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2023-08-24 21:49:13

Nowadays, jobs in rurul areas are much more attractive than those in the cities. There are several reasons. In past years,with the better working conditon ,millions of people surged into the cities. At that time ,working in the city means higher wages , more comfortable circumtance and a much brighter future. If you have a job in the city ,you will enjoy a whole different and perfect life.

But now ,everything has changed. People can no longer bear the unbearable pressure that working in the city bring to them. As the environment pollution becomes more and more serious ,city is not the best place for people to live. ON the contrary ,to find a job in the beautiful and clean rural areas is very easy.

College students can also practice themselves in rural areas and at the same time aviod the fierce competition. so , it"s a smart choice for them to find jobs in rural areas.


In this age, more and more students graduate are from colleges and in face of choosing where to work.

Majority of students want to work in cities, for in cities there are better working conditions, higher pay, better infrastructure. All of these provide a better living standards.

On the contrary, a great many students assume the great pressure and serious pollution are harmful for ones health in cities. They insist that in rural areas it is easier in seeking for a job and have more leisure time. Also, there is less pollution.

In my opinion, it is more important to consider which life you would like to lead and where you can realize your life goals.



rural是什么意思 rural的翻译

1、rural,英 [u02c8ru028au0259ru0259l] 美 [u02c8ru028aru0259l] adj.乡村的;农村的;似农村的。 2、He has a romantic view of rural society。他对农村的看法不切实际。 3、As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities。由于农村的工厂纷纷裁员,人们逐渐流向城市。
2023-08-18 13:29:101


乡村的英文是"rural",英式读音是 /u02c8ru028au0259ru0259l/,美式读音是 /u02c8ru028aru0259l/.释义:乡村是指相对于城市而言的农村地区,通常具有较少的人口和更多的自然环境。用法:"rural"是一个形容词,用于描述具有农村特征的地区。词形变化:-rural (形容词)词语搭配:1. rural area:农村地区2. rural life:乡村生活3. rural development:农村发展4. rural community:农村社区5. rural economy:农村经济词义解析:乡村指的是相对于城市而言的农村地区,通常有较少的人口和更多的自然环境,具有自然、宁静的特点。双语例句:1. He grew up in a rural village and enjoyed the simplicity of country life. 他在一个乡村村庄长大,享受着乡村生活的简单。2. The government has implemented several programs to promote rural development. 政府已经实施了几项计划来促进乡村发展。3. She moved from the city to a rural area to experience a slower pace of life. 她从城市搬到乡村地区,体验更慢节奏的生活。4. The rural community came together to organize a harvest festival. 乡村社区齐心协力组织了一个丰收节。5. Despite living in a rural setting, they have access to modern amenities and technology. 尽管生活在乡村环境中,但他们能够获得现代便利设施和技术。
2023-08-18 13:29:181


rural英音:["ru:ru0259l]美音:["ruru0259l] 形容词 a. 1.农村的;田园的;有乡村风味的 I am longing for quiet rural life. 我极想过清静的乡村生活. 2.生活于农村的[Z] He spoke like rural people. 他说起话来像乡下人. 3.农业的 Rural economy has improved greatly in the past few years. 过去几年农业经济有很大发展. 中文读音:入肉
2023-08-18 13:29:341


2023-08-18 13:30:372


2023-08-18 13:31:041


ruraladj. 农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的rural源自拉丁语中的ruralis([n.] 农村)rural=rur+alrur: 源自原式印欧语 词根 rur(露天);古英语词根:rum(空间)al:形容词后缀
2023-08-18 13:31:141


2023-08-18 13:31:441


翻译如下乡村建设根据语境Rural construction;Rural Reconstruction;Rural Building都可以例句乡村建设学院与新形势下地方高校的发展有着诸多相似之处。Rural Construction College has a lot of Similarities with the development of localcolleges on new situation.
2023-08-18 13:32:012


ruralism田园风味 田园生活ruralist田园生活主义者rurality田园风光
2023-08-18 13:32:111


2023-08-18 13:32:581


at the village region
2023-08-18 13:33:303

英语辩论 住在乡村比城市好

Rural living is better than living in urban areas . Living in a rural area allows residents to enjoy the natural world more easily instead of having to go to parks. In addition, people do not have to fight with the daily stresses of urban life such as being stuck in traffic, dealing with higher rates of crime, and in many cases, paying higher taxes. People living in rural and sparsely populated areas are less likely to have mental health problems than those living in urban areas. Pollution,both noise and atmospheric, is a serious problem in cities and this affects the overall quality of life. Unlike big cities where there is a large number of stores and restaurants to choose from, those in rural areas have the benefit of land upon which to grow their own food, which is much healthier. Residents in rural communities often have long-lasting and more personal relationships with their neighbours since they meet the same people more frequently.完全人手, 希望帮到你
2023-08-18 13:33:481


2023-08-18 13:34:0215


Country life or city lifeMany people prefer to live in the city for several reasons. First it is convenient in shopping, traffic and entertainment. Secondly it is clean and tide in the streets and parks and most of the places in the city. Thirdly there are many chances for employment and the education either for children or for adults. Finally they think the medical facilities are more advanced than that in rural areas.But some people like to live in the countryside, because they think the rural scene is beautiful and the landscape is attractive. Also they enjoy the fresh air and primitive flavor of the farmers, they can feel the apparent changing of the four seasons and appreciate the crop growing. They walk along the small river for relaxation even for fishing. They plant the crops or vegetables and breed the poultry or livestock with pleasure and gain.Either living in rural area or in urban area is a life style. People can choose their own living method. Each of them has its advantages or disadvantages, whatever you like.
2023-08-18 13:34:581


rural tourism
2023-08-18 13:35:093


2023-08-18 13:35:231


rural意思是:农村的,乡村的。rural 核心词汇 英 ["rʊərəl]     美 ["rʊrəl]    adj. 农村的,乡村的,田园的。The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas.那疾病多见於农村地区。Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike.受罢工影响最严重的是乡村地区。近义词:provincial 扩展词汇 英 [prə"vɪnʃl]     美 [prə"vɪnʃl]    adj. 省的;地方的;偏狭的。n. 乡下人;地方人民。His articles are published on the provincial newspaper.他的文章在省报上发表了。The man displayed provincial attitudes towards the theatre.这个人显示出对戏剧界的守旧态度。
2023-08-18 13:36:361


rural意思是:农村的,乡村的。rural 核心词汇 英 ["ru028au0259ru0259l]     美 ["ru028aru0259l]    adj. 农村的,乡村的,田园的。The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas.那疾病多见於农村地区。Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike.受罢工影响最严重的是乡村地区。近义词:provincial 扩展词汇 英 [pru0259"vu026anu0283l]     美 [pru0259"vu026anu0283l]    adj. 省的;地方的;偏狭的。n. 乡下人;地方人民。His articles are published on the provincial newspaper.他的文章在省报上发表了。The man displayed provincial attitudes towards the theatre.这个人显示出对戏剧界的守旧态度。
2023-08-18 13:36:521


rural是乡村的,田园的,有乡村特点的;生活于农村的;农业的。REA (Rural Electrification Administration)农村电气化管理局Thanks to the emancipation of rural productive forces the rural economy has achieved a rapid development随着农村劳动生产力得到解放,乡村经济发展迅猛Rural credit cooperatives have become the main force of rural financial service.农村信用社已成为农村金融服务的主力军。
2023-08-18 13:37:091


2023-08-18 13:38:353


country : a district outside of cities and towns; a rural area.village: a small group of dwellings in a rural area, usually ranking in size between a hamlet and a town. countryside: a rural region. so you can say: a village in countryside 我住在农村是不是必须用countryside呀? Using countryside is correct but you do not have to use countryside. You can also say I live in a village, or you can say I am from countryside. 至于说边远山区,我们用rural
2023-08-18 13:40:001


问题一:田园 英语怎么说 田园 [tián yuán] countryside rural 即使身处严冬,一幅田园画也能令人忆及与爱人在乡间共度的夏日时光。 A pastoral painting can remind you, in winter, of summer in thecountry with your beloved. 跟读 问题二:“田园风光”用英语怎么说? 田园风光: . . rurality 问题三:田园的的英语翻译 田园的用英语怎么说 田园[tián yuán] countryside; fields and gardens; garden city 问题四:田园风光 用英文怎么翻译 ruralit憨 [ru?"r?l?ti] n.田园风光 田园风味 田园生活 rural scenery 田园的风光,景致 问题五:田园风英文怎么写? rurality 田园风光 pastoral 乡村田园风(歌曲) 问题六:田园诗的英语翻译 田园诗用英语怎么说 The idyllic pastoral poetry in English translation 问题七:中华田园犬英文怎么说 翻译结果 中华田园犬英文怎么说 The Chinese rural dog how to say it in English
2023-08-18 13:40:071


2023-08-18 13:40:151


乡村振兴英文是Rural revitalization。乡村振兴的英语单词是Rural revitalization,乡村振兴战略是the strategy of rural vitalization。相关词汇有农业农村农民问题issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people。农业农村现代化modernization of agriculture and rural areas。农村土地制度改革reform of the rural land system。
2023-08-18 13:41:221

in the rural areas 还是in the rural area

in the rural area.
2023-08-18 13:41:444


2023-08-18 13:41:542


1 浙江农村商业银行公司美金账户是指该银行为客户提供的一种外币账户,可以用于进行美元相关的存款、转账、结汇等操作。2 随着国际贸易和跨境投资的不断增加,越来越多的人们需要进行美元结算,因此浙江农村商业银行公司美金账户的存在极大地方便了客户的境外贸易和投资活动。3 此外,浙江农村商业银行公司美金账户的开户条件和手续相对简单,具有安全、快捷、高效的特点,受到众多客户的青睐和信赖。
2023-08-18 13:42:043


V盾是农村信用社的安全认证介质,通过电子银行办理转账、缴费、支付等业务时使用。 V盾是农村信用社的安全认证介质,V盾密码是消费者当时办理V盾手机银行时在柜台设置的密码,如果消费者忘记了V盾密码,需要携带本人身份证和银行卡前往就近的农村信用社柜台重置V盾密码。消费者在操作个人网上银行汇款、转账、缴费、支付等业务时,输入V盾密码,页面没有响应,则消费者需要使用网上银行助手进行相关控件、驱动安装,然后重新进行交易。消费者要妥善保管密码。 V盾内植数字证书,是一种符合监管部门要求的高级别安全认证工具,它能有效进行交易核对和身份认证。V盾通过了人民银行、公安部等安全认证,原理是连同SIM卡一起安装在手机槽内,更方便安全。使用V盾可以提高转账限额,手机银行的单笔转账额度可以达到100万元,单日转账额度可以达到200万元;网上银行的单笔转账额度可以达到100万元,单日转账额度可以达到800万元。V盾还可以减少手机病毒的侵害。 扩展资料: 农村信用合作社银行的相关要求规定: 1、 有按期还本付息的能力。原应付贷款利息和到期贷款已基本清偿;没有清偿的,已经作了贷款人认可的偿还计划。 2、除自然人和不须经工商部门核准登记的事业法人外,应经过工商部门办理年检手续。 3、农村在贷款社已开立基本账户或一般存款账户,并在该账户内保留有一定数额的支付保证金;自愿接受贷款社的信贷及结算的监督检查,能够保证定期向贷款社报送经营计划和相关业务、财务报表。 4、申请保证、抵押贷款的,必须具有符合规定的贷款保证人、贷款抵押物或质物。贷款保证人必须是在农村信用社开设存款账户并具备良好的经济效益和资信度的企业或经济实体。
2023-08-18 13:42:141


1.名词词性:country:不可数名词,countryside:不可数名词。2.词义:Country:对应“city城市”“town城镇”,country表达的村“有抽象感觉”从规模上从重要性(比如大家会用一线二线城市这样来区别;会用超级大国及发展中国家来区别)-特别注意:不要和单词国家的疆域概念混在一起了。he prefers living in the country to being in the town.他宁愿住在乡下而不愿住在城市。countryside:泛指一切乡村地域或乡村区域居民,构词上用的side表示这个词“有物理面积感”区域感。She bundled him off to the countryside. 她匆匆把他撵到乡下去。
2023-08-18 13:42:238

Great changes have taken place in the rural

2023-08-18 13:42:532


2023-08-18 13:43:046


Work in the countrysideNowadays, more and more people choose to work in the countryside instead of the city. What are the reasons and benefits of this trend?There are several reasons why people prefer to work in the countryside. First of all, the countryside has a better environment than the city. There is less pollution, noise and traffic in the rural areas. People can enjoy the fresh air, green scenery and peaceful atmosphere. Second, the countryside has a lower cost of living than the city. The prices of housing, food and transportation are cheaper in the rural areas. People can save more money and have a simpler lifestyle. Third, the countryside has more opportunities for personal development than the city. People can learn new skills, explore new hobbies and make new friends in the rural areas. They can also have more time and space for themselves.The benefits of working in the countryside are obvious. Working in the countryside can improve people"s physical and mental health, reduce their stress and increase their happiness. It can also help them to appreciate the beauty of nature and the value of life.In conclusion, working in the countryside is a good choice for many people who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and pursue a better quality of life.中文翻译:在乡村工作现在,越来越多的人选择在乡村而不是城市工作。这种趋势的原因和好处是什么?人们喜欢在乡村工作有几个原因。首先,乡村比城市有更好的环境。在农村地区,污染,噪音和交通都少得多。人们可以享受新鲜的空气,绿色的风景和宁静的氛围。其次,乡村比城市有更低的生活成本。住房,食物和交通的价格在农村地区都更便宜。人们可以节省更多的钱,过一种更简单的生活方式。第三,乡村比城市有更多的个人发展机会。人们可以在农村地区学习新技能,探索新爱好和结交新朋友。他们也可以有更多的时间和空间给自己。在乡村工作的好处是显而易见的。在乡村工作可以改善人们的身心健康,减少他们的压力和增加他们的幸福感。它也可以帮助他们欣赏自然之美和生活之价值。总之,在乡村工作是许多想要逃离城市喧嚣和追求更高生活质量的人的一个好选择。语法分析:引言:用一个问句引出主题,并用一个复合句表明文章将讨论这种趋势的原因和好处。正文第一段:用一个复合句总结人们喜欢在乡村工作的几个原因,然后用三个并列的简单句分别阐述这些原因,并用转折词(first of all, second, third)连接。正文第二段:用一个简单句总结在乡村工作的好处,然后用两个复合句分别说明这些好处,并用连词(can, also)连接。结论:用一个简单句总结文章的主旨,然后用一个复合句表达作者的观点,并用连词(and, who, want to)连接。
2023-08-18 13:43:321

英翻:中国城镇人口、乡村人口的变化中“城镇”用city还是urban area,“城镇”是用town还是rural area?

2023-08-18 13:43:402

common ordinary general usual normal natrural的区别

common, general, ordinary和usual可作“普通的”“平常的”但有所差异。common侧重“普通”,表示“时时发生,人所共有”,并含有“并不高贵,地位低下”之意味,其反义词为rare。general侧重“普遍”之意,表示在大多数我或事物中流行并受到关注,不含有“地位低下”之意,其反义词为specific。ordinary与common基本同义,侧重“平凡的,普通的”,表示“随时可以碰到,不值得惊奇”,其反义词是superior。usual用来指事物,意为“通常的,惯常的”,含有“随集体风俗或个人习惯而常常发生”之意,其反义词为unusual。normal正常的,正规的,标准的 ----可以这样理解:这个就很好区分拉 正常的状态 标准的 常态 (人的精神,身体)正常发育的 eg:The doctor said the child"s temperature was normal. 医生说孩子体温正常natural自然的, 自然界的, 关于自然界的, 天生的, 天赋的, 普通的, 正常的, 简单自然的强调动物或植物的自然状态,本性举例如下:a common saying(俗话),a common wish(一个共同的愿望)。the general opinion一般舆论an ordinary(or a common)event(一件极平常的事),an ordinary(or a common)person(一个普通人)。It"s a usual thing with him. (这对他来说是平常事)。
2023-08-18 13:43:481


对应的英语:Rural land transferring.
2023-08-18 13:43:582

rural china是ssci吗?

您查询的是: rural china范围: SCIE收录期刊(2013年) SSCI收录期刊(2013年) A&HCI收录期刊(2013年) Ei Compendex收录期刊 (2013年) MEDLINE收录期刊 (2011年)对不起,未找到任何期刊。
2023-08-18 13:44:081


Urban life and rural life are very different from rural life.People in big cities pay more attention to respect for personal privacy.Sometimes this feeling seems to be a kind of indifference.However,it is a common practice of life to restrain people"s curiosity about strangers" private affairs. Vilagers and farmers are likely to show great interest in all their neighbors. Smart young people in the city have more opportunities.Promising job seekers have been pouring into the metropolitan area from villages and farms. My mother bought me a lot of clothes for my sweater. Among these clothes, I like my mother"s sweater.My mother is good at knitting sweaters. In winter, she knits sweaters for me.Il feel very warm when l wear them.l am very grateful to my mother because she has been there all the time Take care of me, and l will repay her love.When I grew up, the advantages of the subway last week, l and my friends went to Guangzhou. We were very excited about the took us three hours to get to the Guangzhoailway station. We were very confused about how to get out of the station. Whenwe got to the subway station, we saw a big sign with a big picture on it.We would look for it soon in the subway When we got to the road, we counted the time. We never thought it would be so fast.We only took 10 minutes to get to the destination.
2023-08-18 13:44:152


The home environment with 200 words in English Chinese Translation. On the other hand, I will ask my friends to go out for fun or I just stay at my bedroom to play computer games. I am so satisfied with myself, because I study hard and play hard. As a student, I need to study, at the same time, I also need to enjoy my childhood.
2023-08-18 13:44:363


农村商业银行(Rural commercial bank)  又名农村信用合作社(Rural credit cooperatives)是由辖内农民、农村工商户、企业法人和其他经济组织共同入股组成的股份制的地方性金融机构。在经济比较发达、城乡一体化程度较高的地区,“三农”的概念已经发生很大的变化,农业比重很低,有些只占5%以下,作为信用社服务对象的农民,虽然身份没有变化,但大都已不再从事以传统种养耕作为主的农业生产和劳动,对支农服务的要求较少,信用社实际也已经实行商业化经营。对这些地区的信用社,可以实行股份制改造,组建农村商业银行。
2023-08-18 13:44:443


A, daily behaviorsRural traditional farming system and urban modern industrial system are two fundamentally different production system, which determines the rural and urban people on the idea that the corresponding time space behavior has the characteristics of fundamentally different. Rural society, the national farmers generally show reverence and attachment of land, the level of social flow is formed, adventure, up positive traits.Second, the roleThe rural society, the township and soil constitutes the background of agricultural civilization. Relative to the rural society of acquaintances society, urban society is a strangers society, the city"s shrug relationship more expanded to many social organizations, exchanges expanded, but tend to be transient and superficiality, role cognition has strong functionality and heterogeneity.Third, personalityFarmers in accordance with the original meaning is a literal place, they go beyond the limited view of their land, formed the farmers conservatism and conformism psychological as well as the worship of authority. But a person with indomitable enterprising spirit of the city. Know its not as for the spirit of innovation and unity as the main characteristics of a concerted effort to.Fourth, psychological needsFarmers showed a narrow view of utilitarianism. Characterized by excessive attention to immediate interests of get rich quick. Relative to the provincial, city people"s hierarchy of needs, on the psychological needs pay more attention to the pursuit of spirit, pay attention to the realization of self-worth, their achievements desire more intense. City people can play created vast heaven and earth, but also increase the demand level of city people.The value orientation of rural society price has the characteristics of "group orientation", self subject consciousness is in a state of being cut. In the urban society, "the principle of" replaced "interpersonal relationship" principle, individual is according to its specific function and can provide service by understanding, "personal generalized" is the value orientation of urban society.
2023-08-18 13:45:142


2023-08-18 13:45:223

jbl ua streak没有app吗

2023-08-18 13:45:511


2023-08-18 13:45:581

one day streak什么意思

one day streak词典结果one day streak一天条
2023-08-18 13:45:591

ronald reagan怎么读

【中文名】罗纳德·威尔逊·里根【外文名】Ronald Wilson Reagan【国 籍】美国【出生地】伊利诺伊州坦皮科【出生日期】1911年2月6日(辛亥年)【逝世日期】2004年6月5日下午1点(甲申年)【职 业】政治家、演员、作家【主要成就】第40任美国总统(1981-1989) 两度荣登时代周刊年度风云人物 荣获总统自由勋章
2023-08-18 13:46:021


2023-08-18 13:46:022


特雷西 麦克格雷迪
2023-08-18 13:45:468


NERO出招表  刀REDQUEEN:  RedQueencomboA:地面△△△△,4连斩  RedQueencomboB:地面△,△△△(就是第一刀出了之后停0.5秒再接着按)1刀后地面连刺,最后一下挑空  RedQueencomboC:地面△△,△△△。7连斩  RedQueencomboD:地面△△△,△。其实和A是一样的,就是最后一刀用更多力  HighRoller:R1+后+△(△短按)。挑空斩(本人不会跃上空中)  HighRoller:R1+后+△(△长按)。挑空斩(本人会跃上空中)  AerialCombo:空中△△△。空中3连斩  RouletteSpin:半空△△,△。2连斩后有一下可以上升一小段距离的旋转攻击  Exceed2:可以使用2级EX技(就是买了后用EX一次耗两格)  Exceed3:可以使用3级EX技  Streak:地面按住R1+前+△。向前面一段冲出一段距离后横砍一刀,升级后移动更远。  Split:空中按住R1+前+△。半空中下落斩  Calibur:空中按住R1+后+前+△。空中向前移动出一段距离后砍一刀  Shuffle:地面按住R1+后+前+△。向后闪避出一段距离后,向原位置砍一刀(闪避时无敌)  枪BLUEROSE:  Chargeshot:按住□到手发蓝光,放开。枪的蓄力攻击,威力较小  Chargeshot2:按住□到手发紫光,放开。枪的蓄力攻击,威力普通,击中后有燃烧效果  Chargeshot3:按住□到手发红光,放开。枪的蓄力攻击,威力最大,击中后一段时间子弹爆炸,破防必备  鬼手DevilBringer:  Buster:靠近敌人按○,投技,敌人不同,投法不同。  Snatch:R1+○。抓取敌人,对正常状态BOSS无法抓取,只能飞过去,没有攻击力。升级后距离变长。  Hold:在Buster后继续按着○(需击败第八关BOSS)抓着敌人在半空当盾,但是只能防御前面的攻击。  恶魔变身Yamato:  SummonedSwords:变身后按□,射击伴随幻影剑攻击,投技时可同时使用。  MaximumBet:变身后,地面R1+后+△+○。蓄力X字光波斩,打BOSS必备。  Showdown:变身后,地面R1+前+△+○。REDQUEEN和YAMATO的组合剑技,是最强的招式。  辅助技能:  Rainbow:加速奔跑状态下按挑衅。双脚蹬面  TableHopper:敌人攻击命中前瞬间R1+左或右+跳,滑行闪避攻击,升级后接着按跳可以多次闪避。  AirHike:二段跳,必备技能  Max-Act:在攻击的瞬间按Q。可以一次充满三格EX,但是操作要求很高。
2023-08-18 13:45:444


Tom ford lips&boys的新色jack,浆果色、tom ford 口红三支新成员、人鱼姬色sunset blvd、温柔豆沙something wild、番茄红wild ginger。1、Tom ford lips&boys的新色jackmini限量款,只有2g,体积也小,随便一个什么包都能装下的感觉。我检查了我的唇膏颜色都是粉嫩的,刚好冬天,那就选只深色适合冬季,看起来温暖的颜色吧。刚好我也超喜欢jack这个名字。味道闻起来是巧克力,甜腻的,色泽度很好,薄涂是类似浅姨妈色,厚涂又有紫色的调调。灯光变化拍出的效果差别超大。上海下雨,没出门。敷完面膜没有上妆,直接擦了口红,感觉这个颜色素颜涂也不突兀,立刻精神起来。2、tom ford 口红三支成员人鱼姬色sunset blvd,温柔豆沙something wild,番茄红wild ginger。我笔记里介绍并试色过之前入手的tom ford暗黑系:black dahlia,dark stormy,velvet cherry。sunset blvd:是boy系列hiro色号的替代色,大火的人鱼姬色,粉橘金属色带闪。喜欢这个名字:sunset blvd,很写意啊。黄皮友好。something wild:原来一直没有关注过它,因为我豆沙色的口红真的够多了……但是还是止不住喜欢就买了。它和大表姐色的对比试色,其实颜色很像,大表姐色再比它偏红些,也是一种温柔知性的颜色。黄皮友好。3、黑管16scarlet rouge这是一款偏暖橘色与砖红色的色号,但是上最后是很明亮甜美的橘红色,黄皮涂抹这款色号,会更显甜美俏丽的气质,而且这款色号也能在正式场合涂抹,兼容性很高。4、细管唇膏3号色revage类似深朱红色的感觉非常具有高级感,非常显白,比起日常更适合在比较正式的晚宴等场合用来涂抹嘴唇,而且细管唇膏相对于黑管的润泽度更高,上嘴会显得嘴唇十分饱满有弹性。黄皮的话,豆沙色、西柚色、珊瑚红、偏橘调的砖红色、姨妈色、梅子色、正红都是很合适的。不要碰裸色和粉色系、紫红色的口红,很挑肤色,对黄皮真的很不友好。推荐以下几款比较经典的适合黄皮的口红阿玛尼500和501 很温柔的豆沙色。5、TF黑管09号TRUE CORAL好看又很正的珊瑚色,这个珊瑚色比较少见比一般的珊瑚色更红,但是又比传统的朱红色多一点暖粉色调,显白又提气色,暖黄皮会超级喜欢这个颜色,白皮涂上会更显亮白。6、TF黑管10号CHERRY LUSH可千万别被红色的膏体欺骗了,它其实涂上嘴是玫红色基调,透着冷色调的红,带一丢丢的珠光效果,遮盖力强,颜色饱和,有银色细闪,滋润的膏体,很显白很衬托气质。大部分黄皮可涂,白皮涂更有女人味。
2023-08-18 13:45:4311


1.J.P.Getty had a formula for success. 这句话里面提到的J.P.Getty是美国一个很有名的人。他做石油生意,24岁就成了百万富翁。他具有冒险精神,有天生的商业头脑,也很有眼力,在1957年,他的资产就已超过10亿美元。他还是一个出了名的吝啬鬼,他关心的东西就是钱,从来不肯将他的哪怕是一分钱捐献给社会,甚至他去世后,给他做悼念仪式的牧师的钱都没有给。 2.strike oil 这个词组的意思是“发现油矿,飞黄腾达”,看了这个人的背景,你就会觉得这个短语用在这里再合适不过了。 3.So we have no leverage. leverage:leverage is the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens. 4.Let"s keep on track. track,轨道。让我们在轨道上,意思就是“让事情顺利进行”。 5.Your brother"s cutting it close. cut it close,一般指在时间或金钱方面扣得很紧,只刚刚够用。 6.there is a bad joke about sara somewhere in there. 这句话小猪看到的翻译是“Sara的事传到那里去了”,前面Susan说,林肯,冷静点,听起来你和你弟弟都有点急昏头了。小猪理解这句话的意思是“我知道Sara发生的事情很可怕。”这里也想听听大家的看法 7.I thought we were stringing him along? string along: 这里是“愚弄,欺骗”的意思。“我以为我们在骗他。” 8.It"s hanging by a thread. thread:这里是说“线;丝,丝状体;螺纹”,不过现在看看你的地址栏,你还会看到这个词滴^_^ 9.but I"d be lying if I didn"t say it was a close call. a close call: 侥幸脱险,九死一生,幸免于难 10.we get to that cup, we get to the man. 这个句子小猪看到的翻译是“如果去拿杯子,就能找到那个人。”不过觉得这样翻的话感觉有点别扭,偶的理解是他们要对付这个哨兵,所以偶来翻的话会翻成“拿到杯子,我们就能搞定那个人。”这个也想看看大家的理解咯。 【感想】 《越狱》最近是多灾多难啊,不过五集看下来,说实话偶觉得这部剧集没有“那么”糟糕。可能它的确没有第一季精彩,不过也不至于很难以忍受。至少我现在对Whistler的身份还是挺好奇的。不过眼看离越狱还剩不到24小时,忽然感觉再往下演MS有点《24》的模式了,只是不知道这24个小时会演上几集。因为12月17号第三季的秋季档结束,要到明年四月才回归,所以据偶猜测可能秋季档会以越狱成功的一刹那结束(呃,就是第一季的结局模式了)。剩下的whisler出来了怎么办,Michael发现Sara死了又怎么办就留给明年了。万一到时候演Sara的演员生完孩子又回来了也说不定。
2023-08-18 13:45:421