barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-22 13:44:08

good-looking 好看的; beautiful 漂亮的; ugly 丑的; funny 滑稽的;middle-aged 中年的; serious 严肃的;



问题一:“外观”用英语怎么说 appearance 英[??p??r?ns] 美[??p?r?ns] n. 外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲] 现象; It was the president"s second public appearance to date 这是总统到那时为止的第二次公开露面。 问题二:“外貌”的英文是什么? 1.appearancen n.外貌,外观 The car is not bad in appearance. 这辆小车外表看起来还不赖。 2.feature n.特色,特征;容貌; 3.looks n.相貌 She inherits her mother"s looks. 她继承了她母亲的相貌。 问题三:外观 英语怎么翻译 名词 exterioroutwardoutward appearanceshow 问题四:从外表(长相)来说 英语怎么翻译? from outer space by the looks by one"s appearance都可以表示根据外表(长相)来… 例1. 我们不应该从外表来判断一个陌生人。 We should not judge a stranger by his or her appearance. 例2. 告诉他不要从外表判断一个人。 Tell him not to judge people by their looks In externals从外表看 From the looks of one‘s从某人的外表(长相)看 例3. 从外表上看,她们是两个丝毫不引人注目的姑娘。 In externals, they were two unobtrusive girls. 例4. 从外表看上来,他就是那种没车、没家、没干净衣服,而且没钱的人。 From the looks of him, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money. 希望能帮到你:) 问题五:外貌用英语怎么说? appearance; exterior; looks; aspect a handsome looker 外貌漂亮的人 We mustn"t be misled by appearances. 不被外貌所骗。 问题六:外表用英语怎么说 appearance 问题七:我有美丽的外表! 英语怎么说? 楼上都是中国式英语,老外可不这么说,人家说 I am good looking 问题八:产品外观用英语怎么说 产品外观 英文翻译 Product appearance; 问题九:非常在乎外表英语怎么说 非常在乎外表 be very concerned with one"s appearance Are you very concerned with your appearance and how others perceive you? 你非常在乎你的外表和别人怎麽认知你吗? 问题十:相貌和问性格的用英语怎么说 be like 问性格 look like 问外貌 be like 范围更大一些,有时候既问性格也问外貌 What"s your sister like?你姐姐怎么样?/你姐姐是怎样一个人? She is kind.她很善良。 She is a beautiful kind girl with long hair and two big eyes.她是一个长发大眼漂亮又善良的女孩。 What does your sister look like?你姐姐长什么样子? She is tall.She has long black hair.She is very beautiful.她个子很高。她有一头黑黑的长发。她很漂亮。 She looks like her mother.她看起来象她的妈妈。(外貌) She is like her mother.她象她的妈妈。(性格)
2023-08-13 19:27:111


Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 She has big blue eyes and blonde hair. 她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。 The eyes are the window to your heart. blonde 金发碧眼的 black dark hazel 褐色的 emerald eyes 淡绿色眼睛 liquid eyes 水汪汪的眼睛 expressive eyes 会说话的眼睛 0703 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 She has big blue eyes and blonde hair. 她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。 black hair 黑色的头发 light yellow hair 淡黄色头发 fair hair 淡黄色头发 golden hair 金色头发 brunette hair 栗红色头发 grey hair 灰白头发 long hair 长发 short hair 短发 pony tail 马尾辫 Claire wears a pony tail. straight hair 直发 curly hair 卷发 wavy hair 波浪发 0704 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 She has big blue eyes and blonde hair. 她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。 high bridged nose 高鼻梁的鼻子 flat nose 扁鼻子 snub nose 蒜头鼻 sexual mouth sexy mouth lips 嘴唇 forehead 前额 cheek 面颊 cheekbone 颧骨 high cheekbones 高颧骨 jaw 下巴 0705 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 What sort of build is Philip? Philip身材如何? build sth. v. We built a shelter in two days. built up one‘s business He built up his business from nothing. building 建筑 high-rise building 高层建筑 build shape figure 身材 What sort of build is he? 0706 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 He is a big guy. 他是个大块头。 0707 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 Will is tall and quite lanky. Will高高瘦瘦的。 He is tall and lanky. He is stout. He is chubby. She has small build. She is slim. crooked nose, big eyes, thick eyebrows 0708 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 She takes after her mother. 她长得像她妈妈。 take after 继承 I take after my mother. 0709 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 Roy looks exactly like his father. Roy长得很像她父亲。 He looks exactly like ... They could be twins. look-alike contest 模仿秀 You could be twins. 0710 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 He has his father"s blue eyes and his mother"s round face. 他蓝蓝的眼睛随父亲,圆圆的脸庞随母亲。 He has Andy Liu‘s crooked nose. He has his build. You have your mother‘s eyes. 0711 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 Tracy is a typical Brooks with her high cheekbones. Tracy颧骨高高的,一看就是Brook家的人。 ears mouth nose eyes eyebrows cheek forehead jaw lips 0712 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 From her appearance, I would guess she is Asian. 从外表看,我猜她是亚洲人。 She is European. She is African. From her appearance, I would guess she is Japanese. From her appearance, I would guess she is Italian. Asian American 亚裔美国人 Chinese American 美籍华人 ABC = American Born Chinese She is African American. She is Asian American. She is Hispanic American. 0713 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 Ray is popular with parents because he is very polite. Ray彬彬有礼,家长们都很喜欢。 Our teacher is popular with us. Jay Zhou is popular with youngster. graceful 优雅的 0714 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 Tom is a quiet man but his wife is extremely talkative. Tom话不多,但他太太嘴特别碎。 She can talk your ears off. She can talk my ears off. shy cheerful easy-going stubborn optimistic pessimistic sensitive conservative liberal open minded 0715 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 My brother has a good personality. 我哥哥性格很好。
2023-08-13 19:27:572


1、外貌的英文是什么。 2、外表外貌的英文。 3、外貌的英文翻译。 4、样貌的英文。1.“外貌”的英文是:Appearance读音:英?[?&amp。 2.#39。 3.p??r?ns]美?[?&amp。 4.#39。 5.p?r?ns]n.?出现。 6.露面。 7.外貌。 8.外表。 9.出场词汇搭配:agedappearance年老的样子artisticappearance艺术外观externalappearance外表,外观fascinatingappearance迷人的外貌相关例句:Weshouldnotjudgeapersonbyhisappearance.我们不应该以貌取人。 10.Sheismostpleasinginmannerandappearance.她的外貌和举止都非常讨人喜欢。 11.Somethinginhisappearancerivetedourattention.他外表的某些特徵吸引了我们的注意力。 12.Youshouldnotbemisledbyaperson&amp。 13.#39。 14.sappearance.你不应该被人的外表所欺骗。 15.扩展资料:词义辨析appearance,look,face,aspect这些名词均含事物或人的“外表,容貌”之意。 16.appearance普通用词,着重由总体产生的印象。 17.look普通用词,多用复数,可和appearance换用,但较口语化。 18.face侧重指容貌。 19.aspect书面用词,突出人或事物在某特定时间或地点时的外貌。
2023-08-13 19:30:231


tall 高的short 矮的thin 瘦弱的old 年老的strong 强壮的funny 幽默的,有趣的kind 和蔼的
2023-08-13 19:31:022


2023-08-13 19:32:271


分类: 外语/出国 解析: nose: big大的/high高的/pointed尖鼻子/high-bridged高鼻梁/straight挺直的 face:well-featured五官端正的/handsome英俊的/bony 瘦的/rosy 红润的/long 长的/broad 宽的/beautiful 美丽的 eyes: sexy 性感的/sharp 锐利的/slitty细长的/watery水汪汪的/deep-sunken深陷的/big大的/bright 明亮的 mouth: fine 好看的 sensuous有美感的 *** all小的 big 大的 mean薄的 ears: angular尖的 thick厚实的 cauliflower招风的 long-lobed耳朵很长的 drooping 耷拉的 figure: slender苗条的 *** all 细的 plump非常丰满的 fat胖的 muscularity肌肉发达的
2023-08-13 19:32:401


short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 smartly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 性格: lazy 懒的 punctual 守时的 kind 善良的 efficient 办事高效率的 strict 严厉的 generous 慷慨的,大方的 patient 有耐心的 forgetful 健忘的 reliable 可靠的 boring 令人乏味的 open-minded 思想开放的 traditional 思想保守的,传统的
2023-08-13 19:32:521


beautiful:漂亮 good-looking:漂亮 pretty:美丽handsome :帅气sweet:甜美lovely:可爱
2023-08-13 19:33:183

关于人物外貌的英语单词 至少十五个

***** 首先给:你2012版七年级 Unit 9单词表:其中**表示关于人物外貌的英语单词**卷曲的 curly**直的 straight**高的 tall , **中等的 medium**身高;高度 height**中等身高 be of medium height**瘦的 苗条的 thin**重的 heavy**身材 build**中等身材 be of medium build今夜 tonight**小的 little一点,少量 a little电影院 cinema**眼镜 glasses以后 later**英俊的 handsome(用于男生),演员 actor女演员 actress人 person**鼻子 nose**金黄色的 blonde**嘴 mouth**圆形的 round **脸 face**眼睛 eye歌手 singer艺术家 artist犯罪活动 crime犯罪 criminal放 put每个,各自 each方式,路线 way描述 describe不同的 differently另一,又一 another结尾,尽头 end最后 in the end真正的 real牛仔裤 jeans约翰尼 Johnny迪安 Dean蒂娜(女名) Tina杰克逊(姓) Jackson ------------------------------------------------ 补充内容:**可爱的lovely,**长相好看的 good-looking,**长相一般的,相貌平常的 ordinary-looking**胡子 beard,**beautiful漂亮的,美丽的(用于女生,或者物品)**short矮的**长的 long,**腿,leg**脚feet**胳膊arm**强壮的strong**弱的weak,**shy 腼腆**quiet 文静的,** outgoing外向的**athletic 善长锻炼的**friendly 友好的
2023-08-13 19:33:291


curly 卷毛的
2023-08-13 19:33:512


女性外表:blond金发碧眼的glamorous性感有魅力的slender苗条的well-shapedbody体形丰满的plump丰满肥胖的elegantandpoised雍容华贵的graceful优美的thinhair头发稀疏的trendy时髦的tanned皮肤黝黑的阳光肌肤的natural-looking长相一般的pale面色苍白的dimple有酒窝的petite瘦小的wavyhair卷毛的ovalface鹅蛋脸型的up-turnnose朝天鼻的  男性外表:bald秃顶的disheveledhair头发凌乱的brighteye眼神明亮的broadface宽脸的clean-shavenface面庞清爽干净的bony瘦骨嶙峋的muscular肌肉健美的robust强壮的chubby肥壮敦实的manly男人味的gentlemanly有绅士风度的short矮tall高 overweight胖plump丰满thin瘦skinny太瘦了slim苗条  mediumheight不胖不瘦tubby矮胖 muscular强壮  good-looking长的好看  plain长的一般  smartlydressed穿着得体  welldressed穿的漂亮  neatlydressed衣着干净整洁  scrufilydressed衣着不整洁  外貌:身材体形:overweight超重  thin,slim瘦  fat,stout肥胖的  slender苗条的  发型:darkhair  blonde金发  cury,wavyhair卷发  ponytail马尾  脸部:freckle雀斑  dimple酒窝  ovalface鸭蛋脸  bobbed短卷发的  Big-featured五官较大的  Double-chinned双下巴的  High-cheekboned颧骨很高  Slender苗条  Sharp-featured五官分明的  Well-featured五官端正的  Pimpled有粉刺的  Rosy/ruddy红润的  Freckled有雀斑的  Double-faced两面派的  Well-Shaped好看的
2023-08-13 19:33:581

两控开关怎么接线图解 双开

2023-08-13 19:27:3512


讲起来 其实很复杂 一两句话讲不清楚 你可以查阅<<电路>>(高等教育出版社)(有的也叫<<电路理论>> <<高频电子线路>>(张箫文主编) 那上面讲的很清楚 建议楼主还是自己看书 在网上目前为止 好象还没有这样的网站 想学东西 还是要多看点书
2023-08-13 19:27:355


law office然后呢???
2023-08-13 19:27:372


III Operation principle Quality----Base of establishment Management----Method of reinforcement Benefit----Root of prosperityQuality policyInnovate design conceptControl resource costsProduce high quality productProvide satisfactory serviceCreate first-rate enterprise
2023-08-13 19:27:383


坏 adj. bad, evil, spoiled, wickedadv. awfullyn. evil, badness, ill, evil ideav. spoil, ruin, addle, foul
2023-08-13 19:27:392


2023-08-13 19:27:413


2023-08-13 19:27:451

bhhsE 四个字母作为开头的四个英文单词,作为公司的经营理念,恳求您的帮助!

Belief 信任Honest诚信Sensible明智Efficient效率
2023-08-13 19:27:472


2023-08-13 19:27:481


2023-08-13 19:27:511

DELL R420 服务器做RAID 说明书上面说开机 CTRL+R 键 可进入配置界面,但是找不到 VD mgmt 而是这个

2023-08-13 19:27:511


1.The shower nozzle is broken 2.Toilet almirah door to fall off the 3.Washing machine door knob broke 4.The toilet is plugged up 5.the curtain of the sitting room fell off
2023-08-13 19:27:521


2023-08-13 19:27:536

E A L U 四个字母作为开头的四个英文单词,作为公司的经营理念,恳求您的帮助!

2023-08-13 19:27:553


2023-08-13 19:27:593


The road broke down
2023-08-13 19:27:591

中兴OLT C220如何删除管理IP 即mgmt-ip “”

mgmt-ip release
2023-08-13 19:27:591


2023-08-13 19:28:011

法律诊所 英语怎么说

Law firm
2023-08-13 19:28:045


2023-08-13 19:28:081


破坏的英文 破坏 基本翻译 destroy ruindamage violate break 网络释义 破坏:shatter|break down|destruction 破坏应力:breaking stress|failing stress 破坏的:disruptive|destructive|killing 受到严重的破坏 用英语怎么说 be damaged seriously, be damaged badly 造成破坏 用英语怎么说? 【cause damage to sth】 【have an harmful impact on】 【bring destr禒ction to sth】 "文件损坏"英文怎么翻译? Document damage - = 在线翻译的。 英语中损坏的名词怎么说? damaged, “坏掉的”“坏的”英文怎么写? broken指机器坏了,ruined指毁坏。不知你要什么样的
2023-08-13 19:27:291


2023-08-13 19:27:285

law firm 与law office都可以翻译成律师事务所,但是二者有何区别?

基本上没有区别!firm本意有商业的含义,在外贸中经常用,有独立的主体资格。 office只是一般的办公场所的含义。我在一份求职广告中看到过这句话:One of a top-tier U.S. law firm is looking for legal Assistant to join their Beijing office. 按照这个字面的意思,firm下面有office,相当于母子关系。
2023-08-13 19:27:271


检举 振荡器的工作原理 主要有由电容器和电感器组成的LC回路,通过电场能和磁场能的相互转换产程自由振荡。要维持振荡还要有具有正反馈的放大电路 LC振荡器又分为变压器耦合式和三点式振荡器 现在很多应用石英晶体的石英晶体振荡器 还有用集成运放组成的LC振荡器。
2023-08-13 19:27:242


a broken desk用过去分词作定语
2023-08-13 19:27:222

服务器有四个网络接口,网线插在mgmt port上,显示亮的,之前可以网络连接正常的,突然没有了。

2023-08-13 19:27:213

law firm 与law office都可以翻译成律师事务所,但是二者有何区别?

基本上没有区别!firm本意有商业的含义,在外贸中经常用,有独立的主体资格. office只是一般的办公场所的含义. 我在一份求职广告中看到过这句话:One of a top-tier U.S. law firm is looking for legal Assistant to join their Beijing office. 按照这个字面的意思,firm下面有office,相当于母子关系.
2023-08-13 19:27:201


2023-08-13 19:27:171


2023-08-13 19:27:154


The corpration spirit: chasing the greatest, do good to the society The corpration wish: make more customers have the services that made by our love and sincerity The corporation target: do excellent and professional telecommunication value-add service operator The service thoery: honest,creative,win-win, and cooperative The core value: make TEAM with cooperation, make advancement with creation, get the target with action, make development with win-win solution
2023-08-13 19:27:144


He entered a lawyer"s office in pncoln"s inn . 他进入林肯法律协会的一个 律师事务所 工作。 The documents were scattered in law firms all over new york . 文件分散在纽约各地的 律师事务所 。 A large group of lawyers and bankers marching into a big conference room at shearman & sterpng . 一大批律师和银行家走进希尔曼和斯特林 律师事务所 的一个大会议室。 Attorneys who are members of law firms are better able to bine pubpc office with a professional career . 在 律师事务所 做事的律师,善于把公职与自己的事业配合起来。 Business of the league called him to bonneville to confer with magnus and the firm of lawyers retained by the league to fight the land-grabbing cases . 为了联盟的事务,他得上波恩维尔去,跟曼克奈斯和那个由联盟聘来打那场霸占土地的官司的 律师事务所 里的律师们商谈。 Ainland law firms can employ hong kong lawyers -内地 律师事务所 可聘用香港律师。 They are both partners in this law firm 他们两个都是这家 律师事务所 的合伙人。 He is a partner in a country sopcitor " s practice 他是一个农村 律师事务所 的合伙人。 Article 20 a law firm may estabpsh branch offices 第二十条 律师事务所 可以设立分所。 A : you can turn to the lawyer " s office for help 你可以找 律师事务所 帮忙。 Arculp associates with gu and partners and gilbert tobin 夏佳理 律师事务所 ,顾先生及合伙人 Would immediately find out that you weren " t a law office 都会马上发现这里不是 律师事务所 吗 11 gary : have you got a reply from the law firm , jane 加里:你得到那家 律师事务所 的回音了吗 Us law firm opens office in hong kong 美国 律师事务所 在香港开设分所 You " re going to own your own law firm , 你将拥有你自己的 律师事务所 , She worked as a typist in a law firm 她在一家 律师事务所 当打字员。 Two issues faced by lawyer occupation 北京市岳成 律师事务所 出资奖学 I now work for a large law firm 我现在在一家大型 律师事务所 工作。 2003 copyrights pn valdez l . l . p . all rights reserved 2003 copyrights林志豪与包德士 律师事务所 At big law firms in new york 都在纽约的一家大型 律师事务所 工作 At big law firms in new york 都在纽约的一家大型 律师事务所 工作 H & y law firm ( “ h & y ” ) was originally founded in 2000 浩英 律师事务所 ( “浩英” )成立于2000年。 Lin valdez l . l . p . all rights reserved 林志豪与包德士 律师事务所 How to estabpsh the effective mechani *** for partnership law firm 浅议合伙 律师事务所 长效机制的构建 - and van buren . - that " s us -以及范布伦 律师事务所 -就是我们 And van buren . - that " s us 以及范布伦 律师事务所 -就是我们 Dacheng law firm official website 大成 律师事务所 官方网站 Man : is this a lawyer office 男人:这不是 律师事务所 吗? The practice and exploration of modern administrative system of law firms 北京市 律师事务所 管理论坛综述 He is a partner in a law firm 他是 律师事务所 的合伙人。 Barristers " chambers , chambers of counsel 大 律师事务所 Barristers " chambers , chambers of counsel 大 律师事务所 Article 15 a law firm is the organization in which lawyers practise 第十五条 律师事务所 是律师的执业机构。 He set up a black law firm to help those poor black people 他开设了一间黑人 律师事务所 帮助那些穷苦的黑人。 Submission dated 24 october 2006 from stevenson , wong co 史蒂文生黄 律师事务所 于2006年10月24日提交的意见书 Law consultant zhongji law office 中济 律师事务所 Beijing paohai law office 北京市辽海 律师事务所 No , i don " t bepeve i will . this doesn " t look pke a law office 不,我难以想象我会进去,这里不像一个 律师事务所 Beijing tianzhong law firm 北京市天中 律师事务所 Xindeco business information co 天平 律师事务所
2023-08-13 19:27:121


2023-08-13 19:27:103


2023-08-13 19:27:101


【brief】 with the advent of the era of information-bases knowledge economy, competition is going more and more fierce. In order to manage the enterprise"s production well, more attention should be paid to nurturing and intensify enterprise"s core competitiveness. This piece of article points out the content and elements of enterprise"s core competitiveness, as well as its function and significance. Furthermore, this piece of article also comes up with the methods and remedies to build and maintain enterprise"s core competitiveness.[key words] core competitiveness competition between enterprises competitive edge concept of management
2023-08-13 19:27:063


  风机盘管主要依靠风机的强制作用,使空气通过加热器表面时被加热,因而强化了散热器与空气间的对流换热器,能够迅速加热房间的空气。  风机盘管是空调系统的末端装置,其工作原理是机组内不断的再循环 明装风管 所在房间的空气,使空气通过冷水(热水)盘管后被冷却(加热),以保持房间温度的恒定。通常,通过新风机组处理后送入室内,以满足空调房间新风量的需要。  但是,由于这种采暖方式只基于对流换热,而致使室内达不到最佳的舒适水平,故只适用于人停留时间较短的场所,如:办公室及宾馆,而不用于普通住宅。由于增加了风机,提高了造价和运行费用,设备的维护和管理也较为复杂。  风机盘管控制多采用就地控制的方案,分简单控制和温度控制两种。  简单控制:使用三速开关直接手动控制风机的三速转换与启停。  温度控制:STC 系列温控器根据设定温度与实际检测温度的比较、运算,自动控制 STV 系列电动两 / 三通阀的开闭;风机的三速转换。或直接控制风机的三速转换与启停,从而通过控制系统水流或风量达到恒温的目的。5.  风机盘管做为中央空调的末端设备,其质量的好坏决定了室内的空调效果。性能主要是送冷(热)量的保障、送风量的保障,噪音的数值比、冷凝水不泄漏及电器、钣金件设计的合理性等等。
2023-08-13 19:27:041


2023-08-13 19:27:034


Law office
2023-08-13 19:27:034


我的电脑坏了1) My computer has broken down.2)My computer stopped working.3)My computer needs fixing.4)My computer is on strike.
2023-08-13 19:27:014

2023-08-13 19:27:011