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2023-05-19 23:23:47
TAG: tend pretend




pretend三种用法如下:pretend可用作不及物动词,常与介词to连用,表示“自称应该享有(所有权、权利)或自称有才能、学问”等,也可表示“觊觎”。一般用于疑问句或否定句中。pretend在口语中还可接as if或like引导的从句,表示“装…的样子”,此时pretend用作系动词,从句的谓语动词要用陈述式。pretend的例句:1. The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music.孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。2. We won"t pretend we savour the prospect of a month in prison.我们不会装作我们满心盼望着在监狱中度过一个月。3. It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect.假装系统完美无疵是徒劳的。4. Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams.在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。5. I pretend that things are really okay when they"re not.当情况不好的时候我假装一切顺利。
2023-01-12 03:52:021


pretend的用法:作及物动词,后面接名词和代词,也可以接that从句,还可以接形容词作宾语补足语。基本用法:1,pretend to do sth. 假装要做某事2,pretend to be doing sth.假装正在做某事3,pretend to have done 假装做过某事retend一般是加宾语从句和不定式的.pretend的主要用法(也就是考点)如下:1)pretend to do sth该结构有如下三种形式:pretend to do sth(一般式);prentend to bedoing sth(进行式);prentnd to have done sth(完成式)如:I pretend to be sleeping when my parents came in.He pretended to be friendly with me.He pretended to have been abroad.2) pretend + that从句如:He pretended that he was innocent.
2023-01-12 03:52:101

pretend的用法有哪些 常见用法及例句

pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”,强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。pretend还可用作形容词,表示“假装的,想象的,假想的”,用于非正式或儿语中。 pretend的用法 pretend也可用作不及物动词,常与介词to连用,表示“自称应该享有(所有权、权利)或自称有才能、学问”等,也可表示“觊觎”。一般用于疑问句或否定句中。 pretend在口语中还可接as if或like引导的从句,表示“装…的样子”,此时pretend用作系动词,从句的谓语动词要用陈述式。 pretend的例句 1. The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music. 孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。 2. We won"t pretend we savour the prospect of a month in prison. 我们不会装作我们满心盼望着在监狱中度过一个月。 3. It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect. 假装系统完美无疵是徒劳的。 4. Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams. 在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。 5. I pretend that things are really okay when they"re not. 当情况不好的时候我假装一切顺利。
2023-01-12 03:52:191


pretend that后面跟句子,pretend to do假装要做某事,pretend to be doing假装正做某事,preteng to have done假装做了某事。我就记得这些啦,希望能帮到你
2023-01-12 03:52:311

词组“假装”是pretend from还是pretend for,还是别的什么?

2023-01-12 03:52:361


pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”,强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。常用短语有pretend to do假装要做某事。 pretend的用法 pretend的用法1:pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”,强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。 pretend的用法2:pretend也可用作不及物动词,常与介词to连用,表示“自称应该享有(所有权、权利)或自称有才能、学问”等,也可表示“觊觎”。一般用于疑问句或否定句中。 pretend的用法3:pretend在口语中还可接as if或like引导的从句,表示“装…的样子”,此时pretend用作系动词,从句的谓语动词要用陈述式。 pretend的用法4:pretend还可用作形容词,表示“假装的,想象的,假想的”,用于非正式或儿语中。 pretend的用法例句 1. The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music. 孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。 2. We won"t pretend we savour the prospect of a month in prison. 我们不会装作我们满心盼望着在监狱中度过一个月。 3. It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect. 假装系统完美无疵是徒劳的。 4. Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams. 在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。 5. I pretend that things are really okay when they"re not. 当情况不好的时候我假装一切顺利。
2023-01-12 03:52:441

pretend后面除了to do还可以接什么?如果表示一种状态,用什么?

I pretend (that)I don"t know anything at all.跟从句
2023-01-12 03:52:492


pretend to be doing 是强调不定式的动作正在进行的过程中. pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生. pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成. pretend that+从句只有这几种用法 可能你打错了,这句话时态也没有。。。。。
2023-01-12 03:52:571


2023-01-12 03:53:034

pretend to do 还是doing?

pretend 后面跟 to do,pretend to do sth假装做某事。pretend:英 [prɪˈtend] 、美 [prɪˈtɛnd]。  vt.装扮;假装,伪装;假称。vi.扮演;自称;假装,矫作。adj.仿制的。1、Don"t pretend to know, do not know to ask. 不要装知道,不懂就请教。2、We must not pretend to know when we do not know. 不懂就是不懂,不要装懂。基本句型:(1)主语+谓语(s.+predicate)这种句型简称为主谓结构,其谓语一般都是不及物动词,例:Things change.事物是变化的。Nobody went.没有人去。--Did you go by sea?你们走的是海路吗?--NO,we flew.不,我们是飞去。(2)主语+系动词+表语(s.+link v.+predicative)这种句型称为主系表结构,其实联系动词在形式上也是一种谓语动词,系动词与表语一起构成了复合谓语,例:Mr. Turner is an artist.特纳先生是位画家。(3)主语+谓语+宾语(s.+predicate+o.)这种句型可称为主谓宾结构,它的谓语一般多是及物动词,例:We never beat children.我们从来不打孩子。(4)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(s.+predicate+oi.+od.)这种句型可称为主谓宾宾结构,其谓语应是可有双宾语的及物动词,两个宾语一个是间接宾语,一个是直接宾语,例: gave the book to his sister.他把这本书给了他的妹妹。(5)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(s.+predicate+o.+o.c.)这种句型可简称为主谓宾补结构,其补语是宾语补语,与宾语一起即构成复合宾语,例:I found the book easy.我发现这本书不难。I"ll let him go.我将让他去。
2023-01-12 03:53:202

pretend not

是的 not pretend 是否定谓语 pretend not 是否定后面的事情
2023-01-12 03:53:371

为什么只有pretend to do sth而没有pretend doing sth?

pretend to do是一个固定用法。没有pretend doing这种用法。pretend to be doing 是强调不定式的动作正在进行的过程中. pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生. pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成. pretend that+从句只有这几种用法
2023-01-12 03:53:431

pretend to read 与pretend to be reading区别

2023-01-12 03:53:481

pretend 这个英语怎么读

2023-01-12 03:54:007

英语单词 pretend 谐音怎么读

pretend(假装)读作 [prɪ " tend],可以近似谐音为 “扑瑞泰恩德”。
2023-01-12 03:54:256

… pretend to do sth … pretend to be doing sth … pretend to have done sth的区别。

2023-01-12 03:54:482


pretended的读法是:英音 [prɪ"tendɪd]、美音 [prɪ"tendɪd]。1、pretended 基本解释adj. 假装的;徒有外表的;传说的;号称的v. 假装( pretend的过去式和过去分词 );伪装;(尤指儿童)(在游戏中)装扮;自诩2、pretended 用法和例句I see , donald trump and his pretended campaign .我明白了,唐纳德特朗普和他的假装运动。Imagine what would have happened if mr hurd had been chairman when it emerged that private investigators pretended to be directors in order to gain access to phone records .想象一下,当初私家调查员为了获取通话记录而伪装成董事时,如果赫德已经是董事长,会发生什么呢?I pretended to be sorry but I "m not I "m angry .我假装悔悟,但其实我并不自责我很生气。I have never pretended or said otherwise .我从未假装或说过自己不是这样。At times he pretended to field calls from mussolini or stalin .有时,克鲁格假装巧妙地答复墨索里尼或是斯大林的来电。
2023-01-12 03:54:561


pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”。强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。pretend也可用作不及物动词,常与介词to连用,表示“自称应该享有(所有权、权利)或自称有才能、学问”等,也可表示“觊觎”。一般用于疑问句或否定句中。pretend在口语中还可接as if或like引导的从句,表示“装…的样子”,此时pretend用作系动词,从句的谓语动词要用陈述式。相关词组:pretend a headache 假装头痛。pretend deafness 装聋作哑。pretend ignorance 装作无知。pretend illness 装病。pretend indifference 装作不关心。pretend sleep 假装睡觉。pretend childishly 幼稚地装作。pretend deliberately 故意装作。pretend groundlessly 毫无根据地自称。pretend irrationally 不合理地伪装。pretend politely 有礼貌地装作。
2023-01-12 03:55:101

pretend加名词 有这短语吗

好像没有哦, pretend是不及物动词,用法有 pretend to do sth.或者pretend doing sth. 希望能帮到您!
2023-01-12 03:55:231


pretend to be doing 是强调不定式的动作正在进行的过程中.pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生.还有一种完成式pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成.pretend to be reading就表示他假装正在读书pretend to sleep 表示他要去睡觉pretendvt.假装, 装扮, (作为藉口或理由)伪称To give a false appearance of; feign:伪装:显示一副假面貌;伪装:“You had to pretend conformity while privately pursuing high and dangerous nonconformism”(Anthony Burgess)“当你私下里追求崇高而又危险的新教教义时,你仍得假装信奉国教”(安东尼·伯吉斯)To claim or allege insincerely or falsely; profess:假称:不诚实地或虚假地要求或宣称;自称:doesn"t pretend to be an expert.不要伪称是个专家To represent fictitiously in play; make believe:装扮:在戏剧中虚构地扮演;使相信:pretended they were on a cruise.他们假装在海上巡逻To take upon oneself; venture:大胆冒昧地做:使自己承担义务;冒险干某事:I cannot pretend to say that you are wrong.我不敢说你是错误的v.intr.(不及物动词)To feign an action or a character, as in play.扮演:假扮某种行为或某个角色,如在戏剧中假扮To put forward a claim.自称:提出要求To make pretensions:假装,矫作:pretends to gourmet tastes.自命有美食家的品味adj.Informal (形容词)【非正式用语】 Imitation; make-believe:模仿的;仿制的:pretend money; pretend pearls.伪币;假珍珠Middle English pretenden 中古英语 pretenden from Old French pretendre 源自 古法语 pretendre from Latin praetendere 源自 拉丁语 praetendere prae- [pre-] prae- [前缀,表“在…之前”] tendere [to extend] * see ten- tendere [延伸,延长] *参见 ten- pretend, assume, affect, simulate, feign, fake, counterfeitThese verbs all mean to take on a false or misleading appearance. 这些动词都指采用虚伪的或误导的表象。Pretend often suggests a vain or transparent attempt to fool or deceive: Pretend 经常暗示一种徒劳地或明显地去愚弄或欺骗:“My bedmate pretended to be asleep” (George W. Cable). “我的枕边人假装睡着了” (乔治·W·凯布尔)。Assume may—but does not necessarily—connote dishonesty, insincerity, or trickery: Assume 有可能——但是并不必然地——意味着不诚实,不诚心或欺骗:“Assume a virtue, if you have it not” (Shakespeare). “假如你没有美德的话,那就假装你有美德” (莎士比亚)。I assumed an air of confidence that I was far from feeling. 在我远远感受不到自信时,我显示出一副自信的神气。Affect suggests an effort to give the appearance of something either out of personal preference or to make an impression: Affect 暗示了一种出于个人喜好或想要留下好印象而有意显示出某种神态的努力:“He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star” (Annalyn Swan). “他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性” (阿那林·斯旺)。Simulate emphasizes the assumption of an appearance or a form that closely resembles reality: Simulate 强调外表的假装或近似现实的形式:“A . . . verdant scum upon the surface of deep pools simulated the turf that had been removed” (John Lothrop Motley). The remaining terms—feign, fake, and counterfeit —all imply at least a measure of deliberate sham. “深潭表面上青绿的浮藻给人一种假象,好象草地被转移了” (约翰·洛恩罗普莫·特利)。剩下的几个词如feign,fake 和 counterfeit 都暗示有某种程度的虚假。 Feign suggests false representation or fictitious fabrication: Feign 指错误的表现或人为的制造:The child feigned a look of innocence when his mother asked who had eaten the cake. 当他妈妈问谁吃了蛋糕时,那个小孩装出无辜的表情Fake implies fraudulent simulation: Fake 指欺骗性的伪装和冒充:He faked an interest in my work. 他假装对我的工作感兴趣。Counterfeit denotes a close imitation that can often pass for an original: Counterfeit 暗指几乎可以假乱真的很相近的模仿:“Full well they laughed with counterfeited glee” (Oliver Goldsmith).“他们带着伪装得极好的喜悦大笑” (奥利弗·哥尔德史密斯)
2023-01-12 03:55:291


2023-01-12 03:55:451


to do sth
2023-01-12 03:55:518


2023-01-12 03:56:211


pretend that后面跟句子,pretend to do假装要做某事,pretend to be doing假装正做某事,preteng to have done假装做了某事。我就记得这些啦,希望能帮到你
2023-01-12 03:56:371


pretend to be doing 是强调不定式的动作正在进行的过程中;pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生;还有一种完成式pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成;pretend to be reading就表示他假装正在读书;pretend to sleep 表示他要去睡觉。
2023-01-12 03:56:441


pretend v. 假装,佯装1)可单独使用,不后接宾语She is tired of pretending.她厌倦了假装。She looked like a nice person but she was just pretending.她看起来像是不错的人,但她是装出来的。2)pretend (not) to do sth. 假装(没)做某事He pretended to be my friend.他假装是我的朋友。She pretended to be asleep.她假装睡着了。I pretended not to notice him.我假装没注意到他。
2023-01-12 03:56:541

pretend加名词 有这短语吗

好像没有哦, pretend是不及物动词,用法有 pretend to do sth.或者pretend doing sth. 希望能帮到您!
2023-01-12 03:56:591


2023-01-12 03:57:052


Pretend to do 假装做什麼。。。He pretends to be crying.他假装哭泣。
2023-01-12 03:57:141

有“pretend doing”这个短语吗?

没有的。pretend to be 假装是...pretend to be doing 假装在干...pretend to + 动词原形 假装..pretend to have done 假装已经(表示动作已发生)
2023-01-12 03:57:191

你好,请问有pretend. doing这个短语吗

有prentend to be doing和pretend to do
2023-01-12 03:57:304

pretend to be working

pretend to be doing 是强调不定式的动作正在进行的过程中. pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生. 还有一种完成式pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成. 可以自己判断下 啊 用法给你了
2023-01-12 03:57:431


1. 全球化志向:在全球得到信任并成为永远受欢迎的世界一流汽车企业2. 对人的尊重:成为主导绿色环境技术的贡献于人类共同繁荣的企业3. 感动客户:通过创造客户优先的价值来感动客户4. 技术革新:为了实现以人类为中心的尖端技术而不断努力创造文化:尊重个人,创造以人为本的汽车文化 1.扩大新收益事业支持对应后续的补充、开发收益性新事业2.技术支持发挥当法人支持窗口作用、支持当地信息服务、构筑中国技术中心体系3.提高知名度支持开发适合当地的产品、提高环境亲和化的企业形象4.效率化经营构筑最高经营层报告体系、支持共同业务的结合 (地址:韩国京畿道华城市)韩国本土最核心的研发基地,设施最为齐备。 (欧洲)(地址:德国吕瑟尔斯海姆)欧洲技术中心和现代设计中心(欧洲)与当地子公司共同监督现代汽车在欧洲的 产品规划、销售与营销,以加强地区销售能力。 (地址:印度海德拉巴)印度工程技术中心为汽车设计和分析提供了积极的支持,并将扩大针对当地市场(在建)开发的产品的支持。 (地址:美国密歇根州契皮瓦县)美国技术中心对美国境内的研发起着举足轻重的作用,并与位于加利福尼亚的美国设计与技术中心和试验场相联系。加利福尼亚试验场对北美市场的车辆开发起着关键作用,所有在美国出售和在当地开发部件的现代和起亚汽车都在此处进行性能和耐久性试验。美国设计与技术中心负责概念车的研究与大规模生产汽车的开发以适应美国市场的需求。 (地址:日本千叶)日本研发中心紧邻东京,致力于开发最新的电子与混合技术。 1942年,郑周永在首尔的一条小街上,设立了汽车修理厂。1966年,当时率领现代建设集团的郑周永取得泰国高速公路兴建工程,迈出海外建设,企业国际化的第一步。1967年12月,借助战后的建设浪潮的推动,现代建筑公司建立了现代汽车公司。1967年的12月与福特汽车公司合作,创立了现代汽车,正式向重工业进军。1976年,全世界最大的汽车市场―北美地区, 韩国现代车厂产制的小马(Pony)轿车, 以5900美元的空前超低价位,切入北美车市的最基层―大众车市,引发消费及产业界的极度震撼1981年与三菱汽车合资(三菱出资10%),到1983年就开发出第二款新车,并于1985年在加拿大魁北克省设立年产10万辆规模的车厂。1982年设立现代电子,成为现代汽车现代化的有力后盾。1983年,新改款小马车问世,大量外销加拿大,佳评如潮。1985年,为回应北美地区需求而研发的卓越(Excel)小轿车,一上市就被北美地区的消费者接受,1985年以8.5万辆的空前销售量,创下加拿大当年进口车的冠军纪录,同年在美国则卖出17万辆的佳绩。1991年,公司发布了其首个内部独立设计的动力总成--Alpha型发动机。1992年,底特律车展上,推出完全自力研发成功的第一款概念车HCD-I1993年,底特律车展中,亮出第二张王牌―HCD-Ⅱ1994年,行销世界128个国家和地区的卓越(Excel)车型年美国汽车年鉴(Car Book)“最佳安全小型房车”1998年,EF Sonata和XG车型推出,现代公司的新车型获得了成功。1999年,推出四款最新车型:Centennial、新Accent、Coupe改进型和Trajet。2000年12月,现代汽车(中国)整车销售本部前身在上海成立。2001年7月,现代汽车最大的海外工厂之一印度Chennai 的工厂开始生产New Sonata。2002年,现代汽车成为韩国-日本合办的FIFA世界杯足球赛的唯一汽车赞助商。2002年,现代汽车与北京汽车工业控股有限责任公司合资建立了在中国的第二家分厂。2005年,韩国现代汽车总部提出,2005年为现代汽车国际化元年的口号。2005年1月,现代汽车(中国)整车销售本从上海迁移到北京。2008年9月23日,行政及豪华车型劳恩斯登陆中国。2009年3月3日,后轮驱动豪华跑车劳恩斯-酷派登陆中国。2009年8月18日,后轮驱动旗舰车型,新款雅科仕在中国震撼上市。2009年,美国著名汽车行业分析与研究公司AutoPacific举办的满意度奖项调研中,现代汽车被评为“09年上升最快厂商”。2011年美国知名汽车杂志《MotorTrend》公布了当年年汽车业界十大最具影响力人物排行榜,现代汽车集团会长郑梦九位居2011年度汽车产业界最具影响力的人物第二。 2012现代汽车集团突破700万目标,中国销量139万。 2012年10月30日,现代汽车在全球知名机构美国通讯联盟(LACP)主管的全球通讯竞赛“2012年焦点奖”中荣获5个奖项。 2013年1月23日,现代汽车当选2012年“最具责任感企业”。营销大    足球营销:    【概述】:1999年,现代汽车与FIFA(世界足球联盟)正式签订合同,成为包括2002韩日世界杯在内、FIFA主管下十个国际足球大赛的官方赞助商。同时通过签订由UEFA(欧洲足球联盟)主办、欧洲规模最大的欧锦赛2000赞助合同,现代汽车成功以风靡全球的体育项目-足球的铁杆赞助商亮相。    【2002韩日世界杯】:现代汽车集团斥资15亿欧元成为官方赞助商。    【2004年欧洲世界杯】    【2006德国世界杯】    【2007FIFA中国女足世界杯】:随着2007年9月10日中国女足世界杯揭幕战的逼近,作为本届杯赛的主赞助商同时也是2007-2014年FIFA的官方合作伙伴,现代起亚汽车陆续开展了一系列的活动,以期通过提供最为得力的车型来推动组委会工作的顺利进行。    【中国足协2006-2010官方合作伙伴】:2007年3月19日,韩国起亚汽车公司、东风悦达起亚汽车有限公司与中国足球协会在北京举行了“起亚汽车-东风悦达起亚中国足球协会官方合作伙伴”签字仪式。    【2008年欧洲杯】:2008年现代汽车集团汽车是欧洲足球联盟(UEFA)汽车行业独家官方合作伙伴。    【2010年南非世界杯】:现代汽车集团是南非世界杯惟一的官方指定汽车赞助商。    【2012年欧洲杯】:欧足联宣布现代汽车集团成为2012和2016年欧锦赛官方汽车合作伙伴。协议的达成意味着现代汽车集团将成为未来两届欧锦赛以及欧冠联赛的官方汽车供应商。  【2014年巴西世界杯】:2014巴西世界杯6家官方合作伙伴之一,汽车领域的独家赞助商,现代起亚汽车承接了本届世界杯官方用车的任务,彰显了企业自身的雄厚实力和领先的行业地位。      奥运会营销    【1988年汉城奥运会】:现代汽车凭借东道主优势,一举夺得奥运会的独家赞助权,从此一个亚洲汽车品牌开始名扬天下,现代成为一个国际品牌。    【2004年雅典夏季奥运会】:现代汽车集团作为2004年雅典奥运会汽车厂商唯一赞助商,奥运会期间3700辆现代汽车集团汽车,跑遍了整个雅典的奥运会道路,连接了所有的奥运会赛点与会场。    【2013年夏季大运会】(大学生奥运会):现代汽车3月2日签署了2013年在鞑靼斯坦共和国举行的第27届夏季世界大学生运动会赞助商协议。现代汽车独联体将提供1,400辆现代汽车为正式代表及运动员提供服务。    滑雪营销:现代汽车集团是FIS跳台滑雪世界杯的核心赞助商,同时也是FIS滑雪世界锦标赛的主要赞助商,后者在在欧亚地区广受欢迎。2012年2月10日,现代汽车集团宣布从2月23日在挪威Vikersund举办的FIS(国际滑雪联合会)滑雪世界锦标赛(SkiFlyingWorldChampionships)开始,将赞助全球跳台滑雪比赛。奥斯卡营销:  北京时间2013年2月25日举办的第85届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼上,韩国现代汽车作为典礼的独家汽车赞助企业,以9段时长均为30秒的广告,宣传旗下主要车型,在典礼时间段及前期的媒体报道中播出。这9篇风格迥异的广告均属现代”BigVoice,BigPlaces”(巨大的舞台、强大的声音)营销活动的内容,集中宣传雅科仕、劳恩斯、胜达、雅尊、混合动力车等主要现代车型。
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年份 参赛队员 团体 全能及单项成绩 1952年 Stela Perim、Olga GollnerIleana Gyarfas、Olga MunteanuHelga Barsan、Eveline SlaviciElisabeta Abrudan、Teofila Baiasu 第九名 个人全能:25Stela Perim、52Olga Gollner58Ileana Gyarfas、68Olga Munteanu79Helga Barsan、85Eveline Slavici117Elisabeta Abrudan、132Teofila Baiasu 1956年 莱乌什滕、赫姆扎奇、艾诺万瓦塔苏、马加利特、萨卡里奇 铜牌 个人全能:4莱乌什滕、14艾诺万、16赫姆扎奇20瓦塔苏、21马加利特、30萨卡里奇跳马:6莱乌什滕平衡木:6莱乌什滕自由体操:铜牌(莱乌什滕) 1960年 艾诺万、莱乌什滕、瓦塔苏约内斯库、乌塔波立斯亚努马加利特 铜牌 个人全能:5艾诺万、11莱乌什滕、16瓦塔苏21约内斯库、27乌塔波立斯亚努、67马加利特跳马:5艾诺万高低杠:6艾诺万自由体操:6艾诺万 1964年 艾诺万、波佩斯库Elena Ceampelea、约内斯库马加利特、Cristina Dobosan 第六名 个人全能:14艾诺万、20波佩斯库37Elena Ceampelea、41约内斯库48马加利特、54Cristina Dobosan 1968年 (无参赛) (无参赛)   1972年 Elena Ceampelea、Alina Goreac格里格拉斯、杜亚古、以恩珀乌内斯库 第六名 个人全能:22Elena Ceampelea、29格里格拉斯31Alina Goreac 1976年 科马内奇、温古雷亚努、江诗丹顿格里格拉斯、杜亚古、嘉宝 银牌 个人全能:金牌(科马内奇)、4温古雷亚努11江诗丹顿跳马:4科马内奇高低杠:金牌(科马内奇)、银牌(温古雷亚努)平衡木:金牌(科马内奇)、铜牌(温古雷亚努)自由体操:铜牌(科马内奇) 1980年 埃贝尔列、科马内奇、邓肯、鲁恩格里戈拉斯、特纳 银牌 个人全能:银牌(科马内奇)、6埃贝尔列、7邓肯跳马:铜牌(鲁恩)、5科马内奇高低杠:银牌(埃贝尔列)、铜牌(鲁恩)平衡木:金牌(科马内奇)、6埃贝尔列自由体操:金牌(科马内奇)、5埃贝尔列 1984年 萨博、库迪娜、保卡、格里戈拉斯斯塔努莱特、阿加凯 金牌 个人全能:银牌(萨博)、铜牌(保卡)5斯塔努莱特跳马:金牌(萨博)、铜牌(阿加凯)高低杠:4斯塔努莱特、7阿加凯平衡木:金牌(保卡、萨博)自由体操:金牌(萨博)、8斯塔努莱特 1988年 希利瓦斯、波托拉克、多布雷博帕、高利亚、沃伊尼亚 银牌 个人全能:银牌(希利瓦斯)、4波托拉克、6多布雷跳马:银牌(波托拉克)、铜牌(希利瓦斯)高低杠:金牌(希利瓦斯)、7多布雷平衡木:金牌(希利瓦斯)、铜牌(波托拉克)自由体操:金牌(希利瓦斯) 1992年 邦塔斯、米洛索维奇、高吉安哈达里安、内库里塔、帕斯卡 银牌 个人全能:铜牌(米洛索维奇)、4邦塔斯、6高吉安跳马:金牌(米洛索维奇)、5高吉安高低杠:4米洛索维奇、4帕斯卡平衡木:4邦塔斯、8米洛索维奇自由体操:金牌(米洛索维奇)、铜牌(邦塔斯) 1996年 米洛索维奇、高吉安、马瑞列斯库阿玛纳尔、图格尔兰、罗爱斯 铜牌 个人全能:银牌(高吉安)铜牌(米洛索维奇、阿玛纳尔)跳马:金牌(阿玛纳尔)、铜牌(高吉安)高低杠:5阿玛纳尔、8米洛索维奇平衡木:铜牌(高吉安)、8马瑞列斯库自由体操:银牌(阿玛纳尔)、7高吉安 2000年 拉杜坎、奥拉鲁、阿玛纳尔波波科、伊萨尔斯库、普尔萨坎 金牌 *个人全能:金牌(阿玛纳尔)、银牌(奥拉鲁)跳马:银牌(拉杜坎)、6阿玛纳尔平衡木:4普尔萨坎、6奥拉鲁自由体操:铜牌(阿玛纳尔)、6拉杜坎 2004年 波诺尔、索夫罗尼、奥娜·班罗苏、埃雷米娅、斯多斯库 金牌 个人全能:5索夫罗尼跳马:金牌(罗苏)高低杠:6索夫罗尼平衡木:金牌(波诺尔)、铜牌(埃雷米娅)自由体操:金牌(波诺尔)、银牌(索夫罗尼) 2008年 尼斯托、塔米尔然、伊兹巴萨德拉戈伊、阿卡特里内伊、格里戈雷 铜牌 个人全能:5尼斯托、8伊兹巴萨高低杠:7尼斯托平衡木:5德拉戈伊自由体操:金牌(伊兹巴萨) 2012年 波诺尔、约尔达切、伊兹巴萨布里马尔、切拉鲁 铜牌 个人全能:5伊兹巴萨跳马:金牌(伊兹巴萨)自由体操:银牌(波诺尔) 罗马尼亚女子体操队历届奥运会成绩一览表*:因为当时全能冠军拉杜坎误服禁药事件,全部递进一名 年份 参赛队员 团体 个人全能及单项成绩 1954年 莱乌什滕、郝福满Anita Ticu、瓦塔苏Elena DobrovolschiTeofila BaiasuEvelineSlaviciIleana Gyarfas 第四名 个人全能:5莱乌什滕、19郝福满、33Anita Ticu42瓦塔苏、49Elena Dobrovolschi、64Teofila Baiasu67EvelineSlavici、102Ileana Gyarfas跳马:6莱乌什滕 1958年 佩特罗萨努、莱乌什滕约内斯库、艾诺万、瓦塔苏Elena Dobrovolschi 铜牌 个人全能:9佩特罗萨努、17莱乌什滕、21约内斯库22艾诺万、31瓦塔苏、57Elena Dobrovolschi跳马:6莱乌什滕 1962年 艾诺万、瓦塔苏Atanasia Zimresteanu马加利特、伊利耶默尔吉内亚努 第九名 个人全能:20艾诺万、44瓦塔苏、50Atanasia Zimresteanu55马加利特、72伊利耶、116默尔吉内亚努 1966年 Elena CeampeleaMaria Andrioae、图坦 (无参赛) 个人全能:28Elena Ceampelea、56Maria Andrioae57图坦 1970年 Elena Ceampelea、以恩杜亚古、Alina Goreac斯特凡、Rodica Apateanu 第五名 个人全能:17Elena Ceampelea、24以恩、30杜亚古32Alina Goreac、36斯特凡、41Rodica Apateanu 1974年 Alina Goreac、格里格拉斯多布雷、Elena Ceampelea瑟伯乌、以恩 第四名 个人全能:8Alina Goreac、12格里格拉斯、16多布雷29Elena Ceampelea、32瑟伯乌、34以恩跳马:4Alina Goreac平衡木:5Alina Goreac 1978年 科马内奇、埃贝尔列温古雷亚努Marilena NeacsuMarilena Vladarau格里格拉斯 银牌 个人全能:4科马内奇、5埃贝尔列、14Marilena Neacsu跳马:银牌(科马内奇)、5埃贝尔列高低杠:铜牌(埃贝尔列)、5科马内奇平衡木:金牌(科马内奇)、铜牌(埃贝尔列)自由体操:铜牌(埃贝尔列)、8科马内奇 1979年 鲁恩、邓肯、埃贝尔列、特纳Marilena Vladarau、科马内奇 金牌 个人全能:铜牌(鲁恩)、5邓肯、8埃贝尔列跳马:金牌(特纳)、7鲁恩高低杠:铜牌(埃贝尔列)平衡木:8鲁恩自由体操:金牌(埃贝尔列)、铜牌(鲁恩) 1981年 格里戈拉斯、邓肯、阿加凯 (无参赛) 个人全能:5格里戈拉斯、6邓肯、7阿加凯跳马:5阿加凯高低杠:5格里戈拉斯、7阿加凯平衡木:8邓肯自由体操:5邓肯 1983年 阿加凯、萨博、库迪娜斯塔努莱特、Simona RenciuMirela Barbalata 银牌 个人全能:铜牌(萨博)、6阿加凯、9库迪娜跳马:银牌(阿加凯、萨博)高低杠:银牌(阿加凯、萨博)平衡木:铜牌(阿加凯)自由体操:金牌(萨博)、4阿加凯 1985年 萨博、沃伊尼亚、希利瓦斯博帕、库迪娜、高利亚 银牌 个人全能:5萨博、7希利瓦斯、9沃伊尼亚跳马:银牌(萨博)高低杠:4沃伊尼亚、6萨博平衡木:金牌(希利瓦斯)、银牌(萨博)自由体操:4希利瓦斯、4萨博 1987年 多布雷、希利瓦斯、萨博沃伊尼亚、高利亚、博帕 金牌 个人全能:金牌(多布雷)、铜牌(希利瓦斯)、14萨博跳马:银牌(高利亚)、铜牌(多布雷)高低杠:金牌(希利瓦斯)、4多布雷平衡木:金牌(多布雷)、铜牌(萨博)自由体操:金牌(希利瓦斯)、铜牌(多布雷) 1989年 希利瓦斯、波托拉克、邦塔斯波帕、菲利普、多布雷 银牌 个人全能:4邦塔斯、12希利瓦斯、16波托拉克跳马:银牌(邦塔斯)、6波托拉克高低杠:金牌(希利瓦斯)、5波托拉克平衡木:金牌(希利瓦斯)、铜牌(波托拉克)自由体操:金牌(希利瓦斯)、铜牌(邦塔斯) 1991年 邦塔斯、帕斯卡、米洛索维奇哈达里安、内库里塔、波帕 铜牌 个人全能:铜牌(邦塔斯)、7米洛索维奇、8帕斯卡跳马:金牌(米洛索维奇)、4邦塔斯高低杠:4帕斯卡、7邦塔斯平衡木:铜牌(米洛索维奇)、8邦塔斯自由体操:金牌(邦塔斯)、4米洛索维奇 1992年 米洛索维奇、内库里塔帕斯卡、高吉安 (无赛) 跳马:4米洛索维奇、7高吉安高低杠:金牌(米洛索维奇)、铜牌(帕斯卡)平衡木:银牌(内库里塔)、9高吉安自由体操:铜牌(内库里塔)、8米洛索维奇 1993年 米洛索维奇、高吉安Andreea Cacovean (无赛) 个人全能:银牌(高吉安)、8米洛索维奇跳马:银牌(米洛索维奇)、4高吉安高低杠:铜牌(Andreea Cacovean)、5米洛索维奇平衡木:金牌(米洛索维奇)、铜牌(高吉安)自由体操:银牌(高吉安)、5米洛索维奇 1994年 高吉安、米洛索维奇Nadia HateganAndreea Cacovean (无赛) 个人全能:银牌(米洛索维奇)、4高吉安8Nadia Hategan跳马:金牌(高吉安)、铜牌(米洛索维奇)高低杠:6米洛索维奇、7Nadia Hategan平衡木:4Nadia Hategan、5米洛索维奇自由体操:银牌(米洛索维奇)、铜牌(高吉安) 1994年 米洛索维奇、高吉安、阿玛纳尔玛兰度卡、普尔萨坎Nadia Hategan、罗爱斯 金牌 (无赛) 1995年 米洛索维奇、高吉安、阿玛纳尔马瑞列斯库Andreea Cacovean普尔萨坎、Nadia Hategan 金牌 个人全能:铜牌(米洛索维奇)、4阿玛纳尔、14高吉安跳马:金牌(阿玛纳尔)、铜牌(高吉安)高低杠:4马瑞列斯库、5米洛索维奇平衡木:4马瑞列斯库自由体操:金牌(高吉安)、6阿玛纳尔 1996年 高吉安、阿玛纳尔马瑞列斯库、米洛索维奇 (无赛) 跳马:金牌(高吉安)、银牌(阿玛纳尔)高低杠:10米洛索维奇平衡木:银牌(马瑞列斯库)、8高吉安自由体操:金牌(高吉安)、铜牌(米洛索维奇) 1997年 阿玛纳尔、普尔萨坎马瑞列斯库、高吉安温古雷亚努、图格尔兰 金牌 个人全能:银牌(阿玛纳尔)、4高吉安、8普尔萨坎跳马:金牌(阿玛纳尔)、铜牌(高吉安)高低杠:5普尔萨坎、6马瑞列斯库平衡木:金牌(高吉安)自由体操:金牌(高吉安)、6普尔萨坎 1999年 奥拉鲁、拉杜坎、阿玛纳尔伊萨尔斯库、温古雷亚努波波科 金牌 个人全能:金牌(奥拉鲁)、5拉杜坎、14阿玛纳尔跳马:银牌(阿玛纳尔)、铜牌(奥拉鲁)高低杠:6奥拉鲁平衡木:银牌(拉杜坎)、4奥拉鲁自由体操:金牌(拉杜坎)、银牌(阿玛纳尔) 2001年 拉杜坎、科若卡尔、乌尔梅亚努斯多斯库、约内斯库、波波科 金牌 个人全能:铜牌(拉杜坎)、6科若卡尔、11斯多斯库跳马:铜牌(拉杜坎)、5乌尔梅亚努平衡木:金牌(拉杜坎)、4科若卡尔自由体操:金牌(拉杜坎)、7斯多斯库 2002年 佩特罗夫斯基、奥娜·班科若卡尔、拉杜坎 (无赛) 跳马:4佩特罗夫斯基、5科若卡尔高低杠:银牌(佩特罗夫斯基)平衡木:银牌(奥娜·班)自由体操:4奥娜·班 2003年 波诺尔、奥娜·班、埃雷米娅蒙特亚努、罗苏、里欧尼达 银牌 个人全能:6奥娜·班、15蒙特亚努跳马:4罗苏平衡木:银牌(波诺尔)自由体操:银牌(波诺尔)、4蒙特亚努 2005年 波诺尔、里欧尼达 (无赛) 个人全能:6里欧尼达平衡木:铜牌(波诺尔) 2006年 伊兹巴萨、尼斯托、丹妮拉基里克、里欧尼达Loredana Sucar 第四名 个人全能:铜牌(伊兹巴萨)、4尼斯托跳马:8伊兹巴萨高低杠:7尼斯托平衡木:银牌(伊兹巴萨)、7尼斯托自由体操:6伊兹巴萨 2007年 尼斯托、伊兹巴萨、波诺尔丹妮拉、帕特拉斯库、格里戈雷 铜牌 个人全能:银牌(尼斯托)、9伊兹巴萨高低杠:6尼斯托平衡木:银牌(尼斯托)自由体操:8伊兹巴萨 2009年 波尔加拉斯、塔米尔然切拉鲁、德拉戈伊 (无赛) 个人全能:7波尔加拉斯、9塔米尔然高低杠:铜牌(波尔加拉斯)平衡木:7波尔加拉斯自由体操:5波尔加拉斯 2010年 波尔加拉斯、伊兹巴萨、切拉鲁海杜、德拉戈伊、帕特斯库 第四名 个人全能:5波尔加拉斯、9海杜跳马:7切拉鲁高低杠:5波尔加拉斯平衡木:金牌(波尔加拉斯)自由体操:银牌(切拉鲁)、7伊兹巴萨 2011年 波诺尔、波尔加拉斯、切拉鲁拉切亚、海杜、布里马尔 第四名 个人全能:6波尔加拉斯、18海杜平衡木:5拉切亚、7波诺尔自由体操:8切拉鲁 2013年约尔达切、伊兹巴萨、(无赛)个人全能:4约尔达切自由操:铜牌 约尔达切 罗马尼亚女子体操队历届世锦赛成绩一览表 年份 参赛队员 成绩 1975年 温古雷亚努、格里格拉斯 个人全能:6温古雷亚努、9格里格拉斯跳马:4温古雷亚努高低杠:5格里格拉斯平衡木:6温古雷亚努自由体操:银牌(温古雷亚努) 1977年 格里格拉斯、杜亚古、瑟伯乌 个人全能:7格里格拉斯、11瑟伯乌、11杜亚古高低杠:6格里格拉斯平衡木:铜牌(格里格拉斯)、7杜亚古、8瑟伯乌自由体操:8格里格拉斯 1978年 (无参赛)   1979年 埃贝尔列、科马内奇 个人全能:银牌(埃贝尔列)、4科马内奇跳马:金牌(科马内奇)、8埃贝尔列高低杠:金牌(埃贝尔列)平衡木:金牌(埃贝尔列)、银牌(科马内奇)自由体操:金牌(科马内奇)、铜牌(埃贝尔列) 1980年 格里戈拉斯、埃贝尔列 个人全能:4格里戈拉斯、8埃贝尔列跳马:铜牌(格里戈拉斯)平衡木:6埃贝尔列、8格里戈拉斯自由体操:4埃贝尔列、5格里戈拉斯 1982年 阿加凯、斯塔努莱特、邓肯 个人全能:铜牌(阿加凯)、6斯塔努莱特、14邓肯跳马:4斯塔努莱特、5阿加凯高低杠:5阿加凯平衡木:4斯塔努莱特、5阿加凯自由体操:银牌(阿加凯)、7斯塔努莱特 1986年 希利瓦斯、沃伊尼亚、萨博 个人全能:银牌(希利瓦斯)、4萨博、9沃伊尼亚跳马:铜牌(萨博)、4希利瓦斯高低杠:铜牌(希利瓦斯)、5萨博平衡木:银牌(希利瓦斯)、4萨博自由体操:银牌(沃伊尼亚)、4希利瓦斯 1990年 帕斯卡、邦塔斯 个人全能:6邦塔斯、7帕斯卡跳马:7邦塔斯高低杠:银牌(帕斯卡)、7邦塔斯平衡木:铜牌(邦塔斯)自由体操:铜牌(帕斯卡)、7邦塔斯 1998年 阿玛纳尔、高吉安 跳马:金牌(阿玛纳尔)、银牌(高吉安)平衡木:铜牌(高吉安)自由体操:金牌(阿玛纳尔)、银牌(高吉安) 2000年 拉杜坎、阿玛纳尔 跳马:银牌(阿玛纳尔)、5拉杜坎高低杠:铜牌(拉杜坎)平衡木:金牌(拉杜坎)、银牌(阿玛纳尔)自由体操:金牌(拉杜坎)、铜牌(阿玛纳尔) 2002年 佩特罗夫斯基、拉杜坎 跳马:4佩特罗夫斯基高低杠:金牌(佩特罗夫斯基)自由体操:7拉杜坎 2004年 罗苏 跳马:银牌(罗苏)平衡木:金牌(波诺尔)、银牌(埃雷米娅)自由体操:银牌(波诺尔) 2006年 (无参赛)   2008年 伊兹巴萨 平衡木:4伊兹巴萨自由体操:铜牌(伊兹巴萨) 罗马尼亚女子体操队历届世界杯成绩一览表
2023-01-12 03:56:381


产品说明书 [词典] product specification; product manual; product descritption; [例句]品质和技术数据必须与卖方所提供的产品说明书严格相符。Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller.
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the Beatles British musical quartet and a global cynosure for the hopes and dreams of a generation that came of age in the 1960s. The principal members were Paul McCartney (in full Sir James Paul McCartney; b. June 18, 1942, Liverpool, Merseyside, England), John Lennon (b. October 9, 1940, Liverpool—d. December 8, 1980, New York, New York, U.S.), George Harrison (b. February 25, 1943, Liverpool—d. November 29, 2001, Los Angeles, California, U.S.), and Ringo Starr (byname of Richard Starkey; b. July 7, 1940, Liverpool). Other early members included Stuart Sutcliffe (b. June 23, 1940, Edinburgh, Scotland—d. April 10, 1962, Hamburg, West Germany) and Pete Best (b. November 24, 1941, Madras [now Chennai], India). Formed around the nucleus of Lennon and McCartney, who first performed together in Liverpool in 1957, the group grew out of a shared enthusiasm for American rock and roll. Like most early rock-and-roll figures, Lennon, a guitarist and singer, and McCartney, a bassist and singer, were largely self-taught as musicians. Precocious composers, they gathered around themselves a changing cast of accompanists, adding by the end of 1957 Harrison, a lead guitarist, and then, in 1960 for several formative months, Sutcliffe, a promising young painter who brought into the band a brooding sense of bohemian style. After dabbling in skiffle, a jaunty sort of folk music popular in Britain in the late 1950s, and assuming several different names (the Quarrymen, the Silver Beetles, and, finally, the Beatles), the band added a drummer, Best, and joined a small but booming “beat music” scene, first in Liverpool and then, during several long visits between 1960 and 1962, in Hamburg—another seaport full of sailors thirsty for American rock and roll as a backdrop for their whiskey and womanizing. In autumn 1961 Brian Epstein, a local Liverpool record store manager, saw the band and fell in love. Unshakably convinced of their commercial potential, Epstein became their manager and proceeded to bombard the major British music companies with letters and tape recordings of the band, finally winning a contract with Parlophone, a subsidiary of the giant EMI group of music labels. The man in charge of their career at Parlophone was George Martin, a classically trained musician who from the start put his stamp on the Beatles, first by suggesting the band hire a more polished drummer (they chose Starr) and then by rearranging their second recorded song (and first big British hit), "Please Please Me," changing it from a slow dirge into an up-tempo romp. Throughout the winter and into the spring of 1963, the Beatles continued their rise to fame in England by producing spirited recordings of original tunes and also by playing classic American rock and roll on a variety of British Broadcasting Corporation radio programs. In these months, fascination with the Beatles—at first confined to young British fans of popular music—breached the normal barriers of taste, class, and age, transforming their recordings and live performances into matters of widespread public comment. In the fall of that year, when they belatedly made a couple of appearances on British television, the evidence of popular frenzy prompted British newspapermen to coin a new word for the phenomenon: Beatlemania. In early 1964, after equally tumultuous appearances on American television, the same phenomenon erupted in the United States and provoked a so-called British Invasion of Beatles imitators from the United Kingdom. Beatlemania was something new. Musicians performing in the 19th century certainly excited a frenzy—one thinks of Franz Liszt—but that was before the modern mass media created the possibility of collective frenzy. Later pop music idols, such as Michael Jackson in the mid-1980s and Garth Brooks in the 1990s, sold similarly large numbers of records without provoking anything approaching the hysteria caused by the Beatles. By the summer of 1964, when the Beatles appeared in A Hard Day"s Night, a movie that dramatized the phenomenon of Beatlemania, the band"s effect was evident around the world as countless young people emulated the band members" characteristic long hair, flip humour, and whimsical displays of devil-may-care abandon. The popular hubbub proved to be a spur, convincing Lennon and McCartney of their songwriting abilities and sparking an outpouring of creative experimentation all but unprecedented in the history of rock music, which until then had been widely regarded, with some justification, as essentially a genre for juveniles. Between 1965 and 1967 the music of the Beatles rapidly changed and evolved, becoming ever more subtle, sophisticated, and varied. Their repertoire in these years ranged from the chamber pop ballad "Yesterday" and the enigmatic folk tune "Norwegian Wood" (both in 1965) to the hallucinatory hard rock song "Tomorrow Never Knows" (1966), with a lyric inspired by Timothy Leary"s handbook The Psychedelic Experience (1964). It also included the carnivalesque soundscape of "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!" (1967), which featured stream-of-consciousness lyrics by Lennon and a typically imaginative arrangement (by George Martin) built around randomly spliced-together snippets of recorded steam organs—a tour de force of technological legerdemain quite typical of the band"s studio work in this era. In 1966 the Beatles announced their retirement from public performing to concentrate on exploiting the full resources of the recording studio. A year later, in June 1967, this period of widely watched creative renewal was climaxed by the release of Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band, an album avidly greeted by young people around the world as indisputable evidence not only of the band"s genius but also of the era"s utopian promise. More than a band of musicians, the Beatles had come to personify, certainly in the minds of millions of young listeners, the joys of a new counterculture of hedonism and uninhibited experimentation—with music and with new ways of life. (Various members of the band in these years flirted with mind-expanding drugs such as LSD and also with exotic spiritual exercises such as transcendental meditation, a technique taught to them by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a barnstorming guru from India.) In those years the Beatles effectively reinvented the meaning of rock and roll as a cultural form. The American artists they admired and chose to emulate—Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Elvis Presley, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, the pioneering rock composers Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, the influential soul songwriter Smokey Robinson, and, after 1964, folksinger and topical songwriter Bob Dylan—became widely regarded as canonic sources of inspiration, offering “classical” models for aspiring younger rock musicians. At the same time, the original songs the Beatles wrote and recorded dramatically expanded the musical range and expressive scope of the genre they had inherited. Their close vocal harmonies, subtle arrangements, and clever production touches, combined with an elemental rhythm section anchored by Starr"s no-nonsense drumming, created new standards of excellence and beauty in a form of music previously known for amateurism. After 1968 and the eruption of student protest movements in countries as different as Mexico and France, the Beatles insensibly surrendered their role as de facto leaders of an inchoate global youth culture. They nevertheless continued for several more years to record and release new music and maintained a level of popularity rarely rivaled before or since. In 1968 they launched their own record label, Apple; hoping to nurture experimental pop art, they instead produced chaos and commercial failure, apart from the work of the Beatles themselves. The band continued to enjoy widespread popularity. The following year Abbey Road went on to become one of the band"s best-loved and biggest-selling albums. Meanwhile, personal disagreements magnified by the stress of symbolizing the dreams of a generation had begun to tear the band apart. Once the collaborative heart and soul of the band, Lennon and McCartney fell into bickering and mutual accusations of ill will. By now millions of dollars were at stake, and the utopian aura of the performers was in jeopardy, given the discrepancy between the band"s symbolic stature as idols of a carefree youth culture and their newfound real status as pampered plutocrats. In the spring of 1970 the Beatles formally disbanded. In the years that followed, all four members went on to produce solo albums of variable quality and popularity. Lennon released a corrosive set of songs with his new wife, Yoko Ono, and McCartney went on to form a band, Wings, that turned out a fair number of commercially successful recordings in the 1970s. Starr and Harrison, too, initially had some success as solo artists. But, as time went by, the Beatles became as much of a historical curio as Al Jolson or Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra or Elvis Presley before them. In 1980 Lennon was murdered by a demented fan outside the Dakota, an apartment building in New York City known for its celebrity tenants. The event provoked a global outpouring of grief. Lennon is memorialized in Strawberry Fields, a section of Central Park across from the Dakota that Yoko Ono landscaped in her husband"s honour. In the years that followed, the surviving former Beatles continued to record and perform as solo artists. McCartney in particular remained musically active, both in the pop field, producing new albums every few years, and in the field of classical music—in 1991 he completed Liverpool Oratorio; in 1997 he supervised the recording of another symphonic work of large ambition, Standing Stone; and in 1999 he released a new classical album, Working Classical. McCartney was knighted by the queen of England in 1997. Starr was also very visible in the 1990s, touring annually with his All-Star Band, a rotating group of rock veterans playing their hits on the summertime concert circuit. Beginning in 1988, Harrison recorded with Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, and Roy Orbison in a loose amalgam known as the Traveling Wilburys, but, for most of the 1980s and "90s, he had a low profile as a musician while acting as the producer of several successful films. After surviving a knife attack at his home in 1999, Harrison succumbed to a protracted battle with cancer in 2001. Early in the 1990s McCartney, Harrison, and Starr had joined to add harmonies to two previously unreleased vocal recordings by Lennon. These new songs by “the Beatles” served as a pretext for yet another publicity blitz, aimed at creating a market for a lavishly produced quasi-historical series of archival recordings assembled under the supervision of the band and released in 1995 and 1996 as The Beatles Anthology, a collection of six compact discs that supplemented a 10-hour-long authorized video documentary of the same name. A compilation of the band"s number one singles, 1, appeared in 2000 and enjoyed worldwide success, topping the charts in such countries as England and the United States. The afterglow of Beatlemania may have disappeared, but the iconography of an era of youthful tumult had been reverently preserved for posterity. The Beatles were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988, and Lennon (1994), McCartney (1999), and Harrison (2004) were also inducted as solo performers. 对吗???
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公司宣传册上“明星产品"The brochure "star products"
2023-01-12 03:56:481

翻译下这句话 我不会翻译

2023-01-12 03:56:503


一、动漫衍生产品/周边产品英文翻译:Animation Derivatives/Peripheral Products。二、字典上derivative是专指金融衍生品。可以用在这里,建议搭配使用。 重点词汇:1、动漫Comic and Animation; manga。2、衍生产品derivatives; derivative instrument; derivative product. 3、周边perimeter; ambitus; periphery。周边产品指利用动画、漫画、游戏等作品中的人物或动物造型.经授权后制成的商品。指利用动画.漫画.游戏等作品中的人物或动物造型.经授权后制成的商品.周边产品的种类十分丰富.有玩具.文具.食品.服饰.电器及各类生活用品等等.对于提供暸造型的漫画家或出版商.制作周边产品的厂家会向其支付一定比例的"著作权使用费"。英文的起源:英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。
2023-01-12 03:56:302


1、《忆钱塘江》 宋代:李觏昔年乘醉举归帆,隐隐山前日半衔。好是满江涵返照,水仙齐著淡红衫。译文:当年乘醉登上归家的帆船,看那两岸隐隐的青山前太阳已落下一半。此时此刻,最迷人的还是返照入江,满江一片红光,那江面上的点点白帆,在夕阳的辉映下,宛若水中的女神们一齐穿上了淡红的衣衫。2、《黄金缕·妾本钱塘江上住》 宋代:司马槱妾本钱塘江上住。花落花开,不管流年度。燕子衔将春色去,纱窗几阵黄梅雨。斜插犀梳云半吐,檀板轻敲,唱彻黄金缕。望断行云无觅处,梦回明月生南浦。译文:我的家就在繁华的钱塘江畔,花开花落,任凭岁月流逝。而今燕子又要把美好的春光带走了,在这黄昏时节,纱窗外下起了一阵潇潇细雨。我把犀梳斜插在头上,让头发半垂鬓边,敲响檀板,唱清丽的歌曲。抬眼望高空白云,不知它漂泊何处,梦醒后只见皎洁的明月从春江江畔冉冉升起。
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2023-01-12 03:56:252

产品种类 英文怎么说

2023-01-12 03:56:251

有没有关于海贼王的英文free talk

One Piece in the world, the whole ocean was a north-south through the continent and the great waterway called the area is divided into East and West, North and South Ocean 4. One person, he has all the world"s wealth, reputation and rights, he is piracy Wang - Gelu D Roger. Legend has it the One Piece was buried in the great waterway. He said the sentence before dying, driven by people all over the world into the sea - "I want the wealth?» Can. I put everything on there, you go! " Thus, began the era of pirates -- [Chasing the dream of juvenile] I would like to become Haizei Wang! This is our hero - the road to fly the Declaration. Road devil fruit fly has the ability, the body can be elongation, but not always learn to swim. He is a typical single-cell guy, simple, warm blood, Shaogen Jin, but it is really cute ~ ~ ~ and he has gradually gathered around a group from the same dream, a strength of the blood partners - Zhuoluo, NAMI , Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Fulan Qi and Brooke. "Story" of the ideal way to become a pirate Wang Fei, Eating a collection of demon-Vieques fruit, and become a rubber, rubber fruits of the side effects of却使he will never be able to swim. But his vision has not changed - become Haizei Wang, and find the legendary Roger D Gelu more of Mibao - One Piece, this adventure started…… In an era of piracy is a glorious and happy career, although the Government does not support them, but the storms at sea and the beauty of the sea or to countless people, especially men"s dream to attract into the full. In this era of one day, suddenly crazy pirate industry, originally a famous pirate in the provisional sentence before all of a sudden say his secret: He will not be able to measure his property in the possession of a small island, away The island"s line, called the great routes - One Piece! Road fly by the growth of small villages used to be a "red hair-Vieques," headed by the pirates of respite, but little has been road-they hope they can become the one, unfortunately, in a very accident Under the circumstances, he ate called "rubber-coated fruit," the fruit of the devil become a rubber (very cute, ah, general can be extended indefinitely ~~~)。 Fruit of the devil to give his peculiar ability, but to eat the fruit of the devil who is no longer be able to learn swimming…… "No, I can not as long as the trip to the sea Qujiu……" optimistic by nature (or simply naive innocence ») of the Road-has not abandoned his Haizei the road, he and Sagu Si Yue Hao, one day he He will be with the brothers become Haizei Wang. The so-called comic book is comic, road-grow up Yaozhuo of the boat on the sea, so that he can really find the way a lot of friends going equipped skills: the goal to become the first Jianke Zhuoluo, has a very good intuitive navigational Chennai, the United States, first-class chef on the sea-governance, especially at the Yueda Hua Wu Suopu (This is also counting skills it……) course to get these partnerships is very difficult, way to fly all the way to untold hardships and other pirates were fighting He"s strengths is that the only laugh of death and Yongbuyanbai the spirit! Great Line ! This is an excellent despite the re-piracy can not expect their dangerous place, this is a No one can reach the place, this is a destruction of all human knowledge confidence and courage of the local road…… But they finally entered the fly, One Piece story will be fully carried out.
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