barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-25 04:51:00



读音 英[u02c8su028cspu025bkt];美[u02c8su028csu02ccpu025bkt]


例句:His motives were suspect with others.他的动机受到其他人的怀疑。


读音 英[u02c8su028cspu025bkt];美[u02c8su028csu02ccpu025bkt]


例句:This suspect comes under observation.这个可疑分子受到监视。



意为 疑有;觉得;怀疑,不信任;怀疑,疑心;猜疑

例句:I suspect that he is guilty.我觉得他可能有罪。


例句:You don"t care, I suspect.我想你大概不在乎吧。



英[s??spekt , ?s?spekt] 美[s??spekt , ?s?spekt]n. 犯罪嫌疑人; 嫌疑犯; 嫌疑分子; 可疑对象;v. 疑有,觉得(尤指坏事可能属实或发生); 感觉有问题; 不信任; 怀疑(某人有罪);adj. 可疑的; 不可信的; 靠不住的; 可能有危险的; 有违法嫌疑的;[例句]Second, it discusses how to set set my suspect knows the right system.其次,探讨如何设置设置我国犯罪嫌疑人知悉权制度。[其他] 第三人称单数:suspects 现在分词:suspecting 过去式:suspected 过去分词:suspected
2023-08-19 09:41:351


suspect的基本意思是指“猜想”或“怀疑”某人或某事,也可指“猜想”或者“怀疑”某事已经发生或将会发生,主观色彩较浓,不一定有根据。常用短语有suspect of(v.+prep.)怀疑(做了错事)。 suspect的用法 1、suspect的基本意思是指“猜想”或“怀疑”某人〔事〕,也可指“猜想”或者“怀疑”某事已经发生或将会发生,主观色彩较浓,不一定有根据。 2、suspect是及物动词,接名词、代词、that从句、wh-从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。 3、suspect还可接以“(to be/as+)n./adj.”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 4、suspect常接介词of引出怀疑、推测的内容。 5、suspect也可用作名词,作“嫌疑犯”解。例如:Two suspects are now being interrogated in connection with the killing.与杀人案有关的两名嫌疑犯正在接受审讯。 6、suspect还可用作形容词,作“可疑的”解,此时其读音为["su028cspekt]。 suspect的用法例句 1.Investigators say nearly $100,000 was wired into the suspect"s bank accounts. 调查人员说有近10万美元汇入了嫌疑人的银行账户。 2.Do women really share such stupid jokes? We suspect not. 女人们真的会觉得如此愚蠢的笑话好笑吗?我们想不会。 3.I suspect he isn"t altogether unhappy about my absence. 我猜想他对我的缺席并没有感到很不高兴。 4.She has been acclaimed for the TV drama "Prime Suspect" 她凭借电视剧《头号嫌疑犯》而受到好评。 5.She did not suspect that his interest was just a passing fancy. 她相信这不过是他一时兴起。
2023-08-19 09:42:071


5. 释放磁盘空间并且重新运行恢复操作,按照下面的步骤收缩日志。 sp_resetstatus 关闭数据库的置疑标志,但是原封不动地保持数据库的其它选项。 为从根本上解决这样的问题,你可以按下面的操作配置SQLSERVER 2000: a.如果不需要恢复到指定的时间点,你可以将数据库的恢复模式配置为简单,这样 UPDATE,DELETE,SELECT就不会记录日志,日志就不会增加的很大: USE MASTER GO ALTER DATABASE DB_NAME SET RECOVERY SIMPLE b.如果你的恢复模式是全部,你一定要配置日志字段收缩: USE MASTER GO sp_dboption "databasename","trunc. log on chkpt.",true sp_dboption "databasename","autoshrink",true c.通过每日备份将日志收缩: BACKUP DATABASE DATABASE_NAME TO BACKUP_DEVICES BACKUP LOG DATABASE_NAME TO LOG_DEVICES OR BACKUP LOG DATABASE_NAME with truncate_only **检查日志的容量:DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) 这时日志并没有收缩! d.每天在备份数据库完成之后,重新启动MS SQLSERVER SERVICE. USE DATABASE_NAME go DBCC SHRINKFILE(2,truncateonly) **检查日志的容量:DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) 这时日志已经收缩! e.手动快速收缩日志: / *run below script,you will shrink you database log files immediately, in my experience,you need to run the script for 3 or 4 minutes before stopping it manually */ use databasename dbcc shrinkfile(2,notruncate) dbcc shrinkfile(2,truncateonly) create table t1(char1 char(4000)) go declare @i int select @i=0 while(1=1) begin while(@i<100) begin INSERT INTO T1 VALUES ("A") SELECT @I=@I+1 END TRUNCATE table T1 BACKUP LOG youdatabasename with truncate_only end GO 注意 只有在您的主要支持提供者指导下或有疑难解答建议的做法时,才可以使用 sp_resetstatus。否则,可能会损坏数据库。 由于该过程修改了系统表,系统管理员必须在运行 sp_resetstatus这个过程前,启用系统表更新。要 启 用更新,使用下面的过程: USE master GO sp_configure "allow updates", 1 GO RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO 过程创建后,立即禁用系统表更新: sp_configure "allow updates", 0 GO RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO 只有系统管理员才能执行 sp_resetstatus。执行该过程后,立即关闭 SQL Server。
2023-08-19 09:43:341


2023-08-19 09:44:012


不是, 是常规动词
2023-08-19 09:44:463


suspect 怀疑,作为动词;作名词时则是嫌疑犯 suspection 则是suspect的名词形式,只能作为名词,怀疑
2023-08-19 09:45:051


suspected_百度翻译suspected [英]su0259s"pektu026ad [美]su0259"spektu026ad v. 猜疑(是)( suspect的过去式和过去分词 );怀疑;不信任;怀疑…有罪 [例句]Provincial officials have long been suspected of overstating growth.一直有人怀疑省级官员们虚报经济增长。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-08-19 09:45:581


doubt和suspect的不同主要表现在怀疑的结果与后接从句两方面。怀疑的结果不同:doubt的意思是“疑为非”,suspect的意思是“疑为是”。后接从句不同:doubt后可接whether或if从句,但suspect则不能。 suspect和doubt区别 doubt和suspect的不同主要表现在怀疑的结果与后接从句两方面。 怀疑的结果不同:doubt的意思是“疑为非”,suspect的意思是“疑为是”。 I doubt that she is the criminal. 我不相信她是罪犯。(认为不见得) I suspect that she is the criminal. 我怀疑她是罪犯。(认为有可能) 后接从句不同:doubt后可接whether或if从句,但suspect则不能。 Do you doubt what I say? 你怀疑我说的话吗? I doubt whether he will marry her. 我怀疑他是否会跟她结婚。 suspect的用法 1、suspect的基本意思是指“猜想”或“怀疑”某人〔事〕,也可指“猜想”或者“怀疑”某事已经发生或将会发生,主观色彩较浓,不一定有根据。 2、suspect是及物动词,接名词、代词、that从句、wh-从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。 3、suspect还可接以“(to be/as+)n./adj.”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 4、suspect常接介词of引出怀疑、推测的内容。 5、suspect也可用作名词,作“嫌疑犯”解。例如:Two suspects are now being interrogated in connection with the killing.与杀人案有关的两名嫌疑犯正在接受审讯。 6、suspect还可用作形容词,作“可疑的”解,此时其读音为["su028cspekt]。
2023-08-19 09:47:121

Nas的《Suspect》 歌词

歌曲名:Suspect歌手:Nas专辑:It Was Written04. SuspectTake me down ...Tonight, I"ll walkSit down and let me know my rightsTell about, tell about someone elseI know it, I know itThis time is suspect there areI talk and give me you the timeAnd spare time and talk with meI don"t ready think you go so suddenlyI don"t know, I go to think about youWhat words I have?Take time, we"ve spoken sexty-fiveSo about, so about youI know it, I know itThis time, I"ve suspect stolen dollarI talk with you this highCome and talk no taersCome and talk no taersCome and talk no taersCome and talk no taers, taersTears I come as wellWere you thinking right?Was there are?Ask for me, Ask for youUnbelievable, what"re you do?Tears I come as wellWere you thinking right?Was there are?Ask for me, Ask for youUnbelievable, what you know I making wrong?Suspect--Daniel PowterAnd spare time and talk with meI don"t ready think you go so suddenly
2023-08-19 09:47:331


2023-08-19 09:48:151


doubt的怀疑是指觉得什么东西不可能,比如i doubt his honesty.我怀疑他的诚实性,换句话说就是我觉得他不诚实。 suspect的怀疑是指觉得什么东西有可能怎么样,比如i suspect his is a theif. 我怀疑他是小偷,也就是说,我觉得他很有可能是小偷。如果是i doubt he is a theif.则变成,我觉得(怀疑)他不是小偷。 中文都是用怀疑,那么到底是怀疑有可能,还是怀疑不可能,则通过上下文判断。 比如,我怀疑他是小偷。这句话如果放在一段前面已经讲了这个人没有作案动机后面,那么则是认为他不是小偷。如果前面已经讲了这个人贼眉鼠眼,则是认为他是小偷。
2023-08-19 09:48:391


suspection 则是suspect的名词形式,只能作为名词,怀疑suspicion [sə"spɪʃ(ə)n] n. 怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;一点儿vt. 怀疑suspicion可以做动词1.suspicion的用法和样例:用作名词 (n.)We regard her behaviour with suspicion.我们对她的行为有怀疑。"A science fiction cannot not be regarded as a mere entertainment, but in fact it tells the reader much more.""科幻小说不能简单地看成是供消遣的,而实际上它给读者展示更深刻的内容。"The talks have resulted in a lessening of suspicion.谈话消减了彼此的怀疑。His words had sowed the seeds of suspicion in their minds.他的话已在他们心中播下怀疑的种子。I regard his behaviour with suspicion.我对他的行为感到怀疑。2.suspicion的相关资料:【近义词】distrust 不信任mistrust 不信任misgiving 疑虑doubt 怀疑question 问题wariness 注意disbelief 不相信inkling 暗示
2023-08-19 09:49:101


5. 释放磁盘空间并且重新运行恢复操作,按照下面的步骤收缩日志。 sp_resetstatus 关闭数据库的置疑标志,但是原封不动地保持数据库的其它选项。 为从根本上解决这样的问题,你可以按下面的操作配置SQLSERVER 2000: a.如果不需要恢复到指定的时间点,你可以将数据库的恢复模式配置为简单,这样 UPDATE,DELETE,SELECT就不会记录日志,日志就不会增加的很大: USE MASTER GO ALTER DATABASE DB_NAME SET RECOVERY SIMPLE b.如果你的恢复模式是全部,你一定要配置日志字段收缩: USE MASTER GO sp_dboption "databasename","trunc. log on chkpt.",true sp_dboption "databasename","autoshrink",true c.通过每日备份将日志收缩: BACKUP DATABASE DATABASE_NAME TO BACKUP_DEVICES BACKUP LOG DATABASE_NAME TO LOG_DEVICES OR BACKUP LOG DATABASE_NAME with truncate_only **检查日志的容量:DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) 这时日志并没有收缩! d.每天在备份数据库完成之后,重新启动MS SQLSERVER SERVICE. USE DATABASE_NAME go DBCC SHRINKFILE(2,truncateonly) **检查日志的容量:DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) 这时日志已经收缩! e.手动快速收缩日志: / *run below script,you will shrink you database log files immediately, in my experience,you need to run the script for 3 or 4 minutes before stopping it manually */ use databasename dbcc shrinkfile(2,notruncate) dbcc shrinkfile(2,truncateonly) create table t1(char1 char(4000)) go declare @i int select @i=0 while(1=1) begin while(@i<100) begin INSERT INTO T1 VALUES ("A") SELECT @I=@I+1 END TRUNCATE table T1 BACKUP LOG youdatabasename with truncate_only end GO 注意 只有在您的主要支持提供者指导下或有疑难解答建议的做法时,才可以使用 sp_resetstatus。否则,可能会损坏数据库。 由于该过程修改了系统表,系统管理员必须在运行 sp_resetstatus这个过程前,启用系统表更新。要 启 用更新,使用下面的过程: USE master GO sp_configure "allow updates", 1 GO RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO 过程创建后,立即禁用系统表更新: sp_configure "allow updates", 0 GO RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO 只有系统管理员才能执行 sp_resetstatus。执行该过程后,立即关闭 SQL Server。
2023-08-19 09:49:501


suspect本身就是adj 意思是: 可疑的
2023-08-19 09:50:002

doubt sb of sth 和suspect sb of sth有什么区别?I really ____ her of her honesty.

doubt 用suspect就变成怀疑她是诚实的了
2023-08-19 09:50:222


1、that depends/it (all)depends可以拆分:that depends ,it depends,或者that all depends ,it all depends2、what you deserve/deserve all/every thing you get 拆分:get what you deserve,deserve every thing you get 或者deserve all thing you get 3、suspect sb. of sth./doing sth拆分:suspect sb. of sth,suspect sb. of doing sth分别把斜杠前后的单词带到整个短语或者句子,括号内表示可以加或者不加,如此类推,
2023-08-19 09:50:293


太多了,举几个例子吧: A/O: "arresting officer." Arrest: To take a person into custody, by authority of law, for the purpose of charging him/her with a criminal offense. Arson: Unlawfully damaging real or personal property by means of fire or explosives. A.S.A.: Abbreviation for "assistant state"s attorney." D.O.A.: Abbreviation for "dead on arrival,"as applied to a person who expires before reaching a medical facility.D.O.B.: Abbreviation for "date of birth."Felony: An offense for which a sentence of death or a term of imprisonment for one year or more is provided.Homicide: The unlawful killing of a human being. Includes both murder and manslaughter.Juvenile: A person under 17 years of age, also referred to as a youth. Also see minor.L.K.A.: Abbreviation for "last known address."Offense: A violation of the criminal law of a state or local jurisdiction.
2023-08-19 09:50:383


释放磁盘空间并且重新运行恢复操作,按照下面的步骤收缩日志。 sp_resetstatus 关闭数据库的置疑标志,但是原封不动地保持数据库的其它选项。 为从根本上解决这样的问题,你可以按下面的操作配置SQLSERVER 2000: a.如果不需要恢复到指定的时间点,你可以将数据库的恢复模式配置为简单,这样 UPDATE,DELETE,SELECT就不会记录日志,日志就不会增加的很大: USE MASTER GO ALTER DATABASE DB_NAME SET RECOVERY SIMPLE b.如果你的恢复模式是全部,你一定要配置日志字段收缩: USE MASTER GO sp_dboption "databasename","trunc. log on chkpt.",true sp_dboption "databasename","autoshrink",true c.通过每日备份将日志收缩: BACKUP DATABASE DATABASE_NAME TO BACKUP_DEVICES BACKUP LOG DATABASE_NAME TO LOG_DEVICES OR BACKUP LOG DATABASE_NAME with truncate_only **检查日志的容量:DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) 这时日志并没有收缩! d.每天在备份数据库完成之后,重新启动MS SQLSERVER SERVICE. USE DATABASE_NAME go DBCC SHRINKFILE(2,truncateonly) **检查日志的容量:DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) 这时日志已经收缩! e.手动快速收缩日志: / *run below script,you will shrink you database log files immediately, in my experience,you need to run the script for 3 or 4 minutes before stopping it manually */ use databasename dbcc shrinkfile(2,notruncate) dbcc shrinkfile(2,truncateonly) create table t1(char1 char(4000)) go declare @i int select @i=0 while(1=1) begin while(@i<100) begin INSERT INTO T1 VALUES ("A") SELECT @I=@I+1 END TRUNCATE table T1 BACKUP LOG youdatabasename with truncate_only end GO
2023-08-19 09:50:501

用英文翻译一下我怀疑/不相信他偷了我的手表 用suspect 和doubt,并说明这两个词的用法,

I doubt that he has stolen my watch. 我不相信他偷了我的手表。I suspect that he has stolen my watch. 我怀疑 / 猜想他偷了我的手表。(如果后面接名词、代词或名词性词组时,两者基本上可通用。如果后面接 that 从句,意思就截然不同。 doubt 意为“无把握;不相信,怀疑其无”。suspect 意为“有存在或属实的想法,怀疑其有”。这时 doubt 更多用于否定句或疑问句中。而doubt 用于肯定句中时,多接 whether/if 引导的从句,意义与 that 从句不同,这时意为“不敢肯定”。而 suspect 不可接这种从句。)
2023-08-19 09:51:122

英文单词suppose suspect,assume,presume ,consider的区别?

suppose 想, 设想, 猜测; 认为, 以为 ;[和given, provided 通用]假定 ;包含, 意味着; 必须有, 以...为必需条件 [用于祈使语气]让, ...如何, ...怎么样 ;(=if)如果 suspect 怀疑, 猜疑, 疑心 ;想, 想到, 觉得, 以为, 揣想 assume 假定, 设想;担任; 承担; 接受;采取; 采用; 表现为, 呈(形式, 姿态, 位置);装出, 假装;僭取, 擅取, 侵占presume vt. 假设, 假定; 推测, 想象 ;敢于, 擅自 ;足以推定, 意味着 vi.设想; 推测; 相信擅自行动, 放肆;占便宜, 不正当地利用(on, upon)consider vt 考虑, 细想;尊重; 体谅; 照顾, 给(赏钱);认为, 视为〔后接that 引导的从句〕;把(某人、某事)看作..., 认为(某人、某事)如何(as..., of..., to be...);设想, 假定有;凝视, 端详 vi考虑,细想
2023-08-19 09:51:211


2023-08-19 09:51:312

suspect sb of doing sth是什么意思

suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑某人做某事
2023-08-19 09:51:493

此句的句型是:suspect+(that从句).还是:suspect +...+of 名

suspect+(that从句).his party have little chance of winning the next election做宾语从句
2023-08-19 09:51:593


2023-08-19 09:46:192


2023-08-19 09:46:221

高分悬赏一个题目!!when work is ____pleasure, life is ____joy.

2023-08-19 09:46:243


姓名: 吕彦超 种族: NE 装备: mx300 T8 三星 DT-35 荣誉: 2005联想风行全国亚军 2005年INTEL浙江冠军 2005大师杯全国亚军 2006上海IEF亚军 2006浙江ESWC冠军 2006上海WCG冠军 2006上海WGT冠军 2006北京CEG殿军 2006IEST全国8强 2006PGL明星赛8强 2007-WSVG中国站16强 2007-浙江ESWC冠军 2007 武汉WCG亚军
2023-08-19 09:46:251


丽塔 含义。。。暂时不知道
2023-08-19 09:46:306


Revit是实现建筑信息模型的一种三维软件,实现BIM其中一款软件,所有建筑行业都能用到。 包含内容:做一整套建筑图纸,包括平面、剖面、立面、模型等等,甚至可以出施工图纸。 优点:参数化设计,即使以后甲方或者业主要求修改也很方便,一改皆改。 尺寸标注功能:新的直径尺寸标注工具允许选择和删除多线段尺寸链中的单个线段。此外寸标注实例可以显示线段值、等式文本或等式公式字符串。
2023-08-19 09:46:321


2023-08-19 09:46:342


The Civil WarCauses of the warThe American Civil War was fought between the northern and southern states from 1861 to 1865. There were two main causes of the war. The first was the issue of slavery. The second was the issue of states" rights: should the US federal government be more powerful than the governments of individual states.The North and South were very different in character. The economy of the South was based on agriculture, especially cotton; and the South depended on slaves for this. The North was more industrial, with a larger population and greater wealth. Slavery, and opposition to it, had existed since before independence (1776) but, in the 19th century, the abolitionists, people who wanted to make slavery illegal, gradually increased in number. The South"s attitude was that each state had the right to make any law it wanted, and if southern states wanted slavery, the US government could not prevent it. Many southerners became secessionists, believing that southern states should secede from the Union.In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected President. He and his party, the Republicans, were against slavery, but said that they would not end it. The southern states did not believe this, and began to leave the Union. In 1860 there were 34 states in the US. Eleven of them (South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina) left the Union and formed the *Confederate States of America, often called the Confederacy. Jefferson *Davis became its President, and for most of the war *Richmond, Virginia, was the capital.Four years of fightingThe US government did not want a war but, on 12 April 1861, the Confederate Army attacked *Fort Sumter, which was in the Confederate state of South Carolina but still occupied by the Union army. President Lincoln could not ignore the attack and so the Civil War began.Over the next four years the Union army tried to take control of the South. The battles that followed, *Shiloh, Antietam, *Bull Run and Chicamauga, have become part of America"s national memory. After the battle of *Gettysburg in 1863, in a speech known as the *Gettysburg Address, President Lincoln said that the North was fighting the war to keep the Union together so that "...government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth". In the same year he issued the *Emancipation Proclamation which made slavery illegal, but only in the Confederacy.Slaves and former slaves played an important part in the war. Some gave information to Union soldiers, because they knew that their best chance of freedom was for the North to win the war. Many former slaves wanted to become Union soldiers, but this was not very popular among white northerners. In spite of this opposition about 185000 former slaves served in the Union army.Women on both sides worked as spies, taking information, and sometimes even people, across borders by hiding them under their large skirts.In the South especially, people suffered greatly and had little to eat. On 9 April 1865, when the South could fight no more, General Robert E *Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S *Grant at *Appomattox Court House in Virginia. A total of 620000 people had been killed and many more wounded.The war was over but feelings of hostility against the North remained strong. John Wilkes *Booth, an actor who supported the South, decided to kill President Lincoln. On 14 April 1865 he approached the President in Ford"s Theatre in Washington and shot him. Lincoln died the next morning.The killing of President Lincoln showed how bitter many people felt. The South had been beaten, but its people had not changed their opinions about slavery or about states" rights. During the war, the differences between North and South had become even greater. The North had become richer. In the South, cities had been destroyed and the economy ruined.ReconstructionAfter the war the South became part of the United States again. This long, difficult period was called Reconstruction. The issues that had caused the war, slavery and states" rights, still had to be dealt with. The issue of slavery was difficult, because many people even in the North had prejudices against Blacks. The new state governments in the South wanted to make laws limiting the rights of Blacks, and the US government tried to stop them. Between 1865 and 1870 the 13th, 14th and 15th *Amendments to the *Constitution were passed, giving Blacks freedom, making them citizens of the US and the state where they lived, and giving them, in theory, the same rights as white Americans.Many northern politicians went to the South where they thought they could get power easily. These northerners were called *carpet-baggers. Both carpet-baggers and southern politicians were dishonest and stole money from the new governments, which hurt the South even more.In 1870 the last three southern states were admitted to the Union again, and in 1877 the northern army finally left the South. The war lasted four years, but efforts to reunite the country took three times as long.Effects of the Civil WarDifferences between North and South are still strong. In the South the Confederate flag is still often used, and the state flags of *Georgia and *Mississippi were made to look similar to it. The state motto is Audemus jura nostra defendere, which is Latin for "We dare to defend our rights". The Civil War helped to end slavery, but long afterwards Blacks were still being treated badly, and race relations continue to be a problem. The South was so angry with the *Republicans, the party of Lincoln and Reconstruction, that southerners voted *Democratic for a century. The war showed strong differences between parts of the US, but many people believe that the most important thing it did was to prove that the US is one country.
2023-08-19 09:46:341


美国犹他州立大学世界排名最新排名第706。犹他州立大学(Utah State University,简称USU)始建于1888年,位于美国犹他州风景秀丽的洛根市(Logan),是美国著名的公立研究型大学之一。从当初一个小农学院发展,USU凭借着优秀的学术成就与研究进步被卡耐基基金会归类为博士/研究型大学(Doctor/Research University Extensive)。学校提供共计159个学士学位,83个硕士,以及41个博士学位,是被美国西北地区学院和大学认证委员会(NWCCU)正式认证的该州赠地院校 (Land-grant Institution)。在美国的工学前100名中,犹他州立大学赫赫有名,并在2013年美国福布斯排名榜"美国性价比最高大学" (America"s Best College Buy)中位列西部公立大学第一,国家公立大学第四位。目前,该校拥有2400多名教职员工和约2.8万名在校生,其下属8个学院:农学院、商学院、教育与公共事业学院、工学院、人文社会学院、自然资源学院、理学院和艺术学院,提供共计176个学士学位,143个硕士,以及38个博士学位, 130多个研究项目。
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2023-08-19 09:46:414


一、bim是什么bim是什么,BIM是BuildingInformationModeling的简称(建筑信息建模)是一个从规划、设计、施工到管理各阶段统一协调的过程,是把使用标准的理念转换成相应数据的操作软件。BIM图像看似简单的3D CAD档案,事实上BIM组件在应用程序中比较复杂,并提供更佳的操作灵活性。创造单一组件时,每个BIM组件作为建筑形态内单一的独特元素,当加载到项目模型时,则允许用户看到该组件与其它元素相互之间的关系构建;例如,将多玛的旋转门加载到单一测量的模型。二、bim是什么,bim软件是什么BIM不是软件!BIM拆开了是Building Information Modeling,中文就是我们常说的建筑信息模型,可以说其摆脱了传统CAD的二维设计,通过3D数字化技术把建筑工程中各专业、各阶段的各种与工程相关的信息全部纳入数据模型之中,通过【BIM软件】进行建模、分析、模拟、演示、检测等,对工程的进度、成本、质量等进行管控,提高传统建筑工程的管理效率,为参与各方提协同平台,有利于大家在统一的环境下进行沟通、商讨、决策,让项目能够在各方满意的情况之下顺利进行三、bim是什么,bim软件有什么1)、Autodesk:1.Autodesk Building Design Suite主要应用于建筑工程领域Revit 、Revit MEP及Revit Structure等,其中Revit 是3D建筑设计软件,Revit MEP为机电系统仿真平台,,Revit Structure为建筑结构建模软件。2.Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite主要应用于公路、大地及水利工程等领域,其包含的BIM软件为AutoCAD Civil 3D与Revit Structure,其中AutoCAD Civil 3D适用于土木工程。3.Autodesk Plant Design Suite主要应用于厂房工程,可应用3D模型提升厂房设计与审核质量,其包含的BIM软件为Revit Structure。2)、Tekla:Tekla系芬兰软件公司,主要BIM软件为Tekla Structures,该软件主要功能为钢筋混凝土结构、钢结构与木质结构等结构系统配置。3)、Bentley:适用领域广泛,包括建筑、公路、铁路、桥梁、电信网络及管渠工程等,并提供动画制作、日照分析、预算报表制作及碰撞检查等功能,主要BIM软件为Bentley Architecture、Bentley Structural、Bentley Building Mechanical Systems与Bentley Building Electrical Systems,可支持复杂的网状或曲线结构。4)、Nemetschek AG:Nemetschek AG 于2007年初收购Graphisoft后,原Graphisoft开发的ArchiCAD便成为Nemetschek AG主要发行的BIM软件。ArchiCAD为历史悠久的BIM软件,可于苹果计算机的麦金塔系统(Apple Macintosh)中执行,软件功能针对建筑设计,可建构3D建筑模型,模型系由包含结构尺寸、材料、性能与价格等信息的参数化对象所构成,可协助建筑师进行建筑物结构设计、分析与相关协同作业。
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2023-08-19 09:46:442

求汤姆叔叔的小屋的英语概括! 120字-200字

Uncle Tom"s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe ← Context → Table of Contents Plot Overview Upon meeting Harriet Beecher Stowe for the first time,Abraham Lincoln reportedly said,“So this is the little lady who made this big war.” Stowe was little—under five feet tall—but what she lacked in height,she made up for in influence and success.Uncle Tom"s Cabin became one of the most widely read and deeply penetrating books of its time.It sold hundreds of thousands of copies and was translated into numerous languages.Many historians have credited the novel with contributing to the outbreak of the Civil War. The daughter of an eminent New England preacher,Stowe was born into a family of eccentric,intelligent people.As a child,she learned Latin and wrote a children"s geography book,both before she was ten years old.Throughout her life,she remained deeply involved in religious movements,feminist causes,and the most divisive political and moral issue of her time:the abolition of slavery. Stowe grew up in the Northeast but lived for a time in Cincinnati,which enabled her to see both sides of the slavery debate without losing her abolitionist"s perspective.Cincinnati was evenly split for and against abolition,and Stowe wrote satirical pieces on the subject for several local papers there.She often wrote pieces under pseudonyms and with contrasting styles,and one can see a similar attention to voice in Uncle Tom"s Cabin,in which dialects and patterns of speech contrast among characters.Though Stowe absorbed a great deal of information about slavery during her Cincinnati years,she nonetheless conducted extensive research before writing Uncle Tom"s Cabin.She wrote to Frederick Douglass and others for help in creating a realistic picture of slavery in the Deep South.Her black cook and household servants also helped by telling her stories of their slave days. Stowe"s main goal with Uncle Tom"s Cabin was to convince her large Northern readership of the necessity of ending slavery.Most immediately,the novel served as a response to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850,which made it illegal to give aid or assistance to a runaway slave.Under this legislation,Southern slaves who escaped to the North had to flee to Canada in order to find real freedom.With her book,Stowe created a sort of exposé that revealed the horrors of Southern slavery to people in the North.Her radical position on race relations,though,was informed by a deep religiosity.Stowe continually emphasizes the importance of Christian love in eradicating oppression.She also works in her feminist beliefs,showing women as equals to men in intelligence,bravery,and spiritual strength.Indeed,women dominate the book"s moral code,proving vital advisors to their husbands,who often need help in seeing through convention and popular opinion. Uncle Tom"s Cabin was published in episodes in the National Era in 1851 and 1852,then published in its entirety on March 20,1852.It sold 10,000 copies in its first week and 300,000 by the end of the year,astronomical numbers for the mid-nineteenth century.Today,analysis of both the book"s conception and reception proves helpful in our understanding of the Civil War era.Within the text itself,the reader finds insights into the mind of a Christian,feminist abolitionist.For example,in the arguments Stowe uses,the reader receives a glimpse into the details of the slavery debate.Looking beyond the text to its impact on its society,the reader gains an understanding of the historical forces contributing to the outbreak of war.
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2023-08-19 09:46:523


usu是Utah State University的缩写,意思是犹他州立大学。犹他州立大学始建于1888年,位于美国犹他州风景秀丽的洛根市(Logan),是美国著名的公立研究型大学之一。从当初一个小农学院发展至今,USU凭借着优秀的学术成就与研究进步被卡耐基基金会归类为博士/研究型大学(Doctor/Research University Extensive)。学校提供共计159个学士学位,83个硕士,以及41个博士学位,是被美国西北地区学院和大学认证委员会(NWCCU)正式认证的该州赠地院校(Land-grantInstitution)。扩展资料:犹他州立大学洛根校区临近洛根峡谷(Logan Canyon),校园俯瞰山谷的西部。校园里包含超过100个主建筑物,大多数的学生活动中心是校园南端,为大多数学院的教学区。知名建筑包括OldMain——校园内建校以来的第一个建筑,以及学校的超现代图书馆——美林卡齐尔图书馆(Merrill-Cazier Library)。犹他州立大学(USU)位于犹他州洛根(Logan)市,风景秀丽,环境优美。从洛根市出发,2分钟车程即可到达洛根峡谷(Logan Canyon),1小时即能到达四个滑雪胜地,5小时车程到达黄石公园,距盐湖城也仅81英里,并且,洛根校区的学生可以免费搭乘市内公共交通工具。参考资料来源:百度百科-USU
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Slavery in the United States was the legal institution of chattel slavery that existed in the United States of America in the 18th and 19th centuries. Slavery had been practiced in British North America from early colonial days, and was recognized in the Thirteen Colonies at the time of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. When the United States was founded, even though some free persons of color were present, the status of slave was largely coincident with being of African descent, creating a system and legacy in which race played an influential role. After the Revolutionary War, abolitionist laws and sentiment gradually spread in the Northern states, while the rapid expansion of the cotton industry from 1800 led to the Southern states strongly identifying with slavery, and attempting to extend it into the new Western territories. The United States was polarized by slavery into slave and free states along the Mason-Dixon Line, which separated Maryland (slave) and Pennsylvania (free).Although the international slave trade was prohibited from 1808, internal slave-trading continued, and the slave population would eventually peak at four million before abolition.[1][2]As the West opened up, the Southern states believed they needed to keep a balance between the numbers of slave and free states, in order to maintain a balance of power in Congress. The new territories acquired from Britain, France and Mexico were the subject of major political compromises. By 1850, the newly rich cotton-growing South was threatening to secede from the Union, and tensions continued to rise. With church ministers under pressure to preach slavery doctrine conforming to the local politics, the Baptist and Methodist churches split into regional organizations. When Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 election on a platform of no new slave states, the South finally broke away to form the Confederacy. This marked the start of the Civil War, which caused a huge disruption of Southern life, with many slaves either escaping or being liberated by the Union armies. The war effectively ended slavery, before the Thirteenth Amendment (December 1865) formally outlawed the institution throughout the United States.
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2023-08-19 09:45:582


usu是犹他州立大学。犹他州立大学(Utah State University,简称USU)始建于1888年,位于美国犹他州风景秀丽的洛根市(Logan),是美国著名的公立研究型大学之一。从当初一个小农学院发展,USU凭借着优秀的学术成就与研究进步被卡耐基基金会归类为博士/研究型大学(Doctor/Research University Extensive)。学校提供共计159个学士学位,83个硕士,以及41个博士学位。是被美国西北地区学院和大学认证委员会(NWCCU)正式认证的该州赠地院校 (Land-grant Institution)。在美国的工学前100名中,犹他州立大学赫赫有名,并在2013年美国福布斯排名榜“美国性价比最高大学” (America"s Best College Buy)中位列西部公立大学第一。国家公立大学第四位。学校的治学使命是在其研究至上的学术氛围中,通过让学生学习、探索与参与而培养其服务于公众的意识,成为一所以学生为中心、具有多元文化与思想的美国一流公立研究型学府。
2023-08-19 09:45:531

英语朗文字典里,[singular,单数, U ]和[U]有什么区别?

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2023-08-19 09:45:484


朋友,少了个字母吧singular["siu014bgjulu0259, "siu014bgju0259lu0259] 此单词属于使用最频繁的6000个英文单词,是海词推荐用户应该学会的3星常用词汇。adj. 单数的adj. "It" is the third-person singular neuter pronoun. adj. “it”是第三人称单数的中性代名词。 adj. 奇特的adj. I was struck with the man"s singular appearance. adj. 那个人的奇特外貌给我留下了深刻的印象。 adj. Talking to him is a singular experience. adj. 与他交谈是一种非同平常的体验。 adj. 非凡的adj. She had a singular insight into life. adj. 她对于人生有一个非凡的了解。 adj. The young man has a singular ear for music. adj. 这个年轻人对音乐有非凡的欣赏力。 adj. But his vision was too singular to be stultified for long. adj. 但是他的洞察力是如此非凡,不可能长久地被愚弄。 n. 单数n. Give the singular forms of the following nouns. n. 写出下列名词的单数形式。 n. Singular nouns are used only in the singular, always with adeterminer. n. 单数名词只有单数形式,总是与限定词连用。
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2023-08-19 09:45:402


奴隶"这个中文词汇的英文是"slave",发音为/sleu026av/。"slave"是一个名词,意思是奴隶。它通常用于描述被迫服从另一个人的人,被迫为他人工作或者执行任务。在历史上,奴隶制度是一种常见的社会制度,奴隶通常是被视为财产的一种,他们失去了自由和人格尊严。一、造句1、He"s been forced into slave labour at burger bars to earn a bit of cash.为了挣点钱,他被迫到卖汉堡的小店里做苦工。2、Movie stars used to be slaves to the studio system.电影明星过去完全受制于大制片厂制度。3、The ancient Greeks and Romans used slaves to do most of their work.古希腊和古罗马使用奴隶来完成大部分工作。4、Today, slavery is illegal in most countries around the world.今天,在世界上大多数国家,奴隶制度是非法的。二、衍生词汇1、slavery:名词,意思是奴隶制度或者奴隶状态。2、slaveholder:名词,意思是奴隶主,指拥有奴隶的人。3、enslaved:形容词,意思是被奴役的或者被迫为他人工作的。4、enslavement:名词,意思是奴役或者被迫为他人工作。
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