barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-11 09:11:50

拼音:mèn,mēn, 部首:门 笔划:7 五笔:uni 【大 中 小】













































词典释义讲解1:15adj.闷热的;闷人的;通风不畅的;一本正经的;古板的;无聊的;保守的CET6 / IELTS / TEM8 / GRE变形形容词最高级:stuffiest 比较级:stuffier 双语例句全部闷热的不通气的古板的1.Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?为什么成年人总是那么一本正经,对好点子反应那么迟缓呢?《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.It was hot and stuffy in the classroom.教室里很闷热。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a stuffy nose.芳香胶囊对缓解鼻塞有奇效。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》4.Fred and Volodia sweltered at night in the stuffy, crowded cabins.弗雷德和博洛迪亚晚上挤在不通风的船舱里热得要命。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》5.The room was so stuffy that one could hardly breathe.屋里太闷,憋得人透不过气来。《汉英大词典》6.Centrally heated offices tend to be stuffy.中央供暖的办公室往往闷热。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》7.It"s too stuffy in here so open the windows.开开窗吧,屋里太闷了。百度翻译例句库以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考8.I don"t know. They"re too stuffy. There"s not enough room.我不知道。也许是太闷了。空间也不足够。, you are getting all stuffy and self-important.果然,你也变得乏味和高傲了。provided by jukuu10.The atmosphere in the room was so stuffy I could hardly breathe.这房间里的空气太闷了,我简直没法呼吸。provided by jukuu11.English: My baby more than two months, a stuffy nose always how to do?我的宝宝两个多月了,老是鼻塞怎么办?danci.911cha.com12.This room is so stuffy, I can hardly breathe.这里的空气太污浊了,我呼吸都困难。www.ebigear.com13.It"s much better than my stuffy office.比我那乏味的办公室好多了。provided by jukuu14.Yes, but it"s rather stuffy.不错,可是太闷了。www.hotdic.com15.I went to one stuffy upper class dinner party on my first night.第一天晚上我去参加了上流社会的一个无聊的晚餐会。www.dictall.com16.Can you suggest 【 recommend 】 something for a stuffy nose?您能对治鼻塞提点建议【推荐方法】吗?www.dictall.com17.One stuffy day in the summer vacation, mother and I went to climb the Great Wall.暑假的一天,天气闷热。我和妈妈去登长城。www.crazyenglish.org18.I feel stuffy in this room.闷热的房间。憋着气的,窒息的;www.tdict.com19.I felt quite stuffy, while it was quite calm, without wind.我感到闷热,而周围的一切都很安静,一丝风也没有。www.dictall.com20.Let"s go out for a walk. it"s stuffy inside.我们出去散步,里面空气好闷。provided by jukuu
2023-08-07 15:11:551


英文就是 Sweltering !!
2023-08-07 15:12:441


鼻子是人类很重要的器官,我们仰赖鼻子呼吸,鼻子甚至是五官中位置在正中央的器官。但是你知道「鼻孔」、「鼻梁」、「鼻毛」、「流鼻水」怎么说吗?哈利波特里面的博蒂全口味豆中,有一个恶心的味道叫做「鼻屎」,它的英文名字是什么?英文老师 Alex 在 Engvid 上介绍了有关鼻子的各种用法,以后要骗别人吃下鼻屎口味的全口味豆食,就知道要怎么跟别人讲了! 1. 鼻子的各个部位与相关用法 nostrils 鼻孔 bridge 鼻梁 sinuses 鼻翼 nose hair 鼻毛 pluck / pull out 拔(鼻毛;眉毛) trim 修剪 2. 感冒时的鼻子的病征 I"m sick. My nose is … 我生病了。我的鼻子… runny 流鼻水 stuffy / stuffed up 鼻塞 blocked (up) 鼻塞 clogged (up) 鼻塞 3. 鼻子里有什么? My nose is full of … 我的鼻子里都是… boogers 鼻屎 snot 鼻涕 Don"t pick your nose! 不要挖鼻屎! I need to blow my nose. 我需要擤鼻涕。 Do you have a tissue / Kleenex? 你有卫生纸吗? blocked 中文, boogers 中文, bridge 中文, clogged 中文, nose hair 中文, nostrils 中文, pluck 中文, runny 中文, sinuses 中文, snot 中文, stuffy up 中文, stuffy 中文, trim 中文, 单字, 流鼻水 英文, 英文, 鼻塞 英文, 鼻子, 鼻子 相关单字, 鼻子 相关字汇, 鼻子 英文, 鼻屎 英文, 鼻梁 英文, 鼻毛 英文, 鼻涕 英文, 鼻翼 英文
2023-08-07 15:12:581


2023-08-07 15:13:074


no mood,这个应该可以
2023-08-07 15:13:185


2023-08-07 15:13:363

英语 俗气的 怎么说

2023-08-07 15:13:595

气氛很沉闷 怎么翻译

The atmosphere is stuffy.
2023-08-07 15:14:272


5点左右就天黑了你的例子可以互换how & what
2023-08-07 15:14:395


gale e.g. a force-10 gale overcast (me cloudy) scorching e.g. ‘the scorching sun " (very hot sun beating down) gust gusty blustery whirlwind cyclone cyclonic blizzard typhoon hurricane monsoon tornado ister calima hot winds near the Sahara with dusty sand close close weather me hot and stuffy clammy ( a term meaning very humid and sticky) muggy (stuffy and hot) chilly a hot spell a cold snap a heat wave dew dewy frost frosty snow drift slush slushy (when snow melts it"s all slushy) sleet hail hailstone flood flash-flood deluge tsunami brass monkey weather ( brass monkey"s - British slang for freezing cold weather)dictionary.cambridge/dictionary/british/brass-monkey-weather 参考: me You have almost all the adjectives for weather. You need to make a plete sentence Today is warm and sunny There will be sunshine with patches of showers. The weather is humid and wet. It is dirzzing outside so please take an umbrella with me when you go out. 还有bright windy gasty(有阵阵强风的) snowy 及英国人惯说的 chilly(阴冻) stuffy(翳/闷热) 等。
2023-08-07 15:14:571


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2023-08-07 15:16:066


when friends come to visit us in the evening ,they spend their time telling us that they are in a hurry and looking at their watches .It isn"t that old friends are all busy .It is just that we haven"t got a television .People think that we are very stuffy." but what do you do in the evening ?" they are always asking .the answer is simple .both my wife and I have h___.we certainly don"t spend our evenings staring at the wife enjoys cooking and painting and attends evening classes in foreign languages .this is particularly useful as we go abroad for our holiday ....
2023-08-07 15:16:244


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2023-08-07 15:17:026


with复合结构的常见形式 1.“with+名词/代词+介词短语”。 The man was walking on the street, with a book under his arm. (那人在街上走着,腋下夹着一本书。) 2. “with+名词/代词+形容词”。 With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it"ll rain presently. 天气这么闷热,十之八九要下雨。 3. “with+名词/代词+副词”。 The square looks more beautiful than even with all the light on. 所有的灯亮起来,广场看起来更美。 4. “with+名词/代词+名词”。 He left home, with his wife a hopeless soul. 他走了,妻子十分伤心。 5. “with+名词/代词+done”。在此结合中,过去分词和宾语是被动关系,表示动作已经完成。 With this problem solved, neomycin 1 is now in regular production. 随着这个问题的解决,新霉素一号现在已经正式产生。 6. “with+名词/代词+-ing分词”。此结构强调名词是-ing分词的动作的发出者或某动作、状态正在进行。 He felt more uneasy with the whole class staring at him. 全班同学看着他,他感到更不自然了。 7. “with+宾语+to do”。此结构中,不定式和宾语是被动关系,表示尚未发生的动作。 So in the afternoon, with nothing to with 伴随状语用法4with 做伴随状语时。。1with引导的伴随状语用法12怎么区分是用for作原因状语还是with作伴随状语6with结构冲当伴随状语如何用??2with 做伴随状语的问题。求 用 现在分词 作状语 的例句5枚 (如方式状语,伴随状语,条件状语提问“with...”问题其他回答with作伴随状语,或说明造成某一局面的原因.至于是用现在分词,还是过去分词得看与主句主句的关系是被动或主动. eg: with time passing by随着时间的流逝 He sat on the chair with his eyes closed.他坐在椅子上,眼睛闭着.He came in with a book in his hand.
2023-08-07 15:17:213


1) please fill in this form, and give it to me.2) to promote the overall situation.3) eat case choke, walk not fall.4 although you escort a guest a thousand miles , yet the parting must come at last.5) a fence three piles, one of three men to help.6) the prospects are bright, the road is tortuous.7) integration of theory with practice, this is a principle we should always keep in mind.8) so stuffy, nine in ten it is going to rain.9) they worry about personal gains and losses, refused to accept the task assigned to them.
2023-08-07 15:18:053


When I heard the words "Father," the song, / That"s my小时侯| often sit shoulder father | father was climbing the ladder that children | father was a cattle cars that pull .../, father figure in my mind can not circled, tears keep my eyes in front of. Perhaps my family is a unique early twenties I was, my father has over六旬is a senile the. Notched married my father, after I lent. Listen to his mother that his father used to be a big pipe, since the after I quit, and to have it 20 years. Old father, tall, a little fat to walk a bit limp, did not read the book a few years. My father and I tell a sad story! Three, the home took place after the plague of locusts and a drought in three consecutive years, the field received no home and no other financial resources, in order to allow me to read a good grade, but the old father, to work, in my memory, this is the father out the first real live to make money doing coolie. I have three at the time, I remember the days when the most guilty and the most painful days, every day we fail to learn from the students skip class and play outside, blind, abandoned their studies this way, the first simulation test results is far from reach the two schools. A sister on Sundays and a conversation, that the father in an accident outside, I was eating, suddenly tears blurring my eyes, into the mouth, choking can not swallow. Family members do not want to tell me in advance, because they are afraid to affect my studies, I and blind students to spend the money to coax his father in exchange for use of pain is used in medical compensation to the perpetrators. When I failed, and his father after discharge more white hair, and all of a sudden so many old. I am home now, the night often dreamed of his father, I know that my father did not fall asleep, and taken out of the stuffy smoke, think of me, I look forward to. / Hope to the children a bag of heavy breathing stuffy few star | that can bring up their children for old age | Mountain High water can be far from home to stay /. As your son, I never told him how, sorry I was, How unworthy, I was, How I regretted it. Eagle with me not there, I was born in the old Eagle, Health恨不At the same time, a good day with the Eagle, If I have a chance I would like to carry hand-Jun, together with the old, my dear old father. *** Please help translating the phrase in asterisks, requirements: four English words, sentences smooth, rich and delicate feelings. Not appreciate
2023-08-07 15:18:344


  能不能帮我换个台?   Would you switch the channel?   Would you change the station?   I want to watch more TV. 我还想看电视   You"ve watched enough for tonight.   Let"s spread out the futon.铺床吧 *铺开   Let"s get the futon out. 把被子拿出来吧   I"m sleepy. 我困了。   Why don"t you take a nap?你干嘛不睡午觉   I"m drowsy. *drowsy困得睁不开眼。   Did you do your homework?   作业做了吗?   Did you finish your homework?   Study hard. 好好学习 -- I am.好好学着呢   Hurry up and go to sleep. 快点睡觉.   Enough with your video games. 游戏玩够了吧。-- I can"t quit now. 正好玩着呢。   Make sure you brush your teeth.   一定要刷牙哦! --I will.   Are u ready for tomorrow?--No, not yet.   明天的东西准备好了吗?   I"m going to take a bath. 我去洗个澡。   Make sure you wash up well.好好洗洗啊   Time to go to sleep. 该睡觉了。   Just a minute. 再等一下。   You left the TV on. 电视还开着呢。   Sorry about that. 对不起,我忘了关。   You forgot to turn the TV off.   Don"t leave your stuff here. 别把你的东西都摊在这儿。 -- I won"t. 知道了。   I set the alarm clock for 8:00.   我把闹钟订到八点了。   I set it for 8:00.   Wake me up at seven tomorrow.   明天七点叫醒我。   Sure thing. 知道了。   Good night.晚安   Sweet dreams. 做个好梦。   Don"t let the bedbugs bite. 晚安   Have pleasant dreams.   ●休息日   I want to take a nap. 我真想睡个午觉。   But you just woke up.你不是刚起来吗?   I want to take a catnap. *catnap 打盹   I"d like to lie down for a while.我想躺会儿   *wanna = want to = would like to   I"m going to lie down.   I"m going to take a rest. 我休息一会儿   You"re pretending to be asleep.你在装睡啊   You"re just pretending that you"re asleep.   You"re not really asleep. 你其实没睡吧!   I know you"re still awake.   Were you sleeping? 你睡着了吗?   Were you asleep?   No, I was awake. 没有,还没睡呢。   Will you change the baby"s diaper?   你能给孩子换个尿布吗?   Again? 又要换呀?   I just changed it ten minutes ago.   Do you need to pee? 想尿尿吗? *对小孩   It"s time to go wee-wee.该尿尿了*对小孩   It"s time to go pee-pee.   Do it again. 再来一次。   Let"s play catch. 我们来投球吧。   Great! 好呀!   Let"s play ball.   The water is leaking.漏水了。   The pipe is leaking. 水管漏了。   It"s so dusty. 全是灰啊!   I didn"t notice. 我倒没注意。   It needs to be dusted. 得扫扫了。   It"s stuffy in this room.通风不好、憋闷   (这间屋子通风真差。)   The air is thick. 这里真闷。   I can"t breathe in this room.   The air is dense. 空气混浊。   It"s drafty in this room. 通风的   这个房间很通风。   Will you feed the dog?你能去喂喂狗吗   Please give the dog some food.   Will you take the dog for a walk?   你去溜溜狗吧。   Take care of my brother and sister.   帮我照看我的弟弟妹妹啊。   You bet (I will). 放心吧。   You bet I won"t. 我一定不会的   You bet it is. / You bet there is. 一定是的   Please water the plants.   请给植物浇点水。   Can I help? --Yes, pls water the plants.   What a mess! 怎么这么乱呀   Look at the mess!   What a pigsty!*含有脏得像个猪窝的语气   Help me.帮帮我吧。   What do you want me to do?   Clean up your room.   把你的屋子收拾收拾。   Straighten up your room.   Tidy up the room.   But I"m watching TV now.   Help me clean up the house.帮我打扫打扫卫生。   We"re out of dish detergent.洗涤灵用完啦   We"ve used up dish detergent.   I"ll go get more. 那我去买一瓶。   Would you put up the clothes to dry?   你能把衣服晾上嘛?   Will you help me fold up the clothes?   你能把我的衣服叠起来吗?   Please sweep the floor. 扫、打扫   (把地扫扫。)   Please scrub the sink. 把厨房的池子洗干净 *使劲搓洗用scrub   I have to vacuum my room.我得用吸尘器打扫我房间了。   Please dust the shelves.掸掸柜子上的土   Please wipe the shelves.请擦一擦柜子   Please mop the floor. 请拖拖地   Will you iron the shirt? 熨衬衣   (你能把衬衫熨熨吗?)   I have to iron my skirt. 熨裙子   (我的裙子得熨了)   Let"s go grocery shopping. 我们去超市买东西吧 *grocery shop杂货店   We need more milk. 还得再买点牛奶。   The park was crowded.公园里人挤人   The park was filled with people.   Can you baby-sit tonight? 今晚能帮我照看一下孩子吗? *baby-sit“”。--Sure I can.
2023-08-07 15:18:421


英语 谚语 作为 英语学习 过程中常见的知识应用现象,对同学们英语知识常规的学习提出了较大的挑战,以下是我精心收集整理的生活常见英文谚语,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 生活常见英文谚语1 1、多衣多寒,无衣不怕寒。 Many clothes are cold, no clothes are not afraid of cold. 2、好人老睡成病人,病人老睡成死人。 A good man always sleeps like a sick man, and a sick man always sleeps like a dead man. 3、舌长事多,夜长梦多。 The tongue is long, the night is long and the dream is long. 4、眼大肚子小,眼馋肚子饱。 Big eyes and small stomach, full eyes and stomach. 5、冷言冷语交不得,冷饭冷菜吃不得。 Cold words can not be handed in, cold food can not be eaten. 6、吃饭海碗,做事闪西风。 Eat a sea bowl and do things in a westerly fashion. 7、好吃不过粗茶饭,好看不过素打扮。 It tastes good, but it looks good, but it looks plain. 8、食可饱而不必珍,衣可暖而不必华。 Food can be full without treasure, clothes can be warm without luxury. 9、管他冒风不冒风,三片生姜一根葱。 No matter how cold he is, three slices of ginger and one onion. 10、肚饥糠也好,饭饱肉嫌肥。 It"s better to be hungry than fat. 11、洗面着洗耳后,扫地着扫壁边。 After washing your face and ears, sweep the wall. 12、吃饱就睡觉,有如吃毒药。 Sleep when you"re full is like taking poison. 13、走路防跌,吃饭防噎。 Walk to prevent falling, eat to prevent choking. 14、衣帽常洗换,胜过上医院。 Better to wash your clothes and hats often than to go to hospital. 15、有钱人惊死,无钱人惊无米。 Rich people are startled to death, but rich people are startled to death. 16、狂饮伤身,暴食伤胃。 Drinking hurts the body and eating hurts the stomach. 17、夏毋困席,冬毋困石。 Summer is no bed, winter is no stone. 18、山高自有行路客,水深自有渡船人。 The mountain has its own pedestrians and the water has its own ferrymen. 19、一针不补,千针难缝。 A needle never mends, but a thousand stitches are hard to sew. 20、每天吃上三个枣,人一辈子不显老。 Eat three jujubes a day, and you will never grow old. 21、鼻子不通,吃点大葱。 The nose is stuffy. Eat some scallions. 22、千辛万苦,为着腹肚。 It"s hard work for the stomach. 23、春天出门莫寄伞,冬天出门莫寄衣。 Don"t send an umbrella when you go out in spring, and don"t send clothes when you go out in winter. 24、三年不叫匠,日子过的没有样。 Three years without a craftsman, life is not the same. 25、食不语,寝不言。 Eat silently, sleep silently. 26、大改小,小拼大,破长衫儿改短褂。 Big to small, small to big, broken long shirt to short jacket. 27、暴食暴饮容易病,定时定量保安宁。 Overeating and overdrinking are easy to get sick, and regular and quantitative Baonanning. 28、夏天不睡石,冬天不睡板。 No stone in summer, no board in winter. 29、少吃多滋味,多吃没口味。 Eat less and taste more, eat more and have no taste. 30、衣少加根带,饭少加把菜。 Less clothes and straps, less meals and more vegetables. 生活常见英文谚语2 1、运动运动,百病难碰。 Sports makes it difficult to touch all diseases. 2、饭后走一走,活到九十九! Take a walk after dinner and live to ninety-nine! 3、痒要自己抓,好要别人夸。 The itch should be caught by oneself, so that others can praise it. 4、少吃好、慢吃香,定时定量身体强。 Eat less, eat more slowly, and be healthy regularly and quantitatively. 5、世上无难事,只怕有心人。 Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 6、竹贵有节,人贵有志。 Bamboo is precious, people are precious and ambitious. 7、鱼鳞天,不雨也风颠。 Fish scales, rain and wind. 8、量窄气大,发短气长。 Narrow air, short hair and long breath. 9、人黄有病,天黄有雨。 Yellow is sick, yellow is rainy. 10、王不留,妇女服了乳汁流。 Wang Buliu, the woman took milk flow. 11、三百六十行,行行出状元。 Three hundred and sixty rows, row out the first prize. 12、要想长寿,先戒烟酒。 If you want to live a long life, stop smoking and drinking. 13、与其坐而言,不如起而行。 It"s better to go up than sit down. 14、不怕不识货,就怕货比货。 If you are afraid of not knowing the goods, you are afraid of comparing the goods with the goods. 15、君子一言,驷马难追。 A gentleman"s word is hard to follow. 16、拳不离手,曲不离口。 Fist does not leave the hand, song does not leave the mouth. 17、众人一条心,黄土变成金。 With one heart, loess becomes gold. 18、良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。 Good words are warm in winter, bad words hurt in June. 19、一千银子坐吃两年半,坐吃山空海也干。 树高千丈,叶落归根。 20、Trees are so tall that leaves fall to their roots. 火星怕蔓延,疾病怕传染。 21、Mars is afraid of spreading and disease is afraid of infecting. 人为财死,鸟为食亡。 22、Man dies for wealth, and bird dies for food. 生命在于运动。 23、Life lies in movement. 好汉护三村,好狗护三邻。 24、A good man protects three villages and a good dog protects three neighbours. 睡前洗脚,胜服补药。 25、Washing your feet before bed is better than taking tonics. 人到四十五,还是出山虎。 26、When people reach forty-five, they still go out of the mountain tiger. 饭菜清淡,身体强健。 27、The food is light and the body is strong. 贪多嚼不烂,胃病容易犯。 28、Easy to chew, stomach disease is easy to commit. 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。 29、Diseases come down like mountains and go away like threads. 做一行,怨一行,到老不在行。 30、Do one line, complain one line, not old line. 生活常见英文谚语3 1、不怕无能,只怕无恒。 No fear of incompetence, only fear of constancy. 2、一日两个苹果,毛病绕道走。 Two apples a day make a detour. 3、常说嘴里顺,常写手不笨。 Often say smooth mouth, often write not stupid. 4、不担三分险,难练一身胆。 It is difficult to practise courage without taking three risks. 5、冻冻晒晒身体壮,捂捂盖盖脸发黄。 Frozen and sun-dried body strong, cover up face yellowing. 6、常用的铁不锈,常练的人不病。 Commonly used iron stainless, often practiced people are not sick. 7、路是人开的,树是人栽的。 The road is opened by man, and the tree is planted by man. 8、南风若过三,不雨也阴天。 If the south wind passes three, neither rain nor cloudy day. 9、疮大疮小,出脓就好。 If the sore is big and the sore is small, the pus will be good. 10、穿不穷,吃不穷,打算不到一辈子穷。 Wear endlessly, eat endlessly, and plan to be poor for less than a lifetime. 11、钟不敲不鸣,人不学不灵。 If the bell does not ring, one cannot learn. 12、入山不怕伤人虎,只怕人情两面刀。 Entering the mountain is not afraid of hurting people and tigers, but of two sides of human love. 13、马瘦腿不软,人穷志不短。 Horses are not weak in legs, and people are not short in ambition. 14、什么都缺别缺钱,什么都有别有病。 Everything is short of money, everything is different. 15、酒多伤人,色多伤身。 Wine hurts more people than color. 16、鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。 Birds have wings and people have ambitions. 17、宁可明枪交战,不可暗箭伤人。 Better fight with guns than stab people in the back. 18、少时练得一身劲,老来健康少生病。 When you are young, you are strong, but when you are old, you are healthy and sick. 19、行行出状元,处处有能人。 There are talented people everywhere. 20、刀越磨越亮,体越练越壮。 The sharper the knife, the stronger the body. 21、海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。 The vast sea leaps by fish and the sky is high enough for birds to fly. 22、撑死能的,饿死熊的。 He who can support death, starves the bear. 23、骑马莫怕山,行船莫怕滩。 Riding horses are not afraid of mountains, sailing boats are not afraid of beaches. 24、人怕劝,车怕垫。 People are afraid of persuasion and cars are afraid of cushions. 25、宁吃鲜桃一口,不吃烂桃一篓。 Better eat a mouthful of fresh peaches than a basket of rotten ones. 26、药难医假病,酒不解真愁。 Drugs are hard to cure, but wine is hard to understand. 27、日出日落,云彩烧红,不雨也有风。 Sunrise and sunset, clouds burning red, rain and wind. 28、冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 Freezing three feet is not a day"s cold. 29、不见高山,那知平地。 No mountains, no plains. 30、坐有坐相,睡有睡相,睡觉要像弯月亮。 Sit and sit, sleep and sleep like a curved moon. 生活常见英文谚语_带有中文的英文谚语相关 文章 : ★ 最新常见的英文谚语集锦 ★ 生活中常用的英语谚语大全 ★ 常用经典英文谚语大全 ★ 关于英文的谚语大全100条 ★ 查找常用英语谚语带汉语 ★ 常见经典英语谚语集锦 ★ 经典英文谚语大全 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语2020最新汇编 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语90句精华 ★ 常见的经典英语谚语90句精选归纳
2023-08-07 15:20:031


我也是人工翻译的。。。 而且我自认为还不错,不说很好吧至少有点不同。。。我简化了一些语句,希望你能够喜欢 We have the right to protect Earth, our homeland. Right now, our city is promoting civilized environment. As long as we do not pollute or waste our resources, we can make our city greener and more environmentally friendly. Putting thoughts into actions, my parents and I started our low carbon lifestyle.(地球是我们的家园。我们作为地球的主人,就应该好好保护地球。现在城市正在倡导文明环境,只要我们不污染地球的环境,不浪费地球的能源。就能让城市变得更绿色,更环保。有想法就要有行动。于是,我和父母开始了一段低碳生活)During the hottest days of summer, it gets really stuffy in our house. Opening cool air conditioning can be wasteful. Thus, I suggested to my dad that we go swimming. My father asked me to go by car but I shook me head and said: "Going by car wastes energy. Besides, the swimming pool is not too far away from our house, let us walk there." My dad praised me for this good idea and for being low energy consuming. We arrived at the swimming pool by bicycle. This way, we get our excercise and save energy; two great things in one action. (夏日炎炎的时候,我觉得家里闷,开着空调又太浪费。于是,我想和爸爸一起去游泳。爸爸对我说:“我们开车去吧。”我摇摇头,说:“开车去耗能源,游泳池离这儿不远,不如步行去吧。”爸爸称赞说:“好主意,你真是个懂得节约的好孩子。”于是,我们就骑着自行车来到了游泳池,这样,既锻炼了身体,又节约了能源。真是一举两得。)One time, we went shopping someplace faraway. When my mom picked out a few things to pay, my dad intervened, saying: "it"s better to shop a lot of things in one trip so that it saves gas." My mother agreed that it"s a good idea. Therefore, we saved energy and time by buying things we need in one shopping trip.(有一次,我们去较远的地方购物,妈妈挑选了少量的东西,正准备去付钱,爸爸连忙上前阻止,说:“购物太少不太好,尽可能地一次性购足,就少了几次购物,也就省了车油。”妈妈说:“这是个好办法。”因此,我们就尽量把所需的东西一次性买足,这真是省时又省力。)
2023-08-07 15:20:211

帮我总结一下 with结构和as结构!!(高中)

2023-08-07 15:21:315

迈克尔杰克逊有一首老歌 开头是狼嚎 求名字

Told me that you"re doin" wrong 承认自己错了吧 Word out shockin" all alone 四处危言骇听闻 Cryin" wolf ain"t like a man 鬼哭狼嚎无人样 Throwin" rocks to hide your hands 攻击后却不承认 You ain"t done enough for me 对我的所作所为已经够了 You ain"t done enough for me 对我的所作所为已经够了 You are disgustin" me, yeah yeah 你面目可憎,yeah yeah You"re aiming just for me 你把我成当靶子 You are disgustin" me 你另我很是厌恶 Just want your cut from me 你只想中伤于我 But too bad, too bad 但可惜啊,可惜 Look who just walked in the place 看是谁在丢人现眼 Dead and stuffy in the face 沉闷死板的一张脸 Look who"s standing if you please 看看是谁坚挺不拔 Though you tried to bring me to my knees 尽管试图另我屈膝 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,为你遗憾 Why don"t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,为你遗憾 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Hell all up in Hollywood 好莱坞是个地狱 Sayin" that you got it good 却说它很适合你 Creepin" from a dusty hole 浑浊不堪中求生 Tales of what somebody told 流言蜚语满天飞 What do you want from me? 你到底想干嘛? What do you want from me? 你到底想干嘛? Tired of you haunting me, 厌倦了与你纠缠 yeah yeah You"re aiming just for me 你把我当成靶子 You are disgustin" me 你另我很是厌恶 You got blood lust for me 你对我有杀戮欲 But too bad, too bad 但可惜啊,可惜 Look who got slapped in the face 看看谁在给自己掌嘴 It"s dead and stuffy in the place 这有多么沉闷兼乏味 I"m right back where I wanna be 我能马上回到状态中 I"m standin" though you"re kickin" me 你踢不倒一个不倒翁 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don"t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don"t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don"t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don"t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don"t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don"t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜啊,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、我为你遗憾 Why don"t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜啊,真是可惜 Why don"t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、我为你遗憾 Why don"t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地
2023-08-07 15:21:591

四季 可以干什么? 英语

2023-08-07 15:22:191


2023-08-07 15:22:421

Yellow fragrant hour 10 years old lose the mother

Yellow fragrant hour 10 years old lose the mother, how ill the father is .黄色芳香小时10岁失去了母亲,父亲生病了。hot and stuffy summer he rushes before sleeping with the fan to hit mosquito fan cool father sleeps the bed and the pillow in order to let the father go to sleep earlier cold winter night.闷热的夏天他睡觉前冲和风扇打蚊子风扇冷却的父亲睡觉的床和枕头为了让父亲去睡觉早些时候寒冷的冬夜。 he get in first ice-cold have been harbored have been harbored with own body warm heat rear justThe father sleeps to take off winter he wears do not take the padded jacket for do not let the father 他先在冰冷的已经存在存在热后用自己的身体温暖正是父亲睡去脱下冬天他穿不采取不让父亲的夹袄sad he never lets the appearance effort that cold performance shouteds cheer and jumped for joy to cause a kind of happiness in home atmosphere lets the father happy well recover as soon as possible难过的时候他从来不让冷性能的外观努力喊加油,跳欢乐家大气中造成一种幸福让父亲高兴好尽快恢复
2023-08-07 15:22:501

no,she is funny.的问句是什么?

Is she funnyuff1f
2023-08-07 15:22:584

with 复合结构用法都有什么

with结构是许多英语复合结构中最常用的一种。学好它对学好复合宾语结构、不定式复合结构、动名词复合结构和独立主格结构均能起很重要的作用。本文中,我整理了相关知识,欢迎阅读。 with复合结构基本用法 一、with或without+名词/代词+形容词 例句:1.I like to sleep with the windows open. 我喜欢把窗户开着睡觉。(伴随情况) 2.With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it"ll rain presently. 大气这样闷,十之八九要下雨(原因状语) 二、with或without+名词/代词+副词 例句:1.She left the room with all the lights on. 她离开了房间,灯还亮着。(伴随情况) 2.The boy stood there with his head down. 这个男孩低头站在那儿。(伴随情况) 三、with或without+名词/代词+介词短语 例句:1.He walked into the dark street with a stick in his hand. 他走进黑暗的街道时手里拿着根棍子。(伴随情况) 2. With the children at school, we can"t take our vacation when we want to. 由于孩子们在上学,所以当我们想度假时而不能去度假。(原因状语) 四、with或without+名词/代词+非谓语动词 1、with或without+名词/代词 +动词不定式,此时,不定式表示将发生的动作。 例句: 1.With no one to talk to, John felt miserable. 由于没人可以说话的人,约翰感到很悲哀。(原因状语) 2. With a lot of work to do, he wasn"t allowed to go out. 因为还有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。(原因状语) 2、with + 名词 (或代词) + 现在分词,此时,现在分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的主谓关系。 例句: 1.With prices going up so fast, we can"t afford luxuries. 由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。(原因状语) 2. With the crowds cheering, they drove to the palace. 在人群的欢呼声中,他们驱车来到皇宫。(伴随情况) 3、with + 名词 (或代词) + 过去分词,此时,过去分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的动宾关系。 例句: 1.I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。(伴随情况) 2.She had to walk home with her bike stolen. 自行车被偷,她只好步行回家。(原因状语) 五、with或without+名词/代词+补语 例句:1.Possibly this person died without anyone knowing where the coins were hidden. 有可能,这个人死的时候还没有人知道那些钱币被藏在哪里。 2.He wondered if he could slide out of the lecture hall without anyone noticing (him). 他想他是否可以在没有人注意到他的情况下悄悄溜出演讲大厅 3、with the winter coming 随着冬天的来临 ※ with+不定式和+分词的区别: 加不定式是指将要进行的动作,加分词是指主动或被动动作. 六、with +宾语(名词,代词)+名词 例句:1.He died with his daughter a schoolgirl 他在他女儿是个小学生的时候死了 with造句 1、孤寡的夜,蒙着雨雾,我在心灵寂寥的角落听到了她的叹息。 In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mistand rain. 2、遇见你是命运的安排,而爱上你,是我情不自禁。 Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control. 3、与其用泪水悔恨今天,不如用汗水拼搏今天。 It"s better to strive for today with sweat than regret today in treas. 4、回忆本来是非常美好的,只要你能让过去的都过去。 Memory is awonderful thing if you don"t have to deal with the past. 5、你愿意和我一起玩吗? would you like to play with me? 以上是我整理的with复合结构的相关用法,希望对大家有所帮助。
2023-08-07 15:23:071

英语中表示无趣,困难,厌烦的词,比如说:boring difficult等等

厌烦 tired (be tired of)
2023-08-07 15:23:194

with 复合结构用法?

I、 with复合结构作状语With + 名词 + 介词短语(1)他头枕在胳膊上睡了。He was asleep with his head on his arm. 作伴随状语(2)这人手里拿了一个鞭子进来了。The man came in with a whip in his hand. 作伴随状语在书面语中。上句也可以说成:The man came in, whip in hand.2、with + 名词 + 形容词 (强调名词的特性或状态)(1)天气这么闷热,十之八九要下雨。With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it 'll rain presently. 作原因状语(2)他过去常常窗子开着睡觉。He used to sleep with the windows open. 作伴随状语3、 With + 名词 + 副词(1)约翰走了,我们的地方大了一些With John away, we have got more room. 作原因状语(2)所有的灯都亮着,广场看上去比以往更漂亮了The square looks more beautiful than ever with all the lights on. 作原因状语4、 With + 名词 + -ed 分词 (强调名词是 -ed分词动作的承受者或动作已经发生)(1) 随着这个问题的解决,新霉素一号现在已正式生产。With this problem solved, neopenicillin 1 is now in regular production. (作时间状语)(2)把手机关机,你就可以进入教室上课。You can attend the class with your cellphone powered off. (作条件状语)5、 with + 名词 + -ing分词(强调名词是 -ing分词的动作的发出者或某动作,状态正在进行)(1)妈妈生病了,我不去度假了。I won"t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill. (作原因状语)(2)整个班上的学生盯着他看,他感到更不安了。He felt more uneasy with the whole class staring at him.(作原因状语)6、 with + 名词 + to do (不定式动作尚未发生)(1)由于下午无事可做,我就去书店转了转。So in the afternoon, with nothing to do, I went on a round of the bookshops. (作原因状语)(2)由于这么多碗没洗, 我不能出去。I can't go out with all these dishes to wash. (作原因状语)
2023-08-07 15:23:411

英语里with,in,at有什么区别?【性格展示】介词at表时间、表地点.(1)at表示时间,用于钟点前,用于时刻前,译为"在……时(刻)".如:at three/three o"clock在三点.at a quarter to six六点差一刻.at noon在中午,at night在夜晚,at midnight在半...
2023-08-07 15:23:553


密不透风 【拼音】mì bú tòu fēng释义 形容包围紧密或防卫严密,连风也透不进去。出处 元·纪君祥《赵氏孤儿》第二折:“这两家做下敌头重,但要访的孤儿有影踪,必然把太平庄上兵围拥,铁桶般密不透风。”示例 岂知中军闻知按院奉旨捉拿钦犯,想又奉过密谕,在辕门领兵防守,~。 ★清·夏敬渠《野叟曝言》第八十二回近义词固若金汤、密不通风英文翻译keep it in the dark <stuffy>成语资料成语解释:形容包围紧密或防卫严密,连风也透不进去。    成语举例:高阳《胡雪岩全传·平步青云》上册:“不能为外人所知的事,必须要做得密不通风。”    常用程度:常用    感情色彩:褒义词    语法用法:作谓语、定语;比喻做事严密    成语结构:紧缩式   
2023-08-07 15:24:031


2023-08-07 15:24:2211


with结构也称为with复合结构,是由with+复合宾语组成,常在句中做状语,表示谓语动作发生的伴随情况、时间、原因、方式等。其构成有下列几种情形: 1、with + 名词 (或代词) + 现在分词 此时,现在分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的主谓关系。例如: With prices going up so fast, we can"t afford luxuries. 由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。(原因状语) With the crowds cheering, they drove to the palace. 在人群的欢呼声中,他们驱车来到皇宫。(伴随情况) 2、with + 名词 (或代词) + 过去分词 此时,过去分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的动宾关系。例如: I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。(伴随情况) She had to walk home with her bike stolen. 自行车被偷,她只好步行回家。(原因状语) 3、with + 名词 (或代词) + 形容词 I like to sleep with the windows open. 我喜欢把窗户开着睡觉。(伴随情况) With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it"ll rain presently. 大气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。(原因状语) 4、with + 名词 (或代词) + 介词短语 With the children at school, we can"t take our vacation when we want to. 由于孩子们在上学,所以当我们想度假时而不能去度假。(原因状语) The soldier had him stand with his back to his father. 士兵让他背朝着他的父亲站在那儿。(行为方式) 5、with + 名词 (或代词) + 副词 He fell asleep with the light on. 他睡着了,灯还亮着。(伴随情况) The boy stood there with his head down. 这个男孩低头站在那儿。(伴随情况) 6 、with + 名词 (或代词) + 动词不定式 此时,不定式表示将发生的动作。例如: With no one to talk to, John felt miserable. 由于没人可以说话的人,约翰感到很悲哀。(原因状语)With a lot of work to do, he wasn"t allowed to go out. 因为还有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。(原因状语)
2023-08-07 15:24:491


2023-08-07 15:25:233


North of town there"s a brand-spanking new museum dedicated to the Liangzhu Culture, the last Neolithic jade culture in the Yangtze River Delta. This museum, which opened in October of 2008, features a stylish building and sleek, modern exhibits on all aspects of the life of the Liangzhu people who lived 5,000 years ago. The first exhibition hall describes this fascinating culture, starting with its rediscovery in 1936 when Shi Xingeng unearthed the first shards of black pottery. Over time, archaeologists discovered that the Liangzhu culture reached into present day Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai. This culture is known for the jade ware they left behind. Two of their representative shapes are bi (discs) and cong (cylinders). Bi were used to make offerings to heaven, while cong were used to make offerings to the earth. You can also learn some interesting things about their capital city and their burial customs.But this place has more to offer than the average stuffy museum. The second exhibition hall takes you back through time to a realistic forest where models of the Liangzhu people are busy with their daily activities, such as making pottery, carving jade, fishing, cooking, and building houses. It has an entirely different feeling from the first hall and is a nice change of pace. This part of the museum is very child-friendly as well, with a special room full of interactive activities to educate and entertain. And throughout, there are extensive English translations for your perusal. Another special feature of this museum is the building itself. It was designed by British architect David Chipperfield. In between the exhibition halls, there are interior courtyards where you can relax and enjoy the weather and the architecture. The museum is built over a lake and set in a large park.If you have a free day, this museum is a nice little trip out of town—not too far, but not in the city either. However, don"t confuse the Liangzhu Museum with the old Liangzhu Culture Museum, which is no longer open to the public. (If you get off too soon, it"s a 2 kilometer walk.) The nearest bus stop to the Liangzhu Museum is Lianghua (良化) at the edge of the park. It can be reached by bus 313 or 348.
2023-08-07 15:25:351


We smile to cover our inner fea
2023-08-07 15:25:583

Boombox (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Boombox (Album Version)歌手:Dynamite Deluxe专辑:TntThe Lonely Island - Boombox (Feat. Julian Casablancas)Imagine in your mind a posh country clubThe stuffy old money where the poor kid"s snubbedThe spread is bland sauerkraut and boiled gooseThere"s no way these people will ever cut looseBut then I walk in the room, hold my boombox highAnd what happened next, will blow your mindEverything got outta controlThe music was so entrancingEveryone got out on the floorIt was a bunch of old white people dancingNow picture if you will a bunch of business menStuffed in the boardroom like pigs in a penThe ties around the necks are like a hangman"s nooseIn the middle of the table theres a boiled gooseThe old people smell makes you want to puke in the sinkThese dudes will never dance yeah that"s what you thinkI stride in the room all young and hipHold up my boombox and say listen to thisThen everyone started to movePeople rejoiced instead of financingYour preconceived notions were shatteredBy the super old white people dancingThe big apple, where people never danceSpirits go down while profits expandThe cops or the dealers, who"s got the juiceThe street benders peddling their boiled gooseSo many types of people will never get alongTill I bust out my boombox and play this songThe music washed away all the hateAnd society started advancingEvery demographic was representedIt was a rainbow coalition of dancingWhoa !Everyone was wearing fingerless glovesWhoaaaaaoaaaaaoh !I saw a spanish guy doing the BartmanTransport now to an old folks homeWhere the elderly are tossed on their brittle bonesThe orderlies are stealing there"s no excuseEveryday for lunch they eat boiled gooseSo I grabbed my boombox and hit the turbo baseAnd what happened next was a total disgraceEverybody started having sexThe music was way too powerfulA bunch of old people fucking like rabbitsIt was disgusting to say the leastOh!A boombox can change the worldYou gotta know your limits with a boomboxThis was a cautionary taleA boombox is not a toy
2023-08-07 15:26:071


【 #英语资源# 导语】冬天大雪纷飞,小雪花像一个个小精灵一样,蹦蹦跳跳的落了下来,给人们带来了一丝丝寒意。以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。 1.初二关于下雪的英语日记   Today, when I got up in the morning, I opened the window and looked. Ah! I jumped three feet high and it snowed! This is the first snow this year. The snow is getting heavier and heavier, and pedestrians on the road have become "moving snowmen".   At noon, the snow stopped and a thick layer of snow was spread on the ground, branches and roofs. As soon as the sun shines, the silver sparkles, which makes people unable to open their eyes. The city has become a world of silver makeup, and the snow has become a paradise for us to enjoy ourselves. A few of my friends and I were wearing down jackets of various colors, making snowmen and having snowball fights on the snow covered ground... Suddenly, I was fascinated by a distant scene and saw a beautiful colorful flower bed with colorful flowers in full bloom! Red, green and yellow, they open and close for a while, which is really dazzling. A closer look revealed that it was an ice skating rink with many people skating and wearing colorful clothes. They decorated the beautiful "big flower bed" with beautiful dance.   Ah! Snow, I look forward to your coming again! 2.初二关于下雪的英语日记   I have been looking forward to it. Finally, it snowed.   After breakfast this morning, my niece and sister and I were playing in the snow downstairs. At that time, there was snow smaller than millet in the sky. The ground was covered with thick snow, like a thick carpet. The bare trees were also covered with white clothes, and everywhere was white. The withered and yellow grass fell asleep in the quilt! The snow on the grass is like Snow White"s dress, and the snow on the bare tree is like Prince Charming"s leather jacket. It"s really beautiful! My niece and I couldn"t make a snowman or a cake, so I was so angry that I crushed the snowman and cake. I said to myself, "No more, hum!"   So I had a snowball fight with my niece. When my niece saw that I wasn"t paying attention, she suddenly threw a snowball. My niece threw the snowball on my back. I smiled happily. We played and played all the time! It was not until lunch time that my niece and I reluctantly went home for lunch.   This snow, I didn"t play in vain! 3.初二关于下雪的英语日记   This morning, my mother woke me up while I was dreaming and told me happily: "It snowed today!" I got up with all my strength, opened the curtain and saw how heavy the snow was! It snowed heavily. The earth wore thick winter clothes overnight, and the world became silver white. How beautiful!   On my way to school, I was surprised to see that the wide road was covered with thick snow. Stepping on it was like stepping on cotton. The snow is falling more and more heavily. Large pieces of them are flying in the air, like willow catkins, white goose feathers, and naughty butterflies.   In the afternoon, on the school playground, we were like birds out of the cage, chasing each other, full of laughter and laughter everywhere. The students in Class 1 and Class 2 were divided into two groups. We turned the snow into snowballs, and then threw them out. The snowballs, like cannonballs, hit each other"s neck, body and legs quickly, which made us happy. 4.初二关于下雪的英语日记   A gust of cold wind blew, and black clouds seemed angry. They floated here fiercely, as if they would get angry even if touched. The weather was very stuffy. At this time, one "white butterfly" slowly fell down while dancing, and the world suddenly became lively. "It"s snowing! It"s snowing!" We cried and laughed happily   The snow covered the ground with a white quilt, the tree wore a white cotton padded jacket, and the roof wore a white hat. The whole world has become a white fairy tale world. And the snow, like little elves, danced in the air. They whirled and fluttered in the air. They were also like angels in white, driving away the darkness of the world. They are also like soldiers, rushing to the embrace of Mother Earth.   When the snow stopped, I ran to the snowy white land and had a snow fight happily. I just ran out, and round snowballs hit me in the face. The snow got into my clothes. The snow was joking with me. 5.初二关于下雪的英语日记   Today, it snowed heavily outside the window.   Snowflakes fall down from the air in a whirlwind. It seems that a dancer is dancing in a circle in the air. Grandma Feng blows these dancers here and there, and the snowflakes dance heartily.   Snow is big and small, small as willow, big as cotton. The snow is getting heavier and heavier. It doesn"t float down as slowly as before, but falls down quickly one after another, as if in a race to see who falls on the ground first. Originally, the small snowflakes were in front and the big snowflakes were behind, but the big snowflakes suddenly accelerated and overtook the small snowflakes. The small snowflakes were unwilling to be outdone. They quickly caught up with the big snowflakes, and finally they fell to the ground at the same time.   The snowflakes were more tired, their speed gradually slowed down, and they returned to the previous speed.   It has snowed for a long time, and houses have become good oil cakes. I really want to bite. Snow has also made a "small cotton padded coat" for cars and covered the earth with a "quilt".   The snow is getting smaller and smaller, and the rhythm of the "dancers" is getting slower and slower. When the snow stopped, the "dancer" stopped dancing and had a rest. 6.初二关于下雪的英语日记   "It"s snowing, it"s snowing!" I woke up early in the morning and heard my mother"s cry. When I put on my clothes and opened the curtains, the roof outside was covered with white snow like cotton. After breakfast, I went out to play. Walking on the path, the car parked at the roadside was covered with a layer of white carpet like things. There is also a thick layer of snow on other things. Ah, the scenery after the snow is so beautiful!   This morning, the weather was overcast. Soon, it was snowing heavily. The snowflakes were dancing happily in the sky like silver dragons.   There are snowflakes in the sky, snow blankets on the ground, silver sand on the trees, white on the car, white on the house, white on the pavilion, white everywhere, beautiful!   On the snow, some children had snowball fights, some made snowmen, and some rolled snowballs. The yard echoed with the children"s laughter. Just one day, I suddenly went from quiet to happy ocean. Although it is still snowing, there is still a lot of activity outside.   I love winter, I love snowflakes, I love nature, and I hope to protect nature with our hands. 7.初二关于下雪的英语日记   In the morning, I just got up and saw the white outside. I walked up to the window and looked, wow! It"s snowing. It"s beautiful.   I dressed quickly and went out to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The snow was still falling, and only saw snowflakes falling from the sky. Snow falls on the tree girl, who seems to be wearing a white wedding dress; Snow fell on the house, which seemed to be wearing a big white hat; Snow falls on the road, and the road looks like white scarves; Snow fell all over the earth, like a thick quilt.   I reached out my hand and caught some snowflakes, trying to count how many petals they had, but they just fell on my hand and disappeared, becoming a few drops of water. I walked a few steps outside, and after a while, my whole body was covered with snow, becoming a snowman.   I jump happily on the snow. Make snowmen and roll snowballs. I like snow. Snow makes the world very beautiful and brings us endless fun. 8.初二关于下雪的英语日记   In the morning, I woke up from my sleep, rubbed my eyes and looked out of the window.   Wow! It"s snowing. The goose feather like snow fell from the sky, one snowflake after another flew all over the sky, and the whole world turned white. The winding path turned into a white overpass leading to the sky. The bare branches were full of fruits, and the high and low roofs were covered with a thick white quilt.   I couldn"t wait to reach out my red little hand to catch it, but the shy snowflake turned into crystal clear dew in the blink of an eye, cold and cold. Ah. The whole world seems to have become a world of powder and jade.   "You can play with snow." A loud voice interrupted my thoughts. "Brother, let"s play with snow." I can"t wait to go to the roof platform with my brother. No matter how cold the weather is and how heavy the snow falls, my brother and I still go to play in the cold. We had a snowball fight, made snowmen... We had a good time. 9.初二关于下雪的英语日记   As soon as I woke up this morning, I saw that the sky was gray and gloomy. "Can"t we have good weather today?" I said to myself.   When I came to the school, I suddenly saw one after another flawless snowflakes falling down, I gently caught a snowflake with my hand, and it immediately turned into a crystal bead. The snow is falling more and more heavily, like many little angels dancing, floating and sprinkling, like the Heavenly Maiden is sprinkling beautiful silver flowers. When the snow stopped, the ground and the roof were covered with thick snowflakes, like a white carpet on the ground and a white hat on the roof. In the wheat field, the thick snow was covered like a white cotton quilt, which looked very comfortable. When the snow stopped, the naughty students jumped out of the classroom like birds. Some of them had snowball fights, some made snowmen, and some threw snowballs.   Ah! The snow brought joy to everyone and made everyone forget the cold. 10.初二关于下雪的英语日记   At noon today, it was snowing heavily, which made me very happy.   On the way to school, I seemed to enter the fairy tale world. The earth was covered with snow-white carpets, and the roadside pine trees were dressed in snow-white skirts, like a beautiful and charming girl, noble, elegant and charming. The car parked on the roadside has also changed into snow-white clothes, which is like a beautiful handicraft for people to watch.   The snowflakes in the sky are like countless fairies dancing, rolling, playing and chasing each other. The snowflakes kiss my face and hit my mouth coolly. I stretch out my hand to pick up the lovely fairies. When they fall into my hand, they become crystal beads. At this time, I couldn"t help getting off to play with snow. My mother said, "Go to play with snow after school."   The heavy snow makes the world around look like a beautiful picture. It is fascinating. After school, I can make snowmen and have snowball fights. I like snow very much.
2023-08-07 15:26:141

slow moving什么意思

2023-08-07 15:26:223

绯闻少女 英语文章

This is doomed from the start at the end of it. Bart"s death, I never thought of. To tell the truth, when set at 12 I have gradually changed his views, and even, it is like him. He should be dismissed for lack of time as a private detective, he said that I believe that when my wife"s firm, I have great respect for this man. Although, he likes to control everything, even though he never板着面孔to laugh, although he did not style a bit ... ... Really long time to follow the laws of the submarine. I like the last person dies. I just so like him just a little bit of ah. Chuck how I say that? Let me also is a boy hurts. He is the richest on the Eastern children, but it is not the most happy, absolutely not. I understand it, understand his stuffy in the hotel refused to come out, understanding the funeral of his father"s anger. At the same time, appreciate him, and when the bad boys make the same thing, only I moved to redouble. Higher price to the Lily of the file, in Lily said, "Each of us has been such a point of love, hope you know how to treasure." Stubborn, he also侧脸perfect. Remember that he said nothing, but quietly left the Lily of the burning can be used to blackmail, to extort files. Orange candle, the flames engulfed a little bit of the paper, all灰飞湮灭moment, feeling once again return to a few months ago, never know that you care about your father, because his wife died dystocia and when you hate. Background music, can not so sad? See you go to Blair, I think everything will be better, but you ultimately decided to leave. Unfortunately you lost family lost relatives. You are lucky, you have such a good girl love Blair. Perhaps some of her eldest temper, and perhaps her self-willed, but she"s one hundred percent of your good. You do not find you, can you know do not know her heart hurt? Although the final piece of paper with the sentence: "You deserve much better." Will only aggravate the pain. Blair"s first time watching you hate, but not now. Accepted the mother"s new boyfriend, in a simple wedding for them moved to tears of happiness, then you are really beautiful. Seeing you smile, eat dinner with him, as if to see the inter-trance angel, pure and good. Lovely Queen B, you are chasing Chuck, to accompany him to spend together, in spite of difficulties, you do not care. He said: "To know that you have never been my girlfriend." Set just 12 years Chuck and Blair annoyed to see their own "pirated" to attract each other, Chuck said: "We will never be like them." B asked: "Well, what we have?" Is followed by Chuck sexy voice: "Tonight." Oh, this lovely lover, has never been in a strange way ordinary people can not understand each other"s love. Chuck is free, is a playboy, he will not tolerate any girls pestering him to become his accessories, but he did love Blair. Blair said: "because I am me, and you are you." Oh, Blair"s style, but really cute. "We are Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck." Chuck seems to me that"s moving, but he only asked: "Why?" "Because, I ... ... I love you." B, Dear B, when the most magical eight letters out from her mouth. No longer care about the toss, who no longer care about what these three words, do not deny that is really out of their own. She is鼓足了勇气. Remember Blair said: "3 words, 8 letters. Say it, then i am yours." Chuck said: "Well, you know, the most magical words." Can now, Blair said, Chuck has stood coldly, "is not it? That"s too bad." And then left关上车门. Why? I do not understand. I LOVE YOU. Is not it? Want to hear is not your day and night of it? Can you? Blair to leave a person lonely tears. Unique on the Eastern Queen B, so you wholeheartedly, but you ... ... really do not know how to feel bad for girls 1.1. Eventually come back, and then leave. 1 left: You deserve better. Dear B, Do not Cry, he just takes time. Now, let him go, please? Dan Serena Lily Rufus. If you missed, so why should we allow them to once again miss? Contradictions. You have this provision? Even if the elder married the love, Dan and Serena are only brother and sister, but no blood ah. Therefore, even if they can be, ah. Why? S1 in the Lily and Rufus to Serena not good, S2 where Serena and her mother gave up for the sake of Dan? Two fool. Dan ah, your humble这么笨mouth or tongue of writing fiction people? People are not even grasp the bad heart. Not always the right time for your type of humor Humphrey, for Serena"s "欲擒故纵" always犯傻. S to say the kind words, always interrupted (silly dead), S to give him the opportunity to say that if he does not know how to seize. I really want to hurry to get to his brain of oxygen. SMS S made to you, instead of Aaron; S symbolically embraced Aaron gave you a big hug, a look of relief also; Chuck you go out, she said that I hope you stay. Do not tell me you do not understand these. She and Aaron you said about her to go to XXXX, is to retain her you really do not see it? S, the end ... ... when Little J point D was thoroughly understand how to do when, S determines the perfect mother. She looked lonely smile, my mother asked: "That"s ... ... you and Dan do?" She laughingly said: "I will try to get along well and Aaron." Miss on such a meeting. S ah S, you are more than a girl character, courageous to pursue their own well-being, ah, this is not selfish, not really. Experienced for so long, I still hope that Dan will eventually抱得美人归, after all, beginning from the S1 to know: Serena is such a need for a boy like Dan. Sub-points and and, tomorrow, is a new day.
2023-08-07 15:26:291


中华人民共和国安全生产法的适用范围是在中华人民共和国领域内从事生产经营活动的单位的安全生产。中华人民共和国安全生产法是为了加强安全生产工作,防止和减少生产安全事故,保障人民群众生命和财产安全,促进经济社会持续健康发展,从而制定的。安全生产工作应当以人为本,坚持人民至上、生命至上,把保护人民生命安全摆在首位,树牢安全发展理念,坚持安全第一、预防为主、综合治理的方针,从源头上防范化解重大安全风险。法律依据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》第四条 生产经营单位必须遵守本法和其他有关安全生产的法律、法规,加强安全生产管理,建立健全全员安全生产责任制和安全生产规章制度,加大对安全生产资金、物资、技术、人员的投入保障力度,改善安全生产条件,加强安全生产标准化、信息化建设,构建安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防机制,健全风险防范化解机制,提高安全生产水平,确保安全生产。平台经济等新兴行业、领域的生产经营单位应当根据本行业、领域的特点,建立健全并落实全员安全生产责任制,加强从业人员安全生产教育和培训,履行本法和其他法律、法规规定的有关安全生产义务。第九条 国务院和县级以上地方各级人民政府应当加强对安全生产工作的领导,建立健全安全生产工作协调机制,支持、督促各有关部门依法履行安全生产监督管理职责,及时协调、解决安全生产监督管理中存在的重大问题。乡镇人民政府和街道办事处,以及开发区、工业园区、港区、风景区等应当明确负责安全生产监督管理的有关工作机构及其职责,加强安全生产监管力量建设,按照职责对本行政区域或者管理区域内生产经营单位安全生产状况进行监督检查,协助人民政府有关部门或者按照授权依法履行安全生产监督管理职责。
2023-08-07 15:18:232


大家好,我是安娜爸爸。 很多朋友可能对安娜快速实现英文母语化感到挺好奇的。其实呢,我只是认真的坚持给孩子播放他喜欢的全英文动画片,有些人不太相信,所以我详细分享一下我这几年的心得,并且希望各位朋友在给孩子们做英语启蒙的道路上少走弯路。 有些朋友一定对英文启蒙非常了解,但是也有小部分朋友只是出于好奇心,对从婴幼儿时期,就猛抓孩子的英语启蒙不是很理解,所以我先举几个例子来说明一下: 一:关于启蒙的时间: 现在大多数的家长都知道,英语启蒙要从娃娃抓起,但是对于从什么时候开始抓,大部分人的理解都不太一样,有谁知道? 我们先来看几个例子: 第一个例子: 美国有一个6岁小孩,被精神有问题的父亲从小就关在一个房间6年,等警方把他解救出来的时候,他的语言还停留在婴幼儿幼儿的阶段不会讲话,在经过福利院的安排下,她上了小学一年级,经过1年的时间呢,总算赶上了同年龄小朋友说话的水平。 另外一个极端案例: 也是在美国,小女孩被关13年,解救出来之后送到语言学家学习语言,希望能帮助她说话,然而经过了几年(大概3年)的努力,她还是没有办法像正常人一样说话,一辈子讲的都是一些颠三倒四的不正常的呀呀的话。你们也可以在网上查到这个轰动一时的案例。 一个有着三个孩子的妈妈也运用了“看动画片给孩子塑造英文环境”这个方法,分别是3岁,6岁,9岁。其中最小的孩子在看了1年之后呢,可以非常熟练的说一些简单的日常英文,6岁差一点,最大9岁的孩子呢,相对两个小的,英语母语化运用的能力最弱。 还有研究表明,那些在12岁之前移民到英语母语国家的人,从语言思维以及口音等各方面来看,都和当地英语母语的人相差无几,而在12岁之后的人,语言发展层次不齐,大部分就相对落后一点了。 上面这几个例子,说明了0-12岁是一个比较宽泛的语言学习关键期,任何语言都可以在0-12岁这个语言关键期内习得成母语。比如说有些人喜欢看日本动漫,看久了之后自然而然的会说日语。 还有一个例子,可能你们有些人都听说过,俄罗斯的一个4岁小女孩,她爸妈发现这娃2岁的时候对语言有异常的兴趣之后,在2年内陆续请了6个不同语言的老师“教”她学习,等她4岁的时候,已经熟练的掌握了含俄语在内的7种语言,包括中文。 所以,我们从上面几个例子种可以得到一个结论,孩子的英语母语化的启蒙,应该是“越小开始越好,越有利,对家长来说,也最省心”。 二:关于启蒙的方法: 看动画片学习英文这件事情,我是偶然情况下发现有这么一个方法。怎么发现的呢?现在回想,差点是掉入了第一个坑:先自己学好了英文,再教孩子英文。你们是否有相同想法呢? 很多家长抱着学成了之后自己可以用地道的英文教孩子的目的,自己重新学习英文。 可是理想是美好的,现实是残酷的,作为普通人的你也许只有3分钟热度,很有可能学了一个月左右,就没有精力再继续下去了,一来工作很忙,二是下班回家之后还要带娃,非常累,逐渐的就不愿意再继续了。先不说自己的Chinglish会不会误导孩子,你摸索了几年之后,孩子的语言敏感期都要过去了。 第一次想到让孩子看动画片学习英语,我和你们之中大部分人差不多,对这种方法将信将疑,甚至有些排斥。但是从女儿一岁半时,开始给她读英文绘本,另外从2016年3月份开始(那个时候安娜是3周岁),每天晚上睡觉之前给他看2集全英文的粉红小猪。很多家长觉得看动画片到处都有,还是免费的,干嘛要花钱请人指导呢。 后来,我在腾讯视频、爱奇艺和芒果TV上给孩子看英文原版的超级飞侠和汪汪队,但是孩子总是会优先选择中文动画片。怎么办呢?最后,我下了一个决定,把电视机的网络断掉,然后用硬盘插到电视机播放全英文节目,孩子再也没有办法看中文动画片了,就这一个动作产生了奇迹般的效果。因为我意识到英文动画片最大的敌人就是中文动画片,你干掉了孩子学英语最大的敌人,你说这个动作重不重要。 我断网的初始目的其实仅仅是为了取代电视上的有些暴力镜头的动画片,比如熊出没,喜羊羊等。 等我准备好了这些全英文动画片给娃开始看之后,我才发现,原来幼儿英语启蒙,不,现在的我们做的事情不是简单的启蒙,而是英语母语化,其实并不仅仅是给孩子代替幼稚的国产动画片而已。从专业一点的角度上来说,给孩子看全英文的动画片,实际上就是在做“可理解性的场景输入”。 什么叫做“可理解性的输入”呢?就是一个英文场景,有语言,有画面,看了之后可以明白这个场景中的语言的意思。 一般我们成年人看的影视节目,画面和语言有时候会有时差,比如说,讲的台词,其实是指的其他时间或者场景的画面,那这样的情况,对于幼儿来说,他们是无法理解电视中说的语言的,因为这是不可理解性输入。 所以有些在电影院中播放的那些迪士尼出版的动画片,对幼儿来说,他们是无法理解的。换种说法:假设我们带着2岁的宝宝去电影院看意义深刻一点的动画片,哪怕是用中文说的,幼儿理解力也不够,不明白台词的意思。 所以对于选择哪些原版节目给婴幼儿看,是非常有讲究的,不是随便什么节目都可以看。选择不当的话,就是在浪费他们的语言关键期。 我给安娜看的原版视频有泡泡孔雀鱼、米奇妙妙屋、海底小纵队、小猪佩奇等原版节目,这些都是Here and Now的场景,中文意思就是“此时此景”,就是画面中发生的事情和台词,都是同步的,和大人们看的电视剧或者青少年看的动画片不一样。 可理解性输入,除了通过英文原版节目,还有一些家庭输入,比如说: 韦伯字典的创始人,从小家族成员每一个人对韦伯说不同的语言,到5-6岁的时候能说4种不同的语言。 刘烨的孩子诺伊会法语,因为妈妈是法国人,并且每年也会抽一段时间带回法国住,沉浸在法语环境中。 李小鹏的孩子奥利会英语,因为妈妈是美籍华人,经常是妈妈对他说英语。 再举一个身边的例子,喜欢和安娜一起玩的小男孩,他们家里从小和他说日语,所以这个小朋友的日语也很棒。 上面是通过家庭成员和孩子对话交流之后形成的语言输入,造就双语者甚至多语者,所谓的双语者,是不需要通过翻译,直接能说出两门语言的人。 题外话:其实很多人都是双语者,比如会普通话,又会一门方言,普通话和方言之中,我们是不用翻译的,这种情况就是双语者。 另外一种双语者呢,从小就把孩子放到双语的环境中,比如去国际学校,双语学校等,这样也可以练就双语大脑。 不过呢,一年好几十万,有些人甚至是从幼儿园就开始进双语学校。3年幼儿园,5-6年小学,这样算下来,孩子练就双语大脑后,都已经花了好几百万了。对我们普通人来说,有这好几百万,干啥不好呢,对吧。 那另外有人说了,国际学校上不起,不过我可以送孩子去英语培训机构呀,那里有外教,教出来的,肯定是纯正的英语呀。 那这就进入了第二个误区:把希望寄托在外教机构。 安娜上过英语机构吗?回答是只是试听过,去培训机构上课的原因也非常非常简单,希望和外国人交流验证自己方法的优越性。 实地考察和试听了十几个机构,总结下来,90%以上的机构形式雷同,10%形式比较新颖。 今年2017年暑假每次去试听的时候,机构给出的结论就是,可以跳级上难度更高的课,不用从基础课程开始上,有试听课的外教评价,安娜是他们见过的英语水平最好的,也有老师评价,安娜是Chinese American,还误以为在美国待过一段时间等等各种比较令人意想不到的评价。 在别人惊讶的反馈中,其实我们自己知道,安娜的英文基础是哪里来的。都是从电视节目中看过来的。从2016年2月份开始看英文节目,到2017年的8月底,每天输入时间2-4小时,平均每天3小时的话,1年下来也有1000多个小时了。所以,在外教试听课上表现出比其他小朋友更好的水平,也不足为奇。 想来幸好安娜比较配合,主要时她很喜欢这些动画片,每天都要逼着我给她放动画片,我发自地觉得这样的坚持太容易了。每天就一个简单动作,打开电视机播放孩子喜欢的英文原版节目,这样家长很轻松,我也不需要和她用英文对话,看完了就完了,就好比是孩子的每日娱乐项目。 在每天不断的输入“英文场景”的情况下,积累到一定的时间之后,自己就开始有输出内容了。 所以在和外教交流的时候,这些英文场景能不断的被激发出来,将种在脑子里面的英文场景全部应用出来。 那如果没有英语基础的小朋友去全外教英语机构行不行? 答案当然是行的,不过效果一般,我身边有太多的例子,就不举例了。效果一般的原因是什么呢?我们来看一下: 一般外教机构,每周1到2节课,平均45~90分钟,这样的周输入量是不够的。孩子需要有800小时左右的输入才会逐渐有输出,在此之前都是语言沉默期。假设机构每周上课45分钟到1.5小时,要达到1000小时的可理解性场景输入的话,要666周,即12到24年,嗯,这个数字是不是特别可怕? 还有,如果送娃去全外教英语机构的话,在娃几岁的时候送去比较好呢? 反正我是在安娜3周岁的时候送过一次去试听,效果极差无比,一来去机构的小朋友一般都至少在3周岁以上了,我们送去试听的时候太小,注意力根本就没有办法集中!而且年龄段不一样的小朋友的兴趣点也是不一样的,大一点的孩子也不会想和这么小的小朋友互动,一起玩,总之效果不太好。 安娜上试听课的时候,我见过很多一起上试听课的小朋友,年龄大概都在4到5周岁,这个时候孩子的中文已经非常牢固了,有些上课的小朋友甚至已经对英文产生排斥了,他们错过了英语语言环境塑造的最佳时期种的黄金段(0到4周岁),这种情况下,想要孩子非常轻松的进行英语母语化,难度系数高一点了。 英语外教机构光靠每周1到2次上课的话,英文掌握情况,就可想而知了。 总结一下:外教课可以上,不要是以强大的英文场景输入为前提,这样上的外教课,才能最大程度的发挥外教的作用,不浪费钱。否则就是花了10倍的钱,收获了1/10的效果。 你们可能会说,因为他是英文老师的孩子英语肯定好,所以孩子的英文才这么好。如果这样认为的话,那就进入第三个误区:英文老师的孩子的英文,肯定好。 按照某英文机构的老师自爆,她的小孩子英文一般,甚至很差。虽然她从小就教孩子英文,但是用教的是成人的方法去教孩子英文。 英文老师怎么教英语的?我们做学生的时候都经历过的,基本上都是讲解单词,讲语法。而这些对于小小孩子,记住了有用吗?没有用,哪怕记住了,他们也无法直接应用到各种场景中。 孩子的语言记忆是如何形成的呢?语言习得动用的是孩子头脑中的程序式记忆,又称技能记忆。 程序性记忆是关于如何做某事或关于刺激和反应之间联系的知识。 举例:会游泳,是程序式记忆,只有经过亲自下水,才能学会的技能。而小孩子学习英文也是一样的,只有习得了,实际应用了,才会记住。光背单词有啥用,无法运用,孩子根本就说不出来。 有朋友说孩子中文都不懂,这么早启蒙英文太早了吧,3岁开始就可以了吧,言下之意,就是要先学会中文,然后学英文。 其实,这就进入了第四个误区:先学中文后再学英文,大脑中文系统太过强大,英文系统植入相对困难。 前面我提到,我带安娜上各种英文机构的试听课的时候,发现有好多年龄稍微大一点的小朋友会出现对英文排斥的想象,其实就是孩子的中文掌握的太强势了,需要在他们大脑中植入另一种陌生语言的时候,会相当困难。 这有点类似于,一台电脑已经存在了一个操作系统,再装另外一个操作系统的时候,会比较困难,花费的时间比较长。 所以呢,不要以为学习一门外语,一定要先学好中文,通过中文在去学习英文,这种想法是错的。我们要相信孩子对语言的解码能力,他们比我想象中的远远要厉害的多。 第五个误区:家庭英文环境,需要家长用英文和孩子交流来创造。 说到这里,有些人可能会认为,双语者就是长时间的英文输入,那我们家长只要每天在家做英文对话就行了。 听起来貌似很有道理的,比如: 刘烨的孩子诺伊,李小鹏的孩子奥利,都是家长在家里和孩子说外语,可是你不要忘记了,他们说外语是因为那本身就是人家的母语,比我们这样的英语非母语的家长要好太多。 通过跟孩子讲英语来创造语言环境,不但辛苦效果也不好。 所以我们这里说的英文环境的塑造,大部分是指通过英文原版影音节目的形式,来给孩子输入英文的可理解性输入。 第六个误区:一直看电视,对眼睛不好,看电视对孩子的想象能力会造成束缚。 你要明白,以前电视机是显像管的,厚的要死的,的确对眼睛不好。但是现在的电视一般都是液晶屏的。 并且我这里要特别强调一点,孩子看电视的时间长短,是靠家长来约束的,并不是任由小孩子喜欢,想看多少时间就多少时间,这个习惯的养成是要靠家长的自律性,这点特别特别重要。 另外,对于孩子的想象力而言,看电视并不会造成对孩子想象力的束缚。因为想象力是要靠优质内容的不断输入,经过孩子大脑的加工之后才会形成的一种能力。如果没有优质输入的话,哪来优秀的想象力? 第七个误区:一边看英文动画片,一边翻译。 有朋友问过这种情况,当时我的回答是,最好不要翻译。因为给孩子看的英文动画片,这些节目本身就是“可理解性”输入。 给孩子一边看原版英文动画片一般翻译,这种翻译思维是很致命的,这相当于给他一个拐杖,一旦有了这根拐杖之后,那以后他们永远都离不开这跟拐杖了。请相信宝宝的天生解码母语能力。我们家长要做的,就是选择适当的节目给他观看。 另外,孩子有一个阶段会特别喜欢重复的东西,喜欢看自己已经知道内容的节目,碰到这种情况,一定不要更换他们要看的节目。这个时候,他们是在重新解码并且深入理解将英文植入大脑的最好时候。 反之,要是碰到孩子不喜欢看动画片,这个家长要准备几十个节目,一个一个试看,最终找出孩子当下最喜欢的。 第八个误区:启蒙不需要看电视,只要磨耳朵,读绘本。 我在安娜一岁半的时候,我就开始给她听英文歌磨耳朵,可是听了2年,也没有见她学会什么歌。也不蹦单词,更说不了句子。后来才知道,这些听英文儿歌无法作用有限,最多只能让孩子对英文没有那么排斥而已。 在最开始的时候,我读绘本,是读一句英文一句中文这样翻译,不过绘本这种静态的画面和语音,远远没有像动画片那样有情节感,孩子兴趣一直不大。 所以读绘本相对看动画片来说,投入产出比是非常小的。 简而言之,用读英文绘本的这种形式做启蒙,要想形成英语母语化很难,这个是不推荐的。 好了,以上几点,就是我这几年来的心得体会。希望能对大家有帮助。
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snip [英]snu026ap [美]snu026ap vt. 剪去;用…剪;削减 n. 剪;剪切声;(剪下的)片断,小片;藐小的人 [例句]You can snip the green ends every few days for practically endless seasoning.你可以每隔几天剪下绿色的顶端作为无穷无尽的佐料。
2023-08-07 15:18:251


trillion 万亿第一个逗号前的数字读成thousand, 1,000 = one thousand第二个逗号前的数字读成million, 1,000,000 = one million第三逗号前的数字读成billion, 1,000,000,000 = one billion第四个逗号前的数字读成trillion, 1,000,000,000,000 = one trillion
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I must be more than him!
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传感器的分类 传感器的分类 可以用不同的观点对传感器进行分类:它们的转换原理(传感器工作的基本物理或化学效应);它们的用途;它们的输出信号类型以及制作它们的材料和工艺等。 根据传感器工作原理,可分为物理传感器和化学传感器二大类 传感器工作原理的分类物理传感器应用的是物理效应,诸如压电效应,磁致伸缩现象,离化、极化、热电、光电、磁电等效应。被测信号量的微小变化都将转换成电信号。 化学传感器包括那些以化学吸附、电化学反应等现象为因果关系的传感器,被测信号量的微小变化也将转换成电信号。 有些传感器既不能划分到物理类,也不能划分为化学类。大多数传感器是以物理原理为基础运作的。化学传感器技术问题较多,例如可靠性问题,规模生产的可能性,价格问题等,解决了这类难题,化学传感器的应用将会有巨大增长。 常见传感器的应用领域和工作原理列于表1.1。 按照其用途,传感器可分类为: 压力敏和力敏传感器 位置传感器 液面传感器 能耗传感器 速度传感器 热敏传感器 加速度传感器 射线辐射传感器 振动传感器 湿敏传感器 磁敏传感器 气敏传感器 真空度传感器 生物传感器等。 以其输出信号为标准可将传感器分为: 模拟传感器——将被测量的非电学量转换成模拟电信号。 数字传感器——将被测量的非电学量转换成数字输出信号(包括直接和间接转换)。 膺数字传感器——将被测量的信号量转换成频率信号或短周期信号的输出(包括直接或间接转换)。 开关传感器——当一个被测量的信号达到某个特定的阈值时,传感器相应地输出一个设定的低电平或高电平信号。 在外界因素的作用下,所有材料都会作出相应的、具有特征性的反应。它们中的那些对外界作用最敏感的材料,即那些具有功能特性的材料,被用来制作传感器的敏感元件。满意请采纳
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