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2023-07-24 10:06:38

名词,父亲;动词,成为父亲,成为父亲;创立(新思想); 创造; 发明(新方法);



n.父亲; 祖先; (尤指天主教和东正教的)神父; 天父;

vt.成为父亲; 创立(新思想); 创造; 发明(新方法);










2023-07-24 06:01:1511


爸爸的英语有:dad、father。英语中,father和dad都表示爸爸,但是其中所蕰涵的意味是不同的。father是一种非常真实的称呼,适合在正式的场合中使用。并且在英语中这里强调的是血缘关系,是你的生父。举个例子:She claims David fathered her child,翻译为:她宣称大卫是孩子的父亲。而dad更加偏向于称呼,并非特别正式,而dad就不会在意血缘关系,更加关注和强调的是“陪伴”。father造句1.Joan still mourns her father.琼还在哀悼她的父亲。2.His father hailed from Italy.他父亲出生于意大利。3.His father was a drunken brute.他父亲是个蛮横的醉鬼。4.Her father was a Polish count.她父亲是波兰的一位伯爵。5.He"s the image of his father.他酷似他的父亲。
2023-07-24 06:03:071


你爱怎样都可以啊几个例子: F - FaithfulA - AttentiveT - TeacherH - HeroE - EncouragerR - RecreationalistF- FaithfulA- Always thereT- TrustworthyH- HonoringE- Ever-lovingR- RighteousS- Supportive
2023-07-24 06:03:232


father is Uncountable noun父亲是可数名词
2023-07-24 06:03:303

父亲用英语在四线三格中怎么写 爸爸用英语写在四线三格上怎么写?

2023-07-24 06:03:402


father的读音是:英["fɑ?e?(r)]。father的读音是:英["fɑ?e?(r)]。father的详尽释义是n.(名词)父亲,爸爸祖先,前辈上帝,天父,圣父创始人,鼻祖神父设计者,发明者继父长辈,长者义父族长教父师傅修道院长。father的意思是n.父亲;神父;祖先;创始人;v.创造;当 ... 的父亲。一、详尽释义点此查看father的详细内容n.(名词)父亲,爸爸祖先,前辈上帝,天父,圣父创始人,鼻祖神父设计者,发明者继父长辈,长者义父族长教父师傅修道院长v.(动词)创立,创始,创办,创造,创作生(孩子)产生自认是...的父亲,像父亲一样对待,做...的父亲,当...的父亲,成为父亲自认是...的作者治理确定作者确定生父确定责任创立(新思想),发明(新方法)保护,培养,照顾,对待,抚养,养育,教养出为…负起责任,担任二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]父亲 male parent[P]祖先,先辈 ancestor[C]创始人,奠基人 found or first leader三、词典解释1.父亲;爸爸Yourfather is your male parent. You can also call someone yourfather if he brings you up as if he was this man.father什么意思e.g. Hisfather was a painter...他父亲是个画家。e.g. He would be a goodfather to my children.对我的孩子们来说,他会是个好父亲。2.成为…的父亲;是…的父亲When a manfathers a child, he makes a woman pregnant and their child is born.e.g. She claims Mark fathered her child...她宣称马克是孩子的父亲。e.g. He fathered at least three children by the wives of other men.他跟别人的老婆至少生了 3 个孩子。3.发明者;鼻祖;创始人;奠基人The man who invented or started something is sometimes referred to as thefather of that thing.e.g. ...Max Dupain, regarded as thefather of modern photography.被视为现代摄影之父的马克斯·杜培e.g. ...Mahatma Gandhi, the foundingfather of independent India.圣雄甘地,引领印度实现独立的国父4.神父In some Christian churches, priests are addressed or referred to asFather .e.g. I would like your advice on a matter of conscience,Father.我想就一件有关良心的事征求您的建议,神父。e.g. ...Father William.威廉神父5.(基督教)天父,上帝Christians often refer to God asour Father or address him asFather .e.g. ...OurFather in Heaven.我们的天父四、例句My father and mother went for a walk.爸爸妈妈去散步了。He modeled himself on his father.他把他的父亲作为自己的楷模。Father Donovan dropped his eyes.多诺万神父垂下了眼神。Father Dan entered with a big grin.神父丹带着灿烂的笑容进来。Our father handed down these customs to us.我们的祖先将这些风俗习惯传给了我们。The king is the father of his country.国王为该国之父。He has fathered an idea.他已经提出了一个想法。He has fathered three children.他已经三个孩子的父亲。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~adore one"s father崇敬自己的父亲fear one"s father害怕自己的父亲hate one"s father恨自己的父亲have a father有父亲like one"s father喜欢自己的父亲look after one"s father照料自己的父亲lose one"s father丧父,失去父亲love one"s father爱自己的父亲obey one"s father遵从父命resembles one"s father长得像父亲respect one"s father尊敬父亲take after one"s father面貌像父亲take care of one"s father照顾自己的父亲形容词+~adoptive father养父dear father亲爱的父亲expectant father准爸爸founding father创建人ghostly father听忏悔的神父heartless father无情的父亲heavy father严父Holy F-教皇kind father慈祥的父亲loving father可爱的父亲miserly father悭吝的父亲natural father生父proud father得意的父亲spiritual father牧师strict father严厉的父亲thoughtful father体贴的父亲young father年轻的父亲名词+~city father市府委员~+名词the F- Christmas圣诞老人介词+~adopt sb as one"s father认某人为养父be handed down from father to son由父(亲)传(给儿)子like a father to sb像父亲一般对待某人~+介词father of one"s country国父father of radio无线电发明者六、情景对话A Heavy Smoker-(瘾君子)father在线翻译A:You really should stop smoking, you know.你知道,你真的应该戒烟了。B:I know. I know. I don"t smoke too much, though.我知道,知道。我的烟瘾也不是很重。A:How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?你每天抽多少根烟?B:About a pack, more if I drink.1包左右。如果喝酒的话,抽得多一点。A:Wow. You"re really a heavy smoker.哇,真是个瘾君子。B:No, I"m not. Myfather smoked two packs a day for forty years.我不是,我的父亲40年来每天抽两包。A:He died of lung cancer, right?他死于肺癌,是吗?B:Yeah…you"re right. I really should stop smoking.是…没错。我真的应该戒烟了。Psychological Counseling-(心理咨询)A:One of my students told me she was very depressed today.我的一个学生告诉我她今天心情很坏。father的近义词B:Why?怎么了?A:Herfather is dying.她的爸爸快死了。father的解释B:Oh, that"s very sad.哦,真令人难过。A:Yeah, she"s broken up about it, poor kid.是呀,她无法承受这件事,真可怜。B:What did you do?你怎么做的?A:I talked to her for a while, but she"s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her.我跟她谈了一会儿,但是她还很沮丧。所以,我便为她约了学校的咨询顾问。B:That"s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He"s better trained to handle these sorts of things.这个办法不错。顾问是心理学家。对于处理这些事情他受过良好的培训。A:Yeah, that"s what I told her. I"m glad she"s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own.是,我也是这样和她说的。我很高兴她可以求援而不是自己一个人承担了。B:Yeah, me too.是的,我也有同感。Living an Independent Life-(独立生活)A:Mom, I want to move out.妈妈,我想搬出去住。B:Hey, sounds great to me, kid. What kind of job did you find?嘿,听起来到很不错,孩子,你找到了什么工作?fatherA:Job?什么工作?B:Yes, job. If you"re going to live on your own, you have to pay for rent and everything else.是呀,工作。如果你想一个人住,你必须自己付房租,还有所有的一切。A:I thought I could just get you and Dad to pay for an apartment. I found a cheap one.我想让你和爸爸来付房租,我就找间便宜点的。father的近义词B:When you move out, yourfather and I aren"t paying your rent, young man. Get a job.你搬走的话,年轻人,你爸爸和我是不会给你付房租的,找一个工作吧。A:You"re right. If I"m going to live on my own, I have to be independent.没错。如果要一个人住的话,我要学会独立。fatherB:Well, the newspaper is over there. Look in the want ads, but I don"t know what you"re going to find without a college degree.哦,那边有报纸。看看招聘专栏,但是我不知道没有大学文凭你可以找到什么工作。七、词语用法n.(名词)father用作名词时意思是“生身之父”,也可用于指“丈夫之父”,即“公公”,或“妻子之父”,即“岳父”。是可数名词,用作对家人的称谓时,可视为专有名词,一般不用冠词。也可用于比喻,一般无冠词。father用于比喻可指“奠基人”“发明者”“根源”等。father第一个字母大写时,还可指“上帝”“神父”。father还可作“祖先”“前辈”,此时要用复数形式。father的相关临近词fathom、fateful、fatherly、father on、fatherless、father sib、fathership、fatherland、fatherlike、fatherhood、Father Day点此查看更多关于father的详细信息
2023-07-24 06:05:011


2023-07-24 06:05:231


2023-07-24 06:06:2510


2023-07-24 06:06:482


复数: fathersn.父亲;爸爸;祖先;创始人;奠基者;先驱;鼻祖。v.成为…的父亲;做…的父亲;创立(新思想);创造,发明(新方法)。father的第三人称单数和复数。father造句1)A father is music, let"s be happy life.父亲是音乐,让我们快快乐乐的生活。2)A father is the sun, let us healthy growth.父爱是阳光,让我们健康的成长。3)One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.一位父亲顶过一百位校长。4)One father is more than a hundred teachers.一位父亲顶过一百位老师。5)Father,bearing should be a broad friend.父亲,应该是一个气度宽大的朋友。5)Father"s virtue is the best legacy son.父亲的德行是儿子最好的遗产。6)A father"s words, let us make the right judgment.父亲是良言,让我们做出正确决定。7)Father is a bank, offering knowledge, pay for love.父亲是一个银行,发行知识,支付爱。8)A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. A father can do neither.一个认识到自己不称职的国王,可以委托授权或者干脆放弃。一个父亲却没有选择的。
2023-07-24 06:07:011


2023-07-24 06:07:212


2023-07-24 06:07:411


是。father,英文单词,主要用作名词、动词,作名词时意为“父亲,爸爸;神父;祖先;前辈”,作动词时意为“发明,创立;当…的父亲”。例句:You"ve been like a father to me.你对我一直像父亲一样。 father的相关例句 The children are completely out of control since their father left. 这些孩子自他们的父亲离开后就无法无天了。 My father"s death had a profound effect on us all. 父亲的去世深深地影响了我们全家。 Our new boss is a father of three. 我们的新老板是三个孩子的父亲。 father和dad的区别 father 通常翻译为“父亲”,亲生的那种,强调的是 血缘关系,是书面语。 比如“birth father”就是“生父”的意思。 同时,father作为名词,还可以表示“创始人,…之父”,常用词组为“the father of …” father还可以用作动词,表示“成为…的父亲,创立(新思想)”。 dad 通常翻译为“爸爸,爹爹”,相对口语化。 不一定有血缘关系,但一定是陪伴孩子成长、抚养孩子成人的那类人。
2023-07-24 06:07:481


2023-07-24 06:09:211


2023-07-24 06:10:302


father的名词所有格是father"s。 father n.父亲;爸爸;祖先;创始人;奠基者; v.成为…的父亲;做…的父亲;创立(新思想);创造,发明(新方法); 第三人称单数: fathers; 复数: fathers; 现在分词: fathering; 过去式: fathered; 过去分词: fathered 扩展资料   Our new boss is a father of three.   我们的新老板是三个孩子的`父亲。   I took the man with him to be his father.   我误以为和他在一起的那个男人是他父亲。   You"ve been like a father to me.   你对我一直像父亲一样。
2023-07-24 06:12:021


f-face(直面),父亲常常教会我要勇敢面对挫折; a-against(抗争),父亲对我说不要被挫折击倒,要勇于抗争,做生活的主宰; t-tear(眼泪),在我悲伤时,父亲轻轻抹去我的泪水,让我鼓起勇气; h-health(健康),感谢父亲给了我一个健康的体魄,使我感受到生活的美好; e-effort(付出),只有父亲没有回报的付出才使我的生活充满乐趣; r-road(道路),父亲为我铺设了前半程的道路,后半程的路需要我自己走完, 但有父亲在,我会充满信心勇往直前。 这或许正是普天之下父亲们的真实写照。
2023-07-24 06:12:101


2023-07-24 06:12:199


How old is your father?He was 45 years old.
2023-07-24 06:14:568


father 的对应词是 motherThis is my father and that is my mother.
2023-07-24 06:15:112


2023-07-24 06:17:246


2023-07-24 06:17:588


2023-07-24 06:19:325


Dad 这就是标准的
2023-07-24 06:20:3311


2023-07-24 06:21:214

leave sb.somewhere、be in a mess.这句话什么意思?

be in a mess 在一种混乱中leave sb.somewhere (leave:离开 sb.:某人 somewhere:某地) 我不会翻译,这是一种固定词组
2023-07-24 06:02:132


2023-07-24 06:02:151

求Train的 to be loved歌词还有中文翻译

I can see your face everywhere I look 你的样子无处不在 But everywhere is nowhere without you 没有你哪里都没有意义 What seemed to be like days was just a moment in time 虽然只是短暂的相聚 But it meant the world to me 在我却已是全部 Cos‘ I knew 因为我知道 What I‘d been searching for all of my life 从前人生中所苦苦寻觅的 I had it right here in front of my eyes 那时就在我眼前 What I had wished for was Nothing compared to what I would be If you‘re here with me 如果你不在这和我一起我将变成怎样那些我希望得到的无法与之相比You are so far away but I feel you"re so near 你是那么远 但我感到你如此之近It‘s like you"d never left me, never said goodbye 如同你从未离开,从未道别 I can hear your voice in the crowd 人群中我可以听到你的声音 I can feel your touch me right now 此刻我可以感受到你的触碰 I can see your smile when I close my eyes 闭上眼你的笑容就在眼前 And I hold on to that every night 夜夜坚守着这份心情 To help me understand when I ask myself 追问自己时我能明了 Why of all the people who are there 茫茫人海中为什么偏偏是你 Just to be with me, to share all the sorrow 只为与我厮守,只为分担所有忧伤 And if you never come back 如果你从此不回来 And the day was all that we had 而那一天就是我们所拥有的一切 And if I wouldn‘t be tomorrow with you 哪怕我明天不会与你相伴 In my eyes it won‘t matter 我也了无遗憾 Because now I know what it‘s like to be loved 因为此刻我明白了被爱的感觉 What a beautiful thing, to feel your love within 沉浸在你的爱中是多么美好 Like a child outside in the sunshine on the first day of spring 就象沐浴在初春暖阳下的孩子 Just to know this is true 只知道这是真实存在 There is someone like you 有你这样的人 Who can make me believe 能使我相信 There is nothing I can‘t do 没有什么是过不去的
2023-07-24 06:02:181


你应该清楚下布局管理器这个概念,它将GUI组件显示在容器上...主要有FlowLayout BorderLayout GridLayout,具体区别你自己查一下..他们也就是你所说的setLayout里面所涉及到的种类,你应该做的是个JApplet,它所默认的是BorderLayout,组件分为五个,南北东西中...
2023-07-24 06:02:185

奥运会 第一次的比赛项目是哪些?

2023-07-24 06:02:211


  1、台湾摩托车品牌有山叶(YAMAHA)、光阳 (KYMCO)、三阳 (SYM),俗称三大厂、两阳一叶其他还有摩特 (PGO)、宏佳腾 (AEON)等   2、台湾原产的摩托车,比国内大陆的合资品牌的产品要强一点,光阳三阳这些虽然侧重点是踏板车,但是已经接近日本本土踏板水平,至于大陆的本土牌子,当然是比不上这些台企的制造水平的。
2023-07-24 06:02:221


说的很清楚了 你看不懂?
2023-07-24 06:02:222

to be loved,one must love怎么改

2023-07-24 06:02:251


If you是志龙写的,loser,BAE BAE,we like 2 party这三首志龙都有参与,要么作词,要么作曲
2023-07-24 06:02:291


Total Video Converter MP3转换器
2023-07-24 06:02:3013

in such a mess

为您解答形容词,形容a mess表示到一定程度的,非常的of so extreme a degree or quality例如never heard such a hubbub
2023-07-24 06:02:301


2023-07-24 06:02:351


[ti:ZUTTER (??)][ar:BIGBANG][al:E][offset:-500][00:00.100][00:00.200][00:00.300][00:00.760]今夜我们freaky freaky yeah[00:03.280]baby give me some give me give me some yeah[00:05.990]你我二人麻酥酥的[00:08.660]Can you give me some give me give me some yeah[00:11.350]今夜我们freaky freaky yeah[00:13.980]baby give me some give me give me some yeah[00:16.670]你我二人麻酥酥的[00:19.300]Can you give me some give me give me some yeah[00:21.430]这首歌绝了 我的rap绝了[00:24.240]我的风格绝了 我就是如此出色[00:26.920]抖腿 赚钱 行走天空[00:31.020]ah do you wanna[00:32.320]GD是误解 call me god[00:34.820]如果你愿意 我就反过来 DOG[00:37.370]不用管那些没用的公式 只记住这个就好[00:39.930]我就是坏坏的 加 1 志龙[00:43.130]把我的年龄2和7相加 很natural[00:46.000]I never loose荷官们脑出血[00:48.680]想成功吗? Yes I"m the manual[00:51.290]想尝试我吗? Then keep it sexual[00:53.920]School of hard knocks 你每天早退[00:56.190]对于无聊的rap毫不骂人[00:58.620]无论是名气还是公司 我都无需依靠[01:01.530]不管做什么都会被拍手喝彩[01:03.630]Guess I"m famous[01:04.860][01:05.380]这是欢迎你入粉的入学典礼[01:09.380]你每天光耍嘴皮子 钱很多吗[01:12.080]我的存折是台球桌 有很多的球[01:14.800]这首歌绝了 我的rap绝了[01:17.590]我的风格绝了 我就是如此出色[01:20.310]抖腿 赚钱 行走天空[01:24.380]ah do you wanna[01:25.530]这首歌绝了 我的舞蹈绝了[01:28.270]我的风格绝了 我就是如此出色[01:31.060]抖腿 赚钱 行走天空[01:34.870]ah do you wanna[01:36.320]T.O.P 人们称之为鬼神[01:39.040]DA Vinci转世 yeah my brain[01:41.770]你的音乐让人发困 Decaffein[01:44.180]憧憬我吗? 那就快上来吧 新干线[01:47.050]Francis Bacon in ma Kitchen一旁[01:49.790]我就像是在你头上跳舞的 Calder[01:52.490]评论家们 你们懂什么[01:54.680]我小时候曾胖过 知道钱的滋味[01:57.850]去了 Roma就要遵循 Roma的规矩[02:00.410]小朋友去那边找 妈妈玩吧[02:03.060
2023-07-24 06:02:361


布局指定size 再试试
2023-07-24 06:02:082

To Be Loved的歌曲歌词

歌词原文: I can see your face everywhere I lookBut everywhere is nowhere without youWhat seemed to be like days was just a moment in time But it meant the world to me cos" I knewWhat I"d been searching for all of my lifeI had it right here in front of my eyesWhat I had wished for wasNothing compared to what I would seeIf you"re here with meAnd if you never come backAnd the day was all that we hadAnd if I wouldn"t see tomorrow with youIn my eyes it won"t matterBecause now I know what it"s like to be lovedYou"re so far away but I feel you"re so nearIt"s like you"d never left me,never said goodbyeI can hear your voice in the crowdI can feel your touch me right nowI can see your smile when i close my eyesAnd I hold on to that every nightTo help me understand when I ask myselfWhy of all people who are thereJust to be with me, to share all the sorrowAnd if you never come backAnd the day was all that we hadAnd if I wouldn"t see tomorrow with youIn my eyes it won"t matterBecause now I know what it"s like to be lovedWhat a beautiful thing to feel your love withinLike a child outside in the sunshine on the first day of springJust to know this is trueThere is someone like youWho can make me believeThere is nothing I can"t doAnd if you never come backAnd the day was all that we hadAnd if I wouldn"t see tomorrow with youIn my eyes it won"t matterBecause now I know what it"s like to be loved中文翻译:To Be Loved by Jane Zhang被爱——张靓颖I can see your face everywhere I look你的样子无处不在But everywhere is nowhere without you没有你哪里都没有意义What seemed to be like days was just a moment in time虽然只是短暂的相聚But it meant the world to me在我却已是全部Cos" I knew因为我知道What I"d been searching for all of my life从前人生中所苦苦寻觅的I had it right here in front of my eyes那时就在我眼前What I had wished for was我曾希冀过的Nothing compared to what I would see一切都与之无法相比If you"re here with me若你现在在我身边And if you never come back抑或你从此不会回来And the day was all that we had而那一天就是我们所拥有的一切And if I wouldn"t be tomorrow with you哪怕我将来不会与你相伴In my eyes it won"t matter我也了无遗憾Because now I know what it"s like to be loved因我此刻明白了,什么是被爱You are so far away but I feel you"re so near你离得那么远,我却感觉你在身边It"s like you"d never left me, never said goodbye好像你从未离开,从未道别I can hear your voice in the crowd我能听见,人群中你的呼唤I can feel your touch me right now此刻可以感受到你的触碰I can see your smile when I close my eyes闭上眼,你的笑就在眼前And I hold on to that every night夜夜坚守着这份情 To help me understand when I ask myself让我明了,当我追问自己Why of all the people who are there茫茫人海中为何偏偏是你 Just to be with me, to share all the sorrow只为与我厮守,只为分担所有忧伤And if you never come back如果你从此不再回来And the day was all that we had而那一天就是我们所拥有的一切And if I wouldn"t see tomorrow with you就算我不能和你看尽明天In my eyes it won"t matter我也了无遗憾Because now I know what it"s like to be loved因为此刻我明白了被爱的感觉What a beautiful thing, to feel your love within沉浸在你的爱中是多么美好 Like a child outside in the sunshine on the first day of spring就象沐浴在初春暖阳下的孩子Just to know this is true只知道这是真实存在There is someone like you有你这样的人Who can make me believe能使我相信There is nothing I can"t do没有什么是过不去的And if you never come back如果你从此不会回来And the day was all that we had而那一天就是我们所拥有的一切And if I wouldn"t see tomorrow with you哪怕我明天不会与你相伴In my eyes it won"t matter我也了无遗憾Because now I know what it"s like to be loved因为此刻我明白了被爱的感觉
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setLayout(new BorderLayout());这个在java中什么意思?

2023-07-24 06:02:001

love to be loved by you的英文歌词

I can"t believe I"m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign my heart You changed my live so patiently ?And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer ?Can"t you see… Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I"m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me ?Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here ?please yeah...yeah... I can"t believe I"m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign ?my heart You changed my live so patiently And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer Can"t you see… Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I"m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true ?I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here please yeah...yeah... 中文歌词大意 我不敢相信我一直在这里等了这么多年 直至今日才找到支配我的心灵的皇后 你让我的生命变得坚韧并且把很多事情变得美好而真实 我觉得就像我在梦中的感受那样 有很多问题很难回答你不会知道。。。 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我你看起来恐惧现在 你在等待婚姻的誓言 但是我不知道我能不能开口说话你的美丽让我失明 就像夏日河流上的一缕阳光我只能闭上眼睛保护自己 请你牵我的手带我离开这里。。。 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我 我需要你爱我 我愿意你爱我 我知道他们说我们的爱不足以坚定到永远 我也知道他们会说因为艰难的环境我们放弃我们的爱 但是他们怎么能够理解我们的爱正是上天给予我们的 让我们一直拥有着它因为它属于我们两个 宝贝,告诉我 我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我 我需要你爱我 我愿意你爱我 是的 我愿意你爱我 歌曲名:Love To Be Loved By You (The Wedding Song)_Marc Terenzi 所属专辑:RTL Winter Dreams 2006 (Disc 2) 演唱:RTL 作词: 作曲: 歌词: I can"t believe I standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign my heart You changed my live so patiently And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer Can"t you see? Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here please yeah...yeah... Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That l blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved, I need to be loved I love to be loved by you I know they gonna say our love"s not strong enough to last forever And I know they gonna say that well give up because of heavy weather But how can they understand that our love is just heaven sent We keep on going on and on cause this is where we both belong? Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved, I need yes I need to be loved I love to be loved by you
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2023-07-24 06:01:512

求Maria Mohn 的 bedtime story 歌词

all i want there when i was three i see it has a banner and love sleep lately i guess it"s only in faerie tales a girl could really get her waste but i been accede a hundred years without complain then there will have no fear but all the stalks twirl in my head and i"m not sleep acquaint madam stand i lose the point for me i sleep in mess so tell me tell me your story i may past time you konw i"m just a miss i"m losing patient so please tell me when will you tell me your story and if you don"t i may not sleep again so tell me tell me your story a bedtime story the sin was white white as snow a lip was red and it use to blow the hair was black and like gabbly wood the pretty eareast girl in the neiborhood but her mother rather want her dead so cut up what magic mirror said but there assassin kill a deer in stead and now her life is hanging by a thread i lose the point for me i sleep in mess so tell me tell me your story i may past time you konw i"m just a miss i"m losing patient so please tell me when will you tell me your story and if you don"t i may not sleep again so tell me tell me your storyyou came to my isle there"ll turning red i"ve been counting she turn my fingers wet don"t you deliver me in my lonely bedi lose the point for me i sleep in mess so tell me tell me your story i may past time you konw i"m just a miss i"m losing patient so please tell me when will you tell me your story and if you don"t i may not sleep again so tell me tell me your story a bedtime story有些地方听不清楚,凑乎看吧
2023-07-24 06:01:493


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