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2023-07-28 08:13:23
short 矮
tall 高
overweight 胖
plump 丰满
thin 瘦
slim 苗条
medium height 不胖不瘦
tubby 矮胖
muscular 强壮
elegantly 优雅
good-looking 长的好看
plain 长的一般
smartly dressed 穿着得体
well dressed 穿的漂亮
neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁
scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁
外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重
thin,slim 瘦
fat,stout 肥胖的
slender 苗条的
发型:dark hair
blonde 金发
cury,wavy hair 卷发
pony tail 马尾
脸部:freckle 雀斑
dimple 酒窝
oval face 鸭蛋脸
bald 秃顶的
Big-featured 五官较大的
Double-chinned 双下巴的
High-cheekboned 颧骨很高
Slender 苗条的
Sharp-featured 五官分明的
Well-featured 五官端正的
Pimpled 有粉刺的
Freckled 有雀斑的
Wrinkled 起皱纹的
Double-faced 两面派的
Well-Shaped 好看的
Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的
女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的
男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度



漂亮的,英俊的,可爱的,丑陋的,黑头发,金色头发,黑色眼睛,蓝眼睛,白皮肤,黑皮肤,黄皮肤,高鼻梁,小巧的嘴唇,高挑的,矮小的,肥胖的,瘦弱的,健壮的……beautiful, handsome, lovely, ugly, black hair, blonde hair, black eyes, blue eyes, white skin, black skin, yellow skin, high nose, small lips, tall, short, fat, thin , robust ... ...
2023-07-26 14:24:172


那就看这个词用在什么地方了 给你几个例句看看吧 1.Speaking French and playing the piano are social graces. 讲法语和弹钢琴是社交界的两大风雅。 这里grace 就是风雅 2.他是一位风雅的艺术家。 He is a tasteful artist. 这里tasteful 就是风雅 3. 既有风雅华贵之态;又有花王雍容之大度。 Also has elegantly magnificent and expensive condition; Also has peony graceful magnanimous. 这里elegantly就是风雅,这里用的是它的副词,形容词是elegant
2023-07-26 14:24:481


fat(胖)-thin(瘦) tall(高)-short(矮) young(年轻的)-old(老的) beautiful(漂亮的)-ugly(丑陋的) big(大的)-small(小的) dull(迟钝的)-cute(伶俐的) good(好的)-bad(坏的)呃...我就知道这么多了,希望对你有帮助
2023-07-26 14:24:573


1.描述外貌的英语单词 short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 性格: lazy 懒的 punctual 守时的 kind 善良的 efficient 办事高效率的 strict 严厉的 generous 慷慨的,大方的 patient 有耐心的 fetful 健忘的 reliable 可靠的 boring 令人乏味的 open-minded 思想开放的 traditional 思想保守的,传统的 2.描写人物外貌的英语单词 外貌: short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重 thin,slim 瘦 fat,stout 肥胖的 slender 苗条的 发型:dark hair blonde 金发 cury,wavy hair 卷发 pony tail 马尾 脸部:freckle 雀斑 dimple 酒窝 oval face 鸭蛋脸 bald 秃顶的 bobbed短卷发的 Big-featured 五官较大的 Double-chinned 双下巴的 High-cheekboned 颧骨很高 Slender 苗条的 Sharp-featured 五官分明的 Well-featured 五官端正的 Pimpled 有粉刺的 Rosy/ruddy红润的 Freckled 有雀斑的 Wrinkled 起皱纹的 Double-faced 两面派的 Well-Shaped 好看的 Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的 Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的 男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的 3.形容人的外貌的英语单词 1、女孩:slim,beautiful,pretty, 男孩:thin,handsome,strong, 或者clever, *** art 都是常用的。 2、外貌: short矮 tall高 overweight胖 plump丰满 thin瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim苗条 mediumheight不胖不瘦 tubby矮胖 muscular强壮 elegantly优雅 good-looking长的好看 plain长的一般 *** artlydressed穿着得体 welldressed穿的漂亮 neatlydressed衣着干净整洁 scrufilydressed衣着不整洁 3、性格: lazy懒的 punctual守时的 kind善良的 efficient办事高效率的 strict严厉的 generous慷慨的,大方的 patient有耐心的 fetful健忘的 reliable可靠的 boring令人乏味的 open-minded思想开放的 traditional思想保守的,传统的 4.英语描述外貌的词语 1.高的 high 2.瘦的 thin 3.胖的 fat 4.壮的 short 5.帅气的 handsome 6.衰老的 aging 7.丑恶的 Theugly 8.年迈的 old 9.年轻的 young 10.雄伟的 The grand 11.气冲冲的 angry 12. 哭丧的 dark 13.高兴的 happy 14.伤心的 sad 15. 苦恼的 in distress 16.高大的 tall 17.威猛的 the mighty 18.弱小的 *** all 19. 美丽的 Youbeautiful 20.可爱的 lovely 5.描写人外貌的英语单词 short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 6.形容外表的英语单词 整体:胖--rotund,fat ,plump ,stout 瘦--thin ,lanky,slim ,slender ,scant 头发:thin-haired ,thick-haired ,long(short)-haired staight(curled)-haired ,wavy,dyed,black,dark ,grey ,white ,brown,baled,shin-headed 脸部:freakle雀斑, *** ooth,sunken eye (deep-set)深陷的眼睛, cock-eye ( cros-eye)斗鸡眼,slant-eye丹凤眼 胡子:drooping长垂式,pointed日本胡,close-cropped络腮胡,moustache小胡子 先说这么多吧,如果想要这里还有,太累了不想敲键盘了!呵呵!
2023-07-26 14:25:191


1loudliest 2soundlier 3 better best 4badly 5honeatliest 6 elegantly 7 more fluently 8worse 9equally 10sooner
2023-07-26 14:25:434


潇洒走一回: Live The Life FreelyLive a cool and elegant life(网上叫Walk Gracefully Once,根本是翻译器翻出来的)
2023-07-26 14:26:044


straight hair 直发curly hair 卷发wavy hair 波浪发thick hair 浓密的头发thin hair 稀疏的头发frizzy hair 卷曲而毛糙的头发silky hair 柔顺的头发shiny hair 有光泽的头发coarse hair 粗糙的头发greasy hair 油腻的头发dry hair 干燥的头发damaged hair 受损的头发dyed hair 染发的头发natural hair 天然的头发shoulder-length hair 齐肩长的头发long hair 长发short hair 短发layered hair 分层的头发bangs 刘海ponytail 马尾辫
2023-07-26 14:26:132


外貌:  short矮  tall高  overweight胖  plump丰满  thin瘦  skinny太瘦了  slim苗条  mediumheight不胖不瘦  tubby矮胖  muscular强壮  elegantly优雅  good-looking长的好看  plain长的一般  smartlydressed穿着得体  welldressed穿的漂亮  neatlydressed衣着干净整洁  scrufilydressed衣着不整洁
2023-07-26 14:26:501

Charles Aznavour的《You And Me》 歌词

歌曲名:You And Me歌手:Charles Aznavour专辑:You And MeKen Block - You And MeYou lie to yourselfAnd you lied to my friendsI tried to be tallAnd I thought if I"d bendYou would come overFrom there where you standMaybe you"d see who I really amBut I"m not enoughAnd I never once wasWhat you wantedThe best part of you and meWas meSo I"ll just bow out elegantlyNo I"ll never beWho you want me to beLet me just walk awayWithout causing a sceneOh you"re not who you seemThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was meYou were so shinyI got knocked off my trackI overlooked thisAnd I overlooked thatYou"re in the spotlightAnd not what you seemedCreepy nightmare bowed from a dreamI"m not enoughAnd I never once wasWhat you wantedThe best part of you and meWas meSo I"ll just bow out elegantlyYeahNo I"ll never beWho you want me to beLet me just walk awayWithout causing a sceneOh you"re not who you seemThe best part of us was meThe best part of you and meWas meSo I"ll just bow out elegantlyYeahThe best part of you and meWas meSo I"ll just bow out elegantlyIf I"ll never be who you want me to beLet me just walk away without causing a sceneOh you"re not who you seemedThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was me
2023-07-26 14:27:151

一本好书就是一个好朋友 的翻译文

English:A good book is a good friend 日本语 :1册の良い本は1人の良い友达です
2023-07-26 14:27:462


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2023-07-26 14:29:162


形容人性格optimistic乐观 independent独立的 out-going外向的 active 活泼的 able 有才干的,能干的; adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的; aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的; amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的; analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的; aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的; capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办理仔细的; candid 正直的 外貌 short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 smartly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 competent 能胜任的; constructive 建设性的 cooperative 有合作精神的; creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的; dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的; disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的; well--educated 受过良好教育的 efficient 有效率的; energetic 精力充沛的 expressivity 善于表达; faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的; generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的; gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默; impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的; industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的; motivated 目的明确的 intelligent 理解力强的; learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的; methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的; objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的; punctual 严守时刻的 realistic 实事求是的; responsible 负责的 sensible 明白事理的; porting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的; systematic 有系统的 purposeful 意志坚强的; sweet-tempered 性情温和的 temperate 稳健的; tireless 孜孜不倦的 Personality 性格 able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的 adaptable 适应性强的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 aggressive 有进取心的 alert 机灵的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 argumentative 好争辩的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 attractive 有魅力的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的 bigmouth 多嘴多舌的 bland 冷漠的 bossy 专横跋扈的 brave 勇敢的 brilliant 有才气的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办事仔细的 caring 有同情心的 candid 正直的 clever 机灵的,聪明的 charitable 宽厚的 cheerful 开朗的 childish 幼稚的 comical 滑稽的 competent 能胜任的 conceited 自以为是的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的 considerate 体贴的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好沉思的 cooperative 有合作精神的 courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的 creative 富创造力的 cultured 有教养的 dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 demanding 苛刻的 determined 坚决的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的 depressing 沉闷的 disciplined 守纪律的 discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的 dishonest 不诚实的 disorganized 无组织的 dutiful 尽职的 dynamic 精悍的 earnest 认真的 easy-going 随和的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 expressive 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 forceful (性格)坚强的 forgetful 健忘的 frank 直率的,真诚的 friendly 友好的 frugal 俭朴的 funny 有趣的,古怪的 generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 greedy贪婪的 gullible 容易受骗上当的 happy 开心的 hard-working 勤劳的 have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋的 hearty 精神饱满的 helpful 助人的,有益的 helpless 无助的,没用的 honest 诚实的 hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的 humorous 幽默的 impartial 公正的 inconsiderate 不顾及别人的,轻率的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的 initiative 首创精神 intellective 有智力的 intelligent 理解力强的 inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的 just 正直的 kind 仁慈的,和蔼的 kind-hearted 好心的 knowledgeable 有见识的 lazy 懒惰的,懒散的 learned 精通某门学问的 liberal 心胸宽大的 logical 条理分明的 loyal 忠心耿耿的 mean 吝啬的 methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的 moody 情绪化的 motivated 目的明确的 narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的 nasty 下流的,令人厌恶的 nice 和蔼的,挑剔的,正派的 noisy 聒噪的 obedient 听话孝顺的 objective 客观的 open-minded 虚心的 optimistic 乐观的 orderly 守纪律的 original 有独创性的 outgoing 外向友好的 painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的 passionate 充满热情的 persevering 不屈不挠的 pessimistic 悲观的 polite 有礼貌的 popular 受欢迎的 practical 实际的 precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的 purposeful 意志坚强的 pushy 有进取心的 qualified 合格的 rational 有理性的 realistic 实事求是的 reasonable 讲道理的 reliable 可信赖的 responsible 负责的 romantic 浪漫的,空想的 self-conscious 自觉的 selfish 自私的 selfless 无私的 sensible 明白事理的 sensitive 敏感的 sincere 真诚的
2023-07-26 14:29:441


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1.描述女性的词汇 英语 adorable beautiful attractive brilliant bright wise witty womanly wonderful wise witty wonderful talented talkative passionate patient lovely knowledgeable 2.形容女性漂亮的英文词 动人的, 女模特儿等) 漂亮的东西 pulchritude n, 堂皇的 attractive adj, 谦和的 n, 迷惑的. 迷人的. 美丽的; 有趣的 alluring adj, 恰当的 handsome adj, (天气)晴朗的 goodly adj, 优美的,秀丽的 [口]令人愉快的, 慷慨的, 机灵的, 干净的. 诱惑的. 迷人的, 可爱的, 公平的,有趣的 高兴的, 娇媚的, 妩媚的 saucy adj; 漂亮的 ravishing adj、古]美丽;令人愉快的. 美丽的(多用于文学作品中) fair adj. 有吸引力的 漂亮的 beauteous adj, 悦目的ely adj, 很好的 pretty adj, 纯洁的 高尚的, 清秀的. 非常美丽的 sightly adj, 女性的, 可爱的;美丽的 charming adj; 洁白 goodliness n. 美女(尤指女艺术家, 美貌 lovely adj. 漂亮的. 好看的 stunning adj, (肤色)白皙的. 标致的; 明亮, 优美的 geous adj, 美观的. 优秀的, 灿烂的 pulchritudinous adj, 美丽的 〔古〕(举止等)适当的. 华丽的, 吸引人的 enchanting adj, 合宜的 fairness n. 美丽的; 美好 [诗. 美丽, 美好, 标致 beautiful adj. 极吸引人的. 美丽的. 晴朗. 可爱的, (头发)金黄的. 英俊的, 大方的, 迷人的. 美丽 3.形容女性漂亮的英文词 1、cute英 [kju:t] 美 [kjut] adj.漂亮的;娇小可爱的;机灵的,精明的。 2、babe英 [beu026ab] 美 [beb] n.婴儿; 俏妞,俏姑娘,性感女郎。3、good-looking英 [ɡu028ad "lu028aku026au014b] 美 [ u02c8ɡu028adu02c8lu028aku026au014b] adj.好看的;美貌的;标致的。 4、pretty 英 [u02c8pru026ati] 美 [u02c8pru026ati] adj.漂亮的;机灵的,聪明的。5、knockout英 [u02c8nu0252kau028at] 美 [u02c8nɑkau028at] n.击昏,击倒;绝代佳人。 adj.引人注目的;使昏迷的;迷人的。扩展资料:[例句]1、There was this girl, and I thought she was really cute.就是这个女孩,我认为她非常性感。 2、His girlfriend was a real uber-babe, with long blonde hair and a big *** ile.他的女友是个超级靓妞,一头长长的金发,脸上带着灿烂的笑容。3、His friend was less good-looking, but a lot more informal and relaxed.他的朋友没那么标致,却随意、放松得多。 4、She was a shy, delicately pretty girl with enormous blue eyes.她是一个害羞、娇美的女孩,长着一双大大的蓝眼睛。5、She was a knockout in navy and scarlet.她身着藏青色和鲜红色相间的衣服,十分迷人。 4.描写人物外貌的英语单词 外貌: short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重 thin,slim 瘦 fat,stout 肥胖的 slender 苗条的 发型:dark hair blonde 金发 cury,wavy hair 卷发 pony tail 马尾 脸部:freckle 雀斑 dimple 酒窝 oval face 鸭蛋脸 bald 秃顶的 bobbed短卷发的 Big-featured 五官较大的 Double-chinned 双下巴的 High-cheekboned 颧骨很高 Slender 苗条的 Sharp-featured 五官分明的 Well-featured 五官端正的 Pimpled 有粉刺的 Rosy/ruddy红润的 Freckled 有雀斑的 Wrinkled 起皱纹的 Double-faced 两面派的 Well-Shaped 好看的 Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的 Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的 男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的
2023-07-26 14:30:101


2023-07-26 14:30:213

丁祥威&邬祯琳的《You And Me》 歌词

歌曲名:You And Me歌手:丁祥威&邬祯琳专辑:17Ken Block - You And MeYou lie to yourselfAnd you lied to my friendsI tried to be tallAnd I thought if I"d bendYou would come overFrom there where you standMaybe you"d see who I really amBut I"m not enoughAnd I never once wasWhat you wantedThe best part of you and meWas meSo I"ll just bow out elegantlyNo I"ll never beWho you want me to beLet me just walk awayWithout causing a sceneOh you"re not who you seemThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was meYou were so shinyI got knocked off my trackI overlooked thisAnd I overlooked thatYou"re in the spotlightAnd not what you seemedCreepy nightmare bowed from a dreamI"m not enoughAnd I never once wasWhat you wantedThe best part of you and meWas meSo I"ll just bow out elegantlyYeahNo I"ll never beWho you want me to beLet me just walk awayWithout causing a sceneOh you"re not who you seemThe best part of us was meThe best part of you and meWas meSo I"ll just bow out elegantlyYeahThe best part of you and meWas meSo I"ll just bow out elegantlyIf I"ll never be who you want me to beLet me just walk away without causing a sceneOh you"re not who you seemedThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was meThe best part of us was me
2023-07-26 14:30:401


1.我需要描写人物身材和外貌的英语单词 描写人物身材的 big , *** all , tall , short , thin , slim , fat , strong , overweight , slight , well-built , of medium height , average height , below average etc . 描写人物外貌的 beautiful , handsome , lovely , pretty , good-looking , charming , sweet , funny , ugly , peculiar , rough , ill-looking . 2.描写人物外貌的英语单词 外貌: short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重 thin,slim 瘦 fat,stout 肥胖的 slender 苗条的 发型:dark hair blonde 金发 cury,wavy hair 卷发 pony tail 马尾 脸部:freckle 雀斑 dimple 酒窝 oval face 鸭蛋脸 bald 秃顶的 bobbed短卷发的 Big-featured 五官较大的 Double-chinned 双下巴的 High-cheekboned 颧骨很高 Slender 苗条的 Sharp-featured 五官分明的 Well-featured 五官端正的 Pimpled 有粉刺的 Rosy/ruddy红润的 Freckled 有雀斑的 Wrinkled 起皱纹的 Double-faced 两面派的 Well-Shaped 好看的 Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的 Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的 男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的 3.如何用英语形容“身材” 知道怎样用英语来描述一个人的身材嘛?人们又胖有瘦,有高有矮,看着这里给大家准备的一些描述人们身材的英语。 1. She is thin. 她瘦瘦的。2. He"s big / *** all. 他个头满大的。 /他个头小小的。3. She"s slim. 她很苗条。 4. She"s really skinny. 她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。 5. She is chubby. 她胖嘟嘟的。 (常用来形容小孩)6. He has a beer belly. 他有啤酒肚。7. He"s got a spare tire. / He"s got love handles. 他有游泳圈。 (他腰部都是赘肉。)8. He has big muscles. 他肌肉很发达。 / 他很强壮。9. She has an hourglass figure. / She"s got a curvy figure. 她的身材玲珑有致。 /她曲线玲珑。 4.如何用英语形容“身材” 知道怎样用英语来描述一个人的身材嘛?人们又胖有瘦,有高有矮,看着这里给大家准备的一些描述人们身材的英语。 1. She is thin. 她瘦瘦的。2. He"s big / *** all. 他个头满大的。 /他个头小小的。3. She"s slim. 她很苗条。 4. She"s really skinny. 她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。 5. She is chubby. 她胖嘟嘟的。 (常用来形容小孩)6. He has a beer belly. 他有啤酒肚。7. He"s got a spare tire. / He"s got love handles. 他有游泳圈。 (他腰部都是赘肉。)8. He has big muscles. 他肌肉很发达。 / 他很强壮。9. She has an hourglass figure. / She"s got a curvy figure. 她的身材玲珑有致。 /她曲线玲珑。
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漂亮 Beautiful可爱 Lovable;丑陋 Ugly清秀 Delicate and pretty;俊俏 Pretty and charming迷人 Charming;完美 Consummate short 矮 ;tall 高 overweight 胖 ;plump 丰满 thin 瘦 ;skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 ;medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 ;muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 ;good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 ;smartly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 ;neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 lazy 懒的 ;punctual 守时的 kind 善良的 ;efficient 办事高效率的 strict 严厉的 ;generous 慷慨的,大方的 patient 有耐心的 ;forgetful 健忘的 reliable 可靠的 ;boring 令人乏味的 open-minded 思想开放的 ;traditional 思想保守的,传统的 able 有才干的,能干的; adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的; aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的; amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的; analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的; aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的; capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办理仔细的; candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的; constructive 建设性的 cooperative 有合作精神的; creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的; dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的; disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的; well--educated 受过良好教育的 efficient 有效率的; energetic 精力充沛的 expressivity 善于表达; faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的; generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的; gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默; impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的; industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的; motivated 目的明确的 intelligent 理解力强的; learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的; methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的; objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的; punctual 严守时刻的 realistic 实事求是的; responsible 负责的 sensible 明白事理的; sporting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的; systematic 有系统的 purposeful 意志坚强的; sweet-tempered 性情温和的 temperate 稳健的; tireless 孜孜不倦的
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2023-07-26 14:31:021

“尊老爱幼 尊重老师 举止优雅 礼貌”翻译英语句子

respect the old and cherish the young,respect teacher/treae teacher with deferencebehave gracefully and politely. graceful in manners
2023-07-26 14:31:193


You are the face that has changed my whole world.You are the face that I see everywhere Igo.You are so beautiful to me that I can"t explain ,Just like a green flower porcelain.You"re like a moon that I awaken to say hello,So beautiful and bright that you make mecontent to play it so.I see your face on the leaves,telling mehow lonely I have been.This is a dream of mine that I have justdreamed.Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.The love I feel for you to shine inside me.But it"s all over now you"re gone.This is a dream of mine that I have justdreamed.Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.The love I feel for you to shine inside me.But it"s all over.You are the face that has changed my whole world.I"m sure the sea hasn"t inspired your sweet blue eyes.You are a gift from heaven beauty that remains.Just like a green flower porcelain.You"re like a moon that I awaken to say hello,So beautiful and bright that you make mecontent to play it so.I see your face on the leaves,telling mehow lonely I have been.This is a dream of mine that I have justdreamed.Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.The love I feel for you to shine inside me.But it"s all over now you"re gone.This is a dream of mine that I have justdreamed.Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.The love I feel for you to shine inside me.But it"s all over.This is a dream of mine that I have justdreamed.Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.The love I feel for you to shine inside me.But it"s all over now you"re gone.This is a dream of mine that I have justdreamed.Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.The love I feel for you to shine inside me.But it"s all over.
2023-07-26 14:31:597

stay comfortable还是comfortably

2023-07-26 14:32:491

《Black Milk-Elif Shafak》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Black Milk》(Elif Shafak)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: trpr书名:Black Milk作者:Elif Shafak出版社:Viking Adult出版年份:2011-4-28页数:288内容简介:An acclaimed Turkish novelist"s personal account of balancing a writer"s life with a mother"s life.After the birth of her first child in 2006, Turkish writer Elif Shafek suffered from postpartum depression that triggered a profound personal crisis. Infused with guilt, anxiety, and bewilderment about whether she could ever be a good mother, Shafak stopped writing and lost her faith in words altogether. In this elegantly written memoir, she retraces her journey from free-spirited, nomadic artist to dedicated by emotionally wrought mother. Identifying a constantly bickering harem of women who live inside of her, each with her own characteristics-the cynical intellectual, the goal-oriented go-getter, the practical-rational, the spiritual, the maternal, and the lustful-she craves harmony, or at least a unifying identity. As she intersperses her own experience with the lives of prominent authors such as Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, Alice Walker, Ayn Rand, and Zelda Fitzgerald, Shafak looks for a solution to the inherent conflict between artistic creation and responsible parenting.With searing emotional honesty and an incisive examination of cultural mores within patriarchal societies, Shafak has rendered an important work about literature, motherhood, and spiritual well-being.
2023-07-26 14:33:221

One day I will shine elegant译成中文事什么意思

2023-07-26 14:33:399

a string of pearls a strand of pearls 什么区别

As nouns the difference between string and strandis that string is (countable) a long, thin and flexible structure made from threads twisted together while strand is the shore or beach of the sea or ocean; shore; beach or strand can be each of the strings which, twisted together, make up a yarn, rope or cord. As verbs the difference between string and strandis that string is to put (items) on a string while strand is (nautical) to run aground; to beach or strand can be to break a strand of (a rope).
2023-07-26 14:33:565


参考一下我的答案吧序号跟你那个不太一样1. Do you understand what I"m saying?2. Everyone looks at the clock on New Year"s Eve.3. He was dressed elegantly from head to toe.4. Nowadays it would be hard to live without electricity.5. A grocery store is smaller than supermarket.6. Nobody likes being called stupid.7. He"s so impatient that he keeps looking at the clock.8. Don"t put the cat in the microwave.9. Vegetables have lots of vitamins and are very healthy.10. Be careful not to glue your fingers together.11. The legle drinking age in America is 21.12. Write your name on a piece of paper. 13. an by you can learn taking lauguage a intensive well course You can learn English well by taking intensive couse._____________ 4. sugar and you are and everything spice like nice _You are nice like sugar and spice and everything.___________ flights from all international airports the have over world International airports have flights from all over the world.Part VI Translation 71.我怎么也想不到在北京见到了你。 I had never thought that I would see you in Beijing. 72. .我得赶紧去上健身课了! _I have to go to my gym class._________ 73. 我是独生子。 _I"m the only child of my parents._____________ 74. 您可以用优惠券买东西节省点。 _You can save money using the coupons to buy things.__________ 75. 这是购物清单。 _This is the shoping list.____________ Part VI Translation 71.2008年,北京将会举办奥运会。 _In 2008, Beijing will hold the Olympic Games.________ 72. 我必须半个小时内赶到剧院! _I must get to the theater within half of an hour.____________ 73. 我刚刚参加了一门综合类课程培训班。 __I have just taken a training calss_for comprehensive ourses._____________ 74. 帮我包一下好吗? ___Can you package it for me?____________ 75. 让我们去那里,那是我们度假的开始。 ___Let"s go there, where is the beginning of our holidays.___________ Part VI Translation 1.我希望我们能成为好朋友。 ___I hope that we become good friends.2.我最喜欢的动物是斑马。 _My favorite animal is the zebra._______ 3.那正是我们假期所需要的东西. __It"s just the thing that we need on holidays.______________ 4.我一直期待着不久就会见到你. __I have long been desiring to see you soon after. ___________ 5.太棒了!这个地方太漂亮了! _Great! What a beautiful place it is!
2023-07-26 14:34:113


Do you usually like to doll yourself up when you go out?
2023-07-26 14:34:225


Spain is a country with both romance and passion. Her histry, art and even food have attracted people all the time. The impression to Spanish food is just like what the Chinese old saying said "It is so lucky that if you can be born in Suzhou, play in Hangzhou, eat in Guangzhou, and die in Liuzhou". Meanwhile, there is a saying among foreigners. That is "live in France, travel in America, and eat in Spain". Spainsh is good at eating, and the way they eat can make you respect them. They eat seriously, scientifically, elegantly, and unruffledly. Spain is one of the biggist tourist destination countries. In Spain you can not only enjoy the sunshine, delicious food, and warm service, but also experience the happiness of life to a large degree. There is no doubt that food culture is one of the most attractive cultures of Spain, because it is famous all over the world either the quality or categories.
2023-07-26 14:34:512


2023-07-26 14:34:581


"I in visitation period meets ten year-old Ding to be elegant. On hers face I saw should not belong to child"s vicissitudes. She once like this said that "I do not have the happy recollection the present day also not to feel better. I only want to put on neatly am going to school may eat the three meals a day by first." Ding Na also hoped the future will bee doctor I will possibly think possibly? Aunt Ding Na is abandoned by the hu *** and is bound by a mon destiny with Ding Na. She is a maid sets out early and returns late only trades approximately the Hong Kong dollar 85 Yuan monthly salaries simply does not have the ability to let the daughter eat to the full and go to school. Ding Nawei the 帮补 family counts the lunch pounds the brick journey-work a month makes approximately the Hong Kong dollar 30 Yuan. Must pound pile of bricks the crushed stone to her this ten year old girls said extremely is really strenuous Dante elegantly sighs: "I have not chosen because we are poor." 帮到既真系只有咁多=.=帮补我揾唔到=.= 参考: babelfish.altavista/tr I met ten-year-old Tina in the vist. Her face was marked by vicissitudes that did not belong to her age. She told me once: 「I do not have happy memory my days are not easy. What I want is to be able to go to school in neat wear and have three meals a day.」Tina also wants to be a doctor. I doubt if this is possible. Tina"s mother was dumped by her hu *** and . She lives with Tina now. She is a maid. She works very long hour every day and can only earn HKD86 a month. With that low ine she cannot afford to send her daughter to school and feed her well. To help the family Tina works as a brick-breaking worker for HKD30 a month. She has to break a pile of bricks into *** all pieces which is too laborious a job for a 10-year-old girl. But Tina said: :「We are poor. I have no choice.」 I met Tina a ten-year old girl during my visit. Her expression had shown me that she had experienced many vicissitudes in her life which should not happen to this child. She had ever said “I don"t have any good memory neither do I have any pleasant life now. My concern is only wearing a proper uniform to school and have three meals in a day" Tina had even expressed her wish to bee a doctor in her future. Could this be possible? I wondered. After Tina"s mother was abandoned by her hu *** and her life was inseparable with Tina. Currently she was working as a maid who worked day and night had only earn $85 per month and this made her neither able to feed her daughter nor send her to school. Therefore Tina worked as a part-time brick worker to make a living for the family and she had earned a monthly wages of $30. It is a tiring job for a ten-year old girl to *** ash that pile of bricks into pieces. She sighed and said “I am left with no other choice because we are poor" HOPE THIS IS USEFUL - Author: Wayne 参考: Me I met a ten year old Tina during my visit. I saw hardship on her face which should not belong to her age. She once said:「 I do not have a good memory my days are difficult. I only want to go to school in a neat wear and eat three meals a day. 」Tina hope to bee a doctor in future. I doubt whether she can make it? Tina ,s mother was dumped by her hu *** and and so the mother and the daughter live together now. She is a maid. She goes out early in the morning and es home late to earn eighty Hong Kong dollars a month which she cannot afford to let her daughter eat well and go to school. Tina tries to help for the family financial problem by working as a brick-breaking worker. She earns thirty Hong Kong dollars a month. It is a hard job for a ten years old girl to break a pile of bricks into pieces. However Tina said:「 I have no other option as we are poor.」 参考: me I in visitation period meets ten year-old Ding to be elegant. On hers face I saw should not belong to child"s vicissitudes. She once like this said that "I do not have the happy recollection the present day also not to feel better. I only want to put on neatly am going to school may eat the three meals a day by first." Ding Na also hoped the future will bee doctor I will possibly think possibly? Aunt Ding Na is abandoned by the hu *** and is bound by a mon destiny with Ding Na. She is a maid sets out early and returns late only trades approximately the Hong Kong dollar 85 Yuan monthly salaries simply does not have the ability to let the daughter eat to the full and go to school. Ding Nawei the help family counts the lunch pounds the brick journey-work a month makes approximately the Hong Kong dollar 30 Yuan. Must pound pile of bricks the crushed stone to her this ten year old girls said extremely is really strenuous Dante elegantly sighs: "I have not chosen because we are poor 参考:
2023-07-26 14:35:071


2023-07-26 14:28:581


2023-07-26 14:28:581

sj4辑后续曲no other歌词

译音:neo gateun saram ddo eobseo juwireul dulreobwado geujeo geureohdeon geoleodiseo chatni neogatchi joheun saram neogatchi joheun saram neogatchi joheun maeum neogatchi joheun seonmulneomu dahaengiya aesseo neoreul jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseoeodiseo chatni nagatchi haengbokhan nom nagatchi haengbokhan nom nagatchi utneun georeon choegoro haengbokhan nomneoui ddaddeuthan geu dusoni chagabge chagabge sikeo isseulddae neoui ganghaetdeon geu maeumi nalkarobge sangcheo badasseulddaenaega jabajulge anajulge salmyeosi geugeoseuro jakeun wiroman doendamyeon jogesseoeonjena deo maneungeol haejugo sipeun nae mam neon da molradodwaegaseumi sorichyeo malhae jayuroun nae yeonghoneonjena cheoeumui i maeumeuro neoreul saranghae geoleowatdeon siganboda nameun nali deo mananeo gateun saram ddo eobseo juwireul dulreobwado geujeo geureohdeon geoleodiseo chatni neogatchi joheun saram neogatchi joheun saram neogatchi joheun maeum neogatchi joheun seonmulneomu dahaengiya aesseo neoreul jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseoeodiseo chatni nagatchi haengbokhan nom nagatchi haengbokhan nom nagatchi utneun georeon choegoro haengbokhan nomnaui gananhaetdeon maeumi nunbusige jeomjeom byeonhaegalddae jakeun yoksimdeuli deoneun neomchiji ange nae mamui geureut keojyeogalddaealgo isseo geu modeun iyuneun bunmyeonghi nega isseo jueotdaneun geot geugeot ddak hanabbuneonjena gamsahae naega neomankeum geuri jalhalsu itgetnigaseumi sorichyeo malhae jayuroun nae yeonghoneonjena cheoeumui i maeumeuro neoreul saranghae geoleowatdeon siganboda nameun nali deo mananeo gateun saram ddo eobseo juwireul dulreobwado geujeo geureohdeon geoleodiseo chatni neogatchi joheun saram neogatchi joheun saram neogatchi joheun maeum neogatchi joheun seonmulneomu dahaengiya aesseo neoreul jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseoeodiseo chatni nagatchi haengbokhan nom nagatchi haengbokhan nom nagatchi utneun georeon choegoro haengbokhan nomRAP] itjana jogeum aju jogeum na sujubjiman neon molra sokeun taeyangboda ddeugeowo nae mam jom alajwoTV syoe naoneun Girl deuleun mudaeeseo bitchi nandedo neon eonjena nunbusyeo (naega michyeo michyeo Baby)saranghandan neoui male sesangeul da gajin nan You & I, You"re fine neo gateun saram isseulggasaranghae Oh naegeneun ojik neobbuniran geol babo gateun naegeneun jeonburaneungeol alajwogateun gileul geoleowasseo urin seoro dalmagago itjana nolraul bbuniya gomaul bbuniya saranghal bbuniyaneo gateun saram ddo eobseo juwireul dulreobwado geujeo geureohdeon geoleodiseo chatni neogatchi joheun saram neogatchi joheun saram neogatchi joheun maeum neogatchi joheun seonmulneomu dahaengiya aesseo neoreul jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseoeodiseo chatni nagatchi haengbokhan nom nagatchi haengbokhan nom nagatchi utneun georeon choegoro haengbokhan nomneo gateun saram ddo eobseo
2023-07-26 14:28:592


2023-07-26 14:29:021

George Strait的《Baby Blue》 歌词

歌名 Baby Blue歌手 George Strait专辑 50 Number Ones歌词 双语:She looked so much like a lady她看起来很像一位女士But she was so much like a child但她是如此的像一个孩子A devil when she held me close当她紧紧抓住我的时候An angel when she smiled当她微笑的天使She always held it deep inside她总是把它深藏在内心深处But somehow I always knew但不知怎的,我一直知道She"d go away when the grass turned green当草地变成绿色的时候,她会走开And the sky turned baby blue和天空变成了婴儿蓝Baby blue婴儿蓝Was the color of her eyes是她眼睛的颜色Baby blue婴儿蓝Like the Colorado skies像科罗拉多的天空Like a breath of spring she came and left像春天的气息,她又来了And I still don"t know why我仍然不知道为什么So, here"s to you and whoever所以,这是给你和任何人Holds my baby blue tonight今晚举行我的宝贝蓝She brought color to my life她给我的生活带来了色彩That my eyes have never touched我的眼睛从未触摸过When she taught me how to care当她教我如何照顾I"ve never cared so much我从来没有这么关心过I try not to think of her我试着不去想她But I fall asleep and do但我睡着了And go away where the grass turns green去哪儿,那里的草变绿了And the sky is baby blue天空是蓝色的Baby blue婴儿蓝Was the color of her eyes是她眼睛的颜色Baby blue婴儿蓝Like the Colorado skies像科罗拉多的天空Like a breath of spring she came and left像春天的气息,她又来了And I still don"t know why我仍然不知道为什么So, here"s to you and whoever所以,这是给你和任何人Holds my baby blue tonight今晚举行我的宝贝蓝Baby blue婴儿蓝Was the color of her eyes是她眼睛的颜色Baby blue婴儿蓝Like the Colorado skies像科罗拉多的天空Like a breath of spring she came and left像春天的气息,她又来了And I still don"t know why我仍然不知道为什么So, here"s to you and whoever所以,这是给你和任何人Holds my baby blue tonight今晚举行我的宝贝蓝Baby blue婴儿蓝Was the color of her eyes是她眼睛的颜色Baby blue婴儿蓝Like the Colorado skies像科罗拉多的天空Baby blue婴儿蓝Was the color of her eyes是她眼睛的颜色Baby blue婴儿蓝Like the Colorado skies像科罗拉多的天空Baby blue婴儿蓝Was the color of her eyes是她眼睛的颜色Baby blue婴儿蓝Like the Colorado skies像科罗拉多的天空
2023-07-26 14:29:022

5G NSA是什么模式?

2023-07-26 14:29:042


2023-07-26 14:29:064


01作为一个瘦子→胖子→瘦子→胖子,笔者对体重与心理这个话题有切肉之痛的深刻认识。从小处来说,这是“美女”和“大姐”称呼的区别,是“帅哥问我要号码”和“帅哥问我孩子多大了”的区别。从大处来说,哦,哪里有什么大处,除了胳膊肚子和大腿。比起欧美(确切地说是美国)的胖子来,中国的胖子是一件相对来说的新鲜事物。然而,今年的《柳叶刀》发表了全球成年人体重调查报告,指出,中国拥有4320万肥胖男性和4640万肥胖女性,肥胖人口首次超过美国,列世界首位。美国则以4170万肥胖男性和4610万肥胖女性位列第二。当然,以人口计,我们的胖子仍然只是他们的四分之一的密度,而且严重肥胖的比例仍然低于美国位列第二。作为经济发展的令人讨厌的副产品之一,人们慢慢熟悉了三高,脂肪肝,糖尿病,睡眠呼吸暂停,进食障碍等等词汇。关于怎样减肥的文章可以算汗牛充栋了。而对于女性来说,“好女不过百”这种简单粗暴的口号也成了生活的准则。但胖究竟对我们的社会生活有什么影响,比如,求职,求偶,社交,等等,其实还并不是一个被深入研究的话题。02从心理学角度上说,肥胖与各种心理障碍有很高的相关性。胖子普遍有较低的自尊,较高的焦虑和抑郁感。相对于人群中7-10%的中到重度抑郁情绪的比例,胖子的中到重度抑郁情绪发作的比例是20%以上,基本是普通人的2-3倍之高。所以,所谓的“心宽体胖”在现实中并不存在,胖子常常心情更差。我们觉得可以随便拿他们的体型开玩笑的那些胖子们,很多是使用了“压抑”的心理防御机制,来抵御现实中肥胖带来的焦虑。而当这些防御机制崩溃的时候,常常造成更多恶劣的后果,例如身心疾病(我们常常说“气出来的病”,就是身心疾病的通俗说法),及暴力行为等。尤其值得注意的是,女性胖子的身心疾病和暴力行为比例相对更高。“胖”带来的心理问题,即使是孩子也无法免疫。美国一项针对8000个幼儿园孩子的纵向跟踪心理试验显示,在幼儿园就开始胖的孩子们,到了小学三年级时,有明显的社交不适和低自尊问题。20年前,女孩初次理解并尝试“减肥”的平均年龄是14岁,今天的平均年龄是8岁。在学校霸凌的案件里,1/4以上的霸凌对象是班里的小胖子。求职,求偶,更是胖子的重灾区。一半以上的受访HR经理都承认,她们不愿意招胖子,因为他们觉得胖子代表了“懒”,“没有自制力”,“行动不便更容易受工伤”,“更容易因为生病而不来上班”。在其他条件同等的情况下,他们都会选瘦的那一个。在约会市场里,胖子们经常受到健康体型的异性的拒绝。相对来说,女胖子在约会市场里受到的打击更多:健康体型的异性不愿以婚姻为目的来约会她们,而同时,又有些猎奇的异性愿意与她们进行仅止于性关系的约会,使得她们成为心理问题的多发人群。03肥胖会带来那么多的心理问题,是不是减肥就好了呢?且慢。减肥是一个更充满危险的领域。正在减肥的人群,是进食障碍(暴食症和厌食症等)和体相障碍(对自己体貌的幻觉性认知-觉得自己太丑太胖)的目标人群。进食障碍中的厌食症,有高达10-20%的死亡率。暴食症是一种更常见的进食障碍。四分之一的女性都在生命中的某一时段经历过不同程度的暴食症:对于食物的欲望,在压抑后反弹,产生各种过度补偿的行为(翻译成人话就是:饿自己饿惨了,然后拼命吃)。暴食症可以达到在8小时之内吃进2-3万大卡的食物(大约是300-400个鸡蛋那么多)的量。患者常常在暴食之后使用泻药或呕吐的方式企图把食物排出来。很多人会用记账的方式不断地计算每天进出的卡路里,更有甚者,会把自己的大小便称重以期管理进出平衡。这些行为对于身体和心理都有巨大的损伤。强迫行为与抑郁情绪是常见的副产品。减肥引发的体重变化问题也常常导致抑郁。很多人初期可以减掉一些,但是一旦停止努力就会反弹,而此时,就更加不愿意重回减肥的努力,而在内疚,羞愧,自责的情绪中越减越肥。作为一名心理咨询师,我接待过不少因为减肥而造成心理问题的来访者。我记得比较典型的是一位1米65,35岁的女性:她从20岁开始减肥,最狠的时候,每天只吃一个苹果,并疯狂地进行运动。她从85公斤减到50公斤,有一天还到了49公斤。当时她对自己非常满意,然而好景不长,50公斤只保持了几个月,之后她就得了暴食症,用呕吐加泻药的方式勉强维持体重在65公斤上下将近5年。最后这些方式都不再起作用,她无奈之下只好放弃减肥的努力。她现在的体重是125公斤。同时,在与体重的抗争中,她得了严重的抑郁症。04长话短说,胖子的生活,是从里到外不愉快并充满风险的。但盲目地减肥,并不是真正的解决方法。对于一个胖子来说,认识并察觉到心理问题对自己的影响,是接受自己,面向健康的生活的第一步。我们要搞清楚什么是胖,而我们(如果胖)为什么会胖。我们每个人都基因决定了在不同等年龄段,身体都有一个叫做“健康”的体重窗口(对CYP19,COMT,Mrap2等基因的研究显示了胖瘦其来有自)。如果我们的体重落在这个窗口里,说明我们的身心是健康的。对每个人来说,这个窗口不同。BMI可以作为参考,但你的家族史,和你青春期的代谢率却关系更大。比如,郑欣宜和你的健康体重不同。美国有个犯人雷纳德.珀斯特在监狱里住了27年,天天吃监狱基本食谱(没有加餐),体重却有220公斤。如果为了迎合审美趣味而硬要减到远低于基因决定的窗口,就会逐渐产生身心问题。暂时的瘦下来,会极大地扰乱基础代谢,导致后期变胖,或为了保持“瘦”而产生进食障碍。05事实上,与其研究减肥,不如先研究“饥饿”。胖是吃出来的。对于很多人来说,食物是“心理拐棍”。我们不开心的时候,吃得最多。从这个角度来说,食物是让我们心情愉快的毒品。我们饥饿的是什么?我见到的很多人,深究起来,生活的失衡,爱的缺乏,对前途的焦虑,对感情的不安全感,使她们饥饿于平衡,平静,安全感,与爱。食物是饮鸩止渴的替代物。一位来访者对我说,最终治好她的暴食症的“良药”是她男友的一句话:“不管你长成什么样,我都爱你”。爱,治愈了她的“饥饿”。美国著名的脱口秀主持人奥普拉,也与自己的体重斗争了20多年,在60公斤到110公斤之间来回反复。曾经有杂志嘲笑她:“奥普拉决定好到底穿什么尺码的衣服了吗?”她一直处在“体重都控制不了,如何能控制人生”的自责中。但越是这样,她的体重越是难以控制。直到她最终找到了自己的目标:“我的目标是一个能让我健康和有力量的体重。我要拥抱我的身体,并感谢它赋予我的一切。上帝赐予我这个身体,我爱它,欣赏它。当你足够爱自己的时候,你会照顾好自己身体的。”这是我听到的最美好的健康宣言。一个心理和生理都健康的生活是最好的状态,减肥是这个过程的美好的副产品,而不是人生的目的或手段。从社会角度,了解并认真对待肥胖带来的心理问题及社会效应,并提出和实行有效的解决方案,是现代文明社会的社会责任。不同厚度的脂肪下,都是同样的肌肉与骨骼组成的肉体。不同体型的身体内,都是同样敏感和脆弱的心。无论胖瘦,我们都值得被平等尊重。消除多余脂肪的最好的利器,是爱。愿每一个胖子被温柔对待。文 | JennyMaher(蔡健玲) 壹心理专栏作者
2023-07-26 14:29:071


2023-07-26 14:29:071


3D打印的基本流程如下:1. 数字化设计:使用计算机辅助设计(CAD)或其他软件来创建或获取一个3D模型,以后的所有操作都将根据这个模型进行。2. 选择打印材料:选择合适的3D打印材料,例如塑料、金属、陶瓷、木材等。3. 模型切片:使用3D打印软件将3D模型切片成一个个层,每一层都会用到打印机进行打印。4. 上传文件:将切片好的文件上传到3D打印机,设置打印参数,如打印速度、温度、材料型号等。5. 打印:启动3D打印机,让它自动执行打印任务。打印机将按照预设的路径和参数进行打印,逐层累积生产模型。6. 后处理:将打印出来的模型从打印平台上取下来,完成去除支架、研磨、喷漆等后处理工作。以上就是3D打印的基本流程,但实际应用中也可能根据需求有所变化。
2023-07-26 14:28:521


download是由本机发送电子数据到远程计算机上的动作。当把服务器上保存的软件、图片、音乐、文本等数据复制一份到本地机器中这一步骤称之为download。凡是在屏幕上看到的不属于本地计算机上的内容,皆是通过“下载”得来。狭义上人们只认为那些自定义了下载文件的本地磁盘存储位置的操作才是“下载”。DOWNLOAD文件被归类为Web Files,可以由许多软件包打开。查看计算机上是否已经安装了用于打开Web Files的程序。希望这个程序可能也适用于DOWNLOAD文件。扩展资料:当没有其他程序将打开DOWNLOAD文件时,像File Magic(Download)这样的通用文件查看器可以节省一天的时间。这些程序可以打开许多不同类型的文件,因此,如果上述技巧都不起作用,那么通用文件查看器就是可行的方法。某些download文件与通用文件查看器不兼容,只能以二进制格式打开。双击执行 .DOWNLOAD 文件。如果已经安装了可以打开此文件的软件并且文件关联设置正确,就可以打开 .DOWNLOAD 文件。如果 Windows 询问使用什么程序打开此文件,则问题很可能是由于文件关联损坏引起的。参考资料来源:百度百科——download
2023-07-26 14:28:511


1. give up 放弃2. take up 占据,占去,从事3. put up 举起,挂起,张贴,搭建4. set up 建立,创立5. open up 打开,开阔6. dress up 乔装打扮7. stay up 熬夜,不睡觉8. wake up 醒来,唤醒,叫醒9. look up 向上看,查阅10. cheer up 使...振作11. end up 以...结束,结果为...12. go up 升起,上升13. hurry up 赶快14. use up 用光,用完15. show up 出席,露面16. stand up 起立,站起来17. make up 编造,构成,化妆18. think up 想出,提出19. cut up 切碎20. pick up 捡起,乘搭便车21. mix up 混合22. call up 打电话23. grow up 成长,长大24. ring up 打电话25. clean up 把...打扫干净26. fix up 修理,修补27. get up 起床28. keep up 保持,坚持29. fill up 装满30. send up 发射
2023-07-26 14:28:501


等到游戏晚上时间,再回去,骷髅西诺克斯就会被唤醒,在地图右上角第二个古代研究所左边,在骷髅池里面还有一个神庙可以供玩家探索,在晚上的时候还可以在骷髅池下面找到骷髅商人,可以在骷髅商人处购买一些游戏中的道具。本作中的魔法槽、空瓶、魔法勋章、名剑(Master Sword)、镜盾等要素对Zelda系列后续作品产生各样形式的影响。与前作《Zelda传说2 - 林克的冒险》不同,本作基本系统继承系列第1作《Zelda传说1 - 海拉尔幻想》。这款游戏同时也包含了“第二任务”,在游戏破关后,玩者可以在另一个世界中重新进行冒险,并包含更具有挑战性的迷宫。除了技术上的创新之外,《塞尔达传说》的游戏方式(例如寻找物品并用它们来解决谜题、与怪物的即时战斗、探索广大的环境)也非常成功,这样的内容在之后也被许多的游戏复制。本游戏在日本和美国大受欢迎,有许多人将本作视为有史以来最重要的电子游戏软件。
2023-07-26 14:28:421


这个是下载文件夹,储存从浏览器下载的文件看看是在哪个目录下的,如果在c:usersmane userdownloadsc:usersdefaultdownloadsc:usersPublicDownloads(注:mane user是你的电脑用户名)这三个目录下的就是正常的系统文件,如果download在别的目录下就删掉吧
2023-07-26 14:28:412

show up to work正确还是show up for work 正确

show up to work ,because,show STH to SB.
2023-07-26 14:28:412


nsa是美国国家安全局。美国国家安全局(National Security Agency,简写为NSA)是美国政府机构中最大的情报部门专门负责收集和分析外国及本国通讯资料,隶属于美国国防部,又称国家保密局。它是1952年根据杜鲁门总统的一项秘密指令,从当时的军事部门中独立出来,用以加强情报通讯工作的,是美国情报机构的中枢。相关介绍:NSA总部的建筑面积为15公顷,位于华盛顿以北的马里兰州米德堡,在距巴尔的摩市华盛顿公园几百米远的森林中,其规模比中央情报局总部还大,号称“神秘迷宫”。
2023-07-26 14:28:391


2023-07-26 14:28:341