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2023-07-27 08:20:09
TAG: as easy



adj.容易的; 舒适的; 宽裕的; 从容的;

adv.容易地; 不费力地; 悠闲地; 缓慢地;






How easy is that to lose? "



Social share counts are public and therefore not easy to fib about.



None of this will be easy.



Ms mankiller was not an easy taskmaster.



Emerging markets may be attractive, but companies looking for an easy growth spurt are getting in over their heads.






2023-07-26 03:39:043


2023-07-26 03:39:274


口头语easy是放松、别紧张的意思。easy当形容词来讲可以用来表达 容易的,简单的这样的意思,口头语这是表示放松别紧张的意思。相关短语:breathe easy呼吸简单,呼吸容易。breathe easy松了一口气,安心了,放心了。相关例句:Now I can finally breathe easy我终于可以松口气了。
2023-07-26 03:39:421


反义词:difficult。音标:英["du026afu026aku0259lt]、美["du026afu026aku0259lt]。释义:adj. 困难的;艰难的。举例:1、The quest for gold was difficult.寻找金矿是很困难的。2、The child is going through a difficult phase.那孩子正经历困难的阶段。用法1、difficult的基本意思是“难的”,指难以做到的、难以解决的、难以理解的、难以承受的事物,多用于智力或情感方面,侧重需付出大量思考或运用技巧方能解决。2、difficult引申用于修饰人时表示“难以对付的,不易取悦的”; 用于指境遇时表示“尴尬的”。3、difficult可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。作表语时后面可接介词of或to引起的短语,也可接动词不定式,句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑宾语。4、difficult用作表语时其后接的动词不定式不能用于被动结构。
2023-07-26 03:40:031


2023-07-26 03:40:2011


easy副词是什么easy(容易的)的副词是easily。easy的含义:容易地,轻易地,宽裕的,不费力地,很可能,多半,无疑,缓慢地等。比较级:more easily。 最高级:most easily。例句1、The shower is easy to install.这种淋浴器安装起来很简单。2、She is laughing and joking and making easy conversation with people she has never met before.她谈笑风生,和那些素未谋面的人毫不拘束地聊着。2easy的用法一.easy用作副词1.easy用作副词时的意思有二:第一是指做某事不存在困难,即“容易地,轻松地”; 第二是指在移动某物时加以小心,即“小心地移动”某物。2.easy在作“对某人或某事从容、谨慎”解时常用go easy on〔with〕 sb/sth 句型,当主语是人时,常用介词on,当主语是物时,常用介词with。3.用作状语Promises come easy.许诺容易。二.easy用作形容词1.easy的基本意思是“容易的,不难的,不费力的”,指某事做起来不困难,多用于指事,而少用于指人。2.easy还可以指生活、心理或健康状况良好,即“舒适的,安心的,安逸的”,此时可用于指人。3.easy后可接动词不定式,且不定式中的及物动词通常以主动形式表示被动意义。4.easy后面常接介词“of+表示动作的名词”。5.用作定语That"s the easiest way.那是最容易的方法。6.用作表语The sick man feels easier now.这病人现在觉得舒服一点了。7.用作宾语补足语He felt this leader modest and easy to approach.他感到这位领导人谦虚、平易近人。
2023-07-26 03:40:471


2023-07-26 03:41:364


2023-07-26 03:41:524


2023-07-26 03:42:0112


easy的反义词:hard、difficult。easy,作形容词时意为“容易的;舒适的”。hard,作形容词时意为“努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的”。 easy基本含义 adj.容易的;轻易的;不费力的;舒适的;安逸的;安心的;易受攻击的;无自卫能力的;容易吃亏的; adv.小心;慢些;轻点; [例句]The shower is easy to install 这种淋浴器安装起来很简单。 比较级:easier 最高级:easiest hard基本含义 adj.坚固的;坚硬的;结实的;难做的;难懂的;难以回答的;困苦的;艰苦的;艰难的; adv.努力地;费力地;艰难地;猛力地;猛烈地;彻底认真地; [例句]He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor 他拖着脚在硬木地板上走动。 比较级:harder 最高级:hardest
2023-07-26 03:42:241


一贼 这个可以吗哈哈哈
2023-07-26 03:42:443

为什么是It is easy to understand而不是It is easy to be understand

一。非谓语动词用主动表被动1.某些“be+形容词+to do”结构中的不定式通常要用主动形式表示被动意义。注:这类结构的特点是句子主语就是其后不定式的逻辑宾语,按理说其中的不定式要用被动形式,但习惯上却要用主动表被动。这类形容词常见的有awkward, convenient, dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, impossible, interesting, nice, pleasant, safe, tough, tricky, unpleasant 等。The air is too thin to breath.The question is easy to answer.The room is comfortable to live in.He is easy to get along with.The stone is hard to move
2023-07-26 03:42:562


2023-07-26 03:43:373


easy[英][u02c8i:zi][美][u02c8izi]adj.容易的; 舒适的; 宽裕的; 从容的; adv.容易地; 不费力地; 悠闲地; 缓慢地; vi.停止划桨(常用作命令); vt.向(水手或划手)发出停划命令; 最高级:easiest比较级:easier例句:1.That would not be easy. 这做起来并不容易。2.Inducing false memories is surprisingly easy. 错误记忆能够被轻易诱发。
2023-07-26 03:44:031


2023-07-26 03:44:298


简单 容易
2023-07-26 03:44:5013


2023-07-26 03:45:432


easy作形容词时表示"容易""放松的"在口语中表示"别急,慢慢来"还可以用take it easy"别忙,慢慢来"Shall I look at your clothes ?Of course. Take it easy.
2023-07-26 03:45:542


2023-07-26 03:46:3812

英语 翻译 口语 easy~啥意思?

2023-07-26 03:47:126


2023-07-26 03:47:284


2023-07-26 03:47:431


2023-07-26 03:43:296

are you serious什么意思

2023-07-26 03:43:305


2023-07-26 03:43:315


2023-07-26 03:43:395

are you serious什么意思

2023-07-26 03:43:452


客观的讲 你就是要建模 好学好用简单 那么我就推荐3D MAX 控制界面简单 容易上手 MAYA就比较复杂了
2023-07-26 03:43:462


2023-07-26 03:43:532

disk or washer method?

这里washer method错了吧,washer method不是大圆减小圆吗,不然washer这个单词怎么解释。V = ∫πf(x)^2dx - ∫πg(x)^2dx 才对吧。washer是 washer ,shell 是 shell。其实washer可以算是disk的进阶。shell是把空心的体积切开拉直,用底面积乘高(就是圆周长)的方式计算的。
2023-07-26 03:43:551


对 支持 3楼的
2023-07-26 03:43:574

英语作文 《鼻子流血应该怎么办》

so easy
2023-07-26 03:43:592


火星时代8个月学费是2w~3w。北京火星时代科技有限公司,其前身“王琦电脑动画工作室”成立于1994年,并出版国内最早的CG教材——《三维动画速成》,创办“火星人 ”品牌,秉成“分享“的理念,毫无保留地把CG分享给更多人,开启中国CG教育元年。27年来,携手众多国内外知名企业,大力培养数字艺术设计人才,共同推进中国数字艺术创意产业发展,是国内专业从事数字艺术教育的领导企业。火星时代,自1993年创立“火星人”品牌,成立的“王琦电脑动画工作室,开启了中国CG教育元年,是较早进入中国数字艺术领域的企业。
2023-07-26 03:44:001

Are you serious?

正确版本:Are you serious?-------你认真的?NO,I‘m kidding!--------不是,我开玩笑啦。 serious:严肃,认真kidding:开玩笑,玩笑错误电影翻译:Are you serious?-------你是希尔瑞尔斯吗?NO,I‘m kidding!--------不,我是凯蒂!
2023-07-26 03:44:052


purchase:较正式用语;多指“大型的、批量的商业采购、或房产、不动产等购置活动”。I am willing to purchase all the paintings in this gallery In exchange for you Convincing your son not to accompany Serena. 我正打算买下你画廊里的所有画,来作为劝服你儿子,停止和瑟琳娜交往的条件。buy:表示“购买”的最常用语言,可指买各种日用品、消费品;还可以指用金钱雇佣、行贿等较抽象的“购买”。I bought myself a car.我为自己买了一辆汽车。She bought favour with flattery.她以阿谀奉承博得宠幸。A few public officials can be bought.一些公务员会被收买。
2023-07-26 03:44:051


2023-07-26 03:44:071


2023-07-26 03:43:275


哈哈,刚好我有这个资料,还是中英文双语的,你看下,是否够用: 因子 rhesus (Rh) factor 半规管 semicircular canal 半月瓣 semilunar valve 膀胱 bladder 包皮 foreskin; prepuce 背 back 鼻副窦 sinus accessory 鼻隔膜 septum of nose 鼻骨 nasal bone 鼻管 nasal duct 鼻尖 tip of nose 鼻孔 nostril 鼻梁 bridge of nose 鼻毛 nasal hair 鼻腔 nasal cavity 鼻咽 nasopharynx 鼻中隔 septum of nose 鼻子 nose 臂神经丛 brachial plexus 扁桃腺 tonsil 表皮 epidermis 波曼氏囊 Bowman"s capsule; renal corpusculum 勃起组织 erectile/spongy tissue 脖子 neck 肠腹膜 peritoneum of intestine 肠绒毛 villus of intestine 肠系膜 mesentery 肠皱襞 intestinal fold 耻骨 pubic bone; pubis 齿腔 dental cavity 齿咬合 bite; occlusion 齿质 dentin 齿龈 gum; tooth-ridge 尺骨 ulna 尺骨神经 ulnar nerve 处女膜 hymen; virginal membrane 喘息 wheeze 垂体 pituitary body/gland 唇 lip 雌激素 estrogen 催产素 oxytocin 催乳激素 prolactin 催阵素 oxytocin 大肠 large intestine 大动脉 aorta 大臼齿 molar (tooth) 大脑 forebrain; cerebrum 大腿 thigh 大阴唇 labia majora; large/greater lips 大趾 big toe 胆 gall 胆固醇 cholesterol; cholesterin 胆囊 gall bladder 胆脂醇 cholesterol; cholesterin 胆汁 bile 蛋白素 albumin 第二趾 second toe 蝶窦 sphenoid sinus 顶骨 top of skull; parietal bone 动脉 artery 动情激素 estrogen 动物淀粉 animal starch; glycogen 肚皮 belly 肚脐 navel; (inf.) belly button 肚脐眼 navel; (inf.) belly button 额骨 forehead; frontal bone 额窦 frontal sinus 颚 jaw 颚骨 jawbone 耳 ear 耳垂 ear lobe 耳朵 ear 耳孔 ear canal 耳蜗 cochlea 耳咽管 Eustachian tube 二头肌 biceps (muscle) 发育内分泌 growth hormone 发 hair 珐琅质 enamel 腓骨 fibula 肺 lung 肺胞囊 air sac 肺动脉 pulmonary artery 肺循环 pulmonary circulation 肺叶 lung lobe 分解性代谢 catabolism/destructive metabolism 跗骨 tarsal bone 副甲状腺 parathyroid gland 副交感神经系统 parasympathetic nervous system 腹 abdomen; belly 腹股沟 groin 腹纹 stretch marks 附睾 epididymis 肝 liver 肝动脉 hepatic artery 感觉神经单位 sensory neuron 肛门 anus; (inf.) asshole 睾丸 testis; testicle 睾丸激素 testosterone 肱(骨) humerus 鼓膜 eardrum; tympanic membrane 古氏腺 Cowper"s gland 骨臼 bone socket 骨膜 periosteum 骨盘 pelvis 骨盆 pelvis 骨髓 marrow; medulla of bone 骨骼肌 skeletal muscle 股动脉 femoral artery 股骨 femur 股神经 femoral nerve 关节 joint; articulation 冠状动脉 coronary artery 龟头 head/corona of penis; glans penis 海绵体 erectile/spongy tissue 汗腺 sweat gland 黑色素 melanin; skin pigment 黑头粉刺 blackhead acne 横隔膜 diaphragm 横结肠 transverse colon 恒齿 permanent tooth 恒河猴因子 rhesus (Rh) factor 红骨髓 red marrow 红血球 red blood cell; erythrocyte 瘊 wart 喉结 Adam"s apple 喉咙 throat 喉软骨 epiglottis 喉头 larynx 后臼齿 back tooth 后脑 back of head 后小腿 calf; upper leg 呼气 exhalation 呼吸 breathing; respiration 呼吸系统 respiratory system 踝骨 ankle bone 踝关节 ankle 黄体激素 progesterone 黄体素 corpus luteum 灰质 gray matter 回肠 ileum 会厌软骨 epiglottis 肌肉收缩 contraction of muscle 肌纤维 muscle fibre 鸡皮疙瘩 gooseflesh; goose pimples 鸡眼 corn 脊骨 vertebral/spinal column 脊髓 spinal cord 脊椎 spine 脊椎垫骨 spinal disk 脊椎骨 vertebra 痂 scab 颊 cheek 甲状腺 thyroid gland 甲状腺素 thyroxine 尖瓣 cuspid valve 肩 shoulder 肩胛骨 shoulder blade; scapula 腱 tendon (connecting bone with muscle) 降结肠 descending colon 交感神经系统 sympathetic nervous system 脚 foot 脚底 sole 脚底心 arch (of the foot) 脚跟 heel 脚尖 tip of the toe; tiptoe 脚内侧 instep 脚趾 toe; digit 脚趾甲 toenail 角膜 cornea 角质 keratin 睫毛 eyelash; eyewinker 睫状肌 ciliary muscle 结膜 conjunctiva 筋 tendon (connecting bone with muscle) 精包 epididymis 精虫 sperm; spermatozoon 精带 spermatic cord 精囊腺 neck 精索 spermatic cord 颈 neck 颈背 nape/back of neck 颈静脉 jugular vein 胫骨 tibia 静脉 vein 酒色斑 port wine stain 酒窝 dimple 臼齿 molar (tooth) 抗毒素 antibody 抗体 antibody 咳嗽 cough 可扑弗氏细胞 Kupffer cells 口 mouth 口腔 oral cavity 口腔顶 roof of mouth 骷髅 skull 喇叭管 fallopian tubes 阑尾 appendix 肋 rib 肋骨 rib (cage) 肋间肌 intercostal muscle (between the ribs) 肋膜 pleura; lung membrane 泪管 tear duct 泪腺 lachrymal gland 脸 face 两眼视力 binocular vision 淋巴结 lymph nodes 淋巴滤泡 lymph follicle 淋巴球 lymphocyte 淋巴腺 lymph glands 卵巢 ovary 卵泡内泌素 follicle-stimulating hormone (=FSH)) 卵细胞 egg; ovum; oocyte 卵腺体 ovarian follicles 螺纹 whorl (finger; etc.) 麦芽糖酵素 maltase 脉 pulse 脉搏 pulse 盲肠 cecum; appendix; blind gut 盲点 blind spot 毛干 hair shaft 毛根 hair root 毛孔 pore 毛囊 hair follicle 毛球 hair bulb 眉毛 eyebrow 门静脉 portal vein 门牙 front tooth; incisor 蒙古斑 Mongolian spot 泌尿系统 urinary system 密质骨 compact bone 免疫 immunity 免疫细胞 immune cell 面骨 facial bone 拇指 thumb 奶晕 areola 脑 brain 脑垂体 pituitary body/gland 脑干 brain stem; medulla oblongata 脑皮质 cerebral cortex 内耳 inner ear 内分泌腺 endocrine/ductless gland 内脏 viscera 黏痰 phlegm 尿道 urethra 尿道口 urethral meatus 尿管 ureter 颞骨 side of skull; temporal bone 凝血激素 thromboplastin 脓 pus 浓痰 phlegm 女胸 bosom; bust; (inf.) boob 欧氏管 Eustachian tube 喷嚏 sneeze 脾髓 spleen pulp 脾脏 spleen 皮肤 skin 皮下脂肪组织 subcutaneous fatty tissue 皮脂腺 sebaceous/oil gland 皮痂 scab 屁股 posteriors; buttocks; (inf.) bottom 屁股沟 cleft of the buttocks; sulcus posterior 屁股眼 anus;
2023-07-26 03:43:241


2023-07-26 03:43:202


  儿童故事是儿童成长的必备,儿童成长在很大程度上决定了国家的文化价值观,下面这些是我为大家推荐的几篇。   1:会唱歌的木屋   One day, the weather is warm. The rabbit and the dog each carrying a basket full of food, to go outside to play six suddenly, they heard a strange grunts, busy stop listen carefully.   "Seems to be sent to the giant"s voice, we have to be careful." Little rabbit to the puppy side by the by, said nervously. Puppies softly to the direction of the voice.   A little later, a wooden house in front of the puppy, hut about shaking, it is from here that strange purr.   "Ah! A call log. The book is such a thing." Little rabbit has been behind the dog, now it is close to the dog in a whisper. They carefully close to the cabin, pushed the door open and went in to. See - only big hippo is lying in bed, the nostril a match, when it maybe have a purring sound ing from the inside.   "It seems that a monster hid in the hippopotamus nose." The rabbit said. The dog head near the hippo"s nose to look, when the purring sounded again, a powerful air blow it high up, snapped hit the ceiling, and fell down. "Is a monster hit me!" Puppy climb from the ground up, together with the rabbit running for the flight. Always run to far away from the cabin, they didn"t stop. Look back a look, ah! Frighten almost fainted, I saw the hippopotamus carry them forget the basket in the log lodge, is striding pursued to e over? The dog and the rabbit "ah, ah," exclaimed to run again, this time they wish I can fly. As a result, needless to say, they still be hippo catches up.   "I don"t always change out of bed snores, so a lot of friends left me, left me a lonely man lived by himself in the log lodge." Hippo said with red eyes,flew to tell everyone: "there is a singing cabin in the woods!"   To hear the news of the animals came running to the cabin, they are in the log lodge singing, dancing...   "I am the most happy!" As a host of hippo, met anyone said.   "That said, you also blame poor." Said the dog.   Little rabbit also nodded: "you are not intend to snoring. Lulu, don"t blame you."   Hippo *** iled happily, it please the dog and the rabbit to the wood house a guest, also eat the delicious food together, laughter constantly ing out of the cabin.   A bird flew over here, and see the shaking of the cabin is laugh,   2:金色的玉米棒   The wineries, bunny hides three largest corn cob. That yellow corn kernels, really cute.   In winter, chilly north wind blow on my face like a knife. The little squirrel thought, don"t have a lot of food in the home, the little rabbit is my good friend, where he borrow a corn cob.   "Knocked!" The little squirrel knocked at the door.   "ZhiNiu!" Little rabbit opened the door.   The rabbit told the little squirrel, the corn cob, who also don"t borrow or think about other way. He gave the little squirrel a handful of dried mushrooms.   Snow, snow covered the forest road and hillside. There is a *** all grouse shook the pocket, there is very little food left. She thought, rabbits are good neighbors, where he borrowed corn cob.   "Knocked!" Small grouse knocked at the door.   "ZhiNiu!" Little rabbit opened the door.   Little rabbit told *** all grouse, the corn cob, who also don"t borrow or think about other way. He gave a *** all bowl of beans to *** all grouse.   Streams of melted ice, mud hole little hedgehog sleep wake up, very hungry. He wants to, I help the rabbit with live, looking for him to lend a corn cob line.   "Knocked!" The little hedgehog knocked at the door.   "ZhiNiu!" Little rabbit opened the door.   Little rabbit tell little hedgehog, the corn cob, who also don"t borrow or think about other way. He gave little hedgehog two carrots.   After a trickling rain shower, little rabbit dug a *** all pit in front of the door, he peeled the yellow corn kernels, each kind of down.   The wineries, the little rabbit to harvest a lot of golden corn cob. Him to send the little squirrel, a basket to send *** all grouse, a basket to send little hedgehog a basket. Everyone had a e alive in the winter. The little squirrel, *** all grouse, little hedgehog also picked three biggest corn cob.   Do you know why this is!   The rabbit don"t borrow three corn cob to his friends and neighbors, was kept corn cob when seeds! What do you know the little squirrel, little grouse, little hedgehog also hid three corn cob is for the sake of what? Is to stay when seeds! It is very important for seeds, leaving after seeds, can harvest next year!   3:要有宽容的心   A pig, a sheep and a cow dairy, locked up in the same corral. On one occasion, shepherd caught piglets, it loud howling, fiercely resist. Sheep and cows hate its howling, then said: "he often catch us, we"re not yelling. Pig listened to answer:" catch you and catch me pletely are two different things, he catch you, just want to your hair and milk, but catch me, is to my life!   To different position and environment, it is difficult to understand the feelings of others; So for other people"s disappointment, frustration, pain, unfavorable to gloat, but should be caring, understanding. To have a tolerance heart!    的人还: 1.少儿英语简短小故事 2.少儿英语寓言小故事 3.少儿英语口语小故事 4.儿童经典英语小故事 5.少儿经典英语小故事
2023-07-26 03:43:161


此外,我们有3.721亿美元和3.692亿美元可用在循环信贷额度,净约2790万美元和3080万美元的开出的信用证和杰出的12月3 1、2012年和201年分别为1。在截至今年12月3 1,2012,我们定期提款在我们的循环信用额度,作为我们的部分债务管理计划。优秀的最高金额在任何时候在循环信用额度为2750万美元,和所有余额回答
2023-07-26 03:43:135

品保中usl什么意思 求大神解释

USL:Upper Specification Limit规格上限质量
2023-07-26 03:43:121

解释:Are you serious?

2023-07-26 03:43:119


2023-07-26 03:43:103

are you serious是什么意思

are you serious?你是认真的吗?are you sure?你确定?两者意思完全不一样
2023-07-26 03:43:021


你是认真的吗----Are you serious?are you serious读音:英/ɑu02d0(r) ju u02c8su026au0259riu0259s/美/ɑu02d0r ju0259 u02c8su026ariu0259s/重点词汇解释:seriousadj. 不好的; 严重的; 有危险的; 需认真思考的; 严肃的; 重要的; 须重视的; 当真的; (强调大量);短语:serious problem 严重的问题a serious play 正剧take for serious 当真serious illness 【法】 重病serious money 一大笔钱desperately serious 不得了例句1、After the line judge reported her to the umpire for verbal abuse, Williams added: "I never said I would kill you, are you serious? "而当司线向裁判举报威廉姆斯对她进行人身攻击时,她又补充道:“我可从没说我要弄死你,你这么认真干嘛?”2、" . . . . . . Then I said " Are you serious? Are they camping out for our concert?“……然后我说”你是说真的吗?他们在为我们的音乐会露营?3、I can ask her to live with me. -Are you serious?我可以叫她跟我住你说真的吗?4、Jim: Are you serious? His family has a bad health history. Was it a hang-over?不是吧。他的家族健康史很不好。是不是你喝多了?5、Are you serious? After what you and Daniel have been through?真的吗?你和丹尼尔经历了那么多?
2023-07-26 03:42:552


2023-07-26 03:42:551


2023-07-26 03:42:546

are you serious什么意思

are you serious?词典结果are you serious?你是说真的吗?
2023-07-26 03:42:473


################################################# 晕!楼上注意!版主要的是成龙的外貌好不好哦! 答案在此ChengLong "s zygomatiandibular nose is very suitable,the secret "to 41-50 years old,the two municating with auxiliary,two ears is wrapped with the occipital outside,and with the lip is gringotts,for use,focal Wells (toward) for warehouse,nostril less than taking." Throughout chan zygomatiandibular nose clip,41-50 auxiliary for the best of luck in his life GaoFengYun,51 after mercury (port),surface good,but a thinner lips,for the big (soil) grams (mercury),ChangWeiBing life,unless the ChengLongZhi nose for processing,is expected to reduce soil grams of water.Another 56,57 left/right law,see Jackie life more easily represent legs hurt more opportunities,age,and prevent chronic rheumati *** ,57 of virtual age 56 more should withdraw.Why is the man Jackie will?XiangShu cloud:"big",so bold WuShi longhu since his debut by fighting to clap of danger,star Jackie chan movements by myself,but as time goes by,performance,long age,the message should be gradually reduce the risk of chan,especially high performance more careful,nasal big trouble.
2023-07-26 03:42:441