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求the cultural web of an organisation的中文资料

什么是企业文化?企业文化是一种很虚的概念。但是它确实存在,不管你如何定义。当你踏入一家公司的办公室,它像是悬浮空气中的力量,影响着工作是如何被完成,直接影响到项目的成败,决定了员工的忠诚度,生产效率。Cultural Web,由Johnson和Scholes在1992年提出,提供了一个分析和改变企业文化的分析框架。Cultrual web 辨认了组成所谓“paradigm”的六个相互影响的要素。paradigm这里他们指工作的模式。六要素是:Stories(故事):人们在公司内部或者外部谈论的过去的事件,流传的故事;例如公司的品牌故事,历史事件,重要事件和重要文物的事迹。Rituals and Routines (日常的工作,仪式,惯例):例如公司员工惯例周五下班happy hour,周末组织足球运动。Symbols 组织的标识,外在的体现:公司的logo,办公室装修风格,dressing code,车辆标识,职位的名称,常常在办公室流传的一些术语和俚语,名言。例如,在一些会计师事务所,人们私下流传:“少壮不努力长大当审计”(这就是symbol之一)体现了员工厌恶繁琐的审计工作,不利于工作效率的提高。又例如,私下流传的某个领导的花名:“灭绝师太”,就认定这个领导不受欢迎。Organizational Structure 组织架构:包括公司成文或者不成文的影响和权力架构Control system (控制系统):包括财务系统,质量控制系统,奖惩制度;Power Structures 权力机构:公司的真正的决策机构。可能是一个人,几个高管,或者某个机构。这些人对公司的决策,运营和战略方向有最大的影响力。

level of course difficulty"是什么意思

level of course difficulty 全部释义和例句>>难度等级difficulty英[u02c8du026afu026aku0259lti]美[u02c8du026afu026au02ccku028clti, -ku0259l-]n.难度; 困难,麻烦,难事; 异议,争论,纠葛; 财政困难,(经济)拮据

cultural tourism是什么意思


new managers often find it difficult to delegate the tasks they used to do怎么翻译!



subacute 亚急性subadult 亚成年subatom 亚原子subboreal 亚北方带subcritical 亚临界subeconomy 亚经济subgenus 亚属subline 亚系sublittoral 亚沿岸 (近海滩)subliterature 亚文学submicroscopic 亚微观 --- ?? Submacroscopic 亚宏观 submicron 亚微米subniche 亚生态位subnuclear 亚核subpopulation 亚族群(亚种群)....待续



organ culture器官培养



因为结尾加it的话,就会造成主语不清,变成病句。the problem is difficult to work out。这里the problem 是主语,is 是谓语动词 ,to work out 是一个表语短句,如果加it在结尾,这个句子就会变成这个问题很难去解决这个问题。所以就有两个主语了。

cultural niche 和niche在这段话里是什么意思 谢谢


defined culture as是什么意思



culture/(音标不会打)/①文化②教养③栽培④养殖⑤耕作⑥培养▲cultural α │d~ α.有教养的;人工培养的

intercultural communication英文解释

跨文化交际Cross-cultural communication (also frequently referred to as intercultural communication) is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds endeavour to communicate.


difficult怎么读:语音:英音["du026afu026aku0259lt] 美音[u02c8du026afu026au02ccku028clt,-ku0259lt]。释义adj.困难的;问题多的,麻烦的;不随和的;大小写变形。词态变化比较级:moredifficult;最高级:themostdifficult;基本解释1、处境艰难。工作中的困难。2、生活穷困。指生活经济拮据,日食难度。生活变得艰难。引证解释1、指处境艰难。亦指事情复杂、阻碍多。《易·震》“九四,震遂泥。”三国·魏·王弼注:“艾其震也,遂困难矣。”毛泽东《关于重庆谈判》:“我们要承认困难,分析困难,向困难作斗争。”2、生活穷困。李准《李双双》三二:“这几户都是困难户,需要救济一部分工分。”其它含义困难可以指很多方面,如果说一个人困难可以是经济上的感情上的或者外貌等方面上的。经济上的困难是钱不够用;感情上的困难是感情遇到了挫折,不顺利的感情纠纷出现了。如果指外貌就是这个人长的没人要了,不好找到对象,当然,也是指友情等多方面。人的一生都会遇到或多或少的波折。顺境也罢、逆境也罢,只是每个人面对困难,所持有的态度和心理承受力不同而已。遇到困难,有的人选择了绕道而行,而有的人却选择去面对困难、去克服困难。第二个人虽然很难做,可他比第一个人收获却多的多。绕道的人就不会做出伟大的事来,因为一点困难他都不敢面对,还如何面对人生中更大的困难,那时一选择绕道了要损失很多很多。而去面对、克服困难的人解决了困难,当然一份付出就有一份收获,所以他得到了成功的喜悦和许多知识。挫折的大小没有什么界定,这取决于你的心理。假如你把自己遇到的困难无限地放大,那它就可能成为你人生中难以逾越的障碍;把它看小,你就有足够的信心和能力去克服和承受它。如果把人生比喻成一辆长远行的汽车,长途跋涉中难免会遇到坎坷的道路,或坎坷、或平坦、或崎岖、或故障,只要驾驶员坚忍不拔、永不放弃,就一定能到达理想中的目的地。其实“顺境”“逆境”就像一对双胞胎,会时刻出现在每个人的成长道路中。有的人觉得自己特别不幸,那是他老是盯着自己的挫折;有的人总是乐呵呵的,觉得自己特别幸运,那是他总在享受自己的快乐。

if you undertake this project you are bound to.......many difficulties.


whenever a traveller is in difficulty

翻译:狗儿们仍然要进入雪地要是一个旅行者身处困难. A 、if ever 假如,要是;如果真有(我当真) B、in case 1.如果,假若…的话 2.免得,以防;以防万一 3.也许,说不定,可能 一般后面要有连接词,of或that C、all the time 1.(在某一段时间内)一直,始终 2.继续,不停 3.时常,多次 4.老是,一向 都不符合愿意 D、while 虽然;然而;当……的时候 n.一会儿;一段时间 vt.消磨;轻松地度过 我个人觉得 选A比较合适.

英语中表示无趣,困难,厌烦的词,比如说:boring difficult等等

厌烦 tired (be tired of)

求翻译: Different cultures emphasize (强调) the import

不同文化强调建立关系的重要性不一样。比方说, 在某些国家,交易必须建立在相互信任的关系之上。就算是在工作中, 人们也需要有时间坐下来谈一谈才开始正式的工作。在很多欧洲国家,像英国或者法国,人们发现和办公室比起来,餐馆和咖啡馆更能加强工作合作间的关系。交流和沉默同样在不同国家是不一样的。我曾在泰国给过演讲。我以为我演讲会很成功并引发热烈的讨论,但是结果却只有尴尬的沉默。在场的人只是看着我微笑。在更了解他们之后,我才知道他们觉得我讲的太多了。对于我来说,我们主要通过交流来表达想法,但是人们有的时候却会觉得太多的言语是不需要的。即使是在北欧的国家,文化差异会导致严重的问题。当然,英国,德国文化之间有着相同的地方。但是德国人在做生意的时候更加的直截了当。我们会以为他们很粗鲁。但其实他们只是更加快的开始谈话作出决定而已。

什么叫主观文化(subjective culture)


帮忙写一篇80词以上(不用太长)的英语作文“Communicating Effectively Across Cultures”

Developing good communication skills is an important part of living a fulfilled life. Effectively communicating your career, personal, and everyday needs in a way that comes across clearly, persuasively, and thoughtfully is crucial; and yet, not everyone knows how. It isn"t innate, and many bright, talented, and dedicated people don"t get where they should, all because they fail to adequately communicate their point.Don"t let that be your fate. No matter what your age, background, or experience, effective communication is a skill you can learn (no matter how you might feel about it now). With a little self-confidence and knowledge of the basics of good communications, you will be able to effectively communicate your message in both conversations and presentations, in all walks of life.


A:Look at me,Jane!Standing!(Do)like this? B:NO,I can"t.It"s difficult.You(play)gymnastics,but I am useless.I can"t do it. A:(Well),Jane!You can speak Chinese and I can"t! I"m useless at Chinese.Can you(think)of me?Come on!Take a photo on your mobile. B:OK.(Ready)? One,two,three!Smile,please!

They say that the Japanese language is particular difficult for a European.是什么意思啊


有谁知道"Cultural due diligence"的中文意思


1、文化传播用英语如何翻译?我感觉是cultural communication,但看别人翻译的不是这个。


Today is not easy. Tomorrow is more difficult. Bu


求第二版新编大学英语2中第7单元课文(Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully)全文翻译;第10单元课文翻译;


英语翻译中国中国农业产量全球第一,翻译给的答案是china agricultural


As a consequence, it may prove difficult even to

1)it may be prove difficult or impossible 这是主句,系表结构;2)it是引导词,引导后面两个动词不定式to stablish和 to answer3)to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated 中for a successful revolution 是状语,picture of those 是establish的宾语,who participated是定语从句,修饰those4)to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents中one might pose 是定语从句,concerning the social origins of the insurgents是后置大于,修饰questions整句翻译:因此,要为一次成功的革命建立参与者全面而可信的描述,或者回答人们可能提出的、有关起义者社会起源的哪怕最基本的问题恐怕是困难的,或者甚至是不可能的.


  ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY"s  The Top 50 Cult Movies  (ranked, in order) - Part 1  1. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)  "It"s such a fine line between stupid...and clever."  "He died in a tragic gardening accident... Authorities said... it"s best to leave it... unsolved."  2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)  "Hi, my name is Brad Majors..." (Asshole!) "...this is my fiancee, Janet Weiss." (Slut!)  3. Freaks (1932)  "Gobble gobble, gobble gobble... We accept her... One of us, one of us..."  4. Harold and Maude (1971)  Harold: "You sure have a way with people."  Maude: "Well, they"re my species!"  5. Pink Flamingos (1972)  "Filth are my politics! Filth is my life."  6. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)  "Hey, Grampa, we"re gonna let you have this one!"  7. Repo Man (1984)  "Let"s go get sushi and not pay!"  8. Scarface (1983)  "Shay "jello to my wittle vrend!"  9. Blade Runner  "Wake up. Time to die."  10. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)  "Get busy livin" or get busy dyin"."  11. Five Deadly Venoms (1978)  "Hwayiii!"  12. Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)  "All you of Earth are IDIOTS!"  "Greetings, my friends. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friends, future events such as these will affect you in the future."  13. Brazil (1985)  "That is your receipt for your husband...and this is my receipt for your receipt."  14. Eraserhead (1977)  (A pervasive hiss of unsettling white noise.)  15. Faster, Pussy-Cat! Kill! Kill! (1966)  "Honey, we don"t like nothing soft. Everything we touch is hard."  16. The Warriors (1979)  "Warriors come out to plaaay." or  " it?"  17. Dazed and Confused (1993)  "That"s what I love about these high school girls, man: I get older, they stay the same age."  18. Hard-Boiled (1992)  "There"s no room for failure now. The innocent must die!"  "Give a guy a gun, he thinks he"s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he"s God."  19. Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn (1987)  "Groovy" or  "I"ll swallow your soul!"  "Let"s head on down into that cellar and carve ourselves a witch."  20. The Mack (1973)  "We can settle this like you got some class, or we can get into some gangster s---."  21. Pee-Wee"s Big Adventure (1985)  "I know you are, but what am I? Infinity!"  "There"s a lot of things about me you don"t know anything about, Dottie, things you wouldn"t understand, things you couldn"t understand."  22. Un Chien Andalou (1928, France)  (It"s a silent movie, but shrieks and gasps can often be heard in the audience."  23. Akira (1988)  "Tetsuoooooo!"  24. The Toxic Avenger (1985)  "They"re going to nuke the monster!"  25. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)  "What is this, Wonka, some kind of fun house?"  "Why? Having fun?"  26. Stranger Than Paradise (1984)  "It"s Screamin" Jay Hawkins, and he"s a wild man, so bug off!"  27. Dawn of the Dead (1978)  "They kill for one reason: They kill for food!"  28. The Wiz (1978)  "Ease on down the road."  29. Clerks (1994)  "I"m not even supposed to be here today."  30. The Harder They Come (1973)  "Don"... f--- ... wit" ... me."  31. Slap Shot (1977)  "Old-time hockey!"  32. Re-Animator (1985)  "You steal the secret of life and death, and here you are trysting with a bubbleheaded coed!"  33. Grey Gardens (1976)  "In dealing with me, the relatives didn"t know that they were dealing with a staunch character...S-T-A-U-N-C-H."  34. The Big Lebowski (1998)  "The Dude abides."  35. Withnail and I (1987)  "I demand to have some booze!"  36. Showgirls (1995)  "I"m not a whore, I"m a dancer!"  37. A Bucket of Blood (1959)  "I"ve never seen anything like it before...and I hope I never see anything like it again."  38. They Live (1988)  "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass...I"m all out of bubble gum."  39. The Best of Everything (1959)  "Here"s to men! Bless their clean-cut faces and dirty little minds!"  40. Barbarella (1968)  "I"d better adjust my tongue box."  41. Heathers (1989)  "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast or something?"  "Hey Ram, doesn"t this cafeteria have a no-fags-allowed rule?"  42. Rushmore (1998)  "She"s my Rushmore, Max."  43. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)  "...No matter where you go, there you are."  "Laugh-a while you can Monkey-Boy!!"  44. Love Streams (1984)  "Life is a series of suicides, divorces, promises broken, children smashed, whatever."  45. Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1987)  "I will not wear that hip-hugger thing. Mother. It makes me look really fat."  46. Aguirre, The Wrath of God (1972)  "I am the Wrath of God!"  47. Walking and Talking (1996)  "Do we really have to listen to this vagina music all the way there?"  48. The Decline of Western Civilization II: The Metal Years (1988)  "I"m the happiest son-ofabitch, motherf---er there ever was."  49. Friday (1995)  "It"s Friday... You ain"t got s--- to do."  50. Faces of Death, Vol. 1 (1978)  "Banned in 46 countries!" (Tagline)  (Entertainment Weekly Magazine published their list of the Top 50 Cult Movies in their May 23, 2003 issue. )

Smiling  People smile at times. ____71______.Depending on different cultures, smiling can expre.

小题1:G小题2:E小题3:B小题4:A小题5:D 小题1:G 根据下一句Depending on different cultures说明不同的国家,微笑的意思可能会不一样。小题2:E 根据下一句Every one smiles at each other…说明美国人对别人笑得比较多,是为了表示出友好。小题3:B 根据上一句but also a way to avoid being embarrassed说明中国有时候笑是为了掩盖尴尬。小题4:A 根据下一句different cultures have different meanings about laugh说明laugh是与微笑有联系的。小题5:D 上一句说美国人会捧腹大笑,这句表示这个人与他们不一样,因为这个人认为那样做比较愚蠢。



Culture Beat的《Mr Vain》 歌词

歌曲名:Mr Vain歌手:Culture Beat专辑:BillBoard Top 100 Of 1994Call him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him Mr. VainCall him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him insaneHe"d say: I know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainI know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainCall him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him Mr. VainCall him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him insaneHe"d say: I know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainI know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainCall him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him Mr. VainCall him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him insaneHe"d say: I know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainI know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainMr. WrongMr. RaiderWrong~~~!Call him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him Mr. VainCall him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him insaneHe"d say: I know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainI know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainCall him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him Mr. VainCall him Mr. Raidercall him Mr. WrongCall him insaneHe"d say: I know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainI know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainI know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. VainI know what I want and I want it nowI want you cause I"m Mr. Vain

英语3高职高专版第三版unit8 food culture课文+译文


pollen culture花粉培养


tenure faculty什么意思


Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty 翻译


Not really terrible culture怎么读

闹特 瑞额磊 胎若啵 咔欧搓

Culture and life 怎么读?



英文原文:culture time怎么读?英式音标:[ˈkʌltʃə] [taɪm] ? 美式音标:[ˈkʌltʃɚ] [taɪm] ?


关于cultures英语读为: 英[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259z],美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259rz]。造句一:Acquisition of friable calli from stems and establishment of the cell suspension cultures of Prunus armeniaca L. cv.Canino and Luizet.杏茎脆散型愈伤组织的获取及细胞悬浮培养的建立造句二:We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.我们想让孩子们受到尽可能多的艺术和文化熏陶。造句三: To accumulate informations and discuss of cultures and subcultures.希望累积一些次文化以及传统文化的知识和讨论。造句四:I consider that as accumulation of various cultures.但低俗与高尚,前面的朋友已说明了,我想不需要重复了。造句五: He was one of the world"s foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.他是世界上最优秀的古印度文化学者之一。造句六:Its a ability, character and cultures presentative for a person.也是一个人的能力,性格,文化水平的表现。造句七:The film portrays a culture of young people who live in lower Manhattan.这部电影描绘了在下曼哈顿地区生活的青年人文化。






culture 英["ku028cltu0283u0259(r)] 美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u025a] n. 文化;[生物学](微生物等的)培养;修养;养殖 vt. 培植,培养 第三人称单数:cultures;过去分词:cultured;名词复数:cultures;现在... [例句]And culture can be changed.可见文化也可以改变。

western culture is generally considered 7 lucky,while lucky 7怎么读

western culture is generally considered 7 lucky,while lucky 7 西方文化一般认为7幸运,而幸运的7

nonverbal culture怎么读






cultural convergence是什么意思

cultural convergence 英[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259ru0259l ku0259nu02c8vu0259:du0292u0259ns] 美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259ru0259l ku0259nu02c8vu025adu0292u0259ns] [词典] 文化汇合; [例句]This is also one of the cultural convergence centres of India for both national and international.这也是印度的文化中心之一,汇聚了国内和国际。

counterculture of 1960s是指什么?




一份关于各国饮食文化的英语手抄报,题目为Food Culture,求资料

hinese food cultureFamous for its abundance and exquisite, Chinese food culture has occupied an important part in the nation"s


你好~可以是单数也可以是复数policy的名词复数是policiesdifficulty的名词复数是difficulties 附:抽象名词的数 抽象名词大多是不可数的,不能计数,因而没有单、复数之分。例如:Honesty is the best policy.Knowledge is strength. 但也有一些抽象名词是可数的,如victory, a victory, two victories; conference, a conference, several conferences。还有一些抽象名词可以复数形式出现,但不能计数。例如difficulty, difficulties; opinion, opinions。 还有一些抽象名词有复数与非复数两种形式,但表示不同的意义。以experience一词为例:当experience作“经验”解时,它没有复数,但作“经历”解时,两种形式均可。例如:The salesman met once a week to exchange experience(经验)。Please tell us about your experiences(经历)in Africa. 有些抽象名词表示抽象概念是不可数名词,而表示具体事物则是可数名词。例如relation作“关系”解是不可数名词,而作“亲戚”解则是可数名词;Youth作“青春”、“青年”(集合体)解是不可数名词,而作“男青年”解则是可数名词;worry作“忧愁”、“烦恼”解是不可数名词,而作“烦恼事”解则是可数名词。 有些抽象名词本身没有复数形式,如果要计数,就得用在语义上与之对应的个体名词。例如: 抽象名词 个体名词 laughter laugh work job correspondence(通信)letter, note, ect. photography photo permission permit music song fun joy homework exercise 英语中还有少数几个名词,如family, room, mouth, ear,等,似乎只能是可数名词,但实际上这类名词在某些搭配中也可表示抽象概念,从而成为不可数名词,例如to have too much family (=too heavy family burden), to have too much winter (= a too long spell of cold weather); to have too much mouth (= to talk too much), to have too little ear (= to be not inclined to listen to others), to have room for (=to have a need for), to feel the patriot rise... (=to feel the patriotic feelings rise...)等。 英语中还有一些名词(大多是指人的名词),通常作可数名词,但在特殊的搭配中表示人的特质等抽象意义时便成了不可数名词。例如fool本属可数名词,但在to be fool enough (=to be foolish enough), more of a fool (=more foolish), as much of a fool as (=as foolish as), too much of a fool (too foolish) 等搭配中,便表示抽象意义,成为不可数名词。类似的名词还有man,coward, poet, politician, sportsman, scholar 等。例如: He was enough of a man to tell the truth.上述这类现象只限于少数名词用在特殊的搭配中。希望对你有帮助

Last term our mathsteacher set so difficult an examination problem___none of us worked out.

答案选择 B 是对的。这是一句由 as 引导的定语从句,as是关系代词,代指前文的an examination problem (难题),同时充当后面定语从句中 worked out 的宾语。注意:当先行词被such,so 修饰时,定语从句的关系代词用 as(可作主语或者宾语),如:Tom is so good a student as is often praised by the teacher.所以你说的D选项 which 是不对的。这道题如果答案选择 that, 就必须在 worked out 中间加上宾语 it,因为 so.... that... 是结果状语从句,that 不作从句中任何成分。Last week our maths teacher set so difficult an examination problem that none of us worked it out

The society as a whole will be cultivated deeply if everyone learns to compete and move forward


In every cultivated language全文翻译,机器翻译不给分,已经说的够明白了!

任何文明的语言均包括两大类词语,所有的词汇都是由这两类词语共同组成的。首先,有些词语是我们从日常会话中所学到的,也就是说,我们从家人和熟悉的伙伴那里学到的;对于这些词语,即使我们不会读或者不会写,我们也知道如何使用它们。 它们涉及生活中的一般性事情,是所有使用这种语言的人惯用的语言材料。这样的词语可以被称为“流行词语”,它们是属于人民大众的,而不是专属于某个特定的阶级的。另一方面,我们的语言中还包含着大量普通谈话中相对较少使用的词语。所有受过教育的人都知道它们的含义,但是很少有必要在家中或市场上使用它们。 我们不是从我们母亲的言语中或者与同学们的交谈中了解到这些词语的,而是从我们学习的书本、参加的讲座或者与受过高等教育的人的较正式的谈话中学到的。在讨论某个特殊的话题时,受过高等教育的人们采用一种超越日常生活习惯的、得体的谈话方式。这样的词语被称为“习得词语”。“习得词语”与“流行词语”之间的区别对于正确理解语言的形成过程起着非常重要的作用。


cultivate[英][u02c8ku028cltu026aveu026at][美][u02c8ku028cltu0259u02ccvet]vt.耕作,种植; 教养,栽培; 改善; 交朋友; 第三人称单数:cultivates过去分词:cultivated现在进行时:cultivating过去式:cultivated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Positive reinforcement can help cultivate generous behaviors. 正面的心理强化有助于培养慷慨行为。

英语diverse cultures怎么翻译?

多元文化。多种多样的文化。不同文化(背景)。Knowledge about diverse cultures opens up people"s mind......

How to become an effective intercultural communicator from perspectives of cognition,


是be difficult to sb 还是be difficult for sb

be difficult for sb 对某人来说很困难 固定词组希望可以帮到你哦。呵呵

in trouble in danger和in difficulties有什么区别

in trouble:陷入困境in danger:处于险境,濒危 形容动物濒临灭绝in difficulties:遇到困难

in trouble in danger和in difficulties有什么区别

in trouble和in difficulty意思相近:为处于困难,处于不幸和处境困难 in danger的意思是处于危险中..

This exercise is too difficult for anyone of us to do it.这句话算错吗?

This exercise is too difficult for (anyone of us )to do it. 括号里的不对啊 any of us

求一篇英语演讲稿 主题是How to get along with people from different cult

In this world of different cultures,customs and backgrounds,it"s no wonder why so many people can"t get along with each other.If you"re ever in this situation,whether it"s as a bystander,or first-hand,it can create unnecessary tension in your life. To get along well with people from different cultures,you need to do at least three things as follows. First of all,you need to get ready for your self.If you live in the different country,you must have had some culture shock.Some people hide in the shell,which means keep yourslf in your munity.But what I remend to do is to accept a lot of difference and absorb or learn form these things rather than get yourself stronger because you don"t know how big the sea is while you"re swimming the sea.In addition,accept that nobody is perfect,including you,and that there will periodically throughout your life be somebody who rubs you the wrong way. Second of all,respect.In each country,there are different ways to show respect.Yet,respect starts in every relationship.Even to your family members,you need to show respect.Friends are same things in a lot of stuations.If you respect your friends,your colleagues and also yourself,what"s around you will respect you in return. Third of all, *** ile.If you can accept and respect people no matter where they e from,you can *** ile from your heart.Being proud of your culture is a great thing to live.But unnecessary pride can make you not intersted in other people and not bring *** ile for each person. Therefore,getting along with people from different cultures are not so difficult if you accept other clutures,respect other cultuers and swallow your pride a little bit.


1. access是主语,equal 形容词作定语,修饰access, to education介词短语作后置定语,修饰主语access

Culture Club的《Move Away》 歌词

move away歌手:culture clubSpirit changed the conversationStepping stones across the landI never wanted to be a heroI never wanted to be a manI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said i"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said i"d understandIf i could say this was judgment dayYou know I"d be a millionaireI"m prepared to wear my sorrowEverywhere we go in townAin"t no need to beg or borrowWhile you"re there to drag me downI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d understandIf I could say this was judgment dayYou know I"d be a millionaire(Justice right)I need you soI can"t let goI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d understandMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handIf I could say this was judgment dayI"d be a millionaireI never said I"d hold your handWhy don"t you move?I never said I"d understandWhy don"t you move?Why don"t you move?

A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countriesuff1f


Rarely ____ so difficult a problem.uff08u3000u3000uff09


Rarely__________so difficult a problem.


求各位英语高手帮忙翻译这句四字谚语:It is difficult as sugar and salt.


If we work hard with a strong will, we _____ overcome any difficulty, however great it is. A..

D 考查情态动词:A.must必须,B.need需要,C.should需要,D.can表示:有客观可能,句意是:如果有坚强的意志去工作,无论困难有多大,我们都有可能克服它。选D。

If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty ,___great it is.


If we work with a strong will ,we can overcome them _______great difficultie


"If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ______ great it i"

答案C本题考查两个要点:一是判断出修饰great一词要用副词how或however,不用修饰名词的what或whatever。然后区分how和however的意义。根据题意,本题所考查的第二个要点是让步状语从句,how不能单独引导让步,状语从句,however=no matter how,故答案选C。

if we wokr with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,__great it is


收到麦吉尔大学的Faculty of Arts的offer,可以入学后转专业吗


why do we say the bible has shaped western culture more decisively than anything else ever written?


color(形容词) cheap(反义词) child(复数) difficult(比较级) boring(最高级) story(复数)

colorful expensivechildrenmore difficultmost boring storiesfoundbiggersmallnewest

to be natural is such a very difficult pose ti keep up


Culture reflects widely shared assumptions about life.中assumptions怎么理解

共同假设共同假设( shared assumption) 是指组织成员如何感知、思考和感受各种 事物。基于2个网页-相关网页短语shared tacit assumption 共享默许假定 ; 共享隐性假设 ; 共享默认假设。Well, in order to see what they consider to be at stake, and in order to assesstheir shared assumption, we need to turn to a thinker, to a philosopher, whodisagrees with them. 好的,为了弄明白,他们这样看重的是什么,并且为了评估他们所共同的假设,我们必须求助于一位思想家,一位哲学家。他不同意以上众人的见解。

C#未能从程序集“mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, ……”中加载类型“……”。


一次性细胞培养皿等标明Tissue Culture Treated是什么意思

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