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2023-08-01 01:11:23
TAG: 英文 内容

CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官

COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官

CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官

HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监

OD(Operations Director)运营总监

MD(Marketing Director)市场总监

OM(Operations Manager)运作经理

PM(Production Manager)生产经理

PG(Product Manager)产品经理

GM(General Manager)总经理

VP(Vice President)副总裁

FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁

AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理

Master of Business Administration 企业管理硕士

Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分)

Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁

Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理

Sales Manager 销售经理

Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理

Merchandising Manager 采购经理

Sales Assistant 销售助理

Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员

Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员

Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师

Marketing Consultant 市场顾问

Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监

Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员

Manufacturer"s Representative 厂家代表

Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监

Sales Representative 销售代表

Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理

Marketing Intern 市场实习

Marketing Director 市场总监

Insurance Agent 保险代理人

Customer Manager 客户经理 Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁

Regional Customer Manager 地区客户经理

Sales Administrator 销售主管

Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监

Advertising Manager 广告经理

Travel Agent 旅行代办员

Salesperson 销售员

Telemarketer 电话销售员

Sales Executive 销售执行者

Marketing Assistant 市场助理

Retail Buyer 零售采购员

Real Estate Manager 房地产经理

Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人

Purchasing Agent 采购代理

Product Developer 产品开发

Marketing Manager 市场经理

Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员

Advertising Assistant 广告助理

Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail) 广告文撰写人

Customer Representative 客户代表

Computers and Mathematics(计算机部分)

Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理

MIS Manager 电脑部经理

Project Manager 项目经理

Technical Engineer 技术工程师

Developmental Engineer 开发工程师

Systems Programmer 系统程序员

Administrator 局域网管理员

Operations Analyst 操作分析

Computer Operator 电脑操作员 Product Support Manager 产品支持经理

Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管

Director of Information Services 信息服务主管

Systems Engineer 系统工程师

Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师

Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员

Information Analyst 信息分析

LAN Systems Analyst 系统分析

Statistician 统计员

Human Resources(人力资源部分)

Director of Human Resources 人力资源总监

Assistant Personnel Officer 人事助理

Compensation Manager 薪酬经理

Employment Consultant 招募顾问

Facility Manager 后勤经理

Job Placement Officer 人员配置专员

Labor Relations Specialist 劳动关系专员 Recruiter 招聘人员

Training Specialist 培训专员 Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁

Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁助理

Personnel Manager 职员经理

Benefits Coordinator 员工福利协调员

Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表

Personnel Consultant 员工顾问

Training Coordinator 培训协调员

Executive and Managerial(管理部分)

Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官

Director of Operations 运营总监

Vice-President 副总裁

Branch Manager 部门经理

Retail Store Manager 零售店经理

HMO Product Manager 产品经理

Operations Manager 操作经理

Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理

Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员

Management Consultant 管理顾问

District Manager 市区经理

Hospital Administrator 医院管理

Import/Export Manager 进出口经理

Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员

Program Manager 程序管理经理

Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员

Project Manager 项目经理

Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理

Regional Manager 区域经理

Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官

General Manager 总经理

Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监

Controller(International) 国际监管

Food Service Manager 食品服务经理

Production Manager 生产经理

Administrator 医疗保险管理

Property Manager 房地产经理

Claims Examiner 主考官

Controller(General) 管理员

Service Manager 服务经理

Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理

Vending Manager 售买经理

Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理

Transportation Manager 运输经理

Warehouse Manager 仓库经理

Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理

Manager(Non-Profit and Charities) 非盈利性慈善机构管理



admin 管理;行政
2023-07-31 20:41:517


2023-07-31 20:42:166


administrator管理员 manager经理,管理人员
2023-07-31 20:42:311


推荐回答理员的英文缩写是admin,全称是 Administrator。管理员(Administrator)一般是指负责一定系统或者软件的维护或管理更新的实际个人或帐号,也有的是专门管理违反原则的。扩展资料1、Log on to the workstation as the workstation administrator. 作为工作站的管理员登录到工作站上。2、As an...
2023-07-31 20:42:396

administrator 这是英文单词吗?

2023-07-31 20:43:216

Admin 是什么意思?

2023-07-31 20:43:3713


2023-07-31 20:44:046


administratorsconservatorcontrollermanagersupervisorkeeperadministrative officercaretakerguardian 都有管理员的意思
2023-07-31 20:45:051


2023-07-31 20:45:226


问题一:电脑上的管理员的英文怎么写 微软的管理员帐号是ADMINISTRATOR NOVELL的管理员是SUPERVISOR 问题二:管理员的英文缩写是什么? administrator 缩写一般是AD 或者admin 现在一般的路由器现在设置的初始登陆帐号和密码都是admin 问题三:“管理员”用英文怎么写?? administrator或admin 问题四:管理员用英语怎么说 管理员 conservator; manager; [医] matron; [经] intendant; administrators ; 问题五:管理员英文怎么说 administrator 例句: If you still receive this message, contact 户our network administrator. 如果依然接收到此消息,请洽询网络管理员。 问题六:管理人员用英语怎么说? 书面或口语技术 *** 流可用administrator但是用的少,大多直接根据情境选择manager更易接受。 问题七:计算机管理员的英文字母是什么呢? 电脑管理员的默认名称都是Admiitrator 电脑管理员的名称是可以修改, 下面分享一下修改电脑管理员名称的方法. 在“计算机”图标上点击图标右键,会看到“管理”选项。 进入“管理”选项。进入之后就会看到一个窗口。点“击本地用户和组”。 点击“本地用户和组”之后,会看到用户选项。双击“用”户之后。就会看到右边的管理员用户名Administrator。 选中Administrator点鼠标右键就可以看到重命名。点击重命名就可以修改管理员名称了。 问题八:安全管理员的英文怎么写 安全管理员 security administrator 或safety manager 希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ... 问题九:群主和管理员用英语怎么写啊? 群主是harem master,管理员是manager 求采纳
2023-07-31 20:45:441


  仓库管理员是指企业中负责合理储备并保管货物,定期进行仓库环境的维护和清理工作的人员。下面是我为你整理的,希望大家喜欢!      godown keeper;   godown man;   stockman;   warehouse keeper   关于短语   维修仓库管理员 Maintenance Storekeeper   第三方仓库管理员 Third Party Warehouse Keeper   物流仓库管理员 Ining & Outgoing Shipment Controller ; Logistic Staff   资料仓库管理员 Visual Warehouse Administrative Clients ; administrator   航空仓库管理员 AK Aviation Storekeeper   是一个仓库管理员 Is a storekeeper   仓库管理员-张江 Warehouse Specialist-Zhangjiang   秘书兼仓库管理员 Secretary and Storekeeper   仓库管理员-临港 Warehouse Keeper-LGN   例句   仓库管理员想要找出与某个客户相关的所有订单。   The warehouse administrator wants to find all orders related to a specific customer. Here is the query   仓库管理员使用GUI来浏览和控制当前可在 WIP中获得的每个版本的当前状态。   Warehouse administrators use the WIP GUI to browse and act on the current status of each edition currently available in the WIP. The WIP dynamics   显示排程何时变为非活动的记录:当仓库管理员降级其中定义了一个或多个排程的步骤时,其排程就变为非活动的。   a record indicating when a schedule has bee inactive: a schedule bees inactive when the warehouse administrator demotes a step for which there was one or more schedules defined.   仓库管理员想要找出在美国的仓库中有哪些商品的供应量大于加拿大仓库中所有商品的供应量。   The warehouse administrator would like to find out which items in the U.S. warehouse are in greater supply than all items in the Canada warehouse.   仓库管理员需要找出那些需要延期发货的商品,以及需要为某个客户联络的供应商。   The warehouse manager needs to find out which items need to be put on back-order, and which supplier to contact for a customer.   我经过训练后,成了一名仓库管理员。   I took training to bee a storekeeper.   他父亲在一个矿上的商店当仓库管理员,这份工作,以及这个新地方能让孩子们上学,进入崭新的世界。   His father had bee a storeman in a mine shop, and that job, and the move to this new place, was to enable his children to go to school and enter the new world.   此外,客户可以查问他们的ORDERSTATUS订单状态,仓库管理员可以查问订单上所订产品的STOCKLEVEL库存水平。   In addition, customers can inquire on their ORDER STATUS, and warehouse managers can inquire the STOCK LEVEL of items on order.   仓库必须执行先进先出的原则,仓库管理员必须保证贮存物品的质量。   The warehouse must keep to the "early in early out" principle, and the storekeepers must ensure the quality of storage goods.   仓库管理员负责入库产品的检验和试验状态的标识。   The storekeeper is responsible for identifying the inspection and test status of the products in warehouse.   仓库管理员凭收到的《检验报告单》办理货物入库、让步或退货手续。   The warehouseman will go through formalities for warehousing, conceding or returning the goods against the "Inspection Report" it receives.
2023-07-31 20:45:521


2023-07-31 20:46:013


  缩写:ADMIN   管理员简介:   一般是指负责一定系统或者软件的维护或管理更新的实际个人或帐号,也有的是专门管理违反原则的,也有些场合,比如网吧、交流群等直接叫做管理员。   职责:   1、网络管理员的工作是维护网络秩序,主要负责整个网络的网络设备和服务器系统的设计、安装、配置、管理和维护工作,为内部网的安全运行做技术保障。   2、图书管理员的工作是整理好图书,维护图书馆秩序。
2023-07-31 20:46:141


2023-07-31 20:46:346


GM 它除了游戏管理员的意思外 还有 转基因 的意思
2023-07-31 20:46:5210


图书管理员是:librarian读音:英 [lau026a"breu0259riu0259n] 美 [lau026a"breriu0259n]n. 图书管理员;图书馆学专家;图书馆馆长复数: librarians双语例句:If you can"t find the book you need, you can ask the librarian for help.如果你找不到你需要的书,你可以请图书馆管理员帮忙。
2023-07-31 20:47:264


2023-07-31 20:48:067


2023-07-31 20:48:442


2023-07-31 20:49:324

体育器械室的管理员 用英语怎么说

The administrator of the apparatus room
2023-07-31 20:49:472


问题一:“管理”用英语怎么说? Manage 管理(动词) Manager 管理员 Management 管理(名词) 问题二:管理英文怎么说的 management master control manouver 都可以 问题三:“管理帐号”英文怎么翻译 如果是名词,类似“管理员的账号”,就是 administrator account如果是动宾短语,就是“管理那些账号”,就是 manage the accounts如果是名词性短语,“账号管理”这个工作,可以是 account management 问题四:管理人员用英语怎么说? 书面或口语技术 *** 流可用administrator但是用的少,大多直接根据情境选择manager更易接受。 问题五:XXX企业管理有限公司英文怎么说 都可以,没多大区别 Enterprise 胆anagement limited pany 问题六:生产作业管理英文怎么说? 生产作业管理英文: Production operations and management 作业这个词应该用product耽on operations 短语词比较恰当。 ps:建议有时间可以多看看Norman Gaither 的书,或许您会对生产作业管理印象更深刻. 问题七:管理员英文怎么说 administrator 例句: If you still receive this message, contact 户our network administrator. 如果依然接收到此消息,请洽询网络管理员。
2023-07-31 20:49:551


2023-07-31 20:50:096


the Building Manager
2023-07-31 20:50:298


数据库管理员的英文缩写是DBA。数据库管理员的英文是Database Administrator。例句:A database administrator can also insert or update records(数据库管理员还可以插入或更新记录)。 扩展资料 Database Administrator的例句:Have the database administrator create databases, schemas, tables, and other objects for you(让数据库管理员为您创建数据库、模式、表和其他对象);The database administrator sets up configuration repositories(配置存储库由数据库管理员设置)。
2023-07-31 20:50:471


2023-07-31 20:51:251

物资管理员 英文怎么表示??

Materials Administrator或: Materials Officer
2023-07-31 20:51:531


Foreign trade freight bill The declaration, the newspaper examine Purchaser Foreign trade inspector general Routine vice- total concurrently finance inspector general Chairman of the board Tube department manager Production department manager Superintendent representative Project inspector general Administrative human affairs manager
2023-07-31 20:52:213


2023-07-31 20:52:321

[英文] 下个学年我想做图书馆管理员 英文点讲?

I want to be the next semester"s librarian. or Can I please be the next semester"s librarian? Additional Information 附加资料: - I will try my best to plete my duties. Such as...(keep the books in order educate the students to keep books clean keep the student quiet in the library e) - I know I perfect for this role because ( I have a passion for books i understand how the library works and I have good peronsality) CHEERS=] 希望岩你用啦=] 参考: 自己 I want to be the school librarian in the next semester. 参考: 网址 I am xxx . I want to be a librari . I also will try my best to do this joy.and I hope I can help all the pupils too.^.^ 除了上述之外你还可以做一D<功夫> sush as 如果是同学选的话 你可以对同学有礼D 令他们喜欢你 这他们便会选你la!!^^ 如果是老师选的话 你可以经常去help他们 上堂专心D 答多D问题 then they will like you and choose you to be librari 又或者你可以直接同老师讲:I hope I can be librari 2008-12-03 21:20:26 补充: I want to be librari next school year会好D 参考: me^^ The next school year I want to librari 参考: me~ Miss______(Teacher Name) I"d like to be the school librarian next school term. If she ask Why? 1. Because I want to service the school. You can say this if you like. 1. I will try my best to do it. 参考: Me 下个学年我想做图书馆管理员 The next school year I want to be the librarian Iwant to be the school librarian in the next semester 如果同老师或校长讲 要礼貌啲 比较好 : I would like to be the school librarian next school term. I want to be a librarian for next school year.
2023-07-31 20:53:131


2023-07-31 20:53:291


2023-07-31 20:53:242


汽车用英语读法:英[kɑu02d0]。短语搭配:1、汽车站。bus terminal/stop.2、汽车库。garage.3、汽车票。bus ticket.4、汽车厂。automobile factory;motor vehicle factory.5、汽车展。car/motor show;exhibition of motor vehicles.6、汽车吊。truck crane;autolift.7、多功能汽车。multi-purpose vehicle;multi-purpose vehicle.8、汽车离合器。automobile clutch.9、开汽车。drive a car.10、汽车赛。car/motor racing.双语例句:1、我们住的地方坐公共汽车很方便。Our house is easily accessible by bus.2、坐汽车去那里五个小时也打不住。Five hours won"t be enough if you go there by bus.3、这辆汽车就在我们眼面前爆炸了。The car blew up before our very eyes.4、公路上汽车从我们身边嗖嗖而过。Cars sizzled past us on the highway.5、人群阻塞了街道,汽车无法通行。The crowds jammed the streets, and no cars could pass.
2023-07-31 20:53:251


以上两位同学的都不对哦 问的是ed在清辅音以及浊辅音后面的读音 reached后面读【t】 laughed后面读【t】 worked后面读【t】 因为ed前面的都是清辅音 而needed的d是浊辅音,一般浊辅音后面读【d】 但在这个needed后面要读成【id】 所以不同的是 【needed】
2023-07-31 20:53:321


direct3D只是DirectX 的一个模块而已,目前最新版本都是10.0版,使用最多的是9.0c 版。
2023-07-31 20:53:321

Wash My Hands 歌词

歌曲名:Wash My Hands歌手:Meredith Brooks专辑:Blurring The EdgesJackie Boyz - Wash My Hands (Of You)Ooh OohOohh OoohI"m not the same girl, i was beforeAnd i realize, i need a changeMy heart is heavy, my legs are weakenedFrom the baggage that you brangWoahI just got a scrown?This pain awaySo you wanna be my rehab?Let it drain the past that we hadI"m so sick of all the dirty memoriesAll these pictures haunting meForcing me to therapyWashing my hands of you(washing washing my hands of you)Washing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)I"m so glad that we"re throughI should"ve listened, to all my close friendsWhen they told me, you were no goodWell shame on me, twice for stayingI let this be my remedy?Woahbut I still got a scrown?My pain awaySo you wanna be my rehab?Let it drain the past that we hadI"m so sick of all the dirty memoriesAll these pictures haunting meForcing me to therapyWashing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)Washing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)I"m so glad that we"re throughMy chest started breakin"?The hurt started fading (away)And then thats when i knewThat"s when i knewI was through with youSo you wanna be my rehab?Let it drain the past that weekendI"m so sick of all the dirty memoriesAll these pictures haunting meForcing me to therapyWashing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)Washing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)I"m so glad that we"re through(Washing washing my hands of you)
2023-07-31 20:53:341


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2023-07-31 20:53:411


2023-07-31 20:53:413


Lucky——Jason Mraz&Colbie Caillat
2023-07-31 20:53:4311


2023-07-31 20:53:464


问的是ed在清辅音以及浊辅音后面的读音 reached后面读【t】 laughed后面读【t】 worked后面读【t】 因为ed前面的都是清辅音 而needed的d是浊辅音,一般浊辅音后面读【d】 但在这个needed后面要读成【id】 所以不同的是 【needed】
2023-07-31 20:53:201


导演Fred Dekker编剧爱德华·纽梅尔 Edward Neumeier ....(characters) &Michael Miner ....(characters)弗兰克·米勒 Frank Miller ....(story)弗兰克·米勒 Frank Miller ....(screenplay) andFred Dekker ....(screenplay)制作人Jane Bartelme Crowley ....producerAndrew G. La Marca ....associate producer (as Andy Lamarca) 罗伯特·约翰·伯克 Robert John Burke ....RoboCop (as Robert Burke)Mario Machado ....Casey WongRemy Ryan ....NikkoJodi Long ....Nikko"s MomJohn Posey ....Nikko"s Dad雷普·汤恩 Rip Torn ....The CEO岩松信 Mako ....KanemitsuJohn Castle ....Paul McDaggettS.D. Nemeth ....Bixby SnyderEdith Ivey ....Elderly Woman in BathrobeCurtis Taylor ....Rehab #1希·庞德 CCH Pounder ....BerthaJudson Vaughn ....SeitzKen Strong ....Rehab Patrol斯坦利·安德森 Stanley Anderson ....Zack斯蒂芬·鲁特 Stephen Root ....CoontzDaniel von Bargen ....MorenoKenny Raskin ....Security MonitorBlaise Corrigan ....Officer at Ordinance Depot杰夫·格尔林 Jeff Garlin ....Donut Jerk李·阿伦伯格 Lee Arenberg ....Hold-Up ManRandy Randolph ....Cop in Donut Shop沙恩·布莱克 Shane Black ....DonnellyJohn Nesci ....Jensen南茜·艾伦 Nancy Allen ....Officer Anne LewisRandall Taylor ....StarkweatherRobert DoQui ....Sergeant Warren ReedJames Lorinz ....Upset DriverBryan Mercer ....Splatterpunk #1Kenny Jones ....Splatterpunk #2菲尔顿·派瑞 Felton Perry ....Johnson布莱德利·惠特福德 Bradley Whitford ....FleckDoug Yasuda ....Kanemitsu"s AideBruce Locke ....OtomoMark Gowan ....Sleazy LawyerThomas R. Boyd ....HookerEddie Billups ....Man at Banking Desk吉尔·亨内斯 Jill Hennessy ....Dr. Marie LazarusGordon Mark ....Teckie in RobochamberAngie Bolling ....Ellen MurphyGraciela Marin ....Cop with Body ArmorMichael H. Moss ....Unfortunate RehabDiane Butler ....Woman on VidphoneDavid de Vries ....Informative YuppieGary Bullock ....Gas Station ClerkWilbur Fitzgerald ....Rebel with Weapons CartBeth Burns ....Teen ProstituteLonnie R. Smith ....1st Rehab at HotelTommy Chappelle ....Hotel Desk ClerkRick Seaman ....Rehab DriverRon Leggett ....Pimp伊芙·拉茹 Eva La Rue ....Debbie DixAlex Van ....Rehab in War RoomRonnie Jay ....Street Gang Member (uncredited)D. Taylor Loeb ....Teenage Yuppie (uncredited)柯特伍德·史密斯 Kurtwood Smith ....Clarence Boddicker (archive footage) (uncredited)
2023-07-31 20:53:201

fire truck怎么读

fire truck英 [u02c8faiu0259 tru028ck] 美 [fau026ar tru028ck]n.救火车 消防车用作名词 (n.) A fire truck was parking in front of our building. 救火车停在我们的楼前面. The fire engine played on the flames. 救火车的水柱喷射在火焰上.
2023-07-31 20:53:181

No hardware-accelerated Direct3D devices were found.是什么意思?

2023-07-31 20:53:171


书包 文具盒 铅笔 钢笔 尺子 橡皮察 毛笔 书本 课本 圆珠笔 卷比刀 小刀 圆规 参考书 book bag stationery case pencil fountain pen ruler rubber observesthe writing brush books textbook The ball pen volume compares the knife knife compass referencebook
2023-07-31 20:53:162

找一首歌词里有NONONO的英文歌 快歌,一个女的唱

The Weepies Gotta Have You
2023-07-31 20:53:133


2023-07-31 20:53:121


2023-07-31 20:53:103


1.win7 重启后登陆变为默认桌面,无法读取原始数据适用于: Windows | Windows 7 | 系统修复和故障恢复 今天早上开机,正常输入密码登陆系统之后,发现欢迎两字之后出现的不是常见的桌面而是正在准备桌面的提示字样。之后,进入到桌面就变成了默认桌面,文档和桌面内容完全消失。经过研究发现在系统盘用户文件夹下多了一个名为TEMP的用户文件夹。虽然登陆窗口时和登陆之后开始的显示都是为之前的系统管理员Administrator用户,但是实际上用户文件夹内的Administrator用户资料并没有被读取。而且经过测试,一切对文档和桌面的修改行为在重启之后就会回到默认,好似一个无限的还原点。2.虽然之后发现问题解决方案为:“开始”——“运行”——输入“regedit”点确定,打开注册表后找到找到这个键值:“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList”3.在此文件列中出现了复数的用户列表,而TEMP用户项变成了主启动,原本的Administrator用户项后面多了一个.bak变成了备份启动项,那么删除掉没有.bak的项之后再重启,发现桌面变回了一直熟悉的用户界面。再看注册表中,本来有.bak的项后面的.bak不见了,变成了主启动项。至此,终于自行解决了问题。
2023-07-31 20:53:082


2023-07-31 20:53:075