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眼震的分类比较复杂,确切的分类也比较困难。根据 眼震的性质可分为生理性和病理性眼震。根据眼震的方向可分为水平型、垂直型、斜向型、旋转型或混合型5种。水平型:眼球向侧方摆动;垂直型:眼球向上、下方向摆动;旋转型:沿眼前后轴而旋转,可分顺、逆时针旋转;斜向型:眼球不是上、下或左、右摆动,而是其他方 向和斜行摆动;混合型:兼有二种以上上述眼震的眼球摆动。根据眼震出现的方式不同,分为自发性眼震和诱发性 眼震。自发性眼震是指在自然头位,无任何外界刺激时出现的眼震。而诱发性眼震是在头位改变、身体旋转、双耳 在不同温度的冷热水或冷热气、电流等外界刺激后产生的眼震。总之,眼震的分类方法很多。从不同的角度分析,眼 震有不同的分类。临床上,对医生和患者最重要的一点是如何区分周围...

bruna burani是什么牌子的钱包

- -! 如果我猜的没错的话 应该是CHANEL.... (香奈儿) 不过国内山寨颇多,,,妈的隔壁的,TX还不让我说了 修改了3次了追问: 是我朋友送给我的啊,我也不知道什么牌子的 回答: 是香奈儿,是手包还是挎包手包5K左右,挎包就10K了!!!!嗯嗯 不错不错!!!!追问: 是钱包啊,短款的 回答: 钱包就5K左右咯,不会低于4K的!!!1K=1000大洋!!!!!!!!!!!


The Early Bird catches the worm, but if you must sleep in - Brunch With Us早起的鸟儿有虫吃,但是你真的睡过头了---和我们一起吃早午餐吧(brunch=breakfast早餐 + lunch午餐,错过早餐后算起一直延伸到下午三点都可以算 )足捷者先登 first-come first-serve


Brunch是 breakfast(早餐) 和 lunch (午餐)两个单词的混合——Breakfast和Lunch两个单词合并成的一餐。Brunch是一种流行的 早午餐,通常在周末或假日的上午10点到下午2-3点之间食用,人们可以选择喝一杯咖啡或者果汁,再加上各种美味的食品,比如煎蛋、香肠、烤面包、烤三明治、松饼、沙拉等等,口味多样,比较随意。Brunch源于英国,现在已经成为了世界各地许多城市文化养成的一种休闲方式和重要的社交娱乐方式。


Brunei[英][bru:nau026a][美][bru:"nau026a]n.文莱; 双语例句 1Later, there was a brief war with Spain in which Brunei was victorious.随后文莱和西班牙发生了一场小规模的战争,最终文莱取胜。2Brunei Darussalam brought two of its children to participate in the Children"s Forum.文莱达鲁萨兰国带来了其两名儿童参加儿童论坛。

brunei darussalam是哪个国家

brunei darussalam就是文莱:文莱,全名文莱达鲁萨兰国,又称为文莱伊斯兰教君主国(马来语:Negara Brunei Darussalam;Negara意为“国家”而Darussalam意为“和平之邦”,寓意警惕,并求安定),是一个君主专制国家。

brunei muara port. 是什么意思






Brunei 是什么国家?


Brunei和East Timor是哪俩国家?

Brunei是文莱East Timor是东帝汶


  brunei 即 文莱u200d   文莱,全名文莱达鲁萨兰国,又称文莱伊斯兰教君主国(马来语:Negara Brunei Darussalam;Negara意为“国家”而Darussalam意为“和平之邦”,寓意警惕,并求安定。),位于婆罗洲北岸,中国南海南岸,亚洲东南部。整个国土被马来西亚所分割、环绕。文莱是个以原油和天然气为主要支柱的国家,总产值几乎占整个国家国内生产总值50%。在东南亚,石油储量和产量仅次于印尼,居第2位。文莱是世界上最富有的国家之一,2011年人均GDP为48333 美元,位居世界第六。文莱国教为伊斯兰教。



brunt orange是什么颜色?


在英文中,bore the brunt和bear the brunt有什么区别?



Brunnstrom 偏瘫功能恢复 6 阶段及功能评定标准 阶段与特点 1 无随意活动 2 引出联合反应、 共 同运动 3 随意出现共同运 动 上肢 无任何运动 仅出现共同运动模 式 随意发起共同运动 出现脱离共同运动 手 无任何运动 仅有细微屈伸 勾状抓握,但不能 伸指 下肢 无任何运动 仅有极少随意运动 坐位和站位上有髋 膝踝共同性屈伸 分级 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ 4 共同运动模式打 破,开始出现分离 运动 的活动: 0°肘屈 肩 90°下,前臂旋前 旋后;肘伸直肩可 屈 90°手背可触及 腰骶部 出现相对独立的共 同运动活动:肘伸 直肩可外展 90°; 肘 伸 直 肩 前 屈 30-90°时, 前臂旋 前和旋后;肘伸直 前臂去中间位,上 肢上举过头。 运动协调接近正 能侧捏及拇指松 开,手指能半随意 的、 小范围的伸展。 坐位屈膝大于 90° 。 可使足滑到椅子下 方,足跟不离地地 情况下踝能背屈。 Ⅳ 5 肌张力逐渐恢复 正常, 有分离运动, 精细活动 可球状柱状抓握, 手指同时伸展,但 不能单独伸展 健腿站,患腿可先 屈膝后伸髋,在伸 膝下做踝背屈(重 点落在腿上) Ⅴ 在站立位可使髋外 所有抓握均能完 成,但速度和准确 性比非受累侧差 展到超出抬起该侧 骨盆所能达到的范 围;座位下伸直膝 可内外旋下肢,能 完成合并足内外翻 Ⅵ 6 精细、 协调、 控制 运动,接近正常水 平 常,手指指鼻无明 显的辨距不良,但 速度比非受累侧慢

take the brunt of是什么意思

take the brunt of首当其冲

bruno mars 《click clack away》 中英歌词翻译

you shot me through the heart staring in your eyes 你把我盯着通过心在你的眼睛里so i might die a happy man today 所以我今天可能会死一个快乐的人just empty out your barrel girl 你只是空桶的女孩it"s alright 没关系click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀go ‘head pull it pull it pull it 去把它的头把它拉它click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it pull it 把它把它拉它yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it 把它把它go ahead make my day 向前走,今天真让我高兴click clack away 点击了止回阀you got… dumbass seduction 你有诱惑…头蠢驴啊if i was broke i"d give you half of nothing 如果我没钱了,我要给你一半的什么or give it all then i give you more 或给它那我给你更多的爱i"m no decorator but the writing"s on the wall 我不是设计师但是写在墙上went to summer fall, april, may and june 到夏天秋天,四月、五月和六月you shot me through the heart but i don"t have a wound 你把我通过心但是我没有伤口you got a good aim cause i could"ve sworn i moved 你有一个还算不错的目标,因为我曾经发过誓能感动我when it comes to relationships i don"t have a clue 谈到爱情,我一点头绪也没有love at first sight i don"t know i zoom 一见钟情,我不知道我的变焦镜头you put a hit on me ba da bing ba da boom 你放了一个命中在我本科达宾达巴繁荣if this is pain hurry up and let me suffer 如果这是痛苦的快点让我受苦what doesn"t kill me should make my love tougher 那些不杀我,使我的爱应该采取更强硬的i"m tough now, whassup now 现在我很强硬,whassup了fire at me i swear i won"t duck down 开枪的时候,我发誓我不会鸭下来wow you had me in awe 哇,你让我怀着敬畏之情you ain"t have to shoot girl you had me from your jaw 你不是要射的女孩,你让我从你的下巴you shot me through the heart staring in your eyes 你把我盯着通过心在你的眼睛里so i might die a happy man today 所以我今天可能会死一个快乐的人just empty out your barrel girl 你只是空桶的女孩it"s alright 没关系click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀go ‘head pull it pull it pull it 去把它的头把它拉它yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it pull it 把它把它拉它pull it pull it 把它把它go ahead make my day 向前走,今天真让我高兴click clack away 点击了止回阀you take away my very breath 你拿走了我非常的气息no need to ask if i"m ready, yes 不用问如果我准备好了,是的i go get my tux and you go get your dress 我去拿我的身礼服是和你去拿你的衣服上了and we gon" do it big although we just met “我们下定大虽然我们才刚认识i was just being fresh yeah i know i"m a mess 我不过是新鲜的没错,我知道我看起来糟透了but i like spontanuity, continuity 但是我喜欢spontanuity、连续性let it flow let it flow… with me 让它流让它流…和我在一起and i"m not pressing charges 我不需按的指控don"t want you to ricochet and hit another target 不想让你弹打另一个目标you take me to the edge, right up to the margin 你带我去的优势,直到那保证金all i see is fireworks i can feel it sparking 我看到的是我能感受到它引发烟花hope you keep me at the centre of your bullseye 我希望你保持你的中心舷窗and you know it"s more benefits or full time 大家也知道它的更多的利益或全部时间you are everything and more 你是我的一切you ain"t have to shoot girl you had me from your jaw 你不是要射的女孩,你让我从你的下巴you shot me through the heart staring in your eyes 你把我盯着通过心在你的眼睛里so i might die a happy man today 所以我今天可能会死一个快乐的人just empty out your barrel girl 你只是空桶的女孩it"s alright 没关系click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀go ‘head pull it pull it pull it 去把它的头把它拉它yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it pull it 把它把它拉它yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it 把它把它go ahead make my day 向前走,今天真让我高兴click clack away 点击了止回阀采纳哦

Bruno Mars - Click Clack Away歌词的中文翻译,不要机翻

重复的不在翻译,意译较多,希望不会介意。You Shot MeThrough The Heart Staring In Your Eyes佳人以箭射我心,任凭温柔凝视So i Might Die aHappy Man Today然,牡丹花下死,无憾Just Empty OutYour Barrel Girl恋人,便使往事随风罢It"s Alright安好Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝Go ‘Head Pull ItPull It Pull It反复驱使Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝Yeah YeahPull It Pull ItPull It一如既往Yeah YeahPull It Pull ItGo Ahead Make MyDay我心死已,佳人远去Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝You Got… DumbassSeduction佳人于我,极度诱惑If i Was Broke i"dGive You Half Of Nothing我愿不惜生死,只为与你相依Or Give It AllThen i Give You More以我性命为期i"m No DecoratorBut The Writing"s On The Wall来世不可预知,除非以笔记之Went To SummerFall, April, May And June历经冬春雨雪,共度花前月下You Shot MeThrough The Heart But i Don"t Have a Wound虽伤痕在身,但我心如一You Got a Good AimCause i Could"Ve Sworn i Moved只因有誓在先,有愿在前When It Comes ToRelationships i Don"t Have a Clue谈及此恋,我空迷茫Love At FirstSight i Don"t Know i Zoom对你一见钟情,此生独恋You Put a Hit OnMe Ba Da Bing Ba Da Boom为你心掀狂澜If This Is PainHurry Up And Let Me Suffer若此恋注定伤痛,为佳人,我愿承受What Doesn"t KillMe Should Make My Love Tougher我的爱恋愈锉弥坚i"m Tough Now,Whassup Now为爱坚守Fire At Me i Sweari Won"t Duck Down面对烈火,誓不低头Wow You Had Me InAwe我愿为你为奴You Ain"t Have ToShoot Girl You Had Me From Your Jaw让我爱你,仰视你You Shot MeThrough The Heart Staring In Your Eyes而佳人射中我心,任我温柔凝视So i Might Die aHappy Man Today然,成全佳人,我已无憾Just Empty OutYour Barrel Girl便使往事随风,It"s Alright安好Click Clack AwayClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayGo ‘Head Pull ItPull It Pull ItYeah YeahPull It Pull ItPull ItYeah YeahPull It Pull ItGo Ahead Make MyDayClick Clack AwayYou Take Away MyVery Breath佳人之美,无法喘息No Need To Ask Ifi"m Ready, Yes无须多问,我等爱来临i Go Get My TuxAnd You Go Get Your Dress各换盛装And We Gon" Do ItBig Although We Just Met与子携手,尽管初相逢i Was Just BeingFresh Yeah i Know i"m a Mess对爱我一无所知But i LikeSpontanuity, Continuity但我已在尝试Let It Flow Let ItFlow… With Me随时光,细水长流And i"m NotPressing Charges爱是如此自主Don"t Want You ToRicochet And Hit Another Target佳人只属我一人You Take Me To TheEdge, Right Up To The Margin为我挚爱All i See IsFireworks i Can Feel It Sparking烟花绚烂Hope You Keep MeAt The Centre Of Your Bullseye期许我在你眼中And You Know It"sMore Benefits Or Full Time期许地久天长You Are EverythingAnd More我心永恒,惟你是爱You Ain"t Have ToShoot Girl You Had Me From Your JawYou Shot MeThrough The Heart Staring In Your EyesSo i Might Die aHappy Man TodayJust Empty OutYour Barrel GirlIt"s AlrightClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayGo ‘Head Pull ItPull It Pull ItYeah YeahPull It Pull ItPull ItYeah YeahPull It Pull ItGo Ahead Make MyDayClick Clack Away


Grenade — Bruno Mars   Easy come, Easy go   召之即来 挥之即去   That"s just how you live, oh   这就是你的生活方式    Take, take, take it all,   拿,拿,拿走我的全部   but you never give   但你从不会付出   Should"ve known you was trouble from the first kiss   从第一个吻开始 我就知道你是一个麻烦    had your eyes wide open, Why were they open?   因为亲吻时你睁着眼睛 为何你的眼睛会睁开   Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash   给你我的所有 但你却把它扔进垃圾桶    You tossed it in the trash, you did   没错 你把它全部扔进垃圾桶   To give me all your love is all I ever asked   我只求你能够给我所有的爱    Cause what you don"t understand is   因为你总是不明白    I"d catch a grenade for ya.   我会为你接住点燃的手雷    Throw my hand on the blade for ya,   我会用手臂为你挡下刀刃    I"d jump in front of a train for ya.   我会用身体为你阻挡火车    You know I"d do anything for ya.   你知道我会为你做任何事    I would go through all this pain,   我会为你忍受所有苦痛    Take a bullet straight through my brain.   哪怕是让子弹穿过我的头颅    Yes, I would die for you ya baby,   没错 宝贝我可以为你而死    But you won"t do the same.   但你却不会这样做   No, No, No, No   不,不,不,不    Black, black, black and blue,beat me till I"m numb   倍受打击 遍体鳞伤 我已经变得麻木   Tell the devil I said "hey" when you get back to where you"re from.   我对恶魔说:你何时才能回到你来的地方    mad women bad women, That"s just what you are,   疯女人 坏女人 你就是这样的女人    Yeah,You"ll smile in my face than rip the brakes out my car.   对 你会对着我微笑 然后摧毁刹车让我跌至深崖    Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash,   给了你我的所有,但你却把它扔进垃圾桶    You tossed it in the trash, yes, you did.   没错 你把它全部扔进垃圾桶    To give me all your fucking love is all I ever asked   我只要求你能够给我所有的爱    But what you don"t understand is...   因为你总是不明白    I"d catch a grenade for ya.   我会为你接住点燃的手雷    Throw my hand on the blade for ya,   我会用手臂为你挡下刀刃    I‘d jump in front of a train for ya.   我会用身体为你阻挡火车    You know I"d do anything for ya.   你知道我会为你做任何事    Oh, Oh   哦 噢   I would go through all this pain,   我会为你忍受所有苦痛    Take a bullet straight through my brain.   哪怕是让子弹穿过我的头颅    Yes, I would die for you baby,   没错 宝贝我可以为你而死    But you won"t do the same.   但你却不愿为我付出    If my body was on fire   若我身上开始着火    Oh you"d would watch me burn down in flames.   噢 你会看着我烧成灰烬   You said you loved me, you"re a liar   你说你爱我,你在撒谎    Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby   因为你从来 从来 从来就没爱过我 宝贝    But darling I"ll still catch a grenade for ya.   但亲爱的我仍会为你接住点燃的手雷    Throw my hand on the blade for ya,   我会用手臂为你挡下刀刃   I"d jump in front of a train for ya.   我会用身体为你阻挡火车   You know I"d do anything for ya.   你知道我会为你做任何   Oh, Oh, I would go through all this pain,   我会为你忍受所有苦痛    Take a bullet straight through my brain.   哪怕是让子弹穿过我的头颅    Yes, I would die for you baby,   没错 宝贝我可以为你而死   But you won"t do the same.   但你却不会这样做   You wouldn"t do the same.   你却不会像我一样    Oh, you never do the same.   噢,你从未如我一样    No, No, No, No...   不,不,不,不... 还有 以后别把Grenade 拼错了 歌名都拼错- -

啊姆和Bruno Mars还有一个黑人合唱叫什么歌曲


求eminem bruno mars 的lighters歌词,谁知道的说下

都说的好好、、、= =

Bruno Mars的《Lighters》 歌词

歌曲名:Lighters歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:Promo Only Rhythm Radio August 2011LightersBad Meets EvilThis one"s for you and me, living out our dreamsWe are right where we should beWith my arms out wide I open my eyesAnd now all I wanna seeIs a sky full of lightersA sky full of lightersBy the time you hear this I will have already spiralled upI would never do nothing to let you cowards fuck my world upIf I was you, I would duck, or get struck like lightening,Fighters keep fighting, put your lighters up, point em" skyward uhHad a dream I was king, I woke up, still king…This rap game"s nipple is mine for the milking,Till nobody else even fucking feels me, till" it kills meI swear to god I"ll be the fucking illest in this musicThere is or there ever will be, disagree?Feel free, but from now on I"m refusing to ever give upThe only thing I ever gave"s using more excusesExcuse me if my head is too big for this buildingAnd pardon me if I"m a cocky prick but you cocks are slickPoppin shit on how you flipped ya life around, crock-o-shitWho you dicks try to kid, flipped dick, you did the oppositeYou stayed the same, just cock back with this still cock you pricksI love it when I tell em shove itCause it wasn"t that long ago when Marshall said bust a legMuster cause he couldn"t cut mustard mustered up nothingBrain fuzzy, cause he"s buzzin", woke up from that buzzNow you wonder why he does it, how he does itWasn"t cause he had buzzards circle around his headWaiting for him to drop dead, was it?Or was it, cause them bitches wrote him offLittle hussy ass, cause f-ck it, guess it doesn"t matter now, does itWhat difference it make?What it take to get it through your thick skullsAs if this aint some bullshitPeople don"t usually come back this wayFrom a place that was dark as I was inJust to get to this placeNow let these words be like a switch blade to a haters rib cageAnd let it be known from this day forwardI wanna just say thanks cause your hate is what gave me strengthSo let em ? cause I came with 5"9′ but I feel like I"m 6"8″This one"s for you and me, living out our dreamsWe are right where we should beWith my arms out wide I open my eyesAnd now all I wanna seeis a sky full of lightersa sky full of lightersBy the time you hear this I"ll probably already be outtieI advance like going from toting iron to going from buying 4 or 5 of the homies to iron man outtieMy daddy told me slow down, boy, you goin to blow itAnd I aint gotta stop the beat a minuteTo tell Shady I love him the same way that he did Dr Dre on the ChronicTell him how real he is or high I amOr how I would kill for him for him to know itI cried many tears, my daddy got a bad backSo it"s only right that I right till he can march right into that post office and tell em to hang it upNow his career"s Lebron"s jersey in 20 yearsI"ll stop when I"m at the very topYou shitted on me on your way upIt"s bout to be a scary dropCause what goes up must come downYou going down on something you don"t wanna see like a hairy boxEvery hour, happy hour nowLife is wacky nowUsed to have to eat the cat to get the pussyNow I"m just the cats meooww, owClassic cow, always down for the catch wieght like PacquaiaoYa"ll are doomedI remember when T-Pain aint wanna work with meMy car starts itself, parks itself and autotunesCause now I"m in the AstonI went from having my city locked upTo getting treated like ? PatrickAnd now I"m fantasticCompared to a weed highAnd y"all niggas just gossiping like bitches on a radio and TVSee me, we flyY"all buggin out like Wendy Williams staring at a bee-hiveAnd how real is thatI remember siging my first deal and now I"m the second best I can deal with thatNow Bruno can show his ass, without the MTV awards gagYou and I know what it"s like to be kept downForced to fightBut tonight we"re alrightSo hold up your lightLet it shineCause this one"s for you and me, living out our dreamsWe are right where we should beWith my arms out wide I open my eyesAnd now all I wanna seeIs a sky full of lightersA sky full of lighters

brunch time 翻译


---By the way, _______ you come across the word "brunch"? ---Not yet, What does it mean?






Brunch,green & safe





我们都知道,大部分人都是一日三餐,但是也有些人是一日多餐,也或者是早餐和午餐一起吃。像我之前在大学里就是这样,天天早上不吃饭,然后早点吃中饭,也就是早午餐因为早午餐就是介于早餐跟午餐之前的,正常吃早饭不会超过9点,午餐不会超过12点。那么在我看来,早午餐的时间一般在10点以后,11.30点之前吗,才能称之为早午餐。周末睡觉的最佳时间,自然醒过来,在床上呆上一段时间,然后出去吃东西。其实时间部分不需要那么精确,没有特别的规则,每个人心中的定义或者每个国家的定义也都是不一样的。一般来说,时间是在早餐后。早午餐是早餐+午餐的一个词,所以法国的一些人认为它是“le grand petit dejeuner”,但它实际上是来自英国的一个概念。在法国的麦当劳餐厅,早午餐时间是10点到12点之间,12点以后就没有了。早午餐对在广州应该就是叫早茶,是非常丰盛的,不像我们这边马马虎虎一碗面条就打发走了。我就记得我奶奶每次都是吃的早午餐,因为每天早上天还没亮她就出去干活挖地去了,我相信农村里的人应该都是在这样,走之前把稀饭煮好,劳作回来之后都9.10点钟了,然后才吃饭。





韦伯英英字典里面对brung的解释是:“chiefly dial past and past port of BRING”,这句话是什么意思?

Chiefly (主要地/首要地);dial 疑似dialect (方言/土话)的缩写形式. past and past part. ( 过去式和过去分词 )。整个在一起就是对brung这个词的解释,意思是:brung 主要用在方言里,是BRING(带来)的过去式和过去分词。

Cute Brunette Allie Haze

你好。Cute Brunette Allie Haze翻译成中文是:可爱的黑发的艾莉海斯。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

1772 EL Camino Real San Bruno,CA 94066哪个是城市名称,哪个是地址,哪个是邮政编码,快递单怎么填

San Bruno是城市,在加利福利亚1772 EL Camino Real是地址CA是州,就是加利福利亚的缩写 94066是编码
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