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annoy with sb.这里的with短语充当是什么成份呢,起什么作用?因为annoy就是及

2023-06-13 08:28:51
TAG: annoy

annoy是及物动词,一般后面可以直接跟名词。意为“使...生气”。sth./sb. annoy sb.某件事/某个人让某人生气了。

后面接with sb.的话,一般是用被动形式,be annoyed with sb./sth.,意为“生某人/某件事的气”。



[A] annoy是及动词=没错! The sound of the printer annoyed 动词 me.

[B] 但" annoyed with sb" 是形容词(adjective):

1) My mother is annoyed 生气的 with me;

2) He was annoyed 生气的 at her remarks.

[C] "annoying" 也可以是形容词(adjective): He has "annoying 讨厌的 habits".



annoy 是动词 sth annoy sb / be annoying例:English learning annoys me very much.英语学习真让我烦心.These flies are annoying .这些苍蝇真使人心烦.annoyed 是形容词 修饰人annoying 也是形容词 修饰物(如上句)例:He looked annoyed.他看起来好像很不耐烦.
2023-06-12 00:12:031


e mad at/with *** 生某人的气 be mad about sth 因某事而生气 drive *** mad 使某人抓狂 go mad 大动肝火、非常生气 be annoyed with *** about/at sth 因某事生某人的气 be annoyed with sth 用...惹恼某人 be angry with *** for sth 因某事生某人的气 be angry about /st sth 因某事而生气 argue with *** about/over sth 因某事同某人争吵/争辩 argue for/against 为支持或者反对某事而据理力争
2023-06-12 00:12:181


38.I hope you won"t be_______by all my questions.A.troubled B.disturbed C.bothered D.annoyed这道题答案给的是D,annoy与disturb的区别? 查看原帖>>求采纳
2023-06-12 00:12:421

「what annoys you?什么让你生气了?」 为什么annoy要加s?

2023-06-12 00:13:231

The noise of the dog made me ____.A annoy B annoy ing C annoy ed D annoy ance

2023-06-12 00:13:312


2023-06-12 00:13:035

Machines Collide, Brain Dead and Hell March :) 这是什么意思,谁能翻译下?

有没有上下文啊?我看都是专有名词,人名,歌名,乐队名?brain dead,估计没有人叫这个名字。 Machines Collide, Brain Dead and Hell March,放在一起的话,并列关系,应该都是音乐的名字。刚才确认了一下,确实是音乐名字。
2023-06-12 00:13:181

EICC是哪方面认证? 具体有什么作用?

EICC 的国际背景:2004年10月,惠普、戴尔和IBM等共同发表电子产业行为准则(EICC),旨在电子行业的全球供应链中,建立标准化的社会责任感行为规范。该准则由一系列的基本规范组成,涉及劳工和招聘、健康安全、环境责任、管理系统和道德规范等。随着思科、英特尔、微软和索尼的加入,惠普、戴尔和IBM等大厂联合成立供应链工作组,为贯彻EICC制订综合执行计划。为了减少针对电子行业供应商的二方以及三方审核,节约成本。
2023-06-12 00:13:222


《Victory》是Two Steps From Hell (地狱咫尺)的单曲。
2023-06-12 00:13:264

hund是什么意思 《德语助手》德汉

Ⅰ m, -(e)s, -e①狗,犬Vorsicht, bissiger Hund!小心恶狗!Das ist ein dicker Hund.这是件荒唐无耻的事。Hunde, die viel bellen, beissen nicht.好叫的狗不咬人。(易怒的人不可怕)(谚)
2023-06-12 00:13:291


法律分析:1、自由选择职业 不使用强迫、抵债或用契约束缚的劳工, 或者是非自愿的监狱劳工。2、不用童工 在制造的任何阶段都不得使用童工。工人不得从事有可能危及到未成年工身体健康或安全的工作。3、工作时间 除非是紧急或异常情况,一周的工作时间包括加班在内不应超过60小时。每周七天应当允许工人至少休息一天。4、工资与福利 支付给员工的工资应符合所有适用的工资法律, 包括有关最低工资、加班时间和法定福利的法律。5、人道的待遇 参与者的惩罚性政策和措施应清楚地界定并传达给员工。6、不歧视 参与者应承诺员工免受骚扰以及非法歧视。7、自由结社 员工与管理层之间公开直接的沟通是解决工作场所问题和赔偿问题的最有效方法。法律依据:《电子行业行为准则》 参与者应根据国际社会公认准则, 承诺维护工人的人权, 并尊重他们。劳工标准是:(1) 自由选择职业 不使用强迫、抵债或用契约束缚的劳工, 或者是非自愿的监狱劳工。所有工作应当是自愿的, 并且员工在合理通知的情况下拥有自由离职的权利。不得要求员工上交政府颁发的身份证、护照或工作许可证给企业或劳动中介机构作为雇用的条件。(2) 不用童工 在制造的任何阶段都不得使用童工。“童工"是指未满15 岁 (或在该国/地区法律准许的情况下可为14 岁)、完成强制教育年龄、或该国/地区最低就业年龄而被雇用的人士。符合所有法律法规的合法场所学徒计划则不在此列。然而, 所有18 岁以下的工人不得从事有可能危及到未成年工身体健康或安全的工作。(3) 工作时间 有关商业实践的研究显示, 生产率降低、离职率以及损伤和疾病的增加与工人疲劳有明显的联系。故此, 工作周不应超过当地法律规定的最大限度。另外, 除非是紧急或异常情况, 一周的工作时间包括加班在内不应超过60 小时。每周七天应当允许工人至少休息一天。(4) 工资与福利 支付给员工的工资应符合所有适用的工资法律, 包括有关最低工资、加班时间和法定福利的法律。依据当地法律的规定, 员工的加班工资应高于正常的每小时工资水平。禁止以扣除工资作为纪律处分的手段。应及时通过工资存根或其它类似文件将工资支付依据发给员工。(5) 人道的待遇 参与者的惩罚性政策和措施应清楚地界定并传达给员工。不得残暴的和不人道的对待员工, 包括任何形式的性骚扰、性虐待、体罚、精神或身体压迫或口头辱骂; 也不得威胁进行任何此类行为。(6) 不歧视 参与者应承诺员工免受骚扰以及非法歧视。公司不得因人种、肤色、年龄、性别、性倾向、种族、残疾、怀孕、信仰、政治派别、社团成员或婚姻状况等在雇用及实际工作(例如晋升、奖励和受培训等)中歧视员工。另外,不得强迫员工或准员工接受带有歧视性的医学检查。(7) 自由结社 员工与管理层之间公开直接的沟通是解决工作场所问题和赔偿问题的最有效方法。参与者应尊重员工的权利,包括依据当地法律自由结社、参加或不参加工会、寻求代表、参加工人委员会。员工应能够在不用担心报复、威胁或骚扰的情况下,公开地就工作条件与管理层沟通。
2023-06-12 00:13:291


bookcase意为“书柜,书架”。单词发音:英[u02c8bu028akkeu026as],美[u02c8bu028akkeu026as]。短语搭配:Bookcase Bathtub书柜浴缸。Equilibrium Bookcase平衡书柜,均衡书架,飘在空中的平衡书柜。Child Bookcase板式儿童书台,韩式儿童书台。Interesting Bookcase有趣的书架。双语例句:1、Bookcase: Thank you for staying with me.书架:谢谢你和我呆在一起。2、This is my bookcase,All of my books are in it.这是我的书柜,我所有的书都在那里面。
2023-06-12 00:13:301


中文名电子行业行为准则外文名Electronic Industry Code of Conduct
2023-06-12 00:13:382


2023-06-12 00:13:384

dang digidigi dang digidigi dang 是哪首英文歌的歌词

2 Times (feat. Joy) - De-GreesYou want things your wayAnd I want them mineAnd now we don"t knowJust where to draw the lineHow can love surviveIf we keep choosing sidesAnd who picks up the piecesEvery time two fools collideYou lay the blame on meAnd I, the blame on youBut why do we keep finding faultIn everything we doAnd how long can we keep right and wrongsSo cut and dryAnd who picks up the piecesEvery time two fools collideWe can save our loveWe still have the timeOh, I know there must be a wayBut we still haven"t triedTo keep our hearts from breakingEvery time two fools collideTo keep our hearts from breakingEvery time two fools collide
2023-06-12 00:13:452


《电子行业行为准则》(Electronic Industry Code of Conduct, EICC) 建立了各种标准, 以确保电子行业供应链的工作环境安全,工人受到尊重并富有尊严,以及商业运营对环境负责。本准则所指的电子行业, 包括原始设备制造商(OEM)、电子制造服务(EMS)公司和原始设计制造商(ODM), 以及为生产电子产品提供设计、销售、制造和/或商品和服务的订约劳工。电子行业的任何一家企业都可以自愿采用本准则, 并应用到其供应链和转包商中。要采用本准则并成为其中的参与者(下称“参与者”), 企业应当作出支持本准则的声明, 并主动与本准则提出的管理体系保持一致。为了使本准则能够成功推行, 参与者必须主动将其应用于整个供应链。至少, 参与者应要求其下一级的供应商认同并应用本准则。1.工作环境安全2.社会责任(人权)
2023-06-12 00:13:452


bookcase D.J.[u02c8bu028aku02cckeu026as] K.K.[u02c8bu028aku02cckes] n. 书橱, 书架 The bookcase contains fifty volumes but holds a hundred. 这书橱装有50册书, 但它能装下100册。
2023-06-12 00:13:472

求Frankmusik的专辑《do it in the AM》中的歌曲的歌词

你可以告诉我你要的是啥歌词,每一首都贴很累的= =歌词都有,但不让发,说有未知错误,你留个邮箱我给你发过去吧第一首We Collide的OhhhBaby we collideLove will never save us from our last collisionThe rain is falling from the floor tonightI closed my eyes with perfect sightThe sun and moon were face to faceI"m walking but I won the raceBut it feels like yesterdayWas happening again todayI lost it all right in your armsIt"s only just begunWhen, baby we collideLove will never save us from our last collisionWhen, baby we collideAnd love is turning upside down with our decisionsI fell and landed on the skyBut from the ground you told me whyI seem to wake up to a dreamAnd sleep in my realityThe book I read is reading meThe leaves are falling on the treesI"ve got my fate and destinyBut they"re all lost on meWhen, baby we collideLove will never save us from our last collisionWhen, baby we collideAnd love is turning upside down with our decisionsBaby we collideLove will never save us from our last collisionWhen baby we collideAnd love is turning upside down with our decisionsAnd I light my cigaretteAnd I go outAnd I wonder whyWhen I take my deepest breathIt"s you that shoutsThat"s when you and IBaby we collideLove will never save us from our last collisionBaby we collideBut love is turning upside down from our decisionsBaby we collideLove will never save us from our last collisionWhen, baby we collideBut love is turning upside down with our decisionsBaby we collideBaby we collideNo I.D歌词We got the green to the paper,And enough green in the face, yeahJump up, put ya hand in the partyJump up, 4:30 in the morningI"m gone when the drinks are pouringShots in my glass of taste and boubinWe can be classy,We can be nastyWe go hard in the downtown partyYou got a problem with me?Shutchya mouth and party with meSo sideways, don"t mind me if we need no I.D.[Chorus]No, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.No, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.When there"s nobody else,And there"s you and there"s meI don"t needNo, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.Open invintationNo identificationCheck out this placeIt"s bouncing off when the base hitsPick you up, I miss you babyYou got a body like a leading ladyGet a medic "cause you drive me crazyNo chases, let"s get wasted[Chorus]No, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.No, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.When there"s nobody else,And there"s you and there"s meI don"t needNo, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.Tell everybody there"s a party so come follow meIt"s not that far, we"ll raid the bar and we need no I.D.Tell everybody there"s a party so come follow meIt"s not that far, we"ll raid the bar and we need no I.D.[Chorus]No, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.No, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.When there"s nobody else,And there"s you and there"s meI don"t needNo, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.I got no I.D.I got no I.D.When there"s nobody else,And there"s you and there"s meI don"t needNo, I got no I.D.No no, no I got no I.D.Frankmusik – Do It In The AM歌词Pick you up, Pick you upPlay me like your favorite songLick it up, Lick it upDrink tequila til it"s goneYou know I like what you doYou paint the time like I"m blueLike a glove, like a gloveGonna fit you like a gloveDrop it down, as it boundNow this room is showing loveThis love is stronger than lifeWe only run things at night[Chorus ]We only do it in the amWe only do it in the amWe only do it in the amWe only do it in the A to the MThen we do it again, baby[frankmusik - Verse 2]Get it now, get it nowGonna show some people howYou impress, You impressCompetition lays the bestLast one"s in, first one"s outBaby we ain"t the crackFor more seats, for more seatsEverybody wants some peaceWatcha thing, buy a drinkKeep on shining til we sinkWe got our own little crewMe ain"t followng you[Chorus ]We only do it in the amWe only do it in the amWe only do it in the amWe only do it in the A to the MThen we do it again, baby[Far East Movement - Rap Verse]No time for chit chat, blah, blahLet"s get down to business, yeahI don"t play aroundWhen the club shuts downI"m a zombie, how to kill thisMidnight mansion, don"t mentionHoliday inn or champion"s flashingFree wired with the Far East MovementAnd frankmusik we party trashyGet love in the AMGet love in the AAMGet love in the AMGet love in the AAM,FM, frankmusik, FM, party"s movementFM![Chorus ]We only do it in the amWe only do it in the amWe only do it in the amWe only do it in the A to the MThen we do it again, babyNo Champagne歌词Say it ain"t so, i think you"re leaving,and now life won"t be the same.You"re letting go of all our dreaming,and now there"s only me to blame.And there"ll be no champagne that can take away my pain.Why do i do this, do this? Always been useless losers.And there"ll be no champagne that can take away my pain.Why do i do this, do this? Always been foolish, foolish?Try to keep our ship from sinking,it"s not so easy by myself.I fly no more, my love is sleeping,I"m rich but not so much in wealth.And there"ll be no champagne that can take away my pain.Why do i do this, do this? Always been useless losers.And there"ll be no champagne that can take away my pain.Why do i do this, do this? Always been foolish, foolish.Why do i do this? Why do i do this?And i"m lost in visions, of my wrong decisions.And i"m lost in visions, of my wrong decisions.And there"ll be no champagne that can take away my pain.Why do i do this, do this? Always been useless losers.And there"ll be no champagne that can take away my pain.Why do i do this, do this? Always been foolish, foolish.Ohhh, there"ll be no champagne, always been foolish.Footsteps 歌词She tried loving someone elseAnd now she"s losingSomething better than herselfSo boldShe"s choosingLife that"s not been written beforeChase a dreamShe thinks there"s more in storeShe"s movingWith every little footstep that she makesIt"s bigger than the last one that she takesAnother little heartbeat seems to breakShe"s walking away (now she"s walking away)With every little footstep that she makesIt"s bigger than the last one that she takesShe"s walking awayAnd getting further each dayLoving one is bad enoughBut stillShe"s smarterRisk is really what she wantsWhen life"s much harderOne big choice and she"s at it againGrass is greenerShe tells her friends to sendA postcardWith every little footstep that she makesIt"s bigger than the last one that she takesAnother little heartbeat seems to breakShe"s walking away (now she"s walking away)With every little footstep that she makesIt"s bigger than the last one that she takesShe"s walking awayAnd getting further each dayGamble your life awayWin lose again todayWith every little footstep that she makesIt"s bigger than the last one that she takesAnother little heartbeat seems to breakShe"s walking awayWith every little footstep that she makesIt"s bigger than the last one that she takesShe"s walking awayAnd getting further eachGetting further each day (With every little footstep)Getting further each day (With every little footstep)She"s getting further eachGetting further each dayShe"s getting further each day(Now she"s walking away)The Fear Inside歌词Getting to the bottom,I have this fear inside of me,The bottom, the bottom,Fear inside of me!Staring down the problem,Like the people on the street,The problem, the problem,This fear inside of me.Chorus:Fall, I"m gonna fall,Come, get me home!From this fear inside of me!Hope, come get me hope,Don"t wanna fall into this.This fear inside of me.Like a bird I will fly,Into your mindLike a bird I will fly,Into your mind!Fear inside of me,Fear inside of me,Fear inside of me!Take away the struggle,Lift the pressure of me,The pressure, the pressure!Fear inside of me!…where the…The moments, moments!Fear inside of me!Chorus:Fall, I"m gonna fall,Come, get me home!From this fear inside of me!Hope, come get me hope,Don"t wanna fall into this.This fear inside of me.Like a bird I will fly,Into your mind!Like a bird I will fly,Into your mind!Fear inside of me,Fear inside of me,Fear inside of me!What you get to me is my only century,And when I want reliefYou take the pressure out of, the pressure out of me!Fear inside of me,Fear inside of me,Fear inside of me!Fear inside of me,Fear inside of me,Fear inside of me!
2023-06-12 00:13:531


2023-06-12 00:13:553

极盗者的片尾曲 是什么

Still Breathing
2023-06-12 00:14:017


2023-06-12 00:14:085


bookcase ["bukkeis] n.书柜,书架bookshelf ["buku0283elf] n.书架这两者的区别是:bookcase 一般主要指 带有抽屉的不分层的 书柜 ,这种书柜不是很高;bookshelf 一般主要指 分层的书架,(就像图书馆的那种) ,这种有一定的高度.
2023-06-12 00:14:091


注 的英文是什么?Note;Annotation; Annotate;
2023-06-12 00:14:137

Never Let You Down 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let You Down歌手:Carolina Liar专辑:Wild Blessed FreedomCarolina Liar - Never Let You DownQQ : 349777127Opened the door felt the cold rush inI let it go with no warningI felt like a ghost, I"m out of my skin againSo self-exposed wanted you to seeI heard your voiceI made you cryI hurt you one too many timesBut I"ll never... I"ll never let you downWhen worlds collideI"ll stick aroundAnd never let you downAll went awayBut I"m still in townAnd I"ll never let you downNot innocent I guess I let that showI wear those sins everybody knowsSo many times you reached out for meAnd I let you go it was easyI had a choice I realizeI hurt you one too many timesBut I"ll never... I"ll never let you downWhen worlds collideI"ll stick aroundAnd never let you downAll went awayBut I"m still in townAnd I"ll never let you downNever you let down againNever you let downI"ll never let you downI"ll never let you downWhen worlds collideI"ll stick aroundAnd never let you downAll went awayBut I"m still in townAnd I"ll never let you downNever let you downNever let you downAll went awayBut I"m still in townAnd I"ll never let you downCarolina Liar - Never Let You DownQQ : 349777127
2023-06-12 00:14:151


There is a clock on the wall behaind the bookcase. 在书橱后面的墙上有个钟。
2023-06-12 00:14:162


2023-06-12 00:14:221

Lifelight (Life Album Version) 歌词

The A.M. dawns againAnd I"m seeking the SourceSearching the force, longing for warmthThat I"ve never ever felt before"Cause I cannot find more of lifeIn this crazy world that seems to leave me dryIt"s only with YouThat I find my way throughAnother breath to breatheIn this heat of the dayI"m finding a way, but feeling the strainThere"s a pressure in the air that preysBut there is a light in this lifeAnd it"s You, the star, that guides when I"m lost at nightSo light up the skyA ray of life to every eyeWhenever your light shinesI can always findSomething more of lifeWhenever You break throughTake me somewhere newDeeper into youThe A.M. dawns againAnd I"m hearing your voiceI"m making the choice, no room for toysOnly life light brings me joy"Cause when I can find you in lifeAll the crazy things around me seem to dull and dieIt"s always been youCarrying me through
2023-06-12 00:14:302


Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition ,电子行业行为准则(EICC)
2023-06-12 00:14:351

求一本关于美国女权运动的书的中文版 书名:A history of U.S. Feminisms. 作者Rory Dicker.

美国女权运动历史简介:The History of U.S. Feminism is an introductory text designed to be used as supplementary material for first-year women"s studies students or as a brush-up text for more advanced students. Covering the first, second, and third waves of feminism, The History of U.S. Feminism provides historical context of all the major events and players since the late nineteenth century through today. The chapters cover first-wave feminism, a period of feminist activity during the nineteenth and early twentieth century which focused primarily on gaining women"s suffrage; second-wave feminism, which started in the "60s and lasted through the "80s and is best understood as emphasizing the connection between the personal and the political; and third-wave feminism, which started in the early "90s and arose in part from a backlash against the movements propagated by the second wave.
2023-06-12 00:12:541


LOL英雄联盟2016 S6全球总决赛主题曲—《燃》在官网可以看
2023-06-12 00:12:523


《电子行业行为准则》(Electronic Industry Code of Conduct,EICC)列出了各种标准,以确保电子行业供应链的工作环境安全,工人受到尊重并富有尊严,以及生产流程对环境负责。EICC的管理体系是是电子行业行为准则,他是HP、IBM、DELL等大公司的一同制订的一系列的标准,是为了确保电子行业供应链的工作环境安全,工人受到尊重并富有尊严,以及生产流程对环境负责。很多在厂都将EICC做为验厂准则,如果要成为他的供应商必须遵守EICC,能通过EICC的验厂。顺利通过EICC认证将对工厂拿到大的订单,可以说是提供了一定的保障。设计EICC管理体系时,应确保:(a)符合与参与者的经营和产品相关的法律法规及客户要求;(b)符合本准则;以及(c)识别并降低与本准则有关的经营风险。另外,管理体系应当推动持续改进。EICC管理体系要求(一) :公司的承诺条款内容:公司的社会及环境责任声明应确实参与者守法以及持续改善的承诺。EICC管理体系要求(二) :管理职责与责任条款内容:明确指定公司代表去负责保证管理体系的实施并定期检查的有关状况。EICC管理体系要求(三) :法律和客户要求条款内容:鉴定、监控并理解适用的法律法规和客户要求。EICC管理体系要求(四) :风险评价和风险管理条款内容:应制定一套程序,以识别和参与者经营有关的环境、健康与安全以及劳工实践风险。确定每项风险的级别,实施适当的程序和实质控制,以确保合规性并对已识别出来的风险实施控制。EICC管理体系要求(五) :附有实施计划和措施的绩效目标条款内容:应制定书面标准、绩效目标、指标和实施计划,包括依据这些目标对参与者的绩效进行定期评估。EICC管理体系要求(六) :培训条款内容:应为管理层及员工制定培训计划,以落实参与者的政策、程序及改善目标。EICC管理体系要求(七) :沟通条款内容:应制定一套程序,将参与者的绩效、实践和预期目标清晰准确地传达给员工、供应商和客户。EICC管理体系要求(八) :员工反馈和参与条款内容:制定方案持续评估员工对本准则的理解并获取对本准则所覆盖的实践和条件的反馈意见。EICC管理体系要求(九) :审核与评估条款内容:定期进行自我评估,以确保符合法律法规的要求、本准则内容以及客户合约中的社会与环境责任要求。EICC管理体系要求(十) :矫正措施条款内容:制定程序,以及时纠正在内、外部的评估、检查、调查和审核中所发现的不足之处。EICC管理体系要求(十一) :文件和记录条款内容:建立文档和记录,以确保符合法规与公司的要求,同时应妥善保护机密。
2023-06-12 00:12:513

吃垃圾食品越多,你就越胖. 的翻译

The more junk food you eatuff0cthe heavier you are.
2023-06-12 00:12:462

linkin park high voltage歌词

You know what I meanYou could put a label on a life,Put a label on a lifestyleSometimes...You knowPut a label on how you wake up every morningAnd go to bed at nightHybridI"ve been diggin into crates ever since I was livin in spaceBefore the ratrace, before monkeys had human traitsI mastered numerology and bigbang theologyPerformed lobotomies with telekinetic psychologyInvented the mic so I could start blessin itChincheckin kids to make my point like an impressionistMany men have tried to shake usBut I twist mic cords in double helixes and show them what I"m made ofI buckle knees like leg bracesCast the spell of instrumental-ness and all of you emcees who hate usSo you can try on,Leave you without a shoulder to cry onFrom now to infinity let icons be bygonesI fire bomb ghostly notes haunt thisI tried threats but moved on to a promiseI stomp shit with or without an accompliceAnd run the gauntlet with whoever that wants thisHigh VoltageThe unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collideAkira, I put a kink in the backbones of clones with microphonesNever satisfy my rhyme jonesSprayin bright day over what you might sayMy Blood type"s Krylon Technicolor type AOn highways ride with road rageCages of wind and cages of tin that bounce all aroundSurround soundDevouring the sceneSubliminal gangrene paintingsOver while the same thingSing song karaoke copy bullshitBreak bones verbally with sticks and stone tacticsFourth dimension, combat conventionWrite rhymes at ease while the track stands at attentionMeant to put you away with the pencilPistol, official, 16 line a rhyme missileWhile you risk your all, I pick out all your flawsSpin rah, blah blah blahYou can say you sawHigh VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collideHigh VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collideAnd like the rock and rapYou know what i meanPeople act like you knowWow that"s a new inventionThat shits brand newWe"re constantly evolvingIt is constantly changingSometimes...There"s a lot of changeEverybody"s always up with labelsThere ain"t no label for this shitThey"re always gonna try to put a label on itTry to create somethingSo they can water it downSometimes I feel like a prophetMisunderstoodUnder the gun like a new diseaseSometimes I feel like a prophetMisunderstoodUnder the gun like a new diseaseHigh VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collideHigh VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collideHigh VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collideHigh VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collideYou know what I mean, you can put a label on a lifestyle
2023-06-12 00:12:442


Jane calendarSex femaleDate of birth on 25 January 1990Engaged in professional and technical supervision and inspectionEthnic hanBeijing dialectHobbies organisms, Long-distance running, skiing, photography, music, reading,Bachelor degree.mostMarital status unmarriedThe nationality of ChinaPolitical affiliation memberGraduated from college of Beijing union university teachers college? Self capacity assessmentStrong sense of responsibility, sometimes too seriously; Work hard, had been working in math class representative, attendance member and other job, the work of conscientious and meticulous, sureness, can fully complete assigned work, work concentrate endurance is strong, positive enterprising, hard-working, good at long and repeatedly or award. Was the teacher evaluation as
2023-06-12 00:12:374


EICC就是电子行业行为准则。EICC认证又叫RBA认证审核。EICC认证又分5个部分:劳工 健康与安全 环境的标准 商业道德相关的标准以及管理体系.这个有点类似ISO9001那种
2023-06-12 00:12:331


eicc是指电子行业行为准则。《电子行业行为准则》列出了各种标准,以确保电子行业供应链的工作环境安全,工人受到尊重并富有尊严,以及生产流程对环境负责。 扩展资料   EICC的愿景是使用高标准为所有参与ICT供应链制造的.企业带来更好的社会、经济和环境效益,这也将为客户和供应商带来更高的效率和生产力,同时改善工人的工作环境,促进地方经济发展和环境保护。   EICC的使命是通过统一执行EICC的行为准则为企业带来利益。统一的标准可以减少工作重复,使企业能够集中精力改善其社会和环境问题,提高供应链的生产力,并通过这一过程征求利益相关者的意见。
2023-06-12 00:12:261

bookcase 和 bookshelf 都是书架的意思,我想问下,它们有什么分别啊?美语里书架还有什么说法?

2023-06-12 00:12:252

in the bookcase什么意思

你问的问题所指不太清楚,bookcase是书箱之类的意思 你用in就表示“在书柜里,书箱里” 你用on表示“书箱上,书柜上”或者“关于书柜的” there are lots of books in the bookcase there is a computer on the bookcase
2023-06-12 00:12:161


您好。bookcase 英[u02c8bu028akkeu026as] 美[u02c8bu028aku02cckes] n. 书橱,书架,书柜 名词复数:bookcases [例句]Creative bookcase inspired by the pieces from the famous puzzle game.受该著名拼图游戏当中的方块所启发的创意书架。bookshelf 英[u02c8bu028aku0283elf] 美[u02c8bu028aku02ccu0283u025blf] n. 书架;书橱 名词复数:bookshelves [例句]At the moment , my bookshelf runneth over.眼下,我的书架塞得满满当当。谢谢。
2023-06-12 00:12:091

EICC 是什么?

电子行业行为准则(Electronic Industry Code Of Conduct)是不是这个呀
2023-06-12 00:12:028


coauthor就是合作者而已:D 那意思是不算并列第一作者啊??:(maqin909(站内联系TA)不算,只是你写文章时列出的作者!枫叶情深(站内联系TA)谢谢maqin909zhang0jch(站内联系TA)署名没有并列第一一说,第一就是第一,第二就是第二yello(站内联系TA)co-first author 才是共同一座zhang0jch(站内联系TA)Originally posted by yello at 2009-9-21 23:36:署名没有并列第一一说,第一就是第一,第二就是第二 看到过很多刊物都有的,等同第一作者。zhzimi_2007(站内联系TA)就是合作者,国内认第一作者,国外一般认通讯作者。无著心(站内联系TA)好像是这样的国外认通讯作者一般投稿都是我自己投的,老板是通讯作者上次有个杂志非要把稿件从投稿到审稿到修改都改成老板注册的账号里结果我的账号啥也看不到很明确的一点是co-author,不是并列第一作者好像是这样的国外认通讯作者一般投稿都是我自己投的,老板是通讯作者上次有个杂志非要把稿件从投稿到审稿到修改都改成老板注册的账号里结果我的账号啥也看不到
2023-06-12 00:11:551


书柜的英语是bookcase,书架的英语是bookshelf。bookcase的英文解释是a piece of furniture with shelves for keeping books on。bookshelf的英文解释是a shelf that you keep books on。 bookcase的例句 The microphone was cunningly concealed in the bookcase. 话筒被巧妙地隐藏在书柜里。 Bookcases flank the bed 床的两侧有书柜。 Putting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job. 组装书橱应该是个简单的装配活。 bookshelf的例句 Bookshelves occupied most of the living room walls. 这些书架占了起居室的大部分墙面。 She built bookshelves out of bricks and planks. 她用砖和木板制作书架。 In the alcoves on either side of the fire were bookshelves. 火炉两边的凹室里是书架。 书柜和书架有什么不同 书柜:是一种高级的藏书柜,一般很高大,依墙而立.几件并列在一起,设有玻璃柜门,有的高达3米。书柜门的作用是防尘与装饰。它不能独立于柜体面存在。有门的柜与无门的柜从感观效果来看完全是两码事。 书架:式样比较简单,是几块木板的组合,但也是从欧式家具中引进的。书架大小不一,有的还和书桌连在一起。
2023-06-12 00:11:541


on the bookcase
2023-06-12 00:11:482

谁知道美剧 识骨寻踪 里所有的歌

Bones Season one集数-首放时间-集名-歌曲名称-演唱者1.Pilot-09/13/05Bones Theme(Squints Mix By DJ Corporate): The Crystal MethodBroken Bridge: Daughter DarlingBusy Child: The Crystal MethodCollide: Howie Day Gone: Thirteen senses Pain on Pain: FeederRoll It Up: Crystal MethodTheme: Crystal MethodYou Know It"s Hard: The Crystal MethodYou Know It"s Hard(Bones Mix): The Crystal Method2. The Man in the S.U.V.-09/20/05Every Ship Must Sail Away: Blue Merie-8018004490316776I Turn My Camera On: Spoon Shalom: MoonrakerTry: Deep Audio3. The Body in the Tree – 09/27/05Cold Hands(Warm Heart): Brendan Benson -8918906279216277Miles from Monterey: West Indian GirlSunshine Everywhere: Deep AudioThe City Streets: Positive Flow Feet. Donna Gardier4. The Man in the Bear – 11/01/05Big Me: Peter HimmelmanLooking At the World from the Bottom of a Well: Mike Doughty 5. A Boy In a Bush – 11/08/05Some of Us: Starsailor6. The Man in the Wall – 11/15/05Gunpowder Lounge: move.meantRize: Flii Stylz Run It!: Chris Brown Something: Cary BrothersSoul Survivor: Young Jeezy & Akon 7. A Man on Death RowAnything Goes: Madison Smartt Bell & Wyn Cooper8. The Girl in the FridgeHold Tight: Mark Geary9. The Man in the Fallout ShelterHave Yourself a Merry Little Christmas: Tori AmosLet It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!: The Brian Setzer OrchestraWinter Wonderland: Jewel10. The Woman at the AirportAh! Leah!: Donnie IrisBody Talk: KixFree Los Angeles: BABYI"m Slipping Away: MessyOh La La: GoldfrappPrecious(U.S. Radio Version): Depeche Mode Show Your Style: Ferry Corsten11. The Woman in the CarNo songs12. The Superhero in the AlleyBat Country: Avenged Sevenfold Body Talk: kixFeel It Now: Black Rebel Motorcycle ClubOut of Control: She Wants Revenge 13. The Woman
2023-06-12 00:11:421

书柜用英语怎么说 书柜如何用英文说

  1. 书柜的英文:Bookcase。   2. Bookcase 读法 英 [bu028akkeu026as]美 [bu028akkeu026as。]   3.n .书架;书柜   4. 例子:This is my bookcase. All of my books are in it.这是我的书架。我所有的书都在里面
2023-06-12 00:11:401


2023-06-12 00:11:346


书柜英语:bookcase; book cabinet; [例句]床的两侧有书柜。Bookcases flank the bed书柜是 书房家具中的主要 家具之一,即专门用来存放 书籍、 报刊、 杂志等书物的 柜子。
2023-06-12 00:11:331

分歧者异类觉醒片尾曲beating heart的中文歌词谢谢

歌曲名称:Beating Heart歌手:Ellie Goulding语言:英语所属专辑:Beating Heart歌曲时长:5分21中文歌词:眼睛使他们的和平困难受伤的嘴唇和咸的脸颊最后我们一步一步离开离开的休息室的难以置信我不知道我要去哪里但我知道这将是一个很长的时间我将在早晨离开来白葡萄酒苦的阳光今晚想听听你的心跳在流血的太阳还活着我想把最好的东西留着,紧紧地抓住最后听到我的心跳今晚想听听你的心跳我想把最好的东西留着,紧紧地抓住我不能面对现在的一切都改变了我只是想在你身边,希望我们碰撞这里的希望我们碰撞这里的希望我们碰撞今晚想听听你的心跳在流血的太阳还活着我想把最好的东西留着,紧紧地抓住最后听到我的心跳今晚想听听你的心跳我想把最好的东西留着紧紧的英文歌词:Eyes make their peace in difficultiesWith wounded lips and salted cheeksAnd finally we step to leaveTo the departure lounge of disbeliefAnd I don"t know where I"m goingBut I know it"s gonna be a long timeAnd I"ll be leaving in the morningCome the white wine bitter sunlightWanna hear your beating heart tonightBefore the bleeding sun comes aliveI want to make the best of what is left, hold tightAnd hear my beating heart one last timeWanna hear your beating heart tonightI want to make the best of what is left, hold tightI can"t face this now everything has changedI just wanna be by your side, here"s hoping we collideHere"s hoping we collideHere"s hoping we collideWanna hear your beating heart tonightBefore the bleeding sun comes aliveI want to make the best of what is left, hold tightAnd hear my beating heart one last timeWanna hear your beating heart tonightI wanna make the best of what is left hold tight
2023-06-12 00:11:282


大麦克斯105毫米战车歼击车技术参数车重:22000千克。车长:5.80米。车高:2.53米。主炮:K18 105毫米火炮。时速:27千米/时。最大行程:170千米。性能简介大麦克斯装备有1门52倍口径的105毫米K18火炮,在2000米外能击穿30度倾角,111毫米厚的均质装甲,安装在改进型的四型坦克E型地盘上。其上部被完全重新设计,采取开放式的结构,车体正面采用了50毫米的装甲,倾斜角为12度,侧面为20度,装甲采用渗碳硬化。坦克手的自卫武器是3把9毫米冲锋枪,配备了576发子弹和1挺MG34机枪。研发背景早在20世纪30年代中期,德国就希望在坦克的底盘上装载重型火炮,以提高炮兵机动性,1939年9月,德国最高统帅部命令克虏伯公司,设计一种重型反坦克武器并且需要装备105毫米或128毫米的火炮,它将能够摧毁敌人的坦克和重兵把守的工事。不过具体生产样车成型已经到了1941年,被命名为大麦克斯(Dickermax)。
2023-06-12 00:11:271


2023-06-12 00:11:273