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please provide a valid zip code:是什么意思

2023-07-28 09:20:11

“please provide a valid zip code”意思是:请提供一个有效的邮编。

邮政编码,(英语:Postal Code,又称邮递区号),是一个国家或地区为实现邮件分拣自动化和邮政网络数位化,加快邮件传递速度,而把全国划分的编码方式。邮递区号制度已成为衡量一个国家通信技术和邮政服务水平的标准之一。




zip code是什么意思

zip code邮政编码双语对照词典结果:zip code[英][zip ku0259ud][美][zu026ap kod]n.邮递区号; 复数:zip codes以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.So a business could target a specific neighborhood, or zip code, because it wants wordto spread in a certain demographic? 因此,企业为了将自己的知名度在特定人群中传播,可以将目光对准某一个小区或邮政编码?
2023-07-26 17:04:501

zip code是什么意思?

您好!ZIP Code是美国邮政服务 (United States Postal Service, USPS)使用的一种邮区编号,一般常以大楷写作ZIP。ZIP是Zone Improvement Plan (地区改进计划)的简称。zip code 一般指美国邮编。中国的的邮编是6位数,根据中国具体地址,填写相应的中国邮编即可。参考资料:中国zip code 是多少?
2023-07-26 17:04:571

什么是"zip code"?

美国邮递区号 美国邮递区号 (ZIP Code)是美国邮政服务 (United States Postal Service USPS)使用的一种邮区编号,一般常以大楷写作ZIP。ZIP是Zone Improvement Plan (地区改进计划)的简称,它暗示邮件可以以更有效率及快捷地送到目的地。最基本的ZIP编号包括五个号码,随后增加了四个号码,使邮件可以更精确地传送到目的地。增加号码后的ZIP编号称为"ZIP+4"。ZIP编号曾被美国邮政服务注册成一个商标,但其注册至今已经过期。 历史 由1943年开始,美国在一些大城市的邮政服务实行邮政分区,例如: (为了表现ZIP编号在美国的实际应用方式,以下地址例范使用英文地址的排序方式,即次序与中文地址相反) 例子甲一: 约翰.史密斯 3256 附带大道 明尼阿波里斯市 16,明尼苏达州 例子甲二: 维基媒体基金会 200 第二大道,南 #358 圣彼得堡 1,佛罗里达州 例子甲一的"16"和例子甲二的"1"便是该城市内的邮区编号。 直至20世纪60年代早期,美国需要一套更普遍的邮区编号系统,因此一套非强制性的ZIP编号于1963年1月1日开始在美国全境使用。一名在邮局工作的职员,罗拔.蒙 (Robert Moon),被认为是ZIP编号的始创人。1944年,当他在邮政局当邮件检查员的时候,他提交了一份有关ZIP编号的建议书。邮政局将罗拔的ZIP编号的首三码用于表示国家内的区域,在大部分情况下尾二码所表示的意思与旧有的邮区编号相同,例如: 例子乙一 约翰.史密斯 3256 附带大道 明尼阿波里斯市,明尼苏达州 55416 例子乙二 维基媒体基金会 200 第二大道,南 #358 圣彼得堡,佛罗里达州 33701 在1967年,二等和三等的大型邮件寄件者被强制使用这套系统,之后这套系统快速地被大众普遍承认。最初,美国邮政服务使用一个卡通的人物-ZIP先生 (Mr. ZIP)来向大众推广ZIP编号。他经常与「使用ZIP编号 (USE ZIP CODES)」的字句一起被印刷在邮票的边缘、或小册子的封面上。但是,美国邮政服务唯一一次用于推广ZIP编号而推出的邮票并没有印上ZIP先生。 ZIP+4 1983年,美国邮政服务开始使用一套改良了的ZIP编号,称为"ZIP+4",通常被简称为「加四编号」或「添加编号」。 例子丙 维基媒体基金会 200 第二大道,南 #358 圣彼得堡 FL 33701-4313 除此之外,美国邮政服务在其网站上提供一项名为「寻找ZIP编号」的服务,它可提供一个可供光学文字辨识器或扫瞄器辨识的地址格式。 ZIP+4编号使用原有的五个编号,再加上额外的四个编号,去识别五位编号的目的地内的地理分区,例如大厦、一组公寓、个体大量收件户或其他可以使用额外识别器以加强邮件分类及送件效率的单位。通常ZIP+4编号只会用在邮件的预先分拣。邮件一般都会被一部可以即时确定有效的ZIP+4编号的多行光学文字辨识器 (Multiline Optical Character Reader)阅读。当遇上要送件至一个更精确的地方时,可以在信封上贴上一个有十一个位的邮网 (Post)条码。这项科技令传送邮件的速度及准确性大升,使邮寄服务成本得以在十年来一直维持不变。 一般来说,每一个寄件箱都有一个自己的ZIP+4编号。它的添加编号通常是寄件箱的最后四码,或者,在不足四个编号的寄件箱上,会在ZIP编号上加上足够的"0"来令它变成一个四位数号码。但这不是统一的规定,因此所有寄件箱都有一个自己的ZIP+4编号。 添加编号9998经常被用作寄往邮政局局长的信的收件地址 (给要求印上邮戳的信通常写上地址)。9999编号是用作通常邮件或其添加编号有很多个位的商业回邮。一个独一无异的ZIP编号是典型的0001。 邮政条码 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /zh/6/65/Zip_5_post 图片参考:zh. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip 这个是以邮网条码表示的ZIP编号55416的地址。 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /zh/thumb/5/52/Zip_plus_4/200px-Zip_plus_4 图片参考:zh. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip 这个是以邮网条码表示的ZIP编号33701-4313的地址。 ZIP编号经常会被翻译为一个条码,并印于信封上,这样做的目的是为了让机器能更容易地对邮件进行分类。与大部分其他条码不同的是,邮网使用的是长和短的条码,并非一般的粗和细的条码。这个条码可以被任何寄件者自行印刷在信封上 (使用一些文字处理软体来印刷,例如: WordPerfect和Microsoft Word),或者,邮政局会在处理邮件时在信封上面印上。邮政局通常会用光学文字辨识器去阅读条码,但在有需要的情况下会用肉眼分辨,因为机器有时会在明信片的错误地方上印上条码,使明信片被涂污。 邮寄大型邮件的寄件者,如果预先在邮件上印上条码,他们将可获得折扣优惠。这对邮件的地址资料有更高的要求;它的邮寄列表要定要符合最新的准确识别支援系统(Coding Accuracy Support System CASS)认证软体的标准,及要有一个有效的ZIP+4编号及两个额外用作表示正确目的地的编号 (5+4+2,共11个编号)。除此之外,邮件一定要被预先分拣到一个特设的方案里,并附带一个可供核实的文件。这些步骤通常会被一套可印制条码地址的PAVE认证软体完成。 这意味着在美国国内的每一个收件地点理论上都有一个自己的十一位数的编号。收件地点的数位 (十位数或十一位数)是按照地址上的第一或第二个号码来计算的。美国邮政服务公布了一套名为CASS的技术指南去计算收件点。最后一个码是一个检查点,它是由第五、九或十一个编号计算出来的。应用程式只需印上如/100010001007/之类的编号在十二点邮网上,就是一个正确的条码。在条码上,斜线会被翻译为开始或停止字母 (以一条长条表示),而每一个编号都会被翻译为一系列的两个长条及三个短条。 在商业回邮中,会使用面对确认标记 (Facing Identification Mark FIM)显示邮件的定位,因为这些邮件通常没有贴上邮票或被邮资机印上萤光的油墨 (用作被机器定位邮件)。另外,若邮件上的FIM编号有印上A及C,则表示邮件上有邮网条码,令它可跳过被多行光学文字辨识器阅读的程式,直接使用条码扫瞄器阅读。因此,虽然礼貌回邮及邮戳回邮会贴上邮票或印上邮资机的印刷,但它们仍会被印上一个典型的FIM A编号去表示这封邮件有邮网条码。 美国各区域的ZIP编号 ZIP编号分布地图 ZIP编号的第一个位表示该编号位于美国国内 (及海外属地)的哪一个区域,各数字表示的区域如下图所示。 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/6/6a/ZIP_code_zones/600px-ZIP_code_zones 图片参考:zh. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip 图示美国各州的邮区编号,字头相同的州份会以相同颜色表示。 ZIP编号分类列表 括弧内的是该地区的邮政缩写。 ZIP编号的首码: 所代表的区域: 0 康乃狄克州 (CT) 麻萨诸塞州 (MA) 缅因州 (ME) 新罕布夏州 (NH) 纽泽西州 (NJ) 波多黎各 (PR) 罗德岛州 (RI) 佛蒙特州 (VT) 军事邮政局 (欧洲) (AE) 海军邮政局 (欧洲) (AE) 1 德拉瓦州 (DE) 纽约州 (NY) 宾夕法尼亚州 {PA) 2 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 (DC) 马里兰州 (MA) 北卡罗莱那州 (NC) 南卡罗莱那州 (SC) 维吉尼亚州 (VA) 西维吉尼亚州 (WV) 3 阿拉巴马州 (AL) 佛罗里达州 (FL) 乔治亚州 (GA) 密西西比州 (MA) 田纳西州 (TN) 军事邮政局 (美国) (AA) 海军邮政局 (美国) (AA) 4 印第安纳州 (IN) 肯塔基州 (KY) 密西根州 (MI) 俄亥俄州 (OH) 5 爱阿华州 (IA) 明尼苏达州 (MN) 蒙大拿州 (MT) 北达科他州 (ND) 南达科他州 (SD) 威斯康辛州 (WI) 6 伊利诺州 (IL) 堪萨斯州 (KS) 密苏里州 (MO) 内布拉斯加州 (NE) 7 阿肯色州 (AR) 路易西安纳州 (LA) 俄克拉何马州 (OK) 德克萨斯州 (TX) 8 亚利桑那州 (AZ) 科罗拉多州 (CO) 爱德荷州 (ID) 新墨西哥州 (NM) 内华达州 (NV) 犹他州 (UT) 怀俄明州 (WY) 9 阿拉斯加州 (AK) 美属萨摩亚 (AS) 加利福尼亚州 (CA) 关岛 (GU) 夏威夷州 (HI) 北马利亚纳群岛 (MP) 奥勒冈州 (OR) 华盛顿州 (WA) 军事邮政局 (太平洋) (AP) 海军邮政局 (太平洋) (AP) 其他用途 除了美国邮政服务之外,其他商业邮寄公司如FedEx、联合包裹服务公司 (United Parcel Service UPS)及DHL都会使用ZIP编号来进行内部作业。这令顾客可以不需使用其他路径指示者,如目的地机场或火车站的IATA编号。 ZIP编号不只用作追踪邮件的位置,它亦为美国提供了地理数据。如U.S. Census Bureau持续地追踪著每一个ZIP编号中心点的纬度及经度,这些资料被许多其他公司售卖。这些资料经常在称为「ZIP编号市场策划」的直接邮件活动中使用。而商店的收银员有时亦会询问顾客的住址的ZIP编号,目的是收集顾客的购物模式资料。公司或专家会分析这些资料去决定应该在何处开设新生意。最后,ZIP编号资料亦被使用在分析地理要素。 菲律宾 「ZIP编号」这个词语亦被菲律宾来命名其邮区编号,它被菲律宾邮政有限公司 (Philippine Postal Corporation)使用。与美国的ZIP编号不同的是,菲律宾的ZIP编号使用四位数。在马尼拉以外的城市只使用一个编号,而马尼拉则使用多于一个的编号。 流行文化 在1964年,一只被美国林务局 (U.S. Forest Service)用作宣传防止山火的思莫基熊 (Smokey Bear)受到大众的热烈欢迎,它收到很多支持者寄来的信件,因此它被授予一个自己的ZIP编号,20252。 在1960年代,大受欢迎的电视剧蝙蝠侠的主角的居住地点的ZIP编号是9999979。尽管这显然不是正确的ZIP编号,但这仍引起了大众对当时正在起步阶段的ZIP编号的注意。 在基于电视剧Green Acres改编的电影中,Hooterville的ZIP编号是「40516及一半」。 美国的「 *** 消费者资讯中心」其下的「公共服务通知」因其拥有ZIP编号81009而声名大噪。 俄亥俄州的Newton Falls 有一个44444的ZIP编号。 在一套美国电视剧的情节中,一个美国邮政服务的顾员,告诉他的女朋友:「你想知道ZIP编号的秘密吗?它们根本没意义!」。 参见 美国邮递区号 美国ZIP编号列表 ZIP编号缩写列表 其他国家的邮区编号 邮区编号 邮区编号列表 菲律宾ZIP编号列表 例子解释错误! 例子1: 3256 Epiphenomenal Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55416 门牌仍然是3256 Epiphenomenal Avenue 55416 只是该信箱的编号 邮递区号 ............................ 参考: ........................ zip code me "邮政编码" 马来西亚 :60
2023-07-26 17:05:201

ZIP code是什么意思?

邮政编码ZIP是Zone Improvment Plan的缩写
2023-07-26 17:05:316

"Zip Code"这个单词是什么意思?

(绝密档案) 好象是一套电视节目
2023-07-26 17:05:583

国外要zip code 是什么

2023-07-26 17:06:072

邢台的 Zip Code是多少

Zip Code就是邮政编码 邢台市邮编:054001 桥东区邮政编码054001 桥西区邮政编码054000 南宫市邮政编码055750 沙河市邮政编码054100 邢台县邮政编码054001 临城县邮政编码054300 内丘县邮政编码054200 柏乡县邮政编码055450 隆尧县邮政编码055350 任 县邮政编码055150 南和县邮政编码054400 宁晋县邮政编码055550 巨鹿县邮政编码055250 新河县邮政编码051730 广宗县邮政编码054600 平乡县邮政编码054500 威 县邮政编码054700 清河县邮政编码054800 临西县邮政编码054900
2023-07-26 17:06:391

请问英文网站上的注册中"Zip" 是什么意思啊?

2023-07-26 17:06:506


哥伦比亚首都波哥大 Bogotazip是邮政的意思,Code意为代码,合起来译为“邮政编码”。
2023-07-26 17:07:191

四川成都的ZIP code是多少啊

2023-07-26 17:07:292

浙江湖州的zip code是什么,五位数么

您好!中国邮编是6位数,每个国家的邮编都是在自己的国家有效,给国外留的邮编按照我们的写就可以了,因此浙江省湖州市的邮编您直接写: 313000希望以上信息能对您有所帮助,同时您也可到本站官网邮编库湖州市邮编自助查询更多邮编信息,我们会持续更新数据,提供更完善的服务。
2023-07-26 17:07:392

Posting/Collection[Posting office zip code : : 翻译中文什么意思

Posting/Collection Posting office zip code 翻译为中文的意思是:“邮寄或者收件之邮寄局(厅)的邮政区码”。英文句子里的:Posting/Collection 意思是(邮寄或者收件);Posting office 意思是(邮寄局、邮寄厅);zip code意思是(邮政区码)。
2023-07-26 17:07:461

陕西西安的ZIP CODE怎么填啊

XiAn, SN 29
2023-07-26 17:07:563

苹果官网zip code怎么填

2023-07-26 17:08:041

Zip Code的意思

2023-07-26 17:08:268

美国的zip code应该怎么填?

ip code 是美国邮编的称呼,大家在注册国外的账号时,需要提供这个Zip Code,因为一般美国的服务默认是面向美国的,甚至是仅支持美国用户。这种情况,您填写一个正确的美国地址对应的5位邮编即可。基本内容:ZIP code 一般简称为ZIP。ZIP是Zone Improvement Plan (地区改进计划)的简称。Zip(Zip Code)就是国际通用的一种邮政编码方式,因为中国的邮政编码是6位的,而国外的邮政编码也一般不是5位的,但是国际上大多会使用Zip编码方式,Zip编码方式是类似的,像美国的是由州的编码作为前2位字母,城市有一个3位数字的编码,这样两者组成了5位的Zip编码。中国的也是如此。 如“Changchun, JL, 431”表示 “长春的Zip是JL431”。其中JL表示长春所在省份吉林,431是长春在吉林省的编码(可能是和电话号码有关,我只看了这一条,长春的电话区号是0431)。
2023-07-26 17:08:561


您好!中国的邮政编码是6位数,在世界任何一个地方往中国寄件都是填写6位邮编。Zip Code 是美国邮编的叫法从国外寄信件到中国大陆如何填写邮编?直接填写大陆地址对应的邮编即可。中国邮政使用由六位数字组成的四级邮政编码,前两位表示省、市、自治区,第三位代表邮区,第四位代表县、市,最后两位代表具体投递区域。参考链接:中国 zip code
2023-07-26 17:09:271

new york 的zip code 是什么啊?

2023-07-26 17:09:386

请问谁知道伦敦的zip code是多少?

分类: 社会/文化 >> 社会话题 问题描述: 谁知道怎么找到 全世界的zip code 解析: zip code 是美国的邮政编码;英国的邮政编码是 postcode;伦敦的邮政编码是W5 5SA.
2023-07-26 17:11:041

香港zip / postal code 是什麼号 ?

2023-07-26 17:11:154

please provide a valid zip code:是什么意思

2023-07-26 17:11:555


您好!中国的邮政编码是6位数,在世界任何一个地方往中国寄件都是填写6位邮编。Zip Code 是美国邮编的叫法从国外寄信件到中国大陆如何填写邮编?直接填写大陆地址对应的邮编即可。中国邮政使用由六位数字组成的四级邮政编码,前两位表示省、市、自治区,第三位代表邮区,第四位代表县、市,最后两位代表具体投递区域。参考链接:中国 zip code
2023-07-26 17:12:121

China Bank 的 billing zip code是什么?

billing Zip code 即 帐单邮政编码,指的是信用卡所在地邮编(美国人专填用的.)。在美国网站购物付款时或是注册美国网站需要信用卡时,需要提供billing zip code。美国的邮编是五位的,而中国的邮编是六位的,因此在输入的时候有可会遇到长度限制的问题。但事实上billing Zip code是用来寄信用卡账单的,并不重要。
2023-07-26 17:12:326

ns美服zip code怎么填

2023-07-26 17:13:101

北京的zip code是什么?

2023-07-26 17:13:323

在银行的汇款信息中经常有ZIP CODE,这是什么意思呢?

2023-07-26 17:13:412


纽约邮编 NY 10020
2023-07-26 17:13:481


Zip 这是小学英语书上的一只小松鼠的名字!中文意思是:拉链 但在这里可以翻译成滋普!因为Zi――滋 p――普 所以翻译成:滋普
2023-07-26 17:13:5915

中国邮政编码怎样转换成国际上的ZIP CODE

无法转化,每个国家的邮政编码都只在自己国家有效。我国采用四级六位编码制,前两位表示省(直辖市、自治区),第三位代表邮区,第四位代表县(市),最后两位数字是代表从这个城市哪个投递区投递的,即投递区的位置。其他国家的邮政编码:1、美国基本的邮政编码包括五个数字数字。一个延长的 ZIP+4 代码包括邮政编码的五个数字加上允许邮件被提供对一个具体地址的四个数字。邮政编码被编号以第一数字代表某一小组美国各州、第二个和第三个数字一起代表一个地区在那个小组(或或许一个大城市), 和第四个和第五个数字代表更加具体的区域,譬如那个城市的小镇或地区。2、法国法国邮政编码始于1972年,共6个数字,前两位代表省,后三位分别代表城市、地区或邮政分局。3、日本邮政编码数字的位数:7位,在前三位与后四位数字之间使用字符“—”;文字结构:目前全部使用数字;新旧邮政编码系统之间的联系:旧的编码中的三位或五位数字作为新编码的前几位数字;新编码的特殊性:将地址的每一小部分分别指定为一个数字,连接在现有的邮政编码之后。
2023-07-26 17:14:591


密码的英文是code。coden.密码,暗码;(邮政)编码,(电话)区号;(计算机)编码;道德准则,行为规范;法典,法规v.把……编码(或编号);把……译成密码;(给计算机)编写指令短语1、ZIP CODE邮政编码 ; 邮编 ; 美国邮区编号 ; 邮递区号2、source code源代码 ; 源码3、postal code邮政编码 ; 邮编 ; 邮递区号 ; 邮政编号例句1、He punched in the security code.他把密码输入电脑。2、Brian keyed in his personal code.布赖恩键入了他的个人密码。
2023-07-26 17:15:241

2023-07-26 17:16:041


我也是,看GD 20行不行,有时候服务器只面向美国,你就跪了,肯定注册不了
2023-07-26 17:16:163


2023-07-26 17:12:563


Title: My Friend"s HobbiesIntroduction:I have a friend who has a diverse range of hobbies and interests. In this essay, I will explore some of my friend"s favorite pastimes and explain why these hobbies are meaningful to them.Body:1. Photography:One of my friend"s passions is photography. They love capturing moments and expressing their creativity through the lens. Photography allows them to document their experiences, explore different perspectives, and showcase the beauty they see in the world. Through their photos, my friend tells stories and evokes emotions, making this hobby both fulfilling and artistic.2. Cooking and Baking:My friend has a keen interest in the culinary arts. They enjoy experimenting with flavors, trying new recipes, and creating delicious dishes. Cooking and baking not only provide them with a creative outlet but also serve as a way to bring people together. They love hosting gatherings where friends and family can enjoy their homemade meals, fostering a sense of warmth and connection.3. Playing Musical Instruments:Music holds a special place in my friend"s heart, and they are skilled at playing various musical instruments. They find solace and joy in creating melodies and expressing their emotions through music. Playing instruments also allows them to constantly learn and challenge themselves, as they strive to improve their skills and explore different genres of music.4. Outdoor Activities:My friend is an avid outdoor enthusiast. They enjoy hiking, camping, and exploring nature. Being surrounded by the beauty of the outdoors brings them a sense of peace and rejuvenation. Through these activities, they not only engage in physical exercise but also develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world and its wonders.5. Reading:Reading is another hobby my friend embraces wholeheartedly. They have a diverse taste in literature and enjoy immersing themselves in different genres, from fiction to non-fiction, fantasy to self-help. Reading allows them to expand their knowledge, stimulate their imagination, and gain new perspectives on life. It is a hobby that continuously inspires and enlightens them.Conclusion:My friend"s hobbies reflect their curiosity, creativity, and zest for life. Whether it"s capturing moments through photography, experimenting in the kitchen, playing musical instruments, immersing themselves in nature, or diving into the pages of a book, these hobbies bring them joy, fulfillment, and personal growth. I admire their passion for pursuing their interests and the way these hobbies contribute to their overall well-being and happiness.
2023-07-26 17:13:013


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2023-07-26 17:13:082


【 #英语资源# 导语】阳光,播撒迷人的色彩;月亮,弯出微笑的可爱;鲜花,披发醉人的芳香;景色,呈现世界的出色;愿你领略天地风貌,尽享旅途痛快。 无 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.五一劳动节游记英语作文   During the May Day holiday, the sun was shining. My mother and I went for an outing in Qingfeng park.   On the road, the car drove slowly forward, like a "car baby" walking. When Qingfeng Park arrived, everyone got out of the car with an excited heartbeat and ran to the small beach.   Along the road, beautiful scenery can be seen everywhere, with light pink plum blossoms blooming on the branches; The Yellow winter jasmine blooms incomparably brightly, as if welcoming the arrival of spring; Willows sprouted from the clear pond, and the soft branches swayed gently with the breeze; Colorful flowers dotted with green grass, how beautiful, how beautiful!   We came to the beach and there were children everywhere. Some of them are playing at home, some are digging canals, some are drawing with sand, some are building castles, and we are so happy on the beach!   Happy time is always short. In a twinkling of an eye, when the afternoon comes, we leave reluctantly. How I wish to set up an outing Festival so that all people can bathe in the spring breeze and feel the vibrant atmosphere of nature! 2.五一劳动节游记英语作文   On May Day, our family went to Zhoujiazhuang, Jinzhou for a youth tour.   When we got there, we couldn"t wait to enter the pear garden. Pear flowers are in various forms, layer by layer and cluster by cluster, like snow covered with branches. Some are shyly blossoming, like flawless white pearls, pure and elegant; Some have opened a few petals, like a small white horn. The petals are surrounded by fine velvet stamens, and the top is wearing a small red hat. It"s very beautiful!   Walking through this pear garden, you can see a large golden rape field. Under the blue sky, the rape flower held hands and looked up to the sky. Fluttering butterflies and bees flutter among the flowers, busy gathering honey. I couldn"t resist the hospitality of rape flowers, so I walked into the rape land, roamed and rotated in the golden ocean, full of bright yellow in my eyes and drunk in my heart   How time flies! In the twinkling of an eye, everyone"s visit to the pear garden and rape garden is coming to an end. Before leaving, I looked at the beautiful fields, the golden rape flowers and the charming pear garden. I was full of reluctance.   I love everything here, like snow pear flowers and passionate rape flowers. I will come back next year! 3.五一劳动节游记英语作文   The May Day holiday is coming. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the smiling faces are fragrant, and the colorful beauty is displayed. The mountains are green... Let"s go for an outing!   Today, our family went hiking. I came to a mountain with my father and aunt. I looked up and said: ah! The peak is so high that it seems to be above the clouds. Hey! Halfway up, we found that the small wild flowers beside the mountain road showed a bright smile; The little wild grass stretched and waved to us, as if to say to us, "Hi! Today is such a fine weather, where are you going?" I said happily, "let"s go hiking!" When we were halfway there, because our father and aunt hadn"t gone for a long time and didn"t know the way, we walked around the road for a long time. And because it rained the day before, today"s mountain road is also particularly slippery. When I was walking, I slipped several times, and once I slipped and fell, but I didn"t give up and insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain. Everyone was already waiting for us when we arrived.   At noon, everyone gathered for dinner. I had already eaten and played for a long time.   I think the outing is very tired, but the scenery on the top of the mountain is really beautiful! I"m tired and happy 4.五一劳动节游记英语作文   I slept soundly today. My father called me up and said, "I"ll take you out for a holiday these two days." As soon as I heard it, I was tired and got up immediately to wash my face and brush my teeth.   After washing, my father and I drove to our hometown. In my hometown, my father and I called my two nephews to play together.   My father and my two nephews went to the peach garden first. The peach trees here are full of peach flowers. These peach flowers are pink and red. They grow very dense. I put my nose close to them. WOW! How fragrant! I was intoxicated in the peach garden when my father called us away.   After we left the peach garden, we came to the field. The crops in the field grew very tall and green, but the weeds next to us were unwilling to be weak and grew on the edge of the crops every three or five times. After seeing the crops, we picked up our kites again and began flying kites in the open space on one side. My two nephews and I picked up the kite and began to fly. Unexpectedly, as soon as we flew a few meters, the kite fell heavily to the ground. At this time, my father smiled and came over to pick up the kite and threw it into the sky. After running for a few steps, he stood in place and shook the kite line. Unexpectedly, the kite flew up. The kite flew higher and higher and became smaller and smaller. Finally, he almost didn"t see it. 5.五一劳动节游记英语作文   Today, my mother and my brother went to the people"s Park. The flowers and plants in the people"s Park are very beautiful, including pink peach flowers, red peach flowers, white apricot and pear flowers, willows, pines and a big tree. There is a clear river next to the peach blossom. There are people boating in the river and ducklings swimming. The ducklings are black, white and yellow. Two ducklings swim together, three swim together, and one swims alone. They can swim happily.   When we were playing, my brother saw a transformer. He liked it very much, so my mother bought one for him, and then we went on. I saw a painting place, and we stopped to see it. I watched it for a long time and chose a small model of two people. I liked it very much, and then we bought it. I sat down with my mother to draw colors for it, and my brother played with his transformer, When I painted the color of the hair behind the little girl, I was surprised to find that the small model was actually a money can. We soon painted it in all colors. It was very beautiful. I decided to give it to my father when I went home. My brother and I had a good time today. My mother smiled happily when she saw us having a good time. 6.五一劳动节游记英语作文   On May Day, there was a gentle breeze, and several white clouds floated in the blue sky, like several waves in the blue waves. My parents and I went to Lowe monkey mountain for an outing.   As soon as I entered the gate, the moist air was filled with the fragrance of soil, and with the melting spring breeze, there was a vibrant green everywhere. Several verdant trees spread their branches and leaves, and each branch is soaked with the vitality of life. Many colorful flowers, like colorful ribbons, flutter on the green grass.   In the distance, there was a faint bright red. I walked along the path, and clusters of bright camellias came into view. The camellias were dancing like Fairies in red robes. Out of this red world, the lovely winter jasmine nodded to us frequently in the wind, the slender branches drooped one by one, and the goose yellow petals surrounded the tender yellow stamens formed a golden trumpet to play the melody of spring for people. After saying goodbye to the winter jasmine, a faint faint fragrance suddenly floated. I followed the fragrance of the flowers. It turned out that it was a garden full of peach blossoms. They quietly opened their hazy sleeping eyes, put on pink clothes and skirts, and showed people her unique charm. The slender branches were full of green laughter, lined with the charming smiling face of peach blossoms, waving in the breeze. You see, the faint pink is dotted in a thick green. It is like red clouds floating in the green sky and billowing waves in the green sea. People are in the sea of flowers and feel the breath of nature.   Time passed unconsciously, and I reluctantly left the world of flowers 7.五一劳动节游记英语作文   Spring comes, everything recovers and a hundred flowers bloom. It"s another good season for outing.   It was a sunny morning during the May Day holiday. My mother and I went for an outing in the field behind the yard.   As we walked along the road, we saw that the strong grass broke through the earth with its tenacious perseverance and settled down at the foot of the wall. With its bright green color, it decorates the beautiful spring without reservation. We walked another way and came to a field. There was a pleasant green everywhere in front of us. The wheat seedlings stood in high spirits, and the dew like pearls rolled around on the wheat seedlings like a slide   Further ahead is a green grassland. I can"t help running on it happily and embracing nature with open arms. Later, I was a little tired, so I just lay down. At this time, the sun gently stroked me like my mother"s warm hands. The blue sky was very peaceful, and occasionally a few swallows came back from the South flew by. There are some thin white clouds in the sky, just like the shy veil of a girl. I gently closed my eyes and let the warm breeze blow slowly by my ears. A wisp of black hair on the forehead is fluttering gently, very comfortable. When it was time to go home, my mother and I pulled out some wild vegetables and went home with a rare good mood to enjoy the nutritious and rich lunch.   This outing made me understand the warmth and tenderness of nature again One side, what a harvest! 8.五一劳动节游记英语作文   Today is may day. My mother took me to Swan Lake in Dongying.   When we arrived at Swan Lake, as soon as we got off the bus, the first thing I saw was the blue sea. The sun was reflected on the sea. It was very golden and beautiful! I also saw a swan. Its feathers were white and there was a little red hat on its head. There are many fish in the sea. A cormorant is busy catching fish.   There are several ships on the sea. We got on the ship. The ship is made of wood and painted with yellow, green and red paint. It looks very beautiful! The ship docked and we got off the ship. We saw colorful shells, and I picked them up for several pinches! 9.五一劳动节游记英语作文   Today is labor day on May 1. My father and I went to Yuehu park together.   Moon Lake Park is the place where the "Olympic Games rush forward" was held in the past. Not far from the Moon Lake Park, it is also the place where the "Golden Eagle cartoon" was played. I played the bowling ball floating on the water for about ten minutes. The way to play is: people walk into the rolling ball, push the ball with their hands, and keep running with their feet back. I seem to have used the lightness skill water floating. As a result, another girl came. I competed with her to see who swam fast. We chased each other, fast and slow. After 10 minutes, we were tired and sweaty.   Later, my father and I went to see the "Zhiyong dashongguan" track again, which was very good. It turned out that many experts performed here!   Moon Lake Park is so fun. I"ll come again next time! 10.五一劳动节游记英语作文   This year"s May Day is my happiest day. On this day, we went to the famous Xianju - a place where immortals live.   Along the way, I kept asking my father if he had arrived. Dad said, don"t worry, I"ll be there in a minute. After about an hour, we finally arrived at Xianju. Dad took me to a place. As soon as I got off the bus, the scene in front of me shocked me: the endless rape flowers, hundreds of acres. Dad said, "this is the rape flower that everyone came to see earlier, because there were too many people at that time. Now the rape flower is not as vigorous as before, but it is still very beautiful." I looked to the distance and couldn"t see the edge. Looking around, we were like little bees from flowers. Say, really have a few industrious little bees, buzzing in the flowers, flying around busy collecting honey. I said to my parents, "let"s play hide and seek?" Mother said, "OK, then go and hide. Your father and I will come to you." I hurried to the depths of the flowers. My father and mother couldn"t find me. Then I ran out myself.   At this time, I was stained with a lot of rape petals. My mother said that my whole body was full of flower fragrance. Sitting on the bus home, I was very happy because I became an immortal on May Day this year.
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2023-07-26 17:13:171


Person"s life can be like a museum? 一 Most at first only then that round mountain month and Leng Jian in memory cavern then you *** iles extremely is walking to me, in the cool early morning floating clouds disperse , since I should follow the road to go to wele your please to let us, in the water plant lush place settles down I to be able to study on the animal bones and tortoise shells Bo Xiongji , and burns the love with the belief has in the watermark cloud pattern painted pottery <dnt> when </dnt> that all story to start in fragrant riverside to ford Jiang Er cotton rose thousand the poem also Jan single core Also simple 二 Seasonal variation of acute flying geese birds I slowly south along the river to search Carved wood has been hand Guanyin rounded Has carved a fine Sui Dynasty Stone Buddha *** iling lips After flying into pure progressive rendering broken That the hearts of the most beloved and most familiar with the outline of Cold in a huge cavern I am a humble artisan without resentment Repeatedly describe life after life 三 But where is has errors Why in the 1000 World"s reincarnation I always look forward to the moment pass Sand years ago I was you Clues have been deeply planted as Why, after sand Always have some important details are you missing Difficult to find and return tomorrow night in the month Tears poured a glass of wine for you Then you launched urgent reminder pull pipa At that time the world was lush Well into the myth only Wilt of tamarisk and poplar Miles sand 四 If they return to The total Cháo Yīn call out in the dark Feelings of tenderness between the full Unsolvable Silk embroidered with colorful spring day finish The more the farther away from the thick clouds piled My mottled heart ah Slowly between the Legends and Legends Walk 五 Reunited with you this life over again Outside your cabi I have in the cabi Separated by a cold glass I eagerly await your arrival The straight-talking in the wrong room you seem to hear voices Of course you can never be sure This is all silk, all the silk All three color and clay This counters all the carving and carving patterns ah All my love to you all I have gone through difficult immortal soul Qian Jie 100 六 In the twilight years you turn the wave of indifference Gallery nobody silent gods I finally became a wood into stone, as past life 1000 Hibiscus Gallery is still outside Light to open in the water Soft light purple powder And that kind of white snow Anonymous as a Song painting Dyed in life is slowly opened slowly submerged
2023-07-26 17:13:171


互动是一个社会学概念,指各种因素之间相互影响,相互促进,互为因果的作用和关系. 1、 列举在你的生活、工作中常提到“互动”方面的三种情景。 2、你对互动的理解是怎样的? 互动提示 在自然科学中,物理学较早地阐述互动的概念,以解释物体或系统之间的作用和影响,说明能量守衡定律。在社会科学中,社会学在19世纪即应用互动的概念来解释社会学的现象,并形成了具有丰富理论内容的“社会互动论”的学说。在今天,伴随着现代化、社会化程度的提高,人们的交往范围、交往手段都发生了深刻的变化,人际之间、事物之间、系统之间的相互影响无论在广度和深度上,都进入了新的层次,因此互动关系的研究更引起了社会多方面的关注,互动关系的研究、互动概念的使用涉及到了越来越多的领域,在互联网上以“互动”为关键词稍加搜索,即可查到相关的条目达10万条之多,“互动机制”概念的使用也具有较高的频率。 互动的含义 互动,笔者搜集了相当多的资料没有找到相关的解释。 笔者认为,从两个构成的字来说,按照辞典上的解释“互”是交替;相互,“动”使起作用或变化,使感情起变化。归纳起来“互动”就是指一种相互使彼此发生作用或变化的过程。一直以来在思索“互动”按照词义上来说是相互作用的一个过程。好像与我们日常听到的“互动”含义有些差别,至少是按照以上的解释不能表明我们使用得如此频繁的本义。因为我们知道相互作用,有积极的过程,也有消极的过程,过程的结果有积极的,也有消极的。显然消极的过程以及消极的结果都不是我们的追求。 结合辞典的解释与人们使用的本意,笔者认为互动应该是一种使对象之间相互作用而产生彼此发生积极的改变的过程。关键词是“相互作用(reciprocity——A reciprocal condition or relationship.)”“积极”。 社会化是在一特定文化中,从无助的婴儿,开始学习各种态度、价值、与行为, 变成一个有自觉、有知识,以及有能力的人的过程。 每个人都是社会化的来源,因为每个人都与人互动,每天在互动如何保存或是改变社会结构。毕竟,社会秩序,要靠社会行动者(social actor),不管是个人、组织、社会制度,都可以是社会行动者的单位,来使用,维持,挑战,现有的社会结构。 社会的发展与人的发展具有内在的一致性。唯物史观认为,社会的发展就是人的发展和为人的发展。因为社会的发展进步实质上是人们追求幸福和发展的结果。马克思曾明确指出:“社会—不管其形式如何—究竟是什么呢?是人们交互作用的产物……人们的社会历史始终只是他们的个体发展的历史,而不管他们是否意识到这一点”。马克思主义深刻揭示了社会发展与人的发展的内在联系,认为社会是以人的存在为前提的,而人的存在和发展又有其一定的物质和精神需要,于是人便从事劳动来满足这种需要,结果就产生了社会。人的劳动不仅创造和发展着社会,而且也发展和改造着人自身。人在通过生产劳动推动社会发展进步的过程中,自身也得到了发展。由此可见,离开了人就不成其为社会,离开了人的发展,社会也就无从发展,整个社会发展是以人的发展为目的的。人是社会赖以发展的诸因素中第一重要的、决定性的因素。 人和社会是相互作用,互相决定、互相促进的,因而任何一方的发展都离不开对方的发展,都必须把对方的发展作为目的,把自己的发展作为手段,这样才能促进双方的同步发展。没有整个社会的发展,个人的发展也就没有基础和条件,同时,整个社会的发展恰恰是社会上无数个人自我发展与自我完善的结果。人的全面发展需要通过改造客观世界促进社会发展去实现,社会的发展也需要人通过改造自己的主观世界,实现人的全面发展来保证。 人作为人类社会文明进步的创造者和接受者,其全面发展是社会发展的必然趋势。社会的发展都是为人的发展提供条件和手段,都是为了丰富人的需要,提高人的自由度和主体性,促进人的素质的全面提高。偏离以人为中心的任何发展都不能称为真正的发展。所以,人的生活质量得到改善及改善的程度是衡量社会是否发展及发展程度的重要尺度,因而,在社会发展过程中,需要把提高生活质量,增加教育机会,改善医疗和保健条件,满足人的各种精神、文化、娱乐需求同增加经济总量,提高居民收入等经济目标,置于同等重要的位置。 人的可持续发展与社会的可持续发展也是相互依存的,二者互为发展条件。社会的可持续发展强调既要注重经济的发展,又不能破坏生态环境和资源,不能危及子孙后代的发展,而这种发展归根结底离不开人。同时,人的可持续发展也离不开社会的可持续发展,在维持社会可持续发展中。人的可持续发展对社会的可持续发展具有主导性促进作用。这首先在于,可持续发展的人能正确处理好人与人、人与自然、人与社会的关系,能尊重相互间协调、平等、持续运行的规律,具有战略眼光和长远观点,能确保社会的可持续发展。其次,人的可持续发展促使人的身心得到和谐、均衡发展,富有个性,潜能存量丰富,精神境界高尚,这样便能理智地持有新的发展观,注重人、社会、经济、环境等整体协调的发展。再次,人的可持续发展使人具备科学文化知识和某些技能,又富有人文精神,在推动经济突飞猛进的时候能够不沦为“经济动物”、“科技奴隶”,并与资源浪费、环境污染、生态失衡、精神空虚、犯罪蔓延等现象作斗争,使物质文明与精神文明协调发展。 Q1——社会的发展与人的发展的关系是什么? Q2——社会如何得到发展? Q3——人如何得到发展? Q4——各成员之间的关系是什么? Q5——要使各成员都获得积极的改变,最基本的互动是什么? 互动(原理心理学概念) 各个功能系统的功能和心理活动的产生机制,即各个因素相互作用产生心理。每个功能系统能够各自独立产出样本点亮丘觉产生相对独立的意识,各个功能系统以及样本、意识是构成心理活动的因素,这些因素各自独立发挥作用,各个因素相互作用,相互影响,相互制约,产生各种复杂的心理活动。(注:各个因素之间的相互作用是通过交换实现的,见交换原理,交换原理阐述产生相互作用的神经机制) 脑分为多个功能独立的系统,每个功能系统能够各自独立产出样本点亮丘觉产生相对独立的意识,多个功能系统可以同时产出样本点亮丘觉产生多个同时存在的意识;各个意识、样本、功能系统各自独立发挥互动作用,发放或施加自身作用,接受或抗拒外来作用,产生心理。不同的意识、样本、功能系统发挥不同的作用,产生各种各样不同的心理活动,通过相互斗争达到心理平衡。第一,不同的丘脑核团分别与不同的样脑有着密切的功能联系,形成不同的功能系统,每个功能系统能够独立发挥各自功能,通过交换产出样本点亮丘觉,产生各自独立的意识;第二,各个功能系统可以产出多个独立的样本,点亮丘觉产生多个意识,样本与意识之间、意识与意识之间、意识与功能系统之间相互作用形成心理活动,各个意识之间通过相互斗争达到动态的心理平衡;第三,意识源自于样本,又对样本、功能系统进行反作用,这是神经结构的样本交换功能决定的。
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adidas的名字是怎么来的? 1948年,adidas的创办人Adi DasslerDassIer先生用他的名字adi和部分姓氏字母,合成"adidas"作为商品品牌并申请注册;翌年,adidas的三线商标问世。 adidas的创始者,AdiDassler先生,是一位拥有运动员身分和鞋匠技术的德国人。因为他能充分了解运动员的需要,人有精巧的手艺和发明天才;所以在他的一生中,发明了七百多种与运动有关的专利产品,进而创造了adidas的运动用品王国。Dassler先生在1920年开始手工制作运动鞋,之后,世界各国运动员每每穿著Dassler先生制造的运动鞋在奥运会中获得殊荣;他的名气因此渐渐地在国际体坛响亮了起来。 在1972年,adidas再推出在服装饰品上广泛使用、众所周知的三叶商标。adidas的成功主要归功Dassler先生长子HorstDassler的行销及大众传播天才。Horst了解到促销活动对建立运动品牌形象的重要性,亲自出席1956年在澳洲墨尔本市举行的奥运并促adidas品牌,他创新的点子使他成为现代运动行销的鼻祖。随著全球行销网路持续地设立,adidas在运动用品市场日渐举足轻重、享有盛名。 在运动用品的世界中,adidas一直代表着一种特别的地位象征,而这种象征有人称之为「胜利的三条线」。自1948年创立至今,adidas帮助过无数的运动选手缔造佳绩,成就了不少的丰功伟业。因此,adidas也可以说是集合了众人信赖及尊敬的最佳典范。 adidas 创办人Adi Dassler 本人不但是一位技术高超的制鞋家,同时也是一位喜好运动的运动家,他的梦想就是「为运动家们设计制作出最合适的运动鞋」。在这个理念下,Adi Dassler于1920年设计出第一双运动鞋,由于他不断的研发,使他所设计的运动鞋获得许多顶尖选手的喜爱,不仅在奥林匹克运动会中大放异彩,并从此在运动场上立下金牌口碑。在各界的肯定下,Adi Dassler于1948年创立了adidas品牌,并将他多年来制鞋经验中,得到利用鞋侧三条线能使运动鞋更契合运动员脚型的发现融入设计的新鞋中,于是adidas品牌第一双有三条线造型的运动鞋便在1949年呈现在世人面前。从此,人们便不断在运动场上见到「胜利的三条线」所创下的胜利画面。 特别是在世界足坛上,adidas所受的支持度更是没有任何一家运动用品厂商可以比拟的。尤其当adidas发表了第一双钉鞋后,更是受到顶尖足球员的支持与喜爱,由1974年于西德所举办的世界杯足球赛中,80%以上的出场球员都选用了adidas的足球鞋便可得知当时adidas在世界足坛的威力。而在1998年的法国世界杯足球赛中,地主法国队更是凭借adidas足球鞋优越的性能,发挥了超水平的实力,击败群雄勇夺冠军,法国足球明星Zinedine。 Zidane更荣获1998年世界足球先生头衔,再次证明adidas「胜利的三条线」的权威保证一直延续至今。 除了足球以外,adidas在篮球、田径、网球、棒球、拳击、游泳以及最新潮的极限运动等运动项目亦占有一席之地。许多知名的顶尖运动选手都为adidas的品质折服:在篮球圣殿NBA众球星中,曾经叱吒一时的贾霸、知名的Antoine Walker以及目前相当受瞩目的最有潜力球员Kobe Bryant;在职业网坛中则有已退休的瑞典名将艾柏格、曾经傲视群雌独霸后座的德国”玉罗煞〃格拉芙,以及近年倔起的”英国新希望〃Tim Henman与俄罗斯美少女Anna Kournikova以及刚刚网罗的小天后Martina Hingis;在棒球场上有夺得1998年美国职棒总冠军的纽约洋基队、拳击场上则有本世纪最伟大的重量级拳击手阿里;在田径场上,adidas的口碑更是由1930年代的Arthur Jonath 延伸到现在的Donovan Bailey、Ato Boldon与 Haile Gebrselassie等人。 今日,adidas依然秉持Adi Dassler完美制鞋的理念,不断的与世界级的顶尖运动家与教练交换心得与需求,经过一连串反覆的测试与考验,发展出符合人体工学的各项产品,不但能帮助各类专业运动家们提升运动表现、更能满足一般市场消费者对高品质运动商品的需求。近年来,adidas不仅在设计上、功能上有新突破,代表性的三条线设计概念亦在流行趋势中掀起另一股风潮,席卷时下的年轻新世代形成流行新风格,带领全球运动商品迈向更多元化的远景。 以下是adidas重要产品或科技的大事纪: 1970 :"Telstar"成为世界杯足球赛首次指定用球 1979 :全球最畅销的足球鞋"Copa Mundial"上市 1985 :"Aps"吸震跑鞋问世 1988 :adidas革命性的"Torsion"系统出现 1993 :adidas发明"TubularTechnology" 1994 :推出革命性的新产品"Predator"足球鞋 1996 :"FeetYouWear"运动鞋上市 2000 :喊出"没有不可能"口号,成功的创造流行新话题
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问题一:美刀是什么货币单位? 美元,美刀,美金,都是一个意思。因为功元的英文是dollar,首音字母音近似中文的“刀”,所以慢慢演变的很多年轻人爱使用美刀,来代替美元。 问题二:刀是哪个国家的货币 刀即dollar读音,美元的意思,美元是美国发行的,基本上全球通用 问题三:请问刀是什么国家的钱币计量单位? 以上二位说的是。 有些网上的文章简称美元(dollar)为“刀”,比如二十美元就说二十“刀”。我提供的是脑筋急转弯性的答案。 问题四:刀是什么意思啊,他们说多少钱都说多少刀,是不是外国货币单位啊? 刀 是 dollar 首音. 一刀就是一美元, 花了多少美元是花了几刀. 问题五:刀是哪国货币 刀是dollar的俗称,一般指美元,1刀(1美元)目前等于6.82元人民币左右 问题六:美国货币单位是什么 美国的货币单位为美元(Dollar),1美元等于100美分。纸币面额最小为1美元,1美元以下用硬币,硬币有25美分(Quarter)、10美分(Dime,一角)、5美分(Nickel)、1美分(Cent) 问题七:SUD是什么货币单位 苏丹镑 问题八:钱叫多少刀是什么意思? 现在叫多少刀是指美元,因为美元的英文是dollar,中文简称刀。 问题九:美元与美刀是同一种货币度量单位吗? 海外的华人,尤其是生活在北美的华人,习惯将美元的计量单位叫做 刀 。比如花了10美元,就说花了 10刀 ,因为美元 Dollar 的英文发音,中文音似 刀 落 。 问题十:为什么好多人说多少钱为多少刀?是什么意思... 谐音。美国、澳大利亚等国的货币单位饥dollar,发音“刀了”,谐音为刀,意思就是多少美元/澳元。
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历届世界杯所使用的足球名称,估计没几个人知道吧,显摆一下从20世纪20年代开始,阿迪达斯的创始人阿迪·达斯勒先生就开始致力于研发和生产最好的足球产品。这种传统始终如一:在过去的80年里,阿迪达斯始终在为满足和超越全球超过百万的足球运动员的需要而做着不懈的努力。阿迪达斯对体育事业的贡献及其与一些世界顶级的运动员、球队间紧密的联系使阿迪达斯始终占据足球品牌的领先地位,并成为足球历史中的一个不可或缺的部分。 阿迪达斯从1963年开始制作高质量的比赛用球,当时绝大多数足球是咖啡色的,很沉,踢起来脚会很疼。1970年,国际足联第一次要求阿迪达斯为墨西哥世界杯提供官方用球,当时的阿迪达斯已经成为世界上领先的足球品牌。 Telstar 1970年墨西哥世界杯 “Telstar”完全由真皮制成,这一点和当时其他的球相比并没有什么特殊,但与众不同的是她表面由32块手缝的嵌面组成(12块黑色 的五角形和20块白色的六角形),这种全新的构造配合均衡的缝制使足球拥有更圆更完美的外形。这一革命性的构造设计书写了足球史上新的一页。“Telstar”首次在白色的足球上镶嵌黑色的五角形,从而使足球在黑白电视机的画面中更为显眼。(“Telstar”源自“Star of Television”,1970年墨西哥世界杯首次对世界杯比赛通过卫星进行电视转播)。直到现在,“Telstar”仍然是各种足球的原型。 Telstar & Chile 1974年德国世界杯 1974年德国世界杯使用了两款阿迪达斯比赛用球。“Telstar”把原先黑色的阿迪达斯标记改换成金色,“Chile”则是阿迪达斯在“Telstar”成功的基础上推出的一款全白色的球。(1962年智利世界杯曾使用款全白色的球)两款球在材质和技术上和四年前的基本相同。 Tango 1978年阿根廷世界杯 1978年的这款球在设计上再次实现历史性的突破:著名的“Tango”设计诞生,她成为足球制作史上的一个经典。20个“三角阿迪达斯”形的嵌面相互连接形成12个大小相等的圆形。从此之后的每一届杯赛用球都是在这个设计的基础上进行改良的。“Tango”提高了球对各种气候条件的适应能力,设计上则汲取了阿根廷传统舞蹈探戈的激情与优雅。 Tango Espana 1982年西班牙世界杯 “Tango Espana”在设计上只作了很小的改动,关键的革新在技术上:她仍由真皮制成,但采用了防水、密封的缝制,从而大大减弱了球的吸水性,最大程度上控制了球重的额外增加。 Azteca 1986年墨西哥世界杯 “Azteca”是足球制造技术上的一次改革。她外观设计融入东道主土著人--阿芝台克人建筑和壁画图案的风格;技术上则首次采用合成材料制作。这种合成材料的使用增强了球的耐用性,同时进一步减弱了球的吸水性。无论是在硬地上,高空中还是在潮湿的环境里,她都能表现出色。“Azteca”在足球史上创造了一个飞跃。 Etrusco Unico 1990年意大利世界杯 “Etrusco Unico”对合成材料进行了改良,并且首次在球体内加入黑色聚氨酯泡沫内层,使球具有完全的防水性能,运行速度再次得到提高。至于“Etrusco Unico”的名字以及颇为复杂的外观设计则完全是受到意大利古老而华美的历史和伊特鲁里亚精湛艺术的影响,描绘在每一块“三角阿迪达斯”嵌面上的图案便是三个伊特鲁里亚狮头。 Questra 1994年美国世界杯 “Questra”首次运用具有能量回复性能的白色聚氨酯泡沫内层。这种内层使球体触摸感更为柔软(更易控制),球速更快。设计者希望她能像火箭离地那样地高速,“Questra”的创意来源于美国对宇宙探索和太空技术的追求。 Tricolore 1998年法国世界杯 “Tricolore”:中文名字“三色球”,她是在世界杯比赛中首次印有彩色图案的足球。其设计灵感来源于法国三色国旗以及法兰西民族和法国足协的传统“雄鸡”标志。而“Tricolore”最主要的革新在于采用了新型复合泡沫材料,内部结构是排列紧密规则的弹性气泡,每一个气泡都是封闭的并且充满气体。这种新型复合材料更具耐磨性,赋予球更好的能量回复性能,使球飞行更稳、方向更准。“Tricolore”还首次运用“透明印刷”技术,从而使球的图案更鲜艳、而且不易磨损,寿命更长。 adidas Fevernova? 2002年日韩世界杯 “Fevernova”中文译为“飞火流星”。“飞火流星”是阿迪达斯自推出1978年世界杯指定比赛用球TangoTM后第一次采用突破常规的设计。在外观设计上融入现代亚洲文化的元素,更具动感和创新。“飞火流星”所采用的高科技合成的泡沫层结构是基于98法国世界杯三色球的改良。改进后的泡沫层由众多超强耐压且大小相等的微型气囊构成,该结构赋予了球身出众的能量回复性能及额外的受力缓冲性能,有效提高了足球的可控性及运行的精准度。 adidas +Teamgeist? 2006年德国世界杯 “+团队之星”(+Teamgeist?),寓意致胜世界杯赛场的重要精神:团队的力量。她采用了全新的异形拼块和无缝压合技术,史无前例地将足球球面拼块减少到14块,最大程度地消除了球体表面不规则的凹凸,令球体呈现完美圆弧,从而有效提高了足球运行的精准度。“+团队之星”主要由黑、白、金三色组成,黑、白是东道主德国国家足球队的传统颜色,而金色则代表着世界杯冠军奖杯。
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1、母爱是一本我终生无法读完的巨著;母爱是一片我永远也飞不出的天空。 A mother"s love is a lifetime I cannot read the book; A mother"s love is a piece of me forever also could not fly in the sky. 2、当你奇怪他为什么对你忽冷忽热的时候,因为他在为另一个人赴汤蹈火。 When you"re wondering why he blows hot and cold to you, because he go through fire and water for another people. 3、过去就像回形针,把青春一页页的固定,然后变成了一本不被出版的书。 The past is like a paper clip, fixed the youth page, and then turned into a book will not be published. 4、因为我爱你所以我拒绝了所有的人,我不希望到最后你会让我遍体鳞伤。 Because I love you so I refused all the people, I don"t want in the end would you let I was black and blue all over. 5、回忆就像一根紧绷的弦,极力追忆过去,稍一不留神,就又回到了现实。 Memory is like a taut strings, trying to recall the past, one not careful, and then back to reality. 6、突然发现现在的季节开始变得和人一样,走的那么彻底。叫人措手不及。 Suddenly found that now season begins to grow and people, so thoroughly. Call people by surprise. 7、一个不确定的明天,一个不知道的未来。突然好迷茫,但是要学会坚持。 An uncertain tomorrow, a don"t know the future. Suddenly lost, but must learn to adhere to. 8、自己的意中人儿,若能成终身的伴侣,犹如从大海底中,得到一件珍宝。 Your selected creature, if can become lifelong partner, like from the bottom of the sea, get a treasure. 9、离去,让事情变得简单,人们变得善良,像个孩子一样,我们重新开始。 Leave, make things simple, people become good, like a child, we start again. 10、世界上最远的距离不是生与死,而是我隐身你在线,我在线却你隐身了。 The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but I stealth you online, I online you stealth. 11、每当下雨的时候,我还是会想起你,想起那些连呼吸都觉得心痛的画面。 When it rains, I will think of you, think of those even breathing feel heartache. 12、我只想要你回到我旁边,亲爱的我不能没有你,请你回到我旁边亲爱的。 I just want you to go back to my side, dear I can not live without you, would you please return to my side, my dear. 13、你要敢把以后的幸福都搁我身上赌,我就敢豁了命陪你到最后不让你输。 Do you want to dare to put after happiness all I bet on me, I would dare to clear the life to accompany you to the last won"t let you lose. 14、大地渐渐从沉睡中苏醒过来,冰融雪化,草木萌发,各种鲜花次第开放。 The earth gradually waking up from a deep sleep, ice melting, vegetation germination, all kinds of flowers open time. 15、时光不老,我们不散,天不会不蓝,我不会不在,致我最爱的那群二逼。 Days old, we do not come loose, not day is blue, I can"t not, to my favorite that group of asshole. 16、人总是想找自己喜欢的,而不是喜欢自己的,所以受伤的永远都是自己! People always want to find oneself to like, not love their own, so the injured will always be yourself! 17、我想换个舒服的睡眠姿势,换来换去却发现最舒服的姿势就是拥着你睡。 I"d like to try a comfortable sleeping posture, to switch to find the most comfortable position is held you sleep. 18、你不知道,我多希望你能懂我,懂我的方式,然后体谅我的粗糙的关心。 You don"t know, how I wish you can understand me, understand me, concern and consideration for my rough. 19、听多了情话,以至于之后真心的不真心的都觉得虚假,但开心总还是有的。 After listen to much sweet nothings that really don"t really feel false, but there is some happy always. 20、我相信,真正在乎我的人,是不会被别人抢走的。无论是友情,还是爱情。 I believe that really care about me at all, it is not being robbed. Whether friendship or love. 21、有些记忆被焚烧掉,有些记忆被埋在心底,纯真年代如流水划过金色年代。 Some memories are burned off, some memories were buried in the bottom of my heart, such as the age of innocence water across the golden era. 22、我喜欢你的时候,你说什么就是什么,我不喜欢你的时候,你说你是什么! I love you, you say what is what, I don"t like you, what you say you are! 23、一座城,终于明白了一座城的意义。如果不在一座城里,生活的意义何在? A city, and finally understand the meaning of a city. If not in a city, what is the meaning of life? 24、据说两个人在一起久了,就会象左手和右手,即使不再相爱也会选择相守。 It is said that two people together for a long time, you will like the left hand and right hand, and even if no longer love will choose to be together. 25、明明想念的不得了,却还要装出一副很淡然的样子,自己想想都觉得心酸。 Yao missed out, but also Ptend to be a very cool, oneself think all feel sad. 26、不管朋友还是恋人,当我说“算了”的时候,其实是包含了我太多的失望。 Whether friend or lover, when I say "forget it", is actually contains too much disappointment I. 27、其实我一直都爱着你啊!你能给我个机会么?让我用一辈子的时间守护你。 In fact, I have been in love with you! Can you give me a chance? Let me use a lifetime to protect you. 28、我还记得第一次看到你的场景,那时的我并没想到现在你对我是那么重要。 I remember the first time to see your scene, at that time I did not think of you is so important to me now. 29、每一阵风过去,感觉微微湿润的凉意,待我要捕捉,它已倏的掠出了好远。 Every wind in the past, the feeling is moist cold, for I want to capture, it had been swept out of the shu. 30、有一颗流星在夜空里划出银亮的线条,就像在探寻着世界里最美好的未来。 A meteor in the night sky to draw the line of silver, as in exploring the world the most beautiful and good future. 31、只要有一点点关于我的记忆就好,真的只要一点点就好,对不起,我爱你。 As long as there is a little bit about my memory is good, really just a little bit, I"m sorry, I love you. 32、很多事先天注定,那是“命”;但你可以可以决定怎么面对,那是“运”! Many days in advance to, that is "life"; But you can decide how to face, that is "luck"! 33、沉默是一个女孩子最大的哭声,当她不理人的时候,其实是受伤最深的人。 Silence is a girl"s largest crying, when she talk to people, are the most hurt. 34、我一直都相信,会在一起的两个人,不管绕了多大一圈,始终都会在一起。 I have always believed that, will be together of two people, no matter how hard it is around a circle, always together. 35、从一出生就是这样一条不会回头的路。身边的都是过客。完整的只有自己。 From the moment of birth is such a won"t turn back road. Nearby is a visitor. Complete only yourself. 36、你不开心,我也不会好受到哪儿去,这种程度上的心灵感应,算不算默契。 You are not happy, I also can"t where is good, the extent of telepathy, calculating do not calculate the tacit understanding. 37、我喜欢下雨。喜欢站在雨里淋湿了自己,因为这样就算你哭了也没人知道。 I like the rain. Like standing in the rain soaked himself, that even if you cry nobody know. 38、每次劝别人的时候好像什么大道理都懂,等到了自己的时候还是一样会哭。 Each time you advise others as I understand, what is the truth by ourselves or will cry. 39、漫天的白雪漂白了思绪,断了一季的忧伤。你是否像我一样,让忧怨飘飞。 All over the sky Snow White thoughts, break a season of sorrow. Do you like me, let the fraught scud. 40、你驾着航船,不断追寻着人生的终点,路边的风景那么美,你却视而不见。 You are driving a ship, constantly pursuing the end of life, the roadside scenery so beautiful, but you turn a blind eye. 41、尝一时苦果,晕染苦涩;品一缕甘甜,握紧流年;记一眼空颜,轻画思念。 Taste bitter, shading bitter; A wisp of sweet, hold time; A glance empty yan, light painting thoughts. 42、她没有你漂亮没有你聪明没有你细心,可是她是我这辈子都不愿放开的人。 She didn"t you beautiful clever without you without you careful, but I don"t want to let go in my life is she. 43、我们都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。 We all have some say a secret, wan not return of regret, touch less than dream, forget love. 44、我喜欢那些闪光的东西,比如,冬日的雪花,天上的星星,还有你的眼睛。 I like those flashy things, such as the winter snow, the stars in the sky, and your eyes. 45、一天一封写下的真心,隐藏在,最后一句的爱意,却寄不到,你心的距离。 One day a letter to write down sincerely, hidden in, the last sentence of love, but can"t send, the distance of your heart. 46、一个人如果爱你,不会对你有诸多的要求,唯一想要的,不过是你也爱他。 If a man love you, don"t have many request for you, the only want, but you love him, too. 47、时间可以改变很多人或事,所谓的沧海桑田其实不过就是弹指一挥间而已。 Time can change a lot of people or things, the so-called things change but actually is idle away one"s. 48、我们说好要在下个路口和平分手,为什么还没有到路口我们就已经分手了。 We"ve agreed to peace break up next intersection, why haven"t we have already broken up to the crossroads. 49、不管多忙多累,也要在有人来访的时候看到房间干净整洁清新,食物充足。 No matter how tired how busy, also want to see in someone visiting the room clean and pure and fresh, the food is enough. 50、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。 Those who once thought not forget for a moment in the process of things as we never forget, was forgotten by us. 51、你来的时候,风变成了四月的风,你走的时候,四月的风就成了化了的雪。 When you come, the wind into the wind, in April when you walk, the wind became of snow in April. 52、如果想念是可以人为控制的话,那么这个世界上就会少许多为情所困的人。 If miss can be artificially controlled, then the world will be less lovesick. 53、一眼回眸,三生缘,等待三生只为你。擦肩而过,一世情,等待一世终相守。 Looking back, the three birthday, waiting to grow for you. Miss a lot in waiting time to be together. 54、乐观的生存,乐观的奋斗,只问耕耘,不问收获,这才是洒脱而坦荡的人生。 Optimistic, positive struggle, only ask, don"t ask, don"t harvest, this is free and easy and flat life. 55、人生何必求那么多呢!有遗憾,才会有珍惜。只要记住前方风景正等待你去。 "And why do you ask so many our life!Have regret, to cherish. Just remember the landscape ahead waiting for you. 56、陪伴我身边的只有文字,再多说一点还有手机和电脑,唯独没有活生生的人。 To accompany my side only text, said a little more and cell phones and computers, but no person. 57、其实我很难过,只是骄傲不让我说。什么是陪伴,什么是心安,你就是答案。 In fact, I"m sorry, just pride won"t let me said. What is a company, what is reassuring, you is the answer. 58、对你的思念是一天又一天,美丽的梦何时才能出现,亲爱的:好想再见一面。 Missing for you is day after day, beautiful dream when can appear, dear, really want to see you again. 59、你知道的,我一直都很主动,如果在爱情里我不够主动,那说明我不够爱你。 You know, I have been very active, if I not enough active in love, that means I love you enough. 60、如果真的有人让你难以忘记,去找他,一颗心吊着,比一颗心死了还要难受。 If someone asks you to remember, to look for him, a heart hanging, uncomfortable than a heart died. 61、当我们年华老去,还能有人天天陪着一起闲扯,那将是一件多么幸福的事啊! When we grow old, still can someone shoot the breeze with the everyday, it will be a how happy thing! 62、每一天都想放弃,但每一天又都坚持下来了。没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑。 Every day to give up, but every day and insist on down. No umbrella child, must strive to run. 63、乐观是希望的明灯,它指引你从危岩峡谷中,从无边大漠中步向成功的坦途。 Optimism is the lamp of hope, it guide you from dangerous rock valley, step out of the endless desert to the road to success. 64、我想人生中最难过的事情不是一直遇不见,而是遇见了,得到了,又被拿走。 I think the most sad thing in life is not always met, but met, get, and take away. 65、没有任何动态还会反复进你空间的人,那一定是深爱你的人春风十里不如你。 No dynamic also repeatedly into your space, that must be a love you of person spring breeze miles is inferior to you. 66、任何一种环境或一个人,初次见面就预感到离别的隐痛时,你必定爱上了他。 Any kind of environment or a person, as soon as they met a Psentiment leave home for the first time, you must fall in love with him. 67、低头不是认输,而是要看清自己的路。仰头不是骄傲,是要看见自己的天空。 Bowed their heads and not give up, but to see his own way. Please not proud, is to see their own sky. 68、我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 I love you, not because you is a how of person, but because of who I am when I am with you. 69、喜欢一个人,就是在一起很开心;爱一个人,就是即使不开心,也想在一起。 Like a person, is happy together; Love a person, even if not happy, also want to together. 70、我们多久没联系,没有忘记,只有越来越深的想念,深知你以扎根在我心里。 How long we have no contact, did not forget, only more and more deep miss, know you to take root in my heart. 71、有时,爱也是种伤害。残忍的人,选择伤害别人,善良的人,选择伤害自己。 Sometimes, love is also kind of damage. Cruel people, choose to hurt other people, good people, choose to harm themselves. 72、其实孩子气,也没什么不好。人总有一天会长大,何必成熟太早,失去太早。 Actually childish, also there"s nothing wrong. People will one day grow up, why the need for mature early, lost too early. 73、用自己去惩罚别人,是最愚蠢的做法,因为除了伤害自己,再没有任何作用。 Take the punishment of others, is the most foolish, because in addition to hurt yourself, there is no any effect. 74、也许在未来的某一天我离开了你,也许在未来的某一天我们牵着手却白了头。 Maybe one day I left you in the future, maybe one day we holding hands but white head.
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问题一:美元用英语怎么读 dollar 问题二:27927美元的英文怎么读 twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven dollars 问题三:美元英文怎么说 美元的英文是什么 美元 [词典] dollar; American dollar; U.S. dollar; buck; greenback; [例句]她买了张彩票,中了3,300多万美元。 She bought a lottery ticket and won more than$ 33 million. 问题四:的美元用英语怎么读 two dollars and seventy cents 一般直接说 two seventy 问题五:美元英文怎么写 US dollar $ 问题六:1.879美元用英语怎么读 one point eight seven nine dollars 这样的小数,小数点后面,逐个读出,即可。 但如果是1.87美元,应该读:one dollar and eighty seven cents 问题七:“美元”用英语怎么说 美元 U.S. dollar 问题八:5.25美元英文怎么读 five and a quarter dollars 百度嫌我字数不够 问题九:美元报价用英语怎么说?谢谢了!急!急!急!急!急!急!急!急! quotation in USD 是名词形式 to quote in USD 是动词形式 二楼,老师没有教过你吗?句子后面不加标点最前面的一个字母就不用大写啦!!!!
2023-07-26 17:12:311