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It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves?是什么意思?

2023-08-08 17:36:15

这句话中It is... that...强调句










primarily英 ["prau026am(u0259)ru026alu026a; prau026a"mer-]美 [prau026a"mu025bru0259li]adv. 首先;主要地,根本上更多释义>>[网络短语]primarily 主要地,首先,主要的Student primarily 学生为主primarily responsible 主要负责,主要责任
2023-08-06 09:49:461

primarily可以和firstly同义转换吗?比如Firstly, it is useful

2023-08-06 09:50:332


primarily 是主要地 的意思 firstly 是首先,其实两个意思不同,语法功能一样,换可以,意思不一样 首先的不一定是主要的
2023-08-06 09:50:431


Primarily 修饰的是 language 名词
2023-08-06 09:50:526


at the first time
2023-08-06 09:51:095


primarily 是主要地 的意思 firstly 是首先,其实两个意思不同,语法功能一样,换可以,意思不一样首先的不一定是主要的
2023-08-06 09:51:451


Gross and Levitt find fault primarily with sociologists who have questioned science"s objectivity. 格罗斯和莱维特主要批评了那些质疑科学客观性的社会学家。primarily主要地是副词,后接with 的确是做状语,表对象是sociologists社会学家。并不是做定语,也不修饰fauts。
2023-08-06 09:51:553


2023-08-06 09:52:053


2023-08-06 09:53:152


A 正确
2023-08-06 09:53:265


2023-08-06 09:53:461

英语翻译:We use language primarily as a means of communication with

as (to the way)这么看就明白了
2023-08-06 09:54:294


过去主要由妇女来做的许多家务活----从家庭购物,准备饭菜到做自愿的工作---现在还得有人做.这是一个主从复合句,主句是Many on-home jobs still need to be done by someone.定语从句是that...voluntary work.修饰先行词jobs.
2023-08-06 09:54:373


Gross and Levitt主语 find谓语fault 宾语(primarily with sociologists )宾补(who have questioned science"s objectivity. )定语从句。
2023-08-06 09:54:486


1. Primarily responsible for: day-to-day cash reimbursement for work done in cash and bank deposits journal journal, so bank balance sheet adjustment, the cash and checks Zhuanzhangzhipiao, remittances, Golden Tax software with open votes in value-added tax, at the end of the Inland Revenue Department to check, Tax returns. 2. Primarily responsible for: the company"s accounts receivable collection; preparation of the bank receivables certificate; affiliates reconciliation; the preparation of accounts receivable and associated companies between aging analysis of the forms and schedules; to write off the financial system of accounts receivable; The State Administration of Foreign Exchange to write off export; translation of the financial sector-related documents; customer credit management and implementation of the application; maintenance provider; cargo insurance claims.
2023-08-06 09:55:062

Main primarily

2023-08-06 09:56:122

primarily naturalistic是什么意思呀,求答案,谢谢!!

2023-08-06 09:56:191


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! http://www.5**.cn/ms/49_48_50_51_52_56.html
2023-08-06 09:56:292


primarily 答题不易,满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢:)
2023-08-06 09:56:471

写作指导 It is primarily through our identification 有没

It is primarily through our identification 这主要是通过我们的鉴定。重点词汇释义primarily首先; 首要地,主要地; 根本上; 本来through透过; 经由; 通过,穿过; 凭借; 从头到尾; 彻底; 自始至终; 接通; 通话完毕; 有洞的; 直达的identification认同; 鉴定,识别; 验明; 身份证明
2023-08-06 09:57:001

the first seven years 课文原文翻译

你好!the first seven years 第一个七年
2023-08-06 09:57:221


2023-08-06 09:57:382

I. go to dongfang primarily school啥意思

这句话的意思是: 我在东方小学上学 go to XXX school 就是“在某某学校上学”的意思
2023-08-06 09:57:461


The identification of future career trends is of some help when you are seeking a career direction.这句的主语关键词:identification,of future career trends修饰主语,谓语部分is of some help,when引导状语修饰整个句子;However,no matter how good the prospects are in an area of employment,your choice of career must depend primarily on an assessment of your own skills,abilities and interests.这句中,首先no matter how good the prospects are in an area of employment,是由no matter how引导的方式状语,主句中your choice of career为主语,谓语词组depend primarily on,宾语为an assessment,of your own skills,abilities and interests补充说明宾语。.It is also important to remember that the top requisites for success in any field are communication skiills,positive mental attitude,and the ability to get along with people.这一句的主要结构为it is important to do sth., remember后面由that引导的从句作remember的宾语从句,从句中的主语为:the top requisites for success in any field,谓语比较明了,为are; 之后就是三个并列的名词词组了,组成are的宾语。Without these qualities,all the education and training in the world will not get you very far.最后一句,结构比较简单,主语部分比较长,为all the education and training in the world,其他部分就比较容易理解了。
2023-08-06 09:57:551

请英文高手帮我 列举 表示第一 第二的高级词汇

2023-08-06 09:58:062


influence就是名词 表示影响力他看起来夸张的存在感主要是媒体的(鼓吹)作用,不是他与人打交道的能力(影响力)的确可以断开来这么理解
2023-08-06 09:58:162


approximarely近义词是:around。一、基础解释1、adv.在四周;朝对立面;到处;漫无目的地;无系统地;在各处;在附近;生活在附近;在使用中;大约。2、prep.环绕;在各处;遍及;围着;围绕;迂回地;以(已提及物)为中心;兜圈地。二、短语搭配1、around the world世界各地, 全世界2、around the corner即将来临;在拐角处三、双语例句1、He caught the Nigerian coming around the final curve and won going away.他在最后一个弯道赶上了那个尼日利亚人后就胜券在握了。2、Our reviewer will give you the dope on hot spots around the town.我们的评论家会告诉你城市周围热点地区的内幕消息。3、Around 80 per cent of personal computers are used primarily for word processing.约80%的个人电脑主要用于文字处理。
2023-08-06 09:58:361


2023-08-06 09:59:162

选择题.A man who is a pure scientist ..

D.accurately 精确的
2023-08-06 09:59:257

The author is primarily addressing parents of teenagers

2023-08-06 09:59:466

Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:G小题4:E小题5:A 小题1:根据后文Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers可知:被普遍认为是非营利组织。所以,上文应该与其内容一致。D项:然而,一些公司只挣足够的钱来满足基本的经营费用。这说明它们不赚钱。这与后文内容相符。此处however也是关键词,其前讲得是盈利活动,其后是非盈利公司活动。小题2:前文提到非盈利公司,下文举例说明哪些是非盈利组织。小题3:第二段的第一句是总述,接下来从三方面进行分述the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business。按顺序先说planning。小题4:根据上文“经营管理计划有三个方面”可知,这里谈得是第二方面。下文是The third. . . 小题5:根据前文可知三个方面讲了两个方面了,接下来是第三个方面。即control of the operations of a business。故选A。
2023-08-06 10:00:201

英语高手帮我翻译几段英文 感激不尽

第一段:Main course: "" Management "," Production and far from Camp Management "," Financial Management "," Organizational Behavior "," Quality Management "," business management "," Human Resource Management "," marketing " other professional. "During the summer months of internship, training himself, hoping to absorb more work experience. 第二段: “Primarily responsible for developing marketing and sales layout work. During the work of serious, responsible, diligent, to comply with company rules and regulations. "第三段:"Warm, lively and cheerful character of I, the psychological quality is good, optimistic, for others a sincere and frank, can hard-working, strong adaptability and self-learning ability, less susceptible to interference from the external environment. Have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and sense of responsibility , the highly enthusiasm and team spirit, outgoing personality willing to communicate with others, has a good adaptability and skilled communication skills, to assist managers to complete all work well. self-Summary 12 words: "open-minded, studious, serious responsible, cheerful personality. "Can quickly adapt to working environment, human environment, enterprise environments. Blink of an eye, university life has become in the past, and proximity between societies. The face of society, ocean, sea fish, I am ready. I have tomorrow, depend on their continuing efforts and perseverance. I firmly believe that: pay = harvest, a cultivation of a harvest. Those who never pay, never standing still. "
2023-08-06 10:00:293


2023-08-06 10:00:4015


chinese scholars rely primarily on accounts of myths recorded in later ancient writing after the western zhou dynasty to study these myths中国学者主要依靠账户中记录的神话后写古代西周研究这些神话
2023-08-06 10:01:131


2023-08-06 10:01:521


衔接词英语是cohesion。衔接词(cohesion)是连接两个句子的过渡词。衔接词一般用于连接同一句子中的两个部分或同一段落中的两个句子。例如,“however”、“nevertheless”和“yet”等词语可以用来表达转折关系,将同一句子中的前后两个部分联系起来,使文章更加连贯。而“for example”、“in other words”和“that is to say”等词语则可以用来解释、说明或举例,将同一段落中的不同句子联系起来,使文章更加清晰。表示层次性的衔接词:1.衔接词:(1)首先:firstly,to begin with;in the first place;in the first instance(2)其次:secondly,in the second place;then(3)最后:last but not the least;finally;at last;in the end;lastly(4)此外:what"s more,besides;moreover;furthermore;in addition2.例句:eg:To begin with,I"d like to extend my gratitude to all distinguished guests.首先我想对各位尊贵的来宾表示感谢。Firstly,it"s too expensive,and secondly,it"s not sturdy.首先,它价格太贵,其次,它不耐用。Lastly,I would like to thank my parents for all their support.最后,我想感谢父母对我的全力支持。
2023-08-06 10:02:292


71.推理题。本题的后一句出现了一个新名词nonprofits(非盈利),而前文的内容是在说大多数企业都在寻求利润,那这里语义的突然变化就提示了我们空格处所填内容应该与seek to make a profit(寻求利益)语义相反,而与nonprofit相同,因为只有这样才能自然的引出下文。纵观选项,只有答案D出现了however,表示语义的转折,所以正确答案为D。72.推理题。根据文意,前文提到的these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers中的these organizations实指non profits organizations,所以此处72题的内容应该是对nongovernmental service providers(非政府服务提供商)的进一步解释。纵观选项,只有答案C是在举例子,而且也出现了关键词nonprofit,所以正确答案为C。73.推理题。这道题的解题方法就是我们说的充分利用“指路词”。下文中出现了One is...,The third relates...,可见本空是个总起句,概括了什么东西包含有三个方面。纵观选项,只有答案G出现了three,且主语planning正好复现了第二段首句出现的techniques of planning,所以正确答案为G。74.推理题。还是依靠“指路词”,文中出现过了第一和第三,所以本空肯定描述的是第二方面。纵观选项,只有答案E出现了the second,所以答案为E。75.推理题。观察第二段可知,商务管理中涉及的techniques of planning, direction均已经提到,只差最后一个control(控制)还未提及,所以本空一定和control有关。纵观选项,只有答案A出现了关键词control,所以答案为A。
2023-08-06 10:03:351

李小龙 英文(带有汉语翻译)的介绍

Li Xiao Long,also called Bruce Lee (27 November 1940-20 July 1973),was an American-born martial artist, philosopher, instructor, martial arts actor and the founder of the Jeet Kune Do combat form.李小龙,英文名字布鲁斯.李,是一个出生于美国的武术家,哲学家,教师,武术表演者和“截拳道”格斗形式的奠基人。He was widely regarded as the most influential martial artist of the twentieth century and a cultural icon.他被认为是20世纪最有影响力的武术家和文化的象征。Lee was born in San Francisco, California, and raised in Hong Kong.李出生于加利福尼亚州的旧金山市,在香港长大。His Hong Kong and Hollywood-produced films elevated the traditional Hong Kong martial arts film to a new level of popularity and acclaim, and sparked the first major surge of interest in Chinese martial arts in the West. 他的香港和好莱坞联合制作的电影把香港传统电影中的武术表演上升到一个很受大众欢迎和喝彩的地步,使得在西方涌起了学习中国武术的浪潮。The direction and tone of his films changed and influenced martial arts and martial arts films in Hong Kong and the rest of the world as well. 他的电影的表现形式改变和影响了香港和世界其他地方的武术和武打电影。Lee became an iconic figure particularly to the Chinese, as he portrayed Chinese national pride and Chinese nationalism in his movies.李成为中国人民一个显著的代表,因为他在电影中表现出了中国人民的民族骄傲和中国的民族主义。He primarily practiced Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu).他最主要的成就是中国功夫。
2023-08-06 10:03:431

A library language is one which functions primarily as a tool for further learning through reading.

2023-08-06 10:03:523

专八英语改错:We use language primarily as a means of communication with

means 是方式,手段的意思,单复数同形。
2023-08-06 10:04:072


这个后缀比较少见,17文件为主要与primarily Binary Data相关联的Uncommon Files 。其它文件类型可能也正在使用V17文件扩展名。若您知道还有任何其它文件格式正在使用V17 文件扩展名。需要的版本很专业,需要老师给你说,或者仔细查查吧。17文件为主要与primarily Binary Data相关联的Uncommon Files 。其它文件类型可能也正在使用V17文件扩展名。若您知道还有任何其它文件格式正在使用V17 文件扩展名,请联系我们这样,我们就可以相应地更新我们的信息。
2023-08-06 10:05:002


exercise英文单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼”,作及物动词时意为“锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐”,作不及物动词时意为“运动;练习”。短语搭配Exercise Price 行使价格 ; 合约价 ; 行使价 ; 行权价格Kegel exercise 凯格尔运动 ; 凯格尔训练法 ; 凯格尔训练 ; 凯格尔式运动Exercise Zapad 西方演习morning exercise 晨练 ; 朝会 ; 早操 ; 最紧要运动
2023-08-06 09:59:091

小学生守则 十条是什么?

2023-08-06 09:59:102


2023-08-06 09:59:114

锻炼用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达锻炼

1、锻炼的英语是take exercise,音标:[teu026ak eksu0259sau026az],释义: 锻炼 做运动;运动;进行锻炼。 2、短语:Take Wee Exercise Video 韦氏婴儿体操教程。 3、例句:Take exercise together, possibly by playing sport or jogging.一起做运动。一起跑步或进行其它健身运动。
2023-08-06 09:59:171


2023-08-06 09:59:241


密度计根据重力和浮力平衡的变化上浮或下沉。一个功能完好的密度计仅能处于漂浮状态,因此浮力向上推的力要比重力向下拉的力稍微大一点。但在平衡的时候,其受的重力大小等于浮力。因为密度计的体积没有发生变化, 其排开水的体积相同。但是,因为其中包含了更多的水而变得更重。 当重力大于浮力时,密度计会下沉。 密度计的重量小于相同体积水的重力,所以密度计重新浮起。密度计的读数是下大上小,当它浸入不同的液体中,体积不变示数发生变化,密度计底部的铁砂或铅粒是用来保持平衡的。密度计(Density Meter)测量的基本原理是,衡量感光材料曝光和显影后的变黑程度即黑度。在制版时,感光材料上的溴化银,受到光照作用,显影后还原成金属银,形成一定的阻光度。黑度大的,密度高;黑度小的,密度低。带有滤光片的测量计,还可以测量彩色原稿的彩色密度。其测量原理与上述基本原理相近。常用密度计有两种,一种测密度比纯水大的液体密度,叫重表;另一种测密度比纯水小的液体,叫轻表。分类:按照密度计的应用场景不同,可以将密度计分为台式密度计和便携式密度计。按测量的物质形态不同,可以将密度计分为固体密度计、液体密度计和气体密度计。按照工作原理的不同,可以将密度计分为静压式、振动式、浮子式和放射性同位素式等类型的密度计。实验室型密度计是用在实验室、化验室等对单个试样的密度或浓度进行测量、分析或研究的一类仪器或装置。特点是具有较高的准确度,测定时要求细心操作并且对测量条件和环境要求严格
2023-08-06 09:58:595


2023-08-06 09:58:4613


1.热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱中国共产党。2.遵守法律法规,增强法律意识。遵守校规校纪,遵守社会公德。3.刻苦学习勤于思考勇于实践4.珍爱生命,注意安全,锻炼身体,积极参加有益的文体和科技活动  5.热爱生活,自尊自爱,自信自强,生活习惯文明健康。6.积极参加劳动,勤俭朴素,自己能做的事自己做。7.孝敬父母,尊敬师长,礼貌待人国际交往,注重礼节。8.热爱集体,维护集体的荣誉团结同学,乐于助人。9.明辨是非,诚实守信,言行一致,知错就改,有责任心。10.热爱大自然,珍惜资源,节约能源,保护环境。
2023-08-06 09:58:444


以下是四篇关于锻炼的英语作文,希望能对你有所帮助。作文一:Title: Benefits of Regular ExerciseRegular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Engaging in physical activity every day can have numerous benefits for our mental and physical health.First of all, regular exercise can help improve our cardiovascular health. When we exercise, our heart rate increases, which helps strengthen our heart and improve blood flow throughout our body. Not only can this help prevent heart disease, but it can also reduce our risk of developing other health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure.Additionally, exercising on a regular basis can be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. When we exercise, our body releases endorphins, which can help improve our mood and reduce feelings of stress or depression. Furthermore, regular exercise can also help us sleep better at night and improve our overall mental health.Lastly, engaging in physical activity can also help us maintain a healthy weight. Regular exercise can help burn calories and boost our metabolism, which can make it easier to maintain a healthy weight over time.In conclusion, regular exercise has numerous benefits for both our mental and physical health. Regardless of your age or fitness level, incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can be an effective way to improve your overall health and well-being.作文二:Title: Tips for Getting Motivated to ExerciseGetting motivated to exercise can be a struggle for many people. However, there are several strategies that you can use to help boost your motivation and get yourself moving.Firstly, it can be helpful to set clear and specific goals for yourself. Whether you want to lose weight, improve your fitness level, or run a 5K, having a clear goal in mind can help provide direction and focus for your workouts.Another strategy that can be effective is finding a workout buddy. Working out with a friend can not only make exercise more fun and enjoyable, but it can also help hold you accountable to sticking to your workout routine.Additionally, it can be helpful to mix up your workouts and try new things. Doing the same exercise routine over and over again can become boring and monotonous, making it harder to stay motivated. Trying new exercises or workouts can help keep things interesting and prevent boredom from setting in.Finally, it"s important to be kind to yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. It"s easy to get discouraged if you feel like you"re not making progress fast enough, but remember that any progress is still progress. Celebrating small victories along the way can help boost your confidence and motivation to keep going.In conclusion, getting motivated to exercise can be a challenge, but there are several strategies that you can use to help boost your motivation and stay on track. With a little bit of determination and effort, you can make exercise a regular part of your routine and enjoy all of the benefits that come with it.作文三:Title: The Importance of Warming Up Before ExerciseWarming up before exercise is a crucial component of any workout routine. Not only can it help prevent injury, but it can also improve our overall performance and make our workouts more effective.When we warm up before exercising, we help prepare our body for the physical activity that is to come. This can include activities such as light cardio, stretching, and practicing movements that we will be doing during our workout. By warming up, we are able to gradually increase our heart rate and body temperature, helping to prevent injury and improve our overall performance.Furthermore, warming up can help increase our flexibility and range of motion, making it easier to perform certain exercises and movements. By stretching and practicing movements before our workout, we can help loosen up our muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injury and allowing us to perform exercises more effectively.Lastly, warming up can also help us mentally prepare for our workout. By taking the time to focus on our breathing, preparing our muscles, and setting our intentions for our workout, we can help improve our focus and performance, allowing us to get the most out of workout.In conclusion, warming up is an essential part of any workout routine. By taking the time to warm up properly, we can help prevent injury, improve our overall performance, and get the most out of our workouts.作文四:Title: Tips for Staying Motivated to Exercise at HomeExercising at home can be a convenient and effective way to stay active, but it can also be a challenge to stay motivated. However, there are several strategies that you can use to help stay motivated and on track with your workouts.Firstly, it can be helpful to create a dedicated exercise space in your home. Whether it"s a corner of your living room or a separate room entirely, having a dedicated space for your workouts can help provide structure and routine to your exercise routine.Another strategy that can be effective is setting aside specific times each day for your workouts. By scheduling your workouts into your daily routine, you are less。
2023-08-06 09:58:422