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pant gasp wheeze puff asthma 区别

wheeze是有声音的喘气动词或名词asthma是哮喘病名词。pant gasp wheeze是喘息的意思。puff asthma是喘息性哮喘的意思。

千层酥皮 Puff pastry怎么做

普通面粉 230g 猪油 50g 盐 1/4 茶勺 冰水 110g 黄油 70g裹入的黄油 千层酥皮 Puff pastry的做法 准备食材把面粉、盐和猪油倒入食物料理机中混合好,如果没有食物料理机用手把猪油和面粉混合成像沙子一样的质地,然后分三次加入冰水快速把面团混合好。准备一张保鲜膜把和好的面团放在保鲜膜里包好,放入冰箱松弛20分钟。将要裹入的黄油到在室温下进行软化。把黄油放在一个小的食品袋里,然后袋子折成一半,用擀面杖轻轻的把黄油按着袋子的形状擀成长方型,然后放入冰箱冷藏10-15分钟或者等黄油变硬就可以了。包千层酥皮的第一步,把面团从冰箱里拿出来擀开(大约是黄油的两倍大),冷藏好的黄油从塑料袋子里拿出来放到面团的中间,然后把面团按我的照片的方式把黄油包好,再用保鲜膜包好整个面团送到冰箱里松弛20分钟。第二步,松弛好的面团从冰箱里拿出来,再擀开来并折叠一次(按我照片的步骤),包好保鲜膜送入冰箱松弛20分钟。第三步,重复第二步的动作,这一次松弛后的千层酥面团就可以用了。

puff pastry是什么意思

puff pastry n. 松饼,千层饼; puff pastry n. 松饼,千层饼; puff pastry n. 松饼,千层饼;



cancer, tumor, neoplasm和caicinoma这是个单词的区别在哪?

neoplasm(赘生物),可发展为Tumor,也可不发展。而Tumor分三种:良性,癌前,恶性。其中恶性tumor是cancer。cancer并非都是tumor,如白血病,原位癌等。所以cancer与tumor是交叉重叠的关系。cancer中发生于上皮细胞的叫做carcinoma,别的还有sarcoma(肉瘤),leukemia(白血病),lymphoma(淋巴癌),germinoma(生殖细胞癌), Blastoma(胚细胞癌),melanoma(黑色素癌)。carcinoma还可以继续分:比如腺癌,鳞状细胞癌,大细胞癌,小细胞癌,未分化癌。





谁知道NO8028这种材料啊(好像执行标准是非曲直ASTM B 668)

ASTM B 668 牌号应该是N0828 是ASTM/ASME无缝管的标准 SPECIFICATION FOR UNS N08028 SEAMLESS TUBES 可以去问问 上海慈东合金材料有限责任公司

since the pile was as high as the ceiling.I could


不锈钢管的美标ASTM A269如果对国标来说,对应的应该是那个标准


求助casing 9 5/8" L80,47PPF,BTC,R3 Seamless

13 / 8英寸套管ppf 68 . 《金融时报》采访时..850 N80 BTC 95 / 8英寸套管..5250FT BTC 47 ppt N80 19ppf N80 BTC套管5”.2500FT油管二7 / 8 " 6.5 - 7 ppf夏娃600 N80 9英尺

管道材料表中 PC02TAS,SEAMLESS PIPE , A106 GR .B ,BE,ASME B36.10M 是什么意思? 求详细解释,谢谢!

PC02TAS看不懂,SEAMLESS PIPE 无缝钢管,A106 GR.B 材质ASTM A106 GR.B (美标材料,相当于20#钢)BE,管端形式(平口),ASME B36.10M(美标管材制造标准)。

SEAMLESS PIPE, A106 GR.B,BE ASME B36.10M.S-40 分别代表什么?

无缝钢管, 符合ASTM A106标准, 级别B级, 规格要求为ASME B36.10M中的schedule 40. 在B36.10M中可根据公称直径(英制为NPS, 公制为DN)查出schedule 40对应的壁厚. 例如: NPS 6 schedule 40的规格为: 外径168.3mm, 厚度7.11mm.

asme sa 269 tp 316 seamless是什么材质

asme sa 269是执行标准:asme sa 269 一般设备用无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管 TP316是指ASME/ASTM管子的牌号,其材质就是316不锈钢。seamless 是指无缝管。


第三个印错了,我觉得是have,masses of=lots of 怎样实现跳转页面

一、<a>标签 1. <a href=”test.aspx”></a> 2. 这是最常见的一种转向方法;二、HyperLink控件 1. 服务器端控件 属性NavigateUrl指定要跳转到的Url地址 2. NavigateUrl是可以在服务器端使用代码修改,这个区别于<a> 3. 由于HyperLink本身没有事件所以要在服务器端其它事件中设置NavigateUrl 4. 代码示例: <Asp:HyperLink id=”hyperlink” runat=”server” NavigatoeUrl=”test.aspx”>ok</Asp:HyperLink>三、Response.Redirect()方法 1. 过程:发送一个Http响应到客户端,通知客户端跳转到一个新的页面,然后客户端再发送跳转请求到服务器端。 2. 页面跳转之后内部控件保存的所有信息丢失,当A跳转到B,B页面将不能访问A页面提交的数据信息。 3. 使用这个方法使用这个方法跳转后浏览器地址栏的Url信息改变 4. 可以使用Session Cookies Application等对象进行页面间的数据传递 5. 重定向操作发生在客户端,总共涉及到两次与Web服务器的通信:一次是对原始页面的请求,另一次是重定向新页面的请求四、Server.Transfer()方法 1. 实现页面跳转的同时将页面的控制权进行移交 2. 页面跳转过程中Request Session等保存的信息不变,跳转之后可以使用上一个页面提交的数据 3. 跳转之后浏览器地址栏的Url不变 4. 这种方法的重定向请求是在服务器端的进行的,浏览器不知道页面已经发生了一次跳转五、Server.Execute()方法 1. 该方法允许当前页面执行同一个Web服务器上的另一个页面 2. 页面执行完毕之后重新回到原始页面发出Server.Execute()的位置。 3. 这种方式类似针对页面的一次函数调用 被请求的页面可以使用原始页面的表单数据和查询字符串集合 4. 被调用页面的Page指令的EnableViewStateMac属性设置为False JavaScript string str = "<script language=javascript>history.go(-2);</script>"; Response.Write(str);


无痕内衣Seamless underwear ~/是什么意思



window.location.href =


<script type="text/javascript">var now=new Date();alert("成功登陆!");location.href="index.asp?time="+now.getTime();</script>

labour day classic造句 labour day classicの例文

Labour Day Classic , as if there were only one game. The games also lack a presenting sponsor as the Labour Day Classic games have. Unpke the Labour Day Classic , the teams in the Thanksgiving Day Classic rotate each year. The seating was first put to use during the Labour Day Classic against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Tim Hortons Field, still not pletely finished, opened in time for the Labour Day Classic . He was honoured by the Tiger-Cats at a halftime ceremony during the 2007 Labour Day Classic along with Rob Hitchcock The Riders were heading into the Labour Day Classic needing to find a way to win against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. The NBCSN deal included nine regular season games starting August 27 ( including Labour Day Classic games ) and all the playoffs. Before the Tiger-Cats" Labour Day Classic game against Toronto, Hamilton was in last place in the East Division. It is one of o weeks in which the league plays on Monday afternoons, the other being the Labour Day Classic . It"s difficult to see labour day classic in a sentence. 用 labour day classic 造句挺难的 The CFL"s annual Eastern Division Labour Day Classic pits the Hamilton Tiger-Cats against perennial rivals the Toronto Argonauts. It is typically one of o days in which the league plays on a Monday afternoon; the other is the Labour Day Classic . Pierce came back for the Labour Day Classic against the Saskatchewan Roughriders, but, for his third consecutive start, was injured in the game. The Blue Bombers successfully improved upon their 5 13 record from 2015, after defeating the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Labour Day Classic on September 4. The Tiger-Cats"hosting of the Labour Day Classic was in jeopardy for 2013 due to a schedule confpct at the team"s home stadium. During the 2007 Labour Day Classic match beeen the Calgary Stampeders and the Edmonton Eskimos, a total of four streakers and one partially clothed man disrupted the game. As the league has been increasing in popularity in recent years, print ads for the Labour Day Classic try to evoke the tradition of watching Canadian football on the last weekend of summer. In his return to Saskatchewan on August 31, 2014, Dressler had three receptions for 28 yards in a 35-30 win over the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the Labour Day Classic . The ""Banjo Bowl ""is the annual rematch game beeen the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League ( CFL ) after the Labour Day Classic . Occasionally, the band takes its show on the road by representing Toronto and its fans in other cities such as Hamilton and Montreal for events such as the Labour Day Classic and playoff games. This was originally started in 1997 to pensate for not being part of the Labour Day Classic festivities; Montreal and the various Ottawa franchises normally play on Labour Day when both franchises are active. Braidwood recorded his first professional touchdown on September 8, 2006, recovering a fumble from Calgary Stampeders quarterback Henry Burris and taking it into the endzone during the rematch of the Labour Day Classic in Edmonton. His performance in the 2001 Labour Day Classic , when Maas was the offensive star and recorded a late 23-yard run to set up the winning field goal as time expired, made him an instant fan favourite. Mahoney joined the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League as an executive in 1955 and, in 1959, moved the Labour Day Classic match against the rival Edmonton Eskimos from Edmonton to Calgary where it has been played ever since. The low point of the season occurred in Tim Burke"s debut as head coach on September 2, 2012, in which the team suffered a 52 0 shutout loss to their biggest rivals the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Labour Day Classic . Fittingly, the Argonauts first game was against a club from Hamilton, The o teams meet in Hamilton every year in the Labour Day Classic , a league wide tradition since the late 1940s in which the game"s greatest rivalries are showcased. The Riders"traditional rivals had moved to the East Division the previous year following the demise of the Ottawa Renegades, and the 2007 championship game marked the first time that the o Labour Day Classic opponents played each other in a Grey Cup game. The new stadium, still not yet plete with only 18, 000 seats ready for use, opened in time for the Labour Day Classic ( again as a matter of necessity because of Ontario University Athletics"tradition that also plays games on Labour Day ). In the Canadian Football League, where games are played on Canadian Thanksgiving, the CFL hosts o games in the Thanksgiving Day Classic; it is one of only o weeks each year in which the CFL plays on a Monday, the other being the Labour Day Classic . In 2004, after being released by the 49ers following their training camp, Bruce returned to the CFL with the Toronto Argonauts, signing with them on September 3, more than halfway through the CFL season and just shortly before their Labour Day Classic game against the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in which he played. It"s difficult to see labour day classic in a sentence. 用 labour day classic 造句挺难的 A Labour Day tradition in Atlantic Canada is the Wharf Rat Rally in Digby, Nova Scotia, while the rest of Canada watches the Labour Day Classic , a Canadian Football League event where rivals pke Calgary Stampeders and Edmonton Eskimos, Hamilton Tiger-Cats and Toronto Argonauts ( except in university football on Labour Day. While the traditional Labour Day Classic game is always played on the Sunday before Labour Day at Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field in Regina, Saskatchewan, there is usually a rematch on the following weekend beeen these o rival prairie teams at Investors Group Field ( previously held at Canad Inns Stadium ) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Hamilton Tiger-Cats played CFL games annually in all but three years beeen 1958 and 1982, hosting the vast majority of them; Hamilton also hosted three times in four years from 1990 to 1993 and again hosted a Thanksgiving matchup in 2013 due to stadium construction disrupting their hosting of the 2013 Labour Day Classic . TSN"s broadcast schedule got underway on June 28 with a season opening double-header featuring Montreal vs . BC ( Aug . 31 and Sept . 9 ), the traditional Labour Day Classic Weekend with Winnipeg at Saskatchewan ( Sept . 2 ) and the Hall of Fame Game featuring Winnipeg at Hamilton ( Sept . 15 ). Although not associated with the Labour Day Classic , the week after Labour Day often has a repeat match-up of the Bombers vs Roughriders ( see Banjo Bowl ), Stampeders vs Eskimos ( see Battle of Alberta ), and Tiger-Cats vs Argonauts, ( a rivalry which began in 1873 ) with home field advantage now to the team that did not have it during the Labour Day weekend. The Canadian Football League entered into a much more generous contract with the America One television work that had run from 2001 through 2009 . That contract allowed for the majority of CFL games to be televised in the United States, with America One NFL preseason ), any playoff games, the Labour Day Classic ( one of the Labour Day games was carried in 2011 but not the other ), Thanksgiving Day Classic, or the Grey Cup. The most popular featured week in the CFL season is the Labour Day Classic , played over the course of the Labour Day weekend, where the matchups feature the first half of home-and-home series beeen the traditional geographic rivalries of Toronto Hamilton ( a rivalry which began in 1873 The following week"s rematch of these games is a popular event as well, especially in recent years, where the rematch of the Saskatchewan Winnipeg game has been dubbed the Banjo Bowl. Tim Hortons Field opened in time for the 2014 Labour Day Classic , which coincided with the Tiger-Cats going on a long run that propelled the team from 1 6 prior to that game to 9 9 ( in a year when the East was particularly weak, this was enough to win the division ) and o further playoff wins, propelpng the team to its second straight Grey Cup appearance, which would also be its second straight Grey Cup loss as the Calgary Stampeders held off a late eback effort from the Tiger-Cats to win 20 16.





REASON(karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:REASON(karaoke)歌手:小坂由美子专辑:REASON 宇宙の骑士テッカマンブレード主题歌I figured it outI was high and low and everything in betweenI was wicked and wild, baby, you know what I meanTill there was you, yeah, youSomething went wrongI made a deal with the devil for an emptyI.O.U.Been to hell and back, but an angel was looking throughIt was you, yeah, youIts all because of youYou are the reasonYou are the reason I wake up every dayAnd sleep through the nightYou are the reason, the reasonThe reason...In the middle of the nightIm going down cause I adore youI want to floor youIm giving it upNo more running around spinning my wheelYou came out of my dream and made it realI know what I feelIts youIts all because of youIn the middle of the nightIm going down cause I want youI want to touch youI want to floor you

请问汽车变速器里面的止推垫圈( thrust washer)是做什么用的啊?





你的路径有问题啊你要cd接着javac hellotianhui.java再java hellotianhui mysql 保存tinyint 出错怎么办,tinyint默认为0,但一保存,结果变成了null???


was i the only one的中文歌词,jordin sparks


meg has a big fat red pen

meg has a big fat red pen迈克有一个大胖的红笔

阅读理解。 Marco Polo was born in Venice?

1. the most famous ; travelled; 2. called; all the things 3. few people; him/ what he said 4. travel to China; a Chinese official 5. for almost 25 years; quite old,4,阅读理解。 Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous foreigner to visit Asia during the Middle Ages. He wrote a book about his travels. In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard. Many people in the west read the book, but few believed what Marco Polo said in the book. He told stories about a lot of strange people and places. But at that time nobody knew these places and the people. When Marco Polo was still very young, he decided to travel together with his father. It took them more than three years to travel to China, later he became a friend of the Chinese emperor (皇帝) . He learned to speak Chinese when he traveled around, and he talked to many people in Chinese. The emperor liked him and made him a Chinese Official. At that time Marco Polo was only thirty years old. After nearly seventeen years" travel in the east, Marco and his father wanted to go back home. When Marco and his father arrived in Venice many years later, their family and friends saw them again. They couldn"t believe their eyes because Marco and his farther were quite old. Marco Polo and his father had been away for almost 25 years. 1. Marco Polo was foreigner who ________ to Asia during the Middle Ages. 2. Marco Polo wrote a famous book ________ “The Travels of Marco Polo". He told people _______ he saw and heard in the book. 3. Many people in the west read the book, but ________ believed ________. 4.It took Marco Polo and his father over three years to________.And Marco Polo worked as _______ in 1284. 5. Marco Polo and his father had been away ________. When they got back home in Venice, they were ________.



The Merchant Of Venice威尼斯商人中bassanio 的经历


has been proven to be wrong能不能改成....?

has 是已经的意思 been是被动The search proved difficult search不能自己证明它需要被证明 所以是被动 如果已经被证明了就需要加has了

hql:select new 把查出的数据封装到对象中出现Unable to locate class 错误 请高手帮帮忙.

你的hql里 com.zrj.bankSelect包名少了entity 应该改成select new com.zrj.entity.BankSelect(bankNum,bankName)from BankInfo as bank where 1=1

it has been proved和it has been proven两种现象

谁说prove不能用被动? 但我建议你强调动词用法用前者, 而proven多用作形容词

Kill me heal me OST幻听-张在仁/NaShow的歌词罗马音 拜托!!急用

kill me heal me OST 幻听-张在仁&NaShow(歌词)ub0b4 uc548uc5d0 uc228uc740 uac83ub4e4uc774 ub9d0uc774uc57c潜藏于我体内的那些家伙ub0a0 ucc38 ub9ceuc774 ubcc0ud558uac8c ud588uc796uc544让我真的变了很多ub0a0 uc7a0uc7acuc6b0uace0 ub450 uc190 ubb36uace0uc120将我催眠 捆绑双手uc5b4ub450uc6b4 ubc29uc5d0 uac00ub46c ub1a8uc796uc544囚禁在黑暗的房间里uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 uc2dcuac04uc758 uc870uac01ub4e4那些遗失的时间碎片ub0b4uac00 ubc84ub9b0 uc0acub791uc758 uae30uc5b5ub4e4我所抛弃的爱情记忆uc0aduc81cub418uace0 ubc84ub824uc9c4 uccb4都被删除 都被毁灭uaecdub370uae30ub9cc ub0a8uc558uc796uc544只剩下一具空壳uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ubaa8ub978 uccb4一无所知的我ub09c uadf8uc800 uc18cub9acucce4uace0只能放声呐喊uadf8uc800 uadf8 uae30uc5b5ubfd0uc774uc9c0仅剩那样的记忆uc5bcuc74cucc98ub7fc ucc28uac00uc6e0ub358 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cub3c4我冷漠如冰的内心uc790uace0 ub098uba74 uc78aud600 uc9c0uaca0uc9c0沉睡之后 就会被忘却吧ubc97uc5b4ub098uace0 uc2f6uc5b4我想要摆脱ub0a0 uc625 uc8c4ub294 uace0ud1b5uc5d0uc11c摆脱那让我窒息的痛苦ub204uac00 ub098ub97c uaebcub0b4 uc918有谁能够拯救我uc774 uc0c1ucc98ub85c uac00ub4ddud55c ub0b4 uc601ud63c uc18duc5d0uc11c从伤痕累累的灵魂中将我救赎uae4auac8c ubb3cub4e4uc778 ubc24ud558ub298uc740墨色浓重的夜空ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ubabbud55c ub108uc758 ubaa8uc2b5uc774你无法离去的身影uc7a0ub4e0 ub098ub97c uae68uc6b0uace0 ub098uc11c唤醒沉睡的我ub2e4uc2dc uc785uc744 ub9deucd94uace0再度吻上双唇uc0acub791ud574 uc18duc0aduc774ub358那句我爱你的低语ub124 ubaa9uc18cub9acuac00 ub108uc758 ud5a5uae30uac00你的声音 你的气息ub9e4uc77c uadd3uac00uc5d0 ub4e4ub824uc628ub2e4每天萦绕在我耳际ub10c uc5b4ub514 uc788ub294ub370你如今在哪里ub10c ubcfc uc218 uc5c6ub294 uacf3uc5d0 uac10ucdc4uace0你隐藏在我看不到的地方ub0a0 ub300uc2e0ud574uc11c ubc1bub294 uace0ud1b5代替我承受的痛苦ub0b4 ubd84ub178uac00 ud558ub098 ub418uba74一旦与我的愤怒融合uae4auac8c uc7a0ub4e4uc5b4 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 uae30uc5b5uc744 ucad3uace0便驱逐沉睡后遗失的记忆ub108 uc544ub2cc uc9c4uc9dc ub0a0 ucc3euace0 uc2f6uc5b4ub3c4我想寻找的不是你 而是真正的我ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ub4e0 uba4duc774 ub108ubb34ub3c4 ucee4可是心里的淤青已经太深uac10ucdb0ubd10ub3c4 ub0b4 uc548uc5d0 uc228uc5b4uc788ub358即使试着掩盖 体内蛰伏的ub188ub4e4uc774 ub098ud0c0ub098 uc7a0uc744 uae68uc6cc家伙们也会出现 打破沉眠ub054ucc0dud588ub358 ub0b4 uae30uc5b5 uc800ud3b8uc5d0uc11c在我可怕的记忆彼端ub110 ub9c8uc8fcud588uc5c8uace0遇到了你ub0b4 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 uac10uc815uae4cuc9c0 uac10uc2f8uc8fcuba70连我遗失的感情也一并包容ub110ube0cub7ecuc9c4 ub0a0 uc77cuc73cucf1c uc92cuc5b4让溃散的我振作uaf2d uc7a1uc740 uc190 ub193uc9c0 uc54auc73cub824为了不放开那紧握住的手uc545ubabduc758 uc2dcuac04 uae68ub057uc774 uc9c0uc6b0ub824为了彻底抹去噩梦的时光uc548uac04ud798 uc4f0uace0 uc788uc5b4竭尽全力ub0b4uac00 ub0a0 uac00ub46cub454 uc774uacf3uc5d0uc11c在我将自我囚禁之处uc5b4ub460uc744 uac77uc5b4走在黑暗里ub108ub97c ucc3euace0 uc2f6uc740ub370想要寻找你ub110 ub9ccuc9c8 uc218ub3c4明明无法触摸uc548uae38 uc218ub3c4 uc5c6ub294ub370也无法被拥抱ub0a0 uc9c0ubc30ud558ub294 uac74能够支配我的ub0b4 uc548uc5d0 uc0b4uace0 uc788ub294 uadf8ub7f0 ub188ub4e4uc774 uc544ub0d0并不是存于我体内的那些家伙ub0a0 uce58uc720ud558ub294 uac74 ub3c5ud55c uc57duc774 uc544ub0d0能够治愈我的并不是强效的药ub2e8uc9c0 uc0acub791 ub450 uae00uc790仅是爱情二字而已uadd3uac00uc5d0 ub4e4ub9acub294 ubaa9uc18cub9b0耳际传来的声音uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub098ub97c uae68uc6b0uace0唤醒迷失的我ubab8uc744 uac10uc2f8uace0 uc785uc744 ub9deucd94uace0 ub09c ub4a4环抱身躯 亲吻之后uc0acub77cuc9c0uace0 ub354ub294 ubcfc uc218 uc5c6uc796uc544就此消失 再也见不到uae4auac8c ubb3cub4e4uc778 ubc24ud558ub298uc740墨色浓重的夜空ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ubabbud55c ub108uc758 ubaa8uc2b5uc774你无法离去的身影uc7a0ub4e0 ub098ub97c uae68uc6b0uace0 ub098uc11c唤醒沉睡的我ub2e4uc2dc uc785uc744 ub9deucd94uace0再度吻上双唇uc0acub791ud574 uc18duc0aduc774ub358那句我爱你的低语ub124 ubaa9uc18cub9acuac00 ub108uc758 ud5a5uae30uac00你的声音 你的气息ub9e4uc77c uadd3uac00uc5d0 ub4e4ub824uc628ub2e4每天萦绕在我耳际ub10c uc5b4ub514 uc788ub294ub370你如今在哪里ub2ffuc744 uc218 uc5c6ub294 ubc24ud558ub298uc5d4无法触及的夜空ub4a4ub3ccuc544uc11cub294 ub108uc758 ubaa8uc2b5uc774你转过身的模样uc9c0uce5c ub0a0 uc774ub807uac8c ubc97uc5b4ub098就这样摆脱疲惫的我uadf8ub9bcucc98ub7fc ub9ccub4e0ub2e4如画一般被创造出ubbf8uc548ud574 ub110 ubd99uc7a1uace0对不起 紧抓住你uba40uc5b4uc9c0uc9c0 ub9c8 uc560ud0c0uac8c ubd88ub7ec请不要远离 焦急地呼唤ub2e4uc2dc ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54aub294 uc2acud514uc5d0那再也看不到的悲伤ub610 ub208ubb3cub9cc ud758ub7ec又让我潸然落泪

it has proven 对还是it has been proven对???求解

it has been proved!



washed to the shore

to 是介词,to the shore 到海岸.这里介词短语做状语 are washed be加动词的过去分词是被动.被冲刷 一些不常见的生物被冲刷到了岸边

kill me please翻译

您好!kill me please.请杀了我吧。

急求高人!现在日本成田机场shore pass不给了吗? 必须要办过境签证吗?


日本的shore pass,怎么签?

日本大使馆建议是申请转机签证,凭机票和最终目的国签证就可以了,名正言顺的在日本停留游玩 Shore Pass,可停留72小时,主要是给转机时间长的乘客,顺便看看

kill me now please英翻译汉语



辨析:bank, shore, coast 【bank】 指河岸,河堤. 1.Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat… 河岸上的一些人大声向船里的人呼叫…… 2.I take a walk along the bank every morning. 我每天早晨在河岸上散步. 【shore】指湖、海岸. 1.She knew she was near the shore. 她知道她离海岸不远了. 2.We walked along the shore of the lake. 我们沿湖岸走着. 【coast】仅指海岸. 1.She is going to set out from the French coast at five o"clock in the morning. 她将在早上五点钟从法国海岸出发. 2.Most of Rena"s school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast. 欧娜的大多数同学将在英国海岸上等候她. 希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

soast shore海岸的区别?


英语近义词辨析:bank, shore, coast,并各举2个例句以上说明。

辨析bank, shore, coast三个名词如下:bank: 一般指河岸,河堤。1. Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat… 河岸上的一些人大声向船里的人呼叫……2. I take a walk along the bank every morning. 我每天早晨在河岸上散步。shore:一般指湖、海岸。1. She knew she was near the shore. 她知道她离海岸不远了。2. We walked along the shore of the lake. 我们沿湖岸走着。coast:仅仅指海岸。 1. She is going to set out from the French coast at five o"clock in the morning. 她将在早上五点钟从法国海岸出发。2. Most of Rena"s school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast. 欧娜的大多数同学将在英国海岸上等候她。

硅橡胶硬度区分,shoreA, shore00, AskerC

AskerC的意思是日本ASKER硬度计-C型 硬度计的型号而已常见的邵氏(shore)硬度计只有2种,也就是shore-D 和 shore-A,区别在于压测的针头不一样。前者较为尖锐,而后者较为圆钝。前者多用来测试硬度高的,以聚氨酯为代表的热固性树脂的硬度。后者基本是比较软的橡胶测试。shore-00是很不常见的硬度计,一般都测试超级超级软的玩意,比如口香糖,发泡泡沫等。

Panama (Remastered Live Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Panama (Remastered Live Version)歌手:Van Halen专辑:The Very Best Of Van HalenJump back, what"s that sound ?Here she comes, full blast and top down.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue.Model citizen zero disciplineDon"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"l lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaAin"t nothin" like it, her shiny machine.Got the feel for the wheel, keep the moving parts clean.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue,Got an on-ramp comin" through my bedroom.Don"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"ll lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaYeah, we"re runnin" a little bit hot tonight.I can barely see the road from the heat comin" off of it.Ah, you reach down, between my legs,Ease the seat back.She"s blinding, I"m flying,Right behind the rear-view mirror now.Got the feeling, power steering,Pistons popping, ain"t no stopping now!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,



澳大利亚这街道怎么翻译?街道类型是什么?99 East End Crs, , St Albans Park. VIC

这个地址 99 East End crescent , St. Albans Park. VIC.可以翻译成。维多利亚省圣阿尔班斯公园东端月弧街99号。Crescent 是指月弧就(弯)形的街道。一般点说就是弯道,文艺点说就是月弧街,月亮湾。



Viva Las Vegas 歌词

歌曲名:Viva Las Vegas歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis Double Features Viva Las Vegas & RoustabouTwilight City gonna set my soulIt"s gonna set my soul on fireGot a whole lot of money that"s ready to burnSo get those stakes up highThere"s a thousand pretty women waiting out thereThey"re all waiting, they"ll never make airAnd I"m just the devil with a lung to spare, soViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva Las VegasHow I wish that there were moreThan the 24 hours in the dayEven if I ran out of speed, boyI wouldn"t sleep a minute of the wayOh that blackjack and poker and the roulette wheelI"ll poach your money lost on every dealAll you need is sonar and nerves of steel, soViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva Las VegasWhere the neon signs flash your nameThe one-arm bandits cash inAll soap"s down the drainViva Las VegasTurning day into nighttimeTurning night into daytimeIf you see it onceYou"ll never be the same againGotta keep on runningGonna have me some moneyIf it costs me my very last dimeIf I wind up brokeThen I"ll always remember thatI had a swingin" timeOh, I"m gonna give it everything I"ve gotLady Luck"s with me, the dice stay hotGot coke up my nose to dry away the snot, soViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva Las VegasViva, viva Las VegasBy:B-side~~~啊!~~终于弄完整张专辑的歌词拉~~


Chaseng Keith的包包是卡地亚旗下的一个品牌,是在2000年在新加坡创立的,这个品牌的包包是时尚人群的首选,这个品牌的包包不仅能够凹造型,还是非常实用的,包包的口袋比较大,能够满足人们的基本需求。总体来说,Chaseng Keith品牌的包包是很具创造力的,可以作为入门级轻奢品牌包包购买,并且还有一定的升值空间,在新加坡、法国当地还是比较受到欢迎的。Chaseng Keith的档次Chaseng Keith这个品牌的包包是中高端档次的,此品牌的箱包类型很多,主要延续了品牌简洁和简约的设计理念,并且还要在其中添加了很多的流行元素。包包的设计非常大方时尚,成为人们比较追捧的品牌之一,总的来说这个品牌面向的是中高端类型的顾客,性价比总体来说还是很不错的。

Make the following paragraph easier to understand

To make the paragraph easier to be understood you can employ the following techniques: 1. Spot and remove adjectives or adverbs that do not deliver real meanings 2. Use active voice rather than passive voice 3. Replace long definitions with words that encapsulate the same meaning Synthetic cubi *** is __much more energetic__ (Much more energetic than what? If this is a stand alone paragraph "much more" would be prime candidates for elimination) and often makes use of collage __normally playing cards or musical notation paper__ (Does the reader care what type of collage is being used?). __This type of cubi *** was developed by Picasso__ (passive voice sentence; note that the subject is also the same as in the previous sentence). __During the o artists" time of collaboration from 1907 and ending with the First World War__(Does the phrase not essentially say that the o artists collaborated from 1907 to the end of the First World War?) their styles intermingled and they painted the same subjects making their works __at times closely resemble each other__ (Does this not simply mean "similar?"). After the above *** ysis you may e up with the following: Synthetic cubi *** developed by Picasso is energetic and often makes use of collage using playing cards or musical notation paper. When the o artists collaborated from 1907 until the end the First World War their styles intermingled and they painted the same subjects making their works of close resemblance at times. Synthetic cubi *** is an energetic collage using playing-cards or musical notation papers which was developed by Picasso. During their collaboration beeen 1907 and the end of World War I the o artists painted the same subjects thereby producing the closely resemble art works . Hope this helps !

having breakfast helps you keep fit语法知识

动词在句中用作非谓语的时候要加ing或者用被动形式.用法是 主动doing,被动done. 例句:That boy trembling in the cold wind is very poor.省略了who is.That boy who is trembling in the cold wind is very poor. 在逗号后面的非谓语,也是主动doing,被动done. The boy eats his breakfast in the cold wind,trembling..这是一种伴随状态. 有些动词后面加上ing还可以作为形容词用.比方说,interesing,exciting,intriguing. 自己整理的可能不完整~



怎么理解这题he shook his head as if ___ no .

像是要说,但实际还未说,所以用to say,用said 表示说了,这是不符的,

Outkast的《Roses》 歌词

歌曲名:Roses歌手:Outkast专辑:Speakerboxxx/The Love BelowArtist: OutKastTitle: RosesCaroline! Caroline!All the guys would say she"s mighty fineBut mighty fine only got you somewhere half the timeAnd the other half either got you cursed out, or coming up shortYeah, now dig this, even thoughYou"d need a golden calculator to divideThe time it took to look inside and realize thatReal guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!I know you"d like to thank your shit don"t stankBut lean a little bit closerSee that roses really smell like boo-booYeah, roses really smell like boo-booCaroline! See she"s the reason for the word "bitch"I hope she"s speeding on the way to the clubTrying to hurry up to get to someBaller or singer or somebody like thatAnd try to put on her makeup in the mirrorAnd crash, crash, crash.. into a ditch! (Just Playing!)She needs a golden calculator to divideThe time it took to look inside and realize thatReal guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!Well she"s got a hotty body, but her attitude is pottyWhen I met her at a party she was hardly acting naughtyI said "Would you call me?"She said "Pardon me, are you ballin"?"I said "Darling, you sound like a prostitute pursing"Oh so you"re one them freaks, get geeked at the sight of ATM receiptsBut game been peeped, dropping names she"s weakTrickin" off this bitch is lostMust take me for a geek a quick way to eatA neat place sleep, a rent-a-car for a week, a trick for a treatNow go on the raw sex, my AIDS test is flawlessRegardless, we don"t want to get involved with no lawyersAnd judges just to hold grudges in a courtroomI wanna see ya support bra not support you!Better come back down to MarsGirl, quit chasin" carsWhat happens when the dough get so lowBitch, you ain"t that fineNo way.. no way.. no wayCrazy bitchBitch, stupid ass bitchOld punk ass bitch, old dumbass bitchA bitch"s bitch, just a bitch

supraspinous toss这是什么意思

supraspinous toss棘突上的抛


首先准备环境 ElasticSearch : logstash : kibana : ik : ElasticSearch 是一个实时分布式搜索和分析引擎,主要用于全文搜索,结构化搜索,分析以及将这三者混合使用。 Lucene 是一个全文检索引擎的架构。 ElasticSearch vs Solr 总结 (1)es基本是开箱即用,非常简单。Solr安装略微复杂一丢丢,可关注( solr6.6教程-基础环境搭建(一) ) (2)Solr 利用 Zookeeper 进行分布式管理,而 Elasticsearch 自身带有分布式协调管理功能。 (3)Solr 支持更多格式的数据,比如JSON、XML、CSV,而 Elasticsearch 仅支持json文件格式。 (4)Solr 官方提供的功能更多,而 Elasticsearch 本身更注重于核心功能,高级功能多有第三方插件提供,例如图形化界面需要kibana友好支撑 (5)Solr 查询快,但更新索引时慢(即插入删除慢),用于电商等查询多的应用; ES建立索引快(即查询慢),即实时性查询快,用于facebook新浪等搜索。 Solr 是传统搜索应用的有力解决方案,但 Elasticsearch 更适用于新兴的实时搜索应用。 (6)Solr比较成熟,有一个更大,更成熟的用户、开发和贡献者社区,而 Elasticsearch相对开发维护者较少,更新太快,学习使用成本较高。 ik分词器: ik提供了两个分词算法:ik_smart和ik_max_word,其中ik_smart为最少切分,ik_max_word为最细粒度切分。 ik_smart: ik_max_word: ik分词器可以增加自己的配置,自己配置词典。

Event Cinema里面的VMAX和Gold Class有什么区别?

VMAX 超大屏幕GOLD Class 有贵宾休息室。躺着看,厅小,屏幕小。 还可点酒水,餐点(如 seafood plater),巨好吃,但贵。

How can you keep fit____ you smoke so much? A as B while C when D for

when从句的谓语动词可以在主句谓语动作之前、之后或同时发生;while和as从句的谓语动作必须是和主句谓语动作同时发生。 从句动作在主句动作前发生 只用 when。从句动作和主句动作同时发生 且从句动作为延续性动词时 when,while,as都可使用。这句话中肯定是先开始抽烟 身材才会变化 或者说抽烟以来都没有变 因此两个动作有先后。


Using BasicAuth with SolrJIn SolrJ, the basic authentication credentials need to be set for each request as in this example:SolrRequest req ;//create a new request object req.setBasicAuthCredentials(userName, password); solrClient.request(req);Query example:QueryRequest req = new QueryRequest(new SolrQuery("*:*")); req.setBasicAuthCredentials(userName, password); QueryResponse rsp = req.process(solrClient);


1.1 以MPART_ALT_DIFF BODY的主题: (HTML and text parts are different)超文本与txt文本是不同的! TVD_SPACE_RATIO BODY: 空间比格式(TVD_SPACE_RATIO)

the tent was full of water 为什么不用the tent full of water

be full of 是固定词组哦


从两个方面对ElasticSearch和Solr进行对比,从关系型数据库中的导入速度和模糊查询的速度。单机对比1. Solr 发布了4.0-alpha,试了一下,发现需要自己修改schema,好处是它自带一个data importer。在自己的计算机上测试了一下,导入的性能大概是:14分钟导入 3092730 条记录,约合 3682条/秒。2. 3百万条记录的情况下,模糊查询和排序基本都在1秒内返回3. 刚才的测试,是每个field单独存储,现在修改了一下配置文件,增加了一个copyField,所有的field都拷贝一份到text这个field里面去,导入的性能大概是:19分钟导入了3092730 条记录,约合 2713条/秒4. 3百万条记录的情况下,针对text的模糊查询基本在1秒内返回,但是针对所有记录的排序,大概要2~3秒5. 使用 elasticsearch 0.19.8,缺省配置,用单任务导入,导入性能是:20分钟导入了3092730 条记录,约合2577条/秒6. 3百万条记录的情况下,查询基本上在1秒内返回,但是模糊查询比较慢,第一次要10秒,后来大概要1~3秒。加上排序大概需要5秒,整体排序基本100ms查询及排序的指令:{ "query": { "query_string": { "query": "*999*" } }, "sort": [ { "TIME_UP": { "order": "asc" } } ]}7. Es0.19.8,用两个任务导入,导入性能是:13分钟导入了3092730 条记录,约合3965条/秒8. Solr全部建好索引后,占用磁盘空间是1.2G,es占用磁盘空间是4G单机对比2在一台Intel i7,32G内存的机器上,重新跑这两个的对比。不过有个重大的区别在于,Solr是在这台性能很好的机器上跑,而es的导入进程则是在一台Intel 四核 2.5G,4G内存的机器上跑的,也许会有性能的差异。ES版本0.19.8,Solr版本4.0-ALPHA。1. Solr的导入性能:3400万条记录,用时62分钟,平均9140条/秒,占用空间12.75G2. 使用 *999* 这样的模糊查询,3秒以内返回,稍长一点的查询条件 *00100014*,也是2~3秒返回3. Es的导入性能(设置Xmx为10G):3400万条记录,用时40分钟,平均14167条/秒,占用空间33.26G,客户端采用4个并发。4. 使用 *999* 这样的模糊查询,9秒返回,稍长一点的查询条件 *00100014*,11.8秒返回5. 如果不是针对所有字段查询,而是针对某个特定字段,比如 SAM_CODE: *00100014*,那么也是1秒以内返回。6. 结论:es的查询效率也可以很高,只是我们还不会用。7. 结论2:es有个设置是把所有字段放一块的那个,缺省是放一起,但是不知道为什么没起到应有的作用。备注:1. Solr第一次的那个内存使用的是缺省设置,这次改为10G,结果导入性能反而变差了,400万条记录,用了8分钟,平均8333条/秒,不知道为什么。2. 改回缺省的内存配置,导入速度仍然慢。3. 重启Linux,用10G的内存配置,再导入,5030万条记录,用时92分,约9112条/秒,说明导入速度和内存配置没有大差别4. 在10G配置的情况下,检索速度也差别不大。5. 为了搞清楚lucene4.0和solr4.0的进步有多大,下载了solr3.6.1,所幸的是4.0的配置文件在3.6.1上也可以用,所以很快就搭起来进行测试,导入性能为:3400万条记录,用时55分钟,约10303条/秒,占用空间13.85G。查询性能:*999*第一次11.6s,*00100014* 27.3s,相比4.0ALPHA的结果(5000万结果当中,*999*第一次2.6s,*00100014*第一次2.5s)来说,慢了很多,与es的性能差不多,因此,也许lucene4.0真的对性能有大幅提升?集群对比:采用4台同样配置(Intel i7,32G内存)的Centos 6.3组成的集群,进行对比。1. 首先是es,很方便的就组成了一个Cluster,等上一个3400万条的Index全部均衡负载之后进行测试,导入到另外一个Index当中。2. 导入性能:8500万条记录,用时72分钟,约为19676条/秒。在前5千万条记录导入时的速度在2万/条以上,初始的速度在2.2万/条。占用空间78.6G(由于有冗余,实际占用空间为157.2G)3. 查询性能:*999*第一次13.5秒,第二次19.5秒,第三次7.4秒,第四次7.1秒,第五次7.1秒*00100014*第一次17.2秒,第二次16.6秒,第三次17.9秒,第四次16.7秒,第五次17.1秒SAM_CODE:*999*,0.8s,1.3s,0.02s,0.02s,0.02sSAM_CODE: *00100014*,0.1s,0.1s,0.02s,0.03s,0.05s4. Solr4.0-ALPHA,SolrCloud的配置还算简单,启动一个ZooKeeper,然后其他三台机器访问这个地址,就可以组成一个Cloud:机器1: nohup java -Xms10G -Xmx10G -Xss256k -Djetty.port=8983 -Dsolr.solr.home="./example-DIH/solr/" -Dbootstrap_confdir=./example-DIH/solr/db/conf/ -Dcollection.configName=xabconf3 -DzkRun -DnumShards=4 -jar start.jar &其他机器:nohup java -Xms10G -Xmx10G -Dsolr.solr.home="./example-DIH/solr/" -DzkHost= -jar start.jar &但是在执行 data import 的时候,频繁出现 OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread。查了很多资料,把Linux的ulimit当中的nproc改成10240,把Xss改成256K,都解决不了问题。暂时没有办法进行。结论1. 导入性能,es更强2. 查询性能,solr 4.0最好,es与solr 3.6持平,可以乐观的认为,等es采用了lucene4之后,性能会有质的提升3. Es采用SAM_CODE这样的查询性能很好,但是用_all性能就很差,而且差别非常大,因此,个人认为在目前的es情况下,仍然有性能提升的空间,只是现在还没找到方法。

Event Cinema里面的VMAX和Gold Class有什么区别?

VMAX指的是超大屏幕影厅,Gold Class指的是贵宾观看室。两者区别在于Gold Class类似于包间性质,在里面可以躺着看, 还可点酒水,餐点。Event Cinema:指的是大电影院,是为观众放映电影的场所。电影在产生初期,是在咖啡厅、茶馆等场所放映的。随着电影的进步与发展,出现了专门为放映电影而建造的电影院。电影的发展——从无声到有声乃至立体声,从黑白片到彩色片,从普通银幕到宽银幕乃至穹幕、环幕,使电影院的形体、尺寸、比例和声学技术都发生了很大变化。电影院必须满足电影放映的工艺要求,得到应有的良好视觉和听觉效果,现在电影已经成为人们饭后的论点。电影院构成:观众厅是电影院的主要组成部分,银幕是观众厅设计的依据,银幕尺寸的大小决定观众的容量,银幕越大容纳观众的人数越多,观众少的观众厅其银幕则相对缩小,所以观众厅的尺度实际上取决于银幕的大小。

My jaw was on the floor




as hungry as a lion

as sharp as s spear-聪明过人 as hungry as a lion-像雄狮一样凶猛 as sharp as a spear-像尖矛一样锋利 as busy as a bee-像蜜蜂一样勤快 as sly as a fox-像狐狸一样狡猾




你好!Please raise your hand before you speak. 说话之前请举手。


从开采月球水冰岛智能航天服,再从“太阳冲浪”飞船到现金的系外行星搜寻着,美国宇航局选定了一系列处在早期研发阶段的太空 探索 技术,将在2019年提供资金以进行进一步研究。 通过创新先进概念(NIAC)计划,美国宇航局为18个研究项目提供资金。这些项目旨在设计和测试各种技术概念,用于宇航局未来可能执行的 探索 任务。宇航局空间技术任务理事会负责人吉姆·鲁特尔表示:“我们的NIAC计划通过投资革命性技术研发,孕育可以改变宇航局未来任务面貌的先进概念。我们期待美国的创新者帮助我们利用新技术推动太空 探索 的边界。” 1.金星大气层勘测 BREEZE飞行器(用于极端环境和区域 探索 的仿生射线的英文首字母缩写)旨在对金星大气层进行细致勘测。这一设计将充气结构与仿生运动学相结合。研究人员研制了一个能够在金星云层下方进行观测的BREEZE原型。BREEZE利用拉紧的绳索提高飞行效率,绳索可帮助控制BREEZE的升降。此外,BREEZE还装有太阳能电池板,能够在飞行途中发电。 2. 探索 金星 图片展示的金星探测器采用双体结构,可用于执行长期地表勘测任务。双体结构包括一艘悬浮飞船和一颗着陆器,前者从金星大气层收集能量,而后利用无线传输技术,将能量传输给地表的着陆器。这项技术能够让着陆器获得源源不断的能量,进而长期执行地表勘测任务。 3.智能航天服 德州农工大学的工程师研制了一款新型航天服的原型,名为“智能航天服”(SmartSuit)。在设计上,这款航天服能够提高宇航员舱外活动的移动能力和灵活性,可用于载人火星和 其它行星 探索 任务。智能航天服采用加压设计和柔性机器人技术,能够降低宇航员与周边环境的互动难度。此外,这款航天服还装有一系列传感器和可伸展的自愈皮肤。自愈皮肤可以充当屏幕,显示周边环境的信息。 4.系外行星探测 双用途系外行星望远镜(DUET)的接收面积是计划建造的口径最大地面望远镜的4倍,口径则是后者的2倍。这架望远镜能够利用径向速度法和天体测量学技术对系外行星进行间接探测,同时也能通过测量母星所放射光线的波长,直接探测到系外行星的踪迹。 5.大气感知微探针 西弗吉尼亚大学的科学家提议使用微探针研究行星大气层。微探针悬挂在一个200米长的环上,环提供大气阻力和静电升力。这种微型探测器有两个电动吊杆,能够感知大气层的电荷,同时收割少量电量,满足探测器的用电需求。此外,微探针还将配备转换装置、用于补充和调节静电荷的激发器、集成微处理器、无线电以及传感器。 6.SPEAR深空探测器 SPEAR是一款具有成本效益的轻型核电推进探测器,利用一种反应堆慢化剂和先进的热电发电机提供动力,以大幅降低堆芯质量。借助这种探测器,天文学家可以执行深空 探索 任务。 7.开伞索解缆动力系统(RIPS) 让探测器登陆行星是一项令人敬畏的挑战。太阳能并非始终可以获取,其它能源的成本高、风险大或者过于复杂。开伞索解缆动力系统(RIPS)能够让探测器降落到拥有致密大气层的行星表面。宇航局表示:“RIPS利用了致密大气层这个有利条件,借助阻力或者浮力产生电量。在执行某些任务时,这种动力系统在重量、成本、发电量和复杂性方面均优于常规能源。” 8.星际探测器 美国宇航局格伦研究中心的天文学家希望放飞超微型探测器,勘测附近的系外行星。这种新型探测器的重量只有几毫克,能够在飞行过程中收割能量。 9.月球采矿 借助所谓的月球极地气体动力采矿前哨(LPMO),研究人员可以开采用于制造推进剂的月球极地水冰,以降低载人探月和殖民月球的成本。现在,研究小组已经锁定了月球极地陨坑附近的几个登陆区。虽然这些陨坑被永冻土覆盖并且完全处在黑暗之中,但周边区域有阳光照射。太阳能电池板可以收集阳光发电,以满足月球水冰开采前哨的用电需求。 10.太空垃圾清理 科学家提议打造横切远地点燃料补给轨道导航仪(CHARON),利用主动碎片清理技术(ADR)移除太空垃圾。ADR技术能够改变某些最大太空碎片的位置,让它们进入衰减轨道,在不到25年时间里一步步坠落地球大气层并燃烧殆尽。CHARON由从低地球轨道获取的低密度氮和氧提供动力。 11.热力采矿 科罗拉多矿业大学的研究人员研发了一项热力采矿技术,可用于开采太阳系冰冷天体的水冰资源。与其它开采技术不同,热力采矿利用重新定向的阳光直接加热冰封地表,或者利用钻孔中的导热杆和加热器,加热地下。这项开采技术简单易行且成本低廉,可用于开采制造推进剂所需的水冰。现在,研究小组正对太阳系的天体进行评估,寻找热力采矿技术的最佳地点。 12.小型卫星 受立方体卫星启发,美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的研究人员提议研制低成本小型卫星,用于 探索 太阳系外侧。他们建议派遣这种卫星造访日球层顶,即太阳风的边缘。借助这种卫星,科学家能够进一步了解太阳风的传播。 13.先进天文望远镜 与当前的天文望远镜相比,高展度多目标光谱望远镜(The MOST)无论是孔径、接收面积、视场和光谱成像性能都更胜一筹。它采用紧凑设计,制造成本更低。此外,The MOST还采用扁平膜面,便于在太空部署。膜面设计将望远镜的重量降至最低,对表面误差的容忍度也超过反射镜。THE MOST项目入选NIAC计划第二阶段,研究团队将制造和测试实验室模型。 14.旋转式运动扩展合成阵列(R-MXAS) 旋转式运动扩展合成阵列(R-MXAS)是一款具有革新性的合成孔径成像辐射计,可用于对地球进行高分辨率观测。在设计上,R-MXAS借助刚性系绳上的一个一维天线阵列以及一个或多个以一定角度环绕一维阵列的系绳天线进行观测。与当前的设计相比,这款新设计的个头更小、重量更轻并且能耗更低。 15.自导波束推进系统 德州农工大学工程学实验站的研究人员将中性粒子束与激光束相结合,研发了一款用于长途太空飞行的新型推进系统。采用这种推进系统的飞船可以造访柯伊伯带、奥尔特云或者附近的恒星系统。研究人员表示这款波束推进系统能够让星际飞船的速度达到光速的10%。该项目入选NIAC计划第二阶段。在第二阶段,研究小组将进一步打磨他们的模型,同时分析为飞船提供推进力的动力传输系统的可行性和设计。 16.太阳中微子探测器 科学家希望借助小型中微子探测器,在近距离环绕太阳飞行时对中微子进行测量。堪萨斯州威奇塔州立大学的研究人员研制了一个小型中微子探测器原型,采用先进的测量技术和探测器技术。太阳中微子由为太阳提供能量的核反应产生。这个探测器原型个头很小,装备防护盾,在近距离绕日飞行时保护用于收集数据的测量仪器。 17.衍射光帆 太阳帆利用从阳光中获取的能量驱动飞船飞行。与常规太阳能技术不同,太阳帆并不发电。光线撞击太阳帆时会改变方向,进而为飞行提供动力。顾名思义,衍射光帆利用衍射而不是反射,改变光线方向。这意味着衍射光帆的重量更轻,飞船的速度也更快。 18.太阳冲浪 所谓的“太阳冲浪”就是派遣一艘无人飞船潜入日冕或者太阳外层大气层深处。这种飞船的防护盾采用高反射率涂层,防护盾与飞船之间装有一个次级镀银反射锥,用于驱散次级红外辐射。借助这种设计,飞船可以进入到距太阳表面不到69.5万公里的区域。


x>=1时,f(x)=log2(x)是单调增的,最小值为f(1)=0x<1时,f(x)=x+c也是单调增的,最大值为f(1-)=1+c要使函数在R上单调增,则须有1+c<=0,得c<=-1因此c=-1是充分但不必要条件。选A用换底公式:a=ln6/ln3=(ln3+ln2)/ln3=1+ln2/ln3b=ln10/ln5=(ln5+ln2)/ln5=1+ln2/ln5c=ln14/ln7=(ln7+ln2)/ln7=1+ln2/ln7因为0<ln3<ln5<ln7, ln2>0 所以ln2/ln3>ln2/ln5>ln2/ln7即a>b>c选D


对变量进行向下移一行。应用举例,计算i的累计data test;set test1;lj=i+lag(i);run;


对变量进行向下移一行. 应用举例,计算i的累计 data test; set test1; lj=i+lag(i); run;


或者这个 1、到C:WindowsSystem32目录下把wgatray.exe改名为wgatray1.exe; 把wgalogon.dll改名为wgalogon1.dll 2、打开任务管理器,关闭进程中的wgatray.exe进程 3、开始-运行-输入:regedit,然后回车,打开注册表编辑器,选择“我的电脑 ”,按F3键,然后输入“WgaLogon”,点击“查找下一个”,将找到的结果全部删除 4、重新启动计算机. 最终解决办法; 重装系统后.在桌面点击右键属性-关闭自动更新.




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