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Admin 是什么意思?

2023-08-01 01:08:09
TAG: in ad mi dm adm min admin

起初在DOS操作系统的年代里,很少用这个单词,但是到了Window NT开始开是使用“Administrator”做为系统管理员,后来就为了省事,简单的缩写为“Admin”慢慢的各种各样的需要认证的软件都使用“Admin”、“Administrator”、“Guest”等单词来作为软件默认的用户名。
































admin 管理;行政
2023-07-31 20:41:517


2023-07-31 20:42:166


administrator管理员 manager经理,管理人员
2023-07-31 20:42:311


推荐回答理员的英文缩写是admin,全称是 Administrator。管理员(Administrator)一般是指负责一定系统或者软件的维护或管理更新的实际个人或帐号,也有的是专门管理违反原则的。扩展资料1、Log on to the workstation as the workstation administrator. 作为工作站的管理员登录到工作站上。2、As an...
2023-07-31 20:42:396

administrator 这是英文单词吗?

2023-07-31 20:43:216


2023-07-31 20:44:046


administratorsconservatorcontrollermanagersupervisorkeeperadministrative officercaretakerguardian 都有管理员的意思
2023-07-31 20:45:051


2023-07-31 20:45:226


问题一:电脑上的管理员的英文怎么写 微软的管理员帐号是ADMINISTRATOR NOVELL的管理员是SUPERVISOR 问题二:管理员的英文缩写是什么? administrator 缩写一般是AD 或者admin 现在一般的路由器现在设置的初始登陆帐号和密码都是admin 问题三:“管理员”用英文怎么写?? administrator或admin 问题四:管理员用英语怎么说 管理员 conservator; manager; [医] matron; [经] intendant; administrators ; 问题五:管理员英文怎么说 administrator 例句: If you still receive this message, contact 户our network administrator. 如果依然接收到此消息,请洽询网络管理员。 问题六:管理人员用英语怎么说? 书面或口语技术 *** 流可用administrator但是用的少,大多直接根据情境选择manager更易接受。 问题七:计算机管理员的英文字母是什么呢? 电脑管理员的默认名称都是Admiitrator 电脑管理员的名称是可以修改, 下面分享一下修改电脑管理员名称的方法. 在“计算机”图标上点击图标右键,会看到“管理”选项。 进入“管理”选项。进入之后就会看到一个窗口。点“击本地用户和组”。 点击“本地用户和组”之后,会看到用户选项。双击“用”户之后。就会看到右边的管理员用户名Administrator。 选中Administrator点鼠标右键就可以看到重命名。点击重命名就可以修改管理员名称了。 问题八:安全管理员的英文怎么写 安全管理员 security administrator 或safety manager 希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ... 问题九:群主和管理员用英语怎么写啊? 群主是harem master,管理员是manager 求采纳
2023-07-31 20:45:441


  仓库管理员是指企业中负责合理储备并保管货物,定期进行仓库环境的维护和清理工作的人员。下面是我为你整理的,希望大家喜欢!      godown keeper;   godown man;   stockman;   warehouse keeper   关于短语   维修仓库管理员 Maintenance Storekeeper   第三方仓库管理员 Third Party Warehouse Keeper   物流仓库管理员 Ining & Outgoing Shipment Controller ; Logistic Staff   资料仓库管理员 Visual Warehouse Administrative Clients ; administrator   航空仓库管理员 AK Aviation Storekeeper   是一个仓库管理员 Is a storekeeper   仓库管理员-张江 Warehouse Specialist-Zhangjiang   秘书兼仓库管理员 Secretary and Storekeeper   仓库管理员-临港 Warehouse Keeper-LGN   例句   仓库管理员想要找出与某个客户相关的所有订单。   The warehouse administrator wants to find all orders related to a specific customer. Here is the query   仓库管理员使用GUI来浏览和控制当前可在 WIP中获得的每个版本的当前状态。   Warehouse administrators use the WIP GUI to browse and act on the current status of each edition currently available in the WIP. The WIP dynamics   显示排程何时变为非活动的记录:当仓库管理员降级其中定义了一个或多个排程的步骤时,其排程就变为非活动的。   a record indicating when a schedule has bee inactive: a schedule bees inactive when the warehouse administrator demotes a step for which there was one or more schedules defined.   仓库管理员想要找出在美国的仓库中有哪些商品的供应量大于加拿大仓库中所有商品的供应量。   The warehouse administrator would like to find out which items in the U.S. warehouse are in greater supply than all items in the Canada warehouse.   仓库管理员需要找出那些需要延期发货的商品,以及需要为某个客户联络的供应商。   The warehouse manager needs to find out which items need to be put on back-order, and which supplier to contact for a customer.   我经过训练后,成了一名仓库管理员。   I took training to bee a storekeeper.   他父亲在一个矿上的商店当仓库管理员,这份工作,以及这个新地方能让孩子们上学,进入崭新的世界。   His father had bee a storeman in a mine shop, and that job, and the move to this new place, was to enable his children to go to school and enter the new world.   此外,客户可以查问他们的ORDERSTATUS订单状态,仓库管理员可以查问订单上所订产品的STOCKLEVEL库存水平。   In addition, customers can inquire on their ORDER STATUS, and warehouse managers can inquire the STOCK LEVEL of items on order.   仓库必须执行先进先出的原则,仓库管理员必须保证贮存物品的质量。   The warehouse must keep to the "early in early out" principle, and the storekeepers must ensure the quality of storage goods.   仓库管理员负责入库产品的检验和试验状态的标识。   The storekeeper is responsible for identifying the inspection and test status of the products in warehouse.   仓库管理员凭收到的《检验报告单》办理货物入库、让步或退货手续。   The warehouseman will go through formalities for warehousing, conceding or returning the goods against the "Inspection Report" it receives.
2023-07-31 20:45:521


2023-07-31 20:46:013


  缩写:ADMIN   管理员简介:   一般是指负责一定系统或者软件的维护或管理更新的实际个人或帐号,也有的是专门管理违反原则的,也有些场合,比如网吧、交流群等直接叫做管理员。   职责:   1、网络管理员的工作是维护网络秩序,主要负责整个网络的网络设备和服务器系统的设计、安装、配置、管理和维护工作,为内部网的安全运行做技术保障。   2、图书管理员的工作是整理好图书,维护图书馆秩序。
2023-07-31 20:46:141


2023-07-31 20:46:346


GM 它除了游戏管理员的意思外 还有 转基因 的意思
2023-07-31 20:46:5210


图书管理员是:librarian读音:英 [lau026a"breu0259riu0259n] 美 [lau026a"breriu0259n]n. 图书管理员;图书馆学专家;图书馆馆长复数: librarians双语例句:If you can"t find the book you need, you can ask the librarian for help.如果你找不到你需要的书,你可以请图书馆管理员帮忙。
2023-07-31 20:47:264


2023-07-31 20:48:067


2023-07-31 20:48:442


2023-07-31 20:49:324

体育器械室的管理员 用英语怎么说

The administrator of the apparatus room
2023-07-31 20:49:472


问题一:“管理”用英语怎么说? Manage 管理(动词) Manager 管理员 Management 管理(名词) 问题二:管理英文怎么说的 management master control manouver 都可以 问题三:“管理帐号”英文怎么翻译 如果是名词,类似“管理员的账号”,就是 administrator account如果是动宾短语,就是“管理那些账号”,就是 manage the accounts如果是名词性短语,“账号管理”这个工作,可以是 account management 问题四:管理人员用英语怎么说? 书面或口语技术 *** 流可用administrator但是用的少,大多直接根据情境选择manager更易接受。 问题五:XXX企业管理有限公司英文怎么说 都可以,没多大区别 Enterprise 胆anagement limited pany 问题六:生产作业管理英文怎么说? 生产作业管理英文: Production operations and management 作业这个词应该用product耽on operations 短语词比较恰当。 ps:建议有时间可以多看看Norman Gaither 的书,或许您会对生产作业管理印象更深刻. 问题七:管理员英文怎么说 administrator 例句: If you still receive this message, contact 户our network administrator. 如果依然接收到此消息,请洽询网络管理员。
2023-07-31 20:49:551


2023-07-31 20:50:096


the Building Manager
2023-07-31 20:50:298


数据库管理员的英文缩写是DBA。数据库管理员的英文是Database Administrator。例句:A database administrator can also insert or update records(数据库管理员还可以插入或更新记录)。 扩展资料 Database Administrator的例句:Have the database administrator create databases, schemas, tables, and other objects for you(让数据库管理员为您创建数据库、模式、表和其他对象);The database administrator sets up configuration repositories(配置存储库由数据库管理员设置)。
2023-07-31 20:50:471


2023-07-31 20:51:251

物资管理员 英文怎么表示??

Materials Administrator或: Materials Officer
2023-07-31 20:51:531


Foreign trade freight bill The declaration, the newspaper examine Purchaser Foreign trade inspector general Routine vice- total concurrently finance inspector general Chairman of the board Tube department manager Production department manager Superintendent representative Project inspector general Administrative human affairs manager
2023-07-31 20:52:213


2023-07-31 20:52:321

[英文] 下个学年我想做图书馆管理员 英文点讲?

I want to be the next semester"s librarian. or Can I please be the next semester"s librarian? Additional Information 附加资料: - I will try my best to plete my duties. Such as...(keep the books in order educate the students to keep books clean keep the student quiet in the library e) - I know I perfect for this role because ( I have a passion for books i understand how the library works and I have good peronsality) CHEERS=] 希望岩你用啦=] 参考: 自己 I want to be the school librarian in the next semester. 参考: 网址 I am xxx . I want to be a librari . I also will try my best to do this joy.and I hope I can help all the pupils too.^.^ 除了上述之外你还可以做一D<功夫> sush as 如果是同学选的话 你可以对同学有礼D 令他们喜欢你 这他们便会选你la!!^^ 如果是老师选的话 你可以经常去help他们 上堂专心D 答多D问题 then they will like you and choose you to be librari 又或者你可以直接同老师讲:I hope I can be librari 2008-12-03 21:20:26 补充: I want to be librari next school year会好D 参考: me^^ The next school year I want to librari 参考: me~ Miss______(Teacher Name) I"d like to be the school librarian next school term. If she ask Why? 1. Because I want to service the school. You can say this if you like. 1. I will try my best to do it. 参考: Me 下个学年我想做图书馆管理员 The next school year I want to be the librarian Iwant to be the school librarian in the next semester 如果同老师或校长讲 要礼貌啲 比较好 : I would like to be the school librarian next school term. I want to be a librarian for next school year.
2023-07-31 20:53:131


CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官 COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官 CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官 HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监 OD(Operations Director)运营总监 MD(Marketing Director)市场总监 OM(Operations Manager)运作经理 PM(Production Manager)生产经理 PG(Product Manager)产品经理GM(General Manager)总经理 VP(Vice President)副总裁 FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理Master of Business Administration 企业管理硕士 Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分) Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁 Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理 Sales Manager 销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理 Merchandising Manager 采购经理 Sales Assistant 销售助理 Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员 Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员 Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师 Marketing Consultant 市场顾问 Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监 Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员 Manufacturer"s Representative 厂家代表 Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监 Sales Representative 销售代表 Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理 Marketing Intern 市场实习 Marketing Director 市场总监 Insurance Agent 保险代理人 Customer Manager 客户经理 Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁 Regional Customer Manager 地区客户经理 Sales Administrator 销售主管 Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监 Advertising Manager 广告经理 Travel Agent 旅行代办员 Salesperson 销售员 Telemarketer 电话销售员 Sales Executive 销售执行者 Marketing Assistant 市场助理 Retail Buyer 零售采购员 Real Estate Manager 房地产经理 Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人 Purchasing Agent 采购代理 Product Developer 产品开发 Marketing Manager 市场经理 Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员 Advertising Assistant 广告助理 Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail) 广告文撰写人 Customer Representative 客户代表 Computers and Mathematics(计算机部分) Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理 MIS Manager 电脑部经理 Project Manager 项目经理 Technical Engineer 技术工程师 Developmental Engineer 开发工程师 Systems Programmer 系统程序员 Administrator 局域网管理员 Operations Analyst 操作分析 Computer Operator 电脑操作员 Product Support Manager 产品支持经理 Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管 Director of Information Services 信息服务主管 Systems Engineer 系统工程师 Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师 Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员 Information Analyst 信息分析 LAN Systems Analyst 系统分析 Statistician 统计员 Human Resources(人力资源部分) Director of Human Resources 人力资源总监 Assistant Personnel Officer 人事助理 Compensation Manager 薪酬经理 Employment Consultant 招募顾问 Facility Manager 后勤经理 Job Placement Officer 人员配置专员 Labor Relations Specialist 劳动关系专员 Recruiter 招聘人员 Training Specialist 培训专员 Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁 Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁助理 Personnel Manager 职员经理 Benefits Coordinator 员工福利协调员 Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表 Personnel Consultant 员工顾问 Training Coordinator 培训协调员 Executive and Managerial(管理部分) Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官 Director of Operations 运营总监 Vice-President 副总裁 Branch Manager 部门经理 Retail Store Manager 零售店经理 HMO Product Manager 产品经理 Operations Manager 操作经理 Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理 Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员 Management Consultant 管理顾问 District Manager 市区经理 Hospital Administrator 医院管理 Import/Export Manager 进出口经理 Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员 Program Manager 程序管理经理 Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员 Project Manager 项目经理 Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理 Regional Manager 区域经理 Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官 General Manager 总经理 Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监 Controller(International) 国际监管 Food Service Manager 食品服务经理 Production Manager 生产经理 Administrator 医疗保险管理 Property Manager 房地产经理 Claims Examiner 主考官 Controller(General) 管理员 Service Manager 服务经理 Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理 Vending Manager 售买经理 Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理 Transportation Manager 运输经理 Warehouse Manager 仓库经理 Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理 Manager(Non-Profit and Charities) 非盈利性慈善机构管理
2023-07-31 20:53:221


2023-07-31 20:53:291


2023-07-31 20:43:378


不能。Users是Windows中预设的一个用户组,介绍是:防止用户进行有意或无意的系统范围的更改,但是可以运行大部分应用程序。这个用户组包含了所有可登录的用户(Windows Vista开始,管理员用户和高级用户都也是默认被包含此组内)。这个组的权限是受限的,但要大于Guests组。删除Users文件夹会造成用户数据损失。扩展资料D盘常见文件夹:1、ThumbdbThumbdb文件在Windows Me 或更新的Windows版本中都会有,这是Windows对图片的缓存(也可以说是缓冲文件),它可以方便用户对图片进行预览,图片越多,这个文件可能就越大,这是正常的。2、LOST.DR专门收集Android系统运行时意外丢失的文件而设置的文件夹,其收集的内容包括系统因为意外而没能保存的各类内存、交换、暂存等数据,软件的缓存数据、以及其他各类文件。只要系统发生意外(如软件突然无法正常运行),便会将发生意外的文件移到此目录下,以数字序列名称代替该文件的扩展名。3、tenmp很多临时文件放在这里,收藏夹,浏览网页的临时文件,编辑文件等。这是根据操作的过程进行临时保存的。4、.bak文件.bak是备份文件,为文件格式扩展名,这类文件一般在.bak前面加上应该有原来的扩展名比如windows.dl1.bak,或是windows_dl1.bak,有的则是由原文件的后缀名和bak 混合而成,如proteus的备份文件为.DK。参考资料来源:百度百科--USERS
2023-07-31 20:43:391


是一样的,DX9系列只有D9 D9a D9b D9c直说,没有像DX10和DX10.1之区别。
2023-07-31 20:43:402


Rehab - ucf00uc774ud2f0 uae40Tried to make me go to rehab but I saidNo, no, noYes, I"ve been black but when I come back you"ll know, know, knowThey tried to make me go to rehab but I saidNo, no, noYes, I"ve been black but when I come back you"ll know, know, knowI ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fineHe"s tried to make me go to rehab but I won"t go, go, goI"d rather be at home with rayI ain"t got seventy days"Cause there"s nothingNothing you can teach me no no no noThat I can"t learn from Mr HathawayI didn"t get a lot in classBut I know it don"t come in a shot glassThey tried to make me go to rehab but I saidThey tried to make me go to rehab but I saidNo, no, noYes, I"ve been black but when I come back you"ll know, know, knowI ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fineHe tried to make me go to rehab but I saidNo, no, noTried to make me go to rehab but I saidNo, no, no no noYes, I"ve been black but when I come back you"ll know, know, knowI ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fineHe"s tried to make me go to rehab but I saidNo no no
2023-07-31 20:43:411


2023-07-31 20:43:464


DX9.0C 全称为DirectX9.0c。是微软公司的多媒体技术,很多运行于Windows 环境的新游戏需要DirectX。DirectX包含了对Direct3D、DirectDraw、DirectPlay、DirectSound、DirectInput等显示、声音以及系统的重要升级,是软硬件的接口。
2023-07-31 20:43:472

为什么英语中worked hard ed要发t的音 怎么连读 求教

ed har 这是前面的结尾和后面的词首几个字母连读发音就像target的tar一样
2023-07-31 20:43:502

directx 9 runtime是什么

是显示加速的软件 也就是“DitectX” 单的说它是一个辅助软件,一个提高系统性能的加速软件,微软创建开发的。他的意思不难理解,Direct是直接的意思,X是很多东西,加在一起就是一组具有共性的东西,这个共性就是直接。微软定义它为“硬件设备无关性”。 DirectX由显示部分、声音部分、输入部分和网络部分四大部分组成。 显示部分又分为Direct Draw(DDraw)和Direct 3D(D3D)前者主要负责2D加速。它包括很多方面:我们用播放mpg、DVD电影、玩雷电、麻将三缺一等等都是用的DDraw,你可以把它理解成所有划线的部分都是用的DDraw,由于显示卡的2D性能基本上已经达到极限,很多显卡都多的很不错,人们一直都把焦点放在了后面的D3D身上。 后者负责3D加速,比如极品飞车3-6的车身与烟雾,CS中的场景和人物,古墓丽影中劳拉等等,但是经典游戏Quake3除外,它使用了另一种API接口――OpenGL。 声音部分包括声效和MIDI音乐,不同的声卡表现的效果不同,目前的声卡基本上都支持DirectSound。但最好的声音效果主要有EXA和A3D,如果您的声卡支持这两种特效,您融入到真实的3D游戏世界之中。如果声卡支持更好的波表,通过DirectX的Direct Music会有不俗的表现。 输入部分:Direct Input不仅支持更多的游戏输入设备,而且对这些设备的识别与驱动上更加细致,充分发挥设备的最佳状态和全部功能。除了键盘和鼠标之外还可以连接手柄、摇杆、模拟器等。 网络部分:DirectPlay,它为游戏而来。通过它可以让计算机之间互联无障碍,提供多种连接方式,TPC/IP,IPX,Modem,串口等等。 至于你说directx 9 runtime对directx 11有什么影响,只能说directx 11包含directx 9的大部分文件,虽然11是9的新版本,但有的一些特殊游戏没有directx 9不能玩,避免将来重复安装,楼主最好别删除,毕竟这东西没多大,不占系统多少资源的。
2023-07-31 20:43:561


sport slowsuper snakesprint sandwich spring Saturdaysame sundaysit say 说,讲 scarf 围巾 school 学校school bag 书包 Science 科学,自然科学 season 季;季节 seat 座位 second 第二(的 see 看见;领会 September 九月 seven 七 seventeen 十七 seventy 七十 Shall [在问句中表示征求对方意见shape 形状 she 她 ship 船,轮船shirt (男式)衬衫 shoe 鞋 shop 商店 shopping 买东西 shopping centre 购物中心 short 短的 shorts 短裤should 应当,应该 shoulder 肩膀 shout 呼喊,喊叫 show 给……看,出示;演出;(广播或电视)节目 sign 标志;告示牌 sing 唱,唱歌 sir 先生 sister 姐;妹sitting-room 起居室 six 六 sixteen 十六 sixty 六十 skate 溜冰,滑冰 skateboard 滑板 skating 滑冰,溜冰 ski 滑雪 skiing 滑雪skirt 裙子 sleep 睡觉 slide 滑梯;滑道 small 小的 smart 好看的smell 嗅, 闻到 smoke 吸烟 snack bar 小吃店;快餐柜(部) snow 雪;下雪 snowball 雪球 snowman (雪堆成的)雪人 snowy 下雪的;多雪的so 这么,那么;很 Social science 社会科学 socks 短袜 sofa (长)沙发 soft drink 软性饮料 (指不含酒精的充碳酸气饮料) something 某事;某物 sometimes 有时 son 儿子 song 歌曲 songbook 歌本;歌曲集 soon 不久,很快 sorry 对不起的;抱歉的 sound 听起来 speak 说,讲 special 特别的 spend 度过 spoon 匙 sport 体育运动 sports day 体育运动日 sports meeting 运动会 spring 春季 Spring Festival 春节 square 正方形;方形物 stamp 邮票stand 站;立 stand up 站起;起立 stapler 订书机 star 星形;星形物 start 开始 station 车站 stay 停留,呆 still 仍然,还stomachache 胃痛stop 停,停止;停车站 Stop thief! 捉贼! story 故事 storybook (尤指供儿童阅读的)故事书 stove (供烹饪用的)火炉;煤炉;电炉 street 街,街道 student 学生 study 书房;学习;攻读 subject 学科,科目 suddenly 突然(地) summer 夏天,夏季 sun 太阳 Sunday 星期日 sunny 晴朗的;阳光充足的 supermarket 超级市场 sure 当然;有把握的 surf 浏览;作网上冲浪 sweater 厚运动衫;毛衣 sweep 扫,扫除 sweet 糖果 swim 游泳,游 swimming 游泳不知道你需要几年级的,不过应该能帮助到你的,呵呵
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played,英[pleu026a],美[pleu026a]    v. 玩;比赛;出牌;演奏;播放;扮演;假装;处理;掠过;浮现;使轻快地活动;(喷泉)喷涌;做游戏n. 游戏;戏剧;比赛;发挥作用;玩笑;间隙;闪烁;闪现形容词: playable 名词: playability 过去式: played 过去分词: played 现在分词: playing 第三人称单数: playsplay可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接表示球或乐器等名词、代词或that从句作宾语。有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to或for的宾语,还可接由“(as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。例句:She watched the children at play in the park.她看着孩子们在公园里嬉戏着。扩展资料:played反义词:work,英[wu025cu02d0k],美 [wu025cu02d0rk]    n. 工作;职业;工作内容;职责;活计;工作所需的材料;工作地点;努力;工作成果;行为结果;作品v. 工作;做事;使工作;争取;管理;运行;操作;奏效;产生…影响;造成;抽搐;逐渐移动过去式: worked/wrought 过去分词: worked/wrought 现在分词: working 第三人称单数: workswork可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接以形容词或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。
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Amy Winehouse - Rehab Lyrics They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, noYes I"ve been black and when I come back, you"ll know, know, knowI ain"t got the timeAnd if my daddy thinks I"m fineThey tried to make me go to rehab I won"t go, go, goI"d rather be at home with RayI ain"t got seventy daysCos there"s nothing,there"s nothing you can teach meThat I can"t learn from Mr HathawayDidn"t get a lot in classBut I know it don"t come in a shot glassThey tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, noYes I"ve been black and when I come back, you"ll know know knowI ain"t got the timeAnd if my daddy thinks I"m fineThey tried to make me go to rehab I won"t go, go, goThe man said "why do you think you here?"I said "I got no idea"I"m gonna, I"m gonna lose my babySo I always keep a bottle nearHe said "I just think you"re depressed"Kiss me, here baby and go restThey tried to make me go to rehab I said no, no, noYes I"ve been black but when I come back,you"ll know, know, knowI don"t ever want to drink againI just, ooh just need a friendI"m not gonna spend ten weeksHave everyone think I"m on the mend it"s not just my prideIt"s just till these tears have driedThey tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, noYes I"ve been black and when I come back, you"ll know know knowI ain"t got the timeAnd if my daddy thinks I"m fineThey tried to make me go to rehab I won"t go, go, go Rihanna - Rehab Lyrics Baby babyWhen we first met I never felt something so strongYou were like my lover and my best friendAll wrapped in one with a ribbon on itAnd all of a sudden you went and leftI didn"t know how to followIt"s like a shock that spun me aroundAnd now my heart"s deadI feel so empty and hollowAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blameAnd now I feel like....oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseDamn, ain"t it crazy when you"re loveswept (?)You"d do anything for the one you love"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be thereIt"s like you were my favorite drugThe only problem is that you was using meIn a different way than I was using youBut now that I know it"s not meant to beI gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of youAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blame"Cause now I feel like....oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseNow ladies gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhNow gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhMy ladies gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhNow gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhOh! You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my disease
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worked 如何读音 是 喔科特 还是 喔可一德 变过去式的读音规则 是什么?

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note tab
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work的读音是:英[w??k]。work的读音是:英[w??k]。work的例句是用作名词(n.)She had been out of work for a year.她已失业一年了。work的词语用法是v.(动词)work的基本意思是“有目的地从事体力或脑力方面的工作”,可指人工作、做事,也可指人学习、攻读、研究某事情或学科,还可指机器等运转、发动,计划等进展顺利,药发挥作用,暗示成功或有效等。一、详尽释义点此查看work的详细内容n.(名词)工作,劳动作品,著作产品职业工厂行为作业,功课功业务针线活作用工艺品(工作)成果职责工作内容活计v.(动词)工作,劳动,做体力工作,从事...工作,干活,精工细作运转,运行,(使)运作造成,引起,产生操作,经营管理起作用,影响,奏效开动发酵受雇于,受雇用使(卖力)干活,使工作争取,力争,(通过)努力取得,靠做工取得(使)逐渐变动算出,计算产生预期的结果,产生...作用,产生效果,产生影响活动慢慢地前进,使缓慢前进行得通激起安排说服做辛劳,劳累被揉二、双解释义v.(动词)vt. & vi. (使)工作 (cause to) do an activity which uses effort, especially as employmentvt. & vi. (使)运作,运转 (cause to) act in a proper wayvt. & vi. (使)产生效果 (cause to) produce (an effect)n.(名词)[U] 工作,劳动,作业 doing or making sth[U] 职业,职务,工作地点 the place where you have a job[U] 工作成果,产品 sth that you make or do[C] 著作,作品 a book, painting or piece of music[P] 工厂 a place where people make things with machines[U] 功,做功 force multiplied by distance三、英英释义Noun:activity directed toward making or doing something;"she checked several points needing further work"a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing;"it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works""the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work""he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey""the work of an active imagination""erosion is the work of wind or water over time"the occupation for which you are paid;"he is looking for employment""a lot of people are out of work"applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading);"mastering a second language requires a lot of work""no schools offer graduate study in interior design"(physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force;"work equals force times distance"a place where work is done;"he arrived at work early today"the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it);"he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre""Picasso"s work can be divided into periods"Verb:exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity;"I will work hard to improve my grades""she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor"be employed;"Is your husband working again?""My wife never worked""Do you want to work after the age of 60?""She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money""She works as a waitress to put herself through college"have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected;"The voting process doesn"t work as well as people thought""How does your idea work in practice?""This method doesn"t work""The breaks of my new car act quickly""The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water"perform as expected when applied;"The washing machine won"t go unless it"s plugged in""Does this old car still run well?""This old radio doesn"t work anymore"shape, form, or improve a material;"work stone into tools""process iron""work the metal"give a workout to;"Some parents exercise their infants""My personal trainer works me hard""work one"s muscles""this puzzle will exercise your mind"proceed along a path;"work one"s way through the crowd""make one"s way into the forest"operate in a certain place, area, or specialty;"She works the night clubs""The salesman works the Midwest""This artist works mostly in acrylics"proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity;"work your way through every problem or task""She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived""Start from the bottom and work towards the top"move in an agitated manner;"His fingers worked with tension"cause to happen or to occur as a consequence;"I cannot work a miracle""wreak havoc""bring comments""play a joke""The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area"cause to work;"he is working his servants hard"prepare for crops;"Work the soil""cultivate the land"behave in a certain way when handled;"This dough does not work easily""The soft metal works well"have and exert influence or effect;"The artist"s work influenced the young painter""She worked on her friends to support the political candidate"operate in or through;"Work the phones"cause to operate or function;"This pilot works the controls""Can you work an electric drill?"provoke or excite;"The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy"gratify and charm, usually in order to influence;"the political candidate worked the crowds"make something, usually for a specific function;"She molded the rice balls carefully""Form cylinders from the dough""shape a figure""Work the metal into a sword"move into or onto;"work the raisins into the dough""the student worked a few jokes into his presentation""work the body onto the flatbed truck"make uniform;"knead dough""work the clay until it is soft"use or manipulate to one"s advantage;"He exploit the new taxation system""She knows how to work the system""he works his parents for sympathy"find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of;"did you solve the problem?""Work out your problems with the boss""this unpleasant situation isn"t going to work itself out""did you get it?""Did you get my meaning?""He could not work the math problem"cause to undergo fermentation;"We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content""The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats"go sour or spoil;"The milk has soured""The wine worked""The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion;"The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times"四、例句She had been out of work for a year.她已失业一年了。It"s difficult to find work in present economic climate.在目前这种经济气候下很难找到工作。My line of work pays pretty well.我的职业报酬颇丰厚。Tell me something about your daily work.告诉我你每天的工作内容。Police work involves so much paperwork these days.现在警察也要做大量的文书工作。There is plenty of work to be done in the garden.园子里有许多事要做。She often brings work (eg files, documents) home with her from the office.她常把办公室的工作带回家去做(如文件等)。Living near work is very convenient.在工作地点附近居住非常方便。It takes hard work to achieve success.成功需要努力工作。It was a terrible piece of work you turned in the other day.那天你交的作业太糟糕了。The damage is clearly the work of vandals.这毁损显然是些恣意破坏公物的人所为。Roth says official misconduct cannot be dismissed as the work of a few bad apples.罗思说,官方的胡作非为决不能被忽略为仅仅是几个坏家伙的行为。He has read many of Hemingway"s works.他读过许多海明威的作品。She works for an engineering company.她在一家工程技术公司工作He has worked in the factory since last year.从去年开始,他就在工厂里工作。He is working on a new novel.他正在写一本新的小说。She worked herself to a frazzle.她工作得疲惫不堪。We must work for equal rights for everyone.我们必须为每个人争取同等的权利。He works a large area(= selling a company"s goods, etc.).他负责一个大地区的工作。Your car radio works very well.你的汽车收音机性能很好。Do you know how to work the coffee machine?你会使用咖啡机吗?The medicine worked.药物奏效了。Your age can work against you in this job.你的年纪会妨碍你干这个工作。The solidity of the evidence worked in his favor.那项证据的确凿性对他有利。Her exercise programme has worked miracles for her.她的健身计划对她很有效。Her face worked as she stared at him in terror.她惊恐地注视着他,脸也吓得抽动起来。Rain has worked in through the roof.雨水透过房顶逐渐渗进屋子里。It will take a while for the drug to work out of your system.这药得需要一段时间才能排出你的体外。五、常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)The children have all been working very well.孩子们都干得不错。That morning we worked from seven to eleven in the fields hoeing corn.那天早上,我们在玉米地锄草,从7点干到11点。Does this clock work?这钟走吗?All the telephones don"t work properly today.今天所有电话机都出故障了。I think your suggestion will work.我看你的建议行得通。If the scheme works, most of the peasants in this area will be rich.如果计划成功,这地区的大部分农民将富起来。She worked in the restaurant waiting on table.她在这家饭店工作,当女招待。He was working hard surrounded by the crowd.他在使劲干,一群人在旁边看。用作系动词S+~+ adj.The board had been working loose for several months, and in the end it slid to one side, showing a hole underneath.这块木板已经松动了有好几个月了,最后斜到一边,下边露出了一个洞。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.He works his servants long hours.他使他的仆人们做长时间的工作。Our mathematics teacher works us very hard.我们的数学老师对我们的学习抓得很紧。He didn"t know how to work that toy.他不知道怎样玩那个玩具。For many years he worked a large farm.他经营一大型农场多年。You have certainly worked wonders.你肯定已创造了奇迹。Owing to the precautionary measures we had taken, the typhoon did not work much damage.由于我们所采取了预防措施,台风并未造成很大的损失。1The sluices are worked from the control board.闸门是由控制台操纵的。The silver mines are no longer worked.那银矿已不再开采了。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj./v -edIf you can work the nail loose,I could pull it out.你要是能把钉子松动,我便可以把它拔出来。The farmer worked his horse exhausted.农夫把他的马累垮了。Don"t work yourself too tired.不要使自己工作得太累。用作名词(n.)I have a lot of work to do.我有许多工作要做。This Association does social work.这个协会从事社会工作。Hard work is very beneficial.艰苦的劳动非常有益。He never fights shy of hard work.他从不躲避艰苦的工作。We have more work than we can deal with and must farm some out.我们的工作多得做不完,我们必须外包一些给别人做。If you put heart and soul into the work, you wouldn"t be feeling fed up with the job anyway.如果
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Promise of Bluebirds当我们的汽车飞速驶过州际公路时,宾夕法尼亚州的风景处在严冬的氛围之中。尽管不合季节,但我还是无法将蓝鸟从我的脑海里抹去。 刚刚三周前过圣诞节时,爸爸送给我一个他做的鸟箱。他对那种色彩鲜艳的动物有一种特殊的感情,而且每年春天他都翘首等待着它们归来。现在我想,他会再看到一只吗? 这次是心脏病。是爸爸第三次得病。 当我凌晨两点赶到医院时,一家人站在他的床边,他时而清醒、时而昏迷。 有一次,他抬眼看着坐在床边握着他的手的妈妈。“他们想要我放开,”他说,“但我不能。我不想。” 妈妈拍拍他的胳膊,喃喃说道:“抓住我。” 第二天早上,心脏病医生在候诊室会见了我们。“他仍在搏斗,”医生说,“我从来没见过这样坚强的人。” 30年前我离开家时,最小的弟弟才5岁。我们兄弟姐妹之间的关系因为距离和各自对自己家庭的义务而紧张。但爸爸现在需要他的孩子们,所以我们就守在了医院。在漫长的守候期间,我们回忆起了我们在家的那些岁月。 爸爸是一名矿工,没有过过一天安逸的生活。他和妈妈养大了6个孩子。那时,煤矿工人每挖一吨煤才能挣25分钱,而他每天要装9吨。甚至现在,我相信我们都不知道他们为我们所做出的大部分的牺牲。 我想起爸爸的硬壳帽,帽上的碳化灯露出了一层厚厚的煤灰。爸爸沾黑的脸上灰绿色的眼睛像猫头鹰的那样又大又精明。谈话时,那双眼睛常常在碰到你的眼睛时因恶作剧而闪闪发亮。 每天晚上回家时,他都急忙拿上横锯或拔钉锤。爸爸可以在他的车床上砍一块胡桃木,动作娴熟地为妈妈做一只漂亮的色拉碗。他可以做成一张对折面、带有严丝合缝抽屉的樱桃木桌,容易得就像他用一支旧圆珠笔制作钓线穿线机一样。 爸爸从煤炭公司买了一座普通的两层房,然后马上开始装修。这是山上的第一座拥有室内卫生间和热水的房子。他花费一个夏天挖出了地基,安装上煤火高炉。我们孩子们不再在寒冬的早上在卧室冻得瑟瑟发抖了。 我们都喜欢看他工作。当爸爸需要什么时,我们就跑过去取。 爸爸把能工巧匠的精神带进了每一项工作,并希望6个孩子具有同样的精神。每一项工作都需要竭尽全力去做。而且每个工具都有自己的名字。那些就是他的原则,而且我们都像爸爸那样依靠它们生活。 坐在医院的候诊室里,我回想起了好几年前爸爸在车间的一天下午。他那时已经退休了,但他还是不断地做着漂亮的家具。作为一名自告奋勇的博物学家,我迫不及待地想告诉他蓝鸟需要帮助。 当早期移居者砍伐森林修建农场时,我解释说,蓝鸟繁殖了起来,在篱笆桩和果树上垒起了窝。但它们的栖息地正在消失,而且现在小鸟需要鸟箱。 爸爸一边听我说,他的手一边用一张纹理细密的砂纸在一块橡木上轻轻地磨着。我问他是否想做一只箱子。他说他会考虑的。 几周后,他请我走进他的工作间。在那里的工作台上放着三只为蓝鸟制作的做工精细的箱子。“你认为那些小鸟会喜欢吗?”他问。 “像我一样非常喜欢,”我紧紧地抱住他回答说。爸爸拿起那些箱子。第二年春天,蓝鸟在他的院子里垒起了窝。他感到心醉神迷。 爸爸渐渐地成了那些鸟类的专家。他常常说,蓝鸟是希望和胜利的前兆,以对家庭的忠诚而出名。一对蓝鸟每年可以生两三窝,早生的小鸟有时可以帮助喂晚生的小鸟。 患病后,子女们的到来一定振作了爸爸的精神,因为他逐渐变得强壮起来,在情人节那天离开了医院。当我三月底去看望父母亲时,我注意到他在面向后院的那些窗口前停留的时间越来越长。我知道他希望看到什么东西。后来有一天,一道闪亮的色彩在最靠近我们家房子的那个鸟箱边盘旋。 “噢,到了那些淘气鬼出现的时候喽,难道不是吗?”爸爸说。 一只蓝头、蓝背、蓝翅、蓝尾、光彩照人的公蓝鸟唱着求偶的歌,是那样充满激情,所以我们把他叫作“卡鲁索”,这是意大利男高音歌唱家的名字。一只母蓝鸟飞了过来,但没有要那个鸟箱。卡鲁索在院子下面的地里又发现了一个。它在新鸟箱上盘旋,狂热地唱着歌。母蓝鸟高高地停留在了远处的一个地方。 随着爱情故事的展开,爸爸每天走动得越来越频繁了。我可以看到力量又回到了他精瘦的身躯。 有一天,卡鲁索为引起那只母鸟的注意,与一个对手进行了战斗。随后,那只母鸟与另一只母鸟进行了更加激烈的战斗。之后,母蓝鸟恢复了趾高气扬的步态,而卡鲁索则继续狂热地唱着让人如痴如醉的保留节目。 突然,一个明媚的早上,天空中映出了卡鲁索求爱的服装,母蓝鸟飞回了最靠近房子的那个鸟箱,彻底检查了一遍。卡鲁索在附近盘旋欢唱,母蓝鸟最后终于接纳了卡鲁索。 之后不久,母蓝鸟开始产蛋,一天一个,一直产了6个。它在孵蛋时,卡鲁索在外边扇动翅膀保护着那个鸟箱。 爸爸现在好得可以到外面去了,但他仍不能走到后院去,他让我们每天到鸟箱里检查一次。当我们回来时,他问:“它在窝里吗?那些蛋孵出来了吗?你们看到那只好炫耀的鸟了吗?它叫什么来着? ” “卡鲁索,爸爸,”我回答说,“它有名字,你知道。”爸爸狡黠的微笑又回到了他的眼睛里。当那些蛋孵出来时,我们对卡鲁索和它的同伴为了抓虫子喂养宝宝所作出的巨大努力感到惊奇。它们的宝宝必须每隔20分钟喂一次。 快到5月底时,那些小鸟离开了鸟箱。此时,爸爸已经能够走到外边的地里去看其他的蓝鸟。我和妈妈常常从厨房的窗户望着他。“他曾送给那些蓝鸟一些东西,”有一天,她悄声说道,“现在它们已经把它送了回来。”
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Rihanna Rehab歌词翻译

Baby baby宝贝宝贝When we first met I never felt something so strong当我们第一次见面,我从未有过如此强烈的感觉You were like my lover and my best friend你就像我的爱人和我最好的朋友All wrapped in one with a ribbon on it都包裹在一个有丝带上And all of a sudden you went and left突然你就离开了I didn"t know how to follow我不知道怎么走It"s like a shock that spun me around它就像一个冲击使我And now my heart"s dead而现在我的心已死I feel so empty and hollow我感觉如此的空泛And I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you我永远不会让自己去另一个的方式,我给了你You don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我,是吗?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back它会把我带回来一个奇迹And you"re the one to blame你是一个错And now I feel like....oh!现在我觉得…哦!You"re the reason why I"m thinking你是我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法Should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的门Next time you wanna go on and leave下次你想离开时I should just let you go on and do it我应该让你去做吧"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病Damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love slams该死的,它不疯狂,当你爱的大满贯You"d do anything for the one you love你什么都愿意为你所爱的人"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be there因为任何时候你需要我我会在那里It"s like you were my favorite drug你是我最喜欢的毒品The only problem is that you was using me唯一的问题是你利用了我In a different way than I was using you在於我利用你的方式But now that I know it"s not meant to be但现在,我知道这不是注定的I gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of you我要走了,我必须让自己远离你And I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you我永远不会让自己去另一个的方式,我给了你You don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我,是吗?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back它会把我带回来一个奇迹And you"re the one to blame你是一个错"Cause now I feel like....oh!因为现在我觉得…哦!You"re the reason why I"m thinking你是我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法Should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的门Next time you wanna go on and leave下次你想离开时I should just let you go on and do it我应该让你去做吧"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病Now ladies gimme that...现在给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,Now gimme that...现在给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,My ladies gimme that...我的女士给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,Now gimme that...现在给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,Oh! You"re the reason why I"m thinking哦。你是我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法Should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的门Next time you wanna go on and leave下次你想离开时I should just let you go on and do it我应该让你去做吧"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病
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