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有人知道"Maisi-habas-habas miliskin mas……"这句歌词的名字吗?

【 猎人(The Hunter) 】【 国语 】【 2000-07 】歌词 1.Lsa naka mai-asang(思念遥远故乡) 2.Inata tu bunun(在外工作的朋友) 3.Ana tupa tu(月光) 4.Hahanup bunun tu sinlala(猎人) 5.Paka-daidaz(夸功歌) 6.Inak tu kai-hanimul-mulan(我的寂寞) 7.Maluv-luv tu ludun(风之谷) 8.Buklavu(布古拉夫) 9.Mahta Kaba u sa duan(总有一天) 10.Biung(必勇)(必勇) 1.Lsa naka mai-asang(思念遥远故乡) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 Maisi-habas milliskin mas Tama china tu sin-hasam Nitu ha-iap tu na-masikua Kaupa dihanin sighal maluskun zaku Tanchini saikin mudan Mahanimul-mul Kaupa-kaupa tata-gis Uka bunun ha-iap isa mita lumah 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 (翻译) 思念遥远故乡 从以前就不断地想着父母说的话,不晓得该何去何从。 只有天上的星光陪伴着我。 一个人在陌生的地方走着,心里有着无限的感伤。 只有只有独自哭泣。 从我身旁匆匆走过的人们,你们知道我的家乡在哪里吗? 2.Inata tu bunun(在外工作的朋友) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 I nata tu bunun(o hai ya) Sikuav lumah tu bunun(o hai ya) Adu aiza haliga(o hai ya) Na-asa tupa(o hai ya) I nata tu bunun(o hai ya) Sikuav lumah tu bunun(o hai ya) Kadaza miliskin(o hai ya) I sia mita tu is-ag(o hai ya) Katu mahani mul-mul kadaza masta-tala Aiza tu tasahanian namuhna kulumah Muskun ta malastaban kahuzas malas-bunun Latuza saikin tu mintasa mita is-ag 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 Matu…hai-iag… (翻译) 在外工作的朋友 在外工作的朋友,离开家乡的朋友。 你是不是有话想说,在外工作的朋友。 离开家乡的朋友,思念一直在你我心中。 不要悲伤,静静等待。 总有一天,我们要回到家乡。 唱着我们的古调,分享彼此的荣耀。 此时此刻,我们的心依然紧紧相连。 3.Ana tupa tu(月光) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 Ana tupa tu uka mita mahtu sinadan Asa kata tu mainaskal aupa aizag abuan Ana tupa tu uka mita mahtu kanadan Asa Kata tu malisvala aupa aizag a bunun I sia mita tu is-ag maza mastan kaisal bun Adu aiza sipu-gulun mita I sia mita tu is-ag Mais sadu kata buan maza mita iliskinan Adu aldikusun (翻译) 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 月光 虽然失去的依靠,我们仍然感到快乐。 因为我们还有月亮。 虽然失去了立足的地方,我们仍要感到安慰。 因为我们仍有企盼。 在你的心中,依然在意什么。 在你的心中,已然遗忘什么。 当你抬头看着月亮,是否还有感动? 祖先说过的话,是否还在你的心中? 4.Hahanup bunun tu sinlala(猎人) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 Laupaku mita bunun Is-ukanin tamasaz Laupaku mita bunun Sikuavin mita tu dalah Adu aiza bunbun chinliskin habsang Mailagtagus tu laini-haiban Latuza saikin na-tupa na-ia tu 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 Isa mita bunun tu tais-hag (翻译) 当我看到布农的精神不在,当我看到现在的布农, 离开了自己的土地。 是否有人回想起,从前祖先所走过的路。 我相信他们会问我们,我们布农的荣耀在哪里 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 5.Paka-daidaz(夸功歌) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 Maisna sianik ludun ku lumah Mataida-daza sai-kin sia dan Aip hai mastan tu kainaskalu Aupa chisduan nik tasa vanis Ha ian ha ian Mutu-sain-chin Mun-sain-chin Muskun ta pisus-ling (翻译) 从山上奔回村中,一路上又叫又唱。 今天是丰收的一天,因为我抓到一只山猪。 亲爱的族人赶快来,让我们一起来唱歌。


316ti/0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti/1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti/ SUS316l316ti不锈钢2B光洁度有一个的光面,这是光滑不常见于厨房电器的磨砂处理。316ti不锈钢通常都会伤(切)从被切割成一定的尺寸,制造,发货,等等。316ti不锈钢2B光洁度的用途包括海洋应用和氢燃料电池。如果你需要的选项,316ti不锈钢将举行磁铁。用途316ti不锈钢2B光洁度有一个的光面,这是光滑不常见于厨房电器的磨砂处理。316ti不锈钢通常都会伤(切)从被切割成一定的尺寸,制造,发货,等等。316ti不锈钢2B光洁度的用途包括海洋应用和氢燃料电池。如果你需要的选项,316ti不锈钢将举行磁铁。产品规格冷轧不锈钢,厚度0.6-3.0mm的宽度400-620毫米间长度800-2200毫米间热轧不锈钢,厚度2.0-10.0毫米宽度400-640毫米间长度1300-2400毫米316ti不锈钢的“L”表示的合金的碳含量在0.03%以下,这使得的316ti不锈钢片优选用于焊接。如果无划痕表面需要,请与快速船金属打听PVC膜适用于316ti不锈钢2B完成。316Ti不锈钢板国标0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti中国牌号是1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti不锈钢板,316Ti不锈钢板是在SUS316钢中添加Ti来改善抗晶间腐蚀性能。应用于抵抗硫酸、磷酸、乙酸、醋酸的设备。物理性能化学成分C:≤0.08Si≤1.00Mn≤2.00P≤0.035S≤0.030Ni 11.00~14.00Cr 16.00~19.00Mo 1.80~2.50Ti≥5*C%~0.70GB/T1220-1992中有此规定,平常也叫Mo2Ti或316Ti机械性能YS(Mpa) ≥205TS(Mpa) ≥520EL(%)  ≥40Hv 200°左右SUS316L日本SUS系列不锈钢,含碳量比316钢更低,抗晶间腐蚀性更好. 适用于在化工、化纤、化肥等工业上用作重要耐腐蚀材料。除有耐大气腐蚀和高温强度好,可在苛酷的条件下使用的特性外,其抗晶间腐蚀性优,加工硬化优,海水设备,造纸等生产设备,醋酸设备.其耐晶间腐蚀性能好.316L不锈钢的最大碳含量0.03,可用于焊接后不能进行退火和需要最大耐腐蚀性的用途中.SUS316L不锈钢耐腐蚀性能优于304不锈钢,在制浆和造纸的生产过程中具有良好的耐腐蚀的性能。而且316不锈钢还耐海洋和侵蚀性工业大气的侵蚀。在1600度以下的间断使用和在1700度以下的连续使用中,316不锈钢具有好的耐氧化性能。在800-1575度的范围内,最好不要连续作用316不锈钢,但在该温度范围以外连续使用316不锈钢时,该不锈钢具有良好的耐热性。316L不锈钢的耐碳化物析出的性能比316不锈钢更好,可用上述温度范围。在1850-2050度的温度范围内进行退火,然后迅速退火,然后迅速冷却。,它具有耐高温、易加工、高强度化。316L不锈钢,不需要进行焊后退火处理。316L不锈钢添加Mo,故其耐蚀性、耐大气腐蚀性和高温强度特别好,可在苛酷的条件下使用;加工硬化性优(无磁性)。高温强度优秀。316L不锈钢属于奥氏体不锈钢,不能通过热处理强化。具有良好的强度、塑性、韧性和冷成型性及良好的低温性能。由于在Cr18Ni8的基础上添加了2%的Mo,赋予了钢良好的耐还原性介质和耐点蚀能力。在各种有机酸、无机酸、碱、盐类、海水中均有适宜的耐蚀性。在还原性酸性介质中其耐蚀性远优于304和304L。

plaisir jane中文歌词

《plainjane》翻译中文歌词:Yeah, right。是了 没错。Yeah。耶。Ride with the mob。与暴徒的骑行。Alhamdulillah。感谢真主(阿拉伯语,穆斯林说的比较多)。Check in with me, and do ya job。与我办理入住手续,然后尽情挑逗我。Ferg is the name。费格斯是我的姓。Ben Baller did the chain。Ben Baller打造的重量级项链。12 for the watch。为了12点的赛事。"Cause he Plain jane。他只是外表普通。Yamborghini chain, rest in peace to my superior。兰博基尼的车链优秀人手里。Hermes link could feed a village in Liberia。一条爱马仕手链便可养活利比里亚的人。TMZ taking pictures causin" mad hysteria。TMZ照的相让人疯狂失控(TMZ是美国在线旗下的一个娱乐新闻网站)。Momma see me on BET and started tearin" up。妈妈看到得大奖的我,泪流满面。I"mma start killin" niggas。我的唱功秒杀所有黑人。How you get that tribe。你是怎么和他们混一起的。《Plain Jane》歌曲:是由Darold Brown作曲,AAP Ferg、Nicki Minaj演唱的英文歌曲,所属专辑《Plain Jane REMIX》。AAP Ferg和AAP Rocky两人算是AAP Mob的主力,实力我认为跟其他人比绝对是高水平,两人间比是不相上下的。Rocky跟Ferg都有很独特的个人风格,因此互相间没什么可比性,但两人的flow以及极有特色的音色都能做到让初听者惊艳,并且很容易让人记住,这也是两人能达到现在这个高度的原因之一。



raising 是什么意思?还喜欢的英语怎么读?

1. 抬起,举起(重物等);升(旗等);使起立,竖起(柱子等);捞起,打捞(沈船)。2. 建造,建立(纪念碑等),造起(房子);使(雕刻物上的形象等)浮起,凸起。3. 踢起,扬起(灰尘等),溅起(泥),喷起(烟);(用酵母等)使膨起;【纺织;印染】把(布)拉绒,使起绒。4. 抬高(价钱、租金);增高(温度);提高(声音);叫起。5. 提升,加薪;使事业成功;使上进;(一朝有事时)使(市民、国民等)奋起。6. 引起,掀起(动乱、悲剧等);惹起,使发(笑等);提起,提出(问题、异议等)。7. 徵收(捐税等),徵(兵),招集;筹(款等)。8. 栽培,种植,出产(谷类等);饲养(家畜等);养育,教育(子女)。

AISI 6150 STEEL是什么材料与国内什么材料接近?

AISI 6150 是按美国钢铁学会标准体系命名的牌号,属可淬火的低合金弹簧钢。国内类似牌号为 50CrV。化学成分为:C Si Mn S P Cr Ni Cu VC 0.46~0.54Si 0.17~0.37Mn 0.50~0.80S ≤0.030P ≤0.030Cr 0.80~1.10Ni ≤0.35Cu ≤0.25V 0.10~0.20



two scoops of raisins 歌词

歌曲名:two scoops of raisins歌手:Common专辑:can i borrow a dollar?Yo man. I"m hungry man Ay whatchu want man? You want some breakfast or somethin? I want a lil lil somethin. yeah yea milk and cereal or somethinSomethin man! Just a little breakfast food, y"know? Mmm I don"t know man (ay) let"s see what I got in my cabinet Hold on, let me see what I got in my cabinetSomebody hit me with a little, baseline or groove, knahmsayin?Yeah, breakfast food, UHH! When you wish When you wish Upon a star Upon a star To follow what? To follow what? And where you are! And where you are! Party over here, party over there Where?Look! I made ya look, ya dirty crookThen picked your pocket, watch me book.. like Guiness I"m a Menace, so call me hip-hop"s DennisSo open wide, and say (AHHHHH)And I"ma slide my yolk, in your throat, and watch ya chokeon the Uh the Ah the Uh the Daddy Long-StrokeStroke Long Daddy Money, if my name was SunnyI"d share a scoop, Runnin shit like RebelsYou can call me Barney, cause I took your Fruity - PebblesDibble like an office on Top Cat, top that, I"m fat troopDrop the loop, then a scooper hoop ya like a hulaTo school a fool I present, a church to repentI get you Guess"n like jeans, you"re just a hill of beansI"m all that jazz, and I kick, kick, kick, kick.The razzamatazz oh please oh please just give me just one more blastI +Gett Off+ like Prince, but I don"t have to show my assPass the rest, like a test, if you slip then you"ll get rippedwith your handicapped pass route, and Tales From the CryptI whip on that ass like base ba-bayThe Sense is good-GOOBELY-goo, ask GravyOr LaMont, or Rollo, down at the, ApolloCome follow me now (BO! Where"s Sue?) I don"t knowEven En Vogue, be tellin me ya don"t goWhen it"s time for show (yea) everyone saysho (ho) ho (ho) couldn"t be a slidercause I never slip, kick it like a Damme Van flipSo don"t come with your judo, cause you"re just a Menudoemcee gettin chewed like vegetablesAhhhhh cabbage is a cabbage, a lettuce is a lettuceI"ma tear this whole joint into scrapsI bust raps, perhaps caps, and trap the wack tracksGivin the max, for the minimum, not the minimum for the maxGet more sex than Wilt the Stilt so you can call me the StiltestYou"re takin shorts like Arnold, so what chu talkin bout, Willis? Bout Willis? Yeah Willis Willis ain"t talkin about nuthin! It"s Different Strokes Let"s get back to umm, breakfast foods because it"s, early in the mornin. Well you can have your Wheaties You can have your Flakes You can have your Kix And you can have your Trix You can have your POUNDcakes You can have your LoopsTo keep the hot raw, I"m rollin, rollinBowlin - spare me! Fuss ya hushed mouth mushLush alcohol"s excessive like a JeffersonMovin on up - progressiveOne time for your brain, cellAnd when I get through, you say - aww hell man!Styles that I free won"t, stop til the endPaper I go on and go on with the penOne blow, and emcees are gone with the windKickin the dumber rhyme, I"m not a printbut I"m fresh, heatin up like the summertime, summer rhymeI"m a dime a dozen, but I keep you buzzinlike a bee, a dozen attempts is in the toiletCause I flush the dime and I"m not a Leadercause I Busta Rhyme, a rhymeIf I kick with Rakim, you +Run For Cover+ brotherBut I kick it with Petey cause I"m just another mother (sucker)Blo Pop time (it"s Blo Pop time)It"s Blo Pop time (it"s Blo Pop time)In the mix, the dimension, J.B., and ChicoIt"s seven, not six, my shirt extra-largebut I wear, I wear I wear it well like DeBargeto the finish, makin ya eye pop, like you ain"t spinachThen it"s, time to let you knowWe count it up, one two three and fo" UHH! Count it up Nah we gon" count it down Nah man, we"re gonna count it up Mmmm, let"s get back to that umm, food tip though, the breakfast tip Food tip? Well you just check Cause you know what we need What can I have? You can have your Life You can have your Bran You can have your Puffs You can have your Pebbles You can have your Krunch And you can have your LoopsAround and round and upside down and upside down we goWHOAHHHHH! I"ma sneak in the front rowNot Jethro, I"m not a Jethro, on skid rowI don"t wear Monie"s hat, but I was a Monkey +in the Middle+Hey diddle diddle, you can Kibble a BitI take a squat, and booty MC"s be sayin OOOOHHH SHIT!Yo, I turn Bucktown into FucktownYou"re just a field goal kid, and I"m a touchdownWith the next point to the next joint, so tell Spike about itI"m all that, that your bitch be writin home about itShout it out, praise the Lord, hallelujah!This could be love, but umm, don"t let em fool yaCause when I do ya, come down come down after me comeYeah sorry Sugar Plums but umm, I gotta runRun Jesse Run, keep hope aliveI"m down with the b-boys, FUCK the Jackson 5You jive-ass turkey, a-pit-apitta-a-aperk beYou can get ill, but don"t, HURT ME, HURT MEOr urk me, cause see I"ll outsmart you like the UrkelB-boys at the school of hard knocks, in a circlePass the sess blunt, yeah stud, you ain"t know?I wanna go bang, I said, bang-o, bang-oh bang-ohor bojangle jingle jangle on the jawHip-hip, hooray, oh now you wanna be all lovable?Don"t push or pull, or you"ll see, I"ma wreck it outMC"s be checkin in but they don"t be checkin outI leave em out on the canvasSo click your heels twice and take your ass back to KANSAS.


rise是不及物动词,后面不能跟名词,rising是rise的进行时态raise是及物动词,后面要跟名词,raising 是raise的进行时态The temperature is risiing。或者 The temperature rises。都是可以的河水涨了,也是用的rise


rise是不及物动词,后面不能跟名词,rising是rise的进行时态raise是及物动词,后面要跟名词,raising 是raise的进行时态The temperature is risiing。或者 The temperature rises。都是可以的河水涨了,也是用的rise

aisi b-1113是什么材料

国标:Y15ISO标准:11SMn286美标(ASTM):1213、1119、B1113美标(UNS):G12130、G11190日标(JIS): SUM25、SUM22德标(DIN):10S20、15S20、95Mn28英标(BS):220M07、230M07、210A15、240M07法标(NF):15F2易切削结构钢 因为容易切削,所以可以大大延长切割工具的使用寿命。通过提高钢中的硫和锰的含量,形成大量的硫化锰夹杂物,切削时铁屑极易断开,可提高零件表面质量,并能以更快的切削速度和更深的进刀量加工,从而提高生产效率和节约生产成本。 化学成份: 碳 C :0.10~0.18 硅 Si:≤0.15 锰 Mn:0.80~1.20 硫 S :0.23~0.33 磷 P :0.05~0.10 用于制造不重要的标准件,如螺栓、螺母、管接头、弹簧座等。

德标冷作工具钢DIN 1.2631 (美标AISI A8)大约对应的中国钢号


The young men are going to hold a party___money for those poor children. A.raise B.raising C.raised


请问为什么是the rising sun而不是raising sun?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 从语法角度分析。。谢谢!!! 解析: 不是。通常形容自然界的物体:如潮涨,日出...都是用RISE而不能RAISE 此外,在这里rising是分词作形容词使用,rise后不能加物体,只有sth. rise而不能rise sth. raise是及物动词,raise sth.如raise one"s hand

日文歌 wataxi no daisiki

SUPER WOMAN作词∶中岛美嘉作曲∶Josefin Glenmark, Mats T?rnfors歌∶中岛美嘉だっていとも间単に相手が転がっていくのよ最後に泣くのはどっちかしらこんな时はあたしはまだ泣いたことがないコツなんて何もないわ体が胜手に动くの头で考えない前後ろ右左あたしは根っからのファイター眠っている时もMy name is super womanCount on me爱を忘れたわけじゃないただ必要な时以外は爱をやめただけなのI just want some funI will bring you down待ったなしの世界よハグでもしてほしいの?暗い部屋でゲームでもすりゃいいのに困った颜が大好きなの 大好きなのMy name is super womanCount on me爱を忘れたわけじゃないただ必要な时以外は爱をやめただけなのI just want some funI will bring you down怖いくらいの静けさ研ぎ澄まされた五感であたしはほら骗されないわOh, I will bring you downMy name is super womanCount on me爱を忘れたわけじゃないただ必要な时以外は爱をやめただけなのsuper womancount on me何がそんなに怖いの?たった1つ无くすくらいはなんてことはないじゃない!I just want some funI just want some funI will bring you down

raising the bar是什么意思哦?





daisiki 这个是正确的。大好き(だいすき)da i si ki=我爱你,非常喜欢你,很喜欢你。だいすき:大好き「好き」是喜欢的意思,前面加个「大」就是「非常喜欢」「很喜欢」的意思。扩展资料大好き daisiki 非常喜欢 大爱好き siki 喜欢例句:彼を好きになってしまった/我爱上了他.音楽が好きな人/音乐爱好者.わたしは北京の秋が好きだ/我爱〔喜欢〕北京的秋天.ぼくは登山が好きだ/我喜好爬山.あなたの好きな学科は何ですか/你喜好的学科是什么?わたしはたばこが好きでない/我不喜欢吸烟.喜欢一词,泛指喜爱的意思,也有愉快、高兴、开心的意思,喜欢实际上是一种感觉,包含欣赏、仰慕、钦佩、倾心爱慕、爱、崇拜。日语(Japanese language),属于扶余语系(日本-高句丽语系),母语人数有1亿2500万人,使用日语的人数占世界人口的1.6%。日语的起源一直是争论不休的问题。明治时代的日本人把日语划为阿尔泰语系,但阿尔泰语系这个说法已经普遍遭到否定,霍默·赫尔伯特(Homer Hulbert)和大野晋(u014cno Susumu)认为日语属于达罗毗荼语系,西田龙雄(Nishida Tatsuo)认为日语属于汉藏语系,白桂思(Christopher I. Beckwith)认为日语属于日本-高句丽语系(即扶余语系),列昂·安吉洛·塞拉菲姆(Leon Angelo Serafim)认为日本语和琉球语可以组成日本语系。有一种假设认为南岛语系、壮侗语系和日本语系可以组成南岛-台语门(Austro-Tai languages),即认为三者都有共同的起源。三国时代,汉字传入日本,唐代时日本人发明了通行于女性之间的假名,官文为文言文,因此现代日本语受古代汉语影响极大。以昭和31年(1956年)的《例解国语辞典》为例,在日本语的语汇中,和语占36.6%、汉语占53.6%,昭和39年(1964年)日本国立研究所对90种杂志用语进行了调查研究,得出了和语占36.7%、汉语占47.5%、西洋语占近10%的结论。参考资料:百度百科-日语


daisuki是正确的。日语中的常出现的“大好き”,在罗马音表示的就是daisuki,意思是非常爱好(hào),表示“非常喜欢”。daisuki中的Dai是指非常,而Suki是指喜欢,因此daisuki字面意义是很喜欢,daisuki比更随意的Suki表达程度更深,需要指出的重要一点是,daisuki也意味着”我爱你”。日语中表达爱意的词汇1、爱してる(aisiteru):我爱你,最直白、庸俗、被用滥了的低级表达方式,爱してる是简体,而且是口语,适宜男生用。2、Suki:字面意思是喜欢或喜爱,它是用来表达你对某些事物(东西、食物、爱好等)的喜爱。3、 Ai shiteru:表达爱,在日本被认为是一个非常特殊的单字,它如此特别,就像一件继承自非常伟大祖先的宝贵和服,如此特殊,以至于不应每天都使用它,它仅用于几个重要的场合。以上内容参考:百度百科-大好



my money-raising idea英语作文

To raise money for your cause, start with a web site that tells the world what you"re all about. It doesn"t have to be high tech, but it should include your purpose, pictures, contact information, and most importantly, a way to contribute online. It"s very simple to set up a paypal account to receive payments.1,Advertise your site as much as possible. Put it on social networking sites such as Facebook. Twitter updates regarding the site, such as thanking generous donors. Get your friends and family on board to spread the word.2,Enlist volunteers. If you find people to support your cause, you can ask them to help you by moderating the web site, answering phones, and a host of other clerical duties. One person cannot run a successful organization. Many people are willing to volunteer for a movement they think is worthwhile, and those people can make calls, create flyers, and send out mailers.3,Another way to raise money is to host fundraisers a few times a year. They can be as simple as a local car wash, or as elaborate as a catered casino night. These can very expensive, but don"t be afraid to ask local businesses to donate goods and services for use during the fundraiser. This is another time that volunteers would be very beneficial.4,Look for the unexpected donor. If you trying to raise money to keep the beach clean, hit up local businesses who may benefit from the clean-up. Always think about who is benefiting from your cause, even indirectly. Those are the people who may be interested in donating.Send out informative mailers. Even if you don"t receive donations, you are still getting your name out there and people will remember you over time. It may take a dozen mailings to reach a home before a donation comes your way. The constant reminder will keep your cause on their minds.

长篇阅读Raising Bilingual Children答案?

00:55:00B2U1答题卡长篇阅读(共10小题,20分)Raising Bilingual ChildrenA) The idea of raising bilingual (双语的) children is both appealing and possible for more and more families these days, and growing up with more than one language certainly has its advantages in today"s global village. Yet bilingualism really isn"t something that simply happens. Raising kids to be successful in more than one language requires some careful planning and learning about bilingual language development.B) The reasons for choosing to raise kids with two or more languages are as varied as the families themselves. Even the word “bilingualism” has different meanings for different families. For some families, having the ability to listen in two languages but speak in just one may constitute bilingualism, while other parents expect their kids not only to be bilingual, but also literate in both languages. Whatever the goals for developing bilingualism in each family may be, success appears to depend on whether a “language plan” has been worked out in advance. Families who take the time to consider how their kids will develop two languages, and who make the necessary commitments to bilingual language development, tend to be more successful in raising bilingual children.C) If you"re thinking about bringing up your children bilingually, it"s a good idea to make your own definition of bilingualism clear. Language proficiency can be evaluated in terms of listening, speaking, reading and writing. You could also add a fifth area of speech and language, in which a person is able to use one or both languages for reasoning, to your definition of bilingualism. A person may speak only one language but have listening comprehension in two languages. Another may listen and speak in two languages but reading and writing ability in only one.D) The term balanced bilingualism is used to describe individuals who possess about the same fluency in two languages, while semilingualism refers to those who have deficiencies in both languages compared with monolinguals. These deficiencies could be in a reduced vocabulary, incorrect grammatical patterns, difficult thinking or expressing emotions in one of the languages, etc. Few people are truly balanced bilinguals in both languages in all situations. One language is usually dominant (支配的). This dominance may be different for listening and speaking or for reading and writing and usually changes over time.E) At any rate, it"s most useful to define for yourself what type of bilingualism is important and necessary in your family, within your community and culture, in order to develop a strategy for raising kids with the ability to use more than one language. Most of us are able to learn a second language at any time in our lives. And, though no critical age for bilingual language development has been found, kids do tend to develop more native-like pronunciation when bilingualism begins before adolescence. Two types of childhood bilingualism have been defined. The first is simultaneous (同步的) learning of two languages, which tends to be affected by four key factors: the parents" ability in one or more languages, the parents" actual use of language with the child, the language or languages other family members speak with the child, and the language the child uses in the community. The second type of childhood bilingualism is called sequential or successive bilingualism. This happens when a child has one established language before learning a second language, whether in preschool or later (the age of three usually separates simultaneous and sequential language learning). Some kids and adults, of course, usually learn a second language formally through school or language classes.F) Families who take the time to discuss their goals for language development often see their kids acquire higher levels of language skills in both languages. Parents need to talk about how bilingualism will be achieved for their children, looking at what language strategies will be used by each parent, what is being taught at school, and what areas need to be emphasized outside of school. Experts stress separating the languages to make language acquisition easier for kids. When kids are learning two languages at the same time parents need to work out language strategies that emphasize boundaries between the languages.G) Consistency is key in early language learning. If you mix languages in the same conversation, young kids experience difficulty separating vocabulary and grammar into the appropriate language. The child may learn the “mixed” language as one language.H) Parents also need to consider how to strike a balance between the languages. If a child attends school in one language all day and has only a short time to hear the other language at home, it"s likely the school language will develop more easily than the home language. Parents have to plan for additional time spent using the home language in a variety of situations and with a variety of speakers. Rich language experiences in both languages are essential for good bilingual development.I) The quality of the language interaction is also very important. The language used shouldn"t be too complex and parents should learn to expand their child"s language as well as give encouragement and approval. Parents need to be good listeners and good language models by introducing rich vocabulary and varied conversations. Providing books, music, and even videos in both languages is also important.J) Parents should also be aware of individual difference among children. Each child learns language at his own speed. This is related to a variety of factors, such as stability and mobility of a family, relationships within the family, attitudes toward each language expressed by the parents, other family members, the school, the community and especially the child.K) Knowing two or more languages truly gives kids so many advantages in life. Bilingual kids have the advantage of knowing two cultures, of being able to communicate with a wider variety of people, and of possible economic advantages in their future. Research has even shown advantages in thinking skills among bilingual individuals. But deciding to raise bilingual kids is a decision that should be carefully considered as it affects children for the rest of their lives. Parents need to consider the child"s self-identity (个性), self-esteem, schooling options, as well as social factors when planning for bilingualism. Becoming bilingual is a special gift parents can offer their children, but the gift must be planned and presented with care for it to be well used and appreciated.

不锈钢牌号EN 1.4436 相当于AISI316还是316L?

X5CrNiMo1812(1.4436)不锈钢材料号:1.4436牌号:X5CrNiMo1812标准:DIN 17400●特性及应用:X5CrNiMo1812不锈钢,德国DIN标准不锈钢。●化学成分:碳 C:≤0.07硅 Si:≤1.00锰 Mn:≤2.00磷 P:≤0.045硫 S:≤0.030铬 Cr:16.50~18.50钼 Mo:2.50~3.00镍 Ni:11.00~14.00


fund-raising的读音为【fu028cnd,"reu026azu026au014b】。一、单词解释1、作名词,意思是筹款;募捐;raise money for a cause or project。2、fund就是基金,资金的意思;raising是指收集。二、近义搭配1、fundraise:筹款。2、hegemonic:支配的,霸权的。3、interim financing:期中筹款。4、backdoor financial:后门筹款。三、相关例句1、Some investors view the fund-raising with skepticism.一些投资者对此类融资持怀疑态度。2、Behavioural economics may yet provide charities with some creative new fund-raisingtechniques.行为经济学也许还能通过一些有创造性的新的筹款技巧来筹集慈善资金。

the raising of the national flag中的raising是什么用法


watch the national flag-raising

watch sth/sb do watch sth/sb doing 都行啊 ,但第一个句型强调结果,第二个强调过程 see,observe,的很多词有类似用法 就这句而言,raising 就强调结果,就是说旗升上去了;如果是raise强调过程,就是说旗正在升.当然slowly加进去就强调过程了 ing和原形在语法上都正确

为什么是the raising of the national flag而不是the rising of the national flag?

简单地说rise是当什么东西自己能过升起来时用的,raise是这个东西需要借助别的东西才能升起来时用的。明白了吗?sunrise 日出这个词就是最好的对比。




我也很高兴认识你。Nice to meet you too

clusters of chocolate-covered raisins是什么意思

clusters of chocolate-covered raisins巧克力覆盖葡萄簇

raisin scones怎么读

Raisin Scones读音:瑞菲菲斯公四Raisin Scones网络葡萄干司康饼; 提子松饼; 提子士乾; 提子乾




raisin 英[ˈreɪzn] 美[ˈrezɪn] n. 葡萄干; [例句]For breakfast I have porridge made with water, to which I add raisins.早餐我喝用水煮的麦片粥,还往里加葡萄干。[其他] 复数:raisins




pain aux raisins 葡萄面包




raisin一般说的是一个统称,葡萄干.sultana是说土耳其的品种,这个品种在欧美称为汤普森无核,Thompson seedless.吐鲁番称为无核白.当然形态有不同.

raisin 葡萄干可不可数?

不是很确定,下面是我用灵格斯查到的,这样看的话,应该不可数small dried seedless raisin grown in the Mediterranean region and California; used in cooking.小的、晒干的无核葡萄干,生长在地中海地区和加利福尼亚州;用于烹调。




raisin和reason的区别如下:raisin ["reu026az(u0259)n] n. 葡萄干reason ["riu02d0z(u0259)n] n. 理由;理性;动机vt. 说服;推论;辩论vi. 推论;劝说


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: raisin表示“葡萄干” currant表示“无核葡萄干” currant: [ "ku028cru0259nt ] n. 无核葡萄干例句与用法: 1. There are some currants in this bun. 这个圆面包里有些葡萄干。 英英解释: 名词currant: 1. any of several tart red or black berries used primarily for jellies and jams 2. any of various deciduous shrubs of the genus Ribes bearing currants 同义词:currant bush 3. *** all dried seedless raisin grown in the Mediterranean region and California; used in cooking raisin: [ "reizn ] n. 葡萄干 例句与用法: 1. I asked him to bring me some raisins when he returns from Xinjiang. 我请求他从新疆回来时给我带些葡萄干。 2. A *** all, seedless raisin of the Mediterranean region, used chiefly in baking. 无核小葡萄干一种产于地中海地区的无核小葡萄干,主要用来晒干 3. Sour grapes are made into raisins or wine. 酸葡萄就做成葡萄干或葡萄酒。 英英解释: 名词raisin: 1. dried grape


raisin的意思是葡萄干。可以通过这个单词的意思来记。n. m.葡萄;raisin rouge 红葡萄raisin noir 紫葡萄,常见用法:une grappe de raisin一串葡萄、du raisin blanc白葡萄、des raisins secs葡萄干、grappe de raisin葡萄串、égrener du raisin摘葡萄果粒。




raisin[英][u02c8reu026azn][美][u02c8rezu026an]n.葡萄干; 复数:raisins形近词:Raisinmaisin双语例句 1Bait the hook with a raisin.把一粒葡萄干装在钓钩上做诱饵。




raisin是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“葡萄干;(Raisin)人名;(法)雷森”。短语搭配raisin wine葡萄干酿制酒 ; 葡萄干葡萄酒 ; 葡萄干甜葡萄酒RUM RAISIN葡萄兰姆酒 ; 蓝姆葡萄冰淇淋 ; 葡萄朗姆酒Raisin muffin葡萄干松糕 ; 初试葡萄干松糕 ; 葡萄干松饼Antic raisin深紫红Raisin Berry沉醉葡萄Black Raisin黑提子干GREEN RAISIN绿葡萄干 ; 无核绿葡萄干Raisin muffins葡萄干松饼raisin moth葡萄干斑螟双语例句Lastly add in Walnut and Raisin.最后加入胡桃和葡萄干。You can also make raisin scones.你也可以做葡萄干烤饼。Why did the olive go out with the raisin?为什么橄榄要跟葡萄干出去?

arbitrary charges, fund-raising quotas and fines是什么意思

quotas and fines 这才是一个词组 ,意思是乱罚款。arbitrary charges 意思是乱收费


国内外钢材牌号对照 [上海奥柯钢铁有限公司] 2004年10月21日 UK Euronorm Germany France Italy Spain Japan USA USA BS1449 EN10111 Din 1614 NFA 36-301 UNI 5867 UNE 36-086/11 JIS G3131 ASTM SAE HR15 *** *** *** C15 *** *** A611 1018 HR4 FeP10 *** 1C FeP10 *** DPHC *** 1010 HR3 FeP11 Stw22 2C FeP11 AP11 SPHD A619 1008 HR2 FeP12 Stw23 *** FeP12 AP12 *** A621 1006 HR1 FeP13 Stw24 3C FeP13 AP13 SPHE A622 1006Al k BS4360 EN10025 DIN 17100 NFA 35-501 UNI 7080 UNE 36-080/11 JIS G3101 ASTM *** 40A S235 Ust 37-2 *** Fe360 A370 *** A283C *** 40B S235JR Rst 37-2 E24-2 Fe360B *** *** *** *** 43A S275 *** *** *** *** *** A570Gr40 *** 43B S275 St44-2 E28-2 Fe430B *** *** *** *** 50A S355 *** *** Fe510 A450 SS50 A572Gr50 *** 50B S355JR *** *** Fe510B *** *** *** *** 50C S355JO St52-3U E36-3 FE510C *** *** *** *** 50D *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** BS1449 EN10149 SEW 092 NFA36-231 UNI UNE JIS ASTM AT15 SAE J1392 40/30 S315MC QSTE 340TM E315D Fe E275 *** *** 045XLK 43/35 S355MC QSTE 380TM E355D *** *** *** 50 050XLK 46/40 S420MC QSTE420M E420D Fe355 *** *** 60 060XLK 50/45 S460ML QSTE500TM E490D Fe420 *** *** 70 *** 60/55 S550MC QSTE550TM E560D Fe560 *** *** 80 080XLK *** S560MC QSTE600TM E600D *** *** *** *** *** BS1449 EN10130 DIN1623 NFA 36-401 UNI 5866-77 UNE 36086 JIS 3141-77 *** *** CR4 FeP01 St12 C FeP01 AP00 SPCC *** *** CR3 FeP03 St13 *** FeP03 AP02 *** *** CR1 FeP04 St14 E5 FeP04 AP04 SPCEN *** *** BS1449 *** DIN AFNOR UNI *** *** *** AISI HS10 *** CK10 XC10 C10 *** *** *** 1010 HS17 *** CK15 XC12 C15 *** *** *** 1015 HS22 *** CK22 XC18 C20 *** *** *** 1020 *** *** CK25 *** C25 *** *** *** 1025 HS30 *** CK30 XC32 C30 *** *** *** 1030 *** *** CK35 XC38 C35 *** *** *** 1035 HS40 *** CK40 *** C40 *** *** *** 1040 *** *** CK45 XC45 C45 *** *** *** 1045 HS50 *** CK50 XC50 C50 *** *** *** 1050 *** *** CK55 XC54 C55 *** *** *** 1055 HS60 *** CK60 XC60 C60 *** *** *** 1060 HS70 *** CK67 XC68 C70 *** *** *** 1070 *** *** CK75 XC75 C75 *** *** *** 1075 HS80 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 1080 *** *** CK85 XC90 C90 *** *** *** 1090 HS95 *** CK101 XC100 C100 *** *** *** 1095 *** *** 41Cr4 45C4 *** *** *** *** 5140 *** *** 25CrMo4 25CD4 *** *** *** *** 4130 *** *** 42CrMo4 42CD4 *** *** *** *** 4140 *** *** 50CrV4 50CV4 *** *** *** *** 6150

AISI 1050/1055/4130/4140的国内钢号是什么呀

  国内外钢材牌号对照  [上海奥柯钢铁有限公司] 2004年10月21日  UK Euronorm Germany France Italy Spain Japan USA USA  BS1449 EN10111 Din 1614 NFA 36-301 UNI 5867 UNE 36-086/11 JIS G3131 ASTM SAE  HR15 *** *** *** C15 *** *** A611 1018  HR4 FeP10 *** 1C FeP10 *** DPHC *** 1010  HR3 FeP11 Stw22 2C FeP11 AP11 SPHD A619 1008  HR2 FeP12 Stw23 *** FeP12 AP12 *** A621 1006  HR1 FeP13 Stw24 3C FeP13 AP13 SPHE A622 1006Al k  BS4360 EN10025 DIN 17100 NFA 35-501 UNI 7080 UNE 36-080/11 JIS G3101 ASTM ***  40A S235 Ust 37-2 *** Fe360 A370 *** A283C ***  40B S235JR Rst 37-2 E24-2 Fe360B *** *** *** ***  43A S275 *** *** *** *** *** A570Gr40 ***  43B S275 St44-2 E28-2 Fe430B *** *** *** ***  50A S355 *** *** Fe510 A450 SS50 A572Gr50 ***  50B S355JR *** *** Fe510B *** *** *** ***  50C S355JO St52-3U E36-3 FE510C *** *** *** ***  50D *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  BS1449 EN10149 SEW 092 NFA36-231 UNI UNE JIS ASTM AT15 SAE J1392  40/30 S315MC QSTE 340TM E315D Fe E275 *** *** 045XLK  43/35 S355MC QSTE 380TM E355D *** *** *** 50 050XLK  46/40 S420MC QSTE420M E420D Fe355 *** *** 60 060XLK  50/45 S460ML QSTE500TM E490D Fe420 *** *** 70 ***  60/55 S550MC QSTE550TM E560D Fe560 *** *** 80 080XLK  *** S560MC QSTE600TM E600D *** *** *** *** ***  BS1449 EN10130 DIN1623 NFA 36-401 UNI 5866-77 UNE 36086 JIS 3141-77 *** ***  CR4 FeP01 St12 C FeP01 AP00 SPCC *** ***  CR3 FeP03 St13 *** FeP03 AP02 *** ***  CR1 FeP04 St14 E5 FeP04 AP04 SPCEN *** ***  BS1449 *** DIN AFNOR UNI *** *** *** AISI  HS10 *** CK10 XC10 C10 *** *** *** 1010  HS17 *** CK15 XC12 C15 *** *** *** 1015  HS22 *** CK22 XC18 C20 *** *** *** 1020  *** *** CK25 *** C25 *** *** *** 1025  HS30 *** CK30 XC32 C30 *** *** *** 1030  *** *** CK35 XC38 C35 *** *** *** 1035  HS40 *** CK40 *** C40 *** *** *** 1040  *** *** CK45 XC45 C45 *** *** *** 1045  HS50 *** CK50 XC50 C50 *** *** *** 1050  *** *** CK55 XC54 C55 *** *** *** 1055  HS60 *** CK60 XC60 C60 *** *** *** 1060  HS70 *** CK67 XC68 C70 *** *** *** 1070  *** *** CK75 XC75 C75 *** *** *** 1075  HS80 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 1080  *** *** CK85 XC90 C90 *** *** *** 1090  HS95 *** CK101 XC100 C100 *** *** *** 1095  *** *** 41Cr4 45C4 *** *** *** *** 5140  *** *** 25CrMo4 25CD4 *** *** *** *** 4130  *** *** 42CrMo4 42CD4 *** *** *** *** 4140  *** *** 50CrV4 50CV4 *** *** *** *** 6150


AISI 1020 是美国标准,相当于国内的20#钢 关于五金行业的网站可以利用搜索引擎找到。参考资料: Misumi 技术资料:2467-2564.

Grade : AISI 304 - 80% scotch-brite protected with laser film and 20% 2B 什么意思
