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动词 savoir第一、二人称现在时的变位 (Indicatif Présent)Je saisTu saisIl saitNous savonsVous savezIls savent




SAIS是新加坡斯坦福美国国际学校的简称。新加坡斯坦福美国国际学校是新加坡第一所,也是唯一一所同时开办美国教育课程与国际文凭课程(IB)的学校,学校为2-18岁的学生提供北美体制教育,是全球知名的国际学校之一。 扩展资料   一、学校设施。   SAIS创建于2009年,占地约5万3000平方米,耗资3亿美元打造建设。作为亚太区域投资额最高的教育工程,SAIS是一所具备超前现代化教学设施的名校。   1、完善的体育设施。   3个游泳池,2个空调室内运动场,屋顶网球场,舞蹈工作室,攀岩墙,多功能运动场,高尔夫球学院。   2、创新中心。   SAIS拥有一个与微软和彭博社携手合作的创新中心,提供先进的前沿技术和沉浸式体验,这使得学生有机会与国际思想领袖想交流,例如诺贝尔奖获得者和奥运奖牌获得者。   3、图书馆。   SAIS分小学与中学图书馆。小学的图书馆,有椅子和地毯——学生可以随便找一个自己喜欢的角落安静读书。高年级的学生有自己的图书馆,除了这里的图书可以随便借以外,学生还可以从学校发的Ipad上阅读电子图书。   4、里根剧院。   SAIS拥有超大的表演和视觉艺术设施,包括可容纳500人的里根剧院,配有专业的灯光、音响设备和新加坡唯一的60平米的`LED显示屏。   5、智能生活。   在新加坡斯坦福国际学校,低年级学生的身份认证是电子腕带,高年级学生的身份认证是卡。腕带与卡都是和父母的卡绑定,犹如一张银行卡,可作为付款用途。学生在食堂购买食物后,只需扫描腕带或者卡付款,无需现金交易,校内生活十分智能和便利。   二、课程设置。   SAIS是新加坡唯一一所同时开办美国教育课程与国际文凭课程(IB)的学校,学校为2-18岁的学生提供北美体制教育。   1、低龄课程(IB PYP)–幼儿园至6年级(3-12岁)。   2、中学课程(IB MYP)–7年级至10年级(13-16岁)。   3、美国大学先修课程(APID)–10年级和12年级(16-18岁)。   4、国际文凭课程(IB DP)–11年级和12年级(17-18岁)。

Brad Paisley的《Kim》 歌词

歌曲名:Kim歌手:Brad Paisley专辑:PlayAww look at daddy"s baby girlThat"s daddy babyLittle sleepy headYesterday I changed your diaperWiped you and powdered you.How did you get so big?Can"t believe it now your twoBaby you"re so preciousDaddy"s so proud of youSit down bitchIf you move again I"ll beat the shit out of you(Eminem as Kim)(Okay)Don"t make me wake this babyShe don"t need to see what I"m about to doQuit crying bitch, why do you always make me shout at you?How could you?Just leave me and love him out the blueOh, what"s a matter Kim?Am I too loud for you?Too bad bitch, your gonna finally hear me out this timeAt first, I"m like all rightYou wanna throw me out? That"s fine!But not for him to take my place, are you out you"re mind?This couch, this TV, this whole house is mine!How could you let him sleep in our bed?Look at KimLook at your husband now!(No!)I said look at him!He ain"t so hot now is he?Little punk!(Why are you doing this?)Shut the fuck up!(You"re drunk! You"re never going to get away at this!)You think I give a fuck!Come on we"re going for a ride bitch(No!)Sit up front(Well I can"t just leave Haley alone, what if she wakes up?)We"ll be right backWell I will you"ll be in the trunk - So long, bitch you did me so wrongI don"t wanna go onLiving in this world without youSo long, bitch you did me so wrongI don"t wanna go onLiving in this world without youYou really fucked me KimYou really did a number on meNever knew me cheating on you would come back to haunt meBut we was kids then Kim, I was only 18That was years agoI thought we wiped the slate cleanThat"s fucked up!(I love you!)Oh God my brain is racing(I love you!)What are you doing?Change the station I hate this song!Does this look like a big joke?(No!)There"s a four year old boy lyin" dead with a slit throatIn your living room, ha-haWhat you think I"m kiddin" you?You loved him didn"t you?(No!)Bullshit you bitch don"t fucking lie to meWhat the fuck"s this guy"s problem on the side of me?Fuck you asshole, yeah bite meKim, KIM!Why don"t you like me?You think I"m ugly don"t you(It"s not that!)No you think I"m ugly(Baby)Get the fuck away from me, don"t touch meI HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!I SWEAR TO GOD I HATE YOUOH MY GOD I LOVE YOUHow the fuck could you do this to me?(Sorry!)How the fuck could you do this to me?So long, bitch you did me so wrongI don"t wanna go onLiving in this world without youSo long, bitch you did me so wrongI don"t wanna go onLiving in this world without youCome on get out(I can"t I"m scared)I said get out bitch!(Let go of my hair, please don"t do this baby)(Please I love you, look we can just take Haley and leave)Fuck you, you did this to usYou did it, it"s your faultOh my God I"m crackin" upGet a grip MarshallHey remember the time we went to Brian"s party?And you were like so drunk that you threw up all over ArchieThat was funny wasn"t it?(Yes!)That was funny wasn"t it?(Yes!)See it all makes sense, doesn"t it?You and your husband have a fightOne of you tries to grab a knifeAnd during the struggle he accidentally gets his Adam"s apple sliced(No!)And while this is goin" onHis son just woke up and he just walks inShe panics and he gets his throat cut(Oh my God!)So now they both dead and you slash your own throatSo now it"s double homicide and suicide with no noteI should have known better when you started to act weirdWe could"ve...HEY! Where you going? Get back here!You can"t run from me KimIt"s just us, nobody else!You"re only making this harder on yourselfHa! Ha! Got"cha!(Ahh!)Ha! Go ahead yell!Here I"ll scream with you!AH SOMEBODY HELP!Don"t you get it bitch, no one can hear you?Now shut the fuck up and get what"s comin to youYou were supposed to love meNOW BLEED! BITCH BLEED!BLEED! BITCH BLEED! BLEED!So long, bitch you did me so wrongI don"t wanna go onLiving in this world without youSo long, bitch you did me so wrongI don"t wanna go onLiving in this world without you




某些已修改的Quel sont tes passe-temps?Pendant mon temps libre, j"aime regarder la télé. J"adore regarder CIS, c"est excitant ! Parfois, Je lis un roman. Je préfere les fictions et les biographies. Comme sport, j"adore jouer au badminton, parce que vous n"avez pas remuer beaucoup plus. ( parce qu"on n"a trop besoin de bouger). Qu"est-ce que tu fais généralement le soir ?Le soir, je finis mes devoirs avant tout toujours ( je comprends pas ta phrase), puis je joue au ordinateur. Normalement, capable de finir mes devoir de tout, c"est presque impossible ! ( tu veux dire quoi? ce que t"as mit ici, n"est pas de fran04ais!) Parce que les proffeseurs sont fous ! Toute fois, ll y ( la phrase n"est pas terminée) Où es-tu allée le Samedi dernier ?Le Samedi dernier, je suis allée au centre commercial de Tuggeranong avec ma famille. Ma mère et moi avons fait du shopping par nous-mêmes pendant que mon père a acheté son propre (propre? tu veux dire quoi par là?), parce que il faisait du lèche-vitrines tous les jours. Le temps se refroidit, puis nous avons acheté un pull-over bleu et un pantalon bleu aussi ( pourquoi tu mets "aussi" ici, ce mot ne sert à rien dans cette phrase) pour ma soeur. Uniformes scolaires sont bleu. Tu veux dire quoi dans cette phrase " puis nous avons acheté un pull-over bleu et un pantalon bleu aussi pour ma soeur. Uniformes scolaires sont bleu. ( je comprends rien !!)

il y a longtemps que je taime jamais je ne toublierai

il y a longtemps que je taime. jamais je ne toublierai (我爱你已久,永不能忘)

表示价格升高用incrrease还是raise these years the price increases 还是raises

这里用 increases , 在这个句子中应使用不及物动词increase, 而raise 是及物动词。

请教omega手表真假,正面有omega、automatic、swiss made,表蒙周围金圈;表背标maison fond en1848

低于10000 的就不要问了,另外,你还是发图看下才好。

Your waist是什么意思




raiski active sport是什么牌子衣服

品牌文化 1973年,KOLON SPORT在韩国诞生,首次在韩国推出登山装备。 自创立起,KOLON SPORT就把绿色定为基本色调,以常青树为品牌标志,坚持以关爱自然为己任,积极探求自然界的舒适力量,并以此应用于新产品的开发与研究。40多年来,历经不断...

Pink的Raise Your Glass这首歌的中文歌词




Ah ! Si Vous Connaissiez Ma Poule 歌词

歌曲名:Ah ! Si Vous Connaissiez Ma Poule歌手:Maurice Chevalier专辑:Collection Disques PathéPatrick Bruel - Ah! Si vous connaissiez ma pouleParoles: Albert Willemetz, René TocheMusique: Charles Borel-Clerc 1938EDITEUR : Les nouvelles éditions MeridianDe RochecouartJusqu"à MénilmucheD"la rue d"Lappe à la rue de la GaitéY a pas une momeDans tout pantrucheQui avec la mienne puisse lutter.De tous les cotés quand on l"éplucheOn ne trouve rien à lui reprocherC"est un oiseau rareQue Roi des veinardsJ"ai eu le bonheur de dénicherAh ! Si vous connaissiez ma poule,Vous en perdriez la bouleMarlène et DarrieuxN"arrivent qu"en deuxLa Greta GarboPeut aller r"tirer son chapeau !Ils n"en ont pas à LiverpoolA New York, à HonoluluDe mieux foutueSi vous la voyiez,Vous en rêveriez !Ah ! Si vous connaissiez ma poule.Ah ! Si vous connaissiez ma poule,Vous en perdriez la bouleSes p"tits seins perversQui pointent au traversDe son pull-overVous mettent la tête à l"envers !Elle a des jambes faites au mouleDes cheveux fous, frisés partoutEt tout, et tout...Si vous la voyiez,Vous en rêveriez !Ah ! Si vous connaissiez ma poule.Marguerite de BourgogneAuprès d"elleN"avait que nib comme tempéramentIl faut l"entendreQuand elle apelleSon p"tit Momo au grand momentSon corps frissonneD"une facon telleQue la maison en tremble égalementEt ca vous expliqueLes secousses sismiquesDont les journaux parlent récemmentAh ! Si vous connaissiez ma poulevous en perdriez tous la bouleSes baisers moelleuxFont dresser les cheveuxSes baisers profondsVous font sauter jusqu"au plafond !Il faut la voir quand elle roucouleEt qu"on l"entend du fond de PassyCrier... Chéri !Si vous la voyiez,Vous en rêveriez !Mais... vous ne connaitrez pas ma poule.Fin

fiona 和daisy哪个名字不落俗套?


初中英语作文:超模的崛起 The Raise of Supermodel

【 #英语资源# 导语】想必有很多小伙伴会经常找一些英语相关的文章来看以加强英语的提升, 无 !  【篇一】超模的崛起 The Raise of SupermodelNowadays, the career of being a model is most young girls" dreams. Being a model means the beautiful image and the perfect body shape, while being the supermodel more fame and money, what"s more important, it means to be the excellent woman. In China, more and more models have been recognized by the foreign fashion circle. Recently, the most successful Chinese model must be Liu Wen, a girl who comes from an ordinary family. Actually, Liu is not a shinning girl at first sight, but when you look at her for a few days, you will find out her special temperament and can"t take your eyes away from her. Liu works so hard to get what she has today, it is said that she only took no more than 4 hours to rest at the beginning. Being a supermodel needs to work hard. 如今,成为一名模特这个职业是大多数年轻女孩的梦想。作为一名模特意味着美丽的形象和完美的身材,而成为超级名模意味着更大的名声和更多的钱,更重要的是,意味着一名优秀的女人。在中国,越来越多的模特已经被外国的时尚圈所认识。最近,最成功的中国模特当属刘雯,一个来自普通家庭的女孩。实际上,刘也许不是那种第一眼看上去就很惊艳的女孩,但当你多看她后,你会发现她特殊的气质,吸引着你的眼球。刘是通过如此努力的工作来达到今天的成就,据说她刚开始时休息不到4个小时。成为一名超级名模需要通过努力工作来获得。  【篇二】《破产姐妹》精神 The Spirit of Two Broke GirlsI like to see American TV series so much, because not only the plot attracts me so much, but also I can learn the English spoken language. Recently, I fall in love with Two Broke Girls, it is so funny and makes me laugh happily. Besides the humorous plot, I am also inspired by the characters" spirit. Though the two girls are poor and work as the waitress in the small restaurant, they never give up their dreams. They make the plans for their dreams, even they meet all kinds of difficulties, they are still positive about their future. I learn things from them, I keep the positive attitude towards life. 我很喜欢看美剧,因为不仅剧情很吸引我,而且我也能学到英语口语。最近,我爱上了《破产姐妹》,这个剧很有趣,让我捧腹大笑。除了幽默的剧情,我也受到了人物精神的鼓励。虽然这两个女孩贫穷,在一件小餐馆里面做服务生,但是她们从来没有放弃梦想。她们为梦想做了计划,即使遇到各种各样的困难,仍然对将来乐观。我从她们身上学到了东西,对生活保持乐观向上的态度。  【篇三】如果我中了彩票 If I Hit the LotteryHitting the lottery is most people"s dream, if they really have the luck, they don"t have to work so hard and can do what they want, how wonderful it is. I have read so many news about people hitting the lottery, then they show their tickets in the newspaper, I always imagine how nice if I were in the picture. If I am the lucky guy, I will book the flight ticket at once and fly to Australia and then start my travel plan. I have a dream to see the world and learn the culture, but I have no money. Well, I know I will never hit the lottery, I"d rather to study hard to realize my dream than to wait for the lottery. 中彩票是大部分人的梦想,如果他们真的有这个运气,就不用那么努力地去工作,可以做他们想做的,这是多么美妙啊。我看到过很多关于人们中彩票的新闻,然后他们在报纸上展示他们的支票,我总是想象要是我也在图片中,多么美好啊。如果我是幸运的人,我会立刻订机票,飞去澳大利亚开始我的旅游计划。我有一个看看世界的梦想,了解文化,但是我没有钱。好了,我还是通过努力学习来实现我的梦想吧,而不是等待着彩票。

求歌词。。。Black From The Waist Down(Club Mix)-男说唱

Your boyfriend is so posh and his family found Ferrari,He uses Apple condoms and he"s Facebook friends with G.Armani,when his stocks are on the rise you love to chase that pace,Do you prefer his Rolex? or his motherf**kin" pretty face.In the club, on the floor I want some more, I"m waiting for a sign,While you drink up expensive vodka, straight to V.I.P no line,I"ve got to grab your attention,locked on your sex appeal,But will you really love me? I don"t have nothing to steal.No Harley, no money, no single family home,no Mac, no Windows , no Iphone, no Droid.But I do have somethin" special baby,that your boyfriend will never ever own...I"M BLACK FROM THE WAIST DOWN !Put your hands down, slide your hands, baby,Put your hands down, slide your hands (ahhhhhh) (bis).Your boyfriend is so posh and his family found Ferrari,He uses Apple condoms and he"s Facebook friends with G.Armani,when his stocks are on the rise you love to chase that pace,Do you prefer his Rolex? or his motherf**kin" pretty face.In the club, on the floor I want some more, I"m waiting for a sign,While you drink up expensive vodka, straight to V.I.P no line,I"ve got to grab your attention,locked on your sex appeal,But will you really love me? I don"t have nothing to steal.No Gucci , No Porsche, no steeds or fancy horse,no jet , to Ibiza, no art or Mona Lisa,no tennis, no yacht, no sweater with a knot,no golf, no sking , no platinum diamond ring.But I do have somethin" special baby,that your boyfriend will never ever own...I"M BLACK FROM THE WAIST DOWN !

Excuse my French 法语里面有没有对应的说法?像French kiss--baiser anglais这样的。

直译的话就是Excusez-moi de mon francais 但是很少这么听到,应该是可以的



歌曲介绍 YOU RAISE ME UP(最好是英语的)



国内外钢材牌号对照 [上海奥柯钢铁有限公司] 2004年10月21日 UK Euronorm Germany France Italy Spain Japan USA USA BS1449 EN10111 Din 1614 NFA 36-301 UNI 5867 UNE 36-086/11 JIS G3131 ASTM SAE HR15 *** *** *** C15 *** *** A611 1018 HR4 FeP10 *** 1C FeP10 *** DPHC *** 1010 HR3 FeP11 Stw22 2C FeP11 AP11 SPHD A619 1008 HR2 FeP12 Stw23 *** FeP12 AP12 *** A621 1006 HR1 FeP13 Stw24 3C FeP13 AP13 SPHE A622 1006Al k BS4360 EN10025 DIN 17100 NFA 35-501 UNI 7080 UNE 36-080/11 JIS G3101 ASTM *** 40A S235 Ust 37-2 *** Fe360 A370 *** A283C *** 40B S235JR Rst 37-2 E24-2 Fe360B *** *** *** *** 43A S275 *** *** *** *** *** A570Gr40 *** 43B S275 St44-2 E28-2 Fe430B *** *** *** *** 50A S355 *** *** Fe510 A450 SS50 A572Gr50 *** 50B S355JR *** *** Fe510B *** *** *** *** 50C S355JO St52-3U E36-3 FE510C *** *** *** *** 50D *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** BS1449 EN10149 SEW 092 NFA36-231 UNI UNE JIS ASTM AT15 SAE J1392 40/30 S315MC QSTE 340TM E315D Fe E275 *** *** 045XLK 43/35 S355MC QSTE 380TM E355D *** *** *** 50 050XLK 46/40 S420MC QSTE420M E420D Fe355 *** *** 60 060XLK 50/45 S460ML QSTE500TM E490D Fe420 *** *** 70 *** 60/55 S550MC QSTE550TM E560D Fe560 *** *** 80 080XLK *** S560MC QSTE600TM E600D *** *** *** *** *** BS1449 EN10130 DIN1623 NFA 36-401 UNI 5866-77 UNE 36086 JIS 3141-77 *** *** CR4 FeP01 St12 C FeP01 AP00 SPCC *** *** CR3 FeP03 St13 *** FeP03 AP02 *** *** CR1 FeP04 St14 E5 FeP04 AP04 SPCEN *** *** BS1449 *** DIN AFNOR UNI *** *** *** AISI HS10 *** CK10 XC10 C10 *** *** *** 1010 HS17 *** CK15 XC12 C15 *** *** *** 1015 HS22 *** CK22 XC18 C20 *** *** *** 1020 *** *** CK25 *** C25 *** *** *** 1025 HS30 *** CK30 XC32 C30 *** *** *** 1030 *** *** CK35 XC38 C35 *** *** *** 1035 HS40 *** CK40 *** C40 *** *** *** 1040 *** *** CK45 XC45 C45 *** *** *** 1045 HS50 *** CK50 XC50 C50 *** *** *** 1050 *** *** CK55 XC54 C55 *** *** *** 1055 HS60 *** CK60 XC60 C60 *** *** *** 1060 HS70 *** CK67 XC68 C70 *** *** *** 1070 *** *** CK75 XC75 C75 *** *** *** 1075 HS80 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 1080 *** *** CK85 XC90 C90 *** *** *** 1090 HS95 *** CK101 XC100 C100 *** *** *** 1095 *** *** 41Cr4 45C4 *** *** *** *** 5140 *** *** 25CrMo4 25CD4 *** *** *** *** 4130 *** *** 42CrMo4 42CD4 *** *** *** *** 4140 *** *** 50CrV4 50CV4 *** *** *** *** 6150

AISI 1050/1055/4130/4140的国内钢号是什么呀

  国内外钢材牌号对照  [上海奥柯钢铁有限公司] 2004年10月21日  UK Euronorm Germany France Italy Spain Japan USA USA  BS1449 EN10111 Din 1614 NFA 36-301 UNI 5867 UNE 36-086/11 JIS G3131 ASTM SAE  HR15 *** *** *** C15 *** *** A611 1018  HR4 FeP10 *** 1C FeP10 *** DPHC *** 1010  HR3 FeP11 Stw22 2C FeP11 AP11 SPHD A619 1008  HR2 FeP12 Stw23 *** FeP12 AP12 *** A621 1006  HR1 FeP13 Stw24 3C FeP13 AP13 SPHE A622 1006Al k  BS4360 EN10025 DIN 17100 NFA 35-501 UNI 7080 UNE 36-080/11 JIS G3101 ASTM ***  40A S235 Ust 37-2 *** Fe360 A370 *** A283C ***  40B S235JR Rst 37-2 E24-2 Fe360B *** *** *** ***  43A S275 *** *** *** *** *** A570Gr40 ***  43B S275 St44-2 E28-2 Fe430B *** *** *** ***  50A S355 *** *** Fe510 A450 SS50 A572Gr50 ***  50B S355JR *** *** Fe510B *** *** *** ***  50C S355JO St52-3U E36-3 FE510C *** *** *** ***  50D *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  BS1449 EN10149 SEW 092 NFA36-231 UNI UNE JIS ASTM AT15 SAE J1392  40/30 S315MC QSTE 340TM E315D Fe E275 *** *** 045XLK  43/35 S355MC QSTE 380TM E355D *** *** *** 50 050XLK  46/40 S420MC QSTE420M E420D Fe355 *** *** 60 060XLK  50/45 S460ML QSTE500TM E490D Fe420 *** *** 70 ***  60/55 S550MC QSTE550TM E560D Fe560 *** *** 80 080XLK  *** S560MC QSTE600TM E600D *** *** *** *** ***  BS1449 EN10130 DIN1623 NFA 36-401 UNI 5866-77 UNE 36086 JIS 3141-77 *** ***  CR4 FeP01 St12 C FeP01 AP00 SPCC *** ***  CR3 FeP03 St13 *** FeP03 AP02 *** ***  CR1 FeP04 St14 E5 FeP04 AP04 SPCEN *** ***  BS1449 *** DIN AFNOR UNI *** *** *** AISI  HS10 *** CK10 XC10 C10 *** *** *** 1010  HS17 *** CK15 XC12 C15 *** *** *** 1015  HS22 *** CK22 XC18 C20 *** *** *** 1020  *** *** CK25 *** C25 *** *** *** 1025  HS30 *** CK30 XC32 C30 *** *** *** 1030  *** *** CK35 XC38 C35 *** *** *** 1035  HS40 *** CK40 *** C40 *** *** *** 1040  *** *** CK45 XC45 C45 *** *** *** 1045  HS50 *** CK50 XC50 C50 *** *** *** 1050  *** *** CK55 XC54 C55 *** *** *** 1055  HS60 *** CK60 XC60 C60 *** *** *** 1060  HS70 *** CK67 XC68 C70 *** *** *** 1070  *** *** CK75 XC75 C75 *** *** *** 1075  HS80 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 1080  *** *** CK85 XC90 C90 *** *** *** 1090  HS95 *** CK101 XC100 C100 *** *** *** 1095  *** *** 41Cr4 45C4 *** *** *** *** 5140  *** *** 25CrMo4 25CD4 *** *** *** *** 4130  *** *** 42CrMo4 42CD4 *** *** *** *** 4140  *** *** 50CrV4 50CV4 *** *** *** *** 6150

1.They raised money by__________u3010sellu3011flowersu3002

selling going volunteered to support to be because of instead of going how often did you use to buy new comic books?keep

谁有最新的ESET_NOD32 用户名和密码,在线等,重金。发我邮箱




kaiser family foundation造句 kaiser family foundationの例文

Sharing that sentiment is Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation . It is based on information from the Kaiser Family Foundation . AIDS awareness campaigns aren"t new for the Kaiser Family Foundation . Source : Kaiser Family Foundation / Health Researc ` Ajd Educational Trust. Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org The Gathering Place is a project of the George Kaiser Family Foundation . The study was funded by the Kaiser Family Foundation . The survey that got the most attention came from the Kaiser Family Foundation . Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org/ The Kaiser Family Foundation studied how consumer-driven health plans cover pregnancy. It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的 J . Kaiser Family Foundation , Lewin-VHI, Employee Benefits Research Institute. Kaiser Family Foundation : . kff . org A recent survey by the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation bears this out. The Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit health care philanthropy unrelated to Kaiser Permanente. A recent survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University backs him up. The Kaiser Family Foundation "s Levitt said doctors share some blame for the HMO system. The Kaiser Family Foundation said 41 percent of the panies in the survey reported tiered plans. Main source : Kaiser Family Foundation . The project was funded by the Ford Foundation and the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation . Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org _ _ _= Reinhardt serves as a Commissioner for the Kaiser Family Foundation Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. In 2009, Medicare Rights and the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation , among others. She is a trustee of the Capfornia Endowment and The Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation . The show also includes the unremarkable results of a nationwide sex survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation . NPR sponsored the survey with the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. The Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit health care philanthropy unrelated to Kaiser Permanente. Drew Altman, president of the Kaiser Family Foundation , called on wealthy governments to do more. The Kaiser Family Foundation and advocates for the chip said the problem was a lack of pubpc education. Talking With Kids About Tough Issues is a national campaign by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation . The Post did a random survey of 1, 970 people with Harvard University and the Kaiser Family Foundation . It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的 She serves with the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Kaiser Family Foundation . Matt James, senior vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation , said in a statement acpanying the study. Includes Kaiser Family Foundation survey from April, released this week, showing continuing strong support for protection legislation. The Kaiser Family Foundation study found that 34 percent of all schools now teach an abstinence-only message. The survey was conducted by The Washington Post, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University. The Barbara Jordan Youth Debates, made possible by the Kaiser Family Foundation , were held for urban debaters. Foundations pke the Kaiser Family Foundation , has conducted longitudinal studies relating the media habits of children and adolescents. The poll by Harvard, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and The Washington Post shows massive role reversal. The other, by the Kaiser Family Foundation , surveyed 1, 180 *** all businesses employing 3 to 199 workers. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation , annual prescriptions per individual went from seven to almost 11 during the 1990s. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation released said that state Medicaid directors expect further cuts in benefits and epgibipty. Kaiser Family Foundation report : : / / . kff . org / content / 2002 / 6032/ With his wealth, he estabpshed the Kaiser Family Foundation , a nonprofit, non-partisan, charitable organization. In 1999, a Kaiser Family Foundation study found that 95 % of pubpc secondary schools offered sex education programs. Largely funded by the George Kaiser Family Foundation , it contains an outdoor theater, fountains and a sidewalk cafe. He made a straightforward _ and unpopular _ parenting call that The Kaiser Family Foundation wants the TV works to make. A 1999 survey of employers for the Kaiser Family Foundation said more than half would seriously consider a defined contribution approach. Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation , says the tiered approach is clearly a response to contract disputes with hospitals. The survey was a joint project of The Washington Post, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University. About 10 % of firms offered such plans to their workers, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation . It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的

Coral , Daisy. Trista这三个英文名哪个比较好啊? (矛盾中

The name/s must also match and to be pronounce together with the SIR name.Try to call it yourself.

西城男孩的《 You Raise Me》的歌词帮忙找一下。

You Raise Me Up Shane: When I am down and, oh my soul so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened be, Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be.Mark: You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up... To more than I can be.Shane (Choir): You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be. Mark (Choir): You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be. Shane: You raise me up... To more than I can be.

Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit.这句话是谁说的?

Profits of PraiseIt was the end of my exhausting first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone awry, my apron was stained, my feet ached. The loaded trays I carried felt heavier and heavier. Weary and discouraged, I didn"t seem able to do anything right. As I made out a complicated check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream order a dozen times, I was ready to quit.Then the father smiled at me as he handed me my tip. "Well done," he said. "You"ve looked after us really well."Suddenly my tiredness vanished. I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how I"d liked my first day, I said, "Fine!" Those few words of praise had changed everything.Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. And yet, while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.Why - when one word can bring such pleasure? A friend of mine who travels widely always tries to learn a little of the language of any place she visits. She"s not much of a linguist, but she does know how to say one word - "beautiful" - in several languages. She can use it to a mother holding her baby, or to lonely salesman fishing out pictures of his family. The ability has earned her friends all over the world.It"s strange how chary we are about praising. Perhaps it"s because few of us know how to accept compliments gracefully. Instead, we are embarrassed and shrug off the words we are really so glad to hear. Because of this defensive reaction, direct compliments are surprisingly difficult to give. That is why some of the most valued pats on the back are those which come to us indirectly, in a letter or passed on by a friend. When one thinks of the speed with which spiteful remarks are conveyed, it seems a pity that there isn"t more effort to relay pleasing and flattering comments.It"s especially rewarding to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. An artist gets complimented for a glorious picture, a cook for a perfect meal. But do you ever tell you laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are done just right? Do you ever praise your paper boy for getting the paper to you on time 365 days a year?Praise is particularly appreciated by those doing routine jobs: gas-station attendants, waitresses - even housewives. Do you ever go into a house and say, "What a tidy room"? Hardly anybody does. That"s why housework is considered such a dreary grind. Comment is often made about activities which are relatively easy and satisfying, like arranging flowers; but not about jobs which are hard and dirty, like scrubbing floors. Shakespeare said, "Our praises are our wages." Since so often praise is the only wage a housewife receives, surely she of all people should get her measure.Mothers know instinctively that for children an ounce of praise is worth a pound of scolding. Still, we"re not always as perceptive as we might be about applying the rule. One day I was criticizing my children for squabbling. "Can you never play peacefully?" I shouted. Susanna looked at me quizzically. "Of course we can," she said. "But you don"t notice us when we do."Teachers agree about the value of praise. One teacher writes that instead of drowning students" compositions in critical red ink, the teacher will get far more constructive results by finding one or two things which have been done better than last time, and commenting favorably on them. "I believe that a student knows when he has handed in something above his usual standard," writes the teacher, "and that he waits hungrily for a brief comment in the margin to show him that the teacher is aware of it, too."Behavioral scientists have done countless experiments to prove that any human being tends to repeat an act which has been immediately followed by a pleasant result. In one such experiment, a number of schoolchildren were divided into three groups and given arithmetic tests daily for five days. One group was consistently praised for its previous performance; another group was criticized; the third was ignored.Not surprisingly, those who were praised improved dramatically. Those who were criticized improved also, bus not so much. And the scores of the children who were ignored hardly improved at all. Interestingly the brightest children were helped just as much by criticism as by praise, but the less able children reacted badly to criticism, needed praise the most. Yet the latter are the very youngsters who, in most schools, fail to get the pat on the back.To give praise costs the giver nothing but a moment"s thought and a moment"s effort - perhaps a quick phone call to pass on a compliment, or five minutes spent writing an appreciative letter. It is such a small investment - and yet consider the results it may produce. "I can live for two months on a good compliment," said Mark Twain.So, let"s be alert to the small excellences around us - and comment on them. We will not only bring joy into other people"s lives, but also, very often, added happiness into out own.

BAISEN eau de toilette是什么香水

BAISEN(百爱神)香水牌子eau de toilette淡香水 香水类型

Daisy Miller大概写了什么?

《黛西·米勒(Daisy Miller)是英国著名小说家亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James)关于国际主题题材的一篇早期代表作。在这部作品中,詹姆斯以清新隽永和轻松幽默的笔调反映了欧美两种文化风尚的对立。无论是国际背景的描绘,还是人物形象的刻画,或是叙述视角的转换,都渗透着浓郁的喜剧色彩。喜剧艺术的运用成为该作品经久不衰的重要原因之一。

increase the risk和raise the risk有什么区别吗?

这是个固定搭配的问题 increase the risk增加风险 minimize,reduce the risk 使风险最小化;降低风险 avoid the risk 避免风险 是什么词,要记,而不是想当然


<一>arise(arose,arisen) 1 occur“发生”,例:Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题。 2 arise from“起源于”,例:Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心。derive from=originate from“起因于,追本溯源”,例:Many English words derive from Latin.许多英语都来自于拉丁语。 <二>rise(rose,risen) v.“上升”,(一定是不及物的) n.“上升,上涨” give rise to=lead to引起,例:The food shortage gave rise to the serious problems.食品的短缺引起了严重的问题。 rouse“唤醒”,例:I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒。 arouse“唤起”,如,arouse one"s interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心” <三>raise根本含义“使上升”,(1)“举起”raise one"s hand(2)“提出”raise a question(3)“抚养,相当于bring up”raise children(4)“筹集”raise funds


<一>arise(arose,arisen) 1 occur“发生”,例:Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题。 2 arise from“起源于”,例:Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心。derive from=originate from“起因于,追本溯源”,例:Many English words derive from Latin.许多英语都来自于拉丁语。 <二>rise(rose,risen) v.“上升”,(一定是不及物的) n.“上升,上涨” give rise to=lead to引起,例:The food shortage gave rise to the serious problems.食品的短缺引起了严重的问题。 rouse“唤醒”,例:I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒。 arouse“唤起”,如,arouse one"s interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心” <三>raise根本含义“使上升”,(1)“举起”raise one"s hand(2)“提出”raise a question(3)“抚养,相当于bring up”raise children(4)“筹集”raise funds满意请采纳


AISI 1020 是美国标准,相当于国内的20#钢 关于五金行业的网站可以利用搜索引擎找到。参考资料: Misumi 技术资料:2467-2564.

法语中一般疑问句,第三人称单数不以t,d结尾时。eg:A-t-il un manuel de fran04ais?

他有法语课本吗? 第三人称单数对应的动词变位不以t,d结尾 比如savoir 对应第三人称单数变位是sait 是以t 结尾 attendre对应是attend 是以d 结尾 反之就是不以这两个字母为结尾的变位例子

我等你翻译成法语是这个Je vais attendre pour vous 还是Je vou sat

je t"attendrai

腰带是那一个?waistband or waistband?

waistbelt 这个?


Please raise your hand if you have any question.如有问题请举手。He raised his eyes from his work.他停下工作举目观看。He raised his offer to $500.他把出价提高到500美元。I was raised by my aunt on the farm.我是在农场有姑妈抚养大的。

Harlem Renaissance 歌词

歌曲名:Harlem Renaissance歌手:Immortal Technique专辑:The 3Rd World-ViperImmortal Technique - Harlem Renaissance"Let me welcome both of youuh, to the show this morning to talk about what I considerto be a very very important topic, uh, the Harlem RenaissanceBut before we get into that..."Immortal Technique:Yeah, Harlem once was red line district rated (uhh)Designated ghetto like the yellow star of DavidAnd you wonder why, people don"t own they homes (why?)Cause the racist bank wouldn"t fuckin mortgage a loanHarlem once was red line district rated (uhh)Designated ghetto like the yellow star of DavidAnd you wonder why, people don"t own they homes (why?)Cause the racist bank wouldn"t fuckin mortgage a loan {WAKE UP!}Harlem once was red line district rated (uhh)Designated ghetto like the yellow star of DavidAnd you wonder why, people don"t own they homes (why?)Cause the racist bank wouldn"t fuckin mortgage a loanUntil after the invasion of, gentrificationEminent domain intimidation, that"s not negotiationAnd it"s frustratin to look at, every dayLike watchin a porno, on 56-KBiohazard labs instead of store roomsWhat"s next motherfucker, projects as dorm rooms?You ain"t fool nobody in this community dukeWith your little fake Manhattanville community groupIvy league, real estate firms are corruptI lay siege to your castle like the Moors in EuropeThey treat street vendors like criminal riff-raffWhile politicians get the corporate kickbacks (snakes)Chorus: Immortal TechniqueHarlem Renaissance, a revolution betrayedModern day slaves thinkin that the ghetto is saved"Til they start deportin people off the propertyEthnically cleansin the hood, economicallyThey wanna kill the real Harlem RenaissanceTryin to put the Virgin Mary through a early menopauseThe savior is a metaphor for how we set it offGuerrilla war against the re-zoning predatorsImmortal Technique:When I speak about Harlem, I speak to the worldThe little Afghan boy, and the Bosnian girlThe African in Sudan, the people of KurdistanThe third world American, indigenous manPalestinians, Washington Heights, DominicansDisplaced New Orleans citizensBeachfront Brazilian favelas that you livin inThe hood is prime real estate, they want back in again (fuck outta here)I didn"t write this to talk shit, I say it becausesome of y"all forgot what the Harlem Renaissance wasWe had revolution, music and artisansBut the movement was still fucked up like Parkinson"sCause while we were givin birth to the culture we lovePrejudice, kept our own people out of the clubOnly colored celebrities in the party (fake nigga!)And left us a legacy of false superiorityW.E.B. Du Bois versus Marcus GarveyAnd we ended up, sellin out to everybodyThe Dutch {?} and the John Gotti"sBanksters, modern day gangsters, immobile armyThey wanna move us all out the N.Y.C.Like they did to the Jews with the Alhambra decreeSo support your own businesses and do the knowledgeCause the real Harlem Renaissance is economic (yeah)Chorus: Immortal TechniqueHarlem Renaissance, a revolution betrayedModern day slaves thinkin that the ghetto is saved"Til they start deportin people off the propertyEthnically cleansin the hood, economicallyThey wanna kill the real Harlem RenaissanceTryin to put the Virgin Mary through a early menopauseThe savior is a metaphor for how we set it offGuerrilla war against the re-zoning predators{"Green Lantern... The Evil Genius!"}"When they were saying it is the renaissance, of Harlemthey didn"t mean, that we had stake in thatThey meant to say that they could make money out of us""They are coming in with all kind of prejudicesIn Brooklyn they"re doing the same thingIn, um, Queens they"re doing the same thing; the BronxThere"s hardly any place which is affordableI mean these people are putting up condominiumswhich start from a million dollarsHow many people in this community make that kind of money?How many people have that kind of money?""People of Harlem, they are the natural allies of the oppressed peopleof the world, whether the struggle is in Panama, in Africa, Cuba""We spend money with the wrong peopleWe are looking for love, with people who don"t love usWhat"s wrong with us loving each otherand making sure that we are protected?"EndImmortal Technique - Harlem Renaissance

Daisy,Ellie,Kathy,Annie,Nancy 哪个英文名最好啊,它们代表什么意思啊


网络的narrow waist是什么,怎么理解啊~

narrow waist望文生义的解释是——窄腰,这里应该是用了比喻的修辞手法。腰,即连接上身和下身的部位,在网络连接中,需要有一个类似于腰部的功能软件,无论你是什么下身(如不同网卡),无论你是什么上身(如各种上网软件),都可以通过这个腰部提供的统一接口访问连接。从而使得网络软件开发者不需要关心网络访问的不同硬件、不同软件的具体细节,只需要知道这个腰部提供的规范接口即可实现网络连接访问。至于窄,大概可以想象一下,腰非常窄是多么的美妙。当然,上述文字只是表达一个大意,可以这么理解,实际情况复杂得多。

英语句子结构分析The idea came from a man called Henry Kaiser?

called Henry Kaiser作定语修饰a man过去分词作定语

LittleDaisy Marie is a Dirty Little Girl and gets punished 是什么意思

Daisy Marie 是个不爱干净的小女孩以致受到的惩罚


《The Jervaise Comedy》(J. D. Beresford)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:8d79书名:The Jervaise Comedy作者:J. D. Beresford出版社:Book Jungle出版年份:2009-07-01

exo有一首歌歌词是来来来来来 来塞吧 来来来来来 laiseiba叫什么名字


推荐些感人的英文歌曲 像you raise me up这类

she has gonebreak my heart之类的 悲伤



一枚硬币正面写着 REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE 年代是:1896 背面写着:PIAST



这是法属印度支那(包括法属东京、安南、交趾支那、老挝和柬埔寨等地,相当于现今的越南、老挝和柬埔寨)贸易皮阿斯特银币,成色900,因正面是自由女神坐像,在我国俗称“坐洋(座洋)”。其中1921年有“无标记”(俗称无字)和H两种,重27克。 1921年的坐洋在140~150元/枚,虽然坐洋的假币不很多,不过最近价格上涨,市面上出现了一些假币了。

一枚正面写着 REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE 年代是:1896,重是25克

一枚正面写着 REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE ——法兰西共和国背面上半圈写着INDO CHINE FRANCAISE ——法属印度支那中间写着 PIASTRE DE COMMERCE ——贸易皮阿斯特下半圈写着 TITRE 0.900.POIDS 27 GR——90%成色,27克,这是法属印度支那(包括法属东京、安南、交趾支那、老挝和柬埔寨等地,相当于现今的越南、老挝和柬埔寨)贸易皮阿斯特银币,成色900,因正面是自由女神坐像,在我国俗称“坐洋”(座洋)。因为其于同期的“壹圆型”银币重量、成色类似,也有称为“坐洋壹圆”或“壹圆型坐洋”的。1921年的厂记有“无标记”(俗称无字)和H两种。具体是看PIASTRE DE COMMERCE 下行是否有一个较小的H。目前1921年坐洋的价格150元/枚左右(普品)。虽然坐洋的假币不很多,不过最近价格上涨,市面上也出现了一些假币,小心一点没有坏处。

我有一枚硬币是1908年的,上面有个自由女神相.英文为:REPUBLIQUE,FRANCAISE,1906,背面为:INDO.CHINE FRANCA

俗称 坐洋 市场价格320左右



捡到一枚上面有“repvbliqve francaise”字样的硬币,上面还有100f的字样,请问,这是什么硬币?


我有一枚硬币是1908年的,上面有个自由女神相.英文为:REPUBLIQUE,FRANCAISE,1906,背面为:INDO.CHINE FRANCA






一枚正面写着 REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE 年代是:1941 正背面是相反的,,,是什么币?


我有一枚硬币,正面写的republique francaise ,反面写的10francs ,这个硬币是哪的

这硬币叫,(10francs)10法郎1974年---1987年铸造的流通币,目前为欧元区,原法郎己仃止使用.兑换RMB应根据原汇率计算. 对就是这枚.

















他们决定举办美食节来为贫困儿童筹款。(deside to do sth,rais…for)将句

您好!翻译:They deside to raise money for the poor Children.望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!








rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态。因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了。用的是这个词的主动语态。表示主语本身的动作 raise 是及物动词,意思很多。有抚养、举起等意思。它在表示举起时,是举起另一个东西,因为它及物,所以我们这样用:he raises it up.他把它举起来了。虽然也是主语发出的动作但作用对象是其他。 == 这两个词作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而arise是及物动词。也就是说,使用的时候,rise后面不用跟宾语,而arise后面一定要有宾语。例如: He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。 to raise salaries, to raise the rent 提高工资, 提高租金 The sun rose at seven o"clock. 太阳七点钟升起。 The river is rising after the rain. 雨后河水涨了。 当然这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法。例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question 建造、建立:to raise a memorial 发出(什么声响):ro raise a laugh, to raise the alarm 结束:to raise an embargo (解除禁运) etc. rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴;(风、风暴)转强等意思,这里就不一一举例了。这是前一个人的答案

raise rise rised rose 这些单词怎么区分?




maison margiela是什么牌子衣服,maisonmargiela是什么牌子

1.MaisonMargiela是比利时一个设计师品牌。 2.MaisonMargiela最开始品牌名字是MaisonMartinMargiela,1988年创立,后来改名为MaisonMargiela。 3.创始人马丁·马吉拉MartinMargiela,绝对是时尚界的殿堂级传奇人物之一。 4.1997~2003年,Margiela兼任爱马仕女装创意总监。 5.在此期间Margiela为爱马仕留下许多令人难忘的设计。 6.许多人认为,当年Margiela的爱马仕设计,再也没有被继任设计师们超越。 7.每套设计那种淡然、优雅,呼之欲出的气质……静静站在那里就能让人心颤的美。 8.MaisonMargiela衣服标签背面印着几排数字,这些数字代表了Margiela的24个服装系列,其中有男装、女装和配饰,每一件衣服,依靠标签上被圈起来的那个数字,归入各个类别。 9.Artisanal系列0),作为混搭了复古风服装和现代服装的一个系列,自MaisonMargiela1988年创立时开始,Artisanal系列一直都以其解构主义设计而被人们尊崇。 10.Margiela以改衣服而著称,比如他手工裁剪的、像戏服一样的服装。 11.男装系列10/14),标有数字10的衣服一直被重新解读为每一季Margiela,对现代男装进行的先锋派诠释。 12.而数字14则代表了拥有经典设计,可以永远长驻衣柜的款式。 13.男鞋和配饰系列11/22),数字11被赋予了所有配饰,包括包、腰带、珠宝和皮具。 14.而数字22则被用在所有鞋履上。

中国有Maison Martin Margiela这个牌子吗


Maison Martin Margiela的最经典设计是什么

黑色西装外套 西装外套,可以说是每个女孩子衣橱里都有的基本款,也是明星街拍曝光率最高的单品之一。修身的、短打的、磨破的、缩水版的、超大码的、学院式的……虽然年年都在变化,却年年都会时兴,而各种款式之中最经典的当属黑色西装外套,2008 年四大时装周上它继续大放异彩,设计师们给多元化的黑色增添了光泽,尤其在布料上以亮暗或软硬作对比,突出层次感,而设计上则一切回归剪裁,塑造型格的轮廓成为最重要的命题。 Maison Martin Margiela 08秋冬款年度代表单品 建筑感廓型Maison Martin Margiela:今年最热门的时尚话题当属建筑廓型的时装了,而建筑廓型之集大成者非Martin Margiela莫属。MMM的设计向来独辟蹊径破格剪裁,设计师尤其注重肩膀位,仿佛向1980年代女战神式“强硬肩线”致敬而重新突破,经他立体剪裁的西装外套,不需垫肩,单靠挺括的物料即将经典廓型升级到前卫的境界,超乎想象的筒状肩部轮廓完全改变了女性的线条,强烈的建筑立体感给人一种简洁的张力,亦充满未来感。

maison martin margiela属于奢饰品吗

MAISON MARGIELA并非如人们耳熟能详的ARMANI,GUCCI,DIOR,VALENTINO等等一样,如果你把知名度和品牌历史放在高位,如果你认为奢侈品是一只手袋,一件皮具,那MMM肯定算不得奢侈品。但是,MAISON MARGIELA算是顶级设计师品牌行列的,如果论时装界地位,那和MARNI,JIL SANDER,Yohji Yamamoto一样,如果论价格,那比所谓奢侈品牌是有过之而无不及,平均价格肯定比LV高。如果你喜欢这个牌子,那说明你是一个品味独到的人,中国知名度基本没有,但在国外确实时装殿堂级人物。

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国内可能不怎么熟络的一个牌子,LADY GAGA曾经带过它的一款一片式眼镜。AIDS Tee也很出名,剪裁奇怪前卫。该设计师也曾担任爱马仕的女装设计总监,这几年改走保守风,新出来好多英式学院的衣服。
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