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Chapter seven Terms about the secretyBoth mutual agreement of confidentiality obligations, either in the implementation of this agreement in the process acquired other commercial secrets (commercial secrets belonging to a party and (or) all of its affiliates, as was its secret technology, business or any other aspect of the information, this information is not known to the public , will bring economic benefits, relevance, and to take protective measures.) should be confidential and not disclosed, but the implementation of the agreement only purpose use.


12. 完整协议本协议包含各方的全部理解,除本协议中明确表达的条文外,当事人之间并无其他承诺、协议或理解。除非当事人书面签署及公证,本协议均不得予以涂改、豁免、更改或修改。13. 仲裁因合同引起或根据合同提出的、或因违反合同而产生的任何纠纷或索赔,应按照司法管辖区的法律提交仲裁,仲裁地点定在{地点}举行,而仲裁结果应被其他有管辖权的法院认可。14. 保密条款本合同有效期内,除非在需要履行义务情况下,经销商同意在任何时候,不予披露或使用,提供予分销商或从其他来源与途径取得的任何信息。分销商同意,所有机密信息应被视作本公司独有及专有的财产。