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2023-08-04 16:45:49




哈密瓜的英文:Hami melon" 或 "Cantaloupe"。Hami Melon: "Hami melon" 是哈密瓜在中文拼音的音译,也是其在国际上较为常见的名称之一。哈密瓜是一种甜瓜,属于葫芦科,是新疆哈密地区特产,以其甜美的口感和多汁的果肉而受到广泛喜爱。"Hami melon" 这个名称通常用于描述这种来自新疆哈密地区的甜瓜。Cantaloupe: "Cantaloupe" 是一个英语单词,用于指代一类葫芦科的甜瓜,其中也包括哈密瓜。在美国和欧洲等地,"Cantaloupe" 通常用于描述带有网状外皮、橙色果肉、甜美可口的甜瓜,包括哈密瓜、洋香瓜、莴苣瓜等。不过需要注意的是,在不同地区或国家,"Cantaloupe" 的定义可能有所差异,有时也可能用于指代特定类型的甜瓜。总的来说,"Hami melon" 是哈密瓜在中文音译的名称,通常用于指代来自新疆哈密地区的甜瓜;而 "Cantaloupe" 是一个英语单词,用于指代一类带有网状外皮的甜瓜,其中也包括哈密瓜。如果你在英语环境中想表达哈密瓜,可以使用 "Hami melon" 或 "Cantaloupe" 这两个词,根据上下文来确定更合适的用词。同时,还需要注意的是,不同地区对于甜瓜的分类和命名可能会有所不同,所以在特定语境中最好根据当地的惯用称呼来表达。如果你想更准确地了解哈密瓜在特定国家或地区的称呼和使用情况,可以进行更详细的调查和查询。
2023-08-04 12:37:261


哈密瓜 Hami melon;honeydew; cantaloupe
2023-08-04 12:37:485


哈密瓜Hami melon
2023-08-04 12:38:251


问题一:哈密瓜用英语怎么读 Hami melon 哈密 +melon melon 英 [?mel?n] 美 [?m?l?n]意思是:甜瓜;瓜;香瓜问题二:哈蜜瓜用英语怎么读 Hami melon 哈密 +melon melon 英 [?mel?n] 美 [?m?l?n] 意思是:甜瓜;瓜;香瓜问题三:哈密瓜的英文是什么? 单词是cantaloup或者cantaloupe 音标都是: ["kantelu:p] 注意:音标里的a 是梅定音,但是,键盘上没有那个,所以只能用a 代替了.发音是”哀”,口型很小 Hami melone问题四:哈密瓜用英语怎么读,知道单词是怎么写的就是不知道该怎么读,求解谢谢 Hami melon (哈密是我国新疆地名,所以用音译) honey-dew melon问题五:哈密瓜英语怎么说帮翻译下 哈密瓜英语怎么说帮翻译下 是hami melon 感觉第二个比较通俗,第一个是比较专业的名词。问题六:哈密瓜的英文怎么讲 单词是cantaloup或者cantaloupe 音标都是: ["kan激elu:p] 注意:音标里的a 是梅花音,但是,键盘上没有那个,所以只能用a 代替了.发音是”哀”,口型很小.呵呵
2023-08-04 12:38:321


哈密瓜的英文名为 "Cantaloupe"。哈密瓜,也称为哈蜜瓜或哈密蜜瓜,是一种甜瓜的品种,源自中国新疆哈密地区。它是一种圆形或椭圆形的水果,外表皮呈黄绿色或橙黄色,表面有凸起的网状花纹。哈密瓜的果肉呈浅橙色或浅绿色,质地柔软多汁。哈密瓜具有丰富的甜味和香气,口感清爽、滋润。它含有丰富的维生素C、维生素A和纤维,同时还含有一些矿物质如钾、镁和铁。哈密瓜是夏季水果中的一种,因其可口的味道和高水分含量,成为人们消暑解渴的选择。除了生食,哈密瓜还可以用于制作各种甜品、冰淇淋、果汁和水果沙拉。它也常与其他水果或酸奶等食材搭配,创造出不同的口味组合。哈密瓜也可以在一些烹饪中使用。例如,可以将哈密瓜切块后放入凉拌菜、鸡尾酒、果酱、沙拉中或者作为甜点的配料。作为中国新疆的特产,哈密瓜在国内外都享有盛誉。它的种植受到严格的管理和环境要求,以确保品质和口感的一致性。无论是作为夏季水果的最佳选择,还是作为烹饪和糕点的美食原料,哈密瓜都被广泛喜爱和使用。一些常见的哈密瓜食用方式1、生吃:哈密瓜的浓郁甜味适合直接生吃。将哈密瓜切开,去皮去籽,切成块状或勺取果肉即可享用。可以将它作为水果沙拉的一部分,搭配其他水果一同食用,也可以单独享用。2、制作果汁:将哈密瓜果肉切块,放入搅拌机中打成汁。可以加入蜂蜜或柠檬汁来增添口味,冰块与其一起搅拌可制作成清凉的哈密瓜冰沙。3、水果沙拉:将哈密瓜切成块状,与其他水果如葡萄、苹果、香蕉等混合,再加入一些薄荷叶或柠檬汁进行拌匀,制作成清爽的水果沙拉。
2023-08-04 12:38:511


英语 Hami melon, Bayberry and pear are all fruits.重点词汇释义哈密瓜Hami Melon; cantaloupe杨梅red bayberry; wax myrtle; Myrica rubra梨子〈口〉pear水果fruit; slump
2023-08-04 12:39:201


不是哈密瓜英文是cantaloupe,复数直接加s,即cantaloupes例句I bought two cantaloupes我买了两个哈密瓜。望采纳
2023-08-04 12:39:311


2023-08-04 12:39:5411


2023-08-04 12:40:191


【水果英语】pineapple菠萝 watermelon西瓜 tomato西红柿 banana香蕉 orange橙子 apple苹果 lemon柠檬 cherry樱桃peach桃子 pear梨 strawberry草莓grape葡萄 我只知道这么多了
2023-08-04 12:40:424


2023-08-04 12:42:155


你好!哈密瓜hami melon [词典] 哈密瓜; [例句]My favorite fruit is Hami melon. I think it"s the sweet fruit in the world.我最喜欢的水果是哈密瓜,我觉得它是世界上最甜的水果。
2023-08-04 12:42:331


问题一:哈蜜瓜用英语怎么读 Hami melon 哈密 +melon melon 英 [?mel?n] 美 [?m?l?n] 意思是:甜瓜;瓜;香瓜 问题二:哈密瓜的英文是什么? 单词是cantaloup或者cantaloupe 音标都是: ["kantelu:p] 注意:音标里的a 是梅定音,但是,键盘上没有那个,所以只能用a 代替了.发音是”哀”,口型很小 Hami melone 问题三:哈密瓜用英语怎么读,知道单词是怎么写的就是不知道该怎么读,求解谢谢 Hami melon (哈密是我国新疆地名,所以用音译) honey-dew melon 问题四:哈密瓜英语怎么说帮翻译下 哈密瓜英语怎么说帮翻译下 是hami melon 感觉第二个比较通俗,第一个是比较专业的名词。 问题五:哈密瓜的英文怎么翻译? cantaloup [简明英汉词典] n.[植]罗马甜瓜,场香瓜, 哈密瓜 cantaloupe [简明英汉词典] n.[植] 罗马甜瓜, 香瓜, 哈密瓜 问题六:哈密瓜的英文怎么讲 单词是cantaloup或者cantaloupe 音标都是: ["kan激elu:p] 注意:音标里的a 是梅花音,但是,键盘上没有那个,所以只能用a 代替了.发音是”哀”,口型很小.呵呵
2023-08-04 12:42:481


各种水果用英语怎么说? 水果英语词汇大全 almond杏仁 apple苹果 apple core苹果核apple juice苹果汁 apple skin苹果皮 apricot杏子 apricot flesh杏肉 apricot pit杏核 areca nut槟榔子 banana香蕉 banana skin香蕉皮 bargain price廉价 beechnut山毛榉坚果 beijing flowering crab海棠果 bitter苦的 bitterness苦味 bitter orange酸橙 blackberry黑莓 canned fruit罐头水果 carambola杨桃 cherry樱桃 cherry pit樱桃核 cherry pulp樱桃肉 chestnut栗子 chinese chestnut板栗 chinese date枣 chinese gooseberry猕猴桃 chinese walnut山核桃 coconut椰子 coconut milk椰奶 coconut water椰子汁 cold storage冷藏 cold store冷藏库 crisp脆的 cumquat金桔 damson plum西洋李子 dangshan pear砀山梨 date枣 date pit枣核 decayed fruit烂果 downy pitch毛桃 dry fruit干果 duke公爵樱桃 early-maturing早熟的 fig无花果 filbert榛子 first class一等地,甲等的 flat peach蟠桃 flavour味道 flesh果肉 flesh fruit肉质果 fresh新鲜的 fresh litchi鲜荔枝 fruiterer水果商 frui础 in bags袋装水果 fruit knife水果刀 fruits of the season应时水果 gingko白果,银杏 give full weigh分量准足 give short weight短斤缺两 grape葡萄 grape juice葡萄汁 grape skin葡萄皮 grapestone葡萄核 greengage青梅 hami melon哈密瓜 hard坚硬的 haw山楂果 hawthorn山楂 hazel榛子 honey peach水蜜桃 in season应时的 juicy多汁的 juicy peach水蜜桃 jujube枣 kernel仁 kumquat金桔 late-maturing晚熟的 lemon柠檬 litchi荔枝 litchi rind荔枝皮 longan桂圆,龙眼 longan pulp桂圆肉,龙眼肉 loguat枇杷 mandarine柑桔 mango芒果 mature成熟的 morello黑樱桃 muskmelon香瓜,甜瓜 navel orange脐橙 nut坚果 nut meat坚果仁 nut shell坚果壳 oleaster沙枣 olive橄榄 orange柑桔 orange peel柑桔皮 papaya木瓜 peach桃子 pear梨 perishable易腐烂的 pineapple菠萝 plum李子 plumcot李杏 pomegranate石榴 pomelo柚子,文旦 red bayberry杨梅 reduced...... 水果的英文单词怎么写 fruit 各种水果的英文是什么?? 猕猴桃 kiwi fruit 蓝莓blueberry 芋头taro 柿子persimmon 牛油果avocado 苹果apple 香蕉banana 柠檬lemen 酸橙lime 橙orange 葡萄grape 梨pear 桃peach 石榴pomegranate 草莓strawberry 杨梅waxberry 葡萄grape 杏子apricot 西瓜water melon almond杏仁 apple苹果 apple core苹果核 apple juice苹果汁 apple skin苹果皮 apricot杏子 apricot flesh杏肉 apricot pit杏核 areca nut槟榔子 banana香蕉 banana skin香蕉皮 bargain price廉价 beechnut山毛榉坚果 Beijing flowering crab海棠果 bitter苦的 bitterness苦味 bitter orange酸橙 blackberry黑莓 canned fruit罐头水果 carambola杨桃 cherry樱桃 cherry pit樱桃核 cherry pulp樱桃肉 chestnut栗子 Chinese chestnut板栗 Chinese date枣 Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃 Chinese walnut山核桃 coconut椰子 coconut milk椰奶 coconut water椰子汁 cold storage冷藏 cold store冷藏库 crisp脆的 cumquat金桔 damson plum西洋李子 Dangshan pear砀山梨 date枣 date pit枣核 decayed fruit烂果 downy pitch毛桃 dry fruit干果 duke公爵樱桃 early-maturing早熟的 fig无花果 filbert榛子 first class一等地,甲等的 flat peach蟠桃 flavour味道 flesh果肉 flesh fruit肉质果 fresh新鲜的 fresh litchi鲜荔枝 fruiterer水果商 fruit in bags袋装水果 fruit knife水果刀 fruits of the season应时水果 gingko白果,银杏 give full weigh分量准足 give short weight短斤缺两 grape葡萄 grape juice葡萄汁 grape skin葡萄皮 grapestone葡萄核 greengage青梅 Hami melon哈密瓜 Hard坚硬的 haw山楂果 hawthorn山楂 hazel榛子 honey peach水蜜桃... 水果用英文怎么写 fruit 祝你学习进步!别忘了采纳,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 各种水果的英文怎么写?最好有二十种 猕猴桃 kiwi fruit 蓝莓blueberry 芋头taro 柿子persimmon 牛油果avocado 苹果apple 香蕉banana 柠檬lemen 酸橙lime 橙orange 葡萄grape 梨pear 桃peach 石榴pomegranate 草莓strawberry 杨梅waxberry 葡萄grape 杏子apricot 西瓜water melon almond杏仁 apple苹果 apple core苹果核 apple juice苹果汁 apple skin苹果皮 apricot杏子 apricot flesh杏肉 apricot pit杏核 areca nut槟榔子 banana香蕉 banana skin香蕉皮 bargain price廉价 beechnut山毛榉坚果 Beijing flowering crab海棠果 bitter苦的 bitterness苦味 bitter orange酸橙 blackberry黑莓 canned fruit罐头水果 carambola杨桃 cherry樱桃 cherry pit樱桃核 cherry pulp樱桃肉 chestnut栗子 Chinese chestnut板栗 Chinese date枣 Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃 Chinese walnut山核桃 coconut椰子 coconut milk椰奶 coconut water椰子汁 cold storage冷藏 cold store冷藏库 crisp脆的 cumquat金桔 damson plum西洋李子 Dangshan pear砀山梨 date枣 date pit枣核 decayed fruit烂果 downy pitch毛桃 dry fruit干果 duke公爵樱桃 early-maturing早熟的 fig无花果 filbert榛子 first class一等地,甲等的 flat peach蟠桃 flavour味道 flesh果肉 flesh fruit肉质果 fresh新鲜的 fresh litchi鲜荔枝 fruiterer水果商 fruit in bags袋装水果 fruit knife水果刀 fruits of the season应时水果 gingko白果,银杏 give full weigh分量准足 give short weight短斤缺两 grape葡萄 grape juice葡萄汁 grape skin葡萄皮 grapestone葡萄核 greengage青梅 Hami melon哈密瓜 Hard坚硬的 haw山楂果 hawthorn山楂 hazel榛子 honey peach水蜜桃 希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!... 水果总称英文怎么写 fruit。 如果指很多水果,请用复数fruits。 各种水果英语怎么说呀 peach桃子 Lemon 柠檬 Pear 梨子 avocado南美梨 cantaloupe美国香瓜 Banana 香蕉 Grape 葡萄 raisins葡萄干 plum 李子 apricot杏子 nectarine油桃 honeydew(melon)哈密瓜 orange 橙子 tangerine 橘子 guava番石榴 Golden apple 黄绿苹果、脆甜 Granny *** ith 绿苹果 papaya木瓜 Bramley绿苹果 Mclntosh麦金托什红苹果 coconut椰子 jack fruit 菠萝蜜、大树菠萝 prunes干梅子 blueberry 乌饭果 cranberry酸莓 raspberry山霉 Mango 芒果 fig 无花果 pineapple 菠萝 Kiwi 奇异果(弥猴桃) Star fruit 杨桃 Cherry 樱桃 watermelon西瓜 pumelo 柚子 lime 酸橙 Dates 枣子 lychee 荔枝 Grape fruit 葡萄柚 Coconut 椰子 Fig 无花果 Durin 榴梿 Loquat 枇杷 Pitaya 火龙果 strawberry草莓 orange橘子 Kumquat金桔 Raspberry覆盆子
2023-08-04 12:43:181


杨桃 star fruit 哈密瓜 honeymelon 火龙果 dragon fruit 菠萝蜜 pineapple honeydew不知为何楼上两位要大写?
2023-08-04 12:43:413


Apple 苹果; Banana 香蕉; Blueberry 蓝莓; Cherry 樱桃; Date 枣; Durian 榴莲; Grape 葡萄; Lychee 荔枝; Mango 芒果; Honeydew 哈密瓜; Orange 橙; Peach 桃; Pear 梨; Plum 李子; Pineapple 菠萝; Pomegranate 石榴; Rambutan 红毛丹; Star fruit 杨桃; Strawberry 草莓; Tomato 西红柿; Watermelon 西瓜
2023-08-04 12:45:132


2023-08-04 12:45:422


apple苹果 banana香蕉 cherry樱桃 date枣 elderberry 接骨木果 fig无花果 grape葡萄 Hami melon哈密瓜 jujube枣 kumquat金桔 lemon柠檬 mango芒果 navel orange脐橙 orange柑桔 pear梨 Quarenden 大红苹果 red bayberry杨梅 strawberry草莓 tangerine柑桔 Vermillion orange 朱砂桔 watermelon西瓜 U、X Y Z这几个的暂时还没有想到,希望这些可以帮到您,还望及时采纳,谢谢~
2023-08-04 12:46:011


2023-08-04 12:46:092


Ha mi gua
2023-08-04 12:46:173


2023-08-04 12:37:031


2023-08-04 12:37:095


2023-08-04 12:37:091


1)你说说看,那个胖女人为什么这么快就逃出人群? 不知道,也许是“胖者生存吧” 注意:这里是the survival of the fittest:适者生存--这个俗语的巧妙变形。把fittest变成fattest来造成笑果。 2)老母鸡:我给你一个建议 小母鸡:什么建议? 老母鸡:要想保平安,一天一个蛋! 3) A company is known by the men it keeps. 同样是一句谚语的变形:A man is known by the company he keeps:观其交友,知其为人。---这里可能是,将company意思转成“公司”,看一家公司就看它的员工。 4)你这句有错误,最后" Long time no sea," the waitreess replied.--应该是the customer replied 您没有吃鱼?-侍者问道,是不是有什么问题? 顾客回答:这鱼可好久都没海了。。(也就是鱼不新鲜了)---同样是long time no see的变形。
2023-08-04 12:37:091


1、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。 Prime not heavy, once a day in the morning. 2、每天只看目标,别老想障碍。 Only look at target every day, don"t want to obstacles. 3、没有伞的孩子必须努力奔跑。 No umbrella children must try to run. 4、人最可怕的敌人是没有坚强的信念。 The most terrible enemy is no strong belief. 5、志在山顶的人,不会贪念山腰的风景。 Aim at the top of the mountain people, won"t greed hillside scenery. 6、做好事是人生中唯一确实快乐的行动。 Doing good things is the only really happy action in one"s life. 7、一个人炫耀什么,说明内心缺少什么。 A man to show off what, what is missing heart. 8、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。 Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance will have to move on. 9、积极向上的心态,是成功者的最基本要素。 The positive point of view, is the most basic elements of successful. 10、死脑筋的人相信命运,活脑筋的人相信机会。 One reason people believe in fate, living brains of people believe that opportunities. 11、坚其志,苦其心,劳其力,事无大小,必有所成。 Established his will, his bitter heart, its force, for everything will become. 12、一次失败,只是证明我们成功的决心还不够坚强。 A failure, just to prove our determination to success is not strong enough. 13、一个人只有在全力以赴的时候才能发挥最大的潜能。 A person only when all can play a maximum potential. 14、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。 A person"s dream may not be worth money, but a person"s effort is very valuable. 15、许多人都是因为坚持到最后五分钟而获得胜利和成功。 Many people are due to hold out until the last five minutes and victory and success. 16、在这个世界上最坚强的人是孤独地只靠自己站着的人。 In the most strong person in this world is a lonely only people standing on their own. 17、人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。 People"s activities without ideal, there is will become empty and small. 18、人生最大的喜悦是每个人都说你做不到,你却完成它了! The greatest joy of life is everyone says you can"t do that, you have done it! 19、原来,真的没有什么东西,完美的值得我们用生命坚持。 Originally, really nothing, perfect worth we insist on with life. 20、让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀,那无疑是将它们的美丽葬送。 Let the coral from the waves, that is beautiful bury them. 21、人生最好有一种正当的娱乐,即使没有财富,也能拥有快乐。 Had better have a legitimate entertainment life, even if there is no wealth, also can have happiness. 22、只要有坚强的意志力,就自然而然地会有能耐、机灵和知识。 As long as there is a strong willpower, naturally there will be a capable, clever, and knowledge. 23、自己打败自己是最可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是最可贵的胜利。 Beat yourself is the most lamentable failure, his victory over his is the most Pcious of victory. 24、再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 Again long way, step by step, also can go through, again a short road, do not stride feet can"t reach. 25、这社会你改变不了就得适应,适应不了就得被淘汰!这叫适者生存! You can"t change this society will have to adapt, adapt to not have to be eliminated! This is called the survival of the fittest! 26、成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。 Success is not in the future, but from the moment you decided to do, continue to accumulate. 27、有不少人决心去改造这个世界,但实际上有几个人能真正改造自己。 There are many people decided to change the world, but in fact there are a few people can really change myself. 28、书房在人生命中占有极重要的地位,一个拥有书城的人是最坚强的人。 Study plays an important role in the life, with a book city is the most strong person. 29、梦想绝不是梦,两者之间的差别通常都有一段非常值得人们深思的距离。 Dream is not a dream, the difference between the two usually have a very worth pondering the distance. 30、强者向人们揭示的是确认人生的价值,弱者向人们揭示的却是对人生的怀疑。 According to the strong is to confirm that the values of life, according to the weak is suspected of life.
2023-08-04 12:37:181

无线路由器可以当 中继器 使用么

可以的 你把自动获取IP什么的 关掉就好了
2023-08-04 12:37:1912


2023-08-04 12:37:197


在键盘最下面一排,最长的就是空格键,指法运用时,空格键应用左手或右手的大拇指敲击,标准文本处理时,每按一次空格键,即会留下一小段空白,占用一个字节的位置(一个英文字母占用一个字节,一个中国汉字占用两个字节,中文标点符号也算作中文字符,同样占用两个字节),大多数中文输入法中,空格键大多用来进行输入确认。扩展资料:空格键在Windows的用法举例1、Alt+空格键。这组快捷键会打开程序左上角的菜单,里面一般有“还原”“移动”“大小”“最小化”“最大化”和“关闭”几个选项。2、Ctrl+空格键。这组快捷键用于切换中英文输入法,在macOS下为caps lock。2、Shift+空格键。这组快捷键可以切换部分输入法的全角/半角。参考资料来源:百度百科-空格键
2023-08-04 12:37:191


这些定理是参照《通信原理》(北京邮电大学出版,周炯槃)一书整理的。 若频带宽度有限的,要从抽样信号中 无失真地恢复原信号 ,抽样频率应大于2倍信号最高频率。适用于时间连续信号(模拟信号) 设抽样信号的最高频率是 ,奈奎斯特采样速率为 采样速率低于 ,信号的频谱会有混杂 采样速率高于 ,信号的频谱无混杂 在 理想低通信道 下的 最高 码元传输速率=2W (Baud) W是理想低通信道的带宽,单位为赫兹 Baud是波特,即码元传输速率的单位,1波特为每秒传送1个码元 不仅使传送的编码序列的信息速率尽量小,还要从该编码序列无失真地恢复出原信源的输出符号,即能正确进行反变换或译码,称此信源为无失真离散信源编码。 设输入符号序列 ,共有L位,每一位有n种,共有 种消息序列;输出 对任意给定的信道,设其容量为 ,则一定存在一种信道编码,当其传输速率低于 时,收端译码后的差错率可以做到无穷小;反之,若传输速率大于 ,任何编码都不可能做到差错率很小
2023-08-04 12:37:201


1、人人节约一点能源,世界增添绿洲无限。Everyone to save a little energy, the world to add oasis unlimited.2、环境正是由人来改变的,而教育者本人一定是受教育的。——马克思The environment is changed by the people, and the educator himself must be educated. -- Marx3、山中何所有?岑上多白云只可自怡悦、不堪持寄君“诏问山中何所有”,赋诗以答。——陶弘景What is in the mountains? CEN many white clouds on only their own pleasure, not to send you "Chao asked Yamanaka He to answer all" poems. -- Tao Hongjing4、物竞天择,适者生存。——达尔文Survival of the fittest in natural selection, survival of the fittest. -- Darwin5、无污染旅游——除了脚印什么都不要留下;除了记忆,什么都不要带走。No pollution travel -- don"t leave anything except footprints; don"t take anything except the memory.还有很多类似的句子,可以关注洛基英语官网,获得全面的全球温暖的相关文章
2023-08-04 12:37:271


The driver, his face a stream of rain. 他的脸上雨水直流。  My friends will be expecting me.  Come here and reason with the young girl. 劝说  If you hammer on the door they"ll let you in. 用力在门上敲打(打门一般用“at”)  He looked as if he had the strength of a horse. 力大如牛   I"ll not lay a finger on you. 我不会动你一根毫毛。  I"ll tame you until you eat out of my hand the same as your aunt there. 完全顺从某人  Scratch her, and she shows her teeth. 她刚被触动一下就翻脸了。  You play with life and death. 玩命  the four winds四面八方  with their fingers in their ears用手指头堵上耳朵  Mary sat very still. 一动不动  took quick with his tongue太能说会道了  The sudden direct attack took the woman by surprise.这一开门见山的突然提问  What has the barred room at the end of the passage to do with the wheels that stop outside Jamaica Inn by night? 与……有关  walk on air洋洋得意  some sound or signal动静  backwards and forwards前后  My name is Mary Yellan, if that means anything to you. 如果你想知道的话  I deserve black looks for looking at you as I did. 象我刚才那样看你,理应遭到你的白眼。  He might be trying to make her talk. 他可能是在套她的话。  Mary laughed, in spite of herself. 不由自主地笑了起来。  There came a fine cold morning when for a change the sun shone in a cloudless sky. 一天早上,天气很冷,天空忽然放晴,阳光灿烂,万里无云。   Aunt Patience make signs to her. 向……打手势   Have you lost your tongue? (吓得)说不出话来   keep close watch over密切注意   Tommorrow-well, tommorrow could take care of itself. 明天——哦,明天的事等明天再说吧。  We join it lower down and miss two or three miles of it. 我们往前再走一点,这样可以少走二三英里。  Mary had thrown trouble and responsibility to the winds. 已把……抛在脑后  There"s quality for you! 质量是没说的。  You"ll be wet to the skin. 你会淋成落汤鸡的。  What"s done is done. 过去做的事现在说也没有用。  play a double game耍两面派,两面三刀  He had turned the key on his friend. 他把他的朋友锁在里面。  Joss Merlyn knows these moors like the back of his hand. 对……了如指掌  She was a woman, and for no reason in heaven or death she loved him. 明其妙地  Mary was only playing with her food. 只是做样子的吃了几口  What is more,(尤其) if the murderer had known that he had attacked (冒犯)you, he would have had a strong enough reason to kill the pedlar twice over. (碎尸万段)  You have too modest an apinion of yourself. 你有点妄自菲薄  He has made his peace with Mr.Bassat. 同……言归于好  There is no longer any need for pretence between us. 我们之间不再需要遮遮掩掩了。  Tomorrow may bring the world to you again. 明天你就会重见天日。  the world"s end天涯海角  Money makes the world go round. 金钱万能  I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在。  He who hesitates is lost. 当断不断,必受其患。  I wish your sister a rapid recovery from her illness. 我祝愿你妹妹早日恢复健康。  Be swift to hear, slow to speak. 敏于听而缓于言。  Time flies as swift as an arrow. 光阴似箭。  The customer is always right. 顾客是上帝。  have (gain, win, give sb.) an advantage over占(获得、赢得、给某人)优势  take advantage of sb. 耍弄,捉弄  take advantage of sth. 利用  to advantage使优点突出  to sb"s advantage (to the advantage of sb.)对某人有利  turn sth. to advantage利用  We (were) at table when they called. 进餐,吃饭  There is always a place for you at our table. 请你随时来吃便饭。  The hostess set the table for ten. 女主任摆餐桌供十人用饭。  He worked his way through college by waiting at table. 当侍者  The cloisonne is a famous native product of China. 景泰蓝,中国特产  make an example of sb. 惩一儆百  now or never机不可失  out of breath上气不接下气  get wind of察觉,风闻  It"s of no consequence-not the least. 不要紧的——毫无关系  Keeping up with the Joneses. (means to spend money you can"t spare buying things you can"t afford, in order to spite people you don"t like)  through the back door (under the counter)走后门  If you have to ask, you can"t afford it.  a mom-and-pop operation个体户杂货铺  That was when the shit hit the fan.  shitting in their own nest  a good telling off好好地教训一顿  to mend bad with worse拆东墙补西墙  It was imperative that there should be no fiasco. 只准成功,不准失败。  Let a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend. 百花齐放,百家争鸣。  She is clever and always gets what she wants by playing office politics. 靠耍手腕  As luck would have it. 很走运,真倒霉。  These young scientists are talented, and ambitious and they will go a long way. 大有作为  It"s no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。  More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。  Look before you leap. 三思而后行。  He who laughs last laughs best. 笑到最后才算笑得最好。  Theory is something but practice is everything. 理论固然重要,实践尤其重要。  There is no end to learning. 学无止境。  Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。  It never rains it pours. 祸不单行。  Man proposes. God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。  survival of the fittest适者生存  might is right强权即公理  flash in the pan昙花一现  on the ropes战战兢兢地  Here is an example, which I heard at a nurse"s convention, of a story.背下来就可以使了。
2023-08-04 12:37:361

room place和space的区别

room,房间,空间,可以抽象的指代地方,比如can you make a room for me?能给我让个地方吗? place,地点,放置,地方,指的是具体意义上的地点 比如上海,北京space,空间,可以抽象也可以具体,但通常代表的是宇宙空间或者广大的空间,但用法并不固定,可以像room,表示地方
2023-08-04 12:37:404


bcu是伯明翰城市大学。伯明翰城市大学(Birmingham City University),简称“BCU”,是一所位于英格兰伯明翰市的公立综合性大学,早期历史可以追溯到1971年五所独立学院合并为伯明翰城市理工学院。学校介绍:伯明翰城市大学(Birmingham City University),简称“BCU”,是一所位于英格兰伯明翰市的公立综合性大学,早期历史可以追溯到1971年五所独立学院合并为伯明翰城市理工学院。(伯明翰艺术学院、伯明翰商学院、伯明翰音乐学院、伯明翰技术学院、北伯明翰技术学院)。伯明翰城市大学在伯明翰共有8个校区,其拥有先进的现代化教学设施和实验室,可提供给学生先进的学习与教学硬件设施,包括图书馆,活动中心等。作为伯明翰整个城市发展的一部分,大学耗资2.6亿英镑,用于建立新的“旗舰”校区与发展教学设施,其艺术与设计学院是除伦敦以外规模最大的艺术与设计类学院,2021《卫报大学指南》全英第83名;《完全大学指南》全英第82名。伯明翰城市大学有五个优秀科研中心(Centres of Research Excellence),科学研究中有近90%被认为具有“杰出”或“非常可观”的外部影响(2014年卓越研究框架)。2008年英国科研评估认为其有70%的研究达到国际标准,15%为“国际领先”。在艺术与设计领域的科学研究居于全英国前十位,综合学术研究能力位于全英国第63位。
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2023-08-04 12:37:411


“弱肉强食,适者生存”怎样用英文翻译? the weak to meat and the stron储 do eat(比较贴切和押韵,出自电影《云图》) 弱肉强食英文如何翻译? 弱肉强食 ruo rou qiang shi 1.The weak are the prey of the strong.2.the 哗aw of the jungle; the jungle law 弱肉强食的英文意思 the law of the jungle 想问一下“这是一个弱肉强食的世界”用日语和英语怎么说,日语请带罗马音谢谢 英 This is a law of the jungle in the world . 日 これは弱肉强食の世界 羽绒衣,皮衣,弱肉强食用英语怎么说? 羽绒服 [解释]: down and feather garment down wear; down and feather garment; down wear [参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英进出口商品词汇大全 皮衣 [拼音]:pí yī [解释]: fur garment leather garment; 1.a fur clothing; a leather clothing ; fur garment; leather garment; fur coat [参考词典]:汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典 汉英进出口商品词汇大全 汉英综合大词典 弱肉强食 [拼音]:ruò ròu qiánɡ shí [解释]: the great fish eat the *** all; 1.The weak are the prey of the strong. 2.the law of the jungle; the jungle law ; law of the jungle; the law of the jungle [参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典 弱肉强食的原则 law of the jungle 弱肉强食法则 law of jungle; law of jungle; jungle law; .... 弱肉强食原则 jungle law 魔兽世界谁pk最厉害? 魔兽世界
2023-08-04 12:37:431


  关于激励人的英语谚语大家平时都学习过哪些?下面是我为大家收集的关于激励人的英语谚语,供大家参考,希望对您有所帮助,欢迎大家一起来阅读!    激励人的英语谚语   1、马瘦腿不软,人穷志不短。   Horses are not weak in legs, and people are not short in ambition.   2、希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。   Hope, only with diligent panionship, can we add wings like a tiger.   3、任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台。   Let the wind and waves rise, sit on the fishing platform steadily.   4、有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。   Achievement is the only real pleasure in life.   5、最困难之时,就是我们离成功不远之日。   The most difficult time is when we are not far from success.   6、善学者,假人之长以补其短。   A good scholar is a dummy to make up for his shortings.   7、失之毫厘,差之千里。   The difference is thousands of miles.   8、竹贵有节,人贵有志。   Bamboo is precious, people are precious and ambitious.   9、不读书的人,思想就会停止。   Those who do not read will stop thinking.   10、躺在被窝里的人,并不感到太阳的温暖。   People lying in bed do not feel the warmth of the sun.   11、有很多人是用青春的幸福作了成功的代价。   Many people pay the price of success with the happiness of youth.   12、千锤成利器,百炼成纯钢。   Thousands of hammers make sharp weapons and hundreds of steels.   13、不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。   Without great difficulties, there will be no great cause.   14、放虎归山,必有后患。   Returning tigers to the mountains is bound to have future problems.   15、出游要看天气,学习全靠自已。   Travel depends on the weather. Learning depends on oneself.   16、直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰。   Straight as a vermilion rope, clear as a jade jug ice.   17、世上无难事,只怕有心人。   Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.   18、心随境转是凡夫,境随心转是圣贤。   Mental state of mind is a mon man, and mental state is a sage.   19、没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。   There is no innate confidence, only continuous cultivation of confidence.   20、路在自己脚下,没有人可以决定我的方向。   The road is under my feet, no one can decide my direction.   21、立志以定其本,居正以持其志。   Aim to determine its origin, stay in the right place to maintain its ambition.   22、不顶千里浪,哪来万斤鱼。   If you don"t stand up to a thousand miles, you"ll get ten thousand pounds of fish.   23、不在乎别人是否赏识他的人,必然成功。   He who does not care whether others appreciate him or not is bound to succeed.   24、拥有资源不能成功,善用资源才能成功。   Only when we have resources can we succeed.   25、猫鼠不同眠,虎鹿不同行。   Cats and mice sleep differently, tiger and deer do differently.   26、水不激不跃,人不激不奋。   Water is not exciting, people are not exciting.   27、痒要自己抓,好要别人夸。   The itch should be caught by oneself, so that others can praise it.   28、生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。   Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass ourselves.   29、只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。   As long as you are facing the sunshine, you will not see the shadow.   30、有理说实话,没理说蛮话。   There"s reason to tell the truth, but there"s no reason to tell the truth.    激励人的英语谚语名言   1、既然选择了远方,我就只顾风雨兼程。   Now that I have chosen the distance, I will only take care of the storm.   2、树苗如果因为怕痛而拒绝修剪,那就永远不会成材。   If seedlings refuse to prune for fear of pain, they will never grow.   3、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看 *** 。   Others laugh at me too insane. I laugh at others.   4、输赢并不在乎外在的强弱─完全发挥你内在的特质才是重要。   Winning or losing is not a matter of external strength. It is important to fully play your inner character.   5、人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。   The important thing in life is not the position we are standing at, but the direction we are heading towards.   6、去做你害怕的事,害怕自然就会消逝。   Do what you fear, and fear will fade away.   7、成功需要改变,用新的方法改变过去的结果。   Success requires change and new ways of changing past results.   8、出门走好路,出口说好话,出手做好事。   Go out and do well, export good words, and do good deeds.   9、信念是鸟,它在黎明仍然黑暗之际,感觉到了光明,唱出了歌。   Faith is a bird. When it is still dark, it feels the light and sings the song.   10、刀不快,石上磨。人不会,世上学。   The knife is not fast, and the stone is worn. No one will go to school.   11、希望下节课,你是第一个回答问题的人!   I hope you will be the first to answer questions next class.   12、人生最重要的一点是,永远不要迷失自己。   The most important thing in life is to never lose yourself.   13、有些事情总得要放弃,只是早晚罢了。   Some things have to be abandoned, sooner or later.   14、成功的人找方法,失败的人找借口。   Successful people find ways, and those who fail find excuses.   15、没有比脚更远的路,没有比人更高的山!   There is no farther road than foot, no mountain higher than man!   16、全身心的投入到工作之中,把爱献给每一个孩子。   Devote yourself to your work and dedicate your love to every child.   17、世上只有一种英雄主义,就是在认清生活真相之后依然热爱生活。   There is only one kind of heroi *** in the world, that is, we still love life after we know the truth of life.   18、坚强的信念能赢得强者的心,并使他们变得更坚强。   Strong faith can win the hearts of the strong and make them stronger.   19、卧薪尝胆,尝破茧而触痛。破釜沉舟,圆金色六月梦。   Suffer hardships, taste cocoon and tenderness. A golden dream of June.   20、让结局不留遗憾,让过程更加完美。   Let the ending leave no regrets and make the process perfect.   21、沙漠之所以美丽,是因为在不远处有一片绿洲。   The reason for the beauty of the desert is that there is an oasis not far away.   22、再苦再难,也要坚强,只为那些期待的眼神。   No matter how hard it is, it must be strong, only for those expecting eyes.   23、孩儿立志出乡关,学不成名誓不回。   The child is determined to go out of the country, and learn not to bee a vow.   24、最强的人并不一定都是成功的人,却一定是在他们失去之时不放弃的人。   The strongest people are not necessarily successful people, but they must be those who do not give up when they lose.   25、少年不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。   Young people do not know how to work hard.   26、珍惜一切的经历,在时间里每个人会获得公平的成长和对待。   Cherish all experience, in time, everyone will get fair growth and treatment.   27、这社会你改变不了就得适应,适应不了就得被淘汰!这叫适者生存!   If you can"t change this society, you have to adapt. This is the survival of the fittest.   28、若想克服恐惧,不要只想到自己,设法去协助别人,恐惧便会消失。   If you want to overe your fear, don"t just think of yourself and try to help others. Fear will disappear.   29、年轻是本钱,但不努力就不值钱。   Youth is money, but no effort is worthless.   30、成功呈概率分布,关键是你能不能坚持到成功开始呈现的那一刻。   Success is a probability distribution. The key is whether you can hold on to the moment when success begins.
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以下关于中继器的叙述中,不正确的是:(  ) 。

【答案】:B中继器(REPEATER)是工作在物理层上的连接设备。适用于完全相同的两类网络的互连,主要功能是通过对数据信号的重新发送或者转发,来扩大网络传输的距离。 中继器是对信号进行再生和还原的网络设备:OSI模型的物理层设备。中继器只能在此规定范围内进行有效的工作,否则会引起网络故障。
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阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra
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,中继器是物理层上的网络互连设备,它的作用是重新生成信号(即对原信号进行放大和整形)。 中继器(Repeater)又称重发器,是一种最为简单但也是用得最多的互连设备。中继器仅适用于以太网,可将两段或两段以上以太网互连起来。中继器只对电缆上传输的数据信号再生放大,再重发到其它电缆段上。对链路层以上的协议来说,用中继器互连起来的若干段电缆与单根电缆并无区别(除了中断器本身会引起一定的时间延迟外)。 2,集线器在OSI的7层模型中处于物理层,其实质是一个中继器。主要功能是对接收到的信号进行再生放大,以扩大网络的传输距离。正因为集线器只是一个信号放大和中转的设备,所以它不具备交换功能,但是由于集线器价格便宜、组网灵活,所以经常使用它。集线器使用于星型网络布线,如果一个工作站出现问题,不会影响整个网络的正常运行。 3,网桥工作在数据链路层,将两个LAN连起来,根据MAC地址来转发帧,可以看作一个“低层的路由器”(路由器工作在网络层,根据网络地址如IP地址进行转发)。 4,数据交换机(Switch)也叫交换式集线器,是一种工作在OSI第二层(数据链路层,参见“广域网”定义)上的、基于MAC (网卡的介质访问控制地址)识别、能完成封装转发数据包功能的网络设备。它通过对信息进行重新生成,并经过内部处理后转发至指定端口,具备自动寻址能力和交换作用。交换机不懂得IP地址,但它可以“学习”MAC地址,并把其存放在内部地址表中,通过在数据帧的始发者和目标接收者之间建立临时的交换路径,使数据帧直接由源地址到达目的地址。 5,是什么把网络相互连接起来?是路由器。路由器是互联网络的枢纽、"交通警察"。目前路由器已经广泛应用于各行各业,各种不同档次的产品已经成为实现各种骨干网内部连接、骨干网间互联和骨干网与互联网互联互通业务的主力军。 所谓路由就是指通过相互连接的网络把信息从源地点移动到目标地点的活动。一般来说,在路由过程中,信息至少会经过一个或多个中间节点。通常,人们会把路由和交换进行对比,这主要是因为在普通用户看来两者所实现的功能是完全一样的。其实,路由和交换之间的主要区别就是交换发生在OSI参考模型的第二层(数据链路层),而路由发生在第三层,即网络层。这一区别决定了路由和交换在移动信息的过程中需要使用不同的控制信息,所以两者实现各自功能的方式是不同的。
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space具有名词和动词两种词性,但是 space 的名词和动词都不具有形容词和副词形式。空间(space)是与时间相对的一种物质客观 存在形式,但两者密不可分,按照宇宙大爆炸理论,宇宙从奇点爆炸之后,宇宙的状态由初始的“一”分裂开来,从而有了不同的存在形式、运动状态等差异,物与物的位置差异度量称之为“空间”,位置的变化则由“时间”度量。空间有宇宙空间 、网络空间、思想空间、数字空间、物理空间等等,都属空间的范畴。地理学与天文学中指地球表面的一部分,有绝对空间与相对空间之分。空间由不同的线组成,线组成不同形状,线内便是空间。例句:1、We must make good use of the available space.我们必须充分利用现有空间。2、It is quite possible that space and time are finite.很有可能空间和时间是有限的。3、We lead the way in space technology.我们在航天技术方面处于领先地位。4、They had achieved a lot in a short space of time.他们在短时间内取得了很大的成绩。5、Two elections were held within the space of a year.在一年的时间之内举行了两次选举。
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U11 The travel agency promised to offer foreign travellers everything from historical monuments and castles to modern leisure activities .1旅行社承诺提供给外国游客的历史古迹和城堡的现代休闲活动的一切。2 Under the severe attack from enemy aircraft,the troops were forced to retreat from the front.2在从敌人的飞机的猛烈攻击,军队被迫撤退从前面。3 Survival of the Fittest is an eternal truth of nature.适者生存是3大自然永恒的真理。4 Many people tend to justify the breakdown of their marriage on grounds of conflict of personalities.4许多人倾向于为他们的婚姻冲突的个性地击穿。5 The vast majority of the local peoplethere reside in rural villages and survive on less than one dollar a day.5的地方那里绝大多数居住在农村和靠不到一美元一天。U21,根据调查,1000的居民,在城市垃圾收集服务是远远satisfactory.u31他似乎已经领会我一边上课,但是我不知道他是否有吸收的每一个细节。.2家公司是规划建设炼油300吨棕榈油每天棕榈炼油能力。3我们想做一个交流。她会在复活节,我会在夏天去那里.4个新的国际协议,开辟了更大的全球反恐合作的可能性。5,它仍然是一个热点问题,是高中学生应该被鼓励去看看像失业原因的严重的社会问题。
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1. 写一篇关于远程教育的英语作文 远程教育 Distance Education 在这个科技高速发展的信息时代,人们的购物、交流,甚至是学习等一系列生活所需都可以通过网络来完成。就此,我们分析下当今社会发展所流行的远程教育。 In this technical high speed development information age,people"s shopping, exchange, even is studies and so on a series of lives to be possible to plete through the neork.Under this, we *** yze the distance education which the social development is popular now. 首先,远程教育使偏远地区的人们学习他们感兴趣的项目成为可能。 For one thing, distance education makes it possible for people in remote areas to learn the subjects they are interested in. 另外,人们有更广的范围选择老师和课程,因为他们可以听全国甚至全世界最好的老师讲的最好的课程。 For another,people have a wider range of choices as to teachers and lessons, because they can listen to the best lessons by the best teachers in the country, or even in the world. 但是,弊端也是有的。由于老师与学生间交流不生动,因此学术探讨也不够深。 But,malpractice is also some。Because beeen teacher and the students"exchanges not vividly, therefore academic discussion also insufficient depth. 总之,远程教育发展空间很大,教育前景很好,只是需要时间逐步完善。 In brief, the distance learning development opportunities are very big, the education prospect is very good, is only requires the time to consummate gradually. 2. 如何写《我上浙大远程,重回大学课程》这篇作文 我是从事 IT 行业的一名员工,毕业于普通职高,那时因为生活在农村家里 条件不好为了提前告别农村生活。 从学校一毕业就进入本市的一家电脑公司从事 电脑行业,但心中那份大学情结却常常萦绕在我心头,挥之不去。 “大学梦何日 能圆。 21 世纪是充满竞争的社会, “物竞天择” “适者生存” “优胜劣汰”,这不仅是 自然界的现象, 也是社会生活中普遍存在的现象。 想要适应不被社会所淘汰, 为 了自强,更为了圆梦,2011 年秋我报读了浙大远程教育。 和以往的传统学习方式不同,远程教育是一种以学生自主学习为主,教师指 导为辅, 通过各种媒体或网络自学的一门新兴教育体系。在这里有我们渴求的书 林瀚海,从内容到形式都新颖独特,激发了我的学习兴趣,丰富的创造力和非凡 的预见性, 更能使我领悟到教育学习的真谛,那就是人人享有终身接受教育的权 利!这一切,都深深地吸引着我,通过两年半的学习,也使我对远程教育有了实 实在在的认识。 为了更好的利用这个平台,学习到我们想掌握的知识,我们必须 在学习过程中做到以下几点: 1、树立学习信心,制定学习计划。 操之过急、急于求成, 目标定得太高,只能是打击自己的学习信心,只有循序渐进、实事求是、正确地评价和认识自己、客观地设定自己的期望值,才能帮助自己树 立较强的学习信心。 确定了自己的学习目标,拟定实现目标的计划。为每一个 学习单元确定一个明确可行的学习目标, 严格按照学习时间表完成每一个单元的 学习任务和目标,脚踏实地地完成每一个学习任务和目标。 2、培养积极的学习情绪,养成良好的学习习惯。 在头脑最清醒、注意力最集中的时间段学习, 才能取得更佳的、事半功倍的效果。 在学习中还必须克服自己的分心现象,养成良好的学习习惯。 3、多记笔记,提高领悟能力,增强记忆。 多做笔记有助于提高学习效率;有助于加强记忆,特别是对考试前的复习很有 帮助。有时候,除了把教材和光盘中重要的地方做下记录之外,还要综合其他相 关资料,整理出一份 内容较丰富的笔记。 4、重视交流与沟通,主动学习、主动探索。 在学习过程中遇到一些困难和挫折是在所难免的, 当遇到自己难以解决的困难和 问题时,应正确分析它们产生的原因,尽可能获得家人、朋友和教师的关心、支 持和鼓励,多与同学交流学习心得和体会,互相鼓舞学习信心,学习他人的成功 经验,消除不良心理影响,有助于激发学习动机,增强学习信心。 总之两年的远程学习使我收获了很多,看到自己的大学。 3. 速求一篇介绍浙江大学的英语作文(我正在考试) Zhejiang University is a prehensive national university. Founded in 1897, Zhejiang University was initially known as “Qiushi Shuyuan” (Qiushi Academy), one of the ealiest modern academies of higher learning established in China. In 1952, because of the nationwide restructuring of universities, Zhejiang University underwent a reshuffling of disciplines and some departments merged into other universities. In September 1998, a new Zhejiang University was established on the basis of the amalgamation of the four former individual universities, namely Zhejiang University, Hangzhou University, Zhejiang Agricultural University and Zhejiang Medical University, which were all located in the garden city of Hangzhou. Approved by the State Council, the founding of the new Zhejiang University has been a significant move in the reform and development of China"s higher education. The four universities have grown out of the same ancestry, the Qiushi (with the literal meaning of "seeking truth" in Chinese) Academy, which was founded a century ago as one of the earliest institutions of higher learning in China. As a result, they have all inherited from it the spirit of "Qiushi" and at the same time, built up their own distinctive features in teaching and research. Under the direct administration of China"s Ministry of Education, the new Zhejiang University is a key prehensive university whose fields of study cover eleven branches of learning, namely philosophy, literature, history, education, science, economics, law, management, engineering, agriculture and medicine. The university, now has 112 specialties for undergraduate studies, and it is entitled to confer masters degrees in 317 programs and doctoral degrees in 283 programs. Under its administration there are 14 Nation Key Laboratories, 2 National Engineering Research Centers and 3 National Engineering Technology Centers. Besides, it has set up 35 nation key specialties and 43 post-doctor stations. Endowed with a pleasant climate, picturesque surroundings and a favorable academic atmosphere, Zhejiang University is an ideal place for teaching, research, and learning. With five campuses, namely Zijingang, Yuquan, Xixi, Huajiachi, and Zhijiang, the university now occupies a total area of 518 hectares and a floor space of over 2,000,000 square meters. At present, the total number of full time students has reached over 39,000, including more than 22,900 undergraduates, over 9,500 postgraduates working for master"s degrees and over 6,600 Ph.D. candidates. There are also nearly 37,000 students taking courses in degree and non-degree programs in *** education. Among its 8,400 staff members and workers, there are 13 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 13 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, over 1,200 full professors and over 2,400 associate professors. With a total space of 83,000 square meters, the university library has a collection of more than 5,840,000 volumes. In addition, the university has 6 affiliated hospitals, providing medical services of various kinds for people from all over Zhejiang province. At the turn of the century, the university is taking full advantage of the opportunities brought by the amalgamation, and will continue to give priority to education and research. It seeks to offer service to the nation"s economic development, and to make every effort to build itself into an institution on a par with the first-class university in the world.。 4. 求一篇英语作文,和远程教育有关 distance learning the modern distance learning are meant for those do not have access to regular schooling or other forms of education. distance learning can be achieved without stepping out of home and learners can enjoy rich resources of education online. whats" more, the flexibility of the distance learning is its another advantage. i have learned plenty of knowledge through distance learning and have been especially impressed by the multimedia education provided by teachers online. and i would make the most of myself to achieve more in the future. 5. 根据你学习的网络课程写一篇英语作文 What is a neork courses The sum of the online courses is through the neork performance of a discipline teaching content and teaching activities, is a new manifestation of courses under the conditions of the information age. It includes teaching goals, teaching strategies to anize the teaching content and the neork teaching support environment. The neork teaching support environment refers to sofare tools to support online teaching, teaching resources, as well as the implementation of the neork teaching platform teaching activities. Neork courses has the basic characteristics of interactivity, sharing, openness, collaboration and autonomy. It should be noted that the teaching content includes teaching resources, neork courses should normally include teaching resources, including neork courses (should include at least part of the teaching resources); the neork curriculum involves only the textbook itself is not ideal (or at least inplete) . However, in the actual development process, in order to facilitate the work (such as the division of labor or the need for parallel operation) sometimes independent teaching resources, even it side by side with the neork courses - called "neork courses and neork resource development. However, this time should pay particular attention to: This distinction is only need for development, the neork course the original neork resources should be included. In short, the online courses is through some sofare on the neork, remote courses. 6. 用英语写一篇 题目为远程教育的优势的文章 字数80左右 With the development of puter and its inter,we have the so-called Long Distance Education.Such kind of the edcation should be regarded as one of the results of the educational reforms.Anyway,the Long Distance Education really breaks the limitation on time and space.Also,this new style of education is able to satisfy the individual demand from different students.It depends on the students themselves to choose the courses offered and presented on the .Meanwhile, with the aid of the inter,students will cultivate the ability of option making on different information from the .And surely enough,their ability of adoption on the will be trained.。 7. 谁能帮我写一篇关于浙江大学远程教育的学习报告 现代远程教育是建立在计算机、网络、卫星、多媒体等信息技术基础上的新型教育模式,她不仅能够建立起“以自主式学习和协同式学习为主体”现代化教学模式,满足学生在任何时间、任何地点、不受限制地自主地学习自己希望学习的内容,而且能够实现优秀教育资源的共享并促进素质教育和能力培训。 浙江大学是我国首批开展现代远程教育试点的四所高校之一, 早在1997年,浙江大学即敏锐地意识到现代远程教育的启动势在必行,决定自行筹措资金,引进先进的网络设备,开展我校的现代远程教育。1997年学校成立远程教育中心,具体筹备有关工作。 在国家教育部、浙江省 *** 、浙江省教育厅、浙江省广电厅的共同关心和支持下,经过一年多的艰苦努力,于1998年6月6日实现了我校现代远程教育的成功试播,同年底在浙江省招收了第一批现代远程教育学生。新的浙江大学成立后,学校对开展现代远程教育非常重视,将试点工作纳入了学校整体发展规划,并确定了开展现代远程教育的规划和分步实施方案。 1999年3月我校远程教育学院正式挂牌。 学院拥有很强的师资力量,拥有一个团结高效的领导集体。 办学六年来,我校远程教育始终遵循“开拓思路、加快发展、注重质量、规范管理、争创一流”的办学方针,举办了高中起点本科、专科起点本科、研究生课程进修、各类专业培训和课程资格证书等多种学历和非学历教育,建立了包括理、工、医、文、管、法等多类学科的远程教育人才培养基地。截止到2003年底,浙江大学远程教育已在全国19个省市共设立校外学习中心111所(不含与奥鹏远程教育中心合作的授权招生点)。 除了医学教学站外,我校远程教育校外学习中心90%建立在电大系统内。 2001年7月,我国启动远程学历教育以来的首批255名毕业生在浙江大学毕业。 浙江大学为其举行了隆重的毕业典礼,校长潘云鹤院士亲自为每一位学生颁发了毕业证书。2001年11月4日,浙江大学远程教育首届130名管理科学与工程专业研究生课程进修班结业;2002年7月,我国首批全日制远程教育高起本毕业生在我校毕业,同时涌现了一大批优秀的远程教育毕业生。 这些标志着浙江大学在开展现代远程教育方面取得了开创性的成果,在浙江大学网络教育环境熏陶下成长起来的一代新人受到了社会的极大关注和欢迎,《人民日报》、《光明日报》等媒体多次给予了详细的报道。试点期间,国务院原副总理 *** 、教育部原副部长周远清、教育部高教司、发展规划司、科技司等领导曾多次对我校现代远程教育试点工作进行考察或座谈,提出了十分宝贵的指导意见,并给予了充分的肯定。
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space的音标:英[spes],美[spes]。space的意思是(可利用的)空地,空间,空,空隙,空子,空当,宽敞,空旷,开阔。space的例句:You need space to think everything over(你需要时间把一切好好地考虑清楚)。 扩展资料 space的.例句:We can"t promise to publish a reply as space is limited(由于版面有限,我们不能保证把回复登载出来);They"ve come a long way in a short space of time(他们在很短的时间之内就大老远地赶了过来)。
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