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2023-07-23 08:48:40





fortune是中国的品牌,名字是福临门。品牌简介:福临门品牌是中粮集团有限公司的粮油旗舰品牌。经营范围很多包括食用油、大米、面粉、调味品等等。中粮米业的目标始终是为消费者提供好产品,为客户和合作伙伴创造长期卓越价值,引领和推动国内大米行业健康良性发展。他们践行了使命,履行了社会责任。品牌名称含义:福临门代表着品质安全,幸福临门。而英文fortune 含义为n. 财富, 运气, 兴隆, 大量财产, 好运, 命运。也寓意着品牌能有一个好的运气,兴隆昌盛。在进行英汉翻译时,我们不可避免的会遇到有特殊含义的英文。譬如品牌名字,公司名字,商标名称等等。在遇到这些单词时,我们不可以随意翻译,一定要查阅资料来避免发生错误。
2023-07-23 04:32:181


发财:make a fortun
2023-07-23 04:33:023

fortune 作财富 可数还是不可数吗 或者都可以

不可数,因为财富是不可数的,在例句中也表明了这一点:He came into a large number of fortune when his rich uncle died. 其中a large number of 既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,而句中fortune作财富被a large number of 修饰时,并无复数形式,故可推断fortune 作财富是不可数的
2023-07-23 04:33:401


2023-07-23 04:33:491

fortune的英式读音 要音标 谢谢

2023-07-23 04:33:592


2023-07-23 04:34:101


2023-07-23 04:34:231

fortune 中文相近译音

2023-07-23 04:34:5015


2023-07-23 04:35:141


fortune的否定前缀是mis。misfortune的意思是不幸。例句:He had the misfortune to break his left arm.翻译:他不幸把左胳臂折断了。短语:bring misfortune 蒙受灾难近义词reverse 英 [ru026a"vu025cu02d0s]  美 [ru026a"vu025cu02d0rs]    v. 逆转,倒退,互换,改变adj. 相反的,反面的,颠倒的n. 相反,背面,失败,倒档例句:The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.翻译:政府未能扭转经济滑坡的趋势。短语:reverse automatically 自动地改变
2023-07-23 04:35:211


2023-07-23 04:36:163


fortune形容词:fortunate。fortunate搭配词:person / place / coincidence / event。例句:1、Central London is fortunate in having so many large parks and open spaces.伦敦市中心有幸拥有许多大型公园和大片空地。2、Cameroon were fortunate not to concede a penalty.喀麦隆队非常幸运没有被判罚点球。
2023-07-23 04:36:241


fortune的动词:fortune 形容词:fortunate 副词:fortunately
2023-07-23 04:36:321


分类: 外语/出国 解析: fate 命运,天数,注定 fortune 运气好运 destiny 命运, fate 一般是指不好运的 fortune 一定是好运气
2023-07-23 04:36:411

wealth 和fortune的区别

wealth 和fortune的区别前者是财富,后者是幸运, 词义不同.wealthn. 财产,财富; 富豪(阶级); 丰富,大量; 繁荣;fortunen. 幸运; (某人的) 命运; 富有; [常作复数] (人生事件中的) 时运;vt. 给予财富;vi. 偶然发生;
2023-07-23 04:37:021


fortune音标 [ˈfɔːtʃən] ,tu发tʃə
2023-07-23 04:37:091

riches 和 fortune 的区别

riches [pl. ] 财富, 财宝; 丰富 an abundance of material possessions and resources物质上拥有的一种丰富程度而fortune 主要指命运, 运气, 幸运,富
2023-07-23 04:37:204


当“财富”讲时没有区别。但fortune更多的意思是“运气”:He has a great fortune in gambling.wealth除了本意“财富”就只有“一大堆”这一个意思:a wealth of experience
2023-07-23 04:37:271


你好,fortune前面应该加介词by。by fortune意为靠运气。fortune 英 [ˈfɔːtʃuːn] 美 [ˈfɔːrtʃən] n. (尤指影响人生的)机会,运气;大笔的钱;巨款;(个人、家庭、国家等的)发展变化的趋势,命运,际遇 vi. 给予财富偶然发生eg.He is certainly being smiled on by fortune. 例句:现在他一定是得到了命运的垂青。望采纳。
2023-07-23 04:37:362


《Fortune》(Annabel Joseph)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 5dxf书名:Fortune作者:Annabel Joseph出版社:Ellora"s Cave Romantica出版年份:2010-10页数:131
2023-07-23 04:37:561

fortune 的形容词,副词怎么写?

2023-07-23 04:38:331


妹妹啊,其实在这种情况下啊,中文是很不可信的,所以查牛津高阶的词典是最有效的方法在其中fortune名词词条下的解释是:for61tune /ftun; NAmE frt/ noun 1. [U] chance or luck, especially in the way it affects people"s lives: I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors. By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately. Fortune smiled on me (= I had good luck). note at luck2. [C] a large amount of money: He made a fortune in real estate. She inherited a share of the family fortune. A car like that costs a small fortune. You don"t have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals. She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune. That ring must be worth a fortune.3. [C, usually pl., U] the good and bad things that happen to a person, family, country, etc.: the changing fortunes of the film industry the fortunes of war a reversal of fortune(s)4. [C] a person"s fate or future: She can tell your fortune by looking at the lines on your hand. see hostage, seek—see also soldier of fortune这样,根据意思的话,try one"s fortune中的fortune只可能是1和4的解释看1啊,【不可数】指运气或机会,尤指影响人们生活的方式,意思呢约等于LUCK,按我理解有种泛指的意思。4 【可数】指个人的运气、命运或前途,(你可能要讲,用FATE不是命运的意思么,其实它也有运气的意思,这个用法不比用作命运少,牛津双解里还有destiny这个解释,可能改版的时候觉得和fate的意思重复,删了,destiny也是命运和运气的意思)try one"s fortune它在英语中不是个原始的固定搭配,是后来的一个搭配形式,在这个句子中有特指的意思吧,我觉着释义4就是特指,所以它就是可数了。不过还有个句子They are going to try their fortune once more.他们想再碰一次运气,这里就不可数,这个用的就是1的释义吧。O(∩_∩)O~当然这是我个人之见啊,你琢磨看看哦
2023-07-23 04:38:421


2023-07-23 04:39:012


fortune 是幸运,misfortune是不幸,mis是前缀,表情否定的意思
2023-07-23 04:39:451


问题一:命运的英文怎么写? 5分 destiny 问题二:命运用英语怎么写 fate - 引用次数:880 Different cultural choice decided that they would have different fate. 不同的文化选择,决定了不同的命运。 参考来源 - 鲁迅和周作人个性心理及文化比较 destiny - 引用次数:694 System background aggravate literature their destiny tragic. 体制化背景加剧了其文学命运的悲剧性。 参考来源 - 文学体制化与作家创作转型 fortune - 引用次数:38 The land reform gave brought farmer land, which caused them place their fortune on their worship target. 土改使农民得到了土地,也使他们真诚地将自己的命运寄托于崇拜对象身上。 命运 [mìng yùn] destiny; fate; lot; fortune: a tragic lot; 悲惨的命运 the future course of history; 历史命运 be concerned about the destiny of the state; 关心国家的命运 grasp one"s destiny in one"s own hands; 掌握自己的命运 He does not believe in fate. 他不相信命运。 短语: 命运剧 fate drama; 命运女神 The (three) Fates 问题三:命运用英语怎么说啊? 例句 A stroke of fortune or fate; lot. 运气;命运 One"s fortune in life; fate. 命运,运气某人一生的运气;命运 Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one. 命运命运,尤指厄运或劫数 The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one"s lot. 命运一个特定的人或事注定的不可避免的运气;命运 The turns of luck in the course of one"s life. 时运,命运人一生中运气的转变 满意请采纳 问题四:命运用英语怎么说 你好, 命运: fortune, fate, destiny 希望采纳 问题五:命运的英文是什么了 fate [feit] n. 命运, 死亡, 毁灭 destiny [destini] n. 命运; 天命; 天数 问题六:不向命运低头的英语该怎么写? 不向命运低头 never give in to fate 问题七:悲剧的命运 英文怎么写 多种说法,都可以,比如: tragic destiny tragic fa哗l tragic fate 问题八:命运的英文怎么写? 5分 destiny 问题九:命运用英语怎么写 fate - 引用次数:880 Different cultural choice decided that they would have different fate. 不同的文化选择,决定了不同的命运。 参考来源 - 鲁迅和周作人个性心理及文化比较 destiny - 引用次数:694 System background aggravate literature their destiny tragic. 体制化背景加剧了其文学命运的悲剧性。 参考来源 - 文学体制化与作家创作转型 fortune - 引用次数:38 The land reform gave brought farmer land, which caused them place their fortune on their worship target. 土改使农民得到了土地,也使他们真诚地将自己的命运寄托于崇拜对象身上。 命运 [mìng yùn] destiny; fate; lot; fortune: a tragic lot; 悲惨的命运 the future course of history; 历史命运 be concerned about the destiny of the state; 关心国家的命运 grasp one"s destiny in one"s own hands; 掌握自己的命运 He does not believe in fate. 他不相信命运。 短语: 命运剧 fate drama; 命运女神 The (three) Fates 问题十:命运用英语怎么说啊? 例句 A stroke of fortune or fate; lot. 运气;命运 One"s fortune in life; fate. 命运,运气某人一生的运气;命运 Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one. 命运命运,尤指厄运或劫数 The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one"s lot. 命运一个特定的人或事注定的不可避免的运气;命运 The turns of luck in the course of one"s life. 时运,命运人一生中运气的转变 满意请采纳
2023-07-23 04:39:511


2023-07-23 04:40:011


make a fortune固定搭配赚钱a把fortune加了个定语而已
2023-07-23 04:40:102


2023-07-23 04:40:197


辉いた未来は 切ない夜を飞び越えて【光辉未来 飞越悲伤夜晚】あの日と同じ明日へ続いてく【与那日相同的明天 也将延续不息】様相(カタチ)変えた心 この空と似ている【形状变幻的这颗心 与天空如此相似】愿いかけた星を隠し 几つもの光なくした【隐藏祈愿之星 失却无数光芒】运命は突然 彷徨い崩れてく【命运在彷徨中 突然崩溃】眠れない夜に怯えた …梦でも君に逢えず【无眠之夜 更加怯惧 即使梦中 也与你失之交臂】ズット、変ワラナイデネ…どんな时も【无论何时 也请如一而终】ふたつの明日があっても【即使会为似是而非的明日 所迷惑】辉いた未来は 切ない夜を飞び越えて【光辉未来 飞越悲伤夜晚】ふたたび君にたどり着く【再次 到达你之所在】変わらない想いは 胸の鼓动に在(あ)る【不变的思念 正于此心跳动中长存】あの日と违う梦を信じても【即使所坚信的 不过是与那日相异的梦】许し合えた心 譲れなかった梦【互相迁就的心 不愿让却的梦】その间(はざま)で优しささえ见失い伤つけ合った【在那狭间中 失却温柔 伤痛更剧】偶然がいつでも 运命を筑くなら【偶然往往构筑出弄人的命运】受け止める 现実(いま)も别れも…【请理解我 无论现在 还是离别之时】「答え」だけを探さず【如今 也未寻到那回答】君を想い出す时は 笑颜になる【想起你之时 便会笑容轻启】确かな勇気に変わる【将之化作 真实的勇气】谛めない、梦を。」 いつか君とした约束【“追逐梦想 永不言弃” 曾与你定下过这般约定】何処かで君も守ってる【在世间何处 将你守护】変わらないためには 変わる强さが要(い)る【只为此身如一 便需要变化的坚强】君に再会(あう)ため 孤独があるから【为了与你再会 是否还要忍受孤独】Music辉いた未来は 切ない夜を飞び越えて【光辉未来 飞越悲伤夜晚】ふたたび君にたどり着く【再次 到达你之所在】変わらない想いは 胸の鼓动に在(あ)る【不变的思念 正于此心跳动中长存】あの日と违う梦を信じても【即使所坚信的 不过是与那日相异的梦】
2023-07-23 04:40:342


FORTUNE语言,比较老的计算机语言,比尔当年创造的第一代计算机语言.医学模型分析都是一些数值分析程序,很多都是用Fortune等语言来编程的.Fortune语言应用于比较专业的领域,一般接触不到的,也就是说你学了也基本上应用不上,而且学起来是非常困难的!而FORTRAN是英文“FORmula TRANslator”的缩写,译为“公式翻译器”,它是世界上最早出现的计算机高级程序设计语言,广泛应用于科学和工程计算领域。FORTRAN语言以其特有的功能在数值、科学和工程计算领域发挥着重要作用。这两种语言的共同点是都属于比较老的计算机语言。
2023-07-23 04:40:411


不是,只不过长得像而已fortune 运气,财富future 未来
2023-07-23 04:41:021


2023-07-23 04:41:101

请帮忙说下wealth, treasure, fortune三个词的区别

2023-07-23 04:41:171


2023-07-23 04:35:561


blue adj. 蓝色的,青色的 (人的脸色)发灰的; (动物的毛皮)青灰色的 沮丧的; 忧郁的 穿蓝色服装的; 以蓝色为标志的 (女人)有学问的 清教徒的,禁律严的 下流的,淫猥的 [Blue ](美国南北战争时)北军的 极度的,完全的,十足的 His face was blue with cold. 他的脸冻得发紫. She looks blue. 她看上去情绪低落. 习惯用语 baby blue 淡蓝色 be in the blues 情绪低落; 无精打采; 郁郁不乐 fall in the blues 情绪低落; 无精打采; 郁郁不乐 By all that"s blue![口]凭上天发誓!肯定没错! cry the blues 没精打采 drink till all"s blue 大醉,烂醉 feel blue 感到无精打采 give sb.the blues 使某人情绪低落 have the blues 郁郁不乐 get the blues 郁郁不乐 in the blue 在碧蓝的天空[海洋]里 into the blue 至远处; 不见,消失得无影无踪 look blue 神色沮丧; 脸色发青 men in blue 警察; 水手; 消防队员; [美]【史】美国北方军[联邦军]战士 out of the blue 完全出于意外 Oxford blue 深蓝色 牛津大学代表队的深蓝色服装 dark blue 深蓝色 牛津大学代表队的深蓝色服装 sing the blues [美]唱布鲁士歌 [美俚]垂头丧气,闷闷不乐 the Blue and the Gray 美国南北战争时的北军与南军 till all"s blue 直到头昏眼花(指喝酒过度) 到极点 true blue 忠实可靠的人; 忠心耿耿 (政党)忠实成员 True blue will never stain.[谚]正直的人决不会做坏事; 纯洁的品德不会被玷污(屠夫为防衣服被血染而常戴蓝色围裙,因此产生此语). win one"s blue.(牛津、剑桥等校学生)被选拔为校队选手. get one"s blue.(牛津、剑桥等校学生)被选拔为校队选手. blue adj. 蓝色的 a blue dress 蓝色衣服 Your hands are blue with cold. 你的两只手冻得发青了. Your lips seem to become blue with cold. 你的嘴唇好象冻得发紫了. 沮丧的;忧郁的 I"m feeling rather blue today. 我今天觉得很沮丧. The teacher seems to be feeling rather blue today. 今天老师的情绪好象不大好. He looks blue. 他看上去情绪低落. Things are looking bluer than ever for their firm. 对他们公司说来,情况好象越来越糟了. 词性变化 n. 蓝色 蓝色衣服 dressed in blue 穿着蓝色衣服 习惯用语 shout blue murder 大声诉苦 till one is blue in the face 永远不会成功 You can telephone her till you"re blue in the face but she"ll never come. 你可以继续不断地打电话给她,但是她决不会来的. blue n. 蓝色 adj. 蓝色的,忧郁的,沮丧的
2023-07-23 04:35:571


2023-07-23 04:35:583

荧光笔 英文怎么说

nite writer pen
2023-07-23 04:36:037


2023-07-23 04:36:052


这道题,形成对比的是前面的 villager 和后面的city people.所以这两个词用的是同样的格式,people是复数,villager 必然也要用复数. 这里面life表示生活,是不可数名词,这句话的意思是,农村人的生活和城里人的生活是不一样的.
2023-07-23 04:36:061


2023-07-23 04:36:102

英语 一、从括号中选择适当的词并用其适当形式填空 (villager, work, swim, make, write, we)

1.swim 2.writing 4.our 5.villagers
2023-07-23 04:36:133

英语作文What to Do When Your Parents are Disappointed with You

According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English,frustration,by definition,means the feeling of being upset or annoyed,especially because of inability to change or achieve something.Since frustration seems to be a negative feeling,some people may be tempted to think that frustration is bad for people.They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mental problems.People suffering from such psychological problems often resort to violence or suicide,which poses a big threat to the people around them and thus causes instability to the whole society.
2023-07-23 04:36:153


occupational通常指“职业的”,即跟职业有关的,而professional更多用来指“专业的”,专门的人才,精通某一领域或者行业,举个例子For professional footballers, injuries are an occupational hazard.对于职业(专业)足球运动员来说,受伤是职业本身带来的危险。Skin disorders are common occupational diseases among factory workers. 皮肤病是工人中常见的职业病。She is a real professional. 她是个真正的专家。professional conduct; professional ethics; a thoroughly professional performance.专业指导;职业道德;十分专业的表现。
2023-07-23 04:35:523


中国矿业大学(北京)是在原北京矿业学院基础上发展起来的一所研究型大学,是一所具有矿业特色,以工科为主,理、工、文、管相结合的全国重点大学,是列入国家 “211工程”、“985工程”“优势学科创新平台”重点建设高校之一,是北京高科大学联盟的重要成员,全国首批产业技术创新战略联盟高校,也是全国首批具有博士和硕士授予权的高校之一。早在50年代初,我校就开始了培养研究生的工作,至“文革”前,陆续毕业了137名研究生。1978年,经国务院批准恢复在北京招收研究生。2000年6月,教育部批准我校试办研究生院。2003年5月,由于成绩显著,教育部批准中国矿业大学正式建立研究生院。目前在校研究生4442人,其中博士研究生1085人,硕士研究生3357人。
2023-07-23 04:35:501


2023-07-23 04:35:501


R&B起源美国。节奏布鲁斯(英语:Rhythm and Blues,简称:R&B或RnB,台湾、港澳、马新作节奏蓝调 ),又称节奏怨曲。是一种首先非裔美国人艺术家所演奏,并融合了爵士乐、福音音乐和布鲁斯音乐的音乐形式。这个音乐术语由是美国告示牌(Billboard)于1940年代末所提出。这个术语最初在1947年的美国被公告牌杂志的Jerry Wexler创造为一个音乐的市场营销术语,取代了种族音乐(英语:Race Music,又译黑人音乐;最初来源于黑人社群,但是被战后的社会认为是会令人很不愉快的词语)而Billboard在1949年将其分类为Harlem 畅销排行榜。这个词最初被用于定义包含了12种布鲁斯格式和一种带有节拍背景爵士乐的摇滚音乐,后来这种音乐转变成了一种摇滚乐的基本元素。
2023-07-23 04:35:482

求英语作文 how to study

2023-07-23 04:35:462


2023-07-23 04:35:391

慕那美荧光笔Highlighter 601 和Highlighter 604哪一个更好用?

我个人觉得Highlighter 604更好用,因为我用荧光笔一般都是做重点标记,很少做其他用途。其实这两款荧光笔的质量都很好,Highlighter 601 和Highlighter 604在颜色和质量上其实区别都不大,只是在笔的造型和笔头的粗细上面有差别。Highlighter 601的笔杆是细长的,而Highlighter 604的笔杆更粗,更短,笔头也更宽。我喜欢Highlighter 604就是因为它的笔头宽,标记比较好用,并且它短短的很好随身携带。
2023-07-23 04:35:381

题目为how to study and relax的英语作文

Knowing how to relax is vital for ensuring your health and well-being, as well as restoring the passion and joy in your life. Allowing stress to affect you can lead to depression, illness, weight gain and a general sense of malcontent. Follow along after the jump to learn how to get your anxiety under control and relax.1Practice breathing techniques. Slow down your breathing and actively concentrate on it. This is always the easiest way to self-calm, provided you remember to resort to it.Do belly breathing: where you put your hands on you stomach and when you breath in: you try to push away your hands, and when you breath out you make your hands go towards youBreathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.Inhale deeply as you count to five, hold your breath for five seconds, then exhale slowly, counting to five. Do this ten times to relax your muscles and nerves. As you breathe out, visualize the stress and tension leaving your body through your breath.2Make healthy dietary choices. Eating well can help your body feel balanced and healthy, making you less susceptible to spikes in blood sugar and feelings of anxiety. Try to practice moderation in these areas:Avoid the excessive refined sugar found in granola bars, pastries or sodas. Carbohydrates, such as pasta, convert easily to sugar. These can cause severe ups and downs in your blood sugar and lead to agitation, upsetting your body"s ability to efficiently utilize energy.Avoid excessive caffeine. Too much caffeine can make you jumpy and irritable. Try not to drink caffeine after 1 or 2 in the afternoon, and keep your morning intake moderate and steady across every day. If you must have more coffee than you should, switch to decaf or an herbal tea with little or no caffeine.Get a cup of water. Drinking a cup of water at once brings a fresh energy to your body and give a chance to your brain to take a small break in thinking, thus allows you to find a new view on current stressful situation. Works especially if you suffer a headache or did not drink for a long time.Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are free of refined sugar, such as apples, grapes, carrots, broccoli, brown rice or whole grain breads.Eat plenty of low-calorie protein, such as chicken, fish, whole grains, legumes, dark leafy vegetables or low-fat dairy. These proteins are a better source of energy.Take a multivitamin. Some vitamins relieve stress. Vitamin B and Vitamin D are especially good for relaxation.3Exercise every day. This is the best-known, scientifically-proven way to significantly reduce stress. You"ll be amazed at how much easier it is to overcome stress if you exercise regularly. Here are some ideas to try:Aim for at least thirty minutes per day of moderate activity.Walk in the park, in the woods, or on a treadmill.Take the stairs instead of the elevator.Park a little further away from the entrance of a store.Ride a bike.Go swimming. Try your local pool, a nearby lake or a friend or relative"s home. You do not have to be an excellent swimmer; just the idea of being in water could be relaxing enough.Stretch. Lower your shoulders to help relax. Be more consciously aware of the tension that is quick to accumulate in your shoulders and neck region.4Try a massage. Go to your local spa for a great massage. Undoing the body knots is a good pathway to undoing the mind knots.Part 3 of 4: Relaxing Your Mind1Practice positive thinking. Positive thinking isn"t about wishful or dreamer thinking; it"s about making the most of the situations that you find yourself in and avoiding any tendency to add negative overlays.Use visualization techniques. While you might not feel calm and relaxed, imagining a calm and relaxed scene in your mind can do wonders to improve your outlook. Picture beaches, lying down resting, going for a hike, etc., to help you stay relaxed.Use affirmations to change your outlook on life and stop yourself from always jumping to negative conclusions. Affirmations are short, powerful statements that build you up and increase your confidence, helping you to expect positive outcomes.[4] Be careful about the words you choose – the things you say about yourself over and over again will ensure that you believe your own rhetoric. Use positive, believable, and caring words about yourself.Teach yourself to step back and see the "big picture" when you"re in the thick of things that don"t seem to be going well. Recognize that most problems are temporary, and minor setbacks on the path to achieving larger goals.2Think logically, and restrain your emotions. If you learn to think more sequentially and logically when you"re stressed, you might find that solutions become more apparent.Turn an objective eye on your stressors. Take a realistic look at what"s freaking you out, and consider how you"d advise a friend in a similar position. Then, follow your own advice.Change your ways. If the problem is something you"re doing, then change the way you act or react. Stop and listen to those around you to figure out and correct what it is you might be misunderstanding or doing wrong.3Find a quiet place when you are feeling overwhelmed and pamper yourself.Draw a warm bath. Light candles around the tub, dim the lights, add bubbles or lavender, if desired.Lie on your bed or sofa. Play some soft music or nature CDs. Relax listening to ocean waves, waterfalls or birds.Read a good book. Curl up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of chamomile tea.Imagine a personal paradise. Close your eyes and envision a different setting. What do you see around you? Is there a breeze? What do you hear - birds or water? Imagine the calming sound of ocean waves reaching the shore. Enjoy a moment in your special place.Even the stall of a bathroom at work is an ideal "quiet spot" for a breather if you have no other place to go.4Stop feeling guilty. Guilt is a potent source of stress. Get rid of the source of guilt by behaving yourself; stop engaging in behaviors that make you feel guilty. Seek professional help, if necessary, but don"t allow destructive behavior to escalate and sabotage your life and health.5Learn to prioritize. Make a list of tasks for the day. Organize the list by importance, and be proactive and take care of things before they become a big problem. Time spent more productively means more free time to relax.Work! Although this may sound counteractive to your goal of relaxing, procrastination never feels as good as having nothing to do. Get your tasks done now, and then you can truly relax.6Practice meditation. Remove all thoughts and emotions from your mind by concentrating on your breathing. Meditation takes you into focusing on your whole being as a form of relaxation, rather than just focusing on one area of your body as any other relaxation technique tends to do. It can take a while to master, but it is well worth the effort.Begin with a sitting posture for a minimum of 15 minutes per session, and build up to 45–60 minutes per session.[5]Try to meditate regularly.Find a respected mentor if you are having difficulty learning meditation by yourself.Avoid being intense, competitive, or frustrated about meditating – all of these emotions defeat its purpose!
2023-07-23 04:35:373