
阅读 / 问答 / 标签这个视频里中间男生唱的那个英文歌叫什么名字

Red Lights - TiëstoBlacked out,Everything"s faded on your love,I"m already wasted, so closeThat I can taste it now, nowSo let"s break right out of these guilty cagesWe"re going to make it nowDon"t ever turn aroundDon"t ever turn aroundNobody else needs to knowWhere we might goWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lightsThere ain"t no reason to stayWe"ll be light years awayWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lightsWhite lights, flirt in the darknessThis road leads where your heart isThese signs, something we can"t ignore noWe can"t back downWe"ll never let them change usWe"re going to make it nowWhat are we waiting forWhat are we waiting forNobody else needs to knowWhere we might goWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lightsThere ain"t no reason to stayWe"ll be light years awayWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lightsWe could just run them red lights



183 Rajanakarn Bldg.,11th floor,south sathorn Rd.Yannawa sathorn,Bangkok,thailand10120 求翻译

183, Rajanakarn Building,11th floor, South Sathorn Road, Yan Nawa, Sathorn, Bangkok, Thailand, 10120 泰国曼谷市沙吞区扬纳瓦(或:亚那瓦)沙吞南路183号Rajanakarn(音:纳贾纳卡)大厦11楼,邮编:10120供参

urbanest carlton怎么样

挺好的公寓概况房型设计合理,现代化和实用性并重覆盖免费的无线网络最新的安保系统,门禁和监控24小时的服务团队宽敞的公共活动区,提供舒适的座椅屋顶有室外烧烤区,提供桌子和长椅宽屏电视和游戏室iMac服务站洗衣房自行车库地理位置公寓周边有许多教育和商业设施,娱乐和文化氛围浓厚。urbanest Carlton位于Berkeley街,距离墨尔本大学只有一个街区,距离墨尔本皇家理工大学只要十分钟,距离周边的商店只有2分钟行程,靠近墨尔本市中心。环境设施studio阳台,良好的视野无线网络宽屏电视房间内有镜子和置物架双人床空调和中央供热系统书桌衣柜宽敞的储物空间洗碗机冰箱微波炉烤箱/炊具采光良好的窗户Ensuite房间设施无线网络房间内有镜子和置物架双人床空调和中央供热系统书桌衣柜宽敞的储物空间公共设施冰箱洗碗机烤箱/炊具空调和中央供热系统碗柜租金包括所有的房间都有15GB/月的无线网络,网线接口、公寓内24小时值班管理团队、水、电费和个人财产保险、公寓内所有家具。希望可以帮到你,谢谢,望采纳。

adhesive bandage是什么意思

adhesive bandage[英][ədˈhi:siv ˈbændidʒ][美][ædˈhisɪv ˈbændɪdʒ]胶布绷带; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The patch is easily applied and acts like an adhesive bandage placed at the site ofthe injection.2.The electronic skin can simply be stuck on or peeled off like an adhesive bandage,he noted in a commentary on the report




晕 你用了大写,应该是korea!!




carefree abandon 什么意思?

carefree 无忧无虑的,快乐舒畅的abandon vt. 离弃, 丢弃;遗弃, 抛弃;放弃 n. 放任; 纵情

fixup overflow referencing psect cstackBANK1.怎么回事

one of Mary"s prize possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her.



1、SWIFT是Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication中文是“全球银行金融通信学会”。Swift code是“银行代码”2、bsb是澳大利亚地区的清算代码,一般是/AU+六位数,有了bsb能提高汇款至澳大利亚的清算效率,和美国的routing number(ABA)、chips,还有英国的sort code,德国的BL都有点像。3、iban一般是欧盟地区使用的,因为iban账号里基本包含了个人账号、账号的开户行等信息,所以汇款汇至欧盟地区最好提供iban4、bic相当于swift code,是基本的银行代码,使用非常广泛,全球很大部分的银行都会有swift code。扩展资料:SWIFT银行识别代码,每家申请加入SWIFT组织的银行都必须事先按照SWIFT组织的统一原则,制定出本行的SWIFT地址代码,经SWIFT组织批准后正式生效。银行识别代码(Bank Identifier Code---BIC)是由电脑可以自动判读的八位或是十一位英文字母或阿拉伯数字组成。用于在SWIFT电文中明确区分金融交易中相关的不同金融机构。凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码,即SWIFT Code。在电汇时,汇出行按照收款行的SWIFT Code发送付款电文,就可将款项汇至收款行。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。十一位数字或字母的BIC可以拆分为银行代码、国家代码、地区代码和分行代码四部分。以中国银行北京分行为例,其银行识别代码为BKCHCNBJ300。其含义为:BKCH(银行代码)、CN(国家代码)、BJ(地区代码)、300(分行代码)。(1)银行代码(Bank Code):由四位英文字母组成,每家银行只有一个银行代码,并由其自定,通常是该行的行名字头缩写,适用于其所有的分支机构。(2)国家代码(Country Code):由两位英文字母组成,用以区分用户所在的国家和地理区域。(3)地区代码(Location Code):由0、1以外的两位数字或两位字母组成,用以区分位于所在国家的地理位置,如时区、省、州、城市等。(4)分行代码(Branch Code):由三位字母或数字组成,用来区分一个国家里某一分行、组织或部门。如果银行的BIC只有八位而无分行代码时,其初始值订为“XXX”。同时,SWIFT还为没有加入SWIFT组织的银行,按照此规则编制一种在电文中代替输入其银行全称的代码。所有此类代码均在最后三位加上“BIC”三个字母,用来区别于正式SWIFT会员银行的SWIFT地址代码。参考资料:百度百科——SWIFT

bank swift code是什么意思

SWIFT Code和Bank Code的区别在以下两点:1、定义不同SWIFT Code是银行国际代码。一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,大部分银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。Bank Code是银行代码。2、位数不同Bank Code由4位英文字母组成。每家银行只有一个银行代码,并由其自定,通常是该行的行名字头缩写,适用于其所有的分支机构。SWIFT Code由十一位数字或字母组成,可以拆分为银行代码、国家代码、地区代码和分行代码四部分。以中国银行北京分行为例,其银行识别代码为BKCHCNBJ110。其含义为:BKCH(银行代码)、CN(国家代码)、BJ(地区代码)、110(分行代码)。(1)、银行代码(Bank Code):由四位英文字母组成,每家银行只有一个银行代码,并由其自定,通常是该行的行名字头缩写,适用于其所有的分支机构。(2)、国家代码(Country Code):由两位英文字母组成,用以区分用户所在的国家和地理区域。(3)、地区代码(Location Code):由0、1以外的两位数字或两位字母组成,用以区分位于所在国家的地理位置,如时区、省、州、城市等。(4)、分行代码(Branch Code):由三位字母或数字组成,用来区分一个国家里某一分行、组织或部门。如果银行的BIC只有八位而无分行代码时,其初始值订为“XXX”。同时,SWIFT还为没有加入SWIFT组织的银行,按照此规则编制一种在电文中代替输入其银行全称的代码。所有此类代码均在最后三位加上“BIC”三个字母,用来区别于正式SWIFT会员银行的SWIFT地址代码。总结:SWIFT Code的前四位字母就是Bank Code。扩展资料1、SWIFT需要会员资格。我国的大多数专业银行都是其成员。2、SWIFT的费用较低,高速度。同样多的内容,SWIFT的费用只有TELEX(电传)的18%左右,只有CABLE(电报)的2.5%左右。3、SWIFT的安全性较高。SWIFT的密押比电传的密押可靠性强、保密性高,且具有较高的自动化。4、SWIFT的格式具有标准化。对于SWIFT电文,SWIFT组织有着统一的要求和格式。用户包括三种类型,分别为:会员(股东)、子会员以及普通用户。会员可享受所有的SWIFT服务;普通用户只享有与其业务相关的服务,主要来自于证券行业,如证券中介、投资管理公司、基金管理公司等。参考资料来源:百度百科:SWIFT Code

境外汇款中的swift code ,iban码,cc码都是什么意思

SWIFT CODE 指参加SWIFT系统外币清算银行的代码,通常为银行英文名字加分支机构缩写,例如:港中行BKCHHKHH ,港渣打SCBLHKHH。中国银行深圳分行BKCHCNBJ45A,中国银行总行BKCHCNBJ,光大银行总行EVERCNBJ,光大银行深圳分行EVERCNBJSZ1。IBAN是专门往欧元区汇款时才用到的,主要国家包括意大利,德国,英国,芬兰,荷兰等,如果往这些地区汇款没有IBAN基本上都要退回来,尤其是汇欧元时清算的代码。CC码则是在做加拿大元的境外汇款时,境外收款行的清算码。扩展资料:国际银行代码的构成每家申请加入SWIFT组织的银行都必须事先按照SWIFT组织的统一原则,制定出本行的SWIFT地址代码,经SWIFT组织批准后正式生效。银行识别代码(Bank Identifier Code---BIC)是由电脑可以自动判读的八位或是十一位英文字母或阿拉伯数字组成,用于在SWIFT电文中明确区分金融交易中相关的不同金融机构。凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码,即SWIFT Code。在电汇时,汇出行按照收款行的SWIFT Code发送付款电文,就可将款项汇至收款行。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。十一位数字或字母的BIC可以拆分为银行代码、国家代码、地区代码和分行代码四部分。以中国银行上海分行为例,其银行识别代码为BKCHCNBJ300。其含义为:BKCH(银行代码)、CN(国家代码)、BJ(地区代码)、300(分行代码)。SWIFT银行识别代码由以下几部分构成:银行代码(Bank Code):由四位易于识别的银行行名字头缩写字母构成;国家代码(Country Code):根据国际标准化组织的规定由两位字母构成;地区代码(Location Code):由两位数字或字母构成,标明城市;分行代码(Branch Code):由三位数字或字母构成,标明分支机构。同时,SWIFT还为没有加入SWIFT组织的银行,按照此规则编制一种在电文中代替输入其银行全称的代码。所有此类代码均在最后三位加上“BIC”三个字母,用来区别于正式SWIFT会员银行的SWIFT地址代码。参考资料来源:百度百科-银行国际代码

Bank Swift Code 是什么意思?

SWIFT Code和Bank Code的区别在以下两点:1、定义不同SWIFT Code是银行国际代码。一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,大部分银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。Bank Code是银行代码。2、位数不同Bank Code由4位英文字母组成。每家银行只有一个银行代码,并由其自定,通常是该行的行名字头缩写,适用于其所有的分支机构。SWIFT Code由十一位数字或字母组成,可以拆分为银行代码、国家代码、地区代码和分行代码四部分。以中国银行北京分行为例,其银行识别代码为BKCHCNBJ110。其含义为:BKCH(银行代码)、CN(国家代码)、BJ(地区代码)、110(分行代码)。(1)、银行代码(Bank Code):由四位英文字母组成,每家银行只有一个银行代码,并由其自定,通常是该行的行名字头缩写,适用于其所有的分支机构。(2)、国家代码(Country Code):由两位英文字母组成,用以区分用户所在的国家和地理区域。(3)、地区代码(Location Code):由0、1以外的两位数字或两位字母组成,用以区分位于所在国家的地理位置,如时区、省、州、城市等。(4)、分行代码(Branch Code):由三位字母或数字组成,用来区分一个国家里某一分行、组织或部门。如果银行的BIC只有八位而无分行代码时,其初始值订为“XXX”。同时,SWIFT还为没有加入SWIFT组织的银行,按照此规则编制一种在电文中代替输入其银行全称的代码。所有此类代码均在最后三位加上“BIC”三个字母,用来区别于正式SWIFT会员银行的SWIFT地址代码。总结:SWIFT Code的前四位字母就是Bank Code。扩展资料1、SWIFT需要会员资格。我国的大多数专业银行都是其成员。2、SWIFT的费用较低,高速度。同样多的内容,SWIFT的费用只有TELEX(电传)的18%左右,只有CABLE(电报)的2.5%左右。3、SWIFT的安全性较高。SWIFT的密押比电传的密押可靠性强、保密性高,且具有较高的自动化。4、SWIFT的格式具有标准化。对于SWIFT电文,SWIFT组织有着统一的要求和格式。用户包括三种类型,分别为:会员(股东)、子会员以及普通用户。会员可享受所有的SWIFT服务;普通用户只享有与其业务相关的服务,主要来自于证券行业,如证券中介、投资管理公司、基金管理公司等。参考资料来源:百度百科:SWIFT Code

bank swift code是什么意思

SWIFT Code和Bank Code的区别在以下两点:1、定义不同SWIFT Code是银行国际代码。一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,大部分银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。Bank Code是银行代码。2、位数不同Bank Code由4位英文字母组成。每家银行只有一个银行代码,并由其自定,通常是该行的行名字头缩写,适用于其所有的分支机构。SWIFT Code由十一位数字或字母组成,可以拆分为银行代码、国家代码、地区代码和分行代码四部分。以中国银行北京分行为例,其银行识别代码为BKCHCNBJ110。其含义为:BKCH(银行代码)、CN(国家代码)、BJ(地区代码)、110(分行代码)。(1)、银行代码(Bank Code):由四位英文字母组成,每家银行只有一个银行代码,并由其自定,通常是该行的行名字头缩写,适用于其所有的分支机构。(2)、国家代码(Country Code):由两位英文字母组成,用以区分用户所在的国家和地理区域。(3)、地区代码(Location Code):由0、1以外的两位数字或两位字母组成,用以区分位于所在国家的地理位置,如时区、省、州、城市等。(4)、分行代码(Branch Code):由三位字母或数字组成,用来区分一个国家里某一分行、组织或部门。如果银行的BIC只有八位而无分行代码时,其初始值订为“XXX”。同时,SWIFT还为没有加入SWIFT组织的银行,按照此规则编制一种在电文中代替输入其银行全称的代码。所有此类代码均在最后三位加上“BIC”三个字母,用来区别于正式SWIFT会员银行的SWIFT地址代码。总结:SWIFT Code的前四位字母就是Bank Code。扩展资料1、SWIFT需要会员资格。我国的大多数专业银行都是其成员。2、SWIFT的费用较低,高速度。同样多的内容,SWIFT的费用只有TELEX(电传)的18%左右,只有CABLE(电报)的2.5%左右。3、SWIFT的安全性较高。SWIFT的密押比电传的密押可靠性强、保密性高,且具有较高的自动化。4、SWIFT的格式具有标准化。对于SWIFT电文,SWIFT组织有着统一的要求和格式。用户包括三种类型,分别为:会员(股东)、子会员以及普通用户。会员可享受所有的SWIFT服务;普通用户只享有与其业务相关的服务,主要来自于证券行业,如证券中介、投资管理公司、基金管理公司等。参考资料来源:百度百科:SWIFT Code

I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban

Small gathering是 addressing的宾语啊,在一场小型聚会上发言。suburban Virginia living room, 位于郊区的一个维珍妮亚风格房屋里的起居室(客厅)。从语法上说,suburban与Virginia修饰的都是living room。

I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban

I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban Virginia living room这句话中addressing后面为什么不是at a small gathering ?

the big bang theory Sheldon语录



city 随着进入上世纪70~80年代,世界工业文明的迅速发展,城市化加快,出现了大量农村劳动力向城镇转移从而形成集聚地。还有一整套功能齐全的能为城市的有秩序运行提供保障的基础设施与职能机构。它的原定义是人口在100到200万以上的,能够正常的进行政治,经济,文化生活的现代化的居民区。 当然现在有1000万人的超级城市,像伦敦,纽约就不能用urban,town,而应用city. urban 是都市化的意思 是中小型,人口50以上100以下,正在向大城市转变的城市。正在ing, 它还有一层意思 是规划建设中的意思

cities: Urban Challenge为什么打不开



City与urban区别1、city城市,比town【城镇】大一些,但小于metropolis【大都会】。A city is a large and permanent human settlement.Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town in general English language meanings, many cities have a particular administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law.city城市是法律的定义:是一个较大、永久人类栖居地;根据国家法律,具有行政、司法权利或历史地位的地方政府。2、urban是形容词,指和城市相关的内容,尤其是城市才具有的都市文化。Urban means "related to cities." It may refer to:Urban area, geographical area distinct from rural areas;Urban culture, the culture of towns and cities, sometimes used as a euphemism for African-American culture.urban和文学、文化相关的词汇,从地理来说相对于乡村地区rural areas;从文化上来说,指城市才具有的都市文化。在美国也可以指时尚、阳春白雪式白人文化以暗讽美国黑人文化African-American culture。以上内容摘自维基百科From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia。

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战地5联ban意思是指有了联ban新的确凿的情报。指有图有视频有证据,确凿的证据,整件事已经有结论了。相关知识《战地5》(Battlefield V)是一款由EA DICE开发,艺电发行的第一人称射击游戏,为《战地》系列的第14款作品。该游戏背景重回第二次世界大战,并将叙事的中心聚焦在二战时鲜为人知的内容上。《战地5》的战场非常巨大,通过在名为“盛大行动”的模式中,玩家将在多变的战场与敌人作战,全新的战斗、前线任务与奖励都将动态出现在壮阔的战场中。同时本作引入了“兄弟连(Company)”系统,玩家可以自定义角色的性别、种族、面部、发型以及大量配件,组成兄弟一起作战。



habib bank 什么意思

Habib-Bank哈比卜银行此结果来自百度翻译,长句或段落建议您使用翻译频道双语例句1. Habib grimaced at the revived memories. 重新涌上心头的记忆让哈比卜愁眉苦脸。来自柯林斯例句2. Josh Habib lay in a dirt field, gasping for air. 乔希.哈比躺在脏兮兮的地上, 喘着大气.来自互联网3. Karim Habib, also from BMW, defected to Mercedes - Benz just a few weeks ago. 卡里姆哈比, 还从宝马, 叛逃到奔驰就在几个星期前.来自互联网4. Assistant Secretary of State Dina Habib Powell says international students are welcome in the United States. 美国助理国务卿迪娜.鲍威尔表示,欢迎国际留学生来美国深造.来自互联网5. Habib said the deployment was " normal practice, which do not have to worry about. " 哈比卜说,这一部署是 “ 正常的做法, 对此不用担忧 ”.来自互联网





dota imba命令是什么啊 该ban的命令是什么


Sailor的《Copacabana》 歌词

歌曲名:Copacabana歌手:Sailor专辑:Legacy (Greatest & Latest)Artist: Barry ManilowAlbum: Ultimate ManilowTitle: Copacabana (at The Copa)Her name was Lola, she was a showgirlwith yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to thereshe would merengue and do the cha-chaand while she tried to be a starTony always tended baracross the crowded floor, they worked from 8 til 4they were young and they had each otherwho could ask for more?CHORUS:At the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana)the hottest spot north of Havana (here)at the copa (CO!) Copacabanamusic and passion were always in fashionAt the copa.... they fell in love~~wss~~His name was Ricohe wore a diamondhe was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancing thereand when she finished,he called her overbut Rico went a bit to farTony sailed across the barand then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in twothere was blood and a single gun shotbut just who shot who?REPEAT CHORUSAt the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana)the hottest spot north of Havana (here)at the copa (CO!) Copacabanamusic and passion were always in fashionAt the copa.... she lost her love~~wss~~Her name is Lola, she was a showgirl,but that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a shownow it"s a disco, but not for Lola,still in dress she used to wear,faded feathers in her hairshe sits there so refined,and drinks herself half-blindshe lost her youth and she lost her Tonynow she"s lost her mindREPEAT CHORUSAt the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana)the hottest spot north of Havana (here)at the copa (CO!) Copacabanamusic and passion were always in fashionAt the copa... don"t fall in lovedon"t fall in love~~end~~

rossini手表背后的英文 ceramic bano sapphire glass water resistant stainless steel bask 的意思

长见识了,我的手表后面就一个防水和不锈钢的说明,你这个手表,陶瓷面板 蓝宝石镜面 防水 不锈钢 光动能都出来了。

ban...form... 什么意思?


urban canyon是什么意思?



砰!(Bang!)攻击射程以内的玩家,被攻击者可用Missed!躲避。非特殊情况每个玩家在自己的轮次仅能使用一次。射失!(Missed!)躲避攻击。非特殊情况仅能被动使用。啤酒(Beer)为自己补充1点HP值,也可以做濒死回复使用。补充HP不能超过人物的最大HP值,当场面上只剩下两个人时不得使用。金丝小猫(Cat Balou)(一译金丝雀)从任意一个在场的玩家的手牌里随机抽取一张放入弃牌区;也可以废除在场玩家的一张已装备的牌放入弃牌区。恐慌(Panic!)从一个距离为1的玩家的手牌或已装备的牌抽取一张放入自己的手牌里。印第安人入侵(Indians!)除自己以外的所有玩家都要弃掉一张BANG!,无BANG!可弃或不愿意弃的扣减1点HP。决斗(Duel)可以与任意一个玩家进行单挑。单挑时,首先让对家出一张BANG!,然后自己出一张,然后对家再出一张,直到有人不能出或不愿意出BANG!为止,首先不出的玩家扣1点HP。杂货店(General Store)在摸牌区抓取与当前在场人数相等的牌,自己留一张后分给下家,由下家再挑一张在分给下家,以此类推。最后一个玩家没有选择余地。格林机枪(Gaterlin)除了自己,所有人打出一张MISSED!。小马车(Diligenra)额外在摸牌区摸两张牌。四轮马车(Wells Pargo)额外在摸牌区摸三张牌。酒吧(Saloon)为包括自己的所有人补充1点HP。即使场上剩下2人,也可以使用。不能濒死回复。闪抽(Miss-And-Draw)!(第二季以后)躲避攻击,并在攻击者手牌或装备的牌中抽一张。若攻击者没有牌了,就仅能怪自己运气差了。本卡正常状况下只能被动使用。一击!(Punch!)(第二季以后)攻击与自己距离为1的玩家,被攻击者可以用MISSED!躲避。即兴时刻(Rag Time)(第二季以后)同时弃掉这张牌和手牌中任意一张其他的牌后,再从任意一个在场玩家的手牌或装备的牌中抽取一张归入自己的手牌中。冲突(Fray)(第二季以后)同时弃掉这张牌和手牌中任意一张其他的牌后,再从其他所有人手牌中或装备的牌中抽取一张牌放入弃牌区。威士忌(Whisky)(第二季以后)同时弃掉这张牌和手牌中任意一张其他的牌后,为自己补充2点HP,可以濒死回复。即使场上剩下2人,也可以使用。龙舌兰(Tequila)(第二季以后)同时弃掉这张牌和手牌中任意一张其他的牌后,为其他任何一个玩家补充1点HP。不得对自己使用,也不可濒死回复,场上只剩下两人时不能使用。远程射击(Spring Field)(第二季以后)同时弃掉这张牌和手牌中任意一张其他的牌后,攻击在场任意一个玩家,被攻击者可以用MISSED躲避。 Volcanic(火山手枪)装备后仅能用BANG!攻击到与自己距离为1的玩家,但是每回合使用BANG!的次数没有限制。Schofield(斯科菲尔德步枪)装备后能用BANG!攻击到与自己距离为2的玩家。Remington(雷明顿冲锋枪)装备后能用BANG!攻击到与自己距离为3的玩家。Rev.Carabine(启4狙击枪)装备后能用BANG!攻击到与自己距离为4的玩家。Winchester(温彻斯特机枪)装备后能用BANG!攻击到与自己距离为5的玩家。Mustang(野马)装备后,他对所有玩家距离减少1。Appaloosa(荷兰马)装备后,所有玩家对他的距离增加1。Big Stone(大石头)(第二季以后)作用同防御马,可以和其他马匹一起装备。Barrel(酒桶)装备后,当装备者被攻击时,他可进行一次幸运判定,若判定花色为红桃,则作MISSED!,若判定牌花色不是红桃,他也可以选择使用MISSED!躲避。Jail(监狱)用来给其他玩家装备。装备后到他的轮次,他需要进行一次幸运判定,若判定牌面为红桃,则弃掉该牌继续他的轮次,若牌面为其他牌,则弃掉该牌并跳过抽牌和出牌阶段。可以同时装备两个或两个以上JAIL,判定时轮流进行判定,若第一张JAIL判定未通过,则第二张JAIL不能被弃掉。不能给警长装备。Dynamite(炸药)装备后继续游戏。到下一轮次开始时进行幸运判定,若判定花色为黑桃2-9,则弃掉此牌并损失3点HP,否则转移给下一家装备。可以同时装备两个Dynamite,判定时轮流判定,互不影响。 (第二季以后)Iron Plate(铁板)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时 纵向放置。纵向放置后可以 抵挡一次攻击。Knife(飞刀)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后可以连续攻击与自己距离为1的玩家一次(厦大版为2次)。Conestoga(大篷马车)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后可以从任意一个玩家的手牌或装备的牌中抽取一张归入自己的手牌中。Hitpoint(打点扫把)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后可以为自己补充1点HP。可以濒死回复,场上只有两人时也可以使用。CAN CAN(坎坎舞)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后可以从任意一个玩家的手牌或装备的牌中抽取一张牌放入弃牌区。Derringer(德令加枪)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后可以攻击与自己距离为1的玩家,攻击的同时从那个玩家手牌或装备的牌中抽取一张牌归入自己手牌中。抽牌的过程优先于对方出MISSED!的过程。Howitzer(榴弹炮)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后可以同时攻击除自己以外的所有玩家。Bible(《圣经》)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后可以抵挡一次攻击,同时从攻击者手牌或装备的牌中抽取一张牌。Pepperbox(胡椒瓶)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后可以攻击自己射程以内的的任意一个玩家。Rifle(来福枪)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后可以攻击任意一个玩家。Pony Express(特快专递)第一次装备时横向放置,下一轮次开始时纵向放置。纵向放置后弃掉此牌可以从摸牌区摸三张牌。

Fool Husband 什么意思


I feel it is your husband who__for the spoiled child.

A blame 无被动

I feel it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child.

我感觉这个孩子被宠坏该归罪于你的丈夫feel后面全是宾语从句 who是定语从句

I think it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child.


I feel it is your husband who ____ for the spoiled child


Band of Gold 歌词

歌曲名:Band of Gold歌手:Kit Carson专辑:Lost Hits of the 50"s (All Original Artists & Versions)Youll remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYoull forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we walk in fields of goldSo she took her loveFor to gaze awhileUpon the fields of barleyIn his arms she fell as her hair came downAmong the fields of goldWill you stay with me, will you be my loveAmong the fields of barleyWell forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we lie in fields of goldSee the west wind move like a lover soUpon the fields of barleyFeel her body rise when you kiss her mouthAmong the fields of goldI never made promises lightlyAnd there have been some that Ive brokenBut I swear in the days still leftWell walk in fields of goldWell walk in fields of goldMany years have passed since those summer daysAmong the fields of barleySee the children run as the sun goes downAmong the fields of goldYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYou can tell the sun in his jealous skyWhen we walked in fields of gold

Band Of Gold 歌词

歌曲名:Band Of Gold歌手:freda payne专辑:Greatest Ever Soul - The Definitive Collection (CD 2)Youll remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYoull forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we walk in fields of goldSo she took her loveFor to gaze awhileUpon the fields of barleyIn his arms she fell as her hair came downAmong the fields of goldWill you stay with me, will you be my loveAmong the fields of barleyWell forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we lie in fields of goldSee the west wind move like a lover soUpon the fields of barleyFeel her body rise when you kiss her mouthAmong the fields of goldI never made promises lightlyAnd there have been some that Ive brokenBut I swear in the days still leftWell walk in fields of goldWell walk in fields of goldMany years have passed since those summer daysAmong the fields of barleySee the children run as the sun goes downAmong the fields of goldYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYou can tell the sun in his jealous skyWhen we walked in fields of gold

Band Of Gold 歌词

歌曲名:Band Of Gold歌手:Seth Lakeman专辑:Freedom FieldsYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYoull forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we walk in fields of goldSo she took her loveFor to gaze awhileUpon the fields of barleyIn his arms she fell as her hair came downAmong the fields of goldWill you stay with me, will you be my loveAmong the fields of barleyWell forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we lie in fields of goldSee the west wind move like a lover soUpon the fields of barleyFeel her body rise when you kiss her mouthAmong the fields of goldI never made promises lightlyAnd there have been some that Ive brokenBut I swear in the days still leftWell walk in fields of goldWell walk in fields of goldMany years have passed since those summer daysAmong the fields of barleySee the children run as the sun goes downAmong the fields of goldYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYou can tell the sun in his jealous skyWhen we walked in fields of gold

Band Of Gold 歌词

歌曲名:Band Of Gold歌手:Marcia Griffiths专辑:Pied PiperYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYoull forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we walk in fields of goldSo she took her loveFor to gaze awhileUpon the fields of barleyIn his arms she fell as her hair came downAmong the fields of goldWill you stay with me, will you be my loveAmong the fields of barleyWell forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we lie in fields of goldSee the west wind move like a lover soUpon the fields of barleyFeel her body rise when you kiss her mouthAmong the fields of goldI never made promises lightlyAnd there have been some that Ive brokenBut I swear in the days still leftWell walk in fields of goldWell walk in fields of goldMany years have passed since those summer daysAmong the fields of barleySee the children run as the sun goes downAmong the fields of goldYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYou can tell the sun in his jealous skyWhen we walked in fields of gold


《The Taliban Shuffle》(Barker, Kim)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:hnja    书名:The Taliban Shuffle作者:Barker, Kim出版年份:2011-3页数:320内容简介:A true-life Catch-22 set in the deeply dysfunctional countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan, by one of the region"s longest-serving correspondents.Kim Barker is not your typical, impassive foreign correspondent—she is candid, self-deprecating, laugh-out-loud funny. At first an awkward newbie in Afghanistan, she grows into a wisecracking, seasoned reporter with grave concerns about our ability to win hearts and minds in the region. In The Taliban Shuffle, Barker offers an insider"s account of the “forgotten war” in Afghanistan and Pakistan, chronicling the years after America"s initial routing of the Taliban, when we failed to finish the job.When Barker arrives in Kabul, foreign aid is at a record low, electricity is a pipe dream, and of the few remaining foreign troops, some aren"t allowed out after dark. Meanwhile, in the vacuum left by the U.S. and NATO, the Taliban is regrouping as the Afghan and Pakistani governments flounder. Barker watches Afghan police recruits make a travesty of practice drills and observes the disorienting turnover of diplomatic staff. She is pursued romantically by the former prime minister of Pakistan and sees adrenaline-fueled colleagues disappear into the clutches of the Taliban. And as her love for these hapless countries grows, her hopes for their stability and security fade.Swift, funny, and wholly original, The Taliban Shuffle unforgettably captures the absurdities and tragedies of life in a war zone.

谁能帮忙翻译下 Eminem;Lloyd Banks 的 Where Im At

Eminem Intro]Yeah you got me,你也看到了I"m up now, it"s your loss我现在又回到了巅峰,这是你的损失suffered to you忍受着你给予我的痛苦History is like a the past历史就如同过去keeps repeating itself, what else can I say不停的重蹈覆辙,我还能够说什么you wondering why I act this way你大概纳闷为什么我会这样做never should have gave you the time of day早知道当初就不应该对你一心一意I guess you know what time it is now ay我想你应该明白现在我的意思了吧[Eminem]There must have been a gust of wind那股头脑风暴似乎永远在萦绕cause you change your mind everytime it blows让你改变想法,就如那墙头草and you just changed it a motherf-ckin again你丅他妈又变成了另外一个人you just said you just wanted some dick ‘fore i stuck it in你说过你被丅操之前只想嘴里含着我的大J8I would not had been such a prick to you我当时永远都不会亏待你的f-ckin men you say you dont trust em操丅,我说过我不会相信他们why do I hear the sound of toilets flushing艾,我怎么听见了冲马桶的声音some sh-t is goin down有一些狗屎被冲进了下水道you must"ve just not of been truthful from the start你一开始就没有真心地对待我see for me it"d be nothing to say you never had my heart在我的视角看来,你从来就不配得到我的临幸but I"d be lyin是的,我是在说谎f-ckin see why they call thi? bullsh-t a relationship*, ships sink为什么他们把谈恋爱叫做“坠入爱河”,我们的小船已经沉没了。*:英语中relationship的后缀ship是指xx的关系、社会联系,这里eminem使用了ship的另一本意,小船,把俩人的关系玩完了比喻成就如小舟倾覆一样。and you know its love as soon as you fall in it cause shit stinks你掉入这个火坑之后,你就明白了爱情的真正含义and it feels like everytime i f-ckin do i get jinxed每一次我他妈都被这爱欲所纠缠cupid must"ve put a curse on me丘比特似乎给我下了爱情的诅咒6 weeks have went buy and we only spoke twice过去的6个星期我们只谈了两次话I"m sittin in your driveway callin" you from the car我坐在车里,在你家楼下给你打电话suffice I think its safe to say you"re not at home你如果说你没有在家似乎还是合理的I"m callin your cell phone you answer我给你的手机打电话,你接了起来but I can tell though that your not alone但是我能够感觉到你正跟别的男人在一起how was I to know it should of been time to go a long time ago我怎么才能辨别以前和现在的区别I kept holdin on我一直痴痴地不肯放手its comical when I think back now现在回想起来,真是无比矫情why I couldnт get the hint我当时怎么就不明白你的暗示呢??.you feel the draft you were throwin I wasn"t catchin" your drift我将你扔弃的垃圾视若珍宝but theres a cold breeze blowin over me一股冷风穿透了我的身躯Im over you, success is the best revenge to pay you back我已经不再想你了,成功是赐予你最好的复仇and that payment is overdo但是我做的的确有些过火I overcame odds to get even我翻手为云、覆手为雨the sober me is shittin on the unsober you我自以为是的冷静曾经让你疯狂sickness in my stomach,我感到一阵反胃的恶心told you I was gonna be splitting, you don"t think I mean it我说过会跟你分手的,你当时还不相信呢meant it, everything I got, f-ck you我是认真的,操丅你妈,ain"t no secret no apologies you keep it你明白我不会对你有任何隐瞒和谎言now that I"m doing my thing and you peep it现在我在努力于自己的事业,你却横加阻拦the badder times all outweigh the recent我以前经历过的困境比现在要糟糕一千倍your energy who needs it你的精力没有用到正地方every rumour you hear you go believe it你会听信所有的流言point out the times you"ve seen it指出你所目睹的一切you stabbed me should linked it我早该预料到你的背叛的revenge i? mine, i need it, need a way out我的复仇需要一个方式发泄出来it"s my f-cking life, let her find a way to stay out这就是我的生活,让那个婊子滚出去bet you thought I"d break, aint that easy你以为我会被击倒的吧,才没那么容易呢bet you thought I need you a million time? before you need me在你需要我之前我曾经多么想念你的一切leave me everything that I gave to you你留下了我给予你的所有aint no freebies get your coat and go穿好你的衣服,滚出去the female pinnochio, money hungry, hopeless hoe你就是个女性匹诺曹,一个急需金钱无可救药的臭婊子。you f-cking with my focus so不要再试图引起我的注意go back to that trunk that played the role before滚回到你应该处在的位置上去吧love is like a cancer when you don"t leт go (go)如果你不放手的话,爱情会变成反噬你的癌细胞(放手)I"mma blow fo ‘sho我一定会雄起的unnecessary weight makes the boaт go slow这个小船上不必要的重量太过沉重I don"t need you sinking us我不想让你把大家都拖下水I hope you float, lying through my teeth I hope you don"t我希望你能够沉浮起来,不要像我一样满嘴谎言(drown, drown)(下沉,下沉)now the sound of every dope每个傻丅逼的闲言碎语bottles pop out while he smoke他吸烟的时候打开的啤酒瓶hit me pride that we broke我们分手的时候被深深刺伤的我的自尊let them girls crowding me go让那些姑娘们崇拜我吧if they got something to show如果她们的技术很好的话let em show me how I love, I"m never lonely让他们看看我的能力,我永远都不会孤单never even left a scar这些过往连一个伤疤也不会留下you fell hard, I"m laughing吃不消了吧,我却在放声大笑ha ha ha ha ha哈哈哈哈哈tyre smoke fancy car大丅麻,名车宝马nothing is what we are这并不是我们的全部no beginning no tomorrow彻夜狂欢到明晚[Eminem - Chorus]Cause I"m moving on, don"t worry about me我已经不在乎了,不要为我担心cause I"m gon be just fine without you, you"ll see你会明白的,没有你我也会生活的很好there aint no-one on this Earth right now I"d much rather be我不想成为这个世界上的任何一个人cause God-damn it I"m glad that I"m me操丅,我很幸运能够做回我自己I said if you could be where I"m at (bye bye)我说过如果你来到我的身边的话(再见)you"d wanna be you too你也会想要成为你自己的(I"m living without you)(没有你我也会生活的很好)If you felt the way I feel如果你能深切理解我I bet you"d be in as good a mood as I am我猜你和我一样心情愉悦but you don"t "cause you just feel like you但是你没有,因为你只是你。I said if you could be where I"m at (bye bye)我说过如果你来到我的身边的话(再见)you"d wanna be you too你也会想要成为你自己的(I"m living without you)(没有你我也会生活的很好)If you felt the way I feel如果你能深切理解我I bet you"d be in as good a mood as I am我猜你和我一样心情愉悦but you don"t "cause you just feel like you但是你没有,因为你只是你。


abandon的基本意思是作及物动词表示“放弃,丢弃”,作名词表示“放任,放纵”。第三人称单数:abandons 现在分词:abandoning 过去式:abandoned 过去分词:abandonedcancel,翻译为取消、撤销;约去、删除vt.(第三人称单数cancels,过去分词canceled,现在分词canceling取消;撤消:




bargaining音节划分:bar▪gain英 [ˈbɑ:gənɪŋ]美 [ˈbɑ:rgənɪŋ]n.议价;讨价;商讨;商谈v.讨价还价,商谈( bargain的现在分词 );提出条件,要求得到谈判;协商;交涉1. That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining.                                                那意味着几个月的激烈谈判开始了。来自柯林斯例句2. The result might inject more sense into future bargaining.                                                其结果可能为未来的谈判注入更多的理性。

Banking and finance是什么意思

  Banking and finance的中文翻译  Banking and finance  银行与金融; 银行金融学; 银行与金融学; 银行学与金融  双语例句  1  Government policies were often affected by lobbying organizations of banking and finance industries.  政府的政策常常受到游说银行及金融业机构的影响。  2  Areas covered include the hospitality sector, banking and finance, and transport.  所涉领域包括招待部门、银行和金融以及运输。

「经济学人」Tech"s raid on the banks

Banking services Tech"s raid on the banks Digital disruption is coming to banking at last OVER THE past two decades people across the world have seen digital services transform the economy and their lives. Taxis, films, novels, noodles, doctors and dog-walkers can all be summoned with a tap of a screen. Giant firms in retailing, carmaking and the media have been humbled by new competitors. Yet one industry has withstood the tumult: banking. In rich countries it is perfectly normal to queue in branches, correspond with your bank by post and deposit cheques stamped with the logo of firms founded in the 19th century. Yet, as our special report this week explains, technology is at last shaking up banking. In Asia payment apps are a way of life for over 1bn users. In the West mobile banking is reaching critical mass—49% of Americans bank on their phones—and tech giants are muscling in. Apple unveiled a credit card with Goldman Sachs on March 25th. Facebook is proposing a payments service to let users buy tickets and settle bills. The implications are profound because banks are not ordinary firms. It is one thing for Blockbuster Video to be wiped out by a technological shift, but quite another if the victim is Bank of America. It is not just that banks have over $100trn of assets globally. Using the difficult trick of “maturity transformation” (turning deposits that you can demand back at any time into long-term loans) they enable savers to defer consumption and investment and borrowers to bring them forward. Banks are so vital that the economy reels when they stumble, as the crisis of 2008-09 showed. Bankers and politicians may thus be tempted to resist technological change. But that would be wrong because its benefits—a leaner, more user-friendly and more open financial system—easily outweigh the risks. Banking is late to the smartphone age because entrepreneurs have been put off by regulations. And, since the financial crisis, Western banks have been preoccupied with repairing their balance-sheets and old-fashioned cost-cutting. Late is better than never, however. Several new business models are emerging. In Asia payment apps are bundled with e-commerce, chat and ride-hailing services offered by firms such as Alibaba and Tencent in China and Grab in South-East Asia. These networks link to banks but are vying to control the customer relationship. In America and Europe big banks are still more or less in control and are rushing to offer digital products—JPMorgan Chase can open a deposit account in five minutes. But threats loom. Mobile-only “neobanks” that do not bear the cost of branches are nibbling at customer bases. Payments firms like PayPal work with Western banks but are expected to capture a greater share of profits. Lucrative niches like foreign exchange and asset management are being harried by new entrants. The pace of change will accelerate. Younger people no longer stay with the same bank as their parents—15% of British 18- to 23-year-olds use a neobank. Tech firms that people trust, such as Apple and Amazon, are natural candidates to grow big financial arms. The biggest four American banks are spending a total of over $25bn a year on perfecting better customer applications and learning to mine data more cleverly. Venture-capital firms invested $37bn in upstart financial firms last year. The benefits of technological change are likely to be vast. Costs should tumble as branches are shut, creaking mainframe systems retired and bureaucracy culled. If the world"s listed banks chopped expenses by a third, the saving would be worth $80 a year for every person on Earth. In 2000 the Netherlands had more bank branches per head than America; it now has just a third as many. Rotten service will improve—it is easier to get money to a friend using a chat app than it is to ask your bank to transfer cash. The system will get better at its vital job of allocating capital. Richer data will allow banks to take risks that currently baffle underwriters. Fraud should be easier to spot. Lower costs and the democratising effect of social media will give more people better access to finance. And more firms with good ideas should be able to get loans faster, boosting growth. Yet change also poses risks. Because the financial system is embedded in the economy, innovation tends to create turbulence. The credit card"s arrival in 1950 revolutionised shopping but also sparked America"s consumer-debt culture. Securitisation lubricated capital markets in the 1980s but fuelled the subprime crisis. In addition, it is unclear who will win today"s battle. One dystopian scenario is that power becomes more concentrated, as a few big banks learn to exploit data as ruthlessly as social-media firms do. Imagine a crossbreed of Facebook and Wells Fargo that predicts and manipulates how customers behave and is able to use proprietary economic data to squeeze rivals. Another dystopia involves fragmentation and destabilisation. Banks could lose depositors to untested neobanks, creating a mismatch between their assets and liabilities that could lead to a credit crunch. If bank customers transact via tech or payment platforms, banks could end up with huge balance-sheets but without a direct connection to their clients. If they thus became unprofitable, they could be broken up, with the job of financing mortgages and absorbing short-term savings left entirely to capital markets, which are volatile. To tap the benefits of technology safely, governments should give consumers control over their data, protecting privacy and preventing firms hoarding information. Innovation-friendly regulation would help; in 2017 the industry faced a regulatory alert every nine minutes (see article). And governments should keep the system"s safety buffers at today"s overall size (global banks hold $7trn of core capital). If new entrants are properly capitalised, central banks could extend to them the lender-of-last-resort facilities that provide shelter in a storm. Banking"s dirty secret is that it is backward, inefficient and hidebound. Banks have formidable lobbying power, however. Wary of change, customers, politicians and unions complain when branches are closed and jobs cut—witness the recent collapse of a German mega-merger that depended on both. Regulators love dealing with a few big firms. The thing is that global growth is sluggish and productivity gains are hard to come by. A smartphone revolution in finance offers one of the best ways to boost the economy and spread the benefits. May 2nd 2019 完整word资源详见「才思汇」社群 「持续行动第五年,LR是怎么做到的?」 LearnAndRecord 2015年2月8日 2019年5月5日 第 1548 天 每天持续行动学外语

求Eminem《my band》歌词


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  ban表示禁止,下令禁止; 剥夺权利的意思,那么你知道ban的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了ban的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   ban的短语:   动词+~   announce a ban on 宣布对…的禁令   cancel a ban 取消禁令   claim a ban of 主张禁止   continue the ban 继续禁止   drop a ban 解禁   介词+~   under a ban 被禁止   ~+介词   ban on the sale of guns 武器销售禁令   ban on the use of atomic weapons 对使用原子武器的谴责   同义词辨析:   forbid, prohibit, ban   这些动词均有"禁止"之意。   forbid : 通俗用语,指直接地、面对面吩咐不许他人采取某种行动。   prohibit : 正式用词,多指通过法律手段或制订规则加以禁止。   ban : 语气最强,指权威机关明文取消或禁止严重危害公众利益的事或行为,隐含道义上的谴责意味。   ban的短语例句:   1. The Partial Test-Ban Treaty bans nuclear testing in the atmosphere.   《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止在大气层中进行核试验。   2. I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising.   我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告.   3. Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.   大品牌超市即将下架许多转基因食品。   4. Britain"s health experts are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising.   英国的健康专家正努力争取取缔任何形式的香烟广告。   5. The General also lifted a ban on political parties.   将军同时取消了对政党的禁令。   6. There"s already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan.   日本已经全面禁止国外非熟练工入境。   7. The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs.   政府贸然禁止出口未加工过的原木。   8. Anti-racist campaigners are urging the Government to ban all far-Right groups.   反种族主义活动家正在力促政府取缔所有极右组织。   9. There is a complete ban on low-flying aircraft.   飞机一律禁止低空飞行。   10. a ban on the dumping of radioactive waste at sea   禁止向海里倾倒放射性废物   11. The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling.   委员会要求全球禁止捕鲸。   12. a ban on the ivory trade   象牙贸易禁令   13. A MORI poll showed that 68% of people opposed the ban.   摩利公司的民意测验显示,有68%的人反对这一禁令。   14. a test ban treaty   禁止核试验条约   15. A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed.   将签署一项禁止核试验的多边条约.

shinee,super junior,bigbang分别什么时候出道?以及他们唱的好听的歌。

080520 SHINee通过新闻宣布出道 super junior于2005年11月出道bigbang是2006年出道好听的歌:(SH)姐姐真漂亮,lucifer,juliet,像氧气一样的你,jojo,ring ding dong ,stand by me,sherlock,honestly,body guard(SJ)mr simple,Y,sorrysorry,bonamana,no other,acha,it"s you等等(BB)谎言,最后的问候,一天一天,Tonight,Blue,Fantastic baby

Vicious and Dangerous Sports Should be Banned by Law 中文翻译


“lol Ban Pick”怎么理解?

(1)ban英文意思为禁止,pick英文意思为选择,总的来说就是禁英雄跟选择英雄阶段,是排位赛开始的时候进行的,又称B/P。(2)B/P的技巧: A、排位赛在B/P时的一个规则:先BAN先选。这是非常重要的。因为先BAN的一方肯定在蓝色方,而后BAN的一方必定在紫色方。这样就给了打野选手很多的思考空间,例如:打野路线。 B、通常,我在B/P时;如果处于先BAN,我会跟队伍稍作交流,BAN掉一些版本OP英雄和会对队友产生影响的英雄。这时,在最后一次BAN人时我会故意放出1-2个OP英雄,顺手BAN掉一个不怎么怕的英雄,例如上面提到的卡特琳娜。因为需要BAN的英雄太多了,此时放出1-2个OP英雄;一般人都会选择BAN可以看到的强力OP英雄,经常忽视被隐藏的那一个。就算对面BAN掉一个,另外一个肯定是己方的,因为先BAN先选。通常使用这种方法对手很难去BAN,甚至不会BAN。 C、如果处于后BAN,对方采用上述方法,己方要放出2-3个OP英雄,然后BAN掉什么卡特琳娜或者上述OP英雄中比较而言不是那么强力的英雄。(这就是为什么大家在查看一些高端玩家数据时经常都会说的一句话,原来大神也怕卡特琳娜或者大神也怕XXX之类的,其实我们真的是顺手BAN掉的。)此时虽然敌方是先BAN先选拿到了OP英雄,但是己方也放出了几个OP英雄,就算拿到,己方这边也会拿到,最少一个,甚至两个。

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柬埔寨国家银行,货币名称为柬埔寨利尔斯,1元人民币可兑换约654利尔斯,100利尔斯可兑换约0.15元人民币。柬埔寨瑞尔,又称:利尔斯(Camboddian Riel 原符号:CR.;J Ri. 标准符号:KHR),柬埔寨法定货币。1 人民币(CNY) =645.4111 柬埔寨瑞尔(KHR)1 美元(USD) = 4000 柬埔寨瑞尔(KHR)1 英镑(GBP) =5983.6 柬埔寨瑞尔(KHR)1 欧元(EUR) = 4322 柬埔寨瑞尔(KHR)柬埔寨瑞尔_百度百科

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national bank of cambodia是柬埔寨国家银行的意思按今日汇率100柬埔寨瑞尔=0.1649人民币

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Fishing industry organizations mounted a campaign against the bans,claiming that up to many jobs are

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