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2023-08-03 11:18:22
TAG: 英语 知道

socks是短袜, stockings是长统袜






hose--长筒袜 socks --短袜


socks 短袜

stockings 长统袜


socks stockings注意S










stocking[英]["stu0252ku026au014b] [美][u02c8stɑku026au014b] 生词本简明释义n.长袜;似长袜之物复数:stockings易混淆的单词:Stocking以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT(女式)长筒袜Stockings are items of women"s clothing which fit closely over their feet and legs. Stockings are usually made of nylon or silk and are held in place by suspenders....a pair of nylon stockings.一双尼龙长筒袜2.N-COUNT同 Christmas stockingA stocking is the same as a Christmas stocking .
2023-08-03 03:10:471


2023-08-03 03:11:093


2023-08-03 03:11:173

stocking怎么读 英语stocking怎么读

1、stocking英[u02c8stu0252ku026au014b]美[u02c8stɑu02d0ku026au014b],n.长袜; 长筒女袜;v.存货; 贮备,贮存(食物、书籍等);stock的现在分词。 2、[例句]Serena: Oh, stockings. Yes, great idea for Dan.噢,长袜,真是太适合Dan了。
2023-08-03 03:12:021


socks; stockings; hose 都可以,看你知道是什么袜子!
2023-08-03 03:12:104


长袜 stockings, panthoses短袜: socks
2023-08-03 03:12:333

英语中socks hose stockings都是袜子它们有啥区别,那个最常用。

socks 短袜(复数)hose 长筒袜、水管、橡胶软管stockings 长袜、长筒袜(复数)
2023-08-03 03:12:452

This pair of_____(stocking)is for you.

2023-08-03 03:12:5412


2023-08-03 03:13:316


stockings 长袜 socks 短袜
2023-08-03 03:13:472

各位大佬,为什么what is in their stockings为什么不用从句形式?

2023-08-03 03:14:129

There were six silver dollars in each of stockings. 这句英语表达每个袜子有6个银币,还是一共6个?

2023-08-03 03:14:328


2023-08-03 03:15:0211

求关于服装类的英文单词、 像coat啊、shoes啊这类的、不胜感激中……

2023-08-03 03:15:306


2023-08-03 03:16:093

a pair of silk stockings原文翻译

a pair of silk stockings《一双丝袜》原文翻译如下:一天,身材娇小的萨默斯太太意外地捡到十五美元。这对她来说算是一笔可观的财富了。这些钱把萨默斯太太那破旧的钱夹撑得鼓鼓的,她觉得自己仿佛成了一位重要人物——她已经有许多年未曾体会过这种滋味了。她要好好思量如何使用这笔钱。这一两天来,她一直恍恍惚惚,来回踱步,思考着各种选择。她可不愿意冲动行事,以免做出一些会让自己后悔的事情。只要再掏一两美元就能凑足她平时给女儿贾妮买鞋子的钱,这对鞋子一定比平常买的更耐穿。她可以给儿子们买布缝制新衬衫。女儿麦格也该买条裙子了。剩下的钱足够买几双新袜子——每个孩子两双。让全家人生平第一次打扮一新,这想法使她兴奋得坐立不安。萨默斯太太深知寻找降价销售的物品有多重要。但是那天她非常疲惫,也有点虚弱。她来到大型百货商店,坐在一个空柜台前,一只手搁在柜台上。她没有戴手套。她慢慢意识到自己的手摸到了一些触感很舒服的东西。她低下头,看到自己的手正放在一堆丝袜上面。站在柜台后面的年轻女孩问她是否想看看这些丝质袜子。她笑了,仿佛她要买的是钻石首饰,别人请她查看珠宝似的。她继续抚摸着这轻柔而昂贵的商品,用双手举起袜子,欣赏光线闪耀其间。萨默斯太太挑了一双黑色的丝袜,仔细检查。“一美元九十八美分,”她大声说。“我要买这双。”她递给售货员一张五美元的钞票,静心等待找零和装好袜子的包装盒。这盒子真小啊!它在萨默斯太太那老旧的购物袋里仿佛不见了踪影。萨默斯太太随后搭乘电梯来到位于稍高楼层的女士休息区。在一个没有人的角落,她脱下棉袜子,换上新买的丝袜。这似乎是她平生第一次因为厌倦了思考而停歇下来。她让自己受控于某种机械力量,这股力量让她做出这一系列举动,将她从日常责任中释放出来。丝绸贴在皮肤上的感觉真好!她真想就这样躺在柔软的椅子上,尽情享受那种浓厚的细腻感。她穿上鞋子,把旧袜子装进袋子里。接着,她走到皮鞋部,坐下来等待试穿。她试穿了一双新靴子。她把裙子捋到身后,将双脚转到一边,头则转到另一边,低头看着这对闪闪发光的尖头靴子。她的小脚和脚踝看起来非常漂亮,她简直不敢相信它们是自己身体的一部分。买了新靴子之后,她来到了手套部。萨默斯太太已经很久没有戴过尺寸刚好的手套了。她以前买的手套全都是“便宜货”,廉价得根本不必指望它们的尺码能适合她的双手。一位年轻的女售货员把一只柔软的皮手套戴在萨默斯太太的手上,然后往手腕位置将其理顺,并整齐地扣上纽扣。有那么一两秒钟,这两位女士都全神贯注地静静赞叹着这只戴着手套的纤纤玉手。穿过街道时,她轻轻地提起裙摆。她的新袜子、新靴子和新手套让她的装扮产生了神奇的效果。它们带给她一种满足感,她觉得自己也成了衣着光鲜一族。她感到饥肠辘辘。以前,她准会忽略掉进食的欲望,忍着饥饿直到回家。但是那股引导着她的力量是绝不会允许她这么做的。街道转角处有一家餐厅。她注意到里面的白色桌布和闪亮光洁的玻璃杯,侍应正为富人们提供服务。走进餐厅时,她的外表并没有引起吃惊或关注——尽管她先前还有点担心。她在一张小餐桌前坐了下来。一位侍应立刻过来为她点餐。等待上菜的时候,她将手套慢慢脱下,放在身旁。这里的一切都让人心旷神怡。桌布比隔着玻璃窗看到的还要洁白干净,水晶酒杯也格外闪亮夺目。许多淑女与绅士在跟她一样的小餐桌上享用午餐,对她毫不在意。餐厅里传来一段美妙的音乐,一阵微风透过窗户吹了进来。她尝了一口菜,缓缓地啜饮着红酒。她在丝袜里转动着脚趾头。这一切的昂贵价格根本不算什么。饭后,她把餐费如数给了侍应,还在他的盘子里多放了一枚硬币。他像对待拥有皇室血统的公主般朝她欠了欠身,表示感谢。一切如梦境般结束。萨默斯太太走去车站等候电缆车。一位目光敏锐的男士坐在她对面。他很难理解她脸上的表情。事实上,他什么也看不出来——除非他是一名魔术师,才能感受到她那让人心碎的期许——她多么希望电缆车永远不会靠站,就这样搭载着她永远地行驶下去。
2023-08-03 03:16:161


stocking的复数形式是stockings。一、释义1、stocking的英语读音是[u02c8stu0252ku026au014b]。2、stocking的中文意思是长袜;长筒女袜;存货;贮备,贮存(食物、书籍等)。二、例句1、My stocking is always full of presents at Christmas.我的长袜在圣诞节经常装满了礼物。2、They cut prices drastically to try and shift stock.他们大幅度降价,试图销出存货。3、New Yorkers have been stocking up with bottled water.纽约人一直在贮备瓶装水。4、Our stock of matches is used up.我们贮存的火柴使完了。5、I don"t have very much drink in stock.我贮存的酒不很多。6、It"s made of a long stocking.它是由一只长袜做成的。
2023-08-03 03:16:591

stockings 是什么意思

2023-08-03 03:17:182

a pair of stockings什么意思

2023-08-03 03:17:593

英语,所有衣服单词,请一一列举出来,翻译。 有好评。

hat 帽子 shoes鞋子 pants裤子 socks袜子 gloves手套 shirt上衣 flouse棉衣skirts裙子
2023-08-03 03:18:293

cotton stocking可数吗

cotton stocking可数吗可数的因为stocking的意思是长筒袜可以加sstockings,长筒袜,本身就是以复数形式使用的,类似于trousers。如果要表示多双长筒袜的意思
2023-08-03 03:18:571

My mother() stockings. 这里该填like还是likes,顺便把原因说清楚

likes my mother 整体是第3人称,所以动词要加S 是语法的规则 MY MOTHER 是主语 LIKES 动词 STOCKING 宾语 主语是第3人称时动词要加S,例外很少.
2023-08-03 03:19:071


We put our stockings by the bed
2023-08-03 03:19:392


T-shirts/Tops: 体恤,上衣polo shirts: 带领子的上衣 (套头)polo衫Jumpers: 套头衫Cardigans: 羊毛衫Blouse: 一般只开身儿穿的衬衫,或者通指女衫Tousers: 裤子Jeans: 牛仔裤Dress: 连衣裙Skirts: 半身裙Slippers: 拖鞋Jackets: 夹克衫Coats: 大衣以上大部分是指女装。男的我就不知道了。希望有帮助。
2023-08-03 03:20:034

翻译成中文 They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed.

2023-08-03 03:21:465

-The children usually ___stockings by the firepla

2023-08-03 03:22:033


2023-08-03 03:22:101


oh my god~.
2023-08-03 03:22:201

wearing stockings and slippers,she was able to()colours with her foot

答案是 A. draw。这句话中,"wearing stockings and slippers" 描述了一个女孩的状态,后面的 "she was able to" 表示她能够做什么事情。接下来的 "colors with her foot" 说明了她用脚能够做的事情。根据上下文可以得知,这个女孩穿着袜子和拖鞋,用脚可以涂画颜色。因此,答案应该是 A. draw(画画)。
2023-08-03 03:22:281

the practice of hanging up stockings is connected with St. Nicholas.

Why do the children in England hang up Christmas stockings?Father Christmas once dropped some gold coins while coming down the chimney. The coins would have fallen through the ash grate and been lost if they hadn"t landed in a stocking that had been hung out to dry. Since that time children have continued to hang out stockings in hopes of finding them filled with gifts.
2023-08-03 03:22:363

they often put the stockings on piece of string

他们经常把代币穿在绳子上所以他们能容易的随身携带. 我能帮你检查一下吗? token: n.代币;象征;记号 adj.作为对某事的保证的;象征性的;作为标志的 vt.预兆:预示或象征,预兆
2023-08-03 03:23:021


There was a kindly nobleman whose wife had died of an illness leaving the nobleman and his three daughters in despair. After losing all his money in useless and bad inventions the family had to move into a peasant"s cottage, where the daughters did their own cooking, sewing and cleaning.When it came time for the daughters to marry, the father became even more depressed as his daughters could not marry without dowries, money and property given to the new husband"s family.One night after the daughters had washed out their clothing they hung their stockings over the fireplace to dry. That night Saint Nicholas, knowing the despair of the father, stopped by the nobleman"s house. Looking in the window Saint Nicholas saw that the family had gone to bed. He also noticed the daughters stockings. Inspiration struck Saint Nicholas and he took three small bags of gold from his pouch and threw them one by one down the chimney and they landed in the stockings.The next morning when the daughters awoke they found their stockings contained enough gold for them to get married. The nobleman was able to see his three daughters marry and he lived a long and happy life.Children all over the world continue the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings. In some countries children have similar customs, in France the children place their shoes by the fireplace, a tradition dating back to when children wore wooden peasant shoes. 关于圣诞节在火炉边悬挂圣诞袜也有一个有趣的传说。很久很久以前有一个心地善良的贵族,他的妻子因病去逝,抛下他和他的三个女儿。这个贵族尝试了不少发明,都失败了,但也因此耗尽了钱财,所以他们不得不搬到一家农舍里生活,他的女儿们也只得亲自烧煮、缝纫和打扫。  一晃几年过去,女儿们陆续到了出嫁的年龄,父亲却变得更加沮丧,因为他没钱给女儿们买嫁妆。  一天晚上,女儿们洗完衣服后将长统袜挂在壁炉前烘干。圣人Nicholas知道了她们父亲的境况后,就在那天晚上,来到她们的家门前。他从窗口看到一家人都已睡着了,同时也注意到了女孩们的长统袜。随即,他从口袋里掏出三小包黄金从烟囱上一个个投下去,刚好掉在女孩们的长统袜里。  第二天早上,女儿们醒来发现她们的长统袜里装满了金子,足够供她们买嫁妆了。这个贵族也因此能亲眼看到他的女儿们结婚,从此便过上了幸福快乐的生活。  后来,世界各地的孩子们都继承了悬挂圣诞袜的传统。有些国家的孩子则有其它类似的风俗,如在法国,孩子们将鞋子放在壁炉旁。
2023-08-03 03:23:091


八年级上册英语阅读理解题   以下是我给大家提供的八年级上册的英语阅读理解题以及答案,有兴趣的朋友可以阅读参考一下哦!   第一篇:   Bob and Jim once worked in the same factory. One day, Bob lent Jim ten dollars, but then Jim left his work and went to work in another town without paying back the money.   Bob didn"t see Jim for a year, and then he knew from another friend that Jim was in another town and staying at a hotel. So he went there to see him late in the evening.   When he got to Jim"s room, he saw his shoes near the door. "Well, he must be in," he thought, and knocked again, and said, "I know you are in, Jim. Your shoes are out here."   "I"ve gone out in my boots," answered Jim.   True or False   1. Bob and Jim once worked in different factories.   2. One day Jim borrowed ten dollars from Bob.   3. Jim paid back the money to Bob and went to work in another town later.   4. Bob hadn"t seen Jim for a year when he learned that Jim was in another town.   第二篇:   On Christmas Eve─the night before Christmas Day─children all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night.   Father Christmas is very kind and hearted. He gets to the top of each house and climbs down the chimney into the fireplace. He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents.   Of course, Father Christmas isn"t real. In Jim and Kate"s house, "Father Christmas" is really Mr Green. Mr Green doesn"t climb down the chimney. He waits until the children are asleep. Then he quietly goes into their bedrooms and fills their stockings with small presents. When they were very young, Mr Green sometimes wore a red coat. But he doesn"t do that now. The children are no longer young, and they know who "Father Christmas" really is. But they still put their stockings at the end of their beds.   1. Christmas Eve is __________.   A. the night of Christmas Day B. the evening of Christmas Day   C. Christmas Day D. the night before Christmas Day   2. Father Christmas often puts presents ________.   A. into children"s hats B. into children"s stockings   C. under children"s beds D. into children"s shoes   3. When the children were very young, __________.   A. they didn"t know who Father Christmas was   B. they knew that Father Christmas wasn"t real   C. they thought their father was Father Christmas   D. they knew who put the presents into their stockings   4. When the children are older, they __________.   A. know that Father Christmas is real   B. ask their mother to fill their stockings with presents   C. know that Father Christmas is really their father   D. know that Father Christmas is really their friend   5. Father Christmas comes into the house through the ________.   A. chimney B. back door C. front door D. window.   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   第一篇:1-4 F T F T   第二篇:DBACA ;
2023-08-03 03:23:271

one man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces

在这里,while表示【对比转折】,意思是【而;然而】;原文用over没有错。因为,这里句子结构是:【 two others主语】【 with black stockings over their faces 介词with的复合结构,作定语】【jumped out 谓语】【 and smashed并列谓语】【 the window of the shop with iron bars宾语】.介词with的复合结构:with+宾语(名词、代词)+宾语补足语(名词/代词;形容词;副词;介词短语;非谓语动词)with【 black stockings 介词with的宾语】【 over their faces介词短语,宾补】 要用cover,在该结构中要变为:with black stockings【 covering their faces 动名词短语,宾补】祝你开心如意!
2023-08-03 03:23:411


  情景对话为学生学英语搭建了平台,构建了语言环境。这需要我们斟酌怎样去创设情境。我精心收集了买卖东西的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!   买卖东西的英语对话1   A:These are new arrivals.   这些是新上市的。   B:Let me have a look.   我看看。   A:Try them if you like.   如果你喜欢,可以穿上试试。   B:I like the fabric, but I don"t like the style.   我喜欢这种质地的,但不喜欢这种款式。   A:What about that one over there?   那边那个怎么样?   B:They are too bright.   颜色太艳了。   买卖东西的英语对话2   A:Are these stockings made of silk?   这些长袜是丝的吗?   B:Yes, pure silk.   是纯丝的。   A:What"s the difference between artificial silk and pure silk?   纯丝和人造丝有什么区别?   B:The artificial silk stockings are more durable than pure silk stockings, but pure silk stockings are more fortable to wear.   人造丝比真丝耐穿,但真丝穿上舒服。   A:Thank you. I"d like to buy a pair of pure silk stockings.   谢谢。我买一双真丝的。   B:What else do you want?   你还要什么吗?   A:Please show me the panty-hose over there.   请给我看看那边的连 *** 。   B:These panty-hose are all Hong Kong made. We can guarantee the quality.   这些连 *** 都是香港产的,我们可以保证质量。   A:Could you give me a discount if I buy a dozen?   如果我买一打,你能给我打折吗?   B:Sorry, madam. Our price is fixed.   对不起,夫人。我们这儿是不讲价的。   A:Then I"ll buy two.   那么我买两条。   买卖东西的英语对话3   A:Do you have wool socks?   你们有羊毛短袜吗?   B:Yes. We have socks made of various materials. These socks are of imported wool.   是的。我们有各种质地的袜子。这些袜子是进口羊毛制成的。   A:Can you guarantee the quality?   你们能保证质量吗?   B:Yes, absolutely.   绝对保证。   A:Where are the panty-hose?   连 *** 在哪儿?   B:Here. We have black, white and transparent panty-hose here.   这儿。我们有黑色、白色和透明的连 *** 。   买卖东西的英语对话4   A:Good morning, Miss.   早上好,小姐。   B:Good morning. Could you tell me where I can find the Clothing Department?   早上好。请问服装部在哪儿?   A:On the left of the elevator of the 3rd floor.   在3楼电梯的左侧。   B:I"d like to buy a woolen vest for my grandpa.   我想给我祖父挑件羊毛背心。   A:I"m sure you can find your favorite there.   我保证你能挑到令你满意的。   B:Thank you very much.   非常感谢。   B:It"s my honor.   愿意为你效劳。   
2023-08-03 03:23:481


body stocking 英[u02c8bu0254di u02c8stu0254kiu014b] 美[u02c8bɑdi u02c8stɑku026au014b] n. 上下相连的紧身衣裤; [例句]Relationships between body gains and stocking rates of grazing sheep on typical Inner Mongolian grassland内蒙古典型草原放牧绵羊体增重与放牧率之间的关系[其他] 复数:body stockings
2023-08-03 03:23:551

put up stockings for their pets什么意思

2023-08-03 03:24:046


2023-08-03 03:13:592


2023年上半年全国大学英语四、六级考试报名工作启动 发布时间: 2023-03-27。扩展资料:大学英语四、六级考试是由中华人民共和国教育部主办,中华人民共和国教育部教育考试院(原教育部考试中心)主持和实施的大规模标准化考试,是全国性的教学考试,其目的是促进中国大学英语教学工作,对大学生的英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为提高中国大学英语课程的教学质量提供服务。大学英语考试分为四级考试(CET-4) 和六级考试(CET-6),每年各举行两次,分别在同一天的上午和下午进行。从2005年1月起,成绩满分为710分,由中华人民共和国教育部高教司委托“全国大学英语四六级考试委员会”给每位考生发成绩单。2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四六级考试委员会对四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型作局部调整。调整后,四级和六级的试卷结构和测试题型相同。为了适应新的形势下社会对大学生英语听力能力需求的变化,进一步提高听力测试的效度,与难度,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会自2016年6月考试起将对四、六级考试的听力试题作局部调整。
2023-08-03 03:14:031


lxw是一个人名字前几个字母的缩写 后面是 我们的爱情
2023-08-03 03:14:061


翻译如下永远坚强Forever Strong或always strong. 例句他永远坚强,绝不懦弱。Never weak but always strong.
2023-08-03 03:14:081


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Reason 演唱: 玉置成实 作词: shungo. 作曲: y@suo ohtani 编曲: ats- 远く离れてるほどに 近くに感じてる 寂しさも强さへと 変换(かわ)ってく …君を想ったなら 街も 人も 梦も 変えていく时间に ただ 逆らっていた 言叶を重ねても 理解(わか)り合えないこと まだ 知らなかったね 君だけを抱きしめたくて失くした梦 君は 「谛メナイデ」と云った 远く离れてるほどに 近くに感じてる 寂しさも强さへと 変换(かわ)ってく …君を想ったなら 切なく胸を刺す それは梦の欠片 ありのまま出逢えてた その奇迹 もう一度信じて 君がいない日々に ずっと 立ち止まった でも 歩き出してる 君と分かち合った どの偶然にも意味が そう 必ずあった それぞれの梦を叶えて まためぐり逢う时 偶然は运命になる 破れた约束さえも 誓いに変えたなら あの场所で 出逢う时 あの顷の二人に戻(なれ)るかな? 「优しさ」に似ている 懐かしい面影 瞳(め)を闭じて见えるから 手を触れず在ることを知るから 明日に はぐれて 答えが何も见えなくても 君に逢う そのために重ねてく 「今日」という真実 远く离れてるほどに 近くに感じてる 寂しさも强さへと 変换(かわ)ってく …君を想ったなら 切なく胸を刺す それは梦の欠片 ありのまま出逢えてた その奇迹 もう一度信じて 翻译: 就算离的很远也觉得你离我很近 只要你想 我会将自己的寂寞变成自己的强壮 街也是 人也是 梦也是 都在改变着时间 只是想回到过去 就算语气重了 也要去理解你的话 却仍然不明白 只想抱着你 失去了的梦想 你对我说 不要放弃啊 就算离的很远也觉得你离我很近 只要你想 我会将自己的寂寞变成自己的强壮 突然刺进我心的 那是梦的碎片 再一次相信那毫无缘由而相逢的奇迹 在你所不在的日子里 我一直停着脚步 不过 现在正向前迈进 相信着你和我的分离只是因为偶然 对 一定是 在各个梦想时间而再次相逢之时 偶然变成了命运 失败的约定如果变成了誓言 我们能否变回再那个地方相遇时的那两个人呢 很像”温柔”的那令人怀念的脸影 如果闭上眼还能看到的话 是因为不用手摸也知道你在 就算明天会分离 就算得不到任何的答案 为了和你相逢 而被叫做的”今天”是真实的 就算离的很远也觉得你离我很近 只要你想 我会将自己的寂寞变成自己的强壮 突然刺进我心的 那是梦的碎片 再一次相信那毫无缘由而相逢的奇迹 罗马注音: tooku hanareteru hodoni chikakuni kanjiteru sabishisamo tsuyosa e tokawatteku kimi wo omottanara machimo hitomo yumemo kaeteikujikanni tada sakaratteita kotoba wo kasane temo wakariaenai koto mada shiranakattane kimidake wo dakishimetakute nakushitayume kimi wa akiramenaide toitta tooku hanareteru hodoni chikakuni kanjiteru sabishisamo tsuyosa e tokawatteku kimi wo omottanara setsunakumune wo sasusorewa yumenokakera arinomama deaeteta sonokisekimou ichido shinjite kimi ga inaihibini zutto tachitomatta demo arukidashiteru kimitowakachiatta donoguuzennimoimiga sou kanarazuatta sorezorenoyume wo kanaete matameguriautoki guuzen wa unmeininaru yaburetayakusokusaemo chikainikaetanara anobashode deautoki anokoronofutarininarerukana? "yasashisa"niniteiru natsukashiiomokage me wo tojitemierunara te wo furezuarukoto wo shirukara asuni hagurete kotaegananimomienakutemo kiminiau sonotameni kasaneteku "kyou" toiushinjitsu tooku hanareteru hodoni chikakuni kanjiteru sabishisamo tsuyosa e tokawatteku kimi wo omottanara setsunakumune wo sasusorewa yumenokakera arinomama deaeteta sonokisekimou ichido shinjite
2023-08-03 03:13:531


2023-08-03 03:13:516

钢筋上标识LXW 是什么钢筋

1、“3”表示三级钢 2、“CS”为成都冶金实验厂有限公司生产钢筋的标识 3、以下有各厂家的标识可以参考: 部分钢筋生产厂家标识和印记字母 序号 名称 型号等级 厂家代码 备注 1 首钢 HPR235 S 标识牌 2 邯钢 HRB335 2HG 钢筋标记
2023-08-03 03:13:501


2023年英语六级考试时间上半年介绍如下:为 6 月 17 日。考生报考前须按本系统要求进行注册和登录,登录成功后,提供正确的姓名和身份证号进行资格验证。如对资格验证后个人信息、学籍信息及可报考科目有异议,可联系所在学校相关部门核实。报考 CET6 考生的 CET4 成绩须在 425 分及以上,符合报考条件的考生没有获得 CET6 报考资格时,考生可在系统中提交 CET4 成绩在 425 分及以上考试的准考证号进行再次审核。如 CET4 成绩为 2005 年以前,则须联系所在学校相关部门。残疾考生须在确认考点可否提供相应合理便利后进行报名和缴费。考生须在所在学校规定时间内通过全国大学英语四、六级考试报名网站完成报考,其中包括信息核对、资格审核及网上缴费等操作。报名网站支持支付宝、中银智慧付、招行一网通三种支付方式。考生须对照片、学校及院系信息进行核对,如有错误须立即联系所在学校相关部门进行更正,确认以上信息后则不得修改。考生不可同时报考同一时间段内的两门及以上科目,不同时间段的科目能否同时报考,须符合所在学校的规定。报名成功的考生须于 2023 年 6 月 8 日 9 时后按学校规定时间登录全国大学英语四、六级考试报名网站下载并打印准考证,或按学校相关规定领取准考证。
2023-08-03 03:13:411


LXW精密拉绳位移传感器总体介绍 u2022精密电信号(电位计、电压、电流、编码器脉冲、计算机接口)输出 u2022适合多种距离精密直线或曲线位移测量 u2022标准工业级+产品,军品级 u2022适合多种恶劣环境和苛刻工作条件 u2022多面安装选择(传感器底面、顶面、端面、拉线背面、拉线正面等) 一、 工作原理 LXW-5型拉线位移传感器可将机械位移量转换成可计量的、成线性比例的电信号。当被测物体产生位移时,拉动与其相连接的传感器绳索,绳索带动传感器传动机构与编码器同步转动;当位移反向移动时,传感器内部的自动回旋装置将自动收回绳索,并在绳索伸收过程中保持其张力不变;从而输出一个与绳索移动量成正比例的电信号。 传感器具有独立自动排线机构,保证拉伸绳自动均匀排线、保证传感器具有高独立线性精度和较长的传感器使用寿命 二、 主要特点: LXW系列传感器的设计精密合理,采用高精密传感元件,使得传感器具有体积小,使用方便,密封性好,测量精度高,温度误差小,寿命长等优点。 该传感器不仅适宜于作直线运动的机械物体位移测量,更适宜于机械物体作曲线运动的位移测量。 LXW系列拉线位移传感器凭借多项优异特点拥有独立知识产权,已获得国家发明专利。 三、 主要技术指标 1、位移有效测量范围:100、200、500、700、1000、1500、2000、5000、8000、100000mm等多尺寸 2、电源电压:+12、+24VDC等 3、输出信号:0-5VDC 4、线性精度:优于±0.15% F.S 5、工作温度:-25-75℃ 6、制造材料:合金金属 7、拉绳材料:高柔性金属芯绳 8、防护等级:IP65 9、传感器等级:标准工业级 10、重量:(实际重量随不同规格会有不同)传感器已经进入的领域1、军用飞机JB-1襟翼、调节锥系统位移检测 2、军用坦克、装甲车武器瞄准系统检测 3、无锡702所高速舰船使用 4、福建厦门水位检测应用 5、成都611所飞机实验室系统检测 6、上海比亚迪汽车检测(高精度) 7、新疆八一钢厂长程位移测量 8、哈尔滨建成集团军方武器狭缝安装 9、北京福田汽车节气门检测 10、北京-天津高速城际列车全路段测试 11、北京-秦皇岛高速列车全路段测试 12、大秦铁路高粉尘全路段测试 13、加气混凝土液压同步检测 14、奔腾汽车举升机四柱同步油缸应用 15、吉林大学汽车模拟实验室应用 16、西南交大桥梁位移监测 17、煤矿矿井顶板位移高湿、高粉尘、防暴型产品应用 18、天津大学深海钻井平台锚位移检测实验应用 . . . . . . 北京杰凌朗月科技 01082345385 01062839184朱工
2023-08-03 03:13:401


1、一个人的坚强不是看他外壳有多硬,而是看他的疤痕有多深。 A man"s strength depends not on how hard his shell is, but on how deep his scar is. 2、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。 The most terrible enemy is the lack of strong faith. 3、刚开始是假装坚强,后来就真的坚强了。 At first I pretended to be strong, then I was really strong. 4、坚强,是被逼出来的。谁也不想那么坚强的。如果有人依靠,何必再坚强呢。 Strong, is forced out. Nobody wants to be so strong. If someone relies on it, why be strong again? 5、坚强的我,捧着坚强的心,流着坚强的泪,伪装着所谓的坚强。 Strong me, holding a strong heart, with strong tears, camouflage the so-called strong. 6、一个人坚强不代表没有受伤,我坚强是因为你不够坚强。我也想做不坚强的那个。 A person"s strong does not mean no injury, I am strong because you are not strong enough. I also want to be the weak one. 7、没有人会为我坚强,所以我一定要勇敢。 No one will be strong for me, so I must be brave. 8、不是因为够坚强,就不需要安慰;只是因为缺少了安慰,才不得不坚强。 It"s not because you are strong enough that you don"t need fort; it"s just because you lack fort that you have to be strong. 9、人因为有难忘的记忆而变得坚强,这就是所谓的成长吧。 People bee strong because of unfettable memories. This is the so-called growth bar. 10、我没你想的那么坚强,有时也会找地方躲藏。 I"m not as strong as you think. Sometimes I find a place to hide. 11、我不要坚强,坚强只会让我痛了不哭,不会让我不痛,坚强没有用。 I do not want to be strong, strong will only make me pain do not cry, will not let me pain, strong is useless. 12、我并不是一个坚强的人,但我知道在该坚强的时候一定要坚强。 I"m not a strong person, but I know when I"m strong, I must be strong. 13、有时候,不经历艰难,就不懂得自己有多坚强。 Sometimes, without going through hardships, you don"t know how strong you are. 14、我们终将会在颠沛流离的日子里,跌跌撞撞地学会坚强和勇敢。 We will stumble to learn to be strong and brave in the days of wandering. 15、永远也不要忘记能够笑的坚强,就算受伤,我也从不彷徨。 Never fet the strength of being able to laugh. Even if I get hurt, I never hesitate. 16、当坚强成为你唯一的选择,你才知道自己可以有多坚强。 When being strong bees your only choice, you will know how strong you can be. 17、单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够耐心去等待那个值得拥有你的人。 Being single means that you are strong enough and patient enough to wait for the person who deserves you. 18、我曾回避过精致妆容,只为风暴席卷着心痛,勇敢与坚强将会是我所向往的天空。 I have avoided exquisite makeup, only for the storm sweeping heartache, courage and strength will be the sky I yearn for. 19、你若不勇敢,谁替你坚强!不被理解的弱小,只好一直坚强。有时候坚强也是一种无奈。 If you are not brave, who will be strong for you? Ununderstood weakness, had to be strong all the time. Sometimes being strong is also a kind of helplessness. 20、不论成功与失败,我都不会滴下一滴眼泪,只会露出坚强的微笑! No matter success or failure, I will not drop a tear, only show a strong *** ile! 21、你永远都不会知道自己到底有多坚强,直到有一天你除了坚强别无选择。 You never know how strong you are until one day you have no choice but to be strong. 22、想要活下去唯有一条路可走,坚强。想活的漂亮唯有漂亮的坚强下去。 There is only one way to live, strong. The only way to live beautifully is to be beautiful and strong. 23、她总比他想的坚强,也比他想的脆弱。 She was stronger than he thought and more fragile than he thought. 24、笑并不总是意味着你开心。某些时候,笑只是表示你是一个坚强的人。 Laughter doesn"t always mean you"re happy. Sometimes, laughter just means that you are a strong person. 25、这个世上没有人可以保护你,坚强,是你唯一的出路。 No one in the world can protect you. Being strong is your only way out. 26、一个人若是坚强太久,连自己也忘记了软弱是什么样的。 If a person is strong for too long, he even fets what weakness is. 27、一个真正坚强的人,可以坚强到让所有人都认为他不需要坚强。 A truly strong person can be strong enough to make everyone think that he does not need to be strong. 28、我不知道离别的滋味是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。 I don"t know how sad it is to say goodbye. I don"t know how strong it is to say goodbye. 29、我必须要变得足够独立、坚强与强大。 I have to be independent, strong and strong enough. 30、温柔要有,但不是妥协,我们要在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强。 Gentle, but not promise, we should be quiet, not hurried and strong. 31、坚持下去,并不是我们真的足够坚强,而是我们别无选择。 To persevere is not that we are really strong enough, but that we have no choice. 32、有时候,我们不得不坚强,于是乎,在假装坚强中,就真的越来越坚强。 Sometimes, we have to be strong, so in pretending to be strong, we really bee stronger and stronger. 33、所有人的坚强,都是柔软生的茧。 The adamancy of a person is the callus formed upon his past softness. 34、曾经我以为只要忍住了不哭就是坚强,现在才知道躲在角落里默默的流泪也是一种坚强。 Once I thought that as long as I refrained from crying, I was strong. Now I know that silent tears in the corner are also strong. 35、不是我不想坚强,而是我学不会如何坚强。 Not that I don"t want to be strong, but that I can"t learn how to be strong. 36、就是太怕孤独,才会努力想靠近人群,可那种乔装的坚强,是那么的不堪一击。 Is too afraid of loneliness, will try to close to the crowd, but that kind of strong disguise, is so vulnerable. 37、绝望的微笑吧,坚强背后的伤,不是每个人都懂。 A desperate *** ile, the wound behind strength, not everyone understands.
2023-08-03 03:13:331