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2023-07-28 22:18:31
TAG: 英语

yoghourt 英["jəʊgət] 美["joʊgət]

n. 酸奶酪,酵母乳;

[例句]Study on changes of quality and acidity of pollen yoghourt in storage







[词典] yoghourt; leben;


If you don"t take milk, cheese or yoghurt, other sources of calcium are important.



performance 英[pu0259u02c8fu0254:mu0259ns] 美[pu0259ru02c8fu0254:rmu0259ns] n. 表现; 表演; 演技; 执行; 谐音读法:per 佛 闷死
2023-07-27 09:33:081

key performance indicator怎么读

英文原文:key performance indicator英式音标:[kiu02d0] [pu0259u02c8fu0254u02d0m(u0259)ns] [u02c8u026andu026akeu026atu0259] 美式音标:[kiu02d0] [pu025au02c8fu0254rmu0259ns] [u02c8u026andu026aketu025a]
2023-07-27 09:33:531


人力资源:human resource(s)
2023-07-27 09:34:042

performance examine 怎么读

2023-07-27 09:34:471


2023-07-27 09:36:043

无聊 英文怎么读

无聊 英文boring
2023-07-27 09:36:144


program的读音是:英["pr??ɡr?m]。program的读音是:英["pr??ɡr?m]。program的例句是用作名词(n.)There is an interesting program on television tonight.今天晚上有一个有趣的电视节目。program【近义词】schedule时间表,日程..。一、详尽释义点此查看program的详细内容n.(名词)【计】程序 ,程式计划,大纲,方案,纲领节目课程程序设计表演,演出说明书编码指令程序表节目表,节目单v.(动词)拟...计划,为...制订计划编程序,为设计程式,设计电脑程序为...安排节目,把…列入节目使按照预定步骤表现、工作为(计算机)编制程序规划配习题及题解使按(计算机)程序工作二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]程序 a list of instructions that must be given to a computer in order to make it perform an operationv.(动词)vt. 为(计算机)编制程序 supply a computer with a plan of the operations to be performed三、英英释义Noun:a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished;"they drew up a six-step plan""they discussed plans for a new bond issue"a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need;"he proposed an elaborate program of public works""working mothers rely on the day care program"a radio or television show;"did you see his program last night?"a document stating the aims and principles of a political party;"their candidate simply ignored the party platform""they won the election even though they offered no positive program"an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event;"you can"t tell the players without a program"an integrated course of academic studies;"he was admitted to a new program at the university"(computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute;"the program required several hundred lines of code"a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation;"the program lasted more than two hours"Verb:arrange a program of or for;"program the 80th birthday party"write a computer program四、例句There is an interesting program on television tonight.今天晚上有一个有趣的电视节目。A forest conservation program has been launched in Guyana.圭亚那发起了一项保护森林的计划。The company asked a professional to write a program for producing a balance sheet.公司请一名专业人士为编制资产负债表而编写程序。Kathy is enrolled in a graduate program in journalism.凯西在大学里攻读新闻学研究生课程。The first item on the program is piano solo.节目单上的第一个节目是钢琴独奏。The computer has been programmed to calculate the gross profit margin on all sales.计算机已输入了程序指令以计算各项销售的毛利率。We need to program some time for discussion at the end of the day.今天结束时我们需要安排一些时间来进行讨论。The central heating system of the building is programmed to start working at 6 o"clock each morning.这幢大楼的中央暖气系统规定每天早晨6时开始供暖。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~boot up program自举程序,引导程序load program输入程序run program执行程序write program编写程序名词+~computer program计算机程序software program软件程序word processing program文字处理程序六、情景对话有关盗版软件A:Hey Billy. You look really frustrated this morning.嘿,比利,今天上午你看起来很沮丧。B:I think my computer must have a virus.我觉得我的电脑肯定有病毒。A:Why do you say that?你为什么这么说?B:Well, I have just tried to install some new software, but now my computer won"t work properly.唔,我刚才想装一些新软件,但是现在我的电脑不能正常工作了。A:Why didn"t you ask the propeller-heads to put the newprogram on the PC for you?你为什么不让技术人员帮你往电脑里装新程序?program的反义词B:Because it"s not really related to work. They will get mad at me.因为它与工作没有什么联系。他们会对我发脾气的。A:So where did you get the software?那你从哪儿得到这些软件?B:It was really cheap. I bought it from some guy on the street.它很便宜。我从街上的一些人那里买的。A:It is probably pirated software.它可能是盗版软件。B:Can you teach me all about pirated software so that my computer will work correctly again?你能教我所有有关盗版软件的知识吗,好让我的电脑再次正常工作。A:Listen carefully.仔细听好了。七、词源解说☆ 1633年进入英语,直接源自晚期拉丁语的programma,意为宣告,法令;最初源自古希腊语的programma,意为一种书面的公共声明。program的相关临近词programme、prognosis、programs、programm、programer、program in、programmin、program ID、programing、program box、program bus、program lab点此查看更多关于program的详细信息
2023-07-27 09:36:451


impressive的读法是:英 [u026am"presu026av],美 [u026am"presu026av].adj.(形容词)感人的,令人感动的。令人钦佩的,使人敬畏的,令人肃然起敬的。威严的。给人深刻印象的,令人难忘的。神气的,有气派的。短语搭配:1、very impressive.印象很深刻;非常的感人;非常可观。2、impressive performance.令人印象深刻的表现。3、impressive record.令人印象深刻的记录;令人赞叹的记录。4、impressive list.令人印象深刻的清单;清单令人印象深刻。5、impressive collection.印象深刻的……收藏;大量,惊人的收藏。6、impressive example.印象深刻的例子;难以忘怀的例子。7、impressive library.令人印象深刻的图书馆。双语例句:1、The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in magazines.这建筑物看上去和在杂志上一样让人印象深刻。2、It is a Potemkin party; there is little behind the impressive parliamentary group seen on television.这是一个装点门面的政党,除了电视上看到的议会党团翩翩外表并无实质内容。3、The cathedral is impressive in its austere simplicity.大教堂朴实简单,给人印象深刻。4、To Katherine, the house was trebly impressive.对凯瑟琳来说,这房子极其壮观。5、His team played some impressive football.他的球队踢法令人印象深刻。6、Communal pride in impressive local buildings.全社区对于予人深刻印象的当地建筑的自豪。7、A good English dictionary is a golden key to an impressive command of English.一本好的英语词典是学好英语的金钥匙。8、He has real style. / He has an impressive bearing.他真有气派。9、The interest on this principal will be quite impressive.这笔本金的利息会相当可观。10、He looks quite impressive in this suit.他穿上这身衣裳,多气派。
2023-07-27 09:36:561


2023-07-27 09:37:262


给予jǐ yǔ【近义词】赐予、予以【反义词】接受、取得、索取【基本解释】使别人得到;给。给付jǐ fù给付有多重含义,它既可以指履行行为(Performance),又可以指“完成、取得,即履行的结果。一般认为,给付是债的标的,“债之标的,谓构成债的关系之内容之债务人行为,即债权人所得为请求及债务人所应实行者是也。自债务人方面言之,则为给付。”其一般存在于双务合同中。
2023-07-27 09:39:073


2023-07-27 09:39:198

performance做性能解释时 可数么?

2023-07-27 09:39:524

performance 怎么读

2023-07-27 09:40:432


2023-07-27 09:43:241

法律中的给付 给予 怎么读

ji fu ; ji yu
2023-07-27 09:43:374


all in all
2023-07-27 09:45:309


sweep英语读音是:英[swiːp]、美[swiːp]。sweep,英文单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为扫去,清除,推送,吹走;席卷,横扫;步态轻盈地走;挥动;迅速传播;扫视,搜索,检查;掠过;梳;蜿蜒,作名词时意为打扫;挥动;巡行,搜索;扫描;呈缓坡或曲线延伸的地带;广度,范围;囊括全部胜利。短语搭配:sweep off拂去;大量清除;扫去;扫清。sweep rate扫描速度;扫描速率;扫描率。sweep templete造模刮板;制模刮板。Temperature Sweep温度扫描分析;温度扫描;温度分析;温度扫描分析参数设置。Sweep Time扫描时间;扫频速率;扫描。Sweep speed扫描速度。sweep generator扫描振荡器;扫频信号发生器;扫描频率发生器。Sweep Oar单桨;大桨。Sweep Algorithm扫描法;扫描线算法。sweep用作动词的基本意思是指用扫帚等在物体的表面扫过,从而使其变得清洁干净起来,即“扫,打扫”。用于比喻可指“横扫”“环视”“掠过”“席卷”等。双语例句:1、Give the room a good sweep.把房间好好打扫一下。2、You"d better damp down the ground and then sweep it.你最好先在地上洒一层水,然后再打扫。3、He swept into the lead with an almost perfect performance.他以几近完美的表现跨入领先位置。4、Her book covers the long sweep of the country"s history.她的著作涵盖了该国漫长的历史。
2023-07-27 09:46:261


excuse的读音是 /u026aku02c8skjuu02d0z/。excuse的发音可分为两个音节:第一个音节 "ex"(/u026aks/)读成“艾克斯”,第二个音节 "cuse"(/kjuu02d0z/)读成“库斯”。重音在第二个音节上,也就是"cuse"这个音节上。整个单词的发音是/u026aku02c8skjuu02d0z/。“excuse”可以作为名词,表示"借口"、"理由";也可以作为动词,表示"原谅"、"理解"、"允许"。excuse的意思:借口、理由。例如“Please give me an excuse for your absence。”请给我一个你缺席的借口。有关excuse的例句:1、Can you excuse me for a minute? I have to take this phone call。(请原谅我一下,我需要接这个电话。)2、I"m sorry, but I don"t have an excuse for my behavior。(对不起,我的行为没有借口。)3、Please excuse my child"s behavior. He doesn"t know any better。(请原谅我的孩子的行为。他还不懂事。)4、The company didn"t excuse poor performance just because the employee was new。(公司并没有因为员工是新来的而免除其表现不佳的责任。)5、Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest pharmacy?(请问,请告诉我如何到达最近的药店?)excuse的用法1、excuse是一个英文单词,可以表示名词或动词。作为名词,它的意思是“借口”、“理由”,例如“Can you give me an excuse for your absence?”(请给我一个你缺席的借口。)。作为动词,它的意思是“原谅”、“理解过”、“免除责任”、“允许”,例如“You can excuse him for being late this time。”(这一次,你可以原谅他迟到。)2、使用 "excuse" 时,要根据上下文语境来确定它的确切含义。例如,“excuse me” 可以作为礼貌用语表示“请原谅一下”,“excuse somebody from a task” 表示“免除某人的任务责任”,“make an excuse” 表示“找借口”,需要在使用中根据具体情况确定正确的含义,避免使用不当造成误解。
2023-07-27 09:46:541


读音:普律斯/普律 (最后斯的音要看语境和意思,有的时候发音有的时候不发音)读:普律斯的时候,意思是:相加 (相当于加法)读:普律的时候,意思是:更加的 (用作比较级)
2023-07-27 09:48:372


increase的音标:英[u026anu02c8kriu02d0s , u02c8u026au014bkriu02d0s];美[u026anu02c8kriu02d0s , u02c8u026au014bkriu02d0s]。increase是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“增加;增多;增长”,作动词时意思是“增加;增大;提高;增强”。increase的基本意思是“增加,扩大”,可指由于自然繁殖导致数目的增加,也可指人为地增大体积,增加财富、工资、数量、力量、强度、速度、尺寸或权力、影响。increase既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语;后接介词by时表示增加的具体数量;后接介词in时表示在某方面的增加;后接介词to时表示“增加到”;后接介词with时表示“随着什么增长”。increase的双语例句1、This year,we should have 10% increase.今年,我们应该会有10%的增长。2、Performance in many jobs depends on how much you know and how well you know it, both of which increase well into your 60s.你在许多工作中的表现都依赖于你对它了解的多少与深浅,这两者在你60多岁之前都会随你的年纪不断地增长。3、What if we increase price by 10%?如果我们增加价格10%,怎么办?
2023-07-27 09:49:071

company怎么读 英语company怎么读

1、company英[u02c8ku028cmpu0259ni]美[u02c8ku028cmpu0259ni],; 商号; 商行; 剧团; 演出团; 陪伴; 做伴。 2、[例句]The company needs to improve performance in all these areas.公司需要在所有这些方面改善业绩。
2023-07-27 09:49:201


risoluto的音标为 /riu02d0zu0259u02c8luu02d0tu0259u028a/,重音在第二个音节上。"Risoluto"是一个意大利语词汇,通常用于音乐领域,表示坚定、果断、有力的演奏方式。在音乐术语中,"risoluto"表示要求音乐家将音符演奏出强烈、有力、坚定的感觉。在其他场合中,"risoluto"也可以用于表示某人的行动或决定坚定有力。有关“risoluto”的句子:The pianist played the final notes of the sonata with a risoluto style, leaving the audience in awe of his powerful performance.(钢琴家以坚定果断的演奏方式演奏奏鸣曲的最后几个音符,令观众对他强大的表现力感到敬畏。)Despite the challenges, the team moved forward with a risoluto determination to achieve their goals.(尽管面临着挑战,但团队仍以坚定有力的决心前进,以实现他们的目标。)The conductor signaled the orchestra to play the piece with a risoluto tempo, emphasizing the piece"s strong and decisive character.(指挥示意管弦乐队以坚定有力的速度演奏这首曲子,强调这首曲子的强烈和果断的特点。)
2023-07-27 09:51:251


entire意思:完全的。短语搭配Entire Postcard 实寄片。entire life 一生一世 ; 整个生命 ; 总使用期限。entire fairness 完全公平 ; 完全公正原则 ; 彻底公平 ; 完全公平标准。Entire Network 整个网络 ; 全部网络。Entire File 整个文件 ; 翻译 ; 整个文件英语。entire contract 不可分合同 ; 完全合同 ; 不可分割 ; 整体合同。例句:1、She spewed up the entire meal.她把吃的饭全吐出来了。2、Double-space the entire list.隔行写整个清单。3、She videotaped the entire trip.她录下了整个旅程。4、The entire village was destroyed.整个村庄都给毁了。5、Her smile illuminated her entire being.微笑使她整个人神采奕奕。
2023-07-27 09:47:361


2023-07-27 09:47:366


2023-07-27 09:47:412

solidworks 的toolbox怎么打开?

2023-07-27 09:47:495


2023-07-27 09:47:513

throw red paint on什么意思?

2023-07-27 09:47:552


I"ll try to forget you! 翻译成我将会努力忘记你,manage to do sth.是试法成功做某事,侧重于已经成功的完成某事了,而且跟 try one"s best to do sth.一样都是比较测重于积极的方面,例如努力学习,努力超越某人的意思,所以顾名思义~~
2023-07-27 09:47:561


2023-07-27 09:47:571

求forget you和fuck you的英文歌词,中英对照也更好。发我邮箱。

I see you driving "round town With the girl i love and i"m like, Fuck you! Oo, oo, ooo I guess the change in my pocket Wasn"t enough i"m like, Fuck you! And fuck her too! I said, if i was richer, i"d still be with ya Ha, now ain"t that some shit? (ain"t that some shit?) And although there"s pain in my chest I still wish you the best with a... Fuck you! Oo, oo, ooo Yeah i"m sorry, i can"t afford a ferrari, But that don"t mean i can"t get you there. I guess he"s an xbox and i"m more atari, But the way you play your game ain"t fair. I pity the fool that falls in love with you (oh shit she"s a gold digger) Well (just thought you should know nigga) Ooooooh I"ve got some news for you Yeah go run and tell your little boyfriend Now i know, that i had to borrow, Beg and steal and lie and cheat. Trying to keep ya, trying to please ya. "Cause being in love with you ass ain"t cheap. I pity the fool that falls in love with you (oh shit she"s a gold digger) Well (just thought you should know nigga) Ooooooh I"ve got some news for you Yeah go run and tell your little boyfriend (chorus) Now baby, baby, baby, why d"you wanna wanna hurt me so bad? (so bad, so bad, so bad) I tried to tell my mamma but she told me "this is one for your dad" (your dad, your dad, your dad) Uh! Whhhy? Uh! Whhhy? Uh! Whhhy lady? Oh! I love you oh! I still love you. Oooh!
2023-07-27 09:48:031


那是华为平板侧边栏功能,不需要的话在设置里可以关闭平板电脑也叫平板计算机(英文:Tablet Personal Computer,简称Tablet PC、Flat Pc、Tablet、Slates),是一种小型、方便携带的个人电脑,以触摸屏作为基本的输入设备。它拥有的触摸屏(也称为数位板技术)允许用户通过触控笔或数字笔来进行作业而不是传统的键盘或鼠标。用户可以通过内建的手写识别、屏幕上的软键盘、语音识别或者一个真正的键盘(如果该机型配备的话)实现输入。目前市场上平板电脑系统三分天下,iOS系统、Windows和Android。
2023-07-27 09:48:051


filial piety 孝顺,孝心 He is a man of filial piety
2023-07-27 09:48:075

求never forget you的歌词

I used to be so happy but without you here I feel so low我曾经很幸福但没有你我心情很失落I watched you as you left but I can never seem to let you go我看着你离开,但我永远不会让你走Cause once upon a time you were my everything因为你曾经是我的全部It"s clear to see that time hasn"t changed a thing不难发现时间没有改变任何事物It"s buried deep inside me but I feel there"s something you should know我想你应该知道有一些难以言表的东西藏在我内心深处I will never forget you我永远不会忘记你You will always be by my side你会一直在我身边From the day that I met you从我看见你的那天开始I knew that I would love you "til the day I die我就知道我会爱你到死And I will never want much more我不会奢求更多And in my heart, I will always be sure但在我心里,我非常确定I will never forget you我永远不会忘记你And you will always be by my side你会一直在我身边"Til the day I die直到我死去的那天Til the day I die直到我死去的那天Til the day I die直到我死去的那天Til the day I die直到我死去的那天Funny how we both end up here but everything seems so right可笑的是我们之间已经结束了但一切似乎又那么的正确I wonder what would happen if we went back and put up a fight我幻想如果我们回到过去打一架会发生什么Cause once upon a time you were my everything因为曾经你就是我的全部It"s clear to see that time hasn"t changed a thing不难发现时间没有改变任何事物So what do you think could ever take you off my mind?你认为你能消失在我的脑海里吗?I will never forget you我永远不会忘记你You will always be by my side你会一直在我身边From the day that I met you从我看你的第一眼起I knew that I would love you "til the day I die我就知道我会爱你到永远And I will never want much more我并不想奢求更多And in my heart, I will always be sure但在我心里,我非常确定I will never forget you我永远不会忘记你And you will always be by my side你会一直在我身边"Til the day I die直到我死去的那天Feeling it, loving it, everything that we do感觉并爱上我们所做的一切And all along, I knew I had something special with you一直以来,我都觉得我和你之间有什么特别的东西But sometimes you just gotta know that these things fall through但有时你只认为这些东西都是浮云But I"m still tied and I can"t hide my connection with you但我们之间仍然有着千丝万缕的联系,这无法隐藏Feeling it, loving it, everything that we do感觉并爱上我们所做的一切And all along, I knew I had something special with you一直以来,我都觉得我和你之间有什么特别的东西But sometimes you just gotta know that these things fall through但有时你只认为这些东西都是浮云I can"t hide my connection with you我和你藕断丝连I will never forget you我永远不会忘记你You will always be by my side你会一直在我身边From the day that I met you从我看见你的第一天开始I knew that I would love you "til the day I die我就知道我会爱你到永远And I will never want much more我并不想奢求更多And in my heart, I will always be sure但在我心里,我非常确定I will never forget you我永远不会忘记你And you will always be by my side你会一直在我身边"Til the day I die直到我死去的那天Til the day I die, "til the day I die, "til the day I die直到我死去的那天(Til the day I die, "til the day I die, "til the day I die)直到我死去的那天And you will always be by my side你会一直在我身边I will never forget you我永远不会忘记你(I will never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never)永远不会I will never forget you我永远不会忘记你Til the day I die直到我死去的那天
2023-07-27 09:48:111

Never Gonna Stop (The Red, Red Kroovy) 歌词

歌曲名:Never Gonna Stop (The Red, Red Kroovy)歌手:Rob Zombie专辑:The Sinister UrgeNever Gonna StopRob Zombieyeahmy durango number 95take me to the homekick bootsand ultra livesee heaven flasha horrorshowknock it niceand smoothstep back andwatch it flow yeahnever gonna stop menever gonna stopnever gonna stop menever gonna stopnever gonna stop menever gonna stopnever gonna stop menever gonna stopyeahthe devil ridea dinosaurhe paint the monster redso the blood don"tstain the floorin outreal savage showsorry as a shotcame sicknesswatch it flow yeahnever gonna stop menever gonna stopnever gonna stop menever gonna stopnever gonna stop menever gonna stopnever gonna stop menever gonna stop.........yeahmy durango number 95take me to the homekick bootsand ultra livesee heaven flasha horrorshowknock it niceand smoothstep back andwatch it flow yeahnever gonna stop menever gonna stopnever gonna stop menever gonna stopnever gonna stop menever gonna stopnever gonna stop menever gonna stop.........
2023-07-27 09:48:141

solidworks2010安装时出现“找不到所安装的 Toolbox 文件夹: C:SolidWorks Data2”,怎么回事

2023-07-27 09:48:152


2023-07-27 09:47:336

EXPOTUS 是啥意思?好像不是英语

The former president of the United States
2023-07-27 09:47:322


lenovo think vantage toolbox联想 思考优势工具包是一个旨在帮助您充分利用您的Think系统的支持性应用程序。其核心是在Think系统上运用了十多年的诊断功能及系统信息。
2023-07-27 09:47:321

l can,t forget you是什么意思?

2023-07-27 09:47:308

entire 什么意思

entire [英][u026anu02c8tau026au0259(r)][美][u025bnu02c8tau026ar] adj.全部的; 整个的; 全体的; 囫囵; 例句 God created the entire universe. 上帝创造了整个宇宙.
2023-07-27 09:47:281

关于孝道的英语作文 高分

选自大耳朵英语的一则新闻:中国伦理学会慈孝专业文化委员会计划用五年时间,在全国培养百万4至6岁的中华小孝子,并倡议天下父母要从小培养孩子有孝心,为孩子做孝道榜样。教育工作者认为,4-6岁是培养孩子孝心的最佳时期。请看《中国日报》的报道:The special committee of filial piety under the China National Association for Ethical Studies announced on Sunday that it aims to help 1 million children between the ages of 4 and 6 learn about filial piety, which is deeply rooted in China"s traditional culture.中国伦理学会慈孝专业文化委员会周日宣布将致力于帮助100万年龄在4岁到6岁之间的儿童学习中国传统文化中的孝道。上文报道中的filial piety就是“孝道”,由儒家创始人孔子提出,并提倡,filial piety is one of the virtues to be held above all else(百善孝为先),强调the responsibility to care for, respect, and obey parents(照顾、尊敬并顺从父母之责)。这个百万小孝子工程计划培养出100万名filial children(孝子),尽管original intention(初衷)很好,但100天的培训项目是否真能培养出孝子,就不得而知了。近年来,中国传统文化日益受到重视和发扬,例如让学生穿上traditional Han costumes(汉服),举行coming-of-age ceremony(成人礼),给入学的孩子举行first writing ceremony(开笔礼)等。可以参考一下哈 特定词语再处理加工一下就可以了
2023-07-27 09:47:253


当归的功效和作用及禁忌   你想知道当归的功效和作用及禁忌是什么吗?当归是我们日常生活中比较常见的中药,很多家里经常会煲一些当归汤来喝,那么当归到底有什么功效呢?下面我整理了关于当归的功效和作用及禁忌的内容,一起来看看吧。   当归的功效和作用及禁忌1    当归的功效与作用及禁忌   部分 功效 :调经、止痛、补血、活血、润肠、通便。   部分 作用 :适用于月经不调、血虚萎黄、经闭痛经、虚寒腹痛、眩晕心悸、风湿痹痛、肠燥便秘。   使用 禁忌 :湿阻中满人群谨慎服用当归;大便溏泄人群谨慎服用当归;产后胎前亦不得服用当归。    当归的功效与作用    1当归治未婚女子月水不通。   当归有治未婚女子月水不通的"作用,可以用一两当归、半两干漆、半两芎藭这三味中药捣罗为细末,加入蜂蜜炼蜜和丸如梧桐子大,每次用温酒服下二十丸。    2当归治血崩。   当归有治血崩的作用,可以用一两当归,二两炒赤的龙骨、三钱香炒附子、五钱棕毛灰这四味中药一起研磨成为细末,在空心服的情况下用米饮调下三四钱。    3当归治大便不通。   当归治大便不通的作用,可以用适量当归与白芷等分一起研磨成为细粉末,每服用米汤服下二钱。4当归治心痛,胃脘痛,腹痛喜按。   当归治心痛胃脘痛的作用,可以用9克当归、4、5克肉桂、30克黄芪这三味中药混合后用水煎药温服。    当归副作用、禁忌、注意事项   在使用当归时,可以单独使用当归,也可以搭配干漆、芍药、芎藭、龙骨、附子、白芷、肉桂、黄芪、红花等中药来使用,湿阻中满人群谨慎服用当归;大便溏泄人群谨慎服用当归;产后胎前亦不得服用当归。   当归的功效和作用及禁忌2    当归的选购   当归根略呈圆柱形,下部有支根3至5条或更多,长1、5至2、5厘米,表面棕黄色至棕褐色,具纵皱纹及横长皮也。根头(归头)直径1、5至4厘米,具环纹,主根(归身)表面凹凸不平;支根(归尾)直径0、3至1厘米,上粗下细,多扭曲。质柔韧,断面黄白色或淡黄棕色,形成层环黄棕色,皮部有多数棕色油点及裂隙,木部射线细密,有浓郁香气,味甜,微苦,有麻舌感。以主根粗长、枝根少,滑润,断面黄白色,香气浓郁者为佳。   当归的存储   置阴凉干燥处,防潮,防蛀。    当归的食用方法   1、主要以辅疗形式添加到粥,汤中。   2、一般生用,为加强活血则酒炒用。又通常补血宜当归身,破血宜当归尾,止血宜当归炭,酒制可增活力之力;和血(补血活血)用全当归。   3、心肝血虚而见面色萎黄、唇爪无华、头晕目眩、心悸肢麻者,可与熟地、白芍、川芎配伍 ,则补血之力更强。?   4、月经不调,属肝郁气滞,经来先后无定期者,可与柴胡、白芍、白术等同用。?   5、年老体弱、产后、久病血虚肠燥便秘者可与火麻仁、枳壳、生地配伍。    当归的别名:   秦归、云归、西当归、岷当归    当归的功效与作用:   甘、辛,温。归肝、心、脾经。补血活血,调经止痛,润肠通便。用于血虚萎黄、眩晕心悸、月经不调、经闭痛经、虚寒腹痛、肠燥便秘、风湿痹痛、跌扑损伤、痈疽疮疡。   当归的营养价值:   当归有抗血小板凝集和抗血栓作用,并能促进血红蛋白及红细胞的生成;中药当归有抗心肌缺血和扩张血管作用,中药当归还有镇静、镇痛、抗炎、抗缺氧、抗辐射损伤及抑制某些肿瘤株生长和体外抗菌作用等。    当归的适用人群:   宜:妇女月经不调,痛经闭经,崩漏,或产后出血过多,恶露不下,腹胀疼痛者宜食;血虚体弱,气血不足,头痛头晕者宜食;老年肠燥便秘者宜食。   忌:慢性腹泻,大便溏薄者忌食。    当归功效   当归归肝、心、脾和大肠经,通过长期的临床观察,中医早已明确其补血活血、调经止痛、润肠通便等主要功能。正如清代《本草经百种录》所说:“当归为血家必用之药……实为养血之要品。”若分用,当归身长于补血、润肠,当归尾长于活血止痛。   现代研究对当归有了新的认识。它含有挥发油、有机酸、氨基酸、维生素、微量元素等多种物质,能显著促进机体造血功能,升高红细胞、白细胞和血红蛋白含量;抑制血小板凝聚,抗血栓,调节血脂;抗心肌缺血、心律失常,扩张血管,降低血压;调节子宫平滑肌。还能增强免疫、抗炎、保肝、抗辐射、抗氧化和清除自由基等。    功能主治   1、甘温质润,为补血要药、用于心肝血虚,面色萎黄,眩晕心悸等、如四物汤、若气血两虚者,如当归补血汤,人参养营汤等、   2、既能补血,活血,又能调经,为妇科要药、用于血虚或血虚而兼有瘀滞的月经不调,痛经,经闭等症、   3、补血活血,又兼能散寒止痛,用于血虚,血滞而兼有寒凝,以及跌打损伤,风湿痹阻的疼痛证、现代用于冠心病心绞痛,血栓闭塞性脉管炎等,亦取得一定疗效、   4、既能活血消肿止痛,又能补血生肌,故亦为外科痈疽疮疡所常用、   5、养血润肠通便功效用于血虚肠燥便秘、
2023-07-27 09:47:251


2023-07-27 09:47:251


  近代美国总统中是民主党人有詹姆斯·诺克斯·波尔克,福兰克林·皮尔斯,詹姆斯·布坎南等等;是共和党人有亚伯拉罕·林肯,安德鲁·约翰逊, 尤里西斯·格兰特等等。  美利坚合众国总统(President of the United States of America,缩写POTUS)是美利坚合众国的国家元首、政府首脑与三军统帅,一般被称为Mr. President(总统先生)。  根据现行的美国宪法第22修正案,美国总统任期4年,可以连任一届。  法律上说总统由选举人团于选举年12月“间接选举”产生,但选举人投票意向由选民事先决定,绝大多数州和首都实行“胜者全得”制度,即在一州或首都获得选民票最多者获得该州或首都所有选举人票,因此总统选举结果在11月选民投票日就已成定局。  各州选举人票多寡取决于各州人口,因此人口多的州为大选争夺主要目标。
2023-07-27 09:47:201


2023-07-27 09:47:183


2023-07-27 09:47:134


恩 POTUS triple 1POTUS = President of the United States
2023-07-27 09:47:123


2023-07-27 09:47:102

never i forget you什么意思

2023-07-27 09:47:094