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2023-08-08 23:04:24
TAG: 翻译 三从

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习



三从四德:“三从”始见于周、汉儒家经典《仪礼 丧服 子夏传》


“四德”一词见于《周礼 天官 内宰》,指妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功。






Three from four virtues

三从四德:“三从”始见于周、汉儒家经典《仪礼 丧服 子夏传》The three obediences and the four virtues : "III" began to surface weeks, the Chinese Confucian classics "Rite and Weed Zixia Biography"

“妇人有三从之义,无专用之道,故未嫁从父,既嫁从夫,夫死从子”。"There are three woman from the Congress without special way, it never married father, a married hu *** and, the dead son."

“四德”一词见于《周礼 天官 内宰》,指妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功。"Four virtues" is included in the "Rites officials within days of slaughter," referring to women, UNIFEM statement, UNIFEM, said that women"s.

新三从四德:语出新青年运动的权威胡适先生,时下非常流行的戏说版本,New language out of the three obediences and the four virtues : the authority of the new youth movement Hu Shih, playful version of the very popular nowadays.

三从是太太出门要跟从,太太命令要服从,太太错了要盲从.Three are from his wife to go out to follow his wife to obey orders, the wife must follow the wrong.

四得是太太化妆要等得,太太生日要记得,太太花钱要舍得,太太打骂要忍得。Have to wait four dead wife, the wife birthday to remember that his wife are willing to spend money, and abused wives have to be patient.

呵呵,那位大虾可以翻译一下。Oh, who can translate what prawn.

问题补充:可以,全文翻译成英文吗?Add : Yes, translation into English? 包括新三从。Including three from. 哈哈哈Hahaha



autobiography 自传 Noun.a biography of yourself biography 传记 account of the series of events making up a person"s life
2023-08-06 13:11:361

谁知道biography 用英文怎么解释啊?急啊!

biography: [ bai"u0254gru0259fi ] n. 传记Examples:1. He likes to read biographies of great men to promote himself. 他喜欢读伟人传记来提高自己。2. The novel should be read in conjunction with the author"s biography. 这本小说应该和作者传记一起读。3. This is a novel, but on the other hand, it can be looked as a biography. 这是一部小说, 在另一方面, 它又可以被看作一部传记。4. If it"s not under sport, try looking under biography. 要是在运动类中查不到,可以查查传记类。5. She collaborated with her sister/She and her sister collaborated on a biography of their father. 她和姐姐合作写父亲的传记.
2023-08-06 13:11:491


2023-08-06 13:11:594


/没有哦 亲
2023-08-06 13:12:071


对文章的主要作者可按以下顺序刊出其简介:姓名(出生年-),性别(民族--汉族可省略),籍贯,职称,学位,简历以及研究方向(任选)。 在简介前加 “作者简介:”或 “[作者简介]”作为标识。 同一篇文章的其他主要作者简介可以在同一 “作者简介:”或“[作者简介]”的标识后相继列出,其间以分号“;”隔开,最后以“.”或“。” 结束。
2023-08-06 13:12:142

Biography和Autobiography的不同 要3点!就帮忙!

2023-08-06 13:12:351

Biography和Autobiography的不同 要3点!就帮忙!

biography 传记 别人为自己写的传记 account of the series of events making up a person"s life autobiography 自传 自己写的自传,看到auto没?这个意思是自己动手 Noun.a biography of yourself
2023-08-06 13:12:422


2023-08-06 13:12:513

a brief biography中文翻译

By words , i . e . a brief biography and photo captions 一是用文字我们替每位红星写一个小传。 Please provide a brief biography when registering 接受个人报名,报名时请附个人小传及作品参展。 A brief biography of professor luo zhiping 罗致平先生生平 A brief biography of mr . dao jing hu 胡道静先生传略 A brief biography of min yide 金盖山人闵一得传略 A brief biography of mr . ma qixi 马启西先生传略 A brief biography of kang deshi 亢得时生平考略 A brief biography of gu qiyuan 作者顾起元传略 A brief biography of su xuepng 蘇雪林传略 A pubpshed notice of a death , sometimes with a brief biography of the deceased 讣闻死亡后发表的通告,有时附有死者简要传记 Provide clubs with a pst of scholars studying in the district that includes a brief biography of each student 提供扶轮社一份正在地区内进行研究的奖学金学生名单及每一位奖学金学生的简介。
2023-08-06 13:12:591


1. 简介:什么是fairybiography3dlc?fairybiography3dlc是一个游戏DLC(下载内容),它扩展了游戏“Fairy Biography”的内容。Fairy Biography是一款角色扮演游戏,玩家可以创建自己的角色和精灵,冒险、战斗和交流。2. 如何下载fairybiography3dlc?要下载fairybiography3dlc,您首先需要拥有游戏Fairy Biography。然后,您可以前往游戏的官方网站或在线商城,在下载区域中查找DLC。您可以选择购买它或使用现有的游戏帐户进行兑换。3. DLC包括哪些内容?fairybiography3dlc包括以下内容:1. 新的角色和精灵:DLC将添加新的可玩角色和精灵,它们具有独特的技能、外观和背景故事。2. 新任务和地图:DLC还将增加新的任务和地图,给玩家提供更多的探险和挑战。3. 新装备和道具:DLC将引入新的装备和道具,玩家可以使用它们来提高他们的角色和精灵的能力。4. 新的竞技场和比赛:DLC还将包括新的竞技场和比赛,玩家可以与其他人进行竞争,展示他们的技能和战术研究。4. DLC的购买价值如何?DLC的价值取决于您对Fairy Biography的热爱程度。如果您是这个游戏的忠实粉丝,那么DLC肯定会提供更多的乐趣和挑战。此外,购买DLC还可以支持开发人员和游戏的持续发展。5. 有没有其他类似的DLC可供选择?是的,许多其他游戏也提供DLC。这些DLC可能包括新的角色、任务、地图、装备等内容,同样需要购买或兑换。如果您喜欢某个游戏,那么查看其扩展内容的选项可能是一个不错的选择。6. 总结fairybiography3dlc是一个扩展游戏Fairy Biography的DLC。它包括新的角色、任务、地图、装备和竞技场等内容,提供更多的乐趣和挑战。您可以通过访问游戏的官方网站或在线商城来获得它,以支持游戏的持续发展。如果您是这个游戏的忠实粉丝,那么查看DLC的选项可能是一个不错的选择。
2023-08-06 13:13:191

电脑boot ovwrride是什么意思

2023-08-06 13:13:293


在论文中,作者简介是写在正文之前的一段文字,用于介绍作者的基本信息和学术背景。以下是作者简介的写作建议:1. 写作方式作者简介一般采用第三人称的形式进行撰写,避免使用“我”、“我们”等第一人称代词。2. 基本信息作者简介应该包括作者的姓名、职称、工作单位、联系方式等基本信息,可以根据需要适当增加其他信息,如个人主页、研究兴趣等。3. 简明扼要作者简介应该简明扼要,突出作者的学术背景和研究方向,避免冗长和无关信息。建议控制在100-200个单词以内。4. 语言准确作者简介应该使用准确、简练的语言,尽量避免使用过于生僻或专业的词汇,以保证读者的易读性。5. 国际化如果论文是发表在国际期刊上的,作者简介需要采用英文撰写,需要注意语法和用词准确。6. 格式规范作者简介的格式需要符合论文的格式要求,如字体、字号、行距等,同时也需要注意排版的美观和整洁。总之,作者简介是论文中重要的一部分,它可以让读者了解作者的基本信息和学术背景,为论文的阅读和理解提供帮助。因此,在撰写作者简介时,需要注意简明扼要、语言准确、国际化等方面的要求,并且符合论文的格式要求。
2023-08-06 13:13:414

working biblography是什么意思

working biography工作简介
2023-08-06 13:13:582


2023-08-06 13:14:094


该单词由以下三部分组成:两词根一后缀 demo+graph+y (“y”常做名词和形容词后缀,之前仔细讲解过,不再赘述,不了解的可参见文章 理解记忆每日一词‖monarch ) demo表示“人民”: 最易想到的是与“民主”有关的单词: democrat民主主义者/democracy民主制crat表示“统治”,如: autocrat表示:专制者;独裁者 (之前文章也讲过一个词根有“统治”的意思,“arch”) auto表示“self”“自己”。我能想到的最典型的例子是“传记”变“自传”,就是“biography”变成“autobiography”。(bio表示“生命,生物”,eg.biochemistry表示“生物化学”)。 graph表示“写,记录”: 上面表示传记的例子就是。还有“photograph”摄影——即表示照片的记录。 今天这个单词的意思很单一,做名词,表示 “人口学,人口统计学” 。 例 :Demography is the analysis of population variables.人口学是对人口变量的分析. 结: 今天学习的内容很简单。可分别由“democracy”和“photograph”记住两个重点词根“demo”人民和“graph”记录。 学习的过程其实是不断忘记的过程,尤其是如果不重复的话。只有方法是不容易忘记的,也是相对不易变化的东西。对于词根词缀记忆法,大家应该都懂了怎么运用。之前写过怎么辩识词根词缀,前缀主要表示方向和态度,后缀主要表示词性,剩下的部分就可能是词根(可能没有词根,也可能是一个词根的变异形式,或者说是某个同源词的变形)。找词根,也讲解过由“视听译”三方面的相似性去找词源意思。 密集记忆单词或者说大量接触单词可以提高自己迅速辩识词根词缀的能力。跟着我也是可以滴,不过自己发现和总结的东西印象会更深刻。方法掌握了,剩下的就交给积累、总结与重复。Happy April Fool"s Day!
2023-08-06 13:14:351


《奥兰多》([英国] 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:fe3c书名:奥兰多作者:[英国] 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫译者:侯毅凌豆瓣评分:9.0出版社:天津人民出版社出版年份:2021-9页数:280内容简介:◤伟大的灵魂总是雌雄同体◢奥兰多原本是深受女王宠爱的贵族少年,热爱诗歌,却遭遇文学和爱情的双重背叛。一场大火之后,他忽然变成了女人……伊丽莎白时代的恣意青春,维多利亚时代的潮湿情欲,400年的风吹来吹去,女性的天空越来越低。到了当代,奥兰多也不得不顺应时代风气,成为 了妻子和母亲,却始终没有忘记找寻自己。《奥兰多》是伍尔夫为虚构的人物奥兰多创作的传记,语言轻松幽默,是伍尔夫作品中最容易阅读的一部。它被誉为女性主义经典,是从文学视角讲述“第二性”的先驱之作。伍尔夫借奥兰多之口,机智大胆地嘲讽了性别偏见,细腻描摹了女性的生存困境和自我觉醒。在作者笔下,世界浩瀚繁复,时间流变不居,性别并不对立。无论男女,能使自己成为自己,比什么都重要。作者简介:作者弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫 Virginia Woolf(1882-1941)英国作家,20世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋。在一战和二战期间,她是伦敦文学界的核心。她摒弃传统的小说结构,运用意识流手法,注重心理描写,对现代文学影响深远,加西亚·马尔克斯、玛格丽特·阿特伍德等作家都自称受到她的影响。她关注女性问题,启发了波伏瓦等一代又一代女性主义者。代表作有小说《奥兰多》《到灯塔去》,散文《一间只属于自己的房间》等。1928年,英国女性赢得了投票权。同年,英语世界第一部性转小说《奥兰多》诞生了。它惊世骇俗,两个月内就加印了三次,成为伍尔夫最畅销的作品。版税收入让作者拥有了一辆车,还有一间属于自己的房间。直到今天,伍尔夫依然鼓舞着那些追求独立与自由的女性。译者侯毅凌北京外国语大学院英语学院教授,英美文学博士,《英语学习》期刊主编。主要文学译著有《情痴》《守望灯塔》《姜饼人》。插画师海伦娜·佩雷斯·加西亚西班牙插画家。画作细节和色彩丰富,具有超现实主义的梦幻风格。曾为BBC、企鹅出版社、《金融时报》等媒体绘制插画。
2023-08-06 13:14:441

《Rant An Oral Biography》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Rant》(Chuck Palahniuk)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: knjb书名:Rant作者:Chuck Palahniuk出版社:Doubleday出版年份:2007-05-01页数:336内容简介:“Like most people I didn"t meet Rant Casey until after he was dead. That"s how it works for most celebrities: After they croak, their circle of friends just explodes.&#8230;”Rant is the mind-bending new novel from Chuck Palahniuk, the literary provocateur responsible for such books as the generation-defining classic Fight Club and the pedal-to-the-metal horrorfest Haunted. It takes the form of an oral history of one Buster “Rant” Casey, who may or may not be the most efficient serial killer of our time.“What &#8216;Typhoid Mary" Mallon was to typhoid, what Gaetan Dugas was to AIDS, and Liu Jian-lun was to SARS, Buster Casey would become for rabies.”A high school rebel who always wins (and a childhood murderer?), Rant Casey escapes from his small hometown of Middleton for the big city. He becomes the leader of an urban demolition derby called Party Crashing. On appointed nights participants recognize one another by such designated car markings as “Just Married” toothpaste graffiti and then stalk and crash into each other. Rant Casey will die a spectacular highway death, after which his friends gather testimony needed to build an oral history of his short, violent life. Their collected anecdotes explore the possibility that his saliva caused a silent urban plague of rabies and that he found a way to escape the prison house of linear time.&#8230;“The future you have, tomorrow, won"t be the same future you had, yesterday.”—Rant CaseyExpect hilarity, horror, and blazing insight into the desperate and surreal contemporary human condition as only Chuck Palahniuk can deliver it. He"s the postmillennial Jonathan Swift, the visionary to watch to learn what"s —uh-oh—coming next.</p>作者简介:恰克u2022帕拉尼克,1962年出生于美国,毕业于俄勒冈大学新闻学院,三十多岁时开始写作,是一名特立独行的当代小说天才,在全世界范围内拥有大量忠实的粉丝。主要作品有《肠子》、《隐形怪物》、《搏击俱乐部》、《窒息》、《摇篮曲》、《日记》、《逃亡者与难民》等。这些作品糅合了讽刺、戏剧性、恐怖等元素,呈现出一种独特的超现实主义黑色幽默。其中,《搏击俱乐部》被导演大卫u2022芬奇改编成同名电影,他也因此得到了来自全世界的关注和认可。
2023-08-06 13:15:091


2023-08-06 13:15:371

Latex IEEEtrans 每个作者的自传(biography)部分距离很远

2023-08-06 13:15:562


biography的意思是传记;档案;个人简介短语搭配:Mini Biography生活简历 ; 小传;individual biography别传;Steve Biography乔布斯传;Celebrity Biography名人传 ; 名人传记;Current Biography当代传记;Author Biography作者简历 ; 作者传记;city biography城市和环境;biography brief传略;Preface Biography自序传;例句:She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography.她同意与他合作撰写她的传记。Set up a small biography and provide a detailed history of your work efforts, knowledge, and education.设立一个小型的传记,并提供了详细的历史,你的工作努力,知识和教育。This book is a well balanced biography.此书是一部相当客观的传记
2023-08-06 13:16:181

new biography 歌词

歌曲名:new biography歌手:Van Morrison专辑:back on topSee you"ve got the new biographyWhere did they get the info fromSame as before some, so called friendsWho claim to have, known me thenHow come they"ve got such good memoriesAnd I can"t even remember last weekGot to queston where they"re coming fromWhat knowledge of me is it that they speakSo far away, way back whenThe people that claim, to have known me thenNot on my wavelength and it"s such a shameThat they have to play the name gameThe fame game, oh the name game,Lord it"s a cryin" shameLord tell me what"s to blameReinvented all the stories they knowGive them all a different slantWhat is it that they"re really looking forJust a hobby on the internetSo far away, way back whenThe people that claim, to have known me thenNot on my wavelength and it"s such a shameThat they have to play the name gameThe fame game, the name game,Oh it"s such a cryin" shame, tell me who"s to blameIf they didn"t really know me way backHow can they know me now, in any respectIt"s a pity they don"t feel the painThat they should pay the price to play, to playThe fame game, the name gameIt"s such a cryin" shame, please tell me who"s to blameNot on my wavelength and it"s such a shameThat they have to play, have to play the fame gameOh the name game, it"s a cryin" shamePlease tell me who"s to blameThey keep on playin"The fame game, oh the name gameIt"s such a cryin" shame, please tell me who"s to blameKeep on playin" the fame gameLord, the name game, its such a cryin" shamePlease tell me who"s to blameThey just keep on playin" the fame gameOh the name game, its such a cryin" shamePlease tell me who"s to blameKeep on, keep on playin"..
2023-08-06 13:16:561

英语作文write a biography

Conduct interviews. Interviewing people will breath life into your research--people you interview may be able to tell you stories that you canu2019t find in a history book. If you can"t interview the person you"re writing about, see if you can interview someone who knows or knew the subject. You can conduct the interview in person, by phone, or through e-mail. Remember to be courteous and professional.
2023-08-06 13:17:051

外国人写link in my bio,什么意思

linkinmybio,是在我的简介中有链接的意思。bio,n.同“biography”;个人经历;个人履历。bio是biography的缩写形式。(1)link英[lɪŋk]美[lɪŋk] n.环,节;[计算机]链接;关联,关系,vt.连结;挽住,勾住,vi.用环连接;联系在一起(2)bio英["bi:əʊ]美["bi:oʊ] n.(尤其供公开发表的)个人简历(biography的缩写)扩展资料:bio【近义词】biography,bio固定搭配如下: bio-表示"生命、生物”之...、Bio-X生物学与其他学科相结...、bio-diversity生物多样性、bio-assay[医]生物鉴定...、biofilter生物滤池、bioosmosis生物渗透、bioaeration活性通气法(1)Where are you with the James Dean bio? 你和詹姆士的简历在那儿?(2)That"s not in your bio either. 这个也不在你的简历上。
2023-08-06 13:17:131

author biography 怎么写

Author Biography作者简历双语例句1. The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author. 评论者在他的评论中添加了冗长的作者生平以拉长篇幅。2. The novel should be read in conjunction with the author"s biography. 这本小说应该和作者传记一起读.
2023-08-06 13:18:181

《Lenin A New Biography》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Lenin》(Dmitri Volkogonov)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 7hng书名:Lenin作者:Dmitri Volkogonov出版社:Free Press出版年份:1994-10-12页数:529内容简介:The special assistant to Boris Yeltsin radically alters the traditional image of Lenin with a biography based on secret Soviet archives, revealing the Founding Father as a cruel, totalitarian leader who was responsible for the worst excesses of the Soviet state.
2023-08-06 13:18:251

company profile是什么?company biography呢?

company profile 公司简介company biography 公司传记
2023-08-06 13:18:402


somebody"s biography或者one"s biography,一般直接用biography就可以,这个词是“生平简介、传记”的意思。
2023-08-06 13:18:481


《Max Weber》(Fritz Ringer)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:5reo书名:Max Weber作者:Fritz Ringer出版社:University Of Chicago Press出版年份:2004-11-15页数:264内容简介:Max Weber was one of the most influential and creative intellectual forces of the twentieth century. In his methodology of the social sciences, he both exposed the flaws and solidified the foundations of the German historical tradition. Throughout his life, he saw bureaucracy as a serious obstacle to cultural vitality but as an inescapable part of organizational rationality. And in his most famous essay, on the Protestant ethic, he uncovered the psychological underpinnings of capitalism and modern occupational life.This searching work offers the first comprehensive introduction to Weber"s thought for students and newcomers. Fritz Ringer locates Weber in his historical context, relating his ideas to the controversies and politics of his day. Ringer also considers the importance of Weber to contemporary life, discussing his insights into the limits of scholarly research and the future of Western capitalist societies. Weber, Ringer reminds us, believed in democracy, liberalism, and fundamental human rights; his ethic of responsibility remains as vital to our historical moment as it was to his own.A concise and incisive look at the man and personality behind the thought, "Max Weber" is a masterful outing in intellectual biography and social theory.
2023-08-06 13:18:561


Flexner, Eleanor.Mary Wollstonecraft: A Biography[玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特传].纽约:Coward, McCann and Geoghegan,1972年.ISBN 0-6981-0447-1.Godwin, William(戈德温,W.),Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman[女权辩护作者传].Pamela Clemit 和 Gina Luria Walker 编.彼得伯勒:Broadview Press Ltd.,2001年.ISBNHays, Mary(海斯,M.).“Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft”(沃斯通克拉夫特回忆录).Annual Necrology[年度讣闻](1797-1798年):411-460页.St Clair, William.The Godwins and the Shelleys: The biography of a family[戈德温与雪莱家庭传].纽约:W. W. Norton and Co.,1989年.ISBN 0-8018-4233-6.Sunstein, Emily,A Different Face: the Life of Mary Wollstonecraft[另一面:玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特的一生].波士顿:Little, Brown and Co.,1975年.ISBN 0-06-014201-4.Todd, Janet(托德,J.).Mary Wollstonecraft: A Revolutionary Life.[玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特:革命的一生].伦敦:Weidenfeld and Nicholson,2000年.ISBN 0-231-12184-9.Tomalin, Claire(托马林,C.).The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft[玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特的生活与她的逝世].Rev. 编.纽约:Penguin,1992年.ISBN 0-14-016761-7.Wardle, Ralph M.Mary Wollstonecraft: A Critical Biography[玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特:评论传记].林肯:内布拉斯加州大学出版社,1951年.
2023-08-06 13:19:221

Bio / CV是什么意思???

2023-08-06 13:19:574

surfing the internet三人对话

Juan: What are you doing, Manuel?Manuel: I"m surfing the internet to find the biography I need.Juan: Let"s go into this website, you will find it, type after me, Juan: What"s the biography for? Manuel: It"s for the English project I working on. Linda: Hey guys. What"s the problem?Juan: Manuel is working on his English project but he can"t find the biography.Linda: Oh, yes. I"m sure that I have it.Manuel: Really? Linda: Yes, go into my QQ zone.Manuel: Yes, and then?Linda: The biography you needed is on the diary section.Manuel: Wow! You have collected a lot of biographies. Juan: Of course. You know that she is good at Physics, and she worships all that people who did something for the humanity. Manuel: I really appreciate your help.Linda: Don"t mention it. Don"t forget we are the best friends.Juan: But the unique thing that I don"t like is that the computer can harm our eyesight.Manuel: Don"t worry about it. You can drink chamomile tea. It"s a natural plant. It"s healthful for your eyes.Linda: I didn"t know that. Juan: Haa...Manuel: Is there anyone that likes the forensic medicine? Linda: Yes, Daniel said that he would like being a forensic doctor in the future time. Manuel: My project is absolutely about the forensic medicine. The famous specialist, Lorcard. Juan: Oh yes, the Lorcard law say that there will be an exchange with the physical contact. Linda: The information is from Wikipedia. Juan: Oh yes. Linda: Surfing the internet is not bad, but you must be careful that the information is reliable or not.Juan: You are right. Some information from the net is false.Manuel:No problem. I will be more careful.Juan: The internet is very popular nowadays.Linda: Some people spend the whole day in front of the computer. So they will have some obesity problems. Manuel: So we must control ourselves!!!
2023-08-06 13:20:311

求《BBC Earth: The Biography 》字幕!!

2023-08-06 13:20:392

latex中,在文章最后插入作者的照片和信息,出错提示:environment IEEEbiography undefined

不知道你用的是哪个模板。我使用IEEE transaction的模板,用如下命令就可生成:egin{IEEEbiography}{Michael Shell}Biography text here.end{IEEEbiography}% if you will not have a photo at all:egin{IEEEbiographynophoto}{John Doe}Biography text here.end{IEEEbiographynophoto}效果图:最好把报错的信息截图出来看看,不同的模板所能有的功能是不一样的。比如IEEE会议(conference)的模板,作者自传的功能就被锁定了,无法使用。希望能有帮助。
2023-08-06 13:20:491

投稿要求professional biography 是什么意思

professional biography专业简介
2023-08-06 13:21:051


2023-08-06 13:21:391

Write a brief biography of yuan long ping这句话是什么意思?

回答和翻译如下:Write a brief biography of yuan long ping.写一本袁隆平的传记。
2023-08-06 13:21:493


《西游记》英译名1,Journey to the West2,Monkey Goes West.3,Monkey King4,日语发音Saiyuki或者Suy Yuw Gey5,The Monkey Goes West (邵氏电影)6,Record of a journey to the west7,Record Of Lodoss8,“玄奘传”:Xuanzang Biography9,官方译名:Pilgrimage to the West
2023-08-06 13:21:562

谜语 汽车的生命故事你叫它什么

2023-08-06 13:22:053


哈哈 这书我看过!看英文原版的 看了三分之一! 我帮你找到了这个 看合用吗In honor of the bicentennial of Lincoln"s birth, renowned Civil War scholar James M. McPherson has written a wonderful brief biography of our 16th President. This book will be a wonderful source for beginners to study Lincoln and will serve as a good framework for larger works, like David Herbert Donald"s Lincoln.This book covered the important aspects of Lincoln"s life from his birth and childhood in Kentucky and Indiana to his coming to Illinois, to his administration and death. McPherson discussed Lincoln"s tarnished relationship with his father and his wonderful relationship with his step-mother, which presented a more personal side of the man.Though short, this book does a great job of discussing Lincoln"s life in the larger context of American history. McPherson summarized the important moments and events during his life and provided a wonderful look at the war and its effect on him.True to his scholarly reputation, McPherson used great sources for this little biography, including the Collected Works of Lincoln and Lincoln at Cooper Union to name a couple. In addition to using great primary and secondary sources, McPherson provided a bibliographic essay that provided a great synthesis of the historiography of Lincoln and where it may be heading in the coming year.There are many things to like about this book. It is a well-researched, but brief biography that will reach a wide audience. The reputation of James McPherson as a scholar lends great weight to the legitimacy of this biography. Abraham Lincoln is a wonderful beginning to the scholarly celebration of the Lincoln bicentennial.在以下网站找到的
2023-08-06 13:22:121


《The Biography of a Rabbit》(Benson, Roy Jr.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:04ap书名:The Biography of a Rabbit作者:Benson, Roy Jr.页数:156
2023-08-06 13:22:311

author biography 怎么写

Author Biography作者简历双语例句1. The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author. 评论者在他的评论中添加了冗长的作者生平以拉长篇幅。2. The novel should be read in conjunction with the author"s biography. 这本小说应该和作者传记一起读.
2023-08-06 13:22:441


I spend the whole weekend totally absorbed in the biography of Bill Clinton.absorbed换成being absorbed呢?spend ...doing
2023-08-06 13:23:183


2023-08-06 13:23:114


2023-08-06 13:23:111


贝托尔德·康拉德·赫尔曼·阿尔贝特·施佩尔(Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer,1905年—1981年),德国建筑工程师,德意志第三帝国军备和战时生产部长。1927年毕业于柏林高等专科学校建筑专业。先任助教,后当开业建筑师。1931年1月参加纳粹党。翌年成为党卫队队员。纳粹党掌权后,在为纽伦堡召开的*胜利的党代会作布置设计等工程中,深得希特勒赏识。自1933年冬起,施佩尔成为希特勒的私人建筑师和亲信。1937年被希特勒委任为特设的“振兴德国首都建筑总监”(副部长级)。1942年2月被任命为托特组织的首脑和军备与军需部(1943年9月改为军备与战时生产部)部长。同年3月和4月,又先后兼任军事经济全权总办和中央计划局领导成员。在希特勒授予全权的支持下,他主持整个战争经济,推行新的军事生产体制,动员工业界人士,挖掘经济潜力,大量使用战俘和强制的外国劳工以克服劳力不足,迅速提高军备生产,对纳粹德国后期的战争起了重大作用,被称为德国经济的“施佩尔时代”。1946年在纽伦堡国际军事法庭以战争罪和违反人道罪判处20年徒刑。1966年刑满出狱,1981年病死于伦敦。著有《第三帝国内幕》。
2023-08-06 13:23:131


2023-08-06 13:23:146


场效应管(FET,Field Effect Transistor)电压产生的电场来控制管子工作的。现在最常用的是MOSFET(M是金属,O是氧化物,S是半导体),三者恰好形成一个电容,中间的氧化物作为电容的电介质。电子往电势高的地方(正极)流动聚集,空穴向电势低的地方(负极)流动聚集。以N管为例:(1)在不加电源的情况下,源极和漏极都充满了电子,是N型半导体,而它们之间的衬底却是P型半导体,相当于两个反串的PN结,电阻很大。也可以理解为两个导体被中间的衬底隔离开了。此时无法导电。(2)在栅极上加上一个正电压之后,这个电压在栅极和衬底之间形成了一个栅极指向衬底的电场,这个电场吸引电子,使电子在栅氧化层下方聚集,同时将空穴排斥开。随着栅压的升高,电子的浓度越来越大,空穴浓度越来越小。本来栅氧化层边缘的衬底为P型半导体,空穴浓度大于电子浓度,但是当栅极电压加到一定程度(Vth)时,电子的浓度开始超过空穴浓度,此时P型衬底变为N型衬底,也就是变成“沟道”将源极和漏极连起来了,此时就可以导电了。(3)栅极的电压必须比源极或漏极高一个Vth,对应端的沟道才能导通,不然就会夹断。导通部分电阻很小,夹断部分电阻非常大(即空间电荷区)。(4)沟道两端同时夹断,就工作在截止区;只有一端夹断,就工作在饱和区;没有夹断,就工作在线性区。截止区就相当于断开不工作,饱和区相当于一个电流源,线性区相当于一个电阻。总之,场效应管就是靠这个“沟道”来工作的,没有“沟道”就休眠了。
2023-08-06 13:23:071


全名:Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer职业:纳粹武器和战争生产部长 国籍:德国人 为什么出名:二战大部分时间,Speer都是纳粹武器和战争生产部长。在此之前,他是阿道夫·希特勒的首席建筑师;在这个职位上,他设计和建造了包括帝国总理府和纽伦堡齐柏林菲尔德体育场在内的建筑,在那里举行了群众 *** 。在纽伦堡的审判中,斯佩尔悔恨不已,被称为“说对不起的纳粹”。他承认对纳粹罪行负有道德责任,同时声称对大屠杀一无所知。尽管历史学家怀疑他所宣称的无知程度,但这还是让他逃脱了死刑,因为他在统治下使用了大量的奴隶劳动,并且在他的建筑项目进行时,犹太人流离失所,特别是在柏林。他从服刑20年的斯潘道监狱获释后,出版了两本畅销自传《第三帝国与斯潘道:秘密日记》。他于1981年死于中风。 出生:1905年3月19日出生地:德国巴登曼海姆 一代:最伟大的一代星号:双鱼座 死亡:1981年9月1日(76岁)死因:中风 文章和照片希特勒的尸体怎么了?毫无疑问,阿道夫·希特勒在这一天开枪自杀,他的尸体被忠诚的工作人员焚烧。但他的遗骸究竟发生了什么仍然是个谜。1945年4月30日纽伦堡战争审判将纳粹绳之以法主要战犯的审判从这一天开始,这是纽伦堡五年系列听证会中的第一次,在那里二战纳粹被追究责任。11月20日,1945年纽伦堡审判赫尔曼戈林审判在纽伦堡审判。他后来被判处死刑,但在执行死刑的前一天晚上自杀了。1946年9月30日,阿尔伯特·斯皮尔1942-02-08年,纳粹建筑师阿尔伯特·斯皮尔在1945-11-20年的一次飞机失事中,弗里茨·托特死后,由阿道夫·希特勒任命了武器部长。纽伦堡战争审判开始于24名纳粹1946年9月30日,22名纳粹领导人,包括约阿希姆·冯·里宾特罗普和赫尔曼·戈林,在代表盟军胜利力量的法官面前受审,在纽伦堡战争审判中被判犯有战争罪并被判处死刑或监禁在Twitter上分享德国著名的阿道夫艾希曼阿道夫希特勒阿尔伯特爱因斯坦阿尔伯特凯塞尔林“0”阿尔伯特普鲁士“1”阿尔弗雷德乔德尔
2023-08-06 13:23:041


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2023-08-06 13:22:581