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2023-07-31 18:43:33

   一、英语: do morning exercise




  I like morning exercises!



  Morning exercise is good for work and study in a whole day.



  She said, I do morning exercise every day.



  Dad: Yes. I used to come out here with my grandpa as a child.



  The old man comes to the garden very early to do morning exercises.



  Shirley: No, this is our first time doing morning exercises.



  I"m not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercises.



  She firmly believes in doing morning exercises every day.



  We can see a lot of people doing morning exercises in the park even in a cold morning.



  Do you think some exercise in the morning is good for you?



  He keeps morning exercises with monotonous regularity.



  He has fallen into the habit of doing morning exercises to stay healthy.



  After the morning"s exertions I was exhausted.



  Another walking lady, I guess she is make you feel very hot.



  Do you do any regular morning exercise?




正规[zhèng guī]词典regular:有规律的;规则,整齐的;不变的;合格的。词典normal:正常的;正规的,标准的;[数学]正交的;精神健全的。词典standard:标准,规格;旗,军旗;度量衡标准;直立支柱。词典canonicity:合乎教会法,合正典,正规。词典regularity:整齐;规则性,规律性;正规;匀称。
2023-07-31 15:53:201


正则性一般用来刻画函数的光滑程度,正则性越高,函数的光滑性越好。正则性英文是regularity,正则性一般用来刻画函数的光滑程度,正则性越高,函数的光滑性越好。通常用Lipschitz指数k来表征函数的正则性。Lipschitz指数刻画了函数f与局部多项式的逼近程度,而函数与局部多项式的逼近程度又与函数的可微性相联系。如果函数在时刻t有奇异性则说明函数在t点不可微,因而在t点的Lipschitz指数刻画了该函数的奇异性行为。当然,还可以定义函数在区间上的正则性。例如,如果函数f在点t0是Lipschitz α 的,α 大于n(n大于1),那么函数f在t0点就是n次连续可微的,并且该函数可以用n次多项式来逼近。 小波基的正则性主要影响着小波系数重构的稳定性,通常对小波要求一定的正则性(光滑性)是为了获得更好的重构信号。小波函数与尺度函数具有相同的正则性,因为小波函数是由相应的尺度函数平移的线性组合构成的,因此,我们说尺度函数的正则性,也就是说小波函数的正则性。另外,消失矩和正则性之间还有很大关系,对很多重要的小波(比如,样条小波,Daubechies小波等)来说,随着消失矩的增加,小波的正则性变大,但是,并必能说随着小波消失矩的增加,小波的正则性一定增加,有的反而变小。
2023-07-31 15:53:281


formal例句确保良好的公司治理正规的流程和构架,保证决策经过检验。Third, ensure good corporate governance formal procedures and structures that ensure decisions are tested.
2023-07-31 15:53:393


正则的英文是Regular,在不同的数学分支可以有不同的意思你可以从英文的字面意思去理解,一般用来形容研究的对象具有比较“好”的性质比如在分析里面,一个函数的越光滑,我们可以用“nice regularity”去描述这种好的光滑性,或者说一个函数是regular也是在对其光滑性进行描述(因为局部解析)。而到了偏微分方程里面,regular则是描述一个函数可积性和可微性的一个统称,比如我说一个函数的regularity怎么怎么,我是在说它在指定的区域内几次可微,几次可积。共轭就是Conjugate,没什么花头,复数里面的概念。自己估计当年翻译这个词的人也是想了很久,看到a+ib和a-ib在复平面中间画那根线标注两者实部相同特别像两边各挑一担,于是狂翻字典找到“轭”这个字,当然这是一种想法,不一定对。哦
2023-07-31 15:53:591


英语的正规Formal English
2023-07-31 15:54:452

求大神 热盼!!!!!! if regularity and conformity 就是何凯文66句最后一句!!!!!! AS的用法

2023-07-31 15:54:521

syntactic over-regularity什么意思 求解.

应该是 句法在规律
2023-07-31 15:55:002


2023-07-31 15:55:205

代数拓扑 Cell complexes

“Cell complexes”,中文有时翻译为“胞腔复形”,通常用赋以“复形”结构的方法来计算“拓扑空间”(比如曲面,流形,再比如一维的图)的同调群和同伦群。常用的复形结构有simplicial complex,singular complex,以及更一般的cell complex 或称CW complex (,CW complex的单元叫做 cell。
2023-07-31 15:55:342


[ guī lǜ ]1.自然界和社会诸现象之间必然、本质、稳定和反复出现的关系。2.有节奏的;不是杂乱的。
2023-07-31 15:55:422


  遵守是依照规定行动而不违背的意思。那么你知道遵守用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    遵守英语说法1:   comply with    遵守英语说法2:   obey    遵守英语说法3:   observe    遵守的英语例句:   最高限速必须严格遵守。   The speed limit must be strictly observed.   他们忠实地遵守规则。   They faithfully observed the rules.   这个司机是个不遵守速度限制的人。   The driver is a poor observer of speed restrictions.   生活应遵守规律,因为规律对健康有益。   Regularity ought to be observed, as regularity is very conducive to health.   这个工人因为严格遵守规则而受到了表扬。   The worker was praised for his observance of the rules.   我们应该遵守礼节。   We should observe the proprieties.   我一直遵守协议,但他并不遵守。   The agreement has been kept on my part but mot on his.   汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。   Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.   遵守礼节但互相憎恨的受人尊敬的夫妇   Respectable couples who observe the proprieties but loathe each other   我们必须遵守这个国家的法规。   We must obey the statutes in this country.   遵守学校纪律,遵守公共秩序。   Observe the school discipline and public order.   每个人都必须遵守这条政府法令。   Everyone should obey the government ordinance.   比如,急救室团队就严格遵守基于职务的等级制度:主治医师居首,随后是专科医生,之后是实习医生。   Emergency-room teams, for example, observe a strict hierarchy based on position: attending surgeons at the top, then fellows, then residents.   他们必须遵守规则。   They have got to abide by the rules.   遵守他的诫命律例,就是我今日所吩咐你的,为要叫你得福。   and to observe the LORD"S commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?   如果我们加强交通 安全 教育 ,更多的人遵守交通规则,我相信总有一天交通事故是可以避免的。   If we reinforce the traffic security education and more people comply with traffic regulations, I believe one day traffic accidents can be avoided.   书中严格规定了审讯17岁以下未成年人时应当遵守的事项。   There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen.   他始终遵守诺言。   He is always an observer of his promise.   有些人遵守荣誉信条,好比人们观察①星星,隔着老远的距离。   There are people who observe the rules of honor as one observes the stars, from a great distance.   第三十九条被判处管制的犯罪分子,在执行期间,应当遵守下列规定:   Article 39 Any criminal who is sentenced to public surveillance shall observe the following during the term in which his sentence is being executed:   因为你不听从耶和华你神的话,不遵守他所吩咐的诫命律例。   They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the LORD your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you.
2023-07-31 15:56:011

求英语翻译大神,请详细解析。Nor,if regularity and conformity to

也不是对于科学家来说如果遵循规范和标准样式,正如他写作的论文所反映的内容那样称心如意,而为了支持正统的在团队中表现良好的思想家,因歧视研究人员中的那些“另类”,对管理体制提出批评意见。if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect,状语从句,nor is management to be blamed for discriminating against the "odd balls" among reseachers in favor of more conventional thinkers who "work well with the team".是主句。
2023-07-31 15:56:132


一个经济学中的应用。去年学一般均衡的时候讲到其中一个小分支,有一个叫价格图(price graph)的概念。大意就是在价格p下,如果一个个体i,他/她把自己的消费中一小部分拿给j能让j的境况严格变好,我们就说i和j是连通的。如果这张图中任意两个个体之间都有一条连通路径,那么它就是强连通的。Baldry和Ghosal证明了,如果一个经济满足一些正则条件,并且在任意价格向量下都是强连通的,这个经济中就存在瓦尔拉斯均衡(2005)。用图论来处理一般均衡问题常常是和经济体的可约性联系在一起的,所谓可约性,就是经济体不能太分裂。如果经济体可以分割成两块,其中一块完全不需要另一块的产品/禀赋,那瓦尔拉斯均衡就不会存在。具体描绘可约性实际上就是在描绘经济体的图。从1957年Rosenblatt引入这个概念开始,我们已经得到了很多种可约性,比如说McKenzie可约性,C可约性,C"可约性等等,Baldry和Ghosal用图论得到的是C可约性和C"可约性下的结果。实际上图论在理论经济学中还有很多其它应用,不过个人觉得这个是特别漂亮和重要的。参考文献:Baldry R, Ghosal S. Irreducible economies and strongly connected graphs[J]. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2005, 41(8): 937-956.
2023-07-31 15:56:212


Pick to: social total retail sales of consumer goods reflect certain period of people"s material and cultural life, raising the level of the realization of reflecting the social commodity purchasing power, and the degree of the scale of retail, market situation. By the society commodity supply and demand for commodities with the ability to pay of the scale, is determined by the people"s living standards, social studies retail goods purchasing power, social production, currency and commodity price trend of the development of the important material. Our country is a economic powers, economic remained steady and fast growth, the income of urban and rural residents is growing steadily, consumer demand, people life level is high. Among them is a reflection of social total retail sales of consumer goods in people"s living standards improved a good index. So for society ? total retail sales of consumer goods for analysis
2023-07-31 15:56:546

一般现在时的定义 英文版

我给你发了信息 你可以看看 这里发不上来
2023-07-31 15:57:105


balance的用法balance的用法1:balance用作名词的基本意思是“平衡,对比”,引申可表示“调和,均势”,还可表示思想或情绪上的稳定、镇定、沉着,有时还可表示重量、力量或数量上的偏重,作此解是不可数名词,但其前可加不定冠词。balance的用法2:balance还可作“天平,秤”解,引申可表示“平衡力,制衡作用,抵消作用”。balance也可作“结存,结余,余额”解,指财务上的收支差额或余额。在美式英语中the balance可作“残余,余额”解。balance的用法3:表示“一副天平”,可说a balance,也可说a pair of balance。表示“用天平称某物”可接介词in或on。balance的用法4:balance的基本意思是对物体各部分进行适当调整,使重量均衡或比例协调,从而达到稳固或稳定的目的。引申可指均衡或比较事物的利弊、优势或轻重、缓急等。balance的常用短语用作名词 (n.)in the balanceon balance用作动词 (v.)balance against (v. + prep.)balance out (v. + adv.)balance with (v. + prep.)balance的网络释义balance结算; 平衡; 均衡; 天平;favourable balance顺差; 顺差 财经;aerodynamic balance空气动力学天平; 气动天平; 风洞天平; 空气动力天秤;dynamic balance动平衡; 动态平衡; 动力平衡; 动能均衡;economic balance经济平衡;balance的用法例句1. He remains the anchor of the country"s fragile political balance.他仍然是维系该国脆弱的政治平衡的支柱。2. He figured up the balance in their checking account.他算出了他们活期存款账户上的余额总和。3. I"d like to check the balance in my account please.请查一下我的账户余额。4. A balance is achieved in the painting between orderliness and unpredictability.这幅画作在条理分明和出人意表之间取得了平衡。5. The total of debits must balance the total of credits.借记总额必须与贷记总额相平衡。6. Her ankle caught on a root, and she almost lost her balance.她的脚踝被树根绊了一下,差点摔倒。7. The sta-tement of total debits and credits is known as a balance.总借记和总贷记的结算即账户余额。8. She could not maintain her balance and moved in a wobbly fashion.她无法保持平衡,走路颤颤巍巍。9. She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance.她抓住扶手以保持平衡。10. On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.总而言之,这是一本通俗而务实的物理入门书。
2023-07-31 15:57:471


2023-07-31 15:58:222


1、“经常”常用的表达为:often; frequently; regularly; day-to-day。2、“经常”还可以用英语表达为:everyday;half the time;often and often;at every turn;semper;evermore;regularity;oft-times;most an end。3、双语例句:(1)他经常上图书馆去。He often goes to the library.(2)这类问题是经常发生的。This kind of problem frequently crops up.(3)我掌握了大量关于这类事的最新信息,因为我经常收听新闻。I am very up to date on this sort of thing because I listen to the news.
2023-07-31 15:58:311


“经常”常用的表达为:often; frequently; regularly; day-to-day。“经常”还可以用英语表达为:everyday;half the time;often and often;at every turn;semper;evermore;regularity;oft-times;most an end。双语例句:1、他经常上图书馆去。He often goes to the library.2、这类问题是经常发生的。This kind of problem frequently crops up.3、我掌握了大量关于这类事的最新信息,因为我经常收听新闻。I am very up to date on this sort of thing because I listen to the news.4、我和妈妈过去经常争吵。Mum and I used to fall out a lot.5、我经常喝点酒放松一下。I regularly have a drink to wind down.
2023-07-31 15:58:411


2023-07-31 15:58:523


  规律指自然界和社会诸现象之间必然、本质、稳定和反复出现的关系。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    规律英语说法1:   law    规律英语说法2:   rule   规律英语说法3:   regular pattern    规律的相关短语:   工具规律 Law of the instrument   经济规律 laws of economics ; economic laws ; canon of economics ; Economy regulation   普遍规律 universal law ; general law ; universal rule ; universal regulation   发生规律 occurrence regularity ; occurrence rule ; occurring characteristics ; regularity of occurrence   规律延伸 Law Extension ; LawExtensions   发展规律 law of development ; development law ; developing norms ; developing regulation   规律断层 strike fault ; Fault strike ; strike fault west bank   曝光规律 Exposure Rules   用药规律 regularity ; the principle of herbs used by TCM treatment ; medicine law ; herbal administration regularity    规律的英语例句:   1. He stood in the doorway, listening to her quiet, regular breathing.   他站在走道里,听着她那沉静而规律的呼吸声。   2. Children seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language.   儿童在学习语言过程中会找出各种规律和规则。   3. Charles was a man of settled habits and inflexible routine.   查尔斯是一个恪守习惯、生活规律不容打乱的人。   4. the characterization of physics as the study of simplicity   把物理学界定为一门探求简单规律的学问   5. In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective.   他在自己的绘画艺术中打破了科学的直线透视法规律。   6. They felt that all the regularities in nature have a purpose.   他们感到自然界一切有规律的事物均有目的性.   7. She arrives every day at eight, as regular as clockwork.   她每天八点钟到, 极有规律   8. The underweight child has begun to fill out after regular exercises.   这个偏瘦的孩子在进行了一段有规律的锻炼后开始长壮了.   9. That sort of thing is quite occasional and not regular.   那种事十分偶然,没有规律.   10. Taking a walk every evening was one of his personal laws.   每晚散步是他个人的生活规律之一.   11. He heard the regular noise of the clock.   他听到时钟有规律的滴嗒声.   12. Her breathing became more rhythmic.   她的呼吸变得更有规律了.   13. He exercised with a regularity that amazed us.   他锻炼的规律程度令我们非常惊讶.   14. He leads a regular life.   他过著有规律的生活.   15. New word formations have not regularity.   新词的构成没有规律.
2023-07-31 15:59:081


2023-07-31 15:59:283


正则的英文是Regular,在不同的数学分支可以有不同的意思你可以从英文的字面意思去理解,一般用来形容研究的对象具有比较“好”的性质比如在分析里面,一个函数的越光滑,我们可以用“nice regularity”去描述这种好的光滑性,或者说一个函数是regular也是在对其光滑性进行描述(因为局部解析)。而到了偏微分方程里面,regular则是描述一个函数可积性和可微性的一个统称,比如我说一个函数的regularity怎么怎么,我是在说它在指定的区域内几次可微,几次可积。共轭就是Conjugate,没什么花头,复数里面的概念。自己估计当年翻译这个词的人也是想了很久,看到a+ib和a-ib在复平面中间画那根线标注两者实部相同特别像两边各挑一担,于是狂翻字典找到“轭”这个字,当然这是一种想法,不一定对。采纳哦
2023-07-31 15:59:381


2023-07-31 15:59:451


问题一:清楚的,明确的,清晰的用英语怎么说 Figure out the regularity 问题二:“清晰的思路”用英语怎么说 Clear train of thoughts 问题三:标准清晰和高清晰用英语怎么说? 标准清晰(度)standard definition,简称SD,如标清电视为SDTV; 高清晰(度)high definition,简称HD,如高清电视为HDTV。 问题四:“思路清晰”用英语怎么说?急! On this point, we have a clear mind/view 问题五:“弄清楚”用英语怎么表达?? figure sth out make it clear make sense get it across 问题六:你应该比我更清楚!用英语怎么说! you are clearer than me about that. 问题七:“更清楚一些”用英语怎么说 more clear 问题八:我基本清楚了 英文怎么说? I basically clear 问题九:你懂吗?用英语怎么说? 你懂吗?用英语 1,Do you understand? 2.Can you reak my mind? 3.Do you know? 4.Do you got it? 例句 You know , they weren " t trying to hustle anybody. 你懂吗,他们不会打扰任何人。
2023-07-31 15:59:521

大学英语六级词汇 R 开头
2023-07-31 16:00:023

从形容词变成以it y结尾的名词的英语单词有哪些?

2023-07-31 16:00:101


2023-07-31 16:00:464


近义词啊?frequently,generally ,at every turn ,evermore ,half the time ,,regularity ,sometimes often ,副词 ad.1.常常,时常 2.往往,通常
2023-07-31 16:00:571


2023-07-31 16:01:072


in favor of 不是修饰discriminating的,而是修饰researchers的, 喜欢传统思考者的researcher
2023-07-31 16:01:163


英语单词有三个以上音节的单词叫多音节词。多音节词的一个最大的语音规则是:重音落在倒数第三个音节。interesting有三个音节,重音落在倒数第三个音节,也就是第一个音节 [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ] .以下单词重音都在倒数第三个音节:ability, responsibility, comfortable, compromise, regular, regularity, popular, popularity.当然,任何规则都有例外。-ion、-ic, -ics结尾的多音节词,重音落在倒数第二个音节,如:dictation, prediction, application, foundation, decision, determination.economic, economics, athletic, specific, terrific, horrific
2023-07-31 16:01:231


  红豆多生于山沟、溪边、林中或栽培于园庭。缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝、越南、马来西亚、印度尼西亚也有分布。红豆可以制成多种美味的食品,有很高营养价值。在古代文学中常用来象征相思。那么你知道红豆的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    红豆英语单词1:   Ormosia    红豆英语单词2:   Red Bean    红豆的英语例句:   红豆生南国。   Red berries grow in southern land.   你吃过红豆冰棍。   you"ve eaten a red bean popsicle.   在过去的几个月中,红豆的销量急剧下降。   The sale of red bean fall off considerably in the past few months.   艾丽斯喜爱没有红豆的甜味粽子。   Alice loves the sweet ones without red beans.   还没为你把红豆熬成缠绵的伤口。   If only the jequirity had been boiled to produce lingering wounds.   我们使红豆布丁 蛋糕 ,吃新鲜出炉的月饼。   We make red bean pudding cakes and eat freshly baked moon cakes.   如果你不喜欢芒果,你可以选其他东西,如草莓或红豆。   If you aren"t crazy about mangos, you can choose other toppings such as strawberries or red beans.   当然红豆粥和南瓜粥也都非常好吃。   Red bean porridge and pumpkin porridge are also delicious.   忌讳把红豆饭浇上酱汤吃。   The red rice poured miso soup taboo.   还没为你把红豆熬成缠绵的伤口,   If only the jequirity had been boiled to produce lingering wounds.   它的做法是,先将红豆煮熟,捻成泥状;再在红豆泥里加入糖或是蜂蜜以增加甜味。   It is prepared by boiling and mashing azuki beans and then sweetening the paste with sugar or honey.   于是雅各将饼和红豆汤给了以扫,以扫吃了喝了,便起来走了。   Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew.   红豆树苗木的物候节律:发芽生长期3月下旬-11月中旬。   The Phenology rhythm of Ormosia hosiei sapling: burgeon growth period is between the last ten days of March and the middle ten days of November.   红豆,又称相思豆,质地坚硬、色艳如血、形似跳动的心脏,红而发亮,色泽晶莹、永不褪色。   Red bean, alias love pea, is characterd by its hard texture and bloody a beating heart, red and shiny, it will never fade.   油松种子园开花结实规律研究进展红豆树开花结实规律及种子发芽试验   Summaries of Regularity of Blossoming and Bear Fruit of Pinus tabulaeformis in Seed Plantation Preliminary Research on Characteristics of Florescence and Seed Germination of Ormosia hosiei Hemsl& Wils   福建省境内的红豆树立木的叶相变化多数始于11月底,若遇 霜降 小叶即迅速脱落。   The leaves of Ormosia hosiei tree began change mostly in the end of November in FuJian province. If met the hoar frost descends, the foliole fell off rapidly.   红豆树是著名的景观树种,其种子、花朵、冠形、树根、木材纹理等都是重要景观要素:红豆树景观具有爱情意境、友情与亲情意境、 文化 意境;红豆树在景观生态要素类型中,景观的组合美、残余斑块景观应用、引入斑块景观应用、红豆树谷景观应用、红豆景观文化耦合等具有广泛的应用价值。   The landscape of Ormosia hosiei trees have love artistic conception, friendship and relative artistic conception, culture artistic conception. There are many application values of Ormosia hosiei trees in combination beauty of landscape, remains spot landscape application, import spot landscape application, Ormosia hosiei trees landscape application, Ormosia hosiei trees landscape culture coupling.   本文对红豆树生物生态学特性的观察与研究,可为红豆树遗传改良研究、种苗繁殖技术研究、人工栽培技术研究、大树迁地移植以及对珍贵树种红豆树实施有效的保护与管理等工作提供基础理论。   This article through observation and studies on biological and ecological character, could afford basic theory which is used in studies on Ormosia hosiei gene improvement, sapling propagation technology, artificial cultivating technology, transplant of the trees. protection and management of the rarity Ormosia hosiei trees.
2023-07-31 16:01:421


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2023-07-31 16:02:006


而且,就算规律和confirmity到一个标准的patternare科学家这样的要求就像他论文的写作所appar体现,是管理应该受到责备佛discriminatig反对“奇怪的球”研究者中支持更多的传统的思想家这个团队工作得很好,as ……as 作为……作为
2023-07-31 16:02:373


培根四假象说在传统的科学禁锢下,人们的思想固步自封,创始人的学说被凝固,僵化。研究者为了迎合世俗的判断,牺牲个人兴趣,离开自己道路。在科学界出现权威压倒,沽名钓誉,缺乏经验,方法笨拙,极不精细等一系列的弊病。培根将这种科学发展障碍归结为四个假象。分别为:种族假象,指人性的缺陷。洞穴假象,是个体差别造成的缺陷。市场假象,指语言交往中产生的误解。剧场假象,各种哲学理论造成的错误。培根的四假象,系统梳理人们在认识中容易陷入的误区,强调理智和事实,由此奠定了实证科学的独立地位。附上「四假象说」的英文概述:Bacon also listed what he called the idols (false images) of the mind. He described these as things which obstructed the path of correct scientific reasoning.Idols of the Tribe (Idola tribus): This is humans" tendency to perceive more order and regularity in systems than truly exists, and is due to people following their preconceived ideas about things.Idols of the Cave (Idola specus): This is due to individuals" personal weaknesses in reasoning due to particular personalities, likes and dislikes.Idols of the Marketplace (Idola fori): This is due to confusion in the use of language and taking some words in science to have a different meaning than their common usage.Idols of the Theatre (Idola theatri): This is the following of academic dogma and not asking questions about the world.
2023-07-31 16:02:441


These translation rules need to fit in with the standards of language.
2023-07-31 16:03:042


许多关于数学基础与数学哲学的论说都涉及元数学的概念,它们往往不能被当作我们通常所说的“问题”来处理。元数学的基本假设是:数学的内容可以由一个形式系统获得,比如一个序理论或一个公理化集合论。元数学与数理逻辑休戚相关,因而这两者的发展也大同小异。元数学的发端大概要追溯到弗雷格的工作:《概念文字》。大卫·希尔伯特首先引进了带有正则性的“元数学”(metamathematics with regularity)这一说法(见希尔伯特计划)。这也就是现在所说的证明论。另一个重要的现代分支是模型论。这一领域的其他重要人物有:伯特兰·罗素,斯科尔姆(Thoralf Skolem),普斯特(Emil Post),邱奇,克莱尼,蒯因,贝纳瑟拉夫(Paul Benacerraf),普特南,柴汀(Gregory Chaitin),以及最著名的塔斯基和哥德尔。特别地,哥德尔证明了:给定任意有限多条皮亚诺算术的公理,都存在一些正确的命题,无法用所给公理来证明,即所谓的哥德尔不完备定理。某种意义上来说,这一结果是迄今为止元数学与数学哲学的最高成就。
2023-07-31 16:03:141


交物种的发现,在所有这三种类别的过程交可能改变上述特征的 类. 因此,塑料已知具有明显的变形能力为100至200 % ; 他们不具有这种特性,当交,不过. 橡胶硫化,改变其性能中低模量,低强度,低硬度 高伸长率高模量,高强度,硬度高,伸长率低. 因此,聚合物可归类为noncrosslinked和交 这个定义基本上同意的subclassification在热塑性塑料和热固性聚合物. 从机械的角度来看,聚合物妥善分为此外聚合物和缩合聚合物. 这两种被发现在橡胶,塑料和纤维. 在许多情况下,聚合物从机械的观点. 同时,聚合物将会命名根据其来源时,它是由一个特定的假设,单体 或当它是由两个或两个以上的组成部分,是建立随机分成聚合物. 这种分类较好,与目前使用的一般做法. 当重复单元,是由若干个单体组成后对方经常时装 聚合物通常被称为根据其结构. 我们必须记住, 随着Ziegler-Natta高效的机制和新的技术来改善和扩大结晶 而亲密包装连锁店 许多老一辈的数据,应审慎考虑有关的stereoregular和晶体结构. 性能的聚合物则在很大程度上依赖于种类和程度都stereoregularity和0.0076 . 为例,密度和熔点atactic and isotactic种ar列于表8.1 .
2023-07-31 16:03:451

师兄、师弟、师姐、师妹的英语怎么说? 如果英语里没有类似的词,那怎么表达这个意思。

英文里好像没有这类词。他们的尊卑观念没有那么强。在国外的大学或是中学校园里,不同年级的学生时常有机会选修同样的课。他们在称呼上没有那么拘谨,直接叫名字就可以了。如果真要强调师兄、师姐的话,可以说 He/she is my senior at school.
2023-07-31 16:03:561


2023-07-31 16:05:0212


1. According to my observation, anyone who has made achievements in his career has a strong will. 2. It is unfair that many women in Western countries cannot receive equal pay for equal work. 3. After careful investigation, the police came to the conclusion that the taxi driver should be fully responsible for yesterday"s traffic accident. 4. It goes without saying that it is wise to replace Untrained athletes with trained athletes. 5. The English teacher knows that if Tom doesn"t dare to take part in the recitation competition, then it is very likely that other students in the class don"t dare either. 6. If Jim can"t answer this question, it is likely that other students in the class can"t answer either. 7. For them, the enemy"s prison can only imprison their bodies, but cannot ban their thoughts. 8. Time waits. If we don"t take measures in time, the situation here will be completely out of control. 9. We should understand that changing the atmosphere is our own business. 10. Managers of current American companies are often young people who are educated in engineering, science and enterprise management.
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dsp在音响里就是数字音频处理器的英文缩写 它的作用就是将音频信号进行处理提升音质
2023-07-31 16:00:403


1. 谁能写一篇英语描写自己和朋友的作文,要描写人物的 I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a *** all mouth,a *** all nose and a round face.She is tall and thin.She likes watching TV and playing the basketball.On the weekend,she always plays basketball with her friendsin the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student.She is good at English.She likes speaking in English.She always reports news in English in her school. 2. 人物肖像描写的英语作文 一提起朋友,我就会想到他:高高的个子,白白的皮肤,圆圆的脸上嵌着两道浓浓的月牙儿似的眉毛,眉毛下面长着一对调皮的大眼睛。他有一对大的出奇的耳朵,简直可以和三国时期的蜀主刘备相比。他就是我的好朋友——张皓然。 张皓然是一个乐于助人的人。班级里只要有那位同学遇到困难,第一时间站出来的就是他。就拿不久前的那次英语测验来说吧!老师要求我们每位同学必须要用黑色水笔答题。当我打开铅笔盒的瞬间,顿时傻了眼。糟了,黑笔忘带了。我的心“咯噔”一下,着急地寻找起来。可是,我翻遍了整个书包也没有找到水笔的踪影,怎么办?此时的我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,豆大的汗珠顺着额角直往下淌,泪珠在我的眼眶里不停地打转。但生性胆小的我又不敢跟老师提起。就在这时,坐在我旁边的张皓然见到我这副模样,便小声地问道:“王天成,你怎么了?””我忘带黑笔了!”我沮丧地说道。“你就用我的吧,我正好带了两支笔。”张皓然悄声说道。只见,他边说边迅速打开铅笔盒,从两支水笔里挑选了一支成色更新的送到我的手里。我连忙向他投去了感激的目光。下课了,我连忙向他道谢。而他却我握着我的手真诚地说:“不用谢!我们是朋友,就应该互相帮助,而且在生活中每个人都会遇到困难,帮助别人的同时也等于帮助了自己,难道不是吗?“话音刚落,周围响起了一片热烈的掌声,同学们都向小张投去赞许的目光。 朋友像一支蜡烛在黑暗中为你照亮光明,朋友向远方的船支为你护航保驾。生活中每个人都需要朋友,而我非常庆幸能有一个像张皓然这样的好朋友。 3. 描写人物的英语作文 100 A friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are depressed.So I have many friends.But XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study.So his study is very good.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if i got in trouble.I will help he as much as I can. I hope our friendship will forever and ever. A friend is someone who can let you feel warm when you are depressed. I have many friends. However I only have one best friend and it"s XXX. He is the same age as me. He is taller than me. Basketball is his favourite sport. We are in the same class. He likes studying and is good at it, so he gets high marks. We learn from each other and help each other. He will help me if I ever get into troubles. So will I. I hope our friendship will last forever and ever 或 My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and i"m more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am *** arter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don"t want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study. I think our friendship will last forever. 朋友是当你在沮丧消沉的时候能给你温暖的人。因此我又很多朋友。XXX是我最好的朋友。他和我一样大却比我高。他最喜欢的运动是打篮球。我们是同班同学。他的学习很棒,因此他的成绩很好。我们相互学习相互帮助。我有困难的时候他会帮我,而他又困难我也会尽力帮他。我希望我们的友谊能天长地久。 朋友是能让你在消沉的时候感受到温暖的人。我有很多朋友,但是我最好的却是XXX.他跟我一样大,却比我高。他最喜欢的运动是打篮球。他很爱学习,所以学习很棒,因此总能得高分。我们相互帮助相互学习。我有困难的时候他总会帮我,他有困难时我也一样会帮他。我希望我们的友谊是永恒的。 我和我最好的朋友相处的非常好,但是我们却各有不同。他比我更有趣,更外向,而我很严肃。他是运动型的,各种体育运动都很喜欢,而我更擅长于学习。 我的朋友相对狂野而我相对沉静。他又高又瘦,但是很结实,留着短发。一些时候他马虎又懒散。与他相比,我显得矮胖,而虚弱。我也是短头发。他很乐于助人,因为我很懒不想做仍和运动。我会在学习上帮助他。我希望我们的友谊能够持续到永远 4. 写人的英文作文 My friend I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a *** all mouth, a *** all nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much。 5. 求一篇描写人物的英语作文 Friendship is indispensable to people"s life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. Friendship is the mother of our psyche, who"ll warm her kid when hurt occurs. We have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. Alas, it"s magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship. 友谊对人的生活是不可缺少的。 没有朋友的一个人是天使没有翼,生活在寂寞和消沉长的容忍将遭受。 友谊是我们的灵魂的母亲,将温暖她的孩子,当创伤发生时。 我们在生活、困惑、兴奋,冤苦等有分享与我们的朋友。 呀,它是壮观的维护一个纯友情。 6. 描写人的英语作文100词左右 描写人: My good friend Jack is a tall boy and has a little black but he is handsome and warm-hreated.He always considers his friends.So,sometimes I feel I"m too menial.We have been good friends for long time.This is partly because I"m out-going as he is and partly because he is easy-going.But he isn"t industrious likes me. Thus, his marks are not good as me.In this case,I suggested him that he should work hard in his study so that we can go to the same university. This person is my best friend Jack who I can tell everything to. Like my deeply feelings and thoughts. 我的好朋友杰克是一个高而有点黑,但是很帅气和热心肠的男生。 他总是替朋友照相。所有有时候我感到自己太渺小了。 他和我做了很久的朋友.一部分原因是我和他一样那么开朗。另外一部分原因是他很容易相处。 但是他不如我那么努力,所以他的成绩也没我的好。因此,我建议他应该多努力学习这样我们才能一起去同一个大学. 这个人就是我的好朋友杰克,一个能够让我告诉他一切,推心置腹的人. 希望帮到你,有不懂 不满意可以M我.祝学习进步。 7. 求一篇描写人物的英语作文(带翻译) My Favourite Teacher Hello,my name is Jie. I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. She is a very good teacher. She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much. She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happ y. We all love her very much. This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too? 我最喜欢的老师 嗨,我的名字叫杰。我有许多好老师,但我喜欢的老师是李老师。她是一个很好的老师。 她很年轻,但她的英语很好。她每天教我们英语。她的课堂很有趣。她跟我们一块唱歌,和我们一起玩游戏。我们非常快乐幸福。我们英语学得很好。我们的英语是非常好的。所以我非常喜欢她。 她喜欢读书和运动。下课后,李老师经常和我们一起运动,我们很高兴。我们非常喜欢她。 这就是我最喜欢的老师。她是一个好老师。我非常喜欢我的英语老师。你呢?你也有一个好老师吗? 8. 描写同学性格外貌的英语作文 1.她高高的个儿,一头乌黑柔软的头发,梳着许多根又细又长的小辫子。 雪白的瓜子脸,细长的眉毛下闪动着一双乌黑发亮的眼睛,流露出聪颖的光芒。她平时爱穿红黄相间的长条衬衫,配上浅绿色的紧身裤,多么像一位从新疆来的维吾尔族小姑娘啊! 2.李云是一个机灵、陶气的孩子。 他胖乎乎的脸上,长着一对调皮的大眼睛,眼帘忽闪忽闪的,那两颗像黑宝石似的大眼珠只要一转,鬼点子就来了。在他那黝黑的脸上,不论是那鼓鼓的腮帮,还是那薄薄的嘴唇,或者那微微翘起的小鼻尖,都使你感到滑稽逗人。 她高高的个儿,一头乌黑柔软的头发,梳着许多根又细又长的小辫子。雪白的瓜子脸,细长的眉毛下闪动着一双乌黑发亮的眼睛,流露出聪颖的光芒。 她平时爱穿红黄相间的长条衬衫,配上浅绿色的紧身裤,多么像一位从新疆来的维吾尔族小姑娘啊! 她的个子不高,总是坐在前排。乌黑的短发上系着红色的蝴蝶结,一双明亮的大眼睛闪着智慧的光芒。 她爱发言,回答问题时声音又响亮又干脆 她是一位活泼可爱的小女孩,白净的瓜子脸,弯弯的眉毛下一双水灵灵的眼睛。她爱唱歌,更爱跳舞,还参加了校舞蹈队呢!她穿着那件红地白花的连衣裙,跳舞时,动作优美极了! .〖一个女同学的外貌〗她很瘦小,长着一对月牙似的小眼睛,嘴巴旁有颗米粒大小的黑痣。 她正阅读着一本厚厚的书,那双眼睛盯在书页上,就像蜜蜂吮吸着花蜜,显得那么专注。 小飞坐在座位上,埋头只顾写呀写呀,笔底下好像有源源不断的泉水涌流出来,用不到一节课的时间,一篇作文竟全写好了。 晓鸿恰好面对窗户坐着,午后的阳光射到她的圆脸上,使她的两颊更加红润;她拿笔的手托着腮,张大的眼眶里,晶亮的眸子缓慢游动着,丰满的下巴微微上翘——这是每当她想出更巧妙的方法来解决一道数学题时,为数学老师所熟悉、喜爱的神态。 每当我做作业时,笔尖沙沙响,好像小鸟在对我唱歌,又好像在鼓励我:“你要不怕困难,勇攀高峰。” 她站了起来,回答得那么准确,那么自然,那么流畅,似乎早有准备似的。 她抑扬顿挫地朗诵着,声调优美,娓娓动听,举座动容。 他这个调皮鬼,书念得太快了,劈劈啪啪,像是炒花生米一样。 娟娟用普通话朗读课文,声音脆生生,很是好听,连阳光也听得入了迷,偷偷地从窗口钻进了教室,落在她的书上,久久不愿离开。 我贪婪地读着书,如同一只饥饿的小羊闯进芳草嫩绿的草地。 她钻进浩如烟海的书籍里,如鱼儿进入了大海,忘记了时间的流逝。 他勉强打起精神,翻开书,开始就觉得一行行的字在上面活动起来,像要飞;后来觉得只是模模糊糊的一片,像一窝蚂蚁在纸上乱爬。 他又埋头写起作业来,屋里静悄悄的,只听到钢笔在纸上沙沙写字的声音。 同学们坐在教室里,聚精会神地听老师讲课,像几十株花儿在静悄悄地承受着辛勤园丁的浇灌。
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高中英语 value的动词用法? 是value do 还是value doing?

value 做动词的意思是:重视;珍视;给...估价。例句:We had better value our relationship. The hat was valued at 50 dollars. value作及物动词,接名词或代词做宾语,应该是value doing ,后面的doing是动名词
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