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The more he tried to please her,_____________ she seemed to appreciate it.求详解.


highly appreciate是什么意思

高度欣赏 或高度感激,要看语境

英语翻译醉里挑灯看剑,i used to appreciate my sword when I get drunk梦回吹?

醉里挑灯看剑,i used to appreciate my sword when I get drunk 梦回吹角连营.In my dream, I return the military base surrounded by the sound of horn 八百里分麾下炙,sharing the supply (beef) with my inferiors 五十弦翻塞外声,listening to the music made by the northen tribe 沙场秋点兵.I am in a troop-view in the Autumn 马作的卢飞快,the warhorse is as fast as the wind 弓如霹雳弦惊.the sound from the arrow shooting is as loud as the thunder 了却君王天下事,I serve the emperor to conquer the world! 赢得生前身后名,leaving my name to the histroy! 可怜白发生.but I sadly find that my hair has got pale.,4,英语翻译 醉里挑灯看剑,i used to appreciate my sword when I get drunk 梦回吹角连营.In my dream,I return the military base surrounded by the sound of horn 八百里分麾下炙,sharing the supply (beef) with my inferiors 五十弦翻塞外声,listening to the music made by the northen tribe 沙场秋点兵.I am in a troop-view in the Autumn 马作的卢飞快,the warhorse is as fast as the wind 弓如霹雳弦惊.the sound from the arrow shooting is as loud as the thunder 了却君王天下事,I serve the emperor to conquer the world! 赢得生前身后名,leaving my name to the histroy! 可怜白发生.but I sadly find that my hair has got pale.

Appreciate 和 resignation 这两个英语单词怎么读? 要谐音的

appreciate谐音为“阿婆最喜爱的”、resignation 的重音是倒数第二个音节 na,读作 “奈”,第一个音节 re 是次重音,读作 “锐艾”,即 “,resig"nation”, 整个单词可谐音为 “锐艾西个奈心”。

appreciate后可加 to do么? RT

appreciate的几种方法: 1.appreciate sth 例: I appreciate your kindness. 多谢厚意. 2.appreciate doing sth 例: We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我们恭候佳音. 3. appreciate +that从句 I really appreciate that god send me a beautiful girl to me like you ! 我真很感激上帝送给一个像你这么漂亮的女孩给我.


thank是感谢,程度比较轻,而且多用于口语。appreciate 是感激,程度比较深。英 [u0259u02c8pri:u0283ieu026at] 美 [u0259u02c8priu0283iu02ccet] vt.欣赏; 感激; 领会; 鉴别vi.(使)增值,涨价


thank(adj.) thankful (unthankful); (n.) thankfulnessthank作为及物动词,常用搭配是thank sb (for sth / for doing sth),如:She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.thank表示“感谢”,习惯上只接“人”作宾语,而不能接“事”作宾语: 正:Thank you for your help.误:Thank your help.另外的用法:1. have sb to thank for (doing) sth 归功于,如:I have my parents to thank for my success.2. thank your lucky stars 感谢你的幸运之星,口语中用于表达幸运,尤其是躲过了不愉快或危险的事。如:Just thank your lucky stars you weren"t in the house at the time.appreciate(adj.) appreciative (inappreciative); (n.) appreciationappreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语: 正:I"d appreciate some help.误:I"d appreciate you for some help.appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如:In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;如:We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice.在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help.appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如:Their investments have appreciated over the years.大家有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?grateful(反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude)grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如:I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all. He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident.另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如:I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别:"When you are "grateful" to someone, you can sometimes feel a little "beholden" to them. It creates a feeling of "owingness"." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质。而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending. There is a feeling of finality. We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。另外,oblige (vt.) 一词也有“使感激”的意思,如:I"m much obliged to you. 我非常感谢你。 不过oblige更常见的含义是“迫使”,如:Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.


thankthank作为及物动词,常用搭配是thank sb (for sth / for doing sth),如:She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.thank表示“感谢”,习惯上只接“人”作宾语,而不能接“事”作宾语:正:Thank you for your help.误:Thank your help.appreciateappreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情.习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语:正:I"d appreciate some help.误:I"d appreciate you for some help.appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如:In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;如:We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice.在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同.appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如I fully appreciate your concern.We will do all in our power to help.appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如:Their investments have appreciated over the years.grateful(反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude)grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如:I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all.He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident.另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如:I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.除了上述的用法区别之外,thank,appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别:"When you are "grateful" to someone,you can sometimes feel a little "beholden" to them.It creates a feeling of "owingness"." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质.而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending.There is a feeling of finality.We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报.另外,oblige (vt.) 一词也有“使感激”的意思,如:I"m much obliged to you.我非常感谢你.不过oblige更常见的含义是“迫使”,如:Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.

appreciate后可加 to do么

appreciate ( Tom/ Tom"s/ him/ his) + doing sth一般不加to do

请问有没有appreciate to do sth?是什么意思?


appreciate后可加 to do么

楼主你好!一般没有appreciate to do sth 的说法,appreciate doing是固定搭配。appreciate的几种方法:1.appreciate sth例:I appreciate your kindness.多谢厚意.2.appreciate doing sth例:We shall appreciate hearing from you again.我们恭候佳音.3. appreciate +that从句I really appreciate that god send me a beautiful girl to me like you !我真很感激上帝送给一个像你这么漂亮的女孩给我.希望可以帮到你!


recognise 认出识破 +sb./sth./从句 appreciate:1. 习惯上不接不定式作宾语其后可接名 (代)词、动名词、名词性从句等作宾语,但不能接不定式:2. 习惯上不用“人”作宾语其后只能接“事”作宾语,而不能接“人”作宾语 (注意:这与thank 的用法恰恰相反):3. 后接if或when从句时习惯上要先接it其后不直接跟if或when引导的从句,若语义上需要接这类从句,需借助it:4. 关于修饰语的搭配习惯要表示程度,可用 deeply, highly, (very) much 等副词修饰:注意:much 修饰 appreciate 时,只能置于其前,而不能置于其后但 very much 却可以):


appreciate是及物动物. 通常有,appreciate someone"s help,没怎么见过与for进行搭配.


appreciate短语用法:appreciate后可接that从句。美国人习惯在appreciate后直接加that,而英国人则习惯在that前加上the fact。appreciate后不可接不定式,可以接动名词。有时,appreciate后带动宾语it,最好不要省略掉。1. 表示“感激”“赞赏”等,通常为及物动词,其后可接名(代)词、动名词、名词性从句等作宾语,但不能接不定式。如:I really appreciate a good cup of tea. 有好茶一杯,我就真乐在其中了。I appreciate your giving me so much of your time. 真感激你为我花了这么多时间。2. 其后只能接“事”作宾语,而不能接“人”作宾语;若接“人”作宾语,可考虑用动词thank等。比较:正:We appreciate your help. 我们感谢你的帮助。误:We appreciate you for your help.

appreciate用法和搭配 appreciate用法解析

1、理解、体会。I appreciate the difficulty.我理解这种困难。I am afraid you don"t appreciate America.恐怕你不理解美国。 2、欣赏、赞赏。That"s because you can"t appreciate music.这是因为你不能欣赏音乐。I appreciate his generosity.我赞赏他的慷慨大方。 3、感谢、感激。I appreciate your goodness in calling.我感谢你好心来访。He appreciated their confidence。他感激他们的信任。 4、后续宾语问题。其后可接名(代)词、动名词、名词性从句等作宾语,但不能接不定式。如:We shall appreciate hearing from you again.能再次收到你的来信,我们将十分感激。注意:其后只能接“事”作宾语,而不能接“人”作宾语 (注意:这与thank 的用法恰恰相反)。如:正:I appreciate your kindness. 谢谢你的好意。误:I appreciate you for your kindness.正:He thanked her for her kindness. 他感谢她的好意。误:He thanked her kindness. 5、后接if或when从句的问题。其后不直接跟if或when引导的从句,若语义上需要接这类从句,需借助it。如:I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it.如果你能帮助我做这事,我会十分感激。We really appreciate it when she offered to help.她来帮忙了,我们十分感激。 6、有关修饰语的问题。要表示程度,可用 deeply, highly, (very) much 等副词修饰。如:I deeply appreciate your kindness. 我谢你的好意。He highly appreciated their help.他非常感谢他们的帮助。注意:much 修饰 appreciate时,只能置于其前,而不能置于其后但 very much 却可以):我们非常感谢你的邀请。正:We much appreciate your invitation.正:We appreciate your invitation very much.误:We appreciate your invitation much.

appreciate的用法 appreciate的用法介绍

1、表示“感激”“赞赏”等,通常为及物动词,其后可接名(代)词、动名词、名词性从句等作宾语,但不能接不定式。如:I really appreciate a good cup of tea. 有好茶一杯,我就真乐在其中了。 2、其后只能接“事”作宾语,而不能接“人”作宾语;若接“人”作宾语,可考虑用动词thank等。I appreciate your giving me so much of your time. 真感激你为我花了这么多时间。


appreciate感激句型是:I appreciate your kindness.I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it.We appreciate your invitation very much.词语辨析:1、thank作为及物动词,常用搭配是thank sb (for sth / for doing sth)。如:She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.2、appreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语。如:I"d appreciate some help.3、grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句。如:I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.


恩 一楼的很对 后加DOING或名词但是这个词有个经典句型I will ~~~~~it if you do。。。。。 这个是表示感激的

appreciate后可加 to do么



Bappreciate doing 感谢

关于appreciate的用 法


appreciate 用法

helping us 动名词词组。

appreciate后可加 to do么

不能。appreciate用法:appreciate sthappreciate doing sthappreciate sb"s doing sthappreciate that......


thank 动词(v) & 名词(n)动词一般用于简单的动宾结构如:thank you .名词则常用复数表示感谢:thanks.appreciate 动词(v)常用句式:I"d appreciate it if you could/would ...grateful 形容词(adj)常用系表结构,可搭配for与to表是原因与对象


appreciate可接动名词,但不接动词不定式。在美式英语中, appreciate可直接接that从句; 而在较正式的英国用法中, that从句常须用the fact来引导。英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼人民之一,后来移居到大不列颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛的安格利亚(Anglia)。英语与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语最相关,但其词汇已受到其他日耳曼语语言(尤其是北挪威语(北挪威语))以及拉丁语和法语的很大影响。


A appreciate one"s doing 而不是sb doing 固定用法所以是appreciate your keeping还有个李阳的例句:I appreciate your support.


appreciate用法:appreciate后面可以接名词、代词、动名词、名词性从句等作宾语,但不能接不定式。appreciate的搭配:Appreciate education赏识教育、to appreciate鉴赏、painting appreciate绘画欣赏。 扩展资料 appreciate的例句:Anyone can appreciate our music(任何人都能欣赏我们的音乐);I"d appreciate it if you wouldn"t mention it(如果你不提它,我会很感激)。


Appreciate"是一个英语单词,意思是“欣赏、感激、赞赏、理解”。它是一个多义词,可以用于不同的语境中,下面将从不同的角度对"appreciate"的用法和搭配进行介绍。感激、赞赏"Appreciate"可以用于表示感激或赞赏,例如:I really appreciate your help. (我非常感激你的帮助。)I appreciate your kind words. (我感谢你的好话。)We appreciate your business. (我们感谢你的生意。)在这种情况下,"appreciate"可以理解为感激或赞赏某人的行为、言语或态度。理解"Appreciate"还可以用于表示理解或领会,例如:I appreciate your concern, but I am doing fine. (我理解你的关心,但我一切都好。)It takes time to appreciate the complexity of this problem. (理解这个问题的复杂性需要时间。)在这种情况下,"appreciate"可以理解为理解、领会或认识到某个事物的重要性、复杂性或深度。欣赏"Appreciate"还可以用于表示欣赏或喜爱,例如:I appreciate classical music. (我喜欢古典音乐。)She appreciates good food and wine. (她喜欢美食和美酒。)在这种情况下,"appreciate"可以理解为欣赏、喜爱或喜欢某种事物。搭配"Appreciate"常见的搭配有:appreciate the opportunity/chance (感谢机会)appreciate the gesture (感谢行动)appreciate the feedback (感谢反馈)appreciate the support (感谢支持)appreciate the value/importance (认识到价值、重要性)

highly appreciate是什么意思

highly appreciate非常感谢appreciate[英][u0259u02c8pri:u0283ieu026at][美][u0259u02c8priu0283iu02ccet]vt.欣赏; 感激; 领会; 鉴别; vi.(使)增值,涨价; 第三人称单数:appreciates过去分词:appreciated现在进行时:appreciating过去式:appreciated 例句:1.China is under increasing u.s. pressure to allow its currency to appreciate. 中国承受着美国越来越大的压力,要它允许人民币升值。

appreciate doing sth是什么意思

appreciate doing sth喜欢做某事双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 感激做某事appreciate[英][u0259u02c8pri:u0283ieu026at][美][u0259u02c8priu0283iu02ccet]vt.感激; 欣赏; 领会; 鉴别; vi.(使)增值,涨价; 第三人称单数:appreciates过去分词:appreciated现在进行时:appreciating过去式:appreciated


可以用。 appreciate的用法 1、appreciate用作动词,可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。 2、appreciate的基本意思是“高度评价某事物”,可表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。引申还可表示“增值”。 3、appreciate作“感激”“重视”“体会到”解时,是及物动词,可接名词、动名词(但不接动词不定式)作宾语,也可接that从句。可用于被动结构。appreciate作“增值”解时是不及物动词,作“使增值”解时是及物动词。 4、appreciate后不可接不定式,可以接动名词。He appreciates being advised,他很感激得到了建议。 5、用作及物动词 (vt.)Very few people really appreciate his works.没人赏识他的作品。I deeply appreciate your concern.我非常感激你的关心。 6、用作不及物动词Land will continue to appreciate.土地将继续增值。


欣赏英/u0259u02c8priu02d0u0283ieu026at /;美/u0259u02c8priu02d0u0283ieu026at /v.欣赏; 赏识; 重视vt.感激; 感谢过去式appreciated过去分词appreciated现在分词appreciating第三人称单数appreciates名词appreciation形容词appreciative短语:fully appreciate充分理解;非常感谢greatly appreciate非常感谢I appreciate it我很感激;我很感谢;我很欣赏例句:I do appreciate (感激) this chance to learn the beautiful art!我真的很感激有机会学习这门美丽的艺术!

I would appreciate it if 要用虚拟语气吗

I would appreciate it if + 句子如果能.....,我会很感激! 这个后面不用虚拟语气,类似于if引导的条件状语从句,主将从现的意思


All four sentences contain one or more grammatical mistakes. The general ments are:the "verb" following a modal verb (such as would could) must be in its base form (i.e. like simple present tense)."very" cannot be used befoe a verb.It is better to use "very much" than just "very" in front of a past participle (acting as an adjective).."would" is based on an intention or willingness whereas "could" is based on a condition or ability.Specifically: I would be very appreciated if you could sent us a copy. ( 错在那 点解 ) Error (1) [could send] NOT [could sent]; (2) meaning is wrong. I am the one who appreciates but not the one being appreciated so " I would be appreciated" is wrong. (3) grammatically very appreciated is not good; it should be "very much appreciated" I could very appreciate it if you would send us a copy. ( 错 or 对 点解 ) Error (1) The meaning of "I could" is wrong. "Could" refers to the ability so "the ability to appreciate" is obviously out of context. It should be "I would ...". (2) "very" cannot be put in front of a verb (appreciate). I would very appreciated it if you could sent us a copy. ( 错 or 对 点解 ) Error (1) would appreciate NOT would appreciated (2) very cannot be put in front of the verb (3) could send NOT could sent. I would very appreciate it if you could send us a copy. ( 错 or 对 点解 ) Error (1) "very" cannot be put in front of the verb. Therefore the correct sentence should be: (1) I would appreciate it very much if you could send us a copy. (2) It would be very much appreciated if you could send us a copy. Also for both sentences it is okay to use "would send" as well. 参考: My past learning 只有第一句文法和用意上都对。 第四句文法上没错,但用意上不太formal,跟句子的用词不配合。 其实只用写:I appreciate it if you could send us a copy便可以了。太多修饰和客套语反而令全句「错」写的。 I would be very appreciated if you could sent us a copy. ( 错在那 点解 ) Tense 错了 应该是现在式 send﹐ 不是过去式 sent I would be very appreciated if you could send us a copy of XXX 另一个写法可以是 - I would appreciate it if you could send us a copy of XXX 点解用 would/could﹐ 晤系 will/can﹐ 因为这是假设 (你会寄一份XXX给我)﹐所有假设 都要用过去式 i.e. could would might....If I were you I would... 如果我系你﹐ 我会... I could very appreciate it if you would send us a copy. ( 错 or 对 点解 ) 错 情参考以上 I would very appreciated it if you could sent us a copy. ( 错 or 对 点解 ) 错 情参考以上 I would very appreciate it if you could send us a copy. ( 错 or 对 点解 ) 错 情参考以上 参考: My knowledge


如果选A i would appreciate your keeping it as a secret如果选C Di would appreciate that you keep it as a secret用法:appreciate sth sb to do sth doing sth that +从句

Appreciate it 是什么意思?

Appreciate it欣赏(感激)它 双语例句1Michael: Employers appreciate it when employees facilitate a businessatmosphere with professional vocabularies.迈克尔:雇主非常欣赏职员用职业词汇进行交谈创造工作氛围。2I"d appreciate it if you could bring my daughter to the radio for.我会很感激你让我女儿和我通话的。

i would appreciate any suggestsions you may have 哪位大神给解释下



回答和翻译如下:appreciate the best这是最值得欣赏的The products with innovative designs are presented to those who appreciate only the Best.创新的设计,奉献给那些只欣赏最佳产品的人们。








感激 欣赏


感激 欣赏


  appreciate用法详解   一、词义用法   1. 理解;体会   I appreciate the difficulty.   我理解这种困难。   I am afraid you donu2019t appreciate America.   恐怕你不理解美国。   2. 欣赏,赞赏   Thatu2019s because you canu2019t appreciate music.   这是因为你不能欣赏音乐。   I appreciate his generosity.   我赞赏他的慷慨大方。   3. 感谢,感激   I appreciate your goodness in calling.   我感谢你好心来访。   He appreciated their confidence.   他感激他们的信任。   二、后续宾语问题   其后可接名(代)词、动名词、名词性从句等作宾语,但不能接不定式。如:   We shall appreciate hearing from you again.   能再次收到你的来信,我们将十分感激。   I appreciate that you have come here so   感谢你来得这么早。   注意:其后只能接“事”作宾语,而不能接“人”作宾语 (注意:这与thank 的用法恰恰相反)。如:   正:I appreciate your kindness. 谢谢你的好意。   误:I appreciate you for your kindness.   正:He thanked her for her kindness. 他感谢她的好意。   误:He thanked her kindness.   三、后接if或when从句的问题   其后不直接跟if或when引导的从句,若语义上需要接这类从句,需借助it。如:   I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it.   如果你能帮助我做这事,我会十分感激。   We really appreciate it when she offered to help.   她来帮忙了,我们十分感激。   四、有关修饰语的问题   要表示程度,可用 deeply, highly, (very) much 等副词修饰。如:   I deeply appreciate your kindness. 我   谢你的好意。   He highly appreciated their help.   他非常感谢他们的帮助。   注意:much 修饰 appreciate时,只能置于其前,而不能置于其后但 very much 却可以):   我们非常感谢你的邀请。   正:We much appreciate your invitation.   正:We appreciate your invitation very much.   误:We appreciate your invitation much.


thank作为及物动词,常用搭配:thank sb (for sth / for doing sth),thank表示“感谢”,习惯上只接“人”作宾语,而不能接“事”作宾语。  appreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语。举例说明We thanked him and left.我们对他道谢后就离开了。We appreciate your kindness.我们感谢你的好意。Thank you for understanding.谢谢你能理解。A child dressed in brown clothes came to thank him for saving his life.一个穿着褐色衣服的小孩过来感谢他的救命之恩。I appreciate your comment.我欣赏你的意见。I appreciate his efforts and I wish him well.我感谢他的努力。 我祝愿他身体健康。We would appreciate it if you could offer us any help .如果您能为我们提供帮助的话,我们将不甚感激。




appreciate1、构词及词意构词上面 ap-precious-atea+字母双写=To-preci-=precious 珍贵的-ate动词常见词尾to+precious+ate 即 判断某样东西是否珍贵引出 第一个意思:鉴别 鉴别—>(发现是珍贵的)欣赏—>(珍贵的东西)涨价2、用法appreciate是一个及物动词 即可以直接跟某物 不需要在物与其之间用介词连接例如:He knows how to appreciate poetry. 他知道如何来鉴赏诗歌。当appreciate与其他动词同在一句句子中,且主句谓语不是它的时候,变成非谓语,to appreciate或者appreciating形式。例如:Do we stop to appreciate it? 我们会停下来欣赏么?

appreciate sb doing sth和appreciate sb for doing对吗?

我记得没有doing的形式。应该 是以下两种:1 appreciate sb do sth例句:I appreciate your help. 我感谢你的帮助2 appreciate sb for do sth 例句: We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company.我们感激你对公司发展所做的努力


appreciate用作动词,可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。扩展资料:1.appreciate的基本意思是“高度评价某事物”,可表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。引申还可表示“增值”。2.appreciate作“感激”“重视”“体会到”解时,是及物动词,可接名词、动名词(但不接动词不定式)作宾语,也可接that从句。可用于被动结构。appreciate作“增值”解时是不及物动词,作“使增值”解时是及物动词。3.appreciate后不可接不定式,可以接动名词。He appreciates being advised.他很感激得到了建议。4.用作及物动词(vt.)Very few people really appreciate his works.没人赏识他的作品。I deeply appreciate your concern.我非常感激你的关心。5.用作不及物动词Land will continue to appreciate.土地将继续增值。


I would appreciate it if you... 例 I would appreciate it if you help me.


appreciate指对事物有深入的理解力或较高的修养,并能鉴赏、品评等。enjoy表示“欣赏”,属一般用语,不像appreciate那样具有较高的修养,也无需“鉴赏”,只是得到感官或精神上的乐趣或满足,侧重享受。 appreciate和enjoy相同点 1. 后接动词作宾语,两者都必须接动名词,不接不定式。如: 能再次收到你的来信, 我们将十分感激。 误:We shall appreciate to hear from you again. 正:We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 大多数学生喜欢用英语提问。 误:Most students enjoy to ask questions in English. 正:Most students enjoy asking questions in English. 2. 其后紧跟 when/if 从句时,两者均应先接 it。如: We really appreciated it when she offered to help.她来帮忙了,我们十分感激。(其中的 it 不能省略) I"d appreciate it if you let me get on with my job.如果你让我继续我的工作,我将十分感激。(其中的 it 不能省略) She didn"t enjoy it when her husband drove fast.她不喜欢她丈夫开快车。(其中的 it 不能省略)


感激 享受 差别很大呀!


appreciate的基本意思是“高度评价某事物”,可表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。引申还可表示“增值”。搭配:appreciate sb"s assistance 感谢某人的支援;appreciate sb"s help 感谢某人的帮助appreciate sb"s kindness 感谢某人的厚意;appreciate the value of 体会…的价值〔好处〕appreciate词义辨析:appreciate, cherish, prize, treasure, value这组词的共同意思是“高度评价某事物”。其区别是:1.appreciate强调理解并欣赏其价值; value强调高度评价并珍视其价值; prize指珍视; treasure指珍藏。2.cherish与prize和treasure含义相同,指珍视或珍藏,但喜爱之意更甚。


appreciate 英[u0259u02c8pri:u0283ieu026at] 美[u0259u02c8priu0283iu02ccet] vt. 欣赏; 感激; 领会; 鉴别; vi. (使) 增值,涨价; [例句]Anyone can appreciate our music任何人都能欣赏我们的音乐。[其他] 第三人称单数:appreciates 现在分词:appreciating 过去式:appreciated过去分词:appreciated


  appreciate有欣赏;赏识;感激;领会;意识到等意思,那么你知道appreciate的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    appreciate的用法大全:   appreciate的用法1:appreciate的基本意思是“高度评价某事物”,可表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。引申还可表示“增值”。   appreciate的用法2:appreciate作“感激”“重视”“体会到”解时,是及物动词,可接名词、动名词(但不接动词不定式)作宾语,也可接that从句。可用于被动结构。appreciate作“增值”解时是不及物动词,作“使增值”解时是及物动词。   appreciate的用法3:appreciate可接动名词,但不接动词不定式。例如:   我们将乐于再收到你的信。误:We shall appreciate to hear from youagain.正:We shall appreciate hearing from youagain.   appreciate的用法4:在美式英语中, appreciate可直接接that从句; 而在较正式的英国用法中, that从句常须用the fact来引导。例如:I appreciate the fact that this is not an easy decision to make.我意识到这不是一个容易作出的决定。    appreciate的用法例句:   1. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who canappreciate the beauty of life.   最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。   2. It is easy to appreciate the craftsmanship of Armani.   阿玛尼的精致工艺很容易博得人们的赞誉。   3. I do very much appreciate the quietness and privacy here.   我的确非常喜欢这里宁静幽雅、不受打扰的氛围。   4. In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.   总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。   5. I can"t tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness.   非常感谢您的体贴入微,我真的无以言表。   6. Only inside do you appreciate the church"s true grandeur.   只有深入其中,你才能真正欣赏教堂的富丽堂皇。   7. Only now have doctors, and allied medical professionals, come to appreciatethis.   直到现在医生和相关医学人士才开始对此有所认识。   8. Perhaps, when you"ve heard me out, you"ll appreciate the reason for secrecy.   也许当你听我把话讲完后,你就会明白为什么要保密了。   9. They don"t have any confidence that houses will appreciate in value.   他们完全不相信房子会升值。   10. They appreciate all the creature comforts of home.   他们喜欢家里的舒适环境。   11. Thanks, lads. I appreciate it.   谢了,哥们儿。我很感激。   12. You can"t really appreciate foreign literature in translation.   看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。   13. He didn"t appreciate the comedy of the situation.   他未领略到这种局面的滑稽可笑之处。   14. I"d appreciate some feedback on my work.   如果有人对我的工作提出意见我将感激不尽。   15. The seriousness of the situation is difficult to appreciate in its totality .   很难从全局上理解局势的严重性。


appreciate用法如下:1、appreciate的基本意思是“高度评价某事物”,可表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。引申还可表示“增值”。2、appreciate作“感激”“重视” “体会到” 解时,是及物动词,可接名词、动名词(但不接动词不定式)作宾语,也可接that从句。可用于被动结构。appreciate作 “增值”解时是不及物动词,作“使增值”解时是及物动词。3、appreciate后不可接不定式,可以接动名词。例:He appreciates being advised.他很感激得到了建议。4、用作及物动词。例:Very few people really appreciate his works.没人赏识他的作品。5、用作不及物动词。例:Land will continue to appreciate.土地将继续增值。


appreciate用作动词,可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。扩展资料:1.appreciate的基本意思是“高度评价某事物”,可表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。引申还可表示“增值”。2.appreciate作“感激”“重视”“体会到”解时,是及物动词,可接名词、动名词(但不接动词不定式)作宾语,也可接that从句。可用于被动结构。appreciate作“增值”解时是不及物动词,作“使增值”解时是及物动词。3.appreciate后不可接不定式,可以接动名词。He appreciates being advised.他很感激得到了建议。4.用作及物动词 (vt.)Very few people really appreciate his works.没人赏识他的作品。I deeply appreciate your concern.我非常感激你的关心。5.用作不及物动词Land will continue to appreciate.土地将继续增值。


appreciate的意思是欣赏,感激。英[u0259"priu02d0u0283ieu026at]美[u0259"priu02d0u0283ieu026at]vt.欣赏,赏识,感激,领会,意识到,vi.增值。用法:1、appreciate的基本意思是“高度评价某事物”,可表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。引申还可表示“增值”2、appreciate作“感激”“重视”“体会到”解时,是及物动词,可接名词、动名词(但不接动词不定式)作宾语,也可接that从句。可用于被动结构。appreciate作“增值”解时是不及物动词,作“使增值”解时是及物动词。3、appreciate后可接that从句。美国人习惯在appreciate后直接加that,而英国人则习惯在that前加上the fact。appreciate后不可接不定式,可以接动名词。双语例句:1、We hadn"t appreciated how much work was involved in organizing a wedding.我们没有意识到筹备婚礼有多少事情要做。2、Any assistance you could give the police will be greatly appreciated.您提供的任何帮助警方都将万分感谢。3、To be appreciated as a parent is quite unusual.可怜天下父母心。



appreciate sb./sth什么意思U0001f60a?

  appreciate sb.的中文翻译  appreciate sb.  感激某人。  appreciate sth的中文翻译_百度翻译  appreciate sth  感激某事  appreciate sb./sth意思  感激某人/某事


appreciate英[u0259u02c8pri:u0283ieu026at]美[u0259u02c8priu0283iu02ccet]vt.欣赏; 感激; 领会; 鉴别vi.(使)增值,涨价网络评价; 不胜感激; 意识到


appreciate 的用法: appreciate 可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,含义为欣赏、重视、感谢、欢迎、理解、意识到、领会,多用于文学方面,强调对事物有深入的理解能力且能鉴赏。感谢appreciate 的基本含义及用法介绍appreciate 作为及物动词和不及物动词,译为欣赏;赏识;重视;感激;感谢;欢迎;理解;意识到;领会。重视例句有:1、 You cant really appreciate foreign literature in translation .看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。2、 Your support is greatly appreciated .十分感谢你的支持。3、 I dont think you appreciate how expensive it will be .我想你不了解它会有多昂贵。4、 Their investments have appreciated over the years .他们的投资这些年来已经增值。


  appreciate表示感激; 欣赏; 领会; 鉴别的意思,那么你知道appreciate的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了appreciate的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   appreciate的短语:   ~+名词   appreciate sb"s assistance 感谢某人的支援   appreciate sb"s help 感谢某人的帮助   appreciate sb"s kindness 感谢某人的厚意   appreciate the value of 体会u2026的价值〔好处〕   ~+介词   appreciate sth by 以u2026鉴赏某物   ~+副词   appreciate better 更好地欣赏   appreciate much 非常感谢   appreciate artistically 艺术性地欣赏   appreciate correctly 正确地评价   appreciate deeply 深深地感谢   同义词辨析:   appreciate, enjoy   这两个动词均含"欣赏"之意。   appreciate :多用于文学方面,强调对事物有深入的理解能力,且能鉴赏。   enjoy :普通用词,使用广泛,程度不及appreciate,多指从外界事物中得到喜悦与满足,领略到乐趣,享受意味强。   understand, comprehend, appreciate, apprehend, grasp   这些动词均有"理解"之意。   understand : 指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。   comprehend : 较正式用词,指对较复杂的事物能透彻理解其意义。   appreciate : 语气较弱,指对某事物或意义有充分的理解。着重有能力领悟或觉察。   apprehend : 指知道某事物或某观念的大概意义,但未能理解其内涵意义,暗含一知半解意味。   grasp : 从本义抓紧、抓住,引申作"理解、掌握"。   apappreciate的短语例句:   1. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who canappreciate the beauty of life.   最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。   2. It is easy to appreciate the craftsmanship of Armani.   阿玛尼的精致工艺很容易博得人们的赞誉。   3. I do very much appreciate the quietness and privacy here.   我的确非常喜欢这里宁静幽雅、不受打扰的氛围。   4. In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.   总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。   5. I can"t tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness.   非常感谢您的体贴入微,我真的无以言表。   6. Only inside do you appreciate the church"s true grandeur.   只有深入其中,你才能真正欣赏教堂的富丽堂皇。   7. Only now have doctors, and allied medical professionals, come to appreciatethis.   直到现在医生和相关医学人士才开始对此有所认识。   8. Perhaps, when you"ve heard me out, you"ll appreciate the reason for secrecy.   也许当你听我把话讲完后,你就会明白为什么要保密了。   9. They don"t have any confidence that houses will appreciate in value.   他们完全不相信房子会升值。   10. They appreciate all the creature comforts of home.   他们喜欢家里的舒适环境。   11. Thanks, lads. I appreciate it.   谢了,哥们儿。我很感激。   12. You can"t really appreciate foreign literature in translation.   看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。   13. He didn"t appreciate the comedy of the situation.   他未领略到这种局面的滑稽可笑之处。   14. I"d appreciate some feedback on my work.   如果有人对我的工作提出意见我将感激不尽。   15. The seriousness of the situation is difficult to appreciate in its totality .   很难从全局上理解局势的严重性。



【appreciate 用法】搞懂英文「appreciate」中文意思跟用法

appreciate 中文意思有很多,例如「欣赏、感激、增值、了解…」等等,appreciate 的英文用法也不少,所以很多人可能常常都会搞不清楚appreciate的中文意思跟用法。 下面列出appreciate 的英文用法、英文例句,跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧。 1.appreciate 感激 appreciate最常见的中文意思就是感激。appreciate后面可以加that,或是加名词。 appreciate 用法一:appreciate + 名词 例:I appreciate your honesty. 我感谢你的诚实。 appreciate 用法二:appreciate + that 例:I really appreciate that you helped me yesterday. 我真的很感谢你昨天帮了我。 2.appreciate 欣赏 appreciate另外还有欣赏的中文意思。 例:I appreciate your generosity in the matter. 我欣赏你在这件事上表现出来的胸怀大度。 3.appreciate 增值 appreciate还有一个用法为「增值」的中文意思。 例:This house will continue to appreciate. 土地将继续增值。 这房子将会持续增值 4. would appreciate if(如果…)将不胜感激 appreciate 也常跟would一起连用,并且后面常常接if。would appreciate if 的中文意思是,如果…我会很感激。 例:I would appreciate it if you could let me know in advance . 如果你能让我事先知道,我将会很感激。 appreciate, appreciate 中文, appreciate 中文意思, appreciate 意思, appreciate 文法, appreciate 用法, appreciate 翻译, appreciate 英文例句, appreciate 英文用法, 英文 appreciate 用法


appreciate英 [ə"priːʃɪeɪt; -sɪ-]美 [ə"priʃɪet]vi. 增值;涨价vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别


加sb没怎么见过,主要是加sth. 如appreciate sth./ it if ……

用appreciate v.造句

1.The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。2.It is easy to appreciate the craftsmanship of Armani.阿玛尼的精致工艺很容易博得人们的赞誉。3.Anyone can appreciate our music...任何人都能欣赏我们的音乐。4.In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。

用appreciate 鉴赏的意思造句

i appreciate your thought


appreciate短语用法:appreciate后可接that从句。美国人习惯在appreciate后直接加that,而英国人则习惯在that前加上the fact。appreciate后不可接不定式,可以接动名词。有时,appreciate后带动宾语it,最好不要省略掉。 用法 1. 表示“感激”“赞赏”等,通常为及物动词,其后可接名(代)词、动名词、名词性从句等作宾语,但不能接不定式。如: I really appreciate a good cup of tea. 有好茶一杯,我就真乐在其中了。 I appreciate your giving me so much of your time. 真感激你为我花了这么多时间。 2. 其后只能接“事”作宾语,而不能接“人”作宾语;若接“人”作宾语,可考虑用动词thank等。比较: 正:We appreciate your help. 我们感谢你的帮助。 误:We appreciate you for your help.


vt.感激; 欣赏; 领会; 鉴别; vi.(使)增值,涨价;



How to appreciate English poems?

read them on and on and on every day.

It is appreciated for its natural beauty and historical importance.请问怎么翻译?

It is appreciated for its natural beauty and historical importance.他因它的自然之美和历史之重而(被人)赏识。appreciate是不及物动词,固定用法,直接背下来就好了。也可以理解为for表因为用法同because ,as等。它被欣赏,因为它的美丽和历史。its natural beauty and historical importance are appreciated.也可以这样说。

i am appreciated是什么意思

i am appreciated我非常感激


appreciate英[u0259"pri:u0283u026aeu026at]美[u0259u02c8priu0283iu02ccet]vt. 感激;欣赏;领会;鉴别vi. (使)增值,涨价第三人称单数:appreciates;过去分词:appreciated;现在分词:appreci...[例句]And I really appreciate that.我非常欣赏这一点。

美国人常说的到底是"appreciate it"还是"appreciated

都可以 但是表示谢谢的话是用(i)appreciate itappreciate it 完全说法是 i appreciate it,意思等同于thank youappreciated 完全说法是 you are appreciated 不过这个被动形式 说出来感觉就很奇怪了





it is highly appreciated。不是多谓语吗?is appreciated动词。

您好,is appreciated 是被动语态be+动词过去分词祝您生活愉快,学习进步
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