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2023-08-24 21:58:45
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雅乐 顾名思义,“雅乐”的意思即“优雅的音乐”。雅乐是中国古代的宫廷音乐。雅乐的体系在西周初年制定,与法律和礼仪共同构成了贵族统治的内外支柱。以后一直是东亚乐舞文化的重要组成部分。宫廷雅乐乐谱在中国已失传,只有韩国、日本及越南尚有保存。 【周朝的雅乐】 周武王建立周朝不久,就命周公姬旦制礼作乐,建立各种贵族生活中的礼仪和典礼音乐,使音乐为其王权统治服务。这一部分乐舞就是所谓的“雅乐”。它包含了远古图腾及巫术等宗教活动中的乐舞及祭祀音乐,也包含西周初期的民俗音乐。 《周礼》所记载的西周和春秋时期的各种贵族礼仪,其中与雅乐有关的有: * 郊杜:祭天地神明的祭典; * 尝禘:贵族祭其祖先的祭典; * 食飨:政治上外交上的宴会等;包括大飨、燕礼、大射、养老等等。 * 乡射:乡里中官僚和地主们比射的集会; * 王师大献:战争胜利时举行的凯旋庆典; * 行军田役:用于军事演习性质的狩猎。 作为一种统治手段—礼乐教化的工具,乐舞艺术的地位和作用也被提到了前所未有的高度。 在周朝的礼仪活动中,严格的规定不同的场面使用不同的音乐。它的主要目的是使参加典礼的贵族受到伦礼教育的感化,造成一种庄严、肃穆、安静、和谐的气氛。 各种主要典礼音乐的歌词,大都载于《诗经》中的“大雅”、“小雅”、“颂”;少数属于“南”。 随着周朝的衰落和社会的发展,民间音乐逐步代替了雅乐。贵族们对雅乐渐感厌烦而去欣赏俗乐,如《乐记》所载,魏文侯“端冕而听古乐,则唯恐卧:听郑、卫之音,则不知倦。”因此孔子曾感叹地说:“礼崩乐坏”。相匹配典礼的雅乐,开始具有浓郁的生活气息,以后逐渐变得庄严神秘而又沉闷呆板。 【乐器】 雅乐的主要乐器是编钟和编磬。两者皆分上下两层悬挂,大小不同的钟与磬,敲击可传高低乐音。 其他乐器包括: * 特钟 * 特磬 * 柷:形方如斗,上广下狭,以槌击之可发声; * 敔:虎型木雕乐器,背上凹凸处,刷过就会发出乐音; * 古琴 * 搏拊:发出鼓声 * 鼓 * 埙:像柚子般的圆形陶瓷乐器,表面有孔,口吹即可发音。 周朝的乐器制作工艺已达到相当高的水平。1978年,在湖北省随州擂鼓墩发掘的曾侯乙墓(约葬于战国初期),出土的古乐器有一百二十四件之多,其中五十六件为一套的编钟制作尤为精美。 【日本雅乐】 日本雅乐(ががく)最初从中国、朝鲜传入。日本大宝元年(701年)设立雅乐寮,作为培养雅乐人才的基地。雅乐是中文“雅曲正舞”、“雅正之乐”的意思。如同朝鲜一样,它根据儒教的礼乐思想编制而成,在中国为祭祀宗庙之乐。但是日本的雅乐却与中国的雅乐有所不同。 仁明天皇时,日本人将雅乐重新编入左(唐乐、林邑乐及部分由印度传入的乐)、右(高丽乐等由朝鲜传入的乐)两部。演奏雅乐者多为皇室近侍队。 【越南雅乐】 越南雅乐(Nha Nhac),又名林邑乐,已被列入联合国人类口述和非物质遗产代表作里。 在越南每年雅乐作为场地音乐在大约100个典礼时隆重表演,包括周年纪念日和宗教假期,以及特别的事件(例如加冕礼,葬礼或者正式的接待)。越南雅乐在Nguyen王朝(公元1802~1945年)时濒于成熟。雅乐成为宫廷仪式的必要部分。Nguyen王朝的国王支持雅乐准许雅乐正式作为宫廷音乐,给予了它特殊的地位,确定它成为一个王朝的权力和长寿的象征。雅乐的音乐系统,以宫廷管弦乐队为主体,以多种乐器为其特色。雅乐音乐家被要求保持深邃的精神状态,为了集中的遵循全部舞台的那些长仪式的演奏。雅乐还富有精神的内容,如向神和国王缴纳贡款、传送哲学思想(如越南天体演化理论等)。 在广泛意义上,雅乐不仅围绕宫廷基于pentatonic规模的而且也深入到越南人民的实际生活当中而成为当代越南音乐的源头。20 世纪,震动越南的混乱的事件——特别是君主政体和数十年的战争严重威胁了雅乐的生存。它首先被剥夺它的宫廷形式,这种音乐的传统已经失去它的原先的社会功能的重要意义。现在剩下的为数很少的前宫廷音乐家试图保持雅乐的传统,他们想在他们有生之年把他们的技能传送给年青一代。雅乐的魅力在于其演出的特有乐器、特有音律,加之特有的演出方式,奏出一种特有的肃穆、庄重、优雅的神韵,使在场的观众产生一种敬畏上天、怀念祖先、祈福未来的神秘感受。在这里不得不提出的是这样一个历史事实:雅乐在中国历史上延续了三千年之久,凝聚着中华民族的智慧和创造精神,早在汉、唐时期它就远播到日本、韩国、越南、老挝等国家,现在日本、韩国都有雅乐研究中心。2003年越南雅乐被列入人类口头及非物质文化遗产,而雅乐在其故乡中国却“哑了”100多年。参考资料: http://baike.b***.com/view/17377.html


听众是皇家,天之子,所以要听仙乐。 以别于俗人(臣民)

大体风格 类似目前的道观的音乐,只是更为庄重一些。

雅乐刺激的是 个体的动物本能,描述的是宇宙客观自然规律,,黄老体系,,起源于上古(比如 美 和善这些上古词汇,就是纯粹的行动动物本能,)

俗乐吻合的是 日常习俗 街坊邻里 群体规范,儒家体系,(比如漂亮,这个来自东北方言的古代词汇,就是儒家体系的群体思维模式 ,合群)



nguyen = 意 验~
2023-08-18 14:10:192


2023-08-18 14:10:554


是越南最大的姓,阮。时下最火的手游flappy bird的作者也是此姓
2023-08-18 14:11:462

越南名字Nguyen phuong quynh翻译成中文是什么?

Nguyen n.阮(越南姓氏 quynh 琼
2023-08-18 14:12:001


2023-08-18 14:12:271

Nguyen Thi Tuyet Luong

2023-08-18 14:12:372

能帮我分析下越南名字吗?Nguyen Ngoc Tuyet 哪个是名哪个是姓?怎么发音?见了面不会称呼人家,很尴尬呀

2023-08-18 14:13:044


2023-08-18 14:13:265


2023-08-18 14:16:405

越南名字翻译成中文--拜托去这里问.都是些越语爱好者...而且你打的越语好象不对吧...少一些viu1ec7c u0111u1ec3 ngu01b0u1eddi 这种符号之类的~
2023-08-18 14:17:542


越南名字NGUYEN NGOC TRUONG,翻译成中文是 阮玉中。
2023-08-18 14:18:051

Nguyen Duc Hung 越南名字,用汉文拼音怎么读?

2023-08-18 14:18:204

nguyen trai是谁?

Nguyen Trai (pseudonym Uc Trai) was born in 1380 in Nhi Khe Ha Dong province which is now the great capital of North Vietnam. He lived in a family close to the royal court. Tran Nguyen Dan, who was his grandfather, was a teacher under the reign of King Tran. Nguyen Trai father"s name was Nguyen Ung Long although people called him Nguyen Phi Khanh. His mother"s name was Tran Thi Thai. When Nguyen Trai was five years old, his mother died. After that he went to live with his grandfather on his mother"s side. A short time later, his grandfather, Tran Nguyen Dan, also died. Then Nguyen Trai stayed with his father (Nguyen Phi Khanh) who lived in his grandfather"s hometown in a small village in Nhi Khe.In 1400, in order to save a feudalistic system which was in a serious crisis, King Ho (Ho Qui Ly) overthrew King Tran. After that, King Tran established some new policies, such as abolishing slavery, creating land reform, improving education and conducting reforms in many spheres. During the same year,1400, after King Ho was crowned king, he opened a post graduate examination. Nguyen Trai earned his master"s degree when he was only twenty years old. He was appointed to the position of deputy head provincial administrator. His father(Nguyen Phi Khanh) was the second best examinee(second roster), and he was nominated for the Inspection Committee in charge of Examinations.In China in 1406, King Minh Thanh To ordered commander Truong Phu to bring two million troops to invade Vietnam. King Ho brought many troops to resist the enemy, but he was finally defeated. As a result, King Ho and some court officials which included Nguyen Trai"s father (Nguyen Phi Khanh), became prisoners of war. Then Truong Phu brought them to China.When Trai"s brother (Nguyen Phi Hung) and he received the bad news about their father"s arrest, they took their families to meet their father at the border between Vietnam and China. They hoped they could accompany their father and take care of him to the end of his life. They were crying when they met their father at the border. Nguyen Phi Khanh told Nguyen Trai,"you are an educated person, and a smart person. If you wanted to be a pious child, I would hope that you would be a useful person to your country. You should find a good way to wash out this insult to Vietnam and avenge my capture. I do not want to see you crying as a woman would. That would not be a good son."Nguyen Trai obeyed his father, and he came back to Thang Long to join the liberation army of King Le Loi. Many letters and pronouncements written by him and sent in Le Loi"s name to the Ming generals have been preserved in "Quang Trung Tu Menh Tap" (letters and commands from the time of military service). His best known poem is in Chinese, the strategy "BINH NGO SACH" (great proclamation after the victory over the Ming) that said, " King Le should think of people firstly, and people were always root, so King Le had to take care of people"s lives." Many of his poems were written in Vietnamese using the Chu Nom script, developed from Chinese characters, used before the Latin script was introduced as the official alphabet in the late 19th century. Collected in Quoc Am Thi Tap (Volume of Poems in the National Tongue), they are the earliest literature in Vietnamese language to have survived. He was also the author of the first geographical, Du dia chi (Geographical Notes, 1435). Also, he occupied important post after victory. After the war was over, Nguyen Trai came back home at Con Son where he lived a simple life with integrity. His assets were books. A close adviser of two successive kings, he was finally suspected to have plotted for regicide. His family was harmed by traitors to the court. He and entire family were executed. People regreted his terrible circumstance.Nguyen Trai is not only a great person in the Vietnamese history, but he is also a hero, an idealist, a poet, and a highly cultured man in Vietnam. His heart, his mind and his great cause will live in the Vietnamese hearts forever as bright stars. King Le Thanh Ton was honored posthumously "UC TRAI TAM THUONG QUANG KHUE TAO." This means that "HIS HEART IS BRIGHT AS MIRROR, HIS MIND IS BRIGHT AS MOON, AND HIS CAREERS ARE BRIGHT FOR GOOD."
2023-08-18 14:19:452

拜求!!越南名字‘nguyen thao thuan’翻译成中文姓什么叫什么啊

2023-08-18 14:19:584

NGUYEN THI KIM HUONG 在此问下这个越南的名字是什么意思啊

2023-08-18 14:20:113


越南主体民族-京族的大姓有阮、陈、吴、黎等。并不都是姓阮的。越南民族是中华民族旁支的一脉,在上古鸿庞时代(公元前2,879年)叫做文郎,到蜀主安阳王改称瓯貉。迨中国秦王政二十六年,秦统一天下,命名象郡,后来汉武帝命名为交趾,历东汉、六朝、隋、唐、一直到五代,前后一千零四十年都是中国的藩属。自宋朝以后、越南表面自主,历经越南的吴、丁、黎、李、陈、胡和阮各朝代仍向中国朝贡。丁氏自立期间,国号为大瞿越(DAI CO VIET)。到李朝圣宗改称大越(DAI VIET),直至黎英宗时,中国朝廷始正式承认为安南(AN NAM)国。后来,阮朝嘉隆王统一了北越(公元1802年)才定名为越南(VIETNAM)。所以阮姓在越南是大姓,同时也是一名门望族,势力比较大。不只总理和主席是阮姓,之前的王朝也是阮姓,国号就以阮姓为国号。
2023-08-18 14:20:252


2023-08-18 14:20:585


越南语是有调的,调不标出来的话不好译。Cam Anh Pham,Pham是范,Anh是英,Cam就不知道了。Ha Le是黎霞,Vu Thanh Long是武成龙。Nguyen是阮,Minh是明,这些是名字里常见的字,但是Cam和Tu没标调我就不敢随便译了,希望对你有帮助。
2023-08-18 14:21:342


2023-08-18 14:21:461


2023-08-18 14:22:194

越南人 名字读法

首先越南语言有六种声调,请你把声调打上才能读啊。 可以确定的是他 姓阮,称呼:阮先生(Ong Nguyen) 就行了吧。
2023-08-18 14:22:533

Nguyen Tan Dung是什么意思

阮晋勇(Nguyen Tan Dung) ,京族人,现任越南政府总理。
2023-08-18 14:23:162

nguyen thi hanh 请翻译越南语的中文名字谢谢

2023-08-18 14:23:345


正确写法是“Nguyễn Thị Thanh ”对应汉字是“阮氏清”,这应该是女的,她们的名字经常在中间加“Thị (氏)”
2023-08-18 14:23:581

nguyen thu ha越南名字翻译成中文

2023-08-18 14:24:212

越南姓氏Nguyen Hong Hanh和Nguyen Thi Quynh如何发音

I do not know.
2023-08-18 14:24:374

我有个越南朋友,他的名字叫nguyen viet hung,翻译中文名是哪几个字?

没加标点,最后那个字容易混乱!Nguyu1ec5n Viu1ec7t Hu01b0ng 阮越兴Nguyu1ec5n Viu1ec7t Hùng阮越雄你自己选择吧,记得采纳哦!
2023-08-18 14:24:481

Nguyen Tan Dung是什么意思

Nguyen Tan Dung阮晋勇双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 阮晋勇例句:1.Prime minister nguyen tan dung is everywhere, chatting up the opportunities. 总理阮晋勇是无处不在,与人聊天找机会。
2023-08-18 14:24:572

请各位大神帮忙把两个越南身份证翻译成中文 在线等,挺急的 越具体越好 非常感谢

2023-08-18 14:25:124


2023-08-18 14:25:335

nguyen怎么读? 最好用拼音或汉字标出来,我知道是阮的意思

nguyen = 意
2023-08-18 14:25:581


2023-08-18 14:26:071


nguyenth没有意思,你没有把单词写完整其中nguyen = 阮 ,是姓th 不完整,我猜应该是 thi = 氏,是女性人名中的中间字。
2023-08-18 14:26:261


2023-08-18 14:26:442


2023-08-18 14:26:521

nguyen thi uyen这个翻译成中文叫什么名字```谢谢

这个翻译成中文就是 阮氏渊
2023-08-18 14:27:122

我有一个越南朋友,人名不知该怎么翻译:Quynh Nguyen(按英文拼)

参考:阮琼兰(NGUYEN QUYNH LAN) 女 1978 越南 教师阮文扃 (Nguyen Van Quynh) 中央委员看来也是拼音,对应的汉字不好说。
2023-08-18 14:27:221

越南姓名Nguyen Hoang Nghia如何译成中文?

标音节后是不是这样的 Nguyu1ec5n Hoàng Nghu0129a,中文——阮煌义
2023-08-18 14:27:291

nguyen thi hoa越南字别翻译成中国文字

2023-08-18 14:27:392

thai nguyen 是越南的城市吗

2023-08-18 14:28:082


2023-08-18 14:28:151

越南名叫nguyen thanh truc中国名叫什么

2023-08-18 14:28:231


2023-08-18 14:28:441

Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh,是个泰国人的名字,哪个是他的first name?

2023-08-18 14:28:521

求越南名字 Hoang Tran Khoi Nguyen 翻译,有加分

Hoang 黄Tran 陈Khoi (不太清楚)Nguyen 阮
2023-08-18 14:29:011

Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh,是个泰国人的名字,哪个是他的first name?

这是越南人的名字,翻译为中文就是“阮氏金莺”Nguyu1ec5n=========> 阮Thu1ecb=========> 氏Kim=========> 金Oanh=========> 莺“阮”是 last name (姓)。“金莺”是 first name(名)。“氏”是越南女名中常见的缀字。在此不用解释。
2023-08-18 14:29:091

Nguyen Le的《Pacha》 歌词

歌曲名:Pacha歌手:Nguyen Le专辑:MiraclesA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasYo everything ain"t love, Love cuz if it isMy definition of love must differ hisI mean every friendship has its differencesBut these "Young Bucks" remind me of "Fif" and hisThey hear the good life, wanna see what the difference isSome just wanna smoke, enjoy the piff-vilegesHe unwrap a cigar like it"s a gift of hisHe a funny lil nigga like Eddie Griffin isBetween smokin" and chokin" then you got to liveSo I gave him a chance and that"s alot to giveWe "posed to make the most of what you was paid to grossI gave you bread and butter you supposed to make the toastFifteen years, FIFTEEN YEARSAnd now when we say "what"s up" the shit seem weirdBut there"s a question I prepared for youHow could you fuck the only people who ever cared for you?A thug changesA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasThere"s a parallel path "tween friends and enemiesAnd whenever you cross it you make friend-emiesThere"s no remedies for these sick memoriesMy doctor said there"s no cure for the ?Emmales?Had a crush on you now we Kim and CeaseWe don"t even talk no more it"s no biggieI was so Biggie, you was FaithI let you slide in my home, you was safeI thought my ability to provide you stabilitywas what was really G, okay silly meI was Billy D, smooth cappa really streetReally she attract niggaz like the A Milli beatAnd I happen to rap but somethin" "bout this beat strangeSoon as I try to flow with it the beat changeNever thought she"d changeBut what you thinks a upgrade really just could be a seat change(Hook)A thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasSee when the love is gone then it"s just B.S. leftJust niggaz with chains on tryna be S.F. (Street Fam)That"s when your ace become ya B.F.F.Pa-Pa-Pa-Pachange ya like they was a P.F. chefDa-Da-Da-Danger, it just feels "Mystikal"I miss the cool nights sittin in the Coll-ONow it"s like boooo we sittin" in ApolloIt used to be all good then shit just went mile lowAnd that"s bad, matter fact that"s sadCuz when you lose a friend it"s hard to handle the lossThey do some bitch shit gotta give ya man a divorceEnd up watchin Friends like Joey, Chandler and Ross, ya seeMost of these niggaz ain"t never love "emAnd these bitches just think whatever of "emSo maybe playin" dumb was kinda clever of "emAnd less friends are your best friends become strangers(Hook)A thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-Pachangas
2023-08-18 14:29:161

请帮忙翻译一个越南名字 nguyen thi minh 翻译中文

Nguyễn Thị Minh阮氏明
2023-08-18 14:29:261

HUYEN,NGUYEN THIHUYEN, ANH YEUEM !anh yeuem帮我把这些越南话翻译成中文好不好…谢谢了

huyen,nguyen thi huyen是人名,意思是:炫,阮氏炫。anh yeu em是我喜欢你。这句话的意思是:炫,阮氏炫,我喜欢你!我喜欢你。
2023-08-18 14:29:341


2023-08-18 14:29:411