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2023-08-15 17:28:25
TAG: 英语






2023-08-09 11:48:579


2023-08-09 11:49:211


2023-08-09 11:49:314

英语中的 “举行、召开” 应该怎么表达,比如举行开幕式,召开股东大会等,多谢!

2023-08-09 11:49:548


2023-08-09 11:50:112


结婚仪式的举行A wedding ceremony词典释义[法]solemnization of marriage[法] 结婚仪式的举行双语例句1.我们没看到过什么结婚仪式,也没听到谁提及那两个人的婚礼,而且贝吉塔是外星人没受过地球的教育,也许已经举行了另一种不同类型的仪式呢!We see no actual ceremony or hear of any mention of a marriage between the two, and since Vegeta is an alien and was not raised on earth, it"s possible a different type of"ceremony"was preformed.
2023-08-09 11:50:371


organize a remand hearing
2023-08-09 11:51:012


hold a party
2023-08-09 11:51:125


Where hold at?
2023-08-09 11:51:395


hold a wedding ceremony一般用于较正式的场合have a wedding倾向于口语
2023-08-09 11:51:563


“举行”有一下几层意思: (1)为庆祝举行,可用hold.celebrate等. (2)表演的举行,可用stage,carry out等. (3)会议的举行,可用take place等. 另外,give有时候也可表示“举行”的意思,如give a banquet.(举行宴会)
2023-08-09 11:52:441


你好!举行的英语短语是:take place 举行、发生
2023-08-09 11:52:531


2023-08-09 11:53:031


“举行”有一下几层意思: (1)为庆祝举行,可用hold.celebrate等. (2)表演的举行,可用stage,carry out等. (3)会议的举行,可用take place等. 另外,give有时候也可表示“举行”的意思,如give a banquet.(举行宴会)
2023-08-09 11:53:121


  运动会指体育运动的竞赛会,有奥运会等大型运动会,只是范围不同。那么举行运动会的英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来举行运动会的英文说法,供大家阅读学习。   举行运动会的英文说法1   hold the sports   举行运动会的英文说法2   Hold a sports meeting   运动会相关英文表达:   flag of the games;   运动会会旗   anthem of the games;   运动会会歌   emblem;   运动会会徽   the Olympic Games   奥林匹克运动会   national games;   全国运动会   举行运动会英文说法例句:   1. They are going to have a sports meet very soon.   不久,他们将举行运动会.   2. The weather looks good for our sports meet.   天气适宜我们举行运动会.   3. We will take a chance on the weather and hold the sports meeting.   我们将冒天气的险举行运动会.   4. The sports meet is going to be held in June.   七月份将举行运动会.   5. If It"should rain tomorrow, we would put off the athletic meeting.   万一明天下雨, 我们就延期举行运动会.   6. Whether it rains or not, we"ll hold the sports meet.   不管下不下雨, 我们都将举行运动会.   7. In China today, sports meetings are very mon in schools and universities.   如今的中国, 举行运动会已经是随处可见的事情.   8. We discussed whether we had a sports meeting next week.   我们讨论下周我们是否举行运动会.   9. If the weather continues fine, we will hold the sports meeting.   如果天气继续这样好下去的话, 我们就举行运动会.   10. We"ll hold the sports meet in spite the rain.   即使下雨我们也将举行运动会.   11. If it doesn"t rain tomorrow. we will hold the sports meeting.   如果明天不下雨. 将举行运动会.   12. Forest hold an athletic meeting, all animals are going for it except one, who?   森林里举行运动会, 所有动物都去了,只有一个没去, 是谁?   13. The Gansu Electric Power pany had planned to hold the sports meet at the school"s playground.   甘肃电力公司原打算在学校操场上举行运动会.   14. Our headmaster made an announcement that we would hold the sports meeting next week.   我们的校长宣布下周我将举行运动会.   15. the Beijing Olympics, held in 2008   2008年在北京举行的奥林匹克运动会
2023-08-09 11:53:211


举办的英文是hold。1、举办的发音。英 [hu0259u028ald]。美 [hou028ald]。2、词典释义。(1)hold:抓住,托住,夹住;抱住,捂住,按住;拥抱;使保持;支撑……的重量;容纳,包含;存放,盛放,装;监禁,拘留;(2)conduct:实施,进行;指挥;带领,引导;举止,表现;传导;行为,举止;经营方式,管理方法。(3)to hold:举行;保持;认为。3、举办的常用表达方式。(1)organize:是“组织”、“策划”、“安排”的意思,也可以表示“举办”的含义。(2)host:常用来表示“主办”、“招待”等意思,也可以表示“举办”的含义。举办(hold)的例句。具体如下:1、很多城市都举办自己的夏季音乐、戏剧和舞蹈节。Many towns hold their own summer festivals of music,theatre, and dance.2、博物馆举办的活动既有免费入场的,也有凭票入场的。The museum holds both free and ticketed events.3、、世界杯的举办地点尚未确定。The venue for the World Cup remains undecided.4、彩虹乐队自1981年底以来还没有举办过现场音乐会。The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981.5、政府每年都要举办樱花节。The government holds an Oriental Cherry Festival every year.6、我正在为我的生日举办睡衣晚会。I"m having a slumber party for my birthday.7、他经常在当地的画廊举办画展。He exhibits regularly in local art galleries.8、她在某报举办的竞赛中得了奖。She won a competition in some newspaper or other.9、我们举办了一次盛大的生日派对。We threw a huge birthday party.10、我为几个密友举办了一个晚餐聚会。I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.
2023-08-09 11:54:101


  运动会指 体育运动 的竞赛会,有奥运会等大型运动会,只是范围不同。那么举行运动会的英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来举行运动会的英文说法,供大家阅读学习。   举行运动会的英文说法1   hold the sports   举行运动会的英文说法2   Hold a sports meeting   运动会相关英文表达:   flag of the games;   运动会会旗   anthem of the games;   运动会会歌   emblem;   运动会会徽   the Olympic Games   奥林匹克运动会   national games;   全国运动会   举行运动会英文说法例句:   1. They are going to have a sports meet very soon.   不久,他们将举行运动会.   2. The weather looks good for our sports meet.   天气适宜我们举行运动会.   3. We will take a chance on the weather and hold the sports meeting.   我们将冒天气的险举行运动会.   4. The sports meet is going to be held in June.   七月份将举行运动会.   5. If It"should rain tomorrow, we would put off the athletic meeting.   万一明天下雨, 我们就延期举行运动会.   6. Whether it rains or not, we"ll hold the sports meet.   不管下不下雨, 我们都将举行运动会.   7. In China today, sports meetings are very common in schools and universities.   如今的中国, 举行运动会已经是随处可见的事情.   8. We discussed whether we had a sports meeting next week.   我们讨论下周我们是否举行运动会.   9. If the weather continues fine, we will hold the sports meeting.   如果天气继续这样好下去的话, 我们就举行运动会.   10. We"ll hold the sports meet in spite the rain.   即使下雨我们也将举行运动会.   11. If it doesn"t rain tomorrow. we will hold the sports meeting.   如果明天不下雨. 将举行运动会.   12. Forest hold an athletic meeting, all animals are going for it except one, who?   森林里举行运动会, 所有动物都去了,只有一个没去, 是谁?   13. The Gansu Electric Power Company had planned to hold the sports meet at the school"s playground.   甘肃电力公司原打算在学校操场上举行运动会.   14. Our headmaster made an announcement that we would hold the sports meeting next week.   我们的校长宣布下周我将举行运动会.   15. the Beijing Olympics, held in 2008   2008年在北京举行的奥林匹克运动会 举行运动会用英文怎么说相关 文章 : 1. 运动会用英语怎么说 例句 2. 运动会英语怎么说 3. 奥运会用英语怎么说 4. 比赛项目用英语怎么说 5. 运动服用英语怎么说
2023-08-09 11:55:151


你好!第29届奥运会在北京举行The 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing
2023-08-09 11:55:231


2023-08-09 11:55:441


在描述什么事将要举行,英文通常是这么来表达的。 sth. to be held/sth. will be held. 比如:毕业典礼在下个星期将会举行(The graduation ceremony will be held next week.) 欢迎大家都来参加下周三将会举行的派对 ( Everyone is welcome to the party to be held next Wednesday.)
2023-08-09 11:56:031


Running is a whole body movement,which enables the body"s muscles rhythmic contraction and relaxation,so that muscle fiber Dimension increased,protein content increased.Fit and muscular is one of the symbols. Skeleton is the body of the stent,human activities leverage.In a period of growth and development of young people,adhere to running Step can improve blood circulation,increase the supply of nutrients in bone cells increase bone cell growth capacity,from the And to promote the normal development of the bone.The elderly,reduced metabolism,muscle gradually shrink,and bones appeared back Line of change in bone and joint disease is also increasing.Persist in running can enhance metabolism,delayed bone Degenerative changes,prevention of bone and joint disease in the elderly occur,so that you slow down aging.
2023-08-09 11:56:201


Hold a football match,hold可以有举行的意思,football match则是足球比赛的意思
2023-08-09 11:56:301


2023-08-09 11:56:403


Will be held in English
2023-08-09 11:57:001


问题一:举办的近义词是什么 jǔ举bàn办 近义词: 举行 进行 开展 承办 举办的解释 举行;兴办。如:举办展览会;举办科技讲座。 问题二:举办的近义词有哪些 举办的近义词承办,举行 问题三:举行的近义词是什么 举办 [jǔ bàn] 生词本 基本释义 详细释义 1. 开办举办训练班 2. 举行举办展览会 近反义词 近义词 举行 百科释义 举办,指举行活动;办理事业。 查看百科 英文翻译 conduct; hold 问题四:举行的近义词是什么呢 举办 [jǔ bàn] 生词本 基本释义 详细释义 1. 开办举办训练班 2. 举行举办展览会 问题五:狂欢节 同义词 嘉年华(Carnival)早在欧洲是一个传统的节日。嘉年华的前身是欧美“狂欢节”的英文音译,相当于中国的“庙会”,最早起源于古埃及,后来成为古罗马农神节的庆祝活动。多年以来,“嘉年华”逐渐从一个传统的节日,到今天成为包括大型游乐设施在内,辅以各种文化艺术活动形式的公众娱乐盛会。全世界各地有着花样繁多的嘉年华会,并成为很多城市的标志 嘉年华是香港人对狂欢节的意译,并且,在香港的文化中对狂欢节作了本地化,形成了“嘉年华”。 英语Carnival的发音,很难恰如其分地用汉语表达,所以使用了“狂欢节”这个意译,比较直观好理解。后来狂欢节传到香港,香港人将它改译为“嘉年华”。这个译名,是懂外文又深谙中文的知识分子的杰作,有兼顾音和义的双关之妙,遗憾的是,它不能确切表达Carnival的狂欢之义。“嘉年华”无论听起来或看起来都显得优雅文气,与Carnival 的热烈、狂放气氛不符。事实也如此,在香港长期举行下来的Carnival ,业已变得比较文雅温和,与巴西式狂欢的Carnival 殊途异趣、大不相同了. 问题六:召开的近义词是什么 召开近义词:举行,举办 拼音:zhào kāi [释义] (动)召集人们开会,举行(会议)。 [构成] 并列式:召+开 [例句] ~大会。(作谓语)
2023-08-09 11:57:071


2023-08-09 11:57:162


2023-08-09 11:57:241


举行龙舟比赛的英语如下:dragon boat。dragon boat的意思是(尤指比赛用的)龙舟,龙船,读音为[drɡn bt],赛龙舟是端午节的传统,英语中直接把“龙舟”作为端午节的名称:Dragon Boat Festival。例句1、那边那些船是不是叫龙舟?Are these boats over there called dragon boats?2、赛龙舟是端午节期间最受欢迎的活动。Dragon boat racing is the most popular activity during the Dragon Boat Festival.3、我们一同去追逐龙舟吧。Let"s chase the dragon boat.4、人们正在进行龙舟比赛。People are having dragon boat races.5、你看过划龙舟比赛吗?Have you seen the dragon boat race?6、这就是精彩的赛龙舟!This is a wonderful dragon boat race!扩展资料龙舟赛的文化内涵:“龙舟竞渡”是在战国时代就已有的习俗。战国时期,人们在急鼓声中划刻成龙形的独木舟,做竞渡游戏,以娱神与乐人,此时的龙舟竞渡是祭仪中半宗教性、半娱乐性的节目。在两湖地区,祭屈原与赛龙舟是紧密相关的。可能屈原及曹娥、伍子胥等逝去后,当地人民也曾用魂舟送其灵魂归葬,故有此俗。但赛龙舟除纪念屈原之外,在各地人们还赋予了不同的寓意。
2023-08-09 11:57:421


Have a birthday party
2023-08-09 11:58:511

举行一次英语聚会 用英文怎么写?

have an English party
2023-08-09 11:59:013


dragon boat race
2023-08-09 11:59:113


host a birthday party
2023-08-09 11:59:239


where is this campus show held?
2023-08-09 11:59:402


When will the exhibition be held.
2023-08-09 11:59:502


hold a party
2023-08-09 12:00:002


2023-08-09 12:00:212

举行欢送会 的英语怎么讲

hold a farewell party
2023-08-09 12:00:312


At the graduation ceremony是举行毕业典礼的单词,welcome是欢迎光临的单词,every student是全体学生的英文!
2023-08-09 12:00:401

have an English party是[有一个英语派对]还是[举行一个英语派对的意思?]

Have an English party.
2023-08-09 12:00:503

经研究决定,学校将举行 用英语怎么说

After discussion, the school will hold a ......
2023-08-09 12:01:014


We will hold a Our school"s big parties
2023-08-09 12:01:113


when and where will the activity be held
2023-08-09 12:01:211


holdhave a birthday party
2023-08-09 12:01:294

Rosemary Clooney的《Hey There》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey There歌手:Rosemary Clooney专辑:The Rosemary Clooney Show: Songs From The Classic Television Series风も眠る 静かな午後に君に会える理由を探したあたり前に春はおとずれそよ风は影をふるわせたHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereガラスの割れる音に起こされた午後窓の外には无邪気な声傍にいた母亲は 子供を叱るけどどうしようもないのか困った颜して犬が吠えるHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey therewell I take a moment we need some break timedrowning in the sun lake brown white and yellowshadow is always the same colourI would"ve taken few step further if I knewdestination of this provocationHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey there崩れかけた世界破れた窓から见える空は 高く晴れ渡る风も眠る 静かな午後に理由なんていらない 会いに行くよHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereAkeboshi - Hey There作诗·作曲 Akeboshiおわり
2023-08-09 11:56:141


【 #二年级# 导语】关于假期作业,很多人会认为没有意义,但是哪有这么绝对的,任何事物都应该辩证的来看待,假期作业无疑可以让你巩固知识,不至于遗忘得重新复习,节省学习时间,而且假期作业的目的也不是让学生的时间都用在写作业上面。以下是 无 整理的《二年级小学生英语寒假作业答案》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 1.二年级小学生英语寒假作业答案   第一天 第2页   Read and Write: 1. I like playing football. 2. I like playing the piano. 3. I like playing with toys. 4. I like to play with a dog. 5. I like to draw pictures. 6. I like to go to the Great Wall.   第二天 第4页   1. my 2. I 3. mine 4. your 5. mine 6. my 7. yours 8. They 9. He   第三天 第6页   1. I often study in the classroom.   2. I often draw pictures in the art room.   3. I often have dinner in the dining room.   4. I often read books in the library.   5. I often have sports in the sports center.  2.二年级小学生英语寒假作业答案   第四天 第8页   1. can 2.does 3.Can 4.What 5.wants to 6. Can   第五天 第10页   1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B   第六天 第12页   1. Father doesn"t read newspaper everyday.   2. He doesn"t like reading comic books.   3. Does Tom clean the floor for his mum?   4. Does Bob like doing maths?   第七天 第14页   1. There is a boat on the river.   2. There are some children playing soccer on the playground.   3. There are two cats sleeping in the shoes.   4. There are not pretty ducks walking in the garden.   5. There is not a boy sleeping in the classroom. 3.二年级小学生英语寒假作业答案   第八天 第16页   范文:I"ve got a beautiful school. It is a lovely place. I like my school. There is a swimming pool, a library, a playground and a lot of classrooms in my school. I often read books and play on the playground at school.   第九天 第18页   a. 反义词:small, thin, short, dirty, slow, weak, young, cold, short, above, sad, loud   b. 比较级:bigger, fatter, taller, cleaner, quicker, stronger, older, hotter, longer, smaller, happier, quieter, thinner, shorter, colder, slower, sadder, nosier, dirtier.   第十天 第20页   1. tallest 2. easier 3. reach 4. off 5. easily 6. many 7. stand 8. choosing 4.二年级小学生英语寒假作业答案   My name is Li Fang. I have a new friend. Her name is Linda. She lives in New York. Linda is eleven years. She likes playing chess. My hobby is playing chess, too. She often goes to school by bus. Her mother is a doctor. She goes to work on foot. Her father is a teacher. He goes to work by car. Every evening Linda does her homework. Her mother watches TV and her father reads newspapers. Linda will come to China soon. She is in England now. Im excited.   请仔细阅读以下问题,并判断正确与否, 正确的写T, 错误的写F。   ( )1.Lindia is a Chinese girl.   ( )2.Lindas father is a doctor.   ( )3.Lindas father reads newspapers in the evening.   ( )4.Lindas mother goes to work by bus.   ( )5.Linda likes playing chess.   注解:   1.F. 从短文第三,第四句Her name is Linda. She lives in New York.她叫琳达。她住在纽约。可以知道琳达不是中国人,所以这题是错误的。   2.F. 从短文第十二句Her father is a teacher.她爸爸是一名教师。可以知道琳达的爸爸不是一名医生,所以这题是错误的。   3.T. 从短文倒数第三句Her mother watches TV and her father reads newspapers.她妈妈看电视,她爸爸看报纸可以知道这题是正确的。 5.二年级小学生英语寒假作业答案   选择答案:   ( )1. How are you?   A.Tom.B.Yes,it is.C.Fine,thank you.   ( )2.How old are you?   A. I"m Lucy. B.Good morning. C.I"m five.   ( )3. What colour do you like?   A.How are you?B.I like green. C.My mother.   ( )4. How many dogs are there? B.two. C.He"s fourty.   ( )5. Have you got any fish?   A.Yes,it is. B.No,I"m not.C.Yes,I have.   ( )6. How do you go to school?   A.I don"t like it. B.I go to school by bus.C.It"s my brother"s.   ( )7.What"s your favorite food?   A.It"s small. dog.C.I like it.   ( )8. Whose bike is it?   A.It"s Tom"s. B.Yes.C.It"s red.   ( )9. What"s for breakfast?   A.It"s on the table."s red.   ( )10. What do you do every day? B. I read book. C. He is short?   参考答案:   1.(C)2.(C)3.(B)4.(B)5.(C)6.(B)7.(B)8.(A)9.(B)10.(B)
2023-08-09 11:56:141


Are you a mixed-blood?
2023-08-09 11:56:141

幻想曹操传2周年纪念版秘籍是什么 急求...
2023-08-09 11:56:154


2023-08-09 11:56:112


2023-08-09 11:56:072

Rosemary Clooney的《Ebb Tide》 歌词

歌曲名:Ebb Tide歌手:Rosemary Clooney专辑:Love SongsEbb Tide- Matt MonroFirst the tide rushes in;Plants a kiss on the shore;Then rolls out to sea;Then the seais very still once more.So I rush to your side,Like the oncoming tide;With one burning thought,"Will your arms open wide?"At last we"re face-to-face;And as we kiss in our embrace;I can tell, I can feel;You are love, You are real,Really mine-in the rain,in the dark, in the sun!Like the tide at its ebb;I"m at peacein the web of your arms.(------ Misic ------)At last we"re face-to-face;And as we kiss in our embrace;I can tell, I can feel;You are love, You are real,Really mine-in the rain,in the dark, in the sun!Like the tide at its ebb;I"m at peacein the web of your arms.
2023-08-09 11:56:061