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2023-07-24 10:11:34
TAG: you mp yo jun uj NMP

应该是You jump I jump 你跳,我跳。


You jump,I jump,You jump,I jump,是什么意思

2023-07-24 06:05:5814


2023-07-24 06:07:014

You jump,I jump中文是什么意思

2023-07-24 06:07:337


2023-07-24 06:07:561


泰坦尼卡号的台词 意思是:执子之手,与子同跳。
2023-07-24 06:08:076

you jump i jump翻译汉语什么意思

就是 如果你跳,我也跳 的意思 但影片中有引申意思```放不同的环境自然有不同的意思,反正就是“生死与共”的意思吧麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-24 06:08:571


你跳我也跳~ 泰坦尼克经典语录啊~
2023-07-24 06:09:155

you jump, i look.是哪首歌的歌词

歌曲名:Jump, Jump, Jump歌手:True Vibe专辑:Wow Hits 2002歌词如下:Rihanna - JumpJump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump...Tell me that you love me when you know you don"t loveBut I guess I guess I guess is all goodYou can play the game, i"mma still do my thangAnd no better with the written be quoteWhen you f-ck them other girls I bet they be wondering why you always call my nameYou think i"m gonna wait aroundI ain"t got all dayYou don"t need another loverDon"t you let it goI already got it covered, let the others knowIf you want it let"s do itRide it, my pony, my saddleIs waitin", come and, jump on itIf you want it let"s do itRide it, my pony, my saddleIs waitin", come and, jump on itJump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jumpThink I give a damn boy don"t you know who I amI run around kissing no dudeIf somebody acts like me don"t come aroundBoy you got it misunderstoodPut it in your face but you reckon not yetLike you can"t recognize a good thingNow that you got a chanceTell me what is gon" be?You don"t need another loverDon"t you let it goI already got it covered, let the others knowIf you want it let"s do itRide it, my pony, my saddleIs waitin", come and, jump on itIf you want it let"s do itRide it, my pony, my saddleIs waitin", come and, jump on itJump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jumpYou say it"s my fault, OK I get itYou ain"t picking your girls, i"m like forget itSee you put up your wallYou know you did it, the rise and the fall, just admit itYou say it"s my fault, OK I get itYou ain"t essing your girls, i"m like forget itIt"s the the rise and the fallIt"s the the rise and the fallAnd you good at it allIf you want it let"s do itRide it, my pony, my saddleIs waitin", come and, jump on itIf you want it let"s do itRide it, my pony, my saddleIs waitin", come jump on and, itJump, jump, jump on itJump, jump, jump on itJump, jump, jump on itJump on it, jump on itJump, jump, jump on itJump, jump, jump on itJump, jump, jump on itJump on it, jump on itSplendidyang
2023-07-24 06:09:481

泰坦尼克You jump 这个经典对白

泰坦尼克号》结尾对白: If you jump, I jump .如果你跳,我就跳. I"ll never let go. I"ll never let go, Jack. 我永不食言,永不食言,Jack.
2023-07-24 06:10:462

you jump i jump的那种。。是什么意思啊。。。

2023-07-24 06:10:567

you jump i jump是什么梗

you jump i jump是死生契阔,生死相随,中文翻译过来的意思是你跳,我也跳。这句是著名的爱情电影《泰坦尼克号》里面的一句台词,相信很多看过,女主站在船头位置即将要跳到海里面去,而站在旁边的男主角为了能够挽救女主,于是他说了这句比较经典的台词,因此被广大的观众所记住。当时一个陌生的男人肯对一个女人说这句话,没有理由的去为这个女人死,这样的震撼力是比较大的,而在接下来的剧情发展中,女主也因为这句话而对男主产生了情愫。《泰坦尼克号》主要讲述了泰坦尼克号游轮在第1次航行的时候就触礁冰山,最终沉默的整个过程。
2023-07-24 06:11:121

You jump I push什么意思

2023-07-24 06:11:261

谁能告诉我《泰坦尼克号》中出现you jump,i jump时男主人公jack对rose说的话

三次:1 在刚开始的那段 ROSE要跳海 JACK 说海水很冷 他就把鞋子脱了然后说的You jump,i jump2 在ROSE和家人在甲板上散步的时候JACK随手拿了件别人的外套然后趁别人不注意时 把ROSE拉进小屋里说自己对ROSE的感情 这时遭到ROSE的拒绝 ROSE说她爱她的未婚夫 JACK没办法 只能放手 最后说了一句You jump,i jump3 JACK让ROSE坐着救生艇 下去时 ROSE在救生艇上看着JACK突然觉得自己不能丢下JACK一个人 然后就跳到大船上 JACK见ROSE回来了就去找 当她们看到彼此时 JACK问她为什么回来 为什么那么傻 这时ROSE说了 You jump,i jump
2023-07-24 06:11:461

you jump i jump 是什么意思

2023-07-24 06:12:134

“You jump I push”是什么意思?

你跳我推。jump解释:跳; 跳过; 快速移动; 猛地一动; 跳跃; 暴涨; 猛增; 猛长,暴涨; 障碍; 跳伞。push解释:推,推动; 按; 推动,增加; 对…施加压。
2023-07-24 06:12:501


这是电影《泰坦尼克号》里面的台词,原台词是:You jump,I jump,remember?I won"t leave you alone.这是《泰坦尼克号》里沉船之后杰克对露丝说的,《泰坦尼克号》是美国二十世纪福斯电影公司、派拉蒙影业公司出品爱情片,由詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、凯特·温斯莱特领衔主演。影片以1912年泰坦尼克号邮轮在其处女航时触礁冰山而沉没的事件为背景,讲述了处于不同阶层的两个人穷画家杰克和贵族女露丝抛弃世俗的偏见坠入爱河,最终杰克把生存的机会让给了露丝的感人故事。
2023-07-24 06:13:001

Cany your jump?(作否定回答)

No ican"t
2023-07-24 06:13:224

you jump l jump什么意思?

2023-07-24 06:13:302

how long can you jump还是how far can you jump

how long 指的是长度上的有多长,how far 指距离上的远近,即有多远。答案: 第二种正确。How long can you jump?你能跳多远?
2023-07-24 06:13:451

what do you jump

waiter. Because there"s a "I" in water.
2023-07-24 06:14:041


"I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what"s going to happen,or who I"m going to meet,where I am going to wind up." "I figure life is gift and I don"t intend on wasting it.You never know what hand you"re going to get dealt next.You learn to take life as it comes at you." "To make each day count." "You jump,I jump.""You are going to get out of there.You"re going to go on and you"re going to make lots of babies and you"re going to watch them grow and you"re going to die and old , an old lady,warm in your bad.Not there,Not this night,Not like this.Do you understand me?""Winning that tickets,Rose,was the best thing that ever happend to me.It brought me to you.And I"m thankful of that.Rose,I"m thankful.You must do me the favor.You must promise that you"ll servive,that you won"t give up.No matter what happens.No matter how hopless.Promise now.Rose,you never go off that ,promise!" "I am King of the World!""I love you ,Jack!"“我喜欢早上一起来一切都是未知的,不知道会遇见什么样的人,会有什么样的结局。”“我觉得生命是一个礼物,我不想浪费它。你并不知道下一手牌你会拿到的是什么。所以要学会接受生活。”“要让每一天都有所值。”“你跳,然后我也跳。”“你一定会脱险的,你要活下去,生很多很多孩子,看着他们长大,然后你会安享晚年,在温暖的床上离开这个世界,而不是今晚在这里,不是就像这样的死去。明白吗?”“露丝,赢到那张船票是我一生中最幸运的事。它把我带到了你的身边,我感到很欣慰,真的,我感到很欣慰。露丝,你必须要答应我,你要答应我活下去,绝不放弃,无论发生什么,无论希望有多么渺茫。答应我,露丝,你绝不会食言的是吧,快答应我。”“我是世界之王!”“我爱你,杰克!”
2023-07-24 06:14:112


2023-07-24 06:14:294


问题一:跑和跳的英语是什么 跑 run 在英语当中run是一个经常用的单词,run有几种时态: 一般现在时:run 现在分词:running 第三人称单数形式:runs 一般过去时:ran 过去分词:run 这种时态是我们英语常用的时态。 例: I can run. I ran yesterday. I am going to run tomorrow. I have run since 2000. 跳jump jump[英][d??mp][美][d??mp] vt.跳; 跳过; 快速移动; (因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动; vi.暴涨; 跳跃; 猛增; n.猛长,暴涨; (需要跳越的)障碍; 跳伞; 第三人称单数:jumps过去分词:jumped现在进行时:jumping过去式:jumped 问题二:跳用英语怎么写 jump 问题三:跳的英文是什么 jump 英[d??mp] 美[d??mp] vt. 跳; 跳过; 快速移动; (因吃惊、害怕或激动而) 猛地一动; vi. 跳跃; 暴涨; 猛增; n. 猛长,暴涨; (需要跳越的) 障碍; 跳伞; I jumped over the fence 我跳过了栅栏。 问题四:”跳跃“的英文是什么 jump,就是“跳”的意思 问题五:跳舞的英文是什么? dancing 动词, 问题六:学跳舞的英文是什么? Learn to dance 学跳舞 望采纳,谢谢你 问题七:你跳,我也跳用英语怎么说啊! you jump,I jump 问题八:他跳的很高用英语怎么说 He jumps very high. He做主语, 表示他。 跳的很高,是描述他的优点,这是特的特长,用一般现在时,所以用jumps第三人称单数做谓语。 very high放在动词后做副词成分,表示很高。
2023-07-24 06:14:381


you jump i jump
2023-07-24 06:14:584


江浦 .....
2023-07-24 06:15:073

can you jump这句话怎么读

2023-07-24 06:15:151

阿凡达 台词

  《阿凡达》经典台词  一、暧昧型  【场景】杰克以“阿凡达”之身,打入纳美人内部,涅蒂莉带他去征服一头自己的“坐骑”。  【台词】涅蒂莉:选择一只你自己喜欢的,而它也喜欢你的,双方要进行灵魂的沟通。  杰克: 那我要怎样才能辨认它是喜欢我的呢?  涅蒂莉:挣扎得最厉害的那只就是。  【场景】几经周折,杰克终于找到并且驯服了自己的“坐骑”。  杰克: 它是我的了。  ※评价:是“黑色幽默”还是“黄色幽默”?台词很有欧美范儿。  二、搞笑型  【场景】格蕾丝·奥古斯汀博士(理想主义的植物学家),为了去拯救纳美人不幸中枪伤势严重,杰克请求纳美人带他到神灵之树“爱娃”那里去拯救她,当所有人都屏气凝神,祈求“爱娃”。  【台词】格蕾丝·奥古斯汀:(看见神灵之树后发出感叹)真想把它们带回去做植物样本。  ※评价:当一个人生命垂危,旁边的人都为她捏把冷汗的时候,当事人竟如此“飘飘然”,实属可歌可泣。(全场爆笑)  1.“Isee you”(我看到你了)  点评:这是最经典的台词,相信这一定会成为和 《泰坦尼克号》中的经典台词“Youjump,Ijump”一样载入电影史册。这句台词其实在影片中出现了好几次,尤其是出现在全片中最催人泪下的场景时,女主角救了地球人状态的杰克时,男主角用他的“小手”扶着女主角的脸,说了句 “Iseeyou”,然后女主角的眼泪就留下来了,回应了句 “I seeyou”,仅仅两句话,配合着音乐的烘托,非常地具有感染力。一个简单的“see”不仅有“看到”的意思,更有“理解”的意思,两个不同种族之间的深深情意在这句话中表现的淋漓尽致。  2.一个生命结束,另一个生命开始。  点评:主人公第一次将意识注入进阿凡达内,在美丽的潘多拉上奔跑,那是重生的感觉,也注定了他的灵魂将要游走在两个躯体内。  3.人可以退役,但精神不可以退役。  点评:主人公本是前海军陆战队战士,因双腿瘫痪被迫退役,来到潘多拉参加阿凡达计划是他的一次重生。只是谁能想到,他不甘退役的精神最后拯救了潘多拉,拯救了地球,成为潘多拉的精神领袖。  4.能量在生物间流动,所有的能量都是借来的,早晚有一天要还回去。  点评:纳美人都是有信仰的,自然是他们的一切,与自然的和谐相处就是生命的存在。  5.一切都被颠倒了,仿佛那里才是真实的世界,这里才是梦。  点评:游离于两个躯体之间,主人公已无法感知什么是真实什么是梦境。  6.我是个武士,希望能创造和平。  点评:主人公是一个武士,他试图说服纳美人为了和平逃离家乡,但纳美人怎么可能逃出人类的欲望?  7.流浪汉、叛徒、异类,我成了一个被遗弃的人。  点评:Jake为了人类进入阿凡达,探取秘密情报,背叛了纳美人;又陷于潘多拉的唯美生活渴望保护那里。一个被遗弃的人,正是诠释了这种 “卧底”生活的两难。  8.我们要用暴力对抗暴力  点评:上校是个崇尚武力的人,当他用炮弹摧毁整个生命之树时,面对纳美人的原始弓箭和徒手搏斗,到底什么才是真正的暴力。所谓的“用暴力对抗暴力”只是一场战争可笑的借口。  I see you  2 People heaven sent us a message  人类给我们带来了信息  I can take whatever they want  他们能得到任何他们想要的  And nobody can stop  而且没人能阻止  But we send them a message  但是我们也要让他们看到  Run as fast as the wind  像风一样奔跑  Tell other clans to come  告诉别的种族  Tell them that they toruk makto needs  告诉他们图鲁克所需要的  Fly now  飞吧  With me  和我一起  My brethrens  兄弟们  Sisters  姐妹们  And we are showing new people heaven  我们要让他们知道  Cannot take all they want  他们并不能得到所有  And that"s,This is our land  因为,这里是——是我们的土地!  3 Sooner or later though,you always have to wake up(男主角睁眼的瞬间,经典)  4 Once shahaylu is made, ikran will fly with only one Hunter  in the whole life.  First flight seals the bond. You cannot wait.(骑伊卡兰那段,no fear are you,jake)  5 sorry,jake.(Trudy飞机被炸,很遗憾没能帮上jake)  6 This is shahaylu -- the bond. Feel her heartbeat, her breath. Feel her strong  legs.(奈蒂娜教Jake骑shahaylu,ps:六腿马,如何用心去交流)  7 When you hear nothing, you will hear everything. When you see nothing, you  will See everything.—— NEYTIRIE  8 Everything is backwards now. Like out there is the true world, and in here is  the dream.(Jake觉得他已经脱离了人类世界)  9 I See you Brother, and thank you. Your spirit goes with Eywa, your body stays behind to become part of the People.(NA"vi人每次杀死一只动物都要说的,算是为罪行祈祷吗?)  10 I may not be much of a horse guy. But I was born to do this.  (Ikran,jake似乎天生就是骑这个的)  11There"s no such thingas an ex-Marine.  You may be out, but you never lose the attitude(被译作,海军会退役,但海军精神永远不会退役)  12 And then, everything changed.  I fell in love.  I fell in love with the forest.  With the Omaticaya people.  With you.(Jake的告白,单纯的NA"VI人似乎从没有被骗过)  13 Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.  That"s all.  What"s more,someone if you want all movie lines,please wait .  如果要全部的不可能啊!只有这么多啦
2023-07-24 06:15:221

你能跳多高?用英语怎么回答 我知道是how high can you jump 怎么回答这个问题?

how high could you jump? I can jump ……meters.
2023-07-24 06:15:291

how tall can you jump

far是远的意思,long是长的意思,从字面上就能理解选far不选long了 have a attittude toward sth.是固定的搭配,atttitude后面要加宾语都要用toward,不能用别的
2023-07-24 06:15:361

How high do you jump last year? 找错。每题只有一处。要告知为何出错。

do----did last year是过去时的标志
2023-07-24 06:15:464


I love EnglishWhen I entered junior high, I met a really good English teacher. Her English is beautiful and her lessons are interesting. What"s more important, she always encouraged us to practise more. She made everyone of us read English newspapers in class. We often did pair work, group work, discussions and reports. She also brought us a lot of really nice English songs and chants. We never found it boring to learn English. Her classes always seemed to be too short. There were always games, competitions and laughter in our English class. As a result, everyone in our class loves and does well in English. I began to read simplified English novels even when I was in junior three. I just enjoy learning and improving my English. My biggest wish is to be an English teacher in the future. I want to be an excellent English teacher like my beloved junior English teacher, Linda. Learning English is already part of my life, and I"ll definitely keep on till the very end.
2023-07-24 06:14:233


2023-07-24 06:14:231


2023-07-24 06:14:261


2023-07-24 06:14:271


2023-07-24 06:14:284

谁能给我Eminem《My mom》歌词的中文翻译?

Yeah... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yo Yo Alright, Ima lay the chorus first Here we gooo now Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yo Yo 好吧~先来副歌部分 走起~~~ [Chorus] (河蟹)My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I am like I am because I"m like her Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I"m on what I"m on cause I"m My Mom! 我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 拜她所赐我现在和她一样 因为我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 这就是为啥我现在嗑着药都因为我像我老娘! [Verse #1] My mom, my mom, I know your probably tired of hearing "bout my mom, Oooh whooa But this is just a story of when I was just a shorty And how I become hooked on vah-a-l-ium Valium was in everything, food that I ate The water that I drank, fxxkin peas in my plate She sprinkled just enough of it just to season my steak So everyday I"d have at least three stomach aches Now tell me, what kind of mother would want to see her Son to grow up to be an under-afxxkin-chiever My teacher didn"t think I was gunna be nothin either "What the fxxk you stickin gum up under the fxxkin seat for?" "Mrs.(河蟹) Mathers your son has(河蟹) been huffin ether," "Either that or the motherfxxkers (河蟹)been puffin" reefer" But all this huffin and puffin wasn"t what it was either, it was neither I was(河蟹) buzzin but it wasn"t what she thought Pee in teacup? Bitch you ain"t my keeper I"m sleepin What the fxxk you keep on fxxkin" with me for Slut you need to leave me the fxxk alone, I ain"t playin Go find you a white crayon and color a fxxkin" zebra! 我老娘,又谈我老娘~ 我猜你们听到我又谈我老娘感到粉抓狂~oh~whooa~~ 但这只是个我小时候的小事一件 关于我怎么迷上了安定药片 那时安定剂就是我的全世界 我吃的饭喝的水甚至盘子里的豆子都是TMD药片 我老妈把它当作调味剂洒在牛排上 所以每天我至少有三次胃肿胀 现在告诉我,有哪个老妈想看到 自己的儿子长大了却有潜力没实力 我老师也觉得我长大了是个垃圾 “你丫在座位下胡JB搞什么东西?” “Mathers太太你儿子把乙醛吸了进去” “要不就是这个小混蛋已经学会抽那些违禁品” 但这些只是你的猜测,这些东西我没做任何一样 我在嗡嗡做声但那不是她想得那样 在茶杯里撒尿?你个贱人又不是我的监护人我现在在睡觉 你TM干嘛还来对我打扰 你个婊子离我远点这不是开玩笑 找只白粉笔去把斑马刷成彩色! Chorus] My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I am like I am cause I"m like her Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I"m on what I"m on cause I"m My Mom! 我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 拜她所赐我现在和她一样 因为我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 这就是为啥我现在嗑着药都因为我像我老娘! [Verse #2] Wait a minute.. This ain"t dinner, this is paint thinner "You ate it yesterday, I ain"t hear no complaints did I? Now heres a plate full of pain killers, now just wait till I crush the valium and put it in your potatoes, you little motherfxxker, I"ll make you sit there and make that retarded fxxkin face Without even tastin it. You better lick fxxkin" plate you ain"t wastin" it, put your face in it For I throw you in the basement again, and I ain"t givin" in Your gunna just sit there in one fxxkin place spi????(单词不详) Till next Thanksgiving and if you still ain"t finished Then I"ll use the same shit again, then When I make spinach dip It"ll placed in the shit. You little shit Wanna sit there and play innocent A rack filler hit me in K-Mart and they witnessed it Child support? Your father he ain"t sent the shit And so what if he did? Its none of your dang business kid" 等等等等。。这不是晚餐而是油漆颜料 “儿子你昨天吃的也是这个当时可没听到你乱叫” 这儿有一盘止痛药,等我把药片压碎就好 现在把它们混在土豆泥里,小王八羔~ 这样你好像个二B一样乖乖坐下来。别管味道了。 你最好把盘子舔干净,把脸贴到盘子上别浪费了 待会把你丢进地下室我可不会向你投降~ 你得给我老实呆在那哪都不许去 明年感恩节的时候要是你还没吃下去 那我会再折磨你一次,然后我做泡菠菜的时候 再加点东西~ 你个小畜生好好坐那乖一点 在凯马特他们都看到我被一本书给砸了 儿童抚养费?你老爸从来没有给 那他要是给了呢?孩子这不关你鸟事 Bridge #1] My mom, theres no one else quite like my mom I know I should let bigons be bigons But shes the reason why I am high what I"m high on 我老娘,世上没有一个人像她这样 我知道我该让bigon成为bigon 但她是我为什么执著于药物的原因 [Chorus] My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I am like I am cause I"m like her Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I"m on what I"m on cause I"m My Mom! 我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 拜她所赐我现在和她一样 因为我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 这就是为啥我现在嗑着药都因为我像我老娘! [Bridge #2] My mom love valium now while I am Theres a party animal, I am what I am But I"m strong to the finish with me valium spinach But my buzz only last about two minutes But I don"t wanna swallow it without chewin" it I can"t even write a rhyme without doin" it My valium, My valiiiuuuuum 我老娘爱安定呀现在我也一样 舞池动物说得就是我 但我对加了药丸的菠菜感觉强烈 但我只能喃喃有词两分钟不到 但我不想生吞药丸不加咀嚼 没有它的话一个韵脚都没法写 我的止痛药片,我的止痛药片~~~~~~~~ [Verse #3] Man I never thought I could never be a drug addict Nah fxxk that, I can"t have it happen to me But that actually what has ended up happenin" A tradegy, of fxxkin passin it up, catchin" me And its probably where I got aquanted with the taste, Ain"t it Pharmaceuticals are the bomb mom, beautiful She killed a fxxkin dog with the medicine she done fed it Feed a fxxkin asprin and say that it has a headache "Here want a snack, you hungry you fxxkin brat?" "Look at that, its a xanax, take it and take a nap! EAT IT!" But I DONT NEED IT! "WELL FxxK IT, then break it up!" "Take a little piece then beat it, before you wake Nathan up!" Alright ma, you win, I don"t feel like arguin" I"ll do it, pop it gobble it, and start wobblin" Stumble, hoble, tumble, slip, tripped and I fall in bed With a bottle of Meds, and a Heath Ledger bobblehead 哥们我从未想过我会对药物着迷 不,去他的,我可不能这样下去 但这事最终的确的就这样发生了 悲剧呵~牢牢抓住了我~ 可能是我爱上了那种口味~大概吧 药物品就像是炸弹.老妈,太爽了 她给一只狗喂丸子把它给弄死了 吃下一片阿司匹林说头有点痛 有份点心,你饿了么小淘气 “看看这个~是赞安诺~吃了它打个盹吧~给我吃!“ 但我不需要啊 “卧槽,那么把它弄碎!” “吃下一片然后走开,在你把Nathan小弟吵醒之前!” 好吧,妈你赢了,我不想吵了 我吃,大口大口,狼吞虎咽 接着不停翻滚,在床上自己被自己绊倒 只是一瓶最小的剂量,和Heath Ledger bobblehead(这里是个典故,电影看的多的朋友点明下) My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I am like I am cause I"m like her Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I"m on what I"m on cause I"m My Mom! 我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 拜她所赐我现在和她一样 因为我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 这就是为啥我现在嗑着药都因为我像我老娘! MY MOM MY MOM..... MY MOM MY MAMA sorry ma~·I still love u though....
2023-07-24 06:14:291


2023-07-24 06:14:335


狗和猫的行为障碍是主人们经常去兽医的原因。其中,不可接受或危险的动物行为问题是让宠物安乐死的常见原因。最近,兽医更加重视宠物训练和行为,在动物行为领域工作的专家也越来越多地把用于改变人类行为的药物用于宠物。阿普唑仑就是其中一种。阿普唑仑是一种温和的镇静剂,用于减轻狗和猫的焦虑。它在化学上被归类为苯二氮卓镇静剂。这类药物还包括安定和氯拉安定(Tranxene_)。阿普唑仑被认为是一种受控物质。因此,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)和药品执法局(DEA)(以及其他国家的类似监管机构)对这些药物进行了严格的控制。这些药物需要由兽医的处方与适当的DEA许可证才能获取。阿普唑仑只能从兽医处或由兽医开处方取得。美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)并未批准这种药物用于动物,但兽医依法规定了它可作为一种额外的处方药。阿普唑仑的配方这种药已注册仅供人体使用。人类配方:Xanax_(Pharmacia和Upjohn)和通用药物制剂兽医配方:暂无/web/uploadimg/20210111/1610357607517721.jpg阿普唑仑在猫狗身上的用途1. 阿普唑仑可用于治疗猫狗的焦虑症。2. 阿普唑仑的具体用途包括治疗雷暴恐惧症和其他恐惧症、分离焦虑和情境性恐惧(如乘车旅行和兽医办公室来访)。3. 与其他苯二氮卓类药物一样,阿普唑仑可作为肌肉松弛剂、抗惊厥剂或食欲刺激剂使用。它也可能对治疗肠易激综合征有一定的效果。注意事项及副作用1. 一般来说,由兽医开出的阿普唑仑是安全有效的,但这种药物也会对一些动物产生副作用。2. 阿普唑仑不应该用于已知对药物过敏的动物。3. 肌无力或青光眼患者也应避免服用阿普唑仑。阿普唑仑在有肝病的动物身上使用时应谨慎。4. 阿普唑仑可能会与其他药物相互作用。咨询你的兽医,以确定你的宠物正在接受的其他药物是否可能与阿普唑仑相互作用。这些药物包括:其他中枢神经系统抑制剂、地高辛、苯妥英和茶碱。5. 最常见的副作用是过度镇静和失去运动控制,但这些只有在大剂量摄入时才会发生。6. 在一些动物中,阿普唑仑可能会引起异常反应,比如:引起兴奋或加剧攻击性。7. 长期服用阿普唑仑可导致身体依赖,如果突然停药,会导致不良行为的改变。/web/uploadimg/20210111/1610357622728431.jpg阿普唑仑的规格信息1. 阿普唑仑的片剂有0.25毫克、0.5毫克、1毫克和2毫克。2. 它也可用每5毫升含0.5毫克或每毫升含1毫克的溶液。阿普唑仑的用法服量注:给药前一定要先咨询兽医。1. 狗中阿普唑仑的典型剂量范围是:每磅0.01至0.05毫克(0.02至0.1毫克/千克),每12小时口服一次。2. 猫中的剂量是:0.125至0.25毫克/每只猫,根据需要,最多一天两次。3. 用药的持续时间取决于治疗的情况和对药物的反应。即使你的宠物好像已经恢复,但也一定要完成整个疗程,除非兽医有特别指示。
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2023-07-24 06:14:375


import javax.swing.*;public class DrawTable extends JFrame{ JTable jt=null; public DrawTable(){ jt=new JTable(3,3); this.add(jt); this.setVisible(true); this.pack(); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(this.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public static void main(String[] args) { DrawTable dt=new DrawTable(); }}
2023-07-24 06:14:394


2023-07-24 06:14:181


2023-07-24 06:14:153


注意在使用strstr函数时,对参数是有限制的;如果有参数为null,则必然出现segment error。 你的程序就是出现了此情况。 参考资料:C++ 手册 //.
2023-07-24 06:14:141


恩咳,我是顺着青葱吧爬过来的虽然LZ的问题并不难问答,只是某人太懒了- -实在懒的去找了于是我是来看看的,吼一句青葱大爱爬走
2023-07-24 06:14:117

C 语言 strstr 函数出错 段错误

注意在使用strstr函数时,对参数是有限制的;如果有参数为null,则必然出现segment error。你的程序就是出现了此情况。
2023-07-24 06:14:072


文章一:与父母有效沟通Effective Communication with Parents与父母进行有效沟通至关重要,这有助于建立良好的关系。以下是几种提高与父母在英语中沟通的方法。首先,要建立一个开放和尊重的环境。以积极的态度接近父母,让他们感受到你重视他们的意见和想法。要专心倾听他们说话,保持眼神交流,全神贯注。通过表现出关注和尊重,你可以创造一个有利于有效沟通的氛围。其次,要经常与父母一起使用英语进行练习。主动与他们交谈,无论是分享你的一天还是寻求他们的建议。这不仅可以提高你的英语能力,还表明你愿意用他们希望的语言与他们交流。鼓励父母用英语回应,如果他们需要时间表达自己的观点,要有耐心等待。此外,寻找一起参与促进英语交流的机会。例如,建议全家一起看英语电影或电视节目,之后用英语讨论剧情或分享你的观点。这将创造一个轻松愉快的环境,让英语成为对话的自然组成部分。最后,利用科技的力量。有许多语言学习应用和在线资源可供使用,与父母一起尝试。你可以一起练习英语词汇,参与语言学习游戏,甚至与会说英语的朋友或亲戚进行视频通话。这些活动不仅可以让学习过程变得有趣,还能够创造共同的体验,加强与父母的联系。通过以上策略,你可以提高与父母在英语中的沟通能力,增强彼此间的关系。记住,沟通是相互的,鼓励父母积极参与,并分享他们的想法和感受,这样才能建立真正的有效沟通。Translation:Effective Communication with ParentsEffective communication with parents is crucial for building a strong relationship. Here are several ways to improve communication with your parents in English.Firstly, it"s important to create an open and respectful environment. Approach your parents with a positive attitude, making them feel valued for their opinions and ideas. Listen attentively, maintain eye contact, and give them your full attention. By showing care and respect, you can establish an atmosphere conducive to effective communication.Secondly, practice English regularly with your parents. Initiate conversations, whether it"s sharing about your day or seeking their advice. This not only improves your English skills but also demonstrates your willingness to communicate with them in their preferred language. Encourage your parents to respond in English and be patient if they need time to express themselves.Additionally, seek opportunities to engage in activities that promote English communication. For example, suggest watching English movies or TV shows together and then discussing the plot or sharing your opinions in English. This creates a relaxed and enjoyable environment where English becomes a natural part of your conversations.Lastly, leverage technology. There are many language-learning apps and online resources available that you can explore with your parents. Practice English vocabulary together, engage in language-learning games, or even have video calls with English-speaking friends or relatives. These activities make learning fun and create shared experiences that strengthen your bond with your parents.By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your communication skills with your parents in English and strengthen your relationship. Remember, communication is a two-way process, so encourage your parents to actively participate and share their thoughts and feelings to establish genuine and effective communication.文章二:与父母进行英语沟通的重要性The Importance of Communicating with Parents in English与父母进行英语沟通对于你的学习和成长都非常重要。下面是几个理由说明为什么与父母用英语交流是有益的。首先,与父母进行英语沟通可以提高你的英语能力。通过与父母用英语交谈,你将更加熟悉和自信地使用这门语言。你将有机会练习口语表达和听力技巧,并且在与父母的对话中学到新的词汇和语法结构。这将为你在学校和其他英语环境中的表达能力提供巨大帮助。其次,用英语与父母交流可以增强你们之间的亲密关系。通过用英语与父母交流,你们将更加紧密地联系在一起。你们可以分享彼此的想法和感受,倾诉内心的烦恼和快乐。这种亲密的沟通有助于加深你与父母之间的理解和信任,从而建立更加稳固的家庭关系。此外,用英语与父母沟通可以培养你的跨文化交流能力。在全球化的世界中,跨文化沟通技巧变得越来越重要。通过与父母交流,你将更好地理解他们的文化背景和价值观,并学会尊重和包容不同的观点和习俗。这将使你在国际交流和多元文化环境中更加自如和适应。最后,与父母用英语交流可以为你的未来做好准备。无论是在学术上还是在职业发展中,英语都是一项重要的技能。通过与父母用英语交流,你将为将来与英语使用者进行沟通打下坚实的基础。这对于你日后的学业和职业道路都将非常有益。综上所述,与父母进行英语沟通有助于提高你的英语能力,增强你们之间的关系,培养跨文化交流能力,并为你的未来做好准备。所以,不要犹豫,尽量用英语与父母交流吧!这将是你学习和成长的宝贵机会。Translation:The Importance of Communicating with Parents in EnglishCommunicating with your parents in English is crucial for your learning and growth. Here are several reasons why communicating with your parents in English is beneficial.Firstly, communicating with your parents in English can improve your English language skills. Engaging in conversations with your parents in English helps you become more familiar and confident with the language. You have the opportunity to practice oral expression and listening skills and learn new vocabulary and grammar structures through conversations with your parents. This will greatly benefit your ability to communicate in English in school and other English-speaking environments.Secondly, communicating with your parents in English strengthens your bond with them. By communicating in English, you establish a closer connection with your parents. You can share thoughts and feelings, express your worries and joys, and have meaningful conversations. This intimate communication helps deepen understanding and trust between you and your parents, contributing to a stronger family relationship.Furthermore, communicating in English with your parents develops your cross-cultural communication skills. In a globalized world, cross-cultural communication skills are becoming increasingly important. Through conversations with your parents, you gain a better understanding of their cultural background and values, and learn to respect and embrace different perspectives and customs. This equips you to communicate confidently and adapt in international and multicultural environments.Lastly, communicating with your parents in English prepares you for the future. English is an essential skill both academically and professionally. By engaging in English communication with your parents, you build a solid foundation for future communication with English speakers. This will be highly beneficial for your academic pursuits and career path.In conclusion, communicating with your parents in English enhances your English language skills, strengthens your relationship, develops cross-cultural communication abilities, and prepares you for the future. So, don"t hesitate, strive to communicate with your parents in English! It is a valuable opportunity for your learning and growth.文章三:促进与父母英语沟通的技巧Tips for Facilitating English Communication with Parents与父母用英语交流可能会有一些挑战,但以下技巧可以帮助你更好地促进与父母的英语沟通。首先,要以鼓励和支持的态度对待父母。他们可能不太流利或自信地使用英语,所以你要给予他们耐心和理解。不要纠正他们的错误,而是鼓励他们尽可能地表达自己的意思。积极地肯定他们的努力,并帮助他们更好地理解你的意图。其次,使用简单明了的语言。尽量使用简单的单词和句子,避免使用复杂的语法结构和专业术语。用清晰明了的语言表达自己的意思,使父母更容易理解。可以使用图片、手势和实物来帮助说明。此外,创造一个愉快和轻松的环境。通过营造放松和积极的氛围,让父母感到舒适和自在。选择适当的时间和地点,避免分散注意力的噪音和干扰。这样,父母更容易集中注意力并参与到你的英语对话中。另外,利用各种资源进行学习。寻找适合父母学习英语的资源,如语言学习应用程序、在线课程和教材。你可以一起学习,共同进步。此外,利用家庭媒体资源,如英语电影、电视节目和音乐,以及英语阅读材料,如报纸、杂志或故事书。这些资源可以提供有趣的学习体验,同时增加父母的英语接触。最后,保持持续的练习和鼓励。沟通是需要不断练习的技能,所以要坚持下去。鼓励父母与你进行频繁的英语对话,并提供积极的反馈和鼓励。分享你的进展和成就,让他们感到骄傲并激发他们的兴趣。通过采用这些技巧,你可以有效地促进与父母的英语沟通,增强彼此的理解和亲密度。记住,沟通是一个双向的过程,要鼓励父母积极参与,分享他们的想法和感受,共同创造一个积极和富有意义的对话环境。Translation:Tips for Facilitating English Communication with ParentsCommunicating with parents in English may present some challenges, but the following tips can help facilitate better English communication with your parents.Firstly, approach your parents with encouragement and support. They may not be fluent or confident in using English, so be patient and understanding. Avoid correcting their mistakes and instead encourage them to express themselves to the best of their ability. Acknowledge their efforts and help them better understand your intentions.Secondly, use simple and clear language. Try to use simple words and sentences, avoiding complex grammar structures and specialized terminology. Express yourself in a straightforward manner that is easy for your parents to understand. You can use pictures, gestures, and real-life objects to help illustrate your point.Additionally, create a pleasant and relaxed environment. By fostering a relaxed and positive atmosphere, make your parents feel comfortable and at ease. Choose appropriate timing and a quiet place, free from distractions and noise that could divert their attention. This way, your parents will be more able to focus and engage in your English conversation.Moreover, utilize various resources for learning. Look for suitable resources for your parents to learn English, such as language-learning apps, onlinecourses, and textbooks. You can learn together and make progress as a team. Additionally, make use of family media resources such as English movies, TV shows, and music, as well as English reading materials such as newspapers, magazines, or storybooks. These resources can provide enjoyable learning experiences while increasing your parents" exposure to English.Lastly, maintain consistent practice and encouragement. Communication is a skill that requires ongoing practice, so persevere. Encourage your parents to engage in frequent English conversations with you and provide positive feedback and encouragement. Share your progress and achievements to make them proud and spark their interest.By adopting these tips, you can effectively facilitate English communication with your parents and enhance mutual understanding and closeness. Remember, communication is a two-way process, so encourage your parents to actively participate, share their thoughts and feelings, and together create a positive and meaningful dialogue environment.
2023-07-24 06:14:061

php 中的strstr()与strchr()的区别

strstr() 和strchr() 是完全一致的两个函数,它们都是从第一次出现的位置往后显示结果strrchr()函数就不一样了,是从最后一次出现的位置往后显示结果如:$a = "a@abc@cde";strstr($a,"@"); 和 strchr($a,"@"); 结果也是:@abc@cdestrstr($a,"@",true); 和 strchr($a,"@",true);结果也是:a 而 strrchr($a,"@");结果是:@cde
2023-07-24 06:14:004

Java swing 界面设计 打酱油的别来~~~

求源码要跑起来看。。你的图看不明白。 可以短消息加QQ。
2023-07-24 06:13:584


1.trying 改成 try(and为并列连词,read和try应为同一词性) 改成 by(用心用by heart记住就行) 3.form(打错了,养成) 后加a(一个好习惯,可数) 4.listening改为listen,此处缺谓语5.去掉with后的the(此处没有特指其余全部)6.I 后加have(根据上下文,这里指练习后现在的结果,而不是过去的事情,故须在I后加 have以构成现在完成时.) 7.speaking改成spoken(口语应是spoken English) 后加to(try one"s best to do sth尽力做某事,固定搭配) 改成 myself(express oneself意为表达思想) 10.why 改成 how(这里的表语从句应是学英语的方式,而不是学英语的原因)注:你是不是哪个地方打错了,应该是有一个是对的呀,请与原文校对。
2023-07-24 06:13:571


2023-07-24 06:13:565