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请问一下They are the birthplaces of Chinese culture.是定语从句吗?请说明理由,谢谢!

2023-07-28 14:28:14






2023-07-26 23:30:242


2023-07-26 23:30:484


birthplace是名词,意为出生地;发源地;诞生地;发祥地。一、双语例句1.The town"s only claim to fame is that it is the birthplace of Elgar.小镇所以成名的惟一原因是,它是埃尔加的出生地。2.Florence was the birthplace of the Renaissance.佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的发祥地。3.Shakespeare"s birthplace is often visited as a shrine.莎士比亚的诞生地常被人们当作圣地游览。二、birthplace用在影视原声中1、According to legend, this secluded monastery is not only the birthplace of Zen Buddhism, here trained the legendary Shaolin monks.传说,这个僻静的寺庙不仅是禅宗佛教的诞生地,这里培育了传奇的少林和尚。—《鸟瞰中国》2、On the island"s northern tip, in the Polol Valley, overlook the sprawling forest reserves of Hawaii"s lush northern region, the birthplace of Kamehameha the First.在岛的北端,波罗陆山谷上,俯瞰夏威夷北部繁茂的森林保护区,卡米哈米哈一世的出生地。—《10大名城旅游攻略》户口簿出生地指的是什么户口簿出生地指的是实际出生的地点,这个也是需要记载在户口本上的。户口本的第1页也就是户主的户别,那一栏当中是需要注明具体的户口的性质,也就是说包括有农业户口或者是非农业户口。
2023-07-26 23:31:241


罗马是我们如今称之为法律的发源地英语翻译如下:Rome is the birthplace of what we now call law 。birthplace,英语单词,名词,意为“出生地,发源地”。单词发音英[u02c8bu025cu02d0θpleu026as]美[u02c8bu025cu02d0rθpleu026as]短语搭配Shakespeare Birthplace莎士比亚故居birthplace cradle发祥地b birthplace出生地His Birthplace他出生地BirthPlace String出生地birthplace n出生地Ask birthplace问籍贯your birthplace你的籍贯双语例句In 1956, he visited Africa, his birthplace.1956年,他回到他的出生地非洲。Research shows that the latitude of your birthplace and how much solar radiation you were exposed to in the womb affects your health, wealth, happiness, longevity and creativity.研究显示,你的出生地的纬度,也就是说,你在子宫中会受到多少太阳的照射,会影响你的健康、财富、幸福、寿命甚至是创造力。Whether you want to take in a Broadway show or visit the birthplace of the modern gay and lesbian rights movement, NYC offers something for every lesbian.不论是你想去看百老汇演出或走访现代男女同性恋者权利运动的发源地,纽约城可以向每个同性恋者提供些什么。
2023-07-26 23:31:581


place of birth.
2023-07-26 23:32:245


originplace of birth洛基回答
2023-07-26 23:32:403


2023-07-26 23:33:043


政治面貌:党员 英语是:Political Status: Party Member 简历中常用的英文: personal date(个人资料) name(姓名) address(通讯地址)、 postal code(邮政编码)、 phone number(电话号码)、 birthdate(出生日期)、 birthplace(出生地点)、 sex(性别)、 height(身高)、 weight(体重)、 health(健康状况)、 date of availability(可到职日期)、 number of identification card(身份证号码)。 job/career objective(应聘职位) education(学历) special skill(特别技能) hobbies/interests(业余爱好)
2023-07-26 23:33:211

英语作文 简介我国最长之河-长江 参考词汇:birthplace发源地 dragon

The Changjiang River is the longest river of China. The birthplace is in Qinghai Tibet Plateau.The Changjiang River flows through eleven provinces. Its total length is 6300 kilometers. It"s longer than the Yellow River.The Changjiang River is the third longest river all over the world. Seeing the past from the map,it is like a dragon.The Changjiang River has its own culture called Changjiang culture.
2023-07-26 23:33:301


William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.
2023-07-26 23:33:393

英语作文 简介我国最长之河-长江 参考词汇:birthplace发源地 dragon

The Chang Jiang River is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world. The river is the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. It drains one-fifth of the land area of the People"s Republic of China (PRC) and its river basin is home to one-third of the country"s population. The Chang Jiang River plays a large role in the history, culture and economy of China. The prosperous Yangtze River Delta generates as much as 20% of the PRC"s GDP. The Chang Jiang River flows through a wide array of ecosystems and is habitat to several endemic and endangered species including the Chinese alligator, the finless porpoise, the Chinese paddlefish, the (possibly extinct) Yangtze River dolphin or baiji, and the Yangtze sturgeon. For thousands of years, the river has been used for water, irrigation, sanitation, transportation, industry, boundary-marking and war.
2023-07-26 23:33:481

你最喜欢哪个运动员用英语怎么说? 运动员(player)

2023-07-26 23:34:193


born in XXX
2023-07-26 23:34:324


birthplaceplace of current residence
2023-07-26 23:34:456

我是杭州本地人, 杭州是个历史悠久的城市 请把这句话翻译成英文

HangZhou is a city with a long history.保证对
2023-07-26 23:36:074


应该是where is your birthplace?你的出生地在哪里?
2023-07-26 23:36:153


中文名(Chinese Name):吴俊余   英文名(English Name):June.  昵称 (Nickname):放牛娃俊小余、小可爱、环保帅哥、奶嘴弟弟、鱼缸缸主、微笑天使、 国民放牛娃(完美演绎《黄昏放牛》)、小吃货(来自广电工作人员 无时无刻不在吃)、宝哥哥(10进8时可爱惊艳的贾宝玉扮相)、小蓝人(喜欢蓝色)、岛主(金鱼岛的岛主)  性别(Gender):男  年龄(Age):19岁 (长大ing)  居住地(Habitably):四川省成都市青羊区   籍贯(Birthplace):巴中平昌  星座(Horoscope):双鱼座  身高(Height):177cm(长高ing)  体重(Weight):56kg   血型(Blood type):O型  百度ID(Baidu ID):微笑吴俊余(实名认证“吴俊余”)  新浪微博(Sina Weibo ID):吴俊余(认证)吴俊余写真(10张)  性格(Nature): 可爱,帅气,阳光,活泼  粉丝名(Fans):金鱼  粉丝代表色:天蓝色  家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、姐姐、俊余  职业 (Work):歌手 ,模特 ,学生,演员  座右铭(Motto):年轻就是本钱  嗜好(Hobby):唱歌、吃零食、玩耍、恶作剧、  食物(Food):寿司(三文鱼寿司)、喜之郎果冻、火锅、牛肉干、杏仁(其实只要是吃的他都喜欢……)   水果(Fruit):荔枝   颜色(Color):天蓝色  音乐(Music):钢琴曲《梦中的婚礼》  电影(Movies):只要是喜剧就喜欢  歌手(Singer):王力宏  演员(Actor):谢霆锋 、吴彦祖  运动(Sports):游泳  动物(animal):小狗  动漫(Anime):哆啦A梦   爱笑的吴俊余小学(Primary School):巴中市巴州区四小  中学(Middle School):成都市温江区二中   高中(High School):北京市现代音乐研修学院(附中)   专业 (Major):学习流行演唱 欧美演唱 民通演唱   理想恋人:阳光 乖巧 可爱 善良  签约公司:天娱传媒有限公司
2023-07-26 23:36:255


My hometown is Qingyang,a city in XXX Province.It is not big but beautiful.It has a population of XXX and a history of XXX years.It has clear rivers,beautiful hills.It is quiet and comfortalbe.
2023-07-26 23:36:401


This is the place where I was born
2023-07-26 23:36:5715

Mozart’s birthplace and the house ______ he composed“The Magic Flute”are both museums now. A

A 试题分析:考查定语从句:the house 是先行词,后面是由where 引导的定语从句,从句中:he composed "The Magic Flute" 主谓宾都齐全,他在那间房子作的"The Magic Flute" ,where指代那件房子,是在从句中作状语,在这里where =" in" which,选A。点评:考查定语从句一要看先行词,而要看从句的成分,如果缺少主宾表,要用that或which如果缺少状语,要用关系副词where,when或why。关键的定语从句的动词。
2023-07-26 23:37:251


2023-07-26 23:37:346


He was born in Nanjing.His birthplace is Nanjing.
2023-07-26 23:38:031

2012年6月17号的英语B级考试的答案。。 求。。

我也在求答案啊, 跪谢,感激不尽
2023-07-26 23:38:1313


发祥地的英文Birthplace短语搭配:Shakespeare Birthplace莎士比亚故居birthplace cradle发祥地b birthplace出生地His Birthplace他出生地BirthPlace String出生地birthplace n出生地Ask birthplace问籍贯your birthplace你的籍贯双语例句:In 1956, he visited Africa, his birthplace.1956年,他回到他的出生地非洲。Research shows that the latitude of your birthplace and how much solar radiation you were exposed to in the womb affects your health, wealth, happiness, longevity and creativity.研究显示,你的出生地的纬度,也就是说,你在子宫中会受到多少太阳的照射,会影响你的健康、财富、幸福、寿命甚至是创造力。
2023-07-26 23:38:531


birthplace 出生地;发源地 cultural hearth 文化发源地 mother country 母国;祖国 发源地 都可以用cradle。 发源地=birthplace 可以话「originated from (地方名)」 e.g. Sushi is originated from Japan (寿司的发源地是日本) remarks: 句sentence只系 example 我唔知寿司的发源地系唔系真系日本 哈哈! 字典-------yahoo^.^ 2006-11-06 19:55:23 补充: see下birthplace出生地;发源地 cultural hearth文化发源地mother country母国;祖国 发源地 参考: yahoo
2023-07-26 23:39:061


Place of Birth; homeplace; birthplace 等等.
2023-07-26 23:39:151


问题一:出生于美国用英语怎么说 5分 born in America 问题二:出生于的英文怎么写 was born in 问题三:我出生于 ,,,,英文 我出生于 I was born in +地点罚on+具体时间 有不会的可以再问我 问题四:请问出生于上海用英语怎么写 Born in the city of shanghai 问题五:出生于19961228用英语 Born in 19961228 问题六:出生用英文怎么说 be born 问题七:出生于哪里用英语怎么说 Where are you born? What is your birthplace? 问题八:"我出生于四川省成都市"用英语怎么说 I was bor饥 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province .这是最简单的说法。或者分开说I was born in Sichuan Province and I lived in chengdu . 问题九:我出生于1995年 10月14日用英语怎么说 google翻译:I was born on October 14, 1995 百度翻译:I was born in October 14, 1995 哪个是正确的呢,,这里就有个介词的用法了,in on 还有个at . 像日期这种就用on , in 有年份地点那类,Alisa was born in beijing in 1995 at...就是几点 She was born at 3 o"clock.
2023-07-26 23:39:221


发源地 birthlandplace of originsourceseminaryheadstream例句:美国是棒球的发源地.America is the home of baseball. Asia is one of the places where mankind originated.亚洲是人类的发源地之一。 希腊是古奥林匹克运动会的发源地。Greece was the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games.
2023-07-26 23:39:301


hometown native placehome villageTownbirthplace
2023-07-26 23:39:393

实用英语口语:Asking About Birthplace 问出生地

  [谈论出生地十大经典句型]   Where were you born?   你出生在什么地方?   Were you born in the city or in the country?   你出生在城市还是乡下?   Where was he born?   他出生在什么地方?   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   李芳出生在北京还是天津?   Where was Mary born?   玛丽出生在什么地方?   Where was your father born?   你父亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your mather born?   你的母亲出生在什么地方?   You were born in Kunming, werenu2019t you?   你出生在昆明,是不是?   Do you know where Jack was born?   你知道杰克出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where I was born? I was born in lijiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在丽江   [情景对话]   Where were you born?   I was born in Guangzhou   Were you born in the city or in the country?   I was born in the country. My hometown is very beautiful   Where was he born?   He was born in Miami   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   Iu2019m now sure. I guess she was born in Beijing. Sheu2019s be good at Beijing dialect   Where was Mary born?   She was born in New York. She speaks English with New York accent.   Where was your father born?   He born in Kunming   Where was your mother born?   She was born in lijiang   You were in lijiang.werenu2019t you?   No. I was born in Kunming. Senior The stone forest   Do you know where was Jack born?   He told me he was born in the States   Do you know where was Alice born? I was born in lijiang   Really. thatu2019s a lovely place. I really like lijiang   [语法精练]   Where were you born?   你出生在什么地方   Where were they born?   他们出生在什么地方   Where were you born?   你们出生在什么地方   Were you born in the city or in the country?   你出生在城市还是乡下   Was he born in the city or in the country?   他出生在城市还是乡下   Was she born in the city or in the country?   她出生在城市还是乡下?   Where was he born?   他出生在什么地方?   Where was she born?   她出生在什么地方?   Where was it born?   它出生在什么地方?   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   李芳出生在北京还是天津?   Was wanghai born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   王海出生在北京还是天津?   Was wubin born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   吴宾出生在北京还是天津?   Where was Mary born?   玛丽出生在什么地方?   Where was Nacy born?   南希出生在什么地方?   Where was Henry born?   亨利出生在什么地方?   Where was your father born?   你父亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your uncle born?   你叔叔出生在什么地方?   Where was your brother born?   你弟弟出生在什么地方?   Where was you mother born?   你的母亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your aunt born?   你阿姨出生在什么地方?   Where was you sister born?   你的妹妹出生在什么地方?   You were born in Kunming. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在昆明,是不是?   You were born in Beijing. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在北京,是不是?   You were born in haerbin. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在哈尔滨,是不是?   Do you know where Jack was born?   你知道杰克出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where Jimu2019s born?   你知道吉姆出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where Nacy was born?   你知道南希出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where I was born? I was born in lijiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在丽江   Do you know where I was born? I was born in Kunming   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在昆明   Do you know where I was born? I born in xinjiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在新疆   [问出生地提高篇]   Everyone is proud of his or her hometown. Especially his or her own birthplace. Wherever we go, we should not and we not forgot our birthplace. A place where great person was born . so when we talk with foreign friends, we are often talk about our birthplaces or our hometowns. We are very interested in each otheru2019s birthplaces, at least it is a good topic for our conversation. Whenever we hear foreign friends talk about their hometowns, especially their birthplaces, the whole conversation if full of pride and happiness   [谈论出生地十大经典句型]   What is your birthplace?   你的出生地是什么地方?   Where is your birthplace lacated?   你的出生地位于什么地方?   What is the climate like in your hometown?   你们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   你们家乡的平均气温多少度?   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   你们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   最近几年你的家乡有什么变化吗?   Have you built a lot of new houses these years?   近年来盖了很多新房吗?   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   到你的家乡去很方便吗?   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   从昆明到你的家乡要走多久?   What do you think of the future of your hometown?   你对你家乡的未来是怎么看的?   [情景对话]   What is your birthplace?   I was born in luliang.luliang is a very beautiful place   Where is your birthplace located?   This located in the northeast of Yunnan   What is the climate like in your hometown?   Itu2019s not very hot in summer and it is not very cold in winter   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   Its average temperature is about twenty degrees to thirty degrees   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   My hometown is still under backwood   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   I feel new hospitals and a lot of new factories have been setup in my hometown in recent years   Have you been a lot of new houses in these years?   Yes, a lot of new houses have been built these years   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   Yes, it is. It is very convenient to go to my hometown. A new express way has been built between Kunming and my hometown   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   It only takes about two hours to go from Kunming to my hometown by bus.   What do you think of the future of you hometown?   My hometown has developing and a very high speed. Although it is still backwook at the moment. I am sure my hometown will be more beautiful in the future.   [轻松演说]   I was born in luliang. Luliang is a very beautiful place. It is in the northeast in Yunnan. It is not very hot in summer and it is not very cold in winter. Itu2019s average tempetature is about twenty degrees to thirty degrees. My hometown is still backwood. I feel new hospitals and a lot of new factories have been built in my hometown in recent years. A lot of new houses have been built in these years. It is very convenient to my hometown. A new express way has been built between Kunming and my hometown. It only takes about two hours to go from Kunming to my hometown by bus. My hometown is developing and a very high speed. Although it is still backwood at the moment. I am sure my hometown will be more beautiful in the furture.   [语法精练]   What is your birthplace?   你的出生地是什么地方?   What is his birthplace?   他的出生地是什么地方?   What is her birthplace?   她的出生地是什么地方?   Where is your birthplace located?   你的出生地位于什么地方?   Where is his birthplace located?   他的出生地位于什么地方?   Where is her birthplace located?   她的出生地位于什么地方?   What is the climate like in your hometown?   你们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the climate like in his hometown?   他们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the climate like in her hometown?   她们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   你们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the average temperature in his hometown?   他们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the average temperature in her hometown?   她们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   你们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What is the economic situation like in his hometown?   他们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What is the economic situation like in her hometown?   她们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   最近几年你的家乡有什么变化?   What changes have take place in his hometown in recent years?   最近几年他的家乡有什么变化?   What changes have take place in her hometown in recent years?   最近几年她的家乡有什么变化?   Have you built a lot of new houses in these years?   今年来盖了很多新房吗?   Have you built a lot of hospitals in these years?   今年来盖了很多新医院吗?   Have you built a lot of new schools in these years?   今年来盖了很多新学校吗?   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   到你的家乡很方便吗?   Is it convenient to go to his hometown?   到他的家乡很方便吗?   Is it convenient to go to her hometown?   到她的家乡很方便吗?   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   从昆明到你的家乡要走多久?   How long does it take to go from Guangzhou to your hometown?   从广州到你的家乡要走多久?   How long does it take to go from naming to your hometown?   从南宁到你的家乡要走多久?   What do you think of the furture of your hometown?   你对你家乡的未来是怎么看的?   What does he think of the future of his hometown?   他对他家乡的未来是怎么看的?   What does she think of the future of her hometown?   她对她家乡的未来是怎么看的?
2023-07-26 23:39:461


Beijing is my brithplace
2023-07-26 23:40:084

一个英语句子结构的分析The Birthplace is within easy walking distance of

The Birthplace(主语) is (谓语)+ 表语(说明主语身份,特征,属性或状态.within(介词)+宾语walking distance.这里的 easy是前置定语用来修饰walking distance .of all the car parks shown on the map 为后置定语...
2023-07-26 23:40:151


where is your birth place? 你出生在哪里
2023-07-26 23:40:222

我的出生地英语怎么 翻译呢?谢谢

My birthplace is Tengzhou我的出生地是滕州
2023-07-26 23:40:321


born in +地点
2023-07-26 23:40:502

我是杭州本地人, 杭州是个历史悠久的城市 请把这句话翻译成英文

Hangzhou,my birthplace,is a city with a long history.复制楼上的,需要修改一下.Hangzhou which is my birthplace is a city with a long history.,my birthplace,这里不能用逗号.如果用逗号的话,那么逗号中间的可...
2023-07-26 23:41:091

her birthplace is Shanghai同义句 3句

Her birthplace is Shanghai. = (She was born) in Shanghai. = (She"s from) Shanghai. = (She comes from) Shanghai. 还可以变成:Shanghai is her birthplace.等.
2023-07-26 23:41:151

My birthplace is Beijing.对Beijing划线提问.

Where is my birthplace?
2023-07-26 23:41:245


I born in Nanchang, Jiangxi province.
2023-07-26 23:41:438

求文档: 高中英语单词默写

嗯 就是这个!
2023-07-26 23:42:142

china was the birthplace of kites, from where kit

  翻译:中国的风筝的起源地,风筝从中国传到了日本,韩国和印度。  from是介词,定语从句引导词是where,此时可以将介词提前,由于先行词China是地点,所以引导词用了where  满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-07-26 23:42:231

Mark is from Britain.______ is his birthplace.

填which 这是定语从句
2023-07-26 23:42:313


abroad, accept, accident, traffic accident, according to, active, actor, actress, address, admire, admit, advice, advise, afford, afraid, afternoon, again and again, against, age, at the age of, ago, agree,国外,接受,意外,交通意外,根据...,活跃,演员,女演员,地址,仰慕,承认,建议,建议(动词),负担的起...,害怕,下午,依次又一次,反对...,年龄,在...年龄时,...以前,同意agriculture, air, airport, alive, allow, almost, alone, already, always, America, angry, animal, answer, anxious, anything, anywhere, appear, army, arrange, arrive, article, artist, ask, asleep, pay attention to, aunt, Australia, Australian, author, autumn, average, baby, back, bad, bag, ball, balloon, banana, bank, basic, basket, basketball, bath, 农业,空气,机场,活着(的),同意,很快(之内),单独,已经,总是,美国,生气,动物,回答,着急,任何事情,任何地方,出现,军队,排列,到达,文章,画家,问,睡着了(的),对...投入注意力,阿姨,澳大利亚,澳大利亚人,作家,秋天,平均,宝贝,回来,坏,袋子,球,气球,香蕉,银行,基本,篮子,篮球,洗澡bathroom, be able to, bear, beautiful, because, because of, become, go to bed, bee, beer, before, begin, behind, believe, belong to, bench, beside, besides, do one"s best, better, 卫生间,可以...,忍耐/持有,美丽,因为,因为..,变成,睡觉,蜜蜂,啤酒,在..之前,开始,后面,相信,属于...,长椅,除了..之外,最大的努力,更好had better, between, bike, big, biology, bird, birthday, birthplace, bite, black, blackboard, blame, blind, blood, blow, blue, boat, bone, book,最好,在..中间,自行车,大的,生物,鸟,生日,出生地点,咬,黑的,黑板,埋怨,瞎的,血,吹,蓝的,小船,骨头,书本 be born, borrow, boss, both…and, bottle, bottom, bowl, box, boy, brain, bread, break, break out, breakfast, have breakfast, breath, hold one"s breath, out of breath, breathe, 出生,借,老板,什么..和什么..,瓶子,底下,晚,盒子,男孩,脑,面包,打破...(休息),出去,早餐,吃早餐,呼吸,屏住呼吸,上气不接下气,bridge, bright, Britain, British, broadcast, brother, building, burn, bus, business, busy, be busy doing sth., be busy with sth., by, by bus/car/plane/train/ship/air, bye-bye,桥,明亮的,英国,英国人(的),广播,兄弟,建筑,烧,公交车,商务,繁忙的,繁忙的做某样事,繁忙的做某样事,以..的方式,做公交车/车/飞机/火车/船/飞机,再见.
2023-07-26 23:43:234


  This novel was about an unbelievable but genuine adventure. Its author was a black businessman who was brought up in America. In 1956, he visited Africa, his birthplace. One day, when he was wandering on the pavement near the bay enjoying the sea scenes, he lost his money and passport that he kept in an envelope. So he went to the embassy to seek help, but the ambassador with rude manners didn"t permit his staff to help though he bowed to him. Staring at his impatient face, he understood that it was the fault of his skin color that accounted for their refection. So he decided to take a chance to sail on a small boat home.   He met a large amount of difficulty but was never stopped. On the contrary, difficulty pushed him to go ahead harder. Three months later, he was spotted by a ship by accident. He was in rags indeed. A maid even screamed when bringing him a steak and pineapple dessert. Aboard, he earned his passage by working as a barber and got home finally. As for the name of his novel, he couldn"t think of a better one than the phrase “Go Ahead”.   划船回家   这部小说写的是一次令人难以置信而又真实的历险。其作者是一位在美国被抚养长大的黑人商人。1956年,他回到他的出生地非洲。有一天,当他在海湾边的.人行道上漫步欣赏海景时,他丢失了一个装着钱和护照的信封,于是向当地的大使馆寻求帮助。但是大使态度非常粗鲁,即使向他鞠躬,也不允许他的职员帮忙。盯着他那不耐烦的脸,他知道是他皮肤颜色的错才导致了他们的拒绝。于是,他决定冒险驾驶一只小船回家。   他遇到了许多困难,但是从未停止,相反,困难推动他更努力地前进。三个月后,当他被一艘船偶然发现时,真的是衣衫褴褛。给他端来牛排和菠萝甜品的女仆甚至被吓得尖叫起来。在船上,他当一名理发师来挣取船费,最后终于回到了家。至于这部小说的名字,他再也不能想到一个比“前进”更好的短语了。
2023-07-26 23:43:301


2023-07-26 23:43:529

2。Each year,tourists from all over the world travel to Poland to visit a birthplace of Frederic Ch

1.took改为tooks 2.Each改为Every
2023-07-26 23:44:252

China is the birthplace of kites, _____ kiteflying(放风筝) spread to Japan, Korea, Thailand and Ind

2023-07-26 23:44:363


户口所以地——户籍怎么译 - Nationality出生地——籍贯怎么主译? - Place of Birth
2023-07-26 23:44:433

Windows XP Media Center 介绍下载

Windows XP Media Center 介绍影音 使用Windows XP Media Center Edition,可很方便地欣赏照片、电影、音乐以的电视等数码娱乐。除使用鼠标和键盘外,还可用遥控器操作。可录像和暂停正在广播的电视节目,可将照片或电影/电视节目保存到CD-R/DVD媒体,还可编辑从数码相机导入的照片。利用“Movie Finder”功能可用演员、类别或导演等作为关键词搜索电影,也可发现相类似的电影。Windows Media Player 10  该版本集成了“Windows Media Player 10”,很容易通过各种在线服务简单下载或播放音乐及电影。附带“Windows Messenger”,可一边看电视电视一边和朋友聊天。Media Center Extender  该公司还将提供扩展功能“Media Center Extender”。使用支持该功能设备,可在家中的电视欣赏Media Center PC上的音乐、照片电视节目录像以及视频等。另外导入“Media Center Extender for Xbox”可使该公司的游戏机“Xbox”支持Media Center Extender。Windows Media Center Extender  惠普同一天开始提供支持Windows Media Center Extender的设备,美国思科系统公司的业务部门Linksys也将从2004年底开始提供同类设备。将从2004年假期旺季开始可使用Media Center Extender for Xbox。微软  微软还介绍了多家内容合作商的支持Windows Media Center Edition 2005的服务。主要包括美国在线(AOL)的点播式(OnDemand)音乐视频服务“AOL Music on Demand”、美国伊士曼柯达(Eastman Kodak)的共享照片服务“Kodak EasyShare”、由微软的因特网业务MSN提供的音乐服务“MSN Music”以及美国National Public Radio(NPR)和英国路透社的新闻等。除此以外,美国CinemaNow和美国Napster等内容供应商也将开展支持Windows Media Center Edition 2005的服务。Media Center 2005将发布零售版本  相信微软的Windows Media Center Edition操作系统对于大多数用户来说还颇有点神秘感,大家普遍都对微软的Windows XP的Home版和Professional版本了如指掌。而由于对此Media Center版本的Windows XP一直没有特别细致的报道,而微软在软件许可证方面的严格限制又使得该软件的正版用户寥寥无几,所以多数人都没有机会实地使用这款操作系统。   Windows XP Media Center Edition大约在两年前问世,其应用方向是基于Windows XP的可遥控家庭影院操作系统。该产品隶属于xp产品系,使用的也同样是Windows XP核心,但在用户界面上可以进行微软的Media Center 应用,通过这个系统,您可以方便的进行电视电影的播放和录制,还有专门的音乐及视频操作等等。而当微软在该系统中全面整合了原有的电脑操作系统,现有的多种媒体应用以及遥控硬件设备以后,XP Media Center Edition 与其它的媒体中心软件相比,具有更好的与操作系统的整合性,同时程序运行也更加稳定和顺畅。阻碍  不幸的是,微软对于该版本操作系统严格的发行控制在很长一段时间来阻碍了该产品的进一步推广。XP Media Center Edition 一直没有零售版本,同时,低端用户也无法从PC销售商那里直接购买到廉价的OEM版本。因此,想拥有正版的XP Media Center Edition就必须要购买一整套预装该系统的PC机。除去那些狂热的HTPC(Home Theater Personal Computer,家庭影院电脑)发烧友们,有谁会仅仅为尝试一下新的操作系统而购买一整台电脑呢,这无异于杀鸡取卵嘛。也正是因为微软的这些限制,其它品牌的家庭媒体中心软件得到了良好的发展空间,例如SageTV ,Meedio等等,它们可以完成XP Media Center Edition所能提供的绝大多数功能,是近来前进势头很猛的产品。而更令微软感到威胁的是,许多HTPC用户已经将眼光瞄向了Linux 操作系统,因为基于该系统的Freevo 和 MythTV等软件不仅功能强大,可以满足用户的大部分需求,同时还是免费使用的。   迄今为止,这些不同品牌的媒体中心软件均运行正常,而且其中许多产品与微软的解决方案相比更加容易上手,所以很受用户的青睐。不过,微软最终意识到了媒体中心对于家用电脑的重要意义,它即将发布直接面向最终用户的Windows XP Media Center Edition。目前该软件的最新版本为Media Center Edition 2005,用户马上就可以在市场上买到了。目前距离该软件的官方发布日期还有一段时间,我们已经得到了产品的样本,所以我们将在第一时间将Media Center Edition 2005的第一手的测试结果展示给您。   前面提到过,微软为此套系统配备了遥控装置和接收器。下图就是这些设备的照片。产品的质量非常好,已经达到了其它消费级遥控产品的水平。目前市场上充斥着一些质量低劣的PC遥控设备,但这一款显然不是。微软出品的硬件一贯品质上乘,其键盘鼠标更是闻名遐迩,而这套遥控设备也达到了这种水准。当有按钮被触动时,所有按钮会发出淡绿色的光,并不刺眼,却可以方便你在黑夜中使用。当然,随产品会附赠电池,直接就可以使用。有Microsoft标志的遥控器和USB接口的IR接收单元   正如你会猜想的,Media Center遥控器的主控制键就是中间那个最大的,印有Windows标志的按键。在开机状态下,按下这个按键会立即自动运行Media Center 程序,无论此时你的PC正在进行什么工作。而如果你已经在Media Center的操作中,那么按下此按钮将带你回到,Media Center的主菜单。这个"Start"按钮就是Media Center Edition的中心。   在这个遥控器上还有许多其它的按钮,我们发现通过Start按钮上方的五个按键(上、下、左、右外加OK按钮)基本就可以轻松完成Media Center的全部控制功能了。使用这些按键,你可以更加轻松的控制你的Media Center。同时我还发现了其它那些按钮的功用,在箭头按钮上方的一系列按钮专门用于DVD和其它视频的播放控制,而最下部的几个数字键则用于收看电视直播和录制电视节目。   遥控器的使用对于体验media center 来说真是至关重要。除去在启动机器,安装操作系统和驱动程序时需要用到电脑键盘,而当你一旦进入了Media Center 的世界,你就可以摆脱键盘的舒服,将遥控器的作用任意的发挥,真是一种不同寻常的体验呀。微软将操作系统,程序应用和遥控设备的完美整合,真是值得称赞。   而印有 Microsoft 商标的接收器通过USB接口与系统连接。操作系统中已经整合了该设备的驱动程序,所以你不必再费事去安装驱动。按照说明书所讲,在接收器连接五秒钟后,遥控器功能生效。所有设备都在应用之前已经配置好了,所以在实地操作时会相当轻松。接收器与遥控器之间通过红外线信号彼此联系。在我们的测试过程中,接收器的响应始终非常灵敏,而遥控器的有效距离也达到了25-30英尺。接收器的USB连接线特别长,这样就可以使遥控器覆盖到更大的范围,完全可以满足家庭房屋内遥控操作的需要。   在我们开始测试之前,要明确一件事情。Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005(后简称XP MCE2005 )与先前的同系列产品相比,是一套新的操作系统。Media Center是位于Windows XP操作系统平台顶端的一项应用程序,但与其它HTPC软件所不同的是,微软的Media Center已经根植于操作系统的内核,因而其与操作系统的整合是相当完美的。同时,任何可以在其它版本的Windows XP 上运行的程序也同样可以在这个操作系统下运行。XP MCE2005 是真正为高端用户定制的操作系统,而其它HTPC软件则可以用于低端应用。   有Microsoft标志的遥控器和USB接口的IR接收单元   有Microsoft标志的遥控器和USB接口的IR接收单元   正如你会猜想的,Media Center遥控器的主控制键就是中间那个最大的,印有Windows标志的按键。在开机状态下,按下这个按键会立即自动运行Media Center 程序,无论此时你的PC正在进行什么工作。而如果你已经在Media Center的操作中,那么按下此按钮将带你回到,Media Center的主菜单。这个"Start"按钮就是Media Center Edition的中心。   在这个遥控器上还有许多其它的按钮,我们发现通过Start按钮上方的五个按键(上、下、左、右外加OK按钮)基本就可以轻松完成Media Center的全部控制功能了。使用这些按键,你可以更加轻松的控制你的Media Center。同时我还发现了其它那些按钮的功用,在箭头按钮上方的一系列按钮专门用于DVD和其它视频的播放控制,而最下部的几个数字键则用于收看电视直播和录制电视节目。   遥控器的使用对于体验media center 来说真是至关重要。除去在启动机器,安装操作系统和驱动程序时需要用到电脑键盘,而当你一旦进入了Media Center 的世界,你就可以摆脱键盘的舒服,将遥控器的作用任意的发挥,真是一种不同寻常的体验呀。微软将操作系统,程序应用和遥控设备的完美整合,真是值得称赞。   而印有 Microsoft 商标的接收器通过USB接口与系统连接。操作系统中已经整合了该设备的驱动程序,所以你不必再费事去安装驱动。按照说明书所讲,在接收器连接五秒钟后,遥控器功能生效。所有设备都在应用之前已经配置好了,所以在实地操作时会相当轻松。接收器与遥控器之间通过红外线信号彼此联系。在我们的测试过程中,接收器的响应始终非常灵敏,而遥控器的有效距离也达到了25-30英尺。接收器的USB连接线特别长,这样就可以使遥控器覆盖到更大的范围,完全可以满足家庭房屋内遥控操作的需要。   在我们开始测试之前,要明确一件事情。Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005(后简称XP MCE2005 )与先前的同系列产品相比,是一套新的操作系统。Media Center是位于Windows XP操作系统平台顶端的一项应用程序,但与其它HTPC软件所不同的是,微软的Media Center已经根植于操作系统的内核,因而其与操作系统的整合是相当完美的。同时,任何可以在其它版本的Windows XP 上运行的程序也同样可以在这个操作系统下运行。XP MCE2005 是真正为高端用户定制的操作系统,而其它HTPC软件则可以用于低端应用。   我们使用了Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005的OEM产品进行此次测试,包含系统盘,快速指南,还有打微软商标的遥控器和接收器控制单元。微软方面会将光盘和遥控设备分开出售,这样给了用户更多的选择空间。实际上,由于该遥控设备是为操作系统量身定做,所以尽管购买它需要多花30美元,但我们还是要向你推荐。操作系统  Windows XP Media Center Edition是Windows系列产品中首份要由两张光盘来承载的操作系统。其安装过程与Windows XP Home/Professional Edition完全相同,不多赘述。XP Media Center Edition 2005 基于Windows XP Service Pack 2 内核,这也是第一张安装盘中的内容。而第二张盘则主要包含了基于媒体中心的一些具体的应用程序。全部安装过程持续了35分钟,要略长于xp标准版。但是从另一个角度讲,此版本无需再耗费时间去安装补丁程序。   操作系统部分运行情况与Windows XP Professional相比没有任何区别,所有原先的功能这里也都具备。而你在其它版本的Windows XP上能够运行的软件,游戏,还有驱动程序等等在这里同样还能发挥功用。换句话说, XP MCE2005是目前支持硬件驱动最多的xp版本,同时它还支持XP Professional的一些特性,例如对于多处理器的支持,对于遥控设备的支持,高级网络协议以及移动存储设备等的支持。XP Media Center  XP Media Center 同时还包含了微软最近推出的一些新应用,如Service Pack 2 中提供的Windows Security Center 和 Windows Firewall 等等。当然,与其它的xp版本一样,正版的Media Center Edition也需要在安装后30天内进行激活。
2023-07-26 23:42:481


连接网络的意思。Viber 是通过互联网进行通讯的,所以 Viber 会消耗你的手机上网流量,所有的费用就是你手机上网所必须支付的费用。
2023-07-26 23:42:461