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how often do you meet deadlines 这句话什么意思啊

2023-07-31 09:24:03


How often 的意思,不是多久(How Long),翻译器害人!同义是How frequently,中文没好的说法,最正确的概念是 有多经常,频率多少。

meet deadlines 的意思是截止期前完成任务。




how often 针对频率而提问,表示做某事的频率。相应的回答比如“1小时3次、5天1次”之类的。



就是说你能按时完成的频率是多少, like always, seldom






英语against deadlines怎么翻译?

英语against deadlines可以翻译成,对最后期限
2023-07-31 01:08:069

英语before deadline怎么翻译?

“before deadline”的英语翻译为“截止日期前”。
2023-07-31 01:08:299

求这段英语段子的语法,翻译.Because Americans believe time is a limited re?

因为美国人认为时间是一项有限的资源,所以他们试着去爱惜时间且加以管理.人在美国经常参加研讨会或阅读关于时间管理的书.似乎他们都想组织精良.专业人士随身带着口袋型记事本,有些甚至是电子形式——跟踪所订的约会与工作截止日期.人们尽其所能有限的时间内挤出更多的时间.早期的美国英雄本杰明·富兰克林将这种想法表达得最淋漓尽致:“你爱生命吗?然后不要浪费,因为生命是由时间组成的.”,6,因为美国人认为时间是一种有限的资源,他们试图保护和管理it.people在usofen参加研讨会或阅读时间management.it书似乎他们都希望自己的时间安排bettr.professionals随身携带的口袋里规划者,在一些电子表单,以保持约会和deadlines.people轨道尽一切所能来榨取更多的生活出他们的时间。早期的美国英雄本杰明·富兰克林将这种想法表达最好的:“你爱生活,那么就不...,2,你直接百度在线翻译吧,1,求这段英语段子的语法,翻译.Because Americans believe time is a limited resource,they try to conserve and manage it.People in the U.S.ofen attend seminars or read books on time management.It seems they all want to organize their time bettr.Professionals carry around pocket planners–some in electronic form –to keep track of appointments and deadlines.People do all they can to squeeze more life out of their time.The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed this view best:"Do you love life?Then do not waste,for that is the stuff life is made of."
2023-07-31 01:09:231

如何完成一款游戏? 独立游戏制作

对于开发者来说,往往有三种类型的游戏特别具有吸引力:我想做的,我想做成的和我擅长做的。   我想做的游戏(Games I want to make),是指开发这游戏的过程本身很有意思。也许是这个游戏机制很有趣值得一试,又或者是这个人物很有特色,我想要将它实现。   我想做成的游戏(Games I want to have made),并不是要求过程有多有趣,而是更看重结果。有可能游戏内容是一个完全没有限制的(比如《 最终幻想 》加上《GTA》加上《星际争霸》等等),又或者是一个单纯的想法,但是并不需要趣味性来支撑我去实现它。   我擅长做的游戏(Games I"m good at making)是指那些和我本身性格符合,我又有过类似经验的游戏。就和其他艺术创造一样,每个人都会有自己特别擅长的领域,在这些领域,你就能完全发挥自己的才能或者说,特别有天赋。   在我个人看来,最有潜力(换句话说,至少你能够完成的)的项目往往是坐落于三者的交集之中。你想做的,代表着最初的初心和动力;而你希望做成的,本身就是一种决心的体现;最后你擅长的,就会增加项目成功的几率和减少失败挫折导致项目夭折的机会。当然,除此之外,最好还要保证有充足的时间和充分的资源。    2.赶紧开干吧   写下游戏的想法并不是代表已经开始制作游戏了。同样地,哪怕你写了上万页的游戏设计稿也不代表你开始了这个游戏的制作。又或者组建了自己的团队,或者画了些草图,开始了音乐的择选,这些都不算,只能说是游戏的准备阶段。   要记住一点:一个游戏,是可以被玩家玩的。如果都没有完成一个可供人去操作的东西,那么这就不是一个游戏。   很多人在有一个想法或者只是注册了Unity账号,又或者下载了制作软件,敲下了一行代码,就开始到处吆喝自己是独立开发者了,但其实,什么都还没有开始。    3.如非必要,不要轻易尝试开发新技术   总有些人喜欢尝试自己开发一款引擎,但是,真的有必要吗?如果已经存在合适的工具,那么为什么还要浪费大把的时间和精力在一些”不可能的任务“上呢?当然,开发一款属于自己的引擎,能让你更好的打磨自己的游戏。但并不是任何时候都需要的,真正需要你去定制自己的引擎的机会并不是那么频繁。如果太过执着于此,你就会发现你花在做引擎上的时间要远远多于你开发游戏的时间。   还是那句话,要记住,真正重要的是游戏本身,不要花过多精力在不必要的地方。    4.原型很重要   利用你现有的一切先完成一个原型。   有的时候,你可能会怀疑,在这里放一只蝙蝠合适吗?又或者在犹豫一些看起来更好的点子。通常,我发现其实真的很难靠想象去判断一个点子是不是合理,更多时候,在我开始制作了,才发现原来这个想法走不通。   所以,不要想太多,先做起来,实践是检验想法的唯一标准。    5.确保核心玩法的趣味性   你需要确保的一点是,游戏的核心玩法是真的有趣的。因为这往往是支撑玩家一直玩下去的最关键的要素。而最终,你会需要这个核心玩法来支持你开发下去。同样地,这也会让你后来需要做减法时更加容易做出判断。因为你必须了解你的核心在哪里。   而在做原型阶段,你可能会发现一种更有趣的核心玩法。如果是这种情况,你可以考虑采取这个新的核心玩法。    6.选择一个靠谱的搭档(不然就一个人能干多久干多久) 从很多方面来看,找到一个靠谱的游戏开发伙伴就和约会一样。也许一开始,你会觉得”技巧“是最重要的,”太棒了,我是一个程序员,而她是一个艺术家,完美的组合,让我们开始做吧!“但是,你往往忽略了其他的重要因素,比如性格,经验,时间和兴趣。就好比恋爱关系一样,你并不希望处于一个某一方并不"上心"的关系里。你可以在一开始,先通过一些小型的项目来试验,看下彼此是否合拍,能否长时间的合作。否则,如果游戏开发途中,一个关键的人员撂挑子了,那对于你来说会非常痛苦。   同样,对于你的搭档来说,你也需要让他了解到,你是可以信赖的,你有能力来完成这个游戏,这样,他也会更加放心。对于那些经验丰富的“大师”们来说,你很难仅仅靠一个想法去说服他们加入你的团队,毕竟有那么多点子都熬不到见天日的那一刻,不到最后完成时,人们也很难去判断一个想法是否真的有价值。所以,好的搭档往往是希望在你身上看到可以完成这个游戏的确定性。   当然,你也可以选择从网上找一些免费的音乐或者图片素材。作为一个美术师,我发现,对于那些仅仅只差美术的完成度很高的游戏来说,我反而能够提供更多的帮助。又或者你缺一个程序员……可以考虑自己学(如果我可以,你也可以的!),不然就试着用一些制作游戏的软件吧。    7.反复打磨应是计划之中   相信我,大部分的游戏开发过程是十分无聊和无趣的。这并不是玩,而是工作。有可能在某个节点,你会突然意识到自己在一开始计划和做原型的时候漏掉了很多——比如菜单,存取档,屏幕切换等。此刻,你也许会想咆哮“我他喵的是想做好玩的游戏,想要创造一个新世界,并不是花几个星期只是为了让功能菜单看起来不像一坨屎啊啊啊啊”。   更有甚者,一些过程在数量少或者工程量小的时候,还是很有趣的。比如说创造一个角色,画一两张设计图又或者动画还是很有意思的,但是,当你意识到你要画100个不同的角色时……   一旦你经历过几次之后,你就会意识到,从一开始就规划好你的项目是多么重要,至少避免你花太多时间在这些不可避免的泥潭中("太多时间"的定义是长到让你想要放弃的时间)。   但是,你也必须意识到,正是这些繁琐无聊的打磨,才使得你的游戏可以完整的诞生。哪怕是一个好看的标题,都会给游戏增色不少。    8.用奖励,竞赛或者其他活动来作为你的“DeadLines”   当Alec和我在制作《Aquaria》时, 独立游戏 节(IGF)的最后提交日期,不仅逼迫我们需要做一些困难的决定(包括整个大的方向的调整),更迫使我们需要更加现实地来面对我们的时间安排。   如果没有那个期限,我想我们很有可能无法完成这个游戏。这种比赛往往很值得参加,一方面是因为它们的最后期限就在那里,非常真实;另一方面,大赛的奖品(认可,奖杯,可能还有奖金)也非常真实。   更重要的是,他会给你提供一个和相似的人们建立联系的机会,你会认识很多和你一样的开发者们。    9.向前推进   感觉卡住了?那么就推自己一把吧。   跳过这个,先开始下一个关卡,下一个敌人,或者随便下一个什么。这不仅是为了维持你的兴趣,更关键的是,只有继续下去,你才能看到整个游戏的全貌是怎么样的。就好比写作一样,你并不会只有在确保每个句子都完美无误的情况下,才写下一句,而是一句一句地写下去。   至少,先完成一个大纲。    10.保证健康:身体和心理spacer.gif   当你在投入于完成一个游戏时,往往很容易忽略自身的健康。但是说实话,如果你不睡觉,不运动或者不好好吃饭,只会给制作游戏帮倒忙。最后,你会发现你没有在开发中完全发挥所有的潜力,只是在加深自己想要退出的念头。   对一个项目产生怀疑,是一个非常自然的过程,但是如果因此而患上忧郁症又或者染上疾病却是不应该的。当你的身体和心理都无法承受的时候,往往更加容易厌工——不想要继续开发下去。   所以,保证身心健康很重要,至少让你在与游戏开发抗争时,不那么痛苦,也不会轻易妥协投降。    11.别再为重头来过找借口spacer.gif   “(这次)我编程太烂了,但是我学到了很多。如果我重新来过,我肯定会做得更好更快,整个游戏也会开发得更顺畅!”   停!不是这样的。这种情况在游戏开发中非常常见:你的编程总是很烂,你总是会学到很多,游戏总是可能变得更完美。但是,如果你当真重头再来,很快会发现你还是会陷入同样的境地,甚至,是在同样的节点。因为,当你开始这样想的时候,就已经掉入陷阱了。   有个小笑话:一个人花了一辈子的时间去开发一个非常完美的游戏引擎,有了这个引擎,他只需要按一个按钮,然后就会有一个完美的游戏自动生成。好吧,其实这并不是一个笑话,我只是想说,他从没有完成,世上也不会有这样的引擎或者游戏。   如果你确信现在的组织结构非常糟糕,拖了后腿,那么,你也可以试着退回去,做一些“手术”除掉让你觉得不舒服的地方。如果你觉得这真的管用,但是会有一点困难,那么勇敢点,放手一搏吧!    12.留给下一个游戏吧   在游戏开发的途中,甚至是后期,你可能会突然冒出一个“屌爆了”的新想法,但是,你真的有必要去重头再来只是为了增加这个想法到这个游戏里去吗?   留给下一个游戏吧。   难道不是吗?这又不会是你做的最后一款游戏(希望是这样)。   如果始终无法完成,那么再伟大的想法也没有任何意义!所以,当务之急是先完成手头上的这个,把这个伟大的点子留给下一个游戏,或者下一个版本吧。    13.做减法spacer.gif   妈蛋,你发现落后时间线
2023-07-31 01:09:301


服务时间 [词典] [计] service time; [例句]申请人还必须提供给工作,延长服务时间和周末,必要时,以满足项目最后期限。Applicants must also be available to work extended hours and weekends when necessary to meet project deadlines.
2023-07-31 01:09:391


4.1 Party A than agreed in the contract of the project be completed, candidates are Party B agrees to pay and Party B to catch up with the work measures.4.2 the party is not in complete agreement, and deadlines, Deadlines extended.4.3 the consultant"s responsibility to not work as scheduled or half-way without undue downtime impact deadlines, deadlines are not extended, and compensation for party losses. 4.4 due to design changes or non-Party B caused the power outage, suspension of water supply, gas and force majeure factors, downtime over 8 Hours Duration, extension.
2023-07-31 01:09:471

meeting deadlines是什么意思

meeting deadline 全部释义和例句>> 会议最后期限————————————————希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!
2023-07-31 01:10:221

meet tight deadlines是什么意思

meet tight deadlines遇到紧张的最后期限例句:1.Today"s design engineer must rapidly assess new solutions to meet tight deadlines.
2023-07-31 01:10:302


Proof of personal income Mr. so and so to a certain company employees. The President in a certain period in my company. Working period of 10 years. Is XXXXX positions as our company. President of the company in my monthly salary of approximately RMB XXXX, XXXXX-year revenue of about RMB wages. XXXXX yuan in prize money The company, Mr. XXXXXX yuan annual income (after tax). 12W almost to the above-mentioned commitment with these units proved to be correct, true Hereby proved. XXXXXXXX company (seal) corporate (seal) XXXX in XX days on XX
2023-07-31 01:10:414


2023-07-31 01:11:012


2023-07-31 01:11:125


  1.Don"t be a yes /no man , be a good lieutenant。   不要做一个"唯唯诺诺者/否定论者",做一个"优秀的中尉"。   Offer polite, constructive criticism, and do your best to see how your boss"s plans are feasible。   有礼貌地提出建设性意见,并尽可能看到你上司的方案的可行性。   2.Give your realistic deadlines 告诉上司现实的截止日期   Give yourself a bit of extra time to get the job done properly, and if you get things done early, the boss will be impressed。   应当稍微高估完成既定任务需要花费的时间,并且,如果你"提前"完成任务,上司会对你印象深刻。   3.Get problems solved early 提前解决问题   Let your boss know immediately about any problems that crop up, he will be grateful if u give him enough time to solve it。   立刻让你的上司知道任何突然出现的问题,要是你给上司足够的时间来解决这些问题,他/她最后会很感激。   4. Personal appearance is important. 个人形象很重要!   Dress professionally , keep a breath mint and comb handy, and make a clean and well organized work station。   永远专业着装、随身带薄荷糖和梳子,保持一个清洁并摆放整齐的工作场。   5.Take the initiative 积极主动   If u see there is room for improvement, write a proposal and float the idea to your boss。   如果你发现其中的改进空间,那么,写下建议并把想法告诉上司。   6.Respect your boss"s time 尊重上司的时间   Don"t bother your boss if he is on phone or is elbows deep in work, and try to solve the problem if you can solve yourself。   如果你的上司在打电话或者专心工作,重新考虑你要找他/她处理的问题的紧急程度,不要在你自己可以解决的小问题上浪费上司的时间。   7.Take on your boss"s unpleasant tasks 接受上司指派的让人不愉快的任务   Volunteer to take on the nasty tasks that annoy your boss。   主动接手这些任务,你的上司会因为从这些繁杂事里脱身而心怀感激。   8.Speak up at meeting 在会议上大声发言   Try to have at least one well-informed opinion about the task at hand。   每次开会时,尽力对正在进行的任务提出至少一点信息可取的意见。   9.Put your boss at ease 让你的上司放松   Make a note of anything you and the boss have in common, and conduct a good relationship with your boss and co-workers。   记下你与上司之间的所有共同点,并且与你的老板和同事建议很融洽的关系。   10.Understand your shortcomings 认识自己的短处   Always be willing to learn a new skill to increase your personal effectives。   永远要乐于学习新技能,提升你的个人效力。   By following these 10 guidelines, you can build a healthy, productive relationship with your boss. And once you"re on the boss"s good side, it won"t be long before he or she will tip off higher management about your talent and good attitude. And with any luck, it will be someone else following these 10 guidelines and trying to impress you。   藉由以上10项方针,你可以与你的上司建立一个有成效的关系。一但你的上司对你有好的认同感,不久后他(她)将会对你的才能与好的态度提供更高的管理职位。如果有幸,会有另一个人遵循这十项方针并试着感动你。
2023-07-31 01:11:291


以下是几种表达赶工期、抢进度的方式:Rush the schedule/deadline - 赶进度/赶工期Speed up the project - 加快项目进度Accelerate the timeline - 提前时间表Increase the pace of work - 加快工作节奏Work overtime - 加班Put in extra hours - 投入额外的时间Expedite the progress - 推进进展Meet tight deadlines - 满足紧迫的截止日期Prioritize tasks and streamline workflow - 优先处理任务并简化工作流程Optimize productivity and efficiency - 优化生产和效率以上表达方式的选择应该根据不同情境和语境进行灵活运用,同时也要注意合理使用时间和资源,以免影响工作质量和人员身体健康。
2023-07-31 01:11:371


deadline[英][u02c8dedlau026an][美][u02c8du025bdu02cclau026an]n.最后期限; 截止期限; 死线; 原稿截止时间; vt.通过设定一时间期限来统治; 复数:deadlines例句:1.Ensure that a binding deadline is always looming. 确保眼前总有一个具有约束力的最后期限。2.This year"s talks failed to strike a deal by the june 30 deadline. 今年的谈判未能在6月30日的最后期限前达成。
2023-07-31 01:12:231


deadline 英 [dedlan] 美 [dedlan] n. 最后期限;截止日期 复数: deadlines 扩展资料 I finished several days ahead of the deadline. 我是在最后期限的前几天完成的.。 We just managed to make the deadline. 我们勉强按期完成。 I prefer to work to a deadline. 我喜欢按规定的期限完成工作。
2023-07-31 01:12:381


deadline /u02c8du025bdu02cclau026an/ CET4 TEM41.N-COUNT A deadline is a time or date before which a particular task must be finished or a particular thing must be done. 最后期限例:We were not able to meet the deadline because of manufacturing delays.由于生产延误,我们没能在截止日期前完成工作。由此可见,只有有截止期限,才会有压力,才会是生产的动力
2023-07-31 01:12:472


1、名词:最终期限;(监狱范围的)死线;单词变形:复数 deadlines;2、例句:Can the deadline be extended a few more days? 限期能再宽几天吗?
2023-07-31 01:13:021

Double Take 歌词

歌曲名:Double Take歌手:The Deadlines专辑:Fashion over FunctionHolly Valance-Double TakeKeep off the trackAnd keep your feetDown and you"re only saving meIt"s not easy staring at meLook at the way I"m feeling weakI"ll wait for another double takeFrom you"Cos I don"t know what to doI"ll wait for another double takeFrom you"Cos I don"t know what to doI"ll waitKeep off the trackAnd keep your feetTurn up the face of the recipeBut I want you to come up to meI wanna look before I leapI"ll wait for another double takeFrom you"Cos I don"t know what to doI"ll wait for another double takeFrom you"Cos I don"t know what to doI"ll waitI"ll wait"Cos I will hide awayWill you follow meI don"t know what to sayBut I know what I seeI"ll wait for another double takeFrom you"Cos I don"t know what to doI"ll wait for another double takeFrom you"Cos I don"t know what to doI"ll waitI"ll waitI"ll waitI"ll wait
2023-07-31 01:14:002

paper submission deadline是什么意思

paper submission deadline文件提交截止日期;投稿截止日期前;论文投稿截止submission英 [su0259bu02c8mu026au0283n] 美 [su0259bu02c8mu026au0283u0259n]n.投降; 屈服,服从; 谦恭,柔顺; 提交,呈递服从;屈服;提交;谦恭复数: submissions deadline英 [u02c8dedlau026an] 美 [u02c8du025bdu02cclau026an]n.最后期限; 截止期限; 死线; 原稿截止时间vt.通过设定一时间期限来统治最后期限;截止日期;死线;最终期限复数: deadlines
2023-07-31 01:14:151

Jamiroquai的《Lifeline》 歌词

歌曲名:Lifeline歌手:Jamiroquai专辑:Rock Dust Light StarJamiroquai - LifelineRollingDown the sunny avenuesWell... all this running aroundI"m back on the road with youagain babyFree rideI haven"t got a care in the worldThere"s only me and you girlBack on the road with you again babySweet life we"re holding onto this lifeAnd all because you"ve saved meZero to hero that"s what you made meLady, you know that she excites meBut her mama never liked meI"m back on the road with youagain babyDon"t pick no hole in my soulDon"t you spoil my sweet charadeI get high on the girlFor me she was clearly madeAnd don"t get mixed up about it"Cos she won"t leave me at seaI get a groove with the girlShe got a lifeline out to meDeadlines...We won"t be needing any of thoseno moreIt seems like the right timeTo be back on the road with you again babyI feel like...I"ll never feel the cold nowI"ll never be alone now"Cos I"m back on the road with you againDon"t pick no hole in my soulDon"t you spoil my sweet charadeI get high on the girlFor me she was clearly madeI don"t need no destination"Cos my baby"s saving meShe got the lifeline of loveshe got it all thrown out to meDon"t lose me now"Cos I need you baby, need you babyWe gotta get upRun away babyWe gotta get onRun away babyYou know your mama never liked meShe said we gonna break upSaid it"s gonna never workBut it"s too bad babyWe"re back on the road againAnd now we"re movingRunning to the sunset(back on the road again)Just me and you together(back on the road again)I got a groove on the girl(back on the road again)Her mama didn"t like meDon"t pick no hole in my soulDon"t you spoil my sweet charadeI get high on the girl yehFor me she was clearly madeJust got my feel good factorAnd it"s gone right through the roofI get the blues with the newsGirl let"s get it on the hoofThrow me a lifelineThrow me a lifelineA lifeline of love yehThrow me a lifelineThrow me a lifelineA lifeline of love yehOh I need your lifeline of loveGet it out to meWell I need herDon"t lose me nowDon"t lose me nowI got your lifeline all thrown out to meOh I"ve got your lifelineGot your lifeline of love yeh
2023-07-31 01:14:241


  工作压力是当前全球性的热点话题,压力既是一种强大的推动力,下面我为大家带来工作压力的英文说法,供大家参考学习。   工作压力的英文说法:   Working pressure   英 [u02c8wu025c:ku026au014b u02c8preu0283u0259]   美 [u02c8wu0259:ku026au014b u02c8pru025bu0283u025a]   工作压力相关英文表达:   额定工作压力 rated working pressure   最低工作压力 Minimum operating pressure   最高工作压力 Maximum operating pressure   正常工作压力 normal operating pressure   能适应工作压力 Ability to work under pressure   工作压力英文说法例句:   1. She had a stressful job as a sales representative.   作为一名销售代表,她的工作压力很大。   2. Exercise is a good safety valve for the tension that builds up at work.   锻炼身体是排解工作压力的好办法。   3. Remember, it"s also a high - stress job.   记住, 我 的工作压力也很大.   4. I was doing Yoga exercises to relieve my work - related stress.   我刚才正在练习瑜枷,缓解工作压力.   5. Working pressure and heated competition are the major factors behind the phenomenon.   工作压力和激烈的竞争是导致这一现象的主要因素.   6. Check the working pressure of No.1 cylinder of the main engine.   检查主机第一缸的工作压力.   7. Due to time difference with night - shift rotation is required for this position.   身体健康,适应较强的工作压力和超时工作;由于时差问题,该职位需要轮班工作.   8. Meticulous ; hands on; able to work under pressure and meet deadlines.   工作态度缜密, 能承受工作压力.   9. He is under a lot of strain at work.   他承受着很大的工作压力.   10. Working pressure Tendency to leave a positive impact . 3.   而工作压力对离职倾向具正向的影响.   11. Self - motivated, can bear working pressure and team work heart.   自我 激励, 能承受工作压力,团队合作精神.   12. Business circles weekly The actuating pressure of which phase is greater?   商界周刊:哪一个阶段的工作压力更大?   13. She complain to him about the pressure of her job.   她向他抱怨工作压力沉重.   14. Job stress can easily spill over into personal and family life.   工作压力很容易就渗透进个人及家庭生活中.   15. Good responsibility and team work sprite, can work under pressure.
2023-07-31 01:14:541


2023-07-31 01:16:092

英语写作 检查

Hello, Dear Sir/Madam,We may have some difficulties about making payment in Euro before March 1st. Could you please agree the deadlines for remittance extended to March 10th.In addition, We found our companyu2019s person to contact is YongJong from your form, the personu2019s name should be YangFeng.We submitted the application form by fax,maybe the form wasnu2019t very clear,please updated.
2023-07-31 01:16:573


论文初稿截稿日期一/二月发表:九月一日三/四月发表:十一月一日五/六月发表: 一月一日七/八月发表:三月一日九/十月发表: 五月一日十一/十二月发表:七月一日
2023-07-31 01:17:043

Assign responsibilities around the classroom and make sure homework deadlines are metu3002

2023-07-31 01:17:142


Ex.5 1. obligation 2. applauded 3. fulfilled 4. mirror 5. flexibility 6. devalue 7. striving 8. entailed 9. supposedly 10. ConsequentlyEx6. 1. refer to as 2. at best 3. by the same token 4. at large 5. hold up u2026asEx.8 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities. 2. He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.3. Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading. 4. At best heu2019s ambitious, at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications. 5. We have striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway. Ex14. 1. equality 2. sustained 3. clue 4. expansiveness 5. was sacked 6. defined 7. sphere 8. sour 9. depressing 10. divisionEx15. 1. in the way 2. falling apart 3. have ruled out 4. at this rate 5. took upPassage B Ex. 17 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. The popularity of Internet provides people with quick and convenient access to information. 2. Since he doesnu2019t agree to this plan, there is not much point in thinking about it any more. 3. I haven"t seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a very good film.4. If you don"t work hard, you"ll end up nowhere. 5. It"s up to the United States to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.Ex14. 1.embarrassed, 2.tutor, 3.potential, 4.hence, 5.yield, 6.affection, 7.appropriate, 8.presentation, 9.romantic, 10.recommendation Ex15. terms of, 2.participating in, 3.get down to, 4.base...on, 5.acts on Ex17. 1. Excessive exercises does more harm than good to oneu2019s health. Therefore we must control the amount of exercise we do. 2. He made a few attempts to join in their conversation, but he gave up out of timidness. 3. Trains cannot compete with planes in terms of convenience and speed. 4. Making a comparison between Chinese and American cultures will help you to better understand and adapt to your study environment in the USA. 5. It is a traditional Chinese virtue for the young on buses to yield their seats to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Key to Exercises 5. 1. violated 2. derive 3. blocked 4. default 5. rationalized 6. quoted 7. exclusive 8. contacted 9. anonymous 10. charge6 1. is up to 2.resulted in 3.was charged with 4.was unlikely 5. handing out8. 1. It is simply unbelievable for him to change 500 dollars for a haircut.2. People grant you the privilege, so you should serve the people wholeheartedly.3. The weather forecast is very important so that we can decide when to go to sea.4. The sound of guns violated the usual calmness of Sunday morning, and people had a strong feeling that the war was coming.5. Even though you read three pages per minute, you will by no means finish the book by the end of this weekend. Key to Exercises14. 1.have witnessed 2. trample 3. abusing 4.manual 5. duplicated6. knowingly 7. tactic 8. patrolling 9. budget 10. enforce15. 1. end up 2. give...short shrift 3. step up 4. infringed on 5. doesnu2019t fit into16. 1 a fine 2. rights/law 3. to violate law/rights 4. money 5.deadlines 6.a presentation 7. rehearsals 8. a copy/money 9. permission interview17. 1. He can beat his opponent easily without giving a second thought.2. With little or no knowledge of driving, he drove the car onto the road.3. It is illegal to make an unauthorized change in the construction of the bridge.4. I could accept this fact calmly because I knew if I were not able to finish the mission, chances were that the team would be defeated.5. Children in remote mountain areas are lacking in scientific and cultural knowledge.Key to Exercises14. 1. compelled 2. compassion 3. disclosure 4. exploring 5. malnourished 6. plaguing 7. pledge 8. breach 9. span 10. transaction15. 1. sitting idle 2. broke down 3. in all respects 4. gaveu2026 credit 5. by the conduct of17. 1. Wonu2019t it be better if we take measures to change the present situation? 2. I didnu2019t give him credit for such a skill. (I didnu2019t give credit to him for such a skill.) 3. They have been learning English up to now, though in their advanced age. 4. He has not been to school for seven days because of illness. 5. The children ran out of the classroom, jumping and singing.Key to Exercises14. 1. certify 2. consulted 3. monthly 4. maintained 5. benefits 6. survey 7. restless 8. aggressive 9. evaporated 10. maximum15. 1. scrape together 2. sunk in 3. count on 4. account for 5. laid off17. 1. Generally speaking he is quite learned, especially in the field of mathematics. However, when it comes to politics, he knows nothing.2. According to the survey they made of the 1000 workers who missed out on the chance to go to university, their failure in the college entrance examinations had a profound effect on their later life.3. Owing to cost rise, employers refuse to pay the retirement pension for their employees. On the flip side, employees are unwilling to stay in the same company for their whole lives.4. Since youu2019ve told me who should take responsibility for the matter, I will not pursue it any further.5. I will try to set aside half an hour each day to do some exercise even in the busiest season
2023-07-31 01:17:232


How different cultures view timeChange in TimeA culture"s sense of time is based on how that culture views the past, present or future. Americans have a very different sense of time compared to China and France, our view of time is time is important and shouldn"t be wasted on trivial things. Americans believe deadlines are more important than building relationships or getting comfortable with big decisions. China has a very different point of view on time, it"s to be cherished and used to build relationships and to make better decisions. The French have a similar point of view they treat time as a way to enjoy life and work to have more time, not work to fill time.Polychromic cultures tend to perform multiple tasks simultaneously with a higher commitment to relationship building than to task completion or meeting deadlines. Tasks are accomplished through building strong relationships rather than creating detailed plans. Punctuality is defined in looser terms as some delays are expected and deadlines can be adjusted. Whereas "soon" to a North American usually means in the next few minutes, hours or days, "soon" to an Asian may mean three months, a year, or whenever they are ready. Time is not fixed but rather an organic, flowing process. Asian, Arab, and Southern European cultures are polychromic.Monochromic cultures are highly committed to doing one task at a time and meeting set deadlines. Devising and then adhering to a detailed plan or schedule is highly valued. Punctuality is defined precisely and time is sliced into fixed categories such as seconds, minutes, and hours. One"s time is scheduled and managed in great detail at work and at home and "wasting time" is unethical. Individuals focus on tasks rather than relationships. Germany, Switzerland, the USA, and Scandinavian countries are very monochromic.In a culture that...Read Full Essay Now
2023-07-31 01:17:421


做了一个截稿日期倒计时网站:PEMC Conference Deadlines,整理了导师推荐的电力电子和电气传动领域的会议,欢迎关注和完善:D~
2023-07-31 01:17:514


1.Web开发最火的Pythonweb框架Django,支持异步高并发的Tornado框架,短小精悍的flask,bottle,Django官方的标语把Django定义为theframework for perfectionist with deadlines。2. 网络编程支持高并发的Twisted网络框架,py3引入的asyncio使异步编程变的非常简单3. 爬虫开发爬虫领域,Python几乎是霸主地位,Scrapy/Request/BeautifuSoap/urllib等,想爬啥就爬啥4. 云计算开发目前最火最知名的云计算框架就是OpenStack,Python现在的火,很大一部分就是因为云计算市场近几年的爆发5. 人工智能MASA和Google早期大量使用Python,为什么Python积累了丰富的科学运算库,当AI时代来临后,Python从众多编程语言中脱颖而出,各种人工智能算法都基于Python编写,由其PyTorch之后,Python作为AI时代头牌语言的位置基本确立!6. 自动化运维问问中国的每个运维人员,运维人员必须会的语言是什么?10个人详细会给你一个相同的答案,它的名字叫Python7. 金融分析金融公司使用的很多分析程序、高频交易软件就是用的Python,目前,Python是金融分析、量化交易领域里用的最多的语言8. 科学运算97年开始,NASA就在大量使用Python在进行各种复杂的科学运算,随着NumPy,SciPy,Matplotlib,Enthoughtlibrarys等众多程序库的开发,使得Python越来越适合做科学计算、绘制高质量的2D和3D图像。和科学计算领域最流行的商业软件Matlab相比,Python是一门通用的程序设计语言,比Matlab所采用的脚本语言的应用范围更广泛9. 游戏开发在网络游戏开发中Python也有很多应用。相比Lua orC++,Python比Lua有更高阶的抽象能力,可以用更少的代码描述游戏业务逻辑,与Lua相比,Python更适合作为一种Host语言,即程序的入口点是在Python那一端会比较好,然后用C/C++在非常必要的时候写一些扩展。Python非常适合编写1万行以上的项目,而且能够很好地把网游项目的规模控制在10万行代码以内。10. 桌面软件虽然大家很少使用桌面软件了,但是Python在图形界面开发上也很强大,你可以用tkinter/PyQT框架开发各种桌面软件!
2023-07-31 01:18:033


2023-07-31 01:18:112


   【原文】   For Non-degree applicants to the University of Toronto St. George (Faculty of Arts and Science), the University of Toronto Mississauga, the University of Toronto Scarborough   Please review each section of Next Steps carefully. You are responsible for reading these instructions and ensuring that all required documents are submitted by the stated deadlines. Your eligibility will be determined after all documentation required to complete your file has been received.   Admission consideration is based on your entire postsecondary academic record and your most recent annual average (GPA). Admission does not guarantee placement in a particular course or courses.   During Fall/Winter registration, Non-degree Students must wait until mid to late August to enroll in courses and by this time, Degree Students will have completely filled some courses. You must ensure that you have the appropriate prerequisites for any course(s) you wish to enroll in    【翻译】   多伦多大学非学位申请程序   下一步:非学位申请程序指南   适用于那些申请多伦多大学圣乔治校区(艺术和科学系)、多伦多大学密西沙加校区、多伦多大学士嘉堡校区非学位课程的申请者。   请您认真回顾下一步中介绍的每一个内容,您需要负责认真阅读这些说明并确保所有要求的文件都在注明的截止日期之前提交。只有在您提交完所有要求的文件之后您才有被录取的资格。   我们的录取条件以您的高等教育的学术成绩和您最近一年的平均成绩(GPA)为基础。录取不能保证为您提供特殊课程或课程的学习机会。    【原文】    Join U of T Admissions Website   Approximately one week after submitting your application online, you will receive an email with instructions for accessing the Join U of T admissions website.   You are responsible for checking this site regularly to determine what documents and additional information may still be required to complete your file.    【翻译】    多伦多大学招生网站连接服务   大约在您在线提交申请一周之后,我们将会给您发送一封邮件,里面会详细介绍并说明如何进入使用多伦多大学网站连接服务。    【原文】    Enable your JOINid / UTORid   To enable your JOINid / UTORid, you will need your JOINid / UTORid and your U of T Applicant Number which you will find in your email acknowledgement. In addition you will need to provide your date of birth and your ten digit OUAC Reference Number, beginning with 2014. Please note that your OUAC Reference Number is NOT your OUAC User ID that begins with “IT”.   Important Note for International Students: As it can take approximately one to three months to obtain a study permit and entry visa, you are encouraged to submit all supporting documents by February 14. If you are worried about postal delays, you should consider sending your documents by courier if you live outside Canada.    【翻译】    激活您的JOINid / UTORid   请激活您的JOINid / UTORid,您将需要JOINid / UTORid以及您的多伦多大学申请编码,这些您可以在我们发送给您的确认邮件中找到。另外从2014年开始,您需要提供您的出生日期,以及您的十位数的安大略大学申请中心的参考号数。请注意您的安大略参考号数不是以IT开头的安大略大学申请中心的用户ID。    【原文】    When Decisions are Released   Once all required documentation has been received to complete your file, your eligibility will be determined. Decisions are made on an ongoing basis.    【翻译】    招生开启    【原文】    Important Information:   If you are only able to attend classes in the evening, you should contact the appropriate campus to determine whether or not your choice of course(s) is offered .   Non-degree students are only permitted to take courses in the U of T division they have been admitted to.   Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto St.George:   Non-Degree students cannot enrol in Rotman Commerce courses.   University of Toronto Mississauga:   Non-degree Students cannot enrol in commerce/management courses at U of T Mississauga.   University of Toronto Scarborough:   Non-degree Students cannot enrol in management courses above the first year level at U of T Scarborough.    【翻译】    重要信息   如果您将只就读夜间课程,那么您就需要联系相关学院来确认您所选择的课程是否提供夜间授课。   学校仅为非学位学生提供他们提交的多伦多大学学院的课程。   多伦多大学圣乔治校区艺术和科学系:   非学位学生不能注册罗德曼商学课程。   多伦多大学密西沙加校区:   非学位学生不能申请贸易和管理课程。   多伦多大学士嘉堡校区:
2023-07-31 01:18:311

Assign responsibilities around the classroom and make sure homework deadlines are met.

Assign responsibilities around the classroom and make sure homework deadlines are met.在教室周围分配责任,确保作业的最后期限得到满足。
2023-07-31 01:18:412

赶交期 英语怎么说

help sb meet their deadlines
2023-07-31 01:18:513

求rian的 命运 坏男人 两首歌准确的拼音歌词 thanks!!

WHY - 命运 专辑:浪漫满屋OST sa rang er zar mo ru ge so yi re ke da ga or zur nan mor ra so ne ma em zo ca gu sa ram a pe so nun ne du de ro an dye yi rer zur a ra de ra miu ce em bu te shi zek ha ji do a na so ba bo ce rem yi je wa se yan n a yi mi nu zun hu hye rur ha go yi so ni ga sa rang yi dye ji an kirur bi re so no man en zer de ro a ni girur bi re so nen sa rang yi a nir ge ra go su do eb she na rur so ge wa so kam shi su ce ga nun yin en yi gir ba re so a pu sang ce man ne ge man ge jir te ni gga ha ji man ar meiu se done ei mo dun ge shi yo simi na zab go si pe zar mo day shi zak yir a go gu re ke syub ge seng gakhe se nun dei en je dun bu rur su yi sur ge ra go nan mi de se nun dey o de ke mar he ya har ji o di se bu te ga zar mo dyen gen ji yi sa rang er pi he ya ha nun de ni mo dun ge ne mu gu ri wo zo ni ga sa rang yi dye ji an ki rur bi re so ne man en zer de ro a ni girur bi re so nen sa rang yi a nir ge ra go su do eb shi na rur so ge wa so zam shi su ce ga nun yin yen i gir ba re se a pun sang ce man ne ge nam ge jir te ni gga ha ji man ar men se do ne ei mo dun ge shi yok sim yi na yi jen no do na rur o zzer su ga eb nun day yi jen no do na rur o zzer su ga eb nun day ne rur ji wo ya man han da nun sa shi ri o nur do nar do him dur he he ub098uc05c ub0a8uc790 na peun nam ja 《坏男人》 na neun keu dael ka jil soo eop neun hyong pyon eop neun nam ja gi yeh neo neun neom pwa seon ahn dwe neun ah reum ta oon yeo ja ee gi yeh tan nyon hae ya gae geud shi ee joh peo ryo ya ha neun deh wae keu roeh keh ha ji reul mot ha go na reul cho ah ha geh man deul ko na seo ya ee reoh keh hoo hwel ha neun ji *nan neo eh geh cho eun nam ja ga ah nya neo eh geh eo ool ri neun saram ee ah nya nan ni ga ah neun keu reon saram ee ah nya nan na peun nam ja ya nan na peun nam ja ya ta reun man eun saram deul noon eh neun ah joo poh chal keot eop neun na ji man neo man eun na reul neo ha na man keum eun na reul sarang ha geh ha go ship eot seo ha roo ha roo neo eui ma eum eul neh geh jool soo rok nan nan kwe roh oom eh ji chyot go neo wa ma joo poh go it seu myon na ja goo na peun nam ja ra mal go ship eo * repeat mi ahn hae cheo eum poo teo ee reol saeng gak eun ah ni yot seo ni ga nal cheong mal choh ah ha geh dwel jool eun mol rat seo keu nyang choh geum man na ta mal ryo keu raet seo cheong mal ee eot seo neo reul ah peu geh hal saeng gak eun eop seot seo mi ahn hae mi ahn ha da neun mal ah moo soh yong doh eop get ji man mi ahn hae ta neun mal pak eh hal mal ee eop seo ha ji man ja ji man neol jin ja sarang haet seo
2023-07-31 01:10:114


2023-07-31 01:10:151

太阳单曲《只看着你》.的中文歌词!~白字版本或拼音"s been on my mind for a whilegot to let it out from my"s too late(i can"t let you goyou got to let him goi can"t let you goyou got to...listen)haruedo myeot beonssik neol bomyeo useo nansu baek beon malhaetjanha you"re the love of my lifegeojitdoen sesang sok buranhan nae mamsokojik na mitneun geon neo hana ppuniragogakkeum nae mam byeonhalkka bwa buranhaehal ttaemyeonuseumyeo malhaetjanha geureol il eopdagokkeuteomneun banghwang sok teong bin nae gaseumsoknaega gidael goseun neo hanappun ijimangakkeumssik heundeullineun nae jasini miwooneuldo nan isesange hwipsseullyeo salmyeosi neol jiwonaega baram pyeodo neoneun jeoldae pijima babynaneun neoreul ijeodo neon nareul itjima ladygakkeum naega yeollagi eopgo sureul masyeodohoksi naega dareun eotteon yeojawajamsi nuneul matchwodo neon naman barabwaoneulbamdo jisaemyeo nal gidaryeotdagonunmullo naege malhae byeonhan geot gatdagoneol hyanghan nae mamdo cheoeumgwa gatdagosueobsi dallaemyeo jinaeon manheun bamdeulniga eobsineun nan neomu himdeul geot gatjimanttaeron neoro inhae sumi makhyeo nankkeuteomneun datum sok ginagin hansum sokniga gidael goseun na hanappun ijimanniga gwichanhajineun nae jasini miwooneuldo nan useumyeo nado mollae jasineul irheonaega baram pyeodo neoneun jeoldae pijima babynaneun neoreul ijeodo neon nareul itjima ladygakkeum naega yeollagi eopgo sureul masyeodohoksi naega dareun eotteon yeojawajamsi nuneul matchwodo neon naman barabwanaega igijeogiran geol nan neomu jal aranan maeil muuimihan sigan sogeireoke deoreophyeojijiman babyneomaneun eonjena sunsuhage namgil baraeige nae jinsimingeol neol hyanghan mideumingeoljugeodo nal tteonajimanaega baram pyeodo neoneun jeoldae pijima babynaneun neoreul ijeodo neon nareul itjima ladygakkeum naega yeollagi eopgo sureul masyeodohoksi naega dareun eotteon yeojawajamsi nuneul matchwodo neon naman barabwa
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2023-07-31 01:10:221

死一样的痛过 带有罗马音标注音的歌词,

《死一样的痛过》(Feat.Mellow) - MC梦罗马拼音歌词i found the way to let you iti never really had it comingi can"t believe the sigh of youi want you to stay away from my heart(neohyi jib apeuro gago isseobbalri jeonhwa badeonaega, apaseo jugeul geos gatgeodeun?neo mosbomyeon, naega jinjja jugeul geos gatae)jeonhwa jom badajweo, 1bunman nae maljom deuleojweobwa, jamgganmanjugeul geos gataeseo nan sumdo mosswieo najom salja, jebal hanbeonmanneoyi jib apeseo nesiganjjae jjijeojineun nae mam neon moreuncaeusgoissni, haengboghani modeun cueoggwa nal beorincaeapeugo sumi maghineun cimmug eoneu sae nae nunmuleul garyeobeorin bismulmeorieseo balggeutggaji soreumi ggicil deus nae piga sosgucineun gibunjungdogdoengeosceoreom harujongil ontong gotongseureonbut she"s gone baraboneun neoyi siseon geuriweo that"s why sing this songjebal jioggateun yeogiseo nal ggeonaejweoige ggumiramyeon eoseo nal ggaeweojweomodeungeosi da geojismalirago haejweonaege malhaejweo malhaejweo na sal su issgei found the way to let you iti never really had it comingi can"t believe the sigh of youi want you to stay away from my heartevery day and night nan sule mancwi maeumi ansimhaneun geosdo jamsisigani yagimyeon wae nasjil anhji ireol sun eobseo, igeon sarangyi bancigmianhae, nan cam yogsimi anha sumyeonjedo nareul dobjireul anhabamnaji baggyeo ni saenggagmada irijeori doladanyeo momburim cinabwahaneuli naege naerin beolinga anim geuri swibge nareul beorilggaeogjiro nugungareul saranghamyeon ddo salagalggabyeoldeul saireul nubigo nae mameul noraero caeugodon"t leave, let me freez nal jom dowajweo, help me pleasejebal jioggateun yeogiseo nal ggeonaejweoige ggumiramyeon eoseo nal ggaeweojweomodeungeosi da geojismalirago haejweonaege malhaejweo malhaejweo na sal su issgei found the way to let you iti never really had it comingi can"t believe the sigh of youi want you to stay away from my hearti don"t want you to leave nareul dugo gaji majeongmal ggeutirago naege malhaji madan harujocado neo eobsin sal su eobseoi want you back, want you back in to my lifei found the way to let you iti never really had it comingi can"t believe the sigh of youi want you to stay away from my hearthaneuli naege naerin beolinga anim geuri swibge nareul beorilggaeogjiro nugungareul saranghamyeon ddo salagalggabyeoldeul saireul nubigo nae mameul noraero caeugodon"t leave, let me freez nal jom dowajweo, help me please(jugeul ddaeggaji gidarilgeoyaniga amuri mweora geuraedonan gidarilgeoya naeil dasi olge naeil dasi olge)
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2023-07-31 01:10:331


BIOS开启VT方法一.开机进入BIOS电脑进入biso,一般开机按 Dell键,或者F2键,电脑不同按键不完全相同,可查看主板说明书二.bios中开启VT1.AMI BIOS机型①选择Power选项,然后通过方向键选择Virtual Technology,并按下回车。②将参数设定为Enabled,并回车确定。③最后按F10键保存并退出即可开启VT功能。2.Phoenix BIOS机型①进入BIOS,选择Configuration选项,选择Intel Virtual Technology并回车。注意:若无VT选项若不可更改,则表示你的电脑不支持VT技术。②将参数设定为Enabled,并回车确定。③最后按F10键保存并退出即可开启VT功能。
2023-07-31 01:10:061


伽马值(gamma)主要是用来对强度做一个非线性变换,以符合人眼的视觉习惯. 伽马值常取2.2,也有取1.8或2.0的
2023-07-31 01:10:061


请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)一般完成从提交入党申请书到最后转正成为一名党员差不多需要2年左右。相对而言在校大学生环境比较简单,学生一般在学校学习4年时间,这个时间段是比较稳定的,而在校大学生除了主要注意学业成绩外,其他的就是个人道德品质类事宜考核。而对于职场人而言,还涉及到职业的岗位稳定性、行业安全性等诸多因素影响。相对入党周期内的变数,在校学生更加稳定些。这也是很多人认为在校生入党似乎容易些的原因。 1.从接受入党申请到确定为入党积极分子的时间有无规定?  由于入党申请人的情况各不相同,党组织对其培养教育和考察需要一定时间,因此,《中国共产党发展党员工作细则》对从接受入党申请到确定为入党积极分子的时间要求未作出具体规定。在实践中,各地各部门对这个时间要求的掌握也不尽相同。为加强对入党申请人的培育和考察,进一步端正他们的入党动机,一般情况下,入党申请人递交入党申请书6个月以上、具备入党积极分子条件的,才可被推荐和确定为入党积极分子。
2023-07-31 01:10:015


这是仁者见仁智者见智的问题,教师教育计算能力培训要达到应有的目的,至少做以下几个方面:(一)做好培训准备。制定培训工程规划时,要结合本通知要求,认真研究教育部有关文件精神,要注意做好与原教育技术能力建设计划的政策衔接工作。(二) 丰富培训模式。培训主要采取线上学习、线下交流、现场实践及校本研修相结合的模式。省教育厅将通过江苏教师教育网为全省培训免费提供课程资源和自主选学与管理平台。各地可借助全国中小学教师继续教育网、中国教师研修网、中国教师网、全国中小学教师网络研修平台等社会化资源开展培训。培训整体规划应着眼长远,以完善全省培训体系为出发点,注重实际、注重自主创新,坚持引进资源与自主发展相结合。(三)强化改革创新。鼓励各地积极创新培训模式,注重提高培训能力,注重应用导向,注重发挥学校主体作用。创新试验区要率先垂范,结合工程实施工作,在培训形式、资源建设、队伍保障、校本研修等各方面大胆改革创新,建立健全当地教师专业发展的支持服务体系。  (四)加强科学测评。各地要根据教育部制定的中小学教师信息技术应用能力测评指南,以发展测评为重点,按照“以评促学、以评促用”的原则开展测评工作,帮助教师了解信息技术应用能力提升程度,科学评价能力发展水平。测评内容要密切联系教师一线教学和专业发展实际,反映教师应用信息技术优化课堂教学,转变学生学习方式,促进自身专业发展的程度。  (五)促进教学应用。各地在开展培训的基础上,可组织开展信息技术教育应用论文、教学设计、教学课件、教学课例、微课评比、一课一优师等活动,并予以一定的学时认定,推动信息技术在教育教学领域的全面融合,形成良好的应用氛围。各项活动的开展要以学习、研究、实践为主要内容,注重全员参与,注重团队合作,注重培训实效,避免形式主义,避免以奖代训。具体认定办法由各地根据培训要求研究确定。教育部、省教育厅另有规定的除外。
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2023-07-31 01:09:591


  每期支付租赁费用时,借记:“长期应付款”账户,贷记:“银行存款”账户。如果支付的租金中包含履约成本,按履约成本,借记:“制造费用”、“管理费用”等账户。  随着我国市场经济的建立和发展,企业融资租入固定资产的这种融资手段也得到了前所未有的发展。从会计的角度来说,理应重视和加强对融资租入固定资产管理,规范对其的会计处理。  一、融资租赁方式的确认  根据我国企业会计准则的规定,满足下列标准之一的,即可认定为融资租赁:租赁期满时,资产的所有权转让给承租人;承租人有购买租赁资产的选择权,所订立的购价预计远低于行使选择权时租赁资产的公允价值,因而在租赁开始日就可合理地确定承租人将会行使这种选择权;租赁期占租赁资产使用寿命的大部分,这里的“大部分”租赁期占租赁资产开始日租赁资产使用寿命的75%以上;就承租人而言,租赁开始日最低租赁付款额的现值几乎相当于租赁开始日租赁资产的公允价值;租赁资产性质特殊,如果不作较大修整,只有承租人才能使用。  二、融资租入固定资产入账价值的确定原则  企业采用融资租赁方式租入的固定资产,虽然在法律形式上资产的所有权租赁期间仍然属于租出人,但由于资产的租赁期基本上包括了资产的有效使用期限,承租企业实质上获得了租赁资产所能提供的主要经济利益,同时承担了与资产所有权有关有风险。因此,承租企业应将融资租入资产作为一项固定资产入账,同时确认相应的负债,并采用与自有应计提折旧资产相一致的折旧政策计提折旧。  融资租入固定资产的入账价值按租赁开始日,租赁资产的公允价值与最低租赁付款额的现值两者中较低者来确定,而最低租赁付款额作为“长期应付款”入账核算,两者的差额作为“未确认融资费用”。  三、与融资租赁固定资产入账价值的确定相关的概念  1、最低付款额的现值  最低付款额的现值,按我国会计准则的规定,是指几呼相当于租赁开始日租赁资产的公允价值。“几呼相当于”在实务上是指90%以上的比例。  所谓最低租赁付款额,是指在租赁期内,承租企业应支付或可能被要求支付的各种款项(不包括或有租金和履约成本),加上由承租企业或其他有关的第三方担保的资产余值。这里的“最低”的含义是指出租入在租赁开始日对承租人的最小债权。在租赁开始日,它是能够被承租人确定的。  2、或有租金、履约成本、资产余值  或有租金是指金额不固定、以时间长短以外的其他因素(如销售百分比、使用量、物价指数等)为依据计算的租金。它的发生与否有赖于未来事项的发生与否予以证实。因此,我国会计准则规定“或有租金”不包括在最低租赁付款额之内,而在其实际发生时计入当期的费用。  履约成本是指在租赁期内为租赁资产支付的各种使用成本,如技术咨询和服务费、人员培训费、维修费、保险费等。这些费用一般而言都是由于承租人正常使用资产而应支付的费用。  资产余值是指租赁开始日估计的租赁期满时租赁资产的公允价值。如果承租方有购买租赁资产的选择权,所订立的购价预计将远低于行使选择权时租赁资产的公允价值,因而在租赁开始日就可以合理确定承租方将会行使这种选择权,此时购买价格应包括最低租赁付款额内。  3、折现率  承租企业在计算最低租赁付款额之间的差额时,需要考虑折现率的问题。我国会计准则对折现率的使用有明确的规定,企业单位需要严格按照下列顺序选用:(1)出租人的租赁内含利率;(2)租赁合同规定的利率;(3)同期银行贷款利率。这样可以避免企业将融资租赁作为经营租赁来核算,进而粉饰企业的财务状况。  4、未确认融资费用  固定资产的入账价值与最低租赁付款额之间的差额,按我国会计准则的规定作为未确认融资费用入账,并在租赁期内按实际利率法分期摊销,计入各项期财务费用。在实际利率下,各年应分摊的未确认融资费用按照各年未偿还租赁负债额的现值(长期应付款减去未确认融资费用余额)乘以实际利率进行计算。  三、融资租入固定资产的会计处理  1、企业在租赁期开始日,将租赁开始日租赁资产的公允价值(含增值税)与最低租赁付款额现值两者中较低者,加上在租赁谈判和签订租赁合同过程中发生的、可直接归属于租赁项目的手续费、律师费、差旅费、印花税等初始直接费用,减去可抵扣的增值说后余额作为租入资产的入账价值,借记:“固定资产——融资租入固定资产”账户;按最低租赁付款额,贷记:“长期应付款”账户;按发生的初始直接费用,贷记:“银行存款”等账户;按其差额,借记:“未确认融资费用”账户。  2、每期支付租赁费用时,借记:“长期应付款”账户,贷记:“银行存款”账户。如果支付的租金中包含履约成本,按履约成本,借记:“制造费用”、“管理费用”等账户。  3、每期采用实际利率法分摊未确认融资费用时,按当期应分摊的未确认融资费用金额,错记:“财务费用”账户,贷记:“未确认融资费用”账户。  4、企业租入固定资产应计提折旧,折旧政策应和自有固定资产折旧政策一致,同自有固定资定一样,折旧方法一般有年限平均法、工作量法、双倍余额递减法、年数总和法等。确定融资租赁固定资产的折旧期应视租赁合同而论,如果能够合理确定租赁期届满时企业将会取得资产的所有权,即可认为企业拥有该资产的全部使用寿命,因此应以该资产的使用寿命作为折旧期间,如果无法合理确定租赁期届满后企业是否能够取得租赁固定资产的所有权,则应以租赁期与租赁资产寿命中两者较短者作为折旧期。提取折旧时,借记:“制造费用”账户,贷记:“累计折旧”账户。  5、企业按销售量、使用量、物价指数等为依据计算的或有租金,通常计入销售费用,借记“销售费用”账户,贷记:“银行存款”账户。  6、租赁期满时,企业对租赁固定资产的处理通常有三种情况:即返还、优惠续租和留购。那么,企业向出租入返还资产时,借记:“累计折旧”账户,贷记:“固定资产——融资租入固定资产”账户;企业行使优惠续租权时,此时应视为该项资产租赁一直存在而作出相应的账务处理。即支付买价款时,借记:“长期应付款——应付融资租赁款”账户,贷记:“银行存款”账户;同时,还应结转固定资产的明细账,借记:“固定资产——生产经营用固定资产”账户,贷记:“固定资产——融资租入固定资产”账户。
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