the cause of pressure on college students.The pressure of college students is the result of interaction of internal and external causes. According to survey, we see the stress source of college students is complex and multiple. The most important factors are respectively academic study, employment, finance, interpersonal relations and romantic relation.Academic study is the most important part of campus life. The pressure to perform academically is one of the primary causes of teenage stress, particularly for college students. Coursework can be very demanding and the competition for earning top marks can be very fierce. Students who want to do their best and who are planning to apply for admission to graduate school can be under a great deal of pressure as they struggle to excel in school. The same is true for those who are seeking scholarship funding or who must keep their grades up in order to keep existing scholarship awards.Many college students experience financial stress. This can involve the struggle to find sufficient money to pay for tuition, as well as securing the funds needed to cover the costs of living while attending school. Even those students who are able to qualify for sufficient financial aid to cover immediate college costs have to cope with the financial stress of knowing that they will have to face paying back a large sum of money following graduation. The debt associated with student loans can be a source of stress, even long before finishing school and entering the job market.In addition, employment problems are press sources of great concern for college students. One is that college students have to find out what kind of job fits them and they often feel pressure to make a career decision that can impact their future life. The other is the fact of sever competition in job market.
2023-07-23 04:33:541


2023-07-23 04:33:551


2023-07-23 04:33:391


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 作名词讲的时候有什么区别?我做题的时候感觉这两个之间有不同,但不知道是什么,解释得好的话,追加5分 解析: profession 是名词,指专业,职业。 professional 名词是指专业的人,是人的范畴。 形容词时指,专业的。
2023-07-23 04:33:361


CountDownLatch 是JDK并发包中提供的一个同步工具类。官方文档对这个同步工具的介绍是: 上面的英文介绍大致意思是: CountDownLatch 的主要功能是让一个或者多个线程等待直到一组在其他线程中执行的操作完成。 观看上面的解释可能并不能直观地说明 CountDownLatch 的作用,下面我们通过一个简单的列子看下 CountDownLatch 的使用。 场景:主人(主线程)请客人(子线程)吃晚饭,需要等待所有客人都到了之后才开饭。我们用 CountDownLatch 来模拟下这个场景。 上面的列子中,主人(master线程)请了5个客人吃饭,每个客人到了之后会将 CountDownLatch 的值减一,主人(master)会一直等待所有客人到来,最后输出”开饭“。 CountDownLatch 的使用方式很简单,下面来看下它的实现原理。 首先我们先看下 CountDownLatch 重要的API 下面我们看下具体API的源代码 在构建 CountDownLatch 对象时需要传入一个int型的初始值,这个值就是计数器的初始值。从上面的代码中可以看出,创建 CountDownLatch 是new了一个 Sync 对象。 Sync对象是基于AQS机制实现的,自己实现了 tryAcquireShared 和 tryReleaseShared 方法。 调用 await 方法其实是调用了AQS的 acquireSharedInterruptibly 方法。 在 acquireSharedInterruptibly 中先判断了下当前线程有没有被中断,假如线程已经被中断了,直接抛出中断异常。否则进入 doAcquireSharedInterruptibly 。 doAcquireSharedInterruptibly的处理逻辑是先判断队列中是否只有当前线程,如果只有当前线程的先尝试获取下资源,如果获取资源成功就直接返回了。获取资源不成功就判断下是否要park当前线程,如果需要park当前线程, 那么当前线程就进入waiting状态。否则在for循环中一直执行上面的逻辑。 熟悉AQS机制的会知道上面的代码其实也是调的AQS的 releaseShared 。 releaseShared 的方法会调到 Sync 中的 tryReleaseShared 。 上面的代码逻辑很简单:status的值是0的话就返回true,否则返回false。返回true的话,就会唤醒AQS队列中 所有 阻塞的线程。
2023-07-23 04:33:351


2023-07-23 04:33:322

imagine going to your doctor with

Imagine going to your doctor with frequent headaches.Your doctor takes a prescription pad and writes a word on it.The word isn"t “aspirin”,it"s “Mozart”. The idea isn"t so far-fetched(牵强附会的).Many kinds of music can stir(激发)the imagination and produce strong feeling.Scientists have found Mozart"s music to be remarkable in its ability to calm its listeners. Many amazing cases have been known using Mozart as a healing aid.For example, a tiny newly-born baby named Krissy, who weighed just 1.5 pounds at birth, was on total life support.Doctors thought she had little chance of survival.Her mother insisted on playing Mozart for Krissy, and thought it could save her daughter"s life.Krissy lived, but she was very small for her age and slower than the average child. At the age of four, she showed an interest in music and her parents gave her violin lessons.To their astonishment, Krissy was able to play musical pieces from memory, which was far beyond the ability of an average four-year-old child.Playing music helped her improve in all areas of her life. And there are other stories.Officials in Washington State report that new arrivals from Asia learn English more quickly when they listen to Mozart.Even animals respond to Mozart.In France, cows listening to Mozart give more milk. Why Mozart, rather than Bach or the Beatles﹖ Any kind of music can have an effect on some people.But Mozart has more balance.It isn"t too fast or too slow; it"s just right.Don Campbell, who wrote a book called The Mozart Effect, says, “It"s like food.A hot spicy meal will affect you more differently than a sweet dessert. And while you might love these foods, they aren"t good for you to eat every day.You need simple nutritious(营养的)food on a steady basis.That"s the way Mozart is.It"s like a nutritionally balanced meal that does good to your body.”72.Scientists find Mozart"s music has a special effect on ____.A. stirring people"s imagination B. curing certain illnesses C. increasing the growth of a newlyborn baby D. calming its listeners 73.From the third paragraph, we can conclude that Krissy ___ if she had not listened to Mozart. A. would not have played the violin B. would have died C. would have stayed in hospital longer D. would have stopped growth74.Which of the following statements is TRUE﹖A. Mozart was also a good doctor.B. When she was four, Krissy was a very normal child in all aspects.C. Even cows can enjoy the music of Mozart.D. Music has an effect both on people and on animals.75.The underlined phrase “respond to” in Paragraph 4 means “____”.A. write to B. call on C. resort to D. react to72-75:DBDD
2023-07-23 04:33:321

“节奏布鲁斯”(R&B) 和蓝调的区别和关系?

蓝调(Blues)为爵士、摇滚及福音歌曲(Gospel)的老祖宗,原本只是美国早期黑奴抒发心情时所吟唱的12小节曲式,演唱或演奏时大量蓝调音(Blue Notes)的应用,使得音乐上充满了压抑及不和谐的感觉,这种音乐听起来十分忧郁(Blue)。但就是这麼一股”反骨〃气息,使得它后来在叛逆的摇滚乐中发扬光大。 蓝调以歌曲直接陈述内心想法的表现方式,与当时白人社会的音乐截然不同。 音乐主体以I、IV、V级和弦的方式,以最常使用的12小节方式进行,也有8和16小节形式,而它的音阶是采用降第三音和降第七音以模仿西方音阶。早期的乐手是使用提琴或班乔琴(Banjo)来演奏,还有一些乐手,更以Slide的方式使音符走调,让吉他发出像人声哭泣的声音,藉以抒发自己的情绪,这就是蓝调。 蓝调乐派可分为下列几派: 一、 Delta Blues:密西西比三角洲蓝调 所谓的街头蓝调,这时期的蓝调以空心吉他和口琴为主要乐器。以国内来看,有点像是地下道的老太婆手上拿著胡琴谈著凄凉的曲调,国外就是一个老黑人拿著吉他坐在路边。 Delta Blues 的大师如 Robert Johnson,对於后来蓝调的发展具有相当大的影响力。 二、 Texas Blues:德州蓝调 一般所谓的德州蓝调就是很摇滚的蓝调,如Eric Captain、Bonnie Raitt、T-Bone Walker 等等。 很多早期的Rock Music 都是 Blues 三、 Chicago Blues:芝加哥蓝调 与Delta Blues的草根味,Texas Blues的火爆味比起来Chicago Blues 是属於舞台上的Blues与其他蓝调乐派比较起来,Chicago Blues显得多样化了点,当然这跟芝加哥的音乐非常兴盛有关 而最有名的Chicago Blues的大师为B.B.King,号称蓝调之王。 四、 Country Blues:乡村蓝调 乡村音乐的节奏和蓝调音乐的进行方式,融合成为乡村蓝调。与一般的蓝 调的悲苦比较起来,Country Blues是相当轻快明朗的。 Country Blues的代表有Lightning Hopkins、Cephas and Wigins。 五、 Rythm Blues:节奏蓝调(R&B) 有听过猫王吗?早期的Rock "n Roll跟R&B的不同在於,前者是白人唱的,后者是黑人唱的 所谓的节奏蓝调就是蓝调音乐和流行音乐的节奏结合的成果。 曾经风靡一时的猫王、Lucky Peterson、All 4 one、BoyIIMan都是属於R&B乐风。 六、 Jazz Blues:爵士蓝调 简单来说就是以爵士的方式演奏Blues。其实几乎有一半左右的爵士经典曲目是蓝调,由此就可以知道蓝调对爵士的重要性了。特别是早期的爵士,几乎都是以蓝调为主,直到Bebop后才稍有改变。 蓝调音乐的由来及历史 蓝调形成初期(即十九世纪晚期)主要是工作者,即是在工作时有呼有应的一种音乐,常是即兴的,后来结合了黑人的敬拜赞美内容(灵歌)及很多种生活音乐,而RAGTIME则是结合了欧洲钢琴,切分音(重拍不同於欧洲音乐的强-弱-次强-弱,而是:弱-强-弱-强)与非洲的节奏。 在美国刚成立之初,有非洲大陆运来了许多黑奴,这些来自非洲大陆的黑奴,有的是被骗,有的是被强行攎走到美国大陆当奴隶,替当地的白人工作,而这些黑人每天都要伐木开垦、修筑铁路隧道......等一些粗活,而且美国刚成立的时后,南方产业的经济来源棉花田,需要大量的人力来开发,所以,大部份的男人也就被放到棉花田里,每天拿著锄头,挥著汗水,晒太阳,辛苦的工作,而且还要遭受到到主子的鞭打、辱骂,更遗憾的是,这些每天辛苦工作的黑人,在社会上毫无地位,更不用说什麼自由,人权,加上又没有受教育,社会的不公平待遇,所以,也就过得很辛苦,但是日子还是得过,於是他们只好把这些不满、不愉快的心情,转移到歌声中。 在田里一边工作,一边哼唱,这种在工作时边哼边唱的歌曲,就叫做『做工歌』。 做工歌由於它是在做工时所哼唱的,所以当然不会太复杂、太花俏,是比较简单,通常采应答轮唱的方式leader-and-chorus或call-and-response,这种形式是由一个人先唱一段歌词,所有人以合唱的形式相呼应,这就叫做『做工歌』。 还有一种叫『田间号子』,它和做工歌不一样的是,它不是一组人唱,它是一个人干活,然后随口唱出一、二段颤抖的旋律,常用假音,来与附近一同工作的伙伴进行呼应,由於他们通常是使用非洲语言,这样不仅能让伙伴明白,更不用怕白人能听懂。 工作完了,总是会疲惫、抱怨,这时大家会聚在一起,暔暔怨声连接起来像是唱歌的音乐,就叫做『劳骚歌』。 最后还有一种叫做『黑人福音音乐』,由於黑人在当时的社会上并没有什麼地位、自由,又要做工,有时又要被主子打,所以心中总是会不平衡,这麼辛苦的工作,又得不到很好的待遇,於是他们只好将他们的希望寄托在信仰上,不管他们信仰的是什麼宗教,只要能在信仰中得到心灵的安慰,就已足够了,他们从圣经上的内容,自编自唱,就叫做『黑人福音音乐』。 蓝调音乐与爵士乐之比较 简单说,Jazz 是从Blues演变来的音乐中的一支,还有另一支叫做Rock "n Roll。早期美国黑人的音乐内容,多从非洲而来,由於黑奴来自各个不同的国家,所以黑人音乐在美国也进行了一次大交流。那种混血音乐最著名的叫蓝调(BLUES)以及散拍音乐(RAGTIME)。 介绍:Beyonce , Denstiny"s Child, Alicia.Keys 都是蓝调高手哦R&B的全名是 Rhythm & Blues,一般译作“节奏怨曲”或“节奏布鲁斯”。 广义上, R&B可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源於黑人的 Blues音乐,是现今西行流行乐和摇滚乐的基础, Billboard杂志曾介定 R&B为,所有黑人音乐除了 Jazz和 Blues之外,都可列作 R&B,可见 R&B的范围是多么的广泛。 近年黑人音乐圈大为盛行的 Hip Hop和 Rap都源於 R&B,并且同时保存着不少 R&B成分。
2023-07-23 04:33:311


Women make better parents than menThe view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true throughout history. This is not to say that men are not of importance in child-rearing; indeed, they are most necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women have proven themselves superior parents as a result of their conditioning, their less agressive nature and their generally better communication skills.From the time they are little girls, females learn abour nurturing. First with dolls and later perhas with younger brothers and sisters, girls are given the role of caring. Girls see their mothers in the same roles and so it is natual that they identify this as a female activity. Boys, in contrast, learn competitive role far romoved from what it means to nature. While boys may dream of adventures, girls" conditioning means they tend to see the future in term of raising families.Girls also appear to be less agressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men, not women, who prove to be the agressors in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising children, a more patient, gentle manner is preferable to a more agressive one. Although there certainly exist gentle men and agressive women, by and large, females are less likely to resort to violence in attempting to solve problems.Finally, women tend to be better communicators than men. This is shown in intelligence tests, where females, on average, do better in verbal communication than males. Of course, communication is of utmost importance in rearing children, as children tend to learn from and adopt the communication styles of their parents.Thus, while it is all very well to suggest a greater role for men in raising children, let us not forget that women are generally better suited to the parenting role.
2023-07-23 04:33:251

new bra是什么

  new bra,一般通俗称呼为隐形胸罩。是由两片硅胶片及前扣组成—不需肩带及扣背。隐形胸罩是引用硅胶的天然黏性紧紧依付在您的胸口,再扣起前扣形成集中。2004年风靡欧、美、日、韩的最新科技产品,其特点是毫无拘束、柔软舒适、自然、无肩带和背扣,而且有别于传统文胸、隐型文胸。走路时有自然的动感,穿戴时根据调整粘贴方法,可随心所欲地“加强”乳沟效果。  材质  new bra罩杯可以分为两层,内层是接近皮肤的一层,是带有粘性的,粘性的好坏,直接和内层使用的胶水相关。而外层都是没有粘性的,这里说的材质指的就是罩杯外层的材质。new bra的材质总分为两大类:硅胶和布料。  一.硅胶材质的new bra,质感与皮肤很接近。  优点:  a.服帖性好,所以戴上去之后胸部和隐形文胸之间基本上密封的,不会留有空气,也正因为如此,硅胶隐形文胸是可以戴去游泳的。  b.丰胸效果好,硅胶的隐形文胸一般来说都比较厚,至少来说,即使最薄的硅胶隐形文胸也比布料的要厚,所以戴上去之后,自然要丰满一些。  c.因为材质和皮肤很接近的原因,触摸手感很真实。  缺点:  a.重。硅胶隐形文胸一般的重量在100g左右,有些可以重达400g以上,以前使用了这类材质的JMS穿戴后普遍觉得胸部承压较大。  b.不透气。硅胶材质的隐形文胸,因自身材质的原因,从2003年至今,在设计方面有也没有突破性的改进(比如透气孔之类的),所以透气性都不好。  二.布料材质的new bra。  优点:  a.轻,重量一般在15g到30g左右,JMS穿上去后几乎是感觉不出重量的。  b.款式多,在不同面料,不同颜色的基础上还有更个性化的设计,比如印花,绣花,那可谓是五花八门了。  c.易加工,可以附加很多其他设计,比如手托,透气孔设计,也是因为这些设计,布料隐形文胸的的性能更完善。  缺点:  a.服帖性,由于很多布料有一定的硬度,不能象硅胶的那么柔软,佩带者若胸形和文胸的设计不是很吻合就可能出现文胸穿上四周有空或者中间有空的情况,所以挑选要特别小心。
2023-07-23 04:33:251