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2023-06-11 09:42:05
TAG: jaw







































2023-06-11 00:07:101


o instant and profound confab of a deep
2023-06-11 00:07:194

英语翻译 “谈心室”翻译成英文!

可以有好几种选择: 1.Heart to Heart(或简称"HTH ROOM") 2.Communing Room 3.Coze Room 4.confabulating Room
2023-06-11 00:07:261

she usually goes to the park by at six改成特殊疑问句

How does she usually go to the park at six?How often does she go to the park at six?When does she usually go to the park?Where does she usually go to at six?
2023-06-11 00:07:333


2023-06-11 00:07:424

用always usually never 各造句5句并翻译中文

I will always love you.我会永远爱你He always sleeps in.他总是睡过头She is always seen walking her dog in the morning.她总是在早上被大家看见在遛狗He is always the earliest in class他总是班里来的最早的I always stay up late.我总是熬夜He is not usually like this.他平常不想这样的.I usually get up at half 7.我通常7点半起床I will never forgive you.我永远不会原谅你He never stays up late.他从不熬夜
2023-06-11 00:08:032


psychological consultation room
2023-06-11 00:08:114


2023-06-11 00:08:215


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2023-06-11 00:08:561


2023-06-11 00:09:031


2023-06-11 00:09:101


2023-06-11 00:09:171


2023-06-11 00:09:241


2023-06-11 00:09:311


2023-06-11 00:09:381


jaw [ d0100: ] . . n. 颚,颌 v. 喋喋不休,教训 [ 形容词jawless ] jaw .n. 1. the part of the skull of a vertebrate that frames the mouth and holds the teeth2. the bones of the skull that frame the mouth and serve to open it3. holding device consisting of one or both of the opposing parts of a tool that close to hold an object.v. 1. talk socially without exchanging too much information同义词: chew the fat | shoot the breeze | chat | confabulate | confab | chitchat | chatter | chaffer | natter | gossip | claver | visit 2. talk incessantly and tiresomely同义词: yack | yack away | rattle on | yap away 3. chew (food)He jawed his bubble gum同义词: chew | masticate | manducate 4. censure severely or angrily同义词: call on the carpet | take to task | rebuke | rag | trounce | reproof | lecture | reprimand | dress down | call down | scold | chide | berate | bawl out | remonstrate | chew out | chew up | have words | lambaste | lambast Jaw : 1. 钳口 Jar-proof||防震的Jaw||钳口;定位销Jell||胶凝,凝固,固结 ...2. 定位销 Jar-proof||防震的Jaw||钳口;定位销Jell||胶凝,凝固,固结 ... 3. 颚 pincers 钳 jaw 颚 cleaver 切割 ...4. 颌 jaundice 黄疸jaw 颌jaw jerk 颌反射 ...
2023-06-11 00:09:461


2023-06-11 00:10:121


say vt. 讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明 vi. 讲;表示;念;假定;背诵 说你,就我 tell vt. 告诉,说;辨别;吩咐;断定 vi. 讲述;告发,泄密;识别 告诉 speak vi. 说话;演讲;表明;陈述 vt. 讲话;发言;讲演 说话,谈话,说明事实,表示意见,发言,演讲,操(某种语言) speech n. 演讲;讲话;语音;演说 语言,语音 言语 lecture n. 演讲;讲稿;教训 vt. 演讲;训诫 vi. 讲课;讲演
2023-06-11 00:10:193


全部都用到? 没有。 如果是任意组合,那么:an as at by na no of on so ya yoabo abs aby act aft ant any ays ban bas bat bay boa boo bos bot boy bys cab can cat cay cob con coo cos cot coy fab fan fas fat fay fob fon foy jab jay job jot joy nab nay nob noo nos not oaf oat oba oca oft ono ons oot sab sac sat say sob son sot soy sty syn tab taj tan tao tas ton too toy yay yob yon abos abys acts ants bans bast bats bays boas boat bony boon boos boot bota bots boyo boys cabs cans cant cast cats cays coat cobs coft cons cony coof coon coos coot cost cosy cots coys cyan cyst fabs fact fano fans fast fats fays fobs fons font foot foys jabs jato jays jobs jota jots joys nabs naos nays nobs nosy nota oafs oast oats obas ocas ofay onos onto oots scab scan scat scot snob snot soba soca sofa soft soja soon soot soya stab stay stoa stob sybo sync tabs taco tans taos toby tons tony toon toyo toys yays yobs aboon afoot antsy ascot atony bacon banco banjo banty baton boast boats boons boost boots booty boson botas boyos cajon canso canst canto cants canty coast coats conto coofs coons coots costa cotan cyano cyans cyton facts fancy fanos fatso fonts foots footy jabot janty jatos jotas nasty octan ofays sabot santo scant scoot snoot softa softy sooty stony taboo tacos tansy tobys toons toyon toyos astony bacons bancos banjos batons boston botany cantos confab contos cotans cytons footsy fynbos jabots nostoc octans oocyst scanty snooty taboos toyons tycoon confabs tycoons
2023-06-11 00:10:271


The modern American holiday of Mother"s Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in Grafton, West Virginia. Her campaign to make "Mother"s Day" a recognized holiday in the United States began in 1905, the year her beloved mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, died. Anna"s mission was to honor her own mother by continuing work she had started and to set aside a day to honor mothers, "the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world." Anna"s mother, Ann Jarvis, was a peace activist who had cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the Civil War and created Mother"s Day Work Clubs to address public health issues.Due to the campaign efforts of Anna Jarvis, several states officially recognized Mother"s Day, the first in 1910 being West Virginia, Jarvis" home state. In 1914 Woodrow Wilson signed the proclamation creating Mother"s Day, the second Sunday in May, as a national holiday to honor mothers.Although Jarvis was successful in founding Mother"s Day she soon became resentful of the commercialization and angry that companies would profit from the holiday. By the early 1920"s, Hallmark and other companies had started selling Mother"s Day cards. Jarvis became so embittered by what she saw as misinterpretation and exploitation that she protested and even tried to rescind Mother"s Day. The holiday she had worked so hard for was supposed to be about sentiment, not profit.[7] The original intention was to appreciate and honor mothers by writing a personal letter, by hand, expressing love and gratitude; it wasn"t to buy gifts and pre-made cards.[8] Jarvis organized boycotts and threatened lawsuits to try to stop the commercialization. She crashed a candymakers convention in Philadelphia in 1923. Two years later she protested at a confab of the American War Mothers, which raised money by selling carnations, the flower associated with Mother"s Day, and was arrested for disturbing the peace.Jarvis" holiday was adopted by other countries and it is now celebrated all over the world.
2023-06-11 00:10:351

five bottles是什么意思ue815

five bottles五瓶双语对照例句:1.I have five bottles of whisky. 我有五瓶威士忌酒。2.Malaysia airlines consignments less five bottles of chanel. 马来西亚航空公司托运香奈儿少了5瓶。
2023-06-11 00:10:082


2023-06-11 00:10:111

Dividend Yield是什么意思?

Dividend 股息,红利的意思。yield 获利,投资收益的意思。所以这个词组的意思是股息收益率。
2023-06-11 00:10:112

手机上有小虫这是什么啊?求解啊 怎么处理呢,发现好几次了啊

那时候材料有质量问题 建议把这个破苹果给退了 现在谁还用苹果手机啊 你快aote了
2023-06-11 00:10:1511


2023-06-11 00:10:172

profit 和 dividend区别

拜托. 你自己都知道勒一个是利润 一个是分红profit就是在生意上或者从其他途径得到的钱而dividend 是红利股息 也就是企业分红或者炒股票的利润~
2023-06-11 00:10:191

dividend bonus 有什么区别?

dividend 是股票给发的bonus 一般是指工薪的一部分,有可能是以股票的形式,有可能是一次性的支票, 意思比较广
2023-06-11 00:10:271


2023-06-11 00:10:274

Dividend Yield 代表什么意思??

2023-06-11 00:10:341


这是一个语法点:be of + n.,例如:It is of importance = It is important. 句中height(身高)是名词,be (are)动词后不能直接加名词,但有了of就可以加名词(参照上例),所以,不能省略of. 除非,把are改为have,那就可以去掉of,如:Mike and Tom have the same height.
2023-06-11 00:10:341

dividend declared属于什么账户

是借方。dividend是资产类账户。资产类账户是反映资产增减变动的账户。 借方是一种会计科目,显示资产方的增加或负债方的减少,对应概念为贷方。 借方项目通常记在左边,贷方则记在右边。每笔交易的结果至少被记录在一个借方和一个贷方的账户,且该笔交易的借贷双方总额相等。
2023-06-11 00:10:411

dividend和comprehensive income有关系吗

2023-06-11 00:10:481


1 赫海-Iwannaloveyou,Iwannahaveyou歌词+翻译+音译+中文音译 baby baby对我来说我的双眼中只有一你人 babynayekyeyiminaeyitununyennohanamanisalasumsuinendei baby那也给一米那儿图怒嫩脑哈那骂你萨拉肃穆岁恁的诶 但是为什么会这样的把我一人留在这遥远的地方 kelongdeiweiyilongkeinaomunadomaongoseinaholonamkincai 克隆恩的诶为一龙kei脑木那头米昂狗赛诶那后录男木肯音菜 () 总在远离啊 zagumaolaojinei 咋股毛老机内 你是我的人不管是别人说什么你都是我的女人即使数百次呼喊 neisalamindeikenugamuilahaedonaonneiyaozadeisupeigbaonwuicyaodo 内萨拉敏得课怒嘎莫拉黑都斗内要咋得速配棒为桥都 I"llbeok 只要有你I"llbeok现在由我来要守护你 naomanyisemyaonI"llbeokyijienaiganolerjikiuzhuerkei 都满一色秒nI"llbeok一节奶噶集Q主凯 babyyouknowbecause IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou闭上双眼握住我的双手 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyoudununerkamgoneitusonerzabgo IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou度怒恁卡姆口内度搜恁差口 IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyou IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyou现在就这样抛弃一切 IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyoujigemyideilomodenkaoerpaoliaodugo IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyou几根一带咯摸的考儿跑了度狗 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou就这样向我靠近就好 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyounaonkezaoneikeilodakasaomiaondui IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou到课澡内给咯他噶扫描恩对 Iwannahaveyou 2 Iwannahaveyou我会把一切都给你现在我向你发誓 Iwannahaveyounanmodenkaoerzuergeiyijienennaoeikeiyagsohaerkei Iwannahaveyou男摸度考儿主给一节恁到诶尅雅克扫哈尔尅 那人算什么除了能守护着你等待着你 salamimonendeinaoerjikiaoboersupakeinaoerkidalisupakei 萨拉米摩恩嘚脑儿集Q波尔速怕尅脑儿ki打理速哦怕尅 什么都不行他应该把你带来你和他不合适 daoyisanganduinaoerdeiliaowayaheikewanenaowulijianhennaonen 到一桑按对脑儿嘚了(liao)瓦呀嘿课瓦恁奥无立即按很到嫩 你是我的人是我的人你是我的女人你是我的女人 neisalamindeineisalanmindeinaonneiyaozaideinaonneiyaozaidei 内撒拉敏嘚内萨拉敏嘚到内要砸内到内要咋音嘚~ I"llbeok 只要有你I"llbeok现在由我来要守护你 naomanyisemiaonI"llbeokyijienneiganaoerjikiuzhukei 都满一色秒nI"llbeok一节奶嘎脑儿集Q注尅 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou闭上双眼握住我的双手 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyoudununerkamgoneitusonerzabgo IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou度怒恁卡姆口内度搜恁差口 IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyou IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyou现在就这样抛弃一切 IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyoujigemyideilomodenkaoerpaoliaodugo IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyou几根一带咯摸的考儿跑了度狗 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou就这样向我靠近就好 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyounaonkezaoneikeilodakasaomiaondui IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou到课澡内给咯他噶扫描恩对 Iwannahaveyou Iwannahaveyou我会把一切都给你现在我向你发誓 Iwannahaveyounanmodenkaoerzuergeiyijienennaoeikeiyagsohaerkei Iwannahaveyou男摸度考儿主给一节恁到诶尅雅克扫哈尔尅 3 你妨碍到我们了稍微避开点是我先 Pangheiduikaodenzompikyaoneikamaonzao 胖黑对考扥(den)走m辟谣奶噶满澡 悄悄来到她身边的 Keniaoneyiyaopzililodakasaokeicaoncaonhyi 课鸟您要配里咯他卡扫尅澡恩澡恩惜 你算什么插手我俩相爱 Nigamondei?wulisalangeisondei 你噶摸你得物理撒狼诶扫得 她的眼睛在跟我说今晚她想和我一起 Keniaoeyinunineigeimaerhaeonenpamnawahanmkeihakierwanhei 课鸟儿怒你得尅吗儿黑哦恁怕那娃韩木尅哈期儿文海 你已经gameover了就算复活了也带不走她 naonzugodakeiaonedokeniaoerkajimohae 脑组狗打尅奥纳都课鸟儿卡集摸黑 因为我已经在她的身边就像很久的家人一样 nanpaoersaokeniaoeyikiaoteimacioleiduinkazogkatei 男跑儿扫课鸟儿kiao忒吗气哦类对卡组卡太 听明白了的话能滚开吗 alatelaosemiaonzomgaoziaozunlei 啊拉德老色秒恁澡木高叫组类 Shemakesmecrazy Shemakesmecrazy她和我在一起才是完美 Shemakesmecrazykeniaonenneikeiwanpiaokankaoer Shemakesmecrazy课鸟恁得尅玩票看尅儿 如此完美的我们俩的关系就跟你解释一次 wanpiaohanwilituliwangkeitakhanbaoneiakatelao 玩票韩物理图里尔宽木尅他韩宝内啊拉的老 4 现在抓住我的手不可以拜托到我这里来 yijienenneisonnerzabaanduijieparnaeikeilowa 一节恁奶搜恁儿擦吧按对姐帕尔那内尅咯瓦 把一切都给你我不能没有你 Modunkaerdakaziaodonaoaobusinantuinendei 摸扥考尔他卡叫都都奥布心按对恁得 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou闭上双眼握住我的双手 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyoudununerkamgoneitusonerzabgo IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou度怒恁卡姆口内度搜恁差口 IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyou IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyou现在就这样抛弃一切 IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyoujigemyideilomodenkaoerpaoliaodugo IwannahaveyouIreallyneedyou几根一带咯摸的考儿跑了度狗 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou就这样向我靠近就好 IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyounaonkezaoneikeilodakasaomiaondui IwannaloveyouIcan"tlivewithoutyou到课澡内给咯他噶扫描恩对 Iwannahaveyou Iwannahaveyou我会把一切都给你现在我向你发誓 Iwannahaveyounanmodenkaoerzuergeiyijienennaoeikeiyagsohaerkei Iwannahaveyou男摸度考儿主给一节恁到诶尅雅克扫哈尔尅 嘻嘻,
2023-06-11 00:10:501


2023-06-11 00:10:532


公认十大氨基酸洗面奶   公认十大氨基酸洗面奶,洗面奶能够很好的清洁我们的皮肤,疏通我们的毛孔,从而皮肤得到好的清洁作用,国内外洗护用品品牌也是非常多的,其中不乏有一些优秀的产品,以下分享公认十大氨基酸洗面奶。   公认十大氨基酸洗面奶1    CAUDALIE大葡萄洁面摩斯   清新的天然葡萄小白花和金菊香气,泡沫细腻丰富,温和清洁,清洁力足够又不会太过,能够补水保湿保持水油平衡。泵头按压式设计,无需揉搓即可以按压出细腻的泡沫,所有肌肤均适用。    温净氨基酸洗面奶   重点推荐的洗面奶! 洗脸很干净,超级温和的一款洗面奶。温净是一个获得过很多护肤杂志金奖的小众品牌!原料和配方都是国际一线大牌的级别,价格却是很亲民,最主要的是效果超赞,这也是为什么这款受追捧的原因。相信我,洗一次脸就知道之前用的洗面奶有多差了。值得入手!    Elta MD 氨基酸泡沫卸妆洁面乳   它采用的是弱酸性的氨基酸作为表面活性剂,PH值与人体肌肤接近,温和亲肤,所以不但适合痘痘肌肤使用,更是为数不多的敏感肌肤也可以放心使用的清洁产 品,能卸防晒、淡妆,更能睁着眼睛洗,绝对是敏感肌肤的福音。    sk2氨基酸洗面奶   整个使用感很棒,用手的话起泡一般,毕竟是氨基酸的,我搭配起泡网泡沫绵柔,不是很密的那种,味道和嘉宝娜的洁颜粉味道一样,洗完脸不紧绷,很干净。    宝拉珍选大地之源洁面凝胶   癸基葡糖苷,非离子系表活,一种号称比氨基酸表活更加温和清洁力也更强的成分。无香精色素,能洗掉防水防晒和底妆,使用后皮肤细滑不干燥,所有肤质全年适用。    自然哲理一步到位洁面乳   含天竺葵、花梨木、肉桂及檀香等多种植物成分,可一次性清洁面上的污垢和化妆残渍,平衡肌肤酸碱值,敏感肌的话最好搭配素见修护乳这样效果好。收敛毛孔及滋润肌肤。    温漾洁面慕斯   评分最高的一款洁面慕斯,很多护肤评测博主个人都用这款,之前多次被卖断货,采用进口最优级的`正宗氨基酸搭配高端美白精华成分   产品有多个专利保护,配方研发经历3年之久,对于痘肌粗糙黑头暗黄油腻等问题肌肤效果很明显,轻轻一按泡沫自动出,洗脸真的很舒服,不紧绷不假滑,毛孔都能清洗干净,我个人也一直用的这款,可以推荐。    minon氨基酸洁面泡沫   两种氨基酸表活,能有效清洁,并且不会紧绷,不会过度清洁,洁面成分温和,油皮可能爱不起来,干皮真爱。    SUISAI酵素洁面粉   嘉娜宝 SUISAI 药用酵素洗颜粉不同于以往洁面产品的质地,粉装的小颗粒包装非常讨喜,氨基酸气泡,不刺激,无香料,无着色,温和如果经常外出旅行那一定要入手嘉娜宝 SUISAI 药用酵素洗颜粉,一颗一颗的带着,不占空间,一次用一颗,超省心。    博倩叶清透卸妆洁面啫喱   质地是稀薄一点的啫喱状态,淡淡香草味道,纯氨基酸的表活,不用起泡网的起泡一般,用了的话泡沫让人惊艳。丰富绵细,氨基酸系洁面能达到这样的起泡能力实属难得了!   公认十大氨基酸洗面奶2    1、兰蔻净透洁面泡沫洗面奶   温和清洁脸上的残余彩妆,肌肤娇嫩,光洁如新。全新美白洁面泡沫--使肌肤透明白皙的洁面泡沫。深层清洁脸部不洁物及彩妆,呈现透明、白皙的肌肤。   乳霜状的质地,可温和洗去脸上的不洁物及彩妆。含专利复合植物精华,能抑制酪氨基酸酵素,使其不活跃,进而抑制黑色素的形成。温和的酸可促进角质剥落,呈现光泽的肌肤。    2、温净氨基酸洗面奶   原料是采用一线大牌供应商的,但价格很划算。这款洗的很干净,皮肤很舒服不会紧绷,还可以肌肤补水,最主要的是这个很温和不会刺激皮肤,敏感肌痘痘肌都可以用,相信我,用一次你会爱上这个的。良心好货,值得入手!    3、SK2氨基酸洁面乳   这款洁面也是sk2比较出名的产品,氨基酸洁面,挤出一点就能起很多泡沫,洗完脸不拔干,很舒服,还有一些玫瑰香味,倍受喜欢。    4、boscia氨基酸洁面啫喱   欧系氨基酸洁面的代表fancl专为北美市场推出的品牌,同样走的是温和无添加的路线,没什么香味,透明的啫喱,温和不刺激,起泡出乎意料的丰富,洗脸洗的很干净,清洁度也够了。    5、蜜浓氨基酸酵素洁面粉   细腻粉质,不含颗粒,利用活性酵素可智能去除老旧角质,保留健康角质的去角质产品。产品说明:含有大量活性酵素,可智能选择清除老废角质,并保留健康角质,温和清洁不伤害肌肤。不含磨砂颗粒,且具有保湿功能,敏感肌干燥肌亦可使用。    6、Fancl保湿洁面粉   这款洁面产品是粉状的,会比普通的乳状洁面乳干净,但是不会刺激。它的保质期只有2个月,开盖后要尽快使用。    7、自然哲学一步洗面奶   这款洗面奶不仅可以清洁面部,还可以用来卸妆。就像它的名字一样,一步就能清洗干净。它含有多种植物成分,温和无刺激。不过搓后泡沫不多,比较适合干性和中性皮肤。    8、艾丽嘉妍氨基酸洗面奶   这款洁面产品特别适合旅行出差携带,挤出后再加点水就能搓出蓬松绵密的泡沫,温和,清洁力也够,尤其适合干性肌肤。无色素、无香料、无刺激性。    9、fresh大豆洁面啫喱   这是一款啫喱状的洁面产品,添加了玫瑰和黄瓜的精华。它不仅清洁皮肤,还具有舒缓和消炎的作用。适合敏感、痘痘肌的人群。    10、欧缇丽CAUDALIE大葡萄洁面摩斯   这是大葡萄家的明星产品。泵头的设计非常方便,压出的泡沫非常细腻。不含防腐剂和致敏成分,有葡萄和金菊的香气。   公认十大氨基酸洗面奶3    sk2氨基酸洗面奶   整体使用感觉很好。用手的时候一般都是起泡。毕竟是氨基酸。发泡网的泡沫比较软,不是很密。味道和嘉宝的洗面奶一样。洗完脸不紧绷不干净。    MUX纯风氨基酸洁面液   超级赞的一款洁面产品!痘痘痘印黑头皮肤暗黄用它都有很好效果!毛孔可以洗出很多脏东西,洗脸很舒服不紧绷。   泡沫绵密气味超好闻,最主要的是成分是正宗的氨基酸,便宜大瓶用起来不心疼。敏感肌痘痘肌都可以放心用,不会有刺激,用了一段时间发现脸上毛孔下了很多也变白了。很满意,护肤必买!    资生堂时光琉璃洗面奶   泡沫很细腻。资生堂水阳洗面奶有它所有的优点。洗完之后皮肤也是水润的,Q弹性的。敏感肌可以放心使用,价格不菲!    温净氨基酸洗面奶   用过的最好的一款洗面奶了。国货之光名不虚传,虽然成分都是和国外一线品牌的一样的正宗氨基酸,但是产品价格很亲民。洗脸特别干净舒服,去黑头痘印痘痘都没问题。这个产品很温和无刺激,孕妇都可以用呢。我最喜欢这种洗完脸后清爽干净的感觉了。良心国货!值得入手。    伊思蛋清洗面奶   蛋清洗面奶主要含有蛋壳胶原蛋白等必需成分。这种洗面奶洗涤感很好,比较清爽。另一方面,它是一种具有流动性和湿润感的液体。洗完可以感觉皮肤光滑细嫩。    欧舒丹蜡菊泡沫洁面   温和泡沫清洁产品。腊梅香味,干净舒适!不过泡沫洁面可能不是很持久,压力也就没了。泡沫有点弱。    POLA黑BA洁面   泡沫特别丰富,一挤出来就能搓出很多泡沫。剂量真的无敌,关键是真的太舒服了!如果预算足够,强烈推荐!    松山油脂氨基酸洗面奶   松山油是一个比较小的牌子,有点难挤,但是一点点就能泡很多,很耐用。清洁力也很好,洗完也不会干。不加添加剂的配方温和,敏感肌也可以。    香奈儿山茶花洗面奶   香奈儿标准的山茶花味道是可以接受的。泡沫丰富致密,干净结实。冬天洗完有点紧,夏天也很好用。但是用起来真的很舒服,收紧皮肤的感觉也不错。    fancl保湿洁面粉   FANCL是敏感肌的品牌,使用安全。洗脸温和无刺激,泡沫细腻,清洁力强,洗完脸不会紧绷。
2023-06-11 00:10:531

会计中dividend 和 earning有什么不同?

2023-06-11 00:10:041


问题一:塑料瓶用英文怎么说? plastic bottle 问题二:我们用塑料做瓶子英文 我们用塑料做瓶子 We make bottles out of plastic 问题三:化妆品软管塑料瓶用英语怎么说 化妆品软管塑料瓶 翻译为: Co *** etic hose, plastic bottle 问题四:塑料注塑产品用英语怎么说 塑料注塑产品_百度翻译 塑料注塑产品 [网络] Plastic Injection Molding; plastic injection; [例句]我们专业设计生产塑料模具和各种注塑产品。 We are professional designer and manufacturer of injection mold and all kinds of plastic products.10 years making exprience. 进行更多翻译 问题五:我们应该再利用塑料瓶的英语该怎么写 We should reuse/recycle the plastic bottles. 问题六:塑料小啤酒瓶用英语怎么说 塑料小啤酒瓶_有道翻译 翻译结果: Small plastic beer bottles 问题七:我们周围随处可见塑料瓶用英语怎么说 我们周围随处可见塑料瓶 We can see plastic bottles everywhere 问题八:一般的塑料水杯或不锈钢水杯用英语怎么说? plastic cup stainless steel cup glass如果指水杯,那一定是玻璃杯,哪怕是带耳的玻璃杯; bottle是瓶子,这个没什么疑问; cup也不一定是带耳的
2023-06-11 00:10:011

What is the difference between dividend and interest ?

Dividends are a distribution of a corporation"s earnings to its stockholders. Dividends are NOT an expense of the corporation and therefore dividends do not reduce the corporation"s ine or its taxable ine. When a dividend of $100 000 is declared and paid the corporation"s cash is reduced by $100 000 and its retained earnings (part of stockholders" equity) is reduced by $100 000. Interest on bonds and other debt is an expense of the corporation. The interest expense will reduce the corporation"s ine and its taxable ine. When interest expense occurs and is paid the corporation"s cash is reduced by the interest payment but some cash will be saved by the reduction in ine taxes. The corporation"s retained earnings will also be reduced by less than the amount of interest expense. For example if a corporation has an incremental tax rate of 40% interest expense of $100 000 will result in $40 000 less in ine tax expense and ine tax payments. This me that an interest payment of $100 000 will reduce the corporation"s cash and retained earnings by the amount of $60 000 ($100 000 of interest minus $40 000 of tax savings). Dividend is given to the Persons who hold the stocks and usually effected once a year. Interest is given to the Persons who deposit money into the bank. There are different ways to get it monthly or your agreement.
2023-06-11 00:09:551


等离子体的适用行业及范围:等离子体在科学研究各方面已经取得了广泛的运用,涉及光学、光电子学、电子学、材料科学、生命科学、高分子科学、生物医学、微观流体学等领域,主要用于以下实验:材料清洁和活化 灰化表面有机层 有机物去除 键合 改变亲水性/疏水性金属还原 简单刻蚀 材料老化实验 去胶 等离子涂镀聚合详细内容可以登录 查看,或者直接联系赛奥特(北京)科技有限公司
2023-06-11 00:09:465

reserves, retained earning,dividend与net income的关系

net income 是每期的净利润,其中一部分分红是dividend剩下的就是留存利润retained earning,用于再投资因此net income = dividend + retained earningreserves是指储备吗?银行的才有这个吧?
2023-06-11 00:09:441

plastic bottles是什么意思

plastic bottles 指的是塑料瓶
2023-06-11 00:09:423


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2023-06-11 00:09:353


  奶瓶,是用来盛奶的一种器具,一般给婴儿使用。那么你知道奶瓶用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来奶瓶的英语表达 方法 ,欢迎大家学习。   奶瓶的英语说法   feeding bottle   nursing bottle   奶瓶相关英语表达   奶瓶刷 milk bottle brush   玻璃奶瓶 glass baby bottle   奶瓶套 Bottle Warmer   奶瓶的英语例句   1. Gary was holding a bottle to the baby"s lips.   加里正拿着一个奶瓶给婴儿喂奶。   2. Leave empty milk bottles on the step.   将空奶瓶放在门阶上。   3. New fathers love bottle feeding their babies.   刚当上爸爸的人喜欢用奶瓶喂他们的宝宝。   4. An overzealous security guard checked inside the baby"s bottle.   一名过于尽职的保安打开了婴儿的奶瓶来查看。   5. The baby was sucking away at the empty feeding - bottle.   那个孩子正在吮吸着空奶瓶.   6. This top fits over the bottle and keeps the teat sterile.   这个盖子严实地盖在奶瓶上,保持奶嘴无菌.   7. A cart full of milk - bottles rattled past.   一辆载满牛奶瓶的车子嘎嘎作响地驶过.   8. Tip the bottle up so it"s in the same position as it would be when feeding the baby.   按照喂婴儿时的姿势倾斜奶瓶。   9. In the blinding snowouts, it"s just like flying inside a milk bottle.   在什么也看不见的铺天盖地的 大雪 中飞行,犹如在一个大奶瓶内飞行一样.   10. A standard bottle of milk holds one pint.   标准的牛奶瓶能装一品脱(奶).   11. We could hear the rattle of milk bottles.   我们可以听到牛奶瓶的碰击声.   12. The baby took one suck at the milk bottle and pushed it away.   婴儿吸了一下奶瓶就将它推开了.   13. My first experience of bottling a lamb came towards the end of the season.   我第一次用奶瓶喂羊羔,是在季节临近结束的时候.   14. Always there is a graduation to the mark to the baby"s feeding bottle.   婴儿的奶瓶总是标有刻度的.   15. Each bottle comes with a level 1 nipple and a cover.   每一个奶瓶都配有一个第一阶段的硅胶奶嘴和一个瓶盖.   奶瓶相关英文阅读   It"s tough enough trying to feed one baby butimagine having to give nine panda cubs their bottles.   喂养一个小宝宝就够艰难的了,想象一下你要给九个熊猫幼崽喂奶的情景。   Hilarious footage has emerged of nine panda bearsfighting for their bottles which contained a specialmilk formula made by their nannies.   近日出现了一个非常搞笑的视频,视频上九只熊猫在争抢奶瓶,奶瓶里是保育员们给它们冲泡的特殊配方牛奶。   The video was taken at the famous Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in southwest China"s Sichuan province.   视频摄于中国西南部的四川省,著名的成都大熊猫繁育研究基地。   The footage shows the cute and cuddly bears lying on their backs on grass in their enclosuregrabbing hold of the bottles filled with formula.   视频中显示,这些超级可爱、让人很想抱一抱的熊猫宝宝们仰卧在圈舍的草地上,争相抢夺装有配方牛奶的奶瓶。   The nannies can be seen in the video running around and trying to make sure each cub has itsown bottle however there are some bears that seem to have other plans.   可以看到,在视频上,保育员们来来回回地跑,试图确保每只熊猫宝宝都拿到自己的奶瓶,然而有些熊猫似乎另有打算。   They can be seen reaching for each other"s bottles.   我们可以看到,它们互相伸向对方的奶瓶。   The nannies have their hands full, picking up the cubs and trying to put them back in theirdesignated spots but the bears just can"t stop moving.   保育员们忙得团团转,她们抱起熊猫幼崽,试图把它们放回自己的位置,但熊猫宝宝们就是动个不停。   One bear is persistent at his attempts to get a milk bottle from his friend next to him.   其中一只熊猫一次又一次地去抢旁边熊猫的奶瓶。   After some time, the pandas are seen finally settling down on the grass and drinking their milk.   过了一阵之后,这些熊猫们终于安顿了下来,躺在草地上喝起奶来。   Panda nannies are responsible for helping to feed the animals along with cleaning hundreds ofpounds of faeces and transporting hundreds of pounds of bamboo every day.   熊猫的保育员们负责每天给熊猫们喂食,清理几百磅重的粪便,运送几百磅重的竹子。   Chengdu"s Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is home to some 113 Giant Pandas and also76 red pandas.   成都大熊猫繁育研究基地居住着约113只大熊猫和76只小熊猫。   The centre claims to have the world"s largest artificial breeding population of captive GiantPandas.   大熊猫繁育研究基地称他们人工圈养的大熊猫数量是世界上最多的。   Around 15,000 people visit the base every day during peak season.   在旺季,每天约有1.5万人来基地参观。   CHINA"S PRECIOUS ANIMAL AMBASSADOR: SIX FACTS YOU DIDN"T KNOW ABOUT GIANTPANDAS   中国珍贵的动物大使:关于大熊猫你不知道的六件事   It"s estimated that there are around 1,600 Giant Pandas in the wild. There are 300 in zoos andbreeding centres around the world.   据估计,野生大熊猫约有1600只。世界各地的动物园和繁育中心共有300只。   It"s unsure how long Giant Pandas live in the wild. However Chinese scientists reported zoopandas as old as 35.   人们尚未能确切知道野生大熊猫的寿命。但是中国的科学家 报告 称动物园里的大熊猫能活35岁。   A wild panda"s diet is 99 percent bamboo while the remaining one percent is usually smallrodents.   野生大熊猫的饮食99%都是竹子,而剩下的1%通常是小的啮齿类动物。   Giant Pandas need to consume around 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo each day to get thenutrients they need.   大熊猫每天需要吃掉约20到40磅重的竹子,才能获得他们所需的营养。   On all four legs, Giant Pandas stand at around three to four feet tall.   四条腿都立起来,大熊猫约有3到4英尺高。   Cubs do not open their eyes until they are six to eight weeks of age and are not mobile untilthree months.   熊猫幼崽在6到8周大的时候才能睁开眼睛,三个月大的时候才会走路。 猜你喜欢: 1. 珍珠用英语怎么说 2. 2017十大奶瓶品牌排行榜 3. 新生儿奶瓶哪个品牌好 4. playtex奶瓶怎么样 5. 梳子用英语怎么说
2023-06-11 00:09:271


2023-06-11 00:09:254


2023-06-11 00:09:253


词典释义water bottlen.水壶;水瓶举例:1.他把水瓶举到嘴边,小口地喝着。He lifted the water-bottle to his lips and sipped. 2.当被问及Facebook在中国的计划时,扎克伯格先是拿起水瓶,在听众的笑声中喝下两大口水,然后说,“我们已经在中国了,”引起更多的笑声。When asked about Facebook"s plans in China, Mr. Zuckerberg took two big gulps from his water bottle to laughter, and then said, "We"re already in China," to more laughs. 3.每周一,当Nyima Dbangmo从家中返回学校时,都会提着一个装满垃圾的塑料袋,里面装着水瓶这样的东西。After every weekend, Nyima Dbangmo holds a plastic bag of trash, such as used water bottles, as she returns to school from home.4.毫无疑问,水瓶座的象征就是水瓶。It shouldn"t surprise you that the symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer.
2023-06-11 00:09:121


2023-06-11 00:09:105

baby bottle中文翻译

Undiluted apple juice in baby bottles , sour balls 在婴儿瓶里的苹果汁。 Milk powder , baby bottles , socks , underwear for men , women and children 奶粉,奶瓶,袜子,内裤男女儿童 We found that those ribbons had embroideries of an unthinkable mixture of objects , pke puters , ecklaces , sports cars , turtles , golden roses , half - eaten apples , and baby bottles 我们进入店里靠近端详那衣服,发现缎带充满了不可思议的混合物件绣像:电脑、项炼、跑车、乌龟、金色玫瑰、吃了一半的苹果和婴儿奶瓶! Bisphenol a occurs naturally , and it is used in a wide variety of consumer products including baby bottles , food packaging , eyeglass lenses , incubators and ponents of many pfe - saving medical devices 双酚a是自然地出现的,被用于广泛的消费产品中,包括婴儿奶瓶、食品包装、眼镜镜片、早产儿保育器及众多救生医学装置的配件。 Therefore , our rescue team immediately went shopping and in a very short time bought four - person tents , aluminum insulated ground pads , *** s and children s underwear , socks , flashpghts , batteries , spppers , milk powder , baby bottles and other items . we also prepared " the key of immediate enpghtenment " sample booklets and latest news magazines 救难小组立刻分头在极短的时间内,采买妥当,计有四人帐铝箔垫,大人和小孩用内裤及袜子手电筒电池轻便拖鞋奶粉和奶瓶等并准备了即刻开悟之钥样书及当期杂志。
2023-06-11 00:09:061

dividend 记在什么表中

dividend 不是在负债表中,是直接做到retained earnings里面。dividend会出现在statement of changes in equity里面。
2023-06-11 00:09:001