barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 23:34:56



1. 珍和玛丽是好朋友,前者是老师,后者是护士。

Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse.

2. 她是一名助理护士。

She is an auxiliary nurse.

3. 护士执行医生的命令。

The nurse executed the doctor"s orders.

4. 朱丽叶喊道:“马上就来,护士”。

"Anon, dear nurse", cried Juliet.

5. 无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。

Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital.





2023-01-12 08:08:014


nurse,读音:英[nɜːs],美[nɜrs]。释义:n.护士;保姆;奶妈;防护树;保育虫;沙锥齿鲨。v.照料,护理;当护士;调养;喂奶;吃奶;怀有;精心照料;喝;抱住;聚球。例句:The young girl is a dental nurse.这个年轻女孩是一名牙科护士。变形:过去式nursed,过去分词nursed,现在分词nursing,第三人称单数nurses,复数nurses。短语:employ a nurse雇用保姆experienced nurse有经验的护士at nurse在保姆领养中nurse a grudge against sb对某人怀恨在心nurse carefully细心地护理nurse embers into flame 使余烬复燃nurse的近义词mammy读音:英[ˈmæmi],美[ˈmæmi]。释义:n. 妈;妈妈;黑人保姆(旧时美国南方各州对照看白人孩子的黑人女子的贬称)。例句:Would you like to come back with me till your mammy comes home?你妈回来前,你想跟着我吗?变形:复数mammies。短语:GOOD MAMMY好保姆mammy market夜点MAMMY CARE孕妇用品Precious Mammy宝贝妈咪
2023-01-12 08:08:271


nurse的发音:美 [nɜrs]  英 [nɜː(r)s]nurse的意思:n.护士;保姆v.培养;看护;喂奶;吃奶复数:nurses  现在分词:nursing  过去式:nursed例句:1.The nurse looked horrified, but she poured a finger of whiskey into a large tumbler. She stopped, looking at him.护士一脸恐慌,但她还是向一个大酒杯里倒了一指深的威士忌。她停下来,看着他。2.As soon as the car was clear of the hospital, Naida turned to Nurse Edgwood, who was one of her favorite nurses, and held out her left hand.车子刚离开医院,奈妲就转向她最喜爱的护士之一——艾格伍德护士,对她举起自己的左手。3.Although he never recovered the full health of his prime, he did by dint of his powerful will nurse himself back to vitality.他虽然他失去了往日的健康,却凭着坚强的意志恢复了活力。
2023-01-12 08:08:371

nurse怎么读 英语nurse怎么读

1、nurse英[nɜːs]美[nɜːrs],n.护士; (旧时雇主家中的)女保育员,保姆,女仆;v.看护,照料(病人或伤者); 调治,调养(伤病); 怀抱; 怀有; 心藏。 2、[例句]Just ring for the nurse if you need her.如果需要护士,按一下铃就行了。
2023-01-12 08:08:501


护士nurse常见释义英[nɜːs]美[nɜːrs]例句他往前够了够身子,让护士把枕头拍松了。He leaned forward while the nurse plumped up his pillows.
2023-01-12 08:08:573


2023-01-12 08:09:236


[nɜ:s] 呢斯
2023-01-12 08:09:542


直接在百度那里打百度词典 然后打nurse,那里一点喇叭就有发音啦
2023-01-12 08:10:124


2023-01-12 08:10:312


nurse的s发音相同的单词有house, else, horse, course,sense.......nurse:n.护士;护工;奶妈;乳母;(社会性昆虫中的)保育虫(如保育工蜂);vt.护理;看护;照料;哺育;喂养;调养;调治;怀抱;搂抱;照料;看护;养育;抚养;培育;怀有;抱有;集(球);vi.吃奶以se结尾的单词的复数发音,是以前一个音节的辅音字母是清辅音还是浊辅音决定的。se是正宗的英式英语用法。举例: organise:释义:组织,安排
2023-01-12 08:10:401


  护士是履行保护生命、减轻痛苦、增进健康职责的卫生技术人员。那么,你知道护士的英语怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于护士的英语知识吧。   护士的英文释义   nurse   NANA   sister   nurses   practical nurse   nursekeeper   护士的英文例句   护士在他的伤口上敷了一块干净的纱布垫。   The nurse put a clean pad of cotton over his wound.   护士正在给婴儿洗澡。   The nurses were bathing the babies.   无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。   Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital.   朱丽叶喊道:“马上就来,护士”。   "Anon, dear nurse", cried Juliet.   护士执行医生的命令。   The nurse executed the doctor"s orders.   她是一名助理护士。   She is an auxiliary nurse.   初级护士通常和较高级的护士一起工作。   Junior nurses usually work alongside more senior nurses.   家庭护士和实践护士有什么不同?   What is the difference between a home nurse and a practice nurse?   护士包扎了他受伤的手指。   The nurse bandaged up his injured finger.   护士给病人服阿司匹林。   The nurse dosed the patient with aspirin.   耐心的护士照料着那个垂死的老人。   The patient nurse ministered to the dying old man.   护士每天照看着这病人。   The nurse attended the patient daily.   病人有护士侍候。   The patient has a nurse attending (on) him.   “谢谢你。”我对护士笑了笑她也对我微笑了一下。   "Thanks, " I smiled at the nurse and she smiled back.   那个护士不应该借口缺乏 经验 来为她的错误辩解。   That nurse should not plead inexperience in excuse of her mistake.   或者去当个护士,这样我就可以在他身边帮忙,”乔大声说道,一边哼了一声。   Or a nurse, so I could be near him and help him," exclaimed Jo, with a groan.   护士的英语 句子 带翻译   护士终于出去了,她们走过我身边的时候,都微笑了轻轻拍了一下。   Finally the nurses walk out. Both of them touch me and smile as they walk by.   不过如果没有这些护士帮忙,可能我根本活不到今天。   Yet without the help of nurses I would not be alive today.   我很尊重我们的护士和其他的辅助医护人员以及他们所做的工作,但是这些似乎没有发生在我的男同事们身上。   I have great respect for our nurses and other ancillary personnel and the workthey do, but this doesn"t seem to happen to my male colleagues.   这次事故是由一个护士的粗心大意造成的。   This accident was caused by the negligence of a nurse.   护士:我会给你开一些注射用药和口服药。   Nurse: I"ll give some medicine by injection or orally.   那么罗丝护士就是我们要的人了。   Then Nurse Rose is the one for us .   但是,医生、护士和医院的工作人员洗手次数连他们本应该洗的一半都不到。   But doctors, nurses and hospital staff wash up less than half as often as theyshould.   我认为,我们将来有一天在没有恐惧之中,因为现在,幸存者,家属,医生,护士,研究人员和倡导者的工作都努力试图结束这种疾病。   And I think that we will one day live without fear because right now, survivors,families, doctors, nurses, researchers, and advocates are all hard at work trying to end this disease.   她就好像照顾新生儿的护士一样,催促我--一个新的妈妈--去快点换个尿布或什么东西。   She was like a nurse for newborns, urging me — a new mother — to step up andchange a diaper or something.   值夜班的护士和一个守卫在门口接待了我。   The night nurse and a guard greeted me at the door.   第一,这是个完全沉着的护士的样本。   First, this is a sample composed entirely of nurses.   当我到那儿的时候,我只看见护士在整理你曾经睡过的床。   When I reached there, I only saw the nurse arranging the bed you once slept on. 猜你喜欢: 1. 医院护士常用到的英语 2. 护士英文求职信 3. 护士英语怎么写 4. 歌颂护士的句子 5. 护士入职申请书范文 6. 护士仪容仪表规范 7. 歌颂护士人员的文章
2023-01-12 08:10:501


护士的英语是nurse,具体释义如下:读音:[nɜːs]表达意思:护士;保姆,奶妈;保育虫;防护作物;沙锥齿鲨;看护,照料;细心打理;调养,调治;喂奶,哺乳;吃奶;怀有;慢慢地喝;爱惜地搂抱;(在某种特定条件下)被抚养长大;聚球,使球互相靠拢。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。“nurse”例句:1、The nurse was fiftyish. 这位护士大概五十岁左右。2、He worked as a nurse on the children"s ward. 他在儿科病房当护士。3、He leaned forward while the nurse plumped up his pillows. 他往前够了够身子,让护士把枕头拍松了。
2023-01-12 08:11:081


2023-01-12 08:11:211


nurse的发音,英音读[nɜːs],美音读[nɜːrs]。一、nurse的中文释义如下:1、【n.】护士:(旧时雇主家中的)女保育员,保姆,女仆。2、【v.】看护,照料(病人或伤者);调治,调养(伤病);怀抱;怀有;心藏;培育;搂抱;喂奶;吃奶。3、【其他】第三人称单数是nurses;复数是nurses;现在分词是nursing;过去式是nursed; 过去分词是nursed。二、短语搭配如下:1、head nurse:护士长;护;护理主任;护长室。2、nurse uniform:护士服;护士制服。3、nurse education:护理教育;护士教育。三、双语造句如下:1、Just ring for the nurse if you need her.如果需要护士,按一下铃就行了。2、The nurse put a screen around the bed.护士绕床拉了一道帘子。3、Her family put her into a nursing home.她的家人把她送进了一家疗养院。
2023-01-12 08:11:311


nurse读音:英 [nɜːs]   美 [nɜːrs] 。解释:n.护士;(旧时雇主家中的)女保育员,保姆,女仆。v.看护,照料(病人或伤者);调治,调养(伤病);怀抱;怀有;心藏;培育;搂抱;喂奶;吃奶。第三人称单数: nurses复数: nurses现在分词: nursing过去式: nursed过去分词: nursed。双语例句:1、Just ring for the nurse if you need her. 如果需要护士,按一下铃就行了。2、The nurse put a screen around the bed. 护士绕床拉了一道帘子。3、Her family put her into a nursing home. 她的家人把她送进了一家疗养院。4、He worked in a hospital for ten years nursing cancer patients. 他在一所医院里工作了十年,护理癌症病人。5、You"d better go to bed and nurse that cold. 你最好上床睡觉,把感冒治好。
2023-01-12 08:11:431


nurse的读音:英 [nɜːs]  美 [nɜːrs] 。n. 护士;<旧>保姆,奶妈;保育虫;(保护其他作物的)防护作物;沙锥齿鲨v. 看护,照料;细心打理;调养,调治;喂奶,哺乳;吃奶;怀有;慢慢地喝;爱惜地搂抱;<旧>(在某种特定条件下)被抚养长大;(台球,斯诺克)聚球,使球互相靠拢【名】 (Nurse)(美、爱)纳斯(人名)短语Paul Nurse 保罗·纳斯wet nurse 奶妈 ; 奶奶 ; 乳娘head nurse 护士长 ; 护 ; 护理主任 ; 护长室nurse shark 铰口鲨Nurse Betty 急救爱情狂 ; 真爱来找碴 ; 护士贝蒂nurse midwife 助产士 ; 护理助产士nurse education 护理教育同根词词根: nursen.nursing 护理;看护;养育nurturance 养成;教育;培养(形容词nurturant);养育nurser 培育者;奶瓶;奶妈v.nursing 看护;养育(nurse的ing形式)
2023-01-12 08:11:561


2023-01-12 08:12:113


护士用英语表达为nurse,英式读音为[nɜːs],美式读音为[nɜːrs]。重点词汇解释:nursen. 护士;保姆;奶妈;防护树;保育虫;沙锥齿鲨v. 照料,护理;当护士;调养;喂奶;吃奶;怀有;精心照料;喝;抱住;聚球n. (美、爱)纳斯(人名)双语例句:The nurse mopped his fevered brow. 护士擦拭了他发烫的前额。扩展资料:nurse的用法:nurse的基本意思是指医院里的护士。也可作保育员,保姆的意思,自己家中的保姆,不加冠词,首字母常大写。还可指照顾小孩的妇女或女孩。汉语中的保姆,英语通常称dry nurse,汉语中的奶妈,英语通常称wetnurse。nurse用作动词意思是护理,喂(奶),可指具体的抱,也可指抽象的培育或培养。引申可表示怀有不满,敌意等情绪。有时还可作当护士,干护士工作的意思。
2023-01-12 08:12:261


2023-01-12 08:12:358


nurse [nɜ:s] 护士很多医生和护士已经夜以继日地工作数周了。dozensofdoctorsandnurseshavebeenworkingdayandnightforweeks. 你告诉护士长了吗?haveyoutoldmatron?
2023-01-12 08:13:072


一、单词nurse的翻译是:n.护士;护理员;沙锥齿鲨;保育员;乳母;保姆;奶妈;防护树v.治疗并护理;给…喂奶;哺乳;吃奶;当护士;照顾病弱者;悉心医治;精心治疗;减轻二、短语搭配:nursing home养老院;疗养院registered nurse注册护士wet nurse奶妈;乳母practical nurse经验护士;有执照的临床护士staff nurse护士三、例句:1、I don"t want a nurse who swoons at the sight of blood.我不需要一看到血就昏倒的护士。2、[with obj.]each of the beds in the intensive-care unit is attended by a nurse.特别护理部里的每张病床都有一个护士照看。保育员
2023-01-12 08:13:571


nurse的意思是护士。释义:n.护士;保姆;奶妈;防护树;保育虫;沙锥齿鲨v.照料,护理;当护士;调养;喂奶;吃奶;怀有;精心照料;喝;抱住;聚球n. (Nurse)(美、爱)纳斯(人名)变形:过去式nursed、过去分词nursed、现在分词nursing、第三人称单数nurses、复数nurses双语例句1、The young girl is a dental nurse.这个年轻女孩是一名牙科护士。2、I hired a man to nurse my father.我雇了一个男子来照顾我父亲。3、He has been nursing for many years.他已经做护士好多年了。
2023-01-12 08:14:251


2023-01-12 08:14:342


护士英文:nurse; nana He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case. 他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。"Can you walk all right?" the nurse asked him. “你走路有困难吗?”护士问他。She volunteered as a nurse in a soldiers" rest-home. 她自告奋勇到士兵疗养院当护士。
2023-01-12 08:14:435


nurse:英/nɜːs/    美/nɜːrs/n.护士;<旧>保姆,奶妈;保育虫;(保护其他作物的)防护作物;沙锥齿鲨v.看护,照料;细心打理;调养,调治;喂奶,哺乳;吃奶;怀有;慢慢地喝;爱惜地搂抱;<旧>(在某种特定条件下)被抚养长大;(台球,斯诺克)聚球,使球互相靠拢图源网络相关短语:1.head nurse 护士长 nurse (孩子)由别人照看(或抚养)3.wet nurse n. 奶妈;乳母4.male nurse 男护士5.registered nurse 注册护士6.nurse station 护士站7.nurse practitioner 护理师,护师;执业护师,开业护士图源网络例句:1、She had spent 29 years as a nurse. 她已当了29年护士。2、The emergency nurse can treat minor injuries without reference to a doctor. 急救护士不必征求医生的意见就可处理轻伤。3、After what seemed like an eternity the nurse returned with the results of the test. 过了漫长的一段时间后护士才拿着检验结果回来。
2023-01-12 08:15:041


英[nɜ:s] 美[nɚs] .n. 护士,看护;奶妈,保姆,阿妈,保育员;保护人,培养者,养成所,发... vt.& vi. 护理;照料;喂;吃奶 vt. 培育;怀抱;搂抱;调治 [例句]The nurse did not believe me.护士不相信我说的话
2023-01-12 08:15:302


nurse的读音:英 [nɜːs]  美 [nɜːrs] 。n. 护士;<旧>保姆,奶妈;保育虫;(保护其他作物的)防护作物;沙锥齿鲨v. 看护,照料;细心打理;调养,调治;喂奶,哺乳;吃奶;怀有;慢慢地喝;爱惜地搂抱;<旧>(在某种特定条件下)被抚养长大;(台球,斯诺克)聚球,使球互相靠拢【名】 (Nurse)(美、爱)纳斯(人名)短语Paul Nurse 保罗·纳斯wet nurse 奶妈 ; 奶奶 ; 乳娘head nurse 护士长 ; 护 ; 护理主任 ; 护长室nurse shark 铰口鲨Nurse Betty 急救爱情狂 ; 真爱来找碴 ; 护士贝蒂nurse midwife 助产士 ; 护理助产士nurse education 护理教育同根词词根: nursen.nursing 护理;看护;养育nurturance 养成;教育;培养(形容词nurturant);养育nurser 培育者;奶瓶;奶妈v.nursing 看护;养育(nurse的ing形式)
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  nurse有护士;保姆等意思,那么你知道nurse的用法吗?下面是我为大家整理的nurse的用法和相关 短语 例句,欢迎大家学习!   nurse的用法:   nurse的用法1:nurse的基本意思是指医院里的“护士”。也可作“保育员,保姆”解,“自己家中的保姆”,不加冠词,首字母常大写。还可指照顾小孩的妇女或女孩。   nurse的用法2:汉语中的“保姆”,英语通常称dry nurse; 汉语中的“奶妈”,英语通常称wet nurse。   nurse的用法3:nurse用作动词意思是“护理”“喂(奶)”,可指具体的“抱”,也可指抽象的“培育”或“培养”。引申可表示“怀有(不满、敌意等)情绪”。有时还可作“当护士,干护士工作”解。   nurse的用法4:nurse可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,主动形式有时有被动意义。   nurse的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   nurse along (v.+adv.)   nurse back (v.+adv.)   nurse by (v.+prep.)   nurse through (v.+prep.)   nurse的用法例句:   1. "Can you walk all right?" the nurse asked him.   “你走路有困难吗?”护士问他。   2. We"re going to go home and nurse our colds.   我们打算回家调养感冒。   3. She volunteered as a nurse in a soldiers" rest-home.   她自告奋勇到士兵疗养院当护士。   4. She wore a little nurse"s hat on her head to identify her.   她头戴一顶小护士帽,很容易辨认。   5. The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit.   护士把体温计甩了甩,然后放到了我的腋下。   6. He would have a nurse in constant attendance day and night.   会有一位护士日夜不间断地陪护着他。   7. The young nurse pulled a face at the Matron"s retreating figure.   看着护士长离去的身影,这个年轻的护士做了个鬼脸。   8. A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby.   接受急性脱瘾治疗的病人身边会有一名指派的护士看护。   9. A doctor and a nurse caught hold of his arms.   一名医生和一名护士抓住了他的双臂。   10. Every morning she got up early with the children and the nurse.   每天早晨,她和孩子、保姆一起早早起床。   11. Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants.   大部分权威人士建议婴儿饿了就随时喂奶。   12. Michael was showing the nurse how to suction his saliva.   迈克尔正给护士示范如何把他的唾液吸出来。   13. At seven o"clock the night nurse came in to relieve her.   7点钟的时候夜班护士来接她的班。   14. "Thank you doctor," said the nurse with a simper.   “谢谢你,医生,”护士傻笑着说。   15. The door burst open and an angry young nurse appeared.   门突然被推开,一名怒气冲冲的年轻护士出现在门口。
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nurse英[nɜ:s]美[nɜ:rs]n.护士,看护; 奶妈,保姆,阿妈,保育员; 保护人,培养者,养成所,发祥地; [植]保护树,[虫]保护虫,保育虫,[动]世代交替的无性期的个体vt.& vi.护理; 照料; 喂; 吃奶vt.培育; 怀抱; 搂抱; 调治网络士; 白衣天使; 女护士第三人称单数:nurses复数:nurses现在分词:nursing过去式:nursed过去分词:nursed
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护士用英语表达为nurse,英式读音为[nɜːs],美式读音为[nɜːrs]。重点词汇解释:nursen. 护士;保姆;奶妈;防护树;保育虫;沙锥齿鲨v. 照料,护理;当护士;调养;喂奶;吃奶;怀有;精心照料;喝;抱住;聚球n. (美、爱)纳斯(人名)双语例句:The nurse mopped his fevered brow. 护士擦拭了他发烫的前额。nurse的用法:nurse的基本意思是指医院里的护士。也可作保育员,保姆的意思,自己家中的保姆,不加冠词,首字母常大写。还可指照顾小孩的妇女或女孩。汉语中的保姆,英语通常称dry nurse,汉语中的奶妈,英语通常称wetnurse。nurse用作动词意思是护理,喂(奶),可指具体的抱,也可指抽象的培育或培养。引申可表示怀有不满,敌意等情绪。有时还可作当护士,干护士工作的意思。
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Her family put her into a nursing home. 她的家人把她送进了一家疗养院。 The nurse put a screen around the bed. 护士绕床拉了一道帘子。 Nursing is not just a job ─ its a vocation. 护理不仅仅是一项工作,而且还是一种职业。 扩展资料   Nurses often have to contend with violent or drunken patients.   护士经常不得不对付粗暴的`或喝醉酒的病人。   After what seemed like an eternity the nurse returned with the results of the test.   过了漫长的一段时间后护士才拿着检验结果回来。   The nurse will dress that cut for you.   护士将为你包扎那个伤口。   The nurse hung a chart at the foot of the bed.   护士在床脚上挂了一张表。
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nurse是开音节。读音:英 [nɜːs] ;美 [nɜːrs] n. 护士;<旧>保姆,奶妈;保育虫;(保护其他作物的)防护作物;沙锥齿鲨v. 看护,照料;细心打理;调养,调治;喂奶,哺乳;吃奶;怀有;慢慢地喝;爱惜地搂抱;<旧>(在某种特定条件下)被抚养长大;(台球,斯诺克)聚球,使球互相靠拢【名】 (Nurse)(美、爱)纳斯(人名)短语Paul Nurse 保罗·纳斯wet nurse 奶妈 ; 奶奶 ; 乳娘head nurse 护士长 ; 护 ; 护理主任 ; 护长室词语辨析cherish, nurse, cultivate, foster, tend这组词都有“照料、培育”的意思,其区别是:cherish 强调抚育或爱抚。nurse 通常指对无力自顾的婴儿、病人等进行照料或护理。cultivate具体意义指耕耘、培育植物;抽象意义指培养兴趣或向往的理想事物。foster 指对孩子的关心、鼓励、供养及抚养其成长;也指鼓励、促进事物的增长与发展。tend 指出于责任心、博爱心而不是私人感情去对人或物进行照顾。
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1、nurse英[n??s]美[n??rs],n.护士; (旧时雇主家中的)女保育员,保姆,女仆;v.看护,照料(病人或伤者); 调治,调养(伤病); 怀抱; 怀有; 心藏。2、[例句]Just ring for the nurse if you need her.如果需要护士,按一下铃就行了。
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nurse英 [nɜ:s] 美 [nɜ:rs] n.护士,看护; 奶妈,保姆,阿妈,保育员; 保护人,培养者,养成所,发祥地; [植]保护树,[虫]保护虫,保育虫,[动]世代交替的无性期的个体vt.& vi.护理; 照料; 喂; 吃奶vt.培育; 怀抱; 搂抱; 调治网络士; 白衣天使; 女护士第三人称单数: nurses 复数: nurses 现在分词: nursing 过去式: nursed 过去分词: nursedhurt英 [hɜ:t] 美 [hɜ:rt] vt.损害; 使受伤; 使伤心; 使受皮肉之苦vi.疼痛; 感到疼痛; 受痛苦; 有坏处,有害n.伤害; 痛苦adj.受伤的; 痛苦的; (受)损坏的网络危害; 伤; 痛第三人称单数: hurts 复数: hurts 现在分词: hurting 过去式: hurt 过去分词: hurt
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nurse英[nɜ:s]美[nɜ:rs]n.护士,看护; 奶妈,保姆,阿妈,保育员; 保护人,培养者,养成所,发祥地; [植]保护树,[虫]保护虫,保育虫,[动]世代交替的无性期的个体vt.& vi.护理; 照料; 喂; 吃奶vt.培育; 怀抱; 搂抱; 调治网络士; 白衣天使; 女护士
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护士的单词:nurse。n. 护士;<旧>保姆,奶妈;保育虫;(保护其他作物的)防护作物;沙锥齿鲨v. 看护,照料;细心打理;调养,调治;喂奶,哺乳;吃奶;怀有;慢慢地喝;爱惜地搂抱;<旧>(在某种特定条件下)被抚养长大;(台球,斯诺克)聚球,使球互相靠拢【名】 (Nurse)(美、爱)纳斯(人名)短语Paul Nurse 保罗·纳斯wet nurse 奶妈 ; 奶奶 ; 乳娘head nurse 护士长 ; 护 ; 护理主任 ; 护长室nurse shark 铰口鲨Nurse Betty 急救爱情狂 ; 真爱来找碴 ; 护士贝蒂nurse midwife 助产士 ; 护理助产士nurse education 护理教育同根词词根: nursen.nursing 护理;看护;养育nurturance 养成;教育;培养(形容词nurturant);养育nurser 培育者;奶瓶;奶妈v.nursing 看护;养育(nurse的ing形式)
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She"s a nurse.
2023-01-12 08:18:114


nurse 英[nɜ:s]美[nɚs]n. 护士,看护;奶妈,保姆,阿妈,保育员;保护人,培养者,养成所,发...vt.& vi. 护理;照料;喂;吃奶vt. 培育;怀抱;搂抱;调治[例句]The nurse did not believe me.护士不相信我说的话。
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nurse 呢死
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卢梭简介 英文

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)French, Swiss-born writer and philosopher, whose historical importance can be compared to that of Marx or Freud. Rousseau"s life was full of contradictions: he defended the rights of little children but consigned his five illegitimate offspring to a foundling institution. Although Rousseau gained fame as an educationist, his formal education ended at about the age of twelve. He also was almost certifiably paranoid, an unsociable and quarrelsome human being, but championed man"s innate goodness. Until he was 37, Rousseau had written nothing except libretti for his own music. In his later life, Rousseau became one of the dominant thinkers of the 18th century Enlightenment. The French Nobel writer Romain Rolland once said of Rousseau: "He opened into literature the riches of the subconscious, the secret movements of being, hitherto ignored and repressed.""The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said, "This is mine," and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society." (from Discours sur l"Origine et le Fondement de l"Inégalité Parmi les Hommes, 1754)Jean Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Switzerland, into a Protestant family of French refugees. Rousseau"s mother died of puerperal fever shortly after his birth. His father, who was a watchmaker of unstable temperament, fled from Geneva after being involved in a brawl. The young Jean-Jacques was cared for in childhood by an aunt and a maternal uncle. Rousseau received very little regular training, and never adopted ideas of rigorous discipline. He was sent for a while a school in the country, kept by a retired pastor, and later he was apprenticed to an engraver (1725-28).At the age of 16 Rousseau left Geneva to travel. The next 20 years he spent traveling, studying, and adventuring. Rousseau"s upbringing had been Calvinist, but under the influence of his benefactress and eventually his mistress, the Vaudois Madame de Warens, he became a Roman Catholic. From 1731 until 1740 Rousseau lived with or close to Madame de Warens. At her country home, Les Charmettes, near Chambery in Savoy, Rousseau began his first serious reading and study.After moving to Paris Rousseau earned his living with secretarial work and musical copying. In 1741 he met Thérèse Le Vasseur, a dull and unattractive hotel servant girl, with whom he stayed for the rest of his life, never marrying her. They had five children whom Rousseau allegedly consigned to Enfants-Trouvés, a foundling hospital. This was a quite a common practice of the time, but in The Confessions (1782-89) Rousseau expressed his eternal and bitter regret. The celebrated autobiography is actually not a true account of his life, and also this detail has been under debate.In 1743-44 Rousseau was a secretary to the French Ambassador Comte de Montaignu to Venice, and first came into close contact with political life and institutions. Back in Paris he was introduced through the famous philosopher Denis Diderot to the Encyclopedists. His own contributions to the collective effort were mostly on musical subjects, although he wrote one on political economy. Rousseau"s new musical notation had been pronounced by the Academy of Sciences "neither useful nor original," and his opera, Les muses galantes, had failed.Rousseau"s life changed on the road to Vincennes when he noticed an announcement in which the Dijon Academy was offering a prize for the best essay on the subject "Has the progress of the arts and sciences contributed to the purification or the corruption of morals?" "All at once," Rousseu said, "I felt myself dazzled by a thousand sparkling lights; crowds of vivid ideas thronged into my head with a force and confusion that threw me into unspeakable agitation; I felt my head whirling in a giddiness like that of intoxication."Rousseau won the prize for his essay Discours sur les sciences et les arts. He was 38 and had mostly failed in achieving recognition. Rousseau argued that the development of the arts and sciences, he wrote, did not improve man in habits and moral. Far from improving human behavior, the development had promoted inequality, idleness, and luxury. "If the sciences really better"d manners, if they taught man to spill his blood for his country, if they heighten"d his courage; the inhabitants of China ought to be wise, free, and invincible. - But if they are tainted with every vice, familiar with every crime; if neither the skill of their magistrates, nor the pretended wisdom of their laws, nor the vast multitude of people inhabiting that great extent of empire, could protect or defend them from the yoke of an ignorant Barbarian Tartar, of what use was all their art, all their skill, all their learning?" (from Discourse on Arts and Sciences)Around 1750 Rousseau began to promulgate the romantic conception of the noble - or innocent - savage. The theme was elaborated in Rousseau"s second essay, Discours sur l"origine et les fondements de l"inégualité parmi les hommes (1755), where he maintained that only the uncorrupted savage is in possession of real virtue. (The most famous adaptation of the idea in literature is Edgar Rice Burroughs"s hero of the jungle, Tarzan.) The cultivation of earth and invention of metallurgy led to the birth of work and property. People were divided into poor and rich, and laws solidified the state of affairs permanently. Despotism is the ultimate end of historical development - we are all equal because we are slaves of one ruler.In Rousseau the feeling of "discomfort with culture" became a target of serious study for the first time. The cultured man is degenerate, Rousseau thought, and the whole history of civilization a betrayal. Rousseau"s naturalism was in great contrast to all that his great contemporary Voltaire considered the quintessence of civilization. Taking seriously his thesis, Rousseau decided to "reform" and live the simple life. He returned in 1754 to Geneva, reverted to Protestantism, and regained citizenship. In 1756 Rousseau moved to a cottage near the forest of Montmorency."With Rousseau the wider classes of society, the petty bourgeoisie and the undifferentiated mass of the poor, the oppressed and the outlawed, found expression for the first time in literature... Rousseau is the first to speak as one of the common people, and to speak for himself when he is speaking for the people; the first to induce others to rebellion, because he is a rebel himself." (Arnold Hauser in The Social History of Art, vol. 3, 1962)During the next six years Rousseau wrote The New Heloise (1761), Émile (1762), a treatise on education, eventually turning into a Bildungsroman about the ideal education of the innocent child, and The Social Contract (1762), which starts with the famous declaration, "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they." Its catchphrase "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité", inspired the French Revolution. Rousseau argues that only by surrendering to the general will, can an individual find his fullest freedom. The general will, essentially directed toward common good, Rousseau believed, is always right. The citizens of a united community exchanges their natural liberty for something better, moral liberty. In this theory political society is seen as involving the total voluntary subjection of every individual to the collective general will; this being both the sole source of legitimate sovereignty and something that cannot but be directed towards common good.Rousseau"s Julie; ou la nouvelle Héloïse (1761) was an 18th-century best-seller. It was born of the aging author"s dream of finding a perfect love with a kindred soul. The story depicts the passionate love of the tutor Saint Preux and his pupil Julie, their separation, and Julie"s marriage to the Baron Wolmar. The theme of sexual passion is in the end transformed into an account of a social utopia on the Baron"s country estate.Èmile paved way for the liberal modern educational experiments. It stated that experience should come not from books but from life. Rousseau"s theory of education rests on two assumptions: that man is by nature good and that society and civilization corrupt the native goodness. Only through proper education in youth could the "natural man" come to being. Children should be kept from books until the age of 12 and youth should be taught "natural religion" only. Girls were to be trained solely as wives and mothers.After its publication, Èmile was banned both in France and Switzerland. The French parliament ordered the book to be burned, and in 1762 Rousseau was condemned for religious unorthodoxy. He fled to Switzerland, first to Neuchâtel (1762-65), then to Bienne (1765). When the government of Berne ordered Rousseau out of its territory, he visited England. Rousseau"s misanthropy and growing persecution mania led to quarrels with his new friends, among them David Hume, and he went to France, where he lived for a time in disguise. In 1768 he married Thérèse, and in 1770 he was officially permitted to return to Paris - if he do not write against the government."I have entered on an enterprise which is without precedent, and will have no imitator. I purpose to show my fellows a man as nature made him, and this man shall be myself." (from Les Confessions, 1781-1788)Rousseau"s later works include The Confessions, the first "romantic" autobiography, which was composed between 1765 and 1770. Rousseau starts with his of uniqueness. "I am not made like any of those I have seen; I venture to believe that I am not made like any of those who are in existence. If I am not better, at least I am different." The book was part of his immersion into self-observation, also exemplified in Rousseau Judge of Jean-Jacques (1776) and the Reveries (1782). In 1778 Rousseau moved to Ermenonville. He died of apoplexy on July 2, 1778. Rousseau"s remains were placed with Voltaire"s in the Panthéon in Paris in 1794.Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Finland. The most Rousseauesque practice in the Finnish way of life is the mass migration on holidays and weekends to summer cottages, which usually are located in the wilderness far from the urban centers. Three of Rousseau"s central works, Émile, The Social Contract, and an abridged edition of The Confessions have been translated into Finnish (1905, 1918, and 1968 respectively ). As early as in 1775, Fredrik Collin criticized Rousseau"s religious views in his doctoral thesis De juventute in religione Christiana contra opinionem Rousseauianam instituenda. Collin believed that religious instruction was especially useful to the young. The influential historian and journalist Henrik Gabriel Porthan (1739-1804) considered Émile pedagogically recommendable, although he saw in it some paradoxes. J.V. Snellman (1806-1881), a hugely influential philosopher, journalist and statesman, was against Rousseau"s "nature gospel" of education. Snellman"s philosophy was based on the ideas advanced by the German philosopher Hegel. Snellman argued that all education should be supervised by the state, which leaves little to individual differences. He emphasized traditions and the Finnish national ideals. Rousseau"s view, that the State is born from a contract, also was criticized by Snellman.In the 20th-century Rousseau"s influence is seen in Erik Ahlman"s (1892-1952) writings on education, especially in the concept of man"s "true" nature and "pure" individuality. According to Ahlman, the purpose of education is to develop the individual, personal self. In the modern literature Arto Paasilinna has used in several books the "back to nature" theme. His novels, such as Jäniksen vuosi (1975, The Year of the Hare; in French translation Le lièvre de Vatanen), have been very popular in Finland and in France. - The Confessions was reprinted in 1999, but Émile has been out of print since the 1930s. The Social Contract is nowadays only found in the stockrooms of large libraries. In 2001 appeared Rousseau"s Discours sur l"origine et les fondements de l"inégalité in Finnish, 246 years after its publication.For further reading: Restless Genius by Leo Damrosch (2005); Bibliography of the Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau to 1800 by Jo-Ann McEachern (1989-93); Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Maurice Cranston (1983-91); Rousseau"s Exemplary Life by C. Kelly (1987); Rousseau and the Republic of Virtue by Carol Blum (1986); Rousseau and Romantic Autobiography by H. Williams (1983); Fictions of Feminine Desire by Peggy Kamuf (1982); Rousseau et sa fortune littéraire by Raymond Trousson (1977); Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Lester G. Crocker (1968-73, 2 vols.); Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Jean Guéhenno (1966, 2 vols.); Rousseau: A Study of His Thought by J. Broome (1963); Jean-Jacques Rousseau by F.C. Green (1955); Rousseau and Romanticism by I. Babbitt (1919) - For further information: Lucidcafé Library ; The Rousseau Association WebsiteSelected works:DISCOURS SUR LES SCIENCES ET LES ARTS, 1750 - A Discourse on the Arts and SciencesLE DEVIN DU VILLAGE, 1752 - The Village SoothsayerNARCISSE, 1752LETTRES SUR LA MUSIQUE FRANÇAISE, 1753DISCOURS SUR L"ORIGINE ET LES FONDEMENTS DE L"INÉGALITÉ PARMI LES HOMMES, 1755 - A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality - Tutkielma ihmisten välisen eriarvoisuuden alkuperästä ja perusteistaDISCOURS SUR L"ÉCONOMIE POLITIQUE, 1758 - Discourse on Political EconomyLETTRE À D"ALEMBERT SUR LES SPECTACLES, 1758 - A Letter to M. d"AlembertJULIE; OU LA NOUVELLE HÉLOÏSE, 1761 - Julie; or, The New Eloise - Émile eli Kasvatuksesta (suom. J. Hahl)ÉMILE; OU, DE L"ÉDUCATION, 1762 - EmileDU CO
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海明威(1899--1961年),美国小说家,1954年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,获奖之作就是《老人与海》。这部小说是根据一位古巴渔夫的真实经历创作的,以摄象机般的写实手法记录了桑提亚哥老人捕鱼的全过程,塑造了一个在重压下仍然保持优雅风度、在精神上永远不可战胜的老人形象。这部小说创下了人类出版史上空前绝后的一个纪录:48小时售出530万册! 作品在当年就获得了普利策奖,两年后又获得了诺贝尔奖。
2023-01-12 08:09:535

cheat chest 这两个英语分别怎么读

chest 核心词汇 英 [tʃest]    美 [tʃest]    n.胸部;胸腔;箱子;金库
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