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在英语中,danger ; endanger, risk , hazard 都是危险冒险的意思,在用法上有什么不一样吗?

danger 是指 危险,比如:高压电房,就写 dangerendanger 是 danger 的动词,使。。。受到危险,endanger oneselfrisk 是指 风险,比如:金融风险 financial risk 就不能说 financial dangerhazard 是指 小一点的危险,比如:路面结冰这种情况就是一个hazard而不是danger弯曲的山路,也是hazard,不是danger

Slow Dance With A Stranger 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Dance With A Stranger歌手:Danger Radio专辑:Used And AbusedSlow Dance With A StrangerDanger RadioFor My Dear『 Lalio 』 :) By DavidLoLLifeline call in the calvaryTonightWe"re making this so hard to breathEverytimeYou wrap your arms around me(Ha Ha)Break downGirl you know I"m feeling youThere"s no soundExcept from when our bodies moveWhat have I got myself up into?Girl you make me feel like I"m walking into danger(Mmm, but I don"t really care)Do you think I"m ready for a slow dance with a stranger(And I want you to take me there)Mmm, I think I"m ready for itGet in and I can"t ignore itStep on the gas and floor itEverything you want I might haveDo you think I"m ready for a slow dance with a stranger (stranger)Right now my heart is beating out my chestGoing downYeah, I"m the one that loves you bestRound and roundMaking me obsessed(Got one request)Lay backLet me take the driver"s seatIt"s the fact that you make my life completeAll attackedYou"re every fantasyBaby!Girl you make me feel like I"m walking into danger(Mmm, but I don"t really care)Do you think I"m ready for a slow dance with a stranger(And I want you to take me there)Mmm, I think I"m ready for itGet in and I can"t ignore itStep on the gas and floor itEverything you want I might haveDo you think I"m ready for a slow dance with a stranger (stranger)Oh now stop comingI should be up and runningInstead of walking right back into dangerDanger, danger, yeahDon"t keep me up all nightCan"t get you to my sideI want another slow dance with a strangerStranger, strangerGirl you make me feel like I"m walking into danger(Mmm, but I don"t really care)Do you think I"m ready for a slow dance with a stranger(And I want you to take me there)Girl you make me feel like I"m walking into danger(Mmm, but I don"t really care)Do you think I"m ready for a slow dance with a stranger(And I want you to take me there)Mmm, I think I"m ready for itGet in and I can"t ignore itStep on the gas and floor itEverything you want I might haveDo you think I"m ready for a slow dance with a stranger (stranger)


皮卡这一车型由于其实用的装载能力和广泛的适用性,在全球范围内拥有众多粉丝,其中福特皮卡,尤其福特F系列皮卡,因其硬核实力在全球享有盛名。另外,福特皮卡历史悠久,并且旗下拥有很多传奇车型,比如福特Ranger,同样是一款被全球皮卡发烧友们疯狂追捧的硬核皮卡。在福特皮卡的发源地北美大陆,它的身影遍布当地许多处场景。从德克萨斯的农场小道到洛杉矶的落日大道,从堪萨斯的建设工地到休斯顿的航天基地,都有福特皮卡的身影。但要是从福特诸多皮卡车型当中挑出一个经典款,那非福特F-150猛禽莫属。它自诞生以来就以原厂“巴哈(Baja)战车”的勇猛形象,成为了全世界越野爱好者心目中的偶像级车型。但福特还有一款传奇皮卡,在全球知名度丝毫不逊于福特F-150猛禽,那就是全球用户超过800万、销售国家与地区达180多个甚至比麦当劳还要多、有着“小猛禽”称号的福特Ranger。传闻即将国产的福特Ranger,将正式亮相2023年上海车展。福特Ranger是什么来头?福特Ranger作为一款具有传奇色彩的车型,其上一代车型其实叫做福特Courier。后来,福特在福特Courier的基础上自主研发出全新车型,于1983年正式推出了福特Ranger。这也是福特设计的第一款紧凑型皮卡。有意思的是,福特为Ranger在1983设计研发的底盘,跨越了三代车型,共计使用了29年,直到2012年该车型在美国停产。有意思的是,最早使用Ranger这个名字的车型是福特的送货卡车,后来被用在1958年至1960年的福特Edsel车型上,作为其基础配置车型的名称。直到1965年,Ranger这一名字才与皮卡有了关系,成为福特当家皮卡车型F系列和硬派越野SUV Bronco顶配车型的名称。在1982年以后,Ranger正式成为福特全新皮卡的名字。福特Ranger这一车型起源于美国,但是其在2012年在美国市场停产后,才正式开启了福特Ranger的全球车之路,奠定了其全球车的地位。福特于2011年推出面向全球的全新T6平台,该平台由福特澳大利亚主导设计,尽管T6平台是为全球销售而研发的,但并未在北美销售。后来,由于T6平台已经不能满足当代皮卡的要求,福特于2021年又推出了更新的T6.2平台,并带来了全新一代2023款福特Ranger(全球第四代 Ranger /北美第五代 Ranger)。全新一代2023款福特Ranger不同于上一代车型完全在澳洲研发设计,这一代车型由福特澳大利亚主导,但是却倾注了福特在亚洲、美国、非洲和欧洲子公司的共同心血,并率先于2022年第二季度在泰国和南非市场投产。说到T6.2平台主要做了哪些改变,它的主要提升点在于增加了轮距和轴距,并将前轴向前移动了大约两英寸,以此来改善整车的接近角,以及更靠车身外侧的悬挂系统,这样一来将为弹簧和减震器留出更多活动的空间,以实现更好的操控属性、舒适性和通过能力。国产版Ranger将以何种面貌呈现?考虑到诸多车友都比较看重车型外观,全新一代福特Ranger的设计,由前霍顿的总设计师Max Wolff负责,在地地道道的澳洲设计基础上融入了全球用户的意见。作为一款全球车型,为了能够适应全球不同地区消费者的使用习惯,福特Ranger在即将销售新车的地区进行了大量的用户调研,获取了近5000份用户样本,形成了1800多页的建议,用于新车设计与提升。目前能够从媒体报道中掌握的,关于国产版的Ranger信息较少。但我们猜测,其在外观上与海外版车型差距不大。海外版福特Ranger在设计语言上与福特Maverick十分相似,但整体气场更接近福特F-150。前脸采用全新的设计造型,并在格栅内部采用横向贯穿设计的双层条幅,与“C字”型大灯完美地融为一体,其大灯还采用矩阵式LED光源。同时新车的尾灯采用“8字”形设计,并微微向外凸起,与当下福特最新的设计语言相符。另外在动力系统方面,海外版车型采用了2.0T及3.0T涡轮增压柴油发动机,至于国产版采用哪种动力,尚未可知。至于售价上,福特在2018年曾以进口形式引进了第四代福特Ranger Wildtrak车型,其售价为30.58万元,以此为参考,国产版预计不会低于26万元起售。同样作为“Built Ford Tough”的标志性产品,福特Ranger将和F-150猛禽一起亮相上海车展,组成“福特皮卡双雄”CP,为更多寻求强悍性能和自由探索生活方式的用户,提供值得信赖、个性化的产品选择。在4月18日到4月27日举行的2023上海国际车展上,福特品牌硬核越野家族将在国家会展中心(上海)8.2馆野性亮相。届时,对于福特Ranger感兴趣的车友们可以与其近距离接触,感受其自由魅力。【本文来自易车号作者汽车分析官,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】


近些年随着国内皮卡解禁政策逐渐推广开来,皮卡这一车型在国内有了更多的受众,也逐渐扩大了市场,并且吸引到不少海外皮卡造车企业的关注。在全球皮卡市场当中,福特汽车有着举足轻重的地位,它旗下拥有福特Ranger等传奇车型,不管是在市场占有率还是在用户口碑方面,都有着不错的表现。 或许是因为北美大陆是福特皮卡的发源地,福特的皮卡与北美大陆的每一处场景都如此融洽,从德克萨斯的农场小道到洛杉矶的落日大道,从堪萨斯的建设工地到休斯顿的航天基地,都有福特皮卡的身影。 其中,福特F-150猛禽这一车型受到全球众多车友的追捧,甚至将其奉为传奇。它自诞生以来就以原厂“巴哈(Baja)战车”的勇猛形象,成为了全世界越野爱好者心目中的偶像级车型。但福特还有一款传奇皮卡,在全球知名度丝毫不逊于福特F-150猛禽,那就是全球用户超过800万、销售国家与地区达180多个甚至比麦当劳还要多、有着“小猛禽”称号的福特Ranger。传闻即将国产的福特Ranger,将正式亮相2023年上海车展。 福特Ranger的传奇故事 福特Ranger作为一款具有传奇色彩的车型,其上一代车型其实叫做福特Courier。 据悉,福特在当时是出于争夺紧凑型皮卡市场主动权的需要,才在福特Courier的基础上自主研发出全新车型,于1983年正式推出了福特Ranger。这也是福特设计的第一款紧凑型皮卡。有意思的是,福特为Ranger在1983设计研发的底盘,跨越了三代车型,共计使用了29年,直到2012年该车型在美国停产。 在Ranger这一名字背后,还有一段值得说道的故事。最早使用Ranger这个名字的车型是福特的送货卡车,后来被用在1958年至1960年的福特Edsel车型上,作为其基础配置车型的名称。直到1965年,Ranger这一名字才与皮卡有了关系,成为福特当家皮卡车型F系列和硬派越野SUVBronco顶配车型的名称。在1982年以后,Ranger正式成为福特全新皮卡的名字。 虽然,福特Ranger起源于美国,但是其在2012年在美国市场停产后,才正式开启了福特Ranger的全球车之路,奠定了其全球车的地位。 福特在2011年的时候面向全球推出了全新T6平台,但由于一些原因,并未在北美销售。后来,由于T6平台已经不能满足当代皮卡的要求,福特于2021年又推出了更新的T6.2平台,并带来了全新一代2023款福特Ranger(全球第四代Ranger/北美第五代Ranger)。 全新一代2023款福特Ranger这款车型,由福特澳大利亚主导,并且倾注了福特在亚洲、美国、非洲和欧洲子公司的共同心血,并率先于2022年第二季度在泰国和南非市场投产。 可能有车友会好奇,此次T6.2平台的主要提升点在哪?答案是增加了轮距和轴距,并将前轴向前移动了大约两英寸,以此来改善整车的接近角,以及更靠车身外侧的悬挂系统,这样一来将为弹簧和减震器留出更多活动的空间,以实现更好的操控属性、舒适性和通过能力。 国产版将以何种姿态亮相? 为了让国产版福特Ranger的颜值足够能打,这款车的外观设计,由前霍顿的总设计师MaxWolff负责,在地地道道的澳洲设计基础上融入了全球用户的意见。作为一款全球车型,为了能够适应全球不同地区消费者的使用习惯,福特Ranger在即将销售新车的地区进行了大量的用户调研,获取了近5000份用户样本,形成了1800多页的建议,用于新车设计与提升。 之前有媒体曝光过国产Ranger高度伪装的谍照,但除此之外,目前能收集到的关于其国产版的信息较少。但我们猜测,其在外观上与海外版车型差距不大。海外版福特Ranger在设计语言上与福特Maverick十分相似,但整体气场更接近福特F-150。前脸采用全新的设计造型,并在格栅内部采用横向贯穿设计的双层条幅,与“C字”型大灯完美地融为一体,其大灯还采用矩阵式LED光源。同时新车的尾灯采用“8字”形设计,并微微向外凸起,与当下福特最新的设计语言相符。 想要评判一款车的性能如何,动力系统至关重要。在这方面,海外版车型采用了2.0T及3.0T涡轮增压柴油发动机,至于国产版采用哪种动力,尚未可知。至于售价上,福特在2018年曾以进口形式引进了第四代福特RangerWildtrak车型,其售价为30.58万元,以此为参考,国产版预计不会低于26万元起售。 福特官方表示,此次亮相2023上海国际车展,同样作为“BuiltFordTough”的标志性产品,福特Ranger将和F-150猛禽一起,组成“福特皮卡双雄”CP,为更多寻求强悍性能和自由探索生活方式的用户,提供值得信赖、个性化的产品选择。 想要一睹福特Ranger这款车真容的话,你可以在4月18日至4月27日期间,参加2023上海国际车展,在国家会展中心(上海)8.2馆内进行现场了解。【本文来自易车号作者爱咖汽车,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】


2023年,如果有车友想要购买皮卡的话,那还是要留意下福特这个品牌。因为不管怎么说,福特都算是皮卡界的老大哥,你选皮卡的话是很难绕开它旗下的车型。福特从1925年开始,打造了许多全球知名的皮卡车型,比如福特F-150猛禽,又比如福特Ranger,都属于皮卡界的佼佼者。在其发源地北美大陆,福特皮卡的身影经常会被看到,从德克萨斯的农场小道到洛杉矶的落日大道,从堪萨斯的建设工地到休斯顿的航天基地,都有福特皮卡的身影。其中,福特F-150猛禽自诞生以来就以原厂“巴哈(Baja)战车”的勇猛形象,成为了全世界越野爱好者心目中的偶像级车型。但福特还有一款传奇皮卡,在全球知名度丝毫不逊于福特F-150猛禽,那就是全球用户超过800万、销售国家与地区达180多个甚至比麦当劳还要多、有着“小猛禽”称号的福特Ranger。传闻即将国产的福特Ranger,将正式亮相2023年上海车展。福特Ranger背后有何故事?福特Ranger作为一款具有传奇色彩的车型,其上一代车型其实叫做福特Courier。至于福特为何会在1983年正式推出福特Ranger,则是为了争夺皮卡市场的主动权。这也是福特设计的第一款紧凑型皮卡。有意思的是,福特为Ranger在1983设计研发的底盘,跨越了三代车型,共计使用了29年,直到2012年该车型在美国停产。而且,很多人可能并不知道,Ranger这个名字一开始并不是指福特旗下的皮卡车型。最早使用Ranger这个名字的车型是福特的送货卡车,后来被用在1958年至1960年的福特Edsel车型上,作为其基础配置车型的名称。直到1965年,Ranger这一名字才与皮卡有了关系,成为福特当家皮卡车型F系列和硬派越野SUV Bronco顶配车型的名称。在1982年以后,Ranger正式成为福特全新皮卡的名字。虽然,福特Ranger起源于美国,但是其在2012年在美国市场停产后,才正式开启了福特Ranger的全球车之路,奠定了其全球车的地位。2011年,福特基于全球皮卡销售需求,正式推出了面向全球的全新T6平台,该平台由福特澳大利亚主导设计,尽管T6平台是为全球销售而研发的,但并未在北美销售。后来,由于T6平台已经不能满足当代皮卡的要求,福特于2021年又推出了更新的T6.2平台,并带来了全新一代2023款福特Ranger(全球第四代 Ranger /北美第五代 Ranger)。这款在开发过程中代号P703的车型,并非完全在澳洲研发设计。这一代车型由福特澳大利亚主导,但是却倾注了福特在亚洲、美国、非洲和欧洲子公司的共同心血,并率先于2022年第二季度在泰国和南非市场投产。福特基于此次T6.2平台,增加了轮距和轴距,并将前轴向前移动了大约两英寸,以此来改善整车的接近角,以及更靠车身外侧的悬挂系统,这样一来将为弹簧和减震器留出更多活动的空间,以实现更好的操控属性、舒适性和通过能力。揭秘国产版福特Ranger首先我们从外型方面,来对国产版福特Ranger做一下评判。在外观设计层面,全新一代福特Ranger的设计,由前霍顿的总设计师Max Wolff负责,在地地道道的澳洲设计基础上融入了全球用户的意见。作为一款全球车型,为了能够适应全球不同地区消费者的使用习惯,福特Ranger在即将销售新车的地区进行了大量的用户调研,获取了近5000份用户样本,形成了1800多页的建议,用于新车设计与提升。只不过,关于国产版福特Ranger的实际外观信息,目前比较少。但我们猜测,其在外观上与海外版车型差距不大。海外版福特Ranger在设计语言上与福特Maverick十分相似,但整体气场更接近福特F-150。前脸采用全新的设计造型,并在格栅内部采用横向贯穿设计的双层条幅,与“C字”型大灯完美地融为一体,其大灯还采用矩阵式LED光源。同时新车的尾灯采用“8字”形设计,并微微向外凸起,与当下福特最新的设计语言相符。至于国产版将采用哪种动力,尚未可知,但可以明确的是,海外版车型采用了2.0T及3.0T涡轮增压柴油发动机。至于售价上,福特在2018年曾以进口形式引进了第四代福特Ranger Wildtrak车型,其售价为30.58万元,以此为参考,国产版预计不会低于26万元起售。同样作为“Built Ford Tough”的标志性产品,福特Ranger将和F-150猛禽一起亮相上海车展,组成“福特皮卡双雄”CP,为更多寻求强悍性能和自由探索生活方式的用户,提供值得信赖、个性化的产品选择。据官方消息,此次2023上海国际车展将于4月18日至4月27日举行。而福特Ranger和F-150猛禽这两款重磅皮卡车型的出现,无疑会让诸多国内皮卡发烧友为之狂欢,也让人们对于此次上海国际车展有了更多期待。据悉,福特品牌硬核越野家族将会出现在国家会展中心(上海)8.2馆,感兴趣的朋友可不要错过。【本文来自易车号作者酱油聊车,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】


福特旗下中型皮卡——福特Ranger正式亮相上海国际车展。往后,福特Ranger将以国产化形式,并通过江铃福特科技渠道与国人见面。接下来,让我们一起见证福特皮卡的百年辉煌历程! 被改装的福特ModelT,成就皮卡世纪经典! 1913年,全球制造的第一辆皮卡诞生,该款皮卡是在福特ModelT(问世于1908年)的基础上改装而成。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成"> FordModelT 福特在敏锐捕捉到广大用户的需求后,便勇敢创新,在1917年划时代地推出全球首个量产卡车底盘和全球第一台量产皮卡——福特ModelTT。 FordModelTT 1925年,福特ModelTRunaboutwithPickupBody的问世确定了现代皮卡的基本框架。同时“Pickup,皮卡”这一叫法首次被提出! <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成"> FordModelTRunaboutPickup 1948年,福特皮卡迎来黄金发展期,并以F系列为基点,不断延伸出F1到F8等各类车型。同时,福特直线设计、平坦的引擎盖等特色皮卡设计特征逐步成型! <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在路边描述已自动生成"> FordF-1Pickup 福特Ranger:全球晋级之路的开启! 上世纪七十年代,全球经济的快速发展让皮卡市场需求一路激增。福特则基于当时油耗限额标准,正式启动ProjectYuma计划。1982年,福特推出比福特F系列更小但性能依旧强劲的福特Ranger。 初代福特Ranger为紧凑型皮卡,在底盘大量借鉴福特F系列元素的同时,前桥的独立悬挂以及高强度钢板冲压的下摆臂亦有效强化了该车的操控质感。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在雪地上描述已自动生成"> 第一代FordRanger 1992年,福特Ranger迎来第二代车型。随后,福特通过该款车型正式进驻东南亚以及南美等全球市场。 第二代FordRanger 1998年,第三代福特Ranger隆重登场,福特正式形成F系列称雄北美市场,福特Ranger辐射海外市场的战略布局。两大系列车型虽各有特点,但同为福特皮卡家族的重要成员,可满足不同地区、不同人群对皮卡的独特审美以及实际生活需求。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="海上的汽车描述已自动生成"> 第三代FordRanger 第四代福特Ranger基于全新的福特T6平台所打造,并从2011年开始,在全球各地(北美市场除外)销售。福特Ranger在东南亚、南美、南非、澳洲尤为火爆,并一度成为了福特继F-150之后,销量最大的皮卡车型。目前,福特Ranger在全球180个国家/地区有销售,并是福特所有车型中销售的国家/地区最多的车型。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="蓝色的卡车描述已自动生成"> 第四代FordRanger 第五代福特Ranger横空出世,开启硬核皮卡新篇章 第五代福特Ranger在秉承福特全球皮卡设计的基因:BuiltFordTough精神的同时,将全球各地用户实际需求与福特自身特性相结合,进而呈现出卓尔不凡的显著特性——既强悍又现代感十足,同时具有强大多功能性用途。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="山上的汽车描述已自动生成"> 第五代福特Ranger 为了让第五代福特Ranger的设计显得与众不同,设计团队采用了更直立、更宽、更高、更符合皮卡风格的整体造型。第五代福特Ranger沿袭了福特F-150等全球化皮卡的设计特征,有着粗犷强悍的醒目外观,彰显出无畏与自信气度。轮廓更为鲜明的大尺寸前格栅,内部则采用蜂窝状设计,并配备两条横向镀铬装饰条,还带有标志性“C”字造型的LED前大灯,进一步提升了整车辨识度。第五代福特Ranger将看起来非常强壮,给人强烈的安全感。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在路边中度可信度描述已自动生成"> 第五代福特Ranger 福特的每一个设计元素均有明确的目的以及含义,同时也是建立在大量数据、实践基础之上的。比如说,数据显示,皮卡用户经常站在轮胎或后保险杠上以便能够触及到皮卡后货箱内的物品,为此第五代福特Ranger就打造了新式箱侧踏板。另外,福特Ranger尾门也进行了升级,当处于下降位置时,它可以兼作移动工作台,并设计有储物夹袋,可以放置用于测量或切割材料之类的工具。 福特Ranger官方改装版,展现个性化硬核魅力 在本届上海国际车展上,还首次亮相了福特Ranger官方改装版,在拥有个性化专属设计的同时,新车将装配多项官方越野改装件及配置升级,例如钢制越野侧踏板、钢制前后保险杠、防脱轮毂、绞盘、涉水喉、越野轮胎等专业装备,进一步提升Ranger硬核越野能力,打造更加强悍超硬核全能皮卡。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="汽车停在路上描述已自动生成"> 福特Ranger官方改装版 如今,福特Ranger已经成为全球用户信赖的明星皮卡车型,截止目前全球累计销量超800万台。并获得过英国年度最佳皮卡、瑞典国际皮卡大奖、澳洲年度最佳乘用车大奖、ANCAP五星以及马来西亚年度皮卡金奖等全球知名汽车奖项。至于售价上,福特在2018年曾以进口形式引进了第四代福特RangerWildtrak车型,其售价为30.58万元,以此为参考,国产版预计不会低于26万元起售。【本文来自易车号作者爱咖汽车,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】


上海国际车展吸引了众多车企参展,其中“小猛禽”福特Ranger的参展更是让无数皮卡发烧友为之疯狂。据了解,福特Ranger已经确定国产化,并通过江铃福特科技在中国销售。作为全球皮卡之王,福特一路见证着皮卡这一车型的前身后世,它是皮卡的缔造者与发扬者!被改装的福特ModelT,世纪皮卡由此而来!1913年,全球第一款皮卡正式诞生。该款皮卡在原福特ModelT(问世于1908年)的基础上改装而成,并随后在市场上热销。<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">FordModelT福特在敏锐捕捉到广大用户的需求后,便勇敢创新,在1917年划时代地推出全球首个量产卡车底盘和全球第一台量产皮卡——福特ModelTT。FordModelTT1925年,福特ModelTRunaboutwithPickupBody问世,“Pickup,皮卡”这一叫法也首次出现!<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">FordModelTRunaboutPickup1948年,大名鼎鼎的F系列问世,F1到F8等各类车型夯实福特在皮卡市场的老大哥地位。福特特有的直线设计、平坦的引擎盖等设计特点也逐步显现,并成为“福特标签”!<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在路边描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">FordF-1Pickup福特Ranger:全球晋级之路的开启!上世纪七十年代,全球经济快速发展,皮卡市场需求与日俱增,福特正式启动ProjectYuma计划。1982年,福特推出比福特F系列更小但性能依旧强劲的福特Ranger。初代福特Ranger是一款紧凑型皮卡,底盘参考了福特F系列,并采用了前桥的独立悬挂以及高强度钢板冲压的下摆臂。<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在雪地上描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">第一代FordRanger1992年,福特Ranger第二代车型出现。也正是从该车型起,福特Ranger正式走向全球市场。第二代FordRanger1998年,以第三代福特Ranger为开端,福特奠定了以F系列称雄北美市场,以福特Ranger辐射海外市场的全球战略布局。这两大系列皮卡车型可满足不同地区、不同人群对皮卡的独特审美以及实际生活需求。<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="海上的汽车描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">第三代FordRanger第四代福特Ranger于2011年开始,在除了北美市场之外的广大国家和地区开始销售,并在东南亚、南美、南非、澳洲等市场上大受欢迎,甚至一度成为了福特继F-150之后,销量最大的皮卡车型。而如今的福特Ranger已经在全球180个国家/地区有销售,是福特所有车型中,销售的国家/地区最多的,名副其实的顶级全球车型。<img src="ht【本文来自易车号作者爱汽车精选榜,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】


2023年的上海国际车展牵动着许多车迷们的心,毕竟展会中会出现各种全球重磅车型,让车迷们得以过足眼瘾。其中,“小猛禽”福特Ranger也在展会中正式现身,同时其确定国产化的消息也格外让车迷兴奋,接连不断给到惊喜。 作为全球皮卡市场中的王者,福特一路见证皮卡的百年发展历程。 皮卡最初的样子 时间回到1913年,GalionAllsteelBodyCompany为福特ModelT(问世于1908年)进行了包括掀开后座、安装装载箱在内的一系列改装。该改装车被认为是全球第一辆皮卡,并随后在市场上热销。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成"> FordModelT 福特作为一家实力车企,十分敏锐地捕捉到广大用户的需求,同时勇敢创新,在1917年划时代地推出全球首个量产卡车底盘和全球第一台量产皮卡——福特ModelTT。 FordModelTT 后来时间到了1925年,福特ModelTRunaboutwithPickupBody正式问世,并已经具备现代皮卡的基本面貌。同时,“Pickup,皮卡”这一叫法也首次被提出,并一直延续至今! <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成"> FordModelTRunaboutPickup 福特皮卡于1948年正式进入黄金发展期,在车型方面也有了F1到F8等各个系列,这些车型被统一归类为F系列,其分类标准则以发动机性能与承载能力的增强为主。福特特有的直线设计、平坦的引擎盖等设计特点也逐步显现,并成为“福特标签”! <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在路边描述已自动生成"> FordF-1Pickup 福特Ranger从何而来 上世纪七十年代,皮卡市场受到全球经济快速发展的影响,进一步扩容,福特则基于当时油耗限额标准,正式启动ProjectYuma计划。1982年,福特推出比福特F系列更小但性能依旧强劲的福特Ranger。 初代福特Ranger并没有摆脱福特F系列的基因,其底盘大量借鉴了福特F系列的元素,前桥的独立悬挂以及高强度钢板冲压的下摆臂也让这辆车有着出色的操控质感。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在雪地上描述已自动生成"> 第一代FordRanger 福特Ranger的第二代车型于1992年推出,并随后销售至东南亚以及南美等市场,为随后的全球化布局发展奠定了基础。 第二代FordRanger 在1998年,第三代福特Ranger闪亮登场,并与F系列一起成为福特皮卡全球布局的重要组成。其中,F系列主打北美市场,福特Ranger则辐射海外市场。二者各有千秋,可满足不同地区、不同人群对皮卡的独特审美以及实际生活需求。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="海上的汽车描述已自动生成"> 第三代FordRanger 第四代福特Ranger的市场表现进一步超越前几代车型,火爆销售至除了北美市场之外的广大国家和地区。截止到目前,福特Ranger销售国家和地区达到180个,超过麦当劳的119个。这让福特Ranger成为了福特所有车型中,销售的国家/地区最多的,名副其实的顶级全球车型。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="蓝色的卡车描述已自动生成"> 第四代FordRanger 新一代福特Ranger焕新登场 在秉承福特全球皮卡设计基因的基础上,新一代福特Ranger彰显向上的力量,并陪伴着用户应对任何挑战,向用户传递出了信心和实力。设计团队从福特现有皮卡用户的万千需求中汲取灵感,将用户的实际需要与他们重视的功能融汇一炉,确保新一代福特Ranger既强悍又现代感十足,同时具有强大多功能性用途。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="山上的汽车描述已自动生成"> 新一代FordRanger 新一代福特Ranger有着个性鲜明的外观,霸气侧漏,“小猛禽”之美誉实至名归!新一代福特Ranger沿袭了福特全球化皮卡的设计特征,有着粗犷强悍的醒目外观,彰显出无畏与自信气度。轮廓更为鲜明的大尺寸前格栅,内部则采用蜂窝状设计,并配备两条横向镀铬装饰条,还带有标志性“C”字造型的LED前大灯,进一步提升了整车辨识度。新一代福特Ranger看起来非常强壮,给人强烈的安全感。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在路边中度可信度描述已自动生成"> 新一代FordRanger 另外福特十分注重汽车的实用性能,在皮卡研发与设计中力求从用户核心需求角度出发,每次产品升级均很好的顺应了各时期用户需求转型。例如研究表明,皮卡用户经常站在轮胎或后保险杠上以便能够触及到皮卡后货箱内的物品,因此新一代福特Ranger便集成了新式箱侧踏板来帮助用户。同时尾门本身也进行了升级,当处于下降位置时,它可以兼作移动工作台,并设计有储物夹袋,可以放置用于测量或切割材料之类的工具。 福特Ranger官方改装版亮相上海车展 拥有个性化专属设计的福特Ranger官方改装版,在本次上海国际车展中正式亮相,新车将装配多项官方越野改装件及配置升级,例如钢制越野侧踏板、钢制前后保险杠、防脱轮毂、绞盘、涉水喉、越野轮胎等专业装备,进一步提升Ranger硬核越野能力,打造更加强悍超硬核全能皮卡。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="汽车停在路上描述已自动生成" height="383" width="553"> 福特Ranger官方改装版 放眼全球,福特Ranger俨然成为一款备受瞩目的明星皮卡车型,取得了全球累计销量超800万台的亮眼成绩。未来其进入中国市场,或将掀起一波销售热潮,带动中国皮卡市场进一步发展。【本文来自易车号作者AR汽车,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】


说起皮卡,作为皮卡鼻祖的福特汽车,是无论如何都绕不开的名字。1925年,基于当时的T型车底盘,福特推出了Model T Runabout Pickup,从此开启了“Pickup皮卡”世界的神奇大门。经过近百年的发展,福特皮卡,尤其福特F系列皮卡,成为了全球最负盛名的车型系列,足迹遍布世界。尤其在其发源地北美大陆,福特的皮卡与北美大陆的每一处场景都如此融洽,从德克萨斯的农场小道到洛杉矶的落日大道,从堪萨斯的建设工地到休斯顿的航天基地,都有福特皮卡的身影。说起福特最经典的皮卡,非福特F-150猛禽莫属。它自诞生以来就以原厂“巴哈(Baja)战车”的勇猛形象,成为了全世界越野爱好者心目中的偶像级车型。但福特还有一款传奇皮卡,在全球知名度丝毫不逊于福特F-150猛禽,那就是全球用户超过800万、销售国家与地区达180多个甚至比麦当劳还要多、有着“小猛禽”称号的福特Ranger。传闻即将国产的福特Ranger,将正式亮相2023年上海车展。这样一款重磅车型什么来头?福特Ranger作为一款具有传奇色彩的车型,其上一代车型其实叫做福特Courier。后来,福特为了争夺紧凑型皮卡市场的主动权,在福特Courier的基础上自主研发出全新车型,于1983年正式推出了福特Ranger。这也是福特设计的第一款紧凑型皮卡。有意思的是,福特为Ranger在1983设计研发的底盘,跨越了三代车型,共计使用了29年,直到2012年该车型在美国停产。另外,Ranger这一名字也颇有来头。最早使用Ranger这个名字的车型是福特的送货卡车,后来被用在1958年至1960年的福特Edsel车型上,作为其基础配置车型的名称。直到1965年,Ranger这一名字才与皮卡有了关系,成为福特当家皮卡车型F系列和硬派越野SUV Bronco顶配车型的名称。在1982年以后,Ranger正式成为福特全新皮卡的名字。虽然,福特Ranger起源于美国,但是其在2012年在美国市场停产后,才正式开启了福特Ranger的全球车之路,奠定了其全球车的地位。2011年,福特正式推出了面向全球的全新T6平台,该平台由福特澳大利亚主导设计,尽管T6平台是为全球销售而研发的,但并未在北美销售。后来,由于T6平台已经不能满足当代皮卡的要求,福特于2021年又推出了更新的T6.2平台,并带来了全新一代2023款福特Ranger(全球第四代 Ranger /北美第五代 Ranger)。该车型在开发过程中代号为P703,不同于上一代车型完全在澳洲研发设计,这一代车型由福特澳大利亚主导,但是却倾注了福特在亚洲、美国、非洲和欧洲子公司的共同心血,并率先于2022年第二季度在泰国和南非市场投产。这次的T6.2平台主要提升点在于增加了轮距和轴距,并将前轴向前移动了大约两英寸,以此来改善整车的接近角,以及更靠车身外侧的悬挂系统,这样一来将为弹簧和减震器留出更多活动的空间,以实现更好的操控属性、舒适性和通过能力。万众期待的国产版会是啥样?在外观设计层面,全新一代福特Ranger的设计,由前霍顿的总设计师Max Wolff负责,在地地道道的澳洲设计基础上融入了全球用户的意见。作为一款全球车型,为了能够适应全球不同地区消费者的使用习惯,福特Ranger在即将销售新车的地区进行了大量的用户调研,获取了近5000份用户样本,形成了1800多页的建议,用于新车设计与提升。目前,除了有媒体曝光过国产Ranger高度伪装的谍照外,关于其国产版的信息较少。但我们猜测,其在外观上与海外版车型差距不大。海外版福特Ranger在设计语言上与福特Maverick十分相似,但整体气场更接近福特F-150。前脸采用全新的设计造型,并在格栅内部采用横向贯穿设计的双层条幅,与“C字”型大灯完美地融为一体,其大灯还采用矩阵式LED光源。同时新车的尾灯采用“8字”形设计,并微微向外凸起,与当下福特最新的设计语言相符。动力系统上,海外版车型采用了2.0T及3.0T涡轮增压柴油发动机,至于国产版采用哪种动力,尚未可知。至于售价上,福特在2018年曾以进口形式引进了第四代福特Ranger Wildtrak车型,其售价为30.58万元,以此为参考,国产版预计不会低于26万元起售。对于此次亮相上海车展,福特称,同样作为“Built Ford Tough”的标志性产品,福特Ranger将和F-150猛禽一起,组成“福特皮卡双雄”CP,为更多寻求强悍性能和自由探索生活方式的用户,提供值得信赖、个性化的产品选择。2023上海国际车展将于4月18日至4月27日举行。届时,福特品牌硬核越野家族将在国家会展中心(上海)8.2馆野性亮相,对Ranger感兴趣的朋友,快去一睹真容吧。【本文来自易车号作者新车无疆,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】

硬核皮卡标杆 福特Ranger即将国产化,或售26万起

福特旗下中型皮卡——福特Range即将以国产的形式引入中国市场,并通过江铃福特科技渠道在中国市场进行销售。而作为全球皮卡市场中的王者,从皮卡车型诞生之初,福特就是皮卡文化发展的重要组成以及核心驱动。被改装的福特ModelT,成就皮卡世纪经典!1913年,GalionAllsteelBodyCompany在原福特ModelT(问世于1908年)的基础上进行了改装——掀开后座,安装装载箱。该改装车被认为是全球制造的第一辆皮卡,并随后在市场上热销。<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">FordModelT福特在敏锐捕捉到广大用户的需求后,便勇敢创新,在1917年划时代地推出全球首个量产卡车底盘和全球第一台量产皮卡——福特ModelTT。<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车的旧照片描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px 0px;">FordModelTT1925年,福特ModelTRunaboutwithPickupBody的问世奠定了现代皮卡的基本面貌,并且“Pickup,皮卡”这一叫法也首次被提出,并一直延续至今!<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">FordModelTRunaboutPickup1948年,以代表性人气系列F系列为开点,福特皮卡真正意义上迎来了黄金发展期,并在随后基于发动机性能与承载能力的增强,不断延伸出F1到F8等各类车型。福特特有的直线设计、平坦的引擎盖等设计特点也逐步显现,并成为“福特标签”!<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在路边描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">FordF-1Pickup福特Ranger:全球晋级之路的开启!上世纪七十年代,全球经济的快速发展让皮卡市场需求一路激增。福特则基于当时油耗限额标准,正式启动ProjectYuma计划。1982年,福特推出比福特F系列更小但性能依旧强劲的福特Ranger。初代福特Ranger采用了福特全新的紧凑型皮卡平台,底盘大量借鉴了福特F系列的元素,前桥的独立悬挂以及高强度钢板冲压的下摆臂也让这辆车有着出色的操控质感。<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在雪地上描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">第一代FordRanger1992年,福特Ranger迎来第二代车型,也正是从这一代车型开始,福特Ranger走向了东南亚以及南美等市场,这也为随后的全球化布局发展奠定了基础。<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="草地上的卡车描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">第二代FordRanger1998年,第三代福特Ranger正式亮相,福特也开启了以F系列称雄北美市场,以福特Ranger辐射海外市场的战略布局。两款车型作为福特皮卡家族的重要成员,二者各有千秋,可满足不同地区、不同人群对皮卡的独特审美以及实际生活需求。<img src="" class="imgborder" alt="海上的汽车描述已自动生成" style="border: none; display: block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto;">第三代FordRanger第四代福特Ranger的开发由福特位于澳大利亚的研发中心负责,并基于全新的福特T6平台所打造,于2011年开始,在除了北美市场之外的广大国家和地区开始销售,并在东南亚、南美、南非、澳洲等市场上大受欢迎,甚至一度成为了福特继F-150之后,销量最大的皮卡车型。而如今的福特Ranger已经在全球180个国家/地区有销售,要知道麦当劳也只不过遍布全球六大洲119个国家/地区而已,因此福特Ranger也成为了福特所有车型中,销售的国家/地区最多的,名副其实的顶级全球车型。<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-【本文来自易车号作者昂扬的核桃0296,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】


全球顶级中型皮卡“小猛禽”福特Ranger即将国产化了?这一车型已然在上海国际车展当中正式亮相,受到诸多国人的热烈关注。另外,趁着国内皮卡政策解禁的东风,福特Ranger国产化的计划也确定下来,会通过江铃福特科技销售至全国。 作为全球皮卡市场中的王者,福特一路见证皮卡的百年发展历程。 皮卡,从何而来 你知道吗?全球第一辆皮卡居然是辆改装车。1913年,GalionAllsteelBodyCompany为福特ModelT(问世于1908年)进行了包括掀开后座、安装装载箱在内的一系列改装。该改装车被认为是全球第一辆皮卡,并随后在市场上热销。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成"> FordModelT 基于对用户需求的感知和勇敢创新的精神,福特在1917年划时代地推出全球首个量产卡车底盘和全球第一台量产皮卡——福特ModelTT。 FordModelTT 在1925年诞生的福特ModelTRunaboutwithPickupBody,已经具备现代皮卡的基本面貌。同时,“Pickup,皮卡”这一叫法也首次被提出,并一直延续至今! <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="马车在路上行驶的卡车中度可信度描述已自动生成"> FordModelTRunaboutPickup 时间来到1948年,福特皮卡正式进入到了黄金发展期,并延伸出了F1到F8等各类车型,这些车型被统一归类为F系列,其分类标准则以发动机性能与承载能力的增强为主。福特特有的直线设计、平坦的引擎盖等设计特点也逐步显现,并成为“福特标签”! <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在路边描述已自动生成"> FordF-1Pickup 福特Ranger开启全球晋级之路 伴随着全球经济的快速发展,福特于上世纪七十年代正式启动ProjectYuma计划。1982年,福特推出比福特F系列更小但性能依旧强劲的福特Ranger。 在大量借鉴福特F系列元素的基础上,初代福特Ranger底盘质量突出,前桥的独立悬挂以及高强度钢板冲压的下摆臂也让这辆车有着出色的操控质感。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在雪地上描述已自动生成"> 第一代FordRanger 于1992年诞生的福特Ranger第二代车型,销售至东南亚以及南美等市场,为随后的全球化布局发展奠定了基础。 第二代FordRanger 1998年亮相的第三代福特Ranger与其F系列车型一起成为福特皮卡全球布局的重要组成。其中,F系列主打北美市场,福特Ranger则辐射海外市场。二者各有千秋,可满足不同地区、不同人群对皮卡的独特审美以及实际生活需求。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="海上的汽车描述已自动生成"> 第三代FordRanger 第四代福特Ranger则是火爆销售至除了北美市场之外的广大国家和地区。截止到目前,福特Ranger销售国家和地区达到180个,超过麦当劳的119个。这让福特Ranger成为了福特所有车型中,销售的国家/地区最多的,名副其实的顶级全球车型。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="蓝色的卡车描述已自动生成"> 第四代FordRanger 新一代福特Ranger揭开硬核皮卡新篇章 在秉承福特全球皮卡设计的基因:BuiltFordTough精神的同时,新一代福特Ranger彰显向上的力量,并陪伴着用户应对任何挑战,向用户传递出了信心和实力。设计团队从福特现有皮卡用户的万千需求中汲取灵感,将用户的实际需要与他们重视的功能融汇一炉,确保新一代福特Ranger既强悍又现代感十足,同时具有强大多功能性用途。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="山上的汽车描述已自动生成"> 新一代FordRanger 新一代福特Ranger在外观方面的个性十分鲜明,堪称霸气侧漏,“小猛禽”之美誉实至名归!新一代福特Ranger沿袭了福特全球化皮卡的设计特征,有着粗犷强悍的醒目外观,彰显出无畏与自信气度。轮廓更为鲜明的大尺寸前格栅,内部则采用蜂窝状设计,并配备两条横向镀铬装饰条,还带有标志性“C”字造型的LED前大灯,进一步提升了整车辨识度。新一代福特Ranger看起来非常强壮,给人强烈的安全感。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="卡车停在路边中度可信度描述已自动生成"> 新一代FordRanger 与此同时,福特力求从用户核心需求角度出发进行皮卡研发与设计,强化实用性,每次产品升级均很好的顺应了各时期用户需求转型。例如研究表明,皮卡用户经常站在轮胎或后保险杠上以便能够触及到皮卡后货箱内的物品,因此新一代福特Ranger便集成了新式箱侧踏板来帮助用户。同时尾门本身也进行了升级,当处于下降位置时,它可以兼作移动工作台,并设计有储物夹袋,可以放置用于测量或切割材料之类的工具。 2023上海国际车展,迎来福特Ranger官方改装版 福特Ranger官方改装版于本届上海国际车展首度亮相,在拥有个性化专属设计的同时,新车将装配多项官方越野改装件及配置升级,例如钢制越野侧踏板、钢制前后保险杠、防脱轮毂、绞盘、涉水喉、越野轮胎等专业装备,进一步提升Ranger硬核越野能力,打造更加强悍超硬核全能皮卡。 <img src="" class="imgborder" alt="汽车停在路上描述已自动生成" height="418" width="603"> 福特Ranger官方改装版 从全球范围来讲,福特Ranger的累计销量已经超过800万台,受到全球车迷们的热烈追捧。在未来,福特Ranger将持续给国内车友带来惊喜,满足车友们对于硬核皮卡的期待。 当然,国产化后的售价自然也成为了皮卡爱好者们最为期待的,虽然官方还未公布,但结合目前海外的售价,国产版预计可能会在26-31万元之间,相信这样的价格完全能够刺激到目前国内的皮卡市场。【本文来自易车号作者爱咖汽车分享,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】


福特Ranger在海外市场其实是非常受欢迎的,自1982年诞生至今,福特Ranger车型历经五代,截至目前累计销量超过800万辆,成为全球用户信赖的明星车型。近日,新一代福特Ranger家族正式在北美市场发布,并将在本月底正式在北美市场开启预购,售价为34160美元(约合人民币23.7万元)起,Raptor车型价格为56960美元(约合人民币39.5万元)。很快新一代福特Ranger也即将登陆我们国内市场,并且是以国产的身份在今年下半年在江铃福特国产下线。其实,福特Ranger老款车型曾经以进口的身份在国内卖过一段时间,但那时候的皮卡在国内大环境都十分低迷,因此导致老款福特Ranger表现的一般。如今国内皮卡市场上可谓是迎来“小春天”, 而福特Ranger这时候重回国内市场实现国产化销售,对于国内皮卡车友来说也是一件好事。那么新一代福特Ranger国产版车型,预计会继承海外版车型的整体设计元素,甚至会根据不同的配置提供不同的前脸设计风格,当然笔者觉得最粗狂的前脸造型是它熏黑式进气格栅上配有硕大的“FORD”字体标识,再加上两侧C字形的前大灯设计,相当的霸气。海外版车型将会提供双排座舱和单排座舱版本,而国产版车型预计率先上市的是双排座舱版,至于单排座舱是否后续会推出,那就要看大家的呼声了。侧面上来看,新车配备有车顶行李架、侧裙踏板,前后侧翼子板区域外凸有种宽体视觉感。此外,车厢货斗上方配备有货运行李架。而尾部上的设计就相对简洁了,其亮点在于两侧尾灯采用8字形设计,同时货门板上大号的Ranger字母显得十分有力量感,并且牌照区域还甚至有蹬车脚踏,方便车主可以轻松进入后斗取用物品。如果什么都不看,就直接给你看新一代福特Ranger的内饰图的话,笔者相信绝大多数人都会认为这是轿车或SUV车型的内饰图。然而新一代福特Ranger在内饰上营造出非常不错的实用性及科技感,新车搭载着12英寸全液晶仪表,根据配置不同,中控台提供10.1英寸或12英寸的多媒体触控屏。同时,新车车机系统上配备了最新的SYNC 4信息娱乐系统,标配无线Android Auto和Apple CarPlay。在中控屏幕下方保留有基本的机械按键和旋钮,以便驾驶员盲操作。此外,新车还支持360度影像及手机远程控制等功能。动力方面,海外版车型分别提供2.3T涡轮增压发动机和3.0T涡轮增压V6发动机,最大功率分别为274马力和411马力,峰值扭矩为420牛米和583牛米。传动系统方面,根据版本不同将会提供6速手动、6速自动变速箱及10速自动变速箱。此外,在今年秋季新一代福特Ranger还将推出搭载2.7T V6发动机,最大功率为314马力,峰值扭矩为542牛米。而我们国内市场,很大可能前期推出2.3T版本的动力,传动系统方面则分别提供手动和自动两种形式,具体代官方进一步披露。总结:虽说皮卡在国内市场占有的份额并不大,但这几年随着一些城市对皮卡车的解禁,也是进一步的刺激到了这个低迷的市场环境,也使得国内一些品牌纷纷进驻皮卡领域,以至于我们现在看到的长城炮、大将军等主流热门皮卡。而福特为主的皮卡车型在国内一直充当着“有钱人”的玩具看待,而这次新一代福特Ranger即将国产化销售,对于许多皮卡车迷来说无疑是好消息,而且还能进一步让皮卡市场充满活力。相信只要定价合适,国产版的新一代福特Ranger定能收获到不错的成绩。(注:文中图片均为北美版新一代福特Ranger)作者【本文来自易车号作者车算子,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】

Mink游戏danger angel异常进化安装求助


我刚安装的PDMS 12 SP6中没有Hangers & Supports 模块

PDMS11.6之后的版本这个模块就废掉了,AVEVA单独开发了MDS,挂在了PDMS里面,就是你看到的Multi DisciplineSupport,进MDS需要有环境支持,你现在的错误就是没有MDS这个等级。







feed/effluent heat exchanger是什么意思

feed/effluent heat exchange进料/流出物热交换双语对照例句:1.The air-sea heat exchange at xisha areas during the onset of southwestmonsoon in 2000. 2000年南海季风爆发前后西沙海域海-气热量交换特征。2.A study on the turbulent heat exchange between the underlying surface andthe atmosphere. 我国地表面和大气间的湍流热交换量的研究。





名词短语,像in danger这样的词。固定搭配

in public,under repair,under instruction, etc

On Load Tap Changer 有载切换开关

更新1: 问题是由 Tap 2 转去 Tap 3 时通过电阻 A 和电阻 B 时需要数秒钟,如你所讲 Tap 2 和 Tap 3 有电压 622V ,试问电阻能耐几多 Volt 几多 Amp? 电阻不会烧吗?电阻是什么做的这么耐用? 更新2: 由于我们所见的 OLTC 转换时间需要8秒,扣除头两秒及最后尾两秒,跨过中间电阻时应该有4秒,就算四秒要能耐622V,究竟电流有多大,为何电阻不会烧,反而电流接收器会烧,何解? 电阻器限制分接头循环电流的电阻式分接头切换器 是欧洲所开发. 电阻式用于非有效接地电力系统. 电阻式切换器的特性如下 1.使用热容量很小的电阻器 切换器体积小. 2.热容量小.应于极短时间内完成切换动作.必须使用弹篁或四节连杆速切机构 构造复杂. 3.启断电流时的功因近于1 电弧持续时间短 容易启断电流.切换器的切换损耗小. 参考看看 参考: IS SPICE+系统工程师的居酒屋 Q1.请问高电压变压器上OLTC指的是:有载切换开关(On-Load Tap-Changer,OLTC) ? A.先从ULTC(Un-Load Tap-Changer,ULTC)解说: 1.某高压压变压器为22800V/220V,因考虑变压器受电点离电源点距离较远而产生电压降,低压(二次侧)相对压降,所以一般变压器有作ULTC,即要在停电无载状况调整Tap(分接头),一般22800V/220V变压器的ULTC有24000、23400、22800、22200、21600,(如你图3的1~8) 假设低压(二次侧)于空负载时测得电压为214V,比额定少了6V,表示一次侧少了22800/220*6=622V,所以要将Tap(分接头)调至22200V, 但于台电输电系统的66000,161000,345000变压器,必须要在有载情况下调整电压,因而使用OLTC, Q2.它的电阻(或电抗)是什么做的? 避免在分接头切换时造成断路(图3中移动时有断路现象是错误的),我们称为Bridge Resistance(Reactance),其作用类似闭回路Y-Δ控制 Q3.它的动作如何控制? 透过电压侦测器以电动机来旋转OLTC 有问题可以再问 参考: bigpower

fuel the need for sth fuel one’s anger 什么意思

fuel 除了用作名词表示“燃料”之外,还可以用作动词,表示“提供燃料”,转义是“刺激,激起”。你的两个词组都是转义用法:fuel the need for sth 是刺激对某物的需求,fuel one"s anger 是激起某人的愤怒。

The Amazing Things I Know和Pandas are in danger各为题写一篇英语作文。谢谢,只要60词。


why are animals in danger of dying?

It is because human beings destroy the natural environment by pollution. Animals have no more place to live and cannot find enough food to eat.

小弟英文不好哪位大侠美女帮忙翻译一下? 求歌曲:Danger Zone 歌词大意

Danger Zone / 危险区Revvin" up your engine点燃你的引擎Listen to her howlin" roar倾听机器轰鸣Metal under tension金属的身驱Beggin" you to touch and go等待去远行Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Ride into the Danger Zone高飞在危险区Headin" into twilight冲破黑暗夜幕Spreadin" out her wings tonight展开她的翅膀She got you jumpin" off the track让你自由飞翔And shovin" into overdrive加速到极限Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区I"ll take you Ride into the Danger Zone 我们飞翔在危险区You"ll never say hello to you不要自鸣得意Until you get it on the red line overload除非到达顶点You"ll never know what you can do不要放弃努力Until you get it up as high as you can go你才能够胜利Out along the edges面对死神的时刻Always where I burn to be热血才会沸腾The further on the edge进入生命禁地The hotter the intensity灵魂之火更明Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Gonna take you Ride into the Danger Zone我和你飞翔在危险区Highway to the Danger Zone 直闯向危险区Highway to the Danger Zone 直闯向危险区Highway to the Danger Zone 直闯向危险区Gonna take you Ride into the Danger Zone 我和你飞翔在危险区Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Gonna take you Ride into the Danger Zone我和你飞翔在危险区Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Ride into the Danger Zone 飞翔在危险区

诱惑本质的歌曲,A Dangerous Mind翻译成中文是什么意思?

A Dangerous Mind 险恶之心i"m searching for answers 我一直在寻找答案cause something is not right. 为了那些崩坏破碎的现实i follow the signs, 彷徨追逐着暗号i"m close to the fire. 宛如飞蛾扑火i fear that soon you"ll reveal 惧怕着你会匆忙暴露your dangerous mind. 险恶之心it"s in your eyes, 停驻在你的眼神what"s on your mind. 遗留于你的灵魂 i fear your smile 宛然一笑你让我战栗and the promise inside. 甚至是包藏其中的承诺it"s in your eyes, 停驻在你的眼神what"s on your mind. 遗留于你的灵魂i fear your presence, 当我恐惧地意识到你的出现i"m frozen inside. 寒彻透骨i"m searching for answers 我一直在寻找答案not questioned before. 之前无人问及the curse of awareness, 知晓了这夜寐之噩there"s no peace of mind. 内心再无安宁as your true colours show 当你的本性暴露a dangerous sign. 一个危险的暗号it"s in your eyes, 停驻在你的眼神what"s on your mind. 遗留于你的灵魂i see the truth that you"ve buried inside. 我看到了被你埋藏于底的真相it"s in your eyes, 停驻在你的眼神what"s on your mind. 遗留于你的灵魂there"s no mercy, 再无怜悯just anfer i find. 只留愤怒i just have to know, 唯想知晓while i still have time. 在一切还来得及之前do i have to run, 我应继续追寻or hide away from you? 抑或是逃离?

Michael Jackson 的《dangerous》中文歌词`!!!!

dangerous歌手:michael jackson 专辑:dangerous The way she came into the place I knew right then and thereThere was something different about this girlThe way she moved her hair, her face, her linesDivinity in motion As she stalked the roomI could feel the aura of her presence every head turned feeling passion and lustthe girl was persuasive, the girl i could not trustThe girl was bad, the girl was dangerousI never knew but i was walking the linecome go with me , I said i have no timeShe said don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phoneMy baby cried and left me standing alone , She"s so dangerous.The girl is so dangerous, take away my money, throw away my timeYou can call me honey, but you"re no down good for me.She came at me in sections with the eyes of desireI feel trapped into her web of sin, a touch , a kiss, a whisper of love I was at the point of no returnDeep in the darjness of passion"s insanity , I felt taken by lust"s stranger, inhumanityI never knew but I was living in vainShe called my house and said you know my nameAnd don"t you pretend , you never did me before, with tears in her eyesMy baby walked out the door, She"s so dangerousDANGEROUS!!!The girl is so dangerous.I have to pray to god, "cause I know how lust can blindIt"s a passion in my soul , but you"re no damn lover friend of mineI cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonightI cannot cope "til it"s all rightYou and your mainpulation , you hurt my babyAnd then it happened , she touch meFor the lips of a stranger woman, drop as a honey-combAnd her mouth was smooth than oil , but her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged swardBut I loved it, "cause it"s dangeroustake away my money, throw away my timeDANGEROUS!!!DANGEROUS!!!DANGEROUS!!!


The way she came into the place I knew right then and there There was something different About this girl The way she moved Her hair, her face, her lines Divinity in motion As she stalked the room I could feel the aura Of her presence Feeling passion and lust Every head turned The girl was persuasive The girl I could not trust The girl was bad The girl was dangerous I never knew but I was Walking the line Come go with me I said I have no time And don"t you pretend we didn"t Talk on the phone My baby cried She left me standing alone She"s so dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me She came at me in sections With the eyes of desire I fell trapped into her Web of sin A touch, a kiss A whisper of love I was at the point Of no return Deep in the darkness of Passion"s insanity I felt taken by lust"s Strange inhumanity This girl was persuasive This girl I could not trust The girl was bad The girl was dangerous I never knew She called my house But I was living in vain She said you know my name And don"t you pretend With tears in her eyes You never did me before My baby walked out the door She"s so dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous I have to pray to god "cause I know how Lust can blind It"s a passion in my soul But you"re no damn lover Friend of mine I can not sleep alone tonight My baby left me here tonight I cannot cope "til it"s all right You and your manipulation You hurt my baby And then it happened She touched me For the lips of A strange woman Drop as a honeycomb And her mouth was Smoother than oil But her inner spirit and words Were as sharp as A two-edged sword But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous The girl is so dangerous Dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous I have to pray to god "cause I know how Lust can blind It"s a passion in my soul But you"re no damn lover Friend of mine她的方式开始的地方 我知道有那么权 有一些不同 关于这个女孩 她感动的方式 她的头发,她的脸,她的行 神的议案 正如她的房间矮秆 我能感觉到先兆 她的存在 感受激情和欲望 每头转向 这名女孩是有说服力的 女童我不能信任 该女童被坏 这名女孩是危险的 我从来不知道,但我 散步线 来和我一起去 我说,我没有时间 和你不假装我们没有 通话 我的孩子哭 她让我单独 她是如此危险 这名女孩是如此危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 她是在我的部分 眼睛的愿望 我随即陷入她 网络的罪孽 触摸,一个吻 耳语的爱 我在点 不归路 深中的黑暗 热情的精神错乱 我觉得采取的欲望的 奇怪的非人道 这个女孩是有说服力的 这个姑娘我不能信任 该女童被坏 这名女孩是危险的 我从来不知道 她要求我的房子 但我生活在徒劳 她说,你知道我的名字 和你不假装 泪水在她的眼睛 你从来没有我面前 我的孩子走出大门 她是如此危险 这名女孩是如此危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 危险 这名女孩是如此危险 我必须向上帝祈祷 因为我知道如何 欲望可以盲目 这是一种激情在我的灵魂 但你不该死的情人 朋友 我不能单独今晚睡眠 我的孩子离开我今晚在这里 我无法应付" TIL的一切权利 你和你的操作 你伤害我的孩子 然后发生 她让我深有感触 为嘴唇的 阿奇怪的女人 下拉作为蜂窝 和她的嘴 比石油更顺畅 但是她的内在的精神和文字 为急剧的 一把双刃剑 但我喜欢它 "造成的危险 这名女孩是如此危险 危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 危险 这名女孩是如此危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 危险 这名女孩是如此危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 危险 这名女孩是如此危险 我必须向上帝祈祷 因为我知道如何 欲望可以盲目 这是一种激情在我的灵魂 但你不该死的情人 朋友

Big Boi的《Tangerine》 歌词

歌曲名:Tangerine歌手:Big Boi专辑:Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of ChicoBig Boi & Khujo Goodie Feat. T.I - TangerineYeah, yeahChorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineBig Boi:Now, let"s set it straight, B-I-G don"t cuff or cakeI, put her on a plate until she"s no longer awakeThey just lay, fast asleep, when I hit "em with the snakePut that venom up in "em until I leave "em with the shakesOn display, she"s a model but she only model shoesNot fake like a prosthetic leg or prostituteHow she choose? She just whispers in my ear ("I"m with you")I"m the type of dude that sends your baby mama out for foodAnd I also like her throat action, with a passionLove in her mou-outh, for dental satisfactionThat means I hit the head like Greg Louganis then I"m splashinUghhh, bust one back of the "llac, stabbin (hootie hoo!)She know what"s happenin, there"s no reason to doubt itIf you ask her how I got it she say ("How he had went about it was")And then you wake up from a bad dream, a nightmareSettle down cause she right thereChorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineT.I.:Okay, midnight, fit like, four or five chicksin the drop "66 bumpin "Southernplayalistic"as we ridin through the city lights, Monday Magic City nightPass these around, momentarily they feelin likegettin right, good girls, got "em gettin busy likebig dykes, eatin so much pussy they forget pipeAll got boyfriends, tell me they don"t hit it rightThey come see me so they can come be freaksin the back seat, everything"s fast like a track meetAll I can see is titties, pussy lips and ass cheeksActually, no exaggeration, no imagininReal talk, my reality is yo" fantasyKeisha, Kim, Tamika, Shay, Alicia and GloriaChasin this broad tryin to find euphoriaName notorious, dick game gloriousFind me shawty when ya boyfriend borin yaChorus Two: Big Boi & Khujo Goodie{Big Boi:} Shake it like some Texas Pete droppin on your collard greensMake it hotter when she want a dollar, do you follow me?Shake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourine{Khujo Goodie:} Smellin like some tangerines, rollin like she on some beansGarter belt full of greens, booty bustin out the seamsShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - watch her shake it like a tambourineBig Boi:Once upon a rhyme I knew this girl and she was fineas everything outdo"s, the kind of girl I describe her like-like-likeMichael Jordan when he"s froze in a pose of a JumpmanTop flight security on these hoes manShe drop it low only for me to pick her upWhen she"s liquored up I"m leavin my fingerprints on her buttA ten-hut, at attention as we stand for this womanGeneral Patton, boy stop, we think she cumminLovin the way that I"m dickin her down, Boi you bluffinNothin but a nigga like me be straight up royal flushinBut this ain"t "bout playin no cards dummyHer give me open mouth sugar and she go hard for meEven take a charge for me, if the coppers caught us ridinto get a tray of fruit, and a pack of 1-point-5"s andI"m all the way on them papers, she all the way on my teamWe burn it down like California trees in the breezeFire!Chorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineOutro:Shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake itShake shake it, shake shake that assShake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake itShake shake it, shake shake that, shake thatWork, work, work, work, work, work, work, work(and all my ladies go to)Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work(shake shake it, shake that ass)EndBig Boi & Khujo Goodie Feat. T.I - Tangerine

jet ranger造句 jet rangerの例文

The Jet Ranger can also respond more quickly than the Chinook. The pilot of the Bell 206 Jet Ranger was not harmed. Five accidents involving contractor-owned Bell Jet Rangers occurred in 1979. At least 12 Jet Rangers were pleted and flown. The Bell Jet Ranger can carry four people with a range of 380 miles. A Squirrel hepcopter was used to airpft the damaged Jet Ranger off the glacier. It is an unpcensed Bell 206 Jet Ranger . Gauthier said the park uses the Jet Ranger hepcopters " pretty frequently ." The Bell Jet Ranger is the most popular hepcopter ever built with over 6000 flying worldwide. Last Monday an army Bell 206 Jet Ranger was pghtly damaged in an emergency landing during a storm. It"s difficult to see jet ranger in a sentence. 用 jet ranger 造句挺难的 The Third Squadron is equipped with Bell 206 Jet Ranger hepcopters and Pilatus PC-7 Mk 2 aircraft. They went on to develop a derivative design, the Synairgie Jet Ranger , a tandem o seat micropght. The civipan Bell 206B Jet Ranger III hepcopter was owned by Arctic Air in the town of Vuoggatiaalme, Sweden. Also last Monday, an army Bell 206 Jet Ranger was pghtly damaged in an emergency landing during a storm. The robbers used a stolen Bell 206 Jet Ranger as transport and landed on the rooftop of the G4S building. The Jet Ranger has a typical empty weight of and a gross weight of, giving a useful load of. In the 1983 film " Blue Thunder ", a Jet Ranger plays the role of a Astro division. No . 402 Squadron remained at SLAF Katunayake and flew Bell 412 and Bell Jet Rangers , largely catering to VIP movement. The material was removed from the quarry on a spng attached to a U . S . Army Bell 206 Jet Ranger . On February 13, 1991 there was a colpsion beeen a Bell Jet Ranger hepcopter and a Pitts Aerobatic aircraft above the airport. During 1981 the CT-134 Musketeers were in need of replacement and a newer version, the CH-139 Jet Rangers . We bepeve it was a Bell Jet Ranger ( hepcopter ) . . . travepng in an easterly direction and crashed in a field, It was estabpshed in May 1977 as a private pany operating one fixed-wing Cessna 421 and o Bell 206B Jet Ranger hepcopters. The first hepcopter, a Bell 206 A1 Jet Ranger was procured in 1968 and was intended for search and rescue and cargo fpghts. Pilot John Fehrs was flying his Jet Ranger hepcopter 240 meters ( 800 feet ) above the crime-ridden Casa Blanca neighborhood, Padelford said. The planes are the first half of a gift by the United Arab Emirates, to be followed by four Bell Jet Ranger Hepcopters in December. Friend Ships has been partnering with TBN and Smile since 1992, Paul Crouch personally donated a Bell 206 Jet Ranger hepcopter to the humanitarian organization. In 1976 a Bell 206B Jet Ranger was purchased to replace the Bell 47 which was no longer being produced and difficult to find parts for. Gum Air has flown various unique types of STOL Short Take Off & Landing aircraft from Suriname in the past such as Bell 206B Jet Ranger II About 175 people took the seven-minute trip in the four-seat Bell Jet Ranger 206 on Friday, and 200 did so on Saturday. It"s difficult to see jet ranger in a sentence. 用 jet ranger 造句挺难的 Alpson turbine engines were used to power Bell 206 Jet Ranger and Long Ranger hepcopters as well as the initial version of the Sikorsky S-76 hepcopter. Popce said the Bell Jet Ranger landed on its roof and burst into flames near the village of Nether Kellet, 210 miles ( 340 kilometers ) northwest of London. The Bell Jet Ranger 206-B crashed at 4 : 31 p . m . on a taxiway beeen terminals 4 and 5 near the airport"s hepport. Steve Statzel, president of Sky One Hepcopters, which owns the hepcopter, said the other o Jet Rangers in the fleet will be grounded until the investigation is pleted. The Jet Ranger 205 hepcopter, based at a nearby army facipty, crashed onto the houses, *** ashed the roofs and bounced onto a concrete fence but did not explode. The Jet Ranger hepcopter was flying to Fox Glacier in New Zealand"s South Island when it tipped over while landing in fresh snow, Austrapan passenger Ronny Tjahjono said. Ringle said the pilot of the Bell Jet Ranger hepcopter " started to make a turn, and as he was doing so, he started to tumble ." No . 401 Squadron took charge of operational flying requirements and pilot training, and was located at SLAF Hingurakgoda with Bell 212 and Bell Jet Ranger hepcopters in its fleet. The Popce Commission is set to consider Wednesday whether to accept a gift of o Bell Jet Ranger Light Utipty Hepcopters, which Holder said had been used in the Gulf War. A spokeswoman for Biggin Hill airfield said the Bell 207 Jet Ranger hepcopter burst into flames when it hit open land near the village of Cudham, kilpng its o occupants instantly. In 1991, the Bell Jet Ranger was replaced with a more powerful Eurocopter Squirrel emergency hepcopter and in 1994 the Squirrel was replaced with a in-engine MBB / Kawasaki BK 117. In 1987, Ashcroft bought out the existing shareholders of BCA via Hawley Goodall, and closed down Wickins treasured aviation division, which flew both Jet Ranger hepcopters and King Airs turbo props . h In 1987, Ashcroft bought out the existing shareholders of BCA via Hawley Goodall, and closed down Wickins treasured aviation division, which flew both Jet Ranger hepcopters and Beechcraft King Air turbo prop aircraft. The Amtrak popce, estabpshed in the days of the Wild West, put a sergeant and a hired pilot aboard the hepcopter, the Bell Jet Ranger , to ride above the rails from Boston to Washington. But the Bell Jet Ranger hit the mountain, spun around and landed nose first into the Carbon Glacier at the 8, 800-foot level, said Maria Gillett, a spokeswoman for Mount Rainier National Park. Meyer said the power failed suddenly on the Bell 206 Jet Ranger just before 8 a . m . He began to descend onto the 4200 block of Bobbitt Drive, a tree-pned residential area just north of Royal Lane in North Dallas. Mount Rainier"s lead cpmbing ranger Mike Gauthier said the park typically uses the U . S . Army"s Chinook hepcopter for higher elevation rescues and the Bell Jet Ranger for lower elevations or operations requiring only a *** all number of people. Eyewitness Robert Macdonald, who works for another air charter pany based at the waterfront, told The Cape Argus newspaper the o Jet Ranger hepcopters crashed about 30 meters ( yards ) from where he was standing, and he had to flee for his pfe. He was hospitapzed after rescuers found the wrecked Bell 206 Jet Ranger on Thursday, following a search of 1, 100-square-kilometers ( 425-sq . miles ) around the Mitchell Ranges, 520 kilometers ( 320 miles ) southeast of Darwin. A development of the Synairgie Sky Ranger, the Jet Ranger features a strut-braced high-wing, a o-seats-in-tandem enclosed cockpit accessed via doors, fixed tricycle landing gearwith wheel pants and a single engine in tractor configuration. It"s difficult to see jet ranger in a sentence. 用 jet ranger 造句挺难的

跪求一篇以THE DANGER OF DRUGS为题的英语作文。

Today we look at what is being done to fight counterfeit drugs.Several companies are developing ways to make counterfeits easier to identify. And there are existing methods, like a machine that can quickly identify chemicals in pills to confirm if the pills are real.Other ideas include things like special tracking codes for drug packages. People could send a text message with the code and get a message back confirming that what they bought is listed in a database.Some drug makers and other companies put three-dimensional images called holograms on their products as a security device.Other anti-counterfeit efforts include the use of radio frequency identification tags. Many companies use these electronic tags to follow products through the supply chain from the manufacturer. The American Food and Drug Administration says R.F.I.D. tags act like an electronic safety net to make it easier to catch counterfeits.Last July, the Food and Drug Administration advised manufacturers to add what are called physical chemical identifiers to their medicines. These are special chemicals, colorings or tastes that counterfeiters could not easily copy.Bryan Liang is with the Partnership for Safe Medicines, an organization in the United States. He says the Internet is not only a place where people can get tricked into buying counterfeit drugs. It is also a place where counterfeiters can find all the materials they need to make them.BRYAN LIANG: "The Internet is the Wild, Wild West. Anybody can sell drugs. Anybody can buy active ingredients."He says the most important members of the "counterfeit detection team" are the patients themselves. He says raids on counterfeiters are often the result of information from people who bought fake medicines.BRYAN LIANG: "The best approach is to know your drug. Know what they feel like. Know what they taste like. Know what your traditional reactions are. A person that knows their drugs and the effects of their drugs are in fact the best security against fakes."

迈克尔杰克迅;《Dangerous 》歌词的中文意思


Roxette的《Dangerous》 歌词

歌曲名:Dangerous歌手:Roxette专辑:Look Sharp! (2009 Version)Hold on tight, you know she"s a little bit dangerousJust a little bit dangerousYou pack your bag.You take controlYou"re moving into my heartand into my soul.Get out of my way!Get out of my sight!I won"t be walking on thin ice to get through the night.Hey, where"s your work?What"s your game?I know your business but I don"t know your name...Hold on tight, you know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.You turn around,so hot and dry.You"re hiding under a halo, your mouth is alive.Get out of my way!Get out of my sight!I"m not attracted to go-go deeper tonight.Hey, what"s your word?What"s your game?I know your businessbut I don"t know your name...Hold on tight, you know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.Just a little bit dangerousHey, where"s your work?What"s your game?I know your business but I don"t know your name...Hold on tightyou know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s armed and she"s extremely dangerous...She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.Just a little bit dangerous.Hey, where"s your work?What"s your game?I don"t know your name...Just a little bit dangerousI don"t know your name


形容词翻译:危险的;不安全的;招致危险的[+to-v]比较级:more dangerous最高级:most dangerous例句:Shooting off firecrackers can be dangerous. 放爆竹有可能导致危险。



Dangerous 歌词 中文

<dangerous>Don"t know anything about youSo close, just a touch awayYour love hits me like no otherThey say I"m a true believerI know something"s taking over nowI wanna run but I don"t know howYou just crossed my border nowJust a kiss awayGive me a breakI"m melting awayYou"re so dangerousOr is it too late?Gotta know what"s on your mindI"m out of controlCause you want it allYou"re so dangerousMy biggest mistakeI"m blinded by your eyesDangerousI"m out of controlDon"t you push it to the limitCause you know I"m hungry for your touchNo doubt, I wanna be your loverThey say, just a pretenderI know something"s taking over nowI wanna run but I don"t know howYou just crossed my border nowStanding face to faceGive me a breakI"m melting awayYou"re so dangerousOr is it too late?Gotta know what"s on your mindI"m out of controlCause you want it allYou"re so dangerousMy biggest mistakeI"m blinded by your eyesDangerousI"m out of controlCause you want it allYou"re so dangerousMy biggest mistakeI"m blinded by your eyesCascada其他歌词:


The way she came into the place   I knew right then and there   There was a something different about this girl   The way she moved   Her hair   Her face   Her lines   Divinity in motion   As she stalked the room   I could feel the auraof her presence   Every head turned feeling passion and lust   The girl was persuasive   The girl I could not trust   The girl was bad   The girl was dangerous   I never knew   But I was walking the line   Come go with me   I said I have no time   She said don"t you pretendwe didn"t talk on the phone   My baby cried   She left me standing alone   She"s so dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me   She came at me in sections   With the eyes of desire   I fell trapped into her web of sin   A touch   A kiss   A whisper of love   I was at the point of no return   Deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity   I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity   This girl was persuasive   This girl I could not trust   The girl was bad   The girl was dangerous   I never knew but I was living in vain   She called my house   And said you know my name   And don"t you pretend you never did me before   With tears in her eyes   My baby walked out the door   She"s so dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me   Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   I have to pray to God   "Cause I know how lust can blind   It"s a passion in my soul   But you"re no damn lover or friend of mine   I cannot sleep alone tonight   My baby left me here tonight   I cannot cope"til it all right   You and your manipulation   You hurt my baby   And then it happened   She touched me   For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb   And her mouth was smoother than oil   But her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged sword   But I loved it "Cause it"s dangerous   Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me   Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   Take away my money   Throw away my time   You can call me honey   But you"re no damn good for me   Dangerous   The girl is so dangerous   I have to pray to God   "Cause I know how lust can blind   It"s a passion in my soul   But you"re no damn lover or friend of mine   My baby   My baby


Dangerous中文歌词The way she came into the place 她走进来 I knew right then and there 所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved 她的步调 her hair 她的秀发 her face 她的容颜 her lines 她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room 她一踏进 I could feel the aura of her presence 我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 the girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒 the girl was dangerous 可是危险得很 I never know 我心知肚明 but I was walking in line 但我仍踏上了警戒线 Come go with me “跟我来吧” I said I have no time 我说我没时间 She said :"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone 她说:“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried 闻言,心伤泪下 she left me standing aloneMy baby 转身离去,留我一人呆站其间 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch 一下轻抚 a kiss 一次热吻 a whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return 我迈向了不归路 deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity 深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 this girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 And don"t you pretend you never did me before “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes 眼中噙泪 my baby walked out the door,My baby 夺门离去


dangerous的名词形式是danger。dangern.(名词)危险,风险;威胁,危险因素;(不愉快之事发生的)可能性,风险短语1、in danger在危险中 ; 处于危险中 ; 垂危 ; 处境危险2、out of danger脱离危险 ; 脱险 ; 隐藏的 ; 约会3、Danger Mouse危险老鼠 ; 神勇小白鼠 ; 实验逃生记 ; 鼠尾老大例句1、The red triangle denotes danger.红色三角形表示危险。2、There appeared no imminent danger.眼前似乎没有危险。3、He looks about him, sensing danger.他环顾四周,觉察到了危险。

dangerous歌词中文robin thicke

歌曲名:Dangerous歌手:Robin Thicke专辑:Love After WarI""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, you better stay awayStay away from me, I""m dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou""re a lone hitch hikerAnd I""m a traveling truckYou better not get on this rideYou might lose your luckI""m dangerous.You better heed the signsThe skull and cross bone nightsStop lights in useI""m slippery when wildCautions and red flagsI""m gonna cross that lineI""m dangerous.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You better not kiss me onceYou better not fall in loveI""m a pterodactylAnd you""re a wondering doveI don""t mean to be greedyBut it""s never enoughI""m dangerous.I""ll tell you I love youAnd I""ll believe it""s trueOh and then I""ll do somethingSo bad to youAnd you""ll say I hate youAnd you""ll be screaming in a dreamWhere no one can hear you.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You""re idealisticSo filled with gleeYou see me as your shining princeBut I""m a treacherous kingYou""ll accept my olive branchBut I""m poison ivy.I""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou better stay awayStay away from meI""m dangerous.So da da da da da...I""m dangerous DJ小站下载


michael jackson[杰克逊] dangerous the way she came into the place i knew right then and there there was something different about this girl the way she moved her hair, her face, her lines divinity in motion as she stalked the room i could feel the aura of her presence every head turned feeling passion and lust the girl was persuasive the girl i could not trust the girl was bad the girl was dangerous i never knew but i was walking the line come go with me i said i have no time and don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone my baby cried she left me standing alone she"s so dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me she came at me in sections with the eyes of desire i fell trapped into her web of sin a touch, a kiss a whisper of love i was at the point of no return deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity i felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity this girl was persuasive this girl i could not trust the girl was bad the girl was dangerous i never knew but i was living in vain she called my house she said you know my name and don"t you pretend you never did me before with tears in her eyes my baby walked out the door she"s so dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me dangerous the girl is so dangerous i have to pray to god "cause i know how lust can blind it"s a passion in my soul but you"re no damn lover friend of mine i can not sleep alone tonight my baby left me here tonight i cannot cope "til it"s all right you and your manipulation you hurt my baby and then it happened she touched me for the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb and her mouth was smoother than oil but her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged sword but i loved it "cause it"s dangerous dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me dangerous the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time you can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me dangerous the girl is so dangerous i have to pray to god "cause i know how lust can blind it"s a passion in my soul but you"re no damn lover friend of mine


Dangerous 危险 The way she came into the place,I knew right then and there她走进来,所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉there was something different about this girl这女孩儿与众不同The way she moved, her hair, her face, her lines她的步调,她的秀发,她的容颜,她优雅的线条Divinity in motion一举一动似有某种神力As she stalked the room, I could feel the aura of her presence她一踏进,我便察觉,她存在的气息Every head turned feeling passion and lust人人回首,妄想痴心The girl was persuasive, the girl I could not trust这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很I never know but I was walking in line我心知肚明,但我仍踏上了警戒线"Come go with me", I said I have no time“跟我来吧”,我说我没时间She said ,"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone"她说,“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三”My baby cried, she left me standing aloneMy baby 闻言,心伤泪下,转身离去,留我一人呆站其间。She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危险,这女孩实在危险Take away my money, throw away my time拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧I fell trapped into her web of sin我落入她所织构的罪恶之网A touch, a kiss, a whisper of love,一下轻抚,一次热吻,一声柔情蜜意的低语I was at the point of no return, deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity我迈向了不归路,深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑This girl was persuasive, this girl I could not trust 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很I never knew but I was living in vain我从未想过,会落到那般境地She called my house and she know my name她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字"And don"t you pretend you never did me before"“不要装做我们不曾在一起”With tears in her eyes, my baby walked out the door眼中噙泪,My baby夺门离去She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危险,这女孩实在危险Take away my money, throw away my time拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous危险,这女孩太危险I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道,贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽It"s a passion in my soul是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonight今晚我难以入眠,my baby 留我一人形孤影单I cannot cope"til it all right我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远You and your manipulation, you hurt my baby你喜欢别人受你摆布,你把我的 baby深深地伤害And then it happened, she touched me就那么发生了,她在我身上轻抚For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇And her mouth was smoother than oil, But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword比油还滑的嘴里,吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危险,这女孩实在危险Take away my money, throw away my time拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me你可以叫我Honey,但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous危险,这女孩太危险I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽It"s a passion in my soul灵魂中是有种冲动But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危险,这女孩实在危险




dangerous歌手:michael jackson所属专辑:king of pop歌词:The way she came into the place 她走进来 I knew right then and there 所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved 她的步调 her hair 她的秀发 her face 她的容颜 her lines 她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room 她一踏进 I could feel the aura of her presence 我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 the girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒 the girl was dangerous 可是危险得很 I never know 我心知肚明 but I was walking in line 但我仍踏上了警戒线 Come go with me “跟我来吧” I said I have no time 我说我没时间 She said :"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone 她说:“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried 闻言,心伤泪下 she left me standing aloneMy baby 转身离去,留我一人呆站其间 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch 一下轻抚 a kiss 一次热吻 a whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return 我迈向了不归路 deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity 深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 this girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 And don"t you pretend you never did me before “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes 眼中噙泪 my baby walked out the door,My baby 夺门离去 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money 拿走我的钱 throw away my time 浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 "cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight 今晚我难以入眠 my baby left me here tonight 留我一人形孤影单 I cannot cope"til it all right 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远 You and your manipulation 你喜欢别人受你摆布 you hurt my baby 你把我的 baby深深地伤害 And then it happened 就那么发生了 she touched me 她在我身上轻抚 For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇 And her mouth was smoother than oil 比油还滑的嘴里 But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword 吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑 But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 "cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 灵魂中是有种冲动 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险


The Way She Came Into The PlaceI Knew Right Then And ThereThere Was Something Different About This GirlThe Way She MovedHer Hair, Her Face, Her LinesDivinity In MotionAs She Stalked The RoomI Could Feel The Aura Of Her PresenceEvery Head Turned Feeling Passion And LustThe Girl Was Persuasive, The Girl I Could Not TrustThe Girl Was Bad, The Girl Was DangerousI Never Knew But I Was Walking The LineCome Go With Me, I Said I Have No TimeAnd Don"t You Pretend We Didn"t Talk On The PhoneMy Baby Cried She Left Me Standing AloneShe"s So Dangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeShe Came At Me In Sections With The Eyes Of DesireI Fell Trapped Into Her Web Of SinA Touch, A Kiss, A Whisper Of LoveI Was At The Point Of No ReturnDeep In The Darkness Of Passion"s InsanityI Felt Taken By Lust"s Strange InhumanityThis Girl Was Persuasive, This Girl I Could Not TrustThe Girl Was Bad, The Girl Was DangerousI Never Knew But I Was Living In VainShe Called My House, She Said You Know My NameAnd Don"t You Pretend You Never Did Me BeforeWith Tears In Her Eyes, My Baby Walked Out The DoorShe"s So Dangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousI Have To Pray To God "Cause I Know How Lust Can BlindIt"s A Passion In My SoulBut You"re No Damn Lover Friend Of MineI Can not Sleep Alone TonightMy Baby Left Me Here TonightI Cannot Cope "Til It"s All RightYou And Your ManipulationYou Hurt My BabyAnd Then It Happened She Touched MeFor The Lips Of A Strange WomanDrop As A HoneycombAnd Her Mouth Was Smoother Than OilBut Her Inner Spirit And Words Were As Sharp As A Two-Edged SwordBut I Loved It "Cause It"s DangerousDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousTake Away My Money, Throw Away My TimeYou Can Call Me Honey, But You"re No Damn Good For MeDangerous, The Girl Is So DangerousI Have To Pray To God "Cause I Know How Lust Can BlindIt"s A Passion In My SoulBut You"re No Damn Lover Friend Of Mine





the way she came into the place i knew right then and therethere was something different about this girlthe way she moved her hair, her face, her linesdivinity in motion as she stalked the roomi could feel the aura of her presence every head turned feeling passion and lustthe girl was persuasive, the girl i could not trustthe girl was bad, the girl was dangerousi never knew but i was walking the linecome go with me , i said i have no timeshe said dont you pretend we didnt talk on the phonemy baby cried and left me standing alone , shes so dangerous.the girl is so dangerous, take away my money, throw away my timeyou can call me honey, but youre no down good for me.she came at me in sections with the eyes of desirei feel trapped into her web of sin, a touch , a kiss, a whisper of love i was at the point of no returndeep in the darjness of passions insanity , i felt taken by lusts stranger, inhumanityi never knew but i was living in vainshe called my house and said you know my nameand dont you pretend , you never did me before, with tears in her eyesmy baby walked out the door, shes so dangerousdangerous!!!the girl is so dangerous.i have to pray to god, cause i know how lust can blindits a passion in my soul , but youre no damn lover friend of minei cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonighti cannot cope til its all rightyou and your mainpulation , you hurt my babyand then it happened , she touch mefor the lips of a stranger woman, drop as a honey-comband her mouth was smooth than oil , but her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged swardbut i loved it, cause its dangerous她来到这个地方我知道就在那时,有什么不同的是这个女孩她把她的头发,她的脸,她的台词在运动中,她却为神性房间我感觉到她的存在各人头上的光环了激情和欲望的感觉那女孩是有说服力的女孩,我不能信任这个女孩很糟糕,那女孩是危险的我只知道我走线来和我一起去,我说我没有时间她说你不假装我们也在电话中说话我的宝宝哭了,让我一个人独自站在那里,她如此危险。这个小女孩是如此的危险,拿走我的钱,扔掉我的时间你可以叫我亲爱的,但是你没有掉好给我。她向我扑过来的章节中与眼睛的欲望我觉得困进她的网络犯罪的,一碰,一个吻,窃窃私语的爱我在无可挽回的地步darjness深处的精神错乱,我觉得激情所采取的私欲陌生人,残暴我只知道我是白活她打电话给我的房子里说你知道我的名字和你不假装,你们从来没有做到我在,泪流满面我的宝宝走出门,她如此危险危险! ! !这个小女孩是如此的危险。我不得不向上帝祈祷,因为我知道欲望会盲目它的激情在我的灵魂,但你没什么该死的情人的朋友今晚我不能独自睡觉,我的宝贝让我今晚在这里我不能应付直到好了你和你的mainpulation,你伤害了我的宝贝然后它发生的时候,她碰我一个陌生人的嘴里的女人,honey-comb下降她的嘴很流畅,比石油,但她的内在精神和的话,快如两刃的草地但我喜欢它,因为它的危险拿走我的钱,扔掉我的时间危险take away my money, throw away my timedangerous


dangerous 英 ["deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]   美 ["deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]  副词: dangerously 名词: dangerousnessadj.危险的;不安全的


dangerous为有危险的,不安全的意思。dangerous的用法:1、dangerous的基本意思是“可能造成危险的”,dangerous指事物对外界有危害,而本身则并不一定处于危险状态中。2、dangerous可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。3、在表示“对…来说很危险”时,dangerous后大多接介词to,有时也接for。dangerous的用法例句:1. Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies.这样的法规可以保护消费者免受有害或者危险药品的威胁。2. Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline.由于存在着危险的下层逆流,在大部分海岸线附近游泳都不安全。3. He described the situation as very dangerous and called for resolute action.他将形势描述得非常危险,并号召采取果断行动。扩展资料:dangerous常与(for sb) +(to do sth)搭配,表示对某人来说做某事是危险的,对某人来说某物或某事是危险的,例如:a dangerous road/illness/sport危险的道路 / 疾病 / 运动The traffic here is very dangerous for children.这里的交通对孩子很危险。另外,也可以ground组成常见词语,dangerous ground是指令人气愤的话题(或场合);危险处境。例如:We"d be on dangerous ground if we asked about race or religion.我们要是问到种族或宗教问题,就很可能会冒犯人。



杰克逊 dangerous的歌词是什么意思


dangerous 怎么读

dangerous的读法是英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s],美[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]。一、详细释义1、dangerous是一个形容词,意思是危险的,引起危险的,不安全的。2、dangerous的最高级是most dangerous;比较级是more dangerous。二、短语搭配1、dangerous area:危险区域。2、dangerous criminal:危险罪犯。3、dangerous driving:危险驾驶。三、例句1、Seriously though,it could be really dangerous.不过说实在的,这事说不好真的很危险。2、The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous.把财富与幸福等同起来可能是危险的。3、It"s known as the most dangerous part of the city.人们都认为那是市内最危险的地段。




前者:very dangerous 危险的 艰险的后者:likely to injure or harm sb or to damage or destroy sth有危险的 引起危险的 总的来说程度不同


dangerous ["deind0105r05s]

dangerous怎么解释 dangerous是什么意思

1、dangerous,英文单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“危险的,危险地”。2、英[?de?nd??r?s]美[?de?nd??r?s]3、Dangerous Liaisons危险关系 ; 孽恋焚情 ; 危险的关系 ; 又名孽恋焚情4、Dangerous goods[交]危险品 ; 危险性物质 ;[交]危险货物 ;[交]危险物品5、Bangkok Dangerous无声火 ; 曼谷杀手 ; 曼谷危机 ; 曼谷刺客6、dangerous chemical危险化学品 ; 化学危险品7、dangerous area[航]危险区 ; 危险路段 ; 危险区域 ; 危险领域8、dangerous factors危险因素 ; 危险因子






dangerous的中文意思是”危险的;引起危险的;不安全的“。单词发音:英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s];美[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]短语搭配:dangerous liaisons 危险关系;孽恋焚情;危险的关系;又名孽恋焚情dangerous goods 危险品;危险性物质;[交]危险货物;[交]危险物品Bangkok Dangerous 无声火;曼谷杀手;曼谷危机;曼谷刺客dangerous chemical 危险化学品;化学危险品dangerous area 危险区;危险路段;危险区域;危险领域dangerous factors 危险因素;危险因子Elite Dangerous 精英危险;精英危险地平线;危机四伏dangerous source 危险源;危源;风险源Dangerous Hero 危险英雄双语例句:But this could be dangerous for you.但这对你而言可能是危险的。But they are dangerous if you try to do too much with them.但是,如果你试图用它们做太多的事情,那会变得很危险。I knew so much about his work and if the Gestapo found out I was his wife it would be dangerous for me and for those working with us.我对他的工作如此了解,要是盖世太保知道我是他的妻子,这对我还有那些和我们一起工作的人,会非常危险的。



Robin Thicke的《Dangerous》 歌词

歌曲名:Dangerous歌手:Robin Thicke专辑:Love After WarI""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, you better stay awayStay away from me, I""m dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou""re a lone hitch hikerAnd I""m a traveling truckYou better not get on this rideYou might lose your luckI""m dangerous.You better heed the signsThe skull and cross bone nightsStop lights in useI""m slippery when wildCautions and red flagsI""m gonna cross that lineI""m dangerous.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You better not kiss me onceYou better not fall in loveI""m a pterodactylAnd you""re a wondering doveI don""t mean to be greedyBut it""s never enoughI""m dangerous.I""ll tell you I love youAnd I""ll believe it""s trueOh and then I""ll do somethingSo bad to youAnd you""ll say I hate youAnd you""ll be screaming in a dreamWhere no one can hear you.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You""re idealisticSo filled with gleeYou see me as your shining princeBut I""m a treacherous kingYou""ll accept my olive branchBut I""m poison ivy.I""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou better stay awayStay away from meI""m dangerous.So da da da da da...I""m dangerous


The way she came into the place 她走进来 I knew right then and there 所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved 她的步调 her hair 她的秀发 her face 她的容颜 her lines 她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room 她一踏进 I could feel the aura of her presence 我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 the girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒 the girl was dangerous 可是危险得很 I never know 我心知肚明 but I was walking in line 但我仍踏上了警戒线 Come go with me “跟我来吧” I said I have no time 我说我没时间 She said :"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone 她说:“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried 闻言,心伤泪下 she left me standing aloneMy baby 转身离去,留我一人呆站其间 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch 一下轻抚 a kiss 一次热吻 a whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return 我迈向了不归路 deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity 深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 this girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 And don"t you pretend you never did me before “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes 眼中噙泪 my baby walked out the door,My baby 夺门离去 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money 拿走我的钱 throw away my time 浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 "cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight 今晚我难以入眠 my baby left me here tonight 留我一人形孤影单 I cannot cope"til it all right 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远 You and your manipulation 你喜欢别人受你摆布 you hurt my baby 你把我的 baby深深地伤害 And then it happened 就那么发生了 she touched me 她在我身上轻抚 For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇 And her mouth was smoother than oil 比油还滑的嘴里 But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword 吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑 But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you"re no damn good for me 但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 "cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 灵魂中是有种冲动 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 She"s so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险




dangerous ["deind0105r05s]


dangerous 英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s] 美[u02c8dendu0292u0259ru0259s] adj. 危险的; [例句]It"s a dangerous stretch of road.那段路很不安全。[其他] 比较级:more dangerous 最高级:most dangerous

英文歌:dangerous 歌词的中文意思

Dangerous 危险 The way she came into the place,I knew right then and there 她走进来,所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved, her hair, her face, her lines 她的步调,她的秀发,她的容颜,她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room, I could feel the aura of her presence 她一踏进,我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive, the girl I could not trust 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never know but I was walking in line 我心知肚明,但我仍踏上了警戒线 "Come go with me", I said I have no time “跟我来吧”,我说我没时间 She said ,"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone" 她说,“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried, she left me standing alone My baby 闻言,心伤泪下,转身离去,留我一人呆站其间。 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me 你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch, a kiss, a whisper of love, 一下轻抚,一次热吻,一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return, deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity 我迈向了不归路,深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive, this girl I could not trust 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 "And don"t you pretend you never did me before" “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes, my baby walked out the door 眼中噙泪,My baby夺门离去 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me 你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 危险,这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind 我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道,贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonight 今晚我难以入眠,my baby 留我一人形孤影单 I cannot cope"til it all right 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远 You and your manipulation, you hurt my baby 你喜欢别人受你摆布,你把我的 baby深深地伤害 And then it happened, she touched me 就那么发生了,她在我身上轻抚 For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇 And her mouth was smoother than oil, But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword 比油还滑的嘴里,吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑 But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me 你可以叫我Honey,但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 危险,这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind 我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 灵魂中是有种冲动 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险


dangerous是英文单词,形容词。dangerous的基本意思是“可能造成危险的”,dangerous指事物对外界有危害,而本身则并不一定处于危险状态中。dangerous可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。在表示“对…来说很危险”时,dangerous后大多接介词to,有时也接for。《Dangerous》是迈克尔·杰克逊发行的第八张录音室专辑,于1991年11月26日发行,由比尔·波特雷、Bruce Swedien、迈克尔·杰克逊、泰迪·瑞利制作,共收录14首歌曲。1994年,上海声像将该专辑引进中国大陆,中文名为《危险之旅》。该专辑在发行后的5个星期内,一共在全世界卖出了1400万张。1993年2月24日,该专辑获得了第35届格莱美奖最佳非古典专辑策划。截至2020年,其全球销量超过了3200万张。dangerous的用法例句:1、Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies.这样的法规可以保护消费者免受有害或者危险药品的威胁。2、Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline.由于存在着危险的下层逆流,在大部分海岸线附近游泳都不安全。3、He described the situation as very dangerous and called for resolute action.他将形势描述得非常危险,并号召采取果断行动。


危险的意思 你可以百度在线翻译


The way she came into the place,I knew right then and there 她走进来,所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved, her hair, her face, her lines 她的步调,她的秀发,她的容颜,她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room, I could feel the aura of her presence 她一踏进,我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive, the girl I could not trust 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never know but I was walking in line 我心知肚明,但我仍踏上了警戒线 "Come go with me", I said I have no time “跟我来吧”,我说我没时间 She said ,"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone" 她说,“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried, she left me standing alone My baby 闻言,心伤泪下,转身离去,留我一人呆站其间。 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me 你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch, a kiss, a whisper of love, 一下轻抚,一次热吻,一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return, deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity 我迈向了不归路,深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive, this girl I could not trust 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 "And don"t you pretend you never did me before" “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes, my baby walked out the door 眼中噙泪,My baby夺门离去 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me 你可以叫我Honey,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 危险,这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind 我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道,贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonight 今晚我难以入眠,my baby 留我一人形孤影单 I cannot cope"til it all right 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远 You and your manipulation, you hurt my baby 你喜欢别人受你摆布,你把我的 baby深深地伤害 And then it happened, she touched me 就那么发生了,她在我身上轻抚 For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇 And her mouth was smoother than oil, But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword 比油还滑的嘴里,吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑 But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me 你可以叫我Honey,但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 危险,这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind 我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 It"s a passion in my soul 灵魂中是有种冲动 But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险采纳哦

dangerous 是什么意思

危险的意思 形容词






dangerous 英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]美[u02c8dendu0292u0259ru0259s]adj. 危险的;


dangerous[英][u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s] [美][u02c8dendu0292u0259ru0259s] 生词本简明释义adj.危险的比较级:more dangerous最高级:most dangerous以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.ADJ-GRADED危险的;可能带来危害的;不安全的If something is dangerous, it is able or likely to hurt or harm you. It"s a dangerous stretch of road.那段路很不安全。...dangerous drugs...危险的毒品It"s dangerous to jump to early conclusions.过早地下结论可能会带来严重后果。

stranger;strengthen; occasional 这英语用谐音怎么读?

stranger,斯准机儿,陌生人。strengthen,斯准神,加强。occasional ,饿K音诺,偶尔。

Tangerine Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Tangerine Dream歌手:Do As Infinity专辑:Do The A-sideざわめく街が 眠りについて言いようの无い不安が 首をもたげる梦も愿いもつかまえたくて追いかければ追うほどに 距离を感じる二度とない この瞬间 逃げずに止まること 泣くこと そんなのいつでも 出来るねふと気がつくと 怖じ気づいてる日常の缲り返しに 惯れ始めてるひたむきに 求めて 伤つき駆けていた 揺れてる 时代をあの顷 仆らは“元気だった?”受话器のむこういつもの声 勇気をくれるよ微笑みも 涙も 全てを受けとめて 生きてく 未来にいつの日か いつかは 必ず仆达の愿いは 届くと信じているから

The Seventh Stranger 歌词

歌曲名:The Seventh Stranger歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Seven and the Ragged TigerThose words are all remaindersEchos growing in the heart of twilightThey lay back laughing at naivety"s star.Awaken all those whispers,The dusty shadow of a passing favourI wouldn"t say that you were ruthless or rightI couldn"t see from so far.Was i chasing after rainbows?One thing for sure - you never answered when i called.And i wiped away the water from my faceTo look through the eyes of a stranger...For rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowdDuran DuranTrading in my shelter for dangerI"m changing my name just as the sun goes down -In the eyes of the stranger!Can"t tell the real from reflectionsWhen all these faces look the same to meIn every city such a desolate dream.Some days are strange to numberSome say the seventh sounds a little bit strangerA year of sundays seems to have drifted right by -I could have sworn in one evening.And i"m not seized in desperation,No steel reproaches on the table from before.But i still can feel those splinters of iceI look through the eyes of a stranger...(chorus)-I must be chasing after rainbowsOne thing for sure you never answer when i call.And i wipe away the water from my faceTo look through the eyes of a stranger...For rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowdTrading in my shelter for dangerI"m changing my name just as the sun goes downWalking away like a stranger(chorus)In the eyes of the stranger..In the eyes of the stranger..In the eyes of the stranger..

stranger in you的歌词

beautiful stranger 打印此页 歌手:madonna MadonnaAustin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me SoundtrackBeautiful StrangerHaven"t we met?Somekind of beautiful strangerYou could be good for meI"ve had the taste for dangerIf I"m smart then I"ll run awayBut I"m not so I guess I"ll stayHeaven forbidI"ll take my chance on a beautiful strangerI looked into your eyesAnd my world came tumbling downYou"re the devil in disguiseThat"s why I"m singing this songTo know youIs to love youYou"re everywhere I goAnd everybody knowsTo love youIs to be part of youI paid for you with my tearsAnd swallowed my prideBeautiful stranger...Beautiful stranger...If I"m smart then I"ll run awayBut I"m not so I guess I"ll stayHaven"t you heard?I fell in love with a beautiful strangerI looked into your faceMy heart was dancing all over the placeI"d like to change my point of viewIf I could just forget about youTo know youIs to love youYou"re everywhere I goAnd everybody knowsI looked into your eyesAnd my world came tumbling downYou"re the devil in disguiseThat"s why I"m singing this song to youTo know youIs to love youYou"re everywhere I goAnd everybody knowsI paid for you with my tearsAnd swallowed my prideBeautiful stranger...Beautiful stranger...
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