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2023-06-16 01:00:22




Not so for a long time is you.

Before you wrote the other day I read the paper, crying. (Originally I could cry out) again for your tears. Actually feel good. Seems to have been used for your tears. Actually, most of you would like to say, that is, I am sorry. that you want me to speak to you, I have not justified you. fact, I do not know talking about. may once again on your cool, you are very disgusted.

I admit that, since the United States is renamed after you, I changed a lot. Last time you asked me to write the note, is not because I like is呆呆and you is now called the United States. Actually, I would like to say yes. However, Later thought for a little while, even if I say yes, then how can kind? can change what you will ask the United States. done everything I only futile, but really want to say. like I was really relentless呆呆. in my eyes, only stay in my heart only stay in my memory, only the stay. memories of the West and all the spent. only to the United States and I think that unfamiliar. me admit that I have because you ask the United States and the angry, and for your apathy also changed the name of your discontent. even if you ask the United States, but in my heart you are always stay. westbound the呆呆.

呆呆, the westbound really love you.

carefully cold!

Also, today you dance great.

The westbound



2023-06-15 17:51:122

Futile Immigration Matter

Ms X is a 23-year-old girl from China and she currently holds a student visa. She wants to apply for a Partner of a New Zealander Work Visa. Her school recently informed her that she will be dismissed from her program because of her low attendance rate and poor academic performance, which will invalidate her current New Zealand student visa. She has lived with her New Zealander partner for three months and is pregnant with his child; however, their partnership evidence is not very sufficient to apply for a partnership-based work visa. They only have three letters sent to their joint living address, and their joint bank account has only been open for one month. Due to the bank staff"s negligence, their joint account only displays one person"s name; the bank noticed the mistake, but it was only corrected a few days ago. We informed them that their partnership evidence is weak, and the most critical evidence of their partnership is Ms X"s pregnancy. Therefore, we suggested she apply for a three-month visitor visa before applying for a partnership-based work visa so that she can accumulate more partnership evidence. However, the client insisted on applying for a work visa rather than a visitor visa. In order to avoid future disputes, we asked her to sign a risk-informed letter before we lodged her visa application. After the work visa was lodged, the applicant told us that she was considering terminating her pregnancy and asked us for our advice. We told her that it would affect the outcome of her application and sent her the following email after this meeting: ‘Dear Ms X, As per our conversation, we find that the evidence of your partnership is weak, and the most important proof of your partnership is your pregnancy. We would like to kindly notify you that if Immigration New Zealand finds out that you plan to terminate your pregnancy, your partnership-based application will be at risk. Hence, we suggest that you fully consider your decision regarding your pregnancy before acting, as it will affect the outcome of your application. Please try to prepare other partnership evidence as much as you can. The evidence and documents you can prepare include (but are not limited to) the following: □ Joint mortgage/loan documents □ Joint insurance policies □ Joint assets/liabilities □ Bank statements, utility bills or other mail received at your home address. The document must state you or your partner"s name, your home address and a date. If it is addressed to you and your partner separately, you and your partner need to provide at least one document each that you received at the same address with similar dates. □ Travel itineraries or tickets for trips you have taken together After preparing this additional evidence, please send the original copies of these documents to our company as soon as possible. Kind regards, Mutual Benefit Limited" One month later, we received a letter from her case officer and informed our client that the content of this letter was similar to the one we had sent in our risk-informed letter. Partnership concerns Living together You claim that you moved in together as of 02 March 2018; you have provided limited evidence to support this claim. Your tenancy agreement is insufficient to support the duration of living together that you have claimed. The tenancy agreements you provided seem to be written by the same hand and using the same pen. The signature on the tenancy agreement and the support letter from the landlord do not match up. Genuine partnership Your original purpose in coming to New Zealand was to study. You have not provided any information to show that you have other pathways to remain in New Zealand. You have not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that you have genuine intentions to enter into this relationship on a long term basis. You appear have met your partner only weeks before moving in together. Given the limited timeframe and opportunities to spend time with your partner; we are not satisfied your claimed relationship is credible. You have provided insufficient evidence to show that you and your partner have a ‘Shared Life" together as a couple or evidence to show that the degree of commitment of each other to a shared life on a long term basis. You have not provided evidence of you both being committed to each other both emotionally and exclusively. You and your partner have a joint bank account. You state that the bank made an error and forgot to add your name to the joint account. You have provided no evidence of this from the bank. We note that this account has not been used to pay utilities, rent or so forth which adds a concern regarding the credibility of this account. You provided evidence of a joint insurance policy update at your joint address. This is insufficient to cover the duration of living together as claimed. Stable partnership You have not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that your partnership is likely to endure. The evidence of living together you have provided only covers the duration from March 2018 to June 2018. We do not consider your period of living together is long enough to demonstrate that your claimed relationship is stable. As the issues detailed above may affect the outcome of your application, we are bringing them to your attention out of fairness to you. We have not made a decision on your application at this stage. This letter gives you the opportunity to make any comments and submit any additional evidence or information in relation to these issues. The client"s response and emotions were relatively stable after hearing the news; however, she decided to find a new lawyer to respond to this PPI letter from INZ and asked us to issue her a refund because she claimed that we did not mention the refund policy in the risk-informed letter. We explained the clause about ‘termination of service" to the client before she signed the written agreement with us, but in order to avoid future disputes, we refunded the client and terminated her contract with us. One month later, she posted on Moments (similar to Twitter) that her visa application had been declined. Upon reflection, we have learned that if there is any risk when applying for a visa, or if the application is futile, we must ensure that we have obtained the client"s written permission to lodge the application and make sure that he or she knows the associated risks and consequences. There should also be a clause regarding the refund policy of a futile case stating that if the client insists on applying for a visa, the first service fee is not refundable. We failed to explicitly mention the refund policy in this case, and we did not consider that she might seek new representation, which caused a lot of work on our part without a financial payoff. We usually charge the client at two stages: 1) after we submit the application, and 2) when a successful decision has been made, including an approved-in-principle decision. However, if the client chooses to seek new representation, we do not receive the service fee for the second stage. Therefore, we should add a clause in our agreement that if the client chooses to seek new representation, he or she will pay 50% of the second-stage service fee.
2023-06-15 17:52:251


To adjust to these chemicals 主语would require 谓语not merely the years of a man"s life 宾语but the life of generations.。 宾语(not。。。but 并列)
2023-06-15 17:52:352


2023-06-15 17:52:441


Auff1a1. into reality 3.spring up 4.set about 5.amount to 6.a quantity of7.on the go8.cram in 9.time-consuming 10.switch off
2023-06-15 17:52:541

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile

2023-06-15 17:54:346


题库内容:徒劳无益的解释[futility;make a futile effort] 白费力气,没有一点好处或成效 武力在经济上的徒劳无益 词语分解 徒劳的解释 空自劳苦;白 费心 力 徒劳 跋涉详细解释空自劳苦;白费 心力 。《后汉书·朱浮传》:“尚书令 侯霸 奏 浮 败乱 幽州 ,构成 宠 罪,徒劳 军师 ,不能死节,罪当伏诛。” 晋 葛洪 《 抱朴 子·释滞》:“但暗诵 无益的解释 没有益处无益的享乐详细解释.没有 利益 的事。《书·旅獒》:“不作无益害有益,功乃成。”.没有好处;没有 裨益 。《论语·卫灵公》:“吾尝终日不食,终夜不寝以思,无益,不如学也。”《史记·张释之冯唐列传》:
2023-06-15 17:54:511


2023-06-15 17:55:231


For the film the life remote controller in the phrase "the result is futile"
2023-06-15 17:55:321


2023-06-15 17:55:541


suddenly had a brainstormswift imagination句子:数月努力,徒劳无功,科学家突发奇想,问题迎刃而解.After month of futile labor,the scientist suddenly have a brainstorm and solve the problem.如果说,要一个单词的话:brainstorm 灵机一动的意思...
2023-06-15 17:56:261


GLOBAL的意思是全球的;全世界的;整体的;全面的;总括的。词汇搭配:1、global village地球村2、global warming全球气候变暖3、global positioning satellite全球定位卫星4、global music世界音乐5、Global Navigation Satellite System全球导航卫星系统6、Fortune Global Forum世界财富论坛扩展资料:例句搭配:1、Do not yet think of it as a global one.还不要把它视为一个全球性的强国。2、We do not fight global warming because it is futile to do so.我们不对付全球变暖的斗争,因为以这样做是徒劳的。3、And like the UFO phenomenon itself, it is global in its extent.就像UFO现象本身一样,它的范围是全球性的 。参考资料来源:百度百科——Global (英文单词)
2023-06-15 17:56:361


终身成就奖原文:“a special award for the "incalculable effect he has had in making motion pictures the art form of this century."(为他整个世纪以来对电影产业无可估量的贡献。)卓别林答谢:Thank you so much. This is an emotional moment for me and words seem so futile, so feeble . . . I can only say that . . . thank you for the honor of inviting me here and . . . oh . . . you"re wonderful, sweet people. Thank you."
2023-06-15 17:56:511

求かんせる lady的歌词

LADY歌手:かんせる所属专辑:かんせる歌曲集播放收藏分享下载(147)吐き舍てる言叶の日々に在充满骂声的日子里伤の数も増えるDay after day伤口的数量也在与日俱增良い子ばかり 演じていても总是扮演一个好孩子的角色芝居に缚られ抜け出せず入戏太深而无法自拔Ha~ スマホで适当な相手を(Ah~Han)探しだすHa~在手机上寻找(Ah~Han)合适的对象今だけを忘れたくて 求めるSexual Pleasure只想忘记现在 一味追求性快感OH~ YEAH~OH~ YEAH~Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu激しく激烈地Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu欲望に沉醉在欲望中任せて体を激しく揺らす猛烈摇晃身体Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Muダメなの不可以吗Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu焦らして使你情动私のリズムで跟随我的节奏イ·カ·せ·て?让你去了吧?Ah~ h~Ah~ h~今この瞬间(とき)は现在这个瞬间Ah~ h~Ah~ h~私だけのダーリン是只属于我的darlingAh~ h~Ah~ h~媚薬に溺れ沉醉在媚药中快感でひたすら居场所を探してるの(An…)只顾在快感中寻找自己的立身之所(An…)依存されることはFutile被依靠也只是徒劳自由気ままな猫娘よ(Nya~)自由任性的猫女郎啊(Nya~)爱されても 踏み出せないの就算是被疼爱 也无法走出所诠ネットだけのSexual Relations终究是只存在于网络的性关系Ha~ 今宵も谁かに求められ(Ah~Han)喘ぐフリHa~今晚也被谁索求着(Ah~Han)装作喘息的样子壊してく壊されてく 心はFall in Pieces逐渐破坏与被破坏 心碎成碎片UH~ YEAH~UH~ YEAH~Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu嫌いよ不喜欢啊Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu无理なの已经不行了自分胜手で何も感じない任性的什么也感觉不到Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu激しい粗重的Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu息遣い呼吸私の×××に就完全交给ま·か·せ·て?我的×××吧Ah~ h~Ah~ h~今この瞬间(とき)は现在这个瞬间Ah~ h~Ah~ h~アナタだけのハニー是只属于你的honeyAh~ h~Ah~ h~痛みに溺れ沉醉在痛苦中刺激でひたすら自分自身を探して(An…)只顾在刺激中寻找自我本身(An…)言い訳ばかりで 逃げ出すばかりで总是在寻找借口 总是在逃避自信なんて持てずに やだやだやだやだ无树立起自信心 真是讨厌啊バカバカバカバカバカ笨蛋笨蛋笨蛋笨蛋バカバカバカバカバカ笨蛋笨蛋笨蛋笨蛋バカバカバカバカバカ笨蛋笨蛋笨蛋笨蛋きらきらきら大っ嫌―い!!讨厌讨厌讨厌讨厌最讨厌了!!Ha~ また今日も适当な相手を(Ah~Han)探しだすHa~今天也在寻找(Ah~Han)合适的对象今だけを忘れたくて 求めるSexual Pleasure只想忘记现在 一味追求性快感OH~ YEAH~UH~ YEAH~Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu激しく激烈地Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu欲望に沉醉在欲望中任せて体を激しく揺らす猛烈摇晃身体Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Muダメなの不可以吗Po^Mu Po^MuPo^Mu Po^Mu焦らして使你情动私のリズムで跟随我的节奏イ·カ·せ·て?让你去了吧?Ah~ h~Ah~ h~今この瞬间(とき)は现在这个瞬间Ah~ h~Ah~ h~私だけのダーリン是只属于我的darlingAh~ h~Ah~ h~媚薬に溺れ沉醉在媚药中快感でひたすら居场所を探してるの(An…)只顾在快感中寻找自己的立身之所(An…)
2023-06-15 17:56:581


2.her nose is tall,has good face shalon
2023-06-15 17:57:076

Utilitariani *** and Deontology.

1. Utilitariani *** is a consequence-oriented philosophy that says the best actions are those that produce the greatest good for the greatest number. It revolves around the concept of “the end justifies the me.” Utilitariani *** is the view that any action is good if it leads to human happiness. ~ also known as “hedoni *** ”. The right action can be calculated by examining the probable consequences of the various course of action. Whichever is most likely to bring about the most happiness (or at least the greatest balance of happiness over unhappiness) is the right action. ( ~ maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain) In your example the speaker is more concerned with the consequence of killing people ~ “hum suffer” Whether such action (killing people) is morally right/wrong is irrelevant. 2. Deontological (duty-based) ethics are concerned with what people do not with the consequences of their actions. Under this form of ethics you can"t justify an action by showing that it produced good consequences. Deontologists believe that morality is a matter of duty. Duties are usually understood in terms of particular actions we must do or refrain from. It is the action that is right or wrong; it is not made right or wrong by its consequences. Duty-based ethics teaches that some acts are right or wrong because of the sorts of things they are and people have a duty to act accordingly regardless of the good or bad consequences that may be produced. Deontology maintains that the wrongness of the action (telling a lie) is intrinsic or resides in the kind of action that it is rather than the consequences it brings about. Morally correct actions are usually dictated by religious doctrines or ideas of “good and evil” are deeply entrenched in our mind due to our upbringing. I think that it is morally wrong to tell a lie even though the consequence of telling a lie in this case can bring happiness. It makes the speaker do what is in the best of his/her conscience. 2014-10-01 09:13:08 补充: 如果相反地心里说 不会口讲出来 "I am going to lie because lying to you me using you for my own happiness:" ~ consequence-oriented 不是 deontological Well 见无什么人回答 自己尝试答 It may be a futile attempt by a layman. 参考: Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy; BBC
2023-06-15 17:57:201


我说下推荐答案中机译的几个错误吧:负债中第2行 相关账户 3行 应付租金、现金 4行 应付账款所有者权益 2行 不可控利息所有者权益变动表 1行 回购、资本换置金2行 流通票据灭失3行 预期股息4行 增加额外费用剩下的如果楼主想要 再加分
2023-06-15 17:55:214

夜愿的Amaranth 是前任主唱塔雅唱的,还是后来的安妮特唱的?

2023-06-15 17:55:223


2023-06-15 17:55:261

freight deemed earned upon completion of loading discountless, non returnabl

运费视为挣加载完成后, DISCOUNTLESS ,非可回收无论船只和/或货物的灭失或没有。
2023-06-15 17:55:302


2023-06-15 17:55:323


love hate blew(吹) absorb(吸) hard(硬) soft(软) carelessly(粗心)carefully(细心) usual unusual quiet(安静)noisy(吵闹) patiently(耐心)nervous(紧张) useful(有用的)futile(无用的) front(前面)behind(后面) loud(大声)whisp(耳语)
2023-06-15 17:55:471

2023-06-15 17:55:553


2023-06-15 17:55:552

英语句子求解 What youth deemed crystal,ages finds out w

2023-06-15 17:55:563


强烈推荐the escapist 还有bye bye beautiful
2023-06-15 17:56:022


2023-06-15 17:56:041


苋拼音:xiàn(读 现)解释:〔苋菜〕一年生草本植物,茎细长,叶椭圆形,开绿白色或黄绿色小花,茎和叶可食。
2023-06-15 17:56:102

The board deemed it urgent that these files ____ right away

2023-06-15 17:56:183


1)Bridgewater Associates 桥水联合基金2)AQR Capital Management3)Millennium Management 千禧管理4)Citadel 城堡投资求采纳U0001f642
2023-06-15 17:56:192


2023-06-15 17:56:226

有首英文歌,女的唱的,歌词主要有say(see)~~everything~~ you 很多句都以say(see)开头,后面有na na na

2023-06-15 17:56:241


Below info is FYI.Located in the coast of south Sea along Guangdong Province,Shenzhen covers an area of 2,020 square kilometres and owns the population of 4.05 million people. The climate here belongs to sub-tropical maritime,with the average temperature 22. Shenzhen, under the guidelines of Mr. Deng Xiaoping, became the first Special Economic Zone in China. After 20 years development, Shenzhen has established itself as one of main economic centers in China and has laid the foundation to support a new phase of further growth. The scenery attractions are characteristic of localization, nature and culture. As an important foreign trade and international exchange port in China, Shenzhen made the brilliant achievements in the urban construction and boasts the city with a fine environment for both investment and tourism. Shenzhen has been elected as "Gardens city of State" and "the model city in environment protection". In Nov 2000, it was elected as "International Garden City" in Washington, the capital of the US. Shenzhen Special Economical Zone was established in 1979. With its rapidly development in economics, the tourism industry of Shenzhen has become bloomed. Especially in the period of eighth and ninth five-year plan and during the creation activity of best tourism city, Shenzhen"s tourism has been stepping on the road of systemization and standardization. The stage of tourism of Shenzhen is coming up higher and higher. And the environment of tourism industry has become consummated. In former days, the tourism in Shenzhen, a small border town, she, Shenzhen special Economic Zone is a magic land. For the time being, there gave built more than 50 scenery attractions with different styles, 139 star-ranked hotels,46 travel agencies, and 1,000 large commercial retail networks. When you walk around this garden city, you will find her so much impressive for her modern styles, appeal and panorama of views. Shenzhen has six districts including Luohu, Nanshan, Futian, Baoan, Longgang and Yantian, among which, Futian, Luohu, Nanshan and Yantian District are within the SSEZ. Here,we also call Shenzhen as middle area(Luohu and Futian), westarea(Nanshan), eastarea(Yantian and Longgang) so as to introduce "Travel in Shenzhen" to the friends of China and abroad. We hope you will feel it convenient and comfortable during your travel.
2023-06-15 17:56:262


问题一:“菠菜”和“苋菜”的英文名称是什么? 苋菜应该是翻译成Amaranth 两种菜同属于石竹目苋科,这是他们最近的关系。菠菜是菠菜属,苋菜是苋属,不是同一种菜。 问题二:苋菜红用英语怎么说 苋菜红 [词典] [化] amaranth; [例句]结论黑米天然色素的光稳定性优于苋菜红和葡萄红天然色素。 Conclusion The black rice pigment is more stable than amaranth and grape pigments. 问题三:各种蔬菜的英文名称怎么说? 中外美食英语饕餮大餐 一、蔬菜 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 champignon 香菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato, spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion, leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 二、水果: pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 柚子,文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 egg-plant 茄子 turnip 萝卜 pepper 胡椒 lotus root 莲藕 kale 甘蓝 potherb mustard 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 bamboo shoots 竹笋 tomato 西红柿 scallion 大葱 amaranth 苋菜 bolt 菜苔 yam 山药 shepherd"s purse 荠菜 water chestnut 荸荠 French bean 扁豆 horse/broad bean 蚕豆 kidney bean 四季豆 bean curd 豆腐 sponge/towel......>> 问题四:什么是苋菜? 【简介】 【读音】xiàncài 【科属】苋科苋属一年生草本植物。 【英文】Amaranth 学名:Amaranthus mangostanus L. 【别名】青香苋、红苋菜、野刺苋、米苋、人旱菜,杏菜、荇菜、莹莹菜、玉米菜等。 产期:6-10月盛产。 苋科苋属,一年生草本植物。 【性味归经】性凉,味微甘;入肺、大肠经。 【功效主治】清热利湿,凉血止血,止痢。主治赤白痢疾,二便不通,目赤咽痛,鼻衄等病症。 【营养成分】每100克可含水分90 .1克,蛋白质1.8克,脂肪O.3克,碳水化合物5.4克,粗纤维0.8克,灰分1.6克,胡萝卜素1.95毫克,维生素马0.04毫克,维生素马0.16毫克,尼克酸1.1毫克,维生素C 28毫克,钙180毫克,磷46毫克,铁3.4毫克,钾577毫克,钠23毫克,镁87.7毫克,氯160毫克。 苋菜富含易被人体吸收的钙质,对牙齿和骨骼的生长可起到促进作用,并能维持正常的心肌活动,防止肌肉痉挛(抽筋)。它含有丰富的铁、钙和维生素K,具有促进凝血,增加血红蛋白含量并提高携氧能力,促进造血等功能。苋菜还是减肥餐桌上的主角,常食可以减肥轻身,促进排毒,防止便秘。 苋菜[1]分为白苋菜及红苋菜,盛产于夏季。当植株未硬化,花蕾未形成前,全株拔起或用刀沿土面切割。每100g嫩茎叶约含水分90.1g、蛋白质1.8g、碳水化合物5.4g、钙180mg、磷46mg、胡萝卜素1.95mg、维生素C28mg。炒食或作汤。全株可入药。世界各地都有苋属植物的分布。中国有苋属的13个种。栽培的少数种主要分布在中国和印度。中国自古栽培苋菜,在中国汉初的《尔雅》中称“蒉,赤苋”。现全国各地均有栽培。 苋菜根较发达,分布深广。茎高80~150cm,有分枝。叶互生,全缘,卵状椭圆形至披针形,平滑或皱缩,长4-10cm,宽2-7cm,有绿、黄绿、紫红或杂色。花单性或杂性,穗状花序;花小,花被片膜质,3片;雄蕊 3枚,雌蕊 柱头2-3个,胞果矩圆形,盖裂。种子圆形,紫黑色有光泽,千粒重0.7g。 发酵的苋菜汁用来做臭豆腐。 苋菜按其叶片颜色的不同,可以分为3个类型: ①绿苋:叶片绿色,耐热性强,质地较硬。品种有上海的白米苋,广州的柳叶苋及南京的木耳苋等。 ②红苋:叶片紫红色,耐热性中等,质地较软。品种有重庆的大红袍、广州的红苋及昆明的红苋菜等。 ③彩苋:叶片边缘绿色,叶脉附近紫红色 ,耐热性较差,质地软。有上海的尖叶红米苋及广州的尖叶花红等。 苋菜喜温暖,较耐热,生长适温23~27℃,20℃以下生长缓慢,10℃以下种子发芽困难。要求土壤湿润,不耐涝,对空气湿度要求不严。属短日性蔬菜,在高温短日照条件下,易抽薹开花。在气温适宜,日照较长的春季栽培,抽薹迟,品质柔嫩,产量高。 苋菜生长期30~60天。在全国各地的无霜期内,可分期播种,陆续采收。 【食疗作用】 1、清热解毒,明目利咽 苋菜性味甘凉,长于清利湿热,清肝解毒,凉血散瘀,对于湿热所致的赤白痢疾及肝火上炎所致的目赤目痛、咽喉红肿不利等,均有一定的辅助治疗作用。 2、营养丰富,增强体质 苋菜中富含蛋白质、脂肪。糖类及多种维生素和矿物质,其所含的蛋白质比牛奶更能充分被人体吸收,所含胡萝卜素比茄果类高2倍以上,可为人体提供丰富的营养物质,有利于强身健体,提高机体的免疫力,有“长寿菜”之称。 3、促进儿童生长发育 苋菜中铁的含量是菠菜的1倍,钙的含量则是3倍,为鲜蔬菜中的佼佼者。更重要的是,苋菜中不含草酸,所含......>> 问题五:苋菜怎么择 苍天啊,这孩子是怎么长大的?!就是像普通摘菜那样,掐嫩的叶和茎就可以了。不过那东东要水煮才骸吃。要记得加点大蒜子。 问题六:要各种蔬菜的英文名(附中文注解)。 1/ Amaranth wild 马苋菜 2/ Bitter cucumber 苦瓜 3/ Blanching chive 韭王 4/ Broccoli 西兰花 5/ Cabbage 椰菜 6/ Carrot 红萝卜 7/ Cauliflower 椰菜花 8/ Celery 西芹 9/ Chayote 佛手瓜 10/ Chinese celery 芹菜 11/ Chinese kale 芥兰 12/ Chinese lettuce 唐生菜 13/ Chinese parsley 芫茜 14/ Chinese radish 萝卜 15/ Chinese radish, green 青萝卜 16/ Chinese spinach 苋菜 17/ Chive 韭菜 18/ Choy Sum 菜心 19/ Cucumber 青瓜 20/ French bean 玉豆 21/ Green Cabbage 青椰菜 22/ Green pepper 西椒 23/ Hairy gourd 毛瓜 24/ Indian lettuce 油麦菜 25/ Kudzu 粉葛 26/ Lettuce 西生菜 27/ Lotus root 莲藕 28/ Matrimony vine 枸杞 29/ Mustard 芥菜 30/ Old ginger 老姜 31/ Onion 洋葱 32/ Potato 马铃薯 33/ Pumpkin 南瓜 34/ Red egg plant 红矮瓜 35/ Red pepper 红椒 36/ Silky gourd 丝瓜 37/ Spinach 菠菜 38/ Spring onion 葱 39/ Sweet potatoes 蕃薯 40/ Taro 芋头 41/ Tientsin cabbage 绍菜 42/ Tomato 蕃茄 43/ Water spinach 通菜 44/ Wax gourd 冬瓜 45/ White cabbage 白菜 46/ White cabbage, green 青白菜 47/ White cabbage, large 大白菜 48/ White cabbage, *** all 白菜仔 49/ Yard-long bean,white ......>>
2023-06-15 17:55:141


城市(city)的好处在于可以明显提高商业利润和人口规模,为你的派系带来更多的财富。城市的优点在于::A, 自由调节该地区税率的能力。B ,可修建几种特有的商业建筑。C,修建高级宗教建筑。D,修建相应建筑召募间谍、商人、刺客、外交官。E,可修建召募民兵与攻城器的建筑。F,可自由招募某些民兵单位。城市的缺陷:A, 公共秩序偏低,容易导致骚动甚至叛乱。、B, 富裕的环境容易导致驻守将领腐化堕落。C, 缺乏召募骑兵、弓箭兵的建筑D, 城市防御力薄弱。城市升级条件:规模 人口要求 城墙条件村庄城镇 400 木栅栏 (wooden palisade)大城镇 2000 木墙(wooden wall)城市 6000 stone wall大城市 12000 large stone wall巨型城市 24000 huge stone wall城堡:城堡是军事性的领地,拥有优良的防御力,同时税率不可调。它是一个理想的训练强力军事单位的场所,满足一定条件后城堡可逐渐升级直至最高的citadel(大本营)。优点:A, 理所当然的拥有较高的公共秩序(不容易叛乱)B, 优越的防御力,升级后可建造复合城墙(城市只有单城墙)C, 可招募某些强力兵种。缺点:不能自由调整税率。缺乏增加商业贸易的建筑不能招募间谍刺客等角色缺乏某些科技建筑。城堡升级条件:规模 人口 城防条件Motte baileyWooden castle 木墙Castle 1 石墙Fortress(要塞) 4500 2 石墙Citadel (大本营) 9000 3石墙
2023-06-15 17:55:081


2023-06-15 17:55:015


Amaranth计划于1990年开始启动,到FUGA公司倒闭为止。Amaranth Ⅰ:日本风雅(FUGA)公司于1991年开发。引起当时游戏界的震动。Amaranth Ⅰ3D:即我们所说的“亚玛兰斯”,1994年出版。是阿曼尼斯系列唯一使用MMX和3D技术的版本,由台湾欢乐盒负责汉化,由于成本问题,1999年停产。不提供网络下载,须碟片证明(即必须使用原碟安装才能运行,并且只能在安装机上运行)支持的碟片商有:日本风雅(破产)、台湾欢乐盒(破产)、GAMEZ88(我用的就是这个)、湖南永兴四方电子(有存货)Amaranth Ⅱ:只是对Amaranth Ⅰ进行了小改动。Amaranth Ⅲ:由台湾天堂鸟公司于1994开发,旗下公司快乐天堂出版,是AmaranthⅠ3D的续集,某些任务难度对新手偏高,但是日常升级很容易。Amaranth Ⅳ:1999年开发不久FUGA公司倒闭,没有中文代理商,日本本土也罕见。
2023-06-15 17:55:011


100RMB可以换多少土耳其的新新里拉(TL)有谁知道的请回答下,注意不是新里拉(YTL),而是TL - :[答案] 新的TL和YTL是一样的,等值. YTL是过渡的称呼“Y”表示“YNEi”,“新”的意思.用于和旧的(05年货币改革以前的)TL区别.05年货币改革时,100万旧里拉(TL)折合成新的1里拉(YTL). 现在过渡期已过,所以要改回原来的称呼"TL",土耳...什么是TL币? - : CTL:Citadel Network是一个去中心化的P2P加密网站,用户通过发送代币进行经济交易.Citadel主要有两个部分——Citadel Network,基于区块链加密安全基础设施,用于用户间的CTL代币的经济交易;Citadel平台,是一个多元化,灵活的全球...人民币兑换各国货币本人想知道一些人民币和其他国家的货币的兑换.打个比方8元人民币=1美元希望有多少写多少,多多益善本人要求列表出来各国和中国... - :[答案] 收盘价 美 金 台 币 日 圆 港 币 人民币 英 磅 欧 元 加 币美 金 1 32.8500 117.240 7.77940 7.97610 0.53000 0.78380 1.10860台 币 0.03044 1 3.56895 0.23682 0.24280 0.01613 0.02386 0.03375日 圆 0.00853 0.280...换算货币? US如何换算RMB: 您可以使用最新的实时货币汇率进行交互式外汇汇率计算.外币直接到银行换人民币: 外币可以直接到银行,兑换成人民币或者其它流通货币. 如果想直接兑换成人民币,那么必须到中国银行兑换,银行按照当日的外汇牌价,以“现钞买入价”,给您兑换成...100tl等于多少人民币 - : 新的TL和YTL是一样的,等值. YTL是过渡的称呼“Y”表示“YNEi”,“新”的意思.用于和旧的(05年货币改革以前的)TL区别.05年货币改革时,100万旧里拉(TL)折合成新的1里拉(YTL). 现在过渡期已过,所以要改回原来的称呼"TL",土耳其里拉.面值没有发生变化. 人民币和里拉无法直接兑换,必须以美元或欧元等其他货币作为中间货币转换. 以美元为中间货币的话,100人民币约合24.66里拉,不足25里拉. 1里拉约合RMB4.05元.TL是哪个国家货币的简写? - : 土耳其 很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^2.5 tl换算人民币是多少? - : 完全可以幻化成人民币来计算.209.99TL土耳其币是多少人民币 - : 按最新汇率货币兑换,1新土耳其里拉=2.3111人民币元,209.99新土耳其里拉=485.3079人民币元.280 TL(KDV Dahil) 土耳其的钱币 等于多少人民币? - : 搜一下:280 TL(KDV Dahil) 土耳其的钱币 等于多少人民币?
2023-06-15 17:55:011

blew怎么读 英语blew怎么读

1、blew英[blu?]美[blu?],v.吹; 刮; (被)刮动,吹动;blow的过去式。2、[例句]Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow open.把大门闩好以免被风吹开。
2023-06-15 17:54:561


最近火爆的“GME革命”,全球瞩目,有网友问我,华尔街是不是要变天啦? 四海翻腾云水怒,五洲震荡风雷激,要扫除一切害人虫,全无敌。彭博社说:GameStop的草根起义可能标志着做空者一个时代的终结。 全世界韭菜联合起来,让镰刀颤抖吧!真的吗? 一、缘起 缘起是GameStop这只股票,被机构过度做空,惹了众怒。宁犯天条,不惹众怒! GameStop,代码“GME”,中文名“ 游戏 驿站”,是美国最大的一家线下销售电视 游戏 软件的连锁店,爱看《生活大爆炸》的同学应该熟悉,谢尔顿们经常去闲逛,宅男的最爱。 当然,移动互联网时代, 游戏 线上分发成为主流,线下销售的商业模式已经落伍,被认为是夕阳行业。屋漏偏逢连夜雨,又赶上去年疫情,进一步流失客户,销售业绩大降。因此,空头云集,成为华尔街对冲基金们做空的完美猎物。 欺人不能太甚,这家 游戏 店,是伴随着很多千禧一代成长起来的,有一批死忠粉儿。 研究机构的唱空,对冲基金的猎杀,股价暴跌,惹恼了广大草根散户,在带头大哥的领导下,韭菜起义,强势逼空,股价从20多块涨到最高483元,几天暴涨20倍。据说机构的空头仓位损失总额已经高达200亿美金,多家对冲基金面临清算风险。 美股的上一周是10月以来表现最差的一周,但是,GameStop的股票气势如虹,涨了67.8%,散户要革机构的命。在领头羊的带领下,做空机构猎杀的股票均遭散户的迎头痛击,革命烽火扩及AMC、高斯电子等空头重仓股。 游戏 驿站收涨67%,本周累涨约400%;AMC院线收涨53%,本周累涨277%;高斯电子收涨52%,本周累涨1816%;Express收涨27%,本周累涨235%。 二、轧空 空头被强势轧空了,short squeeze,与基本面无关,此时股票已经成为筹码,准确地说,是子弹,空头被反噬,猎人反成为猎物。 2008年曾出现相似的一幕,保时捷逼空大众 汽车 ,德国第五大首富阿道夫·默克勒卧轨自杀。 是年,次贷危机全面爆发,全球 汽车 业雪上加霜,德国大众前景黯淡,股价暴跌,默克勒成为做空的一员。他买入大量大众 汽车 的看跌期权,这也符合当时的市场主流趋势。 结果否极泰来,保时捷传出收购大众的消息,当时保时捷将持有大众74.1%股份,再加上大众总部所在的下萨克森州政府拥有大众约20%股权,市场上实际流通的股票仅不到公司总股本的7%。而由于“裸做空”的投机行为,市场上做空大众的空头仓位数量占大众总股本13%,远超实际流通量。 这就是恐怖的轧空。平仓时,空头将被迫高价购入股票来填补“裸做空”卖出的股票,而市场上根本没有那么多现货,导致股价无脑疯涨,大众 汽车 一度从210欧元暴涨到1000欧元以上,成为全球最贵的公司。 轧空之后,空头的尸体坑满谷满,包括投机的德国首富。 正常情况下,借多少卖多少,是不会出现大于100%的情况。这次GME,也是做空机构“裸做空”,过度做空,空头仓位满到140%,直接被散户打爆,与大众 汽车 那次如出一辙。 机构的水平不要迷信,中国股民现在疯炒基金,我看也是凶多吉少,因为人性的弱点谁都无法克服,这次也是贪婪惹的祸。高杠杆、高频交易、多空兼做的对冲基金,看似高大上,交易策略神秘莫测,其实大都是营销手段,忽悠客户。据统计,对冲基金这十年的平均回报率没跑赢指数。 机构这回彻底投降,缴枪不杀!20年的大空头“金盆洗手”,创始人安德鲁·莱夫特(Andrew Left)对革命小将认罪忏悔:“变成了自己讨厌的样子……”周五,香橼称将不再发布做空报告,专注于研究个人投资者的做多机会。(此前香橼预测GameStop的股价很快将回到20美元) 三、谁在逼空? 2008年,上一次占领华尔街的,大都是底层贫民,有色族裔为主。 2021年,这一次血洗华尔街的,大都是草根散户,90后以千禧一代为主,年轻人、白人居多,多数不是穷人,因为 社会 底层的穷人,是没钱炒股的,根本没有股票账户。 年轻人、白人、中产,也造反啦! 耳畔传来熟悉的旋律: 说走,咱就走, 你有我有全都有哇, 路见不平一声吼哇, 该出手时就出手哇, 风风火火闯九州哇! 本来美股是机构市,华尔街一直是机构的天下,哪冒出这么多散户呢?难道美股A股化了? 是的,近年互联网券商的发展,像Robinhood这种免费的交易平台,吸引了大量年轻人入市,成为新散户,有人; 从川普到拜登政府的救济方案,纾困基金,往每人账户里充值,有钱; 去年以来,疫情大流行,社区隔离,宅居在家,有时间; 有人,有钱,有时间,股市散户一下多了起来,独立不屈的美国股民开始与机构争夺话语权。当然,想形成战斗力,还需要有组织,有领导。 组织就是靠网络,靠社交平台,美国散户大本营是Reddit分论坛WSB; 领导就是带头大哥,最著名的一位,网名“DeepFxxxingValue”,其真实身份是34岁的波士顿金融分析师Keith Patrick Gill。他最早呼吁轧空GME,算出机构已经过度做空,只要散户人心齐,就能泰山移,逼做空机构高位回补,血洗华尔街。 有人,有钱,有时间,有组织,有领导,群众运动所需的元素都齐备了,一场轰轰烈烈的草根革命拉开大幕。散户还在他们的论坛WSB发表了讨逆檄文: 华尔街,天下苦秦久矣! (翻译成白话就是:资本家,我日你大爷!) 四、从“占领华尔街”到“血洗华尔街” 确实,天下苦秦久矣! 美国苦逼“后浪”的带头人“三德子”,第一个跳出来支持草根革命,痛斥华尔街为富不仁,补刀。参议员桑德斯(Sanders)发推:“ 华尔街不能继续像赌场一样运营,是时候对华尔街的投机行为收税了,征上来的税可用于取消学生贷款和免费提供公立高等教育。 ” 以前的华尔街,充满机构的贪婪,精英的傲慢。散户的钱被贬称为“stupid money”,机构和精英们的钱被称为“smart money”,镰刀韭菜,泾渭分明,散户只能是被割韭菜的命。 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。起来,不愿做韭菜的股民! 此次,美国散户血洗华尔街,让上百亿美金的做空机构血本无归,展现了韭菜大联合的洪荒之力,也给全球资本敲响警钟,泡沫盛宴还能延续到何时。 从2008年“占领华尔街”到2021年“血洗华尔街”,背后是美国 社会 的撕裂。 疫情大流行,全球大放水,从财富角度看就是:富人通胀,穷人通缩。 一方面是 社会 中产和底层苦不堪言,尤其是广大的打工族和小业主。 一方面是超级富豪群体富可敌国,在泡沫化时代,他们的资产以万亿级别在增长。截至2021年1月18日,美国660名亿万富翁的总财富为4.1万亿美元,比2020年初大流行的总资产近3万亿美元的总净值增长了38.6%。 美联储二季度报告数据显示,美国收入最高的1%人群财富总额为34.23万亿美元,底层的50%人群财富总额仅有2.08万亿美元。 五、“拔网线”是不是耍流氓? 面对散户革命,机构不讲武德,打不过就“拔网线”。 Robinhood等很多券商开始禁止GME等股票的交易,美国券商限制散户买入违规吗? 这个具体要看用户与券商之间的开户时的协议,如果协议有条款,券商是有权限制特定股票交易的,技术上并不违规。经纪商作出限制交易决定,主要出于监管合规要求。美股市场T+2清算制度下,证券经纪商需向清算公司缴纳清算保证金,随交易量增加和股价上涨,经纪商需动态满足监管要求补足保证金,或将交易量限制在保证金合规范围。 当然股民不买账了,美国司法独立,散户纷纷发起团体诉讼起诉券商限制交易;美国国会议员也发信给司法部,要求调查Robinhood。 合规啊、保护股民啊,都是台面上的理由,你懂的,背后当然有黑幕,有利益冲突。为什么Robinhood对自己的用户“拔网线”呢?因为大量散户选择这种无佣金交易的券商,而券商为赚钱,把交易给了高频清算商撮合;然后清算商过多参与了做空交易。现在被轧空,清算商可能破产,所以只好不讲武德啦。 GameStop最大的空头Melvin母公司是Citadel。Citadel的老板、华尔街大鳄Ken Griffin有两家公司,一家是Citadel,一家是Citadel Securities,还是Robinhood的投资人。Citadel是投资公司,Citadel Securities是做市商,Robinhood 是美国年轻人买股票的互联网券商。散户通过Robinhood交易,Citadel Securities其实是他们的对手盘。 华尔街盘根错节,利益关联很深,这正是:红旗卷起农奴戟,黑手高悬霸主鞭。 六、空头必须死,马斯克对吗? 新晋美国首富马斯克,也不甘寂寞,支持小将们的革命行动。他大骂“做空都是骗局”,因为两年前特斯拉也曾被空头围猎,幸亏靠中国援手才逃出生天,绝地反击,打爆空头,《马斯克缘何为中国而舞?》 但隔行如何隔山,马斯克是 科技 巨头,跨界到金融领域的观点实在不敢恭维。 公允地说,多空都是正常的,一个 健康 的市场需要多空平衡,合理的市场价格是多空博弈出来的。只许做多的单边市场反而是扭曲的,很容易滋生泡沫。做空机制是市场的自净机制,有利于改善市场流动性、促进价格发现。 市场的参与者,无论做多还是做空,都因为自己的正确判断而赚钱,错误判断而亏钱。多空力量对比只会暂时的影响股价波动,但长期看股价走势是公司内在价值决定的。 在市场上,无论做多做空都是中性的,你不能说做买方就是道德高尚的,做卖方就是道德卑劣的。 一个正常的证券市场,空头和多头都是正当的市场参与者,做空和做多是正当的交易行为,正是因为有买有卖,市场才能供需平衡,从而发挥价值发现的功能。没有多头,市场将会崩塌;没有空头,泡沫将会疯狂。空头和多头都是证券市场的 健康 力量,只要合法合规,做空做多只存在技术问题,不存在道德问题。 GME空头的失败在于技术层面大意失荆州,最大的命门是仓位暴露,做空仓位140%,被对手看穿了底牌,散户才能发动攻势暴力轧空。 2015年A股爆发“股灾”,舆论声讨“恶意做空”。所谓善意恶意,只是当事人的主观心态,这个从外部很难查知和证明,在法律上也没有意义,法律只规制行为,不规制人的心理。怎么认定恶意还是善意?法律条文里根本就没有“恶意做空”这一项罪名。市场上每个主体都有权利追逐利益, 游戏 规则是公开的,利用规则的逐利行为只要不违法就是正当的、光明正大的。成熟的市场必须善待空头,空头就是刺破泡沫的打假者,就像商品市场上的打假一样,主观上是谋利,客观上净化市场。 即便是马斯克说的“裸卖空(Naked Short Selling)”,只要法律允许,也是正当交易,愿赌服输。所谓裸卖空,是指投资者直接在市场上卖出不存在的股票,当股价下跌时再买回股票获得利润的操作手法;如果判断失误,股价上涨,则可能爆仓。没有现货怎么就不能出卖呢?这不是骗局,而是先借后还的交易。特斯拉也预售 汽车 ,卖的就是当时还不存在的 汽车 嘛! 七、价投为什么永不做空? 做空能赚钱,为什么价投永不做空?不是因为死多,而是因为做空是对赌,是与时间为敌,而不是为友,因为就算你看到泡沫,也无法预测泡沫会多大,会多长时间。做空者,必非价投,实为赌徒,你何时见过巴菲特做空头? 哪怕再烂的股票,在泡沫没有破灭前,你可能先被平仓了。我以前看空过乐视网,现在觉得造车新势力的泡沫也不小,但何曾买过一手空单?这是原则,这是纪律。 A股一直是单边市场,做多容易做空难,更不敢做空,“恶意做空”还可能被调查,虽然垃圾股众多,但通常情况下是企业越垃圾、越敢造假,市场越欢迎,股价涨得越欢…… 八、草根革命的归宿 暂时的辉煌不等于最终的胜利。华尔街的草根革命,与中国历次农民起义一样,归宿早已注定。梁山好汉,风云际会,替天行道,最后不也是被招安,然后大都充当炮灰,死于非命。 正如2021年1月6 日的国会山之乱,反映的是民众的愤怒情绪,体现的是 社会 的深度撕裂,本质上都是美国近年兴起的民粹化浪潮,一朵浪花在政治,一朵浪花在金融。华盛顿、华尔街,是美国百年累积的大沼泽,华盛顿的川普也曾意气风发,誓言“排干沼泽”,结果功败垂成,华尔街的散户自然概莫能外。 一是被建制派镇压。 “拔网线”是华尔街机构的自救;监管部门也磨刀霍霍。散户利用互联网串联哄抬股价,是否有操纵市场之嫌?当年2007大牛市,中国的“带头大哥777”用博客率领散户炒股,旋即被警方带走判刑;美国的“带头大哥”能全身而退吗? 二是被领袖盗取革命成果。 比机构、监管更强大的,是规律。股价可能暂时偏离基本面,但走得再远,迟早也得回归。轧空是暂时的,价值是永久的,大众 汽车 、GameStop最终也得回到公司的内在价值。GameStop的业绩无法长期支撑三四百美元的股价,带头大哥和获利者终将兑现退出,一将功成万骨枯,谁来接最后一棒?历朝历代的农民起义,如果不被朝廷建制派镇压,也是被革命领袖收割。这是革命的铁律。 无论哪种结局,广大韭菜必然是最终的买单者。人性是无法战胜的,价值终将发挥作用,除机构损失惨重外,最终也会有一批散户成为高位站岗者。韭菜终究是韭菜,起义,莫问成败,教训了华尔街的傲慢,证明了自己的存在,你没屈服,你战斗过,就是最大意义。
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使用的是默认开局,难度Vertan,角色背景Spacer / War Hero这段我简短翻译一下,主要是连接两代剧情的: 2183年,银河系文明的中心承受了一次巨大的打击。 Citadel空间站被一支无机生命体(机械)的军队——Geth入侵了,他们想要为Reapers——一种在50000年前毁灭了所有有机生命的巨大机械种族——打开大门。Shepard领导了防守,但是Citadel议会被杀了。 现在,新的由人类领导的议会试图阻止Reapers要回归这一谣言的传播。为了保持社会安定,他们派Shepard和Normany号去消灭所有Geth残余抵抗。。。 名词解释: Citadel:巨大的空间站,银河文明的中心,Citadel议会的所在地。没有人知道是谁建造了Citadel,但是有传言说是Reapers建造的,目的是吸引所有银河系的文明种族,方便他们一网打尽。 Geth:几百年前由Quarian人制造出的机械生命,后来叛变了,从此议会禁止所有AI的发明。1代的主要敌人。他们似乎受到Reapers的指示,要让Reapers回归。 Reapers:传说中的毁灭了前一代银河文明——Porthean人的机械种族。从1代剧情了解到,Reaper早在Porthean之前就存在了,是谁制造了他们无从得知。但是他们生存的目标似乎就是毁灭宇宙所有有机生命,然后消失,等待有机生命自己进化到宇宙文明,再通过它们消失前留在宇宙观察的个体把他们带回来,继续毁灭,再消失、再等待、再回归、再毁灭。。。 继续剧情,看到Normandy在搜寻Geth的途中遭到不明飞船的攻击,船上的大副Pressly在爆炸中身亡。Shepard决定弃船,但是驾驶员Joker不想走。Shepard决定先让Kaiden(选男性角色则是Ashely)先走,自己去找Joker。 说服Joker离开后,Shepard把Joker扶到逃生舱(Joker有一种天生的疾病,记不得叫什么了,就是行走不方便),但是自己被爆炸卷走了。 过场动画。。。 Shepard的尸体被Cerberus找到了,开始了Lazarus计划。Lazarus计划就是“救活”Shepard,但是不是克隆。 名词解释: Cerberus:人类的一个神秘组织,不属于政府,私人的。组织宗旨是:引导人类的进步和发展。并且不择手段,有点像恐怖组织和极端组织。1代里有不少支线都涉及到这个组织,是一个大反派。2代里目前看像是一个灰色组织。 向前走,杀死几个机器人以后,有一个房间里面有一个Wall Safe,需要Bypass(破 解),可以拿到里面的钱。
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2023-06-15 17:54:412

Nightwish的《Amaranth》 歌词

歌曲名:Amaranth歌手:Nightwish专辑:Beautiful Voices Vol.3AmaranthBy NightwishBaptised with a perfect nameThe doubting one by heartAlone without himselfWar between him and the dayNeed someone to blameIn the end, little he can do aloneYou believe but what you seeYou receive but what you giveCaress the one, the Never-FadingRain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowCaress the one, the hiding amaranthIn a land of the daybreakApart from the wandering packIn this brief flight of time we reachFor the ones, whoever dareYou believe but what you seeYou receive but what you giveCaress the one, the Never-FadingRain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowCaress the one, the hiding amaranthIn a land of the daybreakCaress the one, the Never-FadingRain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowCaress the one, the hiding amaranthIn a land of the daybreakReaching, searching for something untouchedHearing voices of the Never-Fading callingCaress the one, the Never-FadingRain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowCaress the one, the hiding amaranthIn a land of the daybreakCaress the one, the Never-FadingRain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowCaress the one, the hiding amaranthIn a land of the daybreak
2023-06-15 17:54:391


第二章:宇宙要塞由于本作中的Citadel实在是太大了,所以我把事件开始的地点都加粗,并注上地点和人物。另外,像Rapid Transit(快速移动点)我回注明这个快速移动点的所属区域。Rapid Transit(Southernmost):这边你首先看到的就是1代中的Citadel随处可见的Keeper,这种绿色的虫类人物每天忙碌的维持着这里的系统,而且从不偷懒。此处和C-Sec的通关官员对话可以得到少量信息,这些信息基本都没什么大用。C-Sec - Captain Bailey:在这里的入口会有一名叫做Haron士官的Turian星人对你进行安全检查。奇妙的是他手中的扫描仪检测出来Shepard已经死了,你可以和他对话解释一下,但最终他会将你较给Bailey队长。从他这里可以得知不少事情,对话内容还是比较有用而且轻松的,所以尝试一下所有对话选项好了。在离Bailey队长的不远处,你可以找到许久不见的要塞AI系统-Avina。和1代一样我们可以从她那边挖到不少信息,这里Avina会给你点观光建议,其中建议你不要随便观光人类不该去的地方,看来人类在要塞里过的不是很太平。而且Avina会提醒你,大部分你的回答因为和谐需要已经被上传到了管理监督部门。全部对话完毕后这里有一个支线任务可以获得,在里Avina右边不远的地方有两个Krogan星人(鱼脸大块头),上去听听他们的对话就能收到Citadel:Krogan Sushi的任务。
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blew 英[blu:] 美[blu] vt. 吹,刮; v. 吹响; 吹气( blow的过去式 ); 刮风; 炸开; [例句]I blew out the candle.我把蜡烛吹灭了。[其他] 原型: blow
2023-06-15 17:54:201


If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition——wealth, distinction, control, over one"s destiny——must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition"s behalf.倘若志向是受到推崇的,那么对于志向的回报----财富、地位以及对命运的掌控,一定会等价于为了志向而做出的牺牲。made on ambition"s behalf是后置定语,=which have been made on ambition"s behalf,修饰sacrifices。另外,be deemed worthy of 这里应理解为"被(公正)定为等值于...",意思是论功行赏。不能理解为"值得...",要注意先后顺序,是先sacrifices,然后再rewards。整句话大意就是一首歌里唱的:人间自有公道,付出总有回报
2023-06-15 17:54:203


阿玛施服饰是以1码、2码、3码、4码来标注的,相对应其他品牌的码数对比 1码对应 :155 S码 2码对应:160/84 M码 3码对应:165/88 L码 4码对应 :170 XL码 5码对应:175 XXL码 哥弟/阿玛施尺码及货号解释如下: 哥弟上衣: 2码:160/76A 3码:160/80A 4码:165/84A 哥弟裤子:1码:150/62A 2码:155/64A 3码:160/66A 4码:160/70A AMASS上衣:2码:160/76A 3码:160/80A 4码:165/84A AMASS裤子:1码:150/62A 2码:155/64A 3码:160/66A 4码:160/70A 哥弟 裙: 1码:150/62A 2码:155/64A 3码160/66A AMASS裙: 1码:150/62A 2码:155/64A 3码160/66A
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