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2023-08-22 19:36:48
TAG: 英语

I am insane.



疯子 : [ fēng zi ]1. lunatic2. madman其它相关解释:<loony> <loco> <kook> <nutcase> <maniac> <nut(cover)> <crackpot> <crackbrain> <ding-a-ling> <bedlamite> <psychotic> <nutter> <the insane> <looney> <luny> 例句与用法:1. 如果你告诉他们你要乘木筏横渡太平洋,他们一定会认为你是个疯子。They must think you are a madman if you tell them you want to cross the Pacific on a raft.2. 有个疯子破坏了那幅画,在上面划了许多窟窿。A madman mutilated the painting by cutting holes in it.
2023-08-14 09:30:061


2023-08-14 09:30:452


2023-08-14 09:30:543


2023-08-14 09:31:032


2023-08-14 09:31:188


  疯子,指患严重精神病的人,有时候也用作调节气氛用的词语,那么你知道吗?现在跟我一起学习关于疯子的英语表达方法吧。   疯子的英语说法   madman   lunatic   bedlamite   疯子的相关短语   疯子们 Madman   疯子汤姆 Crazy Tom   疯子的英语例句   1. "God knows what"s happening in that madman"s mind," she muttered.   她咕哝著:“天知道那个疯子在想什么。”   2. The cabin looked as if a maniac had been let loose there.   小屋看上去像是被疯子在那撒过野一样。   3. Is he a nutter, or is he a genius?   他是疯子,还是天才?   4. At first they all thought I was a loony.   一开始他们都以为我是个疯子。   5. He wanted to jump up and run outside, screaming like a madman.   他想跳起来跑到外面去,像疯子那样尖叫一番。   6. Outside, mumbling, was one of New York"s ever-present crazies.   外面一个疯子在不停地咕哝著,在纽约这样的疯子很常见.   7. He strides around the room beaming like a crazy man.   他绕着房间大步地走着,像个疯子一样笑着。   8. Malcolm looked at her as if she were a raving lunatic.   马尔科姆看着她好像在看一个精神错乱的疯子。   9. I alone was sane, I thought, in a world of crazy people.   我认为,在一群疯子的世界里只有我自己是理性的。   10. The official di *** issed the speech as the ramblings of a desperate lunatic.   那位官员将演说斥为一个疯子绝望之中的胡说八道而不予理会。   11. What we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing that they are a perfect match.   所谓命运,只不过是两个疯子认为他们自己是天造一对,地设一双。   12. The woman"s a nutcase. She needs locking up.   那个女的是个疯子,得把她关起来。   13. There"s some nut out there with a gun.   外边有个拿着枪的疯子。   14. He was nuts, if you ask me.   要我说的话,他是个疯子。   15. This lunatic in a white van pulled out right in front of me!   这个疯子开着一辆白色货车直接冲到了我前面!   疯子相关英文阅读:精神变态的压力管理能力   Michael C. Hall: “I think what is most remarkable about Dexter is his capacity for stress management.”   迈克尔·C·霍尔:“我认为德克斯特身上最引人注目的地方在于他的压力管理能力。”   Michael C. Hall, in a conversation about his TV character at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City on October 24th. He spoke with psychologist Kevin Dutton, author of The Wisdom of Psychopaths.   10月24日迈克尔·C·霍尔在纽约市鲁宾艺术博物馆在谈论自己的电视角色时如此说道。他对《疯子的智慧》这本书的作者、心理学家凯文·达顿说:   Hall: “And I think that"s because of his ability to, as the heat goes up, his internal temperature goes down. The crazier things get, the cooler he feels. He almost craves chaos. He seems to attract it, cultivate it, encourage it, because it"s the only thing that somehow soothes him.”   霍尔:“我还认为那是因为他有这方面的能力:当气温升高,他的体温则会下降。事情越疯狂,他就越冷静。他几乎是热衷于混乱。他似乎对它有吸引力,他发掘混乱,鼓励混乱,因为那是他唯一渴望的事情。”   Dutton: “Yeah, it"s very realistic actually, because what you find is that the more chaotic a situation, the more that psychopaths have to make decisions under pressure, the better their decision-making gets. And we"ve seen it with Dexter, the more the pressure builds, the cooler he gets. And that is exactly what you see with psychopaths, it really is.”   达顿:“对,这其实十分现实,因为你发现情况越复杂,而那些精神变态者越会驱使自己在压力下做出决定,做出的决策就是越上乘。在德克斯特身上我们看到这一点,施加的压力越大,他反而越冷静。精神变态者就是这个样子,真是这样。” 1.麻痹用英语怎么说 2.持之以恒英语怎么说 3.“别绕弯子、直说”用英语怎么表达 4.演讲者用英语怎么说 5.团队用英语怎么说 6.到目前为止用英语怎么说
2023-08-14 09:31:351


a lunatic; a madman; a madwoman
2023-08-14 09:31:573


MadmanLunaticManiacCrackpotBedlamiteKookLocoDing-a-lingInsaneNutsCrazyLost your mind
2023-08-14 09:32:073


小疯子 Little madman疯子(精神疾病的名称)精神病(或称做精神疾病、心理疾病、心理病),主要是一组以表现在行为、心理活动上的紊乱为主的神经系统疾病。目前研究所得到的结果认为主要是由于家庭、社会环境等外在原因,和患者自身的生理遗传因素、神经生化因素等内在原因相互作用所导致的心理活动、行为、及其神经系统功能紊乱为主要特征的病症。
2023-08-14 09:32:151


sycho其实nut更短,还不是缩写P.S.: SORRY, 是 NUTS
2023-08-14 09:32:452

疯子的英语“crazy”怎么读?如何发音 谁能帮帮忙 …拜托拉

2023-08-14 09:32:569


[与"疯子"相关的例句] Don"t listen to that nut. He"s cracked. 不要听那“疯子”的话,他很疯狂。 That crackpot thinks his neighbors are aliens. 那位“疯子”认为他的邻居是外星人。 He is just a crank. His ideas are insane. 他只是一个“疯子”,他的想法都很疯狂。 It"s completely insane to fly in this weather. 只有十足的“疯子”才会在这种天气飞行。 The mad man snarled at the children. “疯子”对着孩子们吼叫。 The madman was violent and had to be locked up. 这“疯子”十分凶暴,只好把他锁起来。 That wacko has a huge gun collection. 那个“疯子”收集一大堆枪支。
2023-08-14 09:33:141


No, I"m not crazy, I"m a fool.
2023-08-14 09:33:233

求 翻译"疯子""精神病"翻译成英文...

crazy dog
2023-08-14 09:33:334


mad peopleinsane people
2023-08-14 09:33:4612


儿子兔子傻子公子份子例子亲子之子介子七子仁子仆子兀子亭子佛子丁子俗子兜子先子交子位子侄子侲子串子假子伯子偈子件子会子兑子伢子元子倭子骗子、疯子、傻子、老子、孔子、小子英文翻译:A liar 、Crazy, stupid, Lao tzu, Confucius, boy
2023-08-14 09:34:151


疯狂的英文crazy:英[k"reu0259ru026a],美[k"reu0259ru026a]一、详细释义1、crazy的读音:英[u02c8kreu026azi],美[u02c8krezi]。crazy是一个英文单词,词性为形容词和名词,意思指疯了的,疯狂的,比喻人发疯。也可以指疯子,怪人。比较级:crazier;最高级:craziest;复数:crazies。2、crazy的基本意思是“发疯的”“疯狂的”,形容人很疯狂或精神失常,引申还可指“荒.唐的”“糊涂的”。be crazy后可接动词不定式,如该动词不定式的逻辑主体与句子的主语不一致时,其逻辑主体应由of(而非for)引出。3、crazy表示“非常喜欢的”“热爱的”,后面与介词on连用,表示对某种活动或某个人着迷;for连用,表示狂热地渴望要达到什么目标;接about和over则表示对某人或某事物产生狂热的感情,常有“爱某人或某物达到发疯的程度”的含义。二、crazy造句1、Some people can diet like crazy and not lose weight.有些人拼命节食也不能减肥。2、None of that matters, because we"re crazy about each other.那些都不重要,因为我们深深地爱着对方。3、The Republican candidate said he would "work like crazy to stay ahead".共和党候选人说他将“拼命保持领先优势”。4、The Republican candidate said he would "work like crazy to stay ahead".共和党候选人说他将“拼命保持领先优势”。5、I alone was sane, I thought, in a world of crazy people.我认为,在一群疯子的世界里只有我自己是理性的。
2023-08-14 09:34:351


I am crazy.
2023-08-14 09:35:068


2023-08-14 09:36:111


kook <美口> 怪人, 疯子, 傻瓜 bedlamite 疯子, 狂人; 精神病院病人 ding-a-ling 疯子,傻瓜 madman 精神病患者;疯子
2023-08-14 09:36:271


问题一:。。。。。这女人是个疯子用英语怎么说? This woman is crazy!希望帮到您! 问题二:我是个疯子 英文怎么翻译 英语专业回答:I am a madman。 问题三:“你是疯子。”用英文怎么说? you are sick. 或者,you are a psycho. 口语中 you are crazy.常常带有褒义,或比较亲近的人说阀。 you are sick.就比较纯粹的恶意。意思是“你有 问题四:我是疯子,我很疯狂 用英语怎么说 I am crazy, I"m very mad. 问题五:我就是个疯子英语怎么说 I was a madman 问题六:你是疯子吗?英语怎么说 Are you a XX? 以下 XX 全都是疯子的单词 lunatic madman loony looney luny loco kook nutcase maniac crackpot crackbrain ding-a-ling bedlamite psychotic nutter insane person 问题七:但我就是一个疯子 这句用英语怎么说 但我就是一个疯子 But I"m a madman. 但我就是一个疯子 But I"m a madman. 问题八:这个人莫非是疯子 英文 怎么说 I you say that this guy is normal,you叮must be out of your mind! 呵呵,演绎了一下,是一个意思。 稳妥的也可以这么说 Isn"t this guy insane?
2023-08-14 09:36:511


2023-08-14 09:36:591


little mad
2023-08-14 09:37:343


2023-08-14 09:37:441


2023-08-14 09:37:591


翻译为:一群疯子A bunch of crazy people例句: 当时我只能说真的是一群疯子!At that time, I can only say that a group of really crazy!
2023-08-14 09:38:371


crazy guy, 癫子mental case , 神经病nut , 疯子 (俚语)one screw loose, 脑残 (俚语) 请采纳
2023-08-14 09:38:451


你好~ a group of messed up people. raging fellows many crazies a crazy bunch 都能表示一群疯子 :)
2023-08-14 09:38:541


2023-08-14 09:39:011

我认为这个人是疯子 用英语怎么写?

I think the people is crazy!
2023-08-14 09:39:104


生人面前像傻子,熟人面前像疯子。英文翻译:He is like a fool in front of strangers, like a madman in front of acquaintances.重点词汇释义:like:喜欢; (与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想; 想要; 喜欢做; 像; 如同; …怎么样; 比如; 相似的; 相同的; 相类似的人[事物]; 喜好; 爱好; 种类,类型; 好像; 像…一样; 仿佛; 如; (非正式口语,代替 as)和…一样; 大概; 可能a fool:愚人,傻瓜,傻子in front of:面前; 在…前面; 当着…的面strangers:陌生人( stranger的名词复数 ); 外地人,初到者madman:疯子; 狂人; 精神失常者,男性精神病人acquaintances:熟人; 相识的人( acquaintance的名词复数 ); 对…有了
2023-08-14 09:39:171

你才是疯子 英文怎么说

The idiot you are
2023-08-14 09:39:376

我认为这个人是疯子 用英语怎么写?

I think he must be crazy.楼上的中文``我无语了
2023-08-14 09:40:013


I am insane.
2023-08-14 09:40:101

微信英文名字寓意好的英文名 高雅有内涵的英文微信名字大全

1、encounter(邂逅) 2、madman 疯子 3、painful love痛爱 4、melancholy(忧郁) 5、unrestrained【潇洒】 6、garbage.(坏蛋) 7、casset(宠爱) 8、醉眼 whitein゜ 9、dialog(对白) 10、how to stay(如何挽留) 11、traces(浪迹) 12、excuses. 借口。 13、midnight(夜半) 14、edelweiss、离殇 15、something stupid 愚蠢的事 16、distance(失落) 17、red bean(红豆) 18、catsayer (隐痛) 19、proud〔狂傲〕 20、cripple 废人
2023-08-14 09:40:201


love freak
2023-08-14 09:40:484


I"m a madman with no feelings.
2023-08-14 09:40:572


英文战队名250个 1、the flower 2、GG。Bond -辉煌~- 3、the丶pink 4、so far 5、Together 6、tempo灬空气动力 7、KiSs Dark Night 8、TemPo丶Top9、ii丶Fire艹灬永远 10、w.r.loser 11、Venice persona 12、lemon°浮缠 13、azure° 14、丶Kz战堂丨Tiller 15、peter 16、nne.seai 17、growl 18、mascara, 19、BruceBrother 20、good looking 21、T.R.Ranger 22、pome光感 23、Star丶Piece 24、巛丶GTO丿征服灬 25、Survive 生存 26、when you smile sunshine 27、German 28、xoxo. 29、丿暧昧灬forever 30、nofun 31、lol是小三 32、卩s丶秀翔灬家族 33、A person walk。 34、Tu me manque 35、Sprit丨Team 36、游龙战神巛evonne 37、OnceMore丶 38、vision丶鹰队 39、九步之暖「happy or unhap 40、pome光感 41、ACE丶crazy 42、TAIZHAYAN@ 43、ace 丶brather灬 44、丨Yoyo丨team丨 45、mingzibaqi(名字霸气) 46、丿Sea灬大连盟SkY 47、Vision丶Team 48、silence范。 49、Trump☆Stars 50、smlie.over 51、Love The Way 52、╮barbara 53、nine.seal 54、疯子kepa! 55、Sky s_Fathers 56、Rampage wind 57、巛Snow灬天雪葬花 58、Royal agent 59、SeD.Forever 60、hopelessly 61、丶home丨team 62、Growl@ 63、cattle丶微笑 64、Lucky彡至尊灬 65、integration 66、Star丶Piece 67、╰つpure ma ╰ 68、Episvsig 69、kiss dark night 70、wobuaini 71、From scratch 72、Ncist-Gm 73、loser。 74、guardianship 相守 75、dreams っ未成年パ 76、Trump☆Stars 77、s丶Defense 78、thekillerinside潜伏- 79、huhnot 80、後丨灬壹队 81、heartbreaker 82、Baby love 83、From scratch 84、linkin′dota 85、ForeverDream丶 86、forest pray森林的祈祷 87、ice esports 88、evil丶roue 89、d调灬丶team 90、丿love丨红星 91、晨灬Baby皇族 92、丶Muma丨Team 93、super情侣team 94、a_team.☆.葬 95、w.r.loser 96、smart丶子溢 97、丿Death丨丶战队 98、丶Pico丨巅峰战队 99、Game Burg 游戏城 100、god is a gir 101、Sprit丨Team 102、SkyFly灬丨纪年 103、cruel heart。 104、T.R .Ranger 105、Ready for battle 106、tears丨`宿命 107、TemPo丶TopTeam 108、lonely 炙莲 109、scarlet突袭 110、violence丶孤傲苍星 111、you leave me alone 112、spore丿蹲街 113、TemPo丶Top 114、深呼吸deepbreaths 115、skyking丨魅力 116、ForceLPT 117、BruceBrother 118、dolly 119、丿bubble丶战队 120、Combat endless 121、丶Home丨Team 122、unreliable 123、s丶Defense 124、Combat endless 125、Furion 126、love me` 127、star丶piece 128、Canorau 129、oncemore 130、Thunder 雷霆 131、The Classic 132、SeD.Forever 133、give up 134、Furion 135、fr娇柔壹队 136、you leave me alone 137、cf feel 138、S丶ky丿神之队 139、Fallen butte 140、smile丶昨天 141、ForceLPT 142、colk 丶 爆米花 143、FTD.SX 144、Mascara, 145、Forever丶闪耀 146、节奏感゜rhythm 147、FTD.SX 148、fade away ° 149、Beautiful* 150、廾丨Wudi灬双胞胎 151、m.y.嗜血战团 152、thunder 雷霆 153、ever丶沉沦 154、whu-killer 155、′Baek Hyun╮ 156、Ncist-Gm 157、Miss you 158、taizhayan@ 159、Smile丶昨天 160、Canorac 161、tokyo丶hot 162、KiSs Dark Night 163、丿Mu灬龙凤堂 164、yw 165、The Folora 166、Pseudo-lover 167、Evil丶Roue 168、~grieved痛心 169、deachfire 170、Slayer 171、Orden丨灬战队丶 172、Drowned fish 173、somuns丶 give 174、love the way 175、ForeVer_ˇ拽 176、纯情shit° 177、LOVEXO 178、rogue doc. 179、丿kiss丶灬丨皇族 180、Coldest people 181、you are my eyes- 182、nancy.╮ 183、grace 184、a person walk。 185、miss you 186、Re丨StarT灬噬天 187、The only 188、the one 唯一 189、Sky s_Fathers 190、Nightmare 无尽梦魇 191、Redundant° 192、cometome 193、丨Yoyo丨team丨 194、cruel 巛烟逝 195、旧梦 review- 196、crazy.tnt 197、I love learningゆ。 198、canorac 199、Zeus丶GNN 200、hermes丶璀璨 201、浪漫丨个性baby 202、╰︶¢Non-idol丶 203、feel good 204、kiss me 205、ni↘ngゞ 206、Tobeall 207、The Folora 208、dark灬绝伦独舞 209、azure° 210、丿Bubble丶战队 211、Tobeall 212、Rampage wind 213、Hip-Hop 贵族 214、Fade away ° 215、Canorae 216、Kiss & Cry不解释了 217、Daybreak 破晓 218、totan战队 219、full丶house 220、Dialect Suds 221、Msy° 222、Venice persona 223、Ace 王牌 224、sunny灬快乐 225、Iridescent 彩虹 226、Canoraw 227、minesiky 228、Canorat 229、sprit丨team 230、倾城°allurelove 231、WOBUAINI 232、super丶战队 233、丶丿BW丶神话 234、Episvsig 235、together 236、show丨概念 237、£ devil 238、shelly 239、Fear No One(谁都不怕) 240、foreverdrem 241、Initial dream 242、xoxo. 243、Paranoid- 244、bury(埋葬) 245、forever安心 246、A_Team.☆.葬 247、World Elite 奇才 248、eco.arthas 249、Bitch 250、formerly
2023-08-14 09:41:071


猖狂的英文翻译 翻译:savage; furiousa furious attack猖狂的攻击reckless provocation猖狂的挑衅savage onslaught猖狂进攻act violently without due consideration猖狂忘行 猖獗的英文怎么说 猖獗 [chāng jué] be rampant;run wild;wild;furious;猖獗 [chāng jué] be rampant;run wild;wild;furious; 7月初想开车去东北玩,重点去伊春和长白山,谁走过这条线,有什么酒店,景点推荐? 推荐一本书自助导游,上面有路线我酒店景点的介绍 路还长,别猖狂,以后指不定谁辉煌。用英语怎么说? The road of life is so long,don"t be furious.It"s hard to say who is successful and glorious. 太疯狂了 用英语怎么说 that is way too crazy! 口语化一点。希望你能看懂 某人 我想在你身边猖狂一辈子 英文怎么说 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解阀您提出的问题。 原句:某人 我想在你身边猖狂一辈子 翻译:Someone I think around you use for the whole life 最专业的英语翻译。 [我很疯狂]英语怎么说 I am insane. inas订ne = 很疯狂 比crazy 更甚 crasy = 疯狂的 mad = 生气/ 傻子 你自己决定哪一个合用吧! 英语怎么说我要在你的世界里猖狂一辈子 I want to go in your life and be rampant forever. Let me go into your world for crazy times. 目前能想到的就这两句- -求采纳。 疯狂用英语怎么说? 楼上有点错误梗 crazy 是 疯狂 mad 是 疯子 天若赐我辉煌 我定比天猖狂 用英语怎么说 I were doomed to more arrogance than God wh丁 awarded me brilliance.
2023-08-14 09:42:071

天才在左 疯子在右里有句英文是什么来着?

“There"s a fine line between genius and insanity. ”u2015 Oscar Levant
2023-08-14 09:42:155


2023-08-14 09:42:321

我是个疯子,有医生开的证明! 金克斯这句台词的英文怎么说?

2023-08-14 09:42:392

英文网名霸气 很上头的霸气英文网名

1、Smile过期 2、Owetokiss 3、Blame冷心 4、Painfullove(痛爱) 5、Themadman疯子 6、Manipula摆布 7、Hurt(伤害)° 8、fadedlov(褪色的爱) 9、Feastaw离愁 10、雨食Infante 11、lie说谎 12、pizazz(潇洒)
2023-08-14 09:42:461


英文伤感昵称:1、Cripple废人2、nightmare梦魇3、The wind travels清风远行4、Timeㄨ余忆5、Blame(冷心)6、Madman疯子7、Allows any谢却荼蘼8、Knowingly明知故犯9、Pretext(借口)10、Without(没有你)11、Wait for静候12、Drunk the wind饮了风13、Replace取代14、Smallwhispers小情话15、Final°Analysis致命爱人16、ronin.(浪人)17、Tough Girl女汉子18、Bones骸骨19、Healer (治愈者)20、黑糖Dulcea21、Stay(挽留)22、cooked(放纵)23、Heart bitter心事苦24、Emanuel伊曼纽尔25、Only [唯你]26、Autism (孤独症)27、Swig痛饮28、Acolasia(放纵)29、chokehold窒息的爱30、The traveler过客
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2023-08-14 09:39:544


1 《微型计算机原理与接口技术》部分问题解答1. 程序运行过程中堆栈段与数据段之间数据的联系。答:堆栈段和数据段是两个不同的逻辑段,在程序运行中,数据放在数据段,通过指令对变量进行访问,而堆栈段中的数据访问是通过BP 指针或SP 指针进行的,不能通过其他方法。进栈时SP 指针是由高地址向低地址变化,出栈时SP 指针是由低地址向高地址变化。这样操作的结果满足了数据先进后出的特性。一般情况下,用户不使用堆栈区存放变量,仅保留若干单元用于存放断点等信息,而由系统指针SP 自动对进栈和出栈数据进行管理。使用CALL 指令、INT n 指令时CPU 会自动通过SP 指针对堆栈进行管理。2. 宏定义与子程序的区别?答:宏指令是用户自己设计的指令,是系统已有若干指令的集合。而子程序也是由若干指令构成,但它是以一个过程出现的。他们的区别主要在使用方法和运行效率上有所不同,我们通过举例来说明 现在要做加法23H+12H 和42H+12
2023-08-14 09:39:551


Take Me To Your Heart--Michael Learns to Rock
2023-08-14 09:39:562


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2023-08-14 09:39:441


一.写出下列字母的左邻右舍 :10% 1. Dd 2. Hh 3. Ll 4. Rr 5. Xx 二.根据元音字母的读音,找出发音相同的单词:5%( )1. Aa A. cap B. map C. name D. watch ( )2. Ee A. bed B. meet C. red D. pen ( )3. Ii A. nice B. his C. pig D. fifty ( )4. Oo A. home B. long C. dog D. from ( )5. Uu A. uncle B. hungry C. sun D. use 三.变换一个字母,使之成为一个新单词:10% 1. son 2. hand 3. see 4. these 5. has 6. meat 7. grass 8. come 9. sweep 10. think 四.我能行:12% 1. sheep(复数) 2. first(基数词) 3. July(中文) 4. fifth (缩写形式) 5. do (过去式) 6. run(现在分词) 7. play (单数形式) 8. it`s (完全形式) 9. she (宾格) 10. Uu (同音词) 11. box (复数) 12. short (反义词)五.把下列单词组成一个句子:5% 1. Where the is school ? 2. does father What your do ? 3. a student I am . 4. can make He kites . 5. is beautiful Our school very . 六.我会选:20% ( )1. Good afternoon,Miss Li! A. Good afternoon! B. Hello! C. Thank you1 ( )2. How do you do? A. How are you? B. Fine,thank you. C. How do you do? ( )3. Nice to see you again! A. Hi! B. Nice to see you! C. How are you! ( )4. Mum, my teacher. A. this is B. she is C. this`s ( )5. There is apple. It is red apple. A. a,a B. an,an C. an, a ( )6. What colour is that jacket? It`s A. an orange B. orange C. the orange ( )7. May I use your car? No,you A. can`t B. mayn`t C. needn`t ( )8. Can I ask you some questions,please? A. Sure. B. Yes. C. No. ( )9. You are very beautiful. A. Yes. B. Thank you. C. It`s OK. ( )10. How many seasons are there in a year? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. ( )11. Would you like coffee or tea?Coffee,please. A. some B. X C. any ( )12. It`s time dinner. A. to B. at C. for ( )13. I a brother. She a sister. A. have,has B. has,has C. have,have ( )14. You a student. He a teacher. A. is,is B. are, is C. are,are ( )15. There is a bridge the river. A. over B. on C. above ( )16. Look!The kite in the sky. A. fly B. flies C. is flying ( )17. I`d like some English stories. A. read B. to read C. to reading ( )18. We to the park last Sunday. A. go B. went C. going ( )19. This is a boy. name is Mike. A. He B. His C. Him ( )20. Elephant is than horse. A. stronger B. strong C. strongger七. 我会连:10% New Year`s Day June 1st summer cold Children`s Day Sep. 10th winter hot Teachers` Day Jan. 1st Friday Chinese Labour Day Dec. 25th October Fri. Christmas Day May 1st China Oct. 八. 选择正确的词:10% 1. There are (twelve,twelfth)months in a year. 2. In fall,the trees` (leaf,leaves)are colourful. 3. This is (my,mine)skirt. That one is (your,yours). 4. He is (reading,looking)a book now. 5. Liu Xiang runs as as a horse. (fast,faster) 6. Amy likes drawing (picture,pictures)very much. 7. In the morning,I go to (school,the school). In the afternoon,I go (home, to home). 8. We go to the park (by,buy)bike. 九.阅读理解: It`s Sunday today. It`s a sunny day. Lucy is going to the park. She`s going to fly a kite with Lily. Lily`s mother doesn`t go to the park. Because Tomorrow is Lily`s birthday. She is going to buy a new dress for her. Her mother and Lucy`s mother are going shopping. Lucy`s mother wants to buy a pair of new shoes for herself. A. 判断正(T)误(F):5% ( )1. It`s Sunday today. ( )2. Lily and Lucy are going to the park. ( )3. Lily`s mother is going to the park. ( )4. Lily`s mother and Lucy`s mother are going shopping. ( )5. Lucy`s mother wants to buy a dress for herself. B. 根据短文内容填空:5% 1. It`s a day. is going to the park. 2. Lucy is going to fly a kite Lily. 3. Lily`s mother wants to buy a new for her. Because tomorrow is Lily`s . .C. 抄写短文的前四句话;3% 十. 以“Our School”为题,写一篇小作文。语句通顺,条理清楚,不少于50个单词。5%
2023-08-14 09:39:431