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come up with同义词是什么?

2023-07-28 13:05:01

come up with的同义短语put forward、bring forward、think。




come up with





come up with的意思是什么?

come up with" 的中文意思是"提出、想出、找到(某物)",通常用于描述一个人提供了一个新的、创造性的想法、解决方案或建议。例如:We need to come up with a plan to increase sales. (我们需要想出一个提高销售的计划。)Can you come up with a catchy slogan for our new product? (你能想出一个吸引人的口号来推广我们的新产品吗?)I"m trying to come up with a good gift idea for my sister"s birthday. (我正在想为我妹妹的生日准备一个好的礼物。)
2023-07-26 20:19:431

come up with是什么意思?

come up with 提出;想出;赶上come up with sth 想出某事双语例句They always come up with some contrivance to raise prices. (17KB)他们总是想出一些诡计来提价。Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with. (22KB)盯住这些家伙,你永远不知道他们会想出什么来。See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you"re on call. (33KB)
2023-07-26 20:19:581

come up with的用法归纳高中

come up with:想出,提出。 come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。 come up with的主语是人。 扩展资料   例句:   Recently researchers have come up with a new theory.   最近研究人员提出了一个新理论。   How do you come up with the names of your characters?   你是怎么想出你角色的"名字的?   I was amazed that he"d come up with such a sweet idea.   我很惊讶他能想出这么好的主意。
2023-07-26 20:20:231

come up with是什么意思

2023-07-26 20:20:341

come up with的用法和短语

come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。 例句:They came up with a good idea. 他们想到了一个好主意。 扩展资料   come up with:come up with的主语是人。come up with:想出,提出。   例句:   I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister   我敢说你讲不出现任首相的哪怕一项重大成就。   The minister criticised the police for failing to come up with any leads   部长批评警方没能找到任何线索。   If Warren can come up with the$ 15 million, we"ll go to London.   如果沃伦能拿出那1500万美元,我们就去伦敦。
2023-07-26 20:20:571

come up with的短语是什么意思?

动词短语 come up with通常有两种常见的含义,即: ①提供,提出。相当于offer。② 赶上与……的同等水平。造句:Let"s go slowly so that they can come up with us.我们走慢一点,好让他们赶上来。
2023-07-26 20:21:141

come up with 的用法意思是什么?

如:She came up with a new suggestion to solve the problem as well.她也提出了一种解决这个问题的新建议。We have to come up with the practical measures to prevent the air pollution.我们必须找到防止空气污染的切实可行的办法。It"s wonderful for you to come up with such a good idea.你能想出这么一个好主意真是太棒了!▲come up with可作“赶上”“追上”解。如:He"s come up with his classmates ahead of him,after months of patient diligence.经过几个月坚持不懈的努力,他赶上了在他前面的同学。The policeman handcuffed the robber,when he had come up with him.那个警察追上劫匪,给他戴上了手铐。注:使用come up with短语时,注意区分它和come up,come up to,come upon等短语的区别。如:Your position has come up.你的职位提高了。Almost all of the seeds have come up after a few days of sowing.几乎所有的种子播下几天之后都发芽了。He came up to Beijing days ago;and he will work there as a visiting professor for half a month in Beijing University.他于几天前来到北京,将在北京大学作半个月的客座教授。I know why you came up to me so quickly.我知道你来这儿如此快的原因。I came upon a country fellow in the street the day before last.前天,我在街上碰到了一位老乡。e. g. For years he kept coming up with new and good ideas.几年来他不断地提出新的、好的想法。比较:come up to达到(愿望,标准等),赶(比)得上e. g. Your work didn"t come up to what I expected of you.你的工作没有达到我的期望。His work didn"t come up to that of his brother. 他的工作赶不上他哥哥的。come up for参加(竞选)e. g. Mayor Jones comes up for election this fall. 琼斯市长参加今年秋天的竞选。
2023-07-26 20:21:451


come up with是一个没有被动语态的动词短语,意为“(针对问题等)提出(观点)”“想出(办法)”。 同义词组为think up。 例句: Recently researchers have come up with a new theory. 最近研究人员提出了一个新理论。 扩展资料   How do you come up with the names of your characters?   你是怎么想出你角色的名字的.?   I was amazed that he"d come up with such a sweet idea.   我很惊讶他能想出这么好的主意。   Who could possibly have come up with such a nifty contraption?   谁能构想出这么漂亮新奇的装置呢?
2023-07-26 20:22:461

come up with 有被动吗

come up with是一个没有被动语态的动词短语,意为“提出”“想出”。 使用come up with短语时,注意区分它和come up,come up to,come upon等短语的区别。如: Your position has come up.你的职位提高了。 Almost all of the seeds have come up after a few days of sowing.几乎所有的种子播下几天之后都发芽了。 He came up to Beijing days ago;and he will work there as a visiting professor for half a month in Beijing University. 他于几天前来到北京,将在北京大学作半个月的客座教授。 I know why you came up to me so quickly.我知道你来这儿如此快的原因。 I came upon a country fellow in the street the day before last.前天,我在街上碰到了一位老乡。 e. g. For years he kept coming up with new and good ideas.几年来他不断地提出新的、好的想法。
2023-07-26 20:22:561

come up with的同义短语是什么?

come up with的同义短语put forward、bring forward、think。背单词有很多种方法,有人习惯于边抄边背,但是个人感觉那样做很浪费时间,有时反而会把背单词纯粹变成毫无意义的抄写活动,像是在应付作业,根本心思都不在背单词上。抄写行为只不过是强制自己的大脑思维不溜号而已。背单词还可以按照字母表顺序或者其他顺序去背,但那都只是形式,能否尽快背会还要讲求技巧。背单词要落实到每一个词汇上面,具体可以从音标、读音、汉意等几个方面去理解,所以背单词不是要死记硬背,而是理解性巧记。背单词的方式:以上是一些背英语单词的建议,但是这些方法都是把英语单词孤立起来背诵,不利于英语系统学习,虽然也能够记住不少单词,但是这种学习方法是脱离英语语境的,尽管单词背会了,可在实际运用时还是会很棘手。最佳的背单词方法就是放在句子中去背单词,这样不仅单词能记住,还能知道这个单词是怎么运用的,一举多,而且这种背单词的方法是一劳永逸的。
2023-07-26 20:23:051


2023-07-26 20:23:351

词组 come up (with) 怎样用于被动?

2023-07-26 20:23:584

come up with的中文解释是什么意思?

come up with 提出;想出;赶上come up with sth 想出某事双语例句They always come up with some contrivance to raise prices. (17KB)他们总是想出一些诡计来提价。Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with. (22KB)盯住这些家伙,你永远不知道他们会想出什么来。See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you"re on call. (33KB)
2023-07-26 20:24:081

come up with和come up的区别是什么呢?

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。
2023-07-26 20:24:191

come up with的同义短语有哪些?

come up with的同义短语put forward、bring forward、think。背单词有很多种方法,有人习惯于边抄边背,但是个人感觉那样做很浪费时间,有时反而会把背单词纯粹变成毫无意义的抄写活动,像是在应付作业,根本心思都不在背单词上。抄写行为只不过是强制自己的大脑思维不溜号而已。背单词还可以按照字母表顺序或者其他顺序去背,但那都只是形式,能否尽快背会还要讲求技巧。背单词要落实到每一个词汇上面,具体可以从音标、读音、汉意等几个方面去理解,所以背单词不是要死记硬背,而是理解性巧记。背单词的方式:以上是一些背英语单词的建议,但是这些方法都是把英语单词孤立起来背诵,不利于英语系统学习,虽然也能够记住不少单词,但是这种学习方法是脱离英语语境的,尽管单词背会了,可在实际运用时还是会很棘手。最佳的背单词方法就是放在句子中去背单词,这样不仅单词能记住,还能知道这个单词是怎么运用的,一举多,而且这种背单词的方法是一劳永逸的。
2023-07-26 20:24:441

come up with无被动语态?

come up with是一个没有被动语态的动词短语,意为“提出”“想出”。 使用come up with短语时,注意区分它和come up,come up to,come upon等短语的区别。如:Your position has come up.你的职位提高了。Almost all of the seeds have come up after a few days of sowing.几乎所有的种子播下几天之后都发芽了。He came up to Beijing days ago;and he will work there as a visiting professor for half a month in Beijing University.他于几天前来到北京,将在北京大学作半个月的客座教授。I know why you came up to me so quickly.我知道你来这儿如此快的原因。I came upon a country fellow in the street the day before last.前天,我在街上碰到了一位老乡。e. g. For years he kept coming up with new and good ideas.几年来他不断地提出新的、好的想法。
2023-07-26 20:25:061

come up with有区别吗?

Come up with" 和 "come up" 有一定的区别。"Come up with" 的意思是想出、提出、发现某个解决办法或答案。例如:I can"t come up with a good idea for the project. (我想不出这个项目的好主意。)而 "come up" 的意思是到达、出现、升起等。例如:The sun will come up in an hour. (太阳将在一个小时后升起。)总的来说,"come up" 是指某个物体或某个事件的出现或到达,而 "come up with" 则更多地指某个人的想象、创意或发现等。
2023-07-26 20:25:392

come up with与think of 的区别

2023-07-26 20:26:152

come up with的同义短语有哪些?

come up with的同义短语put forward、bring forward、think。背单词有很多种方法,有人习惯于边抄边背,但是个人感觉那样做很浪费时间,有时反而会把背单词纯粹变成毫无意义的抄写活动,像是在应付作业,根本心思都不在背单词上。抄写行为只不过是强制自己的大脑思维不溜号而已。背单词还可以按照字母表顺序或者其他顺序去背,但那都只是形式,能否尽快背会还要讲求技巧。背单词要落实到每一个词汇上面,具体可以从音标、读音、汉意等几个方面去理解,所以背单词不是要死记硬背,而是理解性巧记。背单词的方式:以上是一些背英语单词的建议,但是这些方法都是把英语单词孤立起来背诵,不利于英语系统学习,虽然也能够记住不少单词,但是这种学习方法是脱离英语语境的,尽管单词背会了,可在实际运用时还是会很棘手。最佳的背单词方法就是放在句子中去背单词,这样不仅单词能记住,还能知道这个单词是怎么运用的,一举多,而且这种背单词的方法是一劳永逸的。
2023-07-26 20:27:241

come up with的用法

come up with释义: 1、offer;produce提供;提出。 I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.我希望你能提出比这更好的计划来。 The teacher asked who could come up with a good solution to this problem.老师问谁能提出一个解决这个问题的好办法。 2、overtake;come level with赶上。 We"ll have to work hard to come up with other companies.我们必须勤奋工作,以便赶上别的公司。 When she came up with them,she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag.当她追上他们的时后,她发现他们已经坐下并且正在翻包里的东西。 Let"s go slowly so that they can come up with us.我们走慢点,好让他们赶上来。
2023-07-26 20:27:531

come up with的同义短语有哪些呢?

come up with的同义短语put forward、bring forward、think。背单词有很多种方法,有人习惯于边抄边背,但是个人感觉那样做很浪费时间,有时反而会把背单词纯粹变成毫无意义的抄写活动,像是在应付作业,根本心思都不在背单词上。抄写行为只不过是强制自己的大脑思维不溜号而已。背单词还可以按照字母表顺序或者其他顺序去背,但那都只是形式,能否尽快背会还要讲求技巧。背单词要落实到每一个词汇上面,具体可以从音标、读音、汉意等几个方面去理解,所以背单词不是要死记硬背,而是理解性巧记。背单词的方式:以上是一些背英语单词的建议,但是这些方法都是把英语单词孤立起来背诵,不利于英语系统学习,虽然也能够记住不少单词,但是这种学习方法是脱离英语语境的,尽管单词背会了,可在实际运用时还是会很棘手。最佳的背单词方法就是放在句子中去背单词,这样不仅单词能记住,还能知道这个单词是怎么运用的,一举多,而且这种背单词的方法是一劳永逸的。
2023-07-26 20:28:311

come up with的同义短语有哪些?

come up with的同义短语put forward、bring forward、think。背单词有很多种方法,有人习惯于边抄边背,但是个人感觉那样做很浪费时间,有时反而会把背单词纯粹变成毫无意义的抄写活动,像是在应付作业,根本心思都不在背单词上。抄写行为只不过是强制自己的大脑思维不溜号而已。背单词还可以按照字母表顺序或者其他顺序去背,但那都只是形式,能否尽快背会还要讲求技巧。背单词要落实到每一个词汇上面,具体可以从音标、读音、汉意等几个方面去理解,所以背单词不是要死记硬背,而是理解性巧记。背单词的方式:以上是一些背英语单词的建议,但是这些方法都是把英语单词孤立起来背诵,不利于英语系统学习,虽然也能够记住不少单词,但是这种学习方法是脱离英语语境的,尽管单词背会了,可在实际运用时还是会很棘手。最佳的背单词方法就是放在句子中去背单词,这样不仅单词能记住,还能知道这个单词是怎么运用的,一举多,而且这种背单词的方法是一劳永逸的。
2023-07-26 20:29:221

come up with 的用法意思是什么?

如:She came up with a new suggestion to solve the problem as well.她也提出了一种解决这个问题的新建议.We have to come up with the practical measures to prevent the air pollution.我们必须找到防止空气污染的切实可行的办法.It"s wonderful for you to come up with such a good idea.你能想出这么一个好主意真是太棒了!▲come up with可作“赶上”“追上”解.如:He"s come up with his classmates ahead of him,after months of patient diligence.经过几个月坚持不懈的努力,他赶上了在他前面的同学.The policeman handcuffed the robber,when he had come up with him.那个警察追上劫匪,给他戴上了手铐.注:使用come up with短语时,注意区分它和come up,come up to,come upon等短语的区别.如:Your position has come up.你的职位提高了.Almost all of the seeds have come up after a few days of sowing.几乎所有的种子播下几天之后都发芽了.He came up to Beijing days ago;and he will work there as a visiting professor for half a month in Beijing University.他于几天前来到北京,将在北京大学作半个月的客座教授.I know why you came up to me so quickly.我知道你来这儿如此快的原因.I came upon a country fellow in the street the day before last.前天,我在街上碰到了一位老乡.e.g.For years he kept coming up with new and good ideas.几年来他不断地提出新的、好的想法.比较:come up to达到(愿望,标准等),赶(比)得上e.g.Your work didn"t come up to what I expected of you.你的工作没有达到我的期望.His work didn"t come up to that of his brother.他的工作赶不上他哥哥的.come up for参加(竞选)e.g.Mayor Jones comes up for election this fall.琼斯市长参加今年秋天的竞选.
2023-07-26 20:29:361

用come up with造句?

He couldn"t come up with an answer. 他答不上来. He couldn"t come up with an appropriate answer just at the time. 那时他想不出一个合适的答案.
2023-07-26 20:30:001

come up with是什么意思

2023-07-26 20:30:107

come up和come up with的区别

come up指走上前去(如:The policeman come up and ask the man a few question.警察走上前去,问了那个男人几个问题),come up with指想出(如:come up with some ideas.想出了几个点子)。 扩展资料 come up大都指实际上的.走进,如I came up my bus to work.我赶上了去上班的公交;come up with指思想、习惯等的赶上,如:I came up with the teacher"s thoughts and understand a lot.我跟上老师的思想节奏,明白了许多。
2023-07-26 20:30:451

come up with的翻译是:什么意思?

come up with 提出;想出;赶上come up with sth 想出某事双语例句They always come up with some contrivance to raise prices. (17KB)他们总是想出一些诡计来提价。Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with. (22KB)盯住这些家伙,你永远不知道他们会想出什么来。See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you"re on call. (33KB)
2023-07-26 20:30:531

come up与 come up with的区别

come up1. 开始;发生I"ll let him know if anything comes up.如有什么事,我会告诉他的。2. 被提出,被讨论A number of questions came up at the meeting.会议上提出了许多问题。3. 走过来She came up and said, "Glad to meet you."她走过来说,"很高兴见到你。"4. 开始流行come up with1.赶上We came up with a group of tourists.我们赶上了一群旅游者。2.(针对问题等)想出;提供He came up with good ideas for the product promotion.他想出一个推广产品的好方法。He could not come up with a proper answer.他想不出一个合适的回答。3.准备好(钱等)You must come up with the money by tomorrow night.put forward1. 提出He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting.他在会上提出了一个很好的建议。2. 把...向前拨You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes.你应该把表朝前拨快十分钟。
2023-07-26 20:31:071

come up with的同义词

1) Discover2) Find3) Invent4) Offer5) Present6) Produce7) Propose8) Provide9) Recommend10) Submit
2023-07-26 20:31:174

第30题中的come up with是什么意思?

2023-07-26 20:31:463

英文come up with 是什么意思,怎样用到?

come up with1.offer;produce 提供;提出I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.我希望你能提出比这更好的计划来。The teacher asked who could come up with a good solution to this problem.老师问谁能提出一个解决这个问题的好办法。2.overtake;come level with 赶上We"ll have to work hard to come up with other companies.我们必须勤奋工作,以便赶上别的公司。When she came up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag.当她追上他们的时后,她发现他们已经坐下并且正在翻包里的东西。Let"s go slowly so that they can come up with us.我们走慢点,好让他们赶上来。
2023-07-26 20:31:531


  为您推荐3篇教师求职信英文例文,欢迎阅读!更多教师求职信英文例文查找,请关注个人简历栏目!   教师求职信英文例文(一) Dear leaders:   Hello!   I am a Foreign Language College, XX Normal XX-class English-speaking, a student, after four years of study and training, I will be completed in July next year, university studies, the real into the community to begin a new period of life on the road journey.   For more than three years, school leaders and teachers under the guidance of my efforts to learn professional knowledge, professional skills training, professional standards have improved each year, his sophomore year with good results when the English language through the four professional examinations and early next year to participate in professional examinations 8. Basic to the use of English for ease of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I engage in the linguistics, British and American English and American Literature and an overview of the knowledge structure of the adjustment at the same time, the expansion of the field of vision.   Know very well that the people of the 21st century teachers on a more rigorous challenge, and I study at home and abroad in the influential theory of education, with particular emphasis on the cultivation of practical abilities, in addition to the active participation of the Department, the hospital and school activities, I enthusiastically into social practice, by doing part-time tutor and teachers for the work to the theory applies to practice, and in accordance with the characteristics of the students to sum up and development of appropriate teaching methods, the initial accumulation of teaching experience, all I can this year education to play a long internship, internship completion of outstanding tasks, have obtained outstanding results.   Four years of college life taught me learned how to calm and fortitude, so that I can in life to find the coordinates of the location of their own and constantly self-repairing, but also a profound understanding of the people I need to do everything carefully, serious and pragmatic to face every step of life. Therefore, I sincerely hope to join you this excellent, full of vitality of the groups, in your guidance and help to work together in the road of life keep making progress!   I wish your school career success!   Sincerely,   教师求职信英文例文(二) Dear Dr. Anderson,   Mr.Li Quanzhi who has just returned to China from your university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering a Chinese language course to your students in the next academic year and may have an opening for a teacher of the Chinese language. I am very much interested in such a position.   I have been teaching Chinese literature and composition at college level since 1980. In the past three years, I have worked in summer programs, teaching the Chinese language and culture to students from English-speaking courtries. As a result, I got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results.   With years of intensive English training, I have no difficulty conducting classes in English and feel queit comfortable working with American students.   I will be available after February 1998.Please fell free to contact me if you wish more information. Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.   Sincerely yours,   Shi Hongqi   教师求职信英文例文(三) Dear leaders:   Hello!   As my resume indicates, I graduated from XXXX with bachelor degree in XX. I majored in English, At the same time; I"m interested in computer, too. It is said that no one is short of time. I spared no efforts to study English in collage, especially oral English. So I am good at English, And what makes me be proud of myself most is that it will be easy for me to take up any new technology in any field after four years studying in collage.   I have working in E"dong High school till now. I have learned much from my job. I like the good working atmosphere there, the warm-hearted and diligent work-mates. And I learn more from my present job. I meet so many people, so much difficulty, and face so much challenge every single day. But I enjoy it, enjoying the process of resolving all the difficulty and facing up challenge. I am enjoying the team work atmosphere here, and can complete all kinds of commissions alone, too. So, I have the maturity, skills and abilities to take the position which I applied for, and I"d like very much to demonstrate those qualities in your school. In short, I hope to be one of you, as there seems to be a match between what you are looking for and what I"d like to. So please feel free to contact me, if you want to know more details about me.   Thanks for your time and consideration. I really appreciate it. I look forward to meet you. And wish to be one of you soon.   Best wishes to you!    推荐阅读 :
2023-07-26 20:22:131

Everything But The Girl的《The Road》 歌词

歌曲名:The Road歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:The Language Of LifeTom Jones - The RoadI have wonder, a million milesSuffer, many timesFelt the weakness, when I was strongHeld sweetness when it"s was wrongI"ve touch tight and lowBut wherever I goThe road, always returns to youMy love, It still belongs to youSeen you crying, tears of rainI know, I cause you painLef you shatter on the groundBut what matters is here and nowCause all that I know is wherever I goThe road, always retunrs to youMy love, It still belongs to youAll the bridges that I"ve build are unbrokenAll the memories that live come with knowingEvery thing I"ve never doneEvery thing I"ve ever done
2023-07-26 20:22:141


2023-07-26 20:22:151


  Test Thirty-Eight   近义词辨析   repair, mend, fix, remedy   这组词都有“修理”的意思。   repair   意为“修理,修复”,指修理已破旧或损坏的东西,使其恢复原有的良好状况。此外,repair还可引申为“纠正,弥补,治愈”。   mend   意为“修理,修补”,是普通用语,仅指修补磨损的、破裂的、撕毁的小东西,很少用于大件物品。该词可引申为“改善,弥补,恢复健康”。   fix   意为“修理,修复”,和repair同义,两者经常换用,fix常用于美国英语中,口语色彩较浓。   remedy   意为“补救,弥补”,指对已经出现的过失及不满意的现状采取弥补措施,加以补救。   He doesnu2019t know how to repair the error.他不知道怎样弥补这个过失。   Itu2019s never too late to mend.改过不嫌迟。   He tried to fix the leaking tap.他试图修漏水的水龙头。   Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied.你的发音毛病是可以矫正的。   adequate, enough, sufficient   这组词均含有“足够”的意思。   adequate   强调符合一个客观要求或标准,这个要求或标准可能不太高或不太严格。   enoug   侧重份量和数量的足够。是三个词中最普通的。   sufficient   一般用于正式书面语中,且只能放在所修饰的名词前。   如:   His income is not adequate to his familyu2019s needs.他的收入满足不了家庭需求。   Do we have enough time for a drink?我们有没有足够的时间喝点什么?   The rain is not sufficient to do any harm.这场雨不足为害。   全真模拟试题   1. Very few scientists ?____? completely new answers to the worldu2019s problems.   A. come up with B come out   C. come round D. come up to   2. We are writing to the manager ?____? the repairs recently carried out at the above address.   A. with the exception of   B. with the purpose of   C. with reference to   D. with a view to   3. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ?____?how great their achievements are.   A. in spite of B. in ways of C. in favor of D. in terms of   4. All individuals are required to ?____? to the laws made by their governments.   A. obey B. conform C. concede D. observe   5. The United States is trying to ?____? the serious problems created by the energy crisis.   A. put up with B. submit to   C. comply with D. cope with   6. The joys of travel, having long ?____? the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means.   A. omitted B. missed C. neglected D. discarded   7. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given travelling ?____?.   A. income B. allowances C. wages D. pay   8. Some people ?____? avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutral about them.   A. violently B. enthusiastically   C. sincerely D. deliberately   9. I was always taught that it was?____?to interrupt.   A. rude B. coarse C. rough D. crude   10. It is a common theme in many science fiction stories that the world may one day be ?____? by insects.   A. broken in B. run over C. taken over D. filled in   11. His intelligence and experience will enable him to ?____?the complicated situation.   A. cope with B. settle down   C. intervene in D. interfere with   12. I am sure I can ?____? him into letting us stay in the hotel for the night.   A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell   13. There is no easy solution to Japanu2019s labor ?____?.   A. decline B. vacancy C. rarity D. shortage   14. Just as a book is often judged ?____? by the quality and appearance of its cover, a person is judged immediately by his appearance.   A. previously B. uniquely C. outwardly D. initially   15. Frankly speaking, your article is very goodexcept for some ?____? mistakes in grammar.   A. trivial B. obscure C. rare D. glaring   16. Advanced computer technology has ?____? an answer to accurate weather forecasting.   A. set up B. come up with   C. filled in D. faced up to   17. Both parties promised to ?____? the contract to besigned the following day.   A. keep with B. tangle with C. adhere to D. devote to   18. The fire has caused great losses, but the factory tried to ?____?the consequences by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported.   A. decrease B. subtract C. minimize D. degrade   19. Every society has its own peculiar customs and?____?of acting.   A. ways B. behavior C. attitudes D. means   20. All the parts of these washing machines are ?____?, so that it is very convenient to replace them.   A. normalized B. modernized   C. mechanized D. standardized   21. There was once an ?____? idea that the earth was flat and motionless.   A. eternal B. offensive C. absurd D. intrinsic   22. When they had finished playing, the children were made to ?____?all the toys they had taken out.   A. put off B. put out C. put up D. put away   23. A complete investigation into the cause of the accident should lead to improved standards and should ?____? new operating procedures.   A. result in B. match with   C. subject to D. proceed with   24. The fuel of the continental missile is supposed to be ?____?by this device.   A. lighted B. inspired C. fired D. ignited   25. Stop shouting! I canu2019t hear the football ?____?.   A. explanation B. interpretation   C. judgement D. commentary   试题答案与解析   1. A)【句意】没有几位科学家能对世界性的问题提出全新的答案。   【难点】come up with意为“提出”;come out意为“结果是”;come round意为“来,前来”;come up to意为“达到,比得上”。   2. C)【句意】我们正给经理写信,内容是关于近期在上述地点进行修理的事。   【难点】with reference to意为“有关,关于”;with the exception of意为“除u2026之外”;with the purpose of意为“目的是”; with a view to意为“目的是,为了(后跟动名词)”。   3. D)【句意】人们往往从成就的大小来评价某些科学家和工程师。   【难点】in terms of意为“就u2026而言”;in spite of意为“尽管”;infavor of意为“赞成,支持”;in ways of无此搭配。   4. B)【句意】要求每个人都遵守政府制定的法律。   【难点】conform意为“遵守”,后接to;obey亦有“遵守”的意思,却无obey to的搭配;concede to sb.意为“向某人让步”;observe意为“遵守”时,为及物动词,不与to搭配。   5. D)【句意】美国正努力去应付由于能源危机而产生的严重问题。   【难点】cope with意为“应付”;put up with意为“忍受,容忍”; submit to意为“服从,屈从”;comply with意为“照u2026办”。   6. C)【句意】旅游业长期以来不重视残疾人,而现在只要有条件,几乎每个人都可以享受旅游的乐趣。   【难点】neglect意为“忽视”;omit意为“省略,忽略(正式用语)”;miss意为“免去,漏掉(非正式用语);discard意为“丢弃,抛弃”。   7. B)【句意】大多数因公出差的人都发给差旅费。   【难点】allowances意为“差旅费”;income意为“收入”;wage意为“工资(常作复数,指按照合同,根据其劳动或所提供的服务,按小时,天数,每周或计量付给工资)”;pay“工资,薪金(泛指劳动所得的报酬)”。   8. D)【句意】有些人对待大是大非问题要么有意回避,要么保持中立。   【难点】deliberately意为“故意地”;violently意为“猛烈地”;enthusiastically意为“热情地”;sincerely意为“真诚地”。   9. A)【句意】过去人们总是这样教导我,插话是不礼貌的。   【难点】rude意为“无礼的,粗鲁的”。其余三个词都有“粗鲁的”之意,用于说明某人的举止或言谈,可互用。如果要说明做某事不礼貌,特别是在“It is+形容词+不定式”结构中,常用rude。   10. C)【句意】许多科学幻想故事都有一个常见的主题:地球有朝一日要被昆虫接管。   【难点】take over意为“接收,接管”;break in/into意为“强行进入”;run over意为“在u2026上驶过,辗过”;fill in意为“填空,填满”。   11. A)【句意】他的才智经验使他能够应付复杂局面。   【难点】cope with意为“应付”;settle down意为“安居,专心于”;intervene in意为“介入,干涉”;interfere with意为“干涉,妨碍”。   12. C)【句意】我肯定能说服他同意我们去旅馆过夜。   【难点】talk (sb into doing)意为“说服(某人做某事)”;speak意为“说话、谈话(着重说话的能力)”;say意为“讲,说(着重所说内容)。”;tell意为“告诉(着重提供情况)”。   13. D)【句意】很难解决日本劳动力短缺的问题。   【难点】shortage意为“短缺”;vacancy意为“空缺(指职位或位置空着)”;decline意为“下降,减少”;rarity意为“稀罕,稀有”。   14. C)【句意】就像凭外在质量和封面来判断一本书如何一样,对人的判断一看外表就知道了。   【难点】outwardly意为“从外表”;previously意为“以前”;uniquely意为“惟一地”;initially意为“最初”。   15. A)【句意】坦率地说,你的文章写得很好,只不过语法上有几处小错误。   【难点】trivial意为“琐碎的,微不足道的”;obscure意为“模糊的,不出名的”;rare意为“稀有的,难得的”;glaring意为“耀眼的,闪光的”。   16. B)【句意】先进的计算机技术为精确进行天气预报提供了方法。   【难点】come up with意为“想出”;set up意为“开办,创立”;fill in意为“填写(表格等),填满”;face up to意为“勇敢面对”。   17. C)【句意】双方答应信守第二天将签署的合同。   【难点】adhere to意为“坚持”;keep with无此搭配;tangle with意为“与某人吵架,与某事有瓜葛”;devote to意为“献身于,为u2026奉献”。   18. C)【句意】这场大火造成了巨大损失,但厂方却说,损失没有报道得那么严重,竭力低估大火造成的后果。   【难点】minimize意为“缩小,减少”;decrease意为“减少,(有“逐渐减少”的意思,可指数量、质量、尺寸、强度或重要性等方面的减少或减小)”;subtract意为“减去”;degrade意为“(地位身份等)下降,堕落”。   19. A)【句意】每个社会都有其独特的风俗习惯和行为方式。   【难点】way意为“方式,方法”;behaviour意为“举止,行为”;attitude意为“态度,看法”;means意为“方法(该词义侧重于“具体的手段或办法”)。”   20. D)【句意】这些洗衣机的零件全部实行了统一标准,这样更换起来非常便利。   【难点】standardize意为“使标准化”;normalize意为“使正常化”;modernize意为“使现代化”;mechanize意为“使机械化”。   21. C)【句意】以前曾有种荒谬的看法,认为地球是平的,而且是静止不动的。   【难点】absurd意为“荒唐的”;eternal意为“永恒的,永久的”;offensive意为“冒犯的,无礼的”;intrinsic意为“固有的,内在的”。   22. D)【句意】孩子们玩过玩具后,便要他们把拿出来的玩具都收好。   【难点】put away意为“收藏好”;put off意为“推迟”;put out意为“熄灭;put up意为“建造”。   23. A)【句意】对事故原因进行全面调查可提高标准,并引入新的操作程序。   【难点】result in意为“导致”;match with意为“与u2026相配”;subject to意为“征服,经历或遭受”;proceed with意为“开始或继续”。   24. D)【句意】洲际导弹的燃料想必是由这个装置点燃的。   【难点】ignite意为“点火”,指用机械装置点火;light意为“点燃(一般用语,常指为一定目的使u2026燃烧或点着某物)”;inspire意为“吸入,鼓舞”;fire意为“点燃,着火”。   25. D)【句意】别大声嚷嚷了!足球赛的解说我都听不见了。   【难点】commentary意为“解说,评论”,尤用于体育比赛;explanation意为“解释”;interpretation意为“解释,翻译(解释时,对象多为梦,诗歌或抽象艺术等。解释人需要有专业知识和丰富的想象力)”。judgement意为“判断(力)”。
2023-07-26 20:22:211

Everything But The Girl的《Take Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Original Album SeriesTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me away
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Darren hayes -Black out the Sunowl city-designer skylinedarin-everything but the girlLinkinPark -faintJustin Bieber -favorite girlPatrick nuo -five dayLily Allen -the fearMichael buble -HollywoodMario -how do l breatheJesse mccarthey -how do you sleepJesse mccarthey -just so you knowJason Chen -just the way you arejustin Bieber -never say neverKaty Perry -teenage dreamKelly Clarkson -because of youJustin Bieber -Kiss and telldarin-LauraMario -let me love youciara -love &sexy magic featMadonna -give me all you luvinTaylor Swift -meanPitbull FTcasely -midnightmaroon 5-miserymaroon 5-moves like jagger西城男孩-my loveLinkinPark -Nnmbdarin-one TRUE flamedarin-peerlesspixie lott-all about tonightshayne Ward -unit youTaylor Swift -you belong with mesweetbox -别碰我sugar Rush –Cash Cash numb –林肯公园in the and –林肯公园give me all your luvin –Madonna lovekiller –various artsts love the way you love –suede love &sexy magic feat –ciara I "m lovin "It –贾斯汀I wanna love you –Akon &snoop 不全是这两年的
2023-07-26 20:22:281

求英语高手帮忙组两人对话 一人5到7句 最好有翻译 关于Hobbies

A:Do you have any hobbies? What is it or what are they?B:I am interested in watching TV or other relaxing games.A:How do you spend your spare time?B:I usually read or so some sports.A:What kind of book are you interested in?B:My favorite books are those about detectives.A:Well, those books are really good. I like them too. Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?B:In fact, I wouldn"t call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these last few years.A:What kind of sports do you like?B:I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching. I especially like tennis and mountain climbing.A:What kind of personality do you think you have?B:Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don"t like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous- I can"t concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished.Tom 和 Jim.怎么样?名字不错吧,呵呵.以下用T和J简带.T:Hi there, my name is Tom Anderson. Just call me Tom.J:Oh, hi, my name is Jim O"Conner. Nice to meet you Tom.T:It"s nice to meet you too. How do you enjoy sports?J:You are asking a pro, Tom. I"m so into it. My favourite is Basketball. And my favourite team is Lakers form LA.T:That"s so cool. I"m also a fan of it. I like it when Kobe does a slamdunk.J:Oh, yeah, definetly. By the way, I work as a store manager around Lakers" sports fireld. Which means I can often check on their games.T: That"s just amazing. I always have difficulties in getting those tickets. Actually I work as a power plant worker hundreds of miles away.J: Too bad to hear that. Call me if you need tickets. It"s just a piece of cake.T: Sure thing Jim. I"m sure I"ll call you some time and you know what, we can actulaly go there together.J: Yeah, I was being stupid to skip that part. T: Man, I do that some time too. Anyway, thanks for your offer.J: No problem, man.
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2023-07-26 20:22:342


  小三角形挂袋布艺作品完成图  这个小挂袋,可以用来收纳零散物品,可以用来插花和放置小礼物等,甚至你把许多这样的小袋子串成一排很有装饰效果呢,看示意图:  首先裁剪一块20×30厘米的长方形布料,如下图所示分割成两个正方形和两个正三角形,两个三角形将作为包包的面料和里布,一个正方形修剪成圆形制作成装饰的YOYO,另一个正方形沿对角线折叠2次折成一个4层的三角形做为包包前面的小三角:  您可以按上图所示裁剪多块不同花样的布料,然后进行花样搭配。  缝合:  1. 将由正方形折叠成的小三角夹在两片大三角形的斜边正中进行缝合,如果需要挂绳就在小三角的两边在夹缝进一根绳子(丝带):  2. 将缝合边熨平,然后如下图所示沿对角线对折将边缘缝合,在其中一条边上留下约7厘米的开口,翻到正面之后缝合开口:  3. 将一边的三角塞进另一边,这个三角挂袋就基本制作完成,在背面钉上搭扣,用来穿绳子用,好了这个创意收纳袋的做法你完全掌握了,快去制作一个吧!
2023-07-26 20:22:101


2023-07-26 20:22:081

《everthing but the girl》歌词

2023-07-26 20:22:074


  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是我为大家整理的人生之路优秀作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 人生之路优秀作文1   自从自己呱呱坠地的那一刻起,便会开启一条全新的、完全属于自己的路。从此就要在这条路上行走,直到找到归宿永久的沉睡过去之时,才可以算得上完结。   在未曾入川之前,见到的只是平原。就像每个人小时候一样,展现在面前的路,仿佛一片美好的土地,那样平坦,开阔,无惊无险。以至于只需要一点点好胜的性格,或是一点点优于别人的资质,再稍加一些勤奋,便可以美好的享受人生,便能得到很不错的命运给予你的馈赠。   每个人都无限向往和留恋自己的童年时代,那是童话一般的世界。我们可以尽情地在这片无边无际,广袤无垠,充满神气的沃土之上尽情的奔跑。吮吸她的营养,慢慢长大。   或许是童年性格的遗留,小学时是那样的主动,向上,松弛。可是,却不知为何要这样,只知道要做一个人人见了都想要夸奖的好孩子罢了。但进入初中后,踌躇满志的我在数次考试中名落孙山,偶然?还是必然?这使得我意识到人生之中除了平原还有山,山岳,高耸的、纵横的、复杂的山脉啊!   自打进入真正的山脉后,我终于见识到了什么是真正的“山脉”什么是真正的“川”!于是,我在学习上出现了前所未有的刻苦。因为,这时的我已然明白:学习,不是为了取得一个好分数!而是为了要实现些许人生价值。我追求!追求那种坚持不懈的毅力!   以后,我不论在哪一条道路上行走,不论是沼泽,极地,冰川或许是沙漠,我都愿意用毕生的精力,智慧与汗水在这片广袤的人生之路上行走,直到找到归宿沉睡之时…… 人生之路优秀作文2   走在路上,我们一次次去拼搏;走在路上,我们一次次去收获;走在路上,我们一次次在成长……   人生仿佛是一条大道,而青春便是其中一条小路,这条道路虽是布满荆刺;但却在艰辛的同时也时常透出些胜利的曙光,指导我们不断前进拼搏!   又是早起时的天空,虽透出许些月光,但仍是漆黑一片,没错,对于一个初三学生这一切或许都应适应吧!匆匆去了学校做了值日,便又得去开始早读,这正印证了那句“中考如战场而我们片刻不得停歇。”默默叹了一句,就再次沉浸到了书海,而那抹月光却换来了缕缕阳光,教室又是朗朗书声……   “叮…叮…叮”放学,中午或许才是最令人舒心的时刻吧,一早的劳累却默默融化在了午饭后的休息中,更没有了作业之类缠身,也就这时会松下口气。再赴学校,在听写的同时,吵喧的教室也时时传出片刻笑声,不惊觉又化作了笔尖划过书本的声音。但是付出一定会有回报,班会上听着老师的`赞许,也谈着曾经的奖项,那也有许多我们拼搏的结果吧!一同走在路上,真好!   傍晚,万家灯火通明,却不能像曾经那样与父亲看电视,于是灯光下只留下了两个不断讨论而学习的人影,再回首已是深夜,作业和课本都已完成,终于可以静视那片天,猛然发现那轮月那颗星以及那不再年轻的父亲在心中是如此灿烂。走在路上,有你们陪伴,真好!   闭上了眼,这一天不算多么有意义,或许以后的那一天再来看,我才会明白:这青春的路上虽是艰苦,但有了你们我便不会枯燥,就让你们陪我走在路上见证美好的未来!梦里,那月那人那事一一映入脑海,夜就此静了! 人生之路优秀作文3   每个人都有一段不一样的人生经历,有些事会让你记忆深刻,而那些事就是你所失败过的。正是因为这样,你才会被磨练,让自己认识到自己的不足之处。所以,人——只有被磨砺,才会变得坚强!   世界上有两种人,一种是一失败就放弃自己所追求的。而另一种则是失败后就会努力地奋斗。这两种人有不一样的选择,当然也会有不一样的结果。一个半途而废,得不到自己所追求的一切。一个努力奋斗,开辟出自己的一片天地!   谁都想过上美好幸福的生活,但真正过上了的又有几个呢?每个人的上半生努力的奋斗是为了过好自己的下半生,让自己幸福。但是想要幸福就要努力奋斗,既然要奋斗就要经历一次又一次的挫败。   人总说“阳光总在风雨后”,这本来就是绝对的。想要不劳而获的人真是少之又少。那一个个成功了的人,他们哪一个不是奋斗过,磨砺过?挫败就是人生的绊脚石,你只要被绊过一次,就不会再被绊第二次。因为你已经认识到了自己的错误。当你跨过了那些绊脚石,你就会有一种荣誉感,你会无比的喜悦,因为你成功了!   每个人都是一样,只看你愿不愿意付出,认识自己的错误罢了。“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”,小草不就是这样么?当下了大暴雨后,它的身上都是雨滴。不,那不是是雨滴,那是他没被狂风暴雨所征服后,喜悦的泪水!   做人不也是一样么?你跌倒了,无论如何也要爬起来!你要告诉自己,经历过这些,就会获得成功!   所以,做人就要做得有意义!从现在起,你——要为自己的将来奋斗,要在经历过挫败之后,获得成功! 人生之路优秀作文4   人生如田间的小路,没有完全的笔直。在这条路上,你会遇到快乐,也会遭到挫折,但这条路毕竟属于你。你永远不可能脱离轨道,因此即使遇到困难,我们也必须勇敢去面对。这便是生活的无情和残酷。但有时也会让你感到快乐、欣慰。因此,这条路是丰富多彩的,不会枯燥无味,更多的是阳光和幸福。   在日常生活中我们会遇到无数的困难、挫折,对待他们不应该像面对死神一样感到恐惧,而应像一个个敌人、一个对手,全力以赴迎战它们。有时面对挫折,我们会选择出一种使人意想不到的做法,有人也许会对你的观点提出质疑,说风凉话。面对这些我们不必放在心上,只要是正确的,我们就要相信自己。走自己的路,让别人说去吧。对待问题,我们的确应持这样的态度,这样会让我们对自己更充满信心。   在生活中,我们有时会因取得一些胜利而感到快乐。比如,考试进步了,研究出了一道难题等等。这时我们会无比的兴奋、自豪,即使有大雨把你从头浇到脚你一样也不会在乎,因为你心中的快乐会抹去一切烦恼。这时,我们不应该骄傲自满。因为这短暂的胜利并不能代表一切,我们更要虚心学习,来取的更好的成绩。虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。虚心是成功的基石。面对挫折不放弃,勇于挑战,面对成功不骄傲,勇于进取,只有这样我们在学习中才能取得更大的进步,在生活中获得更多的快了。如果能做到这些,那么人生道路就会让我们更加快乐,胜利会时刻向我们挥手,我们也会获取人生的硕果。   “生于忧患,死于安乐”。让我的人生之路多一些挫折,多一些坎坷,我坚信“乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”。 人生之路优秀作文5   “好冷的天啊。”秦子怡边说边抖了一下身子,“是啊,我都不想出来了。”我回答她,这几天很冷几乎每个人都穿上了厚厚的大衣。我把手插在了口袋里,因为天太冷,手在外面很冷。   “喂~~郭洋阳!”秦子怡便喊边往前跑,就当我也想跑过去时,我看到了这样的一幕:   他的腿不好,另一只脚有问题,走路很不稳、一边高一边低,就像南极的企鹅一样。一般向他那样的人都会去当一个乞丐讨钱生存,但是他并没有那样做,而是去应聘当一个发传单的人。别的人发个传单,愁眉苦脸的,就像你欠了他十多年的债务一样。可是他并不是这样做的,他笑着,似乎在享受这个工作一样,无论你接受不接受他发的传单,他都会给你一个笑脸、点头感谢。他发传单的手已经冻红了,在微微的颤抖,但是他依然在坚持自己的工作。   霎那间,我想了很多。我们是健全的人,身上没有一点点残缺,但是我们却因为一点点的小事而向困难低头,或者不想去做一件自认为十分痛苦的事情。但是,换个角度去思考也许就是这样痛苦的事情也能变得快乐起来呢?像那个发传单的人,他就在享受自己的工作,认为自己用自己的努力生存了下去,用自己的汗水获得了只属于自己的成就。我,经常因为一点点小事而放弃,但是,他却没有......   我相信,他在应聘的时候一定会遇到波折与困难。因为,一般的老板都会选择四肢健全的人,而不会去挑选身体上有缺陷的人。但是,他应聘上了,那么他肯定遇到了许多的难关,但是他都一一突破。   坚持、努力,这是他的秘方。使自己不幸的人生变得幸福起来的秘方,他用自己的汗水去拼搏、去奋斗创闯出自己的人生之路。这些传单,都是他的爱心,他在传递的并不仅仅是一张彩色的广告纸,他在传递的是爱的传单........ 人生之路优秀作文6   小草,如果因为没有树的伟岸而孤寂,那么我们就看不到广阔的草原。   流水,如果因为前方的悬崖而感到畏惧,那么我们就看不到飞流之下的壮观。   梅花,如果因为怕暴风雨的侵蚀而感到凄苦,那么我们就闻不到沁人心脾的芳香。   六年的小学生涯快结束了,如星星划过天空。虽然快离别了,但脑海里依然紧记老师的谆谆教诲。   人生之路-----自信   莎士比亚说过:自信是走向成功之路的第一步。缺乏自信是失败的主要原因。没错,自信如人生的明灯,照耀我们成熟。有了信念才会有自信,有了自信才会有决心,有了决心才会成功。生命的轨迹固执向前延伸,在人生道路上挖掘信心,它将成为你无法摧毁的信念,成为你茁壮成长的土壤,成为你生命中的一股泉水,不息地寻找前进之路。   人生之路-----宽容   泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深。宽容可化干戈为玉帛,可大事化小,小事化无。法国作家雨果说:“世界上最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋宽阔的是天空,比天空宽阔的是人的胸怀。”做一个宽容的人,难道比不上小鸡肚肠的人吗?   人生之路-----勤奋   学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。只有努力勤奋,才会前进。而三天打鱼两天晒网,草草了事只会退步。一份耕耘,一份收获。不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。一步,一步,再一步,会走出辉煌的明天。   人生之路-----分享   径路窄处,留一步与人行;滋味浓处,减三分让人尝。我们要学会分享,如傲雪红梅:一番寒彻骨,换来扑鼻香,那沁人心脾的香味,令人赞叹不已。梅花高洁,愿意分享它的芳香。更何况我们呢?我们也应该处处为人着想,与人分享是一件非常快乐的事情,自己的身心也会感到愉快。   人生之路,漫长遥远,但只有挖掘这些道理,才会走上光明的道路,才会看到风雨后的阳光。 人生之路优秀作文7   我们一直在一颦一笑中追求着怎样的道路?也许并不需要道路宽敞发达的交通大道,恰恰是路旁有着潺潺流水的田间小路,引导着我们走到那温暖的彼岸,让我们认识到人生的洒脱,使得脚下的路途漫漫绽放异彩。这便是我对走路的理解了。   孩童的我们,脸上挂着甩不掉的稚嫩,所谓的孤独,寒冷,寂寞似乎永远不是我们自己的章节。大人们说他们羡慕我们总有着一大堆莫名其妙的口头禅,永远不会去想做事所要承担的后果,对于呵斥,也不会影响到下一秒的美好生活。瞧,他们踏着轻盈的步伐在走路。   少年的我们,没有深沉。开始成熟的生命梦想缤纷,却依旧念念不舍那童心。在耳畔悠扬的曲子中,似乎才真真实实的展现了我们的天性,我们爱潇洒,我们充满活力。自由地唱,再也不被束缚的像个囚犯,我们未来的蓝图自己来勾画,随意的添上一笔便变得美好。昂首阔步,走出前人所未曾走过的路,我们不畏惧失败而更渴望胜利的曙光。瞧,他们踏着自由的步伐在走路。   中年的我们,已没有年少青春供我们肆意挥霍,本本分分是最大的祈望。花开花谢,让我们疲惫却不后悔,每一次选择,每一个决定,都塑造了一个独一无二的自己,你走的路,别人学不来。真正知道了什么叫做有些事情开始了,就注定不会结束;而很多事情一旦结束,也注定不能再继续。所以,无论你怎样抱怨,都要让现在比昨天好,明天比现在好。瞧,他们踏着沉稳的步伐在走路。   “夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。”老年的我们,懂得了世界上的些许真谛,还在回忆,那时的年少轻狂;还在感叹,此刻的世态炎凉。瞧,他们迈着蹒跚的步履在走路。   人生之路是崎岖的。   回忆总是很温暖,生活却总要往前走,所以我们每时每刻在走路。
2023-07-26 20:22:051

wap是什么意思cardi b

2023-07-26 20:22:052


她满腔热情地投入到工作当中的翻译是:She poured into her work enthusiastically
2023-07-26 20:22:011

Everything But The Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Everything But The Girl歌手:Darin专辑:The CollectionWhen I saw you I knew you were the oneI want to orbit you like you"re the sunBut let me know before I come undoneAm I the one for youI"m like a puzzle with a missing pieceI got a car but didn"t get the keysAnd only you can set my mind at easeSo what am I to doI have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but trueAnd everything but the love I need to make it throughAnd every time I look into your eyes, that"s when I realizeJust how much I love youSome say lady luck is on my sideAnd that my life has been an easy rideBut they don"t know how many times I cried"Cause I am nothing without youI have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but trueAnd everything but the love I need to make it throughAnd everytime I look into your eyes, that"s when I realizeJust how much I love youI don"t know how long I can keep it upI need a sign to make it throughYou gotta tell me now, you gotta let me knowSo what am I, what am I to doOh,babyI have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but trueAnd everything but the love I need to make it throughAnd everytime I look into your eyes, that"s when I realizeJust how much I love youDo you know nowDo you know nowDo you know nowI love youI love youOh,I love youJust how much I love you
2023-07-26 20:22:001


2023-07-26 20:21:591


smooth函数的本质就是低通滤波,就是通过低通滤波算法吧输入信号中的高频成分移除。 yy = smooth(y,method) Matlab有以下几种方法method供选择: "moving"就是所谓的平滑滤波。简单的平均而已 "lowess"一阶多项式加权线性回归 "loess"一阶多项式加权线性回归 "rlowess"同"lowess",但是自适应调整权值 "rloess"同"loess",但是自适应调整权值 如果以上方法不能满意,可以matlab中的fit函数进行平滑
2023-07-26 20:21:561