barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-11 09:41:44


Your service is careful and intimate.

Your service is very meticulous and caring.


Your service is careful and intimate.


Your service is very meticulous and caring.


o instant and profound confab of a deep



2023-06-11 00:07:101

英语翻译 “谈心室”翻译成英文!

可以有好几种选择: 1.Heart to Heart(或简称"HTH ROOM") 2.Communing Room 3.Coze Room 4.confabulating Room
2023-06-11 00:07:261

she usually goes to the park by at six改成特殊疑问句

How does she usually go to the park at six?How often does she go to the park at six?When does she usually go to the park?Where does she usually go to at six?
2023-06-11 00:07:333


2023-06-11 00:07:424

用always usually never 各造句5句并翻译中文

I will always love you.我会永远爱你He always sleeps in.他总是睡过头She is always seen walking her dog in the morning.她总是在早上被大家看见在遛狗He is always the earliest in class他总是班里来的最早的I always stay up late.我总是熬夜He is not usually like this.他平常不想这样的.I usually get up at half 7.我通常7点半起床I will never forgive you.我永远不会原谅你He never stays up late.他从不熬夜
2023-06-11 00:08:032


psychological consultation room
2023-06-11 00:08:114


2023-06-11 00:08:215


2023-06-11 00:08:481


2023-06-11 00:08:561


2023-06-11 00:09:031


2023-06-11 00:09:101


2023-06-11 00:09:171


2023-06-11 00:09:241


2023-06-11 00:09:311


2023-06-11 00:09:381


jaw [ d0100: ] . . n. 颚,颌 v. 喋喋不休,教训 [ 形容词jawless ] jaw .n. 1. the part of the skull of a vertebrate that frames the mouth and holds the teeth2. the bones of the skull that frame the mouth and serve to open it3. holding device consisting of one or both of the opposing parts of a tool that close to hold an object.v. 1. talk socially without exchanging too much information同义词: chew the fat | shoot the breeze | chat | confabulate | confab | chitchat | chatter | chaffer | natter | gossip | claver | visit 2. talk incessantly and tiresomely同义词: yack | yack away | rattle on | yap away 3. chew (food)He jawed his bubble gum同义词: chew | masticate | manducate 4. censure severely or angrily同义词: call on the carpet | take to task | rebuke | rag | trounce | reproof | lecture | reprimand | dress down | call down | scold | chide | berate | bawl out | remonstrate | chew out | chew up | have words | lambaste | lambast Jaw : 1. 钳口 Jar-proof||防震的Jaw||钳口;定位销Jell||胶凝,凝固,固结 ...2. 定位销 Jar-proof||防震的Jaw||钳口;定位销Jell||胶凝,凝固,固结 ... 3. 颚 pincers 钳 jaw 颚 cleaver 切割 ...4. 颌 jaundice 黄疸jaw 颌jaw jerk 颌反射 ...
2023-06-11 00:09:461


2023-06-11 00:10:041


2023-06-11 00:10:121


say vt. 讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明 vi. 讲;表示;念;假定;背诵 说你,就我 tell vt. 告诉,说;辨别;吩咐;断定 vi. 讲述;告发,泄密;识别 告诉 speak vi. 说话;演讲;表明;陈述 vt. 讲话;发言;讲演 说话,谈话,说明事实,表示意见,发言,演讲,操(某种语言) speech n. 演讲;讲话;语音;演说 语言,语音 言语 lecture n. 演讲;讲稿;教训 vt. 演讲;训诫 vi. 讲课;讲演
2023-06-11 00:10:193


全部都用到? 没有。 如果是任意组合,那么:an as at by na no of on so ya yoabo abs aby act aft ant any ays ban bas bat bay boa boo bos bot boy bys cab can cat cay cob con coo cos cot coy fab fan fas fat fay fob fon foy jab jay job jot joy nab nay nob noo nos not oaf oat oba oca oft ono ons oot sab sac sat say sob son sot soy sty syn tab taj tan tao tas ton too toy yay yob yon abos abys acts ants bans bast bats bays boas boat bony boon boos boot bota bots boyo boys cabs cans cant cast cats cays coat cobs coft cons cony coof coon coos coot cost cosy cots coys cyan cyst fabs fact fano fans fast fats fays fobs fons font foot foys jabs jato jays jobs jota jots joys nabs naos nays nobs nosy nota oafs oast oats obas ocas ofay onos onto oots scab scan scat scot snob snot soba soca sofa soft soja soon soot soya stab stay stoa stob sybo sync tabs taco tans taos toby tons tony toon toyo toys yays yobs aboon afoot antsy ascot atony bacon banco banjo banty baton boast boats boons boost boots booty boson botas boyos cajon canso canst canto cants canty coast coats conto coofs coons coots costa cotan cyano cyans cyton facts fancy fanos fatso fonts foots footy jabot janty jatos jotas nasty octan ofays sabot santo scant scoot snoot softa softy sooty stony taboo tacos tansy tobys toons toyon toyos astony bacons bancos banjos batons boston botany cantos confab contos cotans cytons footsy fynbos jabots nostoc octans oocyst scanty snooty taboos toyons tycoon confabs tycoons
2023-06-11 00:10:271


The modern American holiday of Mother"s Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in Grafton, West Virginia. Her campaign to make "Mother"s Day" a recognized holiday in the United States began in 1905, the year her beloved mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, died. Anna"s mission was to honor her own mother by continuing work she had started and to set aside a day to honor mothers, "the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world." Anna"s mother, Ann Jarvis, was a peace activist who had cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the Civil War and created Mother"s Day Work Clubs to address public health issues.Due to the campaign efforts of Anna Jarvis, several states officially recognized Mother"s Day, the first in 1910 being West Virginia, Jarvis" home state. In 1914 Woodrow Wilson signed the proclamation creating Mother"s Day, the second Sunday in May, as a national holiday to honor mothers.Although Jarvis was successful in founding Mother"s Day she soon became resentful of the commercialization and angry that companies would profit from the holiday. By the early 1920"s, Hallmark and other companies had started selling Mother"s Day cards. Jarvis became so embittered by what she saw as misinterpretation and exploitation that she protested and even tried to rescind Mother"s Day. The holiday she had worked so hard for was supposed to be about sentiment, not profit.[7] The original intention was to appreciate and honor mothers by writing a personal letter, by hand, expressing love and gratitude; it wasn"t to buy gifts and pre-made cards.[8] Jarvis organized boycotts and threatened lawsuits to try to stop the commercialization. She crashed a candymakers convention in Philadelphia in 1923. Two years later she protested at a confab of the American War Mothers, which raised money by selling carnations, the flower associated with Mother"s Day, and was arrested for disturbing the peace.Jarvis" holiday was adopted by other countries and it is now celebrated all over the world.
2023-06-11 00:10:351


2023-06-11 00:07:201


你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:dividend[英][ˈdɪvɪdend][美][ˈdɪvɪˌdɛnd]n.红利,股息,利息,(破产时清算的)分配金; [数]被除数 opp. divisor; (足球彩票的)彩金; 复数:dividends希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳
2023-06-11 00:07:222


2023-06-11 00:07:243


如果是”瓶子“,是可数名词 如果是”瓶“,是量词 复数为 bottles
2023-06-11 00:07:271

辨析单词share , stock, dividend

  share  【读音】 英[u0283eu0259(r)] 美[u0283er]  【意思】  n. 股; (参与、得到等的) 份; (分享到的或贡献出的) 一份; 市场占有率;  vt.& vi. 共用; 共有; 均摊;  vt. 分配; 分开; 共同承担;  【例句】  For some months the share price remained fairly static.。  有那么几个月,股票价格一直非常地稳定。  【复数】 shares  【过去式】shared  【现在分词】 sharing  【过去分词】 shared  【第三人称单数】 shares  stock  【读音】 英[stu0252k] 美[stɑ:k]  【意思】  n. 库存; 股份,股票; 树干; 家畜;  adj. 常备的,存货的; 陈旧的;  vt. 提供货物; 备有;  【例句】  We took the decision to withdraw a quantity of stock from sale.  我们决定将一批存货下架。  【复数】 stocks  【过去式】 stocked  【现在分词】 stocking  【过去分词】 stocked  【第三人称单数】 stocks  dividend  【读音】 英[u02c8du026avu026adend] 美[u02c8du026avu026au02ccdu025bnd]  【意思】  n. 红利,股息,利息,(破产时清算的)分配金; ; [数] 被除数 opp. divisor; (足球彩票的) 彩金  【例句】  The first quarter dividend has been increased by nearly 4 per cent.  第一季度的股息增长了近4%。  【复数】dividends
2023-06-11 00:07:302


2023-06-11 00:07:341

Dividend是什么意思 《德语助手》德汉

楼主问 Dividend 是什么意思 ,最佳答案却是 genau 的释义。答非所问也就算了,居然能被网友推荐,可见黑幕不一般
2023-06-11 00:07:382


2023-06-11 00:07:464


2023-06-11 00:07:553


2023-06-11 00:07:556

because of you

多听几遍 听麻木了 自然就能唱出来了 拼音自己也能写出来
2023-06-11 00:08:012


1、a pair of shoes + is 此处指的是一双所以用单数 2、2 bottles of water + are :2瓶水,此处瓶子可数是复数
2023-06-11 00:08:021


我的车买来开雨刮一直有响声,,雨刮刮的过程中没声音,到上面尽头声音很大,咚咚咚好像撞击声音一样,,我看其他车没有,是这个车本来就是这样吗我的车买来开雨刮一直有响声,,雨刮刮的过程中没声音,到上面尽头声音很大,咚咚咚好像撞击声音一样,,我看其他车没有,是这个车本来就是这样吗 车子超过一年没换雨刮的直接换掉,如果6个月内的雨刮表现为跳动异响,就考虑把玻璃用研磨类清洁剂处理一下玻璃,tb推荐【aotebas雨刮跳动救星】,清洁玻璃后雨刮跳动异响问题解决 你用手摩一下玻璃表面是否有不平滑,及检查一下雨刮胶条是否出现老化破损,如果是那就要更换了。如果用的是新雨刮也还有这种现像,可以试下用油膜去除剂清洗一下。 雨刮器异响的根源是刮条支撑钢架安装不正(与挡风玻璃不平行)造成的,要看刮片是上行的时候响还是下行的时候响。2.如果是上行的时候响,那么说明雨刮器架朝上扭了,让雨刮器停在中间位置(车熄火后朝方向盘拉一下雨刮器控制手柄),然后轻轻扳起它,用布或柔软的东西包裹住钢架,用扳手或钳子夹住包裹的部位朝下扳扭几下,复位后刮刮试试,响声如果变小,重复一次,直至异响消除。如果变成下行时候开始响了,那说明扳扭过头了,需要反方向扳扭。直至异响消除。3.操作时需要细心、耐心。更不能用太过猛,以免“聋子治成傻子”,最好不要怕麻烦,把无骨雨刮取下后操作。4.如果是下行的时候响,那么说明雨刮器架朝下扭了,让雨刮器停在中间位置后扳起它,用布或柔软的东西包裹住钢架,用扳手或钳子夹住包裹的部位朝上扳扭几下,复位后刮刮试试,如果声音小了,重复一次,直至异响消除。如果变成上行时候开始响了,那说明扳扭过头了,需要反方向扳扭。直至异响消除,5.如果单只雨刮片在上行和下行的时候都有异响,那就该换刮片了。 @2019
2023-06-11 00:08:071


bottle造句:1、Give the bottle a good shake before opening. 打开瓶子前,先使劲摇一摇。2、There"s still some wine in the bottle. 瓶子里还有些葡萄酒。3、You need to take the top off the bottle first! 你得先把瓶盖子打开!4、This is our last bottle of water. 这是我们最后的一瓶水了。5、There were two dead bottles of wine on the table. 桌子上有两个空酒瓶。6、I"ll swap these two bottles for that one. 我要拿这两瓶换那一瓶。7、Put the top back on the bottle. 把瓶盖盖上。8、It took a lot of bottle to do that. 那样做需要很大的勇气。
2023-06-11 00:08:091


2023-06-11 00:08:156

Dividend 是什么意思嘛?

n. 股息;[数] 被除数;奖金短语Dividend receivable 应收股利 ; 应收股息 ; 应收股息红利 ; 应支股利Dividend policy 股利政策 ; 分红政策 ; 股息政策 ; 红利政策dividend tax 股息税 ; 股利税 ; 纯益税 ; 分红税The first quarter dividend has been increased by nearly 4 percent.第一季度的股息增加了近4%。
2023-06-11 00:07:152


雨刮异响,除了是雨刮老化严重,一般是玻璃没清洁干净,有大气油膜之类的。清洗一下就可以了,不过最好去 TB 收AOTEBAS雨刮跳动救星,几乎100%能搞定
2023-06-11 00:07:143


密封的英语怎么说〉? hermetic/hermetical sealed windtight 密封性能的英文怎么说 我知道的两种说法:sealing property sealability 密封条用英文怎么说啊? strip seal 密封条用英语怎么说? seal 相信我 密封避光保存 用英语怎么说 store the product in sealed, cool and dry condition 密封垫的英语翻译 密封垫用英语怎么说 密封垫 gasket 食品包装密封瓶用英语怎么说 食品包装密封瓶的英文翻译_百度翻译 食品包装密封瓶 Food packaging sealing bottle 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 bottle_百度翻译 bottle 英[u02c8bu0252tl] 美[u02c8bɑ:tl] n. 瓶子; 一瓶(的量); (婴儿) 奶瓶; 酒; vt. 把…装入瓶中; 控制; vi. (街头艺人演出后) 收拢钱币; [例句]There were two empty beer bottles on the table 桌子上有两个空啤酒瓶。 [其他] 第三人称单数:bottles 复数:bottles 现在分词:bottling 过去式:bottled过去分词:bottled 接口密封带用英语怎么说 接口密封带 Interface sealing tape Y型密封圈英文怎么说?用y-type ring? Type Y Seal Ring Y-Type Seal Ring 都可以 密封件英文怎么写 sealing element sealing parts 希望能帮到你。 我等着你采纳哟,不明还可以追问的,嘻嘻!
2023-06-11 00:07:131


这一课程将会教给您以下几个要点: 人称代词,不定代词,关系词,和反身代词. 这个课程旨在帮助您学习语法与词汇。请务必集中精神学习所举的例子,因为这些例子对于语言的学习十分重要。代词语法要点:关于时间,地点的介词,和指示代词 是学习的重点,因为这些要点会运用到日常的交谈中。请试着记住您所学过的每个新单词。并试着写下那些您还不太理解的新词或不太熟悉的表达方式。以下表格包含了一些例子,请仔细地阅读这些例子并看看您是否能够理解他们。代词 代词代词 shemot kheynoey - u05e9u05deu05d5u05ea u05dbu05d9u05e0u05d5u05d9我 aney - u05d0u05e0u05d9你 ateh - u05d0u05eau05d4他 hoa - u05d4u05d5u05d0她 heya - u05d4u05d9u05d0我们 aneu1e96eno - u05d0u05e0u05d7u05e0u05d5他们 hem - u05d4u05dd我 aotey - u05d0u05d5u05eau05d9你 lekh - u05dcu05da他 aoto - u05d0u05d5u05eau05d5她 leh - u05dcu05d4我们 aoteno - u05d0u05d5u05eau05e0u05d5他们 lehem - u05dcu05d4u05dd我的 sheley - u05e9u05dcu05d9您的 shelekh - u05e9u05dcu05da他的 shelo - u05e9u05dcu05d5她的 sheleh - u05e9u05dcu05d4我们的 sheleno - u05e9u05dcu05e0u05d5他们的 shelehem - u05e9u05dcu05d4u05dd我的 sheley - u05e9u05dcu05d9你的 shelekh - u05e9u05dcu05da他的 shelo - u05e9u05dcu05d5她的 sheleh - u05e9u05dcu05d4我们的 sheleno - u05e9u05dcu05e0u05d5他们的 shelehem - u05e9u05dcu05d4u05dd现在您已经完成了第一张表格。您是否注意到了里面的一些语法格式?请试着用上述同样的词造一些新的句子。代词 - 词汇表这是另一张表格帮助您进一步理解这一课题。记住您所学的新单词至关重要,因为您之后会要用到它们。代词 代词我说 aney meu1e0fever - u05d0u05e0u05d9 u05deu05d3u05d1u05e8你说 ateh meu1e0fever - u05d0u05eau05d4 u05deu05d3u05d1u05e8他说 hoa meu1e0fever - u05d4u05d5u05d0 u05deu05d3u05d1u05e8她说 heya meu1e0feveret - u05d4u05d9u05d0 u05deu05d3u05d1u05e8u05ea我们说 aneu1e96eno meu1e0fevereym - u05d0u05e0u05d7u05e0u05d5 u05deu05d3u05d1u05e8u05d9u05dd他们说 hem meu1e0fevereym - u05d4u05dd u05deu05d3u05d1u05e8u05d9u05dd给我 ten ley - u05eau05df u05dcu05d9给你 - ?给他 ten lo - u05eau05df u05dcu05d5给她 ten leh - u05eau05df u05dcu05d4给我们 ten leno - u05eau05df u05dcu05e0u05d5给他们 ten lehem - u05eau05df u05dcu05d4u05dd我的书 hesefer sheley - u05d4u05e1u05e4u05e8 u05e9u05dcu05d9你的书 hesefer shelekh - u05d4u05e1u05e4u05e8 u05e9u05dcu05da他的书 hesefer shelo - u05d4u05e1u05e4u05e8 u05e9u05dcu05d5她的书 hesefer sheleh - u05d4u05e1u05e4u05e8 u05e9u05dcu05d4我们的书 hesefer sheleno - u05d4u05e1u05e4u05e8 u05e9u05dcu05e0u05d5他们的书 hesefer shelehem - u05d4u05e1u05e4u05e8 u05e9u05dcu05d4u05dd我们衷心希望这个课程可以帮助您学会一些语法和词汇要点,这些要点包括有: 人称代词,不定代词,关系词,和反身代词. 我们也希望您可以毫无困难地使用这些语法和词汇。在结束这一课程之后,您可以回到主页,那里有更多的课程等待着您,请点击这里: 学习 - 希伯来语教训:字母表词组形容词希伯来语数字名词词汇表主页复数翻译键盘
2023-06-11 00:07:042

dividend 和interest有什么区别???含义。。区别!!!

dividend 红利/股息 是投资人所期待的回报,红利/股息只在公司有现金盈馀且决定这些现金已经超出预期再投资的额度并不会带来更多利润的时候向股东派发的东西,不是保证和固定的。interest 利息 是借贷时,双方约定的回报或者囘报率,通常是白纸黑字写著的。至於银行存款利息,也是如此。说到底,银行存款的基本概念就是银行向存户借钱,用服务以及贷息作为回报。所以证监会要保证银行有足够现金偿还这些保证贷款。另外interest还有 利益 的意思,例如利益冲突 conflict of interest。不过那是泛指的用法,不在金融术语裏面。一个是投资用语,一个是借贷用语
2023-06-11 00:06:594


Kinwhy LawKonwhy LawKinwai LawKonwai Law因为TVB一些特殊英文名, 是用粤式发音去起名字的, 舒曼, sharon柏高, paco等等.....
2023-06-11 00:06:571


2023-06-11 00:06:493

面对父母 英文怎么说?

In the face of parents
2023-06-11 00:06:454


2023-06-11 00:06:432

be confronted with是什么意思

2023-06-11 00:06:361


2023-06-11 00:06:361


2023-06-11 00:06:351


2023-06-11 00:06:341

be confronted with是什么意思

2023-06-11 00:06:281