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“收到”的英语是Roger that 还是Copy that

2023-07-23 22:11:31

Roger that

网络 收到; 明白; 收到了;

和copy that一个意思,cf里面应该是Roger that



[词典] receive; get; obtain;


I have received your letter.


roger that



receive 瑞斯物
2023-07-23 19:28:033


roger that
2023-07-23 19:28:148


receive的意思是:收到。读音:英[ru026au02c8siu02d0v],美[ru026au02c8siu02d0v]释义:vt. 收到;接待;接纳vi. 接收例句:He received praise from teachers and parents for his excellent grade.他因成绩优异而受到老师和家长的表扬。变形:过去式received,过去分词received,现在分词receiving,第三人称单数receives短语:Receive miss 接球失误receive sunrise 迎来日出receive date 接收日期词义辨析accept,receive,admit,take这些动词均有“接受、接纳”之意。accept强调主动地或自愿地接受,或者说,经过考虑后同意接受。receive着重仅仅接到或收到这一结论或事实,而不含采取主动或积极行动的意思。admit作“接受”讲时,强调准许或批准。take与receive同意,是receive的日常用法,侧重不带主观意愿地收下或接受。
2023-07-23 19:28:411


2023-07-23 19:28:584

received怎么读 英语received怎么读

1、received英[ru026au02c8siu02d0vd]美[ru026au02c8siu02d0vd],adj.被承认的; 被一致认可的;v.拿到; 接到; 收到; 体验; 受到(某种待遇或伤害); 对…作出反应;receive的过去分词和过去式。 2、[例句]Its possible he has not received the letter.可能他还没有收到那封信。
2023-07-23 19:29:061


receive英 [rɪ"siːv] 美 [rɪ"siv] vt. 收到;接待;接纳vi. 接收
2023-07-23 19:29:131


2023-07-23 19:30:106


2023-07-23 19:30:4510


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2023-07-23 19:32:047


鸥 窝,这个个答案不粗吧,就是收到的意思,
2023-07-23 19:32:5012


词典welcome:欢迎;乐于接受。词典greet:打招呼;欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意;(景象,声音等)映入眼帘。词典favourably [well] receive词典aloha:夏威夷人问候语,欢迎,再见。词典ave interj:欢迎,再见。welcome 英[u02c8welku0259m] 美[u02c8wu025blku0259m]
2023-07-23 19:33:301


your email is received, thank you for your information
2023-07-23 19:33:403


2023-07-23 19:34:112


ying 一声
2023-07-23 19:34:394


praises的读法为【u02c8preu026azu026az】。praises为praise的第三人称单数,praises释义:vt.赞美,称赞;vi.赞美;n.赞美,赞扬,称赞,表扬,赞许,赞誉,赞颂。praise短语搭配:praise poems对诗歌赞赏、praise the book"s boldness赞扬了该书中的胆识、praise the meal称赞这顿饭、praise the work称赞该作品、praise for sb"s diligence由于某人的勤劳而加以表扬、praise for sb"s honesty由于某人诚实而赞扬、praise in song歌颂。praise sb to his face当面表扬某人、deserve praise值得赞扬、earn praise得到赞扬、express praise加以称赞、faint praise敷衍地表扬几句、give praise表扬、receive praise接受赞美、sing praise高度赞扬、win praise赢得赞扬、great praise大为赞扬。high praise高度赞扬、public praise公众的称赞、strong praise高度赞扬,大为赞扬、widespread praise普遍的赞扬、wild praise任意的赞扬,不切实际的赞扬,狂热的颂扬、above praise赞美不尽的。beyond all praise夸不胜夸、in praise of赞美,称赞、a hymn of praise赞美诗、with high praise受到高度赞扬、praise for因...而赞扬等。praise造句:1、He deserves all the praise and worship.他值得我们一切的赞美和崇拜。2、He received praise from his colleagues for winning the prize.他因获得该奖而受到同事们的称赞。3、Mankind and womankind both like praise.男人与女人都喜欢被赞美。4、His heroism was beyond all praise.他的英勇行为使人赞美不尽。5、We cannot praise him too much.我们无论怎样称赞他也不算过分。6、I don"t mean to praise myself,I have my fault.我并不是要表扬自己,我也有我的过错。7、There is no need for me to praise it,it speaks for itself.用不着我来夸它,这事明摆着就是好。8、Frugality of praise is not one of his weaknesses.不轻易赞扬别人并非是他的弱点之一。9、Your praise and sympathy have upheld me greatly.你的称赞和同情给我很大的鼓励。10、He referred to your work in terms of high praise.他对你的工作大加赞扬。11、My quick action earned me his praise.我的行动敏捷受到他的赞扬。12、His anxiety for knowledge deserves our praise.他对于知识的渴望,值得我们赞扬。
2023-07-23 19:35:041


2023-07-23 19:36:071


receive 英[ru026a"si:v] 美[ru026au02c8siv] vt.& vi.收到;接到;接纳;接待 vt.接收;受理;欢迎;承受 vi.接到,获得;接见,欢迎;[电子学] 接收;[橄榄球] 接球 [例句]How may I receive him? 我是怎么接受他的?
2023-07-23 19:37:101

receive的读音和解释 receive怎么读

1、receive的读音:英[ru026au02c8siu02d0v],美[ru026au02c8siu02d0v]。 2、v.接收;拿到;体验;受到(某种待遇或伤害);对…作出反应;接待;接纳;接收到,收听到(无线电讯号);购买,接受(赃物);接(发球)。 3、[例句]We can receive up to 500 cable channels.我们可以接收多达500个有线电视频道。 4、第三人称单数:receives 现在分词:receiving 过去式:received 过去分词:received。
2023-07-23 19:37:311


你好receive 音标是:[ru026au02c8si:v]receive读音的汉语谐音是:蕊塞五
2023-07-23 19:38:561


receive的意思有:收到;接到;反应;回应;接;接待;欢迎;接纳;接收;接收;接(发球);买卖;容纳;承受;维持;接受;认可。一、相关短语to receive;receive into;receive publicity;receive in instruction;receive the seals;receive mode;receive register;telegraph receive;examine and receive;receive channel。二、相关例句(1)Readers whose submissions are published will receive a gift certificate from Harrowsmith Books.(来稿被发表的读者将获得哈罗史密斯书店的礼券。)(2)Roughly speaking , we receive about fifty letters a week on the subject.(关于这个问题,粗略地说,我们每周能收到大约五十封来信。)
2023-07-23 19:39:041


glad to receive很高兴收到
2023-07-23 19:39:232


send 音标 [send] (谐音:散的 ) 记得采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-23 19:39:334


send英] [sɛnd][美] [sɛnd]v.运送; 发送; 邮寄; 发消息; 使处于某种状态; 颠簸; 上升n.波浪的推力; 波浪引起的水位上升[例句]Slant your skis as you turn to send up a curtain of water.当你转弯形成水幕时,将滑水橇倾斜。
2023-07-23 19:39:533


1、vacant 空的,未被占用的;vacation n.假期,休假;2、vacuum 真空;真空吸尘器;vague 模糊的,含糊的;3、vain 徒劳的,自负的;valid 有效的,正当的;4、valley 山谷,溪谷,流域;valuable 值钱的,有价值的;5、value 价值,价格 ,评价;van 大篷车,运货车;6、vanish突然不见,消失;vanity 虚荣心,虚夸;7、vapour 汽,蒸气;variable 易变的,变量。
2023-07-23 19:40:091


直接在百度上输入 gift 百度能出读音
2023-07-23 19:40:287


from英读音是[fru0259m],美读音是[fru028cm]介词。(表示时间)从…;(表示原因)因为;(表示来源)来自…;(表示分离)与…分离,隔开。 from 英[fru0259m]美[fru0259m] prep.(表示起始点)从…起,始于;(表示开始的时间)从…开始;(表示由某人发出或给出)寄自,得自 From用法 1.动词+from a)动词+from come from来自,date from追溯,depart from违背,die from死于,escape from逃出,fall from自…跌落,hang from垂挂,hear from收到来信,learn from向某人学习,return from自某地返回,rise from自…冒出,result from起因于,suffer from忍受。 b)动词+sth./sb.+from+sth./sb./a place borrow from向…借,choose from选自,excuse from免除,keep from阻止做,prevent from不准做,protect from不受…之害,receive from收到,remove from移动;除去,save from保全;拯救,separate from分离开来,stop from阻止。形容词+from be absent from缺席,be differentfrom与众不同,be far from更不用说,be hidden from躲避,be made from用…制成,be tired from因…而疲倦。 3.from…to… from bad to worse每况愈下;from beginning to end自始至终;from cover to cover从头到尾。
2023-07-23 19:40:591


Make more people have access to read the books
2023-07-23 19:41:434


问题一:红包用英语怎么说? 标准答案: red packet money red lucky money 问题二:给我发个红包的英文怎么写? 给我发个红包 Send me a red pack. 问题三:红包英文怎么读 红包英文 red envelop 中文谐音 瑞哎的,嗯为喽泼 问题四:红包的英文表达? 参考这个: Red envelopes also known as red packets Ang Pow laisee (利是)or Hung-Bao(红包). As a pany the Feng Shui Store have been giving these free with all our orders for around six years now as they are considered extremely auspicious to receive as a gift and even more auspicious if they contain money, which ours do. They are monly used for Chinese New Year, weddings, birthdays or any other important event. The illustrations used on the front of a red envelope present blessings and good wishes of longevity, prosperity and good health. Through the years, artists have always found new ways to improve the 盯essage of good tidings such as carps swimming amongst flowering lotus, the fabled creatures of dragon and phoenix, Chinese zodiac animals depending on the year it will be used, peonies in full bloom, the three immortals, golden pineapples, Buddha"s and children. They are actually very beautiful and the varied designs we have seen over the years have been outstanding. As a pany we hand pick every design as the quality and presentation is very important. When giving money on festive or auspicious occasions, never put money in a white envelope or you would face the anger of the recipient! Money wrapped in white envelopes is given when the occasion is sad, like during funerals, when a gift of money is given to help with the funeral costs. This is called "Pak Kum" money for the family of the de......>> 问题五:红包英文怎么说 可以这么说: pocket money; red packets; red envelopes 红包的意思。 希望能帮到你。 问题六:微信红包英文怎么说 Red Packet 问题七:抢红包啦,用英语怎么说? Let"s snatch red envelopes 问题八:收到红包用英语怎么说 bands 意思: 乐队 收到红包;可以用convert payment..或者red envelop .. 问题九:红包的英文是什么? red pager containing money as a gift
2023-07-23 19:41:501


  14的英文怎么读,它的发音是什么?下面是我给大家整理的14的英文怎么读,供大家参阅!   14的英文怎么读   fourteen   英 [u02ccfu0254:u02c8ti:n] 美 [u02ccfu0254ru02c8tin]   14fourteen的英语例句   We illustrate some of these options in Listing 14.   我们在清单14 中显示其中一些选项。   Old women were rationed to 14 kilograms of grain a month.   对老年妇女每个月配给粮食14公斤。   "They pay us the wholesale price of $14 or whatever we charge," he said.   他表示:“他们向我们支付的批发价是14美元或我们要的其他价格。   You can see this in Listing 14.   您可以在清单14 中看到此结果。   The next task is to get the latitude and longitude of each city and insert it into the abovedocument tree (see Listing 14).   下一个任务是获取每个城市的经纬度并将其插入到上面的文档树中(参见 清单14)。   For the next 14 days, this cell was our home.   在之后的14天里,这间牢房就是我们的家。   An export wizard guides you through the export process. In the wizard, select the cubes toexport, as shown in Figure 14.   一个导出向导将帮助您完成导出过程,在导出向导中选择要导出的多维数据集,如图14 所示。   By default, this period is 21 days, but you can set it to any whole day value from 14 to 60 whenthe rename is performed.   默认情况下,这段时间为21天,但是当执行重命名时,可以将这段时间设置为14到60之间的任何一个整数值。   In Listing 14, you can see how the delegate applies all the scaling and image fit parameters.   在清单14 中,您可以看到委派如何应用所有的缩放和图像适合参数。   You can store these in a library, as in Figure 14, such that they can be used on many differentoperations and even in other modules.   您可以将代码存储到一个库中,如图14 所示,这样它们就可以用于许多不同的操作,甚至用于其他模块中。   Within an hour you should receive an email with information on obtaining your trial 14 daycertificate.   您将在一小时内接收到一封电子邮件,内附有关获取14天试用证书的信息。   Even at 44 I had no intention of having children and would have laughed at anyone predicting I would have five in the next 14 years.   甚至到了44岁时,我都还没有要小孩的意愿,若是有人预测我会在以后14年内生五个小孩,我还会笑他们。   In Listing 14 and Listing 15, we show some examples of message properties in English andFrench.   在 清单14和 清单15中,我们使用英语和法语展示了一些消息属性示例。   One reason why all this is taking time is that there are now up to 14 remotely operatedunderwater vehicles working around the well.   为什么这一切会如此费时呢?原因在于,迄今为止,在海底油井周围总共有14部遥控潜水器在作业。   The general message is that if you stick within the Government guidelines of 21 units a week formen and 14 units a week for women you should not do yourself any harm.   这里的综合信息是,如果坚持男人每周饮用量在政府建议的21单位之内,妇女每周饮用量在14单位之内,就不会对身体造成任何危害。   14fourteen的双语例句   1. "Fourteen minutes," Chris said, taking a peep at his watch.   “14分钟,”克里斯瞥了一眼他的手表说道.   2. He spent the last fourteen years of his life in retirement.   他一生中最后的14年是在退休中度过的。   3. A by-product of their meeting was the release of these fourteen men.   他们会见的意外成果是释放了这14个人。   4. The smaller lake ranges from five to fourteen feet in depth.   小一些的湖深度从5英尺到14英尺不等。   5. The youngest child, John, was to die at the age of fourteen.   最小的孩子约翰后来于14岁时夭亡。   6. She had rented the flat from the council some fourteen months previously.   大约14个月以前,她从地方政府那里租下了这套公寓。   7. He couldn"t have been more than fourteen years old.   他不可能超过14岁。   8. Everybody in the club looked to be fourteen years old.   俱乐部里的人个个看起来都像14岁的模样。   9. That is enough to pay the start-up costs for fourteen research projects.   那足够用来支付14个科研项目的启动费用了。   10. She spent fourteen years in retailing.   她从事零售业长达14年。   11. Remember he"s just fourteen years old.   记住,他才14岁。   12. A group of students filed in, fourteen or fifteen all told.   一队学生鱼贯而入, 共有十四五个人.   13. At the age of fourteen John really began to sprout up.   约翰在14岁时真正开始发育.   14. He reached puberty at the age of fourteen.   他14岁时进入了青春期.   15. I put the weight at about fourteen pounds.   我估计它的重量大约为14磅.   
2023-07-23 19:42:091


2023-07-23 19:42:209

i 和 r 怎么读?

爱 和 阿儿
2023-07-23 19:42:375

Vacation 怎么读

会上海话就很好读了 ,伐开心
2023-07-23 19:43:194


动词过去式:read /red/ 过去分词:read /red/ 现在分词:reading 第三人称单数:reads
2023-07-23 19:44:0210


shoulder 英[ˈʃəʊldə(r)] 美[ˈʃoʊldə(r)] 中文谐音(收的儿)n. 肩膀; (衣服的) 肩部; 山肩; 路肩; vt. 担负,承担; 肩起,挑起; 用肩顶…; [例句]She led him to an armchair, with her arm round his shoulder她揽着他的肩膀,将他领到一把扶手椅旁。[其他] 第三人称单数:shoulders 复数:shoulders 现在分词:shouldering过去式:shouldered 过去分词:shouldered knee 英[ni:] 美[ni] 中文谐音(逆)n. 膝; 膝盖; vt. 用膝盖碰; [例句]He will receive physiotherapy on his damaged left knee.因左膝受伤,他将接受物理治疗。[其他] 第三人称单数:knees 复数:knees 现在分词:kneeing 过去式:kneed过去分词:kneed toe 英[təʊ] 美[toʊ] 中文谐音(托)n. 脚趾,脚尖; (鞋,袜的) 足尖部; [体] 高尔夫球棒的尖端; 轴踵; vt. 用脚尖触; [体] 用高尔夫球棒尖端击; 斜钉(钉子); 动脚尖,脚尖朝(方向); vi. 动脚尖; 用足尖跳舞; [例句]This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets这可能会促使黄金交易商谨慎地尝试重返市场。[其他] 第三人称单数:toes 复数:toes 现在分词:toeing 过去式:toed
2023-07-23 19:45:261

不给胖子留活路的Saint Laurent为什么照样俘获了时尚?

2023-07-23 19:33:209

go ahead有多少种意思啊?

go ahead 有很多种意思,具体是什么意思取决于语境。1、先行,先走一步:【例】You go ahead and tell him that I"m coming.你先行一步,告诉他我随后就到。2、急不可待地去做;毫不犹豫地去做:【例】The teacher told the students not to go out of yet, but Tom went ahead and left the room.老师告诉学生们不要走出教室,可是汤姆急不可待地离开了房间。3、进行,进展;继续(做某事):【例】After the rain stopped, the men went ahead with their work of digging up the street.雨停后,他们继续在街上挖掘。4、说吧,开始吧,开始(做某事):【例】“May I start?”“Yes, go ahead.”“我可以开始了吗?”“可以,开始吧。”5、取得进展,取得进步:【例】Is your work going ahead now that the workers have arrived?既然工人们都到了,你的工程有进展吗?6、[口语]擅自行事;独自行动:【例】I warned her not to do that but she went ahead and did that.我告诫她不那样做,但她不听还是那样做了。7、先走,行进在前面8、(继续)前进9、着手10、[用作祈使句]开始;进行;往下说11、进展
2023-07-23 19:33:211


问题一:出发英文怎么说 Let ,s go 问题二:出发,英语怎么说 Let"s go 问题三:从自身出发 用英语怎么说 start/proceed from oneself 问题四:出发用英文怎么说 let"s go set off start off set out set forth 都可以表达出发的意思 问题五:我要出发了用英语怎么说 I am going to leave. 问题六:出发,用英语怎么说??? 最简单的口语化的就是: Go. 在完整的句子里,就会用到start 和其他词搭配的形成的语境。 问题七:你从哪出发用英语怎么说 where will you set off? 问题八:出发英语怎么说 set out 问题九:立刻出发用英文 立刻出发: Head out now. 直译:现在出发 Set out now. 直译:现在出发 Get going now. 直译:准备出发 Hurry out (of here). 直译:赶紧出发 Hit the road now. 直译:现在上路 Leave now. 直译:现在离开 我们立刻出发吧: Let"s head out now. Let"s set out now. Let"s get going now. Let"s hurry out (of here). Let"s hit the road now. Let"s leave now. Let"s 虽然这些说法的直译有些不同,不过在英文里都有 “立刻出发” 的意思。 Now 在英语里是 “现在” 的意思,同义词有楼上说的那几个,right away/immediately/at once,你可以随时交换这些词。 如: Let"s head out right away. Let"s head out immediately. Let"s head out at once. Let"s head out now. 意思都是一样的。 希望对你有帮助―― ?
2023-07-23 19:33:231


2023-07-23 19:33:251


2023-07-23 19:33:271


[python] view plain copy#coding:utf-8import sysreload(sys)sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")from multiprocessing import Pool,Queue,Processimport multiprocessing as mpimport time,randomimport osimport codecsimport jieba.analysejieba.analyse.set_stop_words("yy_stop_words.txt")def extract_keyword(input_string):#print("Do task by process {proc}".format(proc=os.getpid()))tags = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(input_string, topK=100)#print("key words:{kw}".format(kw=" ".join(tags)))return tags#def parallel_extract_keyword(input_string,out_file):def parallel_extract_keyword(input_string):#print("Do task by process {proc}".format(proc=os.getpid()))tags = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(input_string, topK=100)#time.sleep(random.random())#print("key words:{kw}".format(kw=" ".join(tags)))#o_f = open(out_file,"w")#o_f.write(" ".join(tags)+" ")return tagsif __name__ == "__main__":data_file = sys.argv[1]with as f:lines = f.readlines()f.close()out_put = data_file.split(".")[0] +"_tags.txt"t0 = time.time()for line in lines:parallel_extract_keyword(line)#parallel_extract_keyword(line,out_put)#extract_keyword(line)print("串行处理花费时间{t}".format(t=time.time()-t0))pool = Pool(processes=int(mp.cpu_count()*0.7))t1 = time.time()#for line in lines:#pool.apply_async(parallel_extract_keyword,(line,out_put))#保存处理的结果,可以方便输出到文件res =,lines)#print("Print keywords:")#for tag in res:#print(" ".join(tag))pool.close()pool.join()print("并行处理花费时间{t}s".format(t=time.time()-t1))运行:python message.txtmessage.txt是每行是一个文档,共581行,7M的数据运行时间:不使用sleep来挂起进程,也就是把time.sleep(random.random())注释掉,运行可以大大节省时间。
2023-07-23 19:33:321

Extract llotion是什么意思?

吸取 llotion
2023-07-23 19:33:403


2023-07-23 19:33:423

Alicia Keys的《Go Ahead》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Ahead歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:As I Am/ UnpluggedAlicia Keys---Go Aheadohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhbroken promisesmy heart yo stolelies you toldgot the best of medigging in my heart of goldhe used to look at yousee the possibilityi see you for who you areboy you"ve dissappointed mei thought you gave me lovewas never near enoughsoon enough time revealsthe weight of what is realknow all i need to knowboy see you gotta to gowhat have you given me?but lies liesgo aheadgo on and get upout of herego ahead babyyou know you was wrongyou know all along must be crazyif you think im gone fall for this anymoreeverybody say no no no noeverybody say no no no no noused to believe in everyword you saidclouds my headleaving me here to drownhopes and dreams left for deadyou point your fingertry to justify your mistakesa change"s goin" be madeso you best be on your wayi thought you gave me lovewas never near enoughsoon enough time will bethe weight of what is realknow all i need to knowboy see you gotta to gowhat have you given me?but lies liesgo aheadgo on and get upout of herego ahead babyyou know you was wrongyou know all alongmust be crazyif you think im gone fall for this anymoreeverybody say no no no noeverybody say no no no no nono need to apologizedon"t try to make it righti know i shouldno matter when you took holdi was solduse fear to controlnow it unfoldslet me tell you right nowwhat im gonna doimade up mindit"s time i"m through with yonothing you can say you can doyou can make me change my mindso just go ahead "not yet"go on and get up "not yet"out of here "not yet"go ahead baby "not yet"you know you was wrong "not yet"you know all along "not yet"must be crazy "not yet"if you think im gone fall for this anymore "not yet"everybody say no no no no "not yet"everybody say no no no no no "not yet yea"~~~ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLarry Cheng ~~share with you~~ : )thanks to Nelly Yi
2023-07-23 19:33:131


Yen [jen] 有渴望的意思
2023-07-23 19:33:093


2023-07-23 19:33:071


法国出品.LOGO就是YSL yves saint laurent
2023-07-23 19:33:051


区块链和大数据存储的关系如下:一、数据安全:区块链让数据真正“放心”流动起来区块链以其可信任性、安全性和不可篡改性,让更多数据被解放出来。用一个典型案例来说明,即区块链是如何推进基因测序大数据产生的。区块链测序可以利用私钥限制访问权限,从而规避法律对个人获取基因数据的限制问题,并且利用分布式计算资源,低成本完成测序服务。区块链的安全性让测序成为工业化的解决方案,实现了全球规模的测序,从而推进数据的海量增长。二、数据开放共享:区块链保障数据私密性政府掌握着大量高密度、高价值数据,如医疗数据、人口数据等。政府数据开放是大势所趋,将对整个经济社会的发展产生不可估量的推动力。然而,数据开放的主要难点和挑战是如何在保护个人隐私的情况下开放数据。基于区块链的数据脱敏技术能保证数据私密性,为隐私保护下的数据开放提供了解决方案。数据脱敏技术主要是采用了哈希处理等加密算法。例如,基于区块链技术的英格码系统(Enigma),在不访问原始数据情况下运算数据,可以对数据的私密性进行保护,杜绝数据共享中的信息安全问题。例如,公司员工可放心地开放可访问其工资信息的路径,并共同计算出群内平均工资。每个参与者可得知其在该组中的相对地位,但对其他成员的薪酬一无所知。数据HASH脱敏处理示意图三、数据存储:区块链是一种不可篡改的、全历史的、强背书的数据库存储技术区块链技术,通过网络中所有节点共同参与计算,互相验证其信息的真伪以达成全网共识,可以说区块链技术是一种特定数据库技术。迄今为止我们的大数据还处于非常基础的阶段,基于全网共识为基础的数据可信的区块链数据,是不可篡改的、全历史的、也使数据的质量获得前所未有的强信任背书,也使数据库的发展进入一个新时代。四、数据分析:区块链确保数据安全性数据分析是实现数据价值的核心。在进行数据分析时,如何有效保护个人隐私和防止核心数据泄露,成为首要考虑的问题。例如,随着指纹数据分析应用和基因数据检测与分析手段的普及,越来越多的人担心,一旦个人健康数据发生泄露,将可能导致严重后果。区块链技术可以通过多签名私钥、加密技术、安全多方计算技术来防止这类情况的出现。当数据被哈希后放置在区块链上,使用数字签名技术,就能够让那些获得授权的人们才可以对数据进行访问。通过私钥既保证数据私密性,又可以共享给授权研究机构。数据统一存储在去中心化的区块链上,在不访问原始数据情况下进行数据分析,既可以对数据的私密性进行保护,又可以安全地提供给全球科研机构、医生共享,作为全人类的基础健康数据库,对未来解决突发疾病、疑难疾病带来极大的便利。五、数据流通:区块链保障数据相关权益对于个人或机构有价值的数据资产,可以利用区块链对其进行注册,交易记录是全网认可的、透明的、可追溯的,明确了大数据资产来源、所有权、使用权和流通路径,对数据资产交易具有很大价值。一方面,区块链能够破除中介拷贝数据威胁,有利于建立可信任的数据资产交易环境。数据是一种非常特殊的商品,与普通商品有着本质区别,主要是具有所有权不清晰、 “看过、复制即被拥有”等特征,这也决定了使用传统商品中介的交易方式无法满足数据的共享、交换和交易。因为中介中心有条件、有能力复制和保存所有流经的数据,这对数据生产者极不公平。这种威胁仅仅依靠承诺是无法消除的,而这种威胁的存在也成为阻碍数据流通巨大障碍。基于去中心化的区块链,能够破除中介中心拷贝数据的威胁,保障数据拥有者的合法权益。另一方面,区块链提供了可追溯路径,能有效破解数据确权难题。区块链通过网络中多个参与计算的节点来共同参与数据的计算和记录,并且互相验证其信息的有效,既可以进行信息防伪,又提供了可追溯路径。把各个区块的交易信息串起来,就形成了完整的交易明细清单,每笔交易来龙去脉非常清晰、透明。另外,当人们对某个区块的“值”有疑问时,可方便地回溯历史交易记录进而判别该值是否正确,识别出该值是否已被篡改或记录有误。一切在区块链上有了保障,大数据自然会更加活跃起来。币盈中国平台上众筹项目的代币都是基于区块链技术开发出来的,相关的信息都会记录到区块链上。
2023-07-23 19:33:011


2023-07-23 19:33:001

Alicia Keys的《Go Ahead》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Ahead歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:As I AmAlicia Keys---Go Aheadohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhbroken promisesmy heart yo stolelies you toldgot the best of medigging in my heart of goldhe used to look at yousee the possibilityi see you for who you areboy you"ve dissappointed mei thought you gave me lovewas never near enoughsoon enough time revealsthe weight of what is realknow all i need to knowboy see you gotta to gowhat have you given me?but lies liesgo aheadgo on and get upout of herego ahead babyyou know you was wrongyou know all along must be crazyif you think im gone fall for this anymoreeverybody say no no no noeverybody say no no no no noused to believe in everyword you saidclouds my headleaving me here to drownhopes and dreams left for deadyou point your fingertry to justify your mistakesa change"s goin" be madeso you best be on your wayi thought you gave me lovewas never near enoughsoon enough time will bethe weight of what is realknow all i need to knowboy see you gotta to gowhat have you given me?but lies liesgo aheadgo on and get upout of herego ahead babyyou know you was wrongyou know all alongmust be crazyif you think im gone fall for this anymoreeverybody say no no no noeverybody say no no no no nono need to apologizedon"t try to make it righti know i shouldno matter when you took holdi was solduse fear to controlnow it unfoldslet me tell you right nowwhat im gonna doimade up mindit"s time i"m through with yonothing you can say you can doyou can make me change my mindso just go ahead "not yet"go on and get up "not yet"out of here "not yet"go ahead baby "not yet"you know you was wrong "not yet"you know all along "not yet"must be crazy "not yet"if you think im gone fall for this anymore "not yet"everybody say no no no no "not yet"everybody say no no no no no "not yet yea"~~~ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLarry Cheng ~~share with you~~ : )thanks to Nelly Yi
2023-07-23 19:32:551