barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-19 17:24:44



1. 释义区别:

- "litter" 指的是散落在地面上的垃圾,尤其指小碎片或零散的废弃物。

- "rubbish" 指的是一般的垃圾、废物或无用物品。


- Please pick up the litter on the sidewalk. (litter)


- Throw the rubbish in the trash bin. (rubbish)


2. 用法区别:

- "litter" 通常用作名词,描述地面上的散落物,也可以用作动词,表示乱丢、乱扔。

- "rubbish" 一般用作名词,指各种废物或垃圾。


- The beach was littered with plastic bottles and food wrappers. (litter)


- Please dispose of your rubbish properly in the designated bins. (rubbish)


3. 使用环境区别:

- "litter" 更常用于描述地面上的散落物,如公共场所、街道、公园等地方。

- "rubbish" 更常用于描述垃圾桶、垃圾处理以及对废物的整体描述。


- Don"t litter in the park. Use the trash cans provided. (litter)


- The rubbish truck comes every Monday to collect the household waste. (rubbish)


4. 形象区别:

- "litter" 呈现出一种散乱和杂乱的形象,可能与不当的垃圾处理有关。

- "rubbish" 呈现出一种一般性的垃圾或废物形象。


- The picnic area was left in a terrible litter, with food wrappers and empty bottles everywhere. (litter)


- The rubbish piled up on the streets after the parade. (rubbish)


5. 影响范围区别:

- "litter" 更侧重于描述地面上的散落物,强调地面上产生的垃圾及其对环境的影响。

- "rubbish" 更侧重于整体的废物处理问题,强调社会中废物的收集、运输和处理。


- The litter left behind by the tourists is damaging the natural beauty of the area. (litter)


- Proper segregation and disposal of household rubbish are essential for effective waste management. (rubbish)




2023-08-11 09:30:483


rubbish 英[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] 美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] n. 垃圾; 废弃物; 劣质的东西; 废话; 瞎说; v. 狠批; 把…看得一文不值; [例句]They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.他们把大多数的垃圾堆到了黄色的废料桶里。[其他] 第三人称单数:rubbishes 复数:rubbishes 现在分词:rubbishing 过去式:rubbished 过去分词:rubbished
2023-08-11 09:30:562


2023-08-11 09:31:058


作名词时的意思有三种,1.垃圾,废弃物;2.无意义的东西; 废话, 胡说八道;3.劣质的东西作及物动词时的意思:把…说得一钱不值; 贬损…
2023-08-11 09:31:334


2023-08-11 09:32:128

rubbish是可数名词吗? 请问rubbish是可数名词还是不可数名词.

2023-08-11 09:33:233


2023-08-11 09:33:564


rubbish的意思指的是废物、垃圾、废话、毫无价值等等。rubbish在生活当中使用的还是比较频繁的,生活当中的垃圾也是非常多的,现在还有垃圾分类这一说法,take out the rubbish指的是取出、除去、拔掉的意思,邀请垃圾出去, rubbish当作形容词或者名词使用在英语的语法当中,如果当作名词使用的话,需要在rubbish前面加上一个形容词进行修饰。
2023-08-11 09:35:081

“ 渣男 ” 用英文应该怎么说

“ 渣男 ” 用英文应该怎么说two-timerrubbish man
2023-08-11 09:35:162


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析litter和rubbish的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "litter" 指的是散落在地面上的垃圾,尤其指小碎片或零散的废弃物。- "rubbish" 指的是一般的垃圾、废物或无用物品。例句:- Please pick up the litter on the sidewalk. (litter)(请捡起人行道上的杂物。)- Throw the rubbish in the trash bin. (rubbish)(把垃圾扔进垃圾箱。)2. 用法区别:- "litter" 通常用作名词,描述地面上的散落物,也可以用作动词,表示乱丢、乱扔。- "rubbish" 一般用作名词,指各种废物或垃圾。例句:- The beach was littered with plastic bottles and food wrappers. (litter)(沙滩上散落着塑料瓶和食品包装纸。)- Please dispose of your rubbish properly in the designated bins. (rubbish)(请将垃圾正确地投放到指定垃圾箱中。)3. 使用环境区别:- "litter" 更常用于描述地面上的散落物,如公共场所、街道、公园等地方。- "rubbish" 更常用于描述垃圾桶、垃圾处理以及对废物的整体描述。例句:- Don"t litter in the park. Use the trash cans provided. (litter)(不要在公园里乱扔东西。请使用提供的垃圾箱。)- The rubbish truck comes every Monday to collect the household waste. (rubbish)(垃圾车每周一来收集家庭垃圾。)4. 形象区别:- "litter" 呈现出一种散乱和杂乱的形象,可能与不当的垃圾处理有关。- "rubbish" 呈现出一种一般性的垃圾或废物形象。例句:- The picnic area was left in a terrible litter, with food wrappers and empty bottles everywhere. (litter)(野餐区被弄得一片狼藉,到处都是食物包装纸和空瓶子。)- The rubbish piled up on the streets after the parade. (rubbish)(游行结束后,街道上的垃圾堆积如山。)5. 影响范围区别:- "litter" 更侧重于描述地面上的散落物,强调地面上产生的垃圾及其对环境的影响。- "rubbish" 更侧重于整体的废物处理问题,强调社会中废物的收集、运输和处理。例句:- The litter left behind by the tourists is damaging the natural beauty of the area. (litter)(游客留下的垃圾破坏了该地区的自然美景。)- Proper segregation and disposal of household rubbish are essential for effective waste management. (rubbish)(正确分类和处理家庭垃圾对于有效的垃圾管理至关重要。)
2023-08-11 09:35:461


rubbish 英[u02c8ru028cbiu0283] 美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] n. 1.垃圾, 废弃物 2.无意义的东西; 废话, 胡说八道 3.劣质的东西 vt. 1.〈英澳·非正〉把…说得一钱不值; 贬损… 名词 n.1.垃圾, 废弃物 There is a pile of rubbish in the corner of the street.在街道的拐角处有一堆垃圾。2.无意义的东西; 废话, 胡说八道 This book is all rubbish.这本书全是胡言乱语。3.劣质的东西 及物动词 vt.1.〈英澳·非正〉把…说得一钱不值; 贬损… The book was rubbished by them.这本书被他们贬得一无是处。
2023-08-11 09:36:152


根据牛津中阶英汉双解词典对litter和rubbish的英文释义来看,两个词的主要区别如下:1.所指范围的大小区别litter的英文释义为:pieces of paper, rubbish, etc. that are left in a public place (公共场所乱扔的)废弃物,垃圾例句:It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter. rubbish的英文释义为:things that you do not want any more; waste material 垃圾,废弃物例句:The dustmen collect the rubbish every Tuesday.综上来看,litter的范围比rubbish小,指的是公共场合所乱扔的,有碍观瞻的垃圾和废弃物,rubbish可以泛指一切垃圾和废弃物。2. 词性区别litter做名词时,不可数名词意为“(公共场所乱扔的)垃圾,废弃物”;可数名词意为“一窝,一胎所生的小动物”例句:a litter of six puppies 一窝六只小狗litter做动词时,意为“乱扔”例句:The streets were littered with rubbish.rubbish做名词则只有不可数形式。
2023-08-11 09:36:341


垃圾不可数。垃圾的英文为rubbish,属于不可数名词,意思是垃圾,废物;废话,瞎说;粗制滥造的东西,劣质的东西;愚蠢的想法,荒谬的念头。作为动词时,意思是贬低,狠批,把??看得一文不值,作为形容词时,意思是毫无价值的、一窍不通的、蹩脚的,技术差劲的。rubbish的过去式为rubbished,过去分词rubbished,现在分词rubbishing,第三人称单数rubbishes,比较级more rubbish,最高级most rubbish。例句1、Please put kitchen waste in the rubbish can in the designated area.请将厨房杂物放入指定区域的垃圾箱中。2、He said a lot of rubbish nonsense that no one would believe.他说了一大段根本没人相信的毫无价值的废话。3、Put the empty box in the rubbish bin.把空盒子放在垃圾桶里。4、Children scavenge through rubbish.孩子们在垃圾中捡破烂。
2023-08-11 09:36:441

rubbish in,rubbish out是什么意思

2023-08-11 09:37:191

rubbish 可数吗

rubbish n. 垃圾,废物;废话,瞎说;粗制滥造的东西,劣质的东西;愚蠢的想法,荒谬的念头 v. 贬低,狠批,把……看得一文不值 rubbish意思为垃圾的时候,它是不可数的,其复数形式也是rubbish。 如果引申为其它意义上的垃圾时,是可数的,这时候是有复数形式的。 扩展资料   例句:   The rubbish in modern landfills does not rot.   现代垃圾填埋场里的垃圾不会腐烂。   The rubbish is then carted away for recycling.   垃圾接着被运去作回收处理。   I kicked a rubbish bin very hard and broke my toe.   我狠狠踢一个垃圾桶,踢破了脚趾头。   An unattended backpack was found in a rubbish pile.   在垃圾桶里发现了一个无人看管的`背包。   The clearing of rubbish and drains is still incomplete.   垃圾和污水的清理工作还没有完成。
2023-08-11 09:37:281

rubbish怎么读 英语rubbish怎么读

1、rubbish英[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283]美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283],n.垃圾; 废弃物; 劣质的东西; 废话; 瞎说;vt.狠批; 把…看得一文不值。 2、[例句]Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted into plastics, glass and paper.垃圾很容易分开并归入塑料、玻璃和纸三类。
2023-08-11 09:37:361


rubbish读音是:[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283]。音标:英[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283];美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283]。词典释义:1、(n.)废物;垃圾;废话;无意义之物;无价值之物;愚蠢的想法;荒谬的念头;不中用的意见。2、(v.)严厉批评;抨击;废弃。3、(adj.)很差劲的;蹩脚的;无价值的;无用的。双语例句:1、To sweep away the sand and rubbish which bestrewed the floor.清扫散落在地板上的沙子和垃圾。2、She had to sift through the rubbish in every drawer.她得把每个抽屉里无价值的东西清理掉。3、Householders may be charged for the removal of non-recyclable rubbish.住户可能要支付清除不可回收利用的垃圾的费用。4、She debunks all the usual rubbish about acting.她拆穿了通常有关演戏的胡说八道。
2023-08-11 09:37:551


英["ru028cbu026au0283] 美["ru028cbu026au0283]n. 垃圾,废物;废话adj. 毫无价值的
2023-08-11 09:40:331


rubbish ,英文单词,应用中,以两种词性出现,即形容词和名词。rubbish: [ "rʌbiʃ ]a. 毫无价值的n. 废话,垃圾,废物例句与用法:1. The dustman comes once a week to collect the rubbish.垃圾工每周来收一次垃圾。2. That new TV show is absolutely rubbish.那个新的电视节目一点儿价值都没有。3. The film was rubbished by the critics.影评家把这部影片贬得一无是处。
2023-08-11 09:41:301

rubbish是可数名词吗? 请问rubbish是可数名词还是不可数名词.

rubbish不是可数名词,rubbish是不可数名词。rubbishn.垃圾,废物;废话adj.毫无价值的n.垃圾;废物;废话;碎屑v.贬损不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西;它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式。扩展资料:可数名词,分为单数和复数两种形式。可数名词前可以用不定冠词、数词或some、many等修饰。如:a man、a desk、an apple、an orange、some books、some children、two pens。不可数名词,没有复数形式,前面不能用不定冠词、数词或many等词语修饰,但可以用some,a little,much等词语来修饰。有时可以与一些量词短语搭配,这些量词短语中的名词一般是可数的,有单数形式,也可以有复数形式。如:some water,a little milk ,much food,a piece of bread,two bottles of ink,some glasses of water。
2023-08-11 09:42:111


rubbish[英][u02c8ru028cbu026au0283][美][u02c8ru028cbu026au0283]n.垃圾; 无意义的东西; 废话; 劣质的东西; vt.<英澳·非正>把…说得一钱不值,贬损…; 轻视,蔑视; 消灭,销毁;
2023-08-11 09:43:271


2023-08-11 09:44:361


它是不可数的,其复数形式也是rubbish。 rubbish: n.垃圾;废弃物;劣质的东西;废话;瞎说。 v.狠批;把…看得一文不值。 第三人称单数: rubbishes复数: rubbishes现在分词: rubbishing过去式: rubbished过去分词: rubbished 扩展资料   There"s absolute rubbish on television tonight.   今晚的电视节目简直糟糕透顶。   Rubbish! You"re not fat.   瞎说!你并不胖。   You"re talking rubbish!   你胡说八道!   "Rubbish!" he murmured under his breath.   “胡说!”他悄悄地小声说。   In an ideal world, there would be no such thing as rubbish   在一个理想世界中,不会有垃圾之类的东西。
2023-08-11 09:44:431


2023-08-11 09:44:571


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析litter和rubbish的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "litter" 指的是散落在地面上的垃圾,尤其指小碎片或零散的废弃物。- "rubbish" 指的是一般的垃圾、废物或无用物品。例句:- Please pick up the litter on the sidewalk. (litter)(请捡起人行道上的杂物。)- Throw the rubbish in the trash bin. (rubbish)(把垃圾扔进垃圾箱。)2. 用法区别:- "litter" 通常用作名词,描述地面上的散落物,也可以用作动词,表示乱丢、乱扔。- "rubbish" 一般用作名词,指各种废物或垃圾。例句:- The beach was littered with plastic bottles and food wrappers. (litter)(沙滩上散落着塑料瓶和食品包装纸。)- Please dispose of your rubbish properly in the designated bins. (rubbish)(请将垃圾正确地投放到指定垃圾箱中。)3. 使用环境区别:- "litter" 更常用于描述地面上的散落物,如公共场所、街道、公园等地方。- "rubbish" 更常用于描述垃圾桶、垃圾处理以及对废物的整体描述。例句:- Don"t litter in the park. Use the trash cans provided. (litter)(不要在公园里乱扔东西。请使用提供的垃圾箱。)- The rubbish truck comes every Monday to collect the household waste. (rubbish)(垃圾车每周一来收集家庭垃圾。)4. 形象区别:- "litter" 呈现出一种散乱和杂乱的形象,可能与不当的垃圾处理有关。- "rubbish" 呈现出一种一般性的垃圾或废物形象。例句:- The picnic area was left in a terrible litter, with food wrappers and empty bottles everywhere. (litter)(野餐区被弄得一片狼藉,到处都是食物包装纸和空瓶子。)- The rubbish piled up on the streets after the parade. (rubbish)(游行结束后,街道上的垃圾堆积如山。)5. 影响范围区别:- "litter" 更侧重于描述地面上的散落物,强调地面上产生的垃圾及其对环境的影响。- "rubbish" 更侧重于整体的废物处理问题,强调社会中废物的收集、运输和处理。例句:- The litter left behind by the tourists is damaging the natural beauty of the area. (litter)(游客留下的垃圾破坏了该地区的自然美景。)- Proper segregation and disposal of household rubbish are essential for effective waste management. (rubbish)(正确分类和处理家庭垃圾对于有效的垃圾管理至关重要。)
2023-08-11 09:45:041


[ "ru028cbiu0283 ]
2023-08-11 09:45:462

rubbish 是什么意思啊

2023-08-11 09:47:006


根据牛津中阶英汉双解词典对litter和rubbish的英文释义来看,两个词的主要区别如下:1.所指范围的大小区别litter的英文释义为:pieces of paper, rubbish, etc. that are left in a public place (公共场所乱扔的)废弃物,垃圾例句:It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter. rubbish的英文释义为:things that you do not want any more; waste material 垃圾,废弃物例句:The dustmen collect the rubbish every Tuesday.综上来看,litter的范围比rubbish小,指的是公共场合所乱扔的,有碍观瞻的垃圾和废弃物,rubbish可以泛指一切垃圾和废弃物。2. 词性区别litter做名词时,不可数名词意为“(公共场所乱扔的)垃圾,废弃物”;可数名词意为“一窝,一胎所生的小动物”例句:a litter of six puppies 一窝六只小狗litter做动词时,意为“乱扔”例句:The streets were littered with rubbish.rubbish做名词则只有不可数形式。
2023-08-11 09:47:441


rubbish 英[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] 美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] n. 垃圾; 废话; 无意义的东西; 劣质的东西; vt. <英澳·非正>把…说得一钱不值,贬损…; 轻视,蔑视; 消灭,销毁; [例句]They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.他们把大多数的垃圾堆到了黄色的废料桶里。[其他] 第三人称单数:rubbishes 复数:rubbishes 现在分词:rubbishing过去式:rubbished 过去分词:rubbished
2023-08-11 09:48:151


Please put the rubbish in the bin.(请把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。)He left a pile of rubbish on the floor after eating snacks.(他吃完零食后在地板上留下了一堆垃圾。)The new policy is rubbish, it won"t solve any problems.(这项新政策是无用的,不会解决任何问题。)She threw away all the old magazines as she considered them rubbish.(她把所有旧杂志都扔掉了,因为她觉得它们是废物。)He said that he had won the lottery, but it was just a load of rubbish.(他说他中了彩票,但那只是一派胡言。)音标:/u02c8ru028cbu026au0283/意思:垃圾,废物;无价值的东西;胡说八道。
2023-08-11 09:48:391


rubbish造句如下:1、The dustman comes once a week to collect the rubbish.垃圾工每周来收一次垃圾。2、That new TV show is absolutely rubbish.那个新的电视节目一点儿价值都没有。3、He was gulled into buying rubbish.他被骗买了废物。4、I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.我觉得他说的都是些废话。5、The film was rubbished by the critics.影评家把这部影片贬得一无是处。6、The government"s plan was rubbished by the opposition parties.政府的计划被反对党批得一钱不值。7、There is a pile of rubbish in the corner of the street.在街道的拐角处有一堆垃圾。8、What rubbish he writes!他写的文章都是乱七八糟的东西。9、The film was rubbished by the critics.影评家把这部影片贬得一无是处。10、The government"s plan was rubbished by the opposition parties.政府的计划被反对党批得一文不值。
2023-08-11 09:49:061


2023-08-11 09:49:331


根据牛津中阶英汉双解词典对litter和rubbish的英文释义来看,两个词的主要区别如下:1.所指范围的大小区别litter的英文释义为:pieces of paper, rubbish, etc. that are left in a public place (公共场所乱扔的)废弃物,垃圾例句:It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter. rubbish的英文释义为:things that you do not want any more; waste material 垃圾,废弃物例句:The dustmen collect the rubbish every Tuesday.综上来看,litter的范围比rubbish小,指的是公共场合所乱扔的,有碍观瞻的垃圾和废弃物,rubbish可以泛指一切垃圾和废弃物。2. 词性区别litter做名词时,不可数名词意为“(公共场所乱扔的)垃圾,废弃物”;可数名词意为“一窝,一胎所生的小动物”例句:a litter of six puppies 一窝六只小狗litter做动词时,意为“乱扔”例句:The streets were littered with rubbish.rubbish做名词则只有不可数形式。
2023-08-11 09:49:421


酵母菌的发酵原理:酵母菌进行无氧呼吸产生乳酸,酵母菌分解葡萄糖产生丙酮酸,丙酮酸在缺氧和微酸性的条件下,转变成酒精。产物是酒精。酵母(saccharomyce) 是基因克隆实验中常用的真核生物受体细胞,培养酵母菌和培养大肠杆菌一样方便。酵母克隆载体的种类也很多。酵母菌也有质粒存在,这种2μm 长的质粒称为2μm 质粒,约6 300bp。这种质粒至少有一段时间存在于细胞核内染色体以外,利用2μm 质粒和大肠杆菌中的质粒可以构建成能穿梭于细菌与酵母菌细胞之间的穿梭质粒。酵母克隆载体都是在这个基础上构建的。扩展资料:多数酵母可以分离于富含糖类的环境中,比如一些水果(葡萄、苹果、桃等)或者植物分泌物(如仙人掌的汁)。一些酵母在昆虫体内生活。酵母菌是单细胞真核微生物,形态通常有球形、卵圆形、腊肠形、椭圆形、柠檬形或藕节形等,比细菌的单细胞个体要大得多,一般为1~5或5~20微米。酵母菌无鞭毛,不能游动。酵母菌具有典型的真核细胞结构,有细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞核、细胞质、液泡、线粒体等,有的还具有微体。参考资料来源:百度百科-酵母
2023-08-11 09:49:552


2023-08-11 09:49:561

川剧中的变脸,如何在双手举过头顶的时候 变掉脸谱

  川剧变脸的手法:  抹脸、吹脸、扯脸、运气  抹脸:将化妆油彩涂在脸的某一特定部位上,表演时用手往脸上一抹,即可变成另外一种脸色。如果需摇变整张脸,就把油彩涂在额上或眉毛上,如果只变下半部脸,则将油彩涂在脸上或鼻子上。《白蛇传》中的许仙用的就是“抹脸”。  吹脸:用粉末状的化妆品,如金粉、银粉、墨粉等,装进特定的容器里,表演时,演员只需将脸贴近容器一吹,粉末就会扑在脸上,吹时必须闭眼、闭口、闭气。《活捉子都》中的吹脸,化妆粉末是放在酒杯内的,更多的时候是在舞台的地面上摆一个已经装好粉末的小盒子,演员只需做一个伏地的舞蹈动作,就可以趁机将脸贴近盒子。  扯脸:事前将脸谱画在一张一张剪好的绸子上,然后按顺序贴在脸上,每张脸谱都系有一把丝线,丝线的另一端系在衣服的某一个顺手而又不引人注目的地方(如腰带上),依据剧情的需要,在巧妙利落的舞蹈动作的掩护下,再一张一张地扯下来。《望娘滩》的聂龙、《白蛇传》中的钵童都使用的是“扯脸”。  运气:顾名思义,运用气功变脸。传说已故川剧名演员彭泗洪,在扮演《空城计》中的诸葛亮时,当琴童报告司马懿大兵退去以后,他能够运用气功而使脸由红变白,再由白转青,意在表现诸葛亮如释重负后的后怕。  再给你讲个川剧变脸的历史事件你可以感受下~~:  明末清初,川剧进入一个兴盛的时期,名角辈出.其中以扮演文武小生而享誉的有康子林和曹骏臣.当年风靡演艺圈的”车险变脸”绝技便是在他二人的艺术竞技,交流中催生出来的.  据康子林的幺徒刘宗林回忆以前,扮演贝戎,许带上事先准备好得之联科,出场一亮相,扯去壳子再开唱,这便是”化身”最初的萌芽.后来曹骏臣改用草纸蒙在脸上,涂上色彩.演出时,撒上一把粉火,用手一抹脸,你噢去纸脸谱,显出圆形,然后开板起唱,这是很大的改进.  康子林是一个虚怀若谷的人,他在曹骏臣的启发下,现实发起纸脸壳,也不在用撒粉火,只是扯草纸变脸.后来又反复琢磨,将草纸蒙脸法加以改进.变草纸为韧性较好的假皮纸,变一层为三层,连揭三次,变换容貌.在实践过程中,揭纸常有差错,不能得心应手,后来由此突然从”拉洋片”中得到启发,开始设计车险,讲先头一拉,便揭开一层脸谱,他获得了成功:借一丝拉线之力,收瞬息万变之功效.  还有一种抹色变脸,也经常运用于舞台.有个突出的例子:上个世纪三是年代,”悦来茶园”演中断桥一折,演得最好的是萧恺臣扮的许仙,周木莲扮的白娘子,谢国详的青儿.  白蛇传的故事,青儿原是男儿,因被白娘子首富,才变易为婢女.她在狂怒是要显出原形.谢国详在此剧中运用了”耍獠牙”与”变脸”特技.  当青儿与负义的许仙狭路相逢时,他愤怒已极,顿时显出青面獠牙,张口吃人的鬼怪形象.谢国详演出前便要为”抹脸”做准备,包了三团鸽蛋大小的白红黑釉彩,开口的一方向上.  演出时,青儿由下马上场,站在脚箱上面,面对福昕的许仙怒斥,左手虚晃,衣袖一抖,忽然用右手从额间往下一抹--”白彩”先已夹在”包额”之下.开口朝下方,脸便抹成白色意思是脸都气白了.接着青儿与白娘子”对口式”白娘子求他不要鲁莽行事,护住许仙.青儿伺机将左手的”红彩”往脸上一抹,雨师红色该住了白色.青儿有追赶许仙下场去.谢国详迅速在盆子里洗手,揩干,又夹着黑彩追赶上场,在扑向许仙抓拿之际,将脸抹黑.同时口中獠牙伸出,左右反动,表现其青面獠牙的狰狞.  人们在突然遭遇出乎意外的,惊心动魄的变故的一刹那间,往往会大失惊色,变脸变色.艺术反映生活.川剧正事从实际生活中,加以提炼夸张.从而度闯了川剧特技之一的变脸.也是最为广大观众熟知和喜爱的川剧特色.  川剧的唱腔很好听的噢~~你要是有兴趣可以多了解一下~~这是川剧麻辣论坛,是很多资深老戏迷的聚集地~~
2023-08-11 09:50:001

Poems, Prayers And Promises 歌词

歌曲名:Poems, Prayers And Promises歌手:John Denver专辑:The Essential John Denver 3.0by Eliteleeto my lovely AmayI"ve been lately thinkingAbout my life"s timeAll the things i"ve doneAnd how it"s beenAnd i can"t help believingIn my own mindI know i"m gonna hate to see it endI"ve seen a lot of sunshineSlept out in the rainSpent a night or two all on my ownI"ve known my lady"s pleasuresHad myself some friendsAnd spent a time or two in my own homeAnd i have to say it nowIt"s been a good life all in allIt"s really fineTo have a chance to hang aroundAnd lie there by the fireAnd watch the evening tireWhile all my friends and my old ladySit and pass the pipe aroundAnd talk of poems and prayers and promisesAnd things that we believe inHow sweet it is to love someoneHow right it is to careHow long it"s been since yesterdayAnd what about tomorrowAnd what about our dreamsAnd all the memories we shareby Eliteleeto my lovely AmayThe days they pass so quickly nowNights are seldom longAnd time around me whispers when it"s coldThe changes somehow frighten meStill i have to smileIt turns me on to think of growing oldFor though my life"s been good to meThere"s still so much to doSo many things my mind has never knownI"d like to raise a familyI"d like to sail awayAnd dance across the mountains on the moonI have to say it nowIt"s been a good life all in allIt"s really fineTo have the chance to hang aroundAnd lie there by the fireAnd watch the evening tireWhile all my friends and my old ladySit and pass the pipe aroundAnd talk of poems and prayers and promisesAnd things that we believe inHow sweet it is to love someoneHow right it is to careHow long it"s been since yesterdayWhat about tomorrowWhat about our dreamsAnd all the memories we shareby Eliteleeto my lovely Amay
2023-08-11 09:50:011


2023-08-11 09:50:012

Poems, Prayers And Promises 歌词

歌曲名:Poems, Prayers And Promises歌手:John Denver专辑:The Essential John Denverby Eliteleeto my lovely AmayI"ve been lately thinkingAbout my life"s timeAll the things i"ve doneAnd how it"s beenAnd i can"t help believingIn my own mindI know i"m gonna hate to see it endI"ve seen a lot of sunshineSlept out in the rainSpent a night or two all on my ownI"ve known my lady"s pleasuresHad myself some friendsAnd spent a time or two in my own homeAnd i have to say it nowIt"s been a good life all in allIt"s really fineTo have a chance to hang aroundAnd lie there by the fireAnd watch the evening tireWhile all my friends and my old ladySit and pass the pipe aroundAnd talk of poems and prayers and promisesAnd things that we believe inHow sweet it is to love someoneHow right it is to careHow long it"s been since yesterdayAnd what about tomorrowAnd what about our dreamsAnd all the memories we shareby Eliteleeto my lovely AmayThe days they pass so quickly nowNights are seldom longAnd time around me whispers when it"s coldThe changes somehow frighten meStill i have to smileIt turns me on to think of growing oldFor though my life"s been good to meThere"s still so much to doSo many things my mind has never knownI"d like to raise a familyI"d like to sail awayAnd dance across the mountains on the moonI have to say it nowIt"s been a good life all in allIt"s really fineTo have the chance to hang aroundAnd lie there by the fireAnd watch the evening tireWhile all my friends and my old ladySit and pass the pipe aroundAnd talk of poems and prayers and promisesAnd things that we believe inHow sweet it is to love someoneHow right it is to careHow long it"s been since yesterdayWhat about tomorrowWhat about our dreamsAnd all the memories we shareby Eliteleeto my lovely Amay
2023-08-11 09:50:081


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2023-08-11 09:50:121

when you say your prayers 歌词

歌曲名:when you say your prayers歌手:collin raye专辑:counting sheep(jason blume/karen taylor-good)If you"ve ever wonderedWhen you pray at nightIf it makes a differenceIf it sets things rightEverytime we say our prayersCollin RayeWhispered in the darkSomewhere deep inside youYou know with all your heartAs sure as god"s in heavenThere"s someone who caresAnd somebody"s listeningWhen you say your prayersA prayer can be a thank-youA prayer can be a wishA prayer can say i"m sorryLike a hug or a kissGod hears you loud and clearAs long as it comes from your heartIt goes right to his earAs sure as god"s in heavenThere"s someone who caresAnd somebody"s listeningWhen you say your prayersAs sure as god"s in heavenThere"s someone who caresAnd somebody"s listeningWhen you say your prayersJust know somebody"s listeningWhen you say your prayers
2023-08-11 09:50:161


01 春分是南北半球昼夜均等的日子,呈66.5度倾斜的地球地轴与地球绕太阳公转的轨道平面刚好处于一种力的相对平衡状态,很有利于竖蛋,所以各地流行“竖蛋游戏”以此庆贺春天的来临。另外,竖蛋也被赋予了好的寓意,比如添丁,人们会在这一天祈祷家族人丁兴旺,平安喜乐,无病无灾。春分竖蛋,也称春分立蛋,是指在每年春分这一天,各地民间流行的“竖蛋游戏”,这个中国习俗也早已传到国外,成为“世界游戏”。4000年前,华夏先民就开始以此庆贺春天的来临,“春分到,蛋儿俏”的说法流传至今。选择在春分这天竖蛋,是因为很多人觉得春分南北半球昼夜时长相等,地轴与地球绕太阳公转的轨道刚好处于一个相对平衡的状态,所以这天竖蛋更容易竖起来,以此就有了春分竖蛋的说法。 其次,春分正值春季的中间,不冷不热,花红草绿,人心舒畅,思维敏捷,动作利索,也易于竖蛋成功。 另外,“竖蛋”也被赋予了寓意,比如添丁,人们会在这一天祈祷家族人丁兴旺,平安喜乐,无病无灾。怎样才能把鸡蛋立起来?要使蛋的重心低于蛋中部最大周长的曲线位置。因此,竖蛋的诀窍就是:拿蛋的手不动,直到蛋黄尽量往下沉落;最好选择刚生下4-5天的鸡蛋,因为其蛋黄下沉有利于竖立。
2023-08-11 09:49:493


2023-08-11 09:49:472

4. 什么是发酵工程,发酵的基本原理是什么?

2023-08-11 09:49:452

Poems, Prayers And Promises 歌词

歌曲名:Poems, Prayers And Promises歌手:John Denver专辑:Poems, Prayers & Promises / Farewell Andromedaby Eliteleeto my lovely AmayI"ve been lately thinkingAbout my life"s timeAll the things i"ve doneAnd how it"s beenAnd i can"t help believingIn my own mindI know i"m gonna hate to see it endI"ve seen a lot of sunshineSlept out in the rainSpent a night or two all on my ownI"ve known my lady"s pleasuresHad myself some friendsAnd spent a time or two in my own homeAnd i have to say it nowIt"s been a good life all in allIt"s really fineTo have a chance to hang aroundAnd lie there by the fireAnd watch the evening tireWhile all my friends and my old ladySit and pass the pipe aroundAnd talk of poems and prayers and promisesAnd things that we believe inHow sweet it is to love someoneHow right it is to careHow long it"s been since yesterdayAnd what about tomorrowAnd what about our dreamsAnd all the memories we shareby Eliteleeto my lovely AmayThe days they pass so quickly nowNights are seldom longAnd time around me whispers when it"s coldThe changes somehow frighten meStill i have to smileIt turns me on to think of growing oldFor though my life"s been good to meThere"s still so much to doSo many things my mind has never knownI"d like to raise a familyI"d like to sail awayAnd dance across the mountains on the moonI have to say it nowIt"s been a good life all in allIt"s really fineTo have the chance to hang aroundAnd lie there by the fireAnd watch the evening tireWhile all my friends and my old ladySit and pass the pipe aroundAnd talk of poems and prayers and promisesAnd things that we believe inHow sweet it is to love someoneHow right it is to careHow long it"s been since yesterdayWhat about tomorrowWhat about our dreamsAnd all the memories we shareby Eliteleeto my lovely Amay
2023-08-11 09:49:431


1.A 虽然他妈妈让他洗碗,可是他没洗。2.A主观臆测不是调查的目标goal 目标;project 项目;achievement 成就;substitute 替代品3.结果,演讲者的声音被人群给盖住了。hostile 恶意的;cold冷的;friendly友好的;hospitable 热情的4.C我们需要付出极大的努力才能实现经济改革的目标;acquire一般指那种获得知识,指循序渐进性的;obtain 得到,一般指获得具体的东西;attain 达到,抽象的 ,指实现目标等;gain获得知识,利润,好处等。5. C 水果和蔬菜极大的有助于我们的健康。tribute贡品,礼物; improved 改善,后面不能接to;contribute 有助于,contribute to是固定词组,有助于6.B美国人过圣诞节的方式跟欧洲人完全相同。the same固定必须连着用7.A给他们一寸,他们就会想要一尺。8.D 由于缺乏资金,一开始就注定了这个项目的厄运。 sentenced 判刑;sure 确定无疑;determined 决定;doomed 命中注定(指厄运)9.C 他在乡下住了整整五年。to the day恰好;一天也不差10.B 负责这个试验的医生去了河北有一些天了。search 寻找,搜寻;charge 负责;contact 联系;support支持-in charge of是负责的意思11.B 生病时,你必须休息来增进你的健康。set up 设立;build up 增进,促进,加强‘take up 从事,拿起;put up 张贴12.D 警察们必须闯进屋子里,在火势失控前将孩子救出来。come to 到达,来;spring up 出现;get away 逃离;break in 闯进13.D 墨索里尼和希特勒注定要面临厄运的来临。ABC一般都是达到的意思,指积极的方面的。D是中性,可以指好的,也可以指坏的。14.D 战士们在大门处守卫,防止任何人进出。leaning against 靠着;ready to defend 准备好防卫;out of place 不合适;taking measures 采取措施15.A 当地政府在号召人们通过植树来改善生活标准方面做的很好。16.C 开始上课后,老师就分发了试卷。As soon as the class began, the teacher distributed the test papers. handed in 上交;gave up 放弃;分发gave out ;dismissed 遣散17.B 除非有更多可用的经过培训的工程师,否则工业不会得到发展。possible 可能的;available 可用的,可以获得的;awkward 笨拙的;considerable 客观的18.C 每次他哥哥旅行归来,都和以前一样,还想去同一个地方旅游。though 虽然;therefore因此; likewise 同样的;otherwise 否则19.B如果你超速了,警察就会给你一张船票。20.A 驴子拉着马车费力的在暴风雪中前行。】labored费力的;carry out实现,贯彻;loaded荷载,句子没说马车载着什么;hastened匆忙
2023-08-11 09:49:401


变脸有两种:全部变脸和局部变脸。全部变脸:一般用于鬼神的型貌骤然改变,而局部变脸:大多用于人物情绪或脸色起变化。变脸的手法有很多,其中主要的有:扯脸、吹粉、开眼、抹暴眼等。抹暴眼:预先在眉头和鬓角存好墨青,演员临时用手指往眉心、眼眶、鼻翼抹开即可。吹粉:用把事先藏好的色粉用力一吹,来改变脸色,粉色多藏于演员的手里或道具里。扯脸:演员把预先装在头顶上、已画好的薄薄的面具一个一个的用手扯下来,达到变脸的目的。开眼:把一只眼放在靴子尖上,踢腿时顺势粘在眉心处,顿时变做三只眼。变脸是戏曲的情绪化装,也是一种特技表演。一般是根据剧情,用于戏中的人物情绪骤然间起剧烈变化。 变脸的运用已经有悠久的历史。早在明代就有这种化装的手法,开始时是用于鬼怪角色,但是那时要进到后台改扮相才可以,后来,逐步有所改进,发展到当场变脸。
2023-08-11 09:49:392

请问 :施密特反相器在电路中有什么作用?

2023-08-11 09:49:391

朋友对我说了一句话:Keep me in your prayers

祈祷 祷告应该是
2023-08-11 09:49:342