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2023-08-14 10:59:49

Chinese dumplings are delicious,loved by the people.In recent

years,many western families" in the Chinese lunar calendar lunar New

Year"s Day" to make dumplings.So now,let me introduce dumpling

production process!

First of all,take a plate,some vegetables,proper

meat.Put the vegetables into small dices,then put the meat into

meat,vegetables and meat,put into a plate,add soy sauce,pepper,vinegar

and other spices.

Put the plate on the side.Take some flour,add

water,knead the dough,roll into small rounds.In a wafer into the

appropriate filling,made into dumplings,and then into the water boiled.


five minutes,remove and dumplings,put them on the plate.You will smell a

strong smell.In this way,the traditional Chinese food dumplings would

be accomplished by --.

Come and try it,you is it right?Want to taste so delicious food?









1、饺子的英语单词:Dumplings,英 [u02c8du028cmplu026au014bz] 美 [u02c8du028cmplu026au014bz]。2、They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup. 他们那里有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。3、Our hostess served up a large bowl of steaming hot dumplings. 女主人端上一大碗热气腾腾的饺子。饺子(Dumpling),又称水饺,是中国传统食物,由馄饨演变而来[1],源于中国古代的角子,原名“娇耳”,是中国北方民间的主食和地方小吃,也是年节食品。饺子的制作方法是碗中放入猪肉糜,料酒,耗油,白砂糖,盐,葱花,白菜末,搅拌均匀,准备好饺子皮,包成饺子,饺子皮用中高筋面粉更适合[2],饺子的烹饪方法主要是煮、蒸、烙、煎、炸、烤,饺子馅一般有猪肉馅、韭菜馅、时蔬鲜肉馅、什锦馅。饺子距今已有一千八百多年的历史,由东汉南阳涅阳(今河南南阳邓州)人张仲景发明[3],最初作为药用。有一句民谚叫“大寒小寒,吃饺子过年。”
2023-08-08 23:05:171


  1、饺子英语:dumpling。发音:英 [u02c8du028cmplu026au014b] 美 [u02c8du028cmplu026au014b]。意为小面团;汤团;饺子;水果布丁。   2、饺子源于古代的角子,原名“娇耳”,汉族传统面食,距今已有一千八百多年的历史了。由东汉南阳涅阳(今河南南阳邓州)人张仲景发明,最初作为药用。饺子又称水饺,深受中国人民喜爱,是中国北方民间的主食和地方小吃,也是年节食品。有一句民谚叫“大寒小寒,吃饺子过年。”饺子多用面皮包馅水煮而成。
2023-08-08 23:06:391


饺子英语介绍:Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food.Dumplings are derived from the ancient slot. 饺子,是中国传统食物。饺子源于古代的角子。 扩展资料   Dumplings formerly known as "jiao ear", is our country in nanyang medical sage invented by zhang zhongjing first of all, it has a history of more than one thousand eight hundred years.   饺子原名“娇耳”,是我国南阳人医圣张仲景首先发明的,距今已有一千八百多年的历史了。   Is loved by the Chinese people"s traditional food, also called the dumplings, is China"s folk staple food and local snacks, and food festival.   是深受中国人民喜爱的.传统特色食品,又称水饺,是中国民间的主食和地方小吃,也是年节食品。   There is a folk song called "great cold slight cold, eat dumplings, New Year"s day."Dumpling is multi-purpose face wrapped boiled.   有一句民谣叫“大寒小寒,吃饺子过年。”饺子多用面皮包馅水煮而成。
2023-08-08 23:07:081


doumplin ( down p lin)
2023-08-08 23:07:263


水饺英语:dumpling读音:英 ["du028cmplu026au014b]美 ["du028cmplu026au014b] 释义:n. 饺子;水饺;汤团,软绵绵象团子的东西词汇搭配1、steameddumpling蒸饺2、dumplinggame包饺子3、meatdumpling肉馅水饺4、I likedumplings我喜欢水饺常见句型:1、Ifeellikehavingsomedumplings.我很想吃饺子。2、Tomakestuffeddumplingishisspeciality.包饺子是他的拿手好戏。3、My parents and I made the dumpling thedaybefore . 我的父母和我一起在前一天做饺子。4、South Korean dumplings how to do, I do not know.韩国的水饺怎么做,我不清楚。扩展资料:1、dumpling的复数形式:dumplings读音:英 ["du028cmplu026au014bz]美 ["du028cmplu026au014bz] 释义:n. 饺子;汤圆;团子例句:Helikeseatingthedumplingswithmeatandchives.他喜欢吃用肉和韭菜做馅的饺子。2、近义词:tortellini读音:英 [u02cctu0254u02d0tu0259"liu02d0nu026a]美 [u02cctu0254u02d0tu0259"liu02d0nu026a] 释义:[复]n.;(意大利式)饺子例句:Icoveredabakingshetwithtortellini,properlyfilledandtwistedintoshape.我给意大利饺子包好馅,捏成形,然后铺在在平底焙锅上。
2023-08-08 23:07:341

饺子用英语怎么写 饺子的英语怎么说

1、饺子的英语是:dumpling,英 [du028cmplu026au014b] 美 [du028cmplu026au014b]。 2、To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality.包饺子是他的拿手好戏。 3、他们那里有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.
2023-08-08 23:08:231


饺子的英语单词是dumpling,详细信息如下:  dumpling英[u02c8du028cmplu026au014b]美[u02c8du028cmplu026au014b]  n.汤团,饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人;[用于爱称]宝贝  例句:  WhenthedumplingswerecookedIspottedthedumplingatonce.  饺子煮好时,我一眼就发现了那个饺子。  I"dlikeaverylargedumplingwithsomechickenandoniononit.  我想要一个鸡肉和洋葱馅的大饺子。
2023-08-08 23:08:321


dumpling 饺子
2023-08-08 23:08:412


2023-08-08 23:08:511


饺子用英语怎么说“饺子”用英语表示为“dumpling“,有时候人们也会用tortellini来表示饺子,这种”饺子“通常是指意大利饺子。下面来介绍一下dumpling和tortellini这两个词:dumplingdumpling的意思是“小面团;汤团;饺子;水果布丁”,其复数形式为dumplings。当你想用英语表示饺子,就可以用这个单词来形容。例句:They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.他们那里有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。tortellinitortellini是个名词,其含义为“(意大利式)饺子,汤团”,当你想用英语表示意大利式饺子,就可以用这个单词来表示。例如:On O"Leary"s recommendation, they started with tortellini.在奥利里的推荐下,他们首先点了意大利饺子。
2023-08-08 23:08:581


2023-08-08 23:09:192


I like many kind of foods, such as dumpling, noodles, hamburger, egg soup and so on, but I like dumpling most. I like eating dumpling because he so is always delicious, and dumpling also has many kinds of stuffing inside, Chinese people eats dumplings with soy sauce and the vinegar sometimes add chili sauce and garlic,too.Every morning eats several dumplings to eat the dumpling soup also to feel very warm.So dumpling is my favorite. Do you also liking dumplings? How do you think? 我喜欢许多种食物,比如饺子、面条、汉堡包、鸡蛋汤等等,但我最喜欢的还是饺子. 我喜欢吃饺子因为他总是那么好吃,并且饺子也有修多种馅在里面,中国人配着酱油和醋吃饺子,有时也加点辣酱和蒜.每天早上吃几个热乎乎的饺子喝点饺子汤还会感觉很温暖.所以饺子是我的最爱 你也喜欢饺子吗?你是怎么认为的?
2023-08-08 23:09:391


2023-08-08 23:09:473


2023-08-08 23:09:561


2023-08-08 23:10:312


饺子的英语:dumpling或jiaozi。短语搭配:吃饺子eat jiaozi饺子馅stuffing for dumplings饺子馆jiaozi restaurant饺子皮dumpling wrapper饺子宴jiaozi banquet。饺子又称水饺,是中国传统食物,由馄饨演变而来,源于中国古代的角子,原名“娇耳”,是中国北方民间的主食和地方小吃,也是年节食品。饺子的制作方法是碗中放入猪肉糜,料酒,耗油,白砂糖,盐,葱花,白菜末,搅拌均匀,准备好饺子皮,包成饺子,饺子的烹饪方法主要是煮、蒸、烙、煎、炸、烤,饺子馅一般有猪肉馅、韭菜馅、时蔬鲜肉馅、什锦馅。饺子距今已有一千八百多年的历史,张仲景发明,最初作为药用。有一句民谚叫“大寒小寒,吃饺子过年。”双语例句:1、We lunched on beer and jiaozi.我们午饭喝了些啤酒,吃了点饺子。2、His mouth began to water at the sight of the steaming hot jiaozi.看见热腾腾的饺子他馋得直流哈喇子。3、These water dumplings taste like tennis balls.冻饺子是哈尔滨冬季的风味食品。4、He likes eating the dumplings with meat and chives.他喜欢吃用肉和韭菜做馅的饺子。5、My mother to eat dumplings and salad and cream.我的妈妈吃饺子和沙拉和冰激凌。6、Who could have expected that she would recognize the dumpling as well!谁知道她竟然也认出了大钱饺子!7、Dumplings have a 1800 year long history.饺子距今已有1800年的历史。8、Todd: So it"s like a dumpling and inside it"s meat.托德:形状像饺子,里面是肉馅。9、I"ll invite you to eat dumpling next time if you like.如果您愿意,下次我请您吃饺子。10、Well, I had beef, a bowl of rice and dumpling.恩,我吃牛肉,一碗米饭和饺子。
2023-08-08 23:11:161


单普另丝 (音)
2023-08-08 23:12:574


饺子英语介绍:Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food.Dumplings are derived from the ancient slot. 饺子,是中国传统食物。饺子源于古代的角子。 扩展资料   Dumplings formerly known as "jiao ear", is our country in nanyang medical sage invented by zhang zhongjing first of all, it has a history of more than one thousand eight hundred years.   饺子原名“娇耳”,是我国南阳人医圣张仲景首先发明的,距今已有一千八百多年的历史了。   Is loved by the Chinese people"s traditional food, also called the dumplings, is China"s folk staple food and local snacks, and food festival.   是深受中国人民喜爱的.传统特色食品,又称水饺,是中国民间的主食和地方小吃,也是年节食品。   There is a folk song called "great cold slight cold, eat dumplings, New Year"s day."Dumpling is multi-purpose face wrapped boiled.   有一句民谣叫“大寒小寒,吃饺子过年。”饺子多用面皮包馅水煮而成。
2023-08-08 23:13:251

饺子的英语怎么说 如何用英语表达饺子

1、饺子英语单词是:dumpling,读音:英[u02c8du028cmplu026au014b]美[u02c8du028cmplu026au014b],n. 饺子;汤团,软绵绵象团子的东西。 2、词汇搭配:steamed dumpling 蒸饺 3、双语例句:To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality.包饺子是他的拿手好戏。
2023-08-08 23:13:381

饺子用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达饺子

1、饺子英语单词是:dumpling读音:英 [du028cmplu026au014b] 美 [du028cmplu026au014b],n. 饺子;汤团,软绵绵象团子的东西。 2、词汇搭配:steamed dumpling 蒸饺;Chinese dumpling 饺子。 3、双语例句:To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality.包饺子是他的拿手好戏。
2023-08-08 23:13:471


1、饺子英语单词是:dumpling,读音:英[?d?mpl??]美[?d?mpl??],n. 饺子;汤团,软绵绵象团子的东西。2、词汇搭配:steamed dumpling 蒸饺 3、双语例句:To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality.包饺子是他的拿手好戏。
2023-08-08 23:13:541


1、饺子的英语单词:Dumplings,英 [?d?mpl??z] 美 [?d?mpl??z]。2、They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup. 他们那里有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。3、Our hostess served up a large bowl of steaming hot dumplings. 女主人端上一大碗热气腾腾的饺子。
2023-08-08 23:14:141

饺子用英语怎么读 谢谢

2023-08-08 23:14:211

写一篇初二做饺子的英语作文 提示语:First,next,then,after,that

How to Make dumpling dumpling is my favourite food.Since childhood I haw learned how to make it.There are five steps. First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour.The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow.Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky.When the dough is ready,leave it there for use later,then go on to make the fillings. The second step is to mince the meat,mushrooms and shnmps till they are mixed in a paste.Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly. The third step is to make the wrappings.Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings,each two inches in diameter. The fourth step is to put the filling in the middle of a wrapping.Then press the wrapping tight and a dumpling is ready.When you have made enough Jiaozi,the next step is to boil them. That is the last step.Put a pot of water on the stove.When the water is boiling,put the dumpling one by one into the water and cover the pot.When steam comes out,add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time.When you see the dumpling floating in boiling water,you can put them in bowls or plates,get the chopsticks and be ready to eat. 怎样包饺子? 饺子是我喜欢的食物.从童年起我就学会了包饺子,共有5个步骤. 第1步,先用水和面,和面盆要大些,以免水和面溢出.用手揉面团,直到不粘手为止.和好面以后,将做饺馅. 第2步,剁肉馅,将蘑菇和虾米搅拌成糊状,放入调味品如姜、葱,并把馅搅匀. 第3步,做饺皮.用擀面杖擀出一张张直径为两英寸的圆饺皮. 第4步,把馅放入饺皮中,捏紧饺皮,一个饺子就做成了.饺子包够了,下一步就是煮饺子. 煮饺子是最后的一步,锅中放上水,搁在炉灶上烧,水开时,一个一个地把饺子放入开水中,盖上锅盖.水冒气时,要加些冷水;水开时,再加第2次冷水.当饺子漂浮上来时,盛入碗中,准备好碗筷,即可食用. PS:你自己适当修改
2023-08-08 23:14:291


I like many kind of foods, such as dumpling, noodles, hamburger, egg soup and so on, but I like dumpling most. I like eating dumpling because he so is always delicious, and dumpling also has many kinds of stuffing inside, Chinese people eats dumplings with soy sauce and the vinegar sometimes add chili sauce and garlic,too.Every morning eats several dumplings to eat the dumpling soup also to feel very warm.So dumpling is my favorite. Do you also liking dumplings? How do you think?我喜欢许多种食物,比如饺子、面条、汉堡包、鸡蛋汤等等,但我最喜欢的还是饺子。 我喜欢吃饺子因为他总是那么好吃,并且饺子也有修多种馅在里面,中国人配着酱油和醋吃饺子,有时也加点辣酱和蒜。每天早上吃几个热乎乎的饺子喝点饺子汤还会感觉很温暖。所以饺子是我的最爱 你也喜欢饺子吗?你是怎么认为的?
2023-08-08 23:14:381


2023-08-08 23:14:481

饺子的英语怎么写 饺子的英语解释

1、饺子,dumplings。读音:美/u02c8du028cmplu026au014bz/;英/du028cmplu026au014bz/。 2、解释:dumplings n.饺子(dumpling的复数)。Chinese meat ravioli 水饺。 3、例句:Drop the dumplings into the boiling water.把饺子扔进沸水里。
2023-08-08 23:15:211


How to Make Jiaozi?Jiaozi is my favourite food. Since childhood I have learned how to make it. There are five steps.First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings.The second step is to mince the meat, mushrooms and shrimps till they are mixed in a paste. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly.The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter.The fourth step is to put the fillings in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready. When you have made enough Jiaozi, the next step is to boil them.That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the Jiaozi one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the Jiaozi floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat.怎样包饺子?饺子是我喜欢的食物。从童年起我就学会了包饺子,共有5个步骤。第1步,先用水和面,和面盆要大些,以免水和面溢出。用手揉面团,直到不粘手为止。和好面以后,将做饺馅。第2步,剁肉馅,将蘑菇和虾米搅拌成糊状,放入调味品如姜、葱,并把馅搅匀。第3步,做饺皮。用擀面杖擀出一张张直径为两英寸的圆饺皮。第4步,把馅放入饺皮中,捏紧饺皮,一个饺子就做成了。饺子包够了,下一步就是煮饺子。煮饺子是最后的一步,锅中放上水,搁在炉灶上烧,水开时,一个一个地把饺子放入开水中,盖上锅盖。水冒气时,要加些冷水;水开时,再加第2次冷水。当饺子漂浮上来时,盛入碗中,准备好碗筷,即可食用。
2023-08-08 23:15:401


1、饺子的英语单词:dumpling,读音:英 [d?mpl??] 美 [d?mpl??],n. 饺子;汤团,软绵绵象团子的东西。2、To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality。包饺子是他的拿手好戏。3、I covered a baking shet with tortellini, properly filled and twisted into shape。我给意大利饺子包好馅,捏成形,然后铺在在平底焙锅上。
2023-08-08 23:15:481


2023-08-08 23:16:147


饺子 jiao zi 1.a substantial stuffed dumpling
2023-08-08 23:17:074

泰剧《爱在日落之前》中的男主角叫什么名字以及详细资料。 这里有全部的资料
2023-08-08 23:15:325


ciao= 意大利人打招呼的方式,用于见面时和道别的时候用che cazzo stai xxxx后面的词不晓得死什么,估计是che cazzo stai facendo=你TM在干什么cinese di merda= cinese是中国人的意思,而merda就相当于英文的shit,不用说你也知道这句话是啥意思了si=是的
2023-08-08 23:15:332


2023-08-08 23:15:361

英语作文 介绍居里夫人 波兰人 1867-1934 因辐射而得白血病 提炼出镭、钋 唯一一位两获诺奖的科学家

Marie Curie, or rather Marya Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867. At the time, the Polish capital was occupied by the Russians, who were seeking to weaken the local élite but nonetheless tolerated the burgeoning of the positivist doctrine advocated by Auguste Comte. Based on the value of experience and scientific reality, and applied to society, it was for many intellectuals the path of progress; it was to leave an indelible mark on Marya. Born into a family of teachers and brought up in an environment marked by a sense of duty and a lack of money, she led the most Spartan of lives. From the premature death of one of her sisters, and later of her mother, she drew the agnosticism that would later bolster her faith in science. As a brilliant and mature student with a rare gift of concentration, Marya harboured the dream of a scientific career, a concept inconceivable for a woman at that time. But lack of funds meant she was forced to become a private tutor. She made huge financial sacrifices so that her sister Bronia could fulfil her wish of studying medicine in Paris, nurturing the hope that the favour might be returned. And so, in 1891, the shy Marya arrived in Paris. Ambitious and self-taught, she had but one obsession: to learn. She passed a physics degree with flying colours, and went on to sit a mathematics degree. It was then that a Polish friend introduced her to Pierre Curie, a young man, shy and introvert. In 1895, this free-thinker, acknowledged for his work on crystallography and magnetism, became her husband. One year previously, he had written to her saying how nice it would be "to spend life side by side, in the sway of our dreams: your patriotic dream, our humanitarian dream and our scientific dream." In her pioneering way, Marie Curie decided, in 1897, to take a physics doctorate. Henri Becquerel, who was studying X-rays, had recently observed that uranium salt left an impression on a photographic plate in spite of its protective envelope. What better subject could there have been for Marie than to try and understand the effect, the energy of these uranic rays? Pierre consented. And so his frail wife set about her work, handling tons of minerals; she noted that another substance, thorium, was "radioactive", a term she herself had coined. Together, they demonstrated in a major discovery that radioactivity was not the result of a chemical reaction but a property of the element or, more specifically, of the atom. Marie then studied pitchblende, a uranic mineral in which she measured a much more intense activity than is present in uranium alone. She deduced that there were other substances besides uranium that were very radioactive, such as polonium and radium, which she discovered in 1898. In their experiments, Pierre observed the properties of the radiation while Marie, for her part, purified the radioactive elements. Both shared the same, uncanny tenacity, which was all the more admirable given their deplorable living conditions. Their laboratory was nothing more than a miserable hangar, where in winter the temperature dropped to around six degrees. One chemist commented that "it looked more like a stable or a potato cellar". And yet, Marie admitted that "one of our pleasures was to enter our workshop at night; then, all around us, we would see the luminous silhouettes of the beakers and capsules that contained our products". Despite their difficulty at obtaining any advances or loans, Marie and Pierre Curie refused to file a patent application that would have secured them financially; in their eyes, enabling any scientist, French or foreign, to find applications for radioactivity took priority. Pierre tested radium on his skin. It caused a burn, and then a wound: its effect on man was thus proven. Soon radium was being used to treat malign tumours: Curietherapy was born. In 1903, Marie defended her thesis. Together with Becquerel, the Curies were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery of natural radioactivity. Their happiness was short lived. In 1906, Pierre, weakened by radiation and overworked, was run over by a car. Marie was forced to continue alone. She took charge of educating her two children; she took up the position which her husband had finally obtained at the Sorbonne, and thus became the first woman to be appointed professor there. She also had to fight the prejudices of her day: hatred of foreigners and sexism which, in 1911, prevented her from entering the Academy of Science. And yet, soon after, she was honoured with a Nobel Prize for Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium. But her real joy was "easing human suffering". The founding of the Radium Institute by the University of Paris and the Pasteur Institute in 1914 would enable her to fulfil her humanitarian wish. But then war broke out. "We must act, act," she would say, motivating her daughter Irène to follow suit. She felt that X-rays would help to locate shrapnel and bullets, and facilitate surgery; also, that it was important not to move the wounded, whenever possible. And so she created X-ray vans. But she did not stop there, and went on to provide equipment for hospitals. The only protection at that time was a metal screen and fabric gloves. All she needed to do was convince reticent doctors and find well-trained manipulators. No sooner said than done. Marie trained 150 female manipulators. With the war over, she went back to work in her institute, with Irène by her side. Marie ran the research laboratory while Dr Claudius Regaud headed the applied biology laboratory. Their co-operation proved harmonious, sharing as they did similar ideals and the same disinterest in financial matters. Physicians and chemists provided the radium, and physicists treated cancer patients. Marie set about collecting funds and raw materials, the price of which had soared, going as far afield as the United States; but she found it hard to accept that dark economic interests should prevail. Marie died of leukaemia in July, 1934, exhausted and almost blinded, her fingers burnt and stigmatised by "her" dear radium. This sixty-seven-year-old woman, who, according to Dr Claudius Regaud, "under a cold exterior and the utmost reserve (...) concealed in reality an abundance of delicate and generous feelings", had been exposed to incredible levels of radiation. Other researchers after her, her daughter in particular, would also pay the price. In January, together with her husband, Frédéric Joliot, Irène, who had been working in the same laboratory and with the same relentless determination as her mother, discovered artificial radioactivity, for which she, too, was awarded the Nobel Prize. Radioactivity is the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biology and modern genetics; it is also the source of nuclear energy and the atomic bomb. The other side of the coin...
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波兰旅游景点英语介绍 波兰的旅游景点图片

波兰著名建筑 百年厅、华沙王宫、科学文化宫、弗洛瑞安城门、光明山修道院圣殿等。 1、百年厅 百年厅(英文:Centennial Hall)位于现波兰弗罗茨瓦夫。 建于1911年到1913年的德意志帝国(当时弗罗茨瓦夫称为布雷斯劳),是为了纪念抵抗拿破仑一世入侵的莱比锡战役100周年的工程之一。 由德国著名建筑师马克斯·伯格(Max Berg)负责兴建,建成后是当时布雷斯劳的市政厅。 2006年,该建筑被列为世界文化遗产。 2、华沙王宫 波兰著名建筑和旅游景点。 华沙王宫城堡建于13世纪末玛佐夫舍公国,也称为华沙城堡,原是防御性五边形土木结构,不久就又开始建造了第一批石结构建筑物来取代。 王宫最古老的建筑物是14世纪上半叶建造的哥特式"大庭院",当时用作玛佐夫舍大公的府邸。 3、科学文化宫 华沙科学文化宫 是波兰境内最高的建筑物,也是首都华沙市的标志性建筑。 建成于1955年,高度230米。 因为这是当年苏联送给波兰的礼物,所以整体风格与华沙市中心格格不入,而且波兰人也多不喜欢这座建筑,认为这是苏联统治的象征。 因此,波兰人给这栋楼起了很多讽刺意味的别称,如斯大林的注射器、俄罗斯婚礼蛋糕等。 整栋楼里有会议厅、电影院、博物馆、办公室、展览馆、学校等等。 4、弗洛瑞安城门 弗洛瑞安城门是波兰著名的哥特式塔楼,也是克拉科夫老城的标志性建筑之一。 建于14世纪的这座长方形塔楼是克拉科夫在1241年鞑靼人攻击之后建立的防御系统的一部分,这座以圣·弗洛瑞安命名的城门成为了进出老城的主要通道,通过一座桥和护城河对面的圆形瓮城巴比肯相连。 5、光明山修道院圣殿 光明山修道院圣殿,正式名称为寻获十字圣架与圣母圣诞圣殿是一座罗马天主教宗座圣殿,为波兰琴斯托霍瓦光明山修道院的主要部分,始建于15世纪,哥特式风格。 1690年大火后重建为巴洛克风格。到波兰有什么好玩好吃的?转一些热心网友发的资料看是否能帮到你:-----------------我刚从波兰回来,在男友家过的圣诞节和新年。波兰菜不是很好吃,酸菜特多,觉得老一代的波兰人还是挺喜欢吃酸的东西,而且他们吃饭挺讲究,刀叉,盘子,杯子都是成套的,还不能错~好像有一种炸猪排说是挺有特色的,配菜是煮过的蔬菜和土豆。还有一种类似饺子的东西,皮特厚,馅五花八门的,苹果,酸菜,奶酪,肉,应有尽有,吃的时候淋一点黄油或者炸猪肉皮,一般吃不到10个就撑死我了~波兰人看到中国人还是挺好奇的,尤其是在男友他们家那个小城市,走大街上回头率超级高,心里很爽~在华沙就没那么受关注~波兰人对天主教的信仰真的是很强很强,你如果去教堂就记得遵守礼貌不要喧哗就可以了~大多数波兰人英语都不是很好,但是年轻人就好很多~下面说的什么床之类的都是胡扯,男友家就有俩沙发床,又能坐又能睡~------------------------在波兰,琥珀是最常见的宝石品种,也是波兰最具特色的旅游工艺品。波兰第二大城市格但思克市及其附近的几个城市是波兰琥珀最重要的原料集散地,波兰琥珀加工企业也主要集中在该区域。由于波兰政府严格管制黄金,因此其琥珀绝大多数是使用银镶嵌包边加工的,加工企业以家庭作坊式的小工厂为主,部分工厂也引进意大利、比利时和奥地利等国的加工设备进行规模较大的批量生产。 琥珀的饰品花式千姿百态,但大多以小件首饰、饰物和小摆件为主,大型雕刻工艺则相对较少。波兰最大的城市华沙是波兰琥珀最大的零售市场和成品集散地。许多西欧国家、美国、加拿大、中美洲的一些国家及中国香港都在该地开设办事机构,从事琥珀交易。而华沙一般珠宝公司及工艺品柜台摆满各种琥珀制成的首饰镶嵌工艺饰品及摆件,市场消费力很强,外地游客到波兰旅游,琥珀成为首选纪念品,每年的琥珀零售额达100万美元,是华沙零售业中大宗收入商品。 ----------------波兰的首都是华沙。波兰位于欧洲中部,有着秀美的自然风光和许多著名的名胜古迹,例如:在废墟上建立起来的华沙老城区,神奇的地下盐矿——维里奇卡,哥白尼的故乡——古城托伦,前纳粹集中营——奥斯威辛,Bialowieska国立公园,在波兰列入联合国世界遗产名单的圣地有12项之多,这其中不仅仅有古城,还有珍贵的自然资源。在波兰的这些旅游名城中最值得一提的是老城克拉科夫,他被誉为欧洲最美丽的城市,2005年克拉科夫的游客量首次超过捷克的布拉格,成为欧洲旅游的新贵。同时今年克拉科夫的游客量也持续保持领先。 ------------------波兰旅游景点介绍文化科学宫文化科学宫(Palak Kulturyi Nauki)位於市中心区耶路撒冷大道(Aleja Jerozolimskie)和马沙尔科夫斯凯大道的交叉点、迪费尔德(Defilad)广场上一幢三十七层楼的乳白色建筑物,始建於一九五二年,完成於一九五五年,是当年苏联史达林时代为拉拢波兰成为其附庸国而送的礼物,有趣的是出钱的却是波兰自己。这座高两百三十四公尺、十七层的宫殿,是华沙最大的建筑物,入口处有波兰诗人密茨凯维奇和著名天文学家哥白尼的两尊巨大塑像。文化科学宫内部共有三千二百八十九个房间,总面积达十二万三千平方公尺,包括波兰科学院、波兰电视台、国际文化交流协会、科学博物馆、科学专科学校、工业技术博物馆,四间剧场、三家戏院、三间会议厅,以及俱乐部、华沙青年之家、音乐厅、运动厅和华沙大学分部等机构都设在这里,形成一个文化中心,经常有音乐会、画展和艺术活动。文化科学宫周围广场上露天摊贩林立,有当地风味小吃、三明治汉堡和香肠店,也有麦当劳大楼、百货公司和大饭店。对於华沙市民来说,文化科学宫就像一个指挥台,控制著所有人民的生活。它有高耸入云的尖塔,游客可以搭乘电梯上塔,登上三十层高的眺望台俯视华沙全景和其市郊,只见满载货物的长列火车飞驰而过,载重汽车、公共汽车川流不息。华沙古城华沙古城是华沙最古老的地方,也是首都最有特色的景点之一。它建于13、14世纪之交,扩建于15世纪,改建于17世纪,建筑风格为哥特式。古城的中心有个宽广的方形市场,当时的市政机关、商店和手工业作坊都集中在这里。城市中最富有的人们也都在此居住。为了防御,在古城周围筑有城墙和护城河。1944年华沙起义初期,起义者解放了古城。起义失败后,德国法西斯把古城毁成一片废墟。战争一结束,波兰人民就着手重建华沙古城。1949年古城广场四周耸起第一批建筑物。1953年7月22日举行隆重移交仪式。1963年整个工程竣工。古城每座建筑物的外貌都保持了原来的建筑风格,而其内部结构和设施则是按照现代建筑技术进行改建的.华沙美人鱼美人鱼是波兰首都华沙的象征,是华沙的守护神。民间传说,很久以前,一个名叫齐格蒙特的国王在全国到处巡游,想为王国寻找一个理想的京都。一天,国王来到维斯瓦河畔一座风景秀丽的孤家村落。这里只住着一户渔民,国王四处查看时,一条人身鱼尾的美人鱼从河里跳出水面,为国王唱了一支优美动听的歌。国王立即爱上了这个地方,遂决定在这里建都。国王问正在河边嘻戏的两个渔家孩子:“这个地方叫什么名字?”,孩子回答:“没有名字”。国王又问孩子叫什么名字,哥哥答,叫“瓦尔斯(wars)”,妹妹答,叫“沙娃(sawa)”。于是国王决定把他俩的名字连在一起,作为这个地方的名称,这就是“瓦尔沙娃”(中文译为“华沙”)。 华沙第一个美人鱼铜像建于1855年,位于华沙古城市场中心。目前耸立在维斯瓦河畔的美人鱼铜像,比第一个铜像大很多,姿态也更加优美。它是由波兰著名女雕塑家卢德维卡 ? 尼特斯霍娃于1934年以波兰女英雄什塔海尔斯卡为模特创作的,1937年建成。 在希特勒德国侵占波兰期间,美人鱼铜像悄然失踪,直到波兰解放后才重新出现。原来,在德国法西斯军队入侵前,人们把这座铜像拆卸掩埋,精心保护起来。波兰人民共和国成立以后,人们把她重新竖立在维斯瓦河畔。华沙王宫华沙王宫城堡建于13世纪末,原是土木结构。1569至1572年城堡改建为泽格蒙特·奥古斯特国王(先为公爵)的王宫和议会所在地。泽格蒙特三世迁到华沙后,于1598至1619年间扩建了城堡。王宫就座落在这座古城当中,特点为五角形建筑,其中有引人注目的泽格蒙特塔楼。1636年至1637年间在王宫南侧修建了瓦迪斯瓦夫四世歌剧院。1655年至1656年瑞典人入侵时,华沙王宫受到破坏和掠夺。扬·卡吉米日国王时期开始修复王宫。扬·索别斯基三世时(1674年至1696年)装璜王宫内部。奥古斯特二世时(1697至1733年)建成众议院大厅、参议院大厅和国王大厅。1741年至1746年在王宫东侧又增添了一翼。波兰第三次被瓜分后,王宫遭到部分毁坏,珍藏失散。1922年重新开始修葺王宫,并觅集散失的艺术品。1939年9月17日华沙王宫遭到德机轰炸,部分焚毁。其后,德国侵略者又不断破坏王宫。1971年1月决定靠社会集资重建华沙王宫。1984年王宫终于重现在人们面前。在王宫广场中心,耸立着泽格蒙特三世瓦扎圆柱纪念碑,是由瓦迪斯瓦夫四世为纪念其父泽格蒙特三世瓦扎迁都华沙于1644年兴建的。圆柱高 30米,人像高2.75米。站立在圆柱上的泽格蒙特三世头戴王冠,身披战袍,手执利剑和十字架。民间传说国王宝剑的指向含有不同的意思:向上指时,象征胜利和幸运;向下指时,预示厄运和衰亡。 -------------------用英语介绍波兰Poland Country:Poland republic(The Republic of Poland)National anthem: 《The Poland perished 》National Day:May 3rd(1791) with November 11th(1918)National flag: Present horizontal rectangular, grow about 8 ∶s with the ratio of the breadth 5.The ensign noodles from top the white descend red two parallelism equal of the horizontal rectangular constitute.The white not only symbolizes old and legendary white eagle of thou, but also still symbolizes clean and pure, express a Poland people the desire freedom,peace,democracy,happiness of fine wishes;The red symbolize red-blooded, also symbolize the revolution conflict to obtain victory. National insignia;For shield badge.Draw to there is a white eagle that wears a gold hat and unfolds a pair of wings on the shield noodles of the red.Red,the white is dichromatic is Poland the people like of traditional color is also the color of the national flag.The white eagle symbol Poland people unyielding patriotic spirit. National high-ranking officials:President the · card (the Lech Kaczynski), win an election in October in 2005, take an oath an inauguration December;Premier"s card together the rice day · MA3 ER3 QIN the is strange, working in October in 2005. Natural geography:The area is more than 310,000 square kilometerses.Locate medium northeast in Europe, the north be close to Baltic, the west Germany, the south boundary Czech Republic,the fells a gram, the northeast and southeast and Byelorusian S.S.R. and Ukraine connect with each other.The coast line grows 528 kilometers.The geography north the low south is high, the central part descend cave.Elevation 200 meter the following plain has 72% of the national area about.The main mountain range has BA QIAN"s mountain range of and Su"s pedestal virtuous mountain range.The bigger river has the tile river(grow 1047 kilometers of) to get river with .(Poland inshore grow 742 kilometers)The biggest lake is a rare second virtuous lake, area 109.7 square kilometers.The whole ss belong to broad-leaved wood"s weather from the temperate zone of the ocean aptitude continental climate transition. Population:3863.20,000(the end of in 2001), the main race is a Polack(98%), the rest is a national minorities, such as Ukraine,Byelorusian S.S.R.,Lithuania,Russia,virtuous will and Judea...etc..Whole country about 90% the above residents believe in Rome Catholic.The official language is a language Poland. Capital city:The sand(Warsaw), population 161.50,000(2001), year average air temperature 9.6 ℃s.波兰克拉科夫英文版介绍Kraków (Polish pronunciation: [_krakuf] ( listen)) also Cracow, or Krakow (US English /_kr_ka_/, British English /_kr_k_v/) is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River (Polish: Wis_a) in the Lesser Poland region, the city dates back to the 7th century. Kraków has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, cultural, and artistic life and is one of Poland"s most important economic hubs. It was the capital of Poland from 1038 to 1569; thePolish_Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1569 to 1596; Free City of Kraków from 1815 to 1846; the Grand Duchy of Cracow from 1846 to 1918; and Kraków Voivodeship from the 14th century to 1999. It is now the capital of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship.The city has grown from a Stone Age settlement to Poland"s second most important city. It began as a hamlet on Wawel Hill and was already being reported as a busy trading centre of Slavonic Europe in 965.[1] With the establishment of new universities and cultural venues at the emergence of the Second Polish Republic in 1918 and throughout the 20th century, Kraków reaffirmed its role as a major national academic and artistic centre. The city has a population of approximately 760,000 whereas about 8 million people live within a 100 kilometres (62 miles) radius of its main square. After the invasion of Poland at the start of World War II, Kraków became the capital of Germany"s General Government. Poles and Jews were classified as subhumans by the occupiers and were targeted for eventual extermination. The Jewish population of the city was moved into a walled zone known as the Kraków Ghetto, from which they were sent to German extermination camps such as the nearby Auschwitz and the concentration camps like P_aszów.In 1978, Karol Wojty_a, archbishop of Kraków, was elevated to the papacy as Pope John Paul II _ the first Slavic pope ever, and the first non-Italian pope in 455 years. Also that year, UNESCO approved the first ever sites for its new World Heritage List, including the entire Old Town in inscribing Cracow"s Historic Centre. Kraków is classified as a global city by GaWC, with the ranking of High sufficiency. Cited as one of Europe"s most beautiful cities, its extensive cultural heritage across the epochs of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture includes the Wawel Cathedral and the Royal Castle on the banks of theVistula river, the St. Mary"s Basilica and the largest medieval market square in Europe, the Rynek G_ówny. Kraków is home toJagellonian University, one of the oldest universities in the world and traditionally Poland"s most reputable institution of higher learning.In the year 2000, Kraków was named European Capital of Culture. The city would also host the next World Youth Day in 2016.[9]Kraków has been also approved as a UNESCO"s City of Literature. On November 7, 2013 Kraków confirmed its bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics.希望能够帮到你~!
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如果刚踩一本线,报考中外合作办学的大学怎么样? 最佳答案中外合作办学分两种,一种是计划内的统招生,在高考志愿里填报,一般是二本批次录取,拿统招与国外大学双文凭;一种是计划外的自主招生,不用填志愿,参加学校自
2023-08-08 23:15:505


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2023-08-08 23:15:572

モーニング娘_Ambitious!野心的でいいじゃん! 组 成员资料

  那是30th single  不是分组  当时还是十个人...是konkon和Makoto的毕业single  图我来不及传了...楼主要的话,我放假回来再给你.我很多= =  吉泽瞳 (当时队长,于07.5.6毕业)  中文名:吉泽瞳  日文名:よしざわ ひとみ  小名:よっすい(yossi)  生日:1985/04/12  星座:牡羊座  身高:165cm  血型:O型  出生地:崎玉县入间郡  兴趣:涂鸦  专长:运动  身份:四期成员  经历:早安少女组副队长、小早安、樱花组、10人祭、性感8、11WATER  淳君的评价:天赋异禀、长相可爱  教育指导委员:矢口真里(教育课程:表现能力)  座右铭:努力 勇气 OK牧场  喜欢的颜色:黑、白、红、绿  喜欢的季节:夏、秋  喜欢的歌手:安室奈美惠、Misia  男朋友的条件: 温柔 勇敢 ....真的喜欢的话,  年纪差很多也没关系,35岁也可以。  喜欢吃的食物 :培果、法国面包、野菜、水煮蛋、肉  尊敬的人:双亲  优点:紧张的时刻都能冷静、平定下来,所以常被依赖!?  缺点:顽固、急性子  如果早安少女组不再是早安少女组,想要从事的职业是什麼:国小老师  如果可以重生的话,会想变成什麼:想成为像阿诺那样很酷的好莱坞巨星  如果要取英文谐音的绰号,会取什麼名字:Positive(积极吉子)  喜欢的早安歌曲:快乐夏日婚礼  高桥爱 (现任队长)  中文名:高桥爱  日文名:たかはし あい  小名:爱ちゃん(aichan)  生日:1986/09/14  星座:处女座  身高:153cm  血型:A型  出生地:福井县井郡春江町  兴趣:看舞台剧  专长:把眼皮向上翻  最喜欢的颜色:蓝色、茶色、白色  最讨厌的颜色:绿色  身份:五期成员  经历:迷你早安、樱花组、快乐7、7AIR  最喜欢的一句话:FRIEND  口头禅:あらぁ~!(啊喇~)  喜欢的食物:蛋包饭、蔬菜(茄子除外)、水果、  披萨、鲔鱼、拉面、酱烧猪排盖饭、有鸡蛋的猪排盖饭  讨厌的食物:秋刀鱼、茄子、蒙布朗蛋糕  加入早安前憧憬的前辈:后藤真希  长处:不轻易认输  短处:优柔寡断  讨厌的科目:数学  喜欢的季节:秋  尊敬的人:父亲  绀野朝美 (已毕业)  中文名:绀野朝美  日文名:こんの あさみ  小名:こんこん(konkon)、あさみちゃん(asamichan)  生日:1987/05/07  星座:金牛座  身高:156cm  血型:B型  出生地:北海道札幌市  兴趣:听音乐、买东西之类  专长:伸缩喇叭★★  喜欢的颜色:蓝色、白色  讨厌的颜色:无  身份:五期成员  经历:蒲公英、樱花组、乡村少女组、热舞11、11WATER  最喜欢的一句话:本气  喜欢的食物:甘薯类、起士、肉包、麻糬、蒟蒻、千层面、焗烤  讨厌的食物:草莓、哈密瓜、橘子、腌梅、美奶兹、  小黄瓜、茄子、番茄、洋葱、长葱、芥末、酱菜...等之类。  得意的料理:松饼  优点:旺盛的好奇心  缺点:脸圆圆的、声音太小声、对食物的喜好很强烈  喜欢的季节:夏、冬  喜欢的早安歌曲:Say Yeah!~もっとミラクルナイト~  小川麻琴 (已毕业)  中文名:小川麻琴  日文名:おがわ まこと  小名:まこっちゃん(makochan)  生日:1987/10/29  星座:天蝎座  身高:156cm  血型:O型  出生地:新潟县柏崎市  兴趣:半身浴  专长:游泳  喜欢的颜色:蓝、青、黄、红、黑  讨厌的颜色:紫  身份:五期成员  经历:小早安、乙女组、快乐7、SALT5  喜欢的一句话:友达  口头禅:嗯??  喜欢的食物:南瓜、甘薯、豆馅、栗子、蔬菜、喜欢甜的东西  讨厌的食物:贝类、大香菇、龙须菜  自己的宝物:朋友  优点:很开朗  缺点:消极的部分呐  尊敬的人:小甜甜布兰妮  喜欢的季节:夏  喜欢的早安歌曲:ここにいるぜぇ!  新桓里沙 (现副队长)  中文名:新垣里沙  日文名:にいがき りさ  小名:お豆ちゃん(omamechan)  生日:1988/10/20  星座:天秤座  身高:149cm  血型:B型  出生地:神奈川县横滨市  兴趣:电子琴  专长:眉毛光束★★电流舞&机械舞练习中...(笑)  最喜欢的颜色:水蓝色  身份:五期成员  经历:蒲公英、樱花组、快乐7、7AIR  最喜欢的一句话:がんばる(加油!)  拿手的科目:音乐、体育、理科  藤本美贵 (已退团)  中文名:藤本美贵  日文名:ふじもと みき  小名:ミキティ(mikitty)  生日:1985/02/26  星座:双鱼座  身高:156cm  血型:A型  出生地:北海道  兴趣:看电影  专长:运动  喜欢的颜色:黑、白  喜欢的动物:狗  身份:六期成员  经历:乙女组、乡村少女组、热舞11、11WATER  最喜爱的食物:烧肉  喜欢的歌手:滨崎步、安室奈美惠  最拿手的科目:会计  龟井绘里  中文名:龟井绘里  日文名:かめい えり  小名:えりりん(eriin)、龟ちゃん(kamechan)  生日:1988/12/23  星座:山羊座  身高:156cm  血型:AB型  出生地:东京都  兴趣:最近喜欢读书  专长:跑步!!  喜欢的颜色:粉红、蓝、黑、茶  身份:六期成员  经历:樱花组  喜欢的食物:义大利面、冰、粉红色酱菜、腌梅  最喜欢的早安歌曲:I Wish、男友达  尊敬的人:安室奈美恵、后藤真希  喜欢的科目:体育  讨厌的科目:数学、社会  喜欢的一句话:元气!!  喜欢的季节:春、冬  如果早安少女组不再是早安少女组,想要从事的职业是什麼:保母  田中丽奈  中文名:田中丽奈  日文名:たなか れいな  小名:れいな(reina)  生日:1989/11/11  星座:天蝎座  身高:151cm  血型:O型  出生地:福冈县福冈市  兴趣:自己设计信纸的格式然后写信、听音乐  专长:逗朋友笑、做奇怪的表情  身份:六期成员  经历:乙女组、あぁ(Aa)  喜欢的一句话:气势  喜欢的食物:肉、水果  讨厌的食物:纳豆、青椒  喜欢的颜色:黄、红、粉红、橘、黑、白  喜欢的季节:春、秋  喜欢的科目:体育、音乐、美术  尊敬的人:后藤真希、松浦亜弥、石川梨华  如果早安少女组不再是早安少女组,  想要从事的职业是什麼:即使没被选上早安,也一定要成为艺人  道重莎由美  中文名:道重纱由美  日文名:みちしげ さゆみ  小名:さゆ(sayu)、さゆみん(sayumin)  生日:1989/07/13  星座:巨蟹座  身高:160cm  血型:A型  出生地:山口县  兴趣:讲电话  专长:到哪里都能睡  喜欢的颜色:粉红  身份:六期成员  经历:乙女组  喜欢的食物:明太子义大利面、点心  讨厌的食物:青乳酪、香草冰淇淋  最喜欢的早安歌曲:快乐夏日婚礼、喜欢的前辈、加油吧!  喜欢的科目:数学  喜欢的一句话:ハイテンション(High Tension)  喜欢的季节:夏  尊敬的人:石川梨华、高桥爱、藤本美贵  如果早安少女组不再是早安少女组,想要从事的职业是什麼:护士  本名 久住小春  罗马拼音 Kusumi Koharu  出生地 日本新潟县三岛郡和岛村  音乐类型 日本流行音乐  职业 演员、歌手、声优  相关团体 早安少女组  个人资料  * 姓名:久住小春  * 假名:くすみ こはる  * 小名:こは  * 生日:1992年7月15日  * 身高:163厘米  * 血型:A型  * 花名:こは/くっすん/小春ちゃん/小春/こはっち/くすみん/こはるんるん  教育  * 中学 - 北辰国中
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2023-08-08 23:15:272

求逃避可耻但有用的ed 星野源《恋》的罗马音~

恋作词:星野源作曲:星野源歌:星野源営みのitonami no街が暮れたら色めきmachi ga kuretara iromeki风たちは运ぶわkazetachi wa hakobu waカラスと人々の群れkarasu to hitobito no mure意味なんかimi nankaないさ暮らしがあるだけnaisa kurashi ga aru dakeただ腹を空かせてtada hara wo sukasete君の元へ帰るんだkimi no moto e kaerunda物心ついたらふとmonogokoro tsuitara futo见上げて思うことがmiagete omou koto gaこの世にいる谁もkono yo ni iru dare mo二人からfutari kara胸の中にあるものmune no naka ni aru monoいつか见えなくなるものitsuka mienaku naru monoそれは侧にいることsore wa soba ni iru kotoいつも思い出してitsumo omoi dashite君の中にあるものkimi no naka ni aru mono距离の中にある鼓动kyori no naka ni aru kodou恋をしたの贵方のkoi wo shita no anata no指の混ざり 頬の香りyubi no mazari hoho no kaori夫妇を超えてゆけfuufu wo koete yukeみにくいとminikui to秘めた想いは色づきhimeta omoi wa irozuki白鸟は运ぶわhakuchou wa hakobu wa当たり前を変えながらatarimae wo kae nagara恋せずにいられないなkoi sezu ni irarenai na似た颜も虚构にもnita kao mo kyokou nimo爱が生まれるのはai ga umareru nowa一人からhitori kara胸の中にあるものmune no naka ni aru monoいつか见えなくなるものitsuka mienaku naru monoそれは侧にいることsore wa soba ni iru kotoいつも思い出してitsumo omoi dashite君の中にあるものkimi no naka ni aru mono距离の中にある鼓动kyori no naka ni aru kodou恋をしたの贵方のkoi wo shita no anata no指の混ざり 頬の香りyubi no mazari hoho no kaori夫妇を超えてゆけfuufu wo koete yuke泣き颜も 黙る夜も 揺れる笑颜もnakigao mo damaru yoru mo yureru egao moいつまでも いつまでもitsumade mo itsumade mo胸の中にあるものmune no naka ni aru monoいつか见えなくなるものitsuka mienaku naru monoそれは侧にいることsore wa soba ni iru kotoいつも思い出してitsumo omoi dashite君の中にあるものkimi no naka ni aru mono距离の中にある鼓动kyori no naka ni aru kodou恋をしたの贵方のkoi wo shita no anata no指の混ざり 頬の香りyubi no mazari hoho no kaori夫妇を超えてゆけfuufu wo koete yuke二人を超えてゆけfutari wo koete yuke一人を超えてゆけhitori wo koete yuke
2023-08-08 23:15:211


polish英 ["pɒlɪʃ]美 ["pɑlɪʃ]n. 磨光,擦亮;擦亮剂;优雅,精良v. 磨光;修改;润色vt. 磨光,使发亮;使完美; 改进vi. 擦亮,变光滑adj. 波兰的Polish 波兰语,抛光,擦亮Shoe polish 鞋油,鞋油,鞋擦亮剂Polish Wikipedia 波兰语维基百科
2023-08-08 23:15:202


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2023-08-08 23:15:191


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