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maison margiela怎么读?

Maison Margiela的读音是:['meu026azu0259n]['mɑ:du0292u026an(u0259)l]。马丁·马吉拉(Martin Margiela,1957年4月9日-)是比利时服装设计师,出生于比利时亨克。和比利时前卫风格-安特卫普六君子皆为安特卫普皇家艺术学院毕业学生。个人品牌为 Maison Martin Margiela (Maison为法文"家"的意思),并于2009年正式宣布推出他个人品牌。于2015年1月正式更名为Maison Margiela。北京举办艺术展Maison Martin Margiela于1988年在巴黎成立,再由比利时发展到日本、英国、美国、台湾、韩国、香港、意大利和中国内地。20年后的今日,在香港著名时装集团I.T的引荐下, 名为“Maison Martin Margiela北京展览会”的品牌回顾展于2008年6月13日至7月1日在北京798艺术区内开幕。

Maison Martin Margiela怎么读



Maison Margiela是比利时一个设计师品牌。Maison Margiela最开始品牌名字是Maison Martin Margiela,1988年创立,后来改名为Maison Margiela。创始人马丁·马吉拉Martin Margiela,绝对是时尚界的殿堂级传奇人物之一。1997~2003年,Margiela兼任爱马仕女装创意总监。在此期间 Margiela 为爱马仕留下许多令人难忘的设计。许多人认为,当年Margiela的爱马仕设计,再也没有被继任设计师们超越。每套设计那种淡然、优雅,呼之欲出的气质……静静站在那里就能让人心颤的美。 Maison Margiela衣服标签背面印着几排数字,这些数字代表了 Margiela 的 24 个服装系列,其中有男装、女装和配饰,每一件衣服,依靠标签上被圈起来的那个数字,归入各个类别。 Artisanal 系列0),作为混搭了复古风服装和现代服装的一个系列,自 Maison Margiela 1988 年创立时开始,Artisanal 系列一直都以其解构主义设计而被人们尊崇。Margiela 以改衣服而著称,比如他手工裁剪的、像戏服一样的服装。 男装系列10/14),标有数字 10 的衣服一直被重新解读为每一季Margiela,对现代男装进行的先锋派诠释。而数字 14 则代表了拥有经典设计,可以永远长驻衣柜的款式。 男鞋和配饰系列11/22),数字 11 被赋予了所有配饰,包括包、腰带、珠宝和皮具。而数字 22 则被用在所有鞋履上。

说u30fb流行/ 从未曝光过的隐形设计师!Maison Margiela 23个数字藏玄机

在时装界享誉盛名却又极其低调的人,非设计师Martin Margiela莫属,从未曝光在大众眼前,甚至有人怀疑他是虚拟人物,不过种种揣测都不阻碍他创立的品牌Maison Margiela站上时尚高点,「我希望观众还未察觉谁是设计师之前,用最真实的感受去歌颂服装的设计。」这也就不意外品牌没有显著Logo,唯有神秘的方形白色标签,凭借23个数字掀起全球时尚迷的好奇心。 设计师Martin Margiela在1988年创立Maison Margiela(前身为Maison Martin Margiela),反时尚性且带有浓厚解构主义美学是他的不败亮点,但回溯到最初Martin Margiela与时尚的渊源,是祖母每次缝制衣服时,都会细心讲解流程,让他无意中产生了好奇心。时光推移至1989年品牌春夏首秀,纯白色抓皱服饰与分趾鞋的搭配依旧记忆犹新,Martin Margiela的创作不同于一般精品,善于在解构中加入寂静美学,任何回收再利用的异材质都可以成为发想,前卫且打破所有局限。 当然,品牌「最低调」的一样创举还有神秘的方形白色标签,Martin Margiela希望自己的服饰没有显眼的品牌Logo,空白是最大的想像力,于是在标签上以周围的白线缝制固定,根据技法而决定是否露在衣着外头,而后进阶加入「0-23」的数字排列,代表的是不同支线系列,像是6号是最知名的MM6女性生活支线、12是品牌首个珠宝系列,用意是让拥有单品的人能够随心撕掉,真正成为自己的服饰,这与设计师Martin Margiela本人的神秘感不谋而合。 除了白色标签,白色更是生命之源,Martin Margiela曾说过:「白色意味着一种柔弱的力量。」不仅员工穿上宛如实验室制服的白色长袍,站在他的工作室中,不分男女、地位、肤色,人人即是统一分明的存在,Martin Margiela无疑是「慢时尚」的始祖。 Maison Margiela希望让品牌走向隐形,自己更是从未高调曝光于媒体前,甚至会偷偷坐在秀场的观众席看秀,成为时尚界的「隐形人」,但随着流行快速演变,终于在2008年离开自己的心血结晶Maison Margiela,他认为时尚的「快、美、新」消磨了创作的动力,但无论如何,时尚界最神秘的鬼才设计师不会改变。 u25ba说u30fb流行/Jennie「花花针织衣」来自这平价小众品牌 背后板娘还是个美人儿!






马丁·马吉拉。Maison Margiela是由Maison Margiela创立,总部位于法国巴黎的一家时装品牌。全名Maison Martin Margiela,缩写为MMM。中文译为:马丁·马吉拉时装屋,简称马丁·马吉拉。品牌涉及高定、男女成衣、珠宝、鞋履、香氛、室内设计、配饰、MM6等。是一家“极具态度的前沿时装品牌”。品牌历史:设计师MartinMargiela于1984年移居巴黎,并在Jean Paul Gaultier担任设计助理,在此期间苦练技能。4年后,MartinMargiela推出了自己的首个女装系列,因巧妙设计和剪裁而备受推崇,从此谱写了品牌的辉煌历史。2014年10月,时尚偶像John Galliano被任命为创意总监,将自己的审美理念与该品牌经典浪漫元素完美融合,于次年1月推出了自己掌舵之后的首个成衣系列,以随性剪裁、羽毛缀饰、华美珠宝等丰富细节开启了Maison Margiela激动人心的后辉煌时代。

请帮我分析下面这句话的成分和语法。特别是fund raise做的是什么?

这是由连词while连接的两个并列句。整个句子成分划分如下:1.前一个分句:from July…year作时间状语;funds raised…offerings作主语,其中faised through initial public offerings作funds的后置定语;rose作谓语;more than 50 percent作程度状语。2. 后一个分句:while是连词;the trading…market作主语;jumped作谓语;nearly 70percent作程度状语;year-on-year作方式状语。整句译文:从2020年七月到今年六月,通过首次公开发售融得的资金增长了超过50%,而香港证券交易所的交易量与上年相比增长了近70%.

手机数据老是自动连接,产生话费。经查有time clock mais tenct


american renaissance名词解释

american renaissance 美国文艺复兴时 间 1830年代到南北战争结束的时期 代表作品 《红字》、《白鲸》美国文艺复兴(American Renaissance)又称新英格兰文艺复兴(New England Renaissance)。指1830年代左右到南北战争结束的一段时期,这一时期美国文学日趋成熟,成为一种反映民族精神的文学。这时美国文坛由一批新英格兰作家所主宰,其中著名的有朗费罗、霍姆斯(O. W. Holmes)以及洛威尔(J. R. Lowell)。这一时期最有影响力的是超验主义作家,包括爱默生、梭罗(H. D. Thoreau)。此外,还出现了一些伟大的富有想象力的作家,如霍桑、梅尔维尔(H. Melville)、惠特曼和坡。主要作品是霍桑的《红字》(The scarlet Letter)(1850),麦尔维尔的《白鲸》(Moby-Dick)(1851),和惠特曼的《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass)(1855)。 美国文艺复兴被认为是浪漫主义的继续,尤其在爱默生的超验主义(Transcendentalism)哲学中得到展现。

高手帮我翻译一段法文 Rebonjour Mr Maggie j ais bien recu le devis finaliser moi la proforma avec la






rear一般是“n&adj后方(的)”意思,raise是“v抬起,养育”的意思。rear在词典中的“抬起,养育”意思很少使用如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

southern renaissance 的简介。。。。英文的。。。。

The Southern Renaissance (also known as Southern Renascence) was the reinvigoration of American Southern literature that began in the 1920s and 1930s with the appearance of writers such as William Faulkner, Caroline Gordon, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, Katherine Anne Porter, Allen Tate, Tennessee Williams, and Robert Penn Warren, among others.Prior to this renaissance, Southern writers tended to focus on historical romances about the "Lost Cause" of the Confederate States of America. This writing glorified the heroism of the Confederate army and civilian population during the Civil War and the supposedly "idyllic culture" that existed in the South before the war (known as the Antebellum South).The belief in the heroism and morality of the South"s "Lost Cause" was a driving force in Southern literature between the Civil War and World War I. The Southern Renaissance changed this by addressing three major themes in their works. The first was the burden of history in a place where many people still remembered slavery, Reconstruction, and a devastating military defeat. The second theme was to focus on the South"s conservative culture, specifically on how an individual could exist without losing a sense of identity in a region where family, religion, and community were more highly valued than one"s personal and social life. The final theme that the renaissance writers approached was the South"s troubled history in regards to racial issues. Because of these writers" distance from the Civil War and slavery, they were able to bring more objectivity to writings about the South. They also brought new modernistic techniques such as stream of consciousness and complex narrative techniques to their works (as Faulkner did in his novel As I Lay Dying).Among the writers of the Southern Renaissance, William Faulkner is arguably the most influential and famous, having won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1949.

my dear friends,you raise me up!这句话有语病吗?



  《You raise me up》由新世纪音乐乐队神秘园(Secret Garden)创作并于2001年发行于专辑《Once in a Red Moon》中。由Brendan Graham作词,Rolf Løvland作曲,Brian Kennedy和Tracy Campbell共同演唱。   中英文歌词   When I am down and, oh my soul so weary   当我失落的时候噢我的灵魂感到多么的疲倦   When troubles come and my heart burdened be   当有困难时我的心背负着重担   Then, I am still and wait here in the silence   然后我会在寂静中等待   until you come and sit awhile with me   直到你的到来并与我小坐片刻   Tou raise me up, so I can stand on mountains   你鼓舞了我所以我能站在群山顶端   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas   你鼓舞了我让我能走过狂风暴雨的海   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders   当我靠在你的肩上时我是坚强的   You raise me up… to more than I can be   你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限   There is no life - no life without its hunger   没有生命-没有生命是没有渴求的   each restless heart beats so imperfectly   每颗火热跳动的心都不完美   But when you come and I am filled with wonder   但是当你靠近时我的心充满了惊讶   Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity   有时我觉得我见到了永恒   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains   你鼓舞了我所以我能站在群山顶端   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas   你鼓舞了我让我能走过狂风暴雨的海   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders   当我靠在你的肩上时我是坚强的   You raise me up… to more than I can be   你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains   你鼓舞了我所以我能站在群山顶端   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas   你鼓舞了我让我能走过狂风暴雨的海   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders   当我靠在你的肩上时我是坚强的   You raise me up… to more than I can be   你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains   你鼓舞了我所以我能站在群山顶端   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas   你鼓舞了我让我能走过狂风暴雨的海   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders   当我靠在你的肩上时我是坚强的   You raise me up… to more than I can be   你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限   You raise me up… to more than I can be…   你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限…   创作背景   《You Raise Me Up》由在挪威音乐界享有盛誉,曾为不同的音乐家担任作曲、监制并身兼键盘师、神秘园的两位主要成员之一的罗尔夫·拉夫兰作曲。当罗尔夫阅读了爱尔兰作家兼词人布兰登·格瑞翰所著的畅销小说《最白的花》后,颇受感动,力邀布兰登为曲子填词。   2001年,神秘园发行的《游忆红月》(Once in a Red Moon)专辑中收入此歌,由当时做客于神秘园的爱尔兰歌手《大河之舞》(Riverdance)的主唱布来恩·肯尼迪(Brian Kennedy)和黑人灵乐歌手翠茜·坎柏奈勋(Tracy Campbell-Nation)担纲演唱,并在爱尔兰和挪威热销。此歌曾在纽约市纪念911的仪式上为彰显消防员英勇救人的 事迹 而唱响,其时,这个专辑尚未在美国发行。随后,美国各家电台、电视台不断播放此歌长达一年之久,据称超过50万次以上。   歌曲鉴赏   Secret Garden(神秘园)是这首歌曲的创作者,这首歌也的确是典型Secret Garden的风格。那浑厚的男声能让你的听觉彻底崩溃,间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔。作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。   2007年专辑《唱游心海》中的介绍(3张)   根据爱尔兰传统民歌Danny Boy获得了创作灵感,这首歌最初题为《无声的 故事 》(Silent Story),由Secret Garden成员Lovland作曲成为世界上最适合被钢琴和小提琴演奏的经典曲目,Lovland在读了爱尔兰小说家和歌曲作家Brendan Graham(布伦丹·格雷厄姆)的小说后,请他为该歌填词。此歌于神秘园2002年的专辑《红月》(Once in a Red Moon)中首次发布,由爱尔兰歌手Brian Kennedy(布赖恩·肯尼迪)(全名Brian Edward Patrick Kennedy)演唱,并在爱尔兰和挪威销量较佳,当即占据各大排行榜冠军的位置长达十几周。虽然没有在美国发行,但是这首歌在美国被用于纪念911事件,仅2004年,《You Raise Me Up》就在美国的电台共计播放了至少500,000多次,2005年年底,仅在美国这首歌就有80余个版本,并获得福音音乐奖(Gospel Music Awards)包括“年度最佳歌曲”奖项在内的四个提名。__团体Selah演绎的版本也于Billboard的基督__榜单上位列第一。   2002年,神秘园到亚洲巡回演出,布莱恩因病未能同行,由挪威歌手坚·沃纳(Jan Werner Danielsen)演唱此歌,但录音从未发行。亚洲之行让神秘园的成员们大为惊讶是:这首歌其实已经传遍了中国大江南北。 英文歌曲推荐相关 文章 : 1. 10首经典英文歌曲有哪些推荐 2. 2017年最火的经典英文歌曲推荐 3. 2017好听英文歌曲排行榜 4. 经典流行的英文歌曲推荐 5. 2017年好听流行的英文歌曲推荐


Secret Garden(神秘园)是这首歌曲的创作者,这首歌也的确是典型Secret Garden的风格。那浑厚的男声能让你的听觉彻底崩溃,间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔。作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。根据爱尔兰传统民歌Danny Boy获得了创作灵感,这首歌最初题为《无声的故事》(Silent Story),由Secret Garden成员Lovland作曲成为世界上最适合被钢琴和小提琴演奏的经典曲目,Lovland在读了爱尔兰小说家和歌曲作家Brendan Graham(布伦丹·格雷厄姆)的小说后,请他为该歌填词。此歌于神秘园2002年的专辑《红月》(Once in a Red Moon)中首次发布,由爱尔兰歌手Brian Kennedy(布赖恩·肯尼迪)(全名Brian Edward Patrick Kennedy)演唱,并在爱尔兰和挪威销量较佳,当即占据各大排行榜冠军的位置长达十几周。虽然没有在美国发行,但是这首歌在美国被用于纪念911事件,仅2004年,《You Raise Me Up》就在美国的电台共计播放了至少500,000多次,2005年年底,仅在美国这首歌就有80余个版本,并获得福音音乐奖(Gospel Music Awards)包括“年度最佳歌曲”奖项在内的四个提名。基督教团体Selah演绎的版本也于Billboard的基督教音乐榜单上位列第一。2002年,神秘园到亚洲巡回演出,布莱恩因病未能同行,由挪威歌手坚·沃纳(Jan Werner Danielsen)演唱此歌,但录音从未发行。亚洲之行让神秘园的成员们大为惊讶是:这首歌其实已经传遍了中国大江南北。

怎么用英文介绍you raise me up这首歌?

中文:这首歌的曲作者是Secret Garden(神秘园)的Rolf Lovland, 词作者是Brendan Graham。这首歌至今被用不同语言翻唱了125次。这首歌的爱尔兰曲风和一首叫做"Danny Boy"的歌很相似,词作者是Frederick Weatherly, 歌词完成于1910年,而曲子是来自一首叫做"Silent Story"的器乐作品。(估计这就是作者有争论的原因)。这首歌曲于1913最终完成,并在1915年首次被录制成唱片。 再说现在,话说Rolf Lovland在读过Brendan Graham的一本名为“The Whitest Flower”的小说后,决定让他为这首you raise me up填词。最后这首歌于2001年收录于Secret Garden的专辑“Once in a Red Moon”中。歌曲是由一位爱尔兰歌手Brian Kennedy演唱的!这首歌被人们知晓是因为它成为了2001年911事件的纪念歌曲之一…… 随后,这首歌被Daniel O"Donnell于2003翻唱,并在英国一炮打响。之后这首歌才被Josh Groban翻唱,并在美国“公告牌”蝉联6周冠军。2004年,这首歌被美国的电台播放超过50万次,当之无愧地成为2004年的年度最佳歌曲! 最后,荣耀最终又回到了爱尔兰……西城男孩凭借这首歌曲,最终拿下了英国2005年最佳唱片大奖!值得一提的是,西城男孩是第100位翻唱这首歌的歌手~ 英文:Westlife released a cover version of "You Raise Me Up" as their first single from their Face to Face album. The band"s version is the #99 Best selling single in the UK for the 21st Century to date, having reached #1 on the chart in 2005. The band also won UK Record of the Year award for their rendition. There were two music video versions accompanying their rendition of the song. Westlife, together with original composer Secret Garden, performed the song at the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize concert. The band was the 100th artist to record this song. In 2004, the song was played more than 500,000 times on American radio. In late 2005, there were over 80 versions available in USA alone, and it has become nominated for Gospel Music Awards four times, including "Song of the Year". This version by Christian group Selah (with both verses included, as originally written) also went to No. 1 on Billboard"s Christian Charts.

you raise me up是哪部电影主题曲 Raise Me Up这首歌是一首赞美诗,事实上是歌颂上帝,告诫人们在任何艰难压抑的情况下,靠着上帝胜过自己、胜过环境的“福音类”的歌。间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔,作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。其中有一句You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas,是从《圣经》的典故而来----耶稣走在海面上。中文意思简单可翻译为“为你鼓舞了我”,是一支由歌手组合Secret Garden(神秘园)演唱的歌曲名称,被多次翻唱。Secret Garden(神秘园)是这首歌曲的创作者,这首歌也的确是典型Secret Garden的风格。那浑厚的男声能让你的听觉彻底崩溃,间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔。作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。根据爱尔兰传统民歌 Danny Boy获得了创作灵感,这首歌最初题为《无声的故事》(Silent Story),由Secret Garden成员Lovland作曲成为世界上最适合被钢琴和小提琴演奏的经典曲目,Lovland在读了爱尔兰小说家和歌曲作家Brendan Graham(布伦丹·格雷厄姆)的小说后,请他为该歌填词。此歌于神秘园2002年的专辑《红月》(Once in a Red Moon)中首次发布,由爱尔兰歌手Brian Kennedy(布赖恩·肯尼迪)(全名Brian Edward Patrick Kennedy)演唱,并在爱尔兰和挪威销量较佳,当即占据各大排行榜冠军的位置长达十几周。虽然没有在美国发行,但是这首歌在美国被用于纪念911事件,仅2004年,《You Raise Me Up》就在美国的电台共计播放了至少500,000多次,2005年年底,仅在美国这首歌就有80余个版本,并获得福音音乐奖(Gospel Music Awards)包括“年度最佳歌曲”奖项在内的四个题名。基督教团体Selah演绎的版本也于Billboard的基督教音乐榜单上位列第一。

西城的you raise me up是哪个影视作品的主题曲


you raise me up究竟有多少版本?具体说明

共四个版本1.“You raise me up”(《你鼓舞了我》)是神秘园2002年第四张大碟“Once In A Red Moon”(《忆游红月》)的主打曲目,取自一首爱尔兰民歌。2.最近成为时下备受关注的爱尔兰音乐组合Westlife(西城男孩)的最新专集“Face to face”(《面对面》中的第一主打歌曲. 其发行以来,连续数周占据单曲榜首位置,成为西城男孩的第13首英国榜冠军单曲3.著名歌手Josh Groban(左什·格鲁本)的版本 ,曾获2004年格莱美最佳男声独唱流行歌曲提名;4.福音合唱三人组Selah也曾演绎过这支曲子,以此支持非洲的福音事业。



you raise me up原唱是谁

secret garden一个由一男一女组成的乐队在01年发行了这首歌

you raise me up是什么意思? Raise Me Up这首歌是一首赞美诗,事实上是歌颂上帝,告诫人们在任何艰难压抑的情况下,靠着上帝胜过自己、胜过环境的“福音类”的歌。间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔,作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。其中有一句You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas,是从《圣经》的典故而来----耶稣走在海面上。中文意思简单可翻译为“为你鼓舞了我”,是一支由歌手组合Secret Garden(神秘园)演唱的歌曲名称,被多次翻唱。Secret Garden(神秘园)是这首歌曲的创作者,这首歌也的确是典型Secret Garden的风格。那浑厚的男声能让你的听觉彻底崩溃,间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔。作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。根据爱尔兰传统民歌 Danny Boy获得了创作灵感,这首歌最初题为《无声的故事》(Silent Story),由Secret Garden成员Lovland作曲成为世界上最适合被钢琴和小提琴演奏的经典曲目,Lovland在读了爱尔兰小说家和歌曲作家Brendan Graham(布伦丹·格雷厄姆)的小说后,请他为该歌填词。此歌于神秘园2002年的专辑《红月》(Once in a Red Moon)中首次发布,由爱尔兰歌手Brian Kennedy(布赖恩·肯尼迪)(全名Brian Edward Patrick Kennedy)演唱,并在爱尔兰和挪威销量较佳,当即占据各大排行榜冠军的位置长达十几周。虽然没有在美国发行,但是这首歌在美国被用于纪念911事件,仅2004年,《You Raise Me Up》就在美国的电台共计播放了至少500,000多次,2005年年底,仅在美国这首歌就有80余个版本,并获得福音音乐奖(Gospel Music Awards)包括“年度最佳歌曲”奖项在内的四个题名。基督教团体Selah演绎的版本也于Billboard的基督教音乐榜单上位列第一。

you raise me up 的背景资料

Westlife released a cover version of "You Raise Me Up" as their first single from their Face to Face album. The band"s version is the #99 Best selling single in the UK for the 21st Century to date, having reached #1 on the chart in 2005. The band also won UK Record of the Year award for their rendition.There were two music video versions accompanying their rendition of the song.Westlife, together with original composer Secret Garden, performed the song at the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize concert.The band was the 100th artist to record this song.In 2004, the song was played more than 500,000 times on American radio. In late 2005, there were over 80 versions available in USA alone, and it has become nominated for Gospel Music Awards four times, including "Song of the Year". This version by Christian group Selah (with both verses included, as originally written) also went to No. 1 on Billboard"s Christian Charts.On 21 September 2006, You Raise Me Up became the first song to have sold over 20,000 copies of the score on the popular sheet music website


《You Raise Me Up》迄今为止至少已被全球100位艺人翻唱过,如今这首经典歌曲已经在世界上用不同的语言录制了125次以上。2003年经古典跨界新秀乔诗·葛洛班(Josh Groban)在专辑《Closer》中演绎而红极一时,先行发售的单曲曾在Billboard成人抒情榜上坐了六周冠军,而《Closer》专辑也迅速稳坐Billboard 200榜单冠军专辑宝座。乔诗本人也凭借这首歌获得了2004年格莱美最佳流行男歌手提名,《You Raise Me Up》也因此成为他的代表作之一和翻唱中较为成功的版本。来自爱尔兰,风靡全世界的组合Westlife(西城男孩)在于2005年发行的专辑《Face To Face》中收录了他们所翻唱的《You Raise Me Up》。Westlife是第100个翻唱这首歌的艺术家。西城还与神秘园在2005年诺贝尔和平奖音乐会上共同演出了这首歌。由Westlife翻唱的《You Raise Me Up》蝉联双周冠军,还是是英国21世纪至今第99最佳畅销单曲,2005年达到榜单第一位。西城的翻唱让这首爱尔兰经典歌曲红遍英国焕发出全新的生命力。由爱尔兰美声组合Celtic Woman(凯尔特女人)演唱的版本,是世界上公认的最好演唱的十个版本之一。该组合闻名的天籁歌喉将歌曲最动人的旋律尽数勾勒出来,无论是动听程度还是感人程度都值得每一个心中有爱的人去仔细聆听。动画《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的OP《祈祷~you raise me up》也是由这首经典歌曲改编而成。当“非洲大山”穆托姆博退役时,CCTV5就播放了这首歌曲,来纪念这位40多岁的老将仍然在球场上拼搏的精神!当“车王”舒马赫退役时,CCTV5就播放了这首歌曲,来纪念这位F1七冠王!在美国达人中,曾经有个“失声大叔-donald braswell”翻唱过这首歌,非常感人。2001年,神秘园专辑《Once in a Red Moon》,歌手:Brian Kennedy和Tracy Campbell-Nation。2002年,专辑《The Impossible Dream - Live From Dublin》,歌手:Ronan Tynan。2002年,神秘园亚洲巡回演出,录过音但从未发行,歌手:Jan Werner Danielsen。2003年,专辑《Songs Of Faith》,歌手:Daniel O"Donnell。2003年,专辑《Shine》,歌手:Becky Taylor。2003年,单曲《You Raise Me Up》,歌手:Josh Groban。2004年,专辑《Closer》,歌手:Josh Groban。2004年,专辑《Hiding Place》,歌手:Selah。2004年,专辑《Redeemer》,歌手:Ivan Parker。2004年,专辑《My Heart》,歌手:Sissel。2004年,专辑《You Raise Me Up》,歌手:John Barrowman。2005年,专辑《The Journey》,歌手:The O"Neill Brothers。2005年,专辑《Celtic Woman》,歌手:Celtic Woman。2005年,专辑《You Raise Me Up》,歌手:Sheila Walsh。2005年,专辑《All Of The Above》,歌手:Ryan Corbin。2005年,专辑《Face To Face》,歌手:Westlife。2005年,专辑《Amore Musica》,歌手:Russell Watson。2005年,专辑《Music》,歌手:Michael Ball。2005年,专辑《Remember Me》,歌手:Celtic Tenor(with Samantha Mumba)2005年,专辑《Voice of Hope》,歌手:Tommy Fleming。2005年,专辑《You Raise Me Up》,歌手:Michael Junior。2006年,专辑《George Best - A Tribute》,歌手:Brian Kennedy。2006年,专辑《George Best-The Tribute》,歌手:Malachi Cush。2006年,专辑《Nära mej nära dej》,歌手:Sanna Nielsen(瑞典语)2006年,专辑《You Raise Me Up,The Best of Aled Jones》,歌手:Aled Jones。2006年,专辑《A New Journey》,歌手:Celtic Woman。2007年,专辑《祈愿-You Raise Me Up》,歌手:朴正炫(Lena Park)(英、日语)2007年,专辑《Encore》,歌手:Il Divo (英、西班牙语)2007年,专辑《Moon River》,歌手:Andrea Ross。2007年,专辑《One Chance》,歌手:Paul Potts(西班牙语)2007年,专辑《You Raise Me Up》,歌手:王栎鑫(英文)2007年,专辑《Precious》,歌手:カノン(英文)2008年,“5.12汶川大地震”赈灾爱心公益歌曲《永不沉没》,歌手:苏见信(中文)2010年,专辑《君がいる场所》 歌手:高垣彩阳2011年,红馆演唱会_YouRaiseMeUp,歌手:G.E.M邓紫棋2012年,电视剧《电视剧帝王》插曲 歌手:崔始源2013年,快乐男声9进8比赛 歌手:白举纲2013年,中国好声音4进1哈林组决赛 歌手:金润吉2013年,韩国KPOP STAR 2比赛E17 歌手:辛知勋2014年,荷兰好声音冠军 歌手:Martin Hurkens2014年,中国新生代 歌手:谭芷昀2015年,中国《我是歌手》第八场 歌手:郑淳元2015年,中国《中国好医声》之《无悔为医》:李铁军、米霞、彭芬、马天琪、徐旭鸿、冯爽、王彬、崔羽立。

westlife的you raise me up是不是被翻唱过

是的。 汶川之后,信也翻唱了这首歌

you raise me up歌词分析 从歌词中分析出道理!


you raise me up这首歌的创作背景


You raise me up,这首歌曲要表达什么意思?是唱给什么人的?


以The Importance of Praise为题写一篇80字的英语作文

If you ask me: Is praise important? I will give you a positive answer: Yes Praise is the act that people make positive statement about other person. It will bring people more happy and health. Children need praise very much. Their good performance will earn praise, and then, they will study harder. Because praise will increase their self-confidence. In daily life, we should use praise more. People will afftected by your praise and do a better job. After all, nobody likes criticism. So, don"t mean about your praise. It can bring you good relationship. 自己写的哦~~



Des Milliers De Baisers 歌词

歌曲名:Des Milliers De Baisers歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Et Je T"Aime EncoreCeline Dion - Des milliers de baisersDes milliers de baisers, des milliers de millierUn à un de mes lèvres à tes lèvres déposésDes millions de secondes, instantanés de bonheurEffacés disparus en un battement de coeurDes milliers de mots doux sur des pare-brises envolésNuméros composés sans jamais oser parlerBouts d"aveux déchirés dans des corbeilles à papierLes défroisser les recoller, lire et les garderDes milliers de caresses au millimètre carréDes milliers de cris de souffles à nos bouches échappésPans de ciels effleurés, touchés, sommeils emmêlésRayés comme si tout ca n"avait jamais étéJe voudrais tout ramasser dans des grands sacs poubelleLes paroles oubliées des plus banales aux plus bellesQu"aucun ne se perde de ces instants si précieuxCes phrases ont été dites, ces moments ont eu lieuTout enregistrer ajouter le son les odeursADN, empreintes, mais que jamais rien ne meureCes millions de films de nous, mais pas du cinémaToutes les scènes perdues que l"on ne jouait pasOn ouvrirait tous les jours où nous serions moins fortsTous ces embryons d"amour, toutes ces auroresSincères, démasqués, fragiles et vrais de candeurNous revoir ainsi nous rendrait peut-être meilleursDes milliers de baisers, des milliers de millierUn à un de nos lèvres sur des peaux déposéesDes milliers de pensées, de moments d"éternitéDe regards échangés dans des gares échangésDes milliers de baisers en un clin d"oeil oubliés(wait 1 min. for the Hidden Track)Valse AdieuLa nuit a été longueElle croise le matinS"allongent les ombresEncore et encoreEt c"est déjà demainPuisque la vie nous sépareEt nous entraine loin de nousQue les dieux vous gardentEncore et encoreVers d"autres rendez-vousOh mes amis mes frèresQue serions-nous sans nousDes coeurs en hiverSi seuls et moins fortsEt le manque de nousDes coeurs en hiverSi seuls et moins fortsEt le manque de nousFin

you raise me raise me up的歌曲?

《You Raise Me Up》歌词如下:When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary.当我失意低落的时候,我的精神是如此的疲倦不堪。When troubles come and my heart burdened be.当烦恼困难来袭的时候,我的内心是如此的 负担沉重。Then, I am still and wait here in the silence.然后,我默默的伫立,静静地等待。Until you come and sit a while with me.直到你的到来,片刻地和我在一起。You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains .你激励了我于是我能立足于山巅。You raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.你鼓舞了我,于是我能行走在暴风雨的洋面。I am strong when I am on your shoulders.在你的臂膀上我变得坚韧强壮。You raise me up,to more than I can be.你的鼓励使我超越了自我。There is no life -世上没有——no life without its hunger.没有失去希望的生命。Each restless heart beats so imperfectly.每颗悸动的心也都跳动得不那么完美。But when you come and I am filled with wonder.但是你的到来,让我心中充满了奇迹。Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.甚至有时我认为因为有你我瞥见了永恒。You raise me up,so I can stand on mountains .你激励了我故我能立足于群山之巅。You raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.你鼓舞了我,故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面。I am strongwhen I am on your shoulders.在你坚实的臂膀上我变得坚韧强壮。You raise me up,to more than I can be.你的鼓励使我超越了自我。

求《You raise me up》完整歌词

When I am down and oh my soul so weary 每当我悲伤沮丧时,噢我的灵魂,如痴倦怠When troubles come and my heart burdened be 每当烦扰袭来时我的心总是沉重不堪Then I am still and wait here in the silence 孤寂中,我会在这里静静的等待Until you come and sit a while with me 等你出现与我稍作倾谈You raise me up so I can stand on mountains 你鼓舞了我,我才立于群山之巅You raise me up to walk on stormy seas 你鼓舞了我,让我行过风雨海浪I am strong when I am on your shoulders 倚在你的肩头,我变得无比强壮You raise me up... to more than I can be 你鼓舞了我...让我超越自我You raise me up so I can stand on mountains 你鼓舞了我,我才立于群山之巅You raise me up to walk on stormy seas 你鼓舞了我,让我行过风雨海浪I am strong when I am on your shoulders 倚在你的肩头,我变得无比强壮You raise me up... to more than I can be 你鼓舞了我...让我超越自我There is no life no life without its hunger 所有的生命都蕴藏着欲望和不安Each restless heart beats so imperfectly 躁动的心,难以激荡完美的乐章But when you come and I am filled with wonder 但是当你来到我身边,我又满怀希望Sometimes I think I glimpse eternity 有时我想,我已捕捉到永恒之光You raise me up so I can stand on mountains你鼓舞了我,我才立于群山之巅You raise me up to walk on stormy seas 你鼓舞了我,让我行过风雨海浪I am strong when I am on your shoulders 倚在你的肩头,我变得无比强壮You raise me up... to more than I can be 你鼓舞了我..让我超越自我You raise me up to more than I can be 你鼓舞了我,让我超越自我翻唱版本《You Raise Me Up》迄今为止至少已被全球100位艺人翻唱过,如今这首经典歌曲已经在世界上用不同的语言录制了125次以上。2003年经古典跨界新秀Josh Groban在专辑《Closer》中演绎而红极一时,单曲曾在Billboard成人抒情榜上坐了六周冠军,而《Closer》专辑也迅速稳坐冠军专辑宝座。Josh本人也凭借这首歌获得了格莱美最佳流行男歌手提名,《You Raise Me Up》也因此成为他的代表作之一和翻唱中较为成功的版本。来自爱尔兰,风靡全世界的组合Westlife(西城男孩)在于2005年发行的专辑《Face To Face》中收录了他们所翻唱的《You Raise Me Up》。Westlife是第100个翻唱这首歌的艺术家。西城还与神秘园在2005年诺贝尔和平奖音乐会上共同演出了这首歌。由Westlife翻唱的《You Raise Me Up》蝉联双周冠军,还是是英国21世纪至今第99最佳畅销单曲,2005年达到榜单第一位。西城的翻唱让这首爱尔兰经典歌曲红遍英国焕发出全新的生命力。




Westlife - You Raise Me UpWhen I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;When troubles come and my heart burdened be;Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,Until you come and sit awhile with me.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up… To more than I can be.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up… To more than I can be.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up… To more than I can be.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up… To more than I can be.You raise me up… To more than I can be.END

minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict

美国的少数名族文化常常有跨文化冲突问题。minority cultures 是主语within the United States是后置定语raised是谓语issues of cross-cultural conflict是宾语

daisy destruction什么意思

daisy destruction黛西的破坏词典结果:destruction[英][du026au02c8stru028cku0283n][美][du026au02c8stru028cku0283u0259n]n.破坏,毁灭,消灭,灭亡,扑灭,驱除; 摧毁; 毁灭的原因,破坏手段; 杀害; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Although our biggest companies may appear monolithic, they"re subject to the logic of creative destruction. 尽管我们的大公司看起来可能庞大而无特色,它们也遵从创造性破坏的逻辑。



区分complaisant complement compliment compliance compliant

这几个词汇主要可以通过词根来区分: pliance pliant都是从ply作为词根衍生出来的,都是有顺从的意思,pliment我个人认为可能也是这个词根出来的,毕竟恭维也就是曲意逢迎,顺从,其实是差不多的,但pliment形式还是差的比较大的,单独记一下吧; plement 表示互补的东西,是由plete作为词根衍生出来的,相应的还有一个形容词形式的plementary也一并记住好了; 至于plaisant我觉得好像还好吧,跟其他几个没什么相似的了. 你要真懒得记,直接只记住plement,然后其他几个都作为顺从记住好了,反正意思确实也差不多. GRE词汇嘛,反正都是这么背过来的,加油吧.

区分complaisant complement compliment compliance compliant

这几个词汇主要可以通过词根来区分:compliance compliant都是从comply作为词根衍生出来的,都是有顺从的意思,compliment我个人认为可能也是这个词根出来的,毕竟恭维也就是曲意逢迎,顺从,其实是差不多的,但compliment形式还是差的比较大的,单独记一下吧;complement 表示互补的东西,是由complete作为词根衍生出来的,相应的还有一个形容词形式的complementary也一并记住好了;至于complaisant我觉得好像还好吧,跟其他几个没什么相似的了。你要真懒得记,直接只记住complement,然后其他几个都作为顺从记住好了,反正意思确实也差不多。GRE词汇嘛,反正都是这么背过来的,加油吧。

Raise It Up 歌词

歌曲名:Raise It Up歌手:Impact Repertory Theatre&Jamia Simone Nash专辑:August Rush (Soundtrack)Jamia Simone Nash and Impact Repertory Theater - Raise It Up送给乐烯~~愿乐烯越来越漂亮~~~No father figure in the houseand i"m wonderin" how i"m gonna work it outoh my friends keep on tellin" mehow i don"t need that manbut they don"t really understandthere"s far too many presures in reality but dealing with the pain and stress and povertyand i gotta be myself becausethere"s nobody else for me (nohhhh)(heading there with me)sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child(so don"t give up)so don"t give up(when presures come down)sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make you smile(so raise it up)so raise(hang in there with me)sometimes we need another helping hand to show the ways(so don"t give up) so don"t give up(when presures come down)sometimes it seems inpossible and that"s why we pray(so raise it up) we raise seems to be nothing left for me mommas gone daddy didnt wanna be and now im all by myself wonderin where is love orshould i just give uplife falls down on me, cuts into my soul but i know i got the strength to make it throgh it allcause im still standin tallbreaking throgh this wall im gonna give my all feelin like a motherless childhankered into my soul its bringing me down cant find my smile on a face of a motherless childim gonna break down these walls gonna give it my all ya knowyeah yeah yeah yeahhhh(hang in there with me)sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child(so dont give up)so don"t give up(when pressures come down)sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make a smile(so raise it up) so raise it up(hang in there with me) raise it upsometimes it takes another helping hand to show you the way(so dont give up, when presures come down) sometimes it seems impossible thats why we praySO RAISE IT UP

make与 rais表示赚钱的区别?

make money是赚钱 raise money,集资;筹款;募捐

这个是什么从句?It aims to raise awareness that improving your numeracy can be a rewarding e

It aims to raise awareness that improving your numeracy can be a rewarding experience for people of all ages. that improving your numeracy can be a rewarding experience for people of all ages.是同位语从句。

是rise a question 还是raise a question

raise a question

是rise a question 还是raise a question

raise a question.raise 是及物动词rise 是不及物动词


There are a lot of animals here

My name is Daisy.(完形填空)

a programme

求神秘园raise your voice 歌词

歌曲:raise your voice 歌手:secret gard 歌词:[ar:secret garden]raise your voicethough the night be darkand fearfulthough we face the dimming daythough the heart be sad and tearfultrust in him, he will light the wayraise your voices raise your voicespraise to him the living wordto the heavens high ascendingraise your voices to the lordthrough the mists in this vale of sorrowthrough the glass we but darkly seewe will rise again tormorrowthen our etes will lifted beraise your voices raise your voicespraise to him the living wordto the hevens high ascendingraise your voice to the lordlong the road that has no endingfar the path that has no turnand the souls ever wendingto the place it first was bornsee the host of angels singingwhen they hear that trumpet soundwhen the piper@s call is ringingthen shall my soul be ever homeward boundraise your voices raise your voicespraise to him the living wordto the hevens high ascendingraise your voice to the lordmountains tell and seas will thunderone unceasing chorus ringheaven and earth will sleep no longerthen the universe as one will singraise your voices raise your voicespraise to him the living wordto the hevens high ascendingraise your voice to the lordraise your voice to the lord

how come you know i have injuries at waist是什么意思?


求no one but you_ Doug Paisley吉他谱


She approached her boss about getting a raise.翻译




求《Raise the dead》 Rachel Rabin 的中文歌词! 要中文的哦~!

Rachel Rabin — Raise The Dead Love don"t break the light, Trying to find my way again,Grey stars on the rise, Navigate me on the mend,The clock moves out of time,Wading through the moments we left,I trip to feel alive,And die to forget,Lift me up and I feel lighter,I"m living in a dream,Wake me up if everything changes,And nothing"s what it seems,Come raise the dead,I"m dreaming of the end,Hallucinate the tables are turning and life,Was everything you said,Come raise the dead,I"m leaning on the edge,Illuminate the way to my heart,It"s twisting on a thread,Come raise the dead,Breath me back inside,I"ve been in the water too long,I soaked in all the cries,Until I was gone,Lift me up and I feel lighter,I"m living in a dream,Wake me up if everything changes,And nothing"s what it seems,Come raise the dead,I"m dreaming of the end,Hallucinate the tables are turning and life,Was everything you said,Come raise the dead,I"m leaning on the edge,Illuminate the way to my heart,It"s twisting on a thread,Come raise the dead,Lift me up and I feel lighter,Lift me up and I feel lighter,Come raise the dead,I"m dreaming of the end,Hallucinate the tables are turning and life,Was everything you said,Come raise the dead,I"m leaning on the edge,Illuminate the way to my heart,It"s twisting on a thread,Come raise the dead 瑞秋拉宾 - 叫死人复活 爱情不破光,试图再次找到我的方式,在上升灰星,导航我在好转,时钟移出的时候,通过我们离开的时刻涉水,我绊觉得活着,死到忘了,把我捧上我感到轻松,我住在一个梦想,如果一切都变了叫醒我,并没有什么是什么,似乎,快来叫死人复活,我梦想着年底,产生幻觉的表转动,生活,就是你说,请你叫死人复活的一切,我靠在边上,照亮方式我的心脏,这是扭曲的一个线程,来使死人复活,呼气我回到屋里,我一直在水中太长了,我泡在所有的呼喊,直到我走了,把我捧上我感到轻松,我生活在一个梦想,如果一切都变了叫醒我,并没有什么是什么,似乎,快来叫死人复活,我魂牵梦萦结束,产生幻觉表正转和生活,当时你说,请你叫死人复活,我靠在边上,照亮方式我的心脏的一切,这是扭曲的一个线程,来使死人复活,提起我,我感到轻松,让我能和我的感觉更轻,快来叫死人复活,我梦想着结束,产生幻觉表正转和生活,就是你所说的一切,来使死人复活,我米靠在边上,照亮方式我的心脏,这是扭曲的一个线程,来使死人复活求采纳

英语翻译例:宣传总监 Chief Inspector of PropagandaIs awarded to XXX in

主席----chairman 秘书长----secretary-general 主席助理----President assistant 秘书长助理----Assistant secretary-general 宣传总监----Publicity director 宣传督导----Propaganda supervision 常务署长----Standing director 志愿者统筹----Volunteers to plan as a whole 财务统筹----Financial plan as a whole 学术总监----Academic director 学术督导----Academic supervision 学术成员----Academic member 常务成员----Standing members 宣传成员----Propaganda members 赞美的自己说点就行啊



英语 rise和raise的区别(说的越详细越好)>.









1、raise的意思是“提高”、“举起”,是及物动词,既能接宾语,也能用于被动语态。它的宾语一般是头、手、眼、帽、重物以及政治觉悟、生活水平、物价、温度、声音等2、rise的意思是“上升”、“上涨”,是不及物动词,既不能接宾语,也不能用于被动语态。它的主语一般是日、月、云、烟、热、气、温度计、物价、河水等。指人时,一般指人“站起”、“起床”。 一般来说,raise是指不能自主的升高,需要外界的作用才能升起,如升国旗:raise National flag,因为旗是不能自己向上升的,需要由人升旗,所以应该用raise. 可以主动升起、或举的时候,用rise,如请举手:rise your hand。 rise 也有增长,增加的意思,如 The unemployment rised 2%. 以上


rise 作为名词意为“上升,增加,斜坡,加薪”;作为动词, 属于不及物动词, 意为“升起,起立,增加”,例如:rise up “起来”raise 作为名词意为“加薪”,作为动词,属于及物动词,意为“筹集,举起, 增加,提高,饲养”等。例如:raise a question “提问”, raise pigs “养猪”。

rise 和raise 的区别(给出例句)






Kaiser Chiefs的《Ruby》 歌词

歌曲名:Ruby歌手:Kaiser Chiefs专辑:Now That"s What I Call The 00sRubyArtist: Kaiser ChiefsAlbum: Yours Truly, Angry MobEdit By: AQUEENA(Da da daaa, da da daaa)(Da da daaa, da da daaa)Let it never be said, that romance is deadCos there"s so little else occupying my headThere is nothing I need except the function to breatheBut I"m not really fussed, doesn"t matter to meRuby, Ruby, Ruby, RubyAhaa-ahaa-aaaaDo ya, do ya, do ya, do yaAhaa-ahaa-aaaaKnow what ya doing, doing to me?Ahaa-ahaa-aaaaRuby, Ruby, Ruby, RubyAhaa-ahaa-aaaaDue to lack of interest tomorrow is cancelledLet the clocks be reset and the pendulums heldCos there"s nothing at all except the space in betweenFinding out what you"re called and repeating your nameRuby, Ruby, Ruby, RubyAhaa-ahaa-aaaaDo ya, do ya, do ya, do yaAhaa-ahaa-aaaaKnow what ya doing, doing to me?Ahaa-ahaa-aaaaRuby, Ruby, Ruby, RubyAhaa-ahaa-aaaaCould it be, could it be that you"re joking with meAnd you don"t really see you with meCould it be, could it be that you"re joking with meAnd you don"t really see you with meAQUEENA

raise concerns with 是什么意思


I Love You Mais Encore 歌词

歌曲名:I Love You Mais Encore歌手:Starliners专辑:HelloDion CelineLive A ParisPour Que Tu Maimes EncoreJean-Jacques GoldmanFor you to still love me.Jai compris tous les mots, jai bien compris, merciRaisonnable et nouveau, cest ainsi par iciQue les choses ont chang?que les fleurs ont fan?R> Que le temps davant, c?it le temps davantQue si tout zappe et lasse, les amours aussi passentI understood all the words, I well understood, thanksReasonable and new, thats the way hereThings have changed, that flowers get fadeThat the time before, was the time beforeIf all zap and tire, loves also go byIl faut que tu sachesYou must knowJirai chercher ton coeur si tu lemportes ailleursM? si dans tes danses dautres dansent tes heuresJirai chercher ton ? dans les froids dans les flammesJe te jetterai des sorts pour que tu maimes encoreIll go get your heart if you take it somewhere elseEven if in your dances others dance your hoursIll go get your soul in the colds in the flammesIll cast a spell on you for you to still love meFallait pas commencer mattirer me toucherFallait pas tant donner moi je sais pas jouerOn me dit quaujourdhui, on me dit que les autres font ainsiJe ne suis pas les autresAvant que lon sattache, avant que lon se g?eShouldnt begin tease me touch meShouldnt give so much I dont know how to playThey say that today, they say others do soIm not the othersBefore we attach to the other, before we spoil each otherJe veux que tu sachesI want you to knowJirai chercher ton coeur si tu lemportes ailleursM? si dans tes danses dautres dansent tes heuresJirai chercher ton ? dans les froids dans les flammesJe te jetterai des sorts pour que tu maimes encoreIll go get your heart if you take it somewhere elseEven if in your dances others dance your hoursIll go get your soul in the colds in the flammesIll cast a spell on you for you to to still love meJe trouverai des langages pour chanter tes louangesJe ferai nos bagages pour dinfinies vendangesLes formules magiques des marabouts dAfriqueJles dirai sans remords pour que tu maimes encoreIll find languages to sing your praisesIll make my luggages for infinite vintagesMagic spells from African priestsIll say them without remorse for you to still love meJe minventerai reine pour que tu me retiennesJe me ferai nouvelle pour que le feu reprenneJe deviendrai ces autres qui te donnent du plaisirVos jeux seront les n?s si tel est ton d?rPlus brillante plus belle pour une autre ?ncelle

It is desirable that our salary (raise) as soon as possible.


liaise 与contact 区别

liaise 是不及物动词,它要想联系什么,后头得加个withcontact 是名词,也是及物动词,可以直接说美国人很少用liaise 我搜了纽约时报近20年的报纸,只有十处用到这个词,中国日报里到是不少

Shackles (Praise You) (Medium Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:Shackles (Praise You) (Medium Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Shackles (Praise You)(Whoo!)It sure is hot out hereYou know?I don"t mind, though.Just glad to be free.Don"t think, go!Take the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise you(What you wanna do?)I just wanna praise you(Yeah, yeah)You broke the chains now I can lift my hands(Uh tell me?)And I"m gonna praise you(Whatcha gonna do?)I"m gonna praise youIn the corners of my mindI just can"t seem to find a reason to believeThat I can break freeCause you see I have been bound for so longFelt like all hope is goneBut as I lift my hands, I understandThat I should praise you through my circumstanceTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youEverything that could go wrongAll went wrong at one timeSo much pressure fell on meI thought I was gonna lose my mindBut I know you wanna seeIf I will hold on through these trialsBut I need you to lift this loadCause I can"t take it no moreTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youBeen through the fire and the rainBound in every kind of wayBut God has broken every chainSo let me go right nowTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youTake a walk, Take a walkWhat"cha gonna do, And you do it

求一篇作文,谈一谈 find the good and praise it的感受,六级水平左右的。


enterpraise segment是什么意思呀


Driving Miss Daisy 的英语影评

  Driving Miss Daisy 为戴茜小姐开车 英语影评  Adapting plays to the movies is always an iffy prospect. If the story is "opened up" too much, with extra characters and locations, it can lose its intimacy. If the story remains too close to its stagebound roots it can become cinematically dull.  But every now and then a stage adaptation comes along that manages to be faithful to the play"s best interests and yet open it up just enough to make for a cinematic treat, and such is "Driving Miss Daisy."  Led by riveting performances from Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy, this Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy-drama is utterly enthralling, though also quite spare and intimate.  Director Bruce Beresford, an Australian who seemed right at home in America"s South with "Tender Mercies" and "Crimes of the Heart," has returned triumphantly to that area in creating this wonderfully delicate masterpiece, largely through the fine performances of his stars.  Tandy is the title character, a wealthy 72-year-old Southern matron, a Jewish woman in the Christian Bible Belt of 1948 as the film begins. After an accident with her car, she is nagged into allowing a driver to be hired by her protective son Boolie (Dan Aykroyd, who is also convincing and never resorts to any of the shtick you might expect).  Boolie hires Hoke (Freeman), a black 60-ish widower and chauffeur whose patience seemingly knows no limits. At first Miss Daisy wants nothing to do with Hoke. She is a stern, stiffnecked woman with pride as big as all outdoors, and she"s humiliated by her inability to drive herself. Not one to give up easily, however, Hoke, after sitting around the house with nothing to do for his first week of employment, follows her in the car as she walks to the store one day. Embarrassed, she reluctantly climbs into the back seat.  Thus begins a tenuous relationship that will span the next 25 years in the changing South. And they will change with it.  But this isn"t a movie about people who make some remarkable lifestyle switch in the last five minutes. Rather, Alfred Uhry"s touching and very funny screenplay, based on his own play, shows the gradual change that creeps inside these characters.  Miss Daisy, though she considers herself a liberal Southerner, exclaiming repeatedly, "I am not prejudiced," hangs on to longtime traditions. When she thinks Hoke has taken something from her she says, "These people are always stealing things." And when she has an extra ticket to a dinner honoring Martin Luther King, she doesn"t even consider that Hoke might like to attend. During the latter scene she comments that she"s glad to see things change. But Hoke mutters, "Things haven"t changed all that much."  Needless to say, Morgan Freeman, who continues to grow as one of the American movies" finest actors, and Jessica Tandy, who is certainly one of our national treasures, will be remembered come Oscar nomination time. And Aykroyd will surprise you as a character who ages 25 years in a very natural and realistic manner.  "Driving Miss Daisy," which is rated PG for a single profanity uttered by Aykroyd, is an extremely moving film with some hilarious moments. And though the screenplay obviously offers the humor, it is the actors" inflections and twists on words that give the comedy its real impact.  Beresford has also managed an incredibly authentic look to his period piece. It"s fascinating, for example, to notice in the background during a scene on an old country road that old-style cars are driving by while Hoke and Miss Daisy exchange casual dialogue in the foreground. It would have been much easier to keep all traffic out of the shot, but Beresford goes the extra mile here, as he does throughout the film.  It"s easy to see why "Driving Miss Daisy" is on so many national critics" top 10 lists, those who saw the film before 1989 came to a close. This is indeed among the year"s very best pictures.
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