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2023-05-19 20:10:27



attitude 英[ˈætɪtju:d]


n. 态度; 看法; 姿势; 个人风格;

[例句]This new attitude is good news to AIDS activists.


[其他] 复数:attitudes 形近词: altitude fortitude aptitude





一、attitude的含义是:n.态度;看法;姿态;自信;姿势;不合作的态度;〈非正式;主北美〉敌视的态度;主北美〉(行为或外貌上表现出的)个性;鹤立式二、短语搭配:attitude towards态度面对;态度对待、attitude to对..的态度attitude toward对...的态度;对于...的态度;对待...的态度propositional attitude命题态度、strike an attitude摆姿势三、例句:1、I asked the waiter for a clean fork and all I got was attitude.我向服务员要一把干净的叉子,可我得到的是他悻然的态度。2、He was so hurt by her attitude he was nearly in tears.她的态度使他大受伤害,几乎哭出来了。3、The boy was standing in an attitude of despair, his chin sunk on his chest.男孩垂着头站在那儿,露出一副绝望的姿态。
2023-01-09 12:03:541

prevailing attitude 是什么意思 ?

prevailing attitude.意思:流行的态度/风行的看法。prevailing 是形容词,adj. 流行的;一般的,最普通的;占优势的;盛行很广的。
2023-01-09 12:04:312


2023-01-09 12:05:004

your attitude是什么意思

2023-01-09 12:05:144

attitude 什么意思

attitude[5Atitju:d]n.姿势, 态度, 看法, 意见attempt[E5tempt]n.努力, 尝试, 企图vt.尝试, 企图某人自己的
2023-01-09 12:05:311

take an attitude of是什么意思

2023-01-09 12:05:371


2023-01-09 12:05:436


attitude :[n] 态度,姿态,意见,grateful : [adj] 感激 感谢
2023-01-09 12:06:433

the position,attitude,attitude,mentality,adjust our attitude什么意思

the position立场attitude态度mentality心态adjust our attitude调整我们的态度
2023-01-09 12:06:556

attitude is altitudes什么意思

Attitude 是“态度”的意思Is 是“是”的意思Altitude 是“海拔高度”的意思连起来就是“态度决定高度”。有相关的演讲之类的心灵鸡汤吧,你可以百度一下。
2023-01-09 12:07:173


attitude是态度、看法、 姿势、 个人风格,好像出过洗发水、清洁产品这些东西
2023-01-09 12:07:271

attitude is everything,是什么意思...

2023-01-09 12:07:335


attitudesn. 态度,看法(attitude复数)态度态度
2023-01-09 12:07:513


Attitude sat on the metro with love on her mind 她坐在地铁里想着她的爱intimate details of every kind想着亲密的细节 opening doorways to secret rooms 打开密室的门her emptiness calling to you她的空虚召唤着你 she give a little bit of attitude 她有一点点动心give a little bit of something new 表现出新的声音give a little bit of attitude 她有一点点动心get a little bit tacky too 也有一点点俗气。give a little bit of attitude她有一点点动心give a little bit of something rude 显现出一点粗鲁的事情give a little bit of attitude 她有一点点动心get a little bit tacky too 也有一点点俗气。a dangerous daughter in a leopard print skirt 穿着豹纹裙子的女生a polaroid camera recording the dirt intimate details of every scene opening doorways for me 即拍相机记录下她为我敞开心扉的亲密而又污磋的场景she give a little bit of attitude give a little bit of something new give a little bit of attitude get a little bit tacky too [x3] give a little bit of attitude give a little bit of subterfuge(诡计托词 )give a little bit of attitude get a little bit tacky too 歌词意思不太好把握,希望对你有帮助吧
2023-01-09 12:08:021


fashion attitude 网络 时尚态度; [例句]This paper researches on Shenyang old people"s fashion attitude and choice standards, and it will be benefit to fashion enterprises.本文就沈阳市老年人服装态度及服装挑选标准进行了调查分析,对服装企业具有一定的参考价值。
2023-01-09 12:08:081


attitude的意思:态度。读音:英[ˈætɪtjuːd]、美[ˈætɪtuːd]。释义:n. 态度;看法;意见;姿势。变形:复数attitudes。attitude造句。1、Your attitude towards a matter determines your achievement in that matter.你对待一件事的态度决定了你在这件事上的成就。2、He always put on an attitude of indifference.他总是表现出一副毫不在意的姿态。3、He is taking a very strong attitude on this matter.在这件事上他的敌视态度很强硬。
2023-01-09 12:08:213


attitude的意思:态度。读音:英[ˈætɪtjuːd]、美[ˈætɪtuːd]。释义:n. 态度;看法;意见;姿势。变形:复数attitudes。attitude造句。1、Your attitude towards a matter determines your achievement in that matter.你对待一件事的态度决定了你在这件事上的成就。2、He always put on an attitude of indifference.他总是表现出一副毫不在意的姿态。3、He is taking a very strong attitude on this matter.在这件事上他的敌视态度很强硬。
2023-01-09 12:09:072

attitude的意思 attitude什么意思

1、Attitude,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“态度;看法;意见;姿势”。2、[例句]I find his attitude a little hard to take.我觉得他的态度有点儿令人难以接受。
2023-01-09 12:09:361


attitude[英][ˈætɪtju:d][美][ˈætɪtu:d]n.态度; 看法; 姿势; 个人风格; 复数:attitudes例句:1.That attitude seems to have influenced the 2012 campaign. 这种态度看来已经影响了2012年的竞选。2.Are those fair descriptions of sequoia"s attitude? 这些对红杉投资态度的描述公正吗?
2023-01-09 12:09:501


attitude后常接towards/to,指“对……的态度,看法”Attitude 英 ["ætɪtjuːd]     美 ["ætɪtuːd]    n. 态度;看法;姿势形容词: attitudinal词语用法n. (名词)attitude的基本意思是“态度,看法”,指一个人的态度、心态、感觉及想法等,作此解时常与介词to或towards连用,表示“对…的态度或看法”。attitude也可作“姿态,姿势”解,是正式用语。例句用作名词 (n.)1、We must maintain a firm attitude.我们必须采取坚定的态度。2、She shows a very positive attitude to her work.她工作态度非常积极。扩展资料:近义词的用法posture 英 ["pɒstʃə(r)]     美 ["pɑːstʃər]    n. 姿势;情形形容词: postural 名词: posturer 词汇搭配readiness posture 战备状态  defence posture 防御态势 forced posture 强迫体位  sitting posture 坐姿例句用作名词 (n.)Only humans have a natural upright posture.只有人类才有自然直立的姿势。
2023-01-09 12:09:562


2023-01-09 12:10:141

sientific attitude是什么意思

2023-01-09 12:10:264

prevailing attitude 是什么意思 ?

prevailing attitude意思是:主流态度。重点词汇:prevailing普遍的; 盛行的; 流行的; 一地区常刮的; 普遍存在; 盛行; 流行; 被。一、prevailingprevailing音标:英 [prɪˈveɪlɪŋ],美 [prɪˈveɪlɪŋ]。prevailing词性及意思:1、adj.普遍的;盛行的;流行的;(指风)一地区常刮的。2、v.普遍存在;盛行;流行;被接受;战胜;压倒;(尤指长时间斗争后)战胜,挫败。3、prevailing是prevail的现在分词。二、attitude1、attitude音标:英 [ˈætɪtjuːd],美 [ˈætɪtuːd]。2、attitude词性及意思:n.态度;看法;我行我素的作派;姿势。3、attitude复数: attitudes。扩展资料:一、prevailing同近义词1、adj. 流行的;一般的,最普通的;占优势的;盛行很广popular , general , fashionable , going , common2、v. 盛行,流行(prevail的现在分词形式);获胜winning二、prevailing同根词,词根: prevailvi.prevail 盛行,流行;战胜,获胜三、prevailing短语prevailing wind [气象] 盛行风 ; 场风Prevailing Wage 普遍工资 ; 流行工资 ; 现行工资标准 ; 现行工资prevailing party [法] 胜诉的一方 ; 胜诉一方 ; 优势方 ; 一方通行
2023-01-09 12:10:401


n. 态度;看法;意见;姿势
2023-01-09 12:11:031


attitude 态度记得采纳啊
2023-01-09 12:11:131


2023-01-09 12:11:191


2023-01-09 12:11:252

the attitude towards是什么意思

the attitude towards的态度重点词汇attitude态度; 看法; 姿势; 个人风格
2023-01-09 12:11:332


2023-01-09 12:11:481

attitude toward中文是什么意思

2023-01-09 12:11:541


2023-01-09 12:11:591

attitude word是什么意思

attitude word是态度词的意思
2023-01-09 12:12:051


2023-01-09 12:12:112

attitude ... on/upon这个词组是什么意思 麻烦大家啦

2023-01-09 12:12:232

attitude first是什么意思

  1、解释  attitude first : 态度第一  2、例句  This paper will analyze the definition of learning attitudefirst, then come to the conclusion of positive correlation between learning attitude and learning effect through real tests, based on the theory of how learning attitude build up.  本文从分析学习态度的定义出发,以学习态度形成理论为基础,通过测试试验得出学习态度和学习效果呈正相关关系。 
2023-01-09 12:12:324


经济态度短语economic course learning attitude 经济学课程学习态度双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.In terms of economic attitude, what is the most important thing is the capability for acquiring resources and the level of allocating resources. 跟读从经济学的角度看,维系一所高等学校正常运转最重要的是争取资源的能力和配置资源的水平。
2023-01-09 12:12:461

positive attitude是什么意思

2023-01-09 12:12:523

positive attitude是什么意思

positive attitude 英[ˈpɔzitiv ˈætitju:d] 美[ˈpɑzɪtɪv ˈætɪˌtud] [释义] [医] 积极态度; [例句]Li zhaojie was his positive attitude towards life infection.李朝杰被他积极的人生态度感染了。
2023-01-09 12:13:041


2023-01-09 12:13:103


2023-01-09 12:13:222

ground attitude是什么意思

2023-01-09 12:13:323


没有attitude英 ["ætɪtjuːd]     美 ["ætɪtuːd]    n.态度;看法;姿势
2023-01-09 12:13:431

attitude toward中文是什么意思

态度 方向
2023-01-09 12:13:482


2023-01-09 12:06:384


Acid Number(AN) Milligrams Of KOH requirdd in tests tO neutralize all the acidic constituents present in a lg sample Of a petroleum product.Also formally called the Neutralization Number,this property is often used tO indicate the extent of con-tamination or oxidation Of used oils. 酸值(AN) 也称中和值,指中和1克油品试样中所有酸性物质所需氢氧化钾的毫克数。该性能指标通常用于表示已用过的油被污染和被氧化的程度。 Additive Any material that is incorporated into a product at relatively low concentration tO impart new properties Or enhanceexisting properties. 添加剂 以相对较低的浓度加入某一产品中,从而赋予该产品某种新的性能,或者增强其现有性能的任何材料,均称为添加剂。 Aniline point the minimum temperature for complete miscibility Of equal volumes Of aniline and the sample under test.Products containing aromatics or naphthenes have lower anilinc points than products containing paraffins. 苯胺点 指相同体积的苯胺与试样达到完全混溶所需的最低温度。含有芳烃和环烷烃的产品比含有石蜡的产品的苯胺点相对要低。 Antiwear(AW) Agent Additive that is active in preventing damage caused by occurrence Of solid phase welding between sliding surfaces without local surface melting. 抗磨(AW)添加剂 相互滑动的表面因发生相互摩擦会造成损坏。抗磨添加剂就是能有效防止这类磨损,同时又不会令发生滑动的表面熔化的添加剂。 APl Service Classification —A system Of letter designations agreed On by APl,SAE and AStM tO define broad classes Of engine service.Also a system Of service classifications for automotive gear lubricants. APl适用级别分类 由API、SAE和ASTM共同商定并使用的一套英文字母代号,用以确定发动机油的主要适用级别,以及汽车变速箱润滑油的适用级别。 Aromatic A hydrocarbon derived from,or characterized by the presence of the benzene ring 芳烃 由苯环衍生出的、或因含有苯环而具有其特性的烃化物。 Bactericide Chemical compotmd which has the property of killing bacteria 杀菌剂 具有杀死细菌作用的化合物。 Base Number(BN) Quantity of hydrochloric(ASTM D974)or percldoric(ASTM D2896)acid expressed in mil ligrmns of KOH equivalent that is required to neutralize all the basic constituents of a l g sample of a petroleum product. This property is uscd to indicate the capacity of an oil to counter the corrosive effects of acidic products of combustion. 碱值(BN) 中和存在于l克油品试样中全部碱组分所需要的盐酸(ASTM D974)或高氯酸(ASTM D2896)的数量,以相当的氢氧化钾毫克数表示。该性能用于表示油品抵抗酸性燃烧产物腐蚀作用的能力。 Bright Stock Refined,high viscosity lubricating oil usually made from residual stocks by suitable treatment,such asa combination of acid treatment or solvent extraction with dewaxing or clay finishing. 光亮油 通常由渣油经加工处理而制成的精炼、高粘度微个个润滑油。加工处理的方式包括:酸处理(或溶剂萃取)与脱蜡(或粘土精制)相结合。 Carbon Residue Standardized test which measures the amount of carbon left behind after pyrolysis under standard conditions. 残炭 用于在标准条件下,测定油品裂解后剩余碳量的标准化测试方法。 Cleveland Open Cup(Oc)Tester Apparatus used to detemine the flash and fire points of most petroleum productswith flash pemks above 79℃。 克利夫兰开口杯(COC)测定器 用于测定闪点高于79℃的大多数油品闪点和燃点的装置。 Cloud point Temperature at which a moticea ble cloud of crystals or other solid material appears when a sample is cooled ender prescribed conditions. 浊点 在规定条件下,当油样冷却至产生明显雾状时的温度。(产生雾状是由于有晶体形成或其他固态物质生成) Complex Grease A lubdcating grease thickened by a complex soap consisting Of a normal soap and a comPlexmg agent. The use Of soap complexes gives products which have higher dropping points than similar lubricants made from normal soaps. 复合润滑脂 指用复合皂(即由普通皂与复合剂组成)进行稠化制成的润滑脂。使用复合皂制成的润滑脂与使用普通皂制成的同类润滑脂相比,具有更高的滴点。 Defoamants(Foam lnhibitor) Additiveused used in lubricating oilst to assist the collapse Of surthce layers Of foam caused by agitation Of the release of entrained Or entrapped air. 抗泡添加剂(泡沫抑制剂) 加入到油品中、并令其产生的气泡表层破裂的添加剂。(润滑油内部气泡的形成。或由于搅拌、或由于其本身所夹带或滞留的空气被释放出来。) Demulsibility Property of a lubricant tO separate from water. 抗乳化性 指润滑油与水分离的能力。 Density The mass Of liquid per unit Of volume Of substance at 15℃. 密度 在15℃的温度条件下,单位体积的某种物质所具有的液体质量。 Detergency Property Of a lubricating oil to reduce or prevent deposits formed under high temperature conditions Or as a re-suit Of the action on the oil of acidic contaminants. 清净性 指润滑油在高温条件下或在酸性污染物作用下,阻止或减少生成沉淀的能力。 Dielectric Strength A measure Of the insulating value Of an electrical insulating medium.The value depends to some ex—tent on the test method used.0 绝缘强度 指对一种电绝缘介质绝缘能力的量度。该数值在一定程度上取决于所使用的测量方法。 Dispcmancy Property Of an oil to disperseand suspend potential deposit—forming materials sO that they Can be removed from the system when the oil is drained. 分散性 油品所具有的分散和悬浮可能形成沉淀的物质、并在油品被抽出时将该物质带出系统的能力。 Dropping point —The temperatuer at which the first drop Of liquid separates when a grease is heated under prescribed conditions. 滴点 在规定条件下,将润滑脂加热至第一滴液体滴下时的温度。 Emulsion Intimate mixture Of two Or more materials which are immiscible Or partially miscible with each other.In most emulsions, one material is aqueous and the other is an oil. 乳化液 两种或两种以上互相不能溶混或仅能够部分溶混的物质所形成的完全混合物。 Extreme Pressure(EP) Additive —Chemical compound imparting extreme pressure characteristics tO a lubricant with the objecfive Of reducing wear under conditions where rubbing or sliding accompanies high contact pressures,as in heavily loaded gears,particulars Of the hypoid type. 极压(EP)添加剂 在伴随着高接触压力的摩擦和滑动的情况下(如:在重载齿轮,特别是准双曲面型齿轮中),能够赋予润滑油抗极压性能,以达到减轻磨损目的的化合物。 Film Srength Ability of a film Of lubricants tO resist rupture due tO load,speed and temperature. 油膜强度 润滑油油膜抵抗因负荷、速度和温度而造成破裂的能力。 Floc Point The lowest temperature at which vapors rising a sample will ignite momentarily On application Of a flame under specified conditions. 闪点 在规定条件下,油品加热后所逸出的蒸气与火焰接触发生瞬间闪火时的最低温度。 Flash Point The temperature at which a flocculent collection Of wax crystals first appears when a solution Of freon in oil is cooled under prescribed conditions. 絮凝点 在规定条件下,当把氟利昂的油溶液冷却到第一次出现蜡晶体的絮凝物时的温度。 FZG Load Stage The load which can be transmitted by a pair of gears under the conditions Of test and temperature in the FZG gear machine. FZG 负荷试验 在FZG齿轮机器的测试条件和温度下,一对齿轮能够传递的负荷。 KOH Chemical symbol fOr the alkdine Compound pstassium hydroxide. KOH 氢氧化钾碱性化合物的化学符号。 Load Garrying capacity A quantitative term to describe the ability Of a lubricant tO resistr film rupture and protect agaimt wear and surface destruction under conditions of high speeds, high loads,high temperatures Or combinations Of these. 承载能力 描述在高速度、高负荷、高温或这些因素同时作用的情况下,润滑油抵抗油膜破裂、抗磨损以及保护表面免受损坏的能力的定量参数。 Load一wear index An index Of the abiliLy Of a lubricant tO prevent wear under applied loads as determined in the Four—Ball EP Tester. 负荷 —磨损指数是衡量润滑油在四球极压试验中所施加的负荷下所表现出的抗磨能力的一项指数。 M1L Prefix designation for U.S Military Specifications. MIL “美国军方标准”的英文词头缩写。 Molybdenum Disulfide Chemical compound Of molybdenum and sulfur which has exceUent properties as a solid lubricant due to the type Of moleeular structure Of the particles. 二硫化钼 钼和硫形成的化合物,由于其粒子的独特分子结构,因而成为性能卓越的固体润滑剂。 Multigrade see Multiviscosity. 多级别 见“多级粘度”。 Multipurpose Grease A lubricating grease suitable fOr a variety Of applications such as chassis, wheel bearings, univer—sal joints and water pumps On automotive equipment. 多用途润滑脂 指适合多种用途的润滑脂,如:车辆设备中的底盘、车轮轴承、万向节和水泵等的润滑。 Multiviscosity An Oil that meets the low temperature viscosity limits Of one 0f the SAE W numbers as well as the 100℃ viscosity limits Of,the non—W numbers. 多级粘度 既能达到SAE W前边的数字(如:5、10或15等)的低温粘度极限,同时又能达到SAE W后边的数字(如:30、40或50等)100粘度极限的油品。 Naphthenic having the characteristics Of naphthense,which are saturated hydrocarbons containing molecules with at least one closed ring Of carbon atoms. 环烷烃 具有环烷特性的、至少包含一个碳原子闭链的饱和烃。 NLGI Classficat Numbers A series Of numbers used tO classify the consistency(hardlless)Of a grease, based On a standard ASTM cone penetration test. NLGI级数 根据ASTM针入度测试,用于划分润滑脂稠度(硬度)的——系列数字。 NLGI Service Classification System A system Of letter designations to define class Of automotive chassis and wheel bear-ing greases. NLGI用途分类体系 用于定义机动车底盘和车轮轴承润滑脂分类的字母代号体系。 Oxidation Stability Ability of alubricant to resist oxidation and deterion resulting from high temperatues and/or ex—posure to air. 氧化稳定性 润滑油抵抗因高温和/或空气作用而氧化或变质的能力。 Paraffinic Having the chametefisties()rparaffins,saturated hydroeartx,nsOfopen(,hatn structure. 石蜡族 具有石蜡的特性、具开放式结构的饱和烃。 Penetration Consistency,expressed as the distance that a stanthtrd needle or cone penetrates vertically into a sample of the material under prescribed conditions Of loading,time and temperature 针(锥)入度 在规定的负荷、时间和温度等条件下,以标准化的针或锥垂直进入产品试样的深度来表示的稠度值。 Pour point lowest temperature at which aliquid petroleum product will flow when it is cooled under the conditions of the standant test methed. 倾点 在标准测定方式所规定的条件下,液体石油产品在被降温的过程中能维持流动的最低温度。 Pour Point Depressant An additive which lowers the pour pointroleum petroleum products contmnlng wax by reducing the tendency Of the wax tO collect into a solid mass. 降凝剂 通过抑制石蜡聚集成固体物质的趋向,从而降低含有石蜡的石油产品之倾点的一种添加剂。 Rust and Oxidation(R&O) Additives usd to enhance the rust and oxidation resistance Of oils and greases. 锈蚀和氧化(R&O) 用于提高润滑油和润滑脂的防锈和抗氧化能力的添加剂。 SAE Grade Grade indicating the viscocity range of a crankcase,transmission Of rear axle lubricant,according tO the sys—tems designed by SAE. SAE级别 按照SAE设定的体系,表明用于车辆曲轴箱、变速箱和后轴的润滑油粘度范围的级别。 (SAE 为“美国汽车工程师协会”的英文词头缩写)。 Shear Stability ability of a lubricant such a grease or VI improved Oil to withstand mechanical shearing without being degraded in conslstency or viscosity. 剪切稳定性 润滑产品(如润滑脂或高粘度指数油品)抵抗机械搅拌而不发生稠度或粘度降低的能力。 Soap General term for the“salt”of a fatty acid.Ordinary washing soaps are those Of sodium and potasstum.the soaps (of lithium,sodium,cadcium,barium and aluminum are the principal thickeners used in grease,making. 皂基 对脂肪酸盐的一般性称呼。普通洗涤皂是脂肪酸的钠盐和钾盐。而锂、钠、钙、钡和铝皂,则是生产润滑脂所用的主要稠化剂。 Solvent Neutral Oil(SNO) Base oil manufactured from solevt refined parafllnic lube distillates. 溶剂中和油(SNO) 利用石蜡油蒸馏得到的溶剂而生产出来的基础油。 Solevnt Refined A refining technique to improve the quality Of based oils using selective extraction Of undesirable compo-nents by means Of solvents. 溶剂精制 —利用溶剂作为手段(利用溶剂方式?),有选择性地萃取不需要的组份,进而提高基础油质量的一种精制工艺。 Spindle Oil Low viscosity oil intended for the lubricatio of high speed spindles such as those used in textile mills. 锭子油 用于高速锭子(如纺织机械上的锭子)润滑的低粘度润滑油。 Straight Mineral —Oils which do not contain compounds or“additives"". 纯矿物油 不含化合物或添加剂的油品。 Salfated Ash Residue that remains aftera sample Of oil has been oxidized under prescribed conditions and the resulting residue redused to a constant weight by heating with sulfuric acid. Used as a measure Of the amount of metallo—organic ad-difivas present in new used oils the determination may be affected by the presence Of incombustible contaminants such as lead alkyls,dust and wear metals. 硫酸盐灰分 油品试样在规定条件下经氧化形成残渣,并与硫酸一起加热,直至残渣重量降低到恒定值,此时的残渣被称为硫酸盐灰分。硫酸盐灰分被作为一种测定新油品中金属有机物添加剂数量的方法。在用过的油品中,这种测定方法的精确度会由于有不燃烧污染物(如:铅的烷基化物、灰尘以及金属磨屑)的存在而受到影响。 Thermal Stability The property Of alubricant which indicates its ability to resist cracking and decomposition on prolonged exposnre to elevated temperatures. 热稳定性 表明润滑油在长期高温环境中抵抗裂化和分解能力的指标。 Thickener The solid particles which are unformly dispersed to form the structure Of a lubricating grease in which the liquid lubricant is held. 增稠剂 指加入到润滑油中以形成润滑脂的固体颗粒物。这种固体颗粒物在润滑油中以未成形状态分散,形成润滑脂的结构,从而将液体润滑油容纳进这种结构中。 Timken OK Load Maximum loada lubricant will withstand without failure due to breakdown Of the lubricant film, as determined On the Timken EP Lubricant Tester. Timken OK负荷 在Timken EP测试仪上测定的,润滑油所能承受的、不会因油膜破裂而失效的最大负荷。 Typical Test test results which are characteristics Of a product,normally mean values obtained from analysis Of a number of production batches Of that product. 典型测试 表明一种产品特性的试验结果,通常是对该产品的多个生产批次进行化验分析所得到的平均值。 Viscosity Measure Of the resistance to flow,or intemal friction,Of a fluid.Viscosity changes with temporature so the temperature at which the measuremem was made must always be specked. 运动粘度 表明一种流体抵抗流动或者说是内部摩擦的能力的度量值。运动粘度会随温度变化而变化,因此,在给出运动粘度的数值时,通常必须注明其测试温度。 viscosity index(VI) An arbitary scale used to show the relative magnitude Of viscosity changes with temperature.Higher VI oils have less change in viscosity with temperature. 粘度指数(VI) 表明粘度随温度变化相对程度的经验量值.粘度指数越高的油品,其粘度随温度的变化量就越小. Worked Penetration The penetration of a sample of lubricating grease immediately after it has been brought to 25℃and Worked 60strokes in the ASTM grease Worker. 工作锥入度 在ASTM润滑脂工作机上,润滑脂样品在温度达到25℃并工作60冲次后立即测得的锥入度,即为工作锥入度
2023-01-09 12:06:402


胜之不武 武断专横 横眉冷对 对酒当歌 歌功颂德 德才兼备 望采纳
2023-01-09 12:06:422


2023-01-09 12:06:433


Yang Guifei (719—56) Renowned beauty of the Tang dynasty (618-906) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yang Guifei (Yang Kuei-fey) concubine of the Tang emperor Xuanzong (Hsüan-tsung; 685-762). Renowned beauty of Chinese history. Of humble origins, she is said to have won the favor and passion of the emperor to the extent that he eventually began to neglect state affairs. She adopted An Lu-shan, a general of Turkic origin, as her son and helped him win power at court. A power struggle over control of the central government between An Lu-shan and Yang"s brother led to An"s rebellion in 755. Fleeing the capital before the rebels captured it, angry royal guards, who blamed Yang Guifei and her brother for the rebellion, forced Xuanzong to order their execution. The emperor soon abdicated.Yang Guifei"s story and her tragic end have been a favorite theme for Chinese poets and writers. Bai Juyi (Pai Chu-i, Bo Juyi, Po Chü-i; 772-846) recounts the tragic love story of Yang Guifei in his long poem "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" (C: Chang hen ge; J: Chôgonka). He was one of the most famous poets and men of letters of the mid-Tang period. Born in modern Henan, he held several senior official posts during his life-time, although his outspoken criticisms of government policies resulted in his being exiled from Chang"an in 815. A prolific poet with an international reputation, he strove for clarity in his writings and, with his good friend Yuan Zhen, promoted the new yuefu style of poetry. He was a devout Buddhist and many of his poems are very critical of the society of the time. His long poem "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" was particularly popular among the aristocracy of mid-Heian period Japan as well, which accounts for the numerous references to Bai Juyi and his poems in The Tale of Genji and other works of classical Japanese literature. -------- Yang Gui Fei is one of the most beautiful ladies of ancient China but she got the most unfortunate compare to those three left. Yang Gui Fei or Yang Concubine was named Yang Yuhuan, she was a daughter of a nobleman in the little village by her 16 years old, her father sent her into the palace to be a wife of the sixteenth years old 18th prince. After she got into the palace, her beautiful appearance was well-known after the Emperor Tang Xuanzong heard that he wanted to see this girl so that he went to his son"s palace; once Xuangzong saw Yang Yuhuan he suddenly fell in love with her and accommodated her into his palace. In that time Xuanzong was 56 years old and Yang was 22 years old Yang Concubine"s character Yang was not only beautiful but also very clever, learned fast and talented in music and dancing, the sound of music of Yang brought Xuanzong into day-dream. One day Xuanzong took Yang to see the beautiful white lotus, and said, "The lotus is beautiful without spirit, it cannot be compared with my concubine. My concubine is the best flower in the world." After several years she became ennobled high-ranked imperial concubine and ranked with the Empress the she was named as Yang Gui Fei. The smile of Yang Gui Fei was enough to enchant and enrapture the Emperor. Xuanzong loved her more than anything in the world; he even built her a natural warm spring pool which she could take a bath at spring time. The First Class Concubine"s power After Yang Yuhuan, a normal ordinary girl from little village became the first class concubine Yang Gui Fei; gradually her family"s member gained the high position in the government the finally Yang"s family gained enormous power in the Tang Court. Yang Guo Zhong who was Yang Gui Fei"s eldest brother became the Prime Minister but he was very corrupt. At the time people in Tang Dynasty preferred to have a daughter than son because of Yang family who got the glory and wealth form Yang Gui Fei so that people hope their daughter could follow her footsteps to be the favorite concubine of the Emperor. The End of the Prosperity After several years that Yang Guo Zhong governed the Tang"s land as a prime minister, people got suffer from his corruption and lived very poor and difficult. An Lu Shan who was the non Han Chinese commander-in-chief and governor of Fan Yang had come to visit Chang An the Capital and found out that the Prime Minister so that he wanted to report to the Emperor but not success by this situation he had made a formidable enemy then Yang Guo Zhong also knew about this and vowed to destroy him. The Rebellion Yang Guo Zhong sent troops to ransack An Lu Shan"s house and also killed An Lu Shan"s friend that enraged An Lu Shan so that he wanted to retaliate without no others mission. An Lu Shan leaded 170,000 troops marched to the Chang An the Capital to make a war against Yang Guo Zhong. An Lu Shan"s troop were unstoppable, they crossed the Yellow River, overran Luo Yang and went straight to Chang An. The people and also the government of Tang were in panic since the Emperor ordered a mass evacuation then not so long, An Lu Shan occupied the capital and demolished it to the ground. The Execution The procession of the Emperor went southwest towards Cheng Du with the thousands of the residents from the capital and after arrived Ma Wei Yi which is about 100 kilometers from the Capital the mass of people stopped and refused to go and protect the Emperor. People demanded the death of Yang Gui Fei and Yang Guo Zhong since they were the cause of this destruction. Xuanzong had no alternative under such extreme circumstances so that he issued an order the have them executed. The Prime Minister was carried out for the execution instantly and for Yang Gui Fei was to be executed by hanging from the tree in a nearby hill. At the time Yang Gui Fei cried and begged for life, Xuanzong had powerless to help her but hung his head and buried his face in his dragon robes. After Yang Gui Fei kicked her bucket and died finally, the crowd were quiet. Yang Gui Fei"s jewelry was scattered all over but nobody picked them up. The Emperor"s life after the death of his love"s one The death of Yang Gui Fei brought out the spirit of Xuanzong also, he lost his vitality to continue as Emperor so that he abdicated the throne to his third son, Li Heng who became Emperor Su Zong. After the rebellion were crushed, Tang Court moved back to Chang An and on the way back to the Capital at the spot where Yang Gui Fei died Xuanzong stopped and he tried to find the place that she was buried but couldn"t. At the times Xuangzong could not bear to look at the full moon as it reminded him to think of Yang Gui Fei. Xuanzong recited the secret the phrases which nobody knew but him and her. "Up above the sky we wish we were a pair of birds On earth we wish we were the two branches of a tree." At Chang An the capital, the natural warm spring pool was still there and also the flowers and trees but no more Yang Gui Fei. Xuanzong lost his will to live, he lived with grieve only hope he had in that time was to see Yang Gui Fei in his dreams every night. He ordered the soothsayer to search for her spirit but never appear, not even just once…
2023-01-09 12:06:292


2023-01-09 12:06:284

Combustion burn 区别是?

2023-01-09 12:06:263