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black pink谁最白

朴彩英是black pink里面最白的。

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BLACK PINK中谁才是情商最高最通透的人?


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用英文为black pink写一个作文

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black pink演唱会门票可以在线上购买。1、一级票务平台,典型的就是大麦网。一级票务平台上的票都是原价票,不溢价,不打折。优点是票价是原价,安全性方面有保障,不用担心假票的问题。但缺点也十分明显,就是你永远抢不到票。2、二级票务平台,二级票务平台上的票会溢价,也会打折,有可能买到低于原价的票。优点是有可能淘到低价票,安全性方面也比较有保障,缺点是部分热门的门票溢价可能比较高。3、网络捡漏,一般不建议在网友手里买票,一方面票品本身单价较高,毕竟网友也是为了赚钱。另一方面安全性方面没有保证,容易被坑。所以,买票还是要去正规平台,能不能淘到便宜票则要看运气。网络购票的注意事项1、要辨别机票网站是否钓鱼,不仅要看网站是否具有工信部的运营备案,更要留意其是否具有CATA的认证资质,对部分相似的订票网站更要多加防范。最好的办法,就是尽量选择有资质和信誉的在线旅行服务商,牢记安全网站的域名,在地址栏直接输入。2、网上购买机票一定要通过财付通、支付宝等方式结算或使用第三方交易平台,不要直接汇款到对方账户,以降低交易的风险性。3、许多不法分子正是利用800或400开头的电话来骗取消费者的信任,所以,最好先打电话给订票网站查询后再判断。



Black pink女团是中国人还是外国人?


black pink成员介绍 blackpink成员资料

1、BLACKPINK,韩国女子演唱组合,由金智秀(JISOO)、金智妮(JENNIE)、朴彩英(ROSé)、LISA四名成员组成。 2、Jisoo出生在韩国,是一名90后,她是black pink里的领唱和舞蹈担当,她的舞蹈跳的非常棒。 3、Jennie和Jisoo一样,也是出生于韩国,她比Jisoo小一岁,是组合里的Rapper和Main Vocal,是一个非常优秀的Rapper手。 4、rose出生在墨尔本,是一个97年出生的姑娘,比jisoo和Jennie都小一些,她在black pink里担任的是主唱。 5、Lisa出生于泰国,她和Rose一样大,在black pink里担任的是主领舞,同时,也是一名Rapper。

Black pink专辑纯粉色一共有多少歌曲?

blackpink一共发过5张专辑,13首歌。纯粉色的应该是最新的一张 kill this love 一共有4首新歌,还有一首是ddu-du ddu-du的remix

black pink成员介绍谁是队长?


black pink成员介绍谁是队长?

black pink没有队长。BLACKPINK从出道开始,就没有安排队长,她们也算是韩国女团的一个特例,毕竟组合出道后,公司都会安排队长,毕竟组合里面的队长是非常重要,组合里面很多重要指令都是要听队长的,如果没有队长,很多事情他们是无法拿最后的主意!而且组合里面琐碎的事情也是非常的多,而YG旗下艺人全都都有队长,YG的队长一般都是组合里面能力最强的那个人,比如:Bigbang的权志龙,2NE1的CL,都是一些实力派。评价:BLACKPINK散发出强烈的Girl Crush魅力,成员们除了音乐实力外,语言实力也可以自由切换。成员们在出道前已积累了许多的活动经验,实力备受认可。她们也接受了多年的高强度训练,因此值得信赖。还曾通过歌曲创作和出演电视剧展现过各自的魅力,增加了人们对其的深刻印象。在舞蹈练习视频中,四名成员在强烈的节奏下从容有序地展现了自己精湛的舞技。融入节奏的表情和有序的群舞,成功吸引了人们的注意,仅看练习视频也能衡量出她们的潜力。

black pink成员介绍jennie?

JENNIE,被认为是人气最高的成员,也是第一个出个人单曲的成员。从2012年还没有成团的时候就开始有作品,是yg力推的艺人。曾在国外留学,身材凹凸有致,时尚资源源源不断,是香奈儿的代言人。业务能力出众,擅长rap、高音、舞蹈,是一份非常全面的女星。black pink从50位练习生中选出四位,分别是金智妮、金智秀、朴彩英、LISA。从颜值上就和yg此前的风格产生了明确的差别。其他成员:Lisa是公司从泰国选秀挖掘的艺人,是队内的舞蹈担当。身高166cm,模特比例身材极佳,长相甜美被称为人间芭比。最近在青春有你中担任导师圈了不少粉。Lisa此前陷入队内欺凌的争议中,实际上四人关系很好,从综艺和舞台互动中都可以看出来。朴彩英英文名ROS,被粉丝称为罗捷女士,从小在国外长大。她是队内最高的成员,身高168cm,拥有蚂蚁腰和发光冷白皮。她是团队中的主唱,声音有辨识度,可塑性很强。金智秀是对内的颜值担当,在女团出道前就已经有不少的广告代言。她从2011年进入yg公司,五官精致的她是韩国公认的女团神颜,在练习生时期就已经有名气。她的风格更加清冷,嗓音独特,相对舞蹈能力较弱。同样身材很好拥有马甲线,舞蹈功力越来越精进。

black pink什么时候成立


BLACK PINK的韩文名怎么读?

智秀的读法是机素(Jisoo);Jennie读杰妮;Lisa读丽撒;注意Rosé不要读成玫瑰那个肉丝,正确读法是柔贼。BLACKPINK,韩国女子演唱组合,由金智秀、金智妮、朴彩英、LISA四名成员组成。别名:金智秀:uae40uc9c0uc218、Kim Ji Soo;金智妮:Jennie Kim、uae40uc81cub2c8、JENNIE、uc81cub2c8;朴彩英:Roseanne Park、ubc15ucc44uc601扩展资料:争议事件:2019年10月10日,韩国女团BLACKPINK因出席活动迟到,让共同出席活动的贝克汉姆等她们二十分钟而引发了争议,对此YG娱乐公司还没有做出回应。因为她们迟到的关系,导致后边的活动时间很紧,许多专程赶来看贝克汉姆的粉丝既没能与他合影也没能得到签名。对于BLACKPINK迟到一事,她们的经纪公司YG娱乐没有做出任何回应。参考资料:百度百科-BLACKPINK

black pink的粉丝叫什么

粉丝朝贡是饭圈特有的文化,粉丝们除了送本命饱含真心的亲笔信之外,还会赚钱为他们买高价名牌礼物。BLACKPINK成员 ROS的生日,那一天她就收到了很多礼物,从粉丝们公开的礼物清单来看,有价值数百万的名牌包、皮鞋、宝石和衣服等等,数量多达有数十个,总价也在上亿元。得知这件事情的很多网民们在网路上留言表示羡慕,称:「一整年都不需要购物了」、「明星的人生」、「羡慕死了」等。 但也有部分网民对此持不同意见,表示:「这是干什么,太让人寒心了」、「粉丝不送她也有钱买,作为粉丝就该给她买礼物? 」「这就是歌手有问题啊,一开始就应该明说不收粉丝礼物,这样粉丝也不会攒钱,压力还小一些,又不是财阀,财阀该送钻石才对,这可是粉丝们攒了一年的钱。 」对於这些不同的声音,也有网民帮助ROSE反驳,称:「粉丝有能力送这些,你们有什么好寒心的」、「这些都是粉丝自己攒的钱,偶尔还会有很有钱的粉丝投资」、「你们就是羡慕嫉妒恨,有什么好酸的。 」粉丝朝贡一直存在著较大的争议,作为粉丝认为本命一年一次的生日,大家希望给对方一份难忘的礼物,而购买礼物的金额也是广大粉丝均摊。 相反,也有很多人认为朝贡文化根本就是「惯坏了」明星,更重要的是这种「朝贡」会在饭圈形成攀比之风,导致粉丝团的压力越来越大。

black pink谁是队长?

金珍妮是原先的队长 但是她觉得不公平所以选择墨团没有队长 搞清楚点

Black pink都有哪些歌?

Blackpink有许多歌曲,例如《How You Like That》、《Ice Cream》、《Whistle》等。您可以听听看这些歌曲,是否会有您喜欢的类型。

black pink成员有哪些?


black pink lisa担任什么职务?

Lisa担任主舞 副rap

yg公司的black pink成员是什么体重?

black pink成员介绍身高体重金智妮个人资料身高体重中文名 金智妮别 名 金珍妮国 籍 荷兰出生日期 1996年1月16日身高 168cm体 重 47kg星 座 摩羯座职 业 歌手所属组合 BLACKPINK代表作 《SQUARE ONE》、《BOOMBAYHA》外文名 Jennie Kim、???、JENNIE、??经纪公司YG Entertainment队内担当 Rapper、Main Vocal"灵魂主唱"JENNIE,出生于1996年,年满23岁,6年练习生经历,韩国国籍JENNIE是Black Pink中最先被公开的成员,也是YG新女团预告当时的有力候补成员。JENNIE曾在新西兰留学,精通韩语、英语与日语。black,pink,成员,介绍,身高,体重,blackpink,谁最,black,pink,成员,介绍,身高,体重,blackpink,谁最,LISA个人资料身高体重外文名Lalisa Manoban别 名 LISA国 籍 泰国出生地 泰国出生日期 1997年3月27日身高 166cm体 重 46kg职 业 歌手、Rapper经纪公司 YG Entertainment代表作品 口哨、BOOMBAYHA所属组合 BLACKPINK队内担当 主领舞、副Rapper"舞蹈机器"LISA,出生于1997年,年满22岁,5年练习生经历,泰国国籍泰国籍的LISA在YG娱乐度过了5年练习生生活,精通韩、英、日三国语言。 且舞蹈实力出众,YG娱乐曾于2012年在官方Blog上公开过她的舞蹈录影,点击率已经超过500多万次。而LISA也曾是泰国舞蹈队We Zaa Cool的成员 跟GOT7 BamBam同队。black,pink,成员,介绍,身高,体重,blackpink,谁最,black,pink,成员,介绍,身高,体重,blackpink,谁最,金智秀个人资料身高体重中文名 金智秀别 名 金致秀外文名 kim Jisoo国 籍 韩国星 座 双子座身高 167cm体 重 45kg出生日期 1995年6月20日民 族 朝鲜族血 型 A型出生地 韩国首尔职 业 演员代表作品 《spoiler》《我不一样》《制作人》.经纪公司YG Entertainment"神似汤唯"的智秀,出生于1995年,年满24岁,4年练习生经历,韩国国籍2014年10月,参演Epik High歌曲"Happen Ending"以及"Spoiler"MV;同年10月20日客串综艺节目无限挑战;同年10月21日,参演《Epik High》;11月18日,参演YG小分队组合Hi Suhyun的出道歌曲"我不一样"MV。2015年1月,金智秀搭档李敏镐为某品牌代言;5月,亮相KBS2电视台金土剧《制作人》,以剧中《两天一夜》节目的新成员登场。black,pink,成员,介绍,身高,体重,blackpink,谁最,black,pink,成员,介绍,身高,体重,blackpink,谁最,朴彩英个人资料身高体重中文名 朴彩英别名 Rosé出生地 澳大利亚墨尔本出生日期 1997年2月11日身高 166cm体 重 45kg外文名 Roseanne Park国籍 澳大利亚职业 歌手星座 水瓶座签约公司 YG Entertainment组合名称 BLACKPINK代表作 口哨、BOOMBAYHA队内担当 vocalist 主唱Rose,出生于1997年,年满22岁,4年练习生经历,澳洲国籍。Rose与其他成员不同,是在公开前从未在媒体上露过面的新面孔,韩文名字为朴彩英,Rose有着修长的身材与强烈的霸气气场,于澳洲出生的她,2012年YG在澳大利亚选拔赛上获得第一名,同年进入公司成为练习生。而她也是权志龙"without you"的feat女声,有着吉他演奏实力。


BLACK PINK女组合,是当下在韩国和国内,乃至全球算是当下最火的女团了,这个BLACK PINK的成员一共是四位,每一位女爱豆都具备着各自的特色和优点。今天就来了解一下她们的身高吧!打开腾讯新闻,查看更多图片 >首先就是朴彩英了,朴彩英英文名ROS,被粉丝称为罗捷女士,从小在国外长大。她是队内最高的成员,身高168cm,拥有蚂蚁腰和发光冷白皮。她是团队中的主唱,声音有辨识度,可塑性很强。接着就是Lisa了,Lisa在组合里并不是最高和最重的,但因为身材比例好167cm的Lisa看起来像175cm,所以很多人会觉得Lisa是blackpink里最高的成员。她的体重是45kg,是1997年出生的正宗泰国人,所以lisa不是混血儿,因为标准的芭比娃娃脸型,常常被人误认为她是混血的。然后就是金智秀了,金智秀看起来非常的干净大气,高颜值的她出道以来圈了了不少粉,她的歌声也非常的优美,金智秀在成为练习生之前就已经在广告圈暂露头角了,她的青春靓丽让她颇受观众喜爱,经过几年的练习生训练,如今更是成为多才多艺的全能艺人。金智秀的身高大约在167上下,外貌出众而且唱跳俱佳的金智秀出道以来就备受关注最后就是金智妮了,金智妮的身高只有163cm,是团队中最矮,大家是不是没有想到呢?金智妮不管是在舞台上,还是在私底下都好有魅力,感觉衣服在她身上都很好看,主要是妮的身材好,该细的地方细,该有肉的地方也有肉,很羡慕这样的身材!

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black pink成员介绍 blackpink成员资料

1、BLACKPINK,韩国女子演唱组合,由金智秀(JISOO)、金智妮(JENNIE)、朴彩英(ROSé)、LISA四名成员组成。 2、Jisoo出生在韩国,是一名90后,她是black pink里的领唱和舞蹈担当,她的舞蹈跳的非常棒。 3、Jennie和Jisoo一样,也是出生于韩国,她比Jisoo小一岁,是组合里的Rapper和Main Vocal,是一个非常优秀的Rapper手。 4、rose出生在墨尔本,是一个97年出生的姑娘,比jisoo和Jennie都小一些,她在black pink里担任的是主唱。 5、Lisa出生于泰国,她和Rose一样大,在black pink里担任的是主领舞,同时,也是一名Rapper。


不是 全球第一女团是少女时代

black pink成员是谁?

Black Pink 分别由Jisoo、Jennie、Rose与Lisa四名成员组成。1、jennie:ace唱歌跳舞。金智秀(Jisoo),1995年1月3日出生于韩国首尔,韩国女歌手,女du子演唱组合BLACKPINK成员。2、rapjisoo:唱歌门面。金智妮(Jennie Kim),1996年1月16日出生于韩国,韩国女歌手,女子演唱组合BLACKPINK成员。3、lisa:跳舞。LISA,1997年3月27日出生于泰国,在韩国发展的泰国籍女歌手,女子演唱组合BLACKPINK成员。4、raprose:唱歌。朴彩英(Rosé),1997年2月11日出生于墨尔本,澳籍韩裔女歌手,女子演唱组合BLACKPINK成员。早年经历BLACKPINK是YG Entertainment于2NE1后,时隔7年推出的新女团。成员们都有4-6年的练习生经历。组合名曾为“TLC-F”和“PINK PUNK”。成员们出道前分别参与过电视剧、音乐录影带和广告等拍摄,也与其所属社的艺人有过许多合作。2011年,金智秀在YG Entertainment年末选拔中被梁铉锡选中,并成为练习生。2013年1月15日,官方博客发布了她的照片并成为公开练习生。金智妮曾在新西兰留过学。2011年,她进入YG Entertainment成为练习生,接受了5年的训练,出道前曾与YG旗下的艺人有过很多合作。2012年,YG Entertainment在悉尼举办澳大利亚选拔赛时,朴彩英的父亲建议她去参加,结果朴彩英获得了第一名,同年前往韩国进入公司成为练习生。LISA早年时曾是泰国舞队We Zaa Cool的成员,与BamBam和Ten在同一个舞队。后于2010年在YG Entertainment泰国选拔赛上获得第一名,并在2011年4月开始练习生的生涯。

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black tea红荼

exok black pearl歌词,韩文以及中文翻译

【暻秀】 She"s my black pearl She"s my black pearl uc9c0ub3c4ub294 ud544uc694 uc5c6uc5b4 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 ub110 uac00ub9acucf1c 不用地图作向导 心会把方向找到 uac08 uae38uc774 ud5d8ub09cud574ub3c4 uc774ucbe4uc5d0uc11c uadf8ub807uac90 ubabbud55cub2e4 不在乎路途前方 多少崎岖 沿路多少阻挡【俊绵】 ud55c uc2dcub3c4 ub5a8uc5b4uc838 uc78auc5b4ubcf8 uc801uc774 uc5c6ub294ub370 我的心 没有一刻与你分离 将你忘记【白贤】 uc800 uba40ub9ac uc218ud3c9uc120 ub05duc5d0 ub108uc758 ubaa8uc2b5uc744 ubcfc uc218 uc788ub2e4uba74 若可以 在那一条遥远海平线上发现你模样【合】 ub09c ub3dbuc744 uc62cub824 ub05duae4cuc9c0 ubc14ub78cuc5d0 ub0a0 uc2e3uace0 oh 我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头 oh uac70uce60uc5b4uc9c4 uc218uba74uc758 uc694ub3d9uc744 uc7acuc6cc 让汹涌的海面也安静温柔 uc5b4ub460 uc18duc5d0 ud540 uaf43, ubc14ub2e4 uc704uc5d0 ub72c ub2ec, ube44ubc00 uac19uc740 uadf8 uacf3, my beautiful black pearl 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl uc5b4ub460 uc18duc5d0 ud540 uaf43, ubc14ub2e4 uc704uc5d0 ub72c ub2ec, ube44ubc00 uac19uc740 uadf8 uacf3, my beautiful black pearl 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl 【白贤】 uc2e4uc7acud558uae34 ud558ub294 uac74uc9c0 ud604uc2e4uacfcub294 ub3d9ub5a8uc5b4uc9c4 是现实抑或虚幻 我感觉不可思议【俊绵】 uafc8uacfc uc774uc0c1 uc18duc744 ud5e4ub9e4uace0 uc788ub098 是否一直身在梦境里环游【暻秀】 uc2e0ud654 uc18duc5d0 uc0b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 oh, ub098uc758 uc5ecuc2e0uc544 你宛若在 传说的所在 神话之中【白贤】 uc2dcuac04uc744 ud5e4uce58uace0 ub110 ucc3euc544uac00 在时光里追寻你的影踪【俊绵】 uc601uc6d0ud55c uac83ub4e4uc740 ubbffuc5b4ubcf8 uc801uc774 uc5c6ub294ub370 我不曾相信这世界存在所谓永恒 【暻秀】 uadf8ud1a0ub85d uac04uc808ud558uac8c ub098 ubc14ub798uc654ub358 ub110 ub2ffuac8c ub41cub2e4uba74 为了你 日夜思念的你当我触及你那一瞬【合】 ub09c ub3dbuc744 uc62cub824 ub05duae4cuc9c0 ubc14ub78cuc5d0 ub0a0 uc2e3uace0 oh 我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头 oh uac70uce60uc5b4uc9c4 uc218uba74uc758 uc694ub3d9uc744 uc7acuc6cc 让汹涌的海面也安静温柔 uc5b4ub460 uc18duc5d0 ud540 uaf43, ubc14ub2e4 uc704uc5d0 ub72c ub2ec, ube44ubc00 uac19uc740 uadf8 uacf3, my beautiful black pearl 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl uc5b4ub460 uc18duc5d0 ud540 uaf43, ubc14ub2e4 uc704uc5d0 ub72c ub2ec, ube44ubc00 uac19uc740 uadf8 uacf3, my beautiful black pearl 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl 【钟仁】 ud3edud48duc774 ubab0uc544uce58ub294 uc544ucc14ud55c uc21cuac04uc5d0ub3c4 当风暴 突然袭来 危险在咆哮【世勋】 ubc43uba38ub9b4 ub3ccub9acuc9c0ub9c8 ud56dud574ub97c uba48ucd94uc9c0ub9c8 不要把航向颠倒 不要让行进停掉【灿烈】 uc774 uc815ub3c4uc5d0 uac81uc744 uba39uace0 ubb3cub7ecub0a0 uc904 uc54cuc558ub2e4uba74 uc2dcuc791uc870ucc28 ud558uc9c0 uc54auc558ub2e4 如果这就害怕退缩 就连开始都没做到 没关系还有我替你挡 ub108ub97c uac10ucdb0ub193uc740 ubc14ub2e4uc758 uc7a5ub09cuc5d4 uae30uaebcuc774 ub0b4uac00 ub9deuc11cuc900ub2e4 就算大海把你藏起来 这恶劣玩笑 为你我愿意接招 【白贤】 uac70uce60uc5b4uc9c4 uc218uba74uc758 uc694ub3d9uc744 uc7acuc6cc x3 让汹涌的海面变安静温柔 x3 【暻秀】 She"s my black pearl oh- 【合】 ub09c ud558ub298uc5d0 ub72c ud0dcuc591uacfc ub2e4uc12f uac1cuc758 ub300uc591 oh 悬浮天空的太阳(Chen:She"s My Black Pearl) 无限湛蓝的海洋 oh ucc2cub780ud558uac8c ube5bub098ub294 uadf8ub140ub97c ud5a5ud574 向着她那美丽耀眼的光芒 uc9d9uc740 uc548uac1c uc18duc5d0 ub192uc740 ud30cub3c4 uc704uc5d0 ud750ub9bfud558uac8c ube44uce5c my beautiful black pearl 在浓密的雾障 在澎湃的海浪投映模糊形状She"s My Beautiful Black Pearl uae4auc740 uce68ubb35 uc18duc5d0 uc2acud508 uc120uc728 uc704uc5d0 ud76cubbf8ud558uac8c ub4e4ub9b0 my beautiful black pearl 在深邃的沉默 在这哀伤的歌隐约还在回荡She"s My Beautiful Beautiful Black Pearl


process into 固定搭配,把某物加工成某物那些农民把它们加工成红茶、乌龙茶、绿茶或白茶。第二句中, processed to不是一个词组,在句子结构中:processed属于句子前半部分“PEOPLE HAVE PROCESSED IT” (人们加工它)to 属于后半部分“TO TAKE AWAY THE CAFFEINE”,to do形式在这里表目的全句意思为:人们加工它 ,为的是去除里面的咖啡因。

HP 打印机 提示 :Order black cartridge。 请问如何正确翻译。





[00:08.75]The world has broken down[00:12.34]Every stone"s been turned around[00:16.73]We feel no fear at all[00:20.48]Not at all[00:22.97][00:25.14]We don"t know what"s to come[00:28.78]Our beginning had already begun[00:33.28]And now we have to run[00:37.05]Come on[00:38.64][00:41.56]The last look back is black[00:45.54]The night turns dark ahead[00:49.63]When there"s no turning back[00:53.24]We"re glad[00:55.58]So glad[00:57.23]No turning back[01:00.95]No turning back[01:03.10][01:06.52]Where have you gone?[01:10.26]You made us feel so strong[01:14.44]You lost us and now we are[01:18.03]Alone[01:19.81][01:22.68]It"s dark despite the light[01:26.61]Tomorrow"s not in sight[01:30.62]And we were born to go[01:34.29]On and on[01:36.17][01:38.85]The last look back is black[01:42.86]The night turns dark ahead[01:46.97]When there"s no turning back[01:50.61]We"re glad[01:52.97]So glad[01:54.58]No turning back[01:58.43]No turning back[02:00.69][02:12.12]Let us run and don"t look back[02:15.79]We leave behind a burning track[02:19.98]Let us run and don"t look back[02:23.88]We leave behind a burning track[02:27.84]Come on[02:29.80]Come on[02:32.06][02:32.43]The last look back is black[02:36.23]The night turns dark ahead[02:40.41]When there"s no turning back[02:44.09]We"re glad[02:46.21]So glad[02:48.21][02:48.75]The last looks back is black[02:52.59]The night turns dark ahead[02:56.85]There"s no turning back[03:00.54]We"re glad[03:02.68]So glad[03:04.22]No turning back[03:08.37]No turning back[03:12.40][03:14.87]The end

Mr Black had to go back,

didn"t he?现在时 have to do. 表示不得不过去时 had to do. 后跟 don"t + 主语 (现在时) didn"t +主语 (过去时)

Back In Black 歌词

歌曲名:Back In Black歌手:Endvra专辑:Elder SignsI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongI wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongAnd I...I wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainCall me I wont leave againLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rainAll in that I wont name againRemember when you told me ?You didnt want anybody else but me ?Well Im that same girl is all you need to seeI want you back in my lifeWant you back by my sidecause thats where you belongAnd I...I wont give you upI will never stopMy love is much too strongLook at me standing hereCrying out my final tearsLook at me in the rain

Back in Black 歌词

歌曲名:Back in Black歌手:six feet under专辑:Graveyard Classics, Vol. 2Its the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black

black out charlotte OC 中文歌词


最近很喜欢 电影里的一些 很嗨 很摇滚的那些音乐 比如The Fun Lovin Criminal /back in black/这个类型的

前两天刚买了张《钢铁侠2》的原声大碟,里面都是AC/DC的经典曲目! 你可以试试一些重金属的~ A Perfect Circle《Gimmie gimmie gimmie》,《Passive》,《Annihilation》,《Freedom of choise》...都是些翻唱曲目,反战! Aerosmith《I don"t want to miss a thing》,《Amazing》,《Crazy》,《Dream on》,《Eat the rich》,《Angel》,《Walk this way》(Ft. RUN-D.M.C.)...史密斯飞船是一支比较经典的摇滚乐队,他们的歌曲有狂野有抒情,十分不错~ Bon Jovi《Always》,《Bed of roses》,《Dry country》,《Livin" on a prayer》,《Wanted dead or alive》,《Blaze of glory》,《Santa fe》,《Never say goodbye》,《These days》,《This ain"t a love song》,《Everyday》,《All about lovin" you》,《Have a nice day》...很多人都喜欢老邦的《It"s my life》,但听听他们以上的曲目吧,也许会觉得更好噢~ Cinderella《Don"t know what you got (Til it"s gone)》,《Through the rain》,《Push push》,《Nobody"s fool》...八十年代末九十年代初众多美式重金属乐队中的一支! Def Leppard《Long long way to go》,《Love bites》,《Photograph》,《Pour some sugar on me》,《Rock rock》,《Action》,《When love & heat collide》,《Bringin" on the heartbreak》...八九十年代英国重金属乐队中比较有代表性的一支乐队~ Deicide《Once upon the cross》...弑神者是一支极具争议的极端金属乐队,如果你口味很重,那就听这支乐队的歌吧! Extreme《Get the f*** out》,《More than words》,《Play with me》,《Rock a bye bye》,《Leave me alone》,《When I first kissed you》...八九十年代美国重金属乐队的代表乐队之一,歌曲十分不错! Fly leaf《I"m so sick》,《Again》...名字比较优美,但女主唱的嗓音绝不吃素,第一次在《虎胆龙威4》中听到其演唱被震到了,喜欢金属的可以听听~ Guns N" Roses《Welcome to the jungle》,《Sweet child O"mine》,《Civil war》,《Nightrain》,《Rocket queen》,《Patience》,《Don"t cry (Original)》,《November rain》,《Live and let die》,《Ain"t it fun》,《Yesterdays》...枪花的大名只要听摇滚的人几乎都知道,八九十年代美国重金属最具代表性的乐队! Immortal《All shall fall》,《Arctic swarm》...同样是适合口味比较重的人~ In Flames《Take this life》,《Cloud connected》,《Only for the weak》,《The quiet place》,《Free fall》,《Trigger》 ,《Colony》...来自瑞典的极端金属乐队,比较有感觉! KORN《Word up!》,《Another brick in the wall (Part 1,2,3)》(翻唱Pink Floyd的同名曲目~),《Blind》,《Thoughtless》,《Freak on a leash》(Ft. Amy Lee from EVANESCENCE不插电演唱会版本好听!),《Creep》(翻唱Radiohead的同名曲目~),《Love song》(不插电演唱会版本超好听!),《Make me Bad / In Between days》(Ft. The Crue) ...新金属代表乐队之一,翻唱平克弗洛伊德的那首歌被赞为比原唱还好~ Limpbizkit《Rollin"》,《Take a look around》,《Eat you alive》,《Gimme the mic》... 软饼干是一支同林肯公园类型差不多的新金属乐队,但比起林肯公园来,这支乐队更具有一种痞性! Linkin Park《One step closer》,《Points of authority》,《Crawling》,《In the end》,《A place for my head》,《Don"t stay》,《Faint》,《Somewhere I belong》 ,《Numb》,《Numb - Encore》(Ft. Jay-Z),《Iridescent》,《Burn it down》...当年手头摇滚专辑极度匮乏的时期,发现了这支乐队,当时给我带来了不少震撼! Marilyn Manson《Lunchbox》,《Get your gunn》,《Rock is dead》,《Tourniquet》,《The nobodies》,《The death song》,《This is the new s**t》,《mOBSCENE》,《(s)AINT》 ...这位的造型十分多变并且骇人,歌声和造型同样骇人,不过这位在主流群体中的知名度还是很高的! Metallica《Hit the lights》,《The four horsemen》,《Motorbreath》,《Enter sandman》,《Fight fire with fire》,《Fade to black》,《Creeping death》,《Ain"t my bitch》,《Until it sleeps》,《Hero of the day》,《Master of puppets》,《The unforgiven》,《Sad but true》,《Welcome home (Sanitarium)》,《Mama said》,《Fuel》,《One》...金属制品乐队在重金属的历史上绝对是神级的乐队,充满战斗力,虽然后期的作品让一些死忠十分不满,但他们的成就是无法被抹灭的! Mr.Big《To be with you》,《Dancin" right into the flame》,《Arrow》,《Big love》,《Shine》,《Take cover》,《Daddy, brother, lover, little boy》...一首广告歌《To be with you》让我认识了这支乐队,也是八九十年代美国重金属的代表乐队之一! Nightwish《Wish I had an angel》,《Stargazers》,《Nemo》,《Over the hills and far away》,《High hopes》,《She is my sin》,《The kinslayer》,《Elvenpath》,《Sleeping sun (2005 version)》,《Death to the world》,《Walking in the air》...这支女声金属乐队的知名度可是很高的! Otep《Stay》,《House of secrets》,《Fists fall》...一支美国的女声极端金属乐队,巾帼不让须眉! Skid Row《18 and life》,《I remember you》,《Wasted time》,《Big guns》,《Youth gone wild》,《Piece of me》...八九十年代美国重金属代表乐队之一,主唱拥有令人艳羡的相貌和惊人的嗓音!很棒的乐队! Slipknot《(SIC)》,《Eyeless》,《Wait and bleed》,《Diluted》,《Only one》,《Psychosocial》...一支新金属乐队,成员都以骇人的面具造型示人,并且以阿拉伯数字编号~成员现场演出经常发生暴力事件,是支疯狂的乐队!歌曲有点死金的味道...... 里面也有不少被用在电影里当配乐,还望喜欢!

求ACDC的back in black 歌词,中英文对照。

  Back in black 回到黑暗  I hit the sack 我躺到床上  I"ve been too long I"m glad to be back 我受苦已太长,我很高兴我回来了  Yes, I"m let loose 是的,我已从那折磨我的套索中释放出来  From the noose  That"s kept me hanging about  I"ve been looking at the sky我仰望天空  "Cause it"s gettin" me high它让我振奋  Forget the hearse "cause I never die忘了灵车吧,因为我会永生  I got nine lives我有九条命  Cat"s Eyes我有猫的眼睛  Abusin" every one of them and running wild滥用我的生命,变得狂野  CHORUS:  "Cause I"m back因为我回来了  Yes, I"m back是的,我回来了  Well, I"m back好吧,我回来了  Yes, I"m back  Well, I"m back, back  (Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗  Yes, I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗  Back in the back  Of a Cadillac我坐在卡迪拉克的后坐上回来  Number one with a bullet, I"m a power pack我就是老大,我有上膛的子弹,我充满力量  Yes, I"m in a bang我就是一声枪响  With a gang我有一帮弟兄  They"ve got to catch me if they want me to hang他们要想整死我得先抓到我  Cause I"m back on the track因为我回到了我的轨道上  And I"m beatin" the flack我会让大家都知道  Nobody"s gonna get me on another rap没人能再惩罚我  So look at me now看好了  I"m just makin" my play我现在还只是在玩玩  Don"t try to push your luck, just get out of my way 别想着在我这里走运,赶快闪人



Man in Black 歌词

歌曲名:Man in Black歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:Ring Of Fire - The Legend Of Johnny CashHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (here they come)They won"t let you rememberThe good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo don"t blinkThink what was there but now"s goneBlack suit with the black Ray Ban"s onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we ain"t on no government listWe straight don"t existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B."s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (here they come)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (the men in black)They won"t let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAin"t no M.I.B."sCan I pleaseDo what we say that"s the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWe"re your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo don"t fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, don"t jeer usWe"re the fearlessM.I.B."s freezin" the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in Black (the men in black)Let me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me c"monLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me c"monLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me c"monAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (here they come)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (the men in black)They won"t let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)A-ight check itLet me tell you this in closin"I know we might seem imposin"But trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me it"s for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz that"s the men inThat"s the men in...Here come the Men in Black (men in black)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They won"t let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (men in black)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They won"t let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)

rebecca black的《friday》哪里神曲了??是我不懂么?

因为 被翻唱的都很不错 不信 你随便找 那首歌本身是很好听的

Paint It Black 歌词

歌曲名:Paint It Black歌手:Vanessa Carlton专辑:Be Not Nobody Tour EditionVanessa Carlton - Paint It BlackI see a red door and I want it painted blackNo colors anymore, I want them to turn blackI see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothesI have to turn my head until my darkness goesI see a line of cars and they are painted blackWith flowers and my love both never to come backI see people turn their heads, they quickly look awayLike a new born baby it just happens every dayI look inside myself and see my heart is blackI see my red door and it"s heading into blackMaybe then I"ll fade away and not have to face the factsIt"s not easy facing up when your whole world is blackI wanna see it painted, painted, painted black, oh babyI wanna see it painted, painted, painted black, oh babyNo more will my green sea go turn a deeper blueI could not foresee this thing happening to youIf I look hard enough into the setting sunMy love will laugh with me before the morning comesI wanna see it painted, painted, painted blackOh, black as night black as coalI wanna see the sun blotted out from the skyPainted, painted, painted black, oh babyPainted, painted, painted black

The Black Eyed Peas的《Hey Mama》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Mama歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Live From Sidney To VegasHey Ma .I`m home againI"ve had such a crazy lifeAnd now I can`t tell wrong from rightBut I won`t give up without a fightHey Ma .I`m a weary soulHow was I supposed to knowThat the world would be so cold?All I`ve learned is to let goWill I ever find my wayback to where I was before?Will I ever find my way back again?Hey Ma .I`m off againIt`s so hard to be a manBut I`m sure you`ll understandWill I ever find my wayback to where I was before?Will I ever find my way back again?Soler - Hey MaHey Ma .I`m home again !

Big Black的《bad penny》 歌词

歌曲名:bad penny歌手:Big Black专辑:songs about fuckingOught to know what a liar I am, ought to know me by nowDon"t curse me for my nature, don"t bless me for my luckJust a bad penny, I always come back to youJust a bad pennyJust a bad penny, I always come back to youBig BlackShould have known you couldn"t trust meFar as you can throw me, throw meCouldn"t throw me too farJust a bad penny, couldn"t throw me too farI think I fucked your girlfriend onceMaybe twice, I don"t rememberThen I fucked all your friends" girlfriendsNow they hate youJust a bad penny, just a bad pennySuch a bad penny, such a bad pennyBad, bad penny, bad, bad pennyOught to know what a liar I am, ought to know me by nowSuch a bad pennyOoh bad, bad penny, bad, bad pennyOught to know what a liar I am, ought to know me by nowOught"ve known you couldn"t trust meAs far as you can throw me, throw meSuch a bad penny, such a bad pennySuch a bad penny, such a bad pennySlap my hand

Black is black 歌词

歌曲名:Black is black歌手:Belle Epoque专辑:Il MeglioIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black

Black Is Black 歌词

歌曲名:Black Is Black歌手:MC Hammer专辑:Please Hammer Don T Hurt EmBlack Is Black-Los BravosBlack is blackI want my baby backIt"s grey it"s greySince she went away oh ohWhat can I do"Cause I I"m feeling blueIf I had my wayShe"d be back todayBut she don"t intendTo see me again oh ohWhat can I do"Caude I I"m feeling blueI can"t choose It"s too much to loseMy love"s too strongMaybe if she would come back to meThen it can"t go wrongBad is badThat I feel so sadIt"s time it"s timethat I found peace of mind oh ohWhat can I do"Cause I I"m feeling blueI can"t choose It"s too much to loseMy love"s too strongMaybe if she would come back to meThen it can"t go wrongBlack is blackI want my baby backIt"s grey It"s greySince she went away oh ohWhat can I do"Cause I I"m feeling blue"Cause I I"m feeling blue

歌词black willbeback

Back in black 回到了黑暗I hit the sack 我躺在床上I"ve been too long I"m glad to be back 为我的归来激动不已Yes, I"m let loose From the noose That"s kept me hanging about 是的,我从勒紧我的套索中挣脱出来了I"ve been looking at the sky我仰望天空"Cause it"s getting me high它使我振奋Forget the hearse "cause I never die忘了死亡吧,我永生不死I got nine lives我有九条命Cat"s Eyes我有猫的眼睛Abusing every one of them and running wild滥用我的生命,放荡不羁"Cause I"m back因为我回来了Yes, I"m back是的,我回来了Well, I"m back好吧,我回来了Yes, I"m backWell, I"m back, back(Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗Yes, I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗Back in the backOf a Cadillac坐着凯迪拉克回归黑暗Number one with a bullet, I"m a power pack持着枪称王,我蓄势待发Yes, I"m in a bang With a gang是的,在一声枪响中我和我的兄弟走过They"ve got to catch me if they want me to hang他们要想绑住我得先抓到我Cause I"m back on the track因为我回到了自己的道路上And I"m beating the flack我将会大声宣告Nobody"s gonna get me on another rap没人能再惩罚我So look at me now看好了I"m just making my play我现在还只是在玩玩Don"t try to push your luck, just get out of my way 别想着在我这里走运,赶快闪人"Cause I"m back因为我回来了Yes, I"m back是的,我回来了Well, I"m back好吧,我回来了Yes, I"m backWell, I"m back, back(Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗Yes, I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗

谁能帮忙翻译下AC/DC的BACK IN BLACK中文歌词

Back in black 回到黑暗 I hit the sack 我躺到床上 I"ve been too long I"m glad to be back 我受苦已太长,我很高兴我回来了 Yes,I"m let loose 是的,我已从那折磨我的套索中释放出来 From the noose That"s kept me hanging about I"ve been looking at the sky我仰望天空 "Cause it"s gettin" me high它让我振奋 Forget the hearse "cause I never die忘了灵车吧,因为我会永生 I got nine lives我有九条命 Cat"s Eyes我有猫的眼睛 Abusin" every one of them and running wild滥用我的生命,变得狂野 CHORUS: "Cause I"m back因为我回来了 Yes,I"m back是的,我回来了 Well,I"m back好吧,我回来了 Yes,I"m back Well,I"m back,back (Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗 Yes,I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗 Back in the back Of a Cadillac我坐在卡迪拉克的后坐上回来 Number one with a bullet,I"m a power pack我就是老大,我有上膛的子弹,我充满力量 Yes,I"m in a bang我就是一声枪响 With a gang我有一帮弟兄 They"ve got to catch me if they want me to hang他们要想整死我得先抓到我 Cause I"m back on the track因为我回到了我的轨道上 And I"m beatin" the flack我会让大家都知道 Nobody"s gonna get me on another rap没人能再惩罚我 So look at me now看好了 I"m just makin" my play我现在还只是在玩玩 Don"t try to push your luck,just get out of my way 别想着在我这里走运,赶快闪人 (说实话,我仅仅翻译出了意思,意境远不及原版的一半,建议对照原文修改)

back in black歌词带中文翻译

Back in black 回到了黑暗I hit the sack 我躺在床上I"ve been too long I"m glad to be back 为我的归来激动不已Yes, I"m let loose From the noose That"s kept me hanging about 是的,我从勒紧我的套索中挣脱出来了I"ve been looking at the sky我仰望天空"Cause it"s getting me high它使我振奋Forget the hearse "cause I never die忘了死亡吧,我永生不死I got nine lives我有九条命Cat"s Eyes我有猫的眼睛Abusing every one of them and running wild滥用我的生命,放荡不羁"Cause I"m back因为我回来了Yes, I"m back是的,我回来了Well, I"m back好吧,我回来了Yes, I"m backWell, I"m back, back(Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗Yes, I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗Back in the backOf a Cadillac坐着凯迪拉克回归黑暗Number one with a bullet, I"m a power pack持着枪称王,我蓄势待发Yes, I"m in a bang With a gang是的,在一声枪响中我和我的兄弟走过They"ve got to catch me if they want me to hang他们要想绑住我得先抓到我Cause I"m back on the track因为我回到了自己的道路上And I"m beating the flack我将会大声宣告Nobody"s gonna get me on another rap没人能再惩罚我So look at me now看好了I"m just making my play我现在还只是在玩玩Don"t try to push your luck, just get out of my way 别想着在我这里走运,赶快闪人"Cause I"m back因为我回来了Yes, I"m back是的,我回来了Well, I"m back好吧,我回来了Yes, I"m backWell, I"m back, back(Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗Yes, I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗

amy winehouse的back to black中英文歌词

He left no time to regret Kept his dick wet With his same old safe bet Me and my head high And my tears dry Get on without my guy You went back to what you knew So far removed from all that we went through And I tread a troubled track My odds are stacked I"ll go back to black We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to..... I go back to us I love you much It"s not enough You love blow and I love puff And life is like a pipe And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, I go back to I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to black

谁帮忙翻译下back to black中文歌词

一种是 灰黑色还一种是 背靠背

Back to black歌词

Back to Black Songwriters: Winehouse, Amy; Ronson, Mark; He left no time to regret Kept his dick wet With his same old safe bet Me and my head high And my tears dry Get on without my guy You went back to what you knew So far removed from all that we went through And I tread a troubled track My odds are stacked I"ll go back to black We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to..... I go back to us I love you much It"s not enough You love blow and I love puff And life is like a pipe And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, I go back to I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to black

mrs black took the police

这个句子当然有错误. that要改where. 这里的连词,不可以用that而只能用where,因为这里必须用连接副词来连接定语从句和主句. 如果一定要用that,必须在前面加一个介词.在这个句子里,可以用at:更好的说法除了用where,还可以使用介词+which.比that hao.Mrs Black took the police back to the same place at which she witnessed the robbery .

求《black rose》-乔治本森的歌曲歌词

George Benson -Black roseWant a cute and decending young black cool independent and everybody likes to call her violent roseOh I fell in love from the first glance she was the definition of romance must be a whole there way up in the skiesOh We started hanging out together day & nightBut …getting it so tightWe call it bad so strong I never should have done you wrongNow I want you back I remember how she used to lay after the love all the games we played lie to a friend lost in the end whatever it`s calledso I cry little more each night because I`m never gonna hold you tightAmor come back to me Rosita La Negra black rose la negraAs the wind blows, willowsI can still see her face by my pillow with every tear dropI almost feel her in my armsMy hair keep onI can`t help stop the cry of love look in the mirrow there`s nothing more clearerThan guilty eyes full of liesBlack is beautiful to me like aflower in a gardenOh We started hanging out together day & nightBut …getting it so tightWe call it bad so strong I never should have done you wrongNow I want you back I remember how she used to lay after the love all the games we played lie to a friend lost in the end whatever it`s calledso I cry little more each night because I`m never gonna hold you tightAmor come back to me Rosita La Negra black rose la negra

求助英语高手帮下忙,希望不要翻译的很生硬。 shoot to thrill 歌手:ac dc 专辑:back in black


back in black, i am back什么意思

Back in black I hit the sack I"ve been too long I"m glad to be back [I bet you know I"m...] Yes, I"m let loose From the noose That"s kept me hanging about I"ve been looking at the sky "Cause it"s getting" me high Forget the hearse "cause I never die I got nine lives Cat"s eyes Abusin" every one of them and running wild CHORUS: "Cause I"m back Yes, I"m back Well, I"m back Yes, I"m back Well, I"m back, back (Well) I"m back in black Yes, I"m back in black Back in the back Of a Cadillac Number one with a bullet, I"m a power pack Yes, I"m in a bang With a gang They"ve got to catch me if they want me to hang Cause I"m back on the track And I"m beatin" the flack Nobody"s gonna get me on another rap So look at me now I"m just makin" my play Don"t try to push your luck, just get out of my way CHORUS Well, I"m back, Yes I"m back Well, I"m back, Yes I"m back Well, I"m back, back Well I"m back in black Yes I"m back in black hooo yeah Ohh yeah Yes I am Oooh yeah, yeah Oh yeah Back in now Well I"m back, I"m back Back, I"m back Back, I"m back Back, I"m back Back, I"m back Back Back in black Yes I"m back in black Out of the sight 赫赫 听了这首歌后觉得 是 在黑暗中回归..

谁能帮忙翻译下AC/DC的BACK IN BLACK中文歌词

LS的 乱来 擦 太TM没道德了~英文不好 不翻译了另外推荐一首 SINK THE PINK

Back To Black中文翻译


时尚 | Back To Black!我就要五彩斑斓的黑

黑色永远是 时尚 界的宠儿! 从奥黛丽赫本的经典小黑裙到西装,凌厉的线条将女性的性感与优雅发挥到极致。 在各大时装周上,设计师也总是毫不吝啬的把黑色作为出场色。 逃离时装周的T台,伸展台下黑色依旧可以展现出”五彩斑斓的黑“。 在多数人的眼里,黑色是万能的、经典! 不需要搭配上花过多的思考,即使是all black也能穿出与众不同的power women! Back To Black 山本耀司曾经说过: 黑色拥有谦虚和傲慢两种特质 ,黑色是慵懒、随性却神秘莫测的。黑色是一种最有态度的颜色,他分明在表达:“我不烦你,你也别来烦我” 黑色在过去除了给人利落简洁的形象,也是种无声的表达,同时也能抚慰穿者,给其安心的感受。 我喜欢穿黑色,很简单因为它 显瘦 ! 带有收缩性质的黑色,不管是的肤色是冷色调还是暖色调,都能对你的身材起到很好的修饰作用。 我喜欢黑色,因为它 在穿搭上不用花费过多精力 ! 虽然黑色常常被贴上“冷酷、性冷淡”的标签,但黑色也是对完美、独特的追求! 不管是正式场合还是休闲约会,黑色永远不会让你失望。 「 BLACK 使用手册 」 时髦的人 都爱大面积穿黑色 曾经一季走过51场秀的模特Sora Choi不仅在伸展台上风格凌冽,私服也是经常是冷酷的暗黑色风格。 绝不出错的黑色酷帅正装,低调而含蓄的体现出她不落俗套又高雅的品味。 黑色的经典配色 黑+白 黑加白永远都是经典的配色,一件简单的T、衬衫、夹克···搭配得宜都能成为时髦的街头时装! 黑白的搭配呈现的永远是低调含蓄的高级,不管什么场合都能让你的装扮得体、大方。 黑+卡其 卡其色作为淡色系,和饱和度低的颜色搭配在一起才会更加高级。 黑色+卡其色,两个颜色的融合可谓十分的和谐,即使是大面积的黑色也不会抢了彼此的风头,真的是超级养眼。 不挑肤色不挑人,是非常友好的颜色,分分钟随意组合都能搭配出不错的穿搭look。 黑+蓝 Dior先生曾说过:在所有色彩中,唯有蓝色与黑色有相同质感并可与其媲美。 黑色与蓝色,不同与其它鲜艳的有彩色,这是一对非常有内涵的配色,深色系的蓝搭配黑色总能让人惊喜。 蓝色是最冷的颜色,用蓝色沉静气质搭配黑色,平衡黑色带来的深邃感,让黑色的稳重神秘气质彰显无疑,带来一丝帅气潇洒风范。 黑+红 红色是最具有膨胀感的色彩,而黑色则是最好的收缩色。火焰般的红搭配内敛的黑,两种明明个性不同的颜色搭配起来却是异常的协调。 黑色和红色搭配也是给人视觉感官最强烈的配色。以黑色作为主体色,红色作为辅助颜色出现,明媚中透露出沉稳帅气。 相反如果是黑色作为辅助色,则尽显热情洋溢的高级感。黑+红衬托得穿着者非常有气场,而且足够高雅。 一身黑 一身黑的人很低调但也很酷。不论在哪里,穿一身黑都绝对不会输,但也绝不会喧宾夺主。 在穿着一身黑时,最好选择面料质感比较强的,或者光泽感比较好的面料用来中和黑色沉闷,并丰富整体搭配的造型感和时髦感。 带有印花图案设计的黑色单品同样值得入手。细节上可以搭配金色的配饰或者亮色系的手袋,起到画龙点睛的效果。 春夏必备的黑色单品有哪些? u2776小黑裙 天气变暖之后第一个想入手的就是裙装,不管是连衣裙还是半裙,都是今年春夏值得入手的单品之一。 连衣裙无疑是最省事的单品,不用费心去搭配,连衣裙是展现女人味最直接的方式,黑色连衣裙就是最好的选择。 u2777黑色裤装 阔腿裤、拖地裤、工装裤随便一条加上高腰款设计能够很好的勾勒出腿部的线条,使之看上去匀称又修长。 百搭的T恤搭配百搭的黑色裤子,不想潮都不行。 春夏季节里,最潮流的穿搭,不就是衬衣加黑色裤子? u2778黑色配饰 帽子,作为一个四季都必备的搭配神器,能为穿搭增添亮点,运用好了,百变风格简直是妥妥的。 春夏很火的渔夫帽、大檐帽、棒球帽、贝雷帽等等,帽子的存在,一定会是整体造型的点睛之笔,是增强时髦指数、性价比极高高的凹造型神的神器,你有没有一点心动呢? 当然,配饰上少不了让集美们掏空钱包的包袋,黑色的设计加上复古的金色口金,优雅感呼之欲出。 u2779黑色外套 春风起穿风衣,黑色风衣又潮又酷,十分的霸气。 oversized的黑色西装,宽松的版型弱化了黑色严肃感和正式感, 时尚 百搭又高级性感,是初春最时髦帅气的外套之一。 黑色外套可以说是跨越男女性别的好搭配,对女孩来说,弱化了女性的甜美,同时又显得帅气十足。 黑色是神秘的、经典的 又是万能的, 它可以适应任何年龄 这个春天 你要不要来一身帅气的黑!

艾米怀恩豪斯(amy winehouse)的back to black这首歌的中英文对照歌词?

  回到黑色  作词/艾米等  He left no time to regret  他离开时毫无遗憾  Kept his d**k wet  接着又去寻欢作爱  With his same old safe bet  带着他一成不变的安全赌注  Me and my head high  我和我高抬的头  And my tears dry  泪已流干  Get on without my guy  继续着没有男友的生活  You went back to what you knew  你回到你曾熟悉的一切  So far removed from all that we went through  把我们经历的所有全都忘却  And I tread a troubled track  我却有太多烦心的感受  My odds are stacked  我的古怪也变得异常明显  I"ll go back to black  我决定要回到黑色  We only said good-bye with words  我们只言语了再见  I died a hundred times  我却已死去了千百遍  You go back to her  你回到她身边  And I go back to.....  那我只好回到......  I go back to us  我只好回到(记忆中的)我们  I love you much  我很爱你  It"s not enough  但那还不够  You love blow and I love puff  你喜欢用blow烟草,而我喜欢抽puff烟草  And life is like a pipe  人生就好像一个烟囱  And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside  而我是个小小分币滚入在这烟囱的墙里面  * blow,puff--实际指的是两种毒品类烟草,类似于大麻,使用的方式不同,一种是blow/轻轻吹,另一种是puff/一点点喷出。此歌曲说明艾米有严重的毒瘾问题,而她当时与男友(后来成了她的丈夫)的分手则加重了这问题。  (翻译/夜莺)

Back To Black 歌词翻译

他离开没有时间去遗憾保留了迪克湿与他相同的旧安全打赌我和我的头部高和我的眼泪干获得对未经我的家伙你又回到什么你知道因此,远离我们所有的经历我和胎面一个动荡的轨道我的赔率是堆放我会回去黑色我们只说好再见的话我死亡1 100倍你回去向她我回去… … 。 回去给我们我爱你多少它没有足够的你爱的打击,我爱自卖自夸和人生就像一管和我是一个细小的竹篙滚动起来的墙壁内我们只说了声再见的话我死亡1 100倍你回去向她我回去黑色,黑色,黑色,黑色,黑色,黑色,黑, 我去回我去回我们只说好再见的话我死亡1 100倍你回去向她我回去我们只说好再见的话我死亡1 100倍你回去向她我回去黑色

艾米怀恩豪斯(amy winehouse)的back to black这首歌的中英文对照歌词?

He left no time to regret 他离开的时候没有留下任何遗憾 Kept his d**k wet 带着他的J.B With his same old safe bet 还有他一成不变的思想 Me and my head high 我抬着头 And my tears dry 我泪干了 Get on without my guy 自己走着没有朋友的路 You went back to what you knew 你回到 你之前知道的 So far removed from all that we went through 把我们经历的所有东西都忘记 And I tread a troubled track 我有太多的感受 My odds are stacked I"ll go back to black 我决定我要回到黑 (这个黑可以代表黑暗 也可以代表黑人) We only said good-bye with words 我们只有说再见 I died a hundred times 我已经死了100次 You go back to her 你会去找她 And I go back to..... 那我只好回去。。。回去。。。 I go back to us 回去记忆里面的我们 I love you much 我很爱你 It"s not enough 但是不够 You love blow and I love puff 你喜欢帮我口 我也喜欢 And life is like a pipe 人生就是好像一个烟囱 And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside 这个烟囱全部是用一分钱推挤出来 而我就是当中的一个

Back To Black 歌词

歌曲名:Back To Black歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:Back To Black(Deluxe Edition)Back To Blackamy winehouseHe left no time to regret,Kept his dick wet,With his same old safe bet.Me & my head high,And my tears dry,Get on without my guy.You went back to what you knew,So far removedFrom all that we went through.And I tread a troubled track,My odds are stacked,I go back to black.We only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back toI go back to usI love you muchIt"s not enoughYou love blow and I love puffAnd life is like a pipe,And I"m a tired penny rolling up the walls inside.We only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back to...We only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back to...BlackBlackBlackBlackBlackBlackBlackI go back to...I go back to...We only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back toWe only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back to black

back to black什么意思


Black Ice (Sky High) 歌词

歌曲名:Black Ice (Sky High)歌手:Goodie Mob&Outkast专辑:Dirty South ClassicsAC/DC - Black IceWell the devil may care,You toss "em back and be a man,With the last time,Black ice,End of it all, end of the line,End of the road,Black ice,Black ice,Come on and bleeding out the crowds,We"re watching all the women go,Many a mile I"ll never take,I run for forty miles and come up runnin" late,Don"t you know I live it down,When the devil come a callin" I aint gonna be around,Black ice,Black ice,Black ice,Black ice,The devil come a callin" I aint gonna be around,Black ice,Livin" long, livin" long,Sleep all alone, you"re gonna take it all,And I"m gonna rip it out,I"ll kick, I creep crawl down your street,I"ll gouge your eyes out,Black ice,Black ice,Black ice,Black ice,My life,Black ice,My life,Black ice,My life,When the devil come a callin" I aint gonna be around,I"ll kick, I creep crawl down your street, and gouge your eyes out,Black ice



blacknuss的《roll with me》的英文歌词?

Its just one of those days when Nothing wants to go alright. So I slipped on a brand new shirt and stepped out into the night. And as I rode down the road in my Benz, See you standin with a man, You was chilling with my best friend. Acting like hes all you need. When last night you was tryin to get it on with me. [BRIDGE]Youre making your moves on me, baby. Its wrong but it feels so right. Youre trying to play with me, lady. But it wont go down tonight... [CHORUS]You wanna roll with me, roll with me... Mess about. You better keep it low before we get found out. I wanna rock with you, rock with you... All night. Dance with your body until the morning light. You wanna bounce with me, bounce with me... Take it slow. Dont wanna jeopardize, gotta let you know. If youre leaving tonight, it will all be alright. Girl, you keep it on a down low. You keep on tellin me nobody has to know. But you dont wanna compromise, Always keep a brother hooked with your bedroom eyes. Gonna do what I can to keep it real But inside what I feel, baby girl, what the deal now? Even though I always lose, Either way that I play but I gotta choose... [BRIDGE]Youre making your moves on me, baby. Its wrong but it feels so right. Youre trying to play with me, lady. But it wont go down tonight... [CHORUS]You wanna roll with me, roll with me... Mess about. You better keep it low before we get found out. I wanna rock with you, rock with you... All night. Dance with your body until the morning light. You wanna bounce with me, bounce with me... Take it slow. Dont wanna jeopardize, gotta let you know. If youre leaving tonight, it will all be alright. [BRIDGE]Youre making your moves on me, baby. Its wrong but it feels so right. Youre trying to play with me, lady. But it wont go down tonight... [CHORUS to fade]You wanna roll with me, roll with me... Mess about. You better keep it low before we get found out. I wanna rock with you, rock with you... All night. Dance with your body until the morning light. You wanna bounce with me, bounce with me... Take it slow. Dont wanna jeopardize, gotta let you know. If youre leaving tonight, it will all be alright.

低俗小说的英文名字black fiction请问plus这个单词是哪个含义


blackvue wifi 密码忘了,怎么复位?

用电脑端更改拔下SD卡,用读卡器在电脑的blackvue viewer重置,重置后密码是blackvueChange the dashcam"s Wi-Fi SSID / password using BlackVue PC Viewer (Windows or Mac):1. Turn off the dashcam and remove the microSD card from the dashcam.2. Insert the card into the microSD card reader and connect it to a computer.3. Run the BlackVue Viewer program.4. In BlackVue Viewer go to Settings (Windows) / Windows Viewer-> Preferences (Mac) to access the settings panel.5. Click the Wi-Fi tab and under Login credentials change the password.* The dashcam"s Wi-Fi password is case sensitive which means that upper case " A " and lower case " a " are considered different letters.* If you click on "Reset" , the password will be changed to default password: blackvue 6. Click Save & Close.

谁能帮我找到black box recorder这些歌的歌词?


which do you like best, the red one ,theblack or the green? 中best前为什么不加the

best是形容词,表示喜欢物品的程度,而不是比较级,所以不加the 没有like sth. best

The Black Eyed Peas的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Shut UpShut up, just shut up shut upShut up, just shut up shut upShut up, just shut up shut upWe try"n to take it slow, but we still losin" controlYa we try to make it work, but its still is the worstAnd I"m craaazayyy, tryin" to be your laaaadayyyI think I"m goin" craaaazayGirl, me and you was just fine, ya knowWe wine"d and dinneddid them things that couples do when in love, ya knowwalks on the beach and stuff, ya knowThings that lova"s say and do"I love you boo", "I love you to""I miss you alot", "I miss you even more, thas why I flew you out when we were on tour"But then somethin" got outta hand, you start yellin" why I was gripmansEven though I had legitamate reasons(o sh*t)You know I have to make them dividends(o sh*t)How could you trust the private eye"s girlThas why you dont believe my lies, and to quick to resentWhy do we gotta move so fastlova"s part before you could make it lastWhy is it that you just lose controlevery time we agree on takin" it slowSo why does it havta be so d@mn toughCause fools like us could never get enough of loveShowin" the love that you be givin"Changin" up your livin" for another transitionGoin" into submissionTryin" to get you to listenTo be mad at each other has become out traditionYou yell, I yell, everybody yellsWe got neighbors across the street sayin" ("WHO THE HELL")Who the hell, what the hell"s goin" downTo much of the bickering, kill it with the soundGirl our love is dyinWhy can"t you stop tryinI never been a quitahBut I do deserve bettaBelieve me I will do badLet"s forget the pastAnd let"s start this new planWhy? Cuz it"s the same old routineAnd then next week I hear them screamGirl I know you"re tired of the things they sayYou"re damn rightCuz I heard them lame dame excuses just yesterdayThat was a different thingNo it ain"tThat was a different thingNo it ain"tThat was a different thingIt was the same damn thingSame ass excusesBoy you"re uslessWhhoooaaaaShut Up, Just Shut Up Shut UpShut Up, Just Shut Up Shut UpStop the talking baby,Or I start walking babyIs that all there is (repeat)

求ぼくのりりっくのぼうよみ的black bird的罗马音!!!

black bird- ku ro i to ri

Ozzy Osbourne的《Black Rain》 歌词

歌曲名:Black Rain歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Black RainBlack RainOzzy OsbourneThe black rain is fallingContaminating the groundThe human race is dyingThe dead are scattered aroundWhat is the price of a bullet?Another hole in the headA flag draped over a coffinAnother soldier is deadHow many victims have fallen?How many more have to die?People dying in massesAngel of Death standing byWe"ve got our marching ordersDefenders of our home and our prideWe"ve crossed too many bordersMilitary suicideWar killing sons and daughtersAnother failed attack,there is no turning backBlood running down like waterYou?I think you got away until the Judgment Day comesPoliticians confuse meI watch the body count riseWhy are the children all marchingInto the desert to die?The human psyche is twistedThe madness rising againAnother emprie fallingI watch them dying in vainWe"ve got our marching ordersDefenders of our home and our prideWe"ve crossed too many bordersMilitary suicideWar killing sons and daughtersAnother failed attack,there is no turning backBlood running down like waterYou?I think you got away until the Judgment Day comesBlack rain,black rainBlack rain,black rainWar killing sons and daughtersAnother failed attack,there is no turning backBlood running down like waterYou?I think you got away until the Judgment Day comesYou?I think you got away until the Judgment Day comes-------end------

Ozzy Osbourne的《Black Rain》 歌词

歌曲名:Black Rain歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Essential Ozzy Osbourne 3.0Black RainOzzy OsbourneThe black rain is fallingContaminating the groundThe human race is dyingThe dead are scattered aroundWhat is the price of a bullet?Another hole in the headA flag draped over a coffinAnother soldier is deadHow many victims have fallen?How many more have to die?People dying in massesAngel of Death standing byWe"ve got our marching ordersDefenders of our home and our prideWe"ve crossed too many bordersMilitary suicideWar killing sons and daughtersAnother failed attack,there is no turning backBlood running down like waterYou?I think you got away until the Judgment Day comesPoliticians confuse meI watch the body count riseWhy are the children all marchingInto the desert to die?The human psyche is twistedThe madness rising againAnother emprie fallingI watch them dying in vainWe"ve got our marching ordersDefenders of our home and our prideWe"ve crossed too many bordersMilitary suicideWar killing sons and daughtersAnother failed attack,there is no turning backBlood running down like waterYou?I think you got away until the Judgment Day comesBlack rain,black rainBlack rain,black rainWar killing sons and daughtersAnother failed attack,there is no turning backBlood running down like waterYou?I think you got away until the Judgment Day comesYou?I think you got away until the Judgment Day comes-------end------


按照目前TWICE取得的成绩,TWICE更火。TWICE在韩国的人气非常高,目前韩国女团专辑销量第一就是TWICE,而且她们也是获得最多一位的女团,虽然BLACKPINK的油管成绩非常厉害,但是TWICE的油管成绩也非常不错。TWICE最厉害的就是她的音乐,TWICE的音乐和舞蹈,在韩国,不管老老少少都会唱,而且她们的忠实粉也非常多。TWICE是JYP Entertainment于2015年10月20日推出的女子演唱团体,由林娜琏、俞定延、平井桃(Momo)、凑崎纱夏(Sana)、朴志效、名井南(Mina)、金多贤、孙彩瑛、周子瑜9名成员组成。2015年10月20日,发布首张迷你专辑《THE STORY BEGINS》,正式出道;12月,获得第17届Mnet亚洲音乐大奖最佳女子新人奖。2016年4月,发布第二张迷你专辑《PAGE TWO》,主打曲发布后在MelOn、Mnet、Naver Music等8个音源网站的排行榜上获得第一名;同年,她们还相继获得韩国金唱片大奖唱片部门新人赏、Mnet亚洲音乐大奖最佳女子团体奖。2017年1月,TWICE首次获得韩国金唱片大奖音源部门大赏;10月,发行首张团体正规专辑《Twicetagram》。2018年12月,在Mnet亚洲音乐大奖颁奖礼上拿下了包括最佳女子团体在内的五项殊荣;2020年10月26日,发行第二张团体正规专辑《Eyes Wide Open》。

black sabbath是什么风格的金属乐队


求Jay-z的my president is black 的完整歌词.Remix版的

creatin murders to kill haters Accused for every crime known through the equator They knew I did it (uh-huh) for havin blood on <STRONG class=tx_hit>my gators <STRONG class=tx_hit>My weedll hit yo chest like a double barrel gauge an With a fifth in me, when I guzzle Remi I do shit on purpose You never hear me say, "Forgive me" Im snatchin every penny - it gotta be that way nigga, face it That weed I sold to you, Brigade laced it You hidin, I make the <STRONG class=tx_hit>president get a facelift Niggaz just afraid, handin me they bracelets Chillin in the lab wasted Im the type thatll drink Kahlua and gin - throw up on the mic Your life <STRONG class=tx_hit>is ruined, you get socked right on site And even at the Million Man March, we gon fight So you can suck <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shit Cause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick Cause I dont give a fuck if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shit Cause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick Im a compulsive liar, settin <STRONG class=tx_hit>my preacher on fire Slashin your tires, flyin down Fenkel and Meyers Plates expired, soon as Im hired, Im fired Jackin <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick off in a bed of barbed wire (Hey, <STRONG class=tx_hit>is Bizarre performing?) Bitch didnt you read the flyer? Special invited guest will be, Richard Pryor (Arent you a male dancer?) Nah bitch, Im retired Fuckin your bitch in the ass with a tire iron Im ripped, Im on an acid trip (Damn!) Im fuckin anything when Im snortin Its gonna cost 300 dollars to get <STRONG class=tx_hit>my pit bull an abortion Some bitch asked for <STRONG class=tx_hit>my autograph I called her a whore, spit beer in her face and laughed I drop bombs like I was in Vietnam All bitches <STRONG class=tx_hit>is hoes, even <STRONG class=tx_hit>my stinkin ass mom Aiyyo flashback, two feets, two deep up in that ass crack nigga pass that In Amsterdam we only hang out with hash rats At a Stop the Violence rally, I blast gats Be your mom on publishin, get your ASCAP-ped The Kuniva, divide up your cash stack Run your motherfuckin pockets, ASAP I dont need a platinum chain, bitch I snatch Shaqs Born loser, half theif and half <STRONG class=tx_hit>black Bring your boys and your guns and get laughed at Bitch smacker, rich rappers get they Jag jacked and found chopped up in a trash bag We stranglin rappers until the point they cant yell cause they crew <STRONG class=tx_hit>is full of fags and sweeter than bake sales Reckless, come from behind and snatch your necklace Gruesome, and causin more violence than nine hoodlums I grapple your adams apple until it crackle Run right past you, turn around, grab you and stab you Get executed, cuz Im a "Luni" I got a "Yukmouth" and its polluted I cock it back then shoot it I love snatchin up players thugs and young ballers Shoot up the household, even the young toddlers Brigade barricade to bring the noise While the bullets break your bones up like Christmas toys If I go solo, Im doin a song with Bolo A big Chinese nigga, screamin "Kuniva yo yo.." I leave ya face leakin, run up in church and smack the preacher while hes preachin Take a swing at the deacon I used to tell cats I sold weed and weight I was straight til I got caught sellin em shake Im ignorant, with the intent to snatch your rent I got kicked out of summer camp for havin sex in <STRONG class=tx_hit>my tent with the superintendents daughter, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my brains out of order Ive been a Kon Artis since I was swimmin in water In cahoots with this nigga named Carlisle Von who got fired from UPS for tryin to send you a bomb (Special delivery!) I signed to a local label for fun Say I got cancer, get dropped, take the advancement and run Driveby you in the rain while you carry your son Call your house and hang up on you for not givin me none Born straight up out a pussy but a son of a gun Got a reputation for havin niggaz runnin they funds Used to be the type of nigga that was foldin some ones til I met your fat mama, now Im rollin in dough So you can suck <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shit Cause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick Cause I dont give a fuck if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shit Cause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick Haha...
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