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LOVE IS BISS and always caring love is giving and heathy living 怎样翻译合适 谢谢!

2023-06-17 02:01:41





biss什么意思 解析biss的含义及用法?

Biss加密方式采用对称密钥加密方式,即发送方和接收方使用相同的密钥进行加解密。Biss加密方式可以保证节目信号的安全性,但是由于密钥是固定的,因此也存在一定的安全隐患。Biss加密方式的使用需要卫星接收设备支持该加密方式,并且需要正确输入密钥才能接收相应的节目信号。Biss加密方式的使用也需要获得相应的授权,未经授权的用户接收Biss加密的节目信号是违法行为。总之,Biss是一种用于保护节目信号安全的加密方式,广泛应用于卫星电视传输中,但是也需要获得相应的授权和正确的密钥才能使用。总之,Biss是一种用于保护节目信号安全的加密方式,广泛应用于卫星电视传输中,但是也需要获得相应的授权和正确的密钥才能使用。Biss是一种加密方式,全称为Basic Interoperable Scrambling System。Biss加密方式主要用于卫星电视传输中,以保证节目内容的安全性,防止未经授权的用户接收节目信号。Biss加密方式采用对称密钥加密方式,即发送方和接收方使用相同的密钥进行加解密。Biss加密方式可以保证节目信号的安全性,但是由于密钥是固定的,因此也存在一定的安全隐患。
2023-06-16 20:11:401

BIss里面的VGA Coreclock(MHZ)是什么?

内建显示超时钟调整 就是显卡超频
2023-06-16 20:12:181


电脑的电池没电了 换一块 就OK了
2023-06-16 20:12:422


2023-06-16 20:13:211


不同厂商和版本的BIOS,其密码设置方法基本相同,现以 Phoenix-Award 6.0为例。在计算机启动过程中,当屏幕下方出现“Press DEL to enter SETUP”提示时,立即按“Del”键进入CMOS设置程序。在主菜单中有两项是用于设置密码权限,分别是:“Set Supervisor Password(设置超级用户密码)”和“Set User Password(设置用户密码)”。另外,在“Advanced BIOSFeatures”菜单的“Security Option(检查密码方式)”项目是用于设置密码应用的类型,分别有两项:“Setup”和“System”。通过密码权限和检查密码方式的设置,可以组合成六种密码设置方案,但实际上只有四种方案是可行的。方案一:“Security Option”设置为“Setup”,再设置“Set Supervisor Password”。这样,开机进入CMOS设置程序时将要求输入Supervisor Password密码,但进入操作系统前不要求输入密码。此方案适合公共场合的计算机,如:学校机房、办公室等。方案二:“Security Option”设置为“Setup”,再设置“Set Supervisor Password”和“Set User Password”(采用两个不同的密码)。这样,开机进入CMOS设置程序时将要求输入SupervisorPassword或User Password密码(如果输入的是User Password,只能更改User Password,但不能更改CMOS参数),但进入操作系统前不要求输入密码。此方案适合公共场合的计算机,如:学校机房、办公室等。方案三:“Security Option”设置为“System”,再设置“SetSupervisor Password”。这样,不但在进入CMOS设置程序时要求输入Supervisor Password密码,而且进入操作系统前也要求输入Supervisor Password密码。此方案适合个人计算机。方案四:“Security Option”设置为“System”,再设置“Set Supervisor Password”和“Set User Password”(采用两个不同的密码)。这样,开机进入CMOS设置程序时将要求输入SupervisorPassword或User Password密码(如果输入的是User Password,只能更改User Password,但不能更改CMOS参数),进入操作系统前也要求输入Supervisor Password或User Password密码。此方案适合公共场合的计算机,如:学校机房、办公室等。此方案适合个人计算机,并允许指定的几个人使用。 密码固然有保护作用,但若自己忘了密码却会带来麻烦。因此,除了会设置密码外,更要学会破解CMOS密码。CMOS密码的破解是指在忘记密码,无法进入 CMOS设置程序或无法进入操作系统的情况下破解密码。虽然很多人提到过Award BIOS和AMICMOS所谓的“万能”密码在新型主板上根本无法通过,以下几种方法可以让你轻松破解CMOS密码。刷新BIOS法适用密码设置方案:方案一和方案二上网找到这块主板的最新BIOS文件和与BIOS相对应的BIOS刷新程序。然后在DOS下刷新BIOS。这种方法是非常有效的。不过需要注意的是:刷新BIOS有很大的危险性,最好在有经验的高手指导下进行操作。跳线放电法适用密码设置方案:所有方案拆开机箱,在主板上找到一个与CMOS有关的跳线,此跳线平时插在1-2的针脚上,只要将它插在2-3的针脚上,然后打开主机电源开关,这时屏幕还是黑屏状态,实际上主机已清空CMOS内容。此时,再将CMOS跳线跳回1-2针脚即可。小提示:有些主板上的CMOS跳线的针脚已被屏蔽,这时只要找一镊子,将镊子的两脚与跳线的2-3相接触。此时打开电源开关后即可清空CMOS内容。电池放电法适用密码设置方案:所有方案拆开机箱,在主板上找到一粒圆形的钮扣电池(保证CMOS参数和系统时钟不会因计算机的断电而丢失)。取出COMS电池后,等待3分钟以上,再放回电池座,密码即可解除。
2023-06-16 20:13:561


2023-06-16 20:14:181


2023-06-16 20:14:262


2023-06-16 20:14:582


2023-06-16 20:15:201


2023-06-16 20:16:231

华硕FL5600L重装系统以后进不去系统 一直都是 跳到BISS里面去 求解 急急急!!!

2023-06-16 20:16:394

联想d5050 90ch001fcd台式机怎么进入biss。 是w10系统,开机按f1到f12都按

2023-06-16 20:16:493


驱动问题,你用“驱动精灵”更新一下驱动,但操作方法要正确才行,用“驱动精灵”操作方法不对也不行,正确操作如下,希望你认真对照着做。首先,你打开这个网址www.drivergenius.com点击“立即下载”,选 “网通主力下载一”,网通主力下载下来的文件名为“”,右击它,选择“解压文件”,解压出来后,双击它,把它安装好。双击打开桌面上的“驱动精灵”--驱动更新--微调模式--开始更新,更新完后,会自动提示重启电脑的,你重启电脑就好了。做到这里,电脑应该好了,这时你可以卸载驱动精灵的,也可保留。只有你认真做以上步骤,问题就应该得以解决了
2023-06-16 20:16:581


戴尔一键u盘启动bios设置教程:1、将已经使用u启动u盘启动盘制作软件制作好的u盘插入到电脑上usb插口(建议将u盘直接插入电脑主机背后的USB插口处),然后开机!当我们看到开机画面的时候,连续按下键盘上的“F12”键;2、当我们连续按下快捷键"F12"以后将会弹出一个启动项顺序选择的窗口!将光标移动选择到的地方显示“USB:Mass Storage Device”3、选择好以后只需按下回车键“Enter”即可进入u启动主界面!
2023-06-16 20:17:291


2023-06-16 20:17:392


一般各种主板进入bios设置都是不一样,当然我们在开机的时候仔细看就会看到提示进入bios的功能键。电脑开机显示:  1、Award BIOS:按“Del”键  2、AMI BIOS:按“Del”或“ESC”键  3、Phoenix BIOS:按“F2”键各路品牌电脑进入bios设置:  1、IBMToshiba:冷开机按F1,部分新型号可以在重新启动时启动按F1  2、Compaq:开机到右上角出现闪动光标时按F10,或者开机时按F10  3、Toshiba:冷开机时按ESC然后按F1  4、HP惠普、SONY索尼、Dell戴尔、Acer、Fujitsu、绝大多数国产和台湾品牌:启动和重新启动时按F2。
2023-06-16 20:17:481


英文电影经典台词<指环王>:这是我喜欢的《指环王》电影台词!但还不全。 这些对白,独白内容如同电影的场景,演员的肢体表演一样,是电影灵魂的所在。《指环王》中的一些经典台词为电影起到了画龙点睛之效。它们的深刻意蕴,表达的精神,令我们不能忘怀。这一段段善良,友谊,勇气,人性的颂词,或催人泪下,或发人深省,或鼓舞人心。这些经典台词或许能让人更好地体会《指环王》的精神魅力。 法拉墨: 敌人?他也一样把你视为敌人。 不知道他叫什么名字,或许是来自哪里。也不知道他是否真的内心邪恶。 是什么谎言欺骗他,使他远离家园前来作战? 也许他宁愿留在家乡,过着和平的日子。 战争之中无人能幸免于难。 Faramir: The enemy? His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wander what his name is, where he came from, and if he was really evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home. If he would not rather have stayed peace War will make corpses of us all. 佛罗多:我办不到。 山姆: 我知道。 这不公平。我们本来就不该来。但是我们来了。 这就像我们听过的精彩故事,歌颂伟大的事迹,充满了黑暗和危险。 有时你不想知道结局。因为怎么可能有快乐结局? 发生这么多可怕的事情,这世界怎么可能回到从前? 但是最后可怕的阴影,终究会消失。就连黑暗也会消失。崭新的一天将会来临。太阳也会散发更明亮的光芒。 这才是让人永生难忘,意义非凡的感人故事。 纵使你太年轻不明白为什么,但是我想我明白了。 我现在明白了。这些故事里的主角有很多机会半途而废,但是他们并没有。他们决定勇往直前,因为他们抱着一种信念。 佛罗多:我们抱着什么信念? 山姆:这世上一定存在着善良,值得我们奋战到底。 Mr. Frodo: I can"t do this, Sam. Sam: I know. It"s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn"t even be here. But we are here. It"s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The one"s that really mattered, full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn"t want to know the end… Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was...When so much bad had happened? But in the end, it"s only a passing thing...this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you… that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn"t. They kept going... because they were holding on to something. Mr. Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam? Sam: That there"s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it"s worth fighting for.阿拉贡: 冈多,罗翰的子民们,我的兄弟们! 我从你们眼里看到, 你们跟我一样都恐惧得心惊胆战。 或许有一天,人类变得萎缩懦弱,舍弃朋友,断绝友谊, 但今天决不会这样。 或许有一天,豺狼攻破人类城池,人类因此被灭绝, 但今天决不会这样! 今天我们誓死奋战! 我以你们所珍视得一切的名义,命令你们抗敌,西方的勇士们!Aragorn: Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes... The same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, But not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Men comes crashing down, But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West! 山姆: 还记得夏尔的情况吗?佛罗多先生? 那里春天将至, 满树果花绽放,群鸟在灌木里筑巢,并将夏麦播到低地,啄食初长流汁草莓, 还记得草莓的味道吗? 佛罗多: 记不起了,我记不起食物的味道,记不起流水的声音,也记不起青草触碰的感觉... 现在我的感觉,是在黑暗中赤着身,我与火轮般的戒指缠在一起。 我睁开眼也看到那火轮... 山姆: 那我们把戒指毁了吧,永远地毁掉它。 我们走吧。我不能替你戴着戒指,那就让我背你上路吧。走! Sam: Do you remember the Shire, Mr Frodo? It"ll be spring soon. And the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And they"ll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields, and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries? Mr. Frodo: No, Sam I can"t recall the taste of food, nor the sound of water, nor the touch of grass… I"m naked in the dark. There"s, There"s nothing… No veil between me and the wheel of fire. I can see them… with my waking eyes Sam: Then let us be rid of it...once and for all. Come on, Mr Frodo. I can"t carry it for you… but I can carry you. Come on!
2023-06-16 20:14:421


美国近现代景观园林的风格创造者A. J. DawningA. J. Dawning在19世纪中叶为美国创造了景观园林艺术,他坚持简洁、自然、永恒的自然主义的风格,成为这一流派的伟大代表;他的理论和实践对国家社会生活的很多方面都带来了深远的影响,被誉为美国景观园林的鼻祖。今年是他不幸遭遇船难逝世的150周年纪念,在这样的一个特殊的时刻,回顾他短暂而又富有成果的一生,我们仍然可以获得许多灵感和启示。谨以此文献给英年早逝的美国近现代景观园林的风格创造者A. J. Dawning。 一、生平与工作Andrew Jackson Downing于1815年10月31日出生于纽约Newburgh,他从小被认为是一个聪明、甚至是早熟的孩子。他的父亲是一个车轮制造工,在1810年,自己经营起一个苗圃,这个苗圃对唐宁一生的发展有着最基础也是最重要的影响。1823年,他父亲去世后,便由他的哥哥查尔斯掌管了这宗家庭产业。1813年,在唐宁16岁那年,他放弃了正规教育加入到哥哥的事业中来。从1832年起,唐宁和查尔斯就开始在当时的许多园艺杂志上发表文章。1841年,26岁的唐宁发表了他的第一篇独立著作:《园林的理论与实践概要》,这篇论文是美国景观园林发展史中进行美学意义探索的第一次真正的尝试。正因为是首次的尝试,他的基本理论和观点还不是很清晰成熟,之后他1844年和1849年,两次修改他的论文,重新出版。他的著作在美国和欧洲都有着普遍的影响力,时至今日,它仍然是这一领域最好的著作之一。当很多人满足于他们已经获得的荣誉时,唐宁仍不停歇地创作出数量丰富的著作。自1841年至他的不幸逝世,他一直致力于编辑以“田园艺术和田园风格”为主题的杂志――《园艺家》;1842年,唐宁和Alexander Jackson Davis合作写了《乡间住宅》,这是一本关于房屋式样的书,其中包含了英国乡间田园式建筑风格和浪漫主义建筑风格的融合。这些房屋摒弃了唐宁认为的对精神不利的奇特的异国风格,而呈现出简朴的特征;唐宁还建立了果树栽培学会,担任了它的第一任主席,早在1845年,他就写过一本关于美国果树的论文《美国的水果和果树》,这本书同时在纽约和伦敦出版,它比出现在它之前之后的任何一本有关果树栽培的书都更有无可比拟的影响力。1850年,他访问了欧洲,第一次参观了欧洲的景观园林,看到了伦敦的公园,法国的皇家庆典。回国后,他接受总统的邀请,开始设计国会大厦、白宫和史密森学会之间的一块地盘,他的计划还没来得及实现,不幸的事发生在这位年轻的造园大师身上。1852年7月28日,唐宁和他的妻子、岳母和妻子的兄弟姐妹一行决定乘坐一艘行驶于Albany和纽约之间的大船旅行。乘客们所不知的是,他们乘坐的这艘被称作Henry Clay的船,在和另一艘叫Armenia的船开展竞争。当两只船竞相沿着哈迪逊河行驶时,Henry Clay的锅炉由于运转过热引发火灾。那时,如果唐宁不是在甲板上,给那些跳进河里的人们扔甲板上的椅子的话,也许结局会是另一个样子。不幸的是,唐宁和他的岳母成为50多个丧生的人们中的两个,虽然他的妻子和妻子的兄弟姐妹幸免于难。唐宁的不幸遇难立即引起了人们的震惊和巨大的悲痛,他被认为是国家无可替代的财产,在他逝世后不久,美国果树栽培协会就获得了一笔捐赠用来建造唐宁的纪念碑。在维多利亚时代,一座纪念瓮是自然之选。这个由Calvert Vanx设计,并由Robert E. Launitz雕刻而成的大理石纪念瓮的摆放地点又成为一个争论,一部分人选择在哈迪逊河边,因为那里明显是唐宁的所爱之地;而另一部分人建议设在唐宁所设计的新建的国家公园内。然而由于唐宁设计的关于国家林荫大道的计划没有付诸实现,他在人们的视野中渐渐得隐退,没有多少人会想到在Enid A.Haupt公园中他的纪念瓮的存在,更不用说是他本人的重要性了。1972年,史密森协会着手于修复纪念瓮的工作,在经历近一个世纪露天的风雨侵蚀之后,纪念瓮已经遭到严重损毁,把手被重修,大理石表面的各种文饰也被当地的一名艺术家重新雕琢,纪念瓮还被覆上了一层硅胶保护膜。这个纪念瓮是A. J. Dawning这一位被誉为美国景观园林鼻祖的造园大师唯一遗存下来的纪念物。当我们即将迎来唐宁逝世150周年纪念,他的理论和实践成果将和他的纪念瓮一样重放光芒。二、 景观设计理论Downing的景观园林理论,很大程度上受到了两个人理论的影响:一个是A. C. Quatremere de Quincy (1755-1849)的有关模仿学说的理论,Quatremere是一个终其一生阐述艺术在其哲学系统中的统一性的法国人;另一位是英国园林大师John Claudius Loudon(1783-1843),后者对于唐宁的影响更为直接,是Loudon这位多产的作家和编辑为年轻的美国作家和法国杰出的理论家之间架起了一座桥梁。随着唐宁理论的成熟,他渐渐摆脱Loudon的理论,形成了自己独立的构想。唐宁在他论文的第一版中曾提出这样的疑问:“在景观园林设计中,应该以什么样的方式去模仿自然?”。这里涉及到自然模仿的问题:自古以来,艺术和自然的关系就存在着争论。模仿理论在古代是用来定义诗的自然本性,如亚理士多德的《诗学》和Horacd"s Ars 诗作,后来的就沿用诗学的名义来研究其他的艺术形式。关于自然的模仿总是在对自然的简单模仿的还是基于对于一个物体的最好的特性的有选择的模仿之间展开争论。一些人认为,艺术家应该从自然的直接经验上升到经过思考所得的完美预知,另一些人转向从人的起源或是人类的身体去寻找模仿,还有一部分人转向从那些古代艺术家,那些已经把他们渴望的东西在艺术中实现的人们那里寻找模仿。在不同的时代和不同的论著中,模仿艺术一般都包括绘画,雕塑,音乐,舞蹈,雄辩术和建筑这几大类。然而,试图在这些领域中为园林设计找一个位置,却遭到了一些批评家的怀疑, A.C.Quatremere de Quincy就是其中之一。他认为,其中的原因不是由于构成造园艺术的某些因素的缺乏,也不是由于需要技术的原因,在他认为是由于构成模仿的每一种元素的缺失。想要营造出一种自然的景象,没有比自然本身更合适的了;尤其是当人工设计很好地隐蔽在自然景观之中时。正是受到了Quatremere 把造园艺术排除在模仿艺术之外的论点的直接影响,Loudon形成了他的造园理论。在《Suburban花园》一文中,Loudon揭示了他头脑中关于艺术的一个深层的定义,以及他要把这一定义和他的职业结合的原因。在他看来,所谓艺术即是“优雅,想象,体验”的一个同义词,艺术的两个最重要的性质就是创造和愉悦,任何作品必须是艺术家的一个创作;在艺术和自然的关系上,他认为:“以把物体对自然歪曲的形态表现出来的模仿自然的方式,从来不会为艺术家赢得什么。”Loudon探索了一个不需要求助于人工的几何图形风格而能良好地体现的艺术感的一个方案,就是在一个既定的本地区种植一些外来引进树种。Loundon对选择植物有一定的理论基础,他的一个主要的出版物之一就是关于这些植物的播种,并鼓励对它们的使用。同时,在18、19世纪,随着新的海外贸易条文的制定和进口权打开,世界上更多的其他地区一大批新的植物就会进入英国,引发人们对外来树种普遍的迷恋,因而这样一些对植物的狂热在loudon理论中有所体现也是不足为怪的。Loudon通过提供引进外来树种代替本地树种的理论,试图使自己成为一个富有想象力的艺术家。Loudon还建立了一个新的风格―― “园艺式”。他对两种艺术模仿的模式进行了解释:如画式与园艺式。前一种是以一种田园方式对自然进行模仿;后一种模仿则受制于一定目的和人们需求。在如画式的风格中,没有任何树或灌木是孤立的,他们都是一组植物群中的一部分,而在园艺式风格中,每一个个体的树和灌木的外在形态,作为一个独立的物体,都需要被考虑到。除此而外的第三种模式就是被loudon称之为临摹式,它被认为是最不体现设计优势的。唐宁在他的论文的第一版中,回应了Loudon这一理论,并参考引用了Quatremere对自然的艺术性模仿的观点,唐宁也认为应该使用那些与他的自然形态有所区别的材料――因此,就有了引进巨大的异国装饰性树种的要求。在这种喜爱修饰的观点下,表现的是一片布满一组组菩提树、七叶树和玉兰树的草坪,树是引进的异国装饰树种,虽然本土的森林遍布橡树和火山灰。除了这些立即能引起对美感的认识的各种各样的树叶和花,在那里,唐宁还进一步加入了稀有花种的边界,攀缘植物,鹅卵石的小径,平整的草皮以及优美的装饰物诸如花瓶,建筑装饰等,用来实现“艺术模仿”的目的。他把Loudon的园艺式风格介绍给读者,引用了他大段的著述。他在Loudon的临摹式、如画式与园艺式的分类中又加入了唯美式风格。摹写式是最低层次的,图案式和园艺式为其次,最高境界是则是如画式和唯美式。唐宁用了很多笔墨论述如画式和唯美式风格,因为他们达到了“良好的形态、优雅的布局、美感的表现”的境界。他描述和解释了这样两种场景,唯美式风格中有着流畅和渐变的曲线,柔软的表面,丰满茂盛的植物,表现出了硕大、优雅以及心甘情愿的服从;如画式风格体现一种鼓舞人心的不规则性,有相对的中断和残破的表面,有着野生态粗壮的植物,表现了一种暴力,突变的行为以及偏执的叛逆。唐宁在他的1849的论文中提到如画式应该更适合于美国,因为在这样一个气候适宜的地区,有着许多天然优势――尤其是原生的树林、水等自然地景,,不需要太多的人工修饰就会有非常宜人的艺术效果。换句话说,这也是更省钱的。这一对美国自身情况的认识,是唐宁有关景观园林的模仿理论成熟的标志。这一时期,对于Loudon来说如此重要的对于“美感的认识”理论,在唐宁看来变得不再如此重要。他早期鼓吹的对外来树种的引用也成了一种理论上的尴尬。因为他意识到对Loudon思想的采纳对于这个有着如此丰富的本地资源的国家而言是多么的不切实际。他发现有必要解释一下他先前的姿态,在文中,他写道:“我们事实上总是在原谅自己对于我们国家的丰富的本地种群的漠视,如此而言,我们在将来的树林中见到的,不是那些让树木从整个花园中突现出来的情景。”他承认没有新的灌木,不管是从Himmalayas或是Andes,可以完美地胜过美国本土的月桂树。对唐宁而言,曾经如此奉为神明的原则,会发生如此巨大的改变,这一过程可以在他后来的文章中找到原因。1849年,唐宁在《园艺家》杂志的创刊号上有一篇题为“生活在美国的真正哲理“一文,其中论及了“适度的欲望,适度的建设,适度的消费”。他一再提醒他的读者要意识到虽然原本只是在他们的头脑中模糊闪现的“关于美和便利的完美模式”,因为每个人都低估了改良的费用。唐宁指出,美丽的公园,嬉戏的广场,精心修剪的草坪,并不一定就能够成就最有表现力的美,但是它们却一定花费不菲。因此在他的关于景观园林的最后的论点中,唐宁试图重新教育他的读者使用他们本地的景观作为理想的基础。他提醒他们唯美式和如画式的真意在于充分利用了美国的林间斜坡,宽阔的河边草地,点缀着如画般松树杉木的峻山以及遍布芹和雪松的深谷,模仿的目标应是自然而不是园林。唐宁宣称,“田野和树林带给我们更多教诲。”在1851年,唐宁提出关于“提出种植的一代”的建议,更多地向自然学习景观设计,而少向园艺和分类学学习什么。唐宁认为,在部分林地、田野和最好的嬉戏的景致之间不应该有精确的相似,选择重构是重要的――从自然中选择森林的最佳特征,并对所选的材料进行精心重构。这个观点被其它的园林理论家重述过很多遍,但是唐宁强调他的观点所用的比喻还是很重要的。他画了一棵优雅地立在一块平整的草原美国榆树,同时又把它一模一样地画在一个可能被看作是野生榆树的树林中,唐宁宣称这样普通的美国树林就是“所有景观园林设计中真正的艺术”,这就等于认同了他为之而写为之而工作的美国国情。在以后的几年中,唐宁继续为着他的年轻的国家作一些妥协,他认识到当他的国民还在为生活的现实需求所奔波操劳的时候,一个艺术上的完美品味的追求和体验还是不可企及的理想。他的读者可以从中感受到,对唐宁来说,为大多数人提供最大程度的舒适、便利和美而工作,是他最大的满足。在他的著述中,唐宁找到自己的一条道路,虽然不容置疑的是他深受欧洲,尤其是英国的影响,但他认识到美国不应该也不能仅仅是盲目地仿效欧洲的园林风格。首先,美国人应充分利用美国本土树种,对此他始终都抱有浓厚的兴趣。其次,美国至少从名义上来说,不是贵族化的,而是应该颂扬共和主义精神的,因此他的设计是为中产阶级服务,甚至为一些低等的房屋和庭院而做的。他尤其意识到,他身处的国家是年轻的而且仍然在迅速地发展中。园艺可以作为一个让白人居住者在他们新家安居下来的一个方式。最后,他认识到园艺中的两种重要的发展趋向,科学调查的出现和一群职业园林设计师阶层的产生。这些理论上曲折的发展过程,常常使唐宁试图在保持自己观点的一致性中陷入两难。因而,也会有一些对于他的理论的反面的评论:“就像他的著作比他本人强,他是一个乡巴佬,而不是一个受过良好教育的人,景观园林设计于他是一个职业而不是一种自由主义的体验。他用一种职业化的腔调谈论,对于这样的为金钱而谋的匠人气和作坊气是我所不喜欢的。它会破坏我对即使本身非常有意思的任何事情的兴趣。”然而诸如此类的评价对唐宁来说是不公正的。虽然唐宁把自己退回到一个更为现实的角度,但是他从来没有放弃他的最高理想,这只有当他看到他的国民有了足够的金钱、时间和有了对生活品味的追求之后才能够实现。唐宁不能为他的读者创造更多的可被挥霍的金钱和时间,但是在美国由蛮野之地进化到文明国度的过程中,唐宁的关于建筑、景观、园林的深有见地的文章却为这个国家中每一个人带来了很多灵感和启示。三、景观园林设计的实践唐宁设计工作的顶峰全部体现在他为华盛顿林荫大道所作的设计中。在最初的规划中,这一L型的从总统的住处一直延伸到国会大厦的地区在原先的L‘Enfant"的计划中,没有做太多的景观设计,并且一幢巨大的诺曼底式的城堡被建在两个凛然不可侵犯的权威建筑两端之间。史密森学会的首任秘书长Joseph Henry和其他人一起,注意到这几个并置物间构成的异常街景,想要设计一个新的方案来减少不一致性。唐宁作为这一领域的先驱,受到总统Millard Fillmore的邀请做这样一个整体的改进规划。1850年,唐宁在游历了欧洲之后,花3个月时间起草了一个方案,并于1851年2月27日递交给史密森学会的董事会。在他的规划图的解释文字中,关于他的设计,他作了如下表述:首先要建成一个国家公园,它可以成为美国首都的一种装饰。第二,它可以提供一个景观园林的自然主义风格的范例,以影响整个国家的整体风格。第三,建成一个在华盛顿地区气候条件下适宜生长的所有树种的集合,通过给这些树配挂通用的科学树名,形成一个树木和灌木的公共自然博物馆,使得游历华盛顿的每一个人都会熟悉所有强壮树种的习性和生长。第一个目标很容易理解,因为唐宁相信花园对于建筑而言是锦上添花。第二个目标仅仅是在了解到,在唐宁生活的时代,美国的大城市中还没有公共的公园这一事实之后,才可以被人们接受。他希望获得的成就是他对于林荫道的设计能成为国内其他城市竞相仿效的范例,尤其是以一种美国式的共和主义方式。唐宁那时刚从欧洲返回,在那里他看到了伦敦的公园和巴黎举行的拿破仑的皇家庆典。然而,虽然他欣赏英国自然主义的景观(表现为弯曲的车道和人行道),但却是德国的公园,那些有着公共娱乐设施,面向所有阶层的人,提供大众化的消费,以公共的费用维护,并为所有阶层每天每时所享受的公园概念,在他认为应该成为他在这个年轻的共和国首都建造公园所借鉴的范式。第三个目标同样清晰地反映了在一个关注科学的持续性影响的维多利亚时代,唐宁对知识的信仰和崇敬。虽然他的计划并没有最后实现,但是在今天,我们想象如果不是因为他的逝世,他的计划可以如期实施,华盛顿将呈现出的另一种情形,这也是很有意思的事。唐宁设计的一些特写◆大理石拱门――在宾夕法尼亚大道尽头的一座巨大的大理石拱门,它被作为林荫道的入口,另一座位于国会大厦的那端。◆总统公园或大道――位于行政大楼后,是一个用作军事演习和节日庆典的地方。◆纪念公园――以仍未完成的华盛顿纪念碑为中心而建,这个地区将被植上美国本地的树种。◆常青公园――一座有着所有可以在华盛顿地区生长的常青树种的公园,可以在萧瑟寒冷的冬季和早春时日给国会大厦带来一些颜色和生气。◆史密森公园――普通树种和常青树在这里被精心栽种,用来为城堡增光添彩。◆喷泉公园――在美国植物园的温室外面建起来的一个人工湖和喷泉。◆拉索桥――在Tiber河上架起的一座拉索桥,把阅兵场和林荫大道的其他部分连接起来。四、 历史地位及影响唐宁事实上创造了美国景观园林艺术的整体风格,并对国家生活的方方面面都带来了深远的影响。他坚持简洁、自然、永恒,反对复杂、人造和临时性。他是美国第一个英式风格或自然派风格的伟大代表,这一学派反对意大利、荷兰和法国的人工学派的风格。他一生中有许多学生,同时也是Frederick Law Olmsted启蒙者,后者成为美国景观园林设计中的又一个伟大天才,在唐宁之后,负责了中央公园的设计,成为美国城市公园的先驱。园林是永恒的。虽然很不幸,除了几幢房子,唐宁的作品没有多少保留至今,但是在Springside的园林景观仍不失为是唐宁设计的一个历史明证,当然在中央公园里,人们可以发现他更多的影响。Springside:位于纽约的Poughkeepsie,是Matthew Vassar的住所。他在1850年委托唐宁设计了这个地方。这里由唐宁在这里种植了1000多棵树,因而被誉为“实现画家梦想之所”。除了现代的修复工作,在唐宁死后不久,Vassar还请人画了Springside的一系列画,成为唐宁的设计思想的一个很好的视觉证明。中央公园:一个最合适的表现对唐宁的纪念地方,莫过于纽约的中央公园。虽然他没有进行直接的工作,但是最后的作品,深受他的思想的影响。当时,纽约的立法者拨款批准了沿东河的63英亩地用来建造公园,唐宁提出了的强烈反对。他坚持要一个更大的中央公园,大概需要市中心的500英亩地。他 一再地强调,500英亩是为了这个城市的未来需求所保留的最小的面积。唐宁去世后,公园的设计由唐宁的朋友和同事――Calvert Vaux和Frederick Law Olmsted共同完成。唐宁公园:是Frederick Law Olmsted和Calvert Vaux共同设计的,在1897年完成,作为对唐宁的纪念。它虽然只有35英亩,但是它是唐宁在城市环境中设计一个乡野式的景观园林的思想的缩微体现。在这个公园里漫步一周,应是对这位美国景观园林大师最好的缅怀和祭奠。为工人设计的小楼房虽然唐宁年仅36岁,就不幸早逝,但是他的样式书却造就了一代房屋建造人。1850年发表的《乡村建筑》,在美国内战结束之前售出了16000多本。创造风尚的人唐宁的理论和实践的开展并不是一个人的独立工作,在他的周围聚集了一大批优秀的建筑师,他们共同推进了景观园林设计历史前进的车轮。在完成荷兰一个教堂的修缮工作不久,A.J.Davis成为19世纪中期支持A.J.唐宁的房屋和园林设计的理念的风格创造人之一。Davis为唐宁的“乡村住宅”和“乡村建筑”提供图示。通过这些书和期刊,唐宁的写作改变了美国人关于和自然环境融合的小巧的、分离式的房屋观念。唐宁还让Davis帮他表达如画式美学风格的视觉效果图。为了配合他的活动,唐宁还让一位英国的建筑师Calvert Vaux加盟到他的实践中来;两年之后,另一个伦敦的建筑师,Frederick Withers也以同样的方式到来唐宁那里。在唐宁年仅37岁不幸逝世后,Vaux为原来的工作又坚持了5年,然后他来到了纽约,在那里他很快加入了Frederick Law Olmsted,共同合作设计中央公园。 Wither呆在了Newburgh,在那里他为人们留下了一个显眼的教堂,一些商业建筑和房屋。Davis一直致力于设计唐宁的另一项工程,即早期在新泽里Llewellyn公园的园林。后来,他就留在了那里,度过了他余生。上面这个时间表显示了唐宁的早逝,对他的事业是怎样的一个夭折。如果这一切都得以实现,他对后世的影响还会更大。允许我用唐宁的一首诗来结束此文,它是如此真切地反映出,这个伟大的景观园林大师同时又是伟大的作家的胸怀和远见:个人和国家的品味都会构成那些敏感和深邃,凭借它,可以感受自然的美把图书馆和美术馆的大门敞开,共享共和国的光辉,建造宏大的厅堂散布知识,不要让它们禁锢在狭窄的高墙和更狭窄的学院内建造宽敞的公园,把它的大门打开,就像清晨的光芒拥抱整个人类。
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2023-06-16 20:14:522

英语翻译 凌晨好 早上好 上午好 中午好 下午好 傍晚好 晚上好 夜里好

凌晨好 Good dawning 早上好 Good morning 上午好 Good forenoon 中午好 Good noon 下午好 Good afternoon 傍晚好 Good evening 晚上好 Good night 夜里好 Good night
2023-06-16 20:14:531


2023-06-16 20:15:013


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2023-06-16 20:15:124


2023-06-16 20:15:153

英文名字 dawn

我倒觉得挺好啊 有些好听的名字都是男女通用的我身边很多男生的名字直接翻译的话都会有点女性化呢我就在国外
2023-06-16 20:15:177

中东石油的成因? 西欧与俄罗斯的平均温度?

2023-06-16 20:15:205


Story happened in a beautiful land named the Middle Earth. An ancient Ring lost for centuries has been found, and given to a small Hobbit named Frodo. The ring was made by the Dark Lord Sauron, who was defeated by The Righteous Men years ago. But he would come back to life and ruled the world unless Frodo take the evil ring to the “Cracks of Doom” to destroy it. However, he was not alone ,he was joined by his honest fellows.Two honest friends of Frodo , they are the Hobbits. Finally, heroes defeated the evils and the world was saved. And people lived in peaceful lives again.
2023-06-16 20:15:351


音乐剧《猫》的主题曲《memory》中文名:记忆英文歌词:Midnight, not a sound from the pavement Has the moon lost her memory? She is smiling alone In the lamplight The withered leaves collect at my feet And the wind begins to moan Memory, all alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then I remember The time i knew what happiness was Let the memory live again Every street lamp Seems to beat A fatalistic warning Someone mutters And a street lamp gutters And soon it will be morning Daylight, i must wait for the sunrise I must think of a new life And i mustn"t give in When the dawn comes Tonight will be a memory too And a new day will begin Burnt out ends of smokey days The stale cold smell of morning The street lamp dies Another night is over Another day is dawning Touch me, it"s so easy to leave me All alone with my memory Of my days in the sun If you touch me You"ll understand what happiness is Look a new day has begun... 中文歌词:午夜,大地一片死寂 月亮是否失去了她的记忆 她独自在那里微笑 灯光下,凋零的落叶在我脚下堆积 而风也开始低泣 回忆,孤零零地站在月光里 我可以梦到过去的日子 那时生命曾经美丽 我还记得自己知道什么是幸福的岁月 请让回忆中的一切再度来到这里 每一盏街灯似乎都在发出致命的警讯 有人喃喃低语,而街灯也在噼啪作响 很快就会是清晨了 白日, 我得等待着太阳升起 我得想出一种新的生活 我一定不能把希望绝弃 当黎明到来,今夜也将成为回忆 而新的一天也将开始 烟雾弥漫的日子烧尽的两头 清晨腐败冰冷的气息 一盏街灯死去,又一个夜晚逝去 又是一天的黎明 抚慰我,要离开我真的太容易 让我独自留在回忆里 回想着我灿烂的过去 如果你碰碰我,你就会了解什么是幸福 看哪,新的一天已经到来
2023-06-16 20:15:452

伊莱贾·伍德(Elijah Wood)是否会被视为A级演员?

2023-06-16 20:15:503


正如我想要**智能亚力克(不知道什么东西)一样,卡尔(也想要,而且)想要的甚至更多。as much as有和……一样多的意思,但这边应该看字面,as翻译成正如,much只是表示想要的程度
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1)几周前,我们的校长,他说,我们学校usthat高迪被选定来竞争游戏节目这一亚力克聪明我最好的朋友和我都爱arla C。卡拉有很好的想象力,我知道很多的历史,所以我们认为应该是不错的选择,这个团队。(2)几天后,高迪先生召开了一次会议,与每个人都感兴趣的节目。他告诉我们,自作聪明的使用五个成员团队。他还说,需要三个人作为备份(替补)。偏巧四倍,许多学生都参加了会议。所以高迪先生说我们将有一个竞争和前8名得分手将成为团队和备份。每个人都同意,这是一个公平的方式来决定。(3)昨天,所有的候选人去饭堂放学后。我们将不得不决定首发阵容(阵容)。高迪先生担任主持人。两个小时后,所有的地方都在团队设置,只有一个除外。卡拉和我并列最后那个位置。我们必须保持一个一对一的我们两人之间的竞争。获胜者将在团队和失败者将备份。(4)中途我们两人竞争,我开始领先。然后我看到看卡拉的脸。我等待一个第二和知道我该做什么。正如我想会自作聪明的人,卡拉想要更多。所以,从我的下一个问题,我忍住,让卡拉赢,只是一点点。她的表情,她意识到她会在节目上弥补了我没有在团队。因为我将作为备份,我仍然会开心地看到这个显示关闭。
2023-06-16 20:16:062


他把公式合并了,净现值=(I1-O1)/(1+i)+(I2-O2)/(1+i)^2+(I3-O3)/(1+i)^3+......+(IK-OK)/(1+i)^K+......+(IN-ON)/(1+i)^NA是N=2,i=10%,A=0-20000+11800/1.1+13240/1.1^2)=(11 800×0.9091+13 240×0.8264)-20 000 B,C一样 现值指数 的计算公式没看懂,你没看错么?从A的计算来看我的理解是现值指数等于折现后的现值除以现在的现金净流量,也是符合道理的。
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2023-06-16 20:14:022

2002年的第一场雪 歌词

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holiday歌词中的the rest of our lives

2023-06-16 20:13:461


  F:I wish the ring had never came to me.  I wish none of this had happened.  G:so do all who live to see such times. But that not for them to decide.All we have to decied is what to do with the time that is given to us.  There"re other force at work in this world, Frodo, beside the will of evil.  Bilbo was mean to find the ring , in which case, you also were meant to have it,and that is a encouraging thought.  佛罗多:我真希望魔戒没在我手中。  我真希望这一切没有发生。  甘道夫:每个人遇到难关都会这么想,但是我们无法决定自己的命运。我们要决 定的是在一定时间内怎么去做。佛罗多,世界上除了邪恶还有其他力量 。  比尔博注定要找到魔戒,你也注定要得到它,能这么想就好了  The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring》  Prologue by Galadriel:  I amar prestar aen...  The world is changed.  ihan mathon ne nen...  I feel it in the water.  han mathon ne chae...  I feel it in the Earth.  a han noston ned gwilith.  I smell it in the air.  Much that once was is lost. For none now live who remember it.  TEXT: THE LORD OF THE RINGS  (A fire is seen, in which melted metal is being taken out by prongs. It is poured into a mold for casting. The three Elf rings are seen on their ownders hands; Narya, Nenya and Vilya. They look at them, admiring their beauty. Seven rings are spread in a circle on a table. Seven Dwarf Lords pick them up and raise them above their heads. Nine Kings of men lower their rings, holding them in front of themselves.)  It began with the forging of the great rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else, desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made.  (Mount Doom spouts off lava and fire, the land surrounding it is dark and gloomy. Sauron stands inside Mount Doom creating his ring.)  In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master ring, to control all others. And into this Ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.  (Sauron shows the Ring on his forefinger, the Elvish inscription carving itself into the Ring.)  "One Ring to rule them all."  (Wild men attack villages, houses errupt in flames, the townspeople run away screaming in fear.)  One by one, the free lands of Middle-Earth fell to the power of the Ring. But there were some who resisted. (An army of Elves and Men are seen on the field of Dagorlad) A last alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the slopes of Mount Doom they fought for the freedom of Middle-Earth.  (Orcs are seen grunting and ready for battle. Elves and Men let loose arrows into the hordes of Orcs. Armies of Orcs attack the Elves and Men, who fight back bravely. Lord Elrond is seen shouting out commands at the army.)  Victory was near. But the power of the Ring could not be undone.  (Sauron steps onto the battlefield, carrying a mace and the Ring of Power on his finger. Everyone turns and looks at him with fear in their eyes. He swings his mace, sending a group of Elves flying through the air. Elendil raises his sword to strike, but Sauron flings him against a rock, crushing him to death. Shocked, Isidur runs over to his fallen father. Suddenly, he is aware of someone behind him, he roles over, seeing Sauron towering above him)  It was in this moment when all hope had faded, that Isildur, son of the King, took up his father"s sword.  (Isildur grabs the hilt of Narsil, but Sauron stomps on it, shattering the blade. Sauron reaches down towards Isildur with the hand carrying the Ring. With a desperate attempt, Isildur let"s out a cry and strikes Sauron"s hand with the shards of Narsil, slicing off the finger bearing the One Ring. Sauron let"s out a cry. He implodes, sending a shockwave throughout the battlefield, knocking the warriors off their feet. His armour falls to the ground, his body gone. Smoke emerges from within the armour)  Sauron, the enemy of the free-peoples of Middle-Earth was defeated.  (Isildur slowly reaches for the remains of Sauron"s finger bearing the Ring. The finger turns to ash in his hands, but the Ring shimmers faintly)  The Ring passed to Isildur, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever. But the hearts of men are easily corrupted. And the Ring of Power has a will of its own.  (Isildur is riding trough the forest with a group of warriors. The Ring is on a chain around Isildur"s neck. They are ambushed by a group of Orcs. Isildur is knocked off of his horse by an Orc and they tumble to the ground. His men fight bravely against the Orcs, but it doesn"t look hopeful. Isildur looks around desperatly and sees the Ring around his neck. He jerks the chain off and puts the Ring on and disappears from sight. Bushes spread as he runs through them, yet nothing is seen of him actually being there. He splashes into the lake and is swimming away under water when the Ring leaves his finger. He reaches for it vainly and Orcs on the surface spot his body and kill him.)  It betrayed Isildur to his death.  (Isildur floats down Anduin face down in the water, dead, with three arrows in his back. The Ring sinks into the depths of the river)  And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.  History became legend, legend became myth and for two and a half thousand years, the Ring passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared a new bearer.  (The Ring is half covered in dirt and a hand reaches down and picks it up out of the water. It glistens in that hand covered in mud.)  Gollum:(v.o.) My Precioussssssss  The Ring came to the creature Gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains. And there, it consumed him.  (The Misty Mountains are shown, Gollum sits on a stone above a little pool inside the mountains)  Gollum: It came to me. My own. My love. My own. My prrrecioussssss! *gollum*  The Ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life. For five hundred years it poisoned his mind. And in the gloom of Gollum"s cave, it waited. Darkness crept back into the forest of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the east, whispers of a nameless fear, and the Ring of Power perceived its time had now come. It abandoned Gollum.  (The Ring falls down, bouncing off of the rocks, landing in a pile of dirt.)  But something happened then the Ring did not intend. It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable.  (A young Bilbo appears. He is on the ground, his hand groping through the dirt until it stumbles upon the Ring. He picks it up looking at it.)  Bilbo: What"s this?  A Hobbit. Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.  Bilbo: A ring.  Gollum: (from far away) Lossssst! My precious is lost!  (Bilbo, alarmed, puts the Ring in his pocket)  For the time will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all.  (The scene cuts to a map of Middle-earth as it pans around it and finally zooms out to reveal that it is inside Bag End. The room is cluttered with books and papers strewn everywhere. Quill scratching can be heard in the distancs and turning the corner, Bilbo is seen hunched over his desk, writing his book.)  Bilbo:(v.o.)(clearing his voice) The 22nd day of September in the year 1400 by Shire-reckoning. Bag End, Bagshot Row, Hobbiton, Westfarthing, the Shire, Middle-earth. The third age of this world. There and Back Again: A Hobbit"s Tale. By Bilbo Baggins.  (He is seen writing the title page and he then puts the quill down and picks up his pipe in thought, leaning back into the seat of his chair.)  Bilbo: Now where to begin? Ah, yes (he dips his quill into the ink and starts to write again) "Concerning Hobbits."  (A farmer and his son is seen working the field and leading their cows that are pulling the plow. Another Hobbit tugs on the end of a rope tied to a hog. The village square is seen a bustling full of Hobbits at work. They look quite cheerful and happy. The scene than cuts back to the fields and meadows, showing other Hobbits hard at work milking cows and tending to their houses, such as gardening and raking. They look very peaceful and content, some of them even sleeping on the job.)  Bilbo:(v.o.) Hobbits have been living and farming in the four farthings of the Shire for many hundreds of years. Quite content to ignore and be ignored by the world of the Big Folk. Middle-earth being, after all, full of strange creatures beyond count Hobbits must seem of little importance being neither renowned as great warriors nor counted among the very wise.  (Bilbo leans back in his chair chuckling at that thought. Knocking is heard at his door and he suddenly stops his laughing.)  Bilbo:(yelling over his shouldar) Frodo! Someone at the door.  (He turns back to his book and starts writing again, forgetting about the door.)  Bilbo:(v.o.) In fact, it has been remarked by some that Hobbit"s only real passion is for food.  (A Hobbit gives the girl he likes flowers and she leans in for a kiss when he spots some rolls being carried by and grabs one and stuffs it in his mouth. More Hobbits are seen carrying barrels from the orchards. Another Hobbit is carrying one on his shouldar with mug in hand, drinking as much ale as possible. A group of pipe-smokers are seen sitting around and enjoying each other"s company. More Hobbits are gardening and playing games.)  A rather unfair observation as we have also developed a keen in the brewing of ales and the smoking of pipe-weed. But where our hearts truly lie is in peace and quiet and good, tilled earth. For all Hobbits share a love of things that grow.  (Sam is planting flowers outside of his home, taking pleasure in that hobby and the beautiful flowers. The Hobbits are also setting up for Bilbo"s big party, putting up banners and ribbons and tents.)  And, yes, no doubt to others, our ways seem quaint. But today of all days, it is brought home to me: It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.  (A big banner wishing Bilbo a Happy Birthday is set up.)  (There is another knock at the door and Bilbo sags in his chair, slightly annoyed.)  Bilbo: Frodo, the door! (Bilbo listens a moment and there is no noise, then there is more knocking at the door again) Sticklebacks. Where is that boy? (v.o.) Frodo!  Frodo sits beneath a tree, reading a book. Suddenly, he hears someone singing and looks up. He smiles as he understands who it is. Gandalf drives his carriage through the fields while he sings.)  Gandalf: (humming and singing)(v.o.)  Down from the door where it began  And I must follow if I can  The road goes ever on and on  Down from the door where it began  Now far ahead the road has gone  And I must follow if I can  (Frodo runs towards the grassy rode and comes to a halt, crossing his arms.)  Frodo: You"re late.  (Gandalf stops the carriage. His face can barely be seen under his big, pointed floppy hat. He slowly turns to look at Frodo.)  Gandalf: A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.  (He looks at Frodo with a strict look that softens until they both laugh. Frodo jumps onto the carriage and into Gandalf"s arms)  Frodo: It"s wonderful to see you, Gandalf!  Gandalf: You didn"t think I"d miss your Uncle Bilbo"s birthday?  (Frodo sits besides Gandalf in the carriage as they drive through Hobbiton. Gandalf starts smoking his pipe.)  Gandalf: So, how is the old rascal? I hear its going to be a party of special magnificence.  Frodo: You know Bilbo. He"s got the whole place in an uproar.  Gandalf:(chuckling) Well, that should please him.  Frodo: Half the Shire"s been invited. And the rest of them are turning up anyway.  (They both laugh at this as they pass the Hobbits hard at work in the fields. They cross over a small stone bridge over a stream and into the little town square, making their way towards Bag End. They pass through the little town of Hobbiton and observe the other Hobbits while doing so.)  Bilbo:(v.o.) And so life in the Shire goes on very as it has this past Age full of its own comings and goings, with change coming slowly. If it comes at all. For things are made to endure in the Shire passing from one generation to the next. There"s always been a Baggins living here under the Hill in Bag End. (Bilbo pauses momentarily looking up and mutters to himself) And there always will be.  Frodo: To tell you the truth, Bilbo"s been a bit odd lately. I mean, more than usual. (Gandalf listens intentively, his face looking concerned and full of thought) He"s taken to locking himself in his study.  (Bilbo is seen holding up the map of Middle-earth.)  Frodo:(v.o.) He spends hours and hours pouring over old maps when he thinks I"m not looking.  (Bilbo sets the map down and sighs. He tenses all of the sudden and starts to check his pockets looking for something. His breathing starts to get shallow as he turns out empty pockets. His eyes search the room frantically.)  Bilbo: Where"s it gone?  (He starts to search everything in the room in a pa
2023-06-16 20:13:451

dawn of justice什么意思

2023-06-16 20:13:394


2023-06-16 20:13:381


It"s pity that stayed bilbo"s hand. Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill...before this is over. The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many.比尔博正是因为可怜它才没杀它。许多人本该一死,而许多人命不该绝。你能做这样的判断吗?千万别轻易断定别人的生死。即使是最智慧的人也难以预见所有的结局。不论好坏,我的直觉告诉我咕噜尚有他自己的角色去扮演……在这一切都结束之前。比尔博的一时心软也许改变了许多人的命运。ps:我自己翻译的,可能略有不同
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找英语的东西就要去Google英文"WHEN TO TAKE MY NAME OFF THE DOOR"- Leo Burnett"s remarks to his employees on the day of his valedictionOn the day, when Leo Burnett formally retired as the head of his company at the age of 75, his valedictory address to his employees was a remarkable one.Delivered on December 1, 1967, his remarks serve as guidelines of standards for the agency. The remarks have been enshrined as guiding principles of the company and continue to remind its employees toward good advertising practices and produce advertising of Leo"s standards even today. Following are his valedictory remarks titled, ‘When to Take My Name Off the Door":" Somewhere along the line, after I"m finally off the premises, you – or your successors – may want to take my name off the premises, too.You may want to call yourselves "Twain, Rogers, Sawyer and Finn Inc." … Or "Ajax Advertising" or something.That will certainly be okay with me – if it"s good for you…But let me tell you when I might demand that you take my name off the door.That will be the day when you spend more time trying to make money and less time making advertising – our kind of advertising. When you forget that the sheer fun of ad-making and the lift you get out of it – the creative climate of the place – should be as important as money to the very special breed of writers and artists and business professionals who compose this company of ours and make it tick.When you lose that restless feeling that nothing you do is ever quite good enough.When you lose your itch to do the job well for its own sake – regardless of the client, or the money or the effort it takes.When you lose your passion for thoroughness… your hatred of loose ends.When you stop reaching for the manner, the overtone, the marriage of words and pictures that produces the fresh, the memorable and the believable effect.When you stop rededicating yourselves every day to the idea that better advertising is what the Leo Burnett Company is all about. When you are no longer what Thoreau called a "corporation with a conscience" which means to me, a corporation of conscientious men and women. When you begin to compromise your integrity -- which has always been the heart"s blood – the very guts of this agency.When you stoop to convenient expedience and rationalize yourselves into acts of opportunism – for the sake of a fast buck. When you show the slightest sign of crudeness, inappropriateness or smart-aleckness – and you lose that subtle sense of the fitness of things.When your main interest becomes a matter of size just to be big – rather than good, hard wonderful work. When your outlook narrows down to the number of windows – from zero to five in the walls of your office, but think of yourself first. When you lose your humility and become big-shot weisenheimers… a little too big for your boots. When the apples come down to being just apples for eating (or for polishing) – no longer a part of our tone – our personality. When you disapprove of something, and start tearing the hell out of the man who did it rather than the work itself? When you stop building on strong and vital ideas, and start a routine production line. When you start believing that, in the interest of efficiency, a creative spirit and the urge to create can be delegated and administered, and forget that they can only be nurtured, stimulated and inspired. When you start giving lip service to this being a "creative agency" and stop really being one. Finally, when you lose your respect for the lonely man – the man at his typewriter or his drawing board or behind his camera or just scribbling notes with one of our big black pencils – or working all night on a media plan. When you forget that the lonely man – and thank God for him – has made the agency we now have possible. When you forget he"s the man who, because he is reaching harder, sometimes actually gets hold of – for a moment – one of those hot, unreachable stars. THAT, boys and girls, is when I shall insist you take my name off the door.And by golly, it will be taken off the door. Even if I have to materialize long enough some night to rub it out myself – on every one of your floors. And before I dematerialize again, I will paint out that star-reaching symbol, too. And burn all the stationery. And tear up a few ads in passing. And throw every goddamned apple down the elevator shafts. You just don"t know the place the next morning. You"ll have to find another name."
2023-06-16 20:13:231


1. 找 文言文电视剧、电影 1 《大明宫词》《红楼梦》《水浒传》《孙子兵法与三十六计》2 香港没有文言文的电视剧,因为广东话的语法和普通话都不一样,其普通话配音也是经过小小翻译的……3 文言文电视剧严格来说只有《三国演义》最贴近,由于现代创作电视剧剧本的人鲜有如此高深的文学功底,所以诸如此类的电视剧非常难找。 《大明宫词》虽然距“文言文”有一定距离,但语言非常优美、精炼,偶有古文,而“大明宫词”四个字足以表达其语言的魅力。除此之外剧情也值得一看,此剧在当年反响强烈,犹记其作者曾一度被誉为“中国的莎士比亚”……。 2. 关于古文、电影经典句子,大家给提供一下 Frodo: I can"t do this, Sam. Sam: I know. It"s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn"t even be here. But we are here. It"s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The one"s that really mattered, full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn"t want to know the end… Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was。When so much bad had happened? But in the end, it"s only a passing thing。this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will e. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you… that meant something. Even if you were too *** all to understand why. But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn"t. They kept going。 because they were holding on to something. Mr. Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam? Sam: That there"s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it"s worth fighting for. 佛罗多:我办不到。 山姆: 我知道。 这不公平。我们本来就不该来。但是我们来了。 这就像我们听过的精彩故事,歌颂伟大的事迹,充满了黑暗和危险。 有时你不想知道结局。因为怎么可能有快乐结局? 发生这么多可怕的事情,这世界怎么可能回到从前? 但是最后可怕的阴影,终究会消失。就连黑暗也会消失。崭新的一天将会来临。太阳也会散发更明亮的光芒。 这才是让人永生难忘,意义非凡的感人故事。 纵使你太年轻不明白为什么,但是我想我明白了。 我现在明白了。这些故事里的主角有很多机会半途而废,但是他们并没有。他们决定勇往直前,因为他们抱着一种信念。 佛罗多:我们抱着什么信念? 山姆:这世上一定存在着善良,值得我们奋战到底。
2023-06-16 20:13:171

miss smartie pants 什么意思

2023-06-16 20:13:162