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All day, the bar being closed, he brooded alone,shut out from home.

All day, the bar being closed, he brooded alone,shut out from home.吧给关了一整天,他把自已关在家的外面,独自沉思,

being fit is a way of saying a person eats well.译全句,另being fit怎么译,换成keep fit 或者keep

(生活)健康是说一个人吃的好的一种方式。可以换成Keeping fit 或者keeping healthy

tourism和sightseeing有什么区别?英语课本上释意都是n. 观光 游览的意思

tourism 指旅游业,即社会生产生活的一个行业部门。sightseeing含义比较而言是微观的,即具体的旅游观光行为。

为什么填looking而不是being looked?不应该是被动吗

avoid doing

When ____ where he was born, Kale said he was a Londoner. A.asking B.asked C.being asked

B 试题分析:考查分词做状语。本题的ask与句子的主语Kale之间构成了被动关系,故使用过去分词的形式表示被动。句意:当被询问他在何时出生的时候,Kale说他是一个伦敦人。故B正确。点评:当分词做状语的时候,如果构成分词的动词与句子的主语构成主动关系,就使用现在分词做状语;当二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词做状语。如果分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前,就使用分词的完成式。如果分词与句子的主语没有关系,可以使用状语从句或者独立主格结构。

[紧急求助]英译汉:A man is being question in relation to the attempted murder last night. ...


the negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depth of his own being

确实不能用 Negro , 改成 black man 吧

英语问题 1.我害怕看牙医. I ___ ___ ___ seeing a dentist.

I am afraid of seeing a dentist 或 I am terrified of seeing a dentist be afraid of 和be terrified of 都有对……恐惧的意思

新概念英语口语第一册 Lesson 77 Seeing a Dentist 看牙医

经典对话 A:Next,please. A:下一位,请。 B:I want to see a dentist. B:我想看牙医。 A:Certainly. This is your first time here, isn"t it? A:可以。您是初诊。对吗? B:Yes. B:对。 A:Here,please fill this form out. A:来。请把这份表格填好。 B:Here you are. (After filling it out.) B:给您。(填好表格后。) A:OK. Take a seat and wait for a few minutes,please. I"ll call you. A:好的。请坐下等一会儿。我会叫您的。 王牌句型 1.Please pull the bad tooth out. It"s too painful. 请把这颗坏牙拔掉吧,太痛苦了。 2.I"ve been suffering from a bad toothache for a week. 我牙疼已有一个星期了。 3.What about the pain at present? 那现在这么疼可怎么办呢? 4.I"ll prescribe some gargle for you. 我给你开些漱口药吧。 5.Will it hurt? 会疼吗?

being famous for its fascinating rock peaks 有错没




Pastel, Medium & Dark in disperse reactive dyeing 中文什么意思啊,请好心人帮帮忙


英语,【be a scientist】和【being a scientits】有什么区别?

后面一句错了,a后面要接单数名词去掉s后两句话无异,都是:是一个医生举个例子I can be a scientist我能成为科学家 I am a scientist 我是科学家 I look forward to being a scientist我期待成为科学家不会的继续问吧

翻译一段英语 ll human beings possess a body clock. Alon


是先有刘德华的《我恨我痴心》,还是先有《i hate myself for loveing you 》


句子中surround和being surrounded区别?

这里要注意两个用法的区分。being done强调动作(过程)。done 强调状态(结果)。看到小偷被包围/被抓的整个过程,用being done.只是交代看到这个结果,小偷被抓,被围起来这个结果,就用done.

Badlly ___,the water is unfit____.A.being polluted;to be drunk B.polluted;to drink详细解析。

Badlly ___,the water is unfit____.A.being polluted;to be drunk B.polluted;to drink选项是BBadlly polluted是【过去分词短语】做原因状语。be unfit to do sth词组:“不宜做某事”。句意是:“这水受到严重污染,不宜饮用”。


Peeing是 “尿尿” 的意思,是 pee 的现在分词。Pee是由英语中动词“urinate”简化而来的非正式用语,用于形容人或动物排泄尿液的行为。由于其较为口语化和简单,被广泛运用于英语的口语交流中。尽管“Peeing”经常用于日常口语中,但在正式的场合下并不适用于使用,可以用更规范的“urinating”或更口语化的“going to the bathroom”来代替。在英语的口语交流中,Pee和Peeing的使用频率较高,而男性也常用“take a leak” 来表示去厕所小便,这被认为是更具口语化的用语。总的来说,Peeing是一个非常常见的英语口语用语,但在正式场合下应该避免使用,以免造成不必要的尴尬。

being mortal什么意思

  being mortal的中文翻译  being mortal  凡人  双语例句  1  We were in mortal terror of being found out.  我们非常害怕被发现。  2  But she, being mortal, of that boy did die.  然而她,在生下那个孩子后,就死了。  3  By far the largest number are caused by contusions but serious injuries from stabs seem to be increasing and some of these are dangerously close to being mortal.  当前为止,占最多数的是由于挫伤,而且连续性的刺伤似乎仍不断攀升,另外这当中有些是极具危险地近乎致命伤。

mortal being是什么意思

mortal being 肉体凡身;存有者例句筛选1.She"s in the absolute well of her own sense of being mortal.在她自我构筑的绝对的深井里。2.Is the purpose of lifetime contribution an ego-driven desire for amortal being to have an immortal name or is it something more?难道终有一死的人贡献一生自我鞭策的欲望就是想要获得不朽名声的?抑或是其他更伟大的事物?

英语mortal beings怎么翻译?




being a clever clothes shopper 什么意思

being a clever clothes shopper做一个聪明的衣服购物者

为什么不能用being trapped ?

用 being trapped 也可以,意思有点差别。trapped... 是说他因为深陷在废墟里,所以不能移动,being trapped... 则是强调因为他正在深陷于废墟中,所以不能移动。单纯用过去分词短语做状语,只强调这种被动的情况,加上进行时则强调当前正处于这种被动状态。

love to get you in my sack and give you a good seeing to..lol 这句话什么意思呢 我要最道地的翻译哦

sack 其实就是阴囊的意思,所以这句话明显是想要对一个人怎样,我想你也知道的吧LOL 就是 laugh out loud, 大笑的意思我很乐意与你上床,好好对待你,哈哈。

being silently

允许我完善了你的句子. Taking a walk while talking is actually more fun than siiting being silently miserable. 1 用动名词sitting,是因为句子的主语Taking a walk也是动名词.这叫保持相应对称.又如: To take a walk while talking is actually more fun than to sit being silently miserable.你看,这也是相应对称 2 being silently miserable 做sitting的伴随动作.siiting being silently miserable.可以改写成sitting and being silently miserable,这时候sitting and being 是并列关系.

It is being repaired.

is +being是进行时态,be+repaired是被动语态



It is being repaired 这句话用的是什么语法呢??两个动词了


At least sorting out the things she should have discarded years ago was now being made


being home alone能不能相当于being at home alone?

1. 解答:这里无须添加介词at,原因在于home在英语中副词词性用的频率也相当高,比如go home, get home,come home,welcome back home等等。2. 知识:home是现代英语常用词,来自古英语的ham,表示“place where one lives, house, village”,也就是“居所,房舍和村庄”的意思。这个用法仍然保留在许多地名用词当中,比如:Birmingham伯明翰,Buckingham白金汉(郡),Nottingham诺丁汉等等。在现代英语中,home常常有四种词性,也就是名词、副词、形容词和动词。其中名词和副词含义的用法比较常见。以home的副词用法为例,可以观察到英语思维不用于汉语思维的重要一面。home作为副词,可以和动词或形容词直接搭配,不借助任何介词。比如on one"s way home 在某人回家的路上,come back home 回到家来,stay home 待在家里,drive a nail home 把钉子顶到头儿。3. 例句:① He left home at fifteen. 他十六岁就离家外出了。② What happened on your way home? 你回家的路上发生什么事情了?③ Welcome back home, my friends. 朋友们,欢迎回到家乡来!

谁有新时代交互英语第三册Unit 2 Reading1 的课文,《site-seeing on the Internet》的翻译啊???急啊!



观光 游览 比如:sightseeing car 观光车

看医生 Seeing A Doctor 英语作文

These days I don"t feel quite well.I have lost my appetite for any food.During the day I often feel dizzy,and at night I suffer from insomnis accompanied by headache.To make things still worse,I am easy to catch cold,which gives me a sore throat and gets me constantly sneezing and coughing. Yesterday I went to the hospital of our university to see a doctor.The doctor gave me a thorough examination after I told him all my symptoms.He listened to my chest with a stethoscope.Then he asked me to lie down to feel and touch my stomach.After that be measured my blood pressure and asked me to get my lungs X-rayed. When all these finished,the doctor made a diagnosis about my case and told me about it: Well,there is nothing the matter with you.Your heart,lungs and liver are all right,but you are rather rundown.You have been working too hard.You know you can"t burn the candle at both ends.I advise you to have a real rest and take some physical exercise. With a relief I left the hospital,thinking how to follow the doctor"s advice in order to have a quick recovery.

大学英语作文:成名的代价The Price of Being Famous

  【篇一】成名的代价The Price of Being FamousWhen we take a look at the TV show, we can find that the stars are becoming much younger than before. As the saying that to be known as early as possible, so the child star has become the agents" main target. But being famous at the early age means losing childhood, when they grow up, they need to pay the price. 当我们看电视节目,就会发现现在的明星比以前的要年轻很多。有句话说出名要趁早,因此童星成为了经纪公司的主要目标。但是小小年纪就成名意味着失去童年,在他们长大后,会为此付出代价。 Many children become famous and then they will out of control when they become adults. Take Justin Bieber for example. He was famous at 16, before 19, he looked like a good boy and got so many fans. But in the following years, he became a bad boy gradually. He beat the journalists, said the dirty words to the media and even drove the car with drinking alcohol. 很多孩童成名,在长大成人以后会失去控制。就拿贾斯汀比伯来说。他在16岁的时候出门,在19岁以前,他看上去就是个好孩子,并且拥有很多粉丝。但是在接下来的日子里,他慢慢地成为了一个坏男孩。他打记者,并且对媒体说脏话,甚至于喝酒驾驶。 It is not good for the children to be famous, they should go to school and have a normal childhood. Getting fame too early will make them lose themselves and distorts their view about the value, which also make them have trouble in communicating with other people. 对于孩童来说,成名并不好,他们应该上学,拥有一个正常的童年。早年出名会让他们失去自我,扭曲价值观,这也使得他们在和别人交流时有麻烦。 The price of being famous early is such terrible that it is not suitable to let the children get fame. 早年成名的代价是如此的大,因此孩童不适合接触名声。  【篇二】名人代言新规定The New Rules on Celebrities as Products" SpokespersonIt is often to be seen that the manufacturers like to spend a lot of money to make the hot stars to be the products" spokespersons. People are easy to be attracted by the stars and are willing to buy the products. But recently, the government has announced some new rules on regulating the spokespersons. 人们经常能看到生产商喜欢花很多钱来让当红明星成为产品的代言人。他们很容易被明星吸引,愿意买产品。但是最近,政府宣布了一些新政策,来管理代言人。 On the one hand, the children who are below ten years old can"t be the spokespersons. Such children are too small, they don"t have the ability to recognize the world, so they can"t figure out whether the products are good or bad. The customers will be cheated by the fake ads. 一方面,小于十岁的孩子不能成为代言人。这样的孩子还很小,他们没有能力认识世界,因此他们无法辨识产品的好坏。顾客也会被虚假广告欺骗。 On the other hand, the spokespersons must advocate the products according to the fact. In order to catch the customers" attention, some manufacturers ask the celebrities to speak for the products that are not suitable for them. Like the tampon, the male stars should not become the spokespersons, because they don"t use it. 另一方面,代言人必须根据事实来推广产品。为了吸引观众的注意,一些生产商邀请名人来代言一些不适合他们的产品。比如卫生巾,男明星不应该成为代言人,因为他们不用。 These new rules are good to correct the improper ads, what"s more, the customers will not be misled by the exaggerated facts. 这些新规则有利于修正那些不实的广告,而且,顾客也不会受到夸张广告的误导。  【篇三】名人代言新规定The New Rules on Celebrities as Products" SpokespersonIt is often to be seen that the manufacturers like to spend a lot of money to make the hot stars to be the products" spokespersons. People are easy to be attracted by the stars and are willing to buy the products. But recently, the government has announced some new rules on regulating the spokespersons. 人们经常能看到生产商喜欢花很多钱来让当红明星成为产品的代言人。他们很容易被明星吸引,愿意买产品。但是最近,政府宣布了一些新政策,来管理代言人。 On the one hand, the children who are below ten years old can"t be the spokespersons. Such children are too small, they don"t have the ability to recognize the world, so they can"t figure out whether the products are good or bad. The customers will be cheated by the fake ads. 一方面,小于十岁的孩子不能成为代言人。这样的孩子还很小,他们没有能力认识世界,因此他们无法辨识产品的好坏。顾客也会被虚假广告欺骗。 On the other hand, the spokespersons must advocate the products according to the fact. In order to catch the customers" attention, some manufacturers ask the celebrities to speak for the products that are not suitable for them. Like the tampon, the male stars should not become the spokespersons, because they don"t use it. 另一方面,代言人必须根据事实来推广产品。为了吸引观众的注意,一些生产商邀请名人来代言一些不适合他们的产品。比如卫生巾,男明星不应该成为代言人,因为他们不用。 These new rules are good to correct the improper ads, what"s more, the customers will not be misled by the exaggerated facts. 这些新规则有利于修正那些不实的广告,而且,顾客也不会受到夸张广告的误导。

Being respectful to people is subjective,based on each culture based on 作什么状语?

Being respectful to people 动名词短语,做主语 is subjective,系表结构,做复合谓语 based on each culture.过去分词短语,做定语,修饰前面整个句子. Being respectful to people is subjective,based on each culture.=Being respectful to people is subjective,which is based on each culture.

i suspected him of being a fraudulent中of后为什么加being?


谁能用英语帮忙翻译下这些东西啊。要简单的。像No Smokeing 之类的英文标示

禁止吸烟 No Smoking禁止喧哗 Don"t make noise左下右上 Left down and right up 节约用水 Saving water小心地滑 Wet Floor请勿随地吐痰 No spitting请勿乱扔垃圾 Please don"t leave about the garbage小心火灾 Careful fire 请勿携带饮料进机房 Do not bring the beverages to the computer rooms安全出口 Emergency Exit 节约粮食 Treasure foodstuffs文明用餐 Haveing dinner plitely自觉排队 Please line up男女厕所 Men" bathroom and Women" bathroom楼层指示牌 Floor number signs 节约用电、随手关灯 Save electricity and turn off the light conveniently请勿践踏草坪 Don"t step into the lawn消防栓 THE FIRE HYDRANT冲厕所 Flush after use请勿投入物品堵塞水池 Please do not throw stuff into the pool and make the drain blocked

第一个空为什么要用putting,第二个为什么要用to close ,第三个为什么要用being?


求翻译they are indispensable to people’s social weel-being



How to being good moods?如何保持好心情? I think that it wasn"t quarrel with someone,and if have had some quarrel forget to be quickly will be ok,and talk with the friends also was a good idea.我想不要跟别人吵架,并且如果有一些人要来跟你吵架,快速的忘记它就可以了,并且我想如果真的不开心,和朋友们谈谈也会是个好主意。And tried to hard working,serious working,reading some books,do something you like,easy going guy,doesn"t often quarrels with someone,forgave someone be often,keep smiling,does often thanks for god give us happy life.并且努力认真的去工作,阅读一些书籍,做一些你喜欢做的事情,成为一个容易沟通的人,不常常和别人吵架,做个健忘的人,保持微笑,常常感恩上帝给你的快乐生活。And have had the good relationship with your friends,have had more friends,and enjoyed your life.并且和你的朋友们有好的人际关系,并且你也是个享受生活的人。Studied hard,finished your study set goal,you will have achievement.It will make you happy.努力学习,完成你的学习目标,你也将会为此拥有成就感。Life always give you some surprise,and I think that there was a important thing you should be believe in the god,to be a Christ,you will happy almost time,if you also were not get happy,pray for god give you happy.Life is beautiful,isn"t it?We have had already got more.生活总是会给你一些惊喜,并且我想有件事情我想是重要的,你应该相信上帝,成为一名基督徒,在大多数的时间你将会感到快乐。如果你还是无法感到快乐,祈祷上帝给你快乐吧。生活是美好的,不是吗? 我们已经得到了许多。

为什么 导致他受伤 翻译成英文是lead to his being injured而不用he?

being injured 是动名词组,相当于名词,所以要用his



英语Being jealous itself is a kind of worship


高中英语 请问第九空为什么是stuck,而不是being stuck??……




七选五Tips for being a good neighbor

“七选五” 需要从七个选项中选五个,你只提供了一个选项,怎么能叫做七选五呢。只能告诉你这个短语的意思是 “做好邻居的一些小窍门”。

being convinced作主语

C 试题 解析: 考查分词短语作状语。现在分词作状语,与主句主语存在主动关系;过去分词作状语,与主句主语存在被动关系,be convinced of 确信,认识到,故与主语为被动关系,所以应使用过去分词作状语。句意:确信他的儿子是安全的,父亲于是关灯上床。故选C。 考点: 考查分词作状语。

有there is/are being这个用法么 there be 句子中要表示一般现在进行时怎么写

there be - 其中 there 是引导词,本身没有词意,be 是谓语动词,be 后面的名词才是主语.若要以 there be 起句,表达进行时的方式就是把主语后的动词换成现在分词.例如:There is a cat.The cat is walking across the s...

IBM笔记本显示Thermal seneing error 是什么问题

修复一台IBM T60 报thermal sensing error错误这台电脑客户以前没有拆开过.是在使用的过程中莫名其妙出现的.打开该电脑的点位图.找到该电路部分.将MAX1989直接更换掉后装机测试.故障依旧.再次拆开机器.找来一块料板对着测试,分别在两个地方,都是三个脚的芝麻管更换掉后故障依旧.于是顺着SMBCLK和SMBDATA两个引脚往下跑线路.直接将两个八脚芯片更换掉(该芯片在点位图里面是以LM开头的字样,具体型号没有记录下来)后测试.OK

Not seeing john ,I asked his mother where he was


your parents will be thrilled,what with your being betrothed and all

你的父母会因为你的订婚等等的事情而感到非常激动的。thrill 感到强烈兴奋、快乐what with 因为,由于betroth 订婚(古)and all 等等

Stop being needy翻译?


stop being a pussy是什么意思



主句是主谓结构,因为soar是不及物动词。as ...squeezed是结果状语,其中being squeezed是现在分词短语作定语,不等于which was squeezed,因为前者是表示正在被挤出。剩余部分是原因状语(不是从句)。


writing英 ["rau026atu026au014b] 美 ["rau026atu026au014b] n. 书写;作品;著作;[法] 笔迹v. 书写(write的ing形式)


是做主语 动名词做主语

upon放在句首,后面的动词使用被动语态时,是用being done 还是直接写done

这又是一个关于语法和习惯用法的争议的问题,尽管从语法来看upon sth. being done没有错,一般说法是upon doing sth.例:Upon completing the assignment you will get the certificate You will get the certificate upon completion of the assignment满意请及时采纳,谢


英语语法中,动词变进行时态有一条特殊规则.那就是动词以e结尾的就要去e加ing,比如说come要变成coming、dance要变成dancing等 ,同样use也一样.因此use的正在进行时是using.但是,当e的前面是i,比如说lie,那么这时进行...


是using。use的ing形式为using。英语单词use有两种词性,作动词时意为“使用;利用;运用;消耗;说,写,使用(词语或语言)”,作名词时意为“用;使用;得到利用;用途;功能;用法;使用权;使用的机会”。What brand of vegetable oil are you using?你正在用的植物油是什么牌子?Most of the computers we are using are digital computers.我们正在使用的计算机大多数是数字计算机。She picked him up for using bad language.她指责他出言不逊。What aperture are you using?你使用多大的光圈?The peasants fertilize the field by using manure.农民们施肥来使土地肥沃。


using。use的ing形式为using。英语单词use有两种词性,作动词时意为“使用;利用;运用;消耗;说,写,使用(词语或语言)”,作名词时意为“用;使用;得到利用;用途;功能;用法;使用权;使用的机会”。using双语例句:1、The use of steam originated many other reforms.蒸汽的使用引起了许多其他变革。2、Properties whose right of use or ownership is i.所有权或者使用权有争议的财产。3、He explained the journey visually by use of pictures.他运用图片形象地讲述了这次旅行。4、This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses.这种化学制品在工业上用途广泛。5、He exemplified the use of the word.他举例说明那个词的用法。






是using。动词变进行时态的特殊规则是动词以e结尾的就要去e加ing,比如说come要变成coming、dance要变成dancing等,use也一样,因此use的正在进行时是using。但是,当e的前面是i,比如说lie,那么这时进行时就是要变成lying,就是去e,把i变y,再加ing。动词V-ing现在分词用法基本句型:be+V-ing(注意be的变形),译为“正在…”。现在进行式:(am,is,are)+V-ing。过去进行式:(was,were)+V-ing。将来进行式:(will be)+V-ing。过去将来进行式:(would be)+V-ing。现在完成进行式:(have been,has been)+V-ing。过去完成进行式:(had been)+V-ing。

being rejected

being是动名词,being rejected 是动名词的被动语态形式.介词 of 後面如果有动词出现,这个动词必须是动名词形式.rejected在这里是过去分词形式,与being相加,成为被动语态形式. reject是及物动词.及物动词如果没有宾语相随,这个动词必须是被动语态形式-------rejected就是这样出来的.

seeing watching looking有什么区别?


What is being done in your town to protect local wildlife为什么用wha

What is being done in your town to protect local wildlife这句话的意思是你做什么措施保护你家乡的野生动物。what的意思是什么,done是do的过去式,所以要天what

现在分词完成 和完成有什么区别have down和 being down


Urbanization(2013·高考北京卷)Until relatively recently,the vast majority of human beings lived a

小题1:E小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A小题5:F  本文为说明文,介绍了Urbanization(都市化)的形成与发展。小题1:解析:选E。文章一开始就提到绝大多数的人没有看到城市就死了。第一座城市很可能建于5 500年以前;后一句又提到:几乎每个人都住在农场或者小乡村里。因此中间要填的是E项:甚至是在200年以前,也只有少数的人生活在城市里。小题2:解析:选D。文章第一段说英国是第一个成为城市化社会的国家。第二段接着说英国仅仅是个开始,这是因为许多别的工业国家也开始效仿英国,成为城市化的社会,因此D项为正确答案。小题3:解析:选B。现在有超过82%的美国人住在城市里,大约有2%的人住在农场;剩下大约16%的人住在别的地方,即B项所描述的:其余的住在小城镇里。小题4:解析:选A。上一句提到:即使在先进的农业社会,也需要大约95个农民养活5个城市人,这只有一个结果:这使得城市很小。小题5:解析:选F。前一句提到:在过去的两百年里,工业革命打破了城乡之间的平衡。后一句提到:现在的情况不是需要95个农民养活5个城市人,在美国1个农民就能养活100多个非农民。那中间只能填F项:现代化把更多的人吸引到城市里来,使得农民更加多产。

英语问题 in terms of being willing

一般来说in terms of 后面都是跟名词、动名词或是名词性结构的,如:eg1:There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations 雇员和工会关系大有改观。eg2:United should be thinking in terms of winning the European Cup 联队应该在考虑要赢得欧洲杯。eg3:A grammar school"s success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university 一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。要是跟句子,也大多是eg3这种

英语where you are being有语法错误吗?


动词加ing加s形式,如belongings leaveings findings 等




翻译 The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe


有句英文歌词i loveing lieving everything go day什么歌

I"ll Be Missing You

with sth.done 和 with sth.being done有什么区别

前者是做了 后者是正在被做

The kids are_______the fish in the water. A.watching B.seeing C.looking


being ignored, he looked somewhat disappointed

对的,非谓语短语being ignored作原因状语,说明后面“失望"的原因,相当于原因状语从句Because he was ignored, he looked somewhat disppointed.Being ignored, he looked somewhat disappointed=Because he was ignored, he looked somewhat disppointed.

这个句子的being 做什么成分,用法?意思?

being bought带来的,being在这里是作为一个动词,代表“处于,是”,bought这里反而是形容词,“已带来的”,名词是benefit“利益”,连起来就是“利益处于已带来的”状态。


在希腊人的哲学思维中,存在一个“制作图式”,即一个按照匠人造物的方式去理解世界的模式。柏拉图把“相”(idea,eidos,通常译为“理念”)看作原型而把具体事物看作摹本,亚里士多德把具体事物看成依据“形式”(eidos)加工质料的结果,都是这种制作图式的表现。这种图式的最重要特质在于:原型可以用以“S是P”为基本句式的语言合乎逻辑地加以刻画,包括定义、三段推理、构造体系,甚至数量化、几何化等。这样一来,这种制作图式就决不仅仅是一个比方,而是一种跟语言逻辑内在地融为一体的思维方式。这就是实践跟being的原初关联。柏拉图用这种图式去解释“相”的世界,又用对“相”的解释去指导对现实世界的改造,于是理论和实践就在这种图式中被统一了起来。亚里士多德的情况要复杂一些,他只用这种图式去说明各种事物都是用形式和质料合成的,而不主张用某种来自理论规定的形式去指导人的实践活动,实践活动由不同于理论知识的别的理性方式来指导,包括实践智慧和技艺。尽管如此,亚里士多德的形式加质料的学说由于内涵着制作图式,因而还是不可避免要被后世用来针对实践。所以,希腊哲学思维因其制作图式而天生有一种实践本能,这对西方人两千多年中理解和处理理论和实践的关系产生了巨大的影响。 解铃还需系铃人,我是指亚里士多德。亚里士多德接着柏拉图完成了对制作图式的语言逻辑化工作,但他同时还预留了两条其他进路,加在一起关于being就有三条道路。 在《后分析篇》第二卷第八章中,亚里士多德区分了事物的“存在”和“本质”。这两个概念都跟希腊语的“是”有关,可以分别用“S是”和“S是P”句式来表达。“S是”也可以表述为“S存在”,这里“是”、“存在”是动词,是“显现出来”的意思,S之真实在于自身显现。这条路就是后来的现象学和存在主义之路,可简称“存在之路”,最突出的代表是海德格尔。当然,亚里士多德作此区分本意不是讲“存在主义”,而是告诉我们定义和三段论证明的关系,即告诉我们如何才能知道事物的“本质”,如何通过知道“本质”来知道真正的“存在”。这条路就是“本质主义”之路,或称“本质之路”,也就是形而上学之路、科学之路、理论之路,其思维程序就是逻辑推理,此间涉及的“是”就是判断的系词。存在主义之路从作为动词的“是”去把握being的意义,确实追问到了根基处,但这根基既然只能显现,那就是我们的语言难以说清的,所以,对存在主义来说,“问到底”是其所长,但一定以“说不清”为代价。本质主义之路从作为系词的“是”去把握being的意义,确实讲得很清楚,以至于形成了确定性的知识和原则,但既然这种确定性只是语言的确定性,那就没有理由断言它同时也是事物本身的确定性,所以,对本质主义来说,“说清楚”是其所长,但一定以“不到底”为代价。 这两条路本来各有长短,但走路的人总不免有一种偏好,一种“本体论的”(ontological,在研究ont、being或“是”的学问方面的)优越感,都觉得自己那条路既“问到底”了又“说清楚”了,而别人走的路则不然。比如,亚里士多德就觉得他的“形式”既是“本体”(ousia)又是定义,海德格尔也觉得自己所说的那个Sein(being,存在)既是本根又是最真。西方哲学史的主题之一就是这“两条路线”的斗争,其源头可以溯及巴门尼德。不过,我愿意在此作一个调解:亚里士多德只能说自己的“形式”可定义而不能说是“本体”,海德格尔只能说自己的“存在”是本根而不能说是最真。也只有这样才能为其他可能的进路敞开思考的空间。 在亚里士多德那里,与being相关的还有第三条路,即“实践之路”。在《范畴篇》中,亚里士多德把on(being、“是”)分为十种,亦即对同一事物的陈述有十种完全不同的种类,有的讲事物的“是什么”,有的讲性质,有的讲数量、关系等。这十个种类之上没有一个可以逻辑地统帅它们的“是”本身。可是,这十种陈述在同一个对象身上又是按照什么方式相互关联成一个整体的呢?对此,亚里士多德没有说。在《后分析篇》中,亚里士多德根据三段论的中词理论提出了著名的“一种一科”(one genus to one science)原则,意思是事物分成不同的种,种与种之间不可通约,每个种都要有一门独立的学科去研究,不同的学科之间也不可通约。不过,亚里士多德也没有讲:当一个事物或一件事情牵涉到不同种类的众多学科时,这些不同种类的学科知识或信息如何才能相互关联成一个整体?在他的几部伦理学著作中,他都强调了必须对“善”加以分类,就像对“是”加以分类一样,不同种类的“善”之间也不可通约,不存在那种可以从理论上统一诸“善”的柏拉图式的“善”本身。
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